HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/8/2009 . City of Springfield Development Se'rvices Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Minor Variance ~ Applicant Name: Geoff Cossen . [company: [Address: I -','" _ [APPlicant's Rep.: Joe Ferquson [company: !Address:, 213~pa.phne >St, Springfi~ld <?R 97477 [Property Owner: Geoff Cossen (See Above) Icompany: IAddress: IA;~E~SOR'S MA;~N~': '''17-03-36-11 N/A Phone: (541) 954-3821 Fax: 445 E. 50th Av. EUgene OR 97405 c. ';' ,>..' -,-j Joseph Ferquson, Prof. Land Surveyor I Phone: I Fax: (541) 747-4917 ''''"~,. .-'.-~- ..-,", --". - Phone: Fax: """", -, ""'~, "I ITAX LOT NOeS): 9100 Property Address: 2660 G Street, Springfield OR Size of Property: 12,825 sf Acres 0 Square Feet [gJ . r - s-_ -"'_' -, ,r".. . ~ _, -;c"" co' > - -., 0' .". I Description of If you are filling in this fonn by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Partition will create new parcel with substandard N-S street frontaqe. Existing Use: Sinqle family residential Numeric Standard to be Adjusted (See SDC 5.21-125 A. for standards that may be adjusted): Standard (3.2-215) N-S street frontage = 60 feet minimum; proposed frontage = 45 feet Percentage of Standard to be Adjusted: 25% Si natures: Please si. n and rin~ o~r name, and date in the ap' ropriate box on the next . . ~ ~ f') '5' Associated Applications: ':bo.i)'W~_~ 1'R'C.~ "gns: ! CV\,lQi\..~~t"- lease No.: 1)ILCd-/){JCt -fX1)O L I Date: I, _~~ oq I Reviewed bv: 115 IAPPlication Fee: $ 2-~~~, ITechnical Fee: $ /d \- &t<:: Ipostaqe Fee: $Iw-I ITOTAL FEES: $ fJ...j14 J.oS; I PROJECT NUMBER:VRJ 2ro~-OCD33 I ,'" 'c. '"." _ ,,:A:....\..",'~.. _ <, _." ~'i'_ . 'e, . '-'"'' " 4i ~ i ,..-,. -.,.;,::.","' I Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal Signatures Applicant: Owner: The undersigned acknowledges:that the 'information in this application is; correct and 'accurate. . .@)\~.\\r,.~_. slgnatu~~ _ (;..,... /)~,~~.. () (~1L:<->^ Print Date: I { 7 ( f)~ If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants pennission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Date: Signature he.a -r f C.6~Y5 e.. V\ Print Date Received: '11 }.~ JAN - 8 2009)~1 Original Submittal Minor Variance Submittal Requirements Checklist. NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ Submitted Concurrently with Site Plan Review or Land Division applications, where applicable. ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A,copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ~ Minor Variance Application Form ~ Copy of the Deed ~ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. ~Narrative explaining the proposal and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with the Minor Variance Criteria described in SDC 5.21-125 D. NOTE: Before the Director can approve a Minor Variance request, information submitted by the applicant must adequately support the request. All of the Minor Variance Criteria must be addressed by the applicant. Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. In certain circumstances, it is advisable to hire a professional planner or land use attorney to prepare the required findings. ~ Eighteen (18) Copies of a Plot Plan including the following: ~ubmitted concu...rently with a Land Division or Site Plan Review application, eighteen copies of the Land Division Tentative Plan or Site Plan sheet may be submitted in lieu of the plot plan as long as it meets the following requirements. . ~ared by an Oregon licensed Surveyor if the minor variance involves a setback ~ scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1 ~ = 100', north arrow, and date of p~ation . . [ffhe nature and extent of the minor variance requested and relevant site features f Ii lDate Received: . JAN - 8 2009 Original Subrniliai 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ty of Springfield Official Receipt