HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 11/16/2005 ... ~.~ -., ..' City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street ; Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Application;'Type II 'Y': . ,. i Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: Subdivision Replat Tentative: . D Partition Replat Tentative: D . . Applicant Name: h~ \L..c-c.h-\c. Phone: Company: u. I Fax:' ~~'~'~~~'~':;""'....n....... .. ..........:.~3;.~.~........~..~.....~.~.~~....~,..c;,.f~.~~i~'!-,...e~....);:::.......... Applicant's Rep.: I. .M.ll....\J~lA. i,L'(vJ:.~ - - Phone: b ~G:.- 'I ~II Company: I. .\L'l:~"'~ avyL f\.,.<;"'c.~ci:e..~ Fax:. ." LlQ4 -1b~ I .1 . Address:'- I 1SL\' ~"'II\~w. L..C><>Y.' ~j~ 0<<- "~ol 1 ;~:;~;~~~~~~;:I '. b ~1L~~J~-6 . . 'n':.' n ~~one:' ~'7~ ~ 'J.~ ~ ~1 . Company:-' 1 Fax:"'" I Address: ,. ,Xl.cq~ N. '~~.."l..~.tt. '51l,,~i;-M (){L ~1\{71 I . ........ ::::::::::;::;:; .....,.... .;;:;;::;:;;:;:;::::;::::::::::::::::::::;;:::::::::;::::::::;::;:::::::::::;I;:;::::::1:::::-:::\j:::::::::::I;::::::;;::::::::;;::;:::::;::;:;::::::;::;: ............ ASSESSOR'S MAP.NO:', U<-:-o). -D b:-Y;)... . TAX LOT NO(S): .:H.c.::. PropertY Address:-. L...-.t..\ ..~~ Size of Pr6perfv~"+-' I. '30 .. . Acres gJ. Square .Feet 0 .rr~.~c>,7".~.~..N~T~..~r~.~.~~.i~i.~i~I:'~nn..~!"!............n. u....n............ ............................ ............. ............ "", Description of to '~J..;~-..k.. ..r>c.:. t~:"'\ '. lo-t ~"'~ ? . l~....l b",~\6...JDk.. lo-t;. Proposal: ~ , .. Exis~i1;g lJse:'~ -- . Vah.:.'vd-:' I # of Lots/Parcels: 3. Avg. Lot/parcelslze:"lR q~S- sf Density: ~. '?:> du/acre : .......................................... .. ............................................................................."7........................................................... ........................... _i~~C~' Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: . City Limits 0 Associated Applications: ,.....................................................,........... .............................................. ...................... ,..........................................................................,.............................................. ...................................... ................................... ........................................... Pre-Submittal. .. Case No.: rYe 2P:J:).;..-tfJ:f=J~ .. ~ .~..... Overlay District: . Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary. tJ ..........,\. . '. - .~ . .... Case No.: . "...J.... Application Fee: _. ............. ... .............. ..................... ................. ................ ................................. .......... .... .... ........ .............................. ... - . .. Reviewed bY:.1 . Dat~:: Ii! I '" /6', .(initials),~.~.....1:il.rG-. . . ,. -. Reviewed by: . Date: (initials) .... ... ... ......... ... .... .......... ...... ....P()sta~~.Fe~:... . ... ... ...... .... .... ..!()~~ I.~~~:..'....... ...... .....................1 ~ 11!-Z.Ji / O~ / 0'. 6U AM l ) ,,' ,St~.Dsjn the Process: , -".">.' < 1. .The A!l!lli~ant S",l?ll1its a Pre-Submittal Meetin~~!l!llication ., r .,~...... ,.... _ . The pre-Submittal Appli,c.atiol),is mandatory but th~re is n~. adqitional review fee for this, service. The submittal package. must. conform to the application completeness checklist 'attached to this form, 'You are required to 'submi~ 7"copies'ofthe s!lbmittalreCjuirements' packet for pre:subr.nJttill rE!Vr~W, ~.er:e-subiDit:i;al D1~~tings .will!?~ cQl)dl,!c;ted' every 1uesday. . and Friday between 10:00 am,and,noon. We will strive. to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting ., 'within fiveto'seven'working days of receiving the application,' " -' --'- ~..~.~. ~"".."" ,...,., ,., ~ ,.,..-..... ,""_."<"~'1 .. 2. Applicant and the qty conctl;lct the.Pre-~",bmi!tal Meeting" , ." .'-".',.. ,-~-,.w;-,,,,,,..,,,,~,.", ... ........ y.. ..,. ".1 , We strongly e.ncourage you, the. 9wner ,and designJeam to atteQd, th.~, Pre-Submittal meeting, The meeting will, be.held with, representatives from. PublicWorks. Engineering and ' , Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire MarshaU's office, and the Planning Divisiol'],: ,!he niee.ting)vill~be,sche9uled fo(30 to' 6Q mif)u,"es.ThEfPlanl'\er will provide you : ,.witha, Pre~SubmittaLChecklist,at the.end of the meeting.,specifying the items required to. make the application complete-iht isn't already complete: '-You will then' haVe 180 days to , ,'ri1ake:th~, aPiili~~~iori c;oi:i:Jplete):if'submiftal..ahd acceptan,ce'by ,the City. " . " ,..- -'""~. . '~k~' "._- .,.,.. ~'.._~ .'''- .. -,... , ~ ~ -'~' .' ,. ,..~ " " ,}" ~PP'lican1.~"'~!'!.i!s. i:I. C9n1I!!e!.e.~ppli~atton, ", '. I , , When }:OU haye addre,ssed,a.II'onfie iteiD,s.~q!1 the Pre-Submittal (:hecklist, please submit 18 , copies ofthe completeapplication.to the, City, A,fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendaneview'period'will'begin;' When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to th:e applifant/owrler/design tear]1 for their. revi~w::. A'tthe applicant's request, the pJanner-,wilLschedule. a.meeting to review the draft with. ' appropriate staff if certain'issues'need resolution 'before thefinal'land use decision is issued:' . . ..'~' ~ ~ ~ - . . ~ ~._ . -' . u ., ._ '_.. ...~ ,,,... .....