HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/10/2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 DRAFT Annexation Application Type IV . -. 7~",-o/1V Is~ I I I I I I I Applicant Name: Rof\ &4/alVt-A Company: I 7, '&(., L/ 33 fl.D Sf. Address: I S 1 ~' Of +;'~ ) J 0 R- 0; 7 Lj 7 7 I ( oJ 'II Applicant Signature: j(((JA . Property Owner: /2..of\ CA-/~ Phone: S~ ~m~~ I~~ Address: I ::n.:,:~::::"l~ii-,-:l~~;: ""~""_".= where sianatures of the owru~r of rrcnrd are realJir~. ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: I?( - 0 7-() If -) If Property Address: ~,;S 5. 57'H-. sf. Area of Request Square Feet: (IN'i'71o ~cr~; 1.7/ I '?-O'1. -01/-1'-1-001-00 I I TAX LOT NO(S): Existing Use(s) of Property: S""jl.t t:.+-m;lj fks I'~~ Proposed Use of Property: 'i /0+ S;"[j l~ Cn.-n ,., J R.i.:>" r&..-,,~ - . . . I u I. .., f x d Reviewed By: , t1.1 - Case No.. _LrJ ).~ 71'(02) _ Date: ~ (initials) 1'1' tt1.. -f.,.L-, Application Fee: $ /llf~ - 0 0 Postage Fee: . Total Fee: /.l-fiS. 00 I r- , I Um\:i r,,,ceived' Planner: AL '-Ilo/"",,! I I Annexation Submittal Requirements - There is a Development Issues Meeting (DIM), intake screening process, and a detailed completeness check. 1. A DIM is required before an application may be submitted. The DIM gives an applicant the opportunity to discuss his/her annexation proposal with the development review staff of the City. The City will provide answers to four questions with the applicant having the option of asking a fifth question. A DIM application form must be filled out and the required fee paid. 2. An intake screening process will be conducted at the front counter at the time of submittal. Planning Division staff will determine whether all required items listed in this section have been submitted. An application for submittal that does not have all of the required items will not be accepted. If the Planning Supervisor determines that a pre-submittal meeting is required, staff will contact the applicant to schedule that meeting. 3. A detailed completeness check will be conducted within 30 days of submittal. In this case, the assigned Planner will notify the applicant in writing concerning the completeness of the application. An application will not be deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. Incomplete applications wilJ delay the application review process and may result in denial if information pertaining to the criteria of approval is deficient or missing., APPLICANTS SHOULD COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING STEPS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION. APPLICATIONS NOT HAVING ALL BOXES CHECKED WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT AND WILL THEREFORE DELAY THE APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS. o Application Fee [SOC 5.7-125(8)(15)] Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. Fees are based upon the area of land being annexed. Copies of the fee schedule are available at the Development Services Department. Fees are payable to the City of Springfield. o Petition/Petition Signature Sheet [SDC 5.7-125(8)(2)] Annexations can be initiated by consents from property owners and electors as described below. The attached Petition Signature Sheet is to be used for collecting signatures (refer to Form 1). A. Consent bv All Owners and a Maioritv of Electors rORS 222.1251 If the proposal is to be initiated by the owners of all of the land area and a majority of the electors, if any, also complete Form 2. To give consent as an elector, the person signing the petition must be an eligible voter registered at an address within the annexation area. To give consent as a property owner, the person signing the petition must own an interest in the property, or is a purchaser on a contract sale that is recorded with the county. Generally, this means that both husband and wife should sign. In the case of a corporation or business, the person who is authorized to sign legal documents for the firm may sign the annexation petition. Please provide evidence of such authorization. To ensure that the necessary signatures are obtained, please complete the attached worksheet (Form 2). 