HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/24/2006 ".I~' ,~ . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 -4 ,I - ~. Land Division' Application, Type II '~--' Subdivision Tentative: 0 Subdivision Replat Tentative: 0 Partition Tentative: ~ Partition Replat Tentative: 0 ~ ,~ (I , ' Applicant Name: Company: Address: ~~~li~~~~'~~~P.: I Company: I Address: I ' I>~{.. k"q\\tc, Iphone: 7:2{,,- 21(,,0 I) IFax: , -- ~:25~ ,.?'3~~ ~p/~fl"~-P.,,~/.~.,.~1.~17 ~~Ij~~ Y-1I'..J.l.. ' jPhone: I (,,~C.-q"2-LI 'L"....:.,\.... ~ 'A-."A<J.~ /Fax: I 4~'{-'iO I ~61 ~~ '1"1 ..tJ,,~.I,~' .,":,~,~;4 ~"~"'PPP'P P' , 7""",!L. a...." c<or lk.... r I Phone: I IFax: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 1'2,- (>2- - 0 (. - 4 '1 Property Address: L......""'j Auu\w Size of Property: i . '1,D Pr()p()se~. .N,iJm~.()f. ~.lI ~c1,h/i!;io.l1:. . -to ~\~..~~ c>.'\A... (wis. TAX LOT NO(S): 2bOO I I I I I I ) , I Property Owner: Company: Address: ".. ,.'.--.......-..........- .-..-....--..... .... .. ................. ". ........ ..... ...., .................. ........ ... .", ... Acres ~ Square Feet 0 Description of Proposal: iJ) tt- l....r',l lb"\ 't-t\tb "'P' "3 k::l_i.. D"'-"~A.......t"L LDR.. Existing Use: # of Lots/Parcels: ... . . ..... .................,........ \Jr>-<:.c..::x- ~u P.~"g. Lotl.Pal'cel Size:, I~, 5b2.- sf D.~nsit~:~. ~~.. du/acre ;." ;~o G ~ : oelo) ~ : 1 ,0. Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits 0 Associated Applications: Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Gr.owth Boundary 0 .................... ....."."........,. 'd',' .... .................. ."...........-........ Reviewed by: (initials) Reviewed by: (initials) Total Fee: Pre-Submitta~ _ ' " Case No.: \ ""\C Jao6- ~-;;- Date: ~::;i:a~;~n F~~: ~~~~ ~b- ~~:ge;;~~: H~(~~D(P r'., ,. _ :J)!)j~ (l'o/.I2'\1' :/ cb-r I CbS1'7 . oV I H", HH . HH' H' H H 'HH'" HH I ~, /\~ e.f ~~C-. <,Mv iSlA 5/73//0' " Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory, Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee, The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form, You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10 :00 am and noon.' We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Prt!-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building). Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will proVide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City, A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for-their review, At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use decision is issued. Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. -;.;. ; ~ ~~ F' " . ~. ,w:; The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting. " Owner: Date: Signature Print " '" :\ ~~!Mlt>*l'J.IlIJjfl'~~I';w,~Ul~IIIIii11l,1'Ii,,)lt ,I.m;! ..,~, i '" ~ - A, ...",";.) 1:,"1/ ...... . . .... . . c::;I2\ /6b --, --', '. . l . I represent this application to be complete fen, submittal to the Gity, consistent with' the completeness check performed on this application at the: Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by tile City as necessary for processing the applicati~Jn is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within tile submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the informa~ion as submitted, This statement serves as written notice pursuanHo the requirements of ORS 227,178 pertaining to a complete :::~:UOi;(;'._~o::ik_ DolCe ~',fc - Dc Signature.' , " " Case Number: ~'2aio - Date'Submitted: ,,-;ffiCDD J 3 ,'< <, o <, a-......". ~. " ~< \ / -6-,-, r:;. h ',5, < ., ~ :il ,. " " - I } /. ,~ " "'-" -.';, . , t. ". - , . .~. ~;. S's-/) I ' Land Division Submittal Requirements Checklist *If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form, ~. ~' "~'F' ;( MIA-5. vi A!l!llication fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the '!Ippropriate fee calculation forf1>!,:!a. ,tJ., copy of the fee schedule is available at the DeveiopmEmt Services Department. The application fee ailJ current postage fee is collected at the time of complete application submittal. 3. Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued ~ithin the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing <III encumbrall(:es. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner Is required, One additional copy of the Land Division Plan reduced to 8'h"x ,11", which will be mailed as 'part of the r'equired neighboring property notification packet, Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be proVided where the property has front.age on~an Ore,gon D~pqrtmentPfT~nsportation (ODOT) facili(ty. ' -t~ \'~~ lIloe>> r\OC \'>u.-ol-L ~'" <<11\."'''' e>Oc> \ -h:.4 ~. Stormwater nagement System Stu -Jour copies of the study/with the completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet attached, The plan, supporting calculations and documentatiol) must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standar"ds and Procedures Manual. Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC Section 32,020(1)(c), Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and' evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system, In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIA must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and ~tate land use and transRortation pJ;>licie!L,and Qbjectives, ' -r\ru... 1f,.4\.tt- V>~L~ VU>~ ~~ "''\')'t\W.w-\:" -bo..~~c.. Seven copies of the followirtg plan sets f& the Pre-Submittal Meeting OR Eighteen copies of the following plan sets for Complete Application Submittal All of the following plans must include the scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation, All plan sets must be folded to 811z" by 11" and bound by rubber bands for submittal. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions g Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer rn Vicinity Map , ~ The name, location and dimensions of all eXisting site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what . is being removed IS Required setbacks to the proposed new property lines for existing structures to remain on site' , , ~ The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and reqUired riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality, Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Depaltment .!;& The 100-Yeilr flQQQpl~in ilnQ fl()OQWilY lJou11QO'jries (In the sit~; ilS sp~c;:ified ill the liltest ...,.,t~............,.I CC"II^ r.:1~......J T..........._-.............. n......t-...... ................ .....1' cc....^ .............._.............J, ...~......__....~ Ii.......... A....................J_.......... C1UUJ.Jlt::U r-r..:I~IM nuuu 111~Ula11Lt r\.Glt:: 1'!C1J.1=> U 1-L:I"lfVc1J.1l-1luveu Lt::LLt::1 UI 1..C11-/ MIIIIt:::IIUIIIt::lll or Letter of Map Revision ~ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Article 17 of the Springfield Development Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on fileHn the Development Services Department ~ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter ,or greater when measured 4 '/2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees .and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings L:iiSoil types and water table information as mapped and specified in, the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Tentative Land Division Pian IZ Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 Ei' Location of all existing and proposed ,easements ' ~ Dimensions and size'of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top i'lnd toe of cut and fill slopf's to scale Ii!. Location and type of existing and propused street lighting " ~ Location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division ~ Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities I25l. Location and width of all p.xisting <lnd proposed sideIN<llks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails ~ Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any requir~d planter strip XI Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains,.stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed conneCtion points, Where multiple pa.nhandles are proposed, the utility plan must include any utilities located in the drlveway(s). Phased Development Plan required if redivisionis proposed. The plan must include the boundaries and sequencing of each proposed redivision, Any redivision must progress in a sequence promoting str:eet connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required publiC improvements. c. Grading and Paving Plan I)Zl Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Civil Engineer , (Rl Planting plan prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system " ~ Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations ", Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural Jraimigeways to be retained ISZI Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for k, land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) Lp Amount of proposed cut and filii . , 8. Additional materials that may be required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTI LIZI IIlG EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR THE PRE-APPLICATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 31.030: C Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement [j Additional plans and documentation .for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC Section 16.100(3) [' Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW ' [] A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present ' I ~, ~ [] Where the development area is within a, n overlay district applicable, address the ~ additional standards of the overlay district If five or mOre trees are proposed to' be removed,a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC Article 38 A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for, review Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted with the land use application [J Where applicable, any Discretionary Use, Variance or Modification of Provisions as j specified in SDC Article 10 or 11 , 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Cit--f Springfield Official Receipt De, _.opmentServices Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200600000000000649 Date: OS/24/2006 1:27:04PM Paid By DUANE A KNIGHTS Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By 'Batch Number Number How Received tj 6283 In Person Paymenl'Total: Amount Due 150,00 8,363,00 $8,513.00 Job/JournarNumber SUB2006-00033 SUB2006-00033 Description Postage Fee Type Il- $150 UGS Partition Tentative Plan Payments: Type of Payment Check Amount Paid $8,513,00 $8,513.00 cReceintl Page 1 of I 5/24/2006 -t'--t." -:!/ '.' , , SEWAGE DISPOSAL SITE EVALUATION' , , S.1. #, OS- "1:2 c;! ;. .+-, ~i. f.~ . J TRS, TL / ;( - /) .', -,() (,.,.I./2....- OL(O) Job Locat;on 'c w) lr ,~. <':v' Written Directions, .:-:. (... t, r e. I,' o~ -t .-; z. o.t...~ Y" r / I G (~..f J -e L--.... " 'i" (\/,j. ':'., /~ " ..."1.. ~ -1/ r ;' - :i Subdivision: , Lot I Block ;>APPLlCANrS NAME AND ADDRESS V 1.-,' ~: i/_ .. Ii,: OWNERS'S NAME AND ADDRESS ~ 2. .; 2' '-Z -\ ~ j ~ :: 'STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY (~\;" -;. ".{ r; , " F- e; I) ." , WATER SUppLy '::', ~h'; L-.. 9' C;' -e [J. "P'h' -"..- ,c" , one'" "- ...7." ...u .. Phone 2. 2 :; { b{, c.. ,PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY Iv"", /, b" , f "7. 1'1 Li~ I hereby certify that the above statements are trile and aCCllrate. and that rhav~ the fOllowing legal Inte,esI in the 'property ,i owner of record;, , ' c::oniract purchaser;' ',,' , potential buyer; , realtor or agent. I further certify that (II not the owner) I, am authorized'to act lor the owner,ol record., and that said owner is' aware and app~oires of this action, r. . , , . p' : ,___ ~/l' .' , / \" '" ".-----?-roil Signature ..-<.\....:--;..:~1'--- - ". . ~.-/.....;...... q, . -"Date <.(~-,.L.5': [)). .~ '. TEST-HO[ES READY , C'1,~ S / . .. ~ * .. .. *.* '* w w *w . * * . ..*.w* * .w. w · w *'.'."W'*, . 1,"* .OFFICE'USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE W W .."..'~ .j; * w'-w*.* . * * w' ** *'*. * .'"w *. ** .. -* '* * * '* * *' , , ' " , , \/ 1;fJ r 11/';::.,-' c: ~'I' , .' THIS REPORT IS NOT-A PERMIT FOR SEWAGE SYSTEM INSTALLATION7>h/V-: 'L.. . '(:'/_0 v' '< " , ' . , .' , ' r)' -' -< "',....-/"-/.,' T/./f// , "",',., ' .., ,'_ , . ,j/I-(y',r, ,,( ",.,/,!,//,-' lhe ,area described onthEj, attached plot plan dl3te,d 1-1/-1, ' 'is " 4' .PF.IlCJ-;:P: for a:::-~~~:::-:C ,<,/'/- c'/( h~ '; TA--VI/kP J:. Ci/A! .,yslem. 7, J//)/_, &.'- , __. //_ ~ . " ' " ',' , " '" ' ,'.. fkt't T//~;4;I.