HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 4/2/2007 " '.~' . . ' .,' "". ',' --, " ,-.,'. . ',,' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEV(oMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ". . '." ~ , DISTRIBUTION DATE: April 2, 2007 ' .'" TO:, ..., " Current Rlanning Staff: G.~Karp"S..Sul]1mers, J, Do~ovan, Liz Miller, M. Me~ger" Killi Gale, ' L Pauly, Tara Jones.[Andy Umbird, pave Reesor, '. 'Matt Stouder, Engineering: Public Works Department " 'Les Benoy, Engineer Group, Engineering/Public Works 'Chuck Gottfried, Environmental Services. . ," Brian Barnett, Traffic EngineerlPE, Public Works Department (agenda only 2/02) . 'Gary McKenney, Transportation Planning Engineer, Pubiic Works Department , , ,'Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall,'Fire & Life Safety Dep~rtment' .' Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only . ,_ "Ed Black; Maintenance Manager: Public Works Dept. 'Pat FrenCh, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recr.3'ation District , 'Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) , 'Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) , '" " Jack Foster, Springfield Utility Board (Energy Conservation) " Amy Chinitz, Springfieid Utility Board (Drinking Water) ; ". ' , ,Jim Hen'ry,' Central Lane Communications 911 (Subdivisions, Stree~ name changes) , Dave White, U.S.P:S. (Growth Mgmt. Coordinator), " , , ' Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full'packetS for PaititionslSubdivisions) 'Celia B~rry, Lane County Transportation ,:, , Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) " , Jim Mann, Lane County. Land Management [Urban Transition Zone] . ,'" ',George Ehlers, Lane County Sanitarian' " "[Urban Transition Zone] (if applicable), Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water District(' only if in the North Spfid area) (if applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (if applicable) . . Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenzie Fire District '(if applicable) .Joe Chavez, Comcast Cablevision (if applicable) ,; , , Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electric) ('If in Glenwood) ',' . Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) ("f in Glenwood) , ' Steve Mae, Glenwood Water District ('If in GlehWood), , : Bill Grile- Development Services Director (agenda) , John Tamulonis, Economic & Community Development Manager; , Cindie Mott, Code Enforcement Inspector (agenda) , 'Dave Puent, Building Official (agenda) , , ' Lisa Hopper, Building Services Representative (agenda) , Greg Ferschweiler, Keith Miyata, Brian Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept. 