HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 12/31/2008 .., " "'~/, i - .j " 17-02-31-22-00500.'1700.2001.4900 Ale 11920, 119329. 119360. 1692688 RecoRDING RroUESTED EN FIOaJTV NAllONAl Tnu COMPANY Of OREGON ARER RECORDING RETIJRN TO RDafrY NA TlO ~AL TITLE INSURANCE COMPA! Y OF OREGON 800 WIW METTE ST., #SOO EUGE; IE. OR 97401 GRANTOR'S NAME Peter J. Kryl. Mirka Y. 1(rvI. Peter J_ KryI as Custodian fOf Renee Uana,Kryt. Minor and Pt3VeI Kryl GRANTEE'S NAME Oan8 R. Schulz arid Barbara Schulz , 2OO~6813 ~11Il11111~ 11I1~111ll1\1\11l1111ll1ll1111~ III $41,00 0079910520060026813004004204/19/2006 02:55:58 P1I RPR-DCEll Cnt.=1 $\n=1 CASHIER 02 $20.00 $11,00 $10.00 I Division of Chief Daputy Clerk Lone County Deeds and Roeordo SEND TAX SrA. CAAcn ,,:,0 To: Mr. and Mrs. Dana R. Schulz 79540 Baya St. La Ouinte. CA 92253 AF'TER RECORDING RETURN TO: Mr ~ and Mrs. Dana R. Schutz ~t"Al..Ot AtlUVl;. 'nl~ UNl;. t'Vrl Ml;.l,,;VHUl:.t'l;;) u;;;1! STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED PETER J_ KRYL. MIRKA Y. KRYt.;PETER J. KRYLAS CUSTODIAN FOR RENEEUANA KRYL, A MINOR AND PAVEL KRVL. Grantor, conveys, and warrantS 10 Dana.R~ Schulz and'BarbarOScbulz. as tenants by the entirety Grantee, the following described real property, free and clear of encumbrances except as specifically set forth below, situated in the County of Lane. State of Oregon. SEE EXHIBIT ONE A TTACHEO HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Date Received: Subject to arid excepting: DEC"3 I 2008 Covenants. conditions, r"",,~.:~;';_JlS. easements, agreements of record. Original Submitta.1 BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S R1GIfTS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER I, OREGON LAWS 2005lBALLOT MEASURE 3712004}). THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULA TIDNS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGIfTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY. UNDER CHAPTER I, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 12004}). Plk. )C.~ 'F~'lS;g-OO.O\) k '<k.. I"k"'.J. ~ THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS " ?ii.OBO,OO' IS.. ORS 93.0301 - oTHE TRUE CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS PURSUANT TO AN IRC TAX DEfERRED EXCHANGE ON BEHALF OF THE GRANTEE AND THE GRANTOR DATED: Mareh 31, 2006 rtJ- ;; PeterJ. Kir'YI" h/ , ~\ 1I112Cclo ~'( klc>Lh., f.4.) I.,.r? Poll Mirka Y. Kryl by ~ter J.J(ryl, POA: r Pelz;..? ~ ~ t.....~..i, 10,: 14"",~ c.. Peter J. K.tV1, Custodian for I J.I.... t2 Renee Liana Kryl, a minor '^ - ~ P~SK~lfv~.r~~Jt? Pol(- STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE This instrument was acknowledged before me on by PETER J. KRYLMirka Y. Krvt hy PRt~!r .I. K{VI_POA. PetP.J' J. Kf'(L Custodian for Renee uans KrvL minor and Pave) Krvl b" Peter J. K",I POA NOTARi1Z~N MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ~---~---J ffilClAL SEAl . S STEELE . .:NOTARYPUBUC-OREGON _ .. COMMlSS1ON NO. 370618 MY GOMMISSK)N EXPiReS AUG. 30. 200'1 _____ _ J FORD-313 (Rev 21961 loswdeed.wpd}(12-0S) STA.TUTORY WARRANTY DEED 'S'S I D~<g-73/[f ."11}.j..1 Illl W~ 1111. . 11,111,.1 ~. ;.__ III, .11'111 oil",",-, _. . ., Order Nil. Q2- J.Q89870:46d Uate Kecelve : EXHIBIT "ONE" DEe 3 12008 PARCEL 1: )riginal Submittp\ Beginning at the intersection of the North line of the J. C. Cafter Donation Land Claim No. 58, Notification No. 7485, in Township 17 SO\.Jth, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, with the East line of the right-of-way of the Wendling Brancn of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence South 890 38' East 566 feet; thence South 00 21' West 300 feet; thence North 720 39' West 68.6 feet; thence North 630 50' West 108.9 feet; thence North 72045' West 105.85 feet; thence South 770 28' West 102,7feet; thence South 800 59' 30W West 203.93 feet; thence North 00 22' East 258 feet to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; ALSO: Beginning at a Point in the South line of Donation Land Claim No. 80, 591_37feet East of the Southwest corner of said Donation Land Claim, said point also being in the Southerly line of the land described in deed from Weyerhaeuser Timber Company to Southern Pacific