HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Construction Specification 2008-2-14 Community Services Div. Building Saicly CITY OF SPRlNGFJELO, OREGON ~25 '511- StreeT. Sprinpieldj OR 97477 Ph. 726.37S~ cq,/t{~ b~U'b'r~ Mountaingate &6.bd. Lot # 2 Feb 14 08 04:12p .:- reD. I~. IUVO ,,"", :,,~, ",' .....:.:. ......: .:. :):~:.;:~ :.'. ..-:.....~,'t~..:.:. ~.P~'NGF1E.LD,.".,,' : - aL-, Mountaingate Subdivision I Site Investigation Questionnaire for Cons'ulting Desigu Professionals SIrE ADDRESS: 6024 GRAYSTONE loop err\' JOB # LDP20DB-OD008 , Foundation reauirements - new structures on residential lots, Thi. COI1l! may be used as a.verilication to allow eonstruction to continue 00 the job site until the stamped' A FFIDA VIT For Site Investi'!JItion Ouestionnaire' is submitted to tbc City. Thi~ form .must be completed by a licensed design professional (engineer or ari:hited) or his/her autborized representative, nnd submitted to the building inspector prior to requesting City inspection. or placio2 foundation eonerete. It is important that aU questions Ix: answered completely for the foundation .ite to be approved for eonstructioD. Owner. Bruce WeiMer! Cuslom Homp-$,Inc, r'_~'. --- Contractor: Bruce Weicher1 Cullom Homes. Inc, A. Date(s) oftbe design prrife.'<!lional's site evaluatiou? 2111/08.2/12108 .., ~, B. Has the d..ign professioDlll reviewed a copy of the geotechnical information that was. prepared for tbc subdivision relating to this site? res !.,No_ !(not. please contact ihis office for (J copyoflhe repor/, The design professional musl befomiliar with the geo/echnical information before completing this form, C. In which Geotecbo,icai Investigation ""fcgory is thi. site located? Levell -X- Level 11 , Note: Level II "",uires a sile.snecific .cotcclmical investilli'tion & To;;;;rt Were any site conditions identified that would change the category? YES ~ NOX (For criterUl delOlJIining C4lC~~l'l', ~etht ~pecific GcorccMlcal Report for the wml;! phft..<<.c ()flht SllhcUvi$iM) If "yes", explain (use the reverse side of this sheet or all added sheet if neeessary) 101'5 Feb 14 08 04: 13p . ., reO,lq. LUUU 1:L1r!1 IH~. nu J r, ) Community Services Div, Building Safi:ly CITY OF SPRJNGFIELD, OREG0N 225 5111 Stree(~ Springfield, OR 97477. Ph. 726-3759 Mountaingate Subd. Lot # 2 Was a geotechnical engineer involved at Ihe site 10 veritY that c'onditions are suitable for constroction of the proposed building(s)? Yes ~ No Name of geotechnical oogineer D. What was'the nature o{tbe excavation and lor fill? Foond3tion ..d conslruction inolulled e.....tiOn int. the bUISide .rulIlKm. on lho oat.ilIa ., 11m tDOndolltlD Old In Cf8.ID . IR'" b.ncII. The elJllllllGed 110m 110 3-leel In h.IGht inl. n.livo decoRID""etitwe.Ii.er..i ......tone, F'dl< ..nsisl1!d ct 1 in ,~bm; ol.n.lIIllr 1 'h.jncb }T1i... d.......rld.d elll<bllll ..~.I., 111.1111.... ..m..etod w~h . .;bralnrv .teel drum rollor, Was existing non-,truclurallill or expansive soil encountered on the lot? Ve~X- No_ If''yes''. what lypes, deplhs and locations, and how does it affecl the building foundation? Tllere W'S ...lOxlmlllelv I.SID 2.5./001 ., dark broll/l. moist selt m.doralel. elastic emanlc sill .Ilhe surfat:o .f Ihe Iol What measures were taken to remedy the soil condition (include type of engineered fiii usedio STabilize me soil)? The ornaDlc mrulO'JI!tly nllslic .ift .1". IOm"Pod IrD,!,."" Iound.li.. ..d .uborade Dlior.n D1.ce...nt 0' the t 'h-inoh minu. den.e .raded crushed aODrelmle, Is the site as prepared ad.qUille ~ inadequale to maintain constant moisture content in lhe sub grade? Nole: VerificariO/! of moisture stabilization in the sub grade i, a requiremenljilr sile prepararion. and must be affirmed before cono;truclicln can conLinue. Jrinadequate, what measures are to be taken to provide constant moisture content in the suh grade? Is the site, as prepared, adequate ~'inad.quutO to support the proposed strUctUre? An affirmative answer is requisite 10 proceeding with conslruction, If inadequate, what additional work is needed to provide adequate foundation suppm1? 