HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 1/8/2009 82137 e~G'. 387 '"C! 70 EASEMEN\' FOR RIGHT-oF.WAY THIS INDllN'l1J\lB wnmssETH. 'n,., "" lJodcnlpd. ...J.i?..Cj:le.fIf.!".!.......t:l....6.'.l.Y..atl.i...... ,....f.(~~.~~..,....&:.~.4:'!!.!:f..~_..r::_.d:.~~ ~_.._"........,. for dw: coaaldcmion af ttw 111m of One ~w (tUIO) and Other aood and valuable considcndnn. ;mipt oI1rhich i. beteby tdr.aowkdaed. to.p.~.., pAid, ...16.,~..".... bargained, lrute'd. and C'Oft~ .nd by tbne ptnctUI do bup1n. annt and CDnftJ' URro the Mountain S~tel Pow~r Cnmpuay. . Dela..~ Cotponlion. wnh.lictnll ud riPe to UlUII:Ia bull.. in me Suit olOrep. kI . n. .., and mips, ~fC'in. dIrt rd~ to as 1M ComFdY. fol'e"l"ei, the rlth', prkllep and euemeIH (ot liabt<<."" 10 CftCI, maim.in. opcnlt, ~it .nd mnoft an ckaric ~ line, ;'cclcphonc. or aerial cable line, or eicbtr of them, COftIiJcin& of rk fDllowinll: /;.:"'.#;.~ft!:f.s.._.8!...~...~......6a;,..!:....B{~.~.............................................................. ...........~~J....E..cd.R.I.~.......s..~y..._ia.;..tr.......Rk.....B.N.C.l1.fIt.~Jl............ ..................... with lhe IIif'CftSll)' ..ires ancl/iftwn lhaefor. indudlo, O"fer-bans tbeftoI~ ~ whb the- fi,ht and plivtleae of mooy. in, ,II foliage, uees, trft IUnbt IIIId other'; nlrunl burierl that _y Inmfae with eM CUNtrunion, maintenance, operation, f'ept,ir and ~rnOnI of said ('lectr~ power line, ~nc or aerkl able line, or tither of thtrn, upon, over and ICrosJ duu ~ruin rnl property situated in the Counr1 oLk.a.."'..!........... Stalie of Oregon. .nd more paniCtllarl, described IS follev,,,,, ......&d....,;f/...h.<...AI.!.E..,..f'I,...;;'!'L_..t!f......d.~."E,..?'1'....~....?:..<'!E1.f::":Y......;!,.~..__..z.8.,__s.:..~.. ~ ...kY.,.",,-.'.!':2'. ____..............__. ..........----.................---.--.. .................---.--........... .. .................... . ..m.................-...... ........._.........._m........ ..................................................... and r<<"orc:lc.d in Vol. P-a~.. . ..... of t~e &eel rftOrds Df said county. II is undersrood and agrrotd rhat the;agcnu. rtpnsr:ntativet, and emplDJees of the Company, logether widl IdE nt'l:n. ury 1(Xlls Ind C'quipmenf shall. at .11 ,i~ haTe tht riBhl and pri.ileF of secas ro ~ risht of WIly and die propcrt~. tMI'f'M for the purpDSC of CQnstNCfion, 'operation, Jnaintenaoct. repait ux:I removal; provided 11...,s thlt said Cump-any s~ be- held respcms:ible for any damagr' whiCh it may lInetta_tily do to the pto~ ~ descri~ anJ for 'IIlhich it may be held lega.lly rt'lponsible. wlrnESS......,...~~ ...L'. m;s __.A.L...day of ...__,s.",./...r..."'...__... 19..Y.,'.... .~~..i~:::~: :~.~:::::~::::..::..:::.:.::.:.:........---...--.....::::~: :U:::D~~:~':N. 188. II ST:':P:~~~::~.