HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreement APPLICANT 7/13/2007 ,. .' I Division or Chle' Deputy Clerk ~M'.MOA~~ lane County Deeds and Records LVVI VVV'LL 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $46,00 01;81573200700084220040042 02/07/2007 10:43:40 AM RPR-ESMT. Cnt=2 Stn=5 CASHIER 06 $5.00 $20.00 $10.00 $11.00 r 560951 /18 O~ 041400100 ILIFlRSTAM 7191-929331 MMM 4.fter Recording Re~um To First American Title PO Box 10146 Eu~ene. OR 97440 }O/" / O. I /" 1\ AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO; RONALD D. GALCERAN AND KAREN L. GALCERAN .2264 33RD STREET, SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 SEND ALL TAX STATEMENTS TO: No Change. WELL USE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (AND ACCESS AGREEMENT) RECITALS: A. RONALD D. GALCERAN and KAREN L. GALCERAN, Husband and wife (hereinafter "GALCERAN") is the Owner of real property ("Parcel I") located in Lane County, Oregon, upon which a well, pump, pump shed, pumping equipment and pipelines are located (hereinafter "well") that is used exclusively by the real property adj acent to Parcel I (which adj acent property is hereinafter "Parcel II") Said Parcel II is owned by THOMAS W. HEATH and WESTLEIGH C. HEATH (hereinafter collectively "HEATH") . , B. GALCERAN desires to convey to HEATH, an exclusive Easement to use the well and pipelines. Parcel I, and Parcel II are described more fully on attached EXHIBIT A, incorporated herein fully by this reference. AGREEMENTS: by. reference. sale of Parcel All recitals set forth above are incorporated herein The consideration for this Easement is part of the I to GALCERAN by HEATH. 1. Well Agreement. GALCERAN as Owner of Parcel I hereby grants and conveys to HEATH, as Owner of Parcel II, a perpetual, exclusive easement to access and use the existing well located on Parcel I and draw water therefrom for the use and benefit of Parcel II. 1.1 This it is to be Parcel II. easement is not personal and it is not in gross, but appurtenant to that real property described as 1.2. This grant is made. upon the following terms: a. It is understood that the owner of Parcel II's right to use and access the well shall include the right to come upon Parcel I property for maintenance of the well, pump shed, holding tank, and pump and for the installation and mainten- ance of the pipeline and such public utilities as may be needed to serve the well. The access to the pipeline shall extend five (5') feet on either side of the pipeline. The access to the pump shed shall extend to a reasonable distance around the pump shed necessary to accomplish the repair, maintenance or replacement. b. In ~he event the well ceases to provide adequate water for any reason, the following shall apply: At the option of the then Owner of Parcel II, Owner's successors or assigns, the parties may replace the well, pump, pumping equipment and or pipelines at the Owner of Darcel II's sole cost and expense and extending this Agreement; c.. Should any of the owners of Parcel II desire to disconnect from the well and pump system on a permanent basis, then and in that event, all easement rights contained herein for pipelines and use of the well, pump and equipment shall cease and be extinguished forever to such Parcel I. There- after, the well and pump shall be the sole property of the owner of Parcel I. 2. Maintenance Costs. The Owner of Parcel II shall pay all the cost of maintaining the well, pump shed, holding tank, pumping equipment, and pipelines. (Recording Seal Here) Page 1 - WELL USE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (AND ACCESS AGREEMENT) (f\c\heat\well-mat.ag2) 3. Enforcement of Terms. In the event suit