HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous PLANNER 8/8/2006 .-)- -(~- , i CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ANNEXATION APPLICATIONS DISTRIBUTION DATE: August 8, 2006 NOTICE OF INTENT OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO: - Ken V ogeney;-City Engineer (fUll)-O '....._._ ._,~~...._'" ,..,.~.---- -.---, ....,..- . ~ - -- I ,_ JerrovSmitlf;Cliief ~fPolice _..__L. .__ C Ceha-Barry;-:tane-8ounty" transportatIon (tuUG _ :Pam Meyer; Supervising CivirBngineer, Public Works Depart. ,~ Le~"Benpy, Supervising-eiyil~fngineer, Public Works Depart. (full) . Brian Barnett; TrafficEngineer/PE Public Works . ~G8rv McKenney, Tfapsportation Planning Engineer, Pub Wks (full) r. . ~if1)~rt 9o~qs~nl})]puty Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety (full) _ _Ed Head;SRringfj.~ld Utility Board (Electric) (SUB) (full) l~- H~rt.M,?~ee,~p.~ngfield Utili~ B~ard, (water) (full) F~ Tim Hrnyey, ~a,g~~w Water DistrIct (R'YD) (fuU) -~ _~enae ~u:unons,A.~ene Water & E.lec~c (EWEB) f . MafJone Kalph, li!enwood Water DIStrIct . r- -:-Tliomas.iiffreys,pfuerald People's Utility District (EPUD) 1_ '~dBl~ck:Mainti~ance'. . George EWers, Lane County Sarutanan I ~ neoo~eCramp(Qn, EWEB7 . Dick Helgeson} EWEB-(water) 1 · }t<y<;ij=U,Sp>}hgficld School Dimrict 19 ... -. Dennis_Eri1s~{pty Surveyor (full) . . ._. c--' t'a! French-;-P~aimer, Willamalane Park & Recreation District . The Development Services Office has received a request for annexation, to the . City of Springfield. Specific concerns of your division, department,_o)" agency _ should be addressed. If you need more information, please caUl-Jim-D~noyan' @7 C26:3(j60~ If you have comments or requirements of this proposal, please~ them in writing bYi.Friday, AUl?:?st 18,2006 to the Oevelopment ':jervlcefl [~el''''; 'LUeD(~225-!iftJj_~treet, Spring~eld, ~.R-97't7T(or-e=mail)=------ Joonovan@cl.spnngfield.or.us AttentIOn: JIm Donovan 726=3660----,,1 Date Received AUG 8 ZOO/) . . Planner: BJ ........ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 2'25 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 , 1. ANNEXATION #LRP2006-00020 CRANE Assessor's Map: 18-02-05-21 TL 8700 Address: 885 S 42"d Street Existing Use: Residential Applicant submitted plans requesting annexation of 1.73 acres into the City of Springfield for future development of 12-lot SFRsubdivision Planner: Jim Donovan . .1 Date Received AU( 8 200,~' Planner: BJ City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 SPRINGFIELD Annexation Application Location of the Property CZ3'l?5' L;,. 47. ~ S,!fZ-eeT c'~If'.J(,P<";-U-' DR '1l419:J .. ) \" . I Assessor s Map(s) and Tax Lot(s) oftbe property included in the request, (please indicate if only a portion of a lot is i~cluded in the request and attach any additional map and tax lot numbers on a separate.sheet of papeL) .Map# \%-OI~(;';'Z.\ Lot# .'0'700 Map#" Lot # Map # Lot # Map # Lot # Area of Request is/tnC/O Square Feet or \,lS Acres. Existing Use(s) of the P.roperty IZEi7\r=NT1AI _ Proposed Use(s) of the Property le:Q ~ '-:\ 6A N ~\; CiANf:" \ 9~c;- <S. 4Z.~ 0-r~~ I' <7Prz:'''-!(.1 p;c;::U-" OIZ.. q""i4l ((;>Pbone; S'I~-C:;~?_'I ie:D k::rE-ttN'\1 i [eANE: . '., I ' Address 005 L.". 41- r::E:' ?