HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 5/1/2007 " 'J~ 'I AFFIDAVITOF SERVICE srATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County of Lan.e I I, Karen Lafleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I sfate that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the De~elopment Services Department;' City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program T~chnician, I prepared and caused to be ' mailed copies of5uf3~{)7- 000/'-1" ntri'-;L t:/), ~ -j)a.IVC~ (See attachment ;'A")on~/'1D ,i007addre'ssedto(see '~'~(J' Attachment B"). by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon, ~;V)JA1 ,-i/~ , KlRj~ LaFLEUR' ') ~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane CfJ1..II</f' ( . " 2007. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur,:' . Program (JIechnician, who acknowledged the .f<;>regoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: I, . . ,-------'=-......,.. ... '" 'J I' .' OFFICIAL SEAL - - ~ - i ,.' BRENDA JONES ' ..j \, ./ . NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON {' '..' "COMMISSION NO, 379218 r _ _ _ ~~~:~,:~~~ii~~,~~~ rIf:~.2.~: ~~~ ~ ~ ~1-:rmf~ , ,My Commissio'n Date Received: .s:t!POO( PI~nner: AL / " . TYPEII TENTATIVb tlARTrrION REVIEW, STAFl<,' . f' , ,- .; REPORT, & DECISION ' ',',,' , : :" \', ,.,' '. '. - " Proj~ct Name: Duane Knights Partition .;1 . .... . . Project Proposal: Partition 'one urban fringe residential parcel into three residential parcels , ' Case Number: SUB2007-00014 Project Location: ,3600 Garden A venue, ' (Map 18-02-06~42,}ax Lot #2600) Zoning: Low Den~ity Residential/Urban Fringe Overlay (LDR/UF~IO) ;' ,~ ,II Comprehensive PlanDesighation: LDR Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: ' Dee: 8, 2006, .,.;'" " :1', ""'." .Ii Application Submitted Date: Mar, 22, 2007 L "..' . . ". r . _ ~ . " Decision Issued Date: April 30: 2007, " , I .... -, ,'.' Recommendatio;:': :,Appr~val with C~nditions . ,. . " . . , " Appeal Deadline Date: May 15,2007 "> . '~'.' -. '. .. ';. .., ~~ ,:. I:~ .:' ~ - " Natural Features: !'None ' .'t.' '. . .. , .' . , ,'.",; Density: Appr6xidlatelyi:3 units 'per acre, r . .' ,,1.... " ' '." > , , I POSITION", , " ',I Project Manager '" " ",'I Tramportation Plan,ning'Engineer ,',PubhcWorksEIT' ,',' ''', "', PublicWorksEIT ,- Deputy Fire Marshal :.. Community 'Services Manager . <', "0. . ;" .J .,,; ,". " (witlid~awn);"LRP2006-o6()18' (~ithdr~wn);' .. :,~' '( .," ,.. . ......""1 '":"'.,;'-- ',Associated Applications: ,i>RE200~-00075; SUB2006;00033 PRJ;:2006~00101" 'I, "', " .." 1 ' " , " ' ';, 'i", CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM . ';1 '. f." REVIEW OF Planning' , Transportation' Utilities ," Sanitary & Storm Sewer' , Fire and Life Safety' Building' NAME Andy Limbird' ' Greg Kwock Jesse Jones Jesse Jones' ' Gilbert Gordon Dave Puent ,'., ,~ _. 1,- '-, APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM", ," ,".,..' ",<.,;,: ,!\" O~ner/Applicant:,i . , ">'. ,_' "" .' "_ I , .. ',~ '" I,'. !' .'~ . , .~. ,~. ; Engineer: ", , " , "l, "':i' ',' Duane Knights';' f :", 3600 .Garden A venue.. Springfield, OR 97.4,77.<; ,~ ~:,;,' '~;l';'"!,,,:;>.;.':;;:,,~ .'\ . Ii . '., '1',-'.., ',' ,~..'~ ~ , , " Jea~nette Applauso'::, :>< ,; Branch Engineering Ine:;'::: " f. ",'. if ,,'.,... 310 Fifth Street, , '''''> , ':; ,:' , ," Springfield, ())C97477~' ~,,:: :':' , .~ .,'" 'I. , ", ~'i' '. I....,';'.. "'. .. ".' . " ,',.. PHONE 'I " 726- 3 784 'I' '726-7134 I.' 736-1036 I ~736~ I 036 I " ,726-366 r I ; .. 726-3668 I ''', " , .. '.. ,;.. ".', " .. : '-" -~l "':.'; " ;.:--'" ~," J " ;' ,- " , " ;;:;':"?~):,;;'!'j~;;: .., ...., ',; ~:ba~gR~~~I~~~;Wj~1j.." , , ,', ," ;', ' .. ' :,;"Rlann~r:';'J,\L' '-.. ""," " :,., '. ,," , ''':,.",' :'- " . ,., .; .... .;' " " , ,~,. .. . ~, . ,DECISION: Tentative Approval,' wIth conditions; as of the date of this IL ,'., The standards of the " 'Springfield Development Code, (SDC) applicable to each criterion of Partition Approval are listed herein 'and are 'satis'fied by the submitted plans and notes unless 'specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for compliance. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS, AS WELL AS TI;IE FINAL PLAT, MUST CONFORM TO THE SUBMITTED PLANS AS CONDITIONED HEREIN, This is a limited land use decision made according to City cod~ and state statutes: Unless appealed, the'decision is finaL Please read this document carefully. ' . ,." (See Page 14for a summary of the conditions of approval.) , OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION: ' None, ' Fuiure development will be in accordance with the provisions 'of the SDC, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state and federal . regulations. REVIEW PROCESS: This application is revi'ewed under Type II procedures listed in SDC 3,080 and the partition criteria of approval, SDC 34,050, This application'was accepted as complete on March 22, 2007.' This " decision is issued on the 39th day ofthe'I20 days mandated by the state, ' ' .......... . ',. SITE INFORMATION:, 1he subject property is an irregular~shaped lot located on the northwest conierof Laurel Avenue and Garden Avenue:' The site comprises approximately 1.30 acres (56,806 ft2)and 'contains an ' -existing house under construction, The proposed development site is not within the City limits, but is within the,' Springfield Urban Growth Bou;,dary (UGB), The property is zoned and designated Low Density Residential,. (LDR) in the Metro Plan and lies within'the Urban Fringe Overlay District(UF;IO), Adjacent properties are "also zoned and designated LORlUF-IO. .The Assessor's description for the subject property is Map 18-02-06- , 42,'TL #2600:' Appro~al of the proposed partition would create three lots: ParceLl, containing the existing house, 'and two lots that are proposed to the west of the existing house: 111e three proposed parcels range in size .' between 15,800 ft' (Parcel 2) and 21,619 ft2 (Parcel 3), A 25-foot wide irrevocable public access and powerline " easement is proposed from the tenninus 'of Garden Avenue to provide legal and physical access to Parcels 2 and, ,:, ,,3,' 'Additio!,ally, the partition plan proposes to dedicate approximately I ,121ft' of public road right-or-way for, " , Laurel A venue. along tl)e easteI11 boundary ofthe, site. .. '.',. ".. ",' , .. , . '. " . \ \ ,.. " - ;,. ,'WRITTE~.FOMMENTS: ;'.' . ,:"'L" . , , " t. ','i , ~"! '. . " ',' . '. .' {. . ~, ''!." , :'r-o' ", ~. -. " ,.,. ,< ,',- ,',. .;. ; :.~ '...". "J ,',' i',1 " ','... density of approxil11a\~,j 2.3 units' per acre,' \"hich meets the r~'1ulrements of SDC 16,01 O( I) and objectives' of the Metr; Plan. . . ',' .. Finding 3: Proposed Parcell takes access from an east-west street,(Garden Avenue) and exceeds the mini111umJot size and frontage requirements of SDC 16,030(2), . . . t . Finding 4: ~ursuant to SDC Section 16,030(6)(b)6, lots may take access from a private driveway in lieu of having publi~ street fron~age when access has been guaranteed via a private street or driveway with an irrevocable joint use/access easement. , . l ' . t. Finding 5: ,'oIn accordance with SDC 16,030(6)(b)6, Parcels' 2 and 3' are proposed to be s'erved by a, driveway within, a 25-f60t wide irrevocable public ,access easement. A small portion' of the existing driveway is: out~ide the subject property, and is proposed to be contained within a separate access ea'sement affecting the adjacent propert.y to the south (Tax Lot 500), Fiilding 6: proposed Parcels 2 and 3 exceed the minimum lot size requirements ofSDC 16,030(1), I~ ~: ,Conclusion: TIlis proposal satisfies Criterion I. '"'; (2) ." . ...._ .:1. '" ",. , ,. ", ' - The zoning\is consistent with the Metro Plan'diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram,., . . . ~I ' . . ,'" " . . Plan Dlstnct map, and Conceptual'Development Plan, , ' ' " " 'I . . . Finding 7: The subject property is designated Low, Density Residential (LDR) by the Metro Plall diah'fam ' and.1ies wit~in 'the Urban Fringe Overlay Distriet(UF-l 0). TIle zoning of the propel1y is LDR/UF~ 1 0, consistent with the Mctro Plan, and no change to the zomng designation or, boundaries is proposed, , ',. -._~ II " '. 'Conclusion} TIlis proposalsatisfies Criterion 2, ,,,', '-.,", Ii ' ' ' Capacity requirements of public improvemelits; including but not limited to water and electricity; sani'tary se~ver and stormwater managementfacillties; and streets and traffic safety controls shall , not be exceeded, and the publie improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of l . ," . developmeD,t, unless othe,wise provided for by this Code and othe~, applica~le r~gulations, The , "Pnblic Works Director or,a ntility provider shall determine capacity issues, " ' , . ~.. :....~:~.;..-: .-"""". ., ~~"""'" "',' ," " .. ""'. , ,Gene~al Fi~Cling 's': For 'all public i;"prove~lents,' tlie applicm;t sl;all retain a private professional civil ',' ,',.',,:, engineer to;,design the 'partition improvements in colifoffilance with City codes, this decision; and the ',," :';' current Eng;neeringDesigi; $tandards and Procedurcs Manual (EDSPM), The private civil engineer also'" : ;;" ',,;.;,~ " 'shall b,~ req~injd to provide construction inspectic)fi' s~rvices..::,::; ,,' '~, ; "', '" :: ,,~ :~'.t-" t'.',.,_:'," "-, :~"'r' 'f," .'