HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 11/17/2006 ;.' ,1.'\ . . ,.' PlatApplication Status Report Date of Pre-Submittal Meeting:, Planning Case Numbers: November 17, 2006 Plat PRE2006-00095 ,SUB2005-00030- Subdivision Tentative Applicant's Representative: . Applicant/Owners: ., Marvin Krush PLS . , Krush & Associates 607 Hwy 99 North Eugene OR 97401 ' Walt Drews G & R Building Concepts 1135Cal Young RO,ad Eugene OR 97401 '. .. . . . ., .. . ~ Request: A Pre-Submittal application for Final Subdivision Plat approval was submitted to the Springfield Planning Division on November 8, 2006 :tor King Henry E~tates 'subdivision, in Springfield, The application proposes to create 10 legal lots, ' Status ot'the Application: The final plat application package is incomplete and requires additional information for review and final approval. The submittal requirements. of SDC 3,050 and 35.090 shall be fully met prior to accepfance of mylar copies suitable, for signature and filing.' ." . . ~ . The items. needed to make the application com'plete for review are~attached as a- separate documents, (Please see Department dociJments.) , . ~ THIS IS NOT A DECISION ON THE PLAT:'The m'ylarsand application fee shall be submitted within 180 days of the pre"submittal meeting.' If the applicant has not submitted the Subdivision Plat within these times, Tentative Plan approval. ',shall become null and void and re-submittal o~ttie Tentative Plan shall be required, (SDC 35~090 PLATSUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS) " ~., . I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all missing items indicated herein to the, City within the 180"day timeline for fee and mylar submittal. ' ,&tp;(t//~j' ", ",' .' " ~Ap~t's-Signature ~ G-/ ..... , ".' ,. - .._, , . '. ,'. Plat,applications will be processed as follows: 1, The applicant submits a Pre-Submittal meeting application. ,2, ,Within five to seven working days, the applicant and the City conduct a pre- , - submittal meeting, , . : 3.,' '\'Vithin 180 days the applicant coordinates' any add),tional review of the plat and other required documents with representatives from the City's Planning. Public Works Engineering, ilnd Surveying divisions until the approval criteria of.SDC 35,100 are satisfied. ' 4, The City will notify the applicant when the plat and other documents are , ' sufficiently refined to allow for the submittal of the plat mylars, ' 5, The applicant submits the plat application with the mylars and all final documentation and financial securities including the application fees, . 6. Upon City signatures, the plat mylars may be .f()rwarded to Lane County for, recordation by the applicant. . ,',. " , 7,' . The applicanhvill deliver (6) six recorded paper copies to the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. ._ -. ;1 " If you' haye questions on the'above requirements or re-submittal procedures please . contact Sarah Summers at 726-4611. . ~ ". ';" " . " "'....- ' ~, . .