HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 1/8/2009 . 821:11 8~GI. 387 r,r! 70 EASEMEN'k' FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY THIS INDENTlJR.B wmIIISSBTIl. 'lbo, doe UDdenIped, _1Z._C.....f:I.(U,_~.!....Jt'.....B.t.{.r.t.t.i................ .h..~!l.~$:..,.._8f.~.~~...(_..r::._!!:!.r.ft..._.__M.._..._".......... lot tht (OftIldcracion of the' 111m of One Ldlar ('1.00) and other sood and valuable consideradnG. n:ccipc of wlUch i. bt-ftby IC\.. .' ..\u- ~ to.P..::l... ,.uf, ..,NfI.!(;.'f.th. bargained, 1rsmN.. and con~ and by tbdc preInIlI do bupln. JfUlt and CDft'ICJ UftCD tbt Mountain StalCl Powe-r Company, I DN,Wlrt' Cotpor.lion. wirh.lictNt and. ~f CO UI.QIICt bmlnea In die Sea. of o,l:JOGo iu ,...' ., and ..ip. ~l'Cift. .Im ~fe'rm! 10 Ufbt Company. fornet, the rlaht. pri,1leF and eaetDnlt lor ript......, 10 aKl, lNinllin, opcralt', rrp,ir uuI Mf'IO\I'e an elmtic ~ line, cclcphonc, 01 aerial c:abIe Une. or either of them, CDftIwin& of Iht foUowins: ............../;.:".#.:.~y,.;:l.~..:_.a..~...~.:_...ha;,.!.._....Bf~.!...".............................__................ .....~~L.E..<;;..l..R..I."'.._../?<>..~.~!!'.....j,..r.;..tr........B:.k......B.N.(;.I.r.,..I.............. .................. ..... ............... with the ~ wires and fimlttllherefor. indudu., O'I'ft.hang tbmol. tOJeCba' with 1M riJhl and ptivilese of remoy. ins ,II foliage. treeS.. tM Ii. IU'lCI Ol:bcr naruiaJ buttt-rt that mi.' lntcrme with ebe CONtlUCtion. mlim.:nlncc, Dprr~lion. repair and ~ ,01 .id ckctt~ power tine. telephone or aerial cable tiDe, or either of 1hml, upon, 0VC1' .nd lCfass lhat certain rea.! prDpe"l' sinared in dltt CDum1 of..Iw.Q,.,...L......... Stoc of Oregon, .nd molt' panicullrl)' described IS r(}IlI~1' ... .&"L...<7/../.h.Af:.~:...~....!!'L_..(t.~_.t.Y.:..!.[.:..rt!....-af.....~<'!F.~...;!..f>......LN.,.!,:..!!.....}.. ......tA,(.:.."'-,.!':?.... .................." ............................................. ........................ and rC"Cord~ in Vol. ....... Page... 'n oflh~ deed ruonb of said counf)'. Ir is undenrood and lISn:otd dw me -senti., reprnentllives, and emplOJftS of~he Company, logethc-r ""ilh all nCl:n. u.ry lOuis and cquipinul shall, 1.1 .11 times. haft tk nsht .nd priTikogc: of IIccea to said, risht of way .nd the pmpertr t~rran fen IN:: purpose or conltNaion. open-lion. maintenance" repair and' removal; provided alWl1s th.t Did u)mpany ~hall ~ held respcmsib~ for an,. cLlln~sr which it may unnra::ssarily do to W pro~ above ducriba:! .m! for ,,'hi(h it may be held legally rnpoosibl~. WITNF.SS.....Q;.!o:o...~...~ seal..'!. Ihis .....~~...:nda1 of ....,...,.{/X/...J?:..#.~SEAL) .~,g...f.t.~...... ...(SEAL) .....,s,""A,.A..,t,........ 19..Y.:'.... .................(SEALi ._._..............".............................................. (SEAL) -.