. '....j .,_:, ~<'J -,,! -,",; ,......- , ,'" ':'" GeneraI' Fil{aing 9:' Th~ 'Public', Work~ Directo~\ representatives l~ave reViewed the proposed partition, .! . .,' . City staffs ~eview comments have been incorporated in fmdings and conditions contained herem, . :-,.- '-"-. 'J'_ ::. ......; .... ~ ,.15.-"..~'.,:'_':"c"'", .. ,.~' ".~ .' .-.: ~ <'. ;'. ",-";-..~ ,:, .-', ..' :-::" . ~ ~ "" . ." .. " .. General Firi'ding 10: '.', Criterion '3 contains 'sub~elemel;ts and applicable code standard~." TIle partition <" . . ' "~. ','" ",': applicati'on ~s subinitted complies with the code'standaids listed under each sub-element unless otherwise, , ,'" , ,',. noted with ~pecific findings and conclusions, The sub~ele111ents 'and code standards ofCritenon 3 include" .' ;:.. :.~~ ."<:~ \.;:~. _.' but_a~e n.ot limjtedto: ':,,; -' '. '" . ' 1i . ~ . .., ." 1 -': ":<:- ;", ' " '., ..' ~!",' . ':,.,,:_:J-:' ',,!:.;' -f,'_~"<' '~;':"""',e'" "'~", '.. ~:...:;...:_.':.:r',~ ....~...:,; l ",' ',,<" ' .Public'iinprovenients in accordance withSDC 31 'and 32,' ',' , '.': .. ", '. :: :0 Public Streets and Relatedlmprovenlents (SDC 32,020-32,090) " '; 1,. '_': . . _ \' .. .' ~ . - .,. . .' . ,.' ' '0 ,SanitarySewerlmprovements(SDC32.100).. c..,' ''', "o'..Stonn WaterManagement(SDC32,11O, 31.240) ".',': "~ ,....' -,' "".., '1'0' Water and Electric Improvements (SDC 32,]20(1)) ""', ';, I, ~'" ";,,' ., .,' 0" ,Fire ai,d Life Safety Improve111~~ts (SDC 32.120(3)) " " , , , Jlo' Public and Private ,Easements (Spq2.120(1 ) and (5)]:-' ' .. ' " ,,' '~'i>l. ~''i'~~'\~\~ ':::f'.,~,>,:~;:,.\: '::/, ;,;'" ,i,. ' ,'....' ,: ',' ..", , :.:'... ",' "", '::Datt;iRec.'eilf(;lct. '(.."J'J,.?aJ" '.',>,',,', ,'" .' ,:;1( , , ", ,:"Pli:mner:'AU" //" '. " \~., ;:,~~,;:\,~:' ',. '~"l ,,3 ;.," :r. "," .. ' . '. ;. '....;~. '~, ',; ".,. 'p) .,.... ....,.' "',' . ',.<-'. 'r- ',. ".'''.' .',,' "~I " "'.-, .~ ; ~: ,....'.7. . '. ,.' , j.... ".i';; f~ , ",';" '.'..( ,.,> ,'.r.,,' , ' .I. " ',' Public Streets and Related Improvements ' , Finding II: 'Section 32,020(7)(b) of the Springfield Development Code requires 'that whenever a , proposed land division OF development will increase traffic on the City street system and that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting a fully improved street, that street frontage shall be fully improved to City specifications" Exception (a) notes that in cases ,of unimproved streets, an Improve~ent Agreement shall be required as a condition of Development Approval postponing improvements until such time as a City street improv~ment project is initiated, Finding 12: Abutting We subject site, Laurel Avenue and Garden Avenue are unimproved local access roads (LARs) located outside the Springfield City Limits, The,existing rights-of-way are 40 feet wide on Laurel Avenue and 50 feet wide on Garden A venue. Along the southeast boundary of the subject property, the ,Garden Avenue right"of~way temlinates approximately 147 feet west of the intersection with Laurel Avenue. -Average daily traffic for Laurel and Garden Avenues is estimated to beJewer than 200 vehicle trips per day', . ' . ',,', Finding':13:' The ~pplicant p;'Op~s'es to dedicate 'a 10-foot wide strip ofright-of~wayalongtl;e~estem . edge of Laurel A venue where it abuts the subject site. , ' " ' , 'finding i 4: 'Additional vehicular and pedestrian traffi'c ~reated by development of the subject property : :,' would contribute to the need for paving', curb/gutter, sidewalk and street lighting improvements on Garden Avenue and Laurel Avenue, The absence of these improvements atmtting the subject site makes construction of improvements on the property frontage economically and technically impractical at this , time. -Execution of Improvement Ah'l"eements for these :improvements is warranted in accordance with' ," ' , ' Wovisions of SDC 32.020(7),' " " ":<, " '.. ~, Fillding 15: 'The proposal shows Parcell ';'ith frontage on b~th Laurel Avenue and G~rden Avenue," .' " .. Tile applicaht proposes to widen an existing concrete driveway to provide access to Parcels 2 and 3, and' t. , adjacent properties to, the south and west. A 25-foot wide irrevocable public access and' po:verline:. easement is proposed until silch 'time' as Garden Avenue is extended further west from it~ current,' '","'''' '.te~ilil~atio~poi11t.'. ,k ". .'. .;:".~~,.. ...>.,.... .'~' '". _, .,' ,. ".} '...t..... .,' " i.' '. .",' '-.', , "'-'-' ' . , ,- .:'..' _ " . .-. ", .....j..... ." Findiilg 16: 'Westof its curreilt tenninaiion point, the developer' is proposing to offse(ih'e, Garden',. ,;.. .,' " /': ':- : Avenue right-of~way five fee(,to the south. The' northem line of the proposed irrevocable easelllent ':', ,:"," , ,: (int,mded to represent the northem edge of the future, street right-of-way) is aligned five feetsou1h.ofthe ,:,:,," , " ,~. ',existing Garden Avenue north right-of-way'line.' This type of "jog" in th~ edge of the streetiight-of-: .:' ' . i'... wai is not favorable for future urban street development, and can lead to complications. for routing, " '~ utilities, sidewalks, cti~bing ~!ld p~ving. ',', <'::,: "'''h':';''':', ,:., :,' "',,, . :,~~:"\:.,~.,>..:':;..'_, -'" ",""~">.;':" "',.'.',-, '~-.: -"-, ,,' "".,":', ",,-,-,.' ..__,I:,.'.:.';.,,-~:-" 'Firidirig17:'The applicallis not proposingt6 dedicate'public street riglit:6f-way[or Garden:Avenue. "with the 'partition pliln,nor is the City re'quiring,dedication of Garden Avenuerigjlt-of-~ay atthlsiime: ,', i- " .:' t, ._' "'.~, . ". c " , . ,,", " , .': '" . . '. " .' , ' ., - < .".' - . ','. ; -:.';" . ,,',:' Finding '18: The 'adopted Conceptual Local Street Map identifies ~ futur~ extension of Garden ~ venue, ," west:-vard along its existing aligiIDlent tothe intersection with Dondea Street. Thisplarmed extension'", ,,' affects approximately 279,5 feet of the 'subject propertyJromthe current tennination of Garden Avenue:, ",,\,.".' " to thewestem property,line." To ensure that this extension is possible it] the future, it is appropriate to '~' , " , ,". require the buildingsetbacks'on the 'proposed lots to be established with reference to a projection of the,,' . , ' " - , ",,' ' , . "north right-of-way line for Garden, Aven,ue across Parcels 1,2and3.., " ",;,: ...-.. ',"' .."; . .: : ., .} ,.'i '! \ ~ " ...- y'., ,.' . ,,' ' ;.'. ~'.' '. .'. ~':",'., ' '>,- ,"', '"..,.".'~' '. _, '...' . . ,it", .' '" , .' -.',' .- , - - ~,. , . .'.' . . .,'.' " " .. ." ,. \ ' , . ~ ,~". .' , " ., .."'- ',:,,- "", . '~r ~. '" f:.,J, , - - ,;-,' "-' ,,-" ~ -'/ ,>" "'0""" '. '>5111~"" ,"" ,"',J, ~".8t$R~IVEld:~ ",,0'1 "";,Planner.>Al,",f: ': ' ,'" " '" . . " ;:'~.. _' ,_) '\'.:.-, , ;_: ;' : ',,;' i:', . ~ ~ . '.."'" '. :", j .,,<'. ",'.':.. '. . .', .'" ,," ,,' ...j 4 " .~; " " ",' -\" ." ,.-,' .. ",'," . ," ~ '", "', "." . . ' " . ~ ,'Finding 19: jlIn acccirau"cewith SDC 32,050, wllere'street trees Cali""t be planted in the public right-of~ way, they sllall be planted in the required front yard setback of private property in order to meet street tree requiren1ents, ' " .. ',..,,' < . . . Finding 20: ,I The applicant is proposing 'three street trees along the Laurel Avenue frontag~ ~f Parcel 1, which meets the requirements of SDC 32,050, -In accordance with the EDSPM, the two southernmost street trees spall be speciesthatare appropriate for planting beneath power lines, '" :', ' Finding 21:;At present, the subject property has approximately ]47 feet offrontage on Garden Avenue, The partition plan proposes to dedicate the eastern 10 feet of the property as Laurel Avenue right-of-, way, resulting in approximately 137 feet of Garden Avenue frontage along the ,southern boundary of Parcell. ( " : " " .. ' " Finding 22: il The ~ppiicarit is not prop'osing t~ i~stall any street trees along the Garden Avenue frontage of Parcel 1.1 However, at least four street trees are required along the Garden Avenue frontage of Parcel I in accordance withSDC 32.050 and EDSPM 6.02,' 'J' '. . - ".. , .' '. Finding 23:" The 'projected 'Garden' Av~nue frontage for the subject prop~rty ~,extending fr~m the 'intersection::with Laurel A venueto the western::property line - is nearly 417 feet. 'In accordance with SDC 32.050 andEDSPM'6.02, approximately 10 'street trees would be required along the existing and future Garcten Avenue frontage of Parcels 1, -2 and 3, " .. . . , ..... Finding 24:, As proposed, a 34-fooi wide portion of Parcel I and,the entire width of Parcels 2 and 3 will not have frontage on a public street. The applicant is proposing to install four trees along the future '~. Garden A venue frontage of Parcels), 2 and 3. The.proposed treesdJu)?t meet the requirements of SDC , 32,050 ~ndJhe EDSPM 6,02 for one tree per 30teet of street frontage: , "", ' ',' ,'; -:' . . Firidu1g 25:1'The developer is not required to install street trees beyondthe ternlination point, of Garden, , ' Avenue with this application.' Installation of four trees as proposed on the tentative partition plan would partially satisfy future street tree requirements ';:hen Garden Avenue right-of-way is dedicated alon!! the" " frontages of Parcels I, 2 and 3. The trees would have to be installed in accordance WIth SDC 3i050' .. "~ " and EDSPM- ,6,02 to be consld.ered as q~~lifYll1g,street trees, 1,,, ,:; '.I ":,'" .',' ',' - ,,' . '~ "-. .