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Permit Correction Notice 2009-1-8
"~T7'~..->T..,.'1~t'.y.:l~'''''''''~1I''Y.f''1'-''''f..''l)t-,''';.o.-~F"''trN'''''-~'-''_Y1'i1''''''''''''_\1"'''''''F-'7"'R\"~~ ,~~~~~~~~~~l1.~';",~~':"V""'------"""--;->- City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date: I I g' / 0'1_ Job# cB - I? Cf'j Address:_ S7'3 h8 f~, PI- InspectionType:J:/.-n{v/, S{'''v,~ ~ 1,,/(vJ TO: ;411;j~{~"r .J bf'''''~ (' /?tA./I",,,,,:~ v fttEc:. qt?, If IJM, IZ : e""'/~f.....:v, IJ ",,}evCM)Uw"" <::'~vtll;...I.,J.,v,.1 -kJ M<f<vb<<St:. 'I J il - j [)tJt'511 {OVlI1',,+- ~1P"""lJlrlly -fo """,r/~'IA;l': 11- /-,.., <;<tJv..d... u..,nI,,, f'( ~ I101rl~-t'''s~ I- -;f"III___~ t'VltYN"t: 1,,,,J...t'/;V$ a,t ~..I<":"" , ~ u"fl.. h1d,,,bu.l<', //('0" t,,,<. CIt'rlYNJ(1I>~f/A<.J.,V 1" 1'1,~d {{)ywe1. ." Corrections and reinspection request shall be made within ~ O' calendar days. Callforreinspection~yes DNo Inspectorf.?q.... ~,rl.~",{<;()<'1 _Date: 1-8- 0'" NNNNNNNNN~NNNCall for inspection 726-3769~~~~~~N~~N"'Questions 726-37S9NNN~N~NN~