HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/7/2009 : -' " 'City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision Date ,Received: JAN - 7 2009 Original Submittal ~ . .. . -. Applicant Name: Phone:5W -7z.6 -g833 Icompany: IFax: IAddress: _)..$'Grl> Grand w,t..... Orlye, - SJ;lr)l'I!'Jtid.,t Of<, 77'177 -/6'1'1 I~~~.."'."-""'" .,,~:r.'/_~'_'~.,,-':":.~:'L,._.."=.:~~"",,",~~-.0','=_. "<''''~.:.:''.:-.+'"'' "'"",,"0~'''V.::l_ _~"'-_._,G"'I'''=:>' ,-~"""-"', '"T-." :""'=C<,"",, . "''''=. . ~,_ . __ IAPPlicant's Rep.: Rob Wa.".J Phone:5I1J-9'l7~9J..P1 Icompany: Wa..rJ No db West IHe, Fax: $lfl-7'j7-3Slf~ IAddress: PO. 6Q.~ JP5" - EJbreMPP- Dg 97ljB,? I ~~'mt;'.~'.~:"'.W: ,1,j,~.H-"/"''''"'11:, ;;;'V0^",__~~C.:=~h";"'''''.~N'''''''~,"""".}I,.4'Pt'~44W .\L,*,^,J:.:',:, '.PWN/<,.::"'+:q,',\','>Mh"".'AAC',""",,"""'.'- --"''''=YXWW''~~_H_,/""m~=-';'''' .:'''''''''''1"',; ,. .",_GJ.'f:M0'" I Property Owner: -Same ;1:) APflit"Orl+ Iphone: Icompany: i IFax: IAddress: 1<. '-."'''' ,...=....:A..."'~'" '",,"'~-..._^'~-,.W'... '=,~K-':.,.,,- ,.= --,-=""....,-",.. ~~l:Sto.il>,"" .~~=;c IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: \7-D3-7...""- 3) ITAX LOT NO(S): IDaD I Property Address: ~5'~~ GrQJlld. V;.;fa..J2ci.Y~ - S'~l)e 97/f77-/(;lf7 ISize of Property: 1.'3. C:.Lf9 Acres D Square Feet ~ IProposed Name of Subdivision: !Via II Pafliti.Dl1 i' """'_:' 'r!' , ,."',-,-- ::,"''-'''',''''''''''-.'''_'''''''';''''.;:"",'''' "'_'"'''''~'''''~:''' .,<:'.u=.-- ,,~_a~ '':'., ",,~:,__"__"_'''' ..'"",","","'0?:''''' ,""""''''';'':..::':' _#'*h:~'_" I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. ProDosal: c.{'en+~ two fJaV"Cl'" 1" : IExisting Use: Resldell1+1'a-! ' 1# of Lots/Parcels: L ]AVg. Lot/Parcel Size: /~87..'I' sf IDensity: 3. f.:,f5 du/acre !Signatures: Please si n and print your name and date in the a pro iii .I. , " ' I I I I ' I , 1011 'I II ~ I . - . ~... - .. '.. ~ I I --" I I I I I I " , Associated Applications: Signs: I Sf Cr\,o - '\'''.....h-h'~, I a 0 '1 Pre-Sub Case NO.:<t'rc kbro- aub~ Date: Reviewed by: Icase No.: ~5.1t>7~ -'6:QSb L- Date: j /1/07 Reviewed by: ~ IAPplication Fee: $ ~ 1,::(- ( ,,00 ITechnical Fee: $ -z.. L{" ")<.;""" Ipostage F~e: $ 1'(,1"" ()D ITOTAL FEES: L -::;c.f. c;'! PROJECT NUMBER: r6Z.) '2o:Sb- ~ Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 F, Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process, An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: \d~J.~-()~ Mic~CleJ J. Pr-oden Print Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 ... Land Division Tentative !'ubmittal Requirements Chech..,st NOTE: . ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submittal and Submittal. . If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula, A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department, Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages, ./I 5;t 7'1 .rr ~ Land Division Tentative Application Form ~ Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, ~ Copy of the Deed j 00 Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances, /Xl , ~ N$t NI;J o Copy of the Land Division Plan Reduced to 8'h"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet, Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility, Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Storm water Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4,2-105 AA, Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system, In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems, A TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives, Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR Eighteen (18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal o All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation, o All plan sets must be folded to 8Y2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands, a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions 0 t R . d a e ecelve: !S(l Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer I){) Vicinity Map JAN - 7 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Original Submittal 4 of 10 I' IR'I The name, location, and dimensions of all existing site fE:uLures including buildings, curb cuts, trees, and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed, For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed property lines, NMg The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department IRl The 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision I)g The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3,3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department 00 Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 1/2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings ~ Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Land Division Tentative Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor ~ City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary, and any special service district boundaries or railroad right-of-way which cross ora but the proposed land division ]:&l Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land division ~ Boundaries of entire area owned by the property owner, of which the proposed land division is a part, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale ~ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of illumination ~ Location, widths, conditions, and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division, Proposed streets should also include approximate radius of curves and grades and relationship to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map, I.XI Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydran~~j:l~M;ld: transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities ~ Location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways ~ Location of existing and proposed transit facilities Original Submittal ~ Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways al')d bike trails N//Q] Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip I){I Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, storm water