--'[I7..i6T .. ~1/'\l(':fll::U-';> 012:;' Q,41G Phone: S\S-SSL'l . Th; und~rsigncd aCIrnC~~ti 1n, t~,.';;PPIi\d~ cocr_<;.~t a~d accuratc. ,/ r. . ApplicantSigna 'c~ .n, ~ ,_1!J;J$' )~IJ,'/ Date f( y-j)h .. - / - v-''AWta!!ldJtV'7 ' . 'I , If the apPl:c~~t i.S other;Zhan to owner!.h' owner l.'rranlS pen,,;ssion. rhe apPI~~nt to act in his~er_ he,half Owner Slgnature;~ 1 IZ _ I II, / ;1f!.te :-? - Lj oG . n ' . . I . J , v . , it) /J' . For Office Use Only: Journal No. j..-JUj.O{)({J. -OW} .0 Received By Map No. IB-02.-06-21 Tax Lot Date Accepted as Complete Address Applicant.Name Owner Nanie(s) Revis",", ;:-':'Ui'~:' . {. .(;(1fA A7CD Date-Rec~ived . A . 1 UG 8 200lo: I . Planner: BJ . F,ORM #1 PETITION ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ., . TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION We, the undersigned, constitute the owners of at lea,st one-half of the land area ofthe property described in the attachment marked "Exhibit A AND . We desire to be annexed to the City of Springfield. A map is attached marked "Exhibit Bsbowing the affected territory and iis relationship to the present city limit boundaries. The annexation constitutes a lllinor boundary change under the Boundary Co~mission Act and should therefore be considered by the Bonndary COIllinission and, after study, a Final Order shonld be entered by the Boundary Cormnission.' . By L//2 /! 7eP Ii, C~A N C l:l<8S C, ,42!.gC;iJ. ~NC\F' e.L9, oR Bn~.M,^l~^ <? ~~ . .::r~NN\Nr=: !;, ~"-\~ ggS04:2!j!?0T, _ . -;,pi:INL1j'1e-1.D 0\'- By . Date Date Date ~ Lj - OCp By Date MAP# \91-02..-0<;-2--1 LOT# 0100 .MAP# LOT# " With the above signature, I am verifying that I ha.ve the authority to consent . to the annexation onmy own behalf or on behalf of my firm, agency or trust Rcviscd.12/28/00 " Date Received AUG, 8 200~; . Planner: BJ 5 FORM #1A CERTIFICATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS I have caused a search to be made of the assessment and taxation records, I,-ane County department of Assessment and Taxation~ on Those records reflect that individuals listed on the attached. petition are the owners of record of the property identified by the tax lots described on the attached sheet. Lane Courity Department of Assessment and Taxation . Date Revised 12/28/00. .. Date Received AUG. 8 2001J Planner: BJ 7 PETITION REQUIREMENTS FOR VALIDATION OF SIGNATURES FOR ANNEXA nONS TO DISTRICTS OR FORMATION OF DISTRICT (1-8-2002) . Petition sheet must include: (see attached example) . Signature . Printed name . Residential address/city . Associated map &. tax lot # . Whether land owner (ifit will be utilized for Assessment& Taxation also), registered voter, or both . Date of Signature . Completed petitions must be submitted as a group_ o Completed petitions must include a complete list of all affected map &. t~~ lots in number order. Once petition signatures are submitted, Lane County Elections will: . Determine the total valid registered voters for the affected area. . . Validate the number qf valid signatures of registered voters. . Certify the percentage of valid signatures to the total.valid registered voters for the affected area. , . l:\CDCC\ELEC\FR1vf\anncx formation PETITIONS REQUlREMENTS.doc Revised 12/28/00 Date