~..__....____.} ~ I hereby certif;\' tha~ the I BE IT REMEJdBEllED. That on this .......La.............m....d.y of ..~ekiWk/ within w&s recei\'ed II.nd duly I rpcorded b:r mein said Count.y I ^. D. 19.-*.C_... before me, the undersianecl. I Notary Public, in and for lhe said Recordl'l r CoWaq foOd Stare,. penOnaUy appeared the within named .,g:.?":.../61.!;(t::.t.............. Book of Deeds .../-....J:Z4:At.i......(-/.i1Zk.~4L..-......h................................_........mm.......................... Vol. 3R7 p~ 70 ')n .bo (!.~(. Imowu fiO..tDIe ID be the ideatia1 individull.:! .mo neoued dx wilhin in. the~dl\Y of ~ ... "'- ~.~ :~,;,~..,:,,: !;.:a.~ me rhat $;.r:aec\lted die lame freely .nd voluntarily. 19~,&t~fclock""' M, " nr""~;';ii;,).) ~. I bne bemlnto set my hind Ind Ncxlrial ~ (he ~; .:.;,;- ~ ~,:- ~ day ~'1'. .h.....rllna"cit:-~,;:<f"-"m/L.J..:1.., By..3... ~ ~ f\:>.,.., ~ '.''-''\. . '" Noury Puhlk fw 0..8"". /, .' ,..1\ r_ .. . _ ,.~':'""" -y~..........&pu..'IIr[, ,4" ; Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal STATE or OlU;b~N. } I _ 88. County ot__~!l.L-- ' !IX IT RDEIIBBUD;, That on thie_.J.+__.daV ot .1..1'11-- A. D. 19,,4J_. botore me. tho Un4eraisned. a Notary Public. in and tar tho aaid Oounty and .Stato. personally appea~ed tho within named ...I. S:-_W-&J.J-" A..~~_Ws.tI.._--- .. ,......:f.1l~.;-(l.vt.. known to ..e to be the 14enUoal individuaL ~. who ,.."..:: ~ft~ed tho vithin instrument. and acknowledged to me that HI.,/ j . ~::,,""n:e~.d the eame treely and voluntarily, f ..;.... \) or J. r. ::","-"'IN WITNESS WlIII:RIIo,r. I have hereunto set lIlY hand and ; . i" .!~t4rhl. Se.l the day and year last ove written. <\"lIr\.\C.'~, ~ ~ ~~.,. .,/ t., 0 ary Public .tor_ ~r~f\on. '~'6'f~": ion II:xpiree: ~ II, /q4. .-...... BOOK :uti 1'Ali407 '-- ~ ~ ,t:l. ;r ~.. ; :~ f~! ~F ~ '! ~E 't:l ~ ~ ,l'l itila f'\V i ~ 'H ~ ~ :: .. ~ i' ~ ~ ;0 !. ~; !'i" ..., ~~ ~~ &: i"1" ..,v. _i:3: g E: !~~t".;.ct i:l1II ,,-rlll e- o 01' ~c ~" pl.; -0. a~ .~~~IO -.0. .; "'3.,- . ~~. ~:~b' _cto4= ...."Ill :u;'::; " ~;.~ ~ ~_.. , o~ "' G. to ::et::!::! a.. 0.11. .. ~O': . ., -. f ~ iN ;J-I !O'. 2 -t1v~ :: ~;1..~~,~.\ ~ :;\, I.fJ ;;.~ : \,};:,~.~ .,/.........,. ~ -:.;. ~1l1;..I~ ,r: ,,> ~-.'!!~ . Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 ~.~ .__m~___'~_ -. ... ----~-_.--.. ---. - --.-------" -.~ -- . Original SubmiW>\ ~--------------------------------:----~-~----------------------------.-------. For and in consideration of the .um ot One Dollar ($1.00), receipt whsreor is hereby acknowledged, a right-ot-way is hsr.by granted to KOWltain.'S't8tes Power CO~p8DY. a Delaware corporation. its successors and assigns forever, with the right to erect and maintain .._h..}.1,ol:J_line~ .a.b..the D.o:.'.tl~ _::iilia..