Company dated November 25, 1953, recorded on Reel No. 37-54D, May 4, 1954, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence North 1047' 30w East, continuing along said Southerly line, 10.35 feet to a point; thence NorthwesteflY, continuing along said Southerly line, on a curve to the right having a radius of 746.34 feet (tangent to said curve bears North 720 58' 53" West and chord of said curve beafS North 590 52' 31 w West 338.48 feet) and arc distance of 341.30 feetto a point; thence Easterly, along a line concentric with and distant 20 feet measured radially from the located center line of the wye track on a curve to the right having a radius of 317,34 feet (tangent to said curve bears North 690 51' 57" East and chord of said curve bears South 780 40' 03" East 331.31 feet) an arc distance of 348.56 feet to a point; thence South 470 12' 03" East 75.11 feet to a point; thence Southeasterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 357.34 feet (tangent to said curve at last mentioned point in last described course and chord of said curve bears South 480 07' 04" East 11.44 feetl an arc distence of 11.44 feet to a point; thence South 1 0 47' 30. West 59.62 feet to a point in the South line of Donation Land Claim No. 80; thence North 88005' 36" West, along said South line of Donation Land Claim No. 80, 94.22 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; ALSO: Beginning at the Point of intersection of the South line of said Donation Land Claim No. 80 with the Easterly line of a strip ,of land 100 feet to width conveyed by Pressley Comegys and wife to Southern Pacific Company by a deed dated August 22, 1899, and recorded in Book 47, Page 498, LaneCoLinty Oregon Deed Records, said Point of Beginning being 120.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Donation Land Claim; thence South 88005' 36" East along said South.line for a distance 01'.471.4 feet, more or less, to a iron pipe at the Southeast corner of said tractconveyed to the Grantor herein by said deed dated February 20,1947; thence North 1047' 30" East along the East line of said last mentioned tract for a distance of 10.35 feet to a point which is 30 feet Southwesterly, measured radially, from the center line of the existing railroad, said point being the point of tangency of a 746.34 foot radius curve with a line bearing North 720 44' 53" West; thence Northwesterly along said curve to the right (the chord of said curve bears North 480 31' 00. West 61 2.60 feetl parallel to the center line of said railroad for an arc distance of 631.25 feet, to a point on the Easterly line of Southern Pacific Company's said strip; thence South 10 47' 30" West along said Easterly line for a distance of 400.65 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Beginning at an iron pipe at the point of intersection of the South line of Donation Land Claim No. 80 with the Eastefly line of a strip of land 100 feet in width conveyed by Pressley Comegys and wife to Southern Pacific Company by deed dated August 22, 1899 and recorded in Book 47, Page 498, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence North 1 0 47' 30" East 400.65 feet to a point in the Southerly line of. the land described in deed from Weyerhaeuser Timber Company to Southern Pacific Company dated November 25, , 953, recorded on Reel 37-54D, May 4, 1954, Lane County OregonDeed Records; thence Southeasterly, along a line concentric with and distant 30 feet measufed fadially from the .IIlhllll II 111111111111111 11111111111111 _111111 11111111 III 11111111111 II. 111..1111111_'11. III II 11111111 1111... II III 1 1.IIIIJII__ ~ ~ I 11111.i1III.I..II,1 .....1 Jill 1111 I 1111 I II III. ~ Order No. 02-108987-46 original located center line, on a curve to the left having a radius of 746.34 feet (tangent to said curve bears South 240 09' 33" East and chord of said curve bears South 3So 09' 33" East 288.S7feetl and arc distance of 290.40feet to a point; thence Southwesterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 314.34 feet (tangent to said curve bears South 690 52' 00" West and chord of said curve bears South 47021' 49" West 242.91 feet) an arc distance of 249.27 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEl 