HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/29/2004 ~. -.;",} V .. City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SPRINGFIELD ,,,.111..,,, ~ k- land Division Application, Type II Subdivision Tentative: EJ Subdivision Replat Tentative: D Partition Tentative: D Partition Replat Tentative: D - . . - Applicant Name: Company: Address: [" Henry. Blair I 2660 City View street, Eugene Phone: IFax: OR 97405 Applicant's Rep.: I Aleksandra Levkovsky Company: I Weber Elliott Enqineers. PC Address: "I P.O. Box 101"45" , Eugene, OR 97440 Phone: Fax: 1<5411461-97719 LI 'ij 1 I 4 h 1 - q 71 0 Property Owner: I Henrv Blair Company: Address: 26260 City View street, EUgene, IPhone: ~Fax: OR 97405 I (541) 344-548/ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: I 17-03-24-34 Property Address: 1.1888 Hayden Bridge Size of Property: 1 1.79 Propose~I'I'!ll1e_~f.~l!!JdivisionL)K~ng Henry Court " "'''''':'''''';'' ';'''''h;".:.;",.,-,:..;~:.""",t' ;"""~,,,-,,,,,_:,,,,,'" ....-;.'; ..,,"CC :_",.'.':ji-"'~'" -";-'.-,-,--~.::i:':C:',:ii':::=c'''''''''"''';'-'':,':i':;."'::,:, 1 0 ".single .family' residential ITAXLOT NO(S): 11100 Road, Springfield, OR 97477 JAcres [gj Square Feet D Description of Proposal: lots Existing Use: I single family residence J 1!,?!.,::g!!,iL~<I!(;~J~~..1 1 0 IA.':'!;I..'::()!I~a~(;el~i~~;J 690~.~~~[)~f1~i!y:I: 5.6 1~"lJ!.a"(;~~" Zoning: J" pverlay District: r I Applicable Refinement Plan: I IPlan Designation: I I location: City limits Ifl Urban Growth Boundarv Ir1 I Associated Applications: I LJ2111J.l(-rtil/S. ~!Rt(j)'/::-D())/ IJf,j,,1Jl2W1ttXt>.2.. r :,'i;;';:~i~;:t'i:'L'i;t;;-~;2;i;:'.:~i',:1.\::i?;::LTci:':!:S:::~'::r'..:r':;i',;~o';:;'::':L~:':):i.;" i":';/: ';i;,i:i-,c'.:'::;':'",-,~~,:;: !.::'~:,':::,::i':~ ,'t7~ ';J;;.' _,;;:,".<,"::i :".~;!:':f:1;;:Y ;:~;:}'i",;_:'::":::<>i~;(i"',';:>"';):~;50:;::~:, ;~!. i:i.':i,.r'.,:;~: ~;;:->e;y'~ ":--:{:';':'::';"'1,~,:'12-0n -::t:..aJ<.f.- ~::~S~~~ittal I pl({ltJX//()J~511Date: li\..-/~~' 0~~~~~S)d by: h il4J!C02- I I J Reviewed by: Case No.: _ Date: (initials) Application Fee: I I Postage Fe,e: 1-'- ITotal Fee.: I ~ .:." 'i';:-::ii1~!'p,:~ ';,:;:;i.,T;:::,:_:,::;;,;.,;;::--- .' .. " ,:;:,::,:':;:~ :,~: :,,:: c' ,,~ ,., "', -'. "<:,,,. ',-'-';':':.'.:i ":';: :':;' I': i!'t.. . :"'.,,,.,,_._~'+' ':,!,',},:,c.' "'C;", .:::""'oj .. '--',' Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory but there is no additional r'eview fee for this service. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and nooll. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportatioll, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planf:ling Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will_ provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will becollected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use decision is issued. Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's.signatures are required at both'stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. IDate Submitted: r 'J-J...- / L <f . The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre-SuQmittal Meeting. - , - Owner: 1 ~ ~ t'JslJL UL Date: I /a.