HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/8/2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision Date Received: JAN ':8 2009 Original Submittal . -. Applicant Name: Geoff Cossen (541) 954-3821 Icompany: N/A I IAddress: 445 E.50th Av, EUQene OR 97405 I I < "" - -- _ -';-Cc'-' ~'_ - -... ., - . ~ <_. "'''''<;. < .", - "., >" > _ ";0' . < . .". _._,.~ ,c-_ _' - i'" ., . I IAPPlicant's Rep.: Joe Ferquson Phone: (541) 747-4917 I Icompany: Joseph Ferguson Prof. Land Surveyor Fax: I !Address: 'n ~130p~p_hn,e S~, Spr!nQ,field OR9?4?7 .! I Property Owner: Geoff Cossen (See Above) Phone: I Icompany: Fax: I !Address: I , , "~ -. -"".."'" v. _. ._". '-' c" . .~t ~ I IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03:36-11 ITAX LOT NO(S): 9100 I I Property Address: 2660 G St, Sprinqfield OR I ISize of Property: 12,825 Acres 0 Sauare Feet [XI' I IProposed Name of Subdivision: I I _, . .-' ."," ;r:_,", .~.~, -,. "' . - . ." I I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. I Prooosal: P"rtlition Dronprtv into two Darce/s' Existino hOllse on onp. P" "=,pw rI"-12lp')( lot IExistina Use: One sinqle family residence-~ I 1# of Lots/Parcels: 2 lAva. Lot/Parcel Size: 6,412 sf IDensity: 10 du/acre I Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the a ro riate box on the next . ~-/ (J)()r:f/? .~ J9dti) Ocn-'/- ,tky. Associated Applications: z.v'/1 UA.(J .- 'cW .I I Pre-Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Icase No.: SU,~'20O{_ OCW'S Date: IllPlcn Reviewed by: GO IAPplication Fee: $ J.{'i1100 ITechnical Fee: $ Jlf3.55 !postaae Fee: $ JigO"" ITOTAL FEES: $ 5.1.14: 55 I PROJECT NUMBER: ?~) 7PXRJ.....(X:t::F;?") Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application. at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided jf not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submttted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: l~j~^\ (OVV slgnatu~~ Date: ~(7{Ol I I Geoff Cossen Print Date Received: JAN .:, 8 2009 Original Submitt~1 ~ Land Division Tentatiye Submittal Requirements Checklist Date Received: NOTE: JAN ..; 8 2009 . ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submittal and Submittal. o If you feel an item on the list belowl:does not apply to your specific ~i~IlIi~J"c state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~. Application Fee - refer to the DeJelopment Code Fee S~hedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable applica,tion, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages.;' ~/and Division Tentative Applicaiion Form . It:( Narrative explaining the purpose ~f the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. . ~y of the Deed . cg/ Copy of a Preliminary Title Repoirt issued within the past 30 days documenting ~nershiP and listing all encumbra'lces. g" Copy of the Land Division Plan ~educed to 8'h"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. - \ ~ Right-of-Way Approach Permit A. pplication provided where the property has frontage ~\~ an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. ~ Three (3) Copies of the StormwiJter Management System Study with Completed Storm water Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations, and documentation must be consistent .}...ith the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. , ~~ ii '.' Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 AA. ITraffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and, mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, 'a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate,and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also I address, if needed, City, metro plan; and state land use and transportation poliCies and objectives. o Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR . Eightee 18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of . ~paration. " ~ All plan sets must be folded tp 8Y2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. I a. ~ssessment of Existing C;onditions .:s. ~Prepared by an Oregon licensed 'L.aRS&E:Jpe ^~~ :; :. ,gl;fe~ , [fMIicinity Map V\B+'2-.. , ~name, location, and dimensiOns of all existing site features including' buildings, curb cuts, trees, and impervious!surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For eXi~ting structures to remain, also indicate present use and required setbacks from prop'osed property lines. \\\ \~ The name, location, dimensions,"direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses '\ and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse M~ on file in the Development Services Department ~he 100-year floodplain and f1oo'pway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance ~ate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision' , ~e Time of Travel Zones, as sp~cified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead ~tection Areas Map on file in tne Development Services Department 0' Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 1/2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian ~s, wetlands and rock outcroppings [if'Soil types and water table inforri,ation as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey i,ndicates the proposed develop. 'CJ\!l'telRe_e(j?table soils and/or a high water table I b. ~d Division Tentative Plan ii " ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed ,Land Surveyor Original Submittl'll ~~ City boundaries, the Urban GrovJth Boundary, and any special service district " ~daries or railroad right-of-~ay which cross or abut the proposed land division [B"Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land division " Q130undaries of entire area owned, by the property owner, of which the proposed land division is a part, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate ~nsions of each building site 'indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale rnocation and type of existing and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of illumination ~cation, widths,' conditions, and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division. Proposed streets should also include approximate radius of curves and grades and relationship to any projected str~ets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, , C3Pceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map. ' [k/"Cocation of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, ~sformers, neighborhood mail,box units and similar public facilities G;?'i.~tion and dimensions of exist:jng and proposed driveways ~ocation of existing and proposed transit facilities ~ation and width of all existin~ and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian ?SS ways and bike trails ,: [B"'Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip " JAN - 8 2009 ~ation and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, ~hone, and cable TV. Indic~te the proposed connection points []J"The locations of all areas to be d,edicated or reserved for public 'use, with the' purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated \ \\rK1 Future Development Plan where!iphasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as specified t-'T in SDC 5.12-120 E. c. S)lH"mwater Management PI~n @"Prepared by an Oregon licensed :Civil Engineer 'I. \f1\J Planting plan prepared by an Or~gon licensed Landscape Architect '1J)ate Iil~i,ed: N.l' proposed as part of the stormwater management system ~f drainage patterns and dis~harge locations' JAN - 8 2009 [A"Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns ., S b 'tt I I Ongmal u ml a .. \~The size and location of storm water management systems components, including but ["'<:rnot limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained ~tin and proposed spot elev~tions