HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 1/12/2009 CI1Y OF SPRINGFIELD - r ":LOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ~6~IBUT10N DATE January 12, 2009 R EC"'" , V' E D _ Current Planning Staft~ Karn. J. Donovan, Liz Miller, M. Metzger, Lissa Davis, t'-" I .". / ' L Pauly, Tara Jones, Andy Umbi~ Reesor, Steve Hopkins. Molly Markari"- _ Matt Stouder, Eng.neenng -I"UDIIC Wor1<s D'r"'" ,:It _./ "les Benoy, Engineer Group, EngineeringiPubfic WDI1<s 'JM: 1 ~ 1 "19 'S---- Brian Barnett, Traffic EngineerlPE, Public Works Department (agenda only 2102) "J_ -./ 'JonDriscon,Transr..:"'~.,JPlanningEngineer,PubIicWDI1<sDepartment 8 DR. p~ v 'Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Ufe Safety Departmem y. (., V"" Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only . L/' 'Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park and RL J ,'";. . " Disllict v::::. *Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) ...... 'Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) ..JC" Jack Foster, Springfield Utility Board (Energy Conservation) ;:::;.--' Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board (Drinking Water) _ Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 (Subdivisions, Street name changes) ;:;;--" Dave WMe, U.S.P.S. (Growth Mgml Coordinator) ~ Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (~ full packets for PartltionslSubdlvislons) ~ 'Celia Barry, Lane County TranSr.._~_.' Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) Lane County Land Management [Urban T.. ",;;'., Zone) George Ehlers, Lane County Sanitarian [Urban Transition Zone] (If applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water Districtr only if In the North Spfld area) (If applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution AuII10rity (if applicable) Dale Ledyard, O...~~_..~ Chief, McKenzie Fire Disllict (If applicable) Torn Henerty, Corneast Cable (If "rr:' "~:" Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electric) r If in Glenwood) Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) rlf In G:" .. J) _./ Steve Mae, Glenwood Water District rw In Glenwood) ';:/ Bm Goo - Developmem Services Director (agenda) John Tamulonis, Economic & Community Development Manager (agenda) ~ 'Dave Puent, Building OfIiclal (,., :,,) X Usa Hopper, Building Services Representative (agenda) 2/ ' Greg Ferschweiler, Keilh Miyata, Brian Conlon, PW Dept (agenda) X 'Craig Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept ..IL'./' George Walker, Em '". ",~.J Works Dept, (agenda only) ~ Deanna Buckem, Engineering Assistant, Public Works Oepl (agenda) ,/ Police Chief, Jerry Smilh, Police Department (agenda) ~ *Will Mueller, L TO ~ Noon Palmer, Quest Corporation (,., ,~,. ::z Lynn Detering (Stuckrath), OooT, State Highway Division (agenda) !2'/ Jeff DeFranco, Springfield School Disllict (agenda) L/-, William Lewis, Financial Services, Sr '" .:' ,:j School Disllict ( agenda) L Andrea Damewood, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Joe Leahy, City Attorney Dennis Ems~ City Surveyor Carole Knapel, PEACEHEALTHlJUSTICE CENTERlFIRE STATION ITEMS A request for land use action, as described on the attached agenda, has been received by the Developmem Services Office. Specific w..~...s of your divisionldepartment~",.. _,. should be addressed. If you have comments or requirements of this .' w.w_I, please send them in writing to the assigned planner @ Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Stree~ Springfield, OR 97477. If your ..,." comments are not received by Friday, January 23, 2009 specific concerns of your division/department/agency will not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on January rr, 2009. The Development Review Committee holds staff review meetings on Tuesday @ 8:00 -10:00 a.m. You should also plan 10 attend the staff meeting on Tuesday if you have specific concerns so that the Planning representative can discuss them prior to meeting with the applicant If the Planner feels ft is necessary for you to participate in the public meetings he/she will let you know on Tuesday. , will receive a fun packet AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff Review: January 27, 2009 @ 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. 1. PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2009-00002 PRODEN 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-03-24-31 TL 1000 Address: 2566 Grand Vista Drive Existing Use: Residential Applicant submitted plans to partition one lot into two parcels Planner: Andy Limbird 2. PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2009-00003 COSSEN 9:00 -10:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-03-36-11 TL 9100 Address: 2660 G Street Existing Use: Residential Applicant submitted plans to partition one lot into two parcels Planner: Andy Limbird 3. MINOR VARIANCE, #DRC2009-00002 COSSEN 9:00 -10:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-03-36-11 TL 9100 Address: 2660 G Street Existing Use: Residential Applicant submitted plans requesting a minor variance from standard 60' minimum street frontage to 45'. This application is concurrent with a partition tentative application. Planner: Andy Limbird 1 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: , IAPPlicant's Rep.: Icompany: IAddress: , .. . , - - . .. Geoff Cossen (541) 954-3821 N/A 445 E.50th Av, Eugene OR 97405 Joe Ferguson Joseph Ferguson Prof, Land Surveyor 2130 Daphne St, Springfield OR 97477 Phone: (541) 747-4917 Fax: Property Owner: Geoff Cossen (See Above) Phone: ~m~~ ~~ IAddress: , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-36-11 ITAX LOT NOeS}: 9100 I Property Address: 2660 G St. Sprinofield OR ISize of Property: 12,825 Acres n Square Feet [Xl jProposed Name of Subdivision: , I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. ProDosal: Partlition oronprtv intn two narr:el", Fyj"tinn hnll"p nn one. & new dU[\lpy Int IExisting Use: One sinole family residence 1# of Lots/Parcels: 2 IAvg. Lot/Parcel Size: 6.412 Si natures: Please sl nand rint our name and date in the a .. . . . sf IDensitv: 10 du/acre ro riate box on the next D~..1 rooop..- ..1qdY';lj or~- · Associated Applications: -lP/V UAfJ'- L.<-bW I Pre-Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Date: IllIlcA Reviefed by: lJJ I ITechnical Fee: $ JLf3,55 !PostaQe Fee: $ /00""1 I PROJECT NUMBER: 'fe'\1flQ9---0c0-;.") I ._ _ J Case No.: SUP,'20O? _ OCW"S . 00 Application Fee: $ J.f. tg11 5J..14:55 TOTAL FEES: $ , '/ I ~ 'I 'i $ I I I I I I JS-T~ L:;cJ --- I- en I ~ I ~I I, r. , I:I I I I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SOO2009-00003 2660 G Street /,1 I J I . ~I l!b ~I. ~ 3-T-e-.:.. ~Ir JI: !o '" , . c. l- 'll J: -G \RSG Ij-IoN- SITE Map 17-03~36-11 Tax Lot 9100 --- North /fI, \Y8.'- I I r '1;> iI: :0' :'l Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal ~ 1 ~I f-' UlI ,,~ ~r' j~I",.,.f I' . ~"Z ~l'" iJf/ I 1 u~1/~;> ""~$f""U~. /,'/. PARCEL2 I J'\f_~j'/~ SJI15SQ.f'T, //. I =E I' ' ) , ~1~~~_ ~ -4 . !: -~i=-w~ I~ _I~.O E= /~ ~,O - i - IO,~ ... . 'i+1l c1 , I L~IIII"" \il-:!;--,\\ l"" ! ,1:<> ~'r:wl ~ ~rftr " (. w i!li~)-W~W~~1 , ; , _ RIIY---!- I~ PARCEll ~ .~ R I I I!!, 6,6o\7SQf7 -" \ I _ ~~Vffi~ ~II _I'lQ ~O';;! ".1 I~ [,il.-{,lCIO.JlJ5TIIfE__________ II: ht: " I '~'\' -,~'^"'-""'" : ! I,,' - --r:;", - --t: .~.. , !'--- "' ~ r-ir --~ffl--'-i;~f~----T-t:-----~.-! ~.OO' _[!j: [)RMW~Y J: , .:~:~~-L';o~~. ,- ; ~'T~:::~':- I 11''1500 '- , I'I:'l ,;_ I I ~_ 'J'-I-- _<---'^-___W/lS~_ ~~---W/lS- "'~"lli. Wl8 ~ ~ ~r1llCJl"lF '" 9M 'JI6 5M < ~(2 f~:~r I~ uGn STREET F~,~/ ~ ~ ~lHm'l>l.6t1 ~w _w~w_w ~WV~,.,.1'I--r-- If -w -- 'f{- w ~w- l' ,,' rifll'~~ t,1 1"\1"1' 1~' :50.1)0' 1 ~ rI.XlOTlltZOO ,... TAX LOT fiZlOO DllNcW~Y MHI'I..AtE 1000~GSTIHT : TMLOT"l,OO {tJlII'I'RO\tO) (OOI\IEWAY ~T,W CC1M:R Cf lOT) Ull~ 5 STfiEEr ~ " ill "I il ~l MAINST VICINITY MAP /.KlT. TO SCALE PR'VATE EASEMENTS A.)"I'RJI'ATtiJTlJIYU'ie'DlT ~ERVIt.(; P/I!lCEll. B.