-J1-oif/ Signature U - I t-Ier-J'~t.a-Iy"_De~~b~_] Print , . ~. ,,",-., I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the, City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on tllis application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information wi Ii not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuantto the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: Date: Signature Print Weber Elliott Engineers, P.C. P. O. Box 10145 Eugene, Oregon 97440 541.461.9779 (fax) 541.461.9780. Partners in Quality & Commitmmt Letter of Transmittal Date: Project No.: Project Name: December 28, 2004 04-23 King Henry Court Pre-Submittal Meeting Application for King Henry Court. \ TO: City of Springfield Planning FROM. Aleksandra Levkovsky Weber Elliott Engineers, P.G. P. O. Box 10145 Eugene, OR 97440 Transmitted along with this letter are: 1. Land Division Application, Type II for King Henry Court Subdivision Tentative. 2. Seven copies of the Site Assessment of Existing Conditions, Tentative Land Division, and Grading . and Paving Plans. A copy of the Title Report. A 81/2" x 11" copy of the Tentative Land Division Plan. 3. 4. 5. 6. A Hydrology Plan. Four copies of the Storm Management System Study. The Right-of-way Approach Permit Application does not apply because .the subject property does not have frontage on an ODOT facilities. The Traffic Impact Study does not apply because the proposed subdivision generates 96 vehicle trips per day,which is less than 250 vehicle trips per day, minimum requiredby.SDC 35.040 (4)(i) to conduct the TIA. 9.57 trips/day/unit x 10 units = 95.7 trips/day = 96 trips/ day Please call with any questions at 461-9779. Sasha " . " ,.;.,. ~;\, ~ " -- .. . , . . .' -;-.. KING HENRY COURT STORM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STUDY Prepared by Weber Elliott Engineers, PC , Rx ~~te/Time ijCT-j\-),n~WRI) IJ: \ J \~l )JOln?1 r. ~~l SENT BY: SPRINGFIELD PW; 541 7361021; OCT-1o-Q4 13:51; PAGE 2/3 ., , Fax: (541) 736-1021 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1 Engineering Division STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ....:':.. .... ' ... "..--. (AreaUefoidIllSJiuelilledoulby;1piiiiiiiifiij':.;c.;; :,:', '.".:; .::... J P~Oj~~'~~:;t1;::;:~:~:~(it~O~~P&~I~~Uj:;~:~n:rt=~:~#~7::~~h~~~#1{~i~~J~~,.........: MSe!lSors Parcel II: r 11":()3'::24-34- TL 11 uli I Date:IOctobei.'f4;ibo4 .. . Lalld Usc(s): I single-family residenti~Phone II: I (541) 461-9779 Project Size (Acres): Ll,J9 ac IFax#: I (54!) 461-9780 Approx,IlIlpervi~us Area:-' 0-:-9 ac I Rmail: .....Jall@~7..be.relliott.com Q.;;;;r;:~:'::::;':""':":::::"i:;'C-":::"-",!;"",,':;':,:t~ '-"::-,:::.;~~:-:,;~ !!::=;,i',~:~:;,:'::" '~:::.~ ',':~;: :',:.... I',': :.,;.. Coo:: ':";:'~";l;:~~'~:~;:: .',. "...!..~ :":.,,.:: '::; .' ,.",:;:~:.; "","," .",_.:..~_, ,..' ",::,,~~ ~_ "..~ ~ :;;: ~:::::'~~:_.'~;'.:;"""'~'c"".~~'~.',':"'~ ,,,_"-...:..::;.: ,__ Project Description (fnelude a COpy of A"essor's map): IV s~ngle-ramlly lots appro 140' long cul-de_sac Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge IOC"UOII(S), etc. Attach additional shcCI(;)" ifnecesslU}': Sfm,iiio-drainage pipe in King Henry Court will be connected to public drainage system in 19th Street. I II Prooosed Stormwatcr Best Manaeement Practices: ." · . . .0'" ':li/i.abdm;;'Iii.L<iiiiir"l;,d";,(hv!