2: Beginning at a Point in the center of County Road No_ 221; said point being on the West line of the J. C. Carter Donation land Claim No. 58, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 3176_3 feet North 00 OS' East from the intersection of the North line of 'the McKenzie Highway with the West line of said Donation land Claim; running thence South 89044' East 340 feet to the West right-of-way line of the Wendling Branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence South 00 OS'Westalong said right-of-way line 125 feet; thence North 89044' West 2S feet; thence NOfth 00 OS' East 100 feet; thence North 890 44' West 31S feet to the center of said County Road; thence North 00 OS' East 25 feet to the Place of Beginning, in lane County, Oregon; EXCEPTING that portion described in that deed to the City of Springfield, recorded March 15, 1961, Reception No, 26150, lane County Oregon Deed Records. PARCEL 3: Beginning at a Point 260.0 feet South 890 44' East of a pDint in center of 28th Street in Springfield 31S1.S feet North 00 OS' East from the intersection of the North line of the McKenzie Highway with the West line of the J_ C. Carter Donation land Claim No. 58, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, running from said beginning point South 890 44' East 14_0 feet; thence South 00 OS' West 100.0 feet; thence North 890 44' West 14,0 feet; thence North 60 os' East 100.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in lane County, Oregon; ALSO: Beginning at a Point 260.0 feet South 890 44' East of a point in center of 28th Street in Springfield 31S1.S feet North 00 OS' East from the intersection of the North line of the McKenzie Highway with the West line of the J_ C_ Carter Donation land Claim No, 58, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the'Willamette Meridian, running from said beginning point South 00 OS' West 100,0 feet; then'ce North 890 44' West 110.0 feet; thence North 00 OS' East 100.0 feet; thence South 890 44' East 110.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in lane County, Oregon. Parcel 4: 60 foot easement for roadway as created by documentrecorded August 6, 1945, Book 293, Page 606 & 607, along the easterly line of the following described property: Tract A, JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION, as filed and recorded September 9, 20~~~I6~iV<;1(:: No, 2002-069738,Official Records of lane County, Oregon_ Parcel 5: DEC312tlOlS Easement for access, ingress, egress, impr~vement and maintenance as cr~~_ recorded March 30, 2006, Reception No. 2006-021596, Official Records of lane County, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Tract "B" of the JEFF PARKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recofded in Reception Number 2002-069738,lane County Oregon Deed Records, and as shown in lane County Survey File Number 37695, said point being on the NOftherly right of way of Commercial Street, said point also being 30.00 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of said Commercial Street; thence following along the North right of ~ Ofder No. 02-108987-46 way of said Commercial Street, along the arc of a 230.00 foot radius curve to the right, an arc length of 65.94feetlthe chord of which bears North 630 14' 28" East 65.72 feet); thence leaving said North right of way and running North 21 0 02' 14" West 66.98 feet to a point of curvature; thence following along a 100.00 foot radius curve to the right, an arc length of 36.69 feet (the long chord of which bears North 10031' 32" West 36.49 feet to a point of tangency; thence following along a line parallel with and 28.00 foot offset from the Westerly boundary of said Tract "B", North 000 00'50" West 62.03 feet; thence leaving said parallel line, South 890 59' 10" West 28.00 feet to a point on the Westerly boundary of said Tract "B"; thence following along the Westerly boundary of said Tract "B" South 000 00' 50" East 190.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, all;within said Tract "B", Section 31. Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wittamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, Date Received: DEe 3 1 2008 Original Submittal