HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 10/15/2008 PRE-SUBMITT 4L " DISTRIBUTIOrf LIST: . , . Date Distributed: ID- /6-D~ j Dave .Puent - Building J Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire V' Jon Driscoll- Traffic /' Matt Stouder - Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst/Chris Moorhead, Surveying Planner, ~/o- ~. . PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O , OCT 1 5 2008 1>1(~- ~UYQM-(~ V.tN,,{lE\/ City of.Springfield , Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax 'r'~~',j":~~C,?}",,;y.~;~..:. l 'y Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2008-00067 Date Submitted: 10/15/2008 Proiect Name: PRODEN PART 2566 GRAND VISTA Project Description: Pre-Submittal for Partition Tentative for creation of 2 parcels Application Type: Job Address: Partition Tentative PRE-SUBMITIAL RECIO OCT 1 5 2008 Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 2566 GRAND VISTA DR 1703243101000 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time oflhe Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review. Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or conc~ms. A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. ~RSu>og -000 5 9 PlanJobPrint.rpt 10/15/2008 2:42:51 PM ~re-Su-)mitta-_l1eeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 . PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, October 24, 2008 l.PRE-SUBMITT AL MTG #PRE2008-00067 (PART TENT) PRODEN Assessor's Map: l7-03-24-3l1L 1000 Address: 2566 Grand Vista Drive Existing Use: Residential . . Applicant submitted plans to partition one lot into two parcels Meeting Date/Time: Friday, October 24,2008 11:00 - noon Planner: Andy Limbird PRE-SUBMITTAl. REC'D OCT 1 5 2008 ICity. of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield,OR97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision PRE-SUBMlTIAL RECID OCT 1 ;; 2008 ..';\ . -. Applicant Name: All ir<~~p\. Phone:S",-7U-- n'R.3i' Icompany: - , 'IFax: I IAddress: 15r;,r;, Gran.4 W~t-a. D".;JJe- SM;V1~-8e1.J Oil 97'177 -;ttf7: I t;W_=:-"""~"1j\;W;;!Y,,,LW00J9!'(l_W4;,:i1;+'i'\0=~""'m!L_;""bh"ito/a'0-l\1k't~~fr~&IJI$(!tj;,4tU~m_ei!i~I'1'k~\&10~~~1iK1"'~~__~&~~@R^!._I&-",'jV'ji.!~"'N0+,~j11m~ IAPPlicant's Rep.: l?oh-'N',.."....c..t, . Phone:fitfl-997-'7J.oJ I: Icompan~W~)t1J1t'. Fax:I"l~j-97'?-35''1.c I l~!~~.!~Bp, .li~~__J~L_~___fk{fifj{:~~l2g_?2fll_.________w_...________.._.-1 I Propertv Owner: ,<)/7.tMr". () <; fJAt7}i'('ICLIIl+ Phone: I Icompany: ., Fax: 1 IA~re~: 1 IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: \7.:.()~-7-lf - 31 ITAX LOT NO(S): 1000 I Property Address: Vi ~b Gra.",J. Vl.~ttl. D.,..lve. - 5.~7f~;'YI~R~i:&, ol!.... 97'177-~'11 ISize of Property: '23(p/.fCj ~+r ' Acres D Square Feet .I8r [proposed Name of S~bdivi~i~n: NJL Pe:w-i;..}.u,l" _ I 1~=""iW/ft~",""\;;';"-",",''''ra'E~=",__,,~~,,'''''''';,,"70->._''':.&"ft'4C~'=;~;P,j_~"~WZ:1!WiliMij''0;;~_~ji1;ti:t~j:Wj'''';!'1lTK=;;~t'4W_i_0iimi\i''?h~;@@T'W'0'rn",~_\;%lli\>IS,b%"''''%&W)ti~~. I Description of If YOI' are filling in this form by rand, pleas: attach your proposal. description to this application. ProDosal: (\'-,om. 1w;., .tJtlNll'd<. - 5Fe-lJf/;,J"JI1I#I&lfi/a-J.,.J. "/,,JlJ.a7fi' IExisting Use: . Re'SiJ,o.AA-11dl-.' . 1# of Lots/Parcels: '1- Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: 1/81.'1 sf IDensity: 3.68 du/acre I Si natures:Piease si!)n and print y~ur name and d~te. in the. appro, ,'. . . , 6 6 Associated Applications: SilinS: Pre-Sub Case No.: W~C6-6OtJb'1 Date: IDk/d6 Reviewed bY:--bvt- Icase No.: Date: I Reviewed by: IAPPlication Fee: $':'~J..f..la 00 ITechnical Fee: $ -e--- Ipostage Fee: $ -e- ITOTAL FEES: $. 3Lf-1o 09. ,I PROJECT.NUMBER: P~2eo~- CSO:OSf1 ~Fl<:'~_""""~""')!"":"W_~"~Jh.""M"'{_"iS!&~_iW(,1:V,,',*41!fIXJi?jjfMiii,;",'ii>i!;iii""",""''''':~'",.;~~",~,.iWj'''';__;_''''_*''''':~'''~~~'W;'_d';;'''_:_v''':\M#~ Revised 1/1/0B Molly Markarian ~ (] fY1~C; OdZL.{ II/J: Ol) 1 of 10 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. , Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. .' Owner: . -'Yl0uA~.:-~~ sig~~fu;e" ~~ " - Date: f()"~c:K' M;('ha~1 J. P,odeVl Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as'submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE-SUBMlTIAl REC'D OCT 1 5 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 ~ ~ '/Zl ;vJq 0 #/19 0 #/,40 ~ Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: . ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submittal and Submittal. . If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available ,at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. ' Land Division Tentative Application Form Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing'in determining the action to be taken. ~ IZJ Copy of the Deed Copy of a Preliminary Title Re'port issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances., Copy of the Land Division Plan Reduced to 8'h"x11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. Right-of-Way Approach Permit,Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Stormwater Seoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supportin'g calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. ' Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 AA. