HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 12/29/2008 ATTORNEY AT LAW 750 Lawrence Street, Suite I Eugene, Oregon 97401 TEL (541) 342-8110 CELL (541) 554-7684. FAX (541) 683,9240 susanjordan.attorney@gmail.com SUSAN EZ'ZY JORDAN, LLC December 23, 2008 . Lissa Davis . Urban Planriing Division City of Springfield 225:Fifth St. Springfield, OR 97477 Re: Property located at 583 33rd St" Springfield Pending Partition Plan Application, Case No, @JB~qQ~"QQ.04,lr and Information Conceming Boundary Line . Dear Ms. Davis, 1 repr~sent Dave and Andrene Everson, who own property located at 583 33rdStreet that is adjacent to property referenced in the above partition application. Mr. and Mrs. Everson contacted me when drawings submitted with their neighbor's partition application showed that the Everson's fence was not on the boundary line. A recent survey done by L.B. Olson and Associates shows that the Everson's fence is in fact, "on the line," as the Eversons, and the former owners, believed. The Olson survey has been sent to the firm responsible for the initial drawings along with.a request that the information conceming my clients' fence submitted in the partition application be corrected to reflect that the boundary and fence lines are essentially the same, as shown in the Olson survey: Please note this infomiation in the file and contact me if you need further information. Thank you for your assistance in this matter, Sincerely, . ~~t: cc: Gary Cross. . Krush and:Associates Dave,and Andr~neEverson Date Received: /J-J 3"9 /D.? Planner: U) fYJ l~ ()) rreS/-'fl'J ~ d,&l~ / :.18 DfL--- , ,. ( .( 380 Q Street,Suite 200' . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . (541) 302"9790 . (541) 485-3253 Fax . info(ci)olsonandmbrris.com. .Olson &, Morris , " . . A subsidiary of LB." Olson &:Associates, inc. Consulting'Engineers & Surveyors. .,' '. Date: November 25, 2008 . '. ; Project: 4035 Evers9" . To:. Susan Jordan IMPORTANT PROPERTY DOCUMENTS This folder contains documents which pertain to yourproperty and the work which we recently. completed. ltis important that this file remain with the title holder of the property as it contairis docmnents that comprise the property-history, requirements for this work,vafiOlis approva1s-(if applicable) and the final copies of recorded documents (ifapplicableY,.' . , If you, or your heirs or assigns, have any questions or need additional information on this property, please feel free to contact this office at your convenience. Thank you for allowing our . firm to be of service. WEARESENDlf..lGVOU THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS THAT PERTAIN.TO YOUR PROJECT: I QTY DESCRIPTION 'I 1 Report of Survey .1. 1 I Map of Survey r . , . -I 1 ,I Deed History from Allen to Locke to Everson 11 1 Deed to LotTI (neighbor to the North) I 1 1 RLlD report . I 1 .1 Copy of Old Windmill Tract Plat ./ . 