< ;r .' .~. - ','0' - Conditions',of Approval:: " ",',' , ' " : .., ,,::, .,' , ,'. ',-, , '.~ r ',' , . '.," ,J! ~'~;"-' "'., .' ... . "". .:" ." . ~. .4,1. ).' -.' . .,': ./ . ~ ',' . ~:- . 1. : Prior to,' approval of the Final Plat, the :dev'eloper shall execute and record al'- Improvement;', :, . "..Agreenlent for Laurel'A venue fQr p'aving, 2urp; gutter, sidewalk,:,street lighting; sanitary sewer' and ,,~ .' '-starl1 sewer-:"' , - '. . ,. . '.'...:..'.". to. .' . '.,,'. . ,,-;.;' ~ '-'i -;':-'- -"~". .~,.~.' " .:'t"': >.',~' '" ,1:(';", .~:,~..,:<.:".;~., '. ':.:,':':'. -'.J,~ 'J' '1' '-'-<l~: " '_,.,.' '.,-: _'/ ,_ . ' . ,'" . :,,-':'f',' "".~ ,Prior t<('appr6val 'of the 'Final Plat, 'the "developer 'shall execute and 'record an In1provement "'" , Agreement for Garden, A venue" for paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street -,lighting;, s,tre~t ire~s, sanitarYsewerandstonnsewer. ., ~:,~'.,.' ~ ,. ';' '. ..\ ','''",,:':;-~';;,S:''';;'~'_''i':''-:' ..t.. ;. ,,_ ,',> "7,;;'::;";';: -',' '" " ,,' ':; ,...;, "'.' ': :<,'r:',~<;e~'",:<- ~:::..j,:k "~:.. '{'" :;;. ',:,:, . ,,3. :- PriQi"to approval of the Final Plat, ,the northern 'edge' of the irrevocablej,ublic access and powerline .,: ,: '" ; ",' " '~:easement shail be established from the northern edge of the existing Garden,Avenue right-of'way', " "', ,line and extending westward through Parcels I, 2 and 3 to the eastern boundary of Tax Lot 2602, " ' ' The dimensions of the public access and powerline easement will be 30'x 279.5'.' ;" ~ '~' ",,:~:;,-'~'J " .. .......... :",' ,,:"," ~I~~j'~'~: '~'; ..,..... '".,'.....:.... ,::,.'~: "'. 4,<Buildirigs shall he sei: back at least 10 feet' fr6nl the north edge of the 30:x, 2795' pubiic' access . easemept(the future Garden Avenueright-of:way) in accordance with SDC, 1,6,050(1), : " ~},:'/~:';"'~"'.:~{<' .'.....,....~1',_.~(:~\' :,...,>::....,..,::.~'_::,..-::.~~...': .'::'.,,:,.~ ,: '.:(:,,;' .;'..-:'.:_~: :.." ,".:' '" _' " J'_' . ' 5. , ,Prior toapRroval, of the Final. Plat, three suitable 'street trees, shall be installed along the Laure!,'':::>: ':'"'' ' ,."Av.enuefrOl;tageo'fp'~rcell.::;:,"" ' . " '" " ,. ' "",' '}ti:;';~:,:,: '~,;!;~~t~"~e~~iv~~>;j/~~7" . ',:'::, " ; :,' ),~. , c ,~ '.. . '~--"r;h;~t':'!1'~-:;'AL'" ',~,',,,-/. "'"': .;'~. ' '''~ . .._/5......j, ;..' ,t'.: ',' ',~ ",:".:_ril;,~'" }-1~: 1..:,df1;"er.. ".~.; ., ^. .-" -"f'~? ". ""f.~ "~:j;' ",.,< .,.." .. ":.:" "";',.~o..' .....: . ~f ",.-/. ":",';- '\ t, ( j\- ".' ',' ;, ::--.... . .',~ ,''/' "," \..' " ,",' ", :'--:,",-.' '.. " ',:..":;. .or.' '.~. . .... 1-.' i"! .'~' ";,',;,.,, ';, ~.J. , , " "/,',; .,. " -.' . . ~ . . 6, Prior to approval' of the'iilii1al Plat, four suitable street trees shall \. , Avenue frontage of Parcel I" ' "ostalled along the Garden Sanitary Sewer Improvements 'Finding 26: 'Section 32,100 of the SDC requires that sanitary sewers'shall be installed to s'erve each new, development. TIle development site is not inside the City Limits, and the, nearest sanitary sewer line is in , Jasper Road - approximately 980 feet north of the subject property, Because sanitary sewer lines are not readily available to serve the' developmerit' site, the developer is proposing to install individual septic' systems within each parcel. . ,~ " Finding 27: A private septic system has been approved and installed to serve the dwelling within,proposed Parcel 1. Additionally, the developer has obtained approval from the Lane County Sanitarian for installation of private septic tanks and drain fields on proposed' Parcels 2 and ,3 (SI05-9070 and 8105- 9234), ,,' " ',' ,. . Findin'g 28: According to the Plumbing Code, there rimst beat least 10 feet of clear separation between private septic'system~ (i!,cluding drain pipes, drain fields, andreserve areas) and the nearest property line, " ' Finding 29: As portrayed on the, tentative partition plan; the septic field reserve area for Parcel I abuts the e~st property line. ' Finding 30: '. As portrayed on the tentative partition plan, the septic' tank' alld drain field for Parcel 2 is within 10 feet of the east property line, ' " " , .. ' , .. " , ' < , ,Condition of Approval: " '7.'" Prior to"approval ~fthe' Final.Pla!, ti,e location of the septic drain fields and reserve area~, on'Parcels'!' , ,:and 2 shall be adjusted to ensureat,least 10 feet.ofseparation is maintained fn:'ll1l thenear~st propelty, ~. .,. ;.line:.,:,....~.,.'... ,-' -,~._."_: :" :',;:. :. -..< ....~....- .,~.,.';..\'.-..,..,' " ',' "F" '. '.' ., -- .'-. .' , Stormwater Management'(Quantity)' '. .....l....'. " , '. ' .,,'. "'! " ..., ". "'-'-,.', ..... ':', \.:...... . ~ ;,' ,. " ". .;-:: . Ci,C >,'" .~o, . ,. -:. finding 31: Roof runofffrom the proposed development area is to be directed to mdividual drywells, , ...," ,>. "...- ,.'" '::.-';0 " '.,,' '. ." '. ....- .' .- - ,"" -, ;".. . .'. , - , .. . ,':' Finding 32:, ~Storillwater'runoff frbm the driveway serVing Parcels 2 and 3, ,md adjacent properties to th~ . west and south; ispr,?posed to be directed to, a vegelllted filter strip/soakage,trench located inside the ," . "northern edge of the 'public ,a,ccess and powerline easement. <' ',.. ' ' .",' ' " """, ,. ~: _.. 1'-:_' ." . ,.., ..~ .' ~:'~.: ~,. - w ;'Findil;g33:' Section 32,110(2)ofthe SDC requires that th~ Approval A~thority'shall grant develoill1lent'.\;.... ""';i '; approval only where adequatepubIic and/or private stomlwater managemel).tsysten; ,pro"isiolls have b~en"." '.',~',' .' ,,-~, made asdet~mlii1ed.by the Public Works Director, sonsisient with the EDSPM",,;,;" .' .','~' '0", ,;>, "",:i".. ", '.'~":': .. -"~"i...,.,:..'" " ',.'~;.' ". f;", .' - . ~,,<,"':":" . ..:/:<..;',....::~...,'.. ';i'l;"',': -,,;'1<." .':, " ,Finding 34:;'Secticin 32,110(3) of the SDC states 'that~' ~ton11\vater mami~~ri,ellt~system'shall":':;", ' . ., - - . . - " '. - . . ~. . '. _..... , accommodate potential runoff from its entire upstream drainage ,area, ,whether inside 'or, outside of the'':'" ' ',d~v'elopn'1e!'t.," ~", "i', ' ' "',.." ' , "",.','>~',' " " '\."."." :"":"~::'.~'~'.~."1'\~_:"".".: \./. ,:;... '. .,- ,"',:!"' ,.,,':' .';-':'_"~ '.:'-.,;,..;'....! "'''':': "'.; <,"';.-~" ~, ',' Finding 35:' Section'32,110(4) 'of the SDC requires that runoff from a dev~l~pment shall be directed lei im ' , "approve,d ~to~nw~ter lpailagelllel}t sys,tem withsufficie~t capacity to accept the discharge, ,,' , :... ".".,,,> ...;...7.",.\" :':: '" '. ::""'~.".,; ,~~""-',,,;,,:, ..':'''~ ...f'.... .,..~.>.",..,..._ '..,.,i.... ',Finding36: Section32,I'IO(5j"eifthe SDC requires'new developments to employ drainage managenient:": '; practices,that riiiitimize :the amoiu)t arid rate of'surface runoff into receiving streams, and that pronlote' ~~t,er:qu~lity.' -', :,', '., ;~,/'r~I\::.:?"" ":';'.,,'.: ..' ,\;,,:,.:," ,. -, ','~~'~;.',::. .:, . . - ,'r ~ ;'. ,,.;.--:, ..~,' "". , ". ' ~ ". :' ", . ... ,',-. ':" "",: ~'. ;:i, ,:p~te~~~eiS~d::51)2L, r':~:~',:' '~.H _' ":'Planner:AL,,;, "< : -- ",. ,; ., 0': 6 ". ~.:{' ~ ~ : . :" . . . . . . .;" . .,.i> ~, '", '. . ,'~.. . .. . .." ," .:, ", :~ '. ~ :':.~ " ,r_ '..-. . ,~ ,::--'. . .,', ,'. ' .. . ~. - - .. '. ..,.... '. .,' , ' ..~: '" .- . ,~' 4" .(': r: ..,' ;,~ ,..,-," ',.". . . ~.". . .. . Finding37: TIle exist.ug public stomlwater system, which the appu~ant proposes to connect with, has "limited capa~ity, ' TIle applicant has, submitted hydrologic, stonnwater calculations,' consistent with the City's EDSPM"showing that the proposed detention pond will limit the peak stormwater discharge rates to the pre-development 2-year'stoml event for both \he2 and25~year post-de;'elopmen~ stoml event, thereby limiting the flow into the existing system, .. ",' ' " '" ',,".' " ,.' Condi~ion of Approval: 8, Plior to 'approval of the Final Plat, the proposed vegetated filter stlip/soakage trench shail be relocated outside the public access 'and powerline easenlent StormwaterManagement (Quality) ,', ( Finding 38:.. Under Fedenilregulation of the Clean Water Act (CW A), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Poilutant Discharge Elimination System' (NPDES), the City .of Springfield is required to ,obtain, and has applied for, a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit, A provision of this permit requires the City to demonstrate efforts to reduce the polluti~n in urban stOl11lwater \0 the [. " ,Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP), ',' , ,'" MS4 plan to ,address six "Minimum Control Measures",' Minimum Control Measure 5, Constructiol'Stonnwater Management for New 'Development and Redevelopment", applies propos~d development. . . 