or aceion is taken to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party in such suit or action shall be entitled to such sum as the court shall deem reasonable as attorney fees; and in the event that an appeal is taken from the decision of the trial court, such further sum as may be fixed by the appellate court as reasonable attorney fees. If either party is in default under the terms of this Agreement, and the other party delivers this Agreement to an attorney for the purpose of remedying the default, and whether or not any suit, action or other proceeding is filed, the defaulting party shall pay the reasonable fees of the attorney to whom this Agreement was delivered. Before involving an attorney to address any perceived default or breach of this Agreement, notice shall be given in writing specifying the perceived default or breach and allowing the parties ten ilO) days time within which to attempt to meaningfully negotiate and fully resolv~ the potential dispute. Notice shall be deemed given by sending a letter in first class mail appropriately addressed to a party. 4. Agreement assigns. Successors. The parties intend that all terms of this shall be binding upon their heirs, successors and 1..'{ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed this Agreement on the day of 5'*-Jv.1W-8 , 2007. "GALCERAN" "HEATH" ~AA\I\UA l)), ~ Thomas W. Heath !- )---L ~~. \l.n Westleigh cc)aeath STATE OF OREGON ss. County of Lane On the ;;lSj" day acknowledged by RONALD and Wife, before me. . OFFICIAL SEAL ~ MEN DIE M. MAYFIELD .~.. .<f. i NOTARY PUBLiC - OREGON ~ COMMISSION NO.3741oB .. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DECEMBER 6. 2007 1 of ]ih:!J1 I\rL{, 2007, this instrument was D. GALCERAN Jnd KAREN L. GALCERAN, Husband LA I; A AA ~bliC for OREGO , Seal: .J'./ / vljj' STATE OF OREGON ss. was me. Or:FICIAL SEAL MEN DIE M. MAYFIELD NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO. 374106 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DECEMBER 6, 2007 dttr~jJ A /h Notary Public for ORE .Seal: ~ ,. / Attachment: EXHIBIT A: c: Parcel I and Parcel II Page 2 - WELL USE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (AND ACCESS AGREEMENT) (f\c\heat\well-mat.ag2) EXHIBIT A Rea! prOjh:rt',r' in th:?: COUilty or Lc:ll!2; Slate. of.Or~:::-;JonJ describ~d as rollG'.'.:s: PARCEL I: Begillnillg at u point 30 feet East of the L:ei'lter linE of County Ro~d i'lD. ~152, said point being 1033,07 reet North 2nd 30 fEet East of the SOllth\:\'2St corner of the S. D. Gager Donation Land Claim ['10.6'1, TQI.\'flShip is South, Range 2 \'VQst of the I,ViI!amette j'ieridian; thence E2.st ~119.4 feet, thence South 150.75 feet, thence V',fest 419.4 feet, thence North 150.75 feet 'to the Point of Beginning, in Lall2 COLmty, Oregon. EXCEPT: Seginning at a point 30 feet East of the centerline of County RDad 1,10. 452, said point also being along the Right of \\'ay of County Road i'lo. 452; said point aiso being 1033.07 feet North and 30 feet ~ East of the 5ollthl.~/e5t-corner o"f the S.D. Gater Donation Land CI?im 61, in Sectien ~I Tm',mship 18 South, Range 2 \-'\fest of the V\'Hlarnette jvleridian; thence East 19t1.~0 feet.: thence Soutl~, 150.75 feet; thence V/est 194,~O feet; thence i'Jortll 150.75 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Or'egon. Tax Parcell'lulllber.: 560951 PARCEL II: Beginning at a point 30 feet Ecst of lhe centerline of County R02d ;']0. q52j said point also being along tne Right of VIay of County Road f~o, .:.152; s2id point ?lso being 1033.07 fEet i'!orth and 30 feet East of theSoutl-II."'fi:st corner of the S,D. Gc:iei' Donation Land Cleirrl 61, in Sectioll 4/ TO\\!11Ship 18 Sou~h, Range 2 \/.Jest of the V'/i!!arllett(: f'.leridian; thence East 19tL~6 feei; thence Souti1-1S0.75 feet; thence VJesl19.:.j.