20f5 p.3 Feb 14 08 04:13p ltll.\'t. lVVQ 1.!VI)y1 11\1. L .JVJ " , Community Services Div.nllil"'iT1g'Sah~1r C'lTY Of SPRlNGF1ELP. OREGON 225 ;~ Sn~r, Springfield, OR 97477 Ph, 726->759 Mountaingate Subd. Lot # 2, E. Did the design professional wituess placement and compaction of tbe engin.ered fill, or is there a special inspection report forthcoming from a qnalified agency? J witnessed Placement Special lnsplcompaction report X AII'FlU'd !J lilt i~ee den.iIv ,..I ",sullo oj the truohad snq'aIl.te IiII. The ~1I111 i~dk:alelhallhe in.Dlac. densilv is an ....nl.bl. ..'CI!nlllG. .'lIllImnum.. determined h AS'TM D1557'Modlfled Proctor), F. The design professional intends to use the following mcthod fur installation of pcrforatlld perimeter footing drains: The de.~ign on the attached drawing provided hy Ihe design professional.... 0 The method shown on the original conitruction drawings...... ..,......., X The typical 'foundation Drain' drawing allaehed to pennit ................... 0 Perforated perimeter drains are not required..,.........,.... ,...., .....,.... 0 Comments: G. Low-point crawl space drains are required to prevent the build-up.f excess moisture inside the foundations during (and after) construction. This drain may be installed after foundation plllcement onlv witb l~e eXDress nermission of the desi"" nrofessional &. The cle5i~1 prufc:sskmal ha::; datoL!U..irl~ the following: The crawl space drain is required when the foundation is installed..... 0 The low:point drain can be illS/ailed after fmuulation placement wi/hour a "ignificant moisture build-up problem within the foundation... ,...., ,... 0 (The low.poifl1 drain may be installed at the stage (~l r.."onslruc.lion) fXUl t'l Dtllm.)o'anI111J, NXlJI,,€. etl:. h: Ho.5 Ihe design professional observed and approved the insWllation of lhe requiTed low point drain?...;.. ....,......' .:, ...... '.. ...., Yes. No it' 'yes", where is the low point arain locoled under lhe building and' where does it rermlnare at this time? (Musl be an approved location,. i.e, slreel ItUlter, storm sewer, sump pump and discharge line to rM srrcci, etc.) A I......inl ..."".....e dral. i< not ...eua.. I., Ibl.lnu.daUo. The design professional must detennine w~etheT theapprovcd permit drawings have adequate foundation stec:1. , Is any additional foundation steel required that is not shown on the foundation drawiugs.foT thc building? res No 1;, Jf"ye.,", tJe.,crihe additional steel required (or provide drawing). .301'5 p.4 Feb 14 08 04:13p 1" V, )"T. l.tJVlJ I. LVI." ,.... ....."... Comlnunhy St.1'ViCCS Div, Building Safety ClTY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 5" SlrCC~ Springfield, OR 97471 Ph,716.375Y Mountaingate Subd. Lot # 2 The individual doing lhe observalion.t and providing directionfor Ihe excavalion and sile preparali(Jn work on Ihe prrJperly mUJ'1 sign Ihe Ji,!low;ng S1a/em~nt. The undersigned design profes,'ionat (or authoriV!d ell'P1oyee) attests that he/rhe abserved required moisture stability procedures QrI this ,~ite, anti/hat ruch procedures were accomplished be/lire any changes ol:~u"ed in the moisture cnntellt of the sub- grade under and around the building (where expan.dve roils were encountered). The undersignedfurther,atte.m that the rub-grade. as prepared, is adequate.to support the bldldingprrJpnsedfnr t1li.f sift. Additional comments: (Note): A copy of Ibis report shall be kept on site with the approved plans at all times. ' This report shall be