management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable"TV, Indicate the proposed connection points JAN - 7 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 10 ~ The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for ,...ublic use, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated h'M.J Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as specified in SDC 5,12-120 E, , c. Stormwater Management Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer N!l/J Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system IZI Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations I 1&1 Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns I ~' The size and location of storm water management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained ~ Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) Him Amount of proposed cut and fill D Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: D D D D D D D D D D Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC 3,2-230 Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5,19-100 A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5,9-100 and 5,21-100 Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Original Submiltcilof 10 " D An Annexation apIJllcation, as specified in SDC 5.7-1L.v, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing D Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 7 of 10 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Cil < Springfield Official Receipt DehlOpment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200900000000000009 Date: 01107/2009 2:34:22PM Paid By MICHAEL J PRODEN . . Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number. How Received tj 6817 By Mail Payment Total: . Amount Due 4,871.00 243,55' 160.00 $5,274,55 Job/Journal Number SUB2009-00002 SUB2009-00002 SUB2009-00002 Description CTY Partition Tentative Plan + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II - $160 Payments: Type of Payment Check AmountPaid $5,27455 $5,274,55 . Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 Original Submitt1>1 cReceintl Page 1 of 1 1/.712009 A ' -, ~ARD NORTHWEST LAND SURVEYING _LANDPLANNfNG -FORESTRY ~I ,~ ~ PO Box 105 . Florence, OR 97439 . Phone: 541..997-9201 . Fax: 541.997-3546 12/12/2008 Andy Limbird City of Springfield - Planning Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dear: Andy Enclosed is the completed application for a proposed land partition, The application fee is attached in the amount of $5,274,55, Please direct any questions concerning this application to my office, Sincerely, ~;:)J Rob Ward Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 Original Submittal .''!>" M,.~J'Qd Pr~de'~ J,,\' o'O-lfl DEVELOPMENT CODE APPLICATION FEES Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 E~EililiIil,I~1ibll'llitta' DESIGN REVIEW CASE TYPES IAccessory Dwelling Unit I'Demolition of Historic Landmark Discretionary Use IDWP Overlay District Development Establishment of Historic Landmark Inventory Final Site Plan ReviewlDevelopment Agreement (I) Final Site Plan Equivalent HD Hillside Development Overlay District Historic Commission Review Under Type I IHistoric Commission Review Under Type II lHS Hospital Support Overlay District lTemporary Use - Emergency Medical Hardship (SDC 36.135) ITemporarv. Use - Manufactured Dwelling: (SC 36.130) IMinimum Development Standards lMinor Variance (Up to 30%) I Determination of Non-Conforming Use Status INon-Conforming Use - ExpansionIModification lPre-Submittal Meeting ISite Plan Review I a" <10,000 square feet of impervious surface I b. 10,000 - 100,000 square feet of impervious surface I c. > 100.000 square feet of impervious surface ISite Plan Review Modification - Major ISite Plan Review Modification-Minor ISolar Access Guarantee ITree Felling Permit Base Fee (2) I Department afMotor Vehicles Licensing - New I Department of Motor Vehicles Licensing - Renewal IFinal Site Plan Inspection for Occupancy/LUC/Change of Use ILand Use Compatibility Statement! Letter . IPlan Review - Minor IPlan Review - Major LONG RANGE PLANNING CASE TYPES IAmendment of Development Code Text (9) Annexation 3. Annexation to the City of Springfield b. Concurrent Special District Boundary Adjustments and/or withdrawals (I) Including but not limited to: Park and Recreation Districts; Water Districts; Fire Districts; Library Districts, etc. Ie. Annexation Comprehensive Planning Fee per acre IExtratcrritorial Public Wastewater or Water Line Extensions and Connections $726 $3,472 $3,828 $1,020 $1,922 See Footnote (I) $3,761 $9 I 5/acre $60 $176 $2,919+$585/acre $276 $371 $726 $2,433 $107 $3,828 $346 $4,222 $4,222+$272/1000 sq ft $4,222+$317/1000sq ft $4,074 $1,241 $781 $985 $704 $28] $281 $28] $] 19 $211 $7,405 N/A N/A N/A N/A ~726 $:;,239 $5,774 $1,020 $1.922 See Footnote (I) $3,76] $915/acre ~157 $467 N/A $276 $37] N/A $2,433 $160 $;,774 $520 $4,222 $4,222+$272/1000 sq ft $4,222+$317/1000 sq ft $4,074 $],873 $945 $985 $844 $340 $28] . $304 $286 $286 $] ],]7] Consisting of Less than I acre.. ...... .$2.142 Consisting of I acre >' 5 acres..... .....$2.740 Consisting of5 acre> lO"acres.. ... ...$3,657 Consisting of 10 acres> 25 acres..... .$4,614 Consisting of25 acres> 50 acres... ...$5,727 Consisting of 50 acres> 100 acres.. ...$6,592 Consisting of 100 acres or more ..........$9,085 10% of applicable Annexation Fee $1,959 $],07] I ! I t.jfj7/ ~ " U'7., "-!J- f- ,~fo .... -, ,-' c'" IC,O -f ...-1-,'" :f;f: Type I Type III Type III Type J TyoellI Type I Type I Type II Type r Type II Type II Type II Type 1 Type I Type 11 Type I Type II N/A Type II Type 11 Type II Type II Type I Type II Type II Permit Permit Permit Permit Pennit Pennit Type IV Type IV Type IV Type IV Type IV "'. ",jj:;ITY'L1MfTS,m,;,,, $13,674 $;,297 $2,63\ $;,297 $9,672 $18.814+$634/acre See Footnote (I) $21,7;3+$634/acre $IO,549+$634/acre $IO,549+$634/acre $1,241 $4,742 $4,742 Development Plan Development Plan Amendment I Master Plan Amendment Type I IMaster Plan Amendment Type II Master Plan Amendment Type III (Masrer Plan A'pprovaI Final Master Plan Approval (I) Metro Plan Amendment Type I (acre fee for diagram amendment) Metro Plan Amendment Type II (acre fee for diagram amendment) LRefinement Plan Amendment (acre fee for diagram amendment) [Vacation Public Easements I Vacation 'ROW. Subdivision Plat and other public property lStreet Name Change SHURELINE CASE TYPES IFloodplain Development Base Fee (3) (4) Willametlc Greenway Overlay District Development: Greenway Setback Line already established Greenway Setback Line not already established .........,,"" . 