~;O feet~ thence I'Jorth 1~O,75 feet to the Point of Begill,iling, in Lane County, Oregon, Tax Parcel Number: 560951 EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 1 (end) ~---'~-. Firsf~merican First Am~ri(;an Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Cou' 'Iub Road AI.I(Jt, .,. , Eugene, OR 97401 Phn. (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 Ronald D. Galceran and Karen L. Galceran 2264 33rd Street Springfield, OR 97477 February 13, 2007 File No.: 7191-929331 (mmm) Re: Property: 827 So. 57th St., Springfield, OR 97478 . Regarding the above referenced. escrow closing, enclosed please find the follow'ing: . Original Declaration of Property Line Adjustment Deed, recorded as Instrument No. 2007- 008421 . Original Well use And Maintenance Agreement, recorded as Instrument No. 2007-008422 Please retain the enclosed items for your records. We appreciate having had the opportunity to be of service to you in this transaction. If you should have questions, or if we can be of assistance in the future, please don't hesitate to contact us. First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon Tia-Lisa Wilt, Assistant for Mendie Mayfield, Escrow Officer Division of Chief Depuly Clerk lane Counly Deeds and Records 2~~1.~~~m 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $51.00 0088156420070008421006~068 02/07/2007 10:43:40 AM RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Stn=5 CASHIER 06 $30.00 $11,00 $10.DO 0.560951/18 02 04 14 00100 . FIRSTAM 71~~-929331 MMM 1jY After Recording Retum To First American Title. PO Box 10146 Eugene. OR 97440 1"'- After recording return to :RONALD D. GALCERAN AND KAREN L. GAH~Ji:RAN 2264 33RD STREET, SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Send all tax statements to: No Change. 1\ DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE. ADJUSTMENT DEED THOMAS W.o HEATH and WESTLEIGH Co HEATH ("FIRST PARTY") is the Owner of a parcel of real property referred to herein as pARCEL I. RONALD D. GALCERAN and KAREN L. GALCERAN, Husband and Wife, ("SECOND PARTY") is the Owner of a parcel of real property referred to herein as Pa:r:C",l. TT. FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY desire to set forth this declaration setting an adjusted boundary line between PARCEL 1 and PARCEL 2. to comply .with Lane County Land Use Regulations and the provisions of ORS 92.190(4). The reference to the legal description of the PARCEL 1 property prior to this adjustment is contained in the Deed recorded August 4, . 2005, as R~ception No. 2005-060469, in the Official Records of Lane . County, Oregon. The legal description for Parcel I is set forth on said deed and incorporated herein by reference to said deed and if set forth herein. The reference to the legal description of the PARCEL ~ property prior to this adjustment is contained in the deed recorded Nove~er 21, 2006, as Reception No. 2006-083979, in the Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. FIRST PARTY does hereby convey to SECOND PARTY the.real property described on attached EXHIBIT A incorporated herein fully by this reference. The true consideration for this conveyance is ONE HUNDRED TWO . THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/IOO DOLLARS ($102,795.00)Jl-IlS DF.ED IS 8EIlJG GIllEN BY GRNITOR (FIRST PARTY) DIRECTLY TO GPJ\fITEE (SECOND PARTY) .AS AN INTEGR~TED P~RT OF A 1031 EXCIW.IGE TRANS/\CT~llowing this lot line adj ustment, the description of the . fARCEL 1 property is described on the attached EXHIBIT B.incorporated herein fully by this reference. Following this