Oevelopment Services Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00002 DRC2009-00002 DRC2009-00002 SUB2009-00003 SUB2009-00003 SUB2009-00003 . Payments: Type of Payment Check Check CreditCard Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00002 DRC2009-00002 DRC2009-00002 SUB2009-00003 SUB2009-00003 SUB2009-00003 Payments: Type of.payment Check Check CreditCard Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00002 DRC2009-00002 DRC2009-00002 SUB2009-00003 SUB2009-00003 SUB2009-00003 Payments: Type of Payment Check Check CreditCard cReceintl RECEIPT #: 3200900000000000012 Date: 01/08/2009 Description CTYMinor Variance (to 30%) Poslage Fee Type JJ - $160 + 5% Technology Fee CTY. Partition Tentative Plan Postage.Fee Type JJ - $160 + 5% Technology Fee Paid By GEOFFREYIELIZABETH COSSEN GEOFFREY/ELIZABETH COSSEN JOSEPH M FERGUSON Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received LD 1018 In Person LD 1017 In Person LD 140729 In Person Payment Total: Description CTY Minor Variance ( 10 30%) Postage Fee Type 11 - $160 + 5% Technology Fee CTY Partition Tentative Plan Postage Fee Type 11- $160 + 5% Technology Fee Paid By Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received GEOFFREY/ELIZABETH LD COSSEN GEOFFREY/ELIZABETH LD COSSEN JOSEPH M FERGUSON . LD 1018 In Person , 1017 In Person 140729 In Person Paym~nl TOlal: UaL\:: f.v"v..3j: Description CTY Minor Vari~nce (to 30%) Postage Fee Type 11 - $160 + 5% Technology Fee CTY Partition Tentative Plan Postage Fee Type 11 - $160 + 5% Technology Fee JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal Paid By GEOFFREYIELlZABETH COSSEN GEOFFREYIELIZABETH COSSEN JOSEPH M FERGUSON Item Total: Check Number Al,lthorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received LD 1018 In Person LD 1017 In Person LD 140729 In Person Payment Total: Page I of I 2:15:43PM Amount Due 2,433.00 160.00 121.65 4,871.00 160.00 243.55 $7,989.20 Amount Paid $2,433.00 $4,871.00 $685.20 $7,989.20 Amount Due 2,433.00 160.00 121.65 4,871.00 160.00 243.55 $7,989.20 Amount Paid $2,433.00 $4,871.00 $685.20 $7,989.20 Amount Due 2,433.00 160.00 121.65 4,871.00 .160.00 243.55 $7,989.20 Amount Paid $2,433.00 $4,871.00 $685.20 $7,989.20 1/8/2009 Joseph M. Ferguson, PLS 2130 Daphne Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 747-4917 T-FenrusonPLS@Comcastnet January S, 2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Minor Variance Application wILand Partition for Geoff Cossen Address: 2660 G Street Taxlot 17-03-36-11 #9100 This application is for a Minor Variance street frontage requirements contained in section 3.2-215 of the Springfield Development Code. This accompanies a tentative partition application which has been through a Development Issues Meeting held June 26, 200S ((ZON200S-00026), and Pre-Submittal Case #PRE200S-00070. Attached hereto are: I. Application, checklist, and fee of$2,433. 2. Narrative explaining the request and compliance with SDC criteria. 3. Copy of the deed, a current title '''l'u,;, and copies of easements to Mountain States Power Company which do not contain any specific location. 4. Eighteen copies of the tentative partition plan with the location of the variance request clearly identified. Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original SUbmittal Minor Variance Application wILand Partition for GeotT Cossen Narrative The concurrent partition application will create a new, undeveloped parcel at the northeast comer of the intersection of G Street and 26th Street (northbound). The new parcel will have 45' of frontage on 26th and will require a variance to the 60' standard for N-S streets contained in section3.2-215 of the Springfield Development Code. The request is for a variance of 15 feet or 25% from the standard, The new parcel will have 95' of frontage on G Street, far exceeding the minimum of 45' frontage. Comnliance with Criteria in 5.21-125 (Responses are in italics) A. Minor Variances are limited to specific numeric standards in this Code. The Director may adjust the following numeric standards by up to 30 percent as a Minor Variance This proposed adjustment is 15feet to the stardard of 60 feet, or 25%. 