- - ._-----------~ ---- STAT!': OF OREGON. 1~. II <?nunt)" Of)....... - .... II I hereby cef"tif~' that t.he 11 wit.hin was received I\nd duly TPCorded b)' mein said County RecordR Book of Deeds Vol. 3B'7 PI\$f" 70 on the~d"Y of~ .. "- 19~,..t~~'elock4. M. ""1' ...,~ ."s,,_.\:I am., ___...xi taut,. Dr..- ~I By 'i-.. ~ ~ 1';:" .., '<-: -t I ST^::~~~~::~.~mm.m......} IL BE IT REMEMBEllED, Thai on tbis .......L3..........,..........d.y of ..~ek.wk; A. D. 19..#.C..... bdorc- me, the undmiped, . Nowy PubliC', in .nd for the aid COWI11 aad S..te, pcnonaIly .ppnm:l the within named &:: ~ ..kt1.~t:'.s .-/- ~~.81.~...(t..~k.."",...... ..... ", .... ....... who ~~C. knowa. 10. me ro be- tbt idenlical indi...idua.l.:!. who accuted lhe wilhin in- ImUDeQI ~ < ..,~..".,' i~~ me rhal &r~<<Ured lhe lame I~I,. .nd voluntarily. ..,,- ..' :-- '.\ . nr~ ".::J.~...,....I.', I Un hereunto XI my hand and Notarw ~ Iht dar:--~ '. .- wlloaa ,r.r:d~"'It",J!m:!L.J.:I... "_'~\ ~ NotIty Public: for Oreson. ./,:'.:. . . . '. ,J'~""" My CommJSS~ Ezplres=., Canni:IIiaI u,.,. J4II. L;,.,-: .' ' Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal STATE or OREGON. } I _ sa. County ot__-"""':e..L.-.- lIB IT twmMIlEUD. That on thi8_,J.L..day oL.J.ulv-- A. D. 19AJ._. botore mo. tho Underelsnod, a Notary Public, in and tor the said County and State, poraonally appoa~ed tho within named _.J. I=:' W~~.WLIU -., -.' ,. ,,,,,,,~,bR',;--'lYL.. known to me to be the identioal lnd,lv14ual_:a. who ""..:: ~l!fAt,Od tho elthln inotrlllllOnt. and aOMowlodged to 100 that ~hoty l',,~,::,,""no~ad tho eamo frooly and vo1untarllY. ~ '..... o'f J. ~ .>' ". 111 WITNESS WIIl!:RllOr. I have horeunto sot lIlY hand and [.!" ..!!~tarhl. Seal tho day and yoar last ~ovo written. :N'Ut\.\C.'( - o..uK~ ....~.,. ...< (, 0 err Public tor_ ~r~E\on. '~~r'~',,: My COIllDl .lon Expires: ...,.......... II, /q4-. ....... ,BOOK :uti l'Ali407 ..... ~ ,'" = . .. "'; ;'15:. ..,u:. . , ~~ "- , f~ . f -I:;? i E ~ ~bl;$"r<~: ; ~ 8. ~ c ;Ia,,:tiIa." I:l ~ a~ [H"fl . 2' ~f = iN ""'Jr",~,~"',, .:'=18 III ~ ,..... r'< ;0'. ... 4r ;iJ > '" -.'2,'" ]~ ... C e .:t ~-,' . .~ a.,. ; ~ u; a-.;~ .t ::...., . !.o' 0 :::: ~. ;:. :gbl ,tiIiI \J'j';'~. ... \\~.......t -.~= f'{ , .0 iH , dI ~;" .r.:'r"fi"'\~ ,<:' "'....II " g , ~.:. .-.'!~~. ~~~:; ; . ~:r~~ & " . . 'i 0 ~ F- 1~=; i . ;0 g..:= . g ,0-- ~.\ ~ ~ ~ ;t alii"'''' ~ ;.., ;:...", ":: 'r~ If --...------------ .-.. ..... ...--- - --------- -."" ---. ......--_. -. -.. ... --------------------------------------~--------------------.-----------------. For and in conaideration or the aum or Ono Dollar ($1.00). receipt wh~reot is hereby acknowledged, a rlght-of~.ay is hereby granted to Mountain States Power Company, a Delaware corporation, its successors and assigns forever. with the right to erect and maintain .._~. p.ol',:: _line_ .0.:1 _ t.he D.o::tl~ .:)ilia..