2/15/08 Date Received: 'it/;.ool Planner: AL I / Page 2 of 15 C. Consents bv Electors and Prooertv Owners [ORS 222.170(2)] If the proposal is to be initiated by a majority of the electors and owners of at least one half of the land area, also complete Form 2. To give consent as an elector, the person signing the petition must be an eligible voter registered at an address within the annexation area. To give consent as a property owner, the person signing the petition must own an interest in the property, ,or is a purchaser on a contract sale that is recorded with the county. Generally, this means that both husband and wife should sign. In the case of a corporation or business, the person who is authorized to sign legal documents for the firm may sign the annexation petition. Please provide evidence of such authorization. To ensure that the necessary signatures are obtained, please complete the attached worksheet (Form 2). o Certification of Ownership and Electors [SOC 5.7-125(8)(5) and (6)] After completing the attached Petition Signature Sheet (Form 1), have the Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation certify the ownerships within the proposed annexation area. If applicable, have the Lane County Clerk or Deputy Clerk certify the electors. o Owners and Electors Worksheet Information on the Petition Signature Sheet can also be found on Form 2, Owners and Electors Worksheet o Supplemental Information Form [SOC 5.7-125(8)(1) and (11)] Form 3 (attached) provides additional information for the proposed annexation that is not requested on the Annexation Application Type IV form, such as special districts that currently provide services to the proposed annexation area. o Legal Description [SOC 5.7-125(8)(9)] A metes and bounds legal description of the territory to be annexed or withdrawn must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or a compatible software program. A legal description shall consist of a series of courses in which the first course shall start at a point of beginning. Each course shall be identified by bearings and distances and, when available, refer to deed lines, deed corners and other monuments. A lot, block and subdivision description may be substituted for the metes and bounds description if the area is platted. The Oregon Department of Revenue has the authority to approve or disapprove a legal description. A professionally stamped legal description does not ensure Department of Revenue approval. o Cadastral Map [SOC 5.7-125(8)(10)] Three clean copies of the most current cadastral map or maps, to scale, must be provided. An additional cadastral map at the same scale shall be provided that shows the proposed annexation area in relationship to the existing city limits. Cadastral maps can be purchased from the Lane County Assessment and Taxation Office. o ORS 222.173 Waiver Form [SOC 5.7-125(8)(8)] Complete the attached waiver (Form 4). The waiver should be signed by each owner within the proposed annexation area. o ORS 197.352 (Ballot Measure 49) Waiver Form[soc 5.7-125(8)(7)] Complete the attached waiver (Form 5). The waiver should be signed by each owner within the proposed annexation area. Date ReceiVed:~/).ool Planner: AL 2/15/08 Page 3 of 15 I I o Public/Private Utility Plan [SOC 5.7-125(6)(12)] A plan describing how the proposed annexation area can be served by key facilities and services must be provided with the Annexation Agreement. Planning and public works staff will work with the applicant to complete the Annexation Agreement. o Written Narrative addressing approval criteria as specified below. All annexation requests must be accompanied with a narrative providing an explanation and justification of response with the criteria stated in the application (also stated below). [SOC 5.7-125(6)(13) and (14)] A. The affected territory proposed to be annexed is within the City's portions of the urban growth boundary and is contiguous to the city limits or separated from the City limits only by a public right-of-way or a stream lake or other body of water; B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plan or Plan Districts; C. The proposed annexation will result in a boundary in which the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan can be provided in an orderly efficient and timely manner; and D. Where applicable fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through a signed Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council. o Eighteen (18) copies of the previously required information. All PLANS AND ATTACHMENTS MUST BE FOLDED TO 8'/z" BY 11" AND BOUND BY RUBBER BANDS. WITHDRAWALS FROM SPECIAL DISTRICTS MAY OCCUR CONCURRENTLY WITH AN ANNEXATION PROPOSAL BY AN INDIVIDUAL. THE CITY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WITHDRAWAL PROCESS AND ACTION. ~~..' ,,',"~Ived' iJ/;~;jd"l Planner: AL I I 2/15/08 Page 4 of 15 Application #: C SP 2008 - For City Use Only FORM 1 Pt: IlllON/Pt: 11110N SIGNATURE SHEET Annexation by Individuals We, the following property owners/electors, consent to the annexation of the following territory to the City of Springfield: Signature .