2. Lot/parcel dimensions that do not reduce the required lot/parcel size below the minimum required in the applicable. zoning district. The minimum area for residentially-zoned corner lots as specified in SDC 3.2-215 is 6,000, This parcel will have 6,647 square feet. B. If the Minor Variance involves a setback, the plot plan shall be prepared by an Oregon registered surveyor. Not Applicable - doesn't involve a setback; it is prepared by an Oregon PLS. C. The Director may consider additional categories of Minor Variance... .. . Not Applicable -frontage standards are listed in Section A. Date Received: !": JAN - 8 ZUIlS Original aubrMtai Minor Variance Application wILand Partition for GeotTCossen Comnliance with Criteria in 5.21-125 continued (Responses are in italics) D. The Director shall approve the Minor Variance if the applicant demonstrates compliance with all of the applicable approval criteria: I, Locational or directional problems have been identified that can be resolved by a Minor Variance; A4justment of parcel dimensions up to 30% is authorized in 5.21-125A.2, 2. The request if the minimum necessary to alleviate the identified dimensional or locational problem: ' The 45 ' north-south dimension is constrained by the dedication of additional public right-of-way on the south side, and ol'! the north side by the minimum 5 foot building setback from the existing residence. 3. Where applicable, the request shall result in the preservation of on-site trees 5-inch dba and above; An existing 6" tree, neither healthy nor orndte, will be remove. New street trees will be planted with the partition, outside the vision clearance triangle, 4. The request shall not impede adequate emergency access to the site; The deputy fire marshall has reviewed the pre-submittal application and found it acceptable for emergency access. 5. The request shall not unreasonably adversely impact public or private easements; The partition will create public and private easements where none exist now, thereby providing a positive impact. 6. The request shall not unreasonably limit solar access standards for abutting properties. The proposed new parcel is vacant. A new duplex will be a single story structure 15' south of the existing house which will meet solar standards.. 7, In addition to the applicable approval criteria........ Not Applicable - this application doesn't involve parking reductions. Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal ,~.", - - AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO FIDELITY i'ATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON 800 WILLAMETTE ST., #500 EUGENE, OR 97401 "Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records l~~1.0~!09! " RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Fidelity National Title company of Oregon SEND TAX STATEMENTS TO: Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen 2660 G Slreet Springfield, OR 97477 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 00961820200100810910010015 12/07/2007 02:36:42 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=5 CASHIER 06 $5.00 $20.00 $11.00 $10.00 $46,00 GRANTOR'S NAME: Joshua Baker and Rachael Baker GRANTEE'S NAME: Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen AFTER RECORDING REl\lRN TO: Geoffrey Gossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen 2660 G street Springfield, OR 97477 Escrow No: 4607000927-FTEUG03 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Joshua Baker and Rachae! Baker, as lenants by the entirety, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabelh A. Cossen, as tenants by the entirety, Grantee, the following described real property. free and clear of encumbrances except as specifically set forth below, situated in the County of lane, State of Oregon. Commencing at a point 540 feet North and 440 feet Sou'th 89 ~ 30' West of the Northeast corner of the James A. Ebbert OLC. No. 74 in Section 36, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in lane County, Oregon: thence South 89 4 30' West 95 feet; thence North 135 feet; thence North 89 . 