HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Geo-Tech Report 2007-10-16 Date: To: AUn: Fax#: From: Re: GEOSCIENCE INC PAGE 01 P.O. Box 2238, Eugene OR 97402 Phone: (541) 607-5700 Fax: (541) 607-5701 e-mail: J"PlnQ:~i@clellrwirl! net " Fax \\,,1 c,1" 10;/6/0). , if-HI.UI1! Ji&nf.{ 111/[ t III If} () 86 Oc?;S' GUIIJN..f.1!? J?o ({JUt kit # paoes lIncludlno this cover): 'j.- Comments: "..... o For Review o Please Comment o Please Reply {nt, - fbj /"P &fl.lkJ ;; 4c.Ji'rY1.o V (f}U1/Jj/l 1111,,"A / , ~ .:,?c., ..Y Confidential I Thodoclrnenia a=mpan)'lng thlsleleoopyconlaln C>)'rlIden1laJ Informollon. ThIS"".,,,,.;.,, Is 1_"" .... by It1e rOOpIen. nome:l 8lXMl, "you 819 not the I"",nclad rOOpIen~ }<lU ara hereby notified that any dlaclC<llJrBS, opopyIng. or dlst1but1on. or tlkIn;J or any aellon In rall8nal on the coritilnta ti 1hIs lllI""",,",,, Informa.on Is -y proh""1ed, "you ""VO _thiS teleoopy In OITOr, pi..... notify "'" '_8l1lfy Dy tIlloill1one to armngo f<r ratun 01 the Original documont. 10/16/2007 11:29 08/28/2887 10:55 5416075701 5416860918 GEOSCIENCE INC , PAGE 02 BREEDEN BROS INC PAGE 03 Mountaingate Subdivision Site Investigation Question Iaire for Consulting Design Professionals Siteaddress~() COU Ifi< ;)I), CityJob#Coh 70Q;'-OJ{17 Foundation reauiremen~ ~ new structures on residentlallots Thl$ form lDay be used as a venfi :atlon to allow construction to contWtle on the job site QJltll the stamped' AFFlDA V 'T For Site lnvesti!>atinn PuestioD1:\aIre' is submitted to the City. This fol1n lIIust be completed by a licensed design professional (engineer or archite( t) or hislher authorixed represcn!lltive, and submitted to the building Inspecb ,r prior to requesting City inspections or placing foundation concrete. It is import> ~t that all questions ,be answered completely for the foundation site to be approve 1 rOf .construction. Owner C;f(JJU-!1A1IJ Contractor BREEOeIJ Hc?l7tJ JNC A. Date(s) of the design prof.15~onal's site evaluation? , Cf hit/Or S' /f} - Ih - OJ- B. Bas tbe design profession: I reviewed a copy of the geotechnical infonnation that was prepared fOf the lubdivislon relating to this site? Ye3XNo_ If nOlo please contact this oj 'lce for a copy of the report, The d~ign professional must be familiar with the g' otechnical Information before completing this form. C. In which Geotechnical In' estigatlon catego:ry is this site located? Levell Level II ](. Note: ,Level II reouires a sit :-svecific qeotechnica1 inve.tiqation & reoort Were any site conditions id ntified that would change the category'? YES_ NOX (For criteria ~etermining category, so<: Ih, specilic Geotechnical Report for the ..rteot ph... oflh. subdiVision) If"yes", explain (use the re 'erse side ofthis sheet or an added sheet if necessary) '10/15/2007 11:29 5415075701 ~8/2e/20B7 13:55 5415863918 GEOSCIENCE INC BREEDEN BROS INC PAGE 03 PAGE 04 , Wan geotechnical engineer involved at the site to verifY that conditioIlB are suitable for ronstruction of the proposed building(s)? Yes _ No x Nameofgcotechnicalengineer G Vt{IJN41? SU1L)hlJ frz _ cf(, . , D. WhatW9S tnenatnre oftbe excavation and lor fill? 2 frz Ct / f:!(UlvAflrJfIJ iJe.fJ,JfJf?"f i:b Nu Cr'ln1P;V, ,rhrdftJ(.{!'$ ,'7.. J[ (r'J(f1Pd I Was existing non-structural fill or expansive soil encountered on the lot? Yes_ No)( If"yes", what types, depths and locations, and how does it'affect the building foundation? What measures were taken to remedy the soil condition (include type of engineered fill Wlcd to stabilize the soil)? NONE Is the site as prepare 'i1dequat inadequate to maintain constant moisture content in the sub grade ote: Verification of moisture stabilization in the sub grade is a requirement for site preparation, and must be affirmed before construction can COl'ltinue, If inadequate, what measures are to be taken to provide constant moisture content in the sub grade? Is the site, as prepared,~ inadequate to support the proposed stf\lcture? An affirmative answer is requisite 10 proceeding with construction, If inadequate, what additional work is needed to provide adequate foundation support? E, Did the desIgn profelsionaI witness