HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Structural Calculations 2007-10-25 ,~?: ..-'!"" .. \,;, I ! ,-,. , " . " , \~ . ,." , 4 ,,) .a ~ngin~~ring . "', '~October 25, 2007 Hayden Enterprises, Inc, 2464 :SW Glacier Place, Suite 110 Redmond, OR 97756 . UJ / I I / / " / K & A Engineering, Inc. ......, IJ\ 33?7 Roanoke Ave., Eugene, OR 97408 r, -1V .......1 (541) 684-9399 Voice ) }flIr tJ:M1VV" ,(541) 684-9358 FAX I" . , ':l/ \ 1):-r (;~" . Subject: Supplemental Engineering Calculations Portal Frame Analysis lWrtai Frame - PF1 .' The Jeflerson Description i! Project: 6.06 . \,~~ ',;:', , j:.. ,';'''~ '.. .' :";~,:~'.' " , ," -.c,.,i, ..... t, . . Pages 1-7 " .~ " " "~ .' , Enclosed are the calculations for the analysis for lateral bracing design 01 the garage portai}ramefor the subject residentiai structure, ' The site-built frame is 9' -4" tall from sill plate to double top plate. The attached calculations demonstrate the frame is adequate, as constructed, ' . Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Please call us if you have any questions, Sincerely, 'CL-&- ~V Chuck Du Fault, E.I:T, K & A Engineering, Inc. ", '. , -, ,.",:,;~'<>'h 1(.'~4.'% .', ~~'-'~'I .1~' ~ . ...." . ..... ,.t' " .~,. ". ~ '. . ~~. ),t >0 'i.<;,* . 'tf\'~~~i' :, -;);."....il:~F .,....'.....,'.,.... , _l', ,~'I""l r t" .i . J:' ~,..,~j,"\~?f . , .', /"'''.~<:' :' ~a. " .,' .. . qo'~~;:i..:':;- '. - ~ " ; ,. _, l-_" t.~'l..:.-., EXPIRES 1~1/~ '. ' . , ,.J1..~7"' . ' ,;9 I , ' 'I. Portal Details - PF1 i' ( , The Jefferson Portal Frame - PF1 Details . 20' x 20,833' Garage ,16' Opening 6x22.5 Left PF Panel 6x33.5 Right PF Panel 3.125" x 10,5" Glulam Header Loads Wind = 2.61 k EO = 0.33 k . OJDL Roof = 0.045 kilt OJSLRoof =0,075 ,kilt '" Results " v,,: Max Tensile Force =' 4.03 k Max Compressive Force"; 4,53 k Base Shear = 0.58 kilt " .' \ Use Simpson HTT22 Holdown' Simpson SSTB24 Anchor Bolt 7/16 APA Rated Sheathing 3d @ 2" o,c, Edge Nailing Client: Hayden Homes Project: 6.06 . K &' A Engineering, Inc,. 10/25/2007 I;~ j Client: Hayden Homes Project: 6,06 K & A Engineering, Inc, 10/25/2007 Elx 2.61k. ,- W5 16 0; c ro 0. ~ ,0. 1ii ~ 0; :ii, ~I E o ci' -,' .. ~.29 ~--, , ~~4 n"';'\ J~f ,_...// -1.61 J89 Loads: LC 6, O.6(D)+W Results for LC 6, O.6(D)+W Reaction units are k and k-ft_ K & A Engineering,lnc:, CCO 165,07 I I I Garage Portal Frame I I Oct 25,2007 at 12:20 PM 16.06 - Garage Portal Frame - 9'-4" Tall.r2d Company Designer Job Number K & AEngineering, Inc, CCD 165.07 Garage Portal Frame Oct 25, 2007 12:21 PM Checked By:_ Joint Coordinates and Temoeratures ';1 Tp.mnrFJ o '" I.',," 0 o f~'.~'P:':':J'~""'~:' ,'0"_', o '0'" .'