1 I Copy of Proposed Partition Notice I 1 " Copy of Assessor's Map J J If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our office, , Date_Received: Idi::J"1/08 Planner: tb ~l~ '_lLd C;>WSfXJ{y)JV J0<, J .LJtf~B . ( (' REPORT OF SURVEY The purpose of this survey was to locate the improvements along the north. property line of Lot 78 ofTim OLD WINDMILL TRACT, as it was platted and recorded in the official records of Lane County. This request of survey came from Ms. Susan Jordon, Attorney, representing the property owners, David and AndreneEverson. The Eversons . had received notice from the City of Springfield of a proposed Partition on Lot 77 of said · plat. The notice included a copy of a sur,vey by Mr. Marvin Krush , which indicated the existing fence between the two properties wason Lot 77 and therecord oftitIe for this io.t would have encroached into the Everson's property by up to 8 feet. . . This office conducted a survey on Lot 78 aiJ.d in doing so, discovered the Northwest Comer of said lot which was an iron pipe. We also uncovered other monuments along 33 rd. Street and a Donation Land Claim Comer (Southwest Comer of Lucinda Comegy's DLCNo.81). From these found monuments we were able to establish that the existing' fence between Lots 77 and 78 follow the Lot lines'as established in theorig~nal plat. Attached to this report is a drawing which illustrates our findings. . . . ~.. \,:. :i-. '~, Date Received.L.i~ Jd-?l } OK Planner:LD LjvJ~C!., ... In "fJn .. .effi\esp~'-Z '3~\6 . . -. ", " "j' . . :i',)'3',Il~:'~',:::~'1 ':./j ,.~ ."'~ ....~~....-........~...~,~,.~~:'..--,~':. >. '"\.' ,:.t~:)rihc~q ,,,. "'.......... .;, l'.., ~'. , \ \ ., , -33;0.0.' I I I, I I '---....1 I I '\ \ \ \ \ . \ 66.0.0.' R/W e.... .~ '~'. e.;; I: Ct)' ~ ~ I LOT 76 .. -0 ---- .---- ---- \ \ ..--: \) \ \ . ---- ---- ---- ~ , .' , . LOT,77 . ~33.DD;-"-- .1 c- FDUND,.!/;"IRDNPlPE 1.96':: . J/'N89'29'JD"W .. . .. ...1 125.~4' . I II'" " . ". ./1.-,.....J.". . x. EXISTING SH[D"-./ . , - ~. _ EXISTING FENCE r-.; .. x fl:. ~ ~ .<::, ~ NOTHING FOUND, . NOTHiNG SET . it:-. ~.:.. !">- <:::>!<) :'Ir-.; ~ 'S89'29'3D"[ 125.31' T 79. LO , >;-. FDUND 1/2" IRDN PI.~E ... . .', .. I ' ... . . FDUND 2 1/2" BRASS CAP . . . MAf?KING THE SW CORNER' LUCINDA COMEGY's OLC /81 ~: ' I I I t 'I 1 J I .. . L N ~ ..' ~ J' ...~~\. '. CCJ.. . <::0>_ " 6L ~ .. ~ j~. .-+ '0: ~ ' .!l ~ . .~~, SCALE: ""=30.' , ,3rt ' ,q .... 3D: . , _I ..-." ,~.. _"M r- ~, ",.-'( \"..,,,...""'~"""'""""-~-.:.... . . 60.' -I ' LOCATION DF NORTH PRDPERTY JJNE FOR DA fID EVERSON .' LOT 78, DLD "INDMILL TRACT ., S81/4 N" 1/4 SEC.31, T.17S., R.2w'~ w'M. , ,EUGENE, LANECOUNTY,DREGON . SURVEYED: NOVEMBER .13, . 2008 . ':_1_ . - - lQ. j-<J' <:::> !"> ~ .<::' ~ "",. . <:::>.' -...,~ . <0 " :->.... ~- ~ SURVEYOR , , OLSON &- MORRIS,~ 380. 0. STREET, SUITE f2bD , SPRINGFIELD, ORECOf:l,: ~7.477" . 541-3D2-979,q ;~ 'of! REGISTEREO.~f PROFESSIONAL. . LS"Zktl_ - . - ..- . \j. OREGON J . '; . . .JULY ,10. 1964"" LAWRENCE B. OLSON 655' '. ' RENEWAl DATE,: 12-31-2008 " r (' .-"1 5 ~ NANCY C. ALLEN OR G.....".N~....M'_ 9665635 RENNErH M. LOCKE 5B3N33RD SPRINGFIELD, OR Grv;afN'. NillDIIlDd Addt'fIU " WEirdmNt'm> TITLE CO. 'P.O. BOX 931 SPRINGFlELD1 OR 97417 LJlIWaC!wl&ellreqllta<<l,1Il.I tu IWellItoU daaUlMI leat~lIIer~addrus. . . SAME AS GRANTEE State of Oregon. County of Lane ~ 55.. . 1,lheCClunlyClerk.lnllndrorlhes~1d Coun,ly,dohe.cbycertlflllhal the within lnnrume,:,l WM recelwd for record al 27 SEP 96 .2.J 0.1 " R.d 2220R une County OFRCIAL Records lane CO\ll"ltyClcrk f]..;p 4 ,....j,,-f.:y BI': nTLE NO. 23711' ESCROW NO. 51'96-1:7301 TAX ACCT. NO. 11'641 , MAr NO. 17 OJ;U 14 O:i400 CounlvO~rk WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM , (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) 8 '" s '" .