-f'P..?o j""e/7, , , 'I;; f. (') I;', 54.4/P~I/T{"k("ruIT,/ 1_ '" ADDI~ION~LCOMM:~TS: 7~/I/<;-g,.....I T/./irJAL,' ;?7r; I1fkUIJ1Fj9/ . LJ5/ /)1)jl?~P/A''''''''.bYr-Lr (,1]5' Rr-{,Nlfr,f:,v , /8 /((Ik 31> ....r14K T/7;I'0<,N ~'Ff71!. " ,:,", ' ,', ','" " ' ~L/./:(/iJ:.P";-;ff.F'- . /!U\; Rf={;U'/KJ:S4P,l/I)'cft; vI? .4rr. NOTE: .' . ,'~/ L~S /(E,cd/!7FP I'cTr .:r-?t.J;1//47/fl?',q=-/r.#;f;T ' , If this report approves Of, a sand lilter or pressurized distriBUtion stem, de, tail8ci consuuclion design J51ans '" , " ' will be required with the installation permit application" ' .' /( t'f/'" , , ,.., , '".." ,." .7:1-"".......,....,...................... THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT . WARNING: . ENSURE TH'E ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING . .This Site Evaluationisa technical report to detennine if a on-site _ PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN ' system will function Pfop~rly. It does not approve the proposed use 01 RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN . the parcel, This Sile Evaluation may be converted to a construction per- . RISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED. SEE REVERSE SIDE,' .. mit only if the parcel and use meet land use regulations in effect at the _ 'I' . , lime 01 application. YOU ARE URGED TO CONTACT YOUR LOCAL '-------/' ....# / . PLANNING OFFICE FOR LAND USE REVIEW, ,. (/.,;{./7't<;!.(_ k~, /~//-6 ............................... /- tOEa AUTHORIZED AGENT DATE LANE COUNTY LAND MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (682-3754) C6O-32 '. l' " >,' 1 '- . ._-~.~<.. ,~ " ,', J. ,,-' -l. , " ' , ' ' .----:-.--.:.---' :! " -----~."...-- '? ' ~. . '.' . , ' ' , ,.-.... ~-- ----_.--~---- . _.-.~--_.- ,~,,,-,,-"'-"" >. .-__.,...9/, .,,, .-' ~ -;~ ,. ~{. \, J'-~ " - . " :r '::t Or- ~ -L V) ;3 L~. .' ~,."'~;"" ~..Q}~ '~ :,~ ~I ., ,.c;cJ.: ~' ,,' ',' /.,~->1" ,," .,,' ~/:"_./" ' 1 .,. I '7' ," ", ' c ' . ' '" Z:.. -*..-- .\ ,/h<..' : \ ,/ i.. 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N Bo- 24' OO.IV'279.5J~ " .. " ........":... .:,. 1,0"_ ..,.1, ,"'"...:...:. . IlRIVEJrAy . .JOINT~ . ." I' .~.... 20 ACCEss FASalEHT ?"fgCG,t.1 s..r:OS-<Jz'T; /8-0Z-0b-YZ-P~~ SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLOTPLA~. AP~ROVED . A pemut IS recp.ured . . . ",ior to startin, C2'" DATE (-//-6~. ~- .iF: $ BY S~L HEALTH SERV<CEB ftNVJRbN ,::~~ 8TH AVENUE " ~'; . las OR':"GON "'7401 I IWGCN.. _ . , ' I ~E RISER _~' .'_"::'-- " "":""v(!., Abb.- ' r '4UJl:k"/)(J/"'C.z>_a.._/.lON I, , . ' I --_r -.4J'.cv, :26.94. (,1)1 . I j '( NB0'24'OO'W 757.00 , i' 746.84 '. " ..-:' -'-- ~~. r " "-, ,"i' ..., ' - .. . '. :'.' . "".': -' ~~ " ' I '" . : ',.:,', '. . -~-~, j. " i ,y- k Ii _____ _ __ '-, ~------- Q.I~ .,~ ~-: " ----------- ." ,i '___________, 1 -- "1 " ~.: 1.\..It'",,~,'t :;';';::~?iY1 =:r....., ~~ 15,607 SQ.FT. ~ . rl~fl'~ ~~( ~~. J1V/7,1f.Eltff .4K1?f f ~ ~"ur...."'; \{ATER I;; ~ ~I""" lQ ,....., ....'...., ql"i"!l. '\ .~. I t.J . 8 ~ \ b IV - :c: , III '//, 1 ..', I( , I . ,'. ; ;'ItJ "..',' ~/.E~.f) tlGf} 017 /lr ~rlff. , iV-frEI< I I '( If i: j "'A>1M.,~,' " .-J ..~. , . ~, , , " ,g /y~ 10.1 .,J,;; . ~, SEWAGE DISPOSAlSlt~ EVALUATION '--IA -'I./- II 5,1. # 0 -' -'-.7\ ~ '-T ( TRS. TL /(7- ()2- /'?, - "12 - 02 ?/'.'/! " " , r , 'r- r- 1 i Job Location /-'~I- iJ,L'i'""' {"~5- 'LJ:1l/ {'/:>[ .,t!{.,~ - l' /;C{-',d (~'-l{'- (t C';::;. - ~ 'j'j{ ~/} ,1/7 /---Ir:'fCC" ' . "!-" / ',-.. {.' 'L j Written Directions -r:;jl'''''''' A';{, hl-;, //) /-/lln[C _~)O(f':t', ,1;'(, d'u'e" Subdivision: If';' /(rFrJpI.' iZ'W"'_, . . Lot -? BlockJ. WATERSUPPLY /~/;d APPLICANT'S NAME ANDADDRESS 71/1,1 j)t'~ ,f:', ,~/;522:j!?, f.S' ';;".<:6, ' \/)j'-,'" 0/; NcC ' .I Phone 5?l1- 7;2&',~ 7ft-I. OWNERS'SNAMEANDADDRESS IVla )V'" !r</,/:dtfls ! I I \ 'I II j 'Phone ,,'7(/,7'7.',~,~'1tP{, STI;IUCJURES NOW oN THE PROPERTY :1 ,"i/r~ f,,;!l(/ )7'-'<' MJ t/llllIC - . PROPOSED USEOF PROPERTY Ih-""5e S _ I hereby ~rtify thaUhe above statements are true and accurate, ~nd that I hav~ the following leg~llnterest In the property X' eer of r~co~contr~ct purchaser. ~ potential buyer'; rea~or or. agent. I further' certify that (if not the, owner) I ,!m euthorlzed to act for the oviner ofrecord. and that said owner is aware and approve~_of this action:. .. . .' . '. '. ' TESTHOLES READY /U,fl ;>,'7 tL. Signature Date II'!- /?- c.;;- .'.. ..-. . .. . * . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .-." . * . . *. ~ * *. .. · . .. .. .. * OFFICEUSE.ONLY BELOW;THIS LINE * * * i_ * .. .. .. * .. .. .. ~ *. * ~ * 'Ill:. oft * * ~ ~'.~ ~,*_ . ._ * .. "!~. .". .. , , .. " ,'.,', , ,.y tUt-'i c/<t::-c::;/z:;>Pz=i; . THIS, REPORT IS NOT A PERMIT FOR SEWAGE SYSTEM INSTALLATION /';::1"7/(' r.:c.5 T;;(//..E/~.:.~-ic7, , I-;i-I "I's"AFTifP):::p rtn: .."/-?2=:;--:::-ry-/' ~~. The area described on th? atlachl~d 11.1ot plan dated, , ,1/ Y for,a f...c.' .~:>:f't'/--r.<?C,:c-- "l7J:/0!,T,' S TA',./A7.A'.P7/ ;t::::/?i/;{/" . system, . ADDITI~~AL C~MME~TS: l ~,45?3 ,j~ (Xll/~/'(7 2 r 'h',ca/~~) , . ", -/g- "i'II_'/. , 3iJ' .#AI/ 'T'~.L,/t/I?f'j7nj , " , ' , ! / ' , . j-4...v)' !'//rrfr ""Ii- -iP'", . Y"<;/ Hr.:;~~.I'fqUu'~-r;..-or //75' nK'i.....jI;'~??) c.' .' _. '. , " , ' .. " '. ' $ .///1/U,7)::-;;7 c-PA'/t::' A--'f'A",/ 'J;',:.,.;"ok,~ -7.r,/.....J7;/n-,e-tr ";7<, 4TI'~' ,1 . ". .~ NOTE: ' " .;t, ft((L~I(FflUllrn>.t';;:Itt: J:;i>rl:T#I-1'Ji;;? j?'!:?;PIT '" If this report approves of a sand filler or pre,ssurized,distiibutrOn,\ystem, detaile, d con'!;(ruction design plans ,~. will be required with the installation permit application. ' ,( lll"n " , ' . ',,' , -r"fAI ry, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *, * * * * Ii * * * * * * * * THIS IS APRELlMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT' *. WARNING:' , , ' * ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING ' This Site ~valua~ion is a technical report to determine if a on-site * PERMIT, ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN *, system Will fu~ctl~n properly; It does not approve the proposed ~se of RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN * the p~rceL :hls Site Evaluallon may be converted to a construction * RISK IF SITE IS APPROVED SEE REVERSE SIDE * permit only If the parcel,and.use meet land use regulations In effect at * . -- . , the lime of application, YOU ARE URGED TO CONTACT YOUR !