-'l.i._.J..J~......roa2.....t:;..-~CI..:.:J.. .'":" :,;p-.l'~~n": _.r~.ve.,_r.un.n.inr f1!RS1. e..::ui..Jle..l..t...L.C.l:"".. t\...... .iLo:.>.!t . u::;na~l..~ubc.iyuion.. -.--.- -----"-.- with the necessary wires and fixtures thereon. and to keep same tree trom toliage acroB~ that property belonging to , _---'\QJJLio,..;l:Ulll Ilrul...!l~l).,,-O_[ll'loll and 81 tuated in the County of___. Lane L r~f';an . ... -, State ot and described a8 tollo.~:. 40 f:t...l'.oa..I:...::a.,::_in.ter.:.>ll;,;t...- ca~t:.p !,~.a.d. ~C?~~nt~. k'J~"..'~l.:._r;.~ ~m~.~:L..l:~}t~...9..1 ~_ D2.iD~ .jq.Q'_ _L;.Qr~,,-_Q;.~. )...:.c SOUti1.6S.Z t COI'n~ l' 01 thl.L.rtOQJL~...L- ')!J.e~J.:L~.Y~.;..1..Y.l.A.J....o_n__!-r&.._l~\1J.l...; .~ 'J.e _ _~~~~_t Il d1.~t!!!9" 01' 261...0 foot. lJ:l};LHoDD w~~ll..))u;"',g.~"Y bl.,-~qn. = i8 a .PUl't__~.,;;__'!L~otion }6 lI!-lb,,-T:1 ..Uh.JlIOl.t ".dJ.'i:.L,..n. ~~ t" '5; " , 0, t' "'-- 'j) ~ ~ , , ~ ~H) I'AH4UH It 18 underetood! that the elll)lloY..e of the Ilountain Statee Power Company, ita aU,ccel.ora and a..1IDe, shall at any time when neoeeeary. hava aooa.e to .ai4 right-of-way and the equipment thereon, for the purpo.e ot repair8, ItC., provided alwaye that Bold Moun~81n States Power Oomp8D7. ita DuaaeD.ore and 88Blgna, shell be held responsible tor any damas' which may be unneoes8arily done to the property above d..crib.d. WITNESS ,f2u,</. hand" ~H___'__' 191f1 D~ in tha preeence of: fJ3~,' ~ ~ai/~ ~ thia.--1:'i. _ day or and ..a~ &- 9(~___(SealJ .__~.~(SealJ STATE OF OREGON, t ,. . Ba. CountY or ~..-l 11 BE IT REMEMBERJ:D. That on thiB...2..l... day of - ,~-. A D 19 '1-1 . before me I: the undersigned. a Notary Pu&tic. in Bnd r~r the SBid'~Oun~Y and~State, per80~l,Y a~peare~the within named '5Sdl...-- e" _ .fl. _ o'._cJL- <I ff'. - . ~- "g----.- who 0...-..--- ..known to me ',to be the identical 1ndlvlduali. who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me thBt~. executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have herBunto aBt my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last ,ab,O,v, e Yr,itt,'B~i ~ ....___----:7-:7-7 /!?"-""'/~~::n:< ~ . --,.....-... H;;i.ary--p.;-bii~ for Oregon. Ny C0lllll11ssion ExPirss: 'f11~/fr' f, , " ? . .. ii~=. .." -cs:~ ~E ~ ;;s!"~: i!~%':IlQ- :a..... '....c ~.:< d JII"a -g-a.!':iZ.~ .1I'~=1. : a g.$.,. 'cr"'l' ~~s9 !....~r::; ~;~ ~ jl)..:;-':,'" ~:;~~ ~-.., " ,w ~~~: 3.~:~ ,,:::r ~.. f 'it" :' $. , ' r~ ;. ~ ~ , l . . " .,~ (... .. .:....:,.:!~--:-.... :=. .'.. Ol,\;;f:rtI~'::\ N /.. it' fiI ~-..'~\ 3 \ ~ \:y\.. ~ J:: ~~ .:l ~ \<,~': :~:!~~.:;./ ~ .Q'" -:> n ~..'D i . .~ _. ---- ..--_. ~. - ,"""",:""::,~,=---=~----~=,-,.,..., '.- .~-,--:-::.-;;..'~-,,;-:---:: ~--=," . -'-_.. Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 '. Original Submittal ..':l 1:..0 ',jl 'J '.,