HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/24/2008 , City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Final Site Pla'ri Review '-- '\., : SPRINGFIELD ' Ik. Applicant Name: Rene Fabricant, P,E, S.E. Icompany: IAddress: IAoolicant's Reo.: Rene Fabricant, P.E., S,E. Icompany: IAddress: ,,-," ."",.._,.".,."~",~",:..,..,:;;~~,, -- - I Property Owner: Scott Carver Icompany: IAddress: ]993 MeadowDrive, Folsom, CA 95630 IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-30-43 ITAX LC)T NOeS): 6400, MO;: Ipr~perty Address: '3654 K~ih~nAve. ISize of Property: 52,715 Acres D SQuare Feet ~ I Proposed Name of Project: Asphalt Paving for Scott Carver Prop~rty I"',""",' ,,,,,,,,,-,,-,,,,,-":'"';~;_~''' ,.... -,." ., "','_ "",,-..,- "--E-,-"" . -,..-"..-,. "-,,,.., I Description of If you are Filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Asohalt Paving around existing building & related site imorovments I Existinq Use: Rental of construction equioment I Tentative Case#: 57,859 Si natures: Please si n and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next ._'. ' . ,",..,,' ~ . 541-746-0637 Branch Engineering, Inc. 541-746-0389 310 5th Street, OR 97478 Branch Engineering, Jnc. I I Phone: !Fax: 541-746-0637 541-746-0389 3]0 5th Street, Springfield. OR 97478 ... ,.".,-,- '--, ..."._~"._,... ....,., ""-',,:-,- ,., -,-,"" ,,.,,-;-.-, I Phone: I Fax: 503-545-4121 " , I ""'I I . ,.- Associated Applications: Icase No.: <\')&...{jn><;Z, ~ CXSb2{f I Date: :::rPA I D'f... I Reviewed by: ~ IAPPlicationFee:$ 1333,"lO Technical Fee: $' &&Jpq IpostaqeFee:$O ITOTAL FEES: $ J If 00, :) q I PROJECT NUMBER: PRJ2D~ ~[Oool I 1,,~.s;a:;;:;;;s~'=~";"=-:::""'E;::.E~?:::";E,;rt:,CO'!~~"';?~t~",,_;':2;~cO"'~o!':"'!F~~g;:~;~i~"t=;~'~~";'=:ili';;2'1';;';;;;llli';iS"'E;E;=;:;;:r!;;:m'21:-ii;-iJr,;;;~"'i~:;'=ili'ii;;i""'~'~"~.;'~;~':":;t:rafe.!!iR~i~~i:etf:';:;:i;::':--;:'1 ..1, ".,~ JUL i 42008 .- Revised 11110B Molly Markarian \f:'if)ijl-:)Submittal~ ...:: ~__~._.l -'- , Signature I represent this application to be complete for submittal. to the City. I affirm that the Information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a Owner: complete apPIIi) rJ ~ 9' / /) t. . ,rIJ[) //~ Date: /I! /l , ~natur~ .7: S. (A1f:vl:::.7C Print ._--~.....-.......:;-'- '-'-." -........~ ~..~' --_.~.- . - . ----- -_..~.~"-- -. --.- '- \ -' Revised 1/1/08 Molly Ma(karian , :;':J'I .t. ..' '., ,2ofA y Dear Molly Thank you for you site plan review' and comments for the Carver / Satway site upgrade Below are my responses to y.our comments: ~'O\j"c(,03 ) '.1 fN\o;t;Jl! P(;: J1 This will be done. 'rvw ~ r l;( t)fir-P r' '(II-"" . I ../2) This will be done I /3) This will be done .lThiS will be done AThe joint-use stonnwater 'easement and maintenance agreement has been rec~rded. ~ Attached is an eiectrical distribution diagram for the Kathlyn Street area, Thi~ diagram is by the Springtield Utility Board, and it was supplied to Branch Engineering by Guenter Matyszak ofS.U.B. on June 13,2008, ' . / v7) The overhead line which you observed is a CATV line. The line has been removed since your . site visit '~e seven foot PUE along Kathryn Avenue has been recorded. ~9) This has been done; please see the revised Landscape plan, sheet LA-I. /' ./10) As a result ofa discussion with Greg Mott and with you on 6-30-08, this condition of approval has been eliminated. J(i';AS a result of a discussion ~ith Greg Mott and with you on 6-30-08, this condition of approval has been eliminated. / -V2) The existing chain-link fence at the south and west sides of the existing improvements will be replaced with a new chainlink fence that shall be coated with green plastic and shall have green plastic slats. /. . ....113) The trash / recycling area shall remain at the existing location This is within the covered outdoor / indoor pOI1ion of the building. A revision to drawing sheet C3 has been made to IL illustrate this location. 