'Craig Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept, , " Deanna Buckem, Engineering Assistant, Public Works Dept.. (agenda) , Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department, (agenda) 'John Pearson, Building Plans Review Engineer 'Will Mueller, L TD ' 'Norm Palmer, Quest Corporation (agenda' , Mike Wilbur, ODOT, State Highway Division (agenda) Steve Barrett, Asst. Superin, of Operations, Springfield School District (agenda) William Lewis, Financial Services, Springfield School District ( agenda) , Jack Moran, Reporter, EugeneRegister-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO" Springfield Beacon (agenda) , Joe Leahy, City Attorney , Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor .. ,/. " ",". ".,'. " . l~ . :., ,.' '~':.:. " ',,', , (agenda): " .,...., ..... (agenda) , .l" "', ,:"".,-:., " / .. , " ", " <, ," '.:' ~" ~ ..' . ..... , , A request for land' use action, as described o~ the attaChed agenda, has been received by the Development 'Services Office, Specific Concerns of your division/department/agency should be addressed, If you have, comments or requirements of this proposal, please send them in writing to Karen LaFleur, Program Technician, Development , Services Department; 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477, ' , If your written,' comments are not received by Friday, April' ,13, 2007 specific concerns of your division/department/agenCy will not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on April 17, 2007. The Development Review Committee holds staff'review meetings on Tuesday @ 8:00-10:00 a.m, You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesd~y if you have specific concerns so that the Planning Manager's representative can discuss them prior to meeting with the, applicant. If the Planning Manager feel~ it is necessary for you to participate in the public meetings he/she will let you know on Tuesday, . ' , 'will receive a full packet ;~ " Date Recelvad'f0l~ Planner: AL , , " .~ :,.:-; . ." ".,": : .:; ~\~. ',.' "','i",:.' ....."(.. "-'. ..r.'. ~' , ' ", ~~ \,' _.r,..__ "'. " .,' ", ; ,~. '.,; , it...-, {' , ,.' '-." ".-..",' ,'. j, . >.. , " , . ....."., 'r,. : - .'0"',".' ",-,,' .',. ,";, ,.' ~ ". .'., , ~- /. . ,'. '.. ~. ..' '-,' " : -:,:- . ,,' ,. c. .'\ ':: , .,., " :.<.";:,.,,, '~AGE N DA." ,', ,,/. 'DEVEl..OPMENT REVIEW:, ." ",'. ,COMMITTEE: " , , " , . ;~, ," ./", ',' '.' .' . '. .,' ',1. .',' ',.' , ". ),.,1 , .. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT : 225 FIFTH STREET , , " '.. "Conference Room 615 " ,.. . " , , ,,'" ,--,' ". " ;',. ' " " Staff Review: April 17, 2007@ 8:00 - 10:00'a.m.' : '," , -. '" '~': ,'" .' ~".,". " . ;". ~, , ". '-. ' ' .