38' East 95 feet; and thence; South 135 feet to the Place of Beginning, all being in what is k.now as"Home Acres" Ross M~ Small' 5 subdivision lying East of Springfield~ Lane County) Oregon. Subject to and excepting: Covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, agreements of record. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLA TlON OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERlY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNlY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY UMfTS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEANED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS:;197.352. THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CON ANCE IS $136,165.00. (See ORB 93.030) . ~'^- f:f'-~ DA TED: Novembe~, 2007 tp Joshu~a~r A " ~IM~.P.J~ Rachael Baker --- Slaleof~ r-'1.,t>.t.L~a... COUNTYo"""'" ~I.()()~ . instrument was acknowledged before me on NOVEMBE~, 2007, by Joshua Baker arrd Ra aelBaker )~I, --3lo"'.Ld>"'-~K. ~L-C~ (,rf...--}1 YK gtA N lary Public - State o~ ~e.~ct. M com~ expires: Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 ,'~''!.~J!. Cynthia F Hughes {f( ~"'ff; Commission # DD397549 . ;::4"~~"''f Expires March 16, 2009 " . ~ ~ftll' . llondadTrcy Fain- r.lIl.I'arQ, I1\c; eoJ..385-701S Original Submittl"l ss 12-7 (L- e Fidelity National Title Insurance Company 200 Hawthorne Ave., Ste. A-100, Sa!em, OR 97301 (503) 315-2000 FAX (503) 315--2012 PREUMINARY REPORT TITLE OFFICER: Kevin Fiet ORDER NO.: 4608006004-FTEUG25 A.Update TO: Geoff Cossen Alln: 2660 G Street Springfield, OR 97477 OWNER/SELLER: Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen BUYERfBORROWER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2660 G Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 EFFECTIVE DATE: December 17, 2008,08:00 AM 1. THE POLICY AND ENDORSEMENTS TO BE ISSUED AND THE RELATED CHARGES ARE: AMOUNT PREMIUM Report Only $ 200.00 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A Fee 3. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen, as tenants by the entirety 4, THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IN THE COUNTY OF LANE, STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE EXHIBIT 'ONE' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FDOR0212,rdw Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal Order No.: 4608006004-FTEUG25 EXHIBIT "ONE" Commencing at a point 540 feet North and 440 feet South 89 . 30' West of the Northeast corner of the James A. Ebbert DLC. No. 74 in Section 36, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamelte Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon; thence South 89 " 30' West 95 feet; thence North 135 feet; thence North 89 " 38' East 95 feet; and thence South 135 feet to the Place of Beginning, all being in what is know as "HOME ACRES" Ross M. Small's subdivision lying East of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, FOOR0213.n:Jw Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original submittal Order No.: 4608006004-FTEUG25 AS OF THE DATE OF THIS REPORT, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority thai levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records, p, w~~~ings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records ofsuch agency or by the public records, 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could tie ascertained by an Inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession. 