-OCAL __--," .....-#;' * PLANNING OFFICE FOR LAND USE REVIEW, * ./ / -L/---- t?~ ,/:"'/1-1- "'***********************.******* 71 rfeQ A~~ORIZED A~ENT DATE . ' LANE COUNTY LAND MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8T A'JENOE', EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (682-3754) C55-32 .... .. .. . . r-O . ~~.. _ < ,\ ~ (' ~ ", '--1 .;:" I -'-" "::I I --;.1 -'I ~ ) --- -- ~ . --~ , , '- , ,~... eL\ cl' ~:/'j '.'1. r '." 1- ~6.c. . \, t" -I I, r f i \. I I. , " I,," , . , I f..~' )" I:: I .r . I ~}, ~/'-"!'"'. /- . .1..... .2..c.l"/ . t/ '.. -- .... Ii'..... ~, \1 ~ - " ~ , i i , . i , I i ! '~ ,...... -- 0, " ~. 'I;:) ~\n ~~, "" '~ ~\i\ \.~'~ ' ~, " 'F ~J ~-s- ' lc~ . , ~ -------' ---..- ----"'1'1 ~ r " .Jc::l . 1 .; r ..,1 , .: ,.j i ~ ,'t ,j '; . .........- , .-! it' 1'1 ! '; /\ - ,~ ~. ~~ ..... ~~ w ~\ \r\ .... CP '\/ r '" 7<- ;:: ""0 \ , . '\, i I i I 11 1 . I I -....--1- f:: "i -I .:, 1&1 i~ ... ~q ~ lIJ r8h0 ~JoH 1D In.h_ . I . ,..." ""- ......d?A:i ! 4 ,.. I I I IlIf I I I rf>-L I IS I I CIta -';~::~,l'tIIcle Ir/ I , , ~!fqtii I 'I '...... ,,' . r ~'?II- .... .,. . ~/ ..~ , ".IOlffl'-ust I...,.,. W~~~__ AOCBs """""""', l!1~ ft PIlI\Il\1E U!llIY ' l'ASEIIEM' S-L.(l5'f#.To PARCEl. 2 16.287 5O.FT. , ~J#T , ;~~/" }fyr"'Ii?~ l ,.... -- -~ . - I, " "RISER ..; 'ir--..~~ I" I_~ :26.94 ~J . "~.c:..., ! c ..... , ,JA>m'l~ -, -- ~. $,r.P?-fZ.}y. , pARcElJ 23.792SOf'. " ()"! off " ~L '~ t1IE. l.' ~ ,f. tll~~ , ,g - ~' gj ... ... CD ~ ... l&l , .. ,8 ~ , 0 111 ... <: , ',d ~. Y. ---- . -'-...-..-..... .- ~ ---.. - - - ..:.-::::------.-+:---..;;.. - - -" . '41 '--- "-"-. -.......-..... " - -. - ':::::-.. .....".-.."'....~ - . '. ,:-:--.- , S i"'PIIL CfJ l&l , . ,d 8 ~ ... /v. . 00 :'.~ 00 00: ~----- '. ,..' .... '.. ~" 17.=-'" '.. . 3 ,.: "", ','N"~24',~~W'2'''''''I:~'''' :..~,. fl/{CEl .' l '~~ r nr...rz3/f S'. v.:> ~O'1Jlbllr_t""'" la-02-{)I,-,!] GE DISPOSAL i> . SEW A APPROVE PLOT !~iS requi~on. ' . or 10 starting cons I pro /-//-t ~, ~?, DATE <:::2.-;.~ SE",.VICES BY ~..ti7f:L. HEA.;VENUE IN't'IRON EAST 8TH Ql7A01 1 - OREGON EUGENE. -"'~':'~'.:. Ii . A '. .s.r.P.5'-?t?~/. , ~ PARCEl. 1 . L c.l 15.607 ~~" 'i~_,.I2& <jf' :: fll'* ~/f"7ii?1k ~ lU171f;E VATER, D'" r...........".. , ::- .&I~~ , 8 ' .........., CDd';.u. . I &l '\ '~24'OO"W 751.PcJ 748.84 h_. ~.~~ .0; 0% t ~Idf ~ j/ If.: 'I (J I ~"o<. / " ~1'1.i.lJ;> ttGB {IT/ PIC ff'lff. d__' - "\ " . < ~ .',,"; " . ~nt~~ '. "~ /~~ Pubtk'~ .'. LANE' COUNTY " RECEIPT RECEIPT NUMBER: R05008618 , PERMIT #: Sani tation--:Si te,Inspect TYPE: SITE ADDRES,S: PARCEL: APPLICANT: ,I 18-02-06-42-02600 KNIGHTS DUANE A 2258 33RD ST' SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 726-2960 Type Method Description Check 5943' , CJ~) POSTED ,ON: 10/19/2005 SI05923,4 SUB-TYPE: RES '1, LCPWSGS 'Amount (I Payment ------------ -------~---- ------------------------------ 647..60 2000 2100 3065 4010 4020 Description , . ______________________~__________________w_ New Technology Fee, Administrative Fee' Long Range Planning Sure DEQ Surcharge Site Inspection PAID BY: DUANE & SUSAN KNIGHT . 'Current Pymt 10.00 74.70 24.90 40.00 498.00 " " Sf:WAGE-:DISPOSALsn;E~EV ALUATION_ S.I.#~--L ~ o-~-7o /L TL 1'6-02..- 06- '-J2 -02600' , , Job Location rM-n. -(' / n f ~o.,).r c J A,) E. Z- CA( Ix r\ Au {', Written Directions ~~,' R~ ~.v?+ -./-.0 1. AJiel &..A.\ru~'-r} , . -4e.~ tA..,~~" . Lot BlqCk", V\!f.TERSUPPLY -!.~..-.; ~ C{.J-.)f JeANTSNAME,ANDADDRESS .Ct.1:SCY :S".,,..'s', ?7J(~ ..rIYl;"""[~.,+ ~~/1"Vc"HI-M/1 ']711~e....:zy7-'Z:70h IERS'S'NAME ANDADDRESs12iu1~ F) c;..eJUJ; ~-'I /"107, SlJ"'ST' + "c,...d <- 1-f"'':J't' r d-ow;' ,&In.~7'1Phone I .!ICTURES NOWONTHE PROPERTY' ,non-<.. PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY l.+-Ofn e. , ''I certify, that the above starementsare trueand,accurate, 'and that I have the following legal interest in the property ,owner of record; contract purchaser;' , . ial buyer; realtor or agent I further certify that (ij not the owner) I am authorized to act tor the owner of record, and that said owner IS aWare and approves of this action. , ----------- // \1- ' flY! ' ~ ' , . HOLES READY I..J _I:::-t::::" ('" II I Q,'/ Signatur ' Date -i.:- <:. <:.. -0) " \ . . : ~ S:H'-f~QJi ~!1 livision: ~ '* * * '* *. ir * * * .* * * * * * * * * * . * * * .* * '* '* '* '* * * OFFICE USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE * * * * .* * . , . , * * '* '* * * *. * * * * '* * * * . - * * * * * _* . * * . * "I! _ * THIS REPORT IS NOT APERMIT FOR SEWAGE SYSTEM. INSTALLATION '-, . ? / --//.~ >/ /1(' j I ;~ ! OJ' is . , , . /j' ,(' -:("c. '.~"" '0 ,,:C' ,..'/".'IJ J'( .' -'for'a .' ,.. - .' ,".j -- 'ea described on the a!!51-c~ed,plptPI,?~,dat,ed, , -' . --' /,~,(,{...",,-,.......,-":-trL.-Ii___ 'IONAL COMMENTS: - JA),] , 7 I I report approves of a sand filter or 'pressurized distribution system, detailed construction design plans required with the installation permit application. THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSU8E THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN ' RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK, IF. SITE IS J!.PPRov~b, SEE REVERSE SIDE. 1.-. .' ,-1" . / .,'/ ,,', r' / --- ./ ___ 'I -,I--- .-' y, I . { ; ",,/',-.r ." I' DEQ Al,!.'FHORIZED AGENT bATE COUN'TY LAND MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8T AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (682-3754) , , sf ?/c ~.J * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WARNING: ' * This Site Evaluation is a technical report to determine if a on-site * system will function properly, It does not approve the proposed use of ,*, '* the parcel. This Site Evaluation may be converted to a construction * permit only if the parcel and use meet land use regulations in effect at * the time of application, YOU ARE URGED TO CONTACT YOUR'LOCAL * PLANNING OFFICE FOR LAND USE REVIEW, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,* * * * * ** * * * * * * * , :' 'l. . Cl ~ <...... '- ,\ - D - >(\ \n l' N \(/. ~ " ,~ '~-~l~" . . ',. , , j I 'c. ..... ~ !\ ,;;, " ,;-.4.! +, ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ (SQJ. '0 0- c::, G 'T' '~ ';$ 'Xl ) C"J, I > 0/ / OJ' ,/oJ';(?/ ~ , '<:> - .' . ,'0 " ~- '0 'v} .."..., "~ CJ . -::::t" ' " / -S~s - p ~~~ --~--"-~ c- "- C) , ~ ~j ~"Y? < , ,(T'i"1.Jf)~ r/.