~ iB ~ ~ KNOW AlL MEN BY THESB PRBSENTS, Thai NANCY C. ALLEN h~f'tlJW/ter ca1Iu/ groliJor, for the conslderolion herdnqftci'skIled,. 10 gron/or paid by M!llI.o:.u:a M. LOCKE . htrtJntiflu calJe4 gran/et, dces hUtb~ grant, bargain. 'seU and convey UllIo the SllJd graniee and grantee's heirs, sueuSSDfS and assigns, thai ceTtlJJn real pioputy, wi/h the Itnemen/s, hertdiUuntnls and appurtenances Ihenumo belonging or apperlDhllng. sUuaJed In the Cou~1J oj LANE and Slate oj Ongon, described as 1000ws, /o-wil: f' , i I i I , ! [ . LOT 78, OLD WINDMILL TRACT, AS PLAnED AND RECORDED IN PAGE 24, VOLUME 0, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS,IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. . . ~2~SEr:'.27'961f05REC 5.00 ~~!!SEP . 27 " 96l105PFUND 10.00 ~~~SEP.27"9bl105A&T FUND 20.00 l'!. z ~ ~ ~ '. To Have and to Hold the S/1ItI4 unto ,he Sllid grantee arut gmnlee', heJlS, Juccesron and asslgtisjonyer. And said grantor hereb)' covenanJs /0 and wi/h $(lid grantee and gran/e,'s. hdn, SUCCtssors ond osrfgns, that gran/or Is lawjuU)' selud Injee simple ojthe above granted pf'tmises, fne/rom aU encumbmnces except . SubJeclttl any and aU easemen/s. restrictions and eOvtllD.nfs of record and thai grantor wUl wlJrrantlJnd/orevu defend the SlJ1d premlses and lvery part' and parcel ""-1't%golnst the lawful elDJms and dlituJnds of all persOns whomsoever, extept thost cJabnlng under the above "scribed enewnbranus. The ttw'tUrd tu:tuol consldtmtion paid/or this trans/er, sioted In temU of MUoIS, b $86,000.00. . -However, the octuaI constderatum cOnsists 01 or Includes ()ther property or value given or promIsed which Is (the . whoh/pan olthe) consideratkm (indlcaJe which}." (The sentence between the symbols., if not oppl1<<lble should be deleted. See ORS 93.030.) In constrUIng "this dud and where the tontext so rtqulns, the slngula,.lndudes the plural and aU grommaticol thanger shall be lmpl1ed to 11UJJ;e Ihe prO"rlsions hereof appl1 equally /0 corporoflons and tC1indIvlduals. ' In WUness Wlurcoj,t'hegranlor},asuecu/edthlsitutrumentthls '26 day 0/ Sect. 19 it U G corpom/e gromor, lJ has caused Us nan~ to be slgned and setd affIXed by Us officers, duly lJuthotU,ed thereto b,omerofl/sboard()fdIuctors. . i' . , f t:. ; , , i i nns INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF TIlE J'ROPERTV DESCRInED fN TillS INSTRlIMENT IN VIOLATION OF Al'FUCADLE LAND U$ELAWS AND REGULA.TIONS. DEFORE SIGNING OR A.CCEPTING TIllS INSTRUMENT. TIlE PERSON ACQ1.11RlNG FEE TITLE To'nfE PROPERTY SIlOULD ClIECK. WIn! TIlE APJ'ROPRJATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPAR'TMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO'DETERMtNE ANY LlMITSON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING ORFOllESI'rRACTlCES ASDEFlNED INORS 30.930. (}d~/ N (I) F JOf{WtbS&ls~INS , - i C.NOTARYPUSlIC'OREGON . .' uSlt.d,~ISsrONNo.041307 10 . .....,-~~~~~~E!~~IIIQf '. Sf TE OF OREGON, COUNn:' OF -Lan... TillS INSTRUMENT WAS A.CKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME ON Ql2fit,h , ~~ ~ J. ..fihIHAA M,,,mwIDI~,,...., ~1'u.b1lcrorort&ou IH_~ )~ L-OC-KE- ,19...2.2.