~.e fJlt~ aiiilii.iiilimtdliJii;ij~;,I[fii;,():'::";':~; ,,0: . ,. .::;C : :(-Ji" r;;;;;iiliul11;;:J111 hllXe:;~h;,cii.edb)ll~ Cfl)! o~ih"lrofll"".iI:!>ijli~jjfthts.lie.i,<hdll:h~.f;;hiJ;iii~d~, _:: ,,;: ::: ":.: ,_h fiJt.P/:J'iJj'PHC:qfi/.J~ ,In, be' ~o1Hplf!~ far sfibl1!.!.~ra/~' :ri!thOl.Iir.h.:orlie.;:;:ti(j;lfr'E!!u!iLit~t;;/ty :b.~::n.!?ir-~~;igiy.l:' ~~ Drainaee Study Tvne IEDSPM Seetinn 4,0]_2): INote. UR may be substitnted for Rational Method) flit Small Site Study - (use Ralio".1 Method for caJculations) o Mid-Level Development.Study ~ (use Unilliydrograpli"Melhod for calculalions) o Full Drainage Development_Study - (use Unil Hydrowaph Method for calculations) "uvironmenlal Considerations, if WellheadZone:JI9.-,~.~~oI!!!!I._~ul l~ Hillside Development: I ,)1,. ill Wetland/Riparian: r /J/f\. --""'j e Floodway/FloodpJain: tJ)A .II Soil Type: I~L-.-M...I~ uri-.. 1....A~Lfil OlherJurisdicliuns: J I~~... /'...u_...~ Downstream Analvsis: . c,,~ lid N/ A o Flow line tor starting water surface elevati(ln: I o Design HGL to. use for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis tu: .1 . Relurn to Mqtl ShJlJder tal.City or Snrillefield. eUlail: m'lo.der(ii)<I.SDrlll~field.or,u., FAX: (541) 736-1021 Rx Date/Time OtT-I~-l~O~(FR1) I] : ~] 541 7361021; \~l 1JOlnll UO] SENT BY: SPRINGFIELD PW; OCT- ._-04 13:52; PAGE 3/3 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS I F.,om~ij,ill(s(llirijtiAf-' * based upon "If! information provided un 'he frc;ni ,if Ihi.i ,,,he!!l, th~ fOlJOWj~lg ,.ep1"fmmt.~. it minimum olwhat j" nt!ed~dfor an app/tcalton to be complete for submittal wilh respf!d -Iv dminuge; Imwl!ver, rhis list should Plol b~ used tn/teu of the ::'''pringficld Development Code (.S'vej or the Gity ',~ Engi;lf!cring De~'jgn Manu(JI, Complia7lce with these requirement,' does not con:J'mull! sile approval; Addiliona/ sUe specffi,' information may he required. NOll!: {lpcm .reaping .iheel.rubmiltal, el'l.)--ure comp/etr!dform hw' been signed i~ the space providf!d below: Interim Design StandnrdslWattr Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) !!:!:I'd NIA IfJ 0 All non-building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. tnulti~chambercd catchbnsin w/oil JIltralion media)for stormwatcr quality, Additionally, (l minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegelated methods. .. o iiJ Where rc;quir~d, v~getativ~ stormwatcr design shull be ,onsistent with interim design SlflndDrds (EDSPM Section 3.02), set furth by t"" Buieau of Environmental Services (BES) ur CI.o" Water Selvices (CWS). D ts;I For new NBR impervious area less than 151000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be fullowed as $pecificd by the BES lor vegelative treatment. . o ~ If a stormwRtertrealment swa]c is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for,sizing, velocity, How, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with eithc.r BES or CWS reQuirements~ . !II 0 Water Quality calculatiens as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM o iia All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other tluid containing equipment