'V__'''__D JAN - 7 2009 :~ii'URjjA~{",,!I;t"lioufn;i;:.:;~.~;~., ..""'._...."............__...."'.""'''...__.___.....__..._..__.___n____..._____ $20,627 $7,99\ $3,944 $7,99\ $14,14\ $28,323+634/acre See Footnote (I) $32,815+$634/acre $13.53 I +$634/acre $16,232+$634/acre $1,873 $7,1;4 N/A Type III Type III Tyoe I Type 11 Type 111 Tyoe III Type III Type IV Type IV Type IV I Type 11 TVJ'e IV N/A $1,10; $1,667 Type I I I $2,888 $6,114 Tyoe III I $;,772+$;8;I.cre $8.256+585/acre Type III $;,; 18+$23 7/101 N/A Type [I $7,8\0+$390/101 N/A Type II $\0,332 + $620~01 N/A Type II $1 O,899+$632~01 N/A Type II $11,467+$689/101 N/A Type 11 $9,867 $14,88; Tyoe II $37; $994 Type I $9,742+$585/acre $9,742+$;8;I.cre Type 11 $2,677 $2,677 Type I $\,834 $1,834 Type I $3,117 $8,229 Type rI I $4,871 $8,91; Type 11 'I $623 $939 Type I I $1,246 $1,877 Type II I $3904+$634/acre $3904+$634/acre Type I I $762+$4761101 $762+$476/101 Type! . $1,83; $1,83; Type I I $;,066 $6,130 Type II I Type II I $2;0 $2;0 Type III $320 $320 Type III $2,322 $3,;02 Type 1 V $;21 $;21 N/A $1,769 $2,299 Type II $4,742 $7;1;4 Type IV I $3';;] $3,;;3 N/A ,I $6.349 $9,;77 Type III I $;,178 $10,1;4 Type III I $321 $\,044 N/A $160 $160 N/A $38; $38; N/A $;43 $;43 N/A SUBDIVISION CASE TYPES ILDR Subdivision Tentative Plan I a. <2 acres lb. 2 acres to 5 acres c. 5 acres to 10 acres I d. 10 acres to 20 acres I e. Greater than 20 acres IManufactured Dwelling Park IManufactured Dwelling Park-Space Line Adjustment INon- LDR Subdivision Tentative Plan IPartition Plat (5) IPartition Keplat Plat (5) IPartition ReDlat Tentative Plan (5) IPartition 'rentative Plan (5) Property Line Adjustment ISerial Property Line Adjustments INon-LDR Subdivision Plat ISUbdiViSion Plat LDR . Subdivisipn Replat Plat (5) jSubdivision Replat Tentative Plan (5) IExpedited Land Division (6) ZONING CASE TYPES IAppeal of Type II Director's Decision (7) QRS. 227.175 IAppeal oi Expedited Land Division (7) IAppeal of Type III Decision to City Council IDevelopment Issues Meeting IFormal Interpretation (9) IFonnallnterpretation involving Policy (9) !Pre-Application Report IMajor Variance IZoning Map Amendment (8) POINT OF SALE ITime Extension for Certain Improvements Postage and Legal Notificlltion Fees: Type III Type 1111 Type IV , . .-~ (1) Finai site plan; master plan approval, Annexalion Special District Boundary Adjustments/Withdrawals and development agreement fee is 10% afthe paid site plan, annexations or master plan approval fee. (2) Tree Felling Fees - Tree Felling - Less than five (5) trees no charge or application required; 6-10 trees, base fee (see fee schedule) + $50 per tree; > 10 trees, Base Fee (see fee schedule) + $500 per acre. Filbert Orchards pay base fee only. Any Tree Felling processed after land use activity is conducted without required City approvals shall be charged an additional fee of$200 per tree in addition to the regular application fee. The City establishes these fees based on the average cost of providing programmatic service for activities conducted without permits. I (3) An Floodplain permit processed after land ule activity is conducted without required City approvals shall be charged an additional fee of$500 per acre in addition to the regular application fee. The City establishes the~e fees based on the average cost of providing programmatic service for activities conducted without permits. (4) Floodplain - Subdivision $200 per lot and partitions and site plans $400 per acre in addition to the base fee. For development areas >5 acres a $13,650 deposit is required. . (5) A reconfiguration oflots or a decrease in the number oflols in a platted partition or subdivision shall be charged the tentative replatlreplat plat fee for either subdivision or partition as appropriate. An increase in the nUf!1ber oflots in a planed partition or subdivision shall be charged either the partition tentative plan/partition pIal or subdivision tentative/subdivision plat. (6) The fee for a Expedited Land Division (ELD) shall be tv.'ice the fee calculated for a regular land division plus an appeal fee ~stablished in ORS 197.380 to defray costs in event the decision is appealed. If the decision is nOl appealed, the appeal fee for ELD shall be refunded. A separate postage fee is required for an ELD. (7) This fee is established by ORS. 227.175. Council acknowledge Neighborhood Associations shall not be charged a fee for an appeal. (8) The Development Services Department will process citizens-initiated zoning map amendments, for properties where the zoning and plan designation are in conflict, three times a year beginning in January. There will be no application fee for applicants who choose to utilize this program, however a Type III notification fee will be required for each application. (9) Ballot Measure 56 mailing & postage = staff time at hourly rate of$75 plus materials and postage Tee/lnolop\! Fee: All applications will be assessed a 5% technology fee with the exception of Pre-Submittal Meeting, Development Issues Meeting, Pre-Application Report, Appeal of Type II Director's Decision, Appeal of Expedited Land Division, and all Point of Sale fees (Time Extension and Postage/Notification Fees) as indicated on this schedule. Technology Fee will be applied when on the resolution the identified applications fees are imposed or collected. Note for 011 local anneals: If an appellant pre..'ails at the hearing or subsequent hearing. The filing fee for the initial fee shall be refunded. This applies to local appeals only. The appellant prevails if the hearings bod~ sustains