~~ 2. -I1rJJ.J1 ~j M.r {I ^ Cwv 3, Date Signed m/d/v Print Name Residence Address Map and Tax Lot Number (street, city, zip code) (example: 17-04-03-00-00100) ., Land Owner ., Reg Acres Voter (qty) I.f.q-o~ ~f1Md (;4/<'O~ 'f- q -OU<'.o. ,NI 60. lM,va 1f\ 'ifS5" 5.57'/-1.. S+ /'f-OJ.-OLf-/4-007.00 5[11-"'0 -b:" L./ C; 7 V~ v v f.7( I 4. 5. . Note: With the above signature(s), [ am attesting that [ have the authority to consent to annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm or agency. (Attach evidence of such authorization when applicable.) (\ Cl;Yl(:u)~ ~,-- . (printed name of circulator), hereby certify that every person who signed this sheet did so In my presence. (signature of circulator) RTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP 1 ne total landowners In..Jhe proposed annexation are J.&:, (qty). This petition reflects that, ~ (qty) landowners (or legal representatives) listed on this petition represent a total of ICO (%) of the landowners and /IJ() (%) of the acres as determined by the map and tax lots attached to the petition. A& T is not responsible for subsequent deed activity that may not yet be reflected on the A& T computerized tax roll. ~~Jn~ Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation t/ - Q-08 Date Signed and Certified CERTIFICATION OF ELECTORS The total active registered voters in the proposed annexation are I hereby certify that this petition includes valid signatures representing (%) of the total active registered voters that are registered in the proposed annexation. Lane County Clerk or Deputy L Date Signed and Certified Date Received' Planner: AL Lj/ID/~'Df I I FORM 2 OWNERS AND ELECTORS WORKSHEET (This form is NOT the petition) (Please include the name and address of ALL owners and electors regardless of whether they signed an annexation petition or not. This information will assist in determining the appropriate initiating method and for notification purposes.) OWNERS '- Property Designation (Map/lot number) Name of Owner Il'tt-/J 2- -01./.. /'f.. /J f UJO fi.o 1') (,. A-I CIU2An ~./I 64/cQ.~ I I I n I I I , I I I I , I I I I i I I I , TOTALS: I Assessed Acres Value /.7( IBI,o/X- I I I I I I I I I I Imp. Signed Signed 1 Y/N Yes No I y X I r- I i i __I Date fteceived: "t,/",(JI Planner: AL I / 1- -- [' -- , I I I I I I I I I i I I I ! I I i I I I I I , I I I ! Name of Elector (Please print or type) 2/15/08 FORM 2 (continued) ELECTORS Address of Elector /1,/ / /* / I I I I TOTALS: I Signed Signed I Yes No I I i I I I I i I I I I I Data ReceiVed:~/;oOl Paoe 7 of 1! Planner: AL . FORM 2 (continued) SUMMARY TOTAL NUMBER OF ELECTORS IN THE PROPOSAL NUMBER OF ELECTORS WHO SIGNED PERCENTAGE OF ELECTORS WHO SIGNED TOTAL ACREAGE IN PROPOSAL I ACREAGE SIGNED FOR I PERCENTAGE OF ACREAGE SIGNED FOR I /1/ / A- I v 1/ I 1.1 I {,71 /00% I Application initiated by (for an explanation of the initiating methods, refer to pages 2 and 3 of this packet): o A - All OwnerslMajority Electors tORS 222. I 25] ~B - MajoritY OwnerslArealValue tORS 222.]70(1)] DC - Majority Electors/Area tORS 222.170(2)] 4/9/08 Dat~ Received: 10/;00& n:~e 8 of 1~ Planner: AL J I FORM 3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM (Complete all the following questions and provide all the requested information. Attach any responses that require additional space, restating the question or request for information on additional sheets.) Contact Person: E-mail: {2.0(\ GA-/~ R.t::.61t-/~ fLI~ 1Y15n . '-OIY\ Supply the following information regarding the annexation area. . Estimated Population (at present): 2 . Number of Existing Residential Units: I . Other Uses: . Land Area: /, II tota I acres . Existing Plan Designation(s): LD 1<- . Existing Zoning(s): / J);z · Existing Land Use(s): LOf2-- <;"^Jlo ~:)~ M..51'~(pr . Applicable Comprehensive Plan(s): Ir\Q. -k.o t1 I~ v . Applicable Refinement Plan(s): /1/1 A- . Provide evidence that the annexation is consistent with the applicable comprehensive plan(s) and any associated refinement plans. p \t1':'~-h'^l ~, A-<"ld. ~J ~ S/Iu_/M&;:')~f IVII-/4, H\IJ...