placement and compaction of the engineered fin, or is there s special inspection report fOrthcoll\ing from a 10/15/2007 11:29 "OI~OI~~~1 1~:55 5415075701 54158.0918 GEOSCIENCE INC BREEDEN BROS I NC qualified agency? f Witnessed Placement Special Insp!compaction report N/A F. The design professional intends to use the following method for installation of perforated perimeter footing drains: The design on the attached drawing provided by the design professional ,X The method shown on the original construction drawing:!.......... ...... The typical 'Foundation Drain' drawing attached to peunil .. ..............,.. Ped'orated perirnete.r drains are not required,...........,........ ............ Comments: Note: City inspectors will inspect installed drains prior to cover upon request..,' Call: 726-3769 to schedule inspection, G. Low-point crawl space drains are required to prevent the buDd-up of excess moisture inside the foundattoD!l during (and after) constrnction. This drain may be installed after foundation placement onlv with the cxnre.. nermlssion of the dcsll!ll nrofesslonal. a. The design professional has dcl=ined the following: The crawl space drain is r~quired when thefoundation is installedX, The low-poim drain can be installed after foundation placement without a significant moisture build-up problem within thefowuiation.....,....... (The low-point drain may be installed at the _ stage of construction) pc" <I b"";jramlll" rocflnr, <to. b. Has the design professional observed and approved the installation of the required low paint drain?.., ."...."...... ......... ........ Yes, _No_ If''yes'', where Is the low pOint drain located wuier the building and where does it terminate at chis time? (Must be an approved location, i.e. street gutter, storm sewer, sump pump and discharge line to the street, etc.) , The design professional must determine whether the approved pennit drawing. have adequate foundation steel, Is any addltional foundation steel..equJred that ill not shown on the foundation drawings for the building? Yes _ No X . If "yes ", describe additional steel required (or provide drawing). PAGE 04 PAGE e5 10/16/2007 11:29 5416075701 08/28/2007 10:55 5415850918 GEOSCIENCE INC ~N BROS INC PAGE 07 PAGE 07 ,"'~uLU,ands that site preparation during wet weather conditions be avoided 1lIlless Special measures ate taken to mitigate soft soil conditions and moisture collecting in or around the foundation areas during and after the construction l"~~""" Positive site dtainage must be provided. Site Address .no COLC;{fl ,IJi! Affidavit For Site Investigation Questionnaire Foundation Sub-Grade Approval for Residential Building Site in Mountaingate Subdivision The undersigned hereby affums that the excavation, structuralli1l and moisture stabilization methods for the building site at the address shown above were obsetVed by me or an authorized employee of my fill1l and that the following is true: I. The geotechnical information for the subdivision, specific to this site, was utilized as part of the detemtination for foundation preparation and drainage requirements. 2. The foundation sub-grnde is capable of supporting a minimum of 1500 pat; and is adequate to support the building proposed for this site, 3. The moisture content of the lll\cavation was adequately maintained durillg the site preparation process and the site is adequately graded and drained for discharge to an approved location in order to maintain stable moisture content throughout the construction process and thereafter. , 4. The accompanying report titled "Site Jnve.qti~ Ouestionnaire for C'.oQSUltinll' ~cm Pl'l}fussionals" containing field observations and instructions made on (dates) ..:zJ2" -I- i.i.I&/O;L for this building site was completed either by me or by an authorized representative under my supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in that report is complete and accurate. '_. A. "'- --.... "" ~RTIFI::.~;)~~ UHt:\;lON . i P WNN;~S~~;) / (\'I E1139 ~l 1<. ~ ~_ I 9'1.- ^ ,<:;~,,> ~~ ,.,~,"U '~,I:~-,i'~/tr.,_ (.~i',..... ~~;,... ~bU iUD I Name of Licensed Professional (print) fw11NtltI J CHI !l.Ot( Signature