tOusled outside ofthebuildinJ?;, shaH be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. :,' General Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4.03) III 0 Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the stale of Oregon. til 0 A camplele drainage study, as ;equi..d in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. m 0 Calculations showing system capacily for a 2-year stann event and overflow effects of a 25-ycar storm event. m 0 The time of concenlralion (Te) shall be determined using EI. 1 () minute dart.time for developed basins. Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Seetion 4_03.4.C) o Ail! A downstream drainage a..lysis as described in RDSPM Seclion 4.03.4.C. On.,ite drainage shall. be governed by lbe . Oregon PlumbingSpecialiy eude (OPSC). o iii Elevations oflhe HGL and flow lines for both cily and private systems where applicable. Design ofStona Systems (KDSPM S.cllon 4,04) .ag 0 Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type nnd sizes clearly lndicated on the plan set. IJ 0 Minimum pipe cover shall be lS'inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plaiD concrete and plastic,pipe materials, or proper engine'ering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover sha1l,be sufficient to support an 80,000 Ib load withoulfailure of the pipe structure. _-I<<- ~ ,,"L I ~.. p.j> l:: S ~ 0 Manning's "n"values f(lrl'lipe.~ ~hall be consislent-with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All storm. pipes shall be designed to achieve a minimwn velocity of three (3) feet per second At 0.5 pipe full ba~ed on T8ble 4-1 as well. .~Other/Mjsc:. . .... .... ". ._, .. , ~ 0 Existing and pruposed contours,. IQcated at one loot intervaJ. Include spot elevations and site grades'showillg how'site drains m 0 Private sturmwiiler easel'qejlts shall be clearly depicted on p'an5 when priValcsZOrmwateT flows ITom one property'to another - n llN1;",l:I..t. . o II Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o beingtn~ated by on~ or moreBMPs, with the exception of residenli.1 building roof, (EDSP Seeti.on 3.03.4.A). Additiunal provision., apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to the website: www.de{t.st3t~h2.t..~~/w0/oroundwaJlIiC.hQn!~:h\;m for more infonnatioD; o riJ Detenlion ponds shall be designed tu limit rWloffto pre.developmenl n1t.es for the 2 through '2S.yenr stann events .This form shall hI! ;ncllld~d ilf un "Uhchlnt!nl, insid, thefroll! covr.f', nf the ,~t("mwuti!' study I.. ...: ::.IMi>iJRrANr:~Nqlivi#RPlfustRtiJpiiEtoW 1fvD"&iqi!L::. . i::.: .-1 As the engineer ofreeor J hereby certi,f}' the~a . uirclI Hems nr~ complete and'.inCIUded wil11the 'U.bl11itlCd stormwater study and planet' "7/ff . /.. , "'"///-7 A. 12.. ~. I' z/zMH Weber Elliott Engineers, PC 2-year Rational formula Q = C [ A Q = runoff flow rate, cfs C = weighted runoff coefficient I :;:; rainfall intensity, in/h A = basin contributing area, ac 0.50 0.58 0.71 1.21 C = weighted runoff coefficient 0.58 C (1) = runoff coefficient 0.90 A (1 J = subbasin contributing area, ac 0.25 C (2) = runoff coefficient 0.50 A (2) = subbasin contributing area, ac 0.96 kLO.6n 06 10.4S0.3 T:: = overland flow time, min L = overland flow length, ft n = manning roughness coefficient I = rainfall intensity, in/h S = average slope, tuft k= ~= 26.07 280.00 0.080 1.00 0.0075 . 