-H:o f) 1:'rY'I ~ I -, j . Are/there ~evelopment plans associated with this proposed annexation? Yes X No If yes, describe. , -f=~l"<;f..~ ~ NlIA.) !.LiT- h <;..../~+ r~/'"'tk. ~;"/ Us ,'ck......f' \-,,'1-( ~~+A:!:ld i"'I)/UlJOiN2..o'..h .h, m..u-l ~"'/"J <De."..'h'&t~'Oil r I , · Is the proposed use or development allowed on the property under the current plan designation and zoning? Yes Y No 2/15/08 ...;",,' (;<JOdiVed:~/"6.r D;lge 9 of 1~ Planner: AL . . Does this application include all contiguous property under the same ownership? Yes X No If no, state the reasons why all property is not included: . Check the special districts and others that provide service to the annexation area: o Glenwood Water District o Eugene School District )d' Springfield School District o Pleasant Hill RFPD o EPUD o Rainbow Water and Fire District o Pleasant Hill School District )ii McKen'zie Fire & Rescue o Willakenzie RFPD J'i( SUB o Other . Names of persons to whom staff notes and notices should be sent, in addition to applicant(s), such as an agent or legal representative. /1/ lit (Name) . I (Name) (Address) (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) (Name) (Name) (Address) (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) 2/15/08 D~tEl Received: i'~/tod8 Planner: AL Page 10 of l IU FORM 4 WAIVER OF ONE YEAR TIME UMIT FOR ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO ORS 222.173 This waiver of the time limit is for the following described property: 8'55 S.5'7H, 5"f, 1 'if '0'2 -tJl./-Jl(-ODl,.OO ,Map and Tax Lot Number assigned) Street Address of Property (if address has been ONE WAIVER OF TIME UMIT FOR EACH PARCEL, PLEASE We, the owner(s) of the property described above understand the annexation process can take more than one year but desire to annex to have City services. Therefore, we agree to waive the one-year time limitation on this petition to annex established by Oregon RevisK~ Statutes 222.173, and further agree that this contract shall be effective ~J indefinitely or [ ] until Date SiQnatures of LeQal Owners I Please Drint or tvoe name 1 {2.o" c; 1'\-1 CfbR.+n 1-1\ 0.. rLVl f-i '" { r.A' % tt'" I I I 2/15/08 Cf;;fi i D;~~~~Q;ed ~ ,~. ,/4dr""-,, I +-Nf' I I Data Received' tf!tO/).d( Planner: AL 'I Page 11 of l FORM 5 ORS 197.352 BALLOT MEASURE 49 WAIVER FORM Name of Document for Recording: Covenant of Waiver of Rights and Remedies (For County Recording Use Only) Grantor: Grantee: City of Springfield Consideration: Commencement of Proceedings. Tax Statement to be mailed to: No Change. After Recordino. Return To: City of Springfield, Attn: City Recorder, 225 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97447 Covenant of Waiver of Rights and Remedies Whereas, (20" C.....Ic-etVtn . hereinafter referred to as "Petitioner/Owner", has petitioned the City of Springfield ("City") to commence an annexation (proceedings) for the following described real property: I' " [INSERT LEGAL DESCRIPTION] )-e.Q.. --e. x:A,'h.+ A Whereas, pursuant to the enactment of Ballot Measure 49 (effective December 6, 2007), a property owner may elect to seek just compensation if a public entity enacts one or more land use regulations that restrict the residential use of private real property after the property owner acquired the property; and Whereas, there is the potential that the Oregon electors or the Oregon Legislature may, in the future, enact further statutory or constitutional amendments relating to compensation for the impact of local regulations upon real property, under certain circumstances; and Whereas, City does not wish to approve the Petitioner/Owner's requested proceedings if: (1) the result would or could arguably give rise to a later claim by the owner or the owner's successors or assigns for compensation for the land use regulations in effect upon the effective date of the proceedings; or (2) would or could arguably give rise to a right to require the City to waive the City's land use regulations in effect upon the effective date of the proceedings, which are being newly imposed upon the property by reason and result of the proceedings; and Whereas, Petitioner/Owner seeks to induce the City to proceed with the proceedings and therefore agrees to eliminate any potential claim for compensation or right to seek waiver from the City's land use regulations existing as of the effective date of the proceedings; 