one or more of the applicants allegations and amends, remands or reverses the land use decision. Hear;np Official fee: Any applications except '!Il appeal being processed before the Hearings Official shall pay an additional fee of $5,000. Any amount not expended by the Hearings Official shall be returned to the applicant Charges in excess of this additional fee shall be assessed to the applicant. Low Income Fee Reduction: Any application fee related to the deve]onment of low income hOllsing or facilities may be reduced pursuant to the criteria of Section 1.070(4) of the Springfield Development Code. NSFC"eck Fee: A $1]0 NSF (non-sufficient funds) fee will be charged on all returned checks. Exoedited Process;IlP Fee: Any request to prioritize and expedite the review of a particular application submittal out of order in which applications are received, shall be approved at the discretion of the Director and shall be charged a non-refundable fee $11,000 or 3 times the application fee, whichever is greater; where the development area is greater than 10 acres an additional fee of$550,per acre will be charged. Fee Waiver: The Director may reduce or waive the fee for Temporary Use - Emergency Medical Hardship upon verification of low income status of the owner occupant. Resolution #04-29; July 1, 2004; Fee Increase Resolution #05-03; January 18, 2005; Fee Increase Elfective January 19, 2005 Resolution #(J5-36; June 6, 2005; Fee Increase Elfective July 1, 2005 Resolution #06-12; March 20,2006, Elfeclive Apri/20, 2006 Resolution #06-30; June 19, 2006, Elfeclive Augusll, 2006 Resolution #07-21; May 21,2007, ElfeCtiveiJUly 1,2007 Resolution #07-56; December 3, 2007, Effective December 3, 2007 Resolution #(J8-27; June 2, 2008, Elfective )uly 1, 2008 Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 Original Submittal ".- Land Division Supplemental Information - City of Springfield - 12/12/2008 "Land Partition Application" Landowner / Applicant Michael ], Proden 2566 Grand Vista Springfield, OR 97477 ~ - - __:. __.J. Agent for Applicant Rob Ward LS Ward NorthWest Inc, P,O, Box 105 Florence, OR 97439 ph 541-997-9201 office Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 Assessor's Map No. 17-03-24-31 Tax Lot 1000 Original Submittal Narrative The purpose of this application is to seek approval for a land partition of the subject property, The Site Assessment Map show existing conditions and the Land Division Tentative Plan is shows the proposed partition, Copies of both maps are included as part of this submittle, A Pre- Application conference was held on October 31, 2008 with the City of Springfield, Planning Department, refer to case number PRE2008-00067, The subject property was created by Revised Parcell, Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0549, All street and utility improvements were completed in the mid 1990's, See Grandview Estates Public Improvements Plan prepared by Ray Walter Engineering, which is on file with the City of Springfield, I have included an aerial photo which shows the location of the subject property and the surrounding area, When the Grandview Estates Improvements were installed, they included dry sewer lines, It was the understanding that when the sewer lines could be connected to a sewer pump station, the lots that are now on septic systems would connect to the sewer system and in turn the properties would be eligible for further division, The sewer lines are now active and the land owner desires to decommission the existing septic system, connect to the City sewer system and complete the proposed land partition, A 6" sewer lateral was extended to the subject property as part of the original construction, The Site Assessment Map shows the location of the existing 6" sewer lateral that extends to the subject property, The Tentative Land Division Plan shows the location of a "Y" to be installed and the proposed easement for service to proposed Parcell, Proposed Parcel 2 will grant an easement to proposed Parcel 1 as shown, The Springfield Utility Board - Water, has indicated that an existing water service has been extended to the north boundary ofthe subject property as shown on the Site Assessment Map, Page 1 of 4 ," The Tentative Land division Plan shows how water service will be extended to proposed Parcel 1. The Springfield Utility Board - Electrical, show power service to the north boundary of the subject property as shown on the Site Assessment Map, The extension of power service to proposed Parcel 2 is shown on the Tentative Land Division Plan, The existing home receives its power service from the southeast corner of the property, Application Fee - Check for $5,274,55 attached to this application Land Division Tentative Plan Form - Completed Land Division Tentative Plan included Narrative - see above Copy of Deed - copy of Warranty Deed recording number 2002-040523 attached Copy of a Preliminary Title Report - Copy of Preliminary Title Report attached which is dated within the last 30 days, Copy of the Land Division Plan - A copy of the Land Division Tentative Plan reduced to 8- 112" x II" included with this application, Right of Way Approach Permit - N/A, A driveway permit will be required at the time a building permit is applied for on proposed Parcel I, Stormwater Management System Study - N/A The,stormwater design for this area was completed, approved by the City of Springfield and constructed in the mid 1990's, Dan Olmstead with EGR & Associates has reviewed the Site Assessment Map, All gutter down spouts from the existing home on proposed Parcel 2 are connected to curbline weep hole drains, All down spouts for a home constructed on proposed Parcel 1 will also connect to the existing curb line weep holes, Curb line weep hole locations are shown on both the Site Assessment Map and the Tentative Land Division Plan, Traffic Impact Study - N/A. Driveway location options are indicated on the Tentative Land Division Plan, The driveway for proposed Parcel one will be located in a manner that does not result in the removal of the existing trees as