0.93 0423hydrology.xls 25-:.year HYDROLOGY STUDY 1 (impervious area or Iy) 2-year 2S-year 0.85 0.58 1.20 1.21 Basin # 2 2 (impervious area only) 2-year 25-year 2~year 25-year Crescent Village Project #02-04 3 3 (impervious area on y) 2-year 25-year 2~year 25-year 0.25 0.43 0.26 0.44 0.07 0.12 0.08 0.14 0.07 0.12 0.90 0.90 0.57 0.57 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.50 0.9 0.9 1.10 1.90 1.10 1.90 1.10 1.90 1.05 1.80 1.1 1.9 0.25 0.25 0.41 0.41 0.07 0.Q7 0.16 0.16 0.Q7 0.07 0.57 0.90 0.07 0.50 0.34 8.93 196.00 0.014 1.00 0.0040 0.93 6.23 170.00 0.014 1.00 0.0100 0.93 .5.69 146.00 0.014 1.00 0.0100 0.93 1 of 1 11.28 80.00 0.080 1.00 0.0100 .0.93 2:54 PM 10/18/2004 Weber Elliott Engineers, PC WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS Basin # 1 (impervious area 2 (impervious area only) only) Rational formula Q::: erA Q ::: runoff flow rate, cfs C ::: weighted runoff coefficient I::: rainfall intensity, inth A ::: basin contributing area, ac 0.06 0.90 0.25 0:25 0.02 0.90 0.25 0.07 0423waterquality.xls Crescent Village Project #02-04 1 of 1 3:00 PM 10/19/2004 Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Input Data Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Depth Diameter Results Discharge Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width' Critical Depth Percent Full Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Full Flow Capacity Full Flow Slope Flow is subcritical. 10/19/04 09:46:05 AM King Henry Court Worksheet for Circular Channel c:lheastadlfrnwI9501. fm2 public pipe Circular Channel Manning's Formula Dischar~e 0.013 0003000 fUft 0.50 ft 12.00 in 0.98 cfs 0.39 ft' 1.57 ft 1.00 ft 0.41 ft 50.00 0.005794 fUft 2.48 fUs 0.10 ft 0.60 ft 0.70 2.10 cfs 1.95 cfs 0.000750 fUft HaestadMethods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203)755-1666 ~ FlowM.asler v5.13 Page 1 of 1 '. '.. , ......... Weber Elliott Engineers, PC. King Henry Court Project # 04-23 AASHTO' 86 PAVEMENT ANALYSIS PROGRAM FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT ANALYSIS [1] Design E 18's [2] Reliability [3] Overall Deviation [4] Soil Resilient Mod. [5] Initial Serviceability [6] Terminal Serviceability 80,000 90.00 0.35 3,500.0 4.20 2.50 Flexible Structural Number 2.92 Layer Layer Drainage Layer Number Coefficient Coefficient Thickness a(i)*Cd*t --- = a (i) = == m (i) == =t= ---- Upper 0.42 1.00 4.00 1.68 2 0.14 0.80 12.00 1.34 0423pavement.doc Total 3.02 3.02> 2.92 OK 1 of 1 10/18/2004 YOLANDA PARK SEVENTH ADDITION 17-~-3~~-34.. .1 . 17--iL31g6~34 j '~"lER STUll "; SQ'4:t:\5- E 2304 38' " , '. - ':A' I 1-1+ - CONNF"CT Tn 1"XTt:' 'UN PIPF t-l t 4:'O.O!l . t- L,. ....'u t "'~~._O '" "~:"rr' ~~; ~ ~ I 1'1 ORI\€WAY STORt.I s I ~ EASEIlIENT EXTG::t- I """" I I ~ I 6923 SF SIGNAL I "J I .. SIGN __ !;( . ""',......""I:LU -. II EXTG CURB INlET I I I ' ~;~ t~. h" - ~:G4~~H ~ .'.r^<.. !:1JfuCI.1 -. II <"'00 \0~7'~' . \ ,"'Of;,. "ULT~~I~1 III ' ~ I' r\ ! I c/)fIINF.:CT TO . 5 ,sa,. SF I' E, I I / 1 "'" ~ ;;. 6018 Sf 0 I "' ell , ~.. ~'~ ""(.1" ~c .