> %? / : I!, - . , I I- I , ! C I ~ ~; . i I ,. l' i. . -,-+ , ~ :>.' - c:::.. )'~ j , 0,\ '::>' C7 /- '0 '- \'\ l '--~ ~ I i I I I :- r.&ztD <l.DJJl1'JoH 1t1 kio.': I . .. ""7<"?r ~ ""42'''' '4 ...... I ; 'tII I , i 8' t:\-.., '" I .' .I .I .,., -'~_l'1Wlce Ir/ I I '" ~~ I "I , '....... ,,' · ",.;'''' .... 1>>" t I , i I 11 l . I I --~ ,.~ ' " fIJ . ~. I&J ~ ,"' <2J . "' / j/ '1' " ',( '/7 . , / ~'1v :v '/"I'ff. I'/ELj;> 017 Ill' .$. . >.J:.p~-fo5' 'PARCEl 3 ' 23 792 SO.FT. . ~ ~;r off " ~ ~, I'rff./ ' ~t'W,.( el/1J)f'fif# , , ,9 ; 0; C'4 - I: ~ '.'10 ,z, ) IoJ I . ' ,d 8 ~'" ' ~ '~ " " .- ot t- ~"df I, ~ ' P.ll.E. CfJ - ,. '.I' '. _, ...~ .::.: ...... .. . . . ... .. .... .. N 80' 24'~.1V'27lJ.5J . . f!f{CEl 3 ' , r nr_tn.J'f . ' S.~ "-' '."'! to' t........."'. . i$-02-Ob-f2~AL .. SEW AGE APPROVED. ',', . PLOTPL~.. required . . pennit I truellan. " rfng con. / ' . 'or to 5t8 , , , ' pn /-//-1. ~--;-~_~.. DATE~j 4.l ~ -CES " . ..,... "fH SEERVI . BY ~ AL. H~Av.e:Nua llNVIRON 1tAST' 8TH. g7A01. 1 - OREGON EUGENE. , ':'.., ''''E;.~.lClIfT-<<I'E ACCESs , ~-.:....-- ;(!'- (I) It ' "."l..1t" w~JP...nv . PIlM\1E v..... ' FAmIENr SJ.tl5-f#70 ,PARCEL 2. , 16.287 SO.FT. JITljf15 J#T , ", ,E-'~,I'1f "ifrr."';~~ . l ", ""01' ........ .... '" .:. . .Jbm'tJ . , I '~- I . _ I _ .. I r-f'fIlHE RISER ~ ' , "'" ",~~,~~~ ' (. ' I,. 1---4:8 ~ ~6.94 , ~I, . "~t'...... 1 I , , ,g 4'~"'11 /9. IoJ . .8 ~ , b '/0. - ~, , ,3 ;-rc'J'; , ~ 15~07 ~'~ie' "mrd#j; ,t:: JJ$:~ /I'''';jiiPIk ,~. . 't'l<UI'"u.>l:..I. \{ATER . _ Plt.1~ ~,......\ .......,...... CD ";,u l'r.. ' '~\:L . , v. ~24'OO"W ;51.90 ' " 148.84 ...~.~..- "/." '" ~~ . ' ,'-! ~ ;. - -- - -- . ~--~ QI~,,~ - -------- \ --------.----- ." ltG!3, J_--.-; " , ,. .' 'd . STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN' FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT' PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION MORTIER , ENGINEERING, P.c. 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080' FAX (541) 484-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON 1-877,661-9959 May 22, 2006 Duane Knights 2258 N, 33"' St Springfield, OR 97477 RE: TM&L 18-02-06-42 #2600, Corner of Laurel Ave and Garden Ave; Stormwater Management System Study, WO#I 7 I 88-TJM As requested, a Stormwater Management System Study has been performed at the above noted address for the proposed unnamed tentative partition. The soil at this site is,25 Chapman according to "The Soil Survey of Lane County Area, Oregon"; isslled Sept 1987, Chapman has a surface percolation rate of 0,6-2 in/hr at typical drywell depths. The winter high water table in this area is estimated to be 8 ft based on records from the Oregon Water Resollrces Department web site, The groundwater travel time at this site is 2-5 years, There are no special site, features on this site and it is not in the 100 year flood plain, Please see the Grading and Paving plan for fill and excavation for this site, Additional minor fill and excavation will occur at a future time during construction of future single family dwellings, The current plans for this site include construction of a single family dwelling on parcel I to be commenced within the next year. After the lot partition a single family dwelling is proposed for each of parcels 2 and 3, although this may not occur for 2 to 3 years after completion of the SFD on parcel L Parcel 3 has two sheds which currently have no overhangs or gutters and sheet drain stormwater to the yard. These sheds are to be removed before final plat Drywells are proposed as the destination for stormwater from the future single family dwellings. Each residence will have an on-site drywell and the stormwater from each parcel will remain on the individual parceL A vegetative filter strip is to be installed north of the existing driveway, Please see the attached calculations showing that a filter strip can be contained in the public access easement for the small volumes anticipated with this development Thank you for this opportunity to be of service, rfyou have questions regarding this report, please contact me at 484-9080, Sincerely, Bradley R, Myers, P,E. TJM/tjm 1/(, ',10/3112005 16:41 FAX 541,73" 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW Oct-23-05,oe'37A Mortie... Eng S. Building D (541)4.64-6859 ,141 002 P.02 ~, IlPfllNOII1a..Q . PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Engh/eIJfIng DtvIsJon ,..' ".' Phone; (541) ns.J753 Fu: (141) 734.1021 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK , CA- "..,'" IhU hfl/W ~1tI by AIP/kIJ.!i ' (1'lMwretunl toM4tt8louMr@OIJ-qfSprln[dleldPublIcWOI'bE/lgJM.I1IIg;Ptld 73(;,,]021. phtNwn 736-1015), , .";mJ,,,,,,~",ri1fIdWd.OT,ra I'l'ojcetName:Js'kllt?ff5 IEIJTAlII/l;:: PAR'l1TllPPIkut: IAlIIl MARTlIJO .weuOnPareel 1'l-1l1.-11'<-1M. "''4.D,,(} Date: ..Ja,{tl/O:i LaIIdUse(s):, ~A. Pho.../l!: ,~*-35~"; , Project Size (Acres): Ll. ~ ! Fax #: l/-'ifif- i1S<l AppnII.luapa_sArer. 7QZO FT~ EmIA:' 'to-mi(3J,md,.tl"''''''(J1inAP...-I'Ij. <J1ttt ProJed o-rlpdoll (IncIwIe a copy of As&essor's lIlAp): ' , PlvtOE TAXWif "'"-'-600 ftJTO S L-Ot"5,/T IS AWTlc/PATW THAT Mer! wrt ^T Sd/JIi< FaUR.t:: TIME;. WI/..L. COUTAIt-\ A, Sl!IJ(;.Lt:' FA~IL.r ~W~IJG (SE/E IfrrACHE!'t:J ASSii.SSdP..'5 MAP A/JO TEIJTItJIVI:. fART/TIdN f/..MJ) DI'IIIJIa&e PropOsal (Public oomu:ctiOIl(S), discharge lOOlltioIl(B), o1l:. A11aCh additional sheet(s) lfnecessaay: WH8J PIJ.TtLI\E SFO ARe: BUII-T, THe:Y WII-L- CiJ~~l<cr ~ o)J.5m fJA.YW~/.l.S. ..,'-' l':"._'JI:'''.l.f~,~.ol y.l..~!.o,' tel"" lint M AnACM~...t Pradii!eA~ NCtJE;. AT Tit 15 TIME I . IAnu httltlw 1111. IJiu IUltJIl "ut/w ~~ tliP cMl! ilAiu-.M to tbllA.JnHIcMtJ . (AUt miIJJMtIm. Q/J bc=clJtdBd fly 1114 CI1JI ~n t1mftr>m t11i4 /JaUqfdlb$lJat.1rtJJ he 8IIImJJtmI. Ibrllll"",,!,._.,,;"'lDbe_.:,,";.~ hr~l. .11howz6odrn~"",,,be ,"",,,,,,...J D....In.- StyiW TvI!e ~,Seed4D-4,03.2\L(Nole, UH mav be substituted for Rational Method) SJ Small Site SlIIdy - (_ RaIioDaI Mc:t!lod "" oaIcullllioo<) " "8 Mid.LevelDeveloptllCll.t&tu!y -'(- Ullil'HydlogrOplrMsilrnd1l>rcal~) Full Dlidna,e ~Iopment study -(uso Unit::, :....._.h Method forcalculati....) ,It .1',- " ., l!I~en1InD.: IWellh\IIdZone: .. L~' ~ ' , WedandlRiparian; .... rJ JA ,Soil Type:, ,...,a-:-'" ~(\ \A.rIa:wI'/lJ";' u+ E N/A ' ' , o Flow !iDe for SWliog water SUl'face elevation: o Dc8ign HGL to II8e for starting water surfiIce elevation: o ManholelJlIDClion II) take analysis to: 'ID Hillside Development: fi FloodwaylFloodplain: I2il Other Jurisdict10us N/A - Do ,11.1,:,', ,r,.;m Analvlla: Refum 10 Matt S/oUder@ C1ly oiSprlngf/eId, 8~1: !'IS~Ls"';nDfiRld or.US FAX: (541) 734.1~21 2/6 '. 