2/15/08 Date ReceiVed:~/J()O{ Planner: AL Page 12 of l Now, therefore, the undersigned Petitioner/Owner warrants that the individual(s) executing this Covenant holds the full and complete present ownership and all interests therein in Property, and hereby agrees and covenants as follows: 1. As inducement to the City to proceed with the Annexation and Rezone proceedings, proceeding(s) affecting the subject real property, which may include designation of the property as subject to additional applicable overlay zones and districts (all inclusively referred to herein as 'proceedings"), the undersigned Petitioner/Owner, on behalf of Petitioner/Owner, Petitioner/Owner's heirs, devisees, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, agrees and covenants to the City of Springfield, its officers, agents, employees and assigns that the undersigned hereby remises, waives, releases, forever discharges, and agrees that Petitioner/Owner shall be stopped from asserting any rights and remedies, actions, causes of action, suits, claims, liabilities, demands, and rights to waivers arising under or granted by any statutory or constitutional regulatory compensation or waiver provisions, including but not limited to Ballot Measure 49 (2007) or otherwise enacted after the date of this proceeding which would create a right of claim for compensation or waiver from city land use regulations that exist upon the effective date of the proceeding and which, by the approval of the proceeding, are then applicable to the property. 2. This waiver and release shall bind the undersigned's heirs, devisees, executors and administrators, successors in interests, and assigns. This covenant, waiver, release and discharge shall run with the land, and this instrument or a memorandum hereof may be recorded in the official records of the County in which the subject real property is located. This instrument may be terminated only by the City of Springfield filing a Notice of Termination of Covenant with the Lane County recorder. 3. If this instrument is given contemporaneous with a consent to future proceedings to be initiated by the City, Petitioner/Owner acknowledges that the proceedings may be initiated by the City of Springfield at any time in the discretion of the City of Springfield and that this waiver and release is applicable to any ordinances adopted prior to the effective date of the proceeding. 4. This document is executed of my own free will and without duress. I, or if more than one, each of us respectively acknowledge that I/we have been advised to obtain legal advice prior to the execution of this document, and that either I, or each of us respectively, have either obtained legal advice or have independently ejected not to seek legal advice prior to the execution of this document, recognizing that this document may affect our legal rights and remedies. 2/15/08 Date Received:---.:!h!JoP{ Planner: AL ' Page 13 of l DATED this qt1\.... day of ~ (),--.\ L- . 20 02), Petitio (signature) - Date ~gned: ~ u- 1'~ '8' p~er Name: ~ /X...< fA J 1,1 ,~ -\.J - - Date Signed: Jf- q-() r Petitioner (corporation, etc.) Name: By: Name of Signor: Office{Title of Signor: State of Oregon ) ) ss. County of Lane ) On this '1~ day of ~r1L- , 20~ before me the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared P l'n'\ G1-a...t ~ "" ~ (name of Petitioner signing; not Notary name). o personally known to me ')i)-C proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence To be the person who executed the within instrument o as or on behalf of the entity therein named, pursuant to authority, and acknowledged to me the execution hereon. WITNESS my hand and official seal , Place Notary Seal Below (Do not write outside of the box) Notary Signature ~p-foLf{?~,,~_~ Notary Name (legible): Ll ,,11\, lD ,-un lV' f\J2L:ru j .A . OFFICIAl SEAL ANN IEIOURNEAU NOTARY PueuC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 399174 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV. 03, 200lI J r J 2/15/08 Date Received' Planner: AL "ftO/)QP( Page 14 of 1 , I This document is accepted pursuant to authority and approved for recording. City of Springfield, Oregon Gino Grimaldi, City Administrator State of Oregon ) ) ss. County of Lane ) On this day of . 