~i ~:G.::::" /:% OOG ~ '/r"~lER' (4-5070 ?Q' ~ 4>// s~w~ -: ~:."::"I~ l~:;j;tff+-lr-~~:E~To """",,,;.,_,{I // \ I \~;!f=ii[fr"-".+':024~~ r~;'l~,"LET Wo " . 111'" ~ PlPF" )1 14 ~GNAL..... ! L I 'f! ---ft- _ EXTG so MH 7 J' -f--.., -~- ~ RlW45800 6069 SF \~' .- ~. SAN 1'1t'E. ~[2j41 I I" ~ :~ 1[4:i2.oo \ KING H~RY _ (-wi ~ : ~ II I ______to::.~:mFXTGSAN,PIPE CCJRfr 7tW-"~~~~i ~ I _ II '~//I'~" T':G 11) ~ ..I~ . ~ . '-I, "'" . """ ''''f.1 l~ ~ iJ go - .J j " ,m. ",. I~ ~- ffl 1Il 7 9! ~ A:WA1!R lETER_ _ ~ ~ ~ L 60 2 S{ I 10 I i[;S ~I :5 ;; I 5...2 SF .~7' I i ~ I en ~lliE BOX..., - - - EXTG ~7;DEW~~ -:- -r:~ d"'.'-'~ ~:,~+s~ 1m, "MP 1I-+-1~ , ElITG GAS t.lAl~ -s-891~S: 8~."Wl5O:00' - ~ - e:..J6,c - --- - - PEDESTRIAN _~_ _ _ _-_ ...!..XTG~W"'lERloI"'IN _ _ SIGNAl I ~ EXTG J.5 G I Elm' _________ ___~~_ _UllUTYBOX_~1 1~:-STRffiUG-IT ,,"vT"lB".onPIPE ------" - - ~ ~ -I'~' HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD . "" so MHI IOX\I> RIM 458.(50 r--- S1R~TGUOHT~f451.501 FlREH'l'DRANT ~I ~WA ------- ~ ... '" I" ...... ';'''' z "'~ o ?I- t: " Cl Cl <( N~'. X n" _ n 1Il... ' '" 0 ~ I -..,. a::: -.to r- N'" 0 <( I'" z "- "'~ 0>- I " <( Cl _Z <( ..J o >- ... '" 10 "'0 NN 1- 8" I " ~ ^~ ,. 'W 3 9650 'SF ;; 2 8411 SF ~ ". ". 6 7235 SF 8 7522 SF EXTG SAN WH "... ..:>Q.OU 1[450.40 " KING HENRY COURT TENTATIVE LAND DIVISION PLAN 'DATE: I DESIGNED BY I DRAWN BY I CHECKED BY I PROJECT NO. I SHEFT NO. L '. NARRATIVE, THE PURPOSE Of THE PROPOSED SUBDI\1Sl0N IS TO CREATE 10 LOTS fOR CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE fAMILY HOUSES. THtRE ARt ONE SlNGtE F AM1L Y HOUSE AND TWO OUTBUILDINGS CURRENTLY LOCATED ON SITE. ASSESSOR'S t.4AP 17-03-24-34 TAX LOT 1100. AREA - 1.79 ACRES. ZONING - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL SOLAR ACCESS STANDARDS, LOTS 4 AND 10 COt.4Pl Y WITH CITY Of SPRINGFlEtD SOLAR ACCESS STANDARDS, SECTION 35.010 (3)(b)(1). lOTS 1-3 'AND 5-"9 00 NOT't.4EET REQUIREt.4ENTS' Of CITY OF SPRINGflELO SOLAR ACCESS STANDARDS DUE TO ALlO'.IIED DENSITY, SECTION 35.010 (3)(d)(1)(o). PU8UC IMPROVEMENTS, All PUBUC IMPROVEMENTS ARE PROPOSED TO BE INSTAlLED PRIVATELY. lREES, All. TREES WITHIN PUBUC RIGHT-Of-WAY AND PUBUC AND PRIVATE EASEt.4ENTS WILL BE REMOVED. NO STREET TREES ARE PROPOSED. " M~ PROFESSIONAL LANO SURVEYOR I ~~ -1M,..,"", IoIARV1HS.KRUStl ".., EXl',JVHE30.~ OCTOBER 20041 Aleksondra lllVkO~k~ Alllksondro lllVkovsk" DOUG WEBER 04-231 2 of 31 . .. ~ ~ j ;\ 9- l " . , " r ~ ~ u ,. o ii~ ~~ WEBER ELLIOTT ".: Civil Engi~~n~~~i~pc~~~:erin~~~d. P~nning ~ ~ P.O. Box 10145 ~ Eugenll, Orllgon 97440 Phone: 541-461-9779 . - OL - R"'29J~R.~3.al' 370' _ -=:::::~ 7.'00'38' 'oJ 7 li~TlAL PjINT 6 :.. %~ :33062.\;1 =- ;. ~ ~ ., 7. 500 <,-~<fJJ JO. 10 3;~QO' 9 ~rg~'i 30.7./ '~ - ~~ ~ ~8 ~ - ~ i ~ = E ~ m . ~..,~ i ~ g; ~l ('I ~ ~ " $1 ~--~- ''Ii' tlJ5D' I ~... i" 1/ ~~. 30'1 . c::: I j ~ - I U: -, I :1::' ~- () ,'irl- ~. , <OJ ~<fb1}, ~~'.:: <:j-\r" 5 .'. ":"5.3-4' l03~-47' . ~I I ~ ~ 4 ~~ r i J t ~ I I ~ ~ 1 , I 3 ~ _I ~ 1 . d' I : i J ! I J r-, i 2i~ CD : ~ ~CtlDl ~ j~ .~. i . 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(() o IZ - : 1"'1 130' 17 03 24 34 SPRINGFIELD ---.----'.--. - -- ..'" -.:YC<'..' Rx Date/Time _NDV.-02-2004 \ ~, NOV-D2-2004GTDE) 17:03 . 