HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 9/30/2008 ,:1 Memorandum City .of Springfield Date: To: Subject: September 29,2008 Lissa Davis, Urban Planner Eric Walter, Civil Engineer. SUB2008-00041, Cross Partition From: 1 have reviewed the materials provided with the subject application, The recommended . findings and conditions outlined below are provided for your use in preparing the land-use decision, SANITARY SEWER Finding: Section 4.3-105,A of the SDC requires that sanitary sewers shall be installed to . serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains,. Additionally, installation of sanitary sewers shall provide sufficient access for maintenance activities. Finding: Section 2.02,1 of the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures . Manual (EDSPM) states that when land outside a new development will logically direct flow to sanitary sewers in the new development, the sewers shall be public'sewers and shall normally extend to one or more ofthe property boundaries, ,I Finding: The applicant has proposed connecting to an existing 8 inch public wastewater line with service laterals to serve each parcel within the development. The connection to the existing public system is located at eastern property boundary where an existing 8" waste water line runs north-south within an existing 10' public sewer easement. A new 5' private sanitary sewer easement is located along the north end of Parcel 2 for the benefit of serving Parcel 1 for a new 4" waste water line. Parcel 2 will obtain service from an existing 4" lateral located on the eastern side of Parcel 2, Condition: Prior to final plat, the applicant shall install the sanitary sewer services as shown on plans that include extending a new 4" lateral in the new 5' private utility easement to serve Parcell and removing the existing 4" waste water over building area on Parcel 2 where an existing easterly stubbed portion will remain to serve Parcel 2. . STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT Finding: Section 4.3-110.B of the SDC requires that the Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems provisions have been made as determined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Finding: Section 4.3-11 O,D'ofthe SDC requires that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved stormwater management system with SUffiCiej cajccity to accept the discharge. . "I 30 6'8 Date Received", :. t- - ':f:;; Planner: ()) P{;J ~ /~T / Finding: Plans submitted indicate that existing roof drains for Parcel 1 to drain to an existing 3" and 4" storm pipes then extends to an.existing road side ditch in 33'd Street. A new 6" storm pipe latera] is being proposed on the south-east corner ofParce] 2 for accepting roof drainage for future house on Parcel 2, Storm water requirements are satisfied for this partition as shown on plans. Condition: Prior to Fina] Plat, the applicant shall obtain necessary encroachment permit for the installation of the new storm pipe construction for serving Parcel 2 as being shown within the public right-ofcway, . r(GlJ'7 ) PUBLIC STREETS. SIDEWALKS & IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS '/.S r J 7 Finding: Section 4.2-]05.0,2 of the Springfield Deve]opment Code requires that p~" g /( whenever a proposed land division or development will increase traffic on the City street _ y.. ~) JJ system and that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting a fully ~ ~ improved street, that street frontage shall be fully improved to City specifications. ' ~ il) (/ Exception (i) notes that in cases of unimproved streets, an Improvement Agreement shall WV./'{X be required as a condition of Development Approval postponing improvements until such, S-/. time that a City street improvement project is initiated. . v Condition: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall execute and record an Improvement Agreement for future street improvements for 33rd Street, including curb, gutter, sidewalk, storm, and sanitary sewer and street lighting, UTILITIES. EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY Finding: Section 4.3-130.A of the Springfield Development Code requires each development area to be provided with a water system having sufficiently siZed mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development and sufficient access for maintenance. Springfield Utility Board coordinates the design of the water system within Springfield city limits, Finding: Section 4.3-140,A of the SDC requires applicants proposing developments make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development or land beyond the development area, The minimum width for public utility easements adjacent to street rights of ways shall be 7 feet. The minimum width for all other public utility easements shall be 7 feet. The Public Works Director may require a larger easement to allow for adequate maintenance. Finding: The applicant has proposed a 7 foot public utility easements along the frontage of33rd Street, satisfying SectionA.3-140,A ofthe SDC.Additionally, an existing 10 foot public sanitary easement is being shown on plans on the east side of Parcel 2 for the existing 8" public sanitary line. Additionally, a 5 foot irrevocable private sewer easement has been proposed over parcel 2 to benefit parcel ], Date Receiveq: q) 30/ 08 Planner. /J). P{0 ~ ~OC4-- !! . I~ Finding: The app1i<;,ant is proposing a new driveway for serving Parcel to access to "E" Street. The driveway is being proposed in the existing public right-of-way adjoining the "E" Street.cul-de-sac. The City right-of-way may be used for driveway access; however, it will be the responsibility of Parcel 2 property owner to maintain the driveway and side yard adjoining driveway within this City right-of-way. " Condition: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall' enter into a maintenance agreement with the ~ity of Springfield for long term maintenance of the public right-of- way area being used for driveway access, Condition: Prior tOflpproval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall obtain approval by the City Surveyor and rkcord all said easements as shown on plans, . . FEES AND PERMITS " SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE: Pay applicable Systrlns Development Charges when building permits are issued for developments withih the City limits or within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, I' (The cost relates to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportation trip rates, and plumbing::fixture units, Some exceptions apply to Springfield Urban Growth areas,) [Springfield !=ode Chapter II, Article 11] , Systems Development Charges (SDC's) will apply to the construction of buildings and site improvements within the subject site. The Charges will be based upon the rates in effect at the time of'permit submittal for buildings or site improvements on each portion or phase of the deve,10pment. SANITARY SEWER IN-LIEU-OF-ASSESSMENT CHARGE: Pay a Sanitary Sewer In-Lieu-of-Assessment charge in addition to the regular connection fees if the property Qr portions of the property being developed have not previously been assessed or otherwise participated in the cost of a public sanitary sewer. Contact the Engineering Division to .determine ifln-Lieu-of-Assessment ch~ge is applicable. lOrd 5584] PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FEES: It is the responsibility of the private developer to fund the public irifrastructure. OTHER CITY PERMITS: Encroachment Permjt or Sewer Hookup Permit (working within right-of-way or public easements) example: new tap to the public storm or sanitary sewer, or adjusting a manhole. [The cUIT~nt rate is $135 for processing plus applicable fees and defositf] . . Date Received: q, ~r~ ~ OB . tJ, PIame(. UJ PW ~~"-' 3~4- Land & Drainage Alteration Permits (LDAP). [Contact the Springfield Public Works Department @ 726-5849 for appropriate applications/requirements] ADDITIONAL PERMITS/APPROVALS MAYBE NECESSARY: . Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (Pump station, sanitary sewers 24 inches or larger) . Lane County Facilities Permit (If the project is within Lane County jurisdiction) . Railroad (If the project crosses a railroad) . Oregon Department of Transportation (If the project is within ODOT jurisdiction) . Division of State Lands (Storm water discharge, wetlands) . Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (Erosion control (5 acres or greater), pump station, storm water discharge, wetlands) . U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Storm water discharge, wetlands) Date Received: ~ I ffbJ ~" Planner: (j) PW ~ ~y