HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 6/13/2008 sa- .-4INGFIELD Cit,yot Springfield , Development.Services Department Facsimile Cover F age Fax: (5+1) 726-")689 To: ::J'E'Ft- Fax: 10 'e,i-H b 8" Compan!::J: RI:;::.616 TEJ::- G VARb From: AND'1 L'M~/i2b Message: -Pt..EASi:O ThBL..ISH BOTl-! A IIACHED iJOTI0t-5 IN -mE. .::rVN'E 15 ANb::::f0NC 2.5 LEbAL ^IOT, ("..;::::5 SSCTlON. "/HANK YOL\.' "PL-E")q.5E" CALL 12(.- 37'6L../ IF -nOS DoES f\lOT, II<ANSJ'o"lI -r -PRoPr-=:t<-L..'-f. ----r;:; AN K5 Number at pages including this one: "3 It all pages indicated are not received, or it !::Jou have an!::J , trouble receiving this transmission, please:: call (5+ J) 726-3753. 225 Fifth 5treet, 5pringfield, OR: 97+77 Date kaceiVed:~;/~6C>L- Planner: AL 06/13/08 FR1 13:20 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ""~ *"*'*"****"**'**** ... TX REPORT ... *"'******'*""""* TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION 10 ST. TIME USAGE T PGS. SENT RESULT 0592 96876668 061I3 13: 18 01'47 3 OK SPRINGFI~LD Cit,y of Springfield Development Services Department' Facsimile Cover rage Fax: (5+1) 726-;689 To: ::::Fl=. r r- Fax: 1o'6/-(Ph~,8" Compan.':J: Rt616 -;:EJ::.. G vAR.b From: AND'1 LIMl::,dl.b Message: "PLE11Sl:O '"H.JBL-I Sf-{ BOTl-f A I lACHED IN --mE. .:f"U/'J'E } 5 AN b :JUNe 2.5 tJ 0 -,-I Crt::- 5 , I LEZ..A L ^ J.o II ~5 SE: c.. ..,-; ON . /HANK You.. ~ "PL-E1'l~ CALL rL(..- 3T8"L-/ IF "TTIIS "botoS ;\lOT, IRA"-ISJ"tl -r T->RoPc=;R..L.'-f. ---r.:; AN KS Ig] 001 ., ~ ~... "- "'.... -0 .~<i ~.. <0-- 0::0> c: ~c: <<l~ :::l00 SPRINGFIEL." PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us CASE NUMBER: LRP2007-00022 APPLICANT: Karen and Ronald Galceran NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: Proposal to annex 1.81 acres into the City of Springfield. AUTHORIZED USES: Upon annexation, the area will be zoned Low Density Residential. Uses authorized in the Low Density Residential district are regulated by SDC section 3.2-210, ayailable in City Hall or online at htto:/Iwww.ci.sorinl!field.or.us/dsd/Planninl!! . APPLICABLE CRITERIA: The City Council shall approve, modify or deny any annexation application based upon the following approval criteria: A. The affected territory proposed to be annexed is within the City's urban growlh boundary and is I. Contiguous to the city limits or 2. Separated from the City only by a public right of way or a stream lake or other body of water B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plans or Plan Districts C. The proposed annexation will result in a boundary ih which the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan can be provided in an orderly efficient and timely manner and D. Where applicable fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through an Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council (SDC 5.7-140). SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: 855 S. 57th Street, Map 18-02-04-14, TaX Lot(s) 200 and includes a portion of South 57th Street right-of-way.' DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION OF THE HEARING: July 7, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. at 225 Fifth Street in Springfield City Hall Council Chambers. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The application, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and the application criteria are available fodnspection at City Hall at no cost and will be provided at a reasonable cost. CONTACT PERSON: Andy Limbird at (541) 726-3784. Send written testimony c/o DSD, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477, or attend the meeting and state your views. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with SDC 5.2-]00. :' .' SPRINOFIE. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 ~.c~springfie/do~us CASE NUMBER: CSP2008-LRP2007-00022 APPLICANT: Karen and Ronald Galceran NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: Proposal to annex 1.81 acres into 1he City of Springfield. AUTHORIZED USES: Upon annexation, the area will be zoned Low Density Residential. Uses 'authorized in the Low Density Residential district are regulated by SDC section 3.2-210, available in City Hall or onlirie at htto:/Iwww.ci.sorinciield.or.us/dsd/Planningl APPLICABLE CRITERIA: The City Council shall approve, modify or deny any annexation application based upon the following approval criteria: ' A. The affected territory proposed to be annexed is within the City s urban growth boundary and is I. Contiguous to the city limits or 2. Separated from the City only by a public rightqfway or a stream lake or other body of water . B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plans or Plan Districts C. The proposed annexation will result in a boundary in whicli the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as defined iri the Metro Plan can be provided in an orderly efficient and timely manner and D. Where applicable fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through an Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council (SDC 5.7-140). SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: 855 S 57th Street, Map 18~02-14, Tax Lot(s) 200 and includes a portion of South 57th right-of-way. DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION OF THE HEARING: July 7, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. at 225 Fifth Street in Springfield City Hall Council Chambers. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The application, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and the application criteria are available foririspection at City Hall at no cost and will be provided at a reasonable cost. CONTACT PERSON: Andy Limbird at (541) 726-3784. Send written testimony c/o DSD, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477, or attend the meeting and state your views. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with SDC Article 14. ~: ~. . .~:~~-:-~~-.::-:~-::~ - -.-r--.:...._ PROPOSED ANNEXATION 855 South 57th Street (Map 18-02-04-14, TL 200) Subject Neighborhood I I . I UJ'--'-- In Da'ay Sl I 'III I I \ ,tIrtt1j I " I I I I . -L.LLL..LL1 Springfield, OR I / I \ V . r--'I (_' ~ ~ \ I ' Ul.bW-1 f- ~ ~>J I '31 I I ~~ I I . 111\ \~ :::1 .., SITE , I j I , IIIL V.mon ftd / Rla~ =L'li ~ =1 - ) ~ ~ III ' ~ 'is .0 \ ~' ,9\ ~_"~D Thete M~ no 'MII'"J1iIII5es th8t.cmmp8lly this pIOduct . ' " Usen8SSU11'1e"responsibillyforlllJybssordlllJ8f1t1 ~..... .mitv_..yetRlf.omIaion"'__,,,,,__.... ~ ~ . dlhiJptodm. '.-, , D Taxlols 0 OulsIde afCity uJrits C UGB c=! W1tlin Oty Llmlls o 200 400" Feo! . ,;"~ ~~- '.- ,":.r..;""-::-:::.~it=~-:;- - -Ei-:t.~.,-' - -.'~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF SPRINGFIELD A PUBLIC HEARING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, JULY 7,2008, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL, 225 FIFTH STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PROPOSAL Subject Site 'A' \ SprIngfield. OR . Ridge Crctsl Dr III/I 1. ~ \ ,/' There are no W8f1'lmlies thai ,~n"".r'~'.'" this product USeIS assumes' responsibility for Bny bss or d8f1l8gf: 8liBing from any error, omiatm or posilionaf inBa::uracy at this prodlJd.. D Tax Lois I!:.!II!I Oulside of City limits e UGB C"..J 'Mlhin City limits D 50 10D :'--_,Feet Annexation of Territory to the City of Springfield, Lane County, Metropolitan Wastewater Service District, and Willamalane Park and Recreation District and Withdrawal of Territory from the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District (Galceran/S 57th Street) Case C SP 2008 - LRP2007-00022 The annexation area, as submitted, is located east of and adjacent to S 57th Street located at 855 S 57th Street and includes one tax lot (Tax Lot 200, Assessor's Map 18-02-04-14) and a portion of S 57th Street right-of-way. The Director's recommendation will be available 7 days prior to the public hearing at the City of Springfield Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. Phone: 541..726-3753. , I