~_ .. . . . ".. , Owner~s,$ignatur~ ;.." ') J!1i~,apRlic;:a.t[Q.rt W11.!J1e \Jsed fi>r.b9th_~hE:L~equired.er~-~\Jbmittaf Meeting and subsequent , complete,application submittal.. OwneFs signatures are required at both stages in the application , process, An applicationwittiout'the'Owner's signature will not be'accepted;~ " . '. ." ''-'-.' -:::',~-.:.'~'.."-:..:~~~:...~-' ",.._ ,"". ,...- '.;...'" '''~.'' ,-...."".-.-. '-'.. ., . -q.<,.,,,' t--..,.--, , ,'" . ': caseNu'l11bElf::f(j~-'~~-~, DateSlibmitted:'"II.IIG./O( .. -~":'..~,,-...' ~~:'\.~:~'~_~~$.;,a, ~ . _. ~..."..., _ ,'. ,..!-_ _. - The U!1gersigne,d acknowleggE;l!>'i:l:1ltt ~he i!1form!l~i<>.n itLthjLappl).<;atio,'1 j~.wr[~ct,a.n_c! accurate for' ., :C:::~:li~re-s~.~~~~al: ~..' . ---:':.,' '- " '. - ~~~~:- "" "E?-'~' c- c ~ 0 ~ Signature '.' ~ .. ,-, '.' ..... ,-.~:, "" ..... ~ .... "." '1 ..... .fJ::~,~. &'7[/5 " .,' " .. , . " 0.+:':" Case~N':"'m'b;r:~-:-- -:- ,'. ". ,_, .! r.!'lp'r~,!l.~Dtth!s J:lp.PI iC,atjon,t9.!?~ ,cgn:!pJete f9r, s,u !:>rntttaJ.to t,he. CitLC:()I]~jstE:!nt .v.vjththe" . , --completenesscheck performed on this application atthe Pre"Submittal. Meeting"r.affirm the,,, , ~' 'information'identifiedby' the'City'asilecessary fOr'processing'the'application is' provided' herein ,~ -'~'''"'r' . '0_. ,+ '_', ..,,,,"~.-'- ,..........._-~.~..,.._~.f/....,..,.;t " .... '..~.. r .._ ,..~ ," -. .... " .- j. .....- -...-,. . .._or,th.~ .inforIT'1l.ti(jn .V>{i1I.I1Q.tbEtprgvid~d.i(!1ot. gtJ.lef.Wise. c()l]tCl.in~.cUvith.in. ~h~ sublT)ittal, and the . ., City. may begin processing the application with the information as, submitted.. ,This statement serves'as Yfritten"notice pursuantto.the requirements ofORS 227,178 pertaining to a complete aplication.... --~,<,. d' . "---'..--" --" " t.-.. 'C. . P .~. v~,... "','....., .' . ., . _. -. ~ .' :1' ~ . " Own~r,: . . .signature _.... ,._~, ,~ ", '" , Date: '. ~... ....... ,..J:,.~_ ~.~.,. .- .... '" I. _ " .-,..i'.. ".* -,~.,~ .;~'1 . Print ,......".. ;.,' ',_.., ,. - ~""",'- .,'" . ..~,... .,..,. ...... . -. ~.......,."",..... -...,rt " I 't Land Division Submittal Requirements Checklist *If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to . . - ... ' . this form. 1. { Sc.:> ~ (2. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula, A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department, The application fee and current postage fee is collected at the time of complete application submittal. Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances, If the applicant is not the / property owner, written permission from the property owner is required, V3. One additional copy of the Land Division Plan reduced to Sy,."x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet, pIp.- 4. ~. rJ Ifr6. / Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has frontage on at) Oregon Department of Transportationl0DOT) facility, \\'u- f..,......~ d-".... ",,'"t' h..;.<. ~~ 6'" "'^ o~'\~\~, , Stormwater Management System Study-four copies of t'he study with the completed I Stormwater Scoping Sheet attached, The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. ' . ' Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC Section 32,020(1)(c), Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and " evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system, In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems, A TIA must also address, if needed, City, metro plan an~~ta!e lane! l\se and tran,sportatiolJ, pol~es and-objectives. ~;~ f#X' . t' I~" "\)/ \ lIo-t ';)~ '-' ":>.. ~....*;'-"'- -Irc,dl,-';-L , Seven copies of the following plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeting OR Eighteen copies ofthe following plan sets for Complete Application Submittal All of the folloWing plans must include the scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation, All plan sets must be folded to 8Y,' by 11" and bound by rubber bands for submittal. . a. Site Asse,ssment of Existing Conditions I2SL Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer ,ta Vicinity Map , ' '55T The name, location 'and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cOuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed GQ Required setbacks to the proposed new property lines for existing structures to remain on site 9 The naine, location, dimensions, direction of flow "fnd top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department " " 171 The 100-year floodplain and flood way boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate f\1aps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ~ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Article 17 of the Springfield Development Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department [1l. Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings" . Q9 Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Tentative Land Division Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 sg Location of all existing and proposed easements lEl Dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale ~ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting " !f5J. Location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division ' ipl. Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities ~ Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails ' ~ Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip ~ Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points Phased- Development Plan required if redivision is proposed. The plan must include the boundaries and sequencing of each proposed redivision, Any redivision must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements, c. Grading and Paving Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Civil Engineer'. . ' ~ Planting plan prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system ' 1&1 Roof drainage pattems and discharge locations, ' 8 Pervious and impervious area drainage pattems ct:l The size and location of storm water management systems components, including but' not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained rn Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intenials) , 1jQ Amount of proposed cut and fill " ' . 8. Additional materials that may be required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR THE PRE-APPLICATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 31.030: [] Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any HomE'!owner's Association Agreement [] Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC Section 16.100(3) [] Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality' Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top , of bank of any direct' tributaries of WQLW [I A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present ~ [! Where the development area is within an overlay district applicable, address the ~ additional standards of the overlay district , ," ~ [I If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in' .1 SDC Article 38 ' [' J A wetland delineation approved by the Oreaon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a w.rtland on the property [J Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review [J Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted with the land use application LJ Where applicable, any Discretionary Use, Variance or Modification of Provisions as specified in SDC Article 10 or 11 . 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~:5~1-726-3759 Phone 8~~'~I!-I~,~,~,!!:~,_, ---0 ~,' ~. a_ i ....,-- .", ,City of Springfield Official Receipt evelopment Services Department Public Works Department , RECEIPT #: 3200500000000000648 Date: 11/16/2005 2:12:45PM Job/Journal Number 'PRE2005-00075 i , P,ayments: . Tfpe of Payment Check . Description CTY Partition Tentative Plan Paid By DUANE A KNIGHTS Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 500,00 $500,00 Amount Paid tj 5992 In Person Payment Total: $500,00 $500,00 , ;1 ~ ! ! r J ~ "fl. ~ ;~ I , I r , I ~ "" ? \; " :' ~. '< r 1111612005 Page I of 1 0, . . LANE 'CC" 'NTY .N ~~tJ.9?'. "'J,94' ~ )2 ~ AC SCALE 1" = 100' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ! " '18-02-0~:42 T~~OO . ~ ;: e,cg~ J (:;\ ~'\\' ~cg ~ ~ 1(g 0 1 ~<@<@. J ""~<@. - ---_(ill~ Ou ~ . @~ ~ :p'C 7Q'7' ()~, - ~ ~REET. "l>~ : ~ . Sl"3 ~ ~" ~ ~ ~e,\r> 70.,.: ''C - 4a5"'~"~ - -.J: ~ e" -~ m o ~ ~ : 7~97' @., 'I-.'N,,;:- ~'b 't iu " ("J ~ :~): '497- ,";g) 3.'~~ I ~C1> E ~ 1800 ~ 1700 ,~ ~ ~ 7~.,. .., PAR "~ % % ~ ~f~ 1600... ~~. 6774' ~S 2 3: oj ~ i!:....~... 1400 - ~ 70'.>j as' '""""'ao" : - .., "1500 .. :,:....., '" e,if!-. 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S8{J.U '2ll.C 200 - 'e4.71' 0.38 AC :> 1u "' ~ 1: 70.97' ... ~ <ri ~ 2600 : 1.33 AGo .... ~ ;., '" ~ .% (~'8> ..... SITE S70-OO'\J 2967' 'NB4"O( Je.8i: w 0_ a ~ , 0 ;:; -=' gri ~ z $.30749 b o M :,. M '" !: b o o ~ o. 7r3fff.'JJ E- N o' 92..6... J ""-66' J ~, Nao"22,,", I ~ I" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ? z (~ ~ 92' . , {\ ~~40' '-,,, _ I '~2'\( - 231 . ~ 700' ~ 5,17 AC ' ~ ~ ~ ~ VI ~ ~ " !: 1'. Ii :17"3f'.' ,f. -tI.;.~7'~(\ "- '~~2..> ' :ciJ .~ :cri :~ !' 503 5.44 AC ~J SH9"S'l''.' - 117.83' i S8'9"S9'\i - 124.75' w ;, in o % ( , i ) , , ! , , , NORTH"j' SCALE 1"=80' TEUTATIVE PARTITION APPLICAI /TI SURVEYlJRl Z1JNINGt LDCA TIDNI UTILITIE$I DAm I: i' ~:J' I: ~ I -I . I ", ,--- i hill" ii' ,- I ! ! I ! I i -.... _: -___ ~ I ....~ ---.) DUANE KNIGlfTS 2258 N. 33RD STREET SP~EL~ OR 97477 KRUSH AND ASSOCIATES 54 CENTENNIAL LIltJP EUGENE. OR 97401 <541.> 686-9211 LDR 18-Q2-Q6-4all<!6OO PIrWER = s.uJl. VATER " S.lJ.ll. SE'JER " SEPTIC PHONE = Q\v'EST GAS " NV HATURAl. NtlVf:MBER 1. 200:; , .. m:...,... ""'"' PROFESSIONAL UNO SURVEYOR OREGON .MX '... ,m t.lARVlN S. KRUSH ... 1643 ~ EXP. JUNE 30. 2007 ,- SEWAGE- DISPOSAL SITE 'EVALUATION I) S,L#-,\ - TRS, TL. I rt - 0 L - 0 6 - '--I z. ,cz 600 Subdivision: Lot Block APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS OWNERS'S NAME AND ADDRESS /)h r I;'.l I , ,?TflUCTURi:S .r'lOW O~ IH,E PROPERJY r ,:/ ,'.. ..I herebycertify,that th~ above statements are,i~e and aci:urate, ari'd.ihat I have ihe following legal interest in the property owner of record; contract purchaser:_ potential buyer; realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the ownerll am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this act"" I. TEST HOLES READY c..! ~-~\:,(-::. 'II " / \t lv,' /'i);/ Signatur,( -'~~\ ~ _ Date '<..' ,: '- * '* * . * '* '* * * '* * '* '* '* '* '* .:* * * * '* * * '* '* * '* . '* '* * . '" '* '* OFFICE USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE '* * * '* ", ." \ '* .. * * * '* * '* * * '* * * '* '* '* '* .., '* '* * * '* '* * * . t.:">\/f-l- iL?",_ WATERSUPPLY :. 'let. C Jy CtlS ~ y -:s""....S -:s 711 s- ..r I'), "'--.[ l" ", -I- ;<0, Il/ ,..,.--,<; L,,, -I- /-1,1/ 17i1~e 7'-17 - c7'(. .. - -U" , 0P'IJ;~ >1907 <:",,(~-f- C,,',,'(. l-in...J'",",i-o'JI\ ~111. 