HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 6/12/2006 JUN-12-2006 15:48 P.01/03 SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD WATER DEPARTMENT 202 SOUTH 18TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR. 97477 PHONE (541) 726.2396 FAX (541) 747-7348 I FAX TRANSMITTAL I TO: C:;-~/.;:Z-00 .I1lJd'f' l..,;"" hl-r-J . 7;2.6- 3~J?9 ,- Ao.JJ''- /If.c ~~ 3 DATE: FAX II FROM: Number af Pages (tota]): COMMENTS: JUN-12-2006 15:48 P.02/03 l"!~n ' . t" ..' ,,' , SPRI NGF r E LD U'!, [l.i '['Y [H)^ I{I.J W.\TFr~ SFI:.\'ll'E Cr.'\TI:I~ ~(J~ South 11::lth Street SpriI19fi~ld, OR ?7477.524(1 Tel 541,72&,239b FOIl( 5<11. <17.734B www.c;I)butil.com June 12, 2006 Andy Limbird City of Springficld 225 N. 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Deal' Andy: SUBJECT: l'ARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2006-00033 KNIGHTS 18-02-06-42 TL 2600,3600 Garden Ave Listed below are our comments for the above refnrenced development,proposal: I. The proposed development is currently ou(~idt of an Gstablished water service area. water supply is desired prior to annexation, the SUB Water Division will assist the C developer with a city water service extraterritorial extension application. Approval f] County Boundary Commission is needed in order to serve the area with city water, T Planning Department will be the lead agency in the application proccss. 'public y and the 1m the Lane e City 2, All new water system facilities and modifications to water system facilities both insi, : and adjacent to the proposed development shall be placed in stIcet right-of-way at a locat m and depth of bury that mGels the standards ofthc.SUB Watcr Division, 3. All water facility materials shall be to a standard that must meet SUB Water Divisior specifications. 4. All workmanship shall DC perfuimed to meet or exceed SUB Water Division constru, :ion standards. S. Siz,c ofwatt:rlinc and other facilities, including water'meters~ mustmeetthe needs of le SUB Water Division and the long-range needs of the City. These needs include, but are n' : limited to, meter location and access, sizes of water distribution and transmission lines, pumpinl facilities, and communication lincs: 6. Please ask the developer to contact the SUB Watcr j)ivision for detailed information n the materials and construction standards, dctailcd costs for installing SUB water facilitie, and a schedule of construction. Construction expenses may he reduced with good planninli ofrequired water facilities, good timing offacilities instal1ation, and jointtrench opporlunitics. 7, AU water meters will be placed in public 11ght-of-way ata location identified by [he, 've1oper. Each lot or parcel must have it~ own water serviec. . JUN-12-2005 15:49 P.03/03 Partition Tentative #SUD2006-000J3 3600 Garden Avenue June 9, 2006 Page 2 of2 8. Water service facilities will be installed UPO;1 collection of development charges. De elopment policies and chargcs identified in this letter are subject to change. Actual charges wi] be those in effect at the timc water service is requested. 9, Springfield has several wellhead protection areas. One hundred percent of SpringfieJ I's drinking watcr comes fTum wells. In every instanc:e, care shall bc taken to prevent graundwat' ' contamination. Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsible for the safe hand ng and storage of chemicals, petroleum products, fertilizers, and lhc prevention of groundwa :r Ilnd storm water runoff contamination. Special requiremerits may be necessary for groundwater protection at this developme: t. Contact Amy Chinitz, at Springfield Utility Board Water Division fol' details at 726-2396. , .. PLEASE NOTE: . SUB development charges are paid directly to SUB Water C vision and SUB Electric Division. Sincerely, Bart E. MeKee P.E. Senior Civil Engineer - Water Division BEM;mkm cc: Duane Knights, 2258 33m Street, Springfield, OR 97478 Marvin Knish, Krush & Associates, 607 Hwy 99 N, Eugenc, OR 97402 S:\SITF.~LAN\.1(\OO Gardl;.\l A,vt:_partitJon tentative 6-9-06.doc TOTAL P.03 06/12/06 MON 15:55 FAX 5417263689 RECEPTION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS. RESULT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~001 *****~****.********** *** RX REPORT *** . *********~*********** 7161 06/12 15:53 00'52 3 OK ,