1',' , . - '.' ~ . '. "." " . ' Finding 40:11 Minimum Control Measure 5 require~!he City of Splingfield to devel~p..impleinejlt and, "enforce a p\ogram to ensure the reduction ofpoilutants in stOl11lwater runoffto the MEP. The City also must develop and'implen\ent strategies that include a combination of structural or non~structural Best Mailagement Practices (BMPs) appropriate for thecOllllntmity, ' , , . '. ". . ~!: . .' . ",. - , . . ~i' ,: ". :, ]. l:" . . i. . , "Filiding'"4 J:\' Minimum Control Measure 5 requires'the City of Spril;gfield to ,use ali ordinance oj-other , ..;. , -- . , regulatory n!echanism to address post~cOlistruction runoff from new and re~development projects to the " ' , ',' ';. '"'.' extent allo~ableunder State law, Regulatory mechanisms used by the Cit~ include the SDC,the'City's' , Engineering Design Standards and piocedures 'Manual alld the future Stonnwater Facilities Master Ii' , Plan (SFlI.1P).", ',',,: ': .,,' ",'. ': "",' " "', , 1 I "'. ," ~ . ..i' "', '., . 4 " '. :.' , ". .." " ' ,'-," . '. '. ' . .. .' Finding 42:': As, required in SDC 31.050(5), :'a develoPlTient shall be ,required to ,inploy drairiage ,- " ,. . . ..," -. ',' ,", ,'<, management practices approved by'the Public W,orks Director and consistent with Metro Plai, policies:.--:,,",:, and the Engineering De.i'ign St(1ndards and Procedures Manuar', ' ,',', :';"...::' ':' ,','" ',- ',' '1",-, ',,:,. <' . ' .. 'I.'~' ': :. ' l ~ ~.,,' - ~:. '-'. ..-" "f' ,'cO ':"Finding 43:ir;Section 3,02 of the City\s EDSPM states ,the Public \Vorks D~partment,wilLicc~pt, 'as::",:: "" " ': intelim de~igri standards for 'stol111\,:ater quality, water quality facilities designed ,pursuant t,o the pOlicies ',,'.,.. :;' ," ,': ,.,and,procedtiresofeitherthe City of Portland (BES), or the Clean Water Services (CWS), ,: ,< - '" ", ' "';':,':"",.~'/".:,;;:::.;::_,~.,~<- _,:',:..:.~'._' ._.f.. .,,;: "'''::~~,,':' .::-.'d,', ~ ....-.,.,.:,:\ :~:. >~' ;__ ,:/:'"~'..>,".:~"--,","'~'. ""',_',:' ~~": '.- ,,~ Finding 44:,1,> Sectio"n 3.033.B;"of the ~City's. EDSPM states all public and'. private developmenCand' redevelopm~nt projects shall employ a system of one or illore post-developed BMPs th?t in combination': ",..' ,are designe~ to achieve at \easta 70 percent reduction in the total suspended solids in the runoff ' ',generated by the development. Section 3,03.4,E of the mariual requires a minimum of 50 percent of the ",:: " ,non~building ,rooftop impervious area on a site shall be treated for stOlTIlwater q1,1ality iniprovement.... , usino veoetative methods ,,'''' "; '." "," ':, ''', 'r"; " " ' ":,, , ,,., ' , " ,,' " i.' .. .,,_ :~'" :.. :=,:.....0,..)", 'r':.": >' .'<,.,,::'":,':,-. . :j:,::", ," ~..' ,,',",':",',., .;-;l," ...... ".< .. ,";~':.':" '. ,"., " :;,,:: Finding 45::; The vegeiatiOll propos'ed for use ill the swales will s~rVe as the primary pollutaIlt relllOVill ;.:: " , !l,echanism ::tor the stol11;,water runoff, anq will remove suspended ',solids ,and pollutants through the> .. .. ' " processes of sedimentation and,filtration, 'S,!tisfactory pollutant removal will occur. only when the:' :~.. : vegetation h,as been fully established, .. ::-:,,~>'." x,'" ' .' '..', ",'..,'".'.':' ' ".'," . . '. . }~ . " :. '~~. 'tl...\: ' "- ;":;'. L ~ ". '. . (" ,/ . ,"- '" ,;;""DataReooived" :r%h".oO.7":" ' .. ,'::':'\, "[i,ar,;,;,,;-.:,: AL' -/ ,,/" ,;' :" , " .~.'.~,,;,;;~:~,,~.'y~,:.' ~.t'~,l~:,~,.~!_,;~:, ", _', !~ ,;. ;. ,. "". . . '- . ,'. Finding 39: ': Federal ~nd Oregon Department ofE~vironmental Quality (ODEQ)rules require the City's "'Post- to'the ',1'" " , .' '.' . c':: . ;0"," " "...f ,,'. " " ',..'; ," . ',-" .t.... .' -'~ . . ,..... .~ '. '. . ',' . .~:' 'r;'. . '.! ~, , :~.. -/ . .~. ;'m "t.' . '-~' " ',d. . /. '.. , .~". . .. " .... Condition of Appro\'al: 9, Prior to approval of the Final Plat: the applicant,shall submit a seed mix for the proposed' vegetated filter stripfsoakage trench, The seed mix shall meet the requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3,02 of the EDSPM. The City of Portland stornlwater management 'manual may be referenced, for design." . ",' , Water and Electric System Improvements . - ' ' . . , ' , , , " , . .' ' , . Finding 46: Section 32,120(3) of the SDC requires each development area to be provided witha ;"ater system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development and sufficient access for maintenance,' ' Finding 47: The developer is proposing to serve the partition area with a drilled well and private water lines. The applicant has provided initial confirnlation fronHhe Lane County Waternlaster that multiple qomestic water users could be supplied by a single well, provided the consumption does not exceed '15,000 gallon's per day,'. Finding 48:, There' is an existing overhead powerlinethai crosses the souihea~t ~orner of prop~sedParcel " ',....I, and th,en' runs east-west inside the' existing, and,. projected Garden Avenue right-of-way, To accommodate the eXIsting powerhnes, the developer is proposing a powerline easement within the southeast comer ofParcel.1, and along the southern bOlll1daries of Parcels 1,'2 and 3. Finding 49:" tl{e developer is proposing to dedicate a 7-foot wide Public Utility Easement (I'UE) ontside, and parallel with t?~ northern edgeofthe publi~ access and powerline ea,sement serving Pa~cels 1,2 arid 3, , , . -',' ,," .' ~, '1,' , , Findi~i 50:' The dev~lop~i is proposing to serve the'development area fr~,~ a po\Ve~ pole located' at the southeast comer of the site, Underground electric'allines are proposed to be installed, within a joint 'ntility trench (nIT) rumling from the po",er pole. The JUT is proposed to run within the Garden it venue right- , of-way and then,outside and parallel with the public ,access ~nd powerline easement serving Parcels 1,2 "and3. :"""<,,,:,:-c ,', ',..,. ". "';" ' ,..', -' ",:",':" ,...',' '/',..' . """"-. ~._.';' .." '. .', '.j, ''':' ,,','," : ~. . ':C' ,'.... ,~";,.,' "..-~". :'".,.' , 'Finding'S! :'Sprmgfield"Utility B~~rd (SUBi Electric advises'that a j~nctior; 1:io~ ~illbe requi~~d inside .. the proposed' 7-foot wide PUE at or near the common property line between Parcels 2 and 3, .' '~,': " , ..., " .~. ;"'- .. 'f '.'"l- ,,~ , ., :. Conditions of A~pro':al:'" ',: ,",.. .. ,'......'",.., '. .:' ,: ... '.' '..,. . . ,'" ".' . " '. '. .... .'; . > .' . .' . f . ~ . -".. '. , ' . ,~' _' .:' , . "'. ' ',' .'~ :' '....",'.f. ~,'" "10:' Prior to approval of the Final Pla,t, a'conununity potable water well producing sufficient water supply ..', - , '" to serve Parcels I, 2 and 3' shall be installed and functioning. ", , ' '.. '- " .. ,:: . " ','" .. '- , '~~...',..'..",: ',' :~ '.,~ _,' .' "..., "...,'., ;', :t.. .',~..' ,. <,: ,.~_~. .... . "'. .... ,." . ," ',I," I J:..Prior'to approval of the 'Final Plat, the private waterlines serving Parcels 1,2 and3'shall,be iI1stalled: J' ':' . andfuIi.ctioning.....>:'!~,: '..',:<c " , .. <:,'",.,".,;...,;,'.,;'..",,:;,"" ',:;c.", '.':" .~. ,~" ; r .:';'.:~.. /":.: ,~"~~ ,:',. .\"'.:, ..'., , - ~ ". ,',' i: . ;'.:" .' ~.:. ':',,':" '/ ~~ .,:'~, ':. , ';. \~f ;:~. <<:',c".~_,' , '12.'Prioi tb app;ov'i of the Fina]Plat; the partition plan shall b~ revised tosho~ ~ 7 -foot 'wide PUE along ,", the' northern edge of the 30'x 279,5' public access and powerline easement servillg Parcels 1,:2 andJ.. , "-'." "" . .. ,.! . \ " '.'_~ . . - " , .i. '.,', , .-' . ,.; \', ':: : ','Firellud'Life'Safety,Inipriwements' ",'; '. ", c....... .. ". " ".....\..".~:,.:;..__.'...-~',".';.:'..,;.::'.'.. ,.~',' '+"~".",. ,'.,,'':','' .. __~~:'_. -, ...,......,..'.~.~:'. - .' c...": -.'.,' .. ""'.-~ Finding 52: Springfield Firea~d Life S~fety advises ,that water flows are avail~ble t6se;"e the proposed . ,.,..,... .... . -' , ., . .' . ",' ,'partition., a,. rea",'.' " , ".','" '., " ' . '. ",:' ':,,''- " ~. : . " : .' ' " ,. -';' - . . ' " ~." '. ",' .....,,' ..,- ::""'.". ", , ,.- "''-;''.', .t.:, .'" "~". . ., ":.-:..~..:..,.".o.. ,', ;, "7~ FindiAi?;' 53:" The developer i~ propo~ingto .instail' a: fire'ilydiant on tl{e southe;.n. edge'?f the existing, ,'.. , Garden'Avenue.righi~of..way,'and connect the hydi-ant'to an existing 6-inch water main:' Because the' " , waterline already exists', the Boundary. Commissi011 advises thaI' an extraterritorial ,extension is not" " '" -", .".. ,~,::, '~.. ".: :,,:' '<~:;" ,: .' ';..- ," .:,"" ...: : " ':"'" , ' ~:...::' -~,';,~':i::,i:>~tEi"Re~l~ed:..:iLU20(]7:. ;,,_ .' :"~" 8,' .. , '>' :cPlarin'eiiAL ,:' "',", '^' " .-', '<:; d, )'..,' "\".; " ~' . " ..' 'r. {. .' , ,', ;, ~ .' t' .. ~; ;. '.'> ..':"." " _; h> .,:.". . .... /, " '. ." ....:. ~. ::,' '"i.'