1~'Phone non -<... PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY /+ C III ( Job Location Written Directions , r" (- f) ,. J- n t- 1..- (., ' ! .,' ( -::sI>.~ R~ -<<, J'"~,v I A ,,{::_ - (:...: \)':1\ /tu'C 4-.0 L""JKe..I::-')o.A~(\ fYTl ..- \,;;/, ,~.t L.~ THIS REPORT IS NOT A PERMIT FOR SEWAGE SYSTEM INSTALLATION i , I I The area described on the a'1a~hed plot plan dated .. 'I " ' ___ ' ,J i__ I (( t.__ -" ,1 ~'. /> -- .."./1 is , , ':;/./""/"'I'~' /' ,.::,' ( : . . "': '. " ( - fora " , system, ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: I}y / / . //;r:~< -/' " -' , .! . --- -- :.- 1 -- / 1 S-/ S C/o . /1 f;-:{; t. {r::: /r /.~-I-ev- '. /! ...lJ"/"._.~' , - , - 1',. ~~ NOTE: If this report approves of a sand filter or pressurized distribution system. detailed construction design plans will be required with the installation permit application, ..-,r ;-:._.J.. . ( ! / , . -,: . .-./~,,..., ~ ,- / ....../;.. * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WARNING: ~ This Site Evaluation is a technical report to determine if a on.site * system will function properly, It does not approve the proposed use of * the parcel. This Site Evaluation may be converted to a construction * permit only if the parcel and use meet land use regulations in effect at ~ the time of application, YOU ARE URGED TO CONTACT YOUR LOCAL * PLANNING OFFICE FOR LAND USE REVIEW, ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * ~ THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT, ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON 1HIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED. SEE REVERSE SIDE, ~ ," " x f DEQ AUTHORIZED AGENT bATE LANE COUNTY LAND MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8T AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (682-3754) CS5-32 PLOT PLAN S , . Use this she OWNER NAME: D\~:I'.C1 ~ ~ ~ OWNER PHONE:#: OWNER ADDRESS: I ~ -1-1 qOi~. ,c,p~.:...J...L -I=tn~/~~LlKJ /y!O Qli4a Map and T~lot #: ~-Od-O'=> -'-I'd J'l. (;}b(t) III ='/,;'\,0"\' Scale: '^'" ~ - l=:Jt}' ~ ij!~ I~ art:--- I ~P. , J. ' -- ~ 'Ccj' "'0 L .-- I " W ~ 14 ' ~ ' J ~ ~ --~ L G."I'1O~ Aoe. ,..76 ---4 Q) ~ ~ ~I - ,~ . ~L,- ~ ---- --'- "\ .. ~h' ~@ -r~ <<O'eo :c'cA ~~ 05~qo10 ""'. SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLOT PLAN APPROVED . A permit is r"",lred '~ATrlOr t~l"}tdtS':, BY · .. '. ~ B:NVIRONM&:N H BI!'RYICIfll 12 T 8TH AVENUE .5 E~'~~7~70;?5 , " 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484,9080' FAX (541) 484-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON '-877,66',9959 November 7, 2005 STRUCTURAL BUilDING DESIGN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT' PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION " MORTIER ,ENGINEERING, P.c. Duane Knights 2258 N, 33m St. Springfield, OR 97477 RE: TM&L 18-02-06-42 #2600, Corner of Laurel Ave and Garden Ave; Stormwater Management System Study, WO#I 7188-TJM As requested, a Stormwater Management System Study has been performed at the above noted address for the proposed unnamed tentative partition, The soil at this site is 25 Chapman according to "The Soil Survey of Lane County Area, Oregon"; issued Sept. 1987, Chapman has a surface percolation rate of 0,6-2 in/hr at typical drywell depths, The winter high water table in this area is estimated to be 8 ft based on records from the Oregon Water Resources Department web site, The groundwater travel time at this site is 2-5 years, There are no special site features on this site and it is not in the 100 year flood plain, There is no planned fill or' excavation for this site, ,Minor fill and excavation will occur at a future time during construction of future single family dweUings, The current plans for this site include construction of asingIe family dwelling on parcel I to be commenced within the next yel!!, After the lot partition a single family dwelling is proposed for each of parcels 2 and 3, although this may not occur for 2 to 3 years after completion of the SFD on parcel 1. Parcel 3 has two sheds which currently have no overhangs or gutters and sheet drain stormwater to the yard, At this time no changes to the stormwater drainage of the sheds is proposed. Drywells are proposed as the destiniltion for stormwater from the,future single family dwellings, Each residence will have an on-site drywell and the stormwater from each' parcel will remain on the individual parcel. If a new gravel driveway is installed to provide access to parcels 2 and 3, the stormwater will percolate directly into the ground, Alternatively, if a new paved driveway-is installed it will be sloped to drain into a storage swale which will hold the water until it percolates into the soil, Please see the attached calculations showing that a storage swale can be contained in the access easement for the small volumes anticipated with this development. The driveway and swale design will be determined once plans for construction on parcels 2 and 3 are initiated, Thank you for this opportunity, to be of service, If you have questions regarding this report, please contact me at 484-9080, Sincerely, 116 10/31/2005 16: 41 ,FAX 541 736 1021 CITY'OF'SPRINGFIELD PW 141002 Oct-23-05 oa,37A,Mortier Eng & Building 0.' <b.~)4B4-6859 P.02' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Eng1116fJIfng OM$Ion .".,.....'