20_, before me the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared o personally known to me o proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence To be the person who executed the within instrument as City Administrator or on behalf of the entity therein named, pursuant to authority, and acknowledged to me the execution hereon. WITNESS my hand and official seal (Do not write outside of the box) Place Notary Seal Below (Do not place seal over any portion of text or signature) Notary Signature Notary name (legible): 2/15/08 Date Received' Planner: AL J./~O/to06 , I Page 15 of 1 '. EXHltdT A , PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point in the center of County Road No, 452, in Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said'point being "on the West line of the 5, D. Gager Donation Land Claim No. 61, said Township and Range, 775.4 feet North of the Southwest corner of said claim, from said beginning point run East 20.0 feet to an iron pipe, marking the East line of said CountY Road; thence continuing East 204.7 feet to a total distance of 224.7 feet; thence North 96.92 feet; thence West 204.7 feet to an iron pipe in the East line of said County Road No. 452; thence continuing West 20.0 feet to a point on the West line of said,S. D. Gager Land Claim; thence South along said West line, 96.92 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO: A piece of ground described as beginning at a point 30.0 feet East of the centerline of County Road No. 452, said point also being 872.32 feet' North and 30.0 feet East of the Southwest corner of the S. D. Gager Donation Land Claim No. 61, in Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence East 194.7 feet; thence' South %.92 feet; thence East 224.7 feetl thence North 106.92 feet; thence West 419.4'feet; thence South 10.0 feet to the point of beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT the portion conveyed to Lane County in the Warranty Deed recorded February 5, 1997, as Reception No. 9707995, Official Records, in Lane County, Oregon. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING'DESCRIBED PARCEL: Beginning at a point 30 feet East of the center line of County Road No. 452, said point being 1033.07 feet North and 30 feet East ~f 'the Southwest corner of the S. D. Gager Donation Land Claim No. 61"Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence East 419.4 feet, 'thence", South 150.75 feet, thence West 419.4 feet, thence North 150.75 feet to the' 'point of beginning, in Lane County. Oregon. . . EXCEPT:'Beginning at a point 30 feet East of'the centerline of County Road'!lo~..... '452, said point also being along the Right of Way of County Road No. 452; said point also being 1033.07 feet North and 30 feet East of the Southwest corner of the S.D. Gager Donation Land Claim 61, in Section 4, To~ship 18 South, Range 2 West of the willamette Meridian; thence East 194. 40"feet; thence' South 150.75" feet; thence West 194'.40 feet; thence North 150,75 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County Oregon. Date ReceiVed:4hDDf Planner. Al LANE COUNTY ffe:GIONAL LAND INFORMA ,ION DATABASE Site Address: 855 S 57TH ST Map & Tax Lot #: 18-02-04-14-00200 A & T Account #: 0560977 ~ Convert to PDF Document II Soeciallnterest Code: View Tax Map View Archived Taxmaos 'IIJJ~icipity M'!PJll.~ ..i,6f" .... IfIl ~ .'..#'~ l' :t,.,,~ #t, ~~' ,$ ''f.,[' "~Ai, - ~ L '.. &:' .,....Aj . ',', . ! ~- < r~ ~ " ~~~ " ~ ",.~ :;;'~"..,.,<~... '''0,. .' ill ~ !.: ." ,.: ";J} .'..~~ ,,$. , ~ '''!''', ...., - ----- . . 'J-:..rr ,.1'" . - Site Address State Plane Coordinates L_ landUse Code and Description: ,Use COde .2na~~SErlption: l:Code: 111111 IS Please verify zOning information with local jurisdiction, Lane County overlay zones are not currently shown in RUD, ,pescription: __ ~r --- !jSINGLE FAMILY HOUSING I;Slfl'GLE fAMILY ;: = ;: .' ...._..J Unit I I I _ J : J J J ~-Coord: 4282777 -- ,.,._iiY-Coord:872lt85._. -- Site Address Information ~ House II Suffix lLf.redir. II Street Name :a55 J_:S 1~7TH I Mailing City !j SPRIRGFIELD '5'R . i... ;creCil~l?a!~2c1985-02-~4 ,,~', ___c_c JIPOStDir. IlStreet Type II Unit Ty'pe II I :~T ! irzil' Code IrZiJJ+<!- II Carrier Route !J'74"78 ;])-9-0'7 IR007 i;QfclafEi::Date: Slate - Land Use Land use information has not been field verified, Zoning L_ 2:"OriTng Jurisdiction: 'Parent Zone 1: -...-,~,_.. ,_.- ::Code: ISPR , 'LD ."~_",__.""~_.,,,.I4-,~_w,,,=~=.,..__==_.._,,_ ---,pescription: ~:SPRINGFIEr[) LOW DENSITY RESIDEN-TiA'[ ==:It: - ;Oi-oan GrowthE3ounaary.i-.