-<'. .. , . .,' ., " ., " G & R Building Concepts, Inc. 1135 Cat Young Road Eugene, OR 97401 Subdil'isivn Tentative Plan Apprvval.fvr KING HENRY'S ESTATES - SUB2005-00030 Cvnditivns o.fApproval: '. " ' , " '., '. . CJditiOn 1: A svlid s~reen in accvrdancewith ~DC 31.160 shall be prv"i~;d alvng the we t and nvrth sides .of the access easement .from Hayden Bridge Rvad (SDC 5.030(3)(c). ' . ~. Prior to occupancy of buildings constructed on Lots 8, 9 or 10, a solid screen will be. constructed along the.west an~ north sides of the access easement from Hayden Bridge" , Road The fence will be constructed during ?,' ~',.,e tl-C r pV / /'/ fJ. . .,', Jb . " . . ,orpn,r Ie> ~SI~""'~~I". . . , Condition 2: as required by SDC 35.040(10(e), the ~amc and address .of the owner and land sun'eyvr shall be .on the plat. The required information is shown on the face of the plat. , . ",l , . Cvnditivn J: All dimensivns in feet .of e~ch lvt are required to be shown .on the plat The required information is shown on the face oftheplat. . '~Cvndition4:0~. the pnal plat, the str~et shall be: n~med King Henry Co~rt. in o ,cvnfvrmance With City Street naming, 911 and the Lane Cvunty Street Naming , CVl1ll1liftee. . . The street, as shown on the plat, is named King Henry Court. - '.~~\nditio~ 5: .The applic~n~ shall deterniine with SUB water ande;eCtric, the nece~sary. e l1Ients pnvrtosubnllsslOn.ofthefinal plat', ' '. ...'..., All water and electric has been installed and easement locations have been determined. ,The necessary ~asements ar~ shown on the:nal plat. ~ 9u6 Nj#~ . ~ - '. --=7 Cvnd.i!ion 6:" Prior tv final plat ~pprvval, the applicant shall submit easement descriptions for the private and public utility easements In the lvcativn- and width' jt"cessa1J' tv accomnwdate tHe develvpment prvposa~ If possible; the applicant will create the necessary easements on the 'plat. ? 5l{t . -PtUS' ~ Conditivn 7: Privr tv final plat apprOl'al, the applicant .shall recvrd all private and public easements as apprvved by the City.. The required easements will be recorded prior to fmai plat approval. Sa; Al5tJ,.,{ - Conditivn 8: ~'No Parking" signage shall be pvsted per SFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix Dl 03. 6 on .one side .of the "neck" .of the cul-de-sac. The required signs will be installed. ~,Jb br , /.JS"-~ ' ( iJ., ~/~' 60' f;~'(,/, \ l ' '1JI~M/) . ~vnditivn 9: King He;t1J1 Ct. ~h~;l support an 80,000 lb.l;npvsed lvad . ' ' oPf-tV' 6,t9,. 'King Henry Ct. has been installed and supports the required 80,000 lb load, --. / I .'~', ~ p Cvndition 10: Privr to' apprOl'al.of the Public Imprvvement hoject, the applic~nt shall 0,. I revise the public sanitary sewer system to align in the street right-vf-way within 5 feet T v'" .of centerline. The sewer line sen'icing lvts 1-7 shall be relocated' The sanitary sewer . system sen'icingiots 8-10 shall be cvnstructed in Haydel!, Bridge Rvad, as required in , Section 2.02.8 of the City's EDSPM . " ". ,i ",' The public sanitary' sewer system was revised and has been installed" ~~. Cvndition 11:' Th~ . applicant shall apply fvr ~n' extra-territvrial 'extensivn fvr ~ neJ~ . sewer construction in 1 tjh Street and Hayden Bridge Rvad. .." ',' , An application has been submitted. &7 ~ ru S ~ .... ~IL C~nditii:m 12: Prior toap~rvV(il .of the Final Plat, the ap;lica~t shall dedicate a private' . . drainage easement, of sufficient width, along the easterly bvundary .of the propvsed joint-use driveJjI(ly on ~vt 8 tv accvmmvdate runoff frvm the driveway. . . " . '. , .. ," . The private drainage easement is shown on the face of the plat. .- ...., ~, ofLCvnditiOIl13: Prior to apprvval .of the Public Imprvvement Plans (PIP), the applicant shall design the stvrm drainage system (within the public right-of-way) with a pipe jf!iZ material approvedfvr use in the right-of-way. ' The storm water has been installed using an approved pipe material. ~ Cvnditioll14: Prior to appro],(ll .of the Final Plat, the applicant shall prvvide a typical o detail drawillgfvr the prvposed vegetative infiltration trenches, consistent with the City , r W .of Portland's Stvrmwater ~lanagement Manual, showing i2ppropriate dimensivns such ".J as width, depth, etc. ' ' " V~~',yJ ()~ tV( p~p~- ,00 ,'{Df{)o, ftJtz:,; !IL, , 2 copIes ofthe plan have been subrrutted WIth the apphcatlOn;,' , , ' Cvnditivn 15: Privr to apprvvul .of the Final Plat, the applicant shall prvvide ~ typic~l : seed mix and applicativll rate fvr the prvpvsed vegetative infiltration trenches. The seed mix shall be cvnsistentwith tlie City .of Pvrtland~s Strvmwater Management ,ManuaL '0 iV The,seed mixis listed 'on ~he submitted planting plan. ,'. 1,{ QJJ I!nu, '. ' .' -- ,,' , " ' , . ,,~Cvlldition 16: Prvvide and maintaill adequate I'isivnclearance triangles at the corners O'{..--, .of all driveways per SDC32.070. ",'.," ," " .' ".. .' - . The lot own~rs will provide and maintain the required vision 'Clearance triangles. ~ ' Cvndition 17: Ajvi~t-use access/maintenance and utility easementfor Lvts 8,9 and 10 b - is required tv be submitted with 'the final plat ' . . .' (.j, .~ . .' . ~~~' ., A draft copy, of the required document has been submitted with the final plat application, , ' Condition 18: The public imprvl'ementplans fvr the Ki~g Henry's Court cul-de-sac shall include s!reet lighting in conformance witl~ current City design standards. .. . . The PIPs, as submitted, inc1u~ed street lighting' per city standards.' , PAGE 1 OF 2 ~ -.""'" "\" ~ ~';. q hm ~:S' j~~ M , I HENRY ESTATES 3 W. 1\',M,. SE 1/4 KING OF THE S1\' 1/4 OF 'SECTION 24. T 17 S, R SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON DATE OF syRVEY: OCTOBER 17. 2006 kRUSH I: ASSOCIAT(S ---- 'I' ---- ~c:,-~ . -...,..........,. .~ ~ o . 3JJW~/ifDJ!J:: 1 rlRSf' ADDITION g . _, u I 1'0 nU..lNllA PAJUC - @ ~>,~ ~IX":~~~:~_'12~~)1 13 ~ 7 ":.. ~. S llf'42'3S 233.03 --.. ~ _(' VQ...J.-' -- 80087 ~ lllaJ 1 p,;--- "l (S!.0".42'~"'t 1'29.38 . . ': ~ "1 sen:1"l5"C t2'''' 8 7" P.u.t. I ~ ~ MSl5OF"BEAAlHQ lOT 2 : ~~~. ~ . LOT J Ml0.SQ.n. ~ ~!: e ~/,,. 