3, Easements, or claims of easements or encumbrances, not shown by the public records, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof, water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose. 5. Any statutory liens for labor or material, including liens for contributions due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compensation and for worke~s compensation, which have now gained or may gain priority over the lien of the insured deed of trust, which liens do not now appear ofrecord. SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS: 6. City liens in favor of the City of Springfield, if any. There are no liens as of November 7, 2008. 7. Rights of the public and governmental agencies in and to any portion of said land lying within the boundaries of streets, roads and highways. 8. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded : Affects: Mountain States Power Company, a Delaware Corp. Utilnies July 23, 1941, #99579. Reference is made to said document for full particulars 9. Easemenl(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: Mountain States Power Company, a Delaware Corp, Utilities December 9, 1948,#82137. Reference is made to said document for full particulars FOQR0390.rdw Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original submittal ~ Order No.: 4608006004-FTEUG25 10. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $102,050.00 Dated: November 26, 2007 Trustor/Grantor Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen Trustee: Fidelity National Title Beneficiary: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company, Inc. Loan No,: Recording Date: December 7, 2007 Recording No: 2007-081092 END OF ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS NOTES: A. YOU WILL BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING. LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. YOU, MAY CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS. YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS. IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT. Note:. Any documents being executed in conjunctionwith this transaction musl be signed.in the presence of an authorized employee of an agent, an authorized employee of the insured lender, or by using Bancserv or other approved third-party service. If the above requirements cannot be met, please call the company at the number provided in this report. 11. Note: Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below are paid in full. Fiscal Year: Amount: Levy Code: Account No,: Map No.: 2008-2009 $1,426,14 01900 0319291 17-03-36-11-09100 A. There are no judgments of record against Geoffrey Cossen or Elizabeth A. Cossen. B. There are no tax liens of record against Geoffrey Cossen or Eiizabeth A. Cossen. C, The following deeds have been recorded in the last 24 months: Warranty Deed, Recorded 12/07/2007, Reception No, 2007-081091. No other deeds have been recorded in the past 24 months, Date Received: FOOR0390.rdw JAN - 8 2009 Original SubmittOlI - 82137 e'CI. 387 r.r! 70 EASEMEN\' FOR RIGHT.QF,WAY THIS INDI!NTtI\lE w,..............",., .... Uadeniped. u.R....C...u!:l"''''.''~,..u..-L.u/:l.I.Y..a(!'i.,u...... .....f.4It.r:......,...&.~.~~....(_..r::._f!::I.f.". ......._............ for tht COIlIldcmion af tM wm of OM l..ooIl., ('1.00) and ocher sood md wJuabl.e considcndnn, m:elpt of which i. btftby .'... ,.Ji.I' ~ to.~.:l... paid, ...N,I..0f':.<f.t... busained, BranIN. and conweyal .nd by tbae pmma do bupln. pIIt ucI ClDftyeyUfttO the Mounrain StIoca Po__r Comp.ny, . ON...~ Cotponlton. with.ltcenlt and ~r ro tmaIIa bualnea in me 8a~ of Or,..., iu "......" and ..ips, ~Min. .'ter ~femd to .. !1M UxDpaDy. foreorer, the rJabr. pth-lleae ~ eIInlWDI lor tlpr-of..., co el'ftl, tnlimlin, oprr..c, ~r-ir .nd ~ III el<<tric ~ line. telt:phonc,Of aerial c:abJc line. or tltbtr of them, ClCHIIwi.., of the lollowin~r ..............4.:=#..