- ,"', " '. .1. . . ,'. . PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2007-00014 KNIGHTS 8:00 a.m.' ,,' ' " " Assessor's Map:, 18-02-06-42 TL 2600 ' " il ,.... {' . Existing Use: ,Residential , .', ' " ,,,' ',Address: .3600 Garden Avenue' .;" L , . . Applicant submitted plans to partition onelol'into three parcels in the UGB Planner: Andy Limbird ' " " . 2. , PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2007 -00017, JACOBS 9:00 a.m. " ' Assessor's Map: 17-02-32-33 TL 2800 Existing Use: !'Residential ' """,,-,,.. ' Address: 4136 Camellia Street', """, Applicant subrnitte9 plans to partition one lot into three parcels ' Planner: Andy Limbird ' ,. I, ,1 D~te Recelved:~~7- Planner': AL ' , ; , ," .- . " .-,~ ~~.. . ",. , .. . ,!.! ,.' " ,,~ :l "'I' .. SPRINGFIELD, .11..... ..". ",'. City of Springfield!"', ' " " Development Servites Dep,artment " e.'. 225 Fifth Street I" " , Springfield, OR 97~77. .<>, , -\ ."., c.. ,.' 'f Land DivisioniAppiication, Type II ." ,J'. ,'. ,~' , " _J~~_" CllhAiuis;o"Tan+:::li+iua.. .,...';. ", 0 ~ ' c'l1hrliuicinn Qgnl::llt Tgnt;:;ltiv~. - "0 ___'-'IIW. . ..._............_. ' ,----....-.-.. ....-,-.-- .-......-......-;; -. Partition Tentative: " Partition Re tat Tentative: " r-:l .' '"1 ..~. ,- - ~. t" ;;,..;~: 't. I ~ II .11ll11 . i . 'I Applicant Name: ,:~ ..' Company: , ' :','" " Address: ' Applicant's Rep.: ' Company: Address: " , , Property Owner: " " Company: ,: !: ' , Addre~~: . "".. IPhohe: 726-2960 " ,lFax: 1505".7'190 , Duane A, Kniqhts I "I 3~~ 6.~.~d.v:-;1iJr . Sprinqfield,OR 97477 IJeannette M,,A,pOlauso, E,!., ,JBranch Enqineerinq, Inc. , 13t,I<FL4C;"'id,,, Sorinqfield. OR 97477 "', IDuane A, Kniqhts I , "", Phone: 1746-0637 ]Fax: " ' 1746-0389 IPh~ne: I IFax: I , ASSESSOR'S MAP,NO: , Property Add~ess:, , Size of Property:; Proposed Name of " 5lJbdivision: 18_02_06_42' ',' ," TAX Lcn NO(S): '3("'oo~t2V~ !4tH.A.,</',;_,- U8 2600 'Acres ~ Square Feet [, . "--,.' . .' , , Duane Knights Partition This partition is to divide Tax Lot 2600 into three parcels, The proposed p will have power, communications, & fire protection, A joint use well,and individual septic systems will be installed, , Residential Description of '.-;' - Proposal: Existing Use: . - ,"I , 18,561 sf du/acre # of Lots/Parcels:' ',3 :J . frr-li It Zoning: . " Overlay District: Associated Applications: ' Pre-Submittal Cas~ o ~f,ZGll(-0Jj (~o,;,-\- Plan, Designation: Urban Growth Boundary D AppliCable Refinement Plan: Location: " ,City Limits , i.J idA.......... \ Case No.: Application Fee: Date: ~//y I D l-- Reviewed by: Reviewed by: ,'~ No.: r '5- ,-." ( Kl,' I \f,...~)'/.,L0 'r '(}O , ',' ' atwi '5i If!, 'h'r~"l- ~ Date: Postage Fee: ' Total Fee: ! " fC-.j ~(- [blJ4 G ' , Date fJlecelved; ~~oL Planner: AL '- .