Received AUG. 8 200ib\ 8 Planner: BJ FORM #2A CERTIFICATION OF REGISTERED VOTERS .' I hereby certify that signatures on the attached petition are registered voters and reside in the area described in the petition. These signatures represent-not less than 50 percent of the registered voters residing within the annexation or withdrawal area described in this petition. . Deputy or Clerk Lane County, Oregon Date Revised 12/28/00 . /Date Received. AUG.. 8 200~ P'annAra R. n 9 PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET Owners I Electors (Note: This'petition may be signed by qualified persons, ct'en though theydo not know their lax lot numbers.) ADDRESS TAXLOT NUMBERS I NAME ,I I (Example) John Doe I .-;t;_<df Pi-- llie> A, C~A>-\t:' ~M/Yl;~' '1 Ct ~ IS'EA"Nlt--IC ~, (~1--\e- I .1 I I I I I I I 135 6th Avenue.East, Eugene '7fl2I"C,M ~) :;;;.<35 '7 42NO c''T' orZ. \ '6 ~,/"')Ft~> I) OOZ; C, .A 2..~ <SrI olZ:.-, t 0 I I I I Twp .R See V. .1/16 Lot # c.. r;; \--.\~ I':?W g100 1 <070'01 1 1 I 1 1 .1 I 1 . . ." With the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to eonsent to the annexation on my own. behalf or on behalf of my firm agency or trust. Revised 12/28/00 -z. .s !\'e ~ Date ReceWed AlijlG 8 ~~ I . Planner: BJ. 10 INFORMATION SHEET LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION NORTH PLAZA LEVEL, PSB 99 E. Broadway, Suite 400 Eugene, Oregon 97401 PHONE: 681-4425 lED A. (,(2:.04"-11': (Petitioner s Name) C-.>j>I2II....L~ ""1""ll~ , (CitY) 00S S. 42- tj? <?[ IZE'-'" (Address) . o~. 11:141"1'., (Zip) <71 '0-<";" 1:;"2.-1 (Phone) The attached petition is ror~exation t-;;j)or (withdrawill from) the "7=, ,....(. >='IG':U') (City) or .- ' (District) PLEASE SIJPPIlY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REGARDING THE AREA TO BE ANNEXED OR WITHDRAWN. Estimated Population (at present): r::; Number of Existing Residential Units: . Land Area: \, l~ . Acres or Square Miles IS the area within a Domestic Water Supply District? 'I ~ ";;:> 0ul'S klfn:e;r<: (Name) Is the area willi a Rural Fire Protection District? L?t:(...~ kll'-I_AK.6'N7.'~ / L.4'C-II'-lG-.?'Io'Ln eFPD I (Name) ANNEXATION TO CITIES OR WATER DISTRICTS ONLY. A. If the property is entirely or substantially undeveloped, what are the plans for future development? (Be specificif site or developm ent plans have been prepared, please submit a copy)' tIJI?1""t-l1 .?A\N~. MHo f"AIMl,...? jZe7(0~A'- , . T'') (;1;\lf':LOp' -n-lit., 7"-"'?8'lZ.""T1{ I~,"" i:J {-" "".,1 H <7U1301\(\<','O....1 L0\'T~\ (;>"11Za-:-r l.OCA,'ON<:- AH~) W1 -?IZ-l--'S I./)'/AJ>(,~I'J.,". ('''i-W '1'1-<r: ",,;Al-I,jA,z..';'>.6" --r~I'::: ~?1Z-IN(,,"",an PiC." woe w'G-- Rl'J'rl(;\pt'rrC 1'2.- LOT'? II" -p.It:U{~-li )~!I'\It-e() ~Lfj'.1{7 ..l-lI-hle 1'0\01 I~N \1z:eFrl,ur>, B. Can the proposed developmeni be achieved under current county zoning? " Yes \{. No If.no, has a zone change been sought from the county either formally or informally for the property under consideration? Yes No - iDate Rece1ved Revised 12/28/00 IJ\iWG is mill, : 11 P&anmw: BJ Please describe outcome of zone change request if answer to the proceeding question is "Yes. "-'fA j ALL PROPOSALS A. Doe~ this proposal include all contiguous property under the same ownership? Qs-0 _If not, are you in the process of a major_or minor --.