10/3112005 16: 42 FAX 541 73R 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW @003 " COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS' I P",OfficlalU..Ono/' MI:l~ " Based upon the inforrnotion p~idedon the from of Ihu sheer, the following represents a minimum of what u neededfor an applicotion 10 be romp/ete for submittal with respect 10 drainage; Jwwever, lhis /ist sJUJuld not be used in lieu of the Springfield Develapmersl Code (SIX) or the City's Engineering Design Manual, Compliance with rhese requirements does nor consti/ule site approval;AddiJiona/ site specific ir(imllation may be required. Note.' Upon sea ping shEet submittaL ensure completed form has bien signed in the space provided below: ' . Interiln Design Siandards/Water Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd N/A, ,,' " D ~AU nOD-building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be p.....treated, (e,g, 'lllulli-cbambered catchbasin w/oil fil1rntion . media) for stormW1ltet quality, Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervi011S sll1'fuce shall be treated by vegemed methods, . , o ' laiil Where required;vegetative stonnwater, design shall be COII5istentwith interiln design standaids (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth by the Bureau of Environmental Service> (BES) or CJ~ Water Services (CWS). , D WFor newNBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the BES for vegetative trea1ment ' o !il"Ifa stormwatertreatment swale is proposed, submit calCIIlations/specifications for, sizing, veloCity, flow, side slopeS, bottom slope, and seed mix,consistent with either BES or CWS requiremeDts.' . ' o SJ-Water Quality calculations as required in SectioD3~03.1 of the EDSPM . o ~ All building rooftop momited equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside,ofthe building" shall be provided with seeondary conminmem or weather resistam """Iosure. Geoeral Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4:03) , jIj" 0 Drainage stu<Iy prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer li~ in the state of Oregon, o mA complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03,1, including. hydrological study map. -lit 0 Calculations showing system capacity for. 2-year stono event and overilow effects of a 25~year stonn event o -if The time of concentration (T c) shall be deterniined using a 10 minute start time for developed basinS. Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4,C) o ~A downstream drainage aDa\ysis as described inEDSPM SeCtion 4,03.4,C: On-site drainage shall be govemed by the Oregon Plumbmg Specialty Code (OPSe), , o ~ Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for bo1h city and private systemS where applicable. Desigu o(Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) ~ 0 Flow lines, slopes, riln elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set. , , o tjMininllml pipe cover shall be 18 incbes for reinforced pipe and 36 inebes for plain co~e and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calCll1ations shall be provided when I...s, The cover sball be sufficient to support an 80,000 1b load without faiJme of the pipe stnlctUre. ' D ' kiiMllIllIing's"n" values for pipes shall be consmentwith Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All stoni1 pipes shall be designed to achieve a miniomm velocity offuree (3) feet per second at 05 pipe full base(! on Table 4-1 as 'well ' OtherlMisc bit 0 Existing and proposed contours, located at O)Je foot interval Include spot ele~cins and site pes showing how site drains lif! 0 Private stormwater easements shall be dearly depicted on plans wheiJ private stormwater flows from one property to another Iil " 0 Drywells shaI1 not receive nmofffrom auy surface wlo being treated by Doe or mote BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3,03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by me DEQ. Refer to the website: www.de;...~mlwnlQt.()undwalUichome.h<;lll for more information. ' o ~eten1io.tl ponds shall be designed to limit rnnoffto pre-development rates for the 2 through 25-year storm events 'This form shaH be induded as an IItt4chment, insidelhe potU cover, of the slDrm",QUr ,<tu.tIJ1 I 'iMPoRTANT: ENGINEER PLEAsE READ BELOW AND SIGN! I As !he engineer of rocord, I herebY cordry the above required items are complete and included willi the submitted SlOrmwater study and plan set Form Version 2: March 2004 ~i~U~~ate/lrdr: ! Sli CALCULATIONS C~"NT I<tv I ( 'iT') SHEET N0 .C I CALCULATED 8Y Tdl/J OF ,{ DATE Ii/ /'l--'6/()5 . , $TRUClURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CHECKED BY WOO /7 I~S? DATE - 'rXrSTING IMf'~R.VIOU.5'5TOf<;r\j'lWKr EI\ Of\AINAGE 8M A I-L, SITE,' RATIOIJAL ME:TIiOO ~ = CIA 1.. Vf\--STORM) 10 MII\1. DIARATIOIV, AssUME II\!STANTAIJWU5 TIME OF ,C.ONCEMTf<;AT/O/0: I= 1.'tifJlhr C~O,qS O=/OY'lj(j P API. E L .1- fAVr;:D Df\IVEWAY EtJTf\ANCE OfF LMtREL- AVE: A ~ 5S01t"- ,\ ~ = 0, IJ'1: c. fs F ARCEl 'L FOf\.TIOIJ Or-: COIJC(\.[TE DRIVEWAY TO Ttl[ 5!JUTH ~/l-IiCH /5 OM ffi.NEfi..TY; A=II'3Ht~ Q.o Q,Q"f-cfs L1,Y\eEL i CO l./Cf'., , ,DRIVE OIVPMPERTY: 5ftEKJ I SI-I-ED 'L co rveR. 8LOU(j A ,=,630 fi'1. fl,= 36() fj-'L A 0 q 70 W A = '10 {'r'- A '" .1.050 f1-'" ~=O.06c'fs V .= 3'3' ftJ 1245 PEARL'ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484-9080 4/6 " CALCULATIONS CLIENT K MI ( illS SHEET N^ C L CALCULATED BY T;r-M OF i OATE '1-11 q lOr{ STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT ..PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CHECKED BY DATE W,O,# /7/1J't --.i FUTUP.r=- 1W~J)V EMEIJT..s_ NoTE, 2,./ OVEf\HA/Jb5 A5SU,IViEIJ F'tJ/\ AI-I- STR.IUTURE5 f'A!,\CEL i HOUS t::.. " (7 ~HfJ( 6q -('I-) + ( 1.?5 fiXer +1) = s 1. Z if fj-z- 8HoP " ("tC:-NX '2-31'f) '" 13lf + -f't'Z- TOTAL RtOF~t6;L5 ffl_, O(l...IVr:.WA'(: '1-73 ft'- +:)"7 H + C'lOfi')(iW-Nj i-7Y4-fr"" = 2.0 q Lf fr1.. TOTALcY72-'L'I1'1.. rAR.rEI L H0Il5E , C 8Jj1'lC5Itfl) , C (\IV[;:.'WAY' 1{'t1pf"" +63CJ+{'l. - if't5'L ft-1- 10:/ 't 1+1.- ;; 2 7/ {!'