."" ~ '.' "', .,,- ,,' , requir~d to install 'the'l'rop~sed public 'fire' hydrant SUB Watel will install the fire hydrant at the developer's'~~perise",' ',.' ,.... '. '. .' .' ;:. " .J . ~ ," '-. Finding 54:; TI1eFire and Life Safety Department advises that sufficient fIre access willbe provided for the propose1 parcels hy virtue of frontage on G~rden, A venue and installation of an 18. foot wide paved driveway wi}!' I-foot wide gravel edges,;, " " J ....; , Finding 55: ,.TI1e developer is proposing to expand the existing paved driveway serving Parcels 1,2 and 3 (and adjaceljt properties) such that it can support 'an 80,000 Ib, imposed load, Additionally, the developer , is proposing to install a "No Parking - Fire Lane'"sign along the edge ofthe driveway, Due to the length ,of the access driveway and the potential number, of dwellings ,served, "No Parking" signs shall be placed " on both sides of the access driveway, I . . . . ~ . . . . . ' . Finding 56:~: An exi~ihg pa~ed driveway servin~ the developm~n; s;te an'd adjacent properties (Tax Lots 500 and SOl) runs parallel witli,and inside the southern edge of the subject property, Asliver of the " .. . driveway extends across the south property line and lies within Tax Lot 500, , Finding 57: ': TI1e developer is proposing a hanll~,erhead~style Fire,Department turnaronnd at the western, end of the access driveway adjacent to Tax Lots~50 I and 2602, Portions of the turnaround extend inside .., Tax Lot 509 and proposed Parcel 3, The develo~er has proposed a Fire Access Easement at the northern ' 'end of the turnaround within Parcel"3. .The'developer also has proposed a variabie-width access 'easement within Tax Lot 500 to accommodate the, extreme ,southern eoge of the existing driveway and the, southern 26 feet'of th~ turnaround area, "" ' !". , . .:.," '. '" 1 .. ~\. l' : Conditioi,s,of App'~oval: " ",; + ... ,:; ,'..' ' ,;!, ,,' '''',' ,', .," , ' 13. "No Parking - Fire Lqne" SigIlage, shall be installed on both sides of the ac'cess driveway serving Parcelsn,'2 and 3 in accordance with,the Springfield Fire Code (SFC) 503,3 and SFC Appendix 'D103.6) '. .. 1 -( 1,'.'.-".,' ' , , :' . '. .,~. . J' '. r .!~ '.... . : 0. '0 ,~: ':,} <"..' ,.. '. _",3, .,'1" -..,; . " \ foot wide PUE, (which itselt IS parallel with the n0l1hern ,edge of a 30 powerline easement), ' ' , , ' ' ,Jt,wide public access and Finding 61: The proposed water well has not been' installed, and its' final location is not, definite, Should the location of the wetI' change, the location and orientation of the private waterline easement will need to be adjusted accordingly, " '" Condition of Approval: 17, Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the ,3D-foot wide irrevocable public access and powerline 'easement shall be recorded and evidence thereof provided to the City, " 18, Prior to approval 'of the Final Plat, ,the configuration of the private waterline easement shall be ; , adjusted as necessary to run from the'drilled water well across the.front~ges of Parcels 3, 2 and 1, . .' . . . '. . h . 19, Prior to approvalofthe'FinalPlat, the 5-foot wide private waterline easementshall be' recorded and ,.. evidence thereof provided to the City: . " !J . Conclusion: As conditioned lierein, this proposal satisfies Criterion'3, ,,' (4), The proposed development shall comply with all, applicable pnblic and private, design and, 'construction standards contained in,this Code and other applicableregula~ions. · ,1 ,. '.f General Finding 61: Criterion 4 contains two elements, with sub,elements and applicable Code 'standards. " 'The partition application as submitted complIes with the' code: standards listed,_lUlder each sub-element , unless ,otherwise noted with specific findings and conclusions, ,The elements,' sub-ele;nents and Code , standards of Criterion 4 include but are not limited to: ",..' ' '.,> /',', '. .. ".. .. '4a'Confornl~~ce witl; standards ofSDC 31, Site Pl~n Revie;"', and Article I (Residential Z~nir;g ,0 Lot Coverage and Setbacks (SDC 16.040 - 16.050) " ',' , 0" Height Standards (SDC 16,060) , " " ' 0... Off-Street Parking Standards (SDC 16.070 and 3LI70-230) ? 0' Fence Standards (SDC 16,090) : """ ,. ., " .' " 0 Sanitary Sewers (SDC 31.100) . " ., '"" '.... , ' . ' i.:,,;i 0 Landscaping Standards (SDC 3 Ll30-150) " ., .;" - . . , , , ~. " Scre~ni~~ and Lighting(SDC 31.160), >:' ,,';,,:':.-',.., ":",,,:. '.{ ":; " '4b'Over1ay Districtsand Applicable Refinement Plan Requirements,. '" " ':,.. - ' ..' ""'" ." . , ',' ':'..' 0 . The site lies within the 1-5 year"time of travel zone (TOTZ) ,for' theW'ill,;'nleit"e drlnkirig ..": i ::", ' :J.'" '"waterwell.' ~;.,,/'. f:'" "':~: " -: ,:.~ , . :.-.' '-:' .:.",,,,;:..'; \ ~:'..:'-..::~_'~:!1';i.:,~' ";.;. ;" '," :..~ .... ,t:'.,;'~..;Th,~'Si;;,iS~oiWiih~l1,~:Re~nem~ntPl..~~a~~:... . ,,:::,...,:,>-: ' ',... ., "'1':-43 Corifohni~~e:i'ithstandards~f SDC 3 i, Site' Pla'nRe~ie";, ~~d sDc'i6,Re:sidf;;t!~IZo.nini;~, ,_, :"~' ,~':.',' \1". ./" '~~;."~::::' "r - ......:,.;;.. '~:.'.-t....'~: :;'_"~ ...~i.' ',. ..,~~_:"-,, ,!..- ~ , . "'Setback Stana~rds " "', , ',' ,".' '. .. ,'''' . ~ ~"." " . , " ",,'- ".; .'r.' ,,' -- , ,'. '.. ',' ."",'. ',;",-;. "'-," "."" , ' ,(...' ., .~ . .'. ,- .' ,) - .' '," ,'~.' -';-l ~ _ "" .,,:.r,. '>:'~~/~::.;:6~i~'~eceiv;~~',~ ;>/;;"'~':; i: :,0'"" !'PI~nner:'AL: ".. "" ,. ~..' .- .::: j ".,.t. ":.-- iO,':' ;') ." .:,,"", .' ",,:, I'.,' '. . ,', . j.' ,,;'i'+ . ," ','-"'-- ,1"- r:',., ,'... 'V.;': - ~-'" ,,'" "'. ..,'.'. ." ..;' " " ,"", > , ,~ ." ,'Finding 64::, Lane C"udty Transportation Planhing advises that tw; development setback for Laurel Avenue shall be 60 feet from the centerline of the street right-of"way in accordance with the Lane Code ,(LC) Chapter 15,070(1)(c)(i).' ,',. ' Off Street Parking Stabdards, I. _ ;. " . ',. '. " Finding 65::: In' accordance with SDC 16,070(5)( d), a minimum of two off-street parking spaces' are required for: each dwelling, unit. The off-street parking areas will be required prior to issuance of occupancy for the dwellings on Parcels 1,2 and 3 in accordance with SDC 16,070 and SDC Table 32~2, I" ' . ' ." .' '; . . . Finding 66::, The driveway serving 'Parcels 2 and 3 functions as a panhandle dri'veway, In accordance with SDC ]:6,030(6)(b)5, the IS-foot wide driveway, depicted within the public a.ccess and powerline , 'easement sh~ll be paved from the edge of Garden' A venue to the western edge of the subject property, , The Fire Depart~lent' turnaround also shall be paved, ' " ' " Finding 67.: ': In accordance with SDC 'Table 32-2, the driveways to serve the existing house on Parcel I and the futu'i'e houses on Parcels 2 and 3 shall be paved from the edge of the existing or future Garden Avenue rigl;t-of-way to a point at least IS fee! inside the property line, .' :~. ..', _ ~ _. ,~ .... ,". J~ '~..' "Conditions 'of Ap))roval: ',. .:,~ ' . ~. ( . , 20. Prior to,iapproval,of the Final Plat, a minimum 18-foot wide paved driveway serving Parcels I, 2 . and 3 shall be installed from at least the ",estern edge of the Garden Avenue, right-of"way to the. ,-' westem1boundary of Parcel 3, A paved Fl~e Department turnaround are.a ,shall be provided at the westem"end of the paved dnveway, ' .... ' - ,~ " '". , ' ' " i., 21. ~rio~ to!is~~~nce ~f occup~n~y f;rdwellingJ on Par~els 2 ~nd 3, ;he driveway se;"ing'dach property '" shall be paved from the north edge of paven\ent on the co'mmon IS-foot wide east~west driyeway to', a point at least IS Jeet north,ofthe northern edge of.the future Garden Avenue right-of-way,"',', ' . .'. . ,; . :~ . I ' . '. .': ' : " t~,. . _ ~~, t, .... . , , . . ," . .. ....."" . .. . ":' .,- ; . , '22,' Prior't61!issuant'e of occupan'cy for the d~elli;'g on Parcel I; the:driveway shall be paved from the II, " , ' , n~rthel1) edge of pavement on Garden Avenue to the face of the garage door. ," .., , . ~" '.2 ,..; .- '.'" ., ',- '. ' ~ ,'- ".,' .' _ "'r " ..~" ,,'_~, --'-,., ,,'/',.' ',' I "-,~ <-" "-', -'..-' " .. '. '. ..... "... Condusion:!As cCll;ditioned herein, this proposalsatislies Criterion 4a, . - ~ ' . . l:i .' ',' . .; . . :f.-, , ,.', "'..,;\..., .. ,", ,.-: ,-:;..~- . ,"'. ".;i -.., ", ,. " '. , 4bpverlay,'Districts and Applicable Refinement Plilll Requirements ,.' ",' :,", , "',>. ,,' ";, " . i~. '-" '-. '."'._ _~' '.".....>, I,,' ".;'~,. :", _, "" ." ',~" '. .~......'~-- , .. . ,':, :Findll~g 6s:li Dev~lo~111~nt i~;i~~ staff h'ave '~e~iewedthea~pl;~~tion' i~ ,reg~rd' t? th~' Dhllking \Vat~r " ,,: : ';Protection.()verlay, District and Refinement Plan r~quirements..',No policies' of the, DWP Overlay' . c" ,',Pistrictapp!y to theparti~ion, ,~',,::' '" ',.. " .: ':'" ;,;..',.-" ;c:', ".':.';':' i"::' >",'" "'., ", :- f~" ~. _.J 'f:,",_ <<,~. "_'~ ;". .J' :.:.< . . _.. '_~' .'~ ~ Y--'-::,:''':-''; .'.~ , .": " _ __.~ . ., _..:. ? :.. ~' '.. .~.... .':,,, ... .~ ~(\ Findilig 69:1 The"deveIoper is required to siiIl'a,'ivaiver of. remonstrance',for,futureannexatiqn In' ...., ,.. 1.' _ . ,~.~'..'" ,."., ...."....-' ,-' .- .'"". - '. . "l: ' "-' - .::,;t1,:ecorct.jn~e,rt~1.~,h~UF':I~:Qvert~~o.i~:~Ct./)i:-:;:'~;:'/\,: '., "; , '.,' 1. ,Condition of Approval:,>.'; ,"" ", .. . " '".... -. -. ;- : .-'. '~_ - .. "11.. _ ";' , , ,;.; .~.' 'c" . ,~:.."~ , _ ~";' .~ ....,._;. '" '.. >-;;' ";", " '!.'.' "j' " . . - , ,23.Pnor to~ approval of the Final Plat, the developer ,slJallsign an, Agreen1enl to Annexation for" , .", ,;' \' properties in the Urban Transition ~ea in acc(jrdance with SDC 29;07.0"",:. .. ,..> ,,'<.~l' -.'~ .,', .~: '.~'.'- -'.:,~" ':'.',' /-' .">- ".....:~~~-:.? . .",-' .,~. ~~., ,Conclusion: 'As conditioned herein, this proposal satisfies Criterion 4b., ... " "{""''-'M'r2",' .:.~'. . ,~_' "..' :,;,"", "..:~':..i"'.."" ~. "",':;;." -'..: -',' '.~: '" ,". '.' :" ,"'" ,.,,:" (5j}:,,~, P~l'king ar~as a~d i~gress:eg;ess poihts have been' designe~ to:,' facilit~te vehiCular traffi~, bicycle",.: ' " ,,-, ':: ,:,':, "and'pedestnan safcty'to"avoid congestion; pro~ojde co'nnectivity within the development area and to," ",' ':,:>-, 'adj!,cent resjdentialare~s, transit ~tops, neigh)JOr~ood activity~enters, and commercial, industrial , . ,'.' :.-;. ;:;~.-' ;.' _, :".' ',J. . .,,' .,'~. {'",. ,PClJ~)~~ceilJed:-: J---').:{ /.:20:;7,0 '," ", ;'.