indicated on the Tentative Land division Plan. Eighteen (18) Copies of Site Assessment of Existing Conditions - Copies included as part of this application.. The Site Assessment Map includes the location and dimensions of all existing features, No existing improvements are planned to be removed as part of this partition application except the existing septic tank will be decommissioned as part of the sewer extension to the property, An application will be made to Lane County DEQ for the decommissioning process. Date Received: Page 2 of 4 JAN ~ 7 ~UU9 Original Submittal i/ There are no watercourses affecting the subject property The subject property has been determined to be outside of the 500-year flood zone, See FIRM Map Number 41039C1153, Community Number 415592, Post - FIRM Date 1985-09-27, The subject property is classified as a Zone of Contribution for a well head at 16th and Q Street. This information was provided by the City of Springfield, Physical features which are existing Trees have been identified on the Site Assessment map, No trees will be removed as a result of this partition application, Two driveway approach options have been identified for proposed Parcell. Neither approach will impact the existing Trees, The subject property is composed of soils type "MALABON SIL TY CLAY LOAM", Per the soils type map, 100% of the property is made up of this soils type, Per the Pre-Application Conference, a Geotechnical Report is not being required for this partition application, Eighteen (18) Copies of the Land Division Tentative Plan - Copies included with this application, , The subject property is within the city limits of the City of Springfield and is zoned Low Density Residential (LD), The subject property is also within the following Service Districts; o Lane Transit District Service Area - Lane Transit District Ride Source o Soil Water Conservation District is East Lane An existing 7' PUE was created as part of Land Partition Number 94-P0549, This easement is shown on the Land Division Tentative Plan and on the Site Assessment Map, The map also shows a private easement for the sewer line extension to proposed Parcell to be granted by Proposed Parcel 2, See Land Division Tentative Plan, In 1991, an easement and maintenance agreement was recorded, document number 91-61664, This easement was intended to become the location of Grand Vista Drive, When Grand Vista Drive was dedicated as a public street, it did not follow the location of the 1991 easement. The 1991 easement is no longer necessary as a result of the current location of Grand Vista Drive and the easement should be vacated, See Easement Exhibit. The subject property is almost flat. The Site Assessment Map includes spot elevations, which confirms the contour of the property, Not cut or fill slopes will be created as a result of the proposed Land Partition, Existing street light locations are shown on the Site Assessment Map, No additional street lights are being proposed, All streets which will service this property were constructed in the mid 1990's, aerial photo included with this application, Refer to the No traffic control devices are required, Date Received: JAN - 1 2009 Page 3 of 4 Original Submitu.1 ;/ The location of existing fire hydrants are shown on the Site Assessment Map, The location of the existing driveway is shown on the Site Assessment map, The Tentative Land Division Plan map also shows the proposed location for driveways that would serve proposed Parcell. No transit facilities are being proposed to be included with this Partition application, Also no additional sidewalks, sidewalk ramps pedestrian access ways or bike trails are being required for this Partition application, No additional plantings or street trees are being proposed as part of this application, The subject property has been fully landscaped, See Aerial Photo, and additional photo of the subject property included as part of this application, The Tentative Land Division map indicates the location of all utilities which will service the two parcels to be created by this partition application, No areas are being dedicated or reserved for public use as part of this application, Once the partition of the subject property is completed, no additional parcelization of the property will occur. Stormwater Management Plan The Site Assessment Plan and the Tentative Land Division Plan contain all relevant information for the Storm Water Management Plan, Dan Olmstead, P,E, with EGR & Associates has been in contact with Eric Walter of the City of Springfield and has included all required information on the attached maps, No additional storm water information is required for this application, Date Received: JAN -} 2009 Original Submittal Page 4 of 4 "'\ Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No.: 7199-1267384 Page 1 of 4 ..1' ";"."Te;.. ~ -~d "'W'" First American First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn - (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE For the Proposed Plat of: Unnamed Plat GUARANTEE NO,: 7199-1267384 FEE $ 200.00 YOUR REF,: First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon reports to The Oregon Real Estate Commission, and any County or City within which said subdivision or proposed subdivision is located, That, according to the public records which impart constructive notice or matters affecting title to the premises hereinafter referred to, we find: That the last deed of record runs to: Michael ). Proden We also find the following apparent encumbrances, which includes "Blanket Encumbrances" as defined by OR5 92.305 (1), and also easements, restrictive covenants and rights of way prior to the effective date hereof: 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 200B-2009 a lien due, but not yet payable, 2, The rights of the public in and to that portion of the premises herein described lying within the limits of streets, roads and highways, 3, Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: May 14, 1965, Reception No, 3301, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon In Favor of: Ray Warner Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 First American Tide Original Submittal Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No.: 7199.1267384 Page 2 of 4 4, Declaration of Easement and Maintenance Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Earl L. McElhany and Christina F, McElhany, husband and wife And: Dennis L. Wartenbee and Delores J, Wartenbee, husband and wife Recording Information: December 20, 1991, Reception No, 91-61664 Official Records of . Lane County, Oregon 5, Notice of Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded July 11, 1994, Reception No, 94-50896, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, 6, Waiver of lime Limit on Consent to Annexation An Addendum to the Consent to Annexation Document, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded July 11, 1994, Reception No, 94- 50897, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, 7, Consent to Annexation for UF-10 Urban Fringe Overlay District Properties, including the terms and provisions thereof, 'recorded July 11, 1994, Reception No, 94-50898, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, 8, Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements; but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions vioiate TItle 42, Section 3604(c), of the United States Codes: Recording Information: December 06, 1994, Reception No, 94-84126, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 9, Covenants, conditions and restrictions, including terms and provisions thereof, as set forth or referred to in the deed but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate 42 U.s.e. 3604(c): From: Development Resource Corporation Recorded: Recording Information: As Follows: March 06, 1995 95-12870, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon "1. The property owner shall pay for and connect to City sanitary sewer when sewer becomes available (within 300 feet of property), 2, Siting of dwelling unit shall be consistent with proposed re- division lot lines shown on the Future Development Plan (FDP) covering said property or with lot lines changes to the FDP allowed by the City of Springfield planning department. 3, No accessory structures shall be sited on future lots unless it can be shown that the future dwelling unit also can be sited on that parcel." 10, Easement as shown on the recorded plat/partition For: public Utilities Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 First American Tltle Original Submittal Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee,No.: 7199-1267384 Page 3 of 4 11. Reservation of utilities in vacated street area and the right to maintain the same as set forth in Ordinance No, 17-03-24, a copy of which was Recorded August 03, 1994, Reception No, 94-56462, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, 12, Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof, GrantorfTrustor: Michael J Proden Grantee/Beneficiary: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc" "MERS" solely as a nominee for Countrywide Bank, FSB, Trustee: Fidelity National TItle Insurance Company Amount: $202,000,00 Recorded: December 24, 2007 Recording Information: 2007-084052, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 13, Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof, GrantorfTrustor: Michael J, Proden Grantee/Beneficiary: Joe proden and Patricia Proden, or the survivor thereof Trustee: Evergreen Land Title Company Amount: $78,500,00 Recorded: December 24, 2007 Recording Information: 2007-084053, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 14, A Judgment for the amount herein stated and any other amounts due, Case No,: 15 00 09501, Judgment No, 001 Entered: October 13, 2000 Amount: $982,00 child support, plus interest, costs, if any Creditor: Usa Jan proden Debtor: Michael Joseph Proden NOTE: Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $4,536,26 Map No,: 1703243101000 Property ID: 1532801 Tax Code No,: 01900 We have aiso searched our General Index for Judgments and State and Federal liens against the Grantee named above and find: -NONE- The premises are in Lane County and are described as follows: THE NORTH 100 FEET OF PARCEL I AND II OF LAND PARTITION PLAT NO, 94-P0549, AS PLATTED AND FILED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON, SAID PARCEL IS ALSO SET FORTH BY COUNTY SURVEY NO, 32366, FILED NOVEMBER 04, 1994, IN THE LANE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE, ALSO THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF VERA S1REET AS VACATED BY VACATION ORDER RECORDED AUGUST 03, 1994 IN REEL NO, 1979, RECEPTION NO, 94-56462, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON, Date Received: First American Title JAN - 7 2009 Original Submittl"I Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No.: 7199-1267384 Page 4 of 4 THIS IS NOT A TITLE GUARANTEE since no examination has been made of the title to the above described property, Our search for apparent encumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices and therefore above listings do not include additional matters which might have been disclosed by an examination of the record title, We assume no liability in connection with this Subdivision Report and will not be responsible for errors or omissions therein, Dated: September 09, 2008 First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon, By: Michael Silvis, Authorized Signatory M1S/MGR Date Received: JAN - 7 ,OU9 First Amencan Tide Original Submittal !~ .-..---..;. ~-' ... - tiA~ (;3 1~95 ~9'i'!,f ~ .J Il-3-d'-/ '- \ TITU: 110. !SOOW HCI, TAX Acr::. JO . n.r.U001 SPU-ISHl 1474"'0 9512870 ".:, WAJU.UI'T'T D'&ZtI ''1".ATVrOal' J'OD (INDIVICtw. or CORPORATION) \~ ~ g~..;:.,;'_:.i -9:ll(~~C .1: ~ .;; .:6 . ?:i1'~:r :~fIO ~~;.A'}::;;G:.:.c.T;:;jt,u 10,IlJ :0.1ll :!J,1lJ Dr.rn.oPJa:ol"r USOC1lCl CORJl'ORATIOll. &11 Or"'lOI1 Co~r.t;1OQ. convey. and wa=Ll:l.t. ~o 1lI0lAZI. 3. nOtlD -.Ad UU J. 