-..' . .~ . ~.' WRlTThN STATEMENT for the', KNIGHTS PARTITION ,", ",' March 7, 2007 This proposal is to partition Tax Lot 2600 of Map 18-02-06-42 into three parcels. The property is located at the northwest corrier of;the Laurel and Garden Avenue intersection, The property is in Lane County and is within,'the Urban Growth Boundary of Springfield. No City sanitary sewer or stormwater services are available to the site. Water service is , available, bu! connection to the water line is not permitted. A fuehydrant is proposed for fire protecti.?n for the existing and proposed dwelling uni~, ' . A 25 feet wide irrevoCable public acces~ easemep.t is proPosed along the southern site boundary., This easement will act as ameans,!Jfaccess for the proposed'parcelsuntil ,', Garden Avenue is extended. With this partition, the property will be fully developed; no future development plan is required. A 7' public utility easement is t" vt'v~ed to abut the proposed irrevocable public access easementJor power and communications utilities. 'A ' ,5' privat~ water easement is proposed alongside the 7' PUE, ' , ' " '.' " 'I. : J Water will be,provided for all proposed parcels With the proposed well located oothe, 'western sit~boundary just north of the proposed 7' public utility easement. Water will be distributed to the parcels via the 5' private water easement. The septic system drain ,~ ", , : . '" fields on Parcel,3 are, setback a minimum of 100 feet from the well. ' ' ...,.~. ;-.~. >;~ ~ . '--,t' ."" . .. 't' ,". ' ..... " ,slmitary treatment and disposal will be through individual septic systems. ,The septic,' " "system for propOsed Parcel I has been approved by Lane CountY and installed, Lane' , , "', C" ',County approval will be obtained prior to installation of the remaining septic systems. ,A, " .' __' " ,... tentative. septic system layout for Parcel 2 and,3 cpD,-sists of 225 feet' of drain field and," ;, _":oi",~ "'"-:~ 225 feetof-';'bac~-up" line for each parcel. ',,", ..' ',,: . , - '.' .... .,. .-" . -.,;, .; l ". ..," ':',."" ';>'.~,. . ". . Stomiwaterrunoff from the propOsed driveway ~decing will be'directed to the p'roposed '" veg~~ted strip. ]loof runoff from each parcel will be d~ectedt~ individual dryw~lls. , ,. ~ I ' ,.', '" . :, t - . ..: ..;-.<)~....-:.}: . .' ,'" ", ".' '. .. b ' . " " '. . ,.~" . " .' ". .. .,. ~. ''. 1,'. . ,.." '" . ~.. . ,",..,.' '" ," ." "l' ,,', : ..... . ,. ~ '., . ;.-, . . i..... ..~ -, ,....' ,j' " . "'-', ~-..- "'- ,4 ' ,""".' 1..: , ~ -. ,.". ", "~ " " ..~,' '. . . ~ , , .,;" , " " ,'.' , :..t j." ." .~ ., ,'," " ' .,:, h :..=~~.. ~~~,'''' '1 . ,:'..:"'~! :--,~, '~~ "" ~. . ,- "'" . '''~ : /' "'." 