followed by an affidavit, signed and stamped by the de'~gn professional under who~ auspices this report was completed, <lffinning the inJmmalion herein. The signed/stamped affidavit together with a copy of this report shall he submitted to this office prior to requesting rraming inspection fm the building. Sicnalure Name Michael Rembold! Title PrinciDle lleoIechnical EnQineer Company (( & A Engineering. Inc. Phone 684-9399 Licensee Michael Rembold! License #.ll!lA expires 12130/2008 The geote<;;hnical report fOr each phase of the Mountaingat. Subdivision make, recommendations for placement ofhuildintl construction on each .;le, The reporl also recommends that sile preparnlion during wet weather oonditioJl.' he avoided unless special measure, are laken to mitigate ~li soil conditi,ms and moisture collecting in or around the foundation areas during and after the construction process. Positivc sitc, drainage must be provided. 405 p.5 Feb 14 08 04:13p '- reo, I~, IUUO 1:lorM I~U.'lJUJ r. U Community $crviccsOiv"Ruilding Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 22; 5" Slreel, Springlield, OR 97471 Ph. 726,3759 Mountaingate Subd. Lot # 2 ~""&.aIWi.:~~ 1.!ilb.IlWlIlllI~l ~111' II ~."W1Li:I:lWl~!U.il.1.1.l:\l.:lAiIllla.a'\I SPRINGFiELD ~ ~'lllL - .,..... -- SITE ADIlRESS: 6024.GRAYSTONE loop AFFIDA VIr For Site Investigation Questionnairc Foundation Sub-Grade Approval for Residential Building Site in Mountaingate Subdivision The undersigned hereby affirms iliat the excavation, slnlctllTal'fill and,moisture stabilization methods for the building ,i\e althe address shown abovc were observed by m.e or an authorized el11pl<lyee of m.y firm and thai the following is lnlc: 1. 11,<:: gevlechnic.al inform.ruon for ihe s-ubdivlsioL! :speci.fi~ to this she, ~w1i5 utilized as part M the determinationfor foundAtion preparation and drainage requirements. 2, The' foundation sub-grade is capable of supporting a minimum of 1500 psf, and is adequate to support the building proposed for this site, 3, Thc moisture content of the excavation was adequately maintained during the sile preparation process and the site is adequately graded and drdined for discharge 10 an approved location in order 10 maintain stable moi~'ture oontent throughout the constnJetion process and thereafter, 4. The accompanying repon titled ~S;te Inv;,sti~at;on Ouestionnaire tor ConsultinQ, ~iQn Professionals" containing field observations and instructions made on (dates) 2/11108 and 2/12108 for this building site wa.~ completedeithcr by me or by an authorized representative under my supervision, To the best of my knowledge, the infOlTI1atioll ront~ined in that report is complete and accurate, Name of Licensed Professional (print) Michael Rembold!. P L Signature ~::;: ~:J . Dateb/Z' /4 Y t r --- p.G . Fe~ 14 08 04:13p . ceb,14,lUUtl l:ltl~M 1~3, I )OJ r, I p.7 Density of Soilaml SoiJ..Aggregates In-Place ASTM D2922 and D3017 , PJOleCl: 31,08 I Site Aiireu: 6024 ~stone Loop I Penn~ No: LDA?200a-OOOO8 I Dale: 2/1212008 I DensllyTestTVI"!': .DT-6 I Dperalor.lSS I MelerialTwe~1 112.lnch minus dense Gladed crushed ~Qreoate I Maximum Dry DUlliv, Qcl 144.0 iModifled PrOClcruASTM-01S57) I Standardization and Reference Chera A IlensRv I IA Moillure, I 'Sta~dard DevlatlonsllS,D.l 035 (S.D.l 1.21 Moist Dry Den&lty, Density, Waler Compaction, Test No. pel ptt Conte.n\, % % Remart& 1 138.7 130,4 6.4 90,5% 2 143,6 135,2 6,2 93,9% , 146,2 136,6 ro 94,9% " 4 lS1.2 142.4 6,2 98.9% I I 1 Average: 95% Stll, Dev:, 3,43% , Direct Transmission (01) (specify deplh. in,) Of Air Gap Backscaner (AGB) (spec~iy(T)ouchable or (U)ntotlGhable mode . Test penormed using Seaman Nuclear Corp model C-300, SN 21 113 Client: Bruce Weicnen CUstom HDmes, Inc. Project 31.08 It & A Engllleering, Inc. 2/1412008