~~ ' __ J=1reProtection Provioers: ,WLF' -- J'lode' i~ 'plan Designation: - _ _J 2000 Census Trace I~ llo"cro Block-Group: l:-t . _ .......ltii::o.... lYearAnnexea: '1r- ?\!,n~xa!l.on#: 11 ~pproxim_ate Acreage: ~ .J~ .04 y.,pproximate Square - ]~5 302 footage: _I ' k:QYJl6n~I=FiliQ.ng~.~ Metro Flood Hazards:^ ,.,. ~^^ . -- - .li"iIesfEugeneWei:lanas: J;SPRINGFIELO jWiiIAKEFatiEisPI KfGFIErO-RFPD I~ .....-: - - - j .: =1 - .----' === J I - -- == -= =~ == == ==~=- Please verify environmental information with local jurisdiction. i4FA"'W' ''''''0'-'' >:;,., - : _J -1 . .~ Note: Some parcels may extend onto adjacent FIRM maps. Registration between parcel boundaries and flood hazard zones is approXimate, Community numbers are based on the current city limits and may not reflect boundaries at the date of map publicaliOn, Consult FIRM maps or appropriate authonty, IF~;P;;~t~d?(v/N): .-' It ~'-'~~---"'"''r'.''^~-'-'-~~''''''''-''^'''^~-''~''''' FIRM Map Number: .community IPost - FIRM I Number: Date: ~1039-Cn66F (flFfOI ~ ~1039C1166F (fQE) ;415591 11985-12-18 ~ode: JQescription: ~ -..J~rE!as aetermi!:l.ed to De outside of"S1fO-y:ear flood. (jUs ~oil MapTfi'lifNumber: ' :'3 , 11218 c 005< [~"m..,..~-c--''''''lJ5oae: "'..~......-.l.Name: ""...-......... .~~.. ,..._~".~.'"-l District 1;19 ,'sPRiNG'FIELD I ..~ gemental)'_School: "554 --"I\IIT. VERNON j - Rr -.I lJIiddle Sch!?o!;. "1353 ;~GNESSTEWAR'r ---, tl!.9h_SchooL- '~6.1 - :;1:HI!~_STON 1 enflce. Istru::ts' :L TDServiceArea:' ----'IV r rl !:I~ Ride Source: !tYES _ _ I ~bula"nce District I~C ;Area:EASTlCENTRAL :'proViderl:SPRINGFIElO OEPT OF FIRE-&I I.. L.....", II _,I' 1;L1FE SAFETY _ , ;Son water. .. I~AST LANE -, ,Conservation Dls~I~1 , --.J Soil Water ~ '""""""11 ~ bonservation District 1.0 ~one: ~",-IL~....~..~~_.., politlca1'"oistrlcts ~ '.. .1 'W'~.~d'''~*,,,,, .... ~'...,>0 ....-_..=-._......~. '?"'W~"i1."- ,', ~___~__". .._~,'~_,,_~~"',.~' I.Soil TY.,pe Description: -clr:rs'C'AwTo'AM J~~~~~:;S~i~~~~A ~ LOAMTTO 8 &1:Percent~eof Tax Lot'" ;:8-1 1~9 - - - - I I I ___ _ ___J ----::.J ~ -=~ :J _J j~ 103 ,5 II 'FAYE~STEWART - II [,EAST --II Election Precinct: ~ounty C;rrimissioner District: ~2untY.Commissioner: _ STate'Repres!3'2!afive District: State Represemtafive t\iame: , E. ERR"Y~BEYER iii. ............___ _' _ ... -.._____ City CCiUncWWard: - .JL - - - - - -- .., .. - = == -- Fi!yCounCiI'Orl\Jame: lr _ = = =: '" '" ptate Sen_ate District: i~ - _ _ _._ ;p,tateSen-a"'i'Cir: - _ _ _ _jYVIL~ MORRIS!=TTE --- ~Cf~oar(rZO'iieS:~ - - -,r- . :EWE'S Commissioner II District: ., ._'",.~_'''=__.__~'.~_'_ p....1fI! . ~_ _ .--- --- --- - -- Lane County Assessor's Office I Account Number: 05609771 Map & Tax Lot: 18-02-04-14-00200 I I ~, . "~ .. ...,~.....'_. '....~ 1 I I I I I I __:....:J .RecordiQg t;!umber: --I r'ReaIM~lrker""]r""~~"~}~.eal"~~e!: "., _'''l[Real~tvfal'kerll Assessed 1 1007 185--;91'0 ': 117(030 - - -.JU~0:0'oo:J[181,OT.!!-::J rl!.~- 113,656 ,: _ _1'!..3,650 =OiL 22t~306 U 133,858"" 0201f5-- 91,927 ;~ - - -93,440 "lf185,367 II 129,959 I fr.2~e~ pWner1Name: (rALCERAN'KA'R.EN('.....--- ~- - ~',m.. .Do ., M'~'l rwner Address: 226433RD-ST J r City If S"tate ~l Country lr Z~oae I (PRffl'GFIELD(I ORE:('fOlli U UFJiTEO-STA't'ES U 97477 Owner2 Name: GALCERAN RONALD D rwner Address: 2264 33RD ST I City II State ~PRINGFIELD U= OREGON Country UN'i,"ED STATES Zi~ Code 97477 ax a er (faxoaven-Jam..e:.....GAICERP.N RcrNAIb~D'~~'--". Faxpayer Address: 2264 33RD ST l _ Cf!y II State [~PBlt-ic:;El.E.fQJI 6REG6N ;: -Country II UNiTE-D-S"A'T"ES .....---.Il~_....,~.,'_~.._..__ II ;1 tiPCoae 97477 Property Legal Description :;;. : ''Quarter: 14 - ~~~iSlOri7Phase: jTo~!1shjp: 18 _ __ Rang!: 02 _ ,Subdivision_Type: . -1:SUbdivision Name: LoVfractlUnit Numoer: TLolrio"o ..... - Subdivision riJumber: Section: 04 -- -= ..00:: ;;;; == ==- :;;- = JLJ.2.~~111'8 t.J~~6:-1~74 I jr 147;f31 lrr2"2-;4'99 I ==== = JL 143,806 II 1f87~31 I -'L 146)4..00 II 115,467 , Ir 146,950 II 112,f041 __ iL-.::f357f(j'tr-,cr08:~2::J _ -- r 1j1754cr-'C1~,~~LJ - l[...flS-;!3.LJr1(2)i91l II" \II!! ID2~~ Il ....ll~,)70 ~ [113,99ii"" 11113,990 I __It _ I FrozenAssessed'Value (FZNPU) .ax ear ' ~ pax(~~e .E;xplar1ati91)=oE.J;ax)~ -"~.~ - ~.,'~., 2007'-~-~"lr~">"~"'<~2;003:56 I 2096 I~ 1,481.33 l 2005 I~ 1';'43'9':"46 I 2'004 U 1-;-4''1'2:-6'9 I 2'0'0'3 ~I 1,3-67:-32 I 2002 II 1,1S2.~ I 2001 JI 1;275:"79 I ~:~ 1~ i~~;;;: I 1'9-9-8 II 1,227.60 I 1997 II 1,203.21 I 1996 ___ Jr 1,288.87 I , '~ 1995 , ' Jl 1:-1'"76:'88 I ~!IjJatid!i,-ofTax fu ";:"::H"~ '''~.