5'~ I~ JJ~ No on-site lighting is proposed. f.hf if ~ -{Z.; c ~ ltL....,L61AJf'~ . '(. . ~y . , . ~ t1A~W.~~:"" I'd.~ iN- p,J~(r I ) Attached IS a letter trom the manager of ThyssenKrupp Satway, summanzlIlg on site parKlI1g~ ~ demand According to the manager of Thyssen Krupp Sanvay, the proposed number of l~ parking spaces will be sufficient for the on going operations ~he irrevocable joint -use ayd access easements have been recorded, L-VMt- Si,J)/Ifi' r"\. f'La,.'l1V1- Date Received: JUL 2 4 2008 ~~~8L 'Submittal ; /->, ---l'7) This will be done ~IThiS will be done. " , '''''~';l'!;.:'':' . 'r-, ~his is noted -20he General Contractor shall receive written notific~tion of this requirement from the engineer ofrecord. . ~. ~I'~he General Contractor shall receive written notification of this requirement from the . ' engineer of record. / w.2) This is noted / 2'3) This will be done :2 (r;, G"",,' Co"'",'"' ""II "eeiw ~i"~ "o,,,,,,ioo> of ,hi. ',qoi,=," horn ,h, ngineer ofrecord. ) Th "I b d h d' \.. '.Jto~~:tP' ese revISIons lave een ma e to t e rawll1gs. - VXJV\ F '-'^ r,,<7' . ~ "-'-co ~..... -"t. _ "h""_ . ... Rene Fabricant, PE., S.E. Principal .'. Branch Enzineeril1g. fne. c , (54l) 746 0637 Date Received: jUL 1 4 2Oll8 Final submittal. FW: Safe way Supply Page I of I Rene Fabricant From: MA TYSZAK Guenter [guenterm@subutiLcom] Sent: Friday, June 13, 20081:41 PM To: rene@branchengineering.com Subject: FW: Safeway Supply Attachments: Safeway Supply.PDF From: MATYSZAK Guenter Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 1:39 PM To: 'rene@branchengieering.com' Subject: Safeway Supply Hello Rene, Here is a pdf showing the path (highlighted in orange) of the electrical service to Safeway Supply located at 3654 Kathryn street Let me know if you have any further questions Regards, GuenterMatyszak Engineering Technician Springfield Utility Board 541-736-3296 <<Safeway.Supply.PDF>> Date Received: JUl n 2008 Final Submittal 7/14/08 - -jAt.:.u t I uu ld-""~" . /'OG I I _ ______~_____~ 1 , 7:soe~'~ 1'< aL' '1''1'':'11 -'- _________________-;-- __ I ' I' t 1ll8r.l>il' : n,' nle.-~ ~1~......, - - - - - -----L - - ""iU,,- ..- -3u;-~~~1!- - - - , 0007"HO _, I 10Dt....1l - - - - - - - -rns, 5r - 3UQ -------------- -- __'_ I 'J r - - :T 1- - - - - - - -l OLYMP'C "~, ~'STREET ,llI-'\l. ,_ _ "'.~::-.-~o~, .-~ I' , .,~ I I :ACB "-"55 : g<066~~.I. ~b OJ5I64-s:! ---.-J..J:N=zi~ .u_____Q__~___j~.@1 ~----.--... 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I, I L , ~. :.71 f.'~ ! , ,"- -_i '" . "';J : n;..t~..~~ , 4 , :' ;,~' A TllyssenKrupp Services company ThyssenKrupp Safway, Inc. i) 6-13-08 To Whom it May Concern: We have 22 employees located at ThyssenKrupp Safway, Inc. who drive their own vehicles on a daily basis, \ Our. business consists of renting scaffold equipment to customers who drive their own vehicles through our yard as well as park in front of the location to sign paperwork, etc At anyone time during the day there are two customer vehicles on site at the same time. We submit this letter without looking at any plans.' Thank you, Sincerely, Pat Wescott Operations Manager TK Safway Date Received: JUL 2'~ 2008 ThyssenKfL1ppSafway,lnc 3654 Kathryn Street Springfield,OR97478 Phone: (541) 736-1800 Fax: (541)736-1817 Internet:\MIWJ,safway.com Final Submittal . ,