'J: " j'- " ;," ,. - .' ." ; ,. ~. .r', . . , . . Dat~ ReceIved: fj/~'oOl' . Planner: AL, --" 7'" , ' "", '.' . ,,' " , , " , ", 11' ~ -':,>~. ,~ .':~, L -:..:i.:~ '- ;1 _ ," ",,' ,.('o':",.:,r:,..:,~-~:~.' '. (, '\," .,<. .-,- " I"': "..- ,". ,,'" " ~ ..'~ ...... '~ .... o. o ~ ","a ~..' .Q M. '0 . ^ :77"'30' J. ~ . ::: "-:.'"52':11' -~ , . . '. (! 7:6 \, , ,;":,:.. N 279.53' _"',_..... Boc2'Do...... > . _ ;:90' 500 ,'1,64-'AC' w . .;, i. ,'" ~ '". , , ,~ ,:' , S,3074-9' ..... ~~.~ -:.. --'""'. ..:..:., '" ,,-,.'-., ~. - . .. .. , ' c'<lO" (. ~ ....4.3 . . \05.00.. 503' " . ,,5A4- AC.c ~r i;.,' ",i_} (:. I- ',: ".. . 4~~;t! '. ..... ""- ,. (. ,,;'3C''\j ~ 1 \<JUJ1r/,' " LANE z ".- J Sa.66' ,I .~; : I ~O'~':1i. .. :m ..~ ':0' .M :) \ .... ",'" .> S:89"'5-9''';' - 117.83" SB9"S9'V - 1204.75' "", '" o " ~ ' cr' ',NTY SEE MAP 18 02.l S80.11'2(l"( 200 - 1B4,7}' 0,38 AC NaQ'!l'2D ....... - IB-f.71' coo. . .N8oPl1 .... .~ S70' NBOA13; 4S.'w' 30 63.32' , , , ' 30. ,. '., 0,80 ~ ,.: ," , 304637 S . '" peL ~" ~ '" ...... "~ ,,5. ,4-, 900 0,58, AC , .. ~ M ai ."~ " o ,.; , m ,- " g .' I l3 .~ .-~ ~; ': '? 2 f? c:I . d ~ "". ", '" ' '.,' . ,"', " II' ~~,'"''"';40'''':'':''''';''''' . '. 2.'0{ - 23 ,~ 700 ,', ~9' ' " " 5.17 AC, , ~ in. .,'. n " o " ~ ~ ~. \J. , ,"~t~R~ceiVe.d::~\;:\,~,~; Plan,rier:AI,. , ".' ,',,' ," ' .. ~ ,.; ~ 1" .~, . w ~ ~ o z, , -'" I., _~. f" I ,r--, ~ I!I ~ i~,~~" . .~z I ~ _ _ I ~ "'0. ;' ~ "L '~;.J, I r:~R;t.,,/bjZ ,> ' ' '~. '000 ,i,i, ' ],,~',:. II' rO~-\I ==--- 'N l'STA :.rS'~' WOOIl FEN( j ~ It -:g;. :; , N' .rf"-~", ""..~, /~ ~, ISTlHG '" I, -40' Il r.Lr lDT 1103 60' ~;> sn: -!fl~~y ~ O.W, ~. . . -'1-" ,---- - ~::'$l 1 -I A. rHF'",4 /I"{T-' r: ",t',-~ , '5J \1 N 1\'.._.... ~ . '/~/\/J )t~,; ....'\ PARCEL I t. ~ : .,' ;1. "? ~ I t ,8.266 son. " " , , ,I~. ~ I , I J " "'Ill <>. I I I . .:g ~ 1............- 1365" ""f~ !b rsn N8Q" (ASfI.lEN / fV>S 5 . -. . 2400 1466 I ..I'l :s IS -. -. JUT .4- 'lI ~ -~l i . ~ 6.~;mr-uAI~ ~ v:1: 8 Q , CdIiokN;, - ::, :' ',~ G; TENTATIVE PARTITION MAP FOR DUANE. KNIGHTS , "1fIliD.w~' . N;E. 1/4. SEC. 6;'T,18S,. R.2W.: , "'ION To J/ 'AJJo" c .,' SPRINGFIELD, ,LANE COUNTY, ""EN E.s-r..rE. 'MARCH 7.' 2007 SCALE 1" = 3D' " z z 6'~FfNC~' W,M. OREGON J 1211 OONOENA. S1REE1 EXlSTlN<:'RES~NTIAl -~n..oING rAI urr_oz . ---- ". . ~ , "" ~~~24'-; .... "'" t:: : itfm :. . a;:i ,I ",au I.... .q- ': [~S :... ;----,-", I "-l>:> 1" . 1-< ..." ~ I ~c~o- J~ ~ro".:, ~:"I~),~ w"Ttllw(U- ~...... -<s 'Jg- 34' ~.. 12.~~I~"ODd t 426.94 __'lO' '" '" ':-~/ 0" rH lM'fi(J(J :~,:,:,-"f~~'~~~~'r--- " ,~'-~ HI' CONCRETE' j----_ _ ) . _ > DRIV[WAY . PROPOSED ...cC[SSEASEWE;q~-; _". ". ,'~OR,..SSll~HEE~O'ftN[R l50ll."", ,'~..c.:~ .' ...~ ,'PROPIl;EDflRE ..-e..