. Phone, (U1) nt;.:J753 hx: (141) 736-1021 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK Cd"'" /jaw /lib 1iMjU1d ,,,n by A,pII~-9 (J'/aJeretunl toMiJ/tSkwMr@atyofSprtltgjWdl'ublk!Wora&tgtM<I1rIg;Fta# 731MO!l, PhOM# 736-l0!JS). , . , eNzlL~1PriRK/Wd.ur,ra ProJ.eetName: Iteant: ~IJO A8seIIonPan:el .l1-111.-/JI;-\f"1. "Ju.an Date: .Jil.al/O~ LaDdUse(I): J..f}/\ Phollll#: ~-}a.( i'roJectSbe(Acrea): U.1 'Full: 1f-'t!f-~r5q AJlPl'llLI"".", ,JonA.rell: 7q:2n ,!'T'" F.mIlIk' tq,M;~""A..tl",....n'1ih~p....:'1.1' ""'" ProJIld DeKrlptloll (lncIude a copy of ~r's map): OlvtOE, TAXwrl ""''-600 flJTO :3 i-ot'.5. IT IS .ANT/C/PATW THAT MOl LoT AT SdMi< F([flA.Rt:: TIME=. WII..L. COUTAltJ A. 5tNr;/..J2 FA~IL-I( OW~IVG' (.sc/i ATTACH-e-(J AS$.S5()f{'5 MAl' AlID TE:lITI\rJve fflRTlTtllN n.'MJ) . \, DI'lIIDa&e PropOllll (Public coonectiOD(s), disclwge locatiOD(s), e1I;. A1lach additiolllll sbee((s) Jfaeceawy: WH8J FILTlLRE SFO Af\~ BUII-T) THEY IVII-L- ~IJIJEcr Tb dlJSrrf DA.YW~u.5. I. .'~ '..: Pro~ R~,~ oji.~..~!oI,ter'lIMt Manasremebt PJ"lldk,Jl,~ NQ~f;;: AT Tl/15 TIME I. {Ana ht!1liYw ilIii 1JU 1iIlsl.,,,r IN tA~ Cftu".4 i1~_M m tlteAmHltlurtJ (,u" _, <JIl """"' c/leIIIr1I4 by tfls O/J! "" rkjtQ/IJ t11i4 b<Jctqfdllo,dJ<M.1u1lJ "" IlII!nrlIIId ..... _l1t>2_ to "" ~ far""""""'l. altiJowlh D"",,~.....IJe-..rv.) I "",I..",,. StHiW 1'\Ipea<lPM.SeetlIIn4.03.2\LiNo!e. UH mllvJ!upbstituted for Raliorud Miiiho.n' Ii Sma1I Site Study - (u.e ilIlllanal Metbod in' cak:ols!iODl) ';' .. 3 Mid.r.e.:elDeveloJ)lllCll.tStudy -.(- Um'HydlllgrllpH'.dibrcalO'lJlatiolls) , Fun .llrllinllF De.VOIopment study - (w. Unit Hydrograpb MelbDd tot calculat.i....) 1,,-"-,,". .1lI.u;u,tdePallons: , IWcllhcradZcme: -fit L-~ ~ WetllIIldIRiparian: -41- II J~ ' Soil Type: ~'- ~/\ \A.~"M- ~1IlrWn Anlllvil.: 0+ II NJA " " o FIowlilUl for IlW'IiDgwater llUl'fllCl\ elevation: o Dc&ign HGL 10 \I$: for SIlIltiDg water sur:fiwe elevatioD: . 0 ManholelJWlClioD 10 take lID81ysiB to: ID Hillside Development: D F1oodwaylFloodplain: I'B Other JurisdidiOllll ,/!A - "~.' 'Refum III Md SIoUder@ CIty of SprlngfteJd,8frllrll: ~cJ,_Ot;Q/rLor.us FAX:'(541) 731).1021 10/31/2005 16:42 FAX 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW @003 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS r F",OllicialU",OnIy: MI:ls * Based upon the information provided on the frOnl of this sheel, the following represents 0 minimlD7l of whol is MedEdfor an application to be completefor submittal with respeel to drainage; hawever, this list should 7/Ot be used in lieu of the Springfield Developmenl Code (SDC) or the CiIy's Engineering Design Mamud, Compliance with these requirements does not constihde sf/. approval; Addiliona/ site specific infOl'm<t1ion may be r',!"ired No/e: Upon scoping sheet submittal. etl$U/'e completedform lias been signed in the spac. providEd below: ' Interim Design Staodards/Water Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) , -~~ . , " '" o 8 All nOD-building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaees shall be pre-treated, (e,g, ll1ulJi-chambemd calchbasin wloiI filtration media) for stormwater quality, Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious sllrlilce shall be treated by vegemted methods, , ' ~ Where required;vegetative stormwater desigo shall be consistenJ with interim desigo standards (EDSPM Section 3,02), set forth by the Bureau of Environmenlll1 Services (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS), WFor new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplifieddesigo approach maybe foDowed as spr:ci1ied by the BES for vege11llive treatment. ifIfa stormwatertrealment swale is proposed, submit c.lculationslspecifi~ for si:i:ing, velocity, tlow, side slopes, bottom slope, lIOd seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requireme:nts, , 8}Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3,03,1 of the EDSPM ~ All building tooftop mounted equipment, or other tluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shaU be provided with secondary containment or welllher resistimt ""closure, o o o o o General Study Requiremeots (EDSPM Settiou 4.03) iB 0 Drainage study prepared by . Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the sIllte of Oregon. o m A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4,03.1, including a hydrological study map, ~ 0 Calculations showing system capacity for a 2-year storm ev""t and overflow effects of. 25.year storm event. o ~ The time of cW"~';;on (Tc) shall be detsnnined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins, Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4,C) , ' , o [j}A downstream drainage tmalysis as descnbed in EDSPM SeCtion 4.03.4.C On-site dnii.oage shaU be govemed by the ' Oregon Plnmbing Specialty Code (OPSC), , o ~ Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systenl$ where applicable, Design oCStorm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) , fi.I 0 Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set. o $MJninnnn pipe cover sball be 18 incbes for reinforred pipe and 36 ioclJes for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engmeering calculations sball be provided when less, The cover shall be sufficient to snpporl an 80,000 1b load without failure of the pipe s1rUcture, o ' ~'s"'n" values furpipcs shaU be cousiStentwith Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All storinpipes shaU be designed to achieve a minimum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 0,5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 lIS weD. . QtberlMise ~ 0 :Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot inlervaL Ioclude spot elevations aDd site grades showing how site drains .Iif1 0 Private stormwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when pnVlllestormwater f1, OWS from one' r' 7" .