HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2009-1-7 SPRINGFI...... ,., . ZON lt~ JA - ttd INlTIALS ' - ,IlL . ~~~CE ~~VrV- Date " CITY OF, SRRThJGFIELD, OREGON , 225 FIFfH STREET' SPRlNGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726.3753 . FAX: (541)726.3689 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPliCATION City Job Number -Cfr-\~ fi) , ~""'""*'",""''' '*"'~"'*""*"'""f"""'{ji;""-"''''~,'''"'''.'''''''''i'''' 1.~'Ff(')1"f:01ll'~~@N;lI!i<'!lltl.! ";"""""''''''''''''''"''''''",u''"''''"':f",~~!g;t';b~,."~,.,..,==>-,, ".",~ "'"-'!w"tilli ",- ,- .0 -mtll\<;~ '? ;: , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~~~?!~~ ootOl2 -.11 rlJl &/ jf-S ~rh6rl Permits are non-transferable a~d expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is Suspended for 180 days. SignatUre of Supervising EI\"trician , -/1'0;; ~~ , ~ers Name-.Art\1 ~ ~ i1(1~i:\ E. ~iM~flr~'"t$~~r.~"~!1t1l';j'll~'~~;~h'~ifiiillt~, Address ~n ~. u...h.S~~ ~~~.J;"m".p,.1t'1~I'?iIT_*,~",,,,,;,,",",,m+'!"~""''''''''''f'<'''=~'''''illk''l&w"{_~'~',':n~i0M',""'<#_"";h.",~",",,,,,:,,"'".t.'TI;. ""', . City ,_: OrPp!a\O.J......MQLo , , Illes aaopted b~O;~gon Utility OWNER 1:N~' f lt~tlP[I..Gmt.er. Those rules are set forth m.t:J ~2-tJt}f''tJ01 0 through OAR 952-001. :ne ~a8B~'1fnringJnyt@lJ(l!;Ijlil'''''''f"fJSlcll'ffile''f~ by Limited Energy/Commercial , $ 52.00 IS not mtendEl!tI1'IIiIl!Nll!ilIlIClllllltOf~l{Jte: the telephone Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $52.00 + Surcharges number for the Oregon Utility NotificatiOn""~~-'.'~';''''''''f'l~!'''",,'~''''r'''''''"'''~I'' i-. '. ;ilii"". 11m co' Own S' lure Cent . 1 800332 :i. tl,(}!FD,(}E;!lm(}1Jffi1 "'~I!:*. ' e-rs 19na: er IS < - - -2344). Nu '",~i' Mi, ''ie''''''' ";:iI''''~,*"fi1l''- :JJjili~,,,,;d",,I~i it . THIS f~R~exr..tRE IF THE WORK -1f) .00 AUTH~~ ;tM~ PERMIT IS NOT -1l2.00 COMMENCE'D OR S ABANDONED FOR ~ DOJ ANY 1~()'N.ti PERIOD. 11). 'J.CJ " Shared Drivc(T:)/Building FllIIDS!Electrical PcrmilApplicalion 7~8,doc 1','."',,,"iO''''''i''''.'.':'''w.:4,'.'.'01' ~i:r:'l\,";;,\t.~.fd"il;AiIi,:1!)t)~t'b.R0.:I'!l'ii!): .Iimi.,.."';:f'i -"".'lh4.~i'"otl"\';":;:~!$i"iM YWil.'. .'C'fi)xi;l;J>a'l:i"T!eR~~rDIi!A:tl'Ll!JJ,V,:el111iJH 2. ~~~:t.1!i~~WiVliif~1r.lM!;;"'f&.<"jjib'K",i~"4:oIt,;w0;r>W,"!"~"ltMl~'IJRi:;~i.11 . Electrical Contractor G'e ~ v-d rBJ eo) Address eBCfS''! ff;-q~ 8y- f2d City Sf fLl dD!2.Phone 7'1f~2$f6 Supervisor License Number ,~?6'51 S ExpirationDate ID..../ -It) Constr.Contr. Number 15' '7/45 Expiration Date II - I D - 2. ooq " Inspection Request: 726-,3769 , 3. rm~w_-m._.~ltlll~B_~fl~ A ~iaralttilri~si~~td~l_tilItFilin@~~mliiiF'~Jiilb~ ~!i;~k"~"""'""II!\"""k"~_,*<0i1Z4,",,>[!!g..,..,,,t>'>N""'''',,w,,y"~'b''''';,";,'/"n;,):\';P",-"'1!.;,~";""_",,,,,,,.~,,,,,_,,,m'. Service Included 1000 sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft. or portion thereof $]21.00 $ 22.00 Each Manufact'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $57.00 'I B :{s'-',wi~%Jt~~I'..-:aw~d'i!!~~irtml~'~'-ti' .!'51!Mm~~it:~0"'Jj@ti~1~~~ &zm:RJ\tri';I'.;.~~~'r#*:'tI~~~"' ~ }.. e .....1ces\:Qf!" ;~ 'e..~~lnst.aua . o~a.. era . ous.or' 'e ocation:-''1!!!il i '" ,".." iilui, 1<lt..i,'!Wlii!H,~""Ii:'~!;r:'f'i""M"i'"-,,""""j""WTI!t-'fl_iirn1i):*,01j,,,~~j~. :.17".," c',. 200 Amps or less 20 I Amps to 400 Amps 401 Amps to 600 Amps 60 I Amps to 1000 Amps Over ] 000 AmpsIV oIls Reconnect Only .. $ 73.00 $ 86,00 $143.00 $]86.00 $426.00 $ 57,00 ;~~G;ili!)f$l0'TI!Jm~~"~-fuWl1\W!iaJm!jiih~i~~~~'_mlf"'~"" C. fWeml!l!""J:Y&~!'m~~2P.r1J<;o;t'lJ_!,!:,!g. ;1.1': Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 Amps or less 201 Amps to 400 Amps' 40] Amps to 600 Amps $ 57,00 $ 79,00 $1l4.00 New Alteration or Extension Per Panel, One Circuit 1 Each Additional Circuit or with I' '\ Service or Feed"1' Permit U $ 50,00 5D,CO !SO. rp Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Residential $ 57,00 $ 57.00 $ 29,00 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2008-0 1200 COM2008-0 1200 COM2008-0 1200 COM2008-0 1200 COM2008-0 1200 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceiotl RECEIPT #: Description Add, Alter, Extend Circ Add, Alter, Extend Cire Ea Add + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By MIKE BLANKENSHIP City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department, 220090000000000002] Date: 01107/2009 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Ilh 12238 In Person Payment Total: c .."'..,. Page I of 1 8:4]:06AM Amount Due. 50,00' 50,00 5,00 12,00 10,00 $127.00 Amount Paid: $127,00 $127.00 1/7/2009