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain"how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must aiso address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR Eighteen (18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal o All of the following plans must inClude the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. o All plansets must be folded to 8y," by 11" and bound by rubber bands. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions IX) Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer PRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O o Vicinity Map OCT 1 ;) 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 10 /VIA IZI The name, location, and dimensions of all existing s'ite features including buildings, curb cuts, trees, and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed property lines. ~ The name, location, dimensions, direction of fiow and top of bank ofali watercourses and required riparian .setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department lZI The 100-year floodplain and fioodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision @ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department ~ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 1f2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings rxI Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Land Division Tentative Plan rxI Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor' ~ City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary, and any special service district boundaries or railroad right-of-way which cross or abut the proposed land division ~ Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land division ~ Boundaries of entire area owned by the property owner, of which the proposed land division is a part, as well as dimensions and size of !=ach parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale 1ZI Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of iliumination ' . ~ Location, widths, conditions, and names of ali existing and proposed streets, alieys, dedications or other right-oF-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division. Proposed streets should also include approximate radius of curves and grades and relationship to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map. ~ Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilitiesPRE_SUBMlTIAL REC'O ~ Location and dimensions of existing and proposed d.riveways 200B o Location of existing and proposed transit facilities OCT 1 5 ~ Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails o Location, size and type of plantings and street trees, in any required planter strip t:i{) Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains,' power, gas, - telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points IV/A Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 10 ;V/A D The locations 'of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated IV/A D Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as specified - in SDC 5.12-120 E. c. Stormwater Management Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer NA D Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system I:X1 Roof drainage patterns and discharge iocations ~ Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns ~ The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained ~ Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot interval~ (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lInes' may be at 5 foot intervals) ilIA D Amount of proposed cut apd fill D Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/ APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZIN~ PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: D Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement D Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC 3.2-230 D Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within '100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW D A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if . there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present D Where the development area is within an overlay district, ,address the additional standards of the overlay district D If five or more trees are proposed to be removea, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 . D A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property D Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit appiication has ,been submitted for review, D Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the .development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be subll}itted prior to development o Where applicable, any Discretionary Use orVariance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 PRE-SUBiVlITIAL REC'O OCT 1 5 2008 Revised 11110B Molly Markarian 6 of 10 o An Annexation application, as specified in SDC S.7-100,where a development is proposed outside of t~e city limits but within the City's urban service'area and can be served by sanitary sewer o All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing { PRE-SUBMITIAl REC'D OCT 1 5 2008 Revised t/1/0B Molly Markarian 7 of 10 . . (I Ii ' I I I I ') ( I I L ~ 'in :Ie Ii:: += I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00067 2566 Grand Vista Drive '{~ ) . \~ VERA ST ., ;> ':l I~ C> VERA ST ' I ~ PRE~SUBMIITAL REC'O OCT 1 5 2008 SITE Map 17-03-24-31 Tax Lot 1000, North .. . '" 4...WARD NORTHWEST LAND SURVEYING . LAND PLANNING . FORESTRY .~ PO Box 105 . Florence,OR 97439 . Phone: 541-997-9201 . Fax: 541.997-3546 !i 10/13/2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Partition Tentative Pre-Submittal Please find the enclosed Partition Tentative Pre-Submittal application for property owned by Michael Prod.en. The landowner desires to divide his property into two parcels as outlined in the attached application. A check is enclosed in the amount of $346.00. I am acting as the agent of record for the landowner. Please direct any questions , concerning this application to my office. . Sincerely, ~~ Rob Ward PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D . OCT 1 5 2008 . ' Land Division Supplemental Information - City of Springfield - 6/23/2008 "Land Partition Application" Landowner I Applicant Michael J. Proden 2566 Grand Vista Springfield, OR 97477 Agent for Applicant Rob Ward LS . Ward NorthWest Inc. P.O. Box 105 Florence, OR 97439 PRE.SUB[VlinAL REC'O OCT 1 5 2008 ph 541-997-9201 office Assessor's Map No. 17-03-24-31 Tax Lot 1000 'Narrative The purpose of this application is to seek approval for a land partition of the subject property. The Site Assessment Map show existing conditions and the Land Division Tentative Plan is shows the proposed partition. Copies of both maps are included as part of this submittle. The subject property was created by Revised Parcell, Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0549. All street and utility improvements were completed'inthe mid 1990's. See Grandview Estates Public Improvements Plan prepared by Ray Walter Engineering, which is on file with the City of Springfield. I have included an aerial photo which shows the location of the subject 'property and the surrounding area. When the Grandview Estates Improvements were installed, they included dry sewer lines. It was the understanding that when the sewer lines could be connected to a sewer pump station, the lots that are now on septic systems could connect to the sewer system and in turn the properties would be eligible for further division. The sewer lines are now, active and the land owner desires to decommission the existing septic system, connect to the City sewer system and complete the proposed land partition. A 6" sewer lateral was extended to the subject property as part of the original construction. The Site Assessment Map shows the location ofthe existing 6" sewer lateral that extends to the subject property. The Tentative Land Division Plan shows the location of a "Y" to be installed and the proposed easement for service to proposed Parcell. Proposed Parcel 2 will grant an easement to proposed Parcel I as shown. 'The Springfield Utility Board - Water, has indicated that an existing water service has been extended to the north boundary of the subject property as shown on the Site Assessment Map. The Tentative Land division Plan shows how water service will be extended to proposed Parcel 1. Page 1 of 4 The Springfield Utility Board - Electrical, show power service to the north boundary of the subject property as shoWn on the Site Assessment Map. The extension of power service to proposed Parcel 2 is shown on the Tentative Land Division PI<II1. Application Fee - Check for $346:00 attached to this application Land Division Tentative Plan Form - Completed Land Division Tentative Plan included Narrative - see above Copy of Deed - copy of Warranty Deed recording number 2002-040523 attached Copy of a Preliminary Title Report - Copy of Preliminary Title Report attached which is dated within the last 30 days. Copy of the Land Division Plan - A copy of the Land Division Tentative Plan reduced to 8- 1/2" x 11" included with this application. Right of Way Approach Permit - N/A. A driveway permit will be required at the time a building permit is applied for on proposed Parcell. Stormwater Management System Study - NI A The stormwater design for this area was completed, approved by the City of Springfield and constructed in the mid 1990's. Dan Olmstead with EGR & Associates