and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for la with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) I, Amount of proposed cut and fill o Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDSI APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE , APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDERI'UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DI~SSED IN SDC 5.1-120: ' If1 Proposed deed restrictions a~d a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement ~ Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC 3.2-230 , I Riparian Area Protection Rep?rt for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Lir;rited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct trib\!taries of WQLW A Geotechnical Report prepa~ed by an engineer must be'submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district , If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified , in SDC 5.19-100 ' ~~ [J ~ [I co A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property Any required federal or state 'permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence , the permit application has bel'ln submitted for review Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development ~ applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 #Pc %- An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city I.imits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer: All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Cj,,,;;.~d!f Springfield Official Receipt D~'(jiopment Services Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00002 DRC2009-00002 DRC2009-00002 ' SUB2009-00003 SUB2009-00003 SUB2009-00003 Payments: Type of Payment Check Check CreditCard Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00002 DRC2009-00002 DRC2009-00002 SUB2009-00003 SUB2009-00003 SUB2009-00003 Payments: Type of Payment Check Ch~ck CreditCard Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00002 DRC2009-00002 DRC2009-00002 S UB2009-00003 SUB2009-00003 SUB2009-00003 Payments: Type of Payment Check Check CreditCard cReceintl RECEIPT #: ' 3200900000000000012, Date: 01108/2009 Description CTY MinorVariance ( to 30%) Postage Fee Type II - $160 + 5% Technology Fee CTY Partition Tentative Plan Postage Fee Type II - $160 + 5% Technology Fee Paid By GEOFFREY/ELIZABETH COSSEN GEOFFREY/ELIZABETH COSSEN JOSEPH M FERGUSON Item Total: l.:heck Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received LD 1018 In Person LD 1017 In Person LD 140729 In Person Payment Total: Description CTY Minor Variance (to 30%) Postage Fee Type 11- $160 + 5% Technology Fee CTY Partition Tentative Plan Postage Fee Type II - $160 + 5% Technology Fee Paid By GEOFFREY/ELIZABETH COSSEN GEOFFREY/ELIZABETH COSSEN JOSEPH M FERGUSON Item Total: Check Number Authorization Receiv~d By Batch Number Number' How Received LD 1018 In Person LD 1017 In Person LD 140729 In Person Payment Total: Description CTY Minor Variance (to 30%) Postage Fee Type 11-,$160 + 5% Technology Fee CTY partition Tentative Plan ,Postage Fee Type 11- $160 + 5% Technology Fee Paid By GEOFFREY/ELIZABETH COSSEN . GEOFFREY/ELIZABETH COSSEN JOSEPH M FERGUSON Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received LD 1018 In Person LD 1017 In Person LD O t 'Receiveli?729 In Person a e Payment Total: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal Page 1 of 1 2:15:43PM Amount Due 2,433,00 160,00 121.65 4,871.00 160,00 243.55 $7,989.20 Amount Paid $2,433,00 $4,871.00 $685,20 $7,989.20 Amount Due 2,433,00 160,00 121.65 4,871.00 160,00 243,55 $7,989.20 Amount Paid $2,433,00 $4,871.00 $685,20 $7,989.20 Amount Due 2,433,00 160,00 121.65 4,871.00 160,00 243,55 $7,989.20 Amount Paid $2,433,00 $4,871.00 $685,20 $7,989.20 1/8/2009 G"S-"F 'fJ I:i CITY OF ~IIUl~~".lJ!,LD VICIro.u t MAP ~,-,n~vv9-00003 2660 G Street :t Ih CN l;!; :Ii: lil CN -G-S'f ~. 0>'1' <3 Iii :r to '" to '" SITE Map 17-03-36-1I Tax Lot 9100 SGN-'=N G-S Pi cr; I-- Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal b I North l' .'.'. ;I' "". - ;::' Joseph M. Ferguson, PLS 2130 Daplme Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 747-4917 T-FenrusonPLS@ComcasLnet January 7, 2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Tentative Land Partition for Geoff Cossen Address: 2660 G Street Taxlot 17-03-36-11 #9100 This application is for a partition of property at Northeast comer of 26th Street and G Street. Proposed partition was subject of a Development Issues Meeting held June 26, 2008 ((lON2008-00026), and Pre-Submittal Case;#PRE2008-00070. Documents submitted with this aDDlication: 1. Tentative Partition application form, checklist, and fee of $4,871. 2. Narrative of the proposal, including explanations of compliance with SDC 5.12- 125, Tentative Plan Criteria, and SDC 4.2-105, Public Streets. 3. Copy of current deed and preliminary title report (including Mt States easements). 4. Reduced 8 Y, x 11 inch copy of tentative partition plan. 5. Three (3) copies of Stormwater Management Plan by Stephen Keating, C.E. 6. Draft deed restriction language for redevelopment of Parcel Two (if needed). 7. Draft legal description for street right-of-way dedication 8. 18 packets containing: ' . Tentative Partition Plan (18 x 24) . Site Assessment Plan (18 x 24) ** ' ~ Soil information from Soils Survey of Lane County downloaded from NRCS website. . FEMA map ** Site Assessment map was prepared by an Oregon licensed professional land surveyor, as approved in letter from Andy Limbird date July 18, 2008 Note: Minor Variance application accompanies this tentative partition application. Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Sl,lbmittpl Tentative Land Partition for Geoff Cossen Narrative of Pro Dosa I This partition would create a new vacant residential parcel at the NE comer of 26th and G Streets: Existing and planned zoning for this property is Low Density Residential. Parcel One is planned as a duplex parcel with a single 20' driveway onto G Street near the east side of the frontage. The existing curb cut will be replaced with standard curb/gutter section. Parcel Two contains the existing single family house and will have frontage and continued driveway access on 26th Street. The existing gravel driveway/parking area will be paved 18' x 20' and will have a grassed swale on the north side for water quality treatment. The unused portion of the existing 30' driveway curb cut will be replaced with full-height standard curb and gutter section. Parcel One will not have sufficient frontage to meet SDC requirements on 26th Street; an application for Minor Variance is included with the partition application. The surrounding area is a fully developed residential neighborhood. . Utilities: All public utilities are available at the utility pole near the NE property comer. Existing overhead lines to the existing residence will be reloc~ted underground in a 7' easement across the north end of Parcel 1. A 5' wide public utility easement is proposed along the east property line for existing overhead telephone line. Underground services to the proposed duplex on Parcell will be adjacent to the proposed 5' PUE. e Public Easements: PUEs are proposed adjacent to the east property line and adjacent to both rights-of-way. The PUE adjacent to 26th Street will also be a public sidewalk easement. e Streetlil!hts: Streetlights are already installed on two power poles on the west side of 26th Street, across from the northeast and southeast property comers. e Streets: Adjoining public streets are fully improved but lack sidewalks. Curbside walks are located on G Street intermittently to the west, but not to the east. Dedication of 5' additional right-of-way is proposed on G Street. No dedication is proposed on 26th Street, as there is insufficient room to dedicate right-of-way and to reconstruct the wastewater sewer laterals. Since 26th Street is a dead end street, the partition and proposed duplex wiil produce no impact on 26th. e Street Trees: Three "Bonfire Sugar Maple" street trees are proposed for 26th Street as shoWn. No street trees are proposed for G Street due to physical constraints from the future sidewalk, driveway, the utility pole at the southeast comer, and the vision triangle at 26th Street. Any trees on G Street would need to be planted within 5' of the planned duplex and would create future problems with the building foundation. . ImDrovement Agreements: Applicant will sign agreements for future public public improvements, including sidewalks to be constructed when additional right-of-way is secured from adjoining properties. Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original SubmittpI o Stormwater DiSDosal: Existing public storm drains have capacity to handle all the runoff from this property (see study by Stephen Keating, CE). Drainage from the new driveway on Parcel 2 will drain to a grassed swale, and thence to a weephole. Roof drains for Parcell will drain to weepholes. o Stormwater Oualitv: No stormwater quality facilities are required. However the runoff from the new driveway serving Parcel 2 will drain to a grassed swale and thence to the gutter in 26th Street. ' o Wastewater Service: The existing commo!), lateral serving the existing house and the residence to the north (821 26th St) will be replaced by two parallel sewer laterals connecting to the existing lines where cleanouts will be constructed. These lines will either connect to the existing lateral line just outside the new ' , right-of-way dedication, or by construction of a new 6" tap into the 10" public wastewater line in G Street if this can be accomplished with a building permit. Private easements (shown as easements B and C) will cover the location and future maintenance requirements. Both sides of the duplex will be served by the existing lateral located approximately 30' west of the southeast property comer. o Fire Hvdrants: The nearest hydrant is on the south side of G street 310' west of the southwest property comer. Another hydrant, also on the south side of G Street, is at the intersection with 28th Street, approximately 420' west. o Transit Routes: The nearest transit routes are at 28th/Olympic to the north, and 14th/G Street to the west. o Gradin!! and Paving: The property is flat; no grading is necessary other than typical foundation excavation. There is sufficient existing elevation for roof drains to drain to weepholes in the curb; no imported fill material is necessary. o A walkway to the front door of the existing residence will be constructed during the construction of improvements on Parcel One. e The shop building cannot be used as a garage. It has no foundation, and has a wood floor 1;6 feet above the ground. ' e There are no significant physical features , affecting this property or with the potential to impact adjoining properties. e There are no water courses, wetlands, riparian areas, or unstable soils affecting the property. o The property is served by two existing streetlights on the west side of 26th Street, across from the southwest and northwest property comers. . Date Received: JAN - B 2009 Original Submittal T eiltative Land Partition for Geoff Cossen Buildin~ Restriction IDraft for City Review) Note: This restriction shouldn't be needed, as no additional right-of-way is being dedicated on 26th Street. Instead, a ~ombined sidewalk easement and PUE is being " created. This restriction is included in the event the easements are found to be , I, unacceptable during tentative partition review. However any additional dedication on 26th creates both building setback isiues and prevents construction of new wastewater sewer laterals, Recitals , 1. Geoff and Elizabeth Cossen (DECLARANTS) are owners of property described on the Statutory Warranty Deed recorded December 7,2007, Instrument #2007- 081091, Lane County Deeds imd Records. 2. DECLARANTS have partitid'ned said property, as platted and recorded in LaI).d Partition P A , Lane County Oregon Partition Plat Records. 3. The existing house on Parcel f of said partition does not comply with minimum requirements for front yard setback distance as specified in Springfield Development Code Section 3;2-215. Now, therefore, DECLARANTS hereby declare and place the following restriction upon said Parcel 2: " No reconstruction of the house on Parcel 2 of Land Partition PA Lane County Oregon Partition Plat Records, shall occur unless said reconstruction meets ;all setback requirements specified in ,the Springfield Development Code in effect at the time of said reconstruction. I This restriction shall remain in full fClrce and effect unless waived or modified with the approval of the Planning Director of~e City of Springfield, Oregon. Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Suhm\ttal.____ Land Partition for Geoff Cossen 1 ~,e~al Descriotion for G Street Ri!!ht-of-Wav Dedication IDraft for Citv Review\ Beginning at the southeast corner of the property described on the deed recorded December 7, 2007, Instrument #2007-081091, Lane County Deeds and Records, said southeast comer lying on the north right-of-way line of G Street and located by deed North 540 feet and South 890 30' West 440 feet from the Northeast comer of the James A. Ebbert DLC #74 in Section 36, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the WilIamette Meridian; Run thence S 89030' W along the north line of G Street 95 feet to the east right-of-way line of 26th Street; : Thence north along said east right-of-way line 5.00 feet; Thence N 890 30' E 95 feet along a line 5.00 feet north of and parallel with the . north line of G Street to a point on the east line of said property; Thence South along said eastiproperty line to the point of beginning; Containing 475 square feet more or less. , 'I Date Received JAN - G 2009 Original ::luDmilla' f-I w' ~I f-' lnl ,,~ Fr' \O~I'" N! I , N89'JGl:IMO EXISTING . ~,~" ~'<) . '<<0 > "',> P> i '" :!: I~ r #./ ~a _ ~ ~o -.t=-,::: ',' ~,j,I-_ I~O E~NG ~ ~~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~ - " \1:j ~ :,' '["= i.1iii <) ~~ ~J ,- lOl' "I. ,1;0; MOIl ~ . \ 5\ '- , ill' ,,'0 I '- , ,''--'I' I' ;fI)_w_w~ ,- ~ . I!~ i7'" I t ) ol.:r PARCEll ~ ~"'I"'" - ORI'Ii----,;- elli} = PAVflol;~ 1 ~ ~ _lIJ,:,6I.7Sa.Fi. ..J>r}J:: \.,1 " I;":::r~'~"""""Mn.'---------- IJ,: ~: I' , .....:\, .-"'""""" I-~ -k . ~ ---+: ,1>IIV!lI'", '--"' l,' I . .t:: --- ---;':"~-------T-+-':"'-----~': [!] (IR:\EWAV!' I, ;',Rfl'I UWICAT;r:tl ': : " 12000 _ -/: .~ -~! '3''lv'Il'J'.fI" .".1 1 '9sao ~ ~ i I . ' fj)'CONCI:JE! --1'11'61 EJ;15T!N:;MI\E'~A1--;;;' : ~,,",J__-------=--WN5_IOCWCRl'TE~WI'f5+-__~ -w#s= - ~ ~ ~FILEtE'l 0; i'2 _6Zi'J WI'O a'~ONr-l>I'lE;J:ic ~ ~115 <;/'/5 ----+--< ~ 0 RIl1ELE~oIMl9 FILELE'I/ rt lOG" STREET F1iJ~-' J" < ~M.14 RltlB..EVol.61t + "'~E!.EV..~81 . VI_W~\I_W~W~-.,...----II-\'I-~-"-W w- '1' lG' i<!rl~e b,:1 TI>X lOT #IZlOO L 1", I (lII1~~AY ~ .>J),W 1~ d' fAXtollllZ7J....J . 10TH PlJQ Z64~ G STREET 1ll.1l0T "1200 ~.llIMf'lQ'IEDJ (QRNEW~~ AT 5W CWf.R f.f LOll w,: ~ STREH ~ <T ;1/"1 !I ~I ;; MAIN:>T VICINITY HAP NOT TO SCAlE PRIVATE EASEMENTS A,rl"llVmlITILIT~EI.S1:I'EH'I SElNI~PARCEL/. s.~. f'1IVA1E WASlE \ljATER EASErfNI S&l'1M>PA'<,Ell88112MHST. C,5'PRNATE\'IIASmWAlEREI.S1:ME.~T 5ER\tiHGlIZIljiTHST. ~ REGlSn;;R~ PROFl!I&IONAL ' . LAND SURVEYOR \"'~~ ( AIL"',. -.