7,4.17 SO:". C"~ t , e "lo- ~ l~ !is' ! :t' ~~ . .,; ) t::~ ' , ""'~L \ ' ~ :t '42'M"~'JS ~145lr2S"W20~ ... ~ 1:;.' 1.7~~.n. K_~~~~_L____ 588"42'.30'"[ 152.511 '. .~.... ~ ~ . _~42'~"'E M.7J <<".2'35'1: 21.1-4 " . ''t _. ,_, )+/-t"'~o.<t-~\-- ~! X ~NDPI~{'". ~ 'Y >........' ~ fP r' ~ ~ I ... I . ~ ~ ">:1!/-' ~:!I ~ ! !H;r"~' E ". . . ... (rJI>" - ~ lOT 7 :'" ~-:.. IS Sb\ lOTS!.. lOTI "-HflSQ.FT' - . .... % 1~SQr ~ 1!I.:ZS4SQ.FT. -.... 'I~ 8 '- . 0 ----~7~' ;~"'-. ~. ,.....,- _~o i '1 & i .... .; ./ H8Q'u.3!.....1 234 OIl . u-::-"""! 00," ~_ II ~~4. ~ :-: r ;3~If; '~, ~I ~ i:! - -L.'~-""---T"--'. ) I N ~ ~ Ir---~-~--q---; ~ ~ ________ : 1 ~ ~ ft-- do eM7'sGFT. cl l~ I 1 - "~ _ jl--.le.oO ~ 1-. lOT 10'~ 1 . , t 1-- '003 SO.n. I ~ II U1T e _ T P.U.t. ' I " II e.B21 son. 0 . O[DIC,I.Tm ;; } >. 1,---- ~ . . Hm&:OH, ~ ; \_\~~_...._-- ~_ v :;.,.,~!:'_.~ '--11:"-_/ , .--- \;-;"',....,"---- ,...;'.....1"0.0 :--- I _~eo)] _____N~3~'''..._~_______. \i ~'ItlOl9RICCE1tOAD . --t (50.00)2 2' PM/AT[ [)IWW.O[ EASOIOlT. CREATtO """"" 5.38"5&.43.....3l.l14 CITY OF SPRINGrlElO JOURNAL NO, 2005-00030 TAX lOT 1100. ....SSESSOR.S RECORDED COUNty CLERK 7"P.U.E. DE1M. "",wwu " , -- Ci,r.,. ..;./ ~ ~'!~!h . \,;-/, ~ ~ ~~,~ , 8- \ ....!~".?,....~'f?-,' ~ 'd:t;~'" . ~ S ~ ~~... ':I' b:;! 0'). ... f>~ ,~. ...;,r{I 5 ~. .,. P.U.t. S /J/5 I -@- "... I ~cu'" ~ ~ CUFNE o.o.TA TABU: IVDI1J:> li:J<<nl1 {.liOf1D 20.00 11..:3V IIIJ'O "2.00 U.!)7 ~l.ll-<> ..2.00 ~.M .)4.ao "'_00 4<l.~ ~77 42.00 ~7 .3-4.2'" 42.00 <<.n: 4:1.21 ?O_iil ~ """'iiI.~ ~'^ -4ru'O,- ~211-oi- I 3. 411'":i'Oj" ft' ....." . ~ 43'"t17'OO' II. 15Q""2!I- 7_ -4'OI'"..lf21 u....P 17-03-24-3'" S'll' CO~ or:ou: NO. 51. SECTION H. lOWNS~ 17 SOt.(TH. IW'U J WEST, ..w.. I.NlEOOI..Ml'~FM:l"ORSOfTICt cos. nu: HO. nlffll MT'E ,.~ LEGOIO: . F"Cll..mO 5/e' IRON ROO MTH A YElLOW I'U.STlC eN' w.RKED "\.ME coutm' R~. It-llESS OTHER- WISE NOTED. . o SIT 5/e'. x .5(1' IRON ROO ....,rn 'l'tlLOW Pl..AStlC e>>> WAkED "l<mJSH P\..S 1!U3".' o IHrTtAl POINT. so 5/3' x 30' II'lON ROO I'r1TH YnLOW PlAS'TlC eN> lWIKE.O "'AAIJSH' PLS 1&43'. . CAI.:C;Ut.A.ITO .POINT. NO I-ioNUUrnT stT Oft rOUNO. + S"rlIllOl vsro TO INOlCATE mAT UHE OAAlIrH IS HOT TO SCAL.L ' . (_)1 OIl.101S1OH or RECORD wrtH ~ NUUBUI. SOJ,IE AS SURVE"rtD UNlESS' Q1liERWlSE NOTED. ,-,,,,'<,,'_,-,",,,-,-l I.) CQUHTY SUFrvtY rllE NWBm 1327!>. WlI..1J.lU /10. ElI.IST.loD. JoOHUAAY HIS4. 2.) WfflAA.m- M:oofmEtt AS OOCuutNT HUUSER ~_Q&]2.3Q. LC.O.O.R. J.) Sl:'r'[N1l1,~ 1ll_-rolAHM. P.w<. AS PUntO ,l,NI) RECORCIro IN eool< 5e; P.oG( 21. 'IN'-IE lHfE COUNTY OAEGOfoI PlAT RECORDS. -4.) sonH ,ll)OO1()N TO yt:UHOA PARK. A5 ,PlATTrn NiO RECORDEtt lH BOOt< 55. PAGE .1.. I.NIE I...olI-IE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS. S.) OE:ct.NV.T1W or PP.lVATE JOINT-USE ICct:SS At<<) vnun EASEMENT AND w.JHTEW\HCE ,IoCfl[D.lDlT AECOf'IDED AS oocuwoo N1JUaER 200&-_ lANE COUNTY OM:GON, CEED RECOfIOS. ,"""""""""I -"'562252 t. Hro'II22 ~'.)101 50'"'~""" \ ~~~: l H70"lJ2~i . NH4 !04 r,ltO~.l W<O """""" l ..!'"lr"'_ ........ ....... ,.., D:J'.......c~:mtn .. I I , I ,\ I j i l