----:.. partition? ____(No} , lfyou are not in the process ofa subdivision, please state your: reasons for not including entire ownership. B. ORS 199.462 ofthe Boundary Commission Act states: "When receiving a boundary change, a boundary commission shall consider economic, demographic and sociological.projections' pertinent to the proposal, and past and prospective physicaJ developments of land that would directly or inditectly be affected by the proposed boundary change.ConsiQering these points, please orovide the reasons the IJrooosed boundar" chanQe shuuld be made.. Please be very specific. Attach additional page if necessary. \-t-\10 &l1.l!,(\A'I~I't G+t-AN{~~ ",IILL 'P.l2:IA/IGe 'l-\eeceo \'::;:?-.)ICGN1'f1L U\\'-l/\ V,,-;":\ll'l 'THe: CITY L.IM"~-'-4 C>f -Tl."~ (J-r'i t:p ~1C-'N{.,f'f:U\ 1'l.I~ 'r'tnp"t::--rq (_mr-.\ P7-"C 4€1?.1i!:4> ~ e:~C-?--[1r..,{~\ ?'F.RJJIu-7=:. A~U) :-"Uo. ANNP-'1frnol'l WIL\_ r-tW[ NF1..o.)~1\/!-1--'r 1lfft'L'T I:,""? l"'VJ"-,-rIf-!L-., ore:: fJit..00?dfI'IVC::: \.Ai'--ID ()c\l~U}[l'AP-"\1;L, ,l)(: 1~I::Kt.l'>I' d'i.,OOt3Ic."Tc:;>. r \ 1 f ' , C. Names of Persons to Whum Staff Notes and Nutices Shall be Sent .1(,,0 ~\ ::r CAV-4 N ; (1Z-0Ne- (Name) . 9,<;;Y; '7, 47)~ .!--'~ (Address) . ,c1',{'<-'N",r:::lt;:::'LJ-':::> (CitY) OIl (Zip) Cl:l4-J Q;- ('~~I"-7 I\1A-0H - VOki.t:' E)~G-, d, 0-(e"~ -r:N(;" , " (Name) 17,0, 10ai 7,C,-z..1 . (Address) F'J-(,PNb OIZ. (City)' ! . C\14n?' __ (Zip) . (Name) (Name) (Address) (Address) (CitY) (Zip) (City) . (Zip) Rc.:viscd 12/28/00 Date Received AUG. 8 2ooli, Planner: BJ 12 ii " " " " " " " ~ " I ~;.1I ~ :: " '-' 1/ " , , I , , d I I I / I I I I I I I I , , / , , / I. : , I I I , , I /~I~I : "(J3'~ ;o~tI.e/ ~::Z=~f~;;~~;:;"' WM I I ._ ::. ~3'-./"'-;--" ,,-,_._.::~ . //~.Jr I. //~ .35' I .... ~ .<"."...-.:; ~1"" -'-'- _ ___ o. / :=::-~ --, - -. -.",.t. -Uf"N'/. r.. \- - -t--: I- -~~-:- - - - ~ - flfP;. - oJ"::> P/./l1/' """". - bU ".e,-,,,,. ""'''E . 8504 ., 7 ~ //0'- --)::;--. zq:- .>,,,,", ~. T-"", -:-,--' ~. ~08 :: 0.16 AC. .~ 8503 ",. 8600 I.:!S- I ~ 8801. u. ':;;~'o; [NmAL I , ~,_ O. AC. '0 '- ~ b ~ ~ , f 0.18 AC ItI 6802 '). POINT , ,.;. .... " ... L :l~. t 0.16 AG. III 0 .. " . .::: . ~ . . 0 8803 L I ::~$""~...._~ r~' \~ '\ I .~~ ~, ~~ I'~' 8~~ ~ (r-')- ~~.~~ S.6'Y-,/tY;E. 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G 8- () 0-0 e1 7:; I ;1,.,_1", ,-0 .. _. ~./ /'_, i, , __ .' r.. _.......,.v.~ ,.., ..., . ~ H' :;'Oate ReceiVefif'~;~E~' lC) o .N o ex) ~ a.. <( ~ w w (fl l"- ce C\J o "0 o o 0:: ~ ~ -------- I I I I I ) I 3;' ~.' :j.:; R.~ j.~~:~:~ D '} .' ., . . , I) !' --- - - - ':.' .-;.1.D' ,.zD" c' 8300 3_63 AC. ~. 8400 /19. J' CITY OF SPRINGFIl=LD 18-02-05-21 TL 8700 .. " ~ I';^~'\. fI Y\ n Ji \\ r' '..:~~/ .:;::;[ .<r\\ /F\) ;;~~.,\ . j i ~ I i I I d j J l i[\~__AlI7~_~!! lIlt ~J U :?/ \~~=)) \i~) 90.00 8700 ~. ~ """,SIT~ ,--0 ;r- y.. .,;.... i fi \~ C\': -;/ i \'i Ii i i 1\ II /1 ~,j j ill': '.'-.-..i1/-c===:J ~\ II 11 If I ---'} \ 1/ " t I r I' / J) ,/ \,:':=:..'~/ U -=.'_,/ . [':=:~' L' 9100 .z 87/..2' -f.~(J',.{:"---:-"""I' APPRDxtHA TE [/16 TH CORNER 11 //l'.3' ~ I I I i "- J ~I ~ "{ ... I 453..2-4 ..<.<O-."C'.1!' 45~..A.:!J' ~'.._''-' , r c ..