~f..<{{.s..:_,8u"""...~....u,6..r~~__I~f~.~u...........................................u.........uu.u.......uu.......u ....u........tc:L.ii.(;..I.R..I.i,..uu.a..~.~(..u......I.a.;......u..R/t:.u..uB.NC.f1.1V~.Jl....u....... ...u....u........ ...i.h lhe n<<eIS&I'}' wires and limon 1~. indudio.& Oftf.hanl tbtrmf: ~ whh dx fiSh. and plivitc!ge of relM\l. ing .11 foliage. mcs. 1M limbs and ocbcr nal1lftl buTten char Dlll7' mta'lne with eM COftIflU(t.ion, mainlenance. opcr~cion. repair and ~monl of Slid e1<<uic powcr line. mcphonc or aeritl cable line, or either of 1htm, upon, ow:r .nd ..cross Ihn! <<nain lft.l proprrtJ siruared in die Cou.nq oLIw.R..ft...lt.......... SWr: of Oregon, .nd more particularly deKribct.l .s foll.."s: ......&d....."'/../.l,...AI!.,~!...~.....'!!L_.l!f!!...LY.:.tE,..?'1!.,..,'4I......?"!F.?.f:.~....~.~,.....ZN.".!!:..~:. ~ ....~..'...~.'..e!.... ..............,.... .................................,. ................................................. and recorded in VoL_ ....... Pagt.. ....... of the: deed rccoIW of s.lid'lcounry. It is undersrood .nd Igfftd tNl! me 'aenu. represc:nutiYel, and. employees of the: Campany, I08Cther wilh all n~:n. u.ry loub Ind ftjuiplTltnl shall. It .n lilDl5. haft the right Ind pri.ileF of .ccns to aid. rish! of way .nd lhe pmptft)' t~rron EM (b(: purpose' oE cOl\RNction, operation. maintenlbCC.. repair and mnoval; provided always ,hit said Cump;any I:haIJ be: held rc:spcmsiblc for an)' umage which il may unnrcesiarily do to tht ptopetty .bove- described .fltJ lor Ia.'hich it may be: held tc:plly rnponsible. . ' wlmF.SS.....().~...~...~ teal..! this .....f....t......day of, ....1"'!.vt(...Ai1..#~SEAL) .~"g._S:4a:Y4........(SEAL) ....,s...,./.."",h."':,...... 19..y.,'.... ...._......................................... ............... (SEAL i ................................................ ............... (SEAL) STAT!'; OF OREGON. 9ount~. of ~ ~~ 1&5. ..} ~ r hereby certif)' t.hat Lhe within W8.B received I\nd duly TPeorded b:r mein said County RecordR Book of Oe€ods Vol. 397 PI\R'P 70 ?n the~dfty o,~ - ... 19~..'~o.Clock4. M. , W ,-la..~,-o.C'>...._~ om., ..... -' laid CaaI'...... By ~ '/, n:" .., k.~~-t - STATE OF OREGON. County of ......~."!.':r;.~.....m BE rr REMEMBER.ED, ThaI on (his .......L3.....................rJ.ly of ..~ektfl!fk, A. D. 19..9.C..... bdon: me. the undcniped. . NOtary Public, in .nd for the: said I Cowlty IPd Swc. perlOftllly appetftd the within named .g:.?:m/l"fl.!:ft::.f............... ./.___.d.4:Kti......t{'?k."'~___n'_.nn'_n.......n...______n...n.n___.....___...n...n.........n..n. who f[::..t.. imo:wD to.,OIe 10 be: lhe: idemiClll indiyjdual.~ who nKUleG tile ,..i(hin in. stn1metIt.~. ~,',"" :,.i.~"" If me (hat .&;.r.E'X<<utcd the..me freely .nd voluntarily. M..'r ~~~~ ~;~~"'="~~~ J haft hereunto 1eI. my hand Ind Nou.tiaI ~ (be: da"~j. .bO....ri~"..rit~~t:"-:___/L.J:k \ - :'..\::- Nocary Public lor Oreson. ./.:..... . . . .. .J'~...... My CollUllJWOClEzpll'tS=tIr ConniIIitI ~oi J.n. L:.,'-; ,I < Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal STATE OF 'OREGON. } I _ aa. County ot.,--""""~- lIB: IT REIWIBJlRIED. Tbat on th18_..J+_,.day ot '\"')1___ A. D. 194.1._. betore me. the imderoisnad. a Notary Public. in end tor the said Oounty and State, peraonally appea~ed the within named ...I. ~_wQ.lk.Ju1.cL.GAld.t:e._,_WLIl ~ -,' -. .. ,,.....IT.1I~,;--A.YiL known to me to be the identioal indivi4uaL~. who ..,..:: ~J1~ed the within inetrument and aeknowledsed te lOa that. 4-11&)1 {, ~,::,,""n:e~.d the sa"e treely and volunterlly. J ...:... '\' A r. ':-" <"IN WITNltSS WHltRlI:OF. I have hereunto eet lIlY hand and c' . i \\ 0 lIotarhl Seal the day and year laat ove written. : ",\,. .-. Ie,.. . "" 0 . _\'- Ut\. ,,,' _.' ~ ........, ," t, 0 sry Public tor_ ~r~\on. ')'::C;r~-- ion Expires: ~ II. Iq4~ ....