~.~. '.~ .',...".".. . , . . ",!!, ,~ rhe HixsllewnHis"fhe amounfcertifieairt()Ctobe'r.uriless~'a'vafUe charig'e hasoeen'f:irocessed' on The property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. jfhe owner either initiates the change, as in the case of appeals, or is notified by the department, in the case of clerical errors and omitted property. The amount shown is the full amount of tax for the ~year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing, or ):~revious years owing. ~ccounfStatLis . ....-~:'.~ l!l' 4\A.ctive fertile 2007 Tax'Yearr n;New Account Schedulea to [} be Active for the 2008 Tax L.""Year ~Fl}..ocally Assessed I iV.,!P~iiiQ~~t0erQe '" ,,} t5;pending Q'alue Cli'a'n~~ IV.' ~belinquency " 1 ~1!" 11J~~Ylf~UI bCl\llsnll:; ..y l/!ll ~(j'04~L ~'~73"8 _. 95:450 foO'D,~ 58,751" .:: S]~3S-0 :2002 -, -'. ____ 5-5-;-426 .::. - :: 8S,380 ~'p01 r ----54,340 _ -..J! 92,060 ~OOO 1L._ 54,S90- Ii. 92,060 ~ 999 .-- 5~350 .Jc.. _ SO~750 ~99L L 50,790 "lC_ _ _~~_ ~9,!}i-:Jr 50~79'O Ir -:.:-. - ~77Eb- ~ 996 :JL _ 4~~OO :: - - 76~870 = .1995 1 .. 39,550 74,440 I 181,018 ;;: _. JL-,_. 0 I Taxable Value . - l ExemptTori(~~~)nt Regular Ir I l.U ",BankruP.!EY- :i It} 'ICode SEill!.Lndicator ,', .... !Dc "Related Acc6il11 ~~ IIiI;,; oIIL......,_____ . _ ......- ~ema~ '~'';;' Soecial Assessment Proaram (if applicable) I Cooe: II --- --- 1 I "I~~S!bE!:'I.J:!!:S~~ROVE[)_ _ __ J _ .-JE;.ASS :fSffJGLE FAM!CyXtfOME~-l - := == - : - - -, :=:= ~ _ _J -..:J --, DescriQtion: en,e,ra normatl()n i " proJ:ledY..flass: _ _---1.101 STciiisticalClass: - ----.I'l~30 . - - . - t --- Neighborhood Code: :41430 'l:= :1===- r.~~ U.=:JYpe: ==11 =_ ~unt TXJ:le: I~ _ _ __ ~~2.rx: =:]!":-'~tJO AN1J111i1P"IfQ.QEMENTli~.. - -::-:- !;1ortgage Comi:1any Nan;e:IYvELCSFARGO REALm At'e'TAj(:-SERVICES l.Lc ~'l"I5-. rotal Acreage for this ~ .S1 :A.ccount: "Fire 1\cres: rAr'fEc'oMIIllONltYcc5[[EGe~~~~-~"~- . .!-M1E COUNTY :rnE~eDcrcA TiON"S'eR\7icE~OISTRICt 'SPRIN(;FIECO-SC'HOoTDfSfRiC'n"9 - NVILLAKE'NZfe-RlTRAL FIRE PRofeCfi'O'NbTst a esnoJ ation rS~lesDat;: "~~I:~ r~ '.. "G~t~;~~!lc"='G;;~t;~: ""'-~llnstr~~enr r~~~~:i:s'l Acct?: f2-07-20071 EX~~1f;~:~LC I ~~~~~~~ ::2007-8420 I~ 6 lG ~ 1-20-20~1311100~IHEA TH THOMAS wt~x~~~~~~~LC ~~06-83979 r y 10 "'a@factij~id~StrjJctures . I ~C1ltig: 1'Ctiaracteristics' :, .:. J E~ou~t"" lrS6()!l77 " :~o~~& t: = ::1~'()2-O4=14-00200 1 I ~. I ,I:! Ir 1[3 'risp, e, cion '01-OS-2007 R f t I GABLE B d 3 Dat~: I , 00 s y e: Jl .", II e rooms: r- II " "i'cb"MPSHi'ijGLE---;r J[] Building Type:J31 STAT 130 j,RoofCover: 'MEOIUM ,FUll B,aths: 1 , ,I ~"- 'j :1__ pass: i~ _ ;:Reating: '" '. ,.Fraff'BathS;--lD f6FBU~lt~~951 w ::Exterior Wa;r:~C:fOl;jS1~iIi_~~ _ _Jir..epla~s:_ _ JifES~ Eff~fYear 1~1964 Depreciation: l~O - --- - -Percent'lmPr"oV:"- ~001 ~U1It: I II I _ _ . ComJ:llete: f!9or II Blise An3a'[Finisned Ar~a~1 - - - Ii Parkin!:! Area Basement: . First: -- -_--.--' ~econa: \i\tti c: r= i!:..oT'AL IE I - II Ir II II ;;1.- ~'Bsmt 9ar sqft: .-JL ~ 127!~ -'i7~~'-''''~ -::r- 5~ I ... tt ort sq . !, _ - .. 'pet'Gar sq,ft: ': - 1 '! ---' _ IPdvewaY2..qft: -::::Jr 8~821 1"274';. f2741'Pavea PauoSgft:--1 Search Results INew ProoeltV Search IAoolications Menu 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726,3759 Phone Job/Journal Number LRP2007-00022 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceintl RECEIPT #: Description UGB Annex Per Ac Paid By iii~ C of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 3200800000000000220 Date: 04/10/2008 10:46;28AM Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 1,265,00 $1,265.00 Amount Paid GALCERAN CONSTRUCTION emm 3904 In Person Payment Total: $1,265,00 $1,265.UU Page 1 of 1 Uau:. Received: q/;ohot>tf Planner: AL 17 4/10/2008 ~'!1Jii:r6~!tFt~~~~"'Ji:~~~~';;-iJr;:rrfTi~~~}*~'~i~1i!-'7~W~~: ."'" i ,',rn"""'j.~I--~:.eJ "',-' ::t1:l1n~~~~~11~~~~:~~~?,::(~;rl:r:'~~t;:~~'"~~~~':~'::; .. ..". . .... . ,-,. . .- KII" , 'I r' GALCERAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. 'l '~ 2264 33RD ST, oj SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 I ; i ~ . I p"J,~~n7 Lmu I-"u~-I J 8DlA""/~ {...""m"H,'O.... :h~J-,~ /I~a.I~,;-7;F ~; UBEATYBANK U GATEWAY BRANCH fOO6 HARLOW ROAO SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541)7"1-8280 For "'00:1728'" --:?-..~,'i~':'..,'": 3728 00Ie,7r/3-07 ~.rui.5: --- ' I 1oJlc.rs A __ ill ="~_ ~~ ... -... c~ ~ lvll.JVr=h --ro Ap,f>L./ c..A~ l' I { 2-3 { '2co t