- ~ ~ :A\iJG 8 ZIln~ .' Pw.ner: .BJ -~. c;/ T E ,?;;., 0J 0;- 0' g\ 0' B' B",'. ~l;'" D..] :\ 'v I 10,::; g1 to ob':/ \, ....~......;, ;( "").- ..... 56.75,-1-""0>". . , ~: 0 ~). ~ fa I 11"...>. ~ al::;,j. E ":"./0' . '.,. . -Ii'" ...J:. "':I . ....-~., . '; : 65.46 . J<%', ,:: 1l4.B ::,. - - --~-,-------------' t-.; ". . /.17- /i;:J'.,E; ;JAS~ER ROAD~' ~ COU N TY . I '~2Q,j~:PD/f -(; - $:0 =-J,.:::~3-'6' _~ _Il&"~ _~L~~_ __- _ ~_ ;,,/' ~l.. d - 'm_.__,_....__...____ .....~..-;=- -Cr- - - - ~7'7..:-;:;:;:ii' /,,<~p~,,~~ /.LAf S 89.1J'I.... E 6l'3.36- . '-- 1"8.31' ~LJ:"'NITrAl 'k:~~{~~:5; i6f\:!f:: '~~~O: c, ~H ~ :~ -~'::: -::: ~~::::' ~~ :~~ '-i":i~~T :.:~~ ,:, :~~lt:. Yl I :::.',/ ~j ~ .,,,,,,, .....~A.... 850~::t n n Af":_ -.-.... _.- -- . NJ,S. o '.c ~., ", o J5.00' ~ .__.~...~.:~~.~..~.:. . .....~...~.~.~.a~:~~..t?.r_. .}S.OO" ~..!.~.~?~:?~.&~..--- ! ..- J~.oo' l 12+84.70 ifbr ]6.2,J' Q 0 FI or ,., CP-. D ~ 1...r' ", 'l_11+10.00~T 40.00' L 10+-70.91 'pbr 56.75' V L \OH5.8~~T.. a5.4ii" r:;; ,7;.=; C '_ ~ OO.~CC)O '000'-":>0 L.J o .J.D' 6 o G1 2 o 0- 0 I] (~i J. _ .tl". if . .0 :~'" t '%.0" f '7./..2' (', 6203 ~ 0.21 AC. ~. ,,,, (~ ~ \ ~+-() ( ) . 0.21 AC. . ::: "I (l I c/~",:,,:: ;:.--'. 'j!: I g ,..1 6000 I ~ ~ , I ~ ~ I -0 I '-' ..--1 ~ ~ I I :J )Io.\. I .~ II~ I. . _ _,"'."".....7"'. _ '''.D'. J"'~I__I S _ _~ __-:if3..u~ F(-i-- I . .1-1 -( Cl01) . I ~I; I I I I _"'7_, /2=---- ___ ------, I 11 6~~~'" I ~ I I 'I 1-:::). I 1.1 I I ~ I :1. ~ I I I ;., I;: I ~ I I I I I I "Ii i" .... .....,uf- {) _....:.. _ _ /:77'/0''''_ _ _ _ ____ 6201 . , -l17,/,t. l,.. 0.21 AC. . 1:1 ~- - - rF}'~ /c4. -=--:;53 " I" , "I(J6CORHERt- o , , I~. SITE 6202 ~ 0.41 AG. "- , -,- ~ -~I7-a.:-------~ +53_--l.~' ,~ o , / '6 - t) z ~ 65 -:J-:4' p:,,,j iCJ(...) <of s,-fc - " , ~ 6100. 1.94 AC. 4Z?2.q; , 0 ., , :., ..--'" ~ "~~-~oo' , : , I . , . I , , , , , , , ::-I~- - , , ..... 1 , . ".pO. I. r. . , . I , 1 , ., ~. , , ~". ...k 'L_.,. ~ -10' 6500 11 I I I k. I~ ~ o I~ I I I I '1,,5' 1s-1 -'137./.-4' .- . \..:: 6300 1.B4 AC. i.;,; 8 o / Fr/o'l".. - 4:2.3 () o ---I, I I I I I L , ,I~ " I" I I I I I I .. '" "' ~ ~ /(18.3/' , 6~ Co D' "':17./..2' ".sr .I: J>? /t7',E. - ,.- J.SI'..?/".E. //,.$,r ::, -. /(1(1' .J: I'r..,ux ~ ~ ~ '< ~I 6402 , . , , '" ~' ~ . , ~ . " , .: ~ ~, , 6401 , . ~ .j;':' .~ o .". o . ,,~ , . ,~ /(10. o ,; " \ ~ ~I " m~ ~ 18(1.0' NB'9"cl'\'/ D o ,0 ~, 0' ~, 6400 0,49 AC. ,., .. .. . o Date Received lAWS 8 lllDlb ' Planner: BJSiTC f6l:@ . WRITTEN EXPLANA nON OF ANNEXA nON REQUEST FOR. Ted & Jeannie Crane ASSESSOR'S MAP 18-02-05-21, TAXLOT 8700 This narrative is provided to comply with the Annexation Application requirements of the City of Springfield, The required information is provided as follows: . Size and location of the oropertv - This property is located on the east side of South 42"' Street approximately 500 feet north of Jasper Road. The property is approximately 300' wide and extends from South 42" approximately 252 feet east. The total area to be annexed IS 1.78 acres. Citv services.or facilities beip~ sought from annexing the nronerty - Plans for this property after. annexation are to develop the property as a single-family residential subdivision. The following facilities will be extended into the property