- ~~ ~ ? . ~ "-- j ;-t :- :)- '>.'v ~; \ ,llOOll :Hti PAl;!407 ~ , ~; ~e.. ~ !. ~;s', j, :I E~. !ll'- :.nt.l"'~ot ;I g :fiI e. a ~~. i.c pSP'.-. -~a ,~ !j~f.ill ~ ~~. :i:Sbl _....c "l..lPCI :U;~~ , . ~~1l~ ~_.. 1 .- n;'"" ::. ill:l a.1lII"'~ ;:; -. "0'0" , ., ;- ;- . g - ~ ~.' ~! t'~ !f\) .n' E J~ ii: , .0 [~ ~ ~ i ~ g: .: . ~ ~ " .,- Ii' g ~ iO ~~a,lcr ~ ~ 2 ~$~~ ...... 'j"'lbll'~ "::'" N ~$' 1i1 '%.C', " " w c~::o :e -=_,' . ~ ~ if t,.., . \Jl:=~,,-. .. i"-"I " ~;" .ri'nl;.,,\~ " :. ::2 ".:. .~~!....-:.. ~'J ------------------------------------~-~-----------.---------------------- "----.---".-. ... ....- - ....,.~.-- ---=-.,...,~.~,,-~;- ...,..---. = For and in conBidBration or the Bum ot One Dollar ($1.00). receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. a right-ot-way is hereby granted to Mountain States Power Company. a Delavare corporation, 1. te successors and assigns forever. w1 th the right: to erect and maintain .._ h.. 1.1.010 _lina_ .O~. t.he: no::tL, .~i~~'_....l.J~....I:o.:J..l''''f:;'.-~Ct..:.:J.. :"':" :,~~:rr:l:n:-:. ..rive.._r.unninr AMS1. a.:JiL.l.le.at....E..C~t..l:..2....do~z. " . .iJna.i..l..l1UbC.ivi:;;ion.. - .--.---. -----..-..-. with the necessary wires and fixtures thereoD, and to keep same troe from follage acrOBS that property belonging to _--<\019 .... .J.l:Ulll an.d.J1.!'.lJB,C_~lOIl and Bi tuated in thB Oounty ot_." .l.a~e State of .. L rec;on . .........-, and described 88 follows:. 40 l':\....l.D8..i.....:a..::_..in.t..e.r.~d;;t,;,- cou::.t;: ~~!ld ~9~~.!!:l:..- k.ICl....:..l_A.~ ~m?~L..~r;_J!.~....!1.1 ~_ nQlD!- .jQQ'_ ~r;.Q1:~,,-_q~":. ~;.c SOU~!lef.lst COI'nttl' 0':: th~Lrto~s _...L..J;J.a_l1..~.Yb.;lvlsion_!__r~.;J._l:Wt~; \~ue __~~~J a dil:St,anoft 01' 26J.,.0 fOl1t. 'rhB Honn w ~!1!lL:lU~~JY ~f_~Qn. is a .p."rt or ",,;;.~[,~~~16 1Il-1b.:-,-:I .' ll....a"ba'eh~eceived: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal ~t t" ;' 's: , 0, '" .', '" .j) ~ r \ , ~ :Wj PAU 4Uo- It 1a underatood that the amplOyeeD ot the Mounta1n Statee Power Company, ita BucceeDora and A.aian., _hall at any time when necIssary, have aCCI.I to .a14 right-ot.way and the equipment thereon, for the purpose ot ropair., etc., provided 01waY8 thot Boid Mountain States Poyer Oomp8D7. it. DUoale.ora and aseigne, ahall be held responsible tor any damage which may be unneoessarily done to the property above demorlbe4. WlTNKSS tf2tu</. hand~ ~..,_,__, 19Yfl ::::'. '!ii' ~a1. ,~ and e.a~ ~ th1a.1~ _ dny ot .&- ~~L_ISeal) ",~,_~_(Seal) STATE OF OREGON, I s County ot ~-,-i s . J BE IT REHEMBERED. That on th1ac~.". day ot : A D 19 Ifl before me the undersigned, a No:tary Pu'6 1e, in and r~r the said'county and'Stat.e, per8~' LV ap~ear8 the within -::;> GA P.-p . " '1""- ~.p named j.)~.....~--/') -...- ., -.' -- ----- who (l....o...A- ..Known to me to be the identical individualS - w~.._ executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me th8t~..~. executed the same treelY and voluntar~ly. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hsrsunto set my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above wr1tt~~ - //./' . ___;;::?~~...., ;':L_~_, ......::: - - ~, '- -, .Notary Public tor Oregon. lIy cOIlllll1asion ExJllr..: '1117/'11' I . , ~ ~ =: " ~ ~ . I ;,:-. "'C0... C-. ..... ...., 'I~~'" ?, Ctl,\\I1ltj.,fS ".'-"~ N ' ~-:}~',:., "~ '- ~ {:,=-1 dJ >=/~I .." \ .,.:;i::~~;-rlfl~oI't/ ..:.;:, ~ ':,::-:~_f~~,:..~;1 :' 1i , N 1-' c- N ~..::, r~ ~ ~ ~ p '" I r." 3 l g ,; . . -< ~ i i ~ S ~~~i&. ;-!.~ ;:~ [~t!""~: ;!;%~o" a::!.... '. ,...c ..'< d=~iJ :!.~a.' D~ o iii 2-1" !!:"~ ;: ";e: ...a" , ~~. ~~ g 9 _,,""c: .;;;1~ ~ Jo.::;:...",d 3': a :: ..;. ~ ".I:iill' ~;:~ : a.tllIoC: >: ~i: _....,....,--"',..:=~-.""'=.-,-:-:., ..."'---'" , .~--._._.. Date Received: JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal ..~ '~.::> ;,;1 ,.j ,'- "' ~ 1 ~I f- . ~I ..