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L1MBIRD Andrew
From: TAYLOR Paula L [PTAYLOR@lcog,org]
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 1 :33 PM
To: JONES Brenda; L1MBIRD Andrew
Subject: FW: Annexations on July 7
From: DONOVAN James[mailto:jdonovan@ci.springfield.or.us]
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 1: 18 PM
To: TAYLOR Paula L
Subject: RE: Annexations on July 7 '
Thanks PPT,
From: TAYLOR Paula L [mailto:PTAYLOR@lcog.org]
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008'10:28 AM
Cc: BANKS Megan H
Subject: RE: Annexations on'July 7
My legal answer (even though I'm not an attorney) is that the Ordinance should be mailed
after it is officially effective (which will eliminate errors,in premature processing by
filing agencies) and because the city doesn't have legal authority until the annexation is
effective. Having said that, the city could accept development applications as long they
they did not become effective until after.the effective date of the annexation. The city
could also begin to provide some services,:however, city rules/laws would not yet apply.
The election delay impacts all annexations - even public right-of-way. Yet another impact
of the 5B417 change.
From: DONOVAN James [mailto:jdonovan@ci.springfield.or.us]
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 12:57 PM
To: TAYLOR Paula L
Subject: RE: Annexations onJuly 7.
Can we do that? What if it's a public right of way?
From: TAYLOR Paula L [mailto:PTAYLOR@lcog.org]
. . . "
Date; Received: t>/3opoo!
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Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 12:08 PM
Cc: BANKS Megan H; JONES Brenda '
Subject: RE: Annexations on July 7
Short answer- Once the Ordinance is effective, it will be mailed as required by SDC5.7
and ORS 222. I believe that Brenda is planning to be in charge of the Ordinance mailings
and other notices required by ORS 222 (e.g., public utilities, etc.), And, of. course, we
(The Princesses) are here to help,
I also think that these annexations will be delayed py the November election and
technically ~on't be effective until November 5. What I don't know right now is will the
city want to send the Ordinance after #3 below or!wait until November, Also.. will the
city accept development applications for these annexation (or start providing service)
prior to the November effective date?
From: DONOVAN James [mailto:jdonovan@ci.springfield.or.us] I
. - . I
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 11:37 AM :
To: TAYLOR Paula L; LIMBIRD Andrew; LEAHY Joe (HL) , i
Subject: FW: Annexations on July 7 :
Please review and give a short answer to #4 so I can get back to' Amy Sowa in CMO:
1, Yes they have been noticed as public hearings,
2, Ordinance, first reading, hearing and action'requested, sepond reading moved to consent calendar and
signing at the next meeting, i " '
3. As an ordinance, 30 days from second reading (consent c!alendar) and signing,
4. Follow up steps on notices, etc, PT??? !
From: SOWA Amy
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 9:29 AM
Cc: JONES Brenda
Subject: Annexations on July 7
Jim, :
Some questions came up during Agenda Review yesterday about the Annexations scheduled on July 7 (an all
future annexations), I should probably know the answers to some of these, but just want to be sure,
1. Will they all be noticed as public hearings?
2. Is the annexation approval by resolution or ordinance? So would council take action that night?
3. Is there a waiting period from the time Council approves the annexation until it is in affect?
4. What are the next steps following Council approval? ,I
, Thanks,
Amy Sowa
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L1MBIRD Andrew
From: TAYLOR Paula L [PTAYLOR@lcog,org],
Sent: Friday, June 27,2008'12:08 PM
.To: DONOVAN James; L1MBIRD Andrew; LEAHY Joe (HL)
, '
Cc: BANKS Megan H; JONES Brenda
Subject: RE: Annexations on July 7
Short answer - Once the Ordinance is effective, it will be mailed as required by SDC 5,7
and ORS 222, I believe that Brenda is planning to be in charge of the Ordinance mailings'
and other notices required by ORS 222 (e.g., public utilities, etc,). And, of course, we
(The Princesses) are here to help.
I also think that these annexations will be delayed by the November election and
technically won't be effective until November 5. What I don't know right now is will the
city want to send the Ordinance after #3 below or wait until November, Also, will the
city accept development applications for these annexation (or start providing service)
prior to the November effective date?
From: DONOVAN James [mailto:jdonovan@cj,springfield.or.us]
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 11:37 AM
To: TAYLOR Paula L; UMBIRD Andrew; LEAHY Joe (HL)
Subject: FW: Annexations on July 7 .
Please review and give a short answer to #4 so J can get back to Amy Sowa in CMO:
1. Yes they have been noticed as public hearings, .
2. Ordinance, first reading, hearing and action req~ested, second reading moved to consent calendar and
signing at the next meeting,
3, As an ordinance, 30 days from second readin9 (consent calendar) and si9ning,
4. Follow up steps on notices, etc, PT???
From: SOWA Amy
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 9:29 AM
Cc: JONES Brenda
SUbject: Annexations on July 7
Some questions came up during Agenda Review yesterday about the Annexations scheduled on July 7 (an all
future annexations), I should probably know the answers to some of these, but just wantto be sure,
1, Will they all be noticed as public hearings?
2, Is the annexation approval' by resolution or ordinance? So would council take action that night?
3, Is there a waiting period from the time Council approves the annexation until it is in affect?
Date Received' &/';-;/;;001 A
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4, What are the next steps following Council approval?
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