HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 7/17/2008 .' . . /~~dJ' PUBLISHING COMPJ(NY fR??C10{- {tYO-~?g;o :jfl-f1lf ' \It tU!.Jiltr:J- (?>{f; q /1- Leg~1 3322450 Y" Notice GUAkD P.O. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 Legal Notice Advertising CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ANDY L1MBRID C/O LESLIE WILSON AlP 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 # June 25, 2008 'JJ8:PUBUC HEARING NoTIcE f ~SPRINGFTELD CITY COUNCil, ;;iCASE' NUMBER:-lRP2lJD7 -00022 ,~APPllCANT:;Kare-li',and ,Ronald GaJteriiri-':~";~"":i;.'t.,.:~"....;j.:':l' , ~~NATURE 9F .THE'APPUCADON: PrOPoSal,to aiinex'1:81:acres,lnto, theCitYofSpriiiQfletd.'~~4;.~jl" I . ~JtUTHORIZEDrUSES:rUponlan; 'nexation.'the'area".will be zoned LriwDensitiResidentlal!Uses iw~ .thorned In,1hel.c:iwDensayResl- ~dentia,I'dlstrlct':art,;reg-ulated;by SDC:section'].2c210;available In City Hall.9f on[_ine)t:;~::~ .g':.'l I ':r....1http://~.clsPri~gfle!d,1 11~'j~l.Gr.US/dSd/Plannm9l. L, '(~: APPLICABlI j CRITERI_A: ik The ! city,n~ Councill? shall 'ilt approve, modify' Or _'. deny ~ any; annexation application "based, UlJOII I the;, to!- '1Owin9'appi'oVaiatterm:;""~:::~'1 !1A./Jhe: affected.(tenttory~~pni- ' pOSed to be annexed Is wit~in the ,'~ city's';~urbafl,;gfowtt.-l:boundary: "dl' ",,ok '1.~"""'~""-~"\'70" I an, ,S ,','.;~r",lI!l';J.j,~l;~"....,~,ft~:t ~N'l~cOntIguOUstotlteCity,,~. ~, ~ininlts lH';u~'t~"}1~.z;;::~' "..:',Separated.fromtheCity""\ \{~fo.~ly"by-a-p~blic.iiglrt of way,~~ ~o!.a~lake..~to~er. .J ';;~Ofwater!-,.,.,:~.'l',ty'r' .J; ~~B/'Th.e! proposed! annexation: Is ,conslStentfWithtiapplJcable -poll': cieslri'thi!tMettQ:PIan'and'in any appncable;Uefi."iiJelnent.,~,',lansor PlariDIstii~~.t~.y~ i~C;z:The!,~pro~ ~ an~exatlon, wil!:re~~ltin~,~~oullliaiY l!l which) the'mtntmum,level,ofikey-urban, facilities and,Seriices:as'defined; in. the Metro~Plin_ciri,be Pro... vJded1.rian"oi'rleity:efficient~d- timely mannefandt.''>.... .~~.F..' ?'~:,: ,;D..Whe~iaPplicable-fiscal 1m:. pactstothl!:city<~-ave l:ieen,mf&. 9~t.ed,i.tI)~!l9h ',' an~'. Anne~tIori Agreement ~ or; other;, mechanism ' 'appi'Ovedt,by'J,thef:cItyFiCciuricll (SDC 5.7-14D).Jji:.r~f!;'h;~\.;,'l,',:'''~; 1-~ SU~E~!1PROPERTY,~~OCA~ i lION..855 _ S.'157th,.Street - Map. UI-oZ-04-14.tTaxJlot(S)1200;and) include5!a'poitlon,of:Soirth57th. street iiglrt-Of~war;;.;..~,.:tiM'7 'IL: \:'jDATE;,..TIME,:\ AND 1l0CAT1(JN: OF,THE tlEAR1NG:'JuIyJ. 2008; atl 7:DO~p.m. -at~225:~h StreetOin. SPrlngfll!:ld~,Il:;lty..i'tlall~,Counclll Chambers.'~1 ~ ,~J.J",fJ .'tf",. ~;;;J{ :t ADDITIONAl k=t: INFORMATION:, The ~-appncatiol\f.' al',' -dOctiments: andJ'vl~enceJUbmitted'Ey~or,ori' . be,half:~of~the,applicant,',and~the ~apPlication~~r1a1arel~V~~Je:EAL' r."'es1 forJ~spe<;tion ati.l:;lty;HaU:~t;no:\D ~cost:and~:wlll.be.lprovldediiat.a, ;. . ~asonable c.oSt.\::;;.~~(~:.OREGON \.., \ "t::O:NTACT ,PERSON:.An!iY1!I'!l,I407232 , bbjl al(S4l)]2&-FiIt Send,Wril'S' JUlY 24 2010 ten'testimony,C/o:DSD;,m fifth . I Street.'fJtSprll19fleld;:~':;Oregon [974TI; orattelld the:m~ng and . state. yOU!, Vjews.,. - ~The hearing,wm: l:ie'ctlllducted.inacciii'dilricewith. ,~g~~.:l~:~:,~'..,~ ':'.~;": ,.: No. ll22450- June 2S, 2008 ~".;'.' AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss. . I, Kelly Gant , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public MeetinglHearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for two successive and consecutive Weeks(s) in the following issues: June 18, June 25, 2008 I !11io/~ r Subscribed and affirmed to before me this '0"'\:'--' he.../l / Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires: July 24, 2010 Account #: 1000218 INVOICE 3322450 Case: Karen and Ronald Galceran . Amt Due: $310.44 Oa[,-. i"{aCeived:~//1 ~f Planner: AL