~ ":,..;(";PI@hnE1r:,.AL' /'" ,,' ,'.' .~.Y~:'j:::;:.~?~'<~~ .~,~,: '-.,' -'"~'- .~~. ~'-""" -", I' .. .. ~ I - ". .. '.: "".- >'; .;....c,. t(,C, - ~.~,' .;. .c...." ~, . -;'''-;. ".t' . '. - . and public areas; minimize ~urb cuts on arterial and collector street, ~ specified in this Code or ,. other applicahle regulations, and comply \\ith the ODOT aceess management standards for state highways. r '1'.' . . . . '. -, . . . ' , .. Finding 70: the Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed 3-lot partition at a meeting on April 17,2007, The proposed parking, driveways and access points are sufficient to serve the proposed parcels, . Transportation System Impacts Finding 71: Abutting the subject site, Laurel A venue and Garden A ve~ue are unimproved Local Access Roads under Lane County jurisdiction, These streets experience fe,:"er than 200 vehicle trips per day,' ",1 , , Finding 72: Based on HE Limd Use Code 210 (Singie 'Family Detached Housing) the proposed paliition and development of Parcels I, 2 and 3 with single family residential uses would generate 30 ' additional vehicle trips per day and 3 PM peak-hour vehicle trip onto the surrounding street system: In addition,'assumed development may' generate pedestrian and' bicycle trips, According to the , "Household" survey done by LCOG in 1994, 12.6 percent of household trips ,are made by bicycle or .. 'walking and, I.S percent are, by transit bus, These trips may have their origins or destinations at a, variety of hind uses, including this site, Pedestrian and bicycle trips create the need for sidewalks, , pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking and bicycle lanes. ' , . ,""-' . ' " , ...... . , " .', .... . -- " Finding 73: As previously con'ditioned (Conditions I 'and 2) the execution ofInlprovement Agreeinents' for improvements on La,urel, A venue and Garden Avenue is warra~ted in accordanc~ with provisions' of SDC 32,020(7), ." ' <, . ~ " .' ' ',,- ", Finding 74: The' existing transportation facilities would be 'adequate to' accommodate the additional ': ',' vehicular and pedestriantrafficgenerated by development of the subject propert.Y in a safe and efficient ':, n13lUler.' '. <.' , .' . :. . ,'Findilig75': There is;1O reguhlrtrimsit bus service in the vicinity of the developm~nt area, Theneare~t transit service is pro~ided by L TO Route #11 (Thurston) operating along Main Street. TI1\~ closest bus " stop to the subject site is approximately 1.2 mi]e~ away (by rmid) near the inlerSeCl10n of Main Street. ' anfl South 32"d Street. : ":'-'":,,,", '.C ,:: ,,", ,.,", c : ~ 'L '. ,"'. . . ":i: ~ ,;: ..... ," ,';', . ~ .' , ''''.' ." + ".,~. -.,t,- . '.'.. . . Site Access:and Circulation ,.,,' ", ",' ," " '"" .. . ,.' '. ~~ . ,,0.. '. ~ '.." .....:.:.~.,;,y':~<<.~~:;." ~- :_":~:'. ..;-'}~;;r:.":~~~'" , , Firidin'g:7~:: installation ~idriveways on a street' increases the number, of traif.ic conf1i~t poiiits, A::', .. '" "greater'mimber of conflict' points increases the probability of traffic, crashes:, sDC 32.0S0(\)(a) . . " " :~tipLilates,tliai each parcel is entitled to "an approved access to 1\ public street:;: ' '" -'- ~ '.' ;, -", .. : -, '..' . , :""." ";" -,- ,,' . .. _. . ~ .' J.; . ",_, . , , .. , I' , ",' .:,' . _' . '. ".. .. ,"...'.. .:'. '-. .,:" , . ~. ..~, . ." . _~;.,'," .",.Findu;,g'77:.:Exislil;g a'Ccess:io th~ property is via ~ siub'of Garden A~~ilU~ and a,lO-focit wid~.concrete "., , . driveway extending from the 'western end ,of the Garden ,Avenue right-of-way.,', The 'developer:is.,::':'\' . >, .. ;,' ',,' :',.;, "proposing to expand the driveway to' at least IS feet wide and to provide 20 feet of clear width in ':, " ' ' accordance with SDC Table 32-2 and the Springfield Fire Code,' The location and dimensions of the ~ , ' d~iveways serving proposed Parcels.l, 2 and 3 are not depicted on the tentative partition plan" ':' , " . :' ,_ ~':._ "-' ,. . . '.' .. "'. l..,.. ',. ~ ': '.-' ., \" ':' .' 'i" :.' ._^ - . . " ...'....: .,,':;,-~'. }'.-,~,':' ,~:, "' ,,1 Fin'cting 78:':Lane County 'Transp~riationadvises'ihat a ,visibility triangle shall,beprovjd~d and, ." ,., c" , maintained at the intersection of G~~(le'n A venue imd Laurel Avenue, The sides of the visibility triangle " " shall extend at least 15 feet from'the point ofintersectioI! of the local access roads.. ":,,' ,:' " .- , '. ~ ....,. .'",. ~ ' ~ . , ' , " , ".' .". ., f. , '~__"" _ :". ' 'c '';.: . .... . . ;. '..' ',. '...... . .":' _ ,:' .1 . < . ~ . . . . Finding .'79:' ,:As' pnjposeda~d 'conditioned liereiIi, .ihgr~ss,egress points will, be pianned to facilitate ;:,' 'traffic arid pedestrian safety, a"oid congestion and to minimize curb cuts~:m public streets as:specif.ieq in ';',' ~. .",l' ~'..i' ,., :~-""":"";"''''~'<'::':. ;\,~,:~,'<'" f:::;.",, '~'<,.:<..';..:_:' ..:',._..;" '..'" ":t'/'.L"~"""l <' .,.. : " .. .~{.';, .~. .., ,.,,"' . -'...:. ""';,," ". ." -....,' '- ,,~. . . .;f;:,ti:i~,~;hPat~ Recefve, d','~?;!,Y~.,~:: ~",' ,," ' ':',;:;:\,;');iela~nEl/':,AL,',c:..,';-.,.,.~~': ' ", .' "".' :...:; "< ;'\.'-. '~ . .'.' '<' '. ',',; " . ., '.' '.~ r~ _ .' ..-;-. .- " '" '. ~\ ...' .~ ',.J ;',. -~ " ,SDC Artici~s 31 plans, I' ,ana' J2: applicable zomng add overlay district rillicles, and applicable refinement .' / ,,' ",. Condition of Approval: 24, The applicant shall provide and maintain adequate vision clearance triangles at the comers of the site dri"eways, and at the intersection of Garden Avenue and Laurel Avenue, in accordance with SDC 32:,070 and LC 15,010(40), ' . ' Conclusion: As conditioned herein, this proposal satisfies Criterion 5, (6) Physical features, including, but not limited to significant clusters oftrees and shrubs, waterconrses shown' on 'the Water Qnality Limited Watercourse Map and their associated riparian areas, ,wetlands, r9ckontcroppings and historic features have been evallla!~d and protected as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations. ,., Finding 80::[ The site is l;Ot within or adjacent to'an identified wetland area:, ," "."' ;,' ..,'. " '" . ", ' " 'Filloing '8'1 :,1 The Metro Area General Plan', Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map, State Designated, Wetlands Map, Hydric Soils Map, Wellhead.Protection Zone Map"FEMAMap and the list of Historic Landmark sit,s have been 'consulted and there are no features neec[ing to b, protected or preserved on ,. 'this site" If any artifacts are found during CO)lstruction" there are state laws that could apply; ORS '97.740,OR? 358,905, ORS 390.235" Ifhuman'rcmains are discovered during construction,itis a Class ,',' "c" felon~ to, proceed under ORS 97,740:' , '. .' "' ''f ' ",; ". '.' . .~..;.. Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 6, " ,,",,- " ' " .~ " ." -',: : _' . .'!r... "". . . ,". ' . . ".. '(7) 'Development of any remainder'of the propetty under the same ownership"can be, accomplished in accordance with the provisions ofthis Code. ' '" ' "., " , '", . . \" '. '. '. " ~ ll,.' .., .:. . : " :.' . . . ~' .' . . , .. . . .: _ . ,', ':Fi;lding82J TIlere is lio ~;h~; p~operty under th~s~iii~~~n~rsl;ip that ~an befurthet de~eloped, ..:." ;..,..J1o; _.~ '~~" ~. .~. '-,_ "'-~," '4'~.~':'~' , 'Conclusi~n': This prop~s,jlsaiisfies Crit;rion 7,'(" " v ,.' .. . ,", "'-" ,':i; '. ...", ..' ': .... ", . .', . . "'., :. \ -.- . :~"',"' .' (8), . Adjacentiland ca'n be dev~loped or is provided access thatwill allow its developme;lt in ~c~ordance~' ':: with the pr~visio~s ofthe Sprilig;field DeveloP!nent<;:~de.' .,: ':"'i"': "di " , ,y ,': '" , ' . ',. . ' , : i", .. " " . ',.", ,",',',": """ ',:;1, ;'" .. '. t, ':' , Finding' 83:, Adjacent land is currently. developed with residentIal dwellings and has access to'public~,'", " '. : streets by way of direct f,ontage or access easements, ,:,'" c" , '., ','" "", , " " ". ""'0' ...,::l-.-.>,.;....:;"~~<::..,; ~~:~:~.:"~.,':~,:',...~.....~:. . 4.1;:' ~+^'. ,0>.:.",,(' .,.!. ~".. '. :C~~~~!Ustl1~C?liS,p~:~~r;..S~tis~~~: ~nteri~? ~:' 1:,"," ,';: ',.,' ,"', '.. ;::" '; "<~. :,;~;::,)~ ,;, '(9) ,'" ;' When ilO~oncurrenf3nnexatioll application submitted"i~h' a PartitioiJ Tentative ~laJ.l on propertY" ",' ,,'. that is ontside of the city,Iimits but within the ,City~s urbanizable area, the standards specified below:: sh'all also a'pply:' ',' ':,....': ,." ,', ,', ' , " "": .".""..". "'...,' " ,,', , "i: ,: .~~.-. ,i;,', ~_, _, :~,' .\..:.:....:..'..... ",. .~"i.~'f:,-. .......: ';, ",' '.'.~' ','.. '..-...'.'.-...; " .(a) Thein!l1iml!ma~~a for ~h~ partitio~ing oUand in th~ UF-10 Overlay District shall b: 10 a~res: ~:.>;. ':," " '. ~':-, :1" '.~:' ,~,' . ,. ) -\. ' . . v' ". . .' . . .~- "J." '...~bj..E;x:CEfTlO~S:\',':<"....<,;-,.>, ":" '" ..c,.' .\:". ',. ,1i' . _. i";.,. '. . :". ". ...... : .' 1. : Any proposed 'new pa'rcel between 5 and 10, acres shall require a ,Future,Development Plan ':,,: .' <.'as specified in, Section 29.070(1)(c) ,for nltimate development with urban densities as" "',:: reqnired in this Code. ," .. >, '" '." .. ':. :..' . ',', ': " ' :' ...,':" '- ,c,.. .".,-, ,( ~ ' -'" ".',' . 1 ".:.' -' "./} . . ':.;, 7. . ':.~ " ' ';:.~ . -, '.~ . ", ":.- .,~ ,. ..' ~ . ,: '. :: :.;~ - "'.": .."'