~'f'RI'iA'fYlASIEWA1EREASf~1 5EiN1~PAACEl2lf212bTHST C.!'FllIVATt:l'IASTffiIllATEIl~ Wl"Il~&111611lS1, REGISTERED L PROFl!IIIONAL LANOllURVEYOR RENfWALDATE1:/J31-!1 ~ ----' . SCAUr,l'Il MOGSTIlEET T~lOl#QOOG L' ,., ;0 , ' , ,[lI;MWAV, TENTATIVE PARTITION q~OIl' ,~ GEOfF & ELlZASETHCOSSEN TMLor 17-Dh'i6-11 LOT #9800 SITE ADDRESS: 2660 G STREET, SPRINGFIELD OR JANUARY 2009 ELEVATIONS8ASEDONClTYB~:illl!01ISELEDsalJ.lJlEONTOPCi' CURB 0 SWCDRNE!l 26TH (SOl/THBOl.I{;)ANDG STREETS. BOTH PARCELS TO BE SERVED BY l.NJl'RGROOO UTILITIES FROM PCM..E NEAR NE f>ROf'ERTYCORNER. NEAREST fiRE HYDRANT IS ~IO' WEST Ci lH: SW PRoPERTY cORNER. ON SCMJTH SIDE OF G STREET. THERE ARE NO TRANSIT ROliTESM:ARBY (SEE NARRAmE.) PROPERTYISS.1lJ:CTTOlJTllITYEASEMENTSRECCROED..u.YZ~,Iq/.I,NO.99579,A~ RECOROEDDECEMBER9,IQ48,RECfPTION NO. aZIJ7 WHICH CONTAIN NO SPECifiC LOCATIQNS.. ~WDRIVEWAYu{)PAVINGSTONEWAlKFOllEXISTlNG KOJSETOBECONSTROCTEO WITHIl€'IB-CK'MENTPARCELONE. . NEW DRIVEWAY ON PARCEL 2 MEASJtED FROM BACK OF ~ FOOT SIDEWAlK EASE:i"f}/r, NEW ORIVEWAY ON PA/lCEl 2 DRAINS TO GRASS SWAlE, BOTH 2~TH STREET At{) G STREET ARE SER'IE~ BY <10 WATT LFS STREET LIGHTS. THE Af'PlE TREESANIl 6" DECI[)Jl)US TREE WILL BE REMOVED. MAXIMIJ1 HEIGKT Of EXISTffi RESIDEt>(E IS I7'ABOIJEGROINJ DlfLEXROQFORAINAGEWILLGOTOWEEPHOLESINC\.RB. EXISTING LNUSED ClRB CIJTSWILL BE REPLACEOWITHF..lLfEIGHTSTMDAIlD CURl'! SECTION. NOGRAOIM'iORffUIMJISREOUIRElIOTi-ERTHANTYPICALFWDATJONHCAYATlctJ, OlJ'LHTOBESERVEOBYEXISTINGLMl5EDSEWERLATERAL,APF'Ro.x,~OWESTOfSE PROPERTY CORNER. NOTES: l; ~~.~- ( J. N89030'00'E 80,00' , 5, GAJlS(iNWIE cu..DE-SA(; R'W TMLOT,~l00 a1I2bTl'STlHl 5 . . 1M lor '11)1<!S 16!1G/oRSOOLN. 7, 8, ., 10, ". 11 15. . . '" " U- ~~~ra~'~'IE!; ~II __ ,bOO III . ~:":.c~:"'" ;rj '""'"' , 11<":r.. 11 ,,' ,> ~ '" ~~ II , {f,. I j Y I ::li\. r~fl1lJf:Lt.E '-..:-~ _'.0 ~~ ~ I . \0 ~ I~ ~) ~ : ~ , ~ IU9'-Wf95.00 j I ...-=----r- I I ,", 15. LEGEND N89030'OO"E 120.00' ;.EWERSERVULKS '"00 110,00' "^ STCl<MVlATERPfE "" WASTEWATEilP/f'E , W.l.TERLL>.E riI STc.RHWAIERCATCHB.IlSIH "" PRUC5IREETRlGHHIF-VlA~ ROOf'~SI'O'JI; . liA$TEWATEIlCt.E.ilIM @ lIllllYI'CU -$- lIlIl.IHI'(UMTHgQi/ATTLP,STfftTLIGHT CHl.INLNlffNCf WOOOFEf,CE riI WATEIlVN..'IE Ii! WATEIlI'ETEiI WEEPHllf 0 """'" I>J ~.. PRIVATEEASEtlENT " SlREHIREES ~lllES(lGARlIN'I..El I'RGf'(;WlSEWERLO.TEIW. TMLOT'IGlOll 1(>86 G SlllfET . . -~ELE'I ~61.lb RIH ELE~o/,o6_Q D t R . d JOSEPH M, FERGUSON a e ecelve pROFESSIONAL L"NO SURVEYOR 2130 DAPHNE STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 91477 (541) 141-4911 JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal Tentative Land Partition for GeoffC()ssen Narrative of ProDosal This partition would create a new vacant residential parcel at the NE comer of 29th and G Streets. Existing and planned zoning for this property is Low Density Residential. Parcel One i~ planned as a duplex parcel with a single 20' driveway onto G Street near the east side of the frontage. The existing, curb cut will be replaced with standard curb/gutter section. Parcel Two contains the existing single family house and will have frontage and continued driveway access on 26th Street. The existing gravel driveway/parking area will be paved 18' x 20' and will have a grassed swale on the north side for water quality treatment. The unused portion of the existing 3D', driveway curb cut will be replaced with full-height standard curb and gutter section. . Parcel One will not have sufficient frontage to meetSDC requirements on 26th Street; an application for Minor Variance is included with the partition application. The surrounding area is a fully, developed residential neighborhood. '. Utilities: All public utilities are available at the utility pole near theNE property comer. Existing overhead lines to the existing residence will be relocated underground in a 7' easement across the north end of Parcell. A 5' wide public utility easement is proposed along the east property line for existing overhead telephone line. Underground services to the proposed duplex on Parcell will be adjacent to