~ ~r g II . \.0 - ~ ~~:SMK.PmUl N I 11 NW~'E95.oo'l II I "".. I . '''Zh1~~i.jl .. II . 1 r~I~I' - !r~i':~- "'~r:u_ :I~l~- ; ~.~ ." ,', .' s,~~~~ ~T. /? 1 l"j. -", ":. '::';'\.r......"""'.. . I. .'0, ,~e ~, . l~_ - ~ 1.1' _IJ.O DISTil{; o/~5.D - ~'" -~~ I--~.= Ii "'" .:. '~~ ""~. , . . )- II . i(c;;. ')1 g.. :IE r- I \0; .'1' 1 "iJ! : 111[. 0 ..." I, "r'tJf: 0 _ w ....L.. w ~ PROPdSED MINOR VARIANCE . ~ I il ",,~', l -' ,+' " 45' STREET FRONTAGE PROPOSED .----.. r II . 6.6" SO. ,1. ~ . /' ~ WHERE60'ISTHEREQUIREMENT ~!." '_'0 """';;1' "~' . . VARIANCE 1525% '( i, "t CIDJl..sm:e~ I : !.> : ~ I ~ : -",. ---...... J, I I ~_ 5'Plf - - , , M:~U , i ~. ,,-- s.jiffl--iOiTrw---r- .:-----~... 120.00' -~: ;, ".~I-'~'-' '," L EXISTK:::~> _ ~ ':" 'ldL ""1D'[[Wlm__' ___ -Wf{5 IO'CIH;,l1 WW5 WN"__- - -" --=WN5=- -"'WW5~ELE'I ~ ~ ~&.1.16 ~ .'fIKllFTE . _ 'IN'',_ ~-_ '3N5 ... <::. Il1HELEY<l.&M F^-l'lE'l/~' "\ uGu STREET F~~,~' . ~.~ ~6l.74 RlH ElF'/~16 ---L.- RlMELEV:I.li!o.1 V/-,w-w~w~w--~.;\'v-r--w-w;-::; w-w w- t:J 1 "'z:" : rlffl'~fg {vi T.u:~'\I'l1l'XI' ~J"'I D1l~~AY ~-~_0Il' 1-' TAXlOl111100 1~'1!1UU I~G~TllEEI TmOTfl1lOO (t~1 (ml'lfWlYAT!;IICOlK~l)flOll Ull~~SffiEET " .1 .$' I ~, ~ ..Q. "I . '[ . MIlINST V1CINITYI1o\P MlTTOSCAlE PRIVATE EASEMENTS /o.TPIllVlTEUlll1YEl.';ff'INI WlVINJP.IRCElI. B.5'PIlNATEIIA5TE'IA1EREl'VENI fBl'Ilfo,\j PAACEtza UI Z~IHSI. c..5'1'R1VATEW^-lTERWlTEllEASe'ENT ~R'lIfo,l;;!112brnST -r REGISTERED PROFESSIONA.l. l.ANDSURVEYOR ImlEWALDATI!lVJ1/01 .~ ~ SCllEr'~' TENTATIVE PARTITION . . ,~ GEOFF e. ELlZABETHCOSSEN TMLOTI7-03-36-U LOT #9800 SITE ADDRESS: 2660 G STREET, SPRINGFIELD OR JANUARY 2009 ElEVATIONSBASEO ON CITY BENCIt\ARK: !&ZJJ.CHISEliDsaUARE ON TOP OF CtIlB I SW COR~R 2bTH (SMIflOLtlG) mJ G STREETS. B0TI1PARCELSTOBESERIfEDBYlNlERGRrn.NJlJTIUTlE5FROHro..Et.fARNE PROl'ERTYCORNER. NEAREST FIREHYtlflANT IS 310' WEST Of THE SWPRoPEIlTYCORNER,ON SOOTHSJIlfCfGSTRffT. THERE AREJIKl TRANSIT ROIJTESI6RBY [sEENARRATlIIE.) PRQPERTYISS..BJ:::CT TOI.JTlLITYEASEHENTsRECORDEOJ..LYn,19~1)\Q.99s79.ANO . RECOROEDDEWlBER9,19~6.RECEFTIONNO. 82137 WHICH CONTAIN NO SPECIFICLOCATIIJIlS. tEWffilVEWAYA/otlPAVIM> STQl.f:WAl..X FOR EXISTING HOJ5E TO BE CONSTRl..CTED WITHllEVELOI'HEN'TPARCELOt.f.. 7. NEW DRIVEWAV ON PARCEL Z MEA5.JlEO FROH BACK OF 5 FOOTSIOEWAl~ EASEMENT. 6. Nf.W [W\IVEWAV ON f>ARCEL Z DRAINS TO GRASS SWAlE. 9. BOTH lbTll STREET A/{lGSTREET ARE SERIlED BY 90 WATT lPSSTREET LIGHTS; 10. THEM'PLETREESA1(l6'DECIotCtSTREEWILLBEREHOVEO. II. t1AXIMLMKEIGHT Of EXISTING RESIIJEI.l.E 1511' ABOVEGROLN'l. IZ. DU'LEXROO' ORAINAGE WILL GO 10 Wfff' HOLES INC1Jl!I. I~: EXISTING lNJSED CUlB curs Will BE REPLACED WITH F..u. HEIGHT STANDARO CURB SECTION. I~, NO GRAoI~ OR FIUING IS "EOUIRED OTltil THAN TYPlCAl FOlWATlct-I EXCI'IVATiI1l, 15. DtflEX TO BE SERVED BY EXISTING lMlSED SEWER LATERIll,APPROX. 30 WEST Cf SE f'!lI1'ERTYCORNER. NOTES: ~S_M' " ( 5. NB9"30'OO'E 60.00' ,. 5. ~ . . -"" CU.,OC-SlC ~O' TMlOT'91OO 8212~WSTIlEET 6. . . . . lAX lOT I~IDS 1~11 CIJ!SQNUl. LEGEND SEVER'SERI'lal~5 N89"3D'00'E 120.00' IZD.OO' "' STORHWATalPI'E '''' W/lSIDIATEIlPIPE WlTERlK @ sTOOHWlrERC/l.TOlBASlN .. P.lUCST1!EfTRK;KT.OF-I'llY ""....- . WASIEWATEIICLEAlIWI @ UlUHf'CtE .. lITIUI1I'I,UVII1H9GVIATT[J>;SlflETlI(;1II Q>l.INLNlfm:.t ,.,,,,'" 0 'f,'ArERVIIl'r'E' II WATERMEltR "'''''' 0 """" 1'1 ""-'"' PRrYA1EEI&flENT 0 Sllll'ETTREES (9,'N'IRE5U;Al;fW'lE) PRllI'OSEIISEWERlATEllIIl . & TAXLOTIIDI00 16!6 G STREET . " ; D t R . d JOSEPH M. FERGUSON a e ecelve pROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 2130 DAPHNE STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97417 (541) 747-4917 JAN - 8 2009 Original Submittal '--1..1 f OF SPRlNl:.~.~I..tD '~U~H f MAP DRC2009-00002 2660 G Street ~ CN .~ -~ :E '- l<) '" -G-S~ G- J , ; , .L '/) 1:(/ , Iii J: to ('.j it to ('.j <'3'S1' Dato Received: JAN - 8 2009 OrigInal submittal (IJ II.' II SITE Map 17-03-36-11 Tax Lot 9100 North of- -~. a: f-