lot line adjustment, the description of the PARCEL ~ property is described on the attached EXHIBIT C incorporated herein fully by this reference. The portion of this legal description which depicts the new adjusted line between PARCEL 1 and PARCEL 2 is underlined on the attached EXHIBIT B and EXHIBIT C. THIS INSTRUMENT THIS INSTRUMENT IN REGULATIONS. BEFORE WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON . (RECORDING SEAL HERE) Page 1 - DECLARATION OF .PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED (end) (f\c\heat\pro-ln-a.deel ACQUIRING ANY INTEREST .IN OR TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY. PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES . AND .TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. ..- DATED this ~:> day of :);"'l-u\Jrll2.l 2007.. "FIRST PARTY": ~l\Wl<l w- \1A':cUt ~omas W. Heath . \ If}, /' . 1___'. _~~~C!J. Westleigh CcJHeath ff of'- . Galceran K n:..-zl!AJ --I /~~ Ka~eh L. Galceran STATE. OF OREGON ss. County of Lane On the acknowledged 2-5' day by THOMAS W. of j Jt~vAI?--(, 2001~his instrument was HEATH and WESTLEIGH C. HEATH, before me. .. OFFICIAL SEAL , " ., MENDIE M. MAYFIELD ,~.! NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON ~ COMMISSION NO. 374106 . MYCOMMISSION EXPIRES OECEMBER 8, z007 d~~L d. 4;~/1t Notary PuBlic for ORh/. ,- 'Seal: / ./ . . STATE OF OREGON ss. County of Lane . (0+~ day by RONALD D. me. .. .79 of J2iJ!lI1!\rlA, 200B, this instrument was GALC~ KAREN L. GALCERAN, Husband and On the acknowledged Wife, before OFFICIAL SEAL MENDIE M. MAYFIELD NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON COMMISSION NO. 374106 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DECEMBER 6, 2007 ill Attachments: EXHIBIT A: c: prooertv beinq conveyed EXHIBIT B: c: Parcel I description following conveyance EXHIBIT c: c: Pacc~l II description following conveyance Page 2 - DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED (end) (f\c\heat\pro~ln-a.deel EXHIBIT A Recllpmperty in the COI:Jllty of Lclle, State Of,Qf>?YOIl, described as follo\'.,:o;: Beg'inning at a point 30 feet East of the cEnter line of County Road No. 4?2, said point being 1033.07.feet f.,larth "Ild 30 feet East of the South\'!est corner of the s. D. Gager Donation Land Claim No. 61, Township is South[ Range 2 \\/est of the \':Villamette f'leridian; thence East ~19.4 feet, thence South 150.75 feet, thence \:\'est 419.4 reetl thence North 150.75 ~e~t to the Point or Beginlling! in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT: Beginlling at a point 30 feet East of the centerlille of County Road 1,10. ~52, said point also being aiong the Right of 'Nay of County Road i'lo. '152; said point also being 1033.07 feet North and 30 feet East of the South\."/'2st corner of the S.D. Gater Donation Land Claim 61, in 5ectien4, TOl/.mship 18 South, Range 2 I//est of the Willarnette ~1eridian; thence East 194.~O feet; thence South.150.75 feet; thence 'Nest 19'1.40 feet; thence f'Joith 150.75 feet to the Point of Beginniilg, ill Lane Col1l1ty, Oregon. Ta:{ Parcel Number: 560951 EXHIBIT A Page r of 1 (end) , .' EXHIBIT B Beginning atB poilit 30 feet East of the CE:llterlille of County ~oad I,Jo. 452/ said paillt also being along tile Right of \\/ay of (OUllt;;' Road' (\10. .q52~ said 'point also being 1033.07 feet North and 30 feet East of the Southl..vest corTler of the S.D. Gater Donation Land Claim 61, in Section 4, To\l.,l[lShip 18 South, Ral1ge 2 V/est of the V1illamette ~1eridiaI1; thence East 19'1.~0 feet; thence 50utl;-150.75 feet; thence. West 194.40 feet; thence North 150.75 feet to the Point of 8egil1ning, In Lane County, Oregon. Tax Parcel ~,umber: 560951 EXHIBIT B Page 1 of.l (end) . . EXHIBIT.C LcG.:.'