as part of that development: streets, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, SUB electric, SUB water, cable television, telephone, and natural gas. All of theseJacilities are currenily . available within South 42" Street immedialely adjacent to the site. This annexation is being sought in order to allow connection to these existing facilities. In add.ition, other key City services will be utilized by the residents of the future development and are therefore being sought as part of this annexation. These include emergency services (fire & medical), police, schools, parks, libr:ary, roads, public transportation, etc. o How the nrooertv will be served bv a minimum level ofkev urban facilities - All key urban facilities are currently available to the site. Public street access and all required utilities (including sanitary & storm sewer, power, water, gas, phone & TV) are available in South 42"' Street immedIately adjacent to the site. Also, public schools, police, fire & emergency medical currently serVe the adjacent properties and will be able to easily incorporate this property.within their service area when it is developed. Zoning and olan desi!!11ation of the site and adiacent orol1erties - According to County records, the current zoning of this property is LD (Low Density Residential). The plan designation for this property and all adjacent properties with the exception of (18-02-05-22 TLl400 which is CC Community Commercial); according to the Land Use Diagram in the Metro Area GeneralPlan is Low Density Residential. Upon annexation, the zoning designation for this property will be changed to LDR, Low Density Residential in complianc~ with the plan designation. No rezoning of this property will be required. after annexation. Prooosed use of the develoflment area and scone of the nronosed develonment - Current plans are to develop the site as a single-family residential subdivision. This development will encompass all ofthe -land included in this annexation request. Although detailed development plans have not yet been prepared, it is anticipated that upon full build-out, this property will be divided into 12 lots. Current use of the site and anv existing imnrovements - This property currently contains a single family dwelling to remain and two storage building to be removed.prior to future development. An~ soecial site features (i.e. wetland~, watercourses. steen slones. etc.~ - There are no special features on this site. The entire site is determined to be outside ZONE X the 500 year flood plain according to FIRM map #41039CI162 so no delineation line could be shown on the site assessment and existing conditions map included with this application. Date Received AUG 8 2001" . " Planner: BJ ') - 4-1-99 l<e-oZ.-05-iO-t 'i1.-~m= 2534 99029205 EXHIB!T "A" Beginning at a point in the center of County Road No. 287, said point being on ti:~ He:;;,;: line of the David.Ann,,;r Donation !..and Claim t'o. 47 in Township 17: South, Range 2 ~lest. of the Willamette" Meridian, 1827. ~ feet. South O. 03' West of the Northwest corner thereof; from. said beginning point run South 89" 10' ~ast 437.12 feet to the center of a road running North and South; thence South 0' O}' West along the (;enter of said road 300.00 feet; thence North 89' 10' '"est 4)7.12 feet to the center of said County Road; the.nce North QG 03.' East. along the center of said road 300.00 feet to the place of beginning, in t..