- ... '11143 RENEW.q D.lfE 11131/i1f o ~1"10 '" :OF.r>UAY: ljiSOGST~ET TIJ( leT '~OO(i " c' e, " TENTATIVE PARTITION ,~ GEOFF & ELIZABETH COSSEN TAX LOT 17-0;E~6-11 LOT #9800 SITEADORESS: 2660G STREET,SPRINGFIELDOR JANUARY 2009 NOTES: ELEVATlONSBA5EDI)IICITYBENCHH:\RK:~CHi5ELEDsaUAREGNTOPOF CURB I 5W CQRNER 26TH (SWHiaol..tC) MJD G STREETS BOTIiPARCELS TOEE SERVED BY UjDERGilOUND UTILITIES F!'KlM PQLE NEAR NE PROfERTYCORNER. NEAREST F!RE HYDRANT IS ~IO' WEST OF THE 5W PROPERTY CORNER, ON SOUTH SIDE QfGSTREET, THEREARE~TRANSITROiJTESNEAR5Y(SEfN./JRRATIVE.) ~OPERTY ISS.1lJECT TOl:TllITYEASEMENTSRECCRDEDJL.lY2~, 19l1,NO.99579,AND REC~DDECEMBER9.19f.8,RECEPTI(}.IjND.8m7WHICHCONT4IN NO SPECIFIC LOCATII}IJS. NEWDRIVEW4YANDPAVINGSTONEWALKFOREXISTI~HOJSETC.BECONSTRUCTED WITIiDEVELOPMENTPARCELONE. NEW DRIVEWAY ON PARCEL 2MEASJRED FRDI1BACK or 5 FOOT SI~EWALKEASEMENT. NEW D~I~EWAY ON PARCEL 2 DRAiNS TO GRASS SWALE BOTH 2~TH STREET Al-ll G SiREET ARE SERVED BY QQ WATT LPS STREET LIGhTS. iO. TrE APPLE TREES AND~' OECIDlJWS TREE WIU BE REMOVED. II. t14XIt1U1 HEIGHT OF EXISTING R:~IDENCE IS 17' ABOVE GROUND. IZ, OIJPLEX ROOF.ORAINAGE WILL GO TO WEtP HO!.ES IN CURB, I~. EXISTING lMJSEDCl.t!B CUTS WILL BE RE?LACEi) WITH FJ..L HEIGHT STANDARJ CURB ~ECTION. Il. NO GRADING OR FIUING ISREaUIRfO OTHER THAN TYPICAL FGliMlATIONExCAVAilON 15. ll'J'~EX TO BE SERVED BY EXISTING 'JNUSED S\:WER LATERAL, APFROX, ~o WESTQF Sf FRQPERTYCORNER. q\.oo' <Ie ( , 5 N89~30'00' E SO,OO' i . :;lRW/LIJof. Ci.l-DE.;AC ,,""' . . !.EWEllSE?'YICf'Ll'B T/.XLOl'9100 8111~T~ STREET 6 . . . !lJ(lOTUIQ'; z~el G/J!SON LN. 7 , 9, II II _QVfRHEAllFffif(",f'QWER fr- CAI'IUNE~ ~II I ,"00 II ._~liI 8 ----- ~::. E-'croll'l'lE1FfE " \~ y" ~ I I LEGEND N8903Q'OO"E 120.00' "00 11~.oa "' STQRH WATE~ PIPE '''' WASTE'WATERPIPE W~TE~L1~ fiI "_ST~HWATERCATCH~I~ '" PJ!lItS1llEETRIGHT.Qf-\4AY IIOOFOC'lll<lsPWIS , ,1/.SIEWAffiCLEI.NWT (ill UTILITY fill. -$- UTIUTlPI)..EI'Il1H~niIAnlP5SIRfETllGfII O\I.INLNlFna IIIOO)FE~ 111 ~'ATERVIIL'IE liD ]lIAlER~E~ ~ml(tE 0 ""'" 1'1 ~"" PIlI\'ATtEISEH~T <) SlPfETTl<EES {B~fRES'J:;MMAF'.l) f'i!(;f>[)SEOSEiiERlATEll.lL TM lOt 110100 /bat G STREET . . ~ t R . d 'JOSEPH M, FERGUSON ua e ecelve fROFESS10NAllAND SURVEYOR 213D DAPHNE STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (541)747-4917 JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal "' -. '~ KEATING ENGINEERING LLC 159 EAST 16TIl AVENUE EUGENE, OR 97401 (541) 242-0613 STORMW A TER RUNOFF CONTROL FOR 2660 G STREET - SPRINGFIELD NARRATIVE The owner of the subject site wishes to develop two residential parcels from one large existing lot on the NE corner of G street and 26th in Springfield. An existing moderately sized single family home is on the existing upland partition area and is surrounded by similar residential uses and developed urban infrastructure. A scoping sheet was supplied by the City of Springfield (Appendix A) identifying required study items. To address the stonnwater issues on the site, the following requirements must be met: I. A drainage study must be prepared in accordance with SDC 4.03.2 as a "small" study, including the following: a. A written narrative showing the proposed drainage system b. A hydrologic study map of the basin area (n this case, the partition) c. Hydrographic calculations are based on Rational peak flow method for a 2-yr stonn per 4.03.3, for flows ofless than 5 CFS d. Pipe size calculations, flow lines, and general arrangement. Due to the prospective nature of the partition and the lack of a definite development plan, the piping design will be relatively generic, but will address the requirements for slope, depth of burial, and capacity. 2. A drawing showing existing and proposed contours as submitted by the surveyor for the partition. 3. The location of any private stonn water easements, as submitted by the surveyor for the partition. Due to the size and nature of the proposed use, no pre ~,~,,~ment is proposed and the Best Management Practices for the site are limited to ordinary housekeeping tasks (containment of motor oil and household chemicals) and are not a part of this study, SYSTEM DESIGN The following page is excerpted from City mapping, showing the rim and approximate flow lines of the existing stonnwater system adjacent to the study area. The existing building is proposed to be connected to the street via 4" diameter piping to new curb weeps in 26" street, and the existing driveway will be sheet-drained to the gutter. The partition area that is proposed for future development will be connected to the curb along G street, also with a weep. This results in the most easily maintained and conveniently monitored system design with the least impact on City piping systems. Piping gradients of I % extending from the most distant corners of the buildings to the curb will be achieved by adjusting the site grading to incorporate sufficient elevation to provide cover to the 4" piping together with sufficient slope provide positive flow to the street. Driveway paving is to be graded to drain to the gutter on the new building area, whereas the existing driveway sheet drains to landscape areas and is infiltrated into the underlying soils (identified as Coburg type CL with moderate to low penneability), HYDROLOGIC STUDY MAP Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal Below is data from City mapping, with the site identified and city piping as indicated -, '" I I 'j 1--.-' ' "'--- "-.' 'l~' I 'I I 0--, , I _-=._~_~5~:rJ ~,'. '." r-1, ~ '. ,/f,F-) 2698 --," )) -I---'~'.';).,~! .--'--fl I i---:>-.-J 2:" 2+_5_1- -_2"1 4J~ ,-----,---'--~L) r 'I '7 403:"""",,,~_ i I ( S~H:_, j r 'I - j - 1. L....J \ / Ii / ','-. ' , , , . .---Rlm;.' I L g - - ':;,J ~J'f~J'--^c-('20'_.J 25~' ~'i;1I__"' ' " Dej\" ~ll 't- =T'~' "!I r 'e' ,>-3'11-"_" ^, -- ""'" ,..fro)' ) I I, _ ~' go ,\1_1 -~ CON'8) I ~-_=--I""","",",~- =--;-r-H~4i- -I ~ _ ' . "j _~ _I ~ -. ~ ~F.I'4+G.C,.. ~ ") I---JOO'---CC " .~'+7 ti3.tl 'x /1< <Tv _ ~" ~";..t--,' r-. I jJ ,-! I".", J I r '0' ,'7"7 \ l- 268! ',""."',' .g4ib'..,..., I ,J 101 I - J,f - '\' C tj" ,.+, ...n\_"'<--------~i'~.~+ "'- ,+ 126""'T '--, I \ .-' ( D\ ~. i ~i:1 'frO-N~i, i ,..,---~_.-!! -';A J,,-rrl I ~ ~ -.~.' 'j' ! r i~,'!.E~'.'-f_1 - f__' \.x'~~-' / J:f' r 26~!"-~~'.',:i 4-1?~'.'P6'1_,,! c. 731 I r ~~~: 1..:--, _J l' z iP~-l I -',-. ~:.>~~~:.... " ' l-/ l D~pth: ~,---J 11 L ,.... 00 8 L_l" ,. I ...-T-L (r- /i, -~8E01:r~OO'lOOo,.~"'I'1" ~ ~ ~ ." I' J._I( , '; i'Li- , '~,v~',- l, \ J 'jrV'- L - .~-<~ / _ . .....!_. ~ X 472.]! l ~ ' ,_, ~ { , ___' ,c&--_ --,'0 '" r:4 2',50, \ , r _~~ ([ -\ l. D!_ I !-r 'f~c,:J (\_ ~Z8 ~~r, \L_~_o80 '1'72,' X, (, 0 [J ! ::' ) '--.1 '26~O \ ~)rl 0. 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DlVIR' 'ICf5l"7::':;:~lJ-- ,.--:-~()th;-...;..-3'. ~<-~ _ ----~.-__ N . , J \ Rim.j\471 "5'\;-<:"tF.:> \ 404--Pro'j~-OO-OGO :',1::"'--'_ '----t---, '-'~-r--- __, "i.'"'-- - -"'t, --~, D th'" 'Y '",..Y I II ..."-,~ I ~' ,,~'-v-. '" I -', ep-: 4 ., ./'11 hl";';- \' ,....1 , :::>"1,_'---1-~roj:LOQ:l,-0619_00 I \..--I...L...-11 <I j--- I 1\. ,/' \, I ,0.. F]/ \ ILI--l .. lJ.. -4--.., -1 ' i 2w511 j "-1,1 2705,-;[-[\' 27n ~ I' "721 'I~, ,,' I . ,- ._i I li?'h{,:'}...--..J, ~" '}.~;tr'\ "-' - I! ,..,) , I' I I IIN-v"", I'" / 10.-" ~_..-,,;;Ii ~ I In~ ---, " ,.,'_ J'. ,<,1.,,:\ '. I' '~I -,- _\ -.- ,~,~_,,), -"'d 1 _,_.-..",,",,= I --'- I I "1..",1 '#n' 1-2[;'--'(,,!,,7J f~(T'I~ )2 \g</' 2;'&Y II,n"Jr j )I'.rr;:,"~, =-1 i (- I I) I~i - -SM;-:-ob3i (, I,~_. r) ~ ). itj ~~~~ tLL~L~_L., )i~ SlIR" L, ~ S~~ -j I .r ! r _.'. _".. [ II. 1---, , I ."'__.-' . _-'""'! _ ..... J .