~ . '~'., ",'. ~ <- . ,,- '-," '<: " ...,"",'~:,~;{::~~{:~~~>~(":ij~~:i:~~;~i;~;~s'6,~i~ ~~~i~~d~,..frf;;l~7: ." .. ""','. ...,' " ' . ,', Pla":'eF-'AI.:. ,;"~,,, ", _," . "._': ,_. ',~ ' ,~ . _ . ~ .'.._ I:... ". ~. -' ~'" .' "'.' {~, . "\ " :;~". . " , ' .;'-'." '_. 'r. " " 13'," . ~t_ , .~ '- ..;~ . " ,'.. "~ " . 2. ' In addition to the standards of Subs~ctiO~(9)(b)1; ail; propose,. _,ew p~rcel that is less 'than 5 acres shall meet one of the following standards:, " ' ' \', '," a. . The property to be partitioiled shall be owned or 'operated by a governmental agency or pnblic utility; or " . " b, A n\'iljority of parcels located within 100 feet of the property to' be' partitioned shall be smaller than five acres. 3:' No more than three 'parcels shall be created while the property remains within the UF-IO Overlay District, unless permitted by Section 34.040(2). " , Fillding Sl: ,The property involved in (his proposal is located outside the City Limits, In accordance , with~SDC 34,050(9)(b )2b and 3, the majority of parcels within 100, feet are smaller than five acres, and the partition would create no more than three parcels: : Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion 9. ' CONCLUSION: 'Th'e tentative partition, as submitted a'ndconditioned,' complie~ with Criteria 1-9 of SDC 34.050.' Portions of the proposal approved as submitted may not be substantively changed during platting without an approved modification application in accordance with SDC 34,100." ,_..... i , ' What needs to be done:' The applicant will have up to one' vear froin the date of thi~' letteo: (ie: by April 30,' 2008)' to meet the applicable 'conditions of approval' or Development Code' standards and to submit an : application for prNubmittal for Final Paliition Plat:' THE PUBu'C AND PRIV ATE IMPROVEMENTS' AND THE FINALPLA T MUST BE IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMITY WITH THE TENTATIVE , PLANS AND THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL.: , . .". . :. - ~ . . . '. : ~ '. - - " , .,' .' ../.~ . . . : .. . ...~ .~' , ,. ...' '\ .-" .' -~" . . . _., ,', _;. . .- _" "c. " . ...., When the Final Plat is complete, it must be submitted to the Lane County Surveyor. A separate application 'and' 'fees are required to be submitted along with the mylars to the City of Springfield, No individual lots may be . transferred until the' plat is recorded and three (3) copics of the fi!e,d partition are returned to the, "D~velopmentServi~esDepartmerit by the applicant. . ,,' ,,' " '.';:'..',~,.,:" " . . :. k . '. ,'. \ -' ,".' '.~~. ':. " ~ .:. . ., '~'. '. ;... ,"'" ,;- " -. ," ,".' " " "', CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL:' ..',: .~ ~ ,-. ; ,_' _ .~ _ '<', ~ . '.' ..." 't.' , ,,4., . l' ". . :;" '. . .:' :, ", ,". . ".'.. . ~". f"-'" '. " -,' " '1. : Prior to approval'ofthe Final"Plat,'the developer shall ~x~cuie and 'record ~n In;p~ovement Agreeil;~ntfor," ,': La~rel Avenue Xorpaving, curb, gutter, sidew~lk, s;re6t lighting, sanitary sewer and stoDn sewer. "", ..'.c:..,', ' ,:'~'.~......:. '.;',...-:'.,,: ':'.',,.. . .,~j~' ::..""",:.._i'i,,,;..:~..~>-..;.~~, ",.'" ;.""."",~.~/.::_<I.,:,,'~\,t. > 2" Prior;toapproval 'of the Fi'nal Plat,. the developer shall execute and record an 'Improvenlent Agreement for;' . :.: Garden Avenue for paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk; street lighting, street trees, sanitary 'sewer a~d stornl,-,.' .. .' .",:_~~~er...'o~~':'::-:\':::,>,:,,-,\ -~ ....-.~,_ " - .....1~/'~', ',.'~ . '::'~:\~:':'i'~'''~'';~~'''"< ;'}',-i',,:~ .,.': . ,j, '. " ':':'-:":"'''~_'''_: ;;~., . ':', _~.,:,,;,:."~: \ .,~:";~'~:;'.i."":7'''''~'''_''~'::',,.''~''' ..,'.3,"'Priorto'.'approvai' ofthe ,Final Plat, the 'northern'edge' of,.the.i~evocable p~blic ,acce?s a-nd powerline , easement'shall be' established from'the northern' edge of the existing' Garden' A venue right~of-way lin~ and,';',' extending westward through Parcels 1,2 and 3 to the eastern,boundary of Tax Lot 260f' The dimensions of ',the pl.I~IiG access and po;verlhleeasement will be 30'x 279,5', , ' ' ,.... ,,- , ' ; " .:'".': ",,,,:. " _.....:."-.".\ .; :.;...t, : "., ',"" . "'.~'-'" -..~.~ .. "", " " 4, Buildings shall be ,sefback' at least 10 feet fronl the north edg~ of the 30'x 279:5' publicaceesseasemeni ,', """ (the future Garden A venueright-of'way) in:accordance,with SDC 16.050( 1). , ,,' , " __, ,,_: ":.: " ~~""'>~:'~<"""~J .-'.:' ,.':' -'::'/":~ "::,(~~.,:_~~,:~<::,.:.::,;~...,;.,~.t,,.....': ";, :'~'.:.,~~ ' ,.; : . -._,<":'.:.'., .,. 5," Prior io approval of the' final' Plat; three suitable stred trees shall be installed ,along the Laurel A venue ,'>, .'Jrontage'ofParcel L:, .."," '",. " ":;';' :";,;;;:;:; ",.. ..', '.> ;. ,,,,,..''', ._ .. "/ ;:' . 'J ~, ' : -: ! : ;,': .'\ ; ''-'' ..: . ,,. ',..' -~' ' . ,~.- ~:" ',- . . , . " .... ..' .'- . ',,' ';'.~ :"., ,,' .. "": " ,...." , ' , .: c . ";.'",. . i. ,,' ",~;. . ...,.-: ,.!: . :" ~ ',:,"\,,: , :. :'i.'. ,:{6~te'~ec~IJe~,":;.il.i;'" ..;' :. : .,~: ,'~:1i >'Pla;uler- At " ,,' CI':]. '.,St-"":1"''':':: .;..~^:..~~., .' '~-..' .c.,.>"'::, (" .. " -. , '.' .,' , ,-", , ":14", " -'.,' ,;. . J~"....: ",i>' r< . '" <'..:<-" " <.', 6. .. , I ' ' , ,Prior 'to approval of the t u,al PI~t, frontage of Parcel I, , ' four suitable street trees shaJlbe",staJled alOllg the. Garden Aven~e, .. , . . ,~. .:. " 7", Prior to approva!.ofthe Final Plat, the location of the 'septic drain fields and reserv~ areas on Parcels 1, and 2 shall be adjusted;'toensure at least, 10 feet, of separation is maintained from the nearest property line, . " ,!",,' "", ',.'",..", , , ' " " " S. Prior to appr~vat of the Final Plat, 'the proposed vegetat~d filter strip/soakage trench shall be relocat~d outside the public access' and powerline easement. . ,Ii . . - . 9. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall submit a seed mix for the proposed vegetated ,filter strip/soakage tre'nch. The seed mix shall meet tbe ;requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3,02 of the EDSPM; TIle City of Portland storm water management manual may be .. referenced ,for d~sign., " ' 'o; , " ,10. Prior to ~pproval of the Final Plat, 'a community potable water. weJl producing sufficient water supply to serVe , .. Parcels I, 2 and 3 ~hall be installed and functioning, .; .. ..' II, Pnor to approval, of the Final Plat, the private water hnes se~ing Parcels I. 2 and 3 shall be installed and: . functIOning. _ i, . . ..' , . : '.. '. ' . . ,i~ ' \" , . .... . ,12, Prior to approv~1 of th'e Fimil Plat, the partition plan shall be revised to show a 7-foot wide PUE along the ," ,northern edge of the 30'x 279,5' public access and powerline easement serving Parcels 1,.2 and 3, ' ' . . '. . . : :' . 'it. .. . " -, f ", I;' ,;' . ~ ,-. "'. . . ",. ' . .'. ',.' :, 13. "No Parking-'~ire-L"ane" signage shall be instal~d,i:m botli'sides:ofthe access driveway servihg Parcels 1,2 ," .,', "" ,an,d 3 in acc~rd~ince with the Springfield Fire Code (SFCl.,503,3 and SFC Appendi,\ ]) I 0~,6;' . , ' ,", . .,'.' " '. . . . . , : 14. Prior to approv~l of the Final Plat,. the Fire Access Easenielit affecting Parcel 3 shall be recorde'dand evidence' " . - .." - ~ -. - . . , ,thereof provided to the City, " ",' ' .." : . ". ; r.' .' ." ~~ . ", -. ',,', - "!." " .'- ;. 15, Prior to approv~l of the Final Plat" the variable-width joint ~cc~ss easement affecting Tax Lot 500 shall be': , recorded and eV,idence ther<lOf provided tothe City" ~",:, ' , ,," ' ..,' . . . \.'~; '~i' :.'-';;, _.: . "_'. ;, '. :. <', ,(. f. . " _. \" _ _ '<.-. J , " ,16:Prior to approval ofthe Fil}al PM, the expanded access driveway, and Fire Departnientturnaroimd shall be:, : ,...: installedasporttayedonthetentlltiveplan,,' : :,',' ""'; : ,':, ,...' '," ~', : '.., ,: '.','".. '" '. :'~ . - ,. ~_' .'~, ., . ,it ~,.' - .. " ' .,', : .' " ' "';' ...., , '. -',.. . . ',- ..' '," . . 11' .' '. .... . -:',,". '....: , -.', .,:, -. . 17, Prior'to,approval of the, Final Plat, the 30-foot wide irrevocable public access and powerline easeineilt'shall.,;, '.. "be 'j-ecordedarid evidence' thereof provided to the City, ,'../.. ',:',;'" ,,',::' ":' ,..>-";>. ' ;,', ,';' 'c;, , " ;""'. ':~"".<. _:....;i\.,-::,._:..~.. .,-"'"t-,' .. '.. .'i :;' ',~\... ;'. -~ ;~,>.,. .-'-" -,- ." .,,::,, '....,.".. ,'., ;: ...: IS: P[iorto ~pprov'lllofthe'Final Plat, the configu;ation ofthepri~ate waterlineeasement:shall be adji1;ted as" ,'" "..;, ',,',' <,.:' necessar:Ytonirifro~ the drilled ""ater well across the frontages of Parcels 3, 2 and'!', ,,'.. ."',,' " '," < :" .~ . ~', . ~:J' .:,0',', <"", '<. ~\:: ~;_l . 'J', ,,", _.>:.~~ ,. 1- ~,; .'.; '-. '--',<., ':".," '.. .,' :" ;;, ,:;." . .', ...... ~- ,,-';', ~ ,.:~' '~'. . ~:.' ,,:~\ '~-, "f~:<, ~ ,; ", ",19: Prior,io -approval of'the Final,Plat",'the 5cfoot\,,;ide priv;;e wat~rline;easemeritshall be,re,corded and:,: " ,::;:"...:evidencethereo'fprovidedtothe..City,',:,: ",,',I','..,..,,'!~ ".,..::,:,..., ,~ ,,' .::: ... ",':'f:,;;' ,'. . ': ;:v"~' ", "'~' .", ;11" . . . - ", " ".... ~.. 20, Prior t~ approv~l of the Fi~al,PI~t, a miium~m IS-foot wide paved driveway serving Parcels 1,2 and 3 shall , .; be installe,dfrqJ1.1' at least the western edge of the Garden Avenue right-of-way to the westem boundary of:, ' ,', ,:~ .' Parcel 3,'; A "paved Fire ,Department turnaround 'area shall be'oprovided at the western end of-the paved' " , drive~~y:;<d,,!',::~"':,~., "":.. " ",:":,, "::, ",,' ;"",. ' ,. ' , ,~,';" ",;;; , '>. . 