has reviewed the Site Assessment Map. All gutter down spouts from the existing home on proposed Parcel 2 are connected to curbline weep hole drains. All down spouts for a home constructed on proposed Parcel I will also connect to the existing curbline weep holes. Curbline weep hole locations are shown, on both the Site Assessment Map and the Tentative Land Division Plan. Traffic Impact Study - N/A. Driveway location options are indicated on the Tentative Land Division Plan. The driveway for proposed Parcel one will be located in a manner that does not result in the removal of the existing trees as indicated on the Tentative Land division Plan. Three (3) Copies of Site Assessment of Existing Conditions - Copies included as part of this application. . The Site Assessment Map includes the location and dimensions of all existing features. No existing improvements are planned to be removed as part of this partition application except the existing septic tank will be decommissioned as part of the sewer extension to the property. An ,application will be made to Lane County DEQ for the decommissioning process. There are no watercourses affecting the subject property The subject property has been determined to be outside ofthe500-year flood zone, See FIRM Map Number 41039C1153, Community Number 415592, Post - FIRM Date 1985-09-27. Page 2 of 4 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D OCT 1 5 200B The subject property is classified as a Zone of. Contribution for a well head at 16th and Q Street. This information was provided by the City of Springfield. Physical features which are existing Trees have been identified on the Site Assessment map. No trees will be removed as a result ofthis partition application. Two driveway approach options have been identified for proposed Parcell. Neither approach will impactthe existing Trees, The subject property is composed of soils type "MALABON SILTY CLAY LOAM". Per the soils' type map, 100% of the property is made up of this soils type. Per the Development Issues conference, a Geotechnical Report is not being required for this partition application. Three (3) Copies of the Land Division Tentative Plan - Copies included with this application.. The subject property is within the city limits of the City of Springfield and is zoned Low Density Residential (LD). The subject property is also within the following Service Districts; o . Lane Transit District Service Area - Lane Transit District Ride Source . Soil Water Conservation District is East Lane An existing 7' PUE was created as part of Land Partition Number 94-P0549. This easement is shown on the Land Division Tentative Plan and on the Site Assessment Map. The map also shows a private easement for the sewer line extension to proposed Parcel 1 to be granted by Proposed Parcel 2. See Land Division Tentatjve Plan. 'The subject property is almost flat. The Site Assessment Map includes spot elevations, which confirms the contour of the property. Not cut or fill slopes will be created as a result of the proposed Land Partition. Existing street light locations are shown on the Site Assessment Map. No additional street lights are being proposed. All streets which will service'this property were constructed in the mid 1990's. Refer to the aerial photo included with this application. No traffic control devices are required. The location of existing fire hydrants are shown on the Site Assessment Map. The location ofthe existing driveway is shown on the Site Assessment map. The Site Assessment map also shows the proposed location for driveways that would serve proposed Parcell. No transit facilities are being proposed to be included with tills Partition application. Also no additional sidewalks, sidewalk ramps pedestrian access ways or bike trails are being required for this Partition application. Page 3 of 4 PRE.SUBMITIAL,REC'D OCT 1 5 2008 . . No additional plantings or street trees are being proposed as part of this application. The subject property has been fully landscaped. See Aerial Photo, and additional photos of the subject property included as part of this application. The Site Assessment map indicates the location of all utilities which will service the two parcels to be created by this partition application. No areas are being dedicated or reserved for public use as part of this application. Once the partition of the subject property is completed, no additional parcelization of the property will occur. Stormwater Management Plan ' The Site Assessment Plan and the Tentative Land Division Plan contain all relevant illformation for the Storm Water Management Plan. Dan Olmstead, P .E. with EGR & Associates has 'been in contact with Eric Walter of the City of Springfield and has included all required information on the attached maps. . No additional storm water information is required for this application. ;PRE-SUBMlTIAL REC'D OCT 1 5 2008 Page 4 of 4