--J. to another iii .' 0 Drywells shall not receive ronoffftom any surface wlo being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential bwlding roolS (EDSP Section 3.03.4.A), Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to the website: www.dei1.!llate.or.uslwo/l>l.<lIIOdwalllichome.hcm for more information.. o ~etention ponds shall be designed to ijmit nmoffto p~e-&velopment rates for the 2 througjJ 25-year storm eve:nts 'This form shaD be included as an altlJChmmt, i1Iside the ftolll cover, of 1M slOrlnwatu stwIy L ~ iMPORTANT: ENGINEER pLEAsE READ BELOW AND SIGN! I As tbe engin.... ofrccord, I hereby certifY the above required items are complete and iOcluded with the submitted stormwater study and plan set s~U.~~ate/t/{l/r: jI . FOlDl Version 2: Marcb 2004 f'.. . CALCULATIONS CLIENT I< ~I 1(",1--1 T. ') SHEET NO, C 1 CALCULATED BY ITA/I , STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT ..PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ~ CHECKED BY DATE W,O,. 17 1'))7; I;XI5TIN(7 If/lf'~RVIOU.S ,STOf!,,fIIiWATE{\ OI\/tI!IlAGE 8MAI.--L. SITE: RATIOIJAL Mi=THOiJ &. co CIA 1. Yf'- STOR.M) 10 MIf\J, DURAT10tJ, AssUME ItvsTA/0TAIJW{,(5 TIME OF CONCEt\JTRATIOfj: I-=I,If,;nlhr- C=O,qS 1J"IOV'li~ PARrE:.L .i. fAVr;::O Ofl../VEWI'W E~TI\.ANCE OFF LAbLRE,l.- AVE: A ~ 37-1't'l- ~ -= 0,00/ cfs "f = erA 0 ~ 0, 68ft" FARCE:l 'L FOf'.TIOf\} OP' cOIJc/UTE OR.iVfWAY To Ttl[ SOUTi'i WlllcH IS ON fP,dPE(\TY; kflo1ft" cQ ~ O,O~'cfs , T = 2..1. fr3 PA~e[L ? COIJCI\, ,PRIVE OrJ .Pf\CJPEf(TY: 5ffEr:! I SHED L CO J\J cl'\., 8LOCf(j A ~ 630 fj'Z- A = 360pjL A = Q70 W A ~ , "/0 w- A := 2..050 it"- rx = 0, 06 c-'fs V= 3'6' ft> 1245 PEARL ST, . EUGENE, OREGON 974Cl1 TEL: (541) 484:9080 J:~, .' CALCULATIONS CLIENT k ~110H T5 SHEET NO, (; 1- CALCULATED BY Td~~ OF (; DATE 1012))/05 STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CHECKED BY W,O.# /7/7:'h DATE .- lRI)f'DSI:::D IMf'EIW/OUS STORMwATER. DRAIN A G,.t., , OfJ L Y PMD=.;,L t IS 5cHt.DU.LE/J FJFz. {JEVEL{)ffvlEMI DESIGN MEA = 2.6if-O ft~ PEJZ CITY OE=51(;1V5TItNVt1IX.~S SSCT; '/-, II , ,q =-(0,%)(1, 4- ;"V1.6LI-OffZ)(Ht)(..LhL-).: 0, og cf<; \ hr ) ILl" 36iJOs WJTE EVErJ AFTEr\. ALL .3 Pltf!..Cf,LS ~ ~ 3CO,(J'[)c-Ps)C O,llfds .c 0,5cfs ARE '(JEVELrJfff) :. ,O,K, .IJRYWEU FOR. DSSI&/J AREA: Ac~ 16q-O'N1, ~vea. ,fr'HlOH) f =-0, 6iri/k{;n fill'viA-ho>1 rdh, ') Vr:cc 0,3 CVo;ol rAi:ol Qc,0,1S;", D~'+fr w ' {r~v,o{f an:d;",r {'"d; CO, 2.5 1',,;,,)) (d~f1h oi' VJeI!1 . Arc&\. of O:rcl! '" Ac (~_\ = 'f6 IT 2. V r x Ow Let \fV=0lT ~ = 10ft o ""\lfJ OOVJV\ 1';(\1 e..Ts = A c x Jls:... (12."'\ _ /1.. f- ) c:. (1..U 2'o/) OW TENTATIVE DfZ'(WE':.LL 51ZE = IO/xS/"V DEEP" :. THIS ISA f\EA50NM3LE SIZE TO PIT OIJ /.' 5T/1HIJAfI.,.f) sr(J l--oT. wi ')./ COVEd!..) SOTTolVI o'p DRI{WELL WiLl.... BE t,,, 8EUJ!}J 6f!.,1'IJE' . ACCOi\UlhJ& TO iHE, DR~(",ON \;\JAm RESOUF,CES OE:P/li~:rMt!JT " ';\/E!_1. ~I)(,.. W&S.5ITf. j A WELL tHU.i,L"UJ @ NEAi~J)'( .T703 GM~uEIJ .i!iIC "I,! AiU:,fl .~-r .., ,Y,)I) ,<;;.J,u"!/i/CI1 'r~ff W/rITf,Ki "'-,i /is'l r ,16"< ni:.i,,'L," C'f!,It:,iti'f.'l:(I!.j::' ~\j ... .",. """".,. ',"' .........._ _ __". l.-;.,r.; .. - . ':~,."~"-' ,. l'""~.....il -., .'('-' , ("'_''.. t:? !liJIiJTEI'. , WI1TER.T!\BLE WILL SE HIG,HEt\) iT /,5 /5Sli!iiC;1) THE v/ilnD\ 'lfll\rEf:. T>t.~:'Lr /5 '(/ r)Ef:~ -rUG 15 1/" ~~O~~!/E8 "Tf-I/i-/\) .T;~rE~ e077"/Jti; t, I HP,' <' 'l 'f Hf<. ~-(1 OJ 1(, Of' TN i;' i)l:'/i",'Ei! .f\.;1"l 'f' ,,,,,,","., OAJCE ACTUAL ,H{)iA.SE. /J!i!1LIJSlckjj,,~:.~:):1VOifjlJ\ !JfiYi,VELL W!L!_ 8L:; ..' ...I 51 :Zf:)) f~{!i\ /t.C'i\t/\L /\.REf\/ p;PE' S.tZ..{~j /1/.).(: 5LoPL: V/ii-L .ALSO BE' (]t:. -'-E' ,,. ^ HJ "" - I. 'r. l~ hi j, I" I i . ..j '': .", ('. la-ill:' tf( 7Ii/~T ~-I' i\ I- f I'I!;."::, 1245 PEARL ST, . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484-9080 CLIENT I<AIIGHT <, C"1, CALCULATED. BY TUU! OF ({ DATE j(J/'2.X' //) 5 CALCULATIONS SHEET NO. STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECl10N CHECKED BY DATE W.O., nl't?5 ,,SI/I/AlE OESI(~tJ -/J'fUi::'.S TO F!.I.TW'i..r Assi,lME 11./ W!OE uf~!VL D,(,A II.! i!<!c, t(" Ar, ~;c +3,3 'PI" , 11;,/i'1 LfIJGTH- No {f - 2.S{l (!~w ~)t;\/' OIJ (!/d'(lL 2. AW) 3 - 1)= Ofl-IVE fAVE{J Tei .5 ii/A.LE k mOf;)(' 2. .NhC '2.O-!1Y <2j'3I~:Il' ' , A" ,:: A' OF-. 5iA/J\! i:' nrcr.J ') ~'"l....., .... ,. or ._....... l'<:r-'," l.. S{jt.{((? iil -1\'cYj"f cf 70.l"::![I~):~ it 5 'ft' ... ../ , OM FLfl, roT 8/1 SIS = L:; 0, S'b fr" t.- fJA./ljt: I. "'f' r ' \ ,-,,", , -Vilh, '(I':y'~"~'r-,\2:t"-~c!':'-';.~,.",. , '(-?/'-+:i.'-6l wi // fREE80AYUJ flb9,\p) (J!;:.$/GU sif/f\Lf: ?\~L1WA&LE' A$~(!ft)(()..25N)1(rJ,:Z$I-'1o,sfl; As::: O. 3SW" 5WAL-E wlt:Jnl .~ 6/ "\'< 1: V\Nj.V.... ",/ v '1v/\L~,!,.":. i' "'I '. > to: ~ ~..!) . 2J)/ .A,cU:55 EA.5Ei'v1tiJJT '-t ,') k" II . - I, ~, {Jf{AV,,' f)1~\I!J il/.!1~ '" ^s^" (J.;;,-g:t{!;.I-:hi:,,:;-1k~::li-c-'----' 7. t HR 'f . O.Il'''I;''! ("P( < 1 4- 1.1/:,. -,. Ii' , 'I< I ~ (), .,' :. FE/\50M f\Ii'LES(1../;.Q SWA/..E clllJ &E .ACff!E:V t::{i. P~~JVt.: ANY) A65L1CII1TE:.'{J 5~/AL.E fJO't TO BE.: !3((fLT IJ)}IIL fA(\CE:LS Z AIJD S /IN'::' 'tJE:.lfE:I..N'E.D 1M 5r::VtiP../tt... YEAR J; 1245 PEARL ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484-9080 " ! A I1!t:" ~ ~ .,.