HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 3/27/1999 - , ., '4':"1- 9 9 2534 \ INDlVlDUAl.. WARRANT\' DEI::[) WPT 151344 10-51377 '. \0 10' ?JJ' TAX AC:T. NO. 562957 99029205 ~:A? NO. 18 02 05 -2::. 08700 MINNIE MAE GRASSI, Trustee of the Davis Family Trust under A9reernen~ dated June 12, 1'95, Grantor, cor.veys,a~J ~arrQ~ts to TED A.. CRANE and JEANNINE E. CRANE. husband and wife, Grantee. the follQ',dng desc:::ibed real progerty situated in L.:>.NE Count~., OR, !ree o~ er.c~mbrar.ce9 excep~ as specifically set forth ~erein, to.wit: S:;:: EXH.IB!': A i-:HICH IS MADE A PA.':<T HEREO'F BY THIS REFERENCE This con'Jeya'nce. is subject: to and excepts: RIGHtS 0: :BE PCBLIC IN STREErS. RO~S AND 3IGn~AYS. COVEN~~~S, CONDlTIONS, R5STRICT:ONS" RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS OF RECORD. ~Q1~R.Ol~99"05REC 10.00 !QZ?APR.0!'99H05PFUND 10.00 !Q1>APR.OI '99HO".J\&T FUNO 20.00 Tne tr~e cons:cerat:on for t~ia,conveyance is $165,400.00. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OP THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLB LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE 'PERSON ACQUIRING FBE TITLB TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNINGDBPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED ,USES AND TO DETERMINB ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FORBST -PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN,OR5'30.930_. DAT~D: 0)/26/1999 7J1~ JJ1~,tL~.;. )~1.! MI!iNIE ~~ GRASSI, TRUST~E .... TEXAS STATE OF t~ ) -JoH1J~o~ J 5S. Coun~y'of ~..' J: , '",. 'T~:s ~~5tr~nent ~as acknowledged bef~re mean M~rch :Ov tHnnie ~1ae "Grassi. TrustE'e 27 , 19' 99 gh'~:'?.l ~~~ ~,~~~y ~~:.c 0: k..._...., Tex<<' My col':\:r.~ss:.or. expires: a "/~.7~ ~..'" " .....' ...,. m'l' , 'Jtt JIMMY D. McCARTY . . . NOTARY PUBLIC . STATE DF'l'EXAS $~"~~~'bpl"""2'~' " ~. ' Unti\ a change is requested. a:l tax statements shall De se:ii to the followir.g acidress: 885 So~th 42nd Street, Springfield, oregon 97478 Aft~r r~cordir.g recurn to: Western Pionee~ ~itle Co. ? O. Box 10146, ~ugen~, OR 9740;0 1li1, ;". Date Received . MAR 2t R93.' Planner: BJ , ,1, 4,. 99 2534 99029205 EXHIBlT 'A" Begini1i::g at:: .J. point in the center of County Road No. 28-:, ~aid point -being on che ~est line of the David Arthur Donation Land Cl...im No. 47 in Township 17 SOUt:.; Range 2 .";est of the \hll...mecte Meridian, 1827.1 feet South 0'" 03' Nes''t of tte North~es~ CG~ner ttereof; from said beginning point run 'South 89~ 10' ." East 437.:2 fee~ to tr.e center of a road =unning North a~d South; th~nce 'South o~ C)' \-les,:. a::'on9 the center of said road 300.00 feet; tJ:cnce North agQ 10' ~:est 437 .li feet. to the center of said County R'oad; thence North 00 03' Ea!lt along t~e center of said road 300.00 feet to the place of beginning. in Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING the East 150.0 .feet. thereof. State of Oregon County of Lane - 55. . . l. '.:-.~ Co~nlY Cldl\. in trn:llol Ih.eS3i.::1 C<:>UI1IY. doh..r<l!lycc'I,fYlh61Ib.eW\lhin ;nSltul1li;.'nl......ul('C<llved 101 record lit ., ,". ", Heel '99.Af'R ] ,,10:21 2534R .. L;u"C:oumypFFICIALRecolds' L:llleCO<.lrll~.CI..rk' By: _ u;t A..4,,f'..y CounlyClerk ,. , " .... ~ ~ , , ,. ?f ~ '. i ~ ~ . ;,t ,. Date Received -:j -" '>. ] " .~ MA~ 2 7 I/lFiq " "- J .~~ . Planner: BJ :!-: E :