~ne' (our:ty. Oregon. EXCEPTING the East 150.0 feet thereof. O' ;~ . '.',: ,.~""" . "'<I~f.' .j;' ,f.,.. ~" rt\l1i'" .~.'t ..,~ I- I "!I'i'~'~';\; ;,).. r '~~"'f!'*",;j~::" 1'1" f.:"lii:; ~~I'II l'.~ f- !Pii~ ; '!\;Il "Vlj ;,tl" "",.re '; ,.~~o' "-'.' ';oi .'1. ;' ',,?tat~ ~1 Oregbr~ ' :t' ,jll:' i!~l;; :;::~ ,~:\:; County of Lan1/-- SJ 'I' ~1~f~~'~';';i~ '1Ih(Countya~rli ll1~ndlorlh(<aid <1]/,::, >,' 1 CO"nly..do:h~,~bYWljry Ih~,! Ih. ~,Ihin~\ .' iJ ..\rllln.Jmenl;,~~1 :te.~(l~(O f,?' !eco.d al . '. '.:: l'.~ ~, J "'i rl" 'I!i .'hJ' ii: " R~el ""93AF'R..1O'\0'21 2534R "La~e Cou';I~.oFfIClA[,ReCOldl l;aneCo.intyClerk , fJ.JJ A ;.LJ.y B, '. , COlJ!'tyCl"r~ .,. , . ~. . " .,..,:.,.. ',;,;~H' : ":'~-:-"-. j~?""~ ..,\t. ,;,,,,,,. ~ '.'.C"..' ,j' ',..',. i J . " , 1 .~ ~~, 1 8' .- ~- ;! ~ i .' ,;! i ~ i It ., (- , .~. '>J.;i'-'>," ~": ','., 'i~" ;&h'''' ') .~ ..\:' "i .,.,....., .'1,., .\" ';(1, I:. , ":Ii ',;', ,',:1) ,.; " <I ,~~ '7" ; I,;':! T~! , . :;,t~;~i~ '~~t~ "~ f,'i~ 'f~} ;~]'i 1'$ , i{fj) 1~: I~ "t' ',~ J ""i!' .~ )ii,~ .. &:n .'ill' , "~lli ""..~tl.~~ A.,~' .::~I'(I' ~, "~,,,. r.~ :W:~ ';1' -~~ '~g . \!liij :..,~ ;,..." ;l~~ }"g '~Ii ~.. ~~ .,,~ 2/:. :",1 ";:1; ~1 . ;~~;'~ Ar~ ",;; ,:.,) Date Received AUG, 8 200~ \Planner: BJ Exhibit "A" Legal Description of Property to be Annexed Assessor's Map 18-02-05-21, Tax Lot 8700 Beginning at a point in the center of County Road No. 287, said point being on the west line of the David Arthur Donation Lapd Claim No. 47 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1827.1 feet South 0003' West of the Northwest cOplet thereof; thence from said beginning point run South 890 10' East 35.00 feet to a point on the east margin of County Road No. 287. Said point being the true point of beginning. Thence along the east margin of . County Road No. 287 South 0003' West 300.00 feet thence leaving said east margin and running South 89010' East 252.12 feet Thence NOlih 0003' East 300.00 feet." Thence North 89010' West 252.12 feet to the true point ofbegilming, all in Lane County, Oregon. ~~~1~~~~~~~~~; . ---/\Jf;{)l'),. ,i~;!~ii:tld{f:t~i~c;,: 'y~V .',POQ' ~rl~~ ';. ..-:;"~ . Received AllJlii 8 lQL, - Planner: BJ' I ,--...:. + N Ul N . to to LOT 8 5136 SF 78' co to LOT 9 5282 SF 78' to to co <D HANDLE 525 SF LOT 10 m If) PAN 6079. SF 103' . \z. . 20' ;r - 22 . LOT 12 4664 SF Ul N 25' . N 77' ~ APPROXIM ATE HOUSE LOCA TION 1>.<6 o '" o r--- SOUTH 42nd STREET' o 0 co r--- LOT 11 5368 SF L 77' 69' PAN 6000 SF . LOT 4 HANDLE 750 SF 69' LOT.3 4500 SF 80.5' Ul to Ul LOT 2 4500 SF. 80.5' Ul <D Ul LOT 1 4500 SF 805' r--- co ~ a .~ ;- Li s ~! a: "g}" - ~~i n L[) .~. . ~v. >-:::- ..~--- ~~. " .tz:....---I._~~. , . L[) <D L[) SCALE: ' 1 ".=;40' M-r- ,--- .~: 051020 40 L[) to L[) ~.. ,g,'" [NGIN[ERING & SURV[YING INC " ~H) 541/485-_4505 (FAX) 5411485-562,4 . ~ .0. BOX 2527, EUGENE, OR 97402 . , [-MAil POAG[&'POAG[ .NET CRANE PROPERTY ASSESSOR'S MAP 18-05 02 21 TAX or SPRINFlELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON L 8700 ('; ,I \V\r1)Dr~C I .1 l--U i "-.:>