-, \ I K ..... Rim. A curb inlet exists on the SW and SE comers of the subject site, and a developed street with curbs and gutters extends on both frontages, An existing 8" concrete storm sewer pipe flows to the west. OVERFLOW CONDITIONS It is presumed that a 25 yr event will equal the capacity of the existing municipal stormwater piping systems and in that event, water would collect in the curb-side gutters, and on lower lying portions of the site, No interior areas of buildings are impacted by a 25-year storm event. The capacity of the on-site piping, at 0.80 CFS, when split between two nearly equal pieces, will not exceed 0.40 CFS. The minimum piping capacity for 4" pipe at a gradient ofV,% would be as follows (using Manning's): Diameter = 0.330 ft Flow Area = 0.0855 sq-ft Wetted perimiter = 1.037 ft Hydraulic radius = 0.0825 ft The Flow Capacity is 0.155 crs The flow velocity is 1.810 fps This condition would exist as a worst-case where the inlets to the stormwater drainage piping were approximately I ft ahove the gutter flow line, and the gutter was flowing full. This indicates that the capacity issues in the private system are transferred to the city system in a 25 year event, with no detention on site, , Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Using rational methods for Q, where Q=CIA C~.98 for roofs and paving. C=.61 for landscaping (SCS curve no for open space soil group B) 1=3.33 in/hr A~ O.3ac For a lot coverage of25% for pre-development conditions, weighted curve no (.25*.98)+(.75* .61) = .70 Pre-development runoffQ~ O,70*3j3*0.3~ 0.70 CFS For a lot coverage of 50% post-development'conditions, weighter curve no (.50*-98)+(.50* .61)= .80 Post-development runoffQ~ 0.80*3.33*0.3~ 0.80 CFS CONCLUSIONS The additional flows from the subject site (0.'10 CFS) are distributed to the city system, and a 25 year event is not detained. ! ~ ! /'c~-i'):::'f).. '" 'c QjPRD" :ilfr~3\. j .t(r \ill:;:" -J..'(~t,/C.'';,'/,,0,~, Rf .",\# 218 pd~'. rr- /W Y j') ;:, ).'/1 /' fU].-. Jj~ ~7'" 2l" "j <".-01 ",o'i)"('" "'~ \ \ .i (7-;E1G '1.-.,,-"> \\ -"EXP-6-JO-2009 \ I \/ , Date Received: JAN - 8 2n~9 Orlgil"?\ Slmm,(\c.L..._."._.,_ Tentative Land Partition for GeoffCossen Comoliance with SDC 5.12-125. Tentative Plan Criteria (responses are in italics) A. The request conforms to the provisions of this Code pertaining to lot/parcel size and dimensions. These standards are in SDC 3.2-215 Base Zone Development Standards Standard Minimum Parcel One Parcel Two Area, Corner Lots 6,000 sq ft 6,647 sqft N/A Area, N-S Streets 5,000 sq ft N/A 5,703 sq ft Frontage, E-W streets 45' 95 ' N/A Frontage, N-S streets 60' 45' * 85' Parcel Coverage 45% (Max) 44.9%** 28% ** Building Setbacks Front Yard ]0' Vacant 13' *** Street Side Yard 10' Vacant N/A Rear Yard 10' Vacant 10' Interior Yard 5' Vacant 5 ' south side Garage/Carport 18' No existing garages or carports Accessory Structure 3' The shop is a minimum of 3 'from existing or proposed parcel lines. **** * Concurent Minor Variance application is included with the tentative app. ** Assumes new driveways and buildingfootprints as shown on drawing. *** Language for a deed restriction, if necessary, is included in this application. **** The existing shop has a vertical door but cannot be utilized as a garage, It has a wooden floor which is 1.5' above the ground and cannot support a vehicle. Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submitt~J Tentative Land Partition for Geoff Cossen Comoliance with SDC 5.12-125 (cont\ (responses are in italics) B. The wning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable , Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. This property, all adjoining properties, and all properties within 400 feet lying west of 28'h Street are zoned Low Density Residential according to the City's on-line zoning map. C. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities..... . shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development. .. The site is served by public wastewater and stormwater systems, and abutted by improved public streets on two sides. All public utilities including natural gas are available to the site. Public utility easements are proposedfor the east 5' of the entire property to cover the existing power poles and wires, and wherever else requested by the City or utilities during the review process. Utility services to the existing residence will be relocated Private easements will be created as shown, or as needed in locations acceptable to utilities. A Stormwater Management Plan prepared by Stephen Keating, CE, is included in this application. The existing residence and the property to the north (821 26th Street) are served by a common wastewater sewer service line, This will be replaced as described above with private easements created on the final partition plat. D. The proposed land division shall comply with all public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. E. Physical features....; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance.. . .shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. This site contains no significant open space or vegetation. There are no creeks, water features, drainage courses, wetlands or riparian areas. There are no steep slopes (maximum slope is 1.3%), rock outcrop pings or naturalfeatures. There are no historical designations on the property or buildings, and the site is not within the Washburne Historical District. Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 , Original Submittal Tentative Land Partition for GeoffCossen Comoliance with SDC 5.12-125 (cont\ (responses are in italics) F., Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: . Facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion . Provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas . Minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code; . Comply With ODOT access management standards for State highways. The duplex has not been designed yet, but two viable alternatives have been developed by the architect with the preferred alternative shown. The other alternative would place driveways much nearer to the intersection of 26/h/G Streets and further limit area available for street trees. With either option, full height curb/gutter section will replace unused curb cuts on both streets. Proposed dedications and public improvement agreements will allow for jitture construction of sidewalks, improving bicycle and pedestrian safety. The property is bordered on two sides by public right-ol-way, and by developed single family residential parcels on the other two sides. There are no ' opportunities to provide either bicycle/pedestrian or vehicle connectivity in addition to that currently provided by G Street. The nearest transi(service points are located at 28'h/Olymp1c or 14'h/G Street, No access to or impact upon a state highway will result from this partition. G. Development of any remainder of the property nnder the same ownership can be accomplished as specified in this code. ' There will be no undeveloped-remaining property. H. Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that will allow its development as specified in this Code. All adjacent properties have access to public right-ol-way and utility service, and are fUlly developed. I. (Not Applicable - this land is within City limits). J. (Not Applicable - this property is not currently used as manufactured dwelling park or,mobile home park and none is proposed.) Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal Tentative Land Partition for GeoffCossen (:~l!!Pliance with SDC 4.2-105. Public Streets (Responses are in italics) A. General Provisions 1. The location, width and grade of streets... . .. Standards in A.l, apply to new streets. No new streets are proposed with this partition. There is no opportunity to extend public or private streets with this partition, and all adjoining properties are developed single family residential lots. 2. All streets and alleys shall be dedicated and improved as specified in this Code. No new streets are proposed.' Right-ol-way is being dedicated along G Street and a sidewalk easement along 26th Street. Both streets are improved. This partition will have no impact on traffic on 26'h Street. 