~~ ~x~rg~~~~ - t- v 'MAIN OFFICE 1570 MOHAWK BLVD, . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 P,O, BOX 931 . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741,1981 FAX: 5!11.741 ,0619 li~:~f.~ )'I~l;,!~~: ,;;,'lX, ' ":%:1;;'; , .~' I,', ". ~{J~;::../.1. ,-Mi-\' .:'" . ,', /' ~. ':'J:(: t '~ BRANCH OFFICE 1509 WILLAMETTE ST, . EUGENE, OR 97401 P,O, BOX 10211' EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541,687,9794 FAX: 541.687,0924 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT i' November 16,2005 ELI -49497 Steve Jokinen 4866 Main ,Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Estimated Premium for: TO COME OWNER'S POLICY Re-Issue Credit Gov't Service Fee TO COME $0,00 $25,00 Dear Steve: TOTAL TO COME ',I':'::F.!~l!,J!~:5?H We are prepared to writ~Tltl,e Insurancecovering the followjng described premises to-wit: SEE ATTACHED Showing fee simpl~jtig,~:\l.(9fNovember 7, 2005, at 8:00 a,m" vested in: .~~ . ."'. :-.~ " DUANE A, KNIGHTS AND SUSAN E, KNIGHTS, . 'husband and ~ife as tenat}i~, by the entirety \.' ,;>, Subject to the usual printed exceptions, and I, Taxes, 'Map No~'Tt8062~d6{42:02600, Code 19-24, Account No, 0564623, 2005-2006, a lien in the amount of $5.33,22, now payable, '\ .' 2, Rights,oftlle public in any portion of said premises Iyingwithin the limits of streets, roads and highways: ' ' ' , 3, Storm Sewer Easement, granted to Lane County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, including the terms and provisions thereof, liy instrumeIi~ Recorde4 July 18, 1975, Reel 751 R, Reception No, '75-29720, Lane County Oregon Records, ';-'~:~.'fif/~j .".... 4, Easements, if any, lying within vacated Garden Avenue, ' . A!,;. I:' I"" ,,~ \vri\:c CONTINUED . ., ;",'~'" ,'.....-.. . . .~. ,-,:. TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES . ESCROW CLOSINGS "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER,MOST" (~ n~ l;.::' ~\1~:' '-':. ~:evergreenlan~title;com ' ? .I . Pl- ~~t.i ','):. . ELT - 49497 Page 2 NOTE: The address ofthe property to be ins~red herein is: 3600 GARDEN A VENUE, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478, NOTE: A JUDGEMENTILIEN/BANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) DUANE A. KNIGHTS AND SUSAN E, KNIGHTS, and as of November 7,2005, none were found, NOTE: Said property lies outside the city limits, therefore, is not subject to city liens, Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE 1:/;/ uJ,Jl~ By: Jeffrey K. Walker Advisory Title,c;)fficer , - '. .~ '.' . .., ,~:; .," . :d '~~: ' ." -' ~ ~ ";, .,,:, NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID, IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE'OF $230,00 WILL BE CHARGED, ' ' <j_~:irt.\~,:, j}:.~\_,~\..<. Ti;~~~~~~';Q'I'/\,:7/;'.";' . ;'/{l <:, ,:.' . .'..... , . \: "r' ~_.. .... ;'.iLE1'~ i /f '- "~' " ' , :. :u;~~~:_ . ) .sUSA,~:"~ - .,- .-_.- ".':--.~ -"~::< / L I~:::";/,"' . , < 'ft}' ii~-;s \)r;t;:,<.~' J J.':if: +v' " ..:;:j:V ,reo TJ.~;_,:r::\_' J'. " f.; ;:~:.f;t:.l' '::1:1~'G:Fii~;i::r . f:,..~~:_i~ I \.!L.. : i( :::-;. " i\r':, , :' ", LF J?or~ }?LE, (OJ} i'~ .II .\'""<- r ..)'.:J ~.' ,J,.," " ,I :,\; ~ '. " '" ~i~' . ". EL T - 49497 Page I of I ' Legal Description 1: Beginning at the Southwest corner of THIRD ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book 65, Page 27, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the South line ofTHIRD ~DDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, South 80018' 21" East 182.35 feet; thence continuing along the said South line North 00' 12' 23" East 49.39 feet; thence continuing along said South line South 790 34' East 141.94 feet to the Southeasterly corner of Lot 2, Block 3, THIRD ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, the True Point of Beginning of the tract hereinafter described; thence continuing along said South line South 790 34' East 283.88 feet to the East Southeast corner of THIRD, ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, said point also being the Southwest corner of FOURTH ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book 68, Page 5, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the South line of said FOURTH ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, South 790 34' East 143.08 feet to the Southeast corner of said FOURTH ADDITION; thence South 00 05' 17" West along the Westerly right-of-way line of Laurel Street 112.10 feet to its intersection with the Northerly right-of-way line of Garden Avenue; thence North 800 24', West 146.64 feet to the Westerly end of said right-of-way; thence South 00 05' 17" West 30.43 feet to a point on the centerline of vacated Garden Avenue; thence North 800 24', Westalong the centerline of said vacated Garden Avenue 279.53 feet to a point bearing South Q~~Nk!tt West 148.77 feet from the True Point of Beginning ofthis description; thence ~oithO~ 12' 23" East 148.77 feet to the True Point of Beginning, being in Section 06-42, Township 1.8 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, . ii ,.,:i \~L{lh'v/I.':;')';: '. . ~,l:t .' 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" ,\1'\0.:1' 1I,";CMclil1~ 11,'~II1I"I~ To \V1.:.!'\~rt1 PI\lllCCr Tille Co, I'U Bn,~ I(J146 Eugel1t'. OR 97440' r Division of Chle' D.p~ly CI.