-r'BYNANCYC',ALLEN ~/Fi /qq VEE-t>. Date Received: 1;)- .Planner. {J).Lf')iLuI CL b~l€> ~~u '.! L ._...._:(r,3'/t;..,~)>!,i.::tf '" 'l~:..! ..~t.d~r18i{. .J 11-..z.4D D . ~......,'~_....,~".....-" .'..,[8".'.. . ill 'l8.. .. .. ".' :.'; ..;~:..{{~:.. (. \ ( 1 -p . American Title Group Escrow No. 00024916, . WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) KENNETH M. LOCKE and DEBI.K. LOCKE, as Tenants bytbe Entirety, herein called granlor, convey(sllo . ANDRENEC. EVERSON and DAVID G. EvERSON, WIFE AND HUSBAND all that rea:! property situated in the County of LANE, State of Oregon. descri~ed as: \ L'?t 78, OLD WINDMILL TRACT, as platted and recorded in Page 24, Volume 13, La~e County Oregon .,'. Plat,Records',ln Lane County, Oregon. .' " . . and covenant(s) that grantor is the owner oflbe above described property free of ali encu~bran~es except CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, AND EASE,MENTS OF'REC~RD. and will warra~t and defend the'same against all petio~swho inay lawfully qlaim the same,.exce~t as ~hown ~bove. ., . . '. The true and actual'consideration for this transfer isS152,OOO.OO. '" Dated August 23, 2005. ::r:;~" '" :;(..1 KENNETH M. LOCKE l\~) ~ fk- U DEBI .LaC .. ' STATE OF OREGON, County oCLANE)ss. .,'" On this DAY OF AUGUST, 2005 personally appeared the abovetiamed ,KENNETH M. LOCKE and DEBI . K. LOCKE and acknowledged the foregoing instrument'to ~e THEIR' voluntary act and deed. ":::) . '. 'B~re'L(k~-iiM11m0 ~cforOregon: . - _ ' . My coriunission expire's: 09-08~08 ':~. . 1 _.- _ _-.....::..=..:=-.5iS::o.-' ~ '" OFFICIAL SEAL \". . _. DANA HINSHAW' . l tIOTARY PUBUC. OREGON t- ! CQUWS5K)N NO. 382499 ,,: ::: . MYCOUMISSlONEXPI_R~~~T.8,2001l ~ 1,..= .___ __ WARRANTY DEED (INDIVIDUAL) - - ! STATE OF OREGON, ) . . ~ ~ D1vlslon of Chi.' Depuly Clerk. Lane Co~ntYDe~d8 and Records' TO 1111"111111111111"""1111111111111111111111111 ,00730176200900671670010012 . , . RPR-DEED Cnt::1 Sin' -_6 . 08/26/2005 11 :55: 11 AM CRSHIER 07 . . $'.00 $11.00 $10.00 , 2005.007107 . $26.00 .'KENNETH . M. LOCKE and DEBl K. LOCKE' Send Tax Statements to: ANDRENE C. EVERSON and DAVID G. EVERSON 583 33RD STREET . ,'SPFLD, OR 97478 Title After Recording Retunl to: AMERICAN TITLE GROUP 360 E. 10TH AVENUE ,SUITE 101 EUGENE, OR 97401 . By pepu.ty 'L-oC;1L.8. Date ~ElCelved: lif) a-Cj ) O~ f3t8tlMft 4) ~~{ Io~ \8 . I E-VE:~-:='o0 , "_ ' (,. .t,.,(...~ ,it"~ ,_" J -.:...~::. '_.,....-; . . '-",_ t-',..v.....:J"."'... ...,..,." .....................-,,-:....-....'.... ~, . .. .~. ~ " :1f;:1n::.\. .' '5'l\!O Vlsio~FonnSOOO30R-Rev.Oln:3197 ,..;.;,j ( ( ~ <!> ~ RANDY COMPTON P.O. BOX 441 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477. g Gnmtor'. Name and Address GARY P. CROSS. ~ 460 W. 25th ~ Eugene, OR 97405 Grantee's Name and A.ddres1 ~ ~RGmN'nlID TlTLIl CO: P.O. BOX 931 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Until a dulnge is nquestcd, aD tal: 5talementll $ball De sent to the loD.owing Bddres:t. SAME AS GRANTEE l:! ~ ~. . TITLE NO. ELT-48516 ESCROW NO. Sl'U5-1!300 . TAX ACCT. NO. 0119634 MAP NO. 17-02,..3J.