3. Development Approval shall not be granted where a proposed application would create unsafe traffic conditions. No unsafe conditions will be created. The existing driveway onto 26th Street(a dead-end street) will be paved but creates no new 'traffic conflicts. The new driveway on G Street will be 30' fUrther from the intersection than the existing curb cut. 4. A developer may be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study........ This proposal will create two new dwelling units and does not require a TIS according to the criteria in subsections a, b, or c B. Streets shall be dedicated through the approval of a subdivision plat, or by acceptance of a deed when approved by the City for general traffic circulation as specified in the Metro Plan and the Transplan. Additional right-ol-waywill be dedicated by deed. A draft legal description is ' enclosed with this application. C. (Table 4.2-1, Street Right-of-way and Curb-to-curb Width Specifications) Both adjoining streets are improved. Existing structure in G Street is 32' paving in a 40' wide r/w; in 26th Street the structure is 27' wide paving in a 30' r/w. An . additional 5' of r/w is being dedicated on G Street and a sidewalk easement on 26th Street which will provide room for curbside sidewalks, D. Functional Classification of Streets. (More of a statement than a criterion). E. Dead-end Streets No new streets, dead-end or through, are proposed. 26th is an existing deadend street with a modified hammerhead turnaround. This partition is unable to modifY the status or design of 26th Street. Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 0riQin!3! Sl.Ihmittel i' AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPA~IY OF OREGON 800 WILLAMi::TTE ST.. #500 EUGENE, OR 97401 /Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records ~~~I.~~m~1 " RECORDING REQUESTED BY; Fideli1y National Tille company of Oregon SEND TAX STATEMENTS TO: Geoffrey Gossen and Elizabeth A. Gossen 2660 G Street Springfield, OR 97477 11111111111111111111111111111 II ""1111111"1111 0096182020070081091eJ10015 12/07/2007 02:36:42 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=5 CRSHIER 06 $5.00 $20,00 $11,00 $10.00 $46,00 GRANTOR'S NAME: Joshua Baker and Rachael Baker GRANTEE'S NAME: Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen AFTeR RECORDING RETURN TO: Geoffrey Gossen and Elizabeth A. Gossen 2660 G Street .Springfield, OR 97477 Escrow No: 4607000927.FTEUG03 SPACE ABOVE THIS UNE FOR RECORDER'S USE STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Joshua Baker and Rachael Baker, as tenants by the entirety, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen, as tenants by the entirety, Grantee, the following described real property, free and clear of encumbrances except as specifically set forth below, situated in the County of lane, State of Oregon: Commencing at a point 540 feet North and 440 feet South 89 Q 30' West of the Northeast corner of the James A. Ebbert OLe. No. 74 in Section 36, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in lane County, Oregon; thence South 89 . 30' West 95 feet; thence North 135 feet thence North 89.38' East 95 feet; and thence South 135 feet to the Place 01 Beginning, all !='eing in what is know as"l1ome .Acres" Ross M~ Small's subdivision ly~ng East of Sprlngfleld, Lane County, Oregon. Subject 10 and excepting: Covenanls, conditions, restrictions, easements, agreements of record. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON lRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS.,IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE l1TlE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CON ANCE IS $136,165.00. (See ORS 93,030) >N'^- f:'i'~ DATED: Novembe~, 2007 tp Jo~a~r, ^ ~ (AA~.L RachaeiBaker ~ SIal. of~ r-:'<4JJ:L,l,a... COUNTY oftane- <Pf1cl (DlJt;A. , . instrument was acknOWledged before me on NOVEMBE~, 2007, by Joshua Baker arrd Ra aelBaker 1~1. -..3LOi/-Lcr,ct. ~ K.. ~L-o?-u-"t? '. 1lC..--k1 ~. Q J..A Date ReceIVed. N tary Public - State o~ "i=i3t'?e..ubc.t.. M com . . n expires: ./.... JAN - 8 2009 , - - ,....t, C thO F H h -''itoi-1'''~'' yn fa ' ug as Nt@. "'~ Commission # DD397549 ~"~~'J Expires March 16, 2009 ",,1,ft.'~'i.\"BondedTItl1Filin'lni!llll"ance.lnl;.eoo.~'OI~ Original submittal s'S 92.-/ (~ 8 Fidelity National Title Insurance Company 200 Hawthorne Ave" Ste. A-100, Salem, OR 97301 (503) 315-2000 FAX (503) 315-2012 PREUMINARY REPORT TITLE OFFICER: Kevin Fiet ORDER NO.: 4608006oo4-FTEUG25 A.Update TO: Geoff Cossen Altn: 2660 G Street Springfield, OR 97477 OWNER/SEllER: Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen BUYERlBORROWER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2660 G Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 EFFECTIVE DATE: December 17,2008. 08:00AM 1, THE POLICY AND ENDORSEMENTS TO BE ISSUED AND THE RELATED CHARGES ARE: AMOUNT PREMIUM Report Only $ 200,00 2, THE EST ATE OR INTEREST IN THE lAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A Fee 3. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A, Cossen, as tenants by the entirety 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IN THE COUNTY OF LANE, STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FDOR0212,rdw , Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal Order No,; 4608006004-FTEUG25 EXHIBIT "ONE" Commencing at a point 540 feet North and 440 feet South 89 . 30' West of the Northeast corner of the James A, Ebbert DLC, No. 74 in Section 36, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamelte Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon; thence South 89 . 30' West 95 feet; thence North 135 feet; thence North 89 .. 38' East 95 feet; and thence South 135 feet to the Place of Beginning, all being in what is know as "HOME ACRES" Ross M. Small's subdivision lying East of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. FDOR0213,rdw Date Received: ' JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal Order No.: 4608008004-FTEUG25 AS OF THE DATE OF THIS REPORT, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTEP EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown a'-existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records, "' w~~~ings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments"or notices of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records, 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession. 3. Easements, or claims of easements or enCumbrances, not shown by the public records, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizinQ the issuance thereof, water rights, claims or title to water, 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose. 5. Any statutory liens for labor or material, inciuding liens for contributions due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compensation and for worke~s compensation, which have now gained or may gain priority over the lien of the insured deed of trust, which liens do not now appear of record. SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS: 6. City liens in favor of the City of Springfield; if any. There are no liens as of November 7, 2008. 7. Rights of the public and governmental agencies in and to any portion of said land lying within the boundaries of streets. roads and highways. 8. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded : Affects: Mountain States Power Company, a Delaware Corp. Utilities July 23,1941, #99579, Reference is made to said document for full particulars , 9. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Mountain Slates Power Company, a Delaware Corp. Utilities ' December 9, 1948, #82137. Reference is made to said document for full particulars FDOR0390"dw Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submirtai_ Order No.: 4608006004-FTEUG25 10, A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $102,050,00 Dated: November 26, 2007 Trustor/Grantor Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen Trustee: Fidelity National Title Beneficiary: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc" as nominee for Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company, Inc. Loan No.: Recording Date: December 7,2007" Recording No: 2007..(}81 092 END OF ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS NOTES: A. YOU WILL BE REVIEWING. APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING, LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. YOU MAY CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS. YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS, IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT YOU,HAVE NOT YET SEEN. PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT, Note: Any documents being executed in conjunction withlhis transaction must be signed in the presence of an authorized employee of an agent, an authorized employee of the Insured lender, or by using Bancserv or other approved third-party service, If the above requirements cannot be met, please call the company at the number provided in this report, 11. Note: Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below are paid in full, Fiscal Year: Amount: Levy Code: Account No.: Map No,: 2008-2009 $1,426.14 01900 0319291 17 "(}3-36-11"(}91 00 A. There are no judgments of record against Geoffrey Cossen or Elizabeth A, Cossen. B, There are no tax liens of record against Geoffrey Cossen or Elizabeth A. Cossen. C, The following deeds have been rec9rded in the last 24 months: Warranty Deed, Recorded 12/07/2007, Reception No, 2007"(}81091. No other deeds have been recorded in the past 24,months. FDOR0390,rdw Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Qrlg\V\a\ SUbmlttal_ .. A -tit "... ' dryCl, 387 r.r! 70 EASEMEN\' FOR RIGHT-oF.WAY THIS INDENllIU Il'ITNmSmi, Ths, .... u......lFcd. .,./.?,..C,..,.I:IM..H......<L../.:7.t.Y.d.!.i...,., .....f.I~~.~...,...8f."".~!!l.~_..r::._~!.ft, _...._...." for the- anlcKradon of tht IUm of One LooIlu <SUX)) I and othe'r aoocf and valuable COftIidehtinn"I;ru:eipc 01 which i. beteb)" 1IoCbowWpd. toJ?.:t.. paid, ...1.1I1.,<(,,'ffth' bupined, .ruted. and conwyed and by tbnc ~ do bupin. pat and CDn'lCJ' unto the Mountain Surn Powt'1 Cnmpany, . DNwaft' CotpJr.don. with .lictNe and ~r 10 taIDIItt bullas: 10 &:be Sa. of Orl'.p. 10 and Ulip, tWfC'in. ,her rdemd to .. dae CDatpaoy, fornei. tbc fIab'- prI..Ucae and: eutnWIlIl (ot rip.-oI.wa, to crm, mlIlrlllin. operul:, ~ir and rmKrVt In cluvic ~ Iinc,:;mcphone.or Mrlal mWe line. or eilbcr of them, aKlIiMins of the followinll;: ".,',..,"/;:"'A.,~I..~t:~..:_.a..""",.,~.,_..6..(;,.!........BI!.~..._.'............,.....,.............,..,.,..,....".,..,...."""...,..."...... ..,'~:.Le.".I.K.I.""...,B,!1':'..!'.~..,_..I..,r.;..,tr.......B.k.....B.JItI.Ch,,.,If:,,..,.,..,.. wirh rhe l'It'Cea&l')' wires IInd fisnuft t~. induclio& OYft.hang tbeteof~ roJftbet wich 1M fi,h. and privilcse of remov. ing ,II fotiqe. ~ 1M limbs ud orbcr natunl bmien that 1DI.1lamfcre with eM COftItructjon. QUlinlenln<<, opcrllllon, repair and te'moval of ..id clcctti~ ~ line, mephont or aerial Clblt line. or eicher of .hnn, upon, oYer and across dUl( ct'rtain rnl propel't}' situared in the c.oumJ oLI.~."'-,'!t....__.... State of Oreaon. and mo~ particularly dc:sc:ribed IS fnllnws' '" "Bd.,"".,./"A"".I.!f:,ff.".~...,.~/......(t.!...<<.:..If:,:,,?'f!,...~.,...?..'''!?.If::'!:Y....,';?.,f>.,,.,,ZN.,..,s.:,'~: ~ ".oW.,:, "<,.I':!.', ,...,..",.....,........,......,..........',...........,..", 82137 and rKOfd~ i~ VoL .. P.gt...._ of tht' deed MOrm of said COURfJ'. If is understoOd .nd Igrred tMt the', aptl, ,."'c..,. _.lives, and employees of the: Compllny, logcthrr widt all RC'\:('S. u.ry mols Ind cquipmem shall. I.t .11 ri_ hue me riSht and priTilll.'F of .ccns to ~ right of ...., .nd the pmpm)' thertM for tht' putpost' of construaion.;' DpCl"I.tioD, mainmlalKe. repir .nd tmJOYtIt; provided alWo'a's Ihlt Aid Company shau bt' ht'ld I't'$ponsiblll.' for any d.ma~' which it may unnccasa.ril,. do to the: property abcwe deJcribt'd and for ....,hich il ~y be Mid legally responsible. . W1TNESS.....Q,...::rl"'nd..,~ ,..L~, "'~ ...../.,J....,.day Df ....,,s.,,,,A,"",t,..c.......,. 19..\1:',.., .~:~=::::: .~.~:~:,::~:::,:..~:~,..:.'..:"..:.,....' ......,.....,...(SEALi ..,(SEAL) lss ST ATE OP OREGON. Count)' of ......~."!.~.~_......._. ......,-} ~ STATF. OF OREGON. ~untrof~ I hereby certif)' that. the within was received llt'ld duly rpcorded br me in ~aid County RecordR Book of DElE'ds Vol. ::,)R7 PA.R1' 70 on t.he~dfl.Y of~ - "'- 19.'t'L..t~o'cIDCk"- M, w,-@..~~,o__~ om.,..... lllIid c..tr....... By. 'i~~ b f\::,.~, k...,~-1i, - BE IT REMEMBEltED.lbat on this .......L3.....................d.,. of ..~. '."~' .,~:..,'.,. I A.: D. 19_:9.L...... before tilt. the: unden:iped. , Notary Public. in and for the said Cotmty mcl State, penonally appeutd the within named .g.?.._#Il!.fr.:.l.............. .-/-.....I2.i..trl..i..../{~"'".-1..................,......................"...............mm............,... who ~~(._ mown to..me: to be the idcm:kal indiyidual.:! who necuted the wilhin in. ~ ~ ~~.;(,,,.:f~'Cf me rbat ~r.lC'J[e't\lted the lame lreely and volunrarilJ. n,'~~i...;..;a;.~. I haft hereunto tIt'I my hand.nd Notarial ~ rhe dar~~. .1...."ri"="..~{~~"uA:f':..J.:.t... ,. ..~\ ~ Noo.ry Public for Orep. . "-:':"':: M Commiuioa &:pins " - '.y. '.. 7 'II! ,,, .......' .1" { Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal STATE OF OR!;.."N. }' I . ... County ot,_~~- i IIJI: IT RPEMBERIID; That on thle__J4-__daY ot .1..1,,_.. A. D. 19~J_, botore mo. tho Undere1snod. a lIotary Publlc. 1n and tor the eald County and "Stato, peraonally appea~od tho within named J. F." w.a..1J... 4...cLG4IJ.l~_WR.IL"_"UH " ,.."..:f.l!~.~Vt.. known to mo ~o bo the IdenUoel IndlvldueL~, who ,...':: ~J!.."ed tho w1thln 1ne~rument and aoknowl.dsed to mo that, H&,/ ,.,,, (,.;......n:.Wad the 001118 trooly and voluntarllY. f ....~:.... 0 'f J. ~ ;:-','<"111 WIrIlESS WHEREOF. I have h.reunto eot lIlY hand ond [.!" ..!!~tarhl Seal thO day end year last ~vo wrltten. .\\/lUt1.\C/( _ o.zN..~ "'~".' ...,< ( 0 ary PUblic tOf_ ~r~l\on. "l!'-~.~..: lIy Co.... ion kpiroe: ~ II. '''4-lt" ....-. BOOK :Uti fl1lj(407 '- -J ," ~ " . ;- i:'~ ;-10 .,u; .. , f ~~ _ES 8' " ~ . ~ ~;.l"'e; ~ ,; ~ 1 -. , ~ 0 ilCI:;c:tf2,2. .') ~ ("~ !H~~l .. r: jrv \..' \,c ..... -~a ~~f: " --t.,...,...t,.: ::" sr~~III I n ,.... ....' :0". ... j~ ... c €'1iJ '-" . ~ ~a, <Z ~.~ i.t =--..;1 r~' ~, !.i'.' :g~ itril :!:: \Jl:~~,,~ .. /..':-/./. _II <II r: {'{ \ ,0 [H 0 ~ -;':;'" .r::/tl1j""k, .' ," ....ilia .' ~ , "'",;. ~;-..~!/ . :.~':~ . ., Date Received: ; & ~;.~~ .. . ~-"" ~ 9 ~ f; 1 0- . n ir.. . ~ g I'" :: O:ll:l JAN -8 2009 :1'\ . ... ~ a.4~A. .:; " =....... ;.., c D'O lof .. ., .__.n.___._" .. - .... Original Submittal - - "7""-------.- -----~-_.~-_._------------------~-------------------------------------- For and in conoideration ot tho aUlD ot Ono Dollar ($1.00). receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. a right-of-way is herebY granted to Mountain Sta~e8 Power Company, a Delaware corporation, its successors and assigns forever, with the right to erect and maintain .._ ~. p.ol:Lline_ .07'- t.he Ilo::.tl.. .~iLi.a...a;~-L.J~..LOOl.:.:.;t:.~--~o..:.:l, ~'; :,;(:U.~l~!1:: ..r.ive_t--r.una~~""'1 ...,il.Jle..3.t....L.CJ:.C".. t.".o ...il..c:..~.__. .. . .;Joa.l.L..5ubd.ivi;;Jion.. -'---.- . ----..-.