'e 17: 11 Title. 541 485 0302 541 485 0302 P.. 0 0 2 P.02/05 ,;:.~' 1 =-= GASCACE: TITLE CO. STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT WEBBER, ELLIOTT ENGINEERS, P.C. 223 NORTH A STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Our No: CT"243150 Date: NOVEMBER 02, 2004 Charge: $200,00 Government Service Fee: $25.00 AS requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract. indices as to the following described real property: ( A T T A C H E D .'- -;l~.",..and as of: OCTOBER 14, 2004, at 8:00 A,M. we find the following: :B:1-"; :!! '. Vestee: HENRY BLAIR AND BEA BLAIR as tenants by the entirety Said property is subject to the following on record matters: 01. Taxes, Account No. .0199248, Assessor's Map No_ 17 03 24 3 4, #1100, Code 19-04, 2004-2005, in the amount of $1,843.20, NOW DUE AND PAYABLE. 02. Rights of the public in and to that portion lying within streets, roads and highways. 03. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by. Henry Blair and Bea Blair, as tenants by the entirety, Grantor, to Cascade Title Company, Trustee, for the benefit of Rollie David Mulkey and Phyllis Elaine Mulkey, Trustees of Just-A-Mere Farm Living Trust, dated July 13, 1985, .Beneficiary, dated December 29, 2003, recorded December 31, 2003, Reception No. 2003-124035, Lane County Official Records, to secure payment of a note in the amount of$254,iioo _ 00 ..... .. continued- MAIN OFFICE * 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 * PH, (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE * 1234 RHODODENDRON DR. * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 * PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX. 485-0307' E-MAIL: info@cascadetit1e.com* FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 ,'.. Rx Oale/Time NOl'-02~2004 NOV-02-2004(TUE) 17:03 .' , J 7: Ii Title 541 485 0302 541 485 0302 P. 003 P.03/05 This report is to be utilized for information only_ Any use of this report as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described will require prior notification to the undersigned and payment in an amount equivalent to applicable title insurance premiums as required by the rating schedule on file with the Oregon Insurance Division_ The liability of Cascade Title Co., is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: ./- Boyd Steele ar/Title Rx Dale/Time NDV-02-2004 NOV-02~2004(TUE) 17:03 c s 'Ie 17: 11 Title 541 485 0302 541 485 0302 P. 004 P,04/05 . I'~_ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION A parcel of land in the southeast one-quarter of the southwest one-quarter of section 24, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wi11amette Meridian, described as followS: Beginning at a point on the West right-of-way line of 19th street. being North 2271.66 feet and North 890 42' 35" West 30 feet from the southwest corner of Donation Land Claim No. 51. said point also being the southeast corner of Lot 13, Block 3. FIRST ADDITION TO YOLANDA pARK, as platted and recorded in Book 40. page 14, Lane County Oregon plat Records; thence North 890 42' 35" West .along the south line of said Lot 13, and its Westerly extension thereof. 