_ , I''', " '._ .~- L\,':." 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NC ,C', NC 74R? 49R NC, NC 'NC Nr. .' 1 1 I [Z:\2006\6,06\6,06 . Garage Portal Frame - 9'-4" Ta1Lr2d] Page 2 'Company Designer Job /lJumber K & A Engineering, Inc, CCD 165,07 Garage Portal Frame Oct 25, 2007 12:21 PM Checked By:_ Member Section Deflections (Continued) Ir. . Memher I ~hp.1 Riqht PI" Panel ~~':.i -\...,., ,""'_'>.''';'~' ! ,~...: h :;"-1:)':',' '.,'-,- Sp.~ "3 ," 4 5', ',,,," ':: 1 .',,:;';f:'1<,," 2 ':,1" ',.,~-., _}.-~:',i,~, ':'~ 3 C'rt : 4'.:;' ",' ::;r:-;'iCj\f&:~F;',,1;lI, 5 )( [inl vJinl (n)_L1v Ratio 0 '. r -.016 706432 I 0 ',028 4061.694 I 0 'I ,1034 3268,265 I 0 I 0 NC I '-,~t:'O-;S:,:: .2.005" .NC: I "013 8326337 I "023': e" .4813077 ' ,I 7'''' '.029 3825.484 I I 8 I 9 1:10, ." I'll 'I 6 f:'~~ :,;,c,,"'lh 1;.t.'14\~ 1:;;l~I~';"::: :1." I I, ,'. -or: ,~ i-'~ (1, .,:- ,':-:~II-' I 15 Material Takeoff MRfAri;1 General ~i,.p, PiP.r.R~ I Annthfftl WAinhtrKl 7 GLA I 31?5X105FS o PI" Panel " , "6x22i5iPF:Panel:" 6x33,5 PI" Panel 5 Custom Wood Prooerties I 1 I :::Ihel Glula'm Fb[ksil 2.4' Fv fksil ,24 Fe fksil ,65 E rk~n 1800 Sr.I Yes General Material Prooerties I 1 l::lhPJ PF Panel F fk",iJ 1500 G fksil Nu .3 ThF!r~ (\1 Pi F) , 65 np.n!::itvrklft^11 ,035 , Wood Material Prooerties Label Soedes Grade em Ernod. NIJ Therm (\1 Densr.klfl^31 1 DF-L No ?' Fir-Larch No.2 1 .3 ,3 ,035 3 PI" Panel PI" Panel na 1 3 '.3 n35 Wood Desian Parameters L,qhel Shaoe' I Anrthfft\1 A_nlltfft1 I p_inffll Ip_hpnrl tn Ip-hpnrl hn K_nllt lein I 1 I Beam I .Header I 18. 0 0 I I .65 r\'j r.r f)llt ~W::lV I., ~W::l\l I '1 Yes I General Section Sets Lab~1 Shape I 1 I Left PI" Panel 16X22,5 PF Panel I I .2 : Riahl PFPanel 6)(33,5 PF Panel. ~, Tvoe .~~;~i:i' J Material PF Panel PI" Panel,';, I 'I"!" .'; Afin21 38.5 38'5:"';:' I (qn ?7m rin41 , ~;~~~:..I. I (0 180Hin41 3513.927 '8992.958 . RISA-2D Version 8.0.2 [Z:\2006\6.06\6,06 - Garage Portal Frame -9'-4" Tall.r2d] Page 3 . '. 'Company Designer Job Number K & A Engineering, Inc, CCD 16507 Garage Portal Frame Oct25,2007 12:21 PM Checked By:_ Wood Section Sets Label ShFlpF'! TVnf'! Desian List Material Desian Rules A fin2l I (90.27D'.fi 1((1.180) rin41 I 1 I Header 13,125X10,5FS I Beam. I RectanaularI GLB I Tvoical 32,813 I 26.703 I 301.465 I Member Wood Code Checks (Bv Combination) LC Member ShaQ8 UC Max Loc[ftl SheAr lor:[m Fc'rki:;il Ft'rksil Fb'Iksil Fv'fksil Re CI I 1 161 Beam 13125X10..1 .069 I 18 I .045 I 18 I '.866 11.46613.5191 ,32 11524 I 1 CP Eon 1 13.9-3 I Solution Warnina Loa MAS!'=>FlQe No Data to Print RISA-2D Version 8,0.2 [Z:\2006\6,06\6,06 - Garage Portal Frame - 9'-4" TalLr2d] Page 4 ';~.