--. with the necessary wires and fixtures thereon. and to keep same tree from toliag8 across that property belonging to _~o.. ;".,.;l:UIll aru1..Jlil_l).'!..CJirlOIl and eituated In tho County ! and described 88 tollo.~:_ of__.. l8!1e State ot __ Lr3{";on . .m.... _, L.O l't...l..oa....:w":a.,:.'_i.n.:t.er.l.>d>::t.=.- cou.:..:.t;: !,~,l'ld, ~~~~.!!1.:,:. k'J~'."~l';'_E:.~ ~m~n:~L._~~Jt~....!l.1 ~_ p..Q.lD.~ .5QQI_ ~r.;Q1:~,,-_Q~.~. ~;.c SOUti16S::ot cornttr oi th~L.rlOllS ~...L- ..J;la_~l....~'y".;.lvlBiorL!--r~.:J__l:\lJJ.~; .:.'..Ie _ __ w~~~-!..... d1~tan~_8 01' 2640 feat. 1i'i!Ll!Q')8 ". b~1!lL:lU~.~J.Y ~i-'_~Q.IL = .~_i.__a. ,pUl't__~,,_~__~!:..~~otlon }.6 l!-lb".T:1 ..111arllBt.t ...dl.1:.l....n. ~~ t'l -- ~ , 0, ~ ""-jJ 1 ~ ~ :Wj Pllef 4UH It 1. und.r.tood' that the e..ployeu ot the 1I0untaln State. Power Company. ite BUCCessora and a..lane, shall at any t1m. when neces8ary, have acele'. to aa1d right.-ot-"B.Y and. the equipment ~hereon, tor the purpose ot repair., .tc., provid.ed alwaye that Bcid Mountain State8 ?oyer Oompan,. Lta sucaeeDors and sssign.. shall be held responsible to~ any d.amase which may be unnecessarily done to the property above d..aribed.. WITNESS ~. hand~ ~_._.__. 19Yf1 D~ in the presence ot: a3t-..' ~ ~~ and ..a~ ~ th1L...1:'tf _ day ot '4fJzti__(Seall H nfl.-R.~. ___(Seal) STATE OF OREGON. t 1" ' ... County ot ~---\ Q BE IT REMEMBERED, That on thl._..U~ day ot ." A D 19 '1'1 before me the undersigned, a Notary Pu ie, in and r~r the said'County and'State, per8o~lY apP8are~the within d...,;> GA /? .JI~ ' .lJ ~._,!" -4.r-.' .2 --- name J,.)~_.J-....JJ- who (,l....o-I- __known to me :1.0 be the identical Indlvldual~_ who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me th8t~- executed the same treelY and voluntarilY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have h.reunto .et ..y hand and Not.rlal Seal the d~Y ~d year ~.tabove wrl~o~~~<,~' -'~i10 tor Oregon. lIy Co....1..10n J&xp1res: "/I7/"iT , ' , ~ ~ " ~ ~ . , ~, ~ ~, $. , N ,... c- c... <::: .-' N '" ~ ~ r~ <;', Q" ). ~ ~ p ~ :; .l ;: c . " "" -;) (") ~ :0 i ~ ~ i-J .~~~jto ,; . . ~~~..~~ ~ 2'1)' -< C '3 c: x:a:lo- 9 l:I...' ...c ;~ ~}iI"i - 6'~!;!a1 'v'=l : ~ ai,. <<..:'" i:d~ -l;1'":::l ia.~i'~ i~~~ e_'" ~o&t:l1'C' ~:-~= a.~:: ':l7!:" . __=-,:-:..-,-..::._",.,__-=:~_.;.o..: .--_.. . -- - .--- ..---- .- - ,.=.,...::",-:,=-=:=---=;..-.'"'=.~''''''' Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal .'~ 1:,.::1 '...;1 ',1 I:J 69 74 -- 36 >- w w '" I;; I;; N I / I I G ZONE X 51. E D 25 I STREET to w '" I;; t; -l-- 67 if) ::., , 10" :l r .., In )<. N STREET ) "-Culvert ? '" [ i \~ / Original Submittal " , ~ZONE CITY ~~eceive(l: o Q: JAt - 8 200~ ' III~rHlIl APPROXIM.~TE SCALE IN FEET o 500 500 ~ , NATIONAL FlOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP LANE COUNTY, OREGON AND INCORPORATED AREAS ISH MAP INDEX fOil P"'N~LS NOT PRINTl':Cl NUMllERPAJJH SUFFIX. sPRI~(iflEl.O.crrrOF ,,_ ns< lA-,,"COUIfT1. lMNeolll'OiU"1001.ll~ 4,5SI1 Ilel MAP NUMBER 41039C1161 F EFFECTIVE DATE: JUNE 2,1999 This Is an official copy 01 a portion of the above referenced lIood map It WlJIl extracted using F-MIT On-Una. This map does not raftee! changes or amendmenu. \I\o11lch may have been made subsequent to the date on the title block. For the latest product Information about National Flood Insurance Program lIood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at VIMW.mf:;c.feme,goll ..-...,.......... ," '. ...-j '- USDA United States ~ Det'O::U..........~ of Agriculture Custom Soil Resource Report for Lane County Area, OregQn (?CLjP'S \ J 7) bJ q) ~ llJ' Natural Resources Conservation Service A product of the National C__r-:~)jve Soil'Survey, a joint effort of lhe United Stales Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, state agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local participants ~ r~RCS Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 t"I,.;"in",Il=:lIhmitt::l1 Soil Map-Lane County Area, Oregon = 500880 501000 <::> <::> <"-I .5 0 00 g - ~ , 'E z: ..0 <( ~ --. lJ) Iii 0 c: 0 '5 ~- .;:: . 0 t ~ . ~- , ~ ~- ~ . ~ ~- ~ . g . ~- . . N A . o 40 60 10 20 45 180 _:- et 270 . o 90 LSDA :,~ Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey 2.0 National Cooperative Soil Survey 11/11/2008 Page 1 of3 Soil Map-Lane County Area, Oregon MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) CJ Area of Interest (ADI) Soils D SoU Map Units Special Point Features ~~) Blowout 181 Borrow Pit " Clay Spot . Closed Depression X Gravel Pit .. Gravelly Spot @ Landfill A Lava Flow .J. Marsh " Mine or Quarry @ Miscellaneous Water @ Perennial Water v Rock Outcrop + Saline Spot , , Sandy Spot - Severely Eroded Spot 0 Sinkhole II Slide or Slip " Sadie Spot - Spoil Area <l Stony Spot USD,\ ~ Natural Resources Conservation Service ro Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other , . Special line Features .,- Gully Short Steep Slope "'~":i. Other Political Features Municipalities o Cities lTI Urban Areas Water Features Iiill Oceans ,-' Streams and Canals Transportation ~ Rails Roads ....... Interstate Highways .~ US Routes ..-,:<^ State Highways Local Roads ~ '-,,:,' Other Roads Web Soil Survey 2.0 National Cooperative Soil Survey "0 g? .~ MAP INFORMATION a:' Q;i O.rigi~al soil survey ~a~ sheets were prepared at publication scale.~ ~ Viewing scale and prlntlng scale, however, may vary from the ~ original. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for proper--: map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 10N This product is generated from the USDA.NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Lane County Area. Oregon Version 6, Dee 22, 2006 Date(s) aerial.images were photographed: 5/24/1994 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled,and digitized probably differs from the. background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. 11/11/2008 Page20f3 g '" co I .l!! :t:: ~ :;, CI) 'ii c: :~ o :z <( --. Soil Map-Lane County Area, Oregon Map Unit Legend I: I,: ,': ";Ma~,lJriliSymbol'" 132 I Totals for Area of Interest (AOI) USDA =---= Natural Resources Conservation Service ','''- - " , , , ",:,,,, fl' :,~ ::Larie:c.~ill~ty;-Area,~.Orego~j(OR637')';, . ''>' ',,' ',.'- "" ',."'"' ,','^,' IICObu~::a~~~::::~iexjl" "~"Acres'il,1'AOI' . Web Soit Survey 2.0 National Cooperative Soil Survey ,'. 'I' ",", ; 3,1 3,11 I .._'Percent of'AOI -I 100.0% I " " 100,0%1 11/11/2008 Page 3 of 3 Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original SUbmittal -..--~-.. "I \, ~ j ',.' Custom Soil Resource Report lane County Area, Oregon Version date:12/22/2006 1 :16:29 PM 32-Coburg-Urban land complex Map Unit Setting Elevation: 100 to 1,300 feet Mean annual precipitation: 30 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 55 degrees F Frost-free period: 160 to 235 days Map Unit Composition Coburg and similar soils: 55 percent Urban land: 30 percent Minor components: 4 percent Description of Coburg Setting Landfonn: Stream terraces Landfonn position (three-<iimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material: Loamy alluvium over clayey alluvium Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Moderately well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 18 to 30 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water capacity: High (about 11.0 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): 2w Land capability (nonirrigaled): 2w Typical profile o to 18 inches: Silty clay loam 18 to 53 inches: Silty clay 53 10 65 inches: Fine sandy loam Description of Urban Land Inte-.,...:.':': ,s groups Land capability (nonirrigated): 8 Minor Components Conser Percent of map unit: 4 percent Landfonn: Stream terraces Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 11 Original Submittal