21. 'p'rior to issuan~e of occupancy fqr'dwellings on Parc~ls 2 'and'3~ the driv~way serving ~a~h property"shall-be, " ~ J paved from th,i' north edge of pavemimt,on the conimon IS:foot wide easi~west driveway to a point at least, .. ',....',' IS feet north ofthe northern edge of the future Garden Avenue'right-of-way, .,'"'' ' ' , .. .- ". ' ',.., ", " . . ~'. . - : -..., , "'~ .".., - ". .'..,.. --" ., .' . >, . , ." .,~ .' ~. " '. ." .l,' i.' " , ' . '<,' ,,:,,"'J-. ,',)l'~:;!:"- .',';:~,i,.,.: ,'.,.. ;'::', ,.'. ..:>':, > :';,' ;;'-;'''':;'o,\",;'r<,-'';/'o<,;" 1';"~;;";:'~1"i"'DateReteiveo;" 's'~~"7 ':: ::;:r;r:';~~;;:~:':': X )::~,:J,"'}\;~:\:"Pllinn:r;;,A%{: : } < <' ,:"'. ,'; " " ". .',. . ..">.. ", ' ", .' J.. ..., " ..,~'.. .<--.... .,'; ,,'-'""t. ',:""~; , '22, Prior to issuance of occupancy for the dv.:e1ling on'Parcel I, the driveway' sh,,~ edge of-pavement on Garden A venue to the face of the garage door.' -,e paved fr~lJll the nOlihern " 23, Prior to 'approval of the Final Plat, the developer shall sign an Agreement to Annexation for properties in the Urhan Transition Area in accordance with SDC 29,070. ' 24, The applicant shall provide and' maintain' adequate vision' clearance triangles, at ihe con1ers of the site driveways, and at the intersection of Garden Avenue aI]d Laurel Avenue,.in accordance with SDC 32.070 and LC 15.010(40). ' ". Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available for a fee at the Development Services Depaliment, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, , ' Appeal: TIlis Type II Tentative Partitio~ decisi~n is considered ~ decision of the Director and as such may be appea\ed to the Planning Commission, The appeal may be filed with the Development ?ervices Department by , ' an affected party. TIle appeal niust be in accordance with SI?C, Article 15, Appeals. An Appeals application must be submitted to the City with a fee of $250,00. The fee will be returned to the appellant if the Planning COlllmissionapproves the appeal application, ' ' , . ' ", In accordance with SDC 15.020, which' provides fora IS-day appeal period and Oregon Rules of Civil Procedures, Rule lO(c) for service of notice by nia'il; the appeal period for this decision expires at 5:00 p.m. on May 15, 2007. ' , .' ..' . " "'~, . -., Questions: 'Please call AJ,dy Limbi~d in the Planning Division of th~ Development Services D~partlllent at , (541) 726-3 784 or email alimbirdriVci,sDlingfield,or.w{ if you have any questions'regarding this 'proce~s, ' ' ;' ' Prepared By: '" ." .': ' >, .,", ',. .' . ~l' " ",,'. ." .-.' ~." .~ .', , Andy Linibird" Planner II .. ~ '. ' ,,', .' .' "., " ~. '-, :',>':'- " ., .... ,., - \."'. ~' 'J"" , ~ . ''''- '. '......-.. ,-,' . >.-c,> . '".' "\ .... ,..... " . ,..' . .;, "." ' . ~ .' ~, ..1' :" ,", \. '..,'- ':-" ... " " '.,..,",; " ',-' '. ":l~l~,,;,:l~: .;. ;', " 'f; -,. . ~; " ' . ,,,..... ';'.:-.,', ': th ,/,':. '.':", .-,". .," . '."., "-", .,1/; -,' ,i-.- .'.::i.'" ,;1". '.... .,',,' .,' " :,' .. .:, ';;" .,.' "'\ "'.'. " ,>.' ";'L' '.- ". . " .~ . " ;,',-' ,:..},/:;,.:...... w' .. '" ') - '.F' . , " .,~,<,-. ,'.: '.' '.:.' '.<:.' ;. . .,,' , -. ,~~. ~" 1.;^.;:> -~,;'<' :': .. . '~-;- ! -,", .,.' .t,,'": : "J .... '-.",',,:" "-' -,' , ~ .. ~ ' . : ),~ - " ' ':' ::':'. .:~:, ",' D~t~'Re~l~e:d: ,:' S-f )~o'~ ';' ,,\ .," , ,r~. , " . ' . ,'.."~,;,.,,., "e":Planher. AL: '.... ' . I,,' '"',,,~_ "-'~','F", ,c," '.' _ _ '._ . ,'. . ~,~, - 1:> " '. ,-::' ',' ,'.. ",;". ':- I;. '.,:.'~' -; , ' ,'.: :' '1\ ,. ..... " Please be advised;:that the'!vllowing is provided for information ollly and is not a component of the subdivision decision.' ' v " FEES AND PERMITS " Svstems Develoomellt Charges: . , 'The applicant must! pay applicable Systems Developlllent Charges when building pemlits are issued for developments within'the City limits or within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, The cost relates to the amount of increase ip impervious surface area, transportation trip rate, and plumbing fixture units (Springfield Code Chapter II, Article II), Some exceptions applY,to Springfield Urban Gro\\1h areas, ' II ..' Systems Developme~t Charges (SDCs)will apply to theconstr~ction ofbuilding~ and site improvements within ,the subject site. 11"" Charges will be based upon the rates in effect'at the time of pemlit submittal for buildings or site improvement~ on each portion or phase of the development: ' '", Among other cha~g~'s, SDCs for park and recreation improvem~nts n\ay be' collected at time of building pemlit . issuance for future houses on Parcels 2 and 3, and would be based on the SDC policy in effect at that time, "" ,Willamalane Park and Recreation District advises that the SDC for park and recreation improvements is, .:presently $2;303 for;'each llew detached single-family dwelling. ' , '. . . . .-" ~ ". ; .,,' .. . '.. '.. Sanitarv Sewer In-Lieu~Of-Assessmcnt: , , ,Pay a Sanitary Sewer In-Lieu-Of-Assessment charge in addition to the regular connection fees if the property or ' portions of the property being developed have not previously been assessed or otherwise participated in the cost "': of a public sanitary.sewer. Contact the Engineering Divisicl!l ,to detemline if In~Lieu-Of~Assessment charge is: " .applicable, lOrd, 5~84] '~, ,', ' '.,; " ' . ~ Public Infrastructure'Fees: .. ' . .., ' ," .. ' ,It is the responsibility ofthe'privatede~eloperto fund the public infrast~cture required toprovlde utilities to the 'property, ,'\i. ' . ,'.... ".' ',l'j .il '~ ; ". Other Citv Perinits: \, " , , . .'. Encroachment lJennit or Sewer Hookup Pel111it - Require4 for workin'g within a right~of-way or public,' ',' easement., Exalllple: a new tap to the public st0l1110r sanitary sewer, or adjusting a, manhole. The current ,..~' , . ,rate is $130 forRrocessirigplus applicable fees.and deposits, ,,' .,':',' . -" ....t. < '. ._': .,.' .. -, "...,: ,- .j." .. '. ,.'Land & Draina~e Alteratjatl Pennit (LDAP) '0- ~, LDAP ~iiI be'required for ne~ homecoristruction,:', Contact the SprihgfieidPublic\VorksDepartment at 726'5849 for apprQpriate application requirements, ' ' . . "~. ,. .,'.., . t, '-' /'. "....',. .,;). --: "0' 0." . ~ . ',": ", ! .,,~..' '. . Additional nennitshilJl1ro\'als that may be necessarv: ~ " .,...", " , " , " '::. , ,.Plumbingpel111ifs ta cOlme~Uhe hous~sW dryweiis a~dtq install new, st0l111water d~ain p'ipes .' ",,'c. ,_,..,-. ,'..../.';Li, ".....~, '.-: ,f .:-,2..:,' ..', :""';:,:,, ','. :,'. '. ;'.", ~', ',Electrical Pel111it, ", :",", , "" ~' -'~.~., :'.',.' -:, . .' ~-::t> "."'c,,' - :_;,::.~, '.: '~'., "" ".~".':.::.:,.;:<:..,,,,,. '::, "- '-"",,~~~:,~[;'.:' ,.,' ,Lane County Facilities Pernlit for work within ille'Laurel Avenue right-of-way, I' '. ,.. ,. - . -~. .-.. -. . . . - '.~ . . :.,,! ..' . ~ ,. '.' .".:" J;.'" -'. ..... '.- . ", -. -' " ..' '. Division of State Lands (sioml\vater discharge, ,wetlands) ,,,',' ',', ".'..,::' ,,'_, '::~".;: ":';'~"":."'~:::'~:::"~ ~'~"'_:'::"."':.-:.~:,' .'.";',..........:':. ::.''''''. """ "r..;,..:"_':"" '....'. ",'; Department,ofEnvirorUllental Quality (erosion control, stonnwater discharge, wetlands)' ...,'.... c . "..~~::".""'.' 'd"" . - :",. -',' : '. ..,. . US Anny Corps. ofEngineers'(~to~n:v!lter discharge, wetlimd's}:} ,.. . , , , ' u ,'~t' : :i~, :.~,,' '. .:'.:' " '"','.,'.' :,,' ':':',':,".,"', .~." ,: "" ;~..:.> ... :..:_? ,: .... ~>~~ ., '.' ' . ': t..: ,. :'~ '..:.'~f~}: . ". ' , ,......... '-'.", " .~ .', ,. ,"-.i.i",..' ". . ',,, ..' ...' ,." '.', .:~ . .'" ,.,'" " , Ji '" .. ;'- ..; " ,'< .. ,,' '..'- ~. . "'"w;'''',''' . .''-'. ..:' :(, ~..' ..~" ",-';. ,: "p~t~~~c~j~~d}:r,' j~;) ,',:'P/anner;,A" ,L ' , : ,'/, . ;.;':' .. ... ~ , ~ . '", 'I'. ;{". ^ ..... :C. ,[ , "," :.. ,.,n (.,. ,,:;,.n. .. ~. "."',, "'".. "- " ,,'" ';'~ . ~ ~,' " .. ' " "t': "". , ;<::,," '.'...- .';,. " '..' ,'. '~ " ....-', '\ \.: .:." ,.... '":1: .;;!.; ,{"f~:' . " j ,', drr' ~: . . {. t"~ "I) -;1 " -..; ,'. " ,', ,r,' ,'j< .. ~ ". d 1~f:~~~~~~~;Y:lf~1~:\\"~;;:7;77.~",~JJ~~j~.". , . i',,/1'f""c,';' .',~;:" CITY OF SPRINGFIElD;,_,; ,--' ',,,( "',," , . ," "', .. '. "C', .\." .~~''f.' ",:'i!,':!;'DEVELoPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT "~'ll--'-~;'''''''.'''~'~ I~~ ;,.",]~",~-l::'225 5'th ST~.t:.. ",:':Zl? <",1: ;~l<'" J' ~'" ,~,. ,'r"'",..{ , "t"" " , <~,(~;,)L':"~:;,,: SPRINGFIELD,' OR~74~7 , ,~'ti!Y~;z.::< .. '\~"~ .'l!~ ~ r':0, ';., ~ ~ ,,' -'1' ,4' ''''~ ~ "'i~1 ~~( i. , "tl . ~ ,'." - "r:_t~.:t'",f _ t' ..~~,,f " :'\"~~l"'" '..... " . ~ . ~ ^'. ,''''' " , " ii' :1 , 'I ,11 ~I " ~; Ii . "... ", }, Duane Knights' " 36.00 Garden' Avenue "Springfield, OR: 97477 " .'\' .'~ - .~ ',,' ,', \~ " .:i Jeannette Applauso Branch Engineering 310 ,Fifth ,Street' Springfield, OR 974"7.7 .~' i;' " , ';t 1,- " " ::'" , , ~ r, , '. '_ S;4/#7 Data Received: ' , Planner: AL j~ , " " ,i '! /}" " (;'. \........ - " "6 ..,. ~ !., <.. .j.. ..' '.., " "" .....;:--.. .:,' '.. .,1" , , I .:;' '" ,,. .... . r. ',i'. . .~5 .' ,', " ',... ," ":i ... '. " ,'i.. " ',. ,,' "