the proposed 5' PUE. . Public Easements: PUEs are proposed adjacent to the east property .line and 'adjacent to both rights-of-way. The PUE adjacent to 26th Street will also be a public sidewalk easement.. . ,Streetlights: Streetlights are already installed on two power poles on the west side th ' of26 Street, across from the northeast and southeast property comers. . . Streets: Adjoining public streets are fully improved but lack sidewalks. Curbside walks are located on G Street intermittently to the west, but not to the east. Dedication of 5' additional right-of-way is proposed on G Stre,et. No dedication is proposed on 26th Street, as there is insufficient room to dedicate right-of-way and to reconstruct the wastewater sewer laterals. Since 26th Street is a dead end street, the partition and proposed duplex will produce no impact on 26th. . Street Trees: Three "Bonfire Sugar Maple" street trees are proposed for,26th Street as shown. No street trees are proposed for G Street due to physical constraints from the future sidewalk, driveway, the utility pole at the southeast comer, and the vision triangle at 26th Street. Any trees on G Street would need to be planted within 5' of the planned duplex and would create future problems with the building foundation. . Imnrovement AlITeements: Applicant will sign agreements for future public public improvements, including sidewalks to be constructed when additional right-of-way is secured from adjoining properties. Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Ori~inal Submittal o Stormwater DisDOsal: Existing public storm drains have capacity to handle, all the runoff from this property (see study by Stephen Keating, CE). Drainage from the new driveway on Parcel 2 will drain to a grassed swale, and thence to a weephole. Roof drains for Parcell will drain to weepholes. o Stormwater Oualitv: No stormwater quality facilities are required. However the runoff, from the new driveway serving Parcel 2 will drain to a grassed swale and thence to the gutter in 26th Street. .' o Wastewater Service: The existing common lateral serving the existing house and the residence to the north (821 26th St) will be replaced by two parallel sewer . laterals connecting to the existing lines where cleanouts will be constructed. These lines will either connect to the existing lateral line just outside the new right-of-way dedication, or by construction of a new 6" tap into the 10" public wastewater line in G Street if this can be accomplished with a building permit. Private easements (shown as easements B and C) will cover the location and future maintenance requirements. Both sides of the duplex will be'served by the existing lateral located approximately 30' west of the southeast property comer. o Fire Hydrants: The nearest hydrant is on the south side of G street 310' west of. . the southwest property comer. Another hydrant, also on the south side of G Street, is at the intersection with 28th Street, approximately 420' west. . Transit Routes: The nearest transit routes are at 28th/Olympic to the north, aild , l4th/G Street to the west. . Gradim!and Paving: The property is flat; no grading is necessary other than typical foundation excavation. There is sufficient existing elevation for roof drains to drain to weepholes in the curb; no imported fill material is necessary. . A walkway to the front door of the existing'residence will be constructed during the construction of improvements on Parcel One. ' . The shop building cannot be used as a garage. It has no foundation, and has a wood floor 1.6 feet above the ground. . There are no significant physical features affecting this property or with the potential to impac1 adjoining properties. . , o There are no water courses, wetlands, riparian areas, or unstable soils affecting the property. . . o The property is served by two existing streetlights on the west side of 26th Street, across from the southwest,and northwest p~operty comers. Date Received: JAN - B 2009 Original Submittal .