HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 4/19/2007 Meth Lab 19th & Hayden Bridge - Updated memo . -I, . Page I of I ,.', / SUMMERS Sarah From: SUMMERS Sarah Sent: Thursday, Apiil19, 2007 10:24 AM To: GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Meth Lab 19th & Hayden Bridge - Updated memo In a conference call this morning with me, Joe, Ken, Les and Pam, Joe determined that the signing of the plat should not occur until the soil test results are in on Monday. I have informed Marv Krush in person who will let Walt Drews know. SS From: GRILE Bill Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 5: 10 PM To: SUMMERS Sarah Cc: LEAHY Joe (HL); VOGENEY Ken; MEYER Pamela; HARMAN Michael; MOTT Gregory Subject: FW: Meth Lab 19th & Hayden Bridge - Updated memo Sarah: Mike Harman called me this morning about the Barnes.letter. I'm pleased you are asking Joe to look into this before you sign. A question I would have for you, and I'm assuming this is your question for Joe, is, "What authority exists under the. Code to not.sign a plat IF the plat meets the SDC approval criteria?" I understand the concern about public health and safety, but unless there is clear authority somewhere that would allow us to not sign the plat, it seems there is liability exposure if we are arbitrary/capricious in how we handle this. Please let me know what Joe directs and if/when you sign or don't sign the plat A related concern, then, is how the City responds ~o the Barnes. Thanks. ...BiII . From: SUMMERS Sarah Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:49 PM To: VOGENEY Ken; MEYER Pamela Cc: LEAHY Joe (HL); GRILE Bill , , . Subject: FW: Meth Lab 19th & Hayden Bridge - Updated memo " -' j' ':. . . \ . "'I' I have no reason to hold up signing the plat unless Joe tells me not to for a legal reason,' Tomorrow morning I will sign unless I hear differently from Joe. Police and Fire have had this for months. Not one of the many letters I got from the neighbors. during the subdivision process mentioned anything about drugs or dumping... Sarah' "" '. ' From: DAVIS Chuck [mailto:ChuckD@subutil.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:37'PM . To: GOTTFRIED Charles; CHINITZ Amy c.; LEAHY Joe (HL) Cc: SUMMERS Sarah' '. . Subject: Meth Lab 19th & Hayden Bridge - Updated memo \ ',' '" , , .' ';"", .. '..J: <<Meth Lab 19th & Hayden Bridge.doc>> ,'. '.' " Joe, this is the updated memo. The lab results will be available on Monday, April 23, in the afternoon. around time with the triple fee.. '. . . . This is the rush turn '. . . Chuck, pl~ase forward this memo to Shawn.'1 was' not able to locate hisemail address. . . ~ Sarah, this is what I know, so far. I am sorry.. ,.; . . . 0_; -.' . ',' ' ..,.,,!", ','j -..l, " ":'.,"':":'- 4/19/2007. ',' " "