- _P,AJ'i.,(EL ,", , rlO {[:5 t:: (6 J ft '; C6 'H{) -(u-ti:a-li)= 5 O"l~ ft'l.. ,SHOP " N'6'ft-)CZ.O' fry '" 131f1f ft'!... , TOTA l M?F" 6'12$ ft'L Dfi./V5VVAY: 630 H'Lt573i1~ , C' l'LOSfj''L 7631 fi'L. MAX [)RVWELL- 512f. A: 661.'6'ff1... , , f = o;6,'n/h... Qc = 0, 'L51'l nw = It ft VI'- =(},:3 AA.&A OF~ fJrwwELL c Ac(~) = Vr Y Ow 1/7 fI-'L LET VV" 7 ft MUW DoWIJ TIME" L~17+r A~/I1N~ T. ' A x.& (~ \5 _ c tp(T) c.:: 1If, 6' /-!f\ .c. 'l,HHr'l. ...O,K, C~~t2~)Dw' . 1245 PEARL ST, . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ' TEL: (541) 484-9080 'jfG .0, ,- CLIENT I<Ai/,i.!T<, SHEET NA C "J CALCULATED. BY T-;rh/l OF I- 11/", <;;, 1/' c: DATE .(" .t_,'J I.) ~l lCeV, ,'Ii /110 S CALCULATIONS - STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. pLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CHECKED BY DATE W.O.# nl'gg '--EUTE{\Op.SI(;,Q-AffLlES TO Fl.f1L'(R.r ~!Cv.(m f-~'\I"CU_ 2AIIV3-/PDf<,IVE PAVEP, AS.sGLME 11- t' Wier Vf;!YG. N.A!UifiiC. Tei S'hA,L.E k(/'iIJt'iJ(I2.Pi)TC'20j'fXifOft>2.cf~ +~ - A 1.\ "C;; /) 'f.L"-' '( "', (~;:: v.~ i' . /1;,/11 l...f ~Jl;'7"'N .~; ]Lfo ft. - ?-S {/:- (r::,iJ~ Sfje4,f c ;Il +~'mlt cP YCtf::! ~(() :.: H El '1'1- , " j-J ..L.L.. Af\E./~ OF SWAlr k,f;'cQ.O OM PG-{( FT BASIS =<:L,. O,,'/-Sft7.' f ... ..... Trl e" OF'EP SwALt, PR.lvEvvAI '" '/: ",_ ,,-,t\l-\.lJt,, , '16'!~J>;v\Z -.',' ,-, ; 'J ~71'-f:-:2~ ' , " , S;W Al.~ N{tiA :e CI. ffXo, S ff) + ~ (1. ft)Cr) 5f1j '" /;S,{f~ FL-.MD ' ,), Pi = Ir-51t"- ~ &,0 :.0, I( (}. 't&lf.... 5WAI-E WIDHI "'51 M IN 51Nr\U::: jPfuVE.' ./Sl c, ';($' ActbS.:'! ~.A.strv'iUJT i I\-l" .'1) .. -" ", ,1l() .. 1\" r"'I/I/'! Tlt"l: - A 'JI,i'\VI ",V!VI\ .- /lI;:: - .I'5~", ,'1'- (I ,IIE5 iVltl il, "ii-;'c"j " .,:, q H )I!., _____...:..t'~. "c._""~"'_"",,-'" -.... "",,-.~.,____ .' . '0.11AI':PY. , !f( < ")-~F I-I)I\ .- .. Ii ' /~ 0./<, . f,i::;1C.(iIJAQLT. "t . ,..... ,..F ~.' (J. c' ,,-,'." "t) ~(i..r;.:.,~ . VIr.:; S.: C/IA) ''1,..-" 0't~:.. , 'j- '/ .- I ,:! ,~-L E:,.j, 1245 PEARL ST, '. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484-9080 ~/c, ^rlcr l~ccording Rcrurn To WCS1L'rn Pioncer Tille Co. PU Bo,\( IUJ4(i Eugcne, OR 9}440 h/ Division of Chief Dep , Clark ,Lana Counly Deeds and ".cords " . .. . 1802064202600/0564623 . , .~ - ' ,- ~~~~.~lm1 \'5'/ 0"- l ./ II " !o'1 ,\. ~ ~;/( J (' ....~ #1, . :~ 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 $36,00 00675397200500172570030036 03/14/2005 01 :28: 15 PM RPR-DEED, Cnl=1 Sln=4 CASHIER 02 $15.00 $11.00 $10,00 . ' After recording return to: First American Title . PO Box 10146 Eugene, OR 97401 Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: Duane A, Knights and Susan E. Knights 2258 33rd Street Springfield, OR 97477 ' ( File No,; 7191-529534 (wkc) Date: February 25, 2005 " STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Phil Gerwig, Grantor, conveys and warra,nts to Duane A. Knights and 'Susan E. Knights, husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, Grantee, the following described reai property free of liens and encumbrances, except as specifically set fqrth herein: See Legal Description attached hereto as Exhibit A arid by this reference incorporated herein, This property is free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT: 1. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements, If any, affecting title, which may appear in the public record, including those shown on any recorded plat or survey, ' t~ THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERlY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPliCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE"illLE TO THE PROPERlY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR, COUNlY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY liMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930. The true consideration for this conveyance ,is'$130,000.00, (Here comply with requirements of ORs 93,030) Dated this 4th day of March, 2005. " Page 1 of 3 .1 .jlo " . -I' !! APN,Os64623 File No,: 7191-529534 (wkc) O.te: 02/25/2005 -'~' , ~~,~e , Phil Gerwig v- '\) STATE OF t)1-erJ~r;( TEXAS, ) )55, County of U~ TARRANT' ), This instrument was aCknoWled~ed before me on this ~ by Phil Gerwig, .' ,~~ ~,.) Mhvc~ . 20 Or TWANA Q, KENT Notary Public, Slale of Texas My Commission Expires :1-7,2.006 ~ ---- Notary Public for 01 L~u, I fixe:. 'I> ;: My commission expires: '3 - 7 -c l. .. Page 2 of 3 ., , , I I i I I I ! I I . . APN, 0554523 " Statutory Warranty Deed , . continued " File No.' 7191-529534 (wkc) Dale: 02/25/2005 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Beginning at the Southwest corner of THIRD ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book 65, Page 27, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the South line ofTHIRD ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESJATES, South BO degrees 18' 21" East 182.35 feet; thence continuing along the said South line North 0 degrees 12' 23". East 49.39 feet; thence continuing along said South line South 79 degrees 34' East 141.94 feet to the So~theasterly corner of Lot 2,Block 3 of said THIRD ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract hereinafter described; thence continuing along.,said South line South 79 degrees 34' East 283.88 feet to the East Southeast comer ofTHIRDADDITION TOMEADOW GREEN ESTATES, said point also being the Southwest corner of FOURTH ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book 68, PageS, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the South line of said FOURTH ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, South 79 degrees 34' East 143.08 teet to the Southeast Corner of said Fourth Addition; thence South 0 degrees 05' 17" West along the Westerly right-of'way line of Laurel Street 112.10 feet to its intersection with the Northerly right-of-way,iine of Garden Avenue; thence North 80 degrees 24' West 146.64 feet to the Westerly end of said right-ot-way; thence South 0 degrees 05' 17" West 30.43 teet to a point on. the centerline of vacated Garden Avenue; thence North 80 degrees 24' West along the centerline of said vacated Garden,Avenue 279.53 feet to a pDint bearing South 0 degrees 12' 23" West 148.77 feet'from the True Point of Beginning of this description; thence North 0 degrees 12' 23:' East 148.77. feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, being in Section 06-42, Township 18 South; Range 2 West" Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon. Page 3 on ';1 ,~,' ,.. i I, L 111,16 o 'II AM .... ~ ~ ~"" f.',r: ;.., t, ~X~,rg{~~aU TITLE INSUR<l.NCE SERVICES . ESCROW CLOSINGS ____ NO. 1)230 ~', i. ,. - A\~ ' , 1651 Centennial Blvd, . Springfield, OR 97477 .' P,O.'Box 931 . Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541,741.1981 Fax: 541.741.0619 875 Country Club Rd, . Eugene, OR 97401 1',0, Box 10211 . Eugene, OR 97440 Phone: 541.687,9794 Fill(: 541,687,0924 SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT April 14, 2006 EL T .49497 Steve Jokinen 4866 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Estimated Premium for: TO COME OWNER'S POLICY Re- Issue Credit Gov't Service Fee TO COME $0,00 $25.00 Dear Steve: TOTAL TO COME We are prepared to write Title Insurance covering the following described premises to-wit: SEE ATTACHED Showing fee' simple title as of April 11 , 2006, at 8:00 a,m" vested in: DUANE A KNIGHTS AND SUSAN E, KNIGHTS, husband and wife as tenants by the entirety Subject to the usual printed exceptions, and 1. Rights of the public in any portion of said premises lying within the limits of sh'eets, roads and highways, 2. Easements, if any, lying within vacated Garden Avenue, NOTE: Taxes, Map No, 18-02-06-42-02600, Code 19-24, Account No, 0564623, 2005-2006, $533,22, paid in full. ' CONTINUED ---- --_. "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER MOST"-,-, _.'___ www.evergreenlandtitle.com ,.!,r 1\. II. LI}I) 0 I): II AIVI NU,I,ILil.l r. j .' EL T - 49497 Page 2 NOTE: The address of the property to be insured hereiii is: 3600 GARDEN AVENUE, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478, NOTE: A lliDGEMENT/LIEN/BANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) DUANE A KNIGHTS AND SUSAN E. KNIGHTS, and as of Aprilll, 2006, none were fOlmd, NOTE: Said property lies outside the city limits, therefore, is not subject to city liells, NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT AND REMOVE EASEMENT THAT IS WEST OF THE PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, , V cry tmly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By )J!;hJcoM" Jeffrey K. Walker Advisory Title Off1cer CC: KnISh & Associates Attn: Aaron (Fax No, 484-9631) NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREU1\TDER TJNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID, IF FOR ANY REASON:THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $230.00 WlLL BE CHARGED. ,~r ~" 1/, ,1)I,Ib ,j: I bAr11 EL T - 49497 Page I of I Legal Description NO, 112511 f, L Beginning at the Southwest corner ofTHIRD ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book 65, Page 27, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the SouthIine ofTIIIRD ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, South 800 ]8' 2]" East ]82.35 feet; th(')llce continuing along the said South line North 00 ]2' 23" East 49J9feet; thence continuing along said South line South 790 34' East 141,94 feet to the Southeasterly corner of Lot 2, Block 3, TffiRD ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, the True Point of Beginning of the tract hereinafter described; thence continuing along said South line South 790 34' East 283,88 feet to the East Southeast corner ofTHIRD ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, said point also being the Southwest comer of FOURTH ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Book 68, Page 5, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the South line of said FOURTH ADDITION TO MEADOW GREEN ESTATES, South 790 34' East 143,08 feet to the Southeast comer of said FOURTH ADDITION; thence South 00 05' ] 7" West along the Westerly right-of-way line of La ute I Street] 12,1 o feet to its intersectio\l with the Northerly tight-of-way line of Garden Avenue; thence North 800 24' West ]46,64 feet to the Westerly end of said tight-of-way; thence South 00 05' I T' West 30.43 feet to a point on the centerline of vacated Garden Avenue; thence North 800 24' West along the centerline of said vacated Garden Avenue 279.53 feet to a point bearing South 00 ]2'23" West 148.77 feet from the Tme Point of Be ginning of this description; thence North 06 12' 23" East 148.77 feet to the True Point of Beginning, being in Section 06-42, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the WiIlamette Metidian, in Lane County, Oregon, -- ill I'., I'll), :.1 L ')1.1 r. ") 709;" ~~D9?' !4J'~4' ~..._ 2602 0.55 AC 2 3 . I " ~~ ~ ,(It I n'l ~ I 'I l\~ ~,~ ~ ~~ ,~ -~WJ'> '~@@ ~ ~ ~ N7~~4'~~..>-+- · '0." ", . '\___ 'PAR. A \ ~ ' a ~"" '^'~___ , ' <f', , , ""., ,;:--.c;_~ ~, 1600 -~"'" 1400:' ~ '&'<@! I N ~ ~1500'" " ~."'" "" 0 ~ &"b:-i .~ '< ~' '\0) ~;'230 ~'~"l~.\)".. ::i 5 4 ,- m " " "If" ''I.." &: ~ '6 ~,~~ ~~) 2400~ : ~ z 5 c, 7 '" I , z, ~ 'I " ' ;,. 'I ,- , ~ B 'I 2, ' OJ '-J b > 67.71' - I '" l 70,e5' I 30' . -...;::: !4B,GS' 70,S7' 1 70,97' "- "- ai .. ~ 2600: 1.33 A~ 70,97' N79'~' .""'t" 7..'. " " , """ ""'" '., , ~-''''''" 1~.." ~ "''''''''" '"';''''''''' w /0: '" fu M b z :'18 :: . . . . "'10" --.. . . L . ~ I" e o .. " '. "", , , . . . , , :- , C: , . , , . ,in C1 b "': GARDtN . I '" iil S80'22'[ A Vt. _.....6 5 ~~-t::r~ - "", ::1 """""","" ~90' Nee'24',", _ 146'04' - < ""-..., 500 1.64 AC 20' 12 . . . , . . - . w f5 ~ . 0 :3 Q cr, '" '" ~ b :.... d p '" '" - c 9i?' 800 0.34 AC z '> M .. ,.' .~ . TENTATIVE PARTITION APPLICANT' DUANE KNIGHTS 2258 N, 33RD STREET SPRINGFIELD,. OR 97477 KRUSH AND ASSOCIATES 54 CENTENNIAL lOOP , 'EUGENE, OR 97401 (541) 686-9211, lDR , 18-02-06-42 M2600 Po\.lER : S,[j,B. \.lATER : S.U,R SE\.IER : sePTIC PHONE : Q'vIEST GAS: N\.I NATURAL MAY 23, 2006 , SURYEyoRi , " ZONING> lOCA TION. UTILITIES' DATE. I I . _. ,. , , . I . -----J._ j:: ~, , - .' ~ '~ " . " REGISTERED ' PROFESSIONAL /ff! ~_V)~ OREGON JULY 14. 1978 MARVIN S, KRUSH 1643 . . EXP, JUNE 30, 2007 '. " \\ I ) ~2~.~o~J ~:li 'f~~ /)~ 911uzr ! I -,--------L---..r' ILm' PILE I - '[ , i I . i i i II . 1 III I ' j 1 , ~ i I . ~ ..1 I, {ill> . ~"'" ", , -117DH", .." I.~ '~I r.._, 1 . ~ 1 -~~ br..,.. .1 I.. : I : 162.78 1 ' Sj7V J4' . OO.E 1ro.Oo .1 ..', ' . 1.......-fIlCIEII!IIIt iI.. 1'O~I~N ...... <3>-~ . I """"" 2'I.61~ sw:T. ... l'ARCf1. 2 ;f 15.800 SQ.fT. 8~PIII'llIIIED ! '" ... ..... ... '. ,8 f 11_- _"" II ~ ~=- -, ~