HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWT 11/5/2008
City of Springfield
Date: 11/5/05
To: ,Lissa Davis, Planner 11
Jon Driscoll, EIT, Transportation Engineer in Training
SUB2008-00041 Cross Partition
The Transportation Division has reviewed the materials provided with the subject application.
The recommended findings and conditions outlined below are provided for your use in preparing
the land-use decision.
Findint!: The subject propertY is a 12,903 sf tract ofland located west of the E Street'cul-de-sac
and east of33rd Street (Map 17-02-31-24, Tax Lot # 2300). Approval of this proposal would
create two parcels; an existing building in the westerly parcel is to remain and continue gaining
access to 33rd Street, while the easterly parcel proposes to gain access to the E Stre~t cul-de-sac.
TransnortatioD System Imnacts
Findint!: Abutting the subject site west, 33rd Street is a 24-foot wide paved roadway within a 60'
right of way. The street is improved with LPS street lighting, which is at the northwest comer of,
the property, Average daily traffic along 33rd Street is estimated to be less than 700 vehicle trips
per day. Abutting the subject property to the east, the cul-de-sac ofE Street is improved with
curb, gutter, sidewalk, and LPS street lighting. Average daily traffic along E Street is estimated
to be less than' 300 vehicle trips per day.
(' Findinq: Based on 1TE Land Use Code 210 (Single-Family Detached Housing) full development
of the one additional parcel with a single-family residential use would generate 10 additional
vehicle trips per day and one additional peak-hour vehicle trip onto the, surrounding street
system. In addition, assumed development may generate pedestrian and bicycle trips,
According to the "Household" survey done by LCOG in 1994, 12.6 percent of household trips
are made by bicycle or walking and 1.8 percent are by transit bus. These trips may have their
origins or destinations at a variety of land uses, including this site. Pedestrian and bicycle trips
create the need for sidewalks, pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle pilrking and
bicycle lanes. .
Findint!: Partitioning ofthe property as proposed would have no significant traffic impacts to"the
abutting street systems.
Condition: None
Date Received:' lI} 0 C / oS
Planner. (J) ~. ~
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5UB2008-00041 Cross Partition
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Site Access and Circulation
Findinl!: Installation of driveways on a street increases the number of traffic conflict points. The
greater number of conflict points increases the probability of traffic crashes. SDC 4.2-l20( A)(1 )
stipulates.that each parcel is entitled to "...have an approved access provided...."
Findinl!: At the pre-submittal meeting for this project (PRE2008S-000S4), Transportation staff
informed the applicant that, while the proposed driveway toE street was abnormally long, since
the city has no plans to extend E Street westerly and the existing property does abut the E Street
right of way, access to E Street from the proposed easterly parcel would be acceptable providing
the positioning ofthe driveway would work with existing constraints.
Findinl!: To provide for pedestrian and vehicle safety, street lighting is necessary to illuminate
street and sidewalk areas adjacent to the proposed development site to an adequate level during
night time hours. Currently, low pressure. sodium lighting has been installed on power poles
along E Street. This type of street lighting does not meet current City standards. Ho'wever, it is
not practical or justifiable to require the applicant to bring the street lighting on E Street up to
current standards at this time. It is appropriate to require an improvement agreement for street
lighting so that the property owner pays a proportionate share of costs when.the Cjty upgrades'
the street lighting system in accordance with provisions ofSDC 4.210S.(G)(2)(d)..
Recommended Condition: Execute and record an Improvement Agreement for street
lighting on E Street.
Date Received: III s-I (J{.
Planner. U) ~ JrCW!J