'RODa, husband and tJite, GRANTEES ~ ~ the !ollowinq de.cr~bed real property free ot encumbranc.. .xc.pt .. Ipecifl.cally let ~or~ berei.n: ~ <= r. :s % l;i &:l e: ~ nm scam 100 i'EAT. OF PUaJ. I AND II OP' LAND PARTIT::O!f P~7 YCI. ~4-POSH. .\S i1U..-:"E::l AND n.u:o :::~ OFFICIAL RECORDS OP !.\N3 t"Otl!lTY, O.lU:GOK. SA.I:l 'AACE:L IS ,\LSO SET FOR':'H BY COUNTY StnVlrt NO. JJJ". P'ILZrl NC'/D'.:BO 4. :39<1. IN TIm t.:.ND COl,,'NTY SURVEYOR'S O?'P'ICll:. ALSO T'B:ll: SOCTni 10 FEE':' OF ",G:1U. S7a!'ET AS VAO,TC'-'J BY VAC,\TrON OiUJEll IUl:COJJ:lC AOO'C'S'T J, 19H, i.5:E.l. so. 1'79. RECEn:::ON NO. 94 S646:Z. UNll: COlIHTr ORSG01l iBCC.IDS. .. is ~ Thi. !nlt.rl,m<<u: rill cot allaw WlI ot I:.h. pJ:"oparty 4escrih<e<i 1D. thi. inII~t in violation o~ applicabl. land us. lava and r.gulatiou.. Batar. .i~ or acc.ptinq ~. UuI:.~e, t:..l:1. p.rsQn acquir1..D.g f.. Uel. t..o ~ ;__;- __~. .l:1ould cb..ck V:L~ o:..!::.. .ppropri.ea ciey or county pla.a.a..1J::!.q depart.mll; t..o YW.rl~ approved U..S &D.d eo d..tar:U.n. LD.Y li..a:lits OD. la_u.ie.. .ga.1.n.e f~ 01:' )!o:r..t pl:'.ceic.. .. d.t.:..a.d 1zl. OJUJ-JO.'JO. !:nCUlZlbr~ce.: CC'IeI:.anC-'. c:oncUt1.O~. ~e5erictJ.on.s olnd e..-..ae.. ot rtlcord AND Subject co Deed Rescritions as per attached E.xl1ibit '",,'" The t~e c:onside:~e~on for this conveyance is $6~.OOO.OO (Hera c~ly W1~ t.!:te requirement.. of OU 9<:1.030.). Dated t.!:tu 2nd day ot. March 19..22.....-: it. a corporat.. grant.or.. r:;n!~ ::~J,UU::::~ro::T::ed by o~der ot. it~ ~r~ ot direceon. '"~i'''~: /' '/ ,j ~J 0';1 v {-h'.,("1 'jU..-'j!: .. PRllSm... .~ ~ j E~. JLU.1. L. 11CXLaA."iY # u:7 ~.: -/STATI OF CRBGeN, ~ey ot. ~,~ t..::. <l. ;_1'1 This Ln.t.~e ..... acic::towledged betore II\oa on (!' U by UlU. ", M~, .. PRXSIDXHT, \' j ,: /lOlMWl"""'" ==0 COIlPOIl.UICIf " l )".A7r~- ;-;_'. ~el...ry Public: 'or Orit9oD J 1.ANE I... March 2 19~ My conmis.ioa ~1.rll.: Julv S. 1997 Oev1n.DPMmIT' RESOUila C":)RPORAT'ICN '75 Wr~ILLZS~I] ~CAD B'UCE:N'K OR 97..01 GRANTOR'.9 NA)1B .um ACDR.B.sB Ontil . chaDg~ i. requ..t~ .11 tax .t.t.e~c. .~!l ba ..ne eo the fO!lo...inq 6d4re..: SAME AS GllANTD ... MICHAEL J. PROOKN 2581 NORnf 17nf STIl.EB'T SPRINGFIEl-"J. OR 'I'" 77 G.RAHTU':;I NAKK...um ACOual After recording r.turn to: KVD.GRXEN UNO rrn.z ctlMPA!lY or OR.ZOCll 15 10 MCHAWE BLVD SPRINOFIKLD. OR "471 Date Received: JAN - 7 ~JV9 0liglnaI SUbmittal .. .',,- / / / .... ...orr=-:. _. -:"'-..... .-.-. . -....-1 I MAK 0 G 1995 ?-G'f'I1( EXHIBIT -A- S5~70 Deed Restrictions 1. . TIle property owner shall pay for and cOllnect to City sanitary sewer when sewer becomes available (within 300 [eet of property). 2. Siting of dwelling unit shall be consistent wilh proposed re-division Jo( lines shown all Ule Future Development PIau (FOP) covering said property or Wi~l lot lines challges to the FOP allowed by Ihe City of Springfield plarUling departmenl. 3. No accessory slructW"es shall be sited on future lols unless it can be shown Ulat Ule future dwelling unit :Jiso can be sited on that parcel. PRE.SIJ~M\TI!\l REC'D OCT 1 5 2008 " ~f . ~~l l~ 11- -. a: 0 ~~, . '! ~ ~ ~ d ifE ". ~e ::.0 ~~ :II ~.:! ~i' o~ ~ 1.5'0 i-i<: tt ~ >I' N ~~ . '; ~ '..Ii-l ~ ~! ~~~ 1 11 .. ri ...v..5 .. . I " "'~" I Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 Original Submittal PHOTO MAP FOR: MICHAEL PRODEN MAP NO. 17-03-24-31 TAX LOT 1000 JAN - 7 2009 ~ ~.~ ~~'t Date Received: Original Submittal L Traverse PC Ea5emeV\T Ex"'ilo;r FOR ASSESSIAEN Ai\D TA.XATIOI\J CNLY N.E.l/4 S.W,l/4 SEC,24, T.17S. LANE CO JNTY 100 200 1.71 AC.T. 2.84 AC.r. 400 9_02.t.C.T. PARCEL 1 to P l l ,; 00 ~ 8.17AC.5. f>..({(J:.~"''' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ Ii>>" C 0_8:1 AC.S. o o o o o o o o o o " :i S.~.al ~ ,0.26 -'C.T. '--~7m~ N '" ~ N '" o " ",tT ...."r'. '.,!.,,' ~ .a '.: M , .........,..t', -500. ~, q ...:~, 1.<10 l ~OO~.~s.- ~ ! ,~ ~ AC.S. AC.S. 4 1~J<~~' ';. CaDDO O~,;>..l.' ..onCt ,..... 1hJ~ :l. lJS'~'" '.. ~"':'>"'''~'''''-Jo~ :,:;';';"" AO.S. i ':,..~n ~,.. VERA~ ?>\";'';;'{.'h M~""""{~-;"-- ~ ...~..'l.ol" o l:i AC.S._, ;::::.,..\ ~. . 3900.~: :, 'I ......J800~. :i~,,'.1~ . ;: , 1."_''''' ~ .", if! .' I i -~~""'~~ ".~~,. Ek: 3700~b - o~~ ...,."...,c r-::I 5., I ~ f!.J.'..~i ~ -,";" ..~~ ,a ~ "'I~"" .. . 11 '\.;.'::"NK :, ~ ""'" ' -'::';; '~;'.. ]l9Jo=(Q)4 ~Ii ~~.~~,_ " ~:::~; (J) , 3300 I....... I ~;~a_"f-.. I ~ 3000' ~ ......-"-<,....... ~ .in ~ O.18~ -~ ;~. ~ .,.~".",..... 2700 ?.J.6","9i , 600 O_J2 At::. PARCEl 3 "00 O.UM; ,........ .. 4200 0.2BI<:. "-.';" '400 ~,I.."f.. .....,"'l'"1: Ig .;i~~:.:-" ........5'"1:: ..;;;;.:o.'O~. "" -;''' " _.".~" ~ " W W ~ VERA ST, WtU.:.t .),--", "- ."000< ."..' ..~ .::.1f..- i ~ 2000 ~'..."f. , '1 2900 -'J"'.",OlaAJ; ....., -,-" .~... ..,,~ uf:..~.~!.'..( I- (f) :r:: f- f'. ::r:: ~ I- 1O z ,-- ROSE DEL z R,3 W.W.M. SCALE 1. _ 00' SEE W.P 17 OJ 24 """ 70J 7.1,AC. I"r:L 3 <'11~~ ~([J; 10 ~~ V C 0 . .....~,~. r - S~(::.... 705 <0.36 AC. ~ ...~.,.. r .,. , 706 ~... .0.29 I>C. t1 ~; :~ "i! 707 =; 0.27 w::.. , :'1 peL ,-\:,.... -" . '~-~j,\~~ =; PCL 3 702 0.49 AC. pel 2 .Nll:" l'CIN' 701 :0.49AC. .PCl. , , iOJU9 00 5.40864 AJOO ~'.'."f.. .. . h'.' r, BOO / PCl. .'''0' ,~ . ,~... .".,...... . ....<.1~. TJf~c;---'nnm ~r~: ~ '.~~. L~J >:~ 'st' . ,- ~i;B'Af, CL-b---;-:,,,,, ~ LC'.+h:i- 0: ,"~ ., II k ~ ; (it ~:~PARCEL!2~ ~l r.;y,'@~ ~:~ 1',ltJ -.::B " .<!l:\~, &i t lBOO \ ~e..,~ "J ,~~ 0.32 AG. ,~." (..-;,'81..,., <( PARCEL 2 , . ftV., 'I' "d:" ,...~~ A'~~ ' . 1100(~'"\~ i . I, ..t=-..;;. ,,,,or' . 0 62 AC~~' "I'. V)1 1;~0 . ;s ~ l'-~ 0.41 AC. :r " I ' 'I' ;>j PARCEL J : "~r I t I "-:.o,....,o.:~ ,.t . O~ ~ :',J\t!~ . ,. ~"'l t .:\ ,- nn".___uu_ ~~ 10",,' 1000 . O.~4 AC. _ PARCL~ I 1200 . 0,62 ~,:;. .. PARCll 3 . , (I 1600 0.43AC. PARCEL 2 ". . &t..l..... , ell." 1400 0.48AC. PARCEL 1 1500 0,47 AC ~ PARCEL 1 ,s{&. ~~ OC}@&:f " ~~ ~'IJi ^,;,.'" ~&~ :;ll,., ,p<ft~' ~- ~"J5j 'I ~, ",l.fI. SEE MAP 17 OJ 24 J4 , ~.:J,~._ ._, ...-~., ~~""" moor, ...~,.... ~~~Jfkml; ..., i!::~[ ~\ ,\~1tI .' . '--- !~ ......... ,~:1! ....".,- - - " - """ ~,n --,.",,- 2000 1158 AC , ((JJ 19=((JJ~ 00 00 00 00 00 ,0 , . ~ 00 00 00 IAYOEN BRIDGE sruB 00 CO o ~/" I'STRIP 0 PARCEL A " - ~ " ) I'STRIPl , " -; :~'fPI/J.