\,L DtS'CRlfYrIOf'l: 3EGlf'~i\'Ir\:G ,h,T j" POII'.iT Ii'-! THE CENTER OF COUi'~r{ RO,t:,D 1'10, 452, II'! SECTION Lt, TO\/;Ji'!SHIP is SOU-~HI P,Ah'GE 2 \'.JEST OF THE VJIUP,HtTTE i','jERiDIAN1 S~.ID.POli'!T BElhlG Oi'~ THE \/\lEST LINt OF THE S, D. G,/~,Gi::R DOi.,:,;-\Tl0fJ LAi,;D CL:::,Ii'i NO, 61/ S,~.ID-TO\r"Jr'.!Sr:IP .c.i',iD F(j.l.f\'GE, 775A FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHV.JEST CORJ.!EP 0:= 5;\'1D CL~Jf"), FP..Ot':1 S.~.ID SEC;IN i"!G POIl~T RUN E,e:ST 20,0 FEET TO ~.f.J IRrji'! PIPE, i';1/",RKING Inc t,!!.ST LIi'JE'OF S,;~.ID COUi'Ill ROAD; THENCE COr~lli'!UING [AST 20!':.7 FeET TO ,:.:., TOTJl.l QIST6J'~CE OF 22.:i 7 FEET; THENCE NORTH S'S,92 FEET; THEI\ICE liVEST 204.7 FEci TO ;".f.! IROi'! PIPE Ii! THE EAST Ui'iE 0,= SP,lD COUNT( RO.~D NO. "52; THEi'iCE CONTINUING 'i/E5T 200 FEET TO t, POIiiT ON THE V'IEST WIE Of' 5',m 5. o. GP.GER lAND CL6,H'I; THEiKE SOUTH HO",G SAID ';VEST WiE, 96.92 FEET TO TeiE PU'.CE OF BEGINNING, Ii'1 U\I'.iE COUNTY,OREGON. p.L50: " PIECE Or GROUND .DE5CF:IBED AS BEGIr\H'.,IJNG ,6,T A POH.!T 30.0 FEE"! E.i~ST OF THE CEr-ITERUNEOF COUi~TY RO."D i,O. ':S2, 5.6,10 POliH ;"LSO BEii'iG 872.32 FEET ,'.JORTH .",NO 30.0 FEET U5T OF THE SOUTHV'/EST Co'Ri~ER OF THE S. D. GP.GER..bOi'H;T10i\! u\r<D CU\H.'I NO. 511 IN TO\VNSHIP 18 SOUTH, R!'}.IGt 2 \i/tST OF THE I;VILLAi'k liE hERIOT;"}!; THtiKE E;"ST 19'i.7.FEET; THEiKE SOUTH 96.92 FEET; THEr\'CE EJ'.ST 22/{.7 FEET; Tr.ENCE NORTH 106.92 FEET; THEi'!CE \:VEST 419.4 FEET; THEN(E SOUTH 10,0 FEET TO THE POl("'!T OF G~GIr\!f\!Ii\:GI U.) SPRli\lGf=IE~DI1)::.i'!E COOi~T'{1 OREGON. EXCi:PT THE POI3Ti:Oi',! CONVEYED TO L~.:',;i: COUi',!TY n! THE V",/,L:.RRt.:,I\ITY DEED RECORDED i:E5RU.::-,R,'( 5, 1997, .:\S RECEPTIOi'.! l\iO 97-1J7S95, (j;::FICL~,l:. P,cCORDS, E-) LJJJ,IE CO.UNTY, OREGOI':, PLUS: F:~ea! c;r'~n'::"".'1 ,.,., [.1.,.0 '..0'" '.'l'" "",',' I - --'- ~ ~I' <.' ;;~I~ "T""~p 0' (...., -. ,- , . "'. ", , ".. ."._, ~"_L:: d _lrt~'J;_.ill,. c.l::scrilJed a:;:fcl!c'I','s: ~le:::~I~II9. ~t 2 r.C'iI~t 30,fe~t East of the CSi'lt:::I" !il':e of COUi~tv R.o~d i\,10, ~'J ~,' -, "c,', ....., ~. ~ I\OILiJ ~ncl.:..O fEet Easc of '/;'-" c;("'I'h~,\!.o..;::' r __ : "'._ C . - . .5"" s~.ld pOlllt U._lIlg 10.5.).07 ier.::l '.., ~ _ l .....,.~....l"..~-'-,_Or{lt:rOlllie' 0 GC'.i~"D--lr";~'1 jrl. 10::::0L!Ih R2rIG~2i.":'il":::;OI[!-,:.\;,i;:I-T-'---'.._'"_''''' ,,-' . ..)'~,-I l.J :::l,ull_0IiC \....2inlf\lo.6J. Tc.',-".,..nsiJiD thelic~ \"\':CSl ci19.~ fl~~ti-tilej~;~'~ '/:.I~,~~;;'~~L~ ;':~~~~"~~:(,l; lcl,~_~I;C::.~,a5~ ~i19,.~ f~ct; .th~i1Ct; SGL!th 150.'75 fl~et/' . ,) j'_--L to lI'L POilll' 01 8i:9.. 1i:r1!ii9, III I_aile COU:'jtv Ol.t::i-'~"l , ,{ ....::'l.l, E/CEPT: Geainllilltl 21 u I'~cirlt 30 f.~.:,; tusr c: '-i' - c- _L '1' , " . _I~. "_ '"'I' "-\' - r.' '-~- ': l!~ t:lllerll12m COl!I-ll'> Ror:d [\! :!52 .j' . '- _I . ':::11...11'9 [I;e R.1(l(IL 01.....,/2'/ ('I CCL!li'-V R.o'-,; ',I ,::;-, _' I '. .~." ,0., ,sale pOllll ~~i5'O OElilC1 c_ , -J' _ :;. _,.. ,l", CL. 1,0. .....J.!.., 50/(1 pOint also beiiiO 103307 '"p:t \! ___I _ ''";' - : _L :.; ,-~:Sl UI lh!.:: SOUill',.''.'t:st ([';'11;::1' C Ti-'-::' ~ n G',"~- [,~___,: ' ,'_. ~ - !_e. I,Oil 1 cll()'.JU le~~. - I "I,_.~.,-". ,-U:I /LIICL':Jlll--'llccl-"llr-. i--(~ _," ~ F(cllge 2 \,\.r;,:st cF rh(.; \.'-,lilic.rr:-t='.~t(: ;"it",:c;i-:::Il' 'hE-- __ E- ~ . 0 -,c..',~ .' c.: DI, ,II ..:;E:CliGn 4; I G\'.T,ship J.8 South '//e.::( 19:.i,q:: Teet, th.~!Ice :',J'~~~I; j :~0,:;;'r,~,:\ ~~I~:~c ~S~._~;;,-S~.~I~ i:::eti lhE.fK"i? South 150.75 fe~t: thei.ce ' ._, _,_l l'.J lll...: :'Ollll ,(.JI 01::9111111119,11;"1 Lall,S: COlJl:ty, DiegOll, EXHIBIT C Page 1 of 1 (ene',