~'_-4J~....roa.1:':~~--~G..:.;J.. .~.; :,;P.l'~l: 11:-:' _.r~Lve.._ r.un.a1n+----a.....~ c-..c1.....lle..3.t..L.CJ;r<... t ,..... ..il.c~~ __:.;[lail...subdiyi~.10n... _ .------. ---.-.-..-. with the necessary wires and fixtures thereon. and to keep same tree trom foliage across that property belonging to _~QJ.L."... .,;l:llIll an.cl..Jl~l.l..CF'lOIl and 8i tuated in tho County ot__.. Lane. State or .. L r3c:on . ..-t and described as tollows: - 40 rt..rD~.~a;_~e~~~~t~_co~t~ ~~!'l.~ ~~~~..!l~;~- k,J<?...~l__l;.~ .:;m~.~L..:l::-~J~.~__~.1 ~_llQ1D~ ..2Q.QI_ _r;9!:~,,-_Q~.:. ~;.c souH'l:.6a::;t COr-ntH' 01 th~_ rlO~3 .........t-.Ja~l_~~..Y'b_;lVlgiorL~.n_il._l:\).J.I.~; .~ue west a d1~t.anQe of 2040 fe/']t. 'fhe Hono .... b:"@ll_})u~_l.;..i.Y .j.,.&~.9.:~. = is a .p."rt_.~~.,;;_.~L~~.tionJ6 II!-lb_-:P ., < , 1.,.. "batEi'Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal EJ 1;" .' ~ . ~'. f' ....:. 'j) ~ t , , ~ ~ ilJ I'AtJ 4Un It is undsrstood that the .mploy.ss ot the Mountain Statss Power Company. ita BUCcelBora and BIGigne, .hall at any time when nsoessary. havs aoos.s to laid riSht-ot-way and ths squipment thereon, tor the purpose ot repaira, etc., provided nlwaya that 801d Mountain States Power Compaav. it. sucae.lore and Deaigns. Bholl be held responsible tor any 4amage which may be unneoeseor11y done to the propertv above desoribed. WITNESS ~. hand' ~H__'__' 19~1 ~;; :si' ~ a -1. .A-'l::( and ..al5'" ,.-l th1"--...1.:'~ _ day ot .&- *1/!:t:;,..._(seall ...~... ...__(Seal) STATE OF OREGON, t J . ss, County of ---- P ---~ it BE IT REMEMBERED. That on this.....2..1'.. . day ot ..........-- . A D 19 '1-1 be tors ms ths undsrsignsd. a Notary Pu io. in and r~r ihe said'county and'State, psrsopallY a~ar~the within d -::;>" e".fl ~...--IJ- ':...t!.. ,- .. """. '.,p ---..- name ~~_._- ~ --=-- who o..--a- ..known to me to be the identical lndlvldual~- who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me th8t~- exeeuted the same freely and voluntarily. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havs hersunto sst my hand and Notarial Seal the d~y and year ~s~~~~~:~~~~<~. ~tarY Public tor Oregon, lIy COlllllliasion b))ir..: 'f11~lfr' I . , ~ ~ " ~ ~ . .~ ....:'~ c- . \oU 0,,: ..:. c: .' O?\llllu.,,es . . \ ~ I, ~lt' @ "e.:c-\ ~':3 ~ =-~" l!J E.")...:, . .". ~.., \ "':-:"':~'r'""!"'t/'''':; ;I '~.:"':~_.r~~.:::;J ,. 1; , . '" .... 0" L........ ";-. ~ .. ... ; ~ 1'1 < .0 '" I' r:1 5 .l . ~ . ,; . , ~. ~. ~ """ ':j C '! ;0 ~ ~ Q N .<!'"~lcb :;!~ ~~ =""1:_g~ :!!. '":~. ~ co ;! ~ ::c~o'" ;:! _ "",...c :':'C 6J:ll"il - cr~S!ag .~" =1 : $ ~i" l Cl'1")' ,,~ s9 ~".oIC: '";1"'= J'3.;:;;.~ . . ~;r~~ !e_;j. .1 ;.:. 5; g.[ -::-.. 0; ~!:l w - ..---" .- - . .....,..,-.:,-=:~--==~....,""=..,.,...-~ ,.-'~-,~.':"',,"-""'-'':" -~. --<-.. Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal ,.." 1:..0 ...'1 'i I':~