234.58 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 6, Block 3. SIXTH ADDITION TO YOLANDA pARK, as platted and recorded in Book 55. Page 14, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence South 000 14' west along the East line of said Lot 6 and its Southerly extension thereof. 336,25 feet to the Northerly right-of-way line of Hayden Bridge Road; thence South 890 35' 30" East along said Northerly right-of-way line 244.58 feet, more or less, to the. point of intersection .with the West right-of-way line of 19th Street; thence North along said West right-at-way line to .a point which bears South _ ." &_~m rhe point at Beginning, the"ce North 890 42' 35" West 10 _...__....~. ()rp:OOD. .. --'I '-I~CU__~ - B90 4i1 35" East from CIlt:: r...........-- feet to the pair ,f. ",eginning, in Lane County, v:"~,,~.-- EXCEPTIJ.. d'. _act of land conveyed to Lanr r;o..nty, as described by instrUment recorded March 25, 19~2, Rt 2, Reception No. 9216156, Lane County Official Records. ALSO EXCEPTING a.tract of land conveyed to Lane County as described by instrument recorded september 14, 1995, Reel 2096, Reception No, 9551657, La.ne County Official Records. ,',. Rx Dale/Time 'NO'J-02- 2004 NOY-D2-2DD4(TUE) 1711 de Title ~---u- me I 'W' U ..P ~..__ , ",;;7' .!"~I '~ I;~ we ,~l ",,_ . \~ \2) ~\S" ~ i <f\\~ ~~~ . 'l' 28.9353 Pm. ~ .'~ I = '~ ~~.f" ~U"':t ~~"~<!' j ~:;.~:sc'P) 1 ~~ 3 s. '-0. Itlt '1 I'L"'UUl \ "I . I 6 ''''r:=-:~ 'j.1?;;i.,. + "'.,. ~.:. --L.... "- 7"2 , ,iJ ~ ~ "" -< ooJ1 ~v ","'tl .. - -CIR-E'qc ,,= - -- - - ~ .~.". _ qJ -"._n --J I ?:\ L#'- ."" ""Vr';~\?~... ~~:'."''''::' ~~~. "r---------: ~217'~~'0IOII ~ "'... 10' ~9~~~Q; B 3.Q!~: 7 ;jl:':~ .soo \. it'tEW".i - If'" ~ ~ 3.1.9 il ~? ~8 ~ P ~306~" ...' i '" ~ -:f ~ :::.-::;_ .. ~ ..... _I ' - - . ri. C j . ~ ~.:t: I . . < ~~ 5 r: I '~I'''P"h.~. .,,.,. ,''''''.. H "'.". ., : 336 ~of" . "... " 1. ",.".. , . " 353 . 355 600 l i is - ~ ~ I I -." 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"-~.~ I 541 m 03.02 541 485 0302 P. 005 P.05;05 .- , n ... ... '" n o I'- "- <( :::;; .w w Ul \40 ~2 . :; 10040' '9 3~~'b " 20~ I !!UlI' , 4 21~._.1 ' - INlTJI\L I OINT 99.9'3' INITIAL" h l h "j?~i,.\{ I ~I 1400 j . J .'/. ~ ~ ~ ~ . }.,.,.,. @,?t:~\' ".,.A. ..,,:~~~Ll_ !" t,,,. ,"" - L~ U;;:_LJUL'7~,.~_.~ ~. -. . .~=... - . 0 R+BG[ 1.' 19.05.64 p.m, == 1-r 91+3U.26 P,O.T. NlllIS.6C9SCU E"1,344JnJJOllI , 14'i.9'J" ~~:p 17 03 24 34 SPRINGFIELD &4.&11' :i> " :l.P :...:..:, . 225 Fifth Street Spr.ingfieid, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone a..p'~I"~_~~EO'~'.~j1_""_:':_'..' ., A 1 -I J.-. \', ...... ..'='" ..... . . ~..,. ... City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200500000000000112 Date: 02/01/2005 12:02:50PM Job/Journal Number Description Planning - GIS Maps - 15.0000 @ $1.0000 Project StaffTime - 5.0000 @ $1.0000 Planning Copies - 1st Copy - 1.0000@ $0.7500 Planning Copies - Each Additional Copy after 1st - . 56.0000 @ $0.5000 Amount Due 15.00 5.00 0.75 28.00 Item Total: $48~75 Payments: Type of Payment Paid By CreditCard MARY FOSTER Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received ddk 030842 In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid $48.75 $48.75 fZ;~ ~u c~ 2/1/2005 Page 1 of I