-0 12:4 ti L I c: f- 0) ~ r/ b/GC/f ((JJ 1 9 ~ lOJ ([) F C I " t ":2: \' ! ., i ., 5.20698 . I I;; <; 8'~,':/~'s = - '":: = .ou.;Jrg-2. ........tn... -\' m9- -m" "'5 . ~);',;'i.;: ., ~ OOOOCOO~OOOO,OOO,~ , 0 2200 0.91 AC.5. ~ :.~.~: ~~- -, ~ 0 1.31 AC. ~-~'i7'" .. . 0 \ 2100 066 w:.T. ., o lo , 0 o o , ;~ S.J.~26 .'''''> ~~.:.",:.'~ '.. ... ',~",~~ ~.~~~,~~ J:1 01 l^~1 lto. G "C 5J>~toC'llf lac !>O AIlO "H"O~ ur<< or sc.:<;. 2< L 2~ 17 03 NAD 27 L1Nl IASll -,... ............." U"'O< ...,...'or" / 17 03 I E. UNE I W,C. SPENCER D.LC. 50 a. AND C/L YO~DA ST. 24 CANCELLED 500 700 ~ N ~ o ~ ~ w w ~ 24 31 Date Received: J~.~l ~ 7 2009 .tt I ~ lriginal Subml a 31 (I , I I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2009-000m. 2566 Grand Vista Drive '\ ( I I ~ l :t ~ f ~ /- I I --\~') ~ VERA ST ., :> :l JI ~ YERA ST r [~J=~rr::j Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 Original Submittal SITE Map 17-03-24-31 Tax Lot 1000, , North + TENTATIVE LAND DIVISION PLAN FOR; MICHAEL PRODEN MAP NO; 17-03-24-31 TAX lOT 1000 SPRINGFIELD, OR FIRE HYDRA~T"'T I~TERSECTI""DF\ VEAA ST.& 17TH \. LANDOW~R l.loCHot.UPROP(~ SURVEYOR R06WAAD w...RONORTHW'ESTINC PO BOX 105 FLORENCE,OR BT439 ENGI..EER" 0.0... Ol....STEI<O EGR&I<SSOC....TES 25~PRAIR'ERO...D EUGENE, OR 11'402 lD{lOWDENSn'f1 PRDPERTYlSCESIGt<ATED ,o,SSElNGOUT$ICETl<E SDQ-VEARFlOODZONE SEE FIR"'lAA$>tf041039C11~ CO/,II,lUNlTYtf041~!l2 lO"-lIOO- FLOOOZONE. TlIolE TAAVEllO"-lE. ZONE OF CONTRIBUTION FOR'" well t<e.o.o ...T11JTt1.....DQSTREET 901lTYPf. ......LA8ONSllTyCLA"l()Al,l 100'1l. OF PROPERTY LEGEND 0 DECIOUOUS TRl:.E . GAS VALVE . WATER METER CURB LINE WEEP HOLE . TELECOMMUNICATIONS & US WEST <> FIRE HYDRANT . SewER MAN HOLE . CURBLlNE CATCHBASIN STREETLIGHT X SPOT ELEVATION - FENCE S'WATER SERVICE -t> GUTTER FLOW DIRECTION '" POWER SERVICE I~,,";,";;" I~~ -. ,,~ I ;7.;~..- I R9W'.'''~' J ~"W~~ j~!7'"1 j '"' B.PVCW"'TElIll"E~ ~ ~ "SO., i6'PVCW...TElIlINE : - - - - - - - --p, - - - - f - - -~ :.:. - - ~ , -t> I ...., 10 '--- - CURB GUllER 1 _'14 ~ , , 5 I 1 VERA STREET ::: :<; B I I SEWER ......NHOlE - - --- -- ------ - -- --- - -::~~i~:);-- - ---~.I -.~- -- - - -- - - -rS~""'ElIlINE_ _'1l -- - ---- - - -i-- -- -- -~: ~~E':.~&~~B.SEWERlINE .:~Il(;UTH"R--.... I -=I> .s;!.' ~CURIlGulTER . ________-o;r_;g~;~:~~~~I:~_g-2~~~Lc4.~=:~-1----G2,;;;.,,~~g-'~~,~_~~' : t '., ... !......__..~..,~..'".r.Jl..>lll'.SHli..,tKUNE-.~~-.M._M.._..._-"~ ~ --..... : ~. to"SETB.OoCKlINE ------ I" : S.OAAINTllEE.0.5EIolENT-........ : j EXTENDSEWER---.......1r // EASEIolENT"-REA : r SEPTIC TAAlK ~'.;tt ~ I I.....: PEREASEIolEWlRECORDED ......... j ......., _ TO BE CECOlo,lMISSlONED ~ ! ]1 I ......"14.t96S.RECEPTlON 'i (:) ! x.... . /# I w '_, I >10. 3301. I.ANE COVNTY. OR ,! x.."" x.."" ! x..... 7, - ~(: ~ !iOOO" " , &! PARTITION PARCEL 1 PARTITION PARCEL 2 8 -g~R I ~ o~~ 1379:lSqFI I, ^ " ., ~ -,.. 1 0.311 ""'.. ~ .~ z I ~ ~ L~ :,~~ . (:) ~C i =~~~~~~O i ~ x....o \II ~ ~ P"TlO WEEP HOl-E'S" CUR8llNE 1 ~ ~~. IX PROPOSED P"RlTlIOI<l --.L . r : l~E . ~~~ i I 6EPTlCSYSTE'-'I S ]165- TO BE OECOLlMISSIONED DlllVEW"''' ~ ' . ~ ocr' Co L ~, r'- 51 f,.~, :::: ~i ---I : fi'PVCW...TERlINE_: I , ' __.......T~......__-l VICINITY MAP NO SCAlE , , , , , , e.Pvc........TERLINE- ~ ."".,:'.'- r;7,~ ~., :' -=:-:::.U ":":"". -.:... 1,,"";- -. PROPERTY = ! ,"" .....'ClJRBGUTTER-----/ .I' i-_.. .. . L lOT 1 LEGACY ESTATES ~ NOTE: NO CUT OR Fill REQUIRED. GROUND ISFLAT REFER TO SPOlElEV...nONS ij i . x... x... x.., x.., o x.. , ..................IIJ'SETBACKlINE...M....__.M__....M.- ,., , N119'42'tlW BII6\' 1<!54(T N119'42'1l"W ~" LOT2 LEGACY ESTATES REVISED PARCEL $I PARTITION 94-P0549 PER CSF 32381l 26.875SQ,fT. COMMUNITY lMIl.fIOX lOC"'TED _f_ 174 FEETSOlm<ERlYFROIol IlIIlERSECTlDNOFDElROSE "'VEIoIUEA"-IDG~VIST"'DR~E Date Received: JAN - 7 2009 .,_PC ungmal ;:'UDIIIIUCI' L l f / o 20' ~----J 1 -~, ,=. r PILor!.>.WwH 1..MOS"MVU". ) -:"'~~~;fl ~ :~':~.:;~':,:~c' ~..,.....---=-.."...~ ...".'- ,"'.....,- SITE ASSESSMENT MAP FOR: MICHAEL PRODEN MAP NO: 17-03-24-31 TAX LOT 1000 SPRINGFIELD. OR FIHEK'I'DAA'HAl INTERSEClK)"IOf\ VEAAST.&1Tlti \. ......NDOWNEf:t SURVEYOR: ,~ '-:ONlNG ~'CKo'..El.PRODEN R08WAIlD WAllO ~THWESlINC PO.BO~105 FLORENCE, OR gT4:1!1 OANOUolSTEAD EGR&A.SSOCIATES 2SJS8PAAIFI;IEROAO EVGE"E.OR g7402 Ul(~OWlll"NS1TY) PROPERTY IS DESIGNATED AS BEING OUTSIDE THE !iOO-YEA.R F~OClOroNE_ SEE FIJlM MAP NO.410:J9C115J COMMUNITY NO. 415592 TIME TRAVlO\. <<INE; lONE OF CONTFIIBUTK)N FORAWEUHEA.O AT1HHANQQSTREE'T FLOClOZO"E SOI~ TYPE LEGEND lMlABON SI~TY ClAY ~OAM 100% OF PROPERTY '" DECIDUOUS TREE GAS VALVE WATER METER CUR8L1NE WEEP HOLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS & US WEST FIRE HYDRANT SewER MAN HOLE CURBLlNE CATCHBASIN STREETLIGHT SPOT ELEVATION FENCE 6" WATER SERVICE GUTTER FLOW DIRECTION POWER SERVICE STORMWATER FLOW " . . <> . . . x ~ m I t ROOF FLOW (;;':1,,;,r:~ j I io-F~ ~~.:~= l=~I 07~ 1/1 ....--.. .....,. ,~,~,,-- '-~ ~..o J ~ \,.., 16"PvCWATER~INE 6'PIICWArER~'NE ~ - --ti-- ----i--- - --------- i-r- -------r--- 1 OM' ~ ",.m 0 I ---.01& r., ~-CURBGUTTER -''c~B GlITTER-" 1 r> -~ 1 I 'OM l ' I ~ I I ._ I '" 1 I SEWEIlMANfiOlE -- VERA STREET 1 ~ ;; ~ : I JlI'-'E~.45369 --- ----- -- - -- - --- -- - ------ - ------ ,-.~--- - -- -- - -S"SEWEIlUNE__:1' - - --- - - - - -1--- ----, -- -- --S.SEWER~INE , < I l ~ 1 I I =0- ~1 _. ." 1 ~; . 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" . .,; .t._.I_ "'OT'E' A.L~OCIW>lSPOUTS FR~ HOuSE CONIIJECT TO WEEPHOlESINCUR8I.I"E LOT~ LEGACY ESTATES REVISED PARCEL II PARTlTlON94-PQ549 PERCSF323fi6 26.8TSSQFT. z ~ :;l a ~ ~ EGR &. ASSOCIATES, INC. OOTE: EXISTING CONDITION SURVEY PROVIDED BY WARD NORTHWEST INC. ANO VERIFIED BY EGR & ASSOCIATES. EnglnfHKS.G&Ologlst..ndSuIV4lYors 2!1JiSB Pn"~ Road lW1.11'8-1322 Eug....., o~ "~02 Fu 6oIJ.6"..'OS7 \ 1 ~ 20' '-------- ~CURBGUTTER tI:~...., l . ,~. ~oo . ~ Q ~ I _CURB 1 GIJITER 1 i I 1 . a . l~ ~ :"9 L . , ," , z o ffi , . _(JAB 'm<" ~. . r '"'<<>l,n''' :.MJO"ORVEYOR . " ". ~,; I ~ I '-""OAl.IIAU,' """,. De: te Re~*~:N::'~:::,~" .':" I ......_ ........,_ 7 :?nno lAM Original Submittal