~k ~nn~,nli~~i lanu Counly Deeds and,Reoords 'VVv"V 'v II ""111l1I1111 1111111111111 """ '''1111 $36.00 10 .7l!i39' 2J050L 72';7003003603/141200501:28:15 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=l SLn=4 CASHIER 02 $15.00 $11.00 $10.00 'Ij ,\,\110;;11'1 ~..> <'" , '. ", ' , , After recording return to: First American Title PO Box 10146 Eugene, OR 97401 UnO! 8 change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the Following addresi: Duane A. Knights and Susan E. Knights 2258 33rd Street Springfield, OR 97477 .~:t;~;~\Z; . File No.: 7191,529534 (wkcl Date: Fetirua~;~5,2005~. ..:;E;t_ .~.:. _ _ '_~:'~'_ ',' :,' ;':. ~ ,">' , ' , 'I': .,. ,', .\: ' " :: STATUTORY WARRANTY'DEED'~. ::' .~.; : i,;hLt.:'i;~ Ofilj"'.{:'. ~:: i~' ;; . ," .: l)~..,_.n~.'.. !.lVI''' '~f"__"J..' ..'... Phil Gerwig, G;antor, conveys and, warrants to Duane A. KnlgiiiS 'arid' Susan ij;' Knights, husband . and wlfe,aster;"nts by the entirely, Grantee, the'foll~"iing ~,~~~rl~j'l1aI',P"rol,},~!tV, fi,iee of liens and encumbrances, :except as specifically set forth herein:. :',,' : /; 'i i lH~il It ilfhU!i I : II H: , "J, 1,\1\ ',.' ,. ': ~"" '.' .. :':' /:~:~; 1~~U~'~~}~'J;H)' ,_' j See Legal Desc~igtion attached hereto ~s Exhibit A and by this refere~~7.L0t;or8~~t~gI1;~~~~I~. . -,;. , "~lt,i~::, '. ,J , . . ,jr.\ '" ,'_:", ~ ,.:,; 'This properly is free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT: . ""j,::" I, . : . ,','~, ',: :. ~~t:,',,; , , 1. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements, If any, affectlngtitie, which may appear in the publlt'iecord, Including those shown on any recorded plat or survey. '~!:k.' i i !:" , THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE IDLE TO THE PROPERTY, SHOULD CHECK WITH mE APPROPRIATE dj~, PRCOUNTY PL'ANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY ,APPROVED USES AND TO DffiRMINE ANYcLIMITs ,ON LAWsurrs AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. (,: ' I I i. The true consideratIOI).for"this conveyance Is $130,000.00.- ?95';.i"~;~ ':';:, ., Dated this 4th daY~OfMarch, 2005. , '-'?, ...... 'I. SiAl: (He"'on'ply',~11t1) r~ul",menls,of ORS 93.030) f '~ ..,." '.,'. i 1', " ,t(, . . ~,' . .. ,'". i. . L ~ . ~age 1 of .3 " , ~; , 'r.'~h' , . 't.' ,1 11V', I V, L 1.' ',' J I L ' L ' , '" ~ . APN:OS64623 ~ Phil Gerwig STATE OF . StatutoI)' warranty Deed - ntlnued FII. No" 7191.S29534 (wkc) CatAl' 02/251200S ~~ '-? /:)f/!;9jrirl TEXAS TWANAG. KENT Notary Pubwc, Slile of Tera$ My Commls!lon EXlIirll 3-1.20Q6 .~ :~~~':j~~"',j;;K" , . . :._~'. .. , " ~,. ;"\ \ ; ." '-.--~ . '. \) , ,.~) -., . I: ~:'l' ~,1. .i:1'.' . t'!~i3 !(.~:NT , ~i?t~1 0; "fir., . :::~i';:.~~ If.,': ..'.:<<1-4............,..._ ":'I."~' it. ..;'.' ,"' .2005 ,r . . I i I I I .. I ,. I ,', I I '<1 -t' \ . '. ) )5S. County of U~ TARRANT ) This Instrument was acknowledged before me on this ~ J'\A..:7-vc~ by Phil GelWlg. ~ ~~ /' -- Notary Public fol'-:. _.... I~~'!f My commission expires: '3 - 7 -0 I.. ...." !. Page 2 of 3 .' <' ',' '~,"'~'n~~ ,~,.~., ,., .... """".,.,'''''''''''''',''',,,,,,.,.',.,, 'A ., .,....,,_ '7/ NUV, I b, LOU? Ii: i (r'IVI I~V. j]Q\; r, j .~~~ . --.---~- , . ) /',' '. . " . A?~I: 05646~3 Statutory Warranty O.od . continued Fir. No,: 1191.529534 (wkc) 'O.te: 02{25{200S EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Beginning.at the Southwest corner of THIRD 'ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book' 65, Page2?, Lane COunty Oregon Plat Records; thence along the South line ofTl1IRD ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN, ESTATES, South 60 degrees 16' 21" East 182,35 feet; thence continuing along the said South line North 0 degrees 12' 23" East 49,39 feet; thence continuing along said South line South 79 degrees 34' East 141.94 feet to the Southeasterly corner of Lot 2, Block 3 of said THIRD ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, the 1RUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract hereinafter described;, thence continuing along said South line South 79 degrees 34' East 283,88 feet to the East Southeast corner of THIRD ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, said point also being the Southwest corner of FOURTH ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, as platted and recorded In Book 68, Page 5, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thenCe along the South line of said FOURTH ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, South 79 degrees 34' East 143,08 feet to the Southeast corner of said Fourth Addition; thence South 0 degrees 05' 17" West along the Westerly right-of-way line of Laurel street 112:10 feet.to;itsiilltersectlon with the Northerly right,of.way line of Garden Avenue; thence North BO degrees 24' \N~~fif1~~;f~etto the Westerly end of said right-oF-Way; thence S9~'th 0 degrees 05' 17" West 30.43 f~t:tlJ a, p,omt on,the centerline of vacated Garden Avenu!l; thence t'!orth 80 degrees 24' West along the ce,nterline of said vacated Garden Avenue 279,53 Feet to 13 pOint bearing South 0 degrees 12: 23" West 148i77Jeet,from'the True Point of Beginning of this description; thencef:-lorth 0 degrees 12' 23" East 148,77 feet to theJRlJE POINT OF BEGINNING, being in Section 06-42, Township 18 South, Range 2 West, Wlllame~e Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, ' ..,. ',: :" , ,'I :', i. ;,>li' ; 1, ,~\ ; 1. r _' .:\ ( r ""'.1., ; '~if~~f(~t;i;:til;~': ~:\,~:!:i::"~':i~ . . :'~, ',.,;:~ Page 3 01 3 'I..." , ' , ~;t:".l -:: J