--' . "'''', I ",. NOTES: r.u U1f'aoo r.u U1f' 60S "l-lutI..tlESlrU-lIFl't,AQD~ t.OAAH"GCFORThEFIJT!.flf:RE~"1'l!uCll.ftEllnlBE:tlIlE'CTa> TO UlI\IDU,I,l PRIVATE llRO'l:u.s. . ThE ~lU:lr'F I'l'IOM FlITlfIE "w PROPOstD I>'WEw..1; nl IIF ~crE1> TO.~GCT"EO sa:-R1E1l SflIPS lI'H01 II'l.l ~l.W "l-ONG ~ oF TIC VAA-'E""S. TK: n.1VI STRIPS fl.l HAVE A PEl'fHoFlIV( NC1E;SI.w..~. &:V€SIl.OPE. fl-C ~ IlOTI~.oF THO IITfl/P nJ.. ""-VE' A It(lTtI OF ONE FOOf-.at 1 1l-C PROPOSED ~()1A1lLr WAT[R Il'EU-Il'U-.HJlVE TIC J1#lff RESf)(Nr<-ll STRtXT~S. TI-C"ATElll'<lIn.1.8[PLACE1>N1l-C5" _.PRN..rE....T[R[ASf:~" AU.&6'TICUI"Nf'~LDIl"WT"""1l IM:'Ll_-""'G.0f'1'.91'E's(P1'IC8rIlIDlSIAREOlIT~C)f'rl€rOOf'[[T SE'T9AO<'I'1lOMTI€~U. TH[REllDENf\AlSTRlJCTl.fIEIIll'LlUSl:NlI\onlAL6D'n,;9rSTDIS'f'CIfl _.-AlIrC'-AIV1JI1CArlC.vrAN:/lJISP()SAL. ._fIE tlV'TICBr6rE" 1'00._. -~It{Jf'DstDl'''''''nIHAIlBEENA_OvEVllr.lA...E..COlNfrAM> .- J'lSUurD_ l-AIE COlMr APPROVAL "Ll. BE Ol1rA~ f'IK)R TO nc f'/S'IALlAfKW(;F Jte SO'Tr SI1lJEAI FOIl fflOf'OSED PARCUS 1 AnJ 1 RESER'" ....EAII NIC AlSO DV'ICTEl> ON ThE PLANI!. flC ' FOLLOW"'" .IS nc DfIN1 FnD lrNGfl4& PIlOl'OSED /!E1KlIl'E' P.oRCa' 115 f'T 115 FT PAIICClZ U,FT lZ5f'T PARCCl3 115FT 215FT 1 ThECllfNATR> CUT MDFLL N::LllIN> [I(CAVAJlQVf'OII UC tlRIl'E"Ar lI-VOoIVG. l'EGEfATEII B1RIP / SD.laIU.6E 1TlV>'CHAWI!TLITrmmt:lC1l'.IS"""'r;JXIMfD.r.)OOc.r. " tlRIVE..... II'l.l Dr Ill' WllE AOO""VE TO'(lI'~A\'U Sl<U.DUlON901H~SDFThEPRM:_ ll/lIVU''''' .6lfiF"CC'StlAlLSlf'FOfH"N90.000lSIl~DL~ ... "NO PARK'/<; f~E lIE" BX;/>I!>iAll fl[ MlT.o.t..UD AOJACENT TO T>CIlRIYE. nCIlfIIVE.....rfF/E ACCESS '.. _llDElA\'llB!>TTIlJCTDlPER_IIGI'E:U'F~ECOOE:. UGEND '; i-. d I :r~~~4~1 tk ,'. 't;,~,,~;1 r . -- '~, 15' ~"":i " I . , , '.$1:' . ~': I j i i. -oor-.,- flrl'TNll'!iaurnL16 I'llCt'Ol\lDI'l!l7fIItl'lMf lliJ$TNiASFH.llT llIISlmfYM:E: [mINl/MRfOD/'(lI(II ~- -.... "[XISJN;; ..,...,.. - c::::J -~ ~" _. r---" L__-' '-.A/f-JONII/TlJJYIIOE/OI ---: €Mn~ '"",.': ------- ~~ EMOOfI ~ - ..:.:..-~=- -<:u.~---~ .~.~-,,'-. ,~~BfRaT '--50.?~--- 'W Uh'AW ~ ..L....- nor ~ . .1 ...m ~_ .}, . '" - W 'Bran~h En:/!ine'erin/!; 'Inc. .~1310FlflhStrut RCl'UID ~. Sprinctidd, GreeD!> 1174-77 : =G:s=,.' (541)746-0637 FAX (541)74-6-03811 . IlU. , bran"b.dmID.bra.ncbenrmee~lna:.c"ll> ChU " Suucluru . Tr....portaUoD . Suruyine . ,"., ro ..../ ( . PR~:":~="'" k'~~:'~M JAMES...:ORNlCH.' In. . ~cE~RI31.1OO~ l.: [~ D<<fmW J~ 2QOJ . , , <f'~ . ,~ TAX MAP 18-02-06-42. TAX LOT 2600 1--' . ,,~. 'I, I I rH UJr_~(I(J: ~ ~ ~ -. ,~\ ~, rHU1f'.1JOO .':." -...." -- . - ';, .. ,~~ i~ -, -~:--- - -..........:...,1... ___i1 ' !' ~~.~ , i ~k I~~ ! vrc,INITY; MAP ~ ~J SCALE' NONE j , I I " ," 1 . , . PROJECT NO, 06-205 f. I' " " , .I , , I j' ~. . (- l':, .'1' I " l<" " .""