%4-42300 Divlsion.o' C. hie( Depuly Ci..k . ~n~.n~a!na.' Lane County ~eeds and Records LVUV VUg~Ug .1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. $26.00 00731415200500683080010010 . .. . . 08/301200502:44:49 PM RPR-DEED Cnl.l Sln;4 CASHIER 02 $5.00 $11.00 $10.00 wAimANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, T1u1I RANDY COMPTON hereinafter called gra.lItor, jor the consideration hereinafter stated, to grantor paid by GARY P. CROSS .. hereinafter called grantee, does hereby. granl, bargain, sell and convey unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs. . successors aizd assigns, that certain real property, wilh the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging' . o~ appertaining, situated in the County 0/ LANE and Stale of Oregon, described 4S follows, to--wit: . Lot 77. OLD WINDMILL TRACT, as platted and recorded in Book 13, Page 24, Lane County Oregon Plat RecordS, in Lan~ County, Oregon. ,- To Have and to Hold the same unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assignsforever. And said gramor herelJ,. covenants to and with said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, that grantor is lawfully seked in fee simpk 01 the above granted premises, free f1'!3m all encumb,,?nces except ,~ 2005-2006 Real Property Taxes, a lien not yet due or payable. Subject to any and all easements, restrictions and covenants of record and that grantor will wamznt andforever defend the said premises and every pan and parcel thereof against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever, except those claiming ~nder the above described encumbrances.. The true and actual consideration paid for this transfer, stated in terms of dollars, is $95,000.00. *Howefer, the actual .consideration conus of or includes ,!ther property or value 'gif~n or' promised which is {the , whole/part oj the) consideration (indicate which). * (The sentence between the symbols *, if not applicable should be deleted. See ORS 93.03Q.1. ... 'In construing this deed and where the context so requIres, the singular includes the plural and all gramnwtical changes shall be~~p'1ie4 to nuJke. the pro~isio"s hereof apply .eq.uaJly to corp~rat~ons and t~ivjJu'als.., 11 _ ~ . .' In -WU'ness Whereof, the gramor has executed thra mstrutfUnt thrs. o-Pj . day oj ~ L<."S I . . . 202!2; if a corporate grantor; it, has caused its name to be signed and seal fiffixed by its oJficers, dulj-Juthorit.ed thereto by order of its board oj directors. . TIDSINSTRUMENT WILL NC?T AllOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRII!:ED IN TlDS INS'I'RuMENT IN VIOLATION OF ~~ LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT; TBEPERSON ACQUIRING FiE TITLE . TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD ClmcK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR CO'UN!Y PLANNING DBPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED ~SES ~INE.3"rrSON LAWSUITS AGAlNST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AliDEFINED INORS 30.930, . ~ ' . C ON STaA'S:~IN=~~ Wf · \ ~~ My commission n:pin:s: . 'i5--r) ,20 05. BYRANDYCOMPrON ';}r2,.-tJl?:J . '-". Notary Public fur Ore on ". ~~ ' ,. ' '-'''~''':,: ,,- ,. ,.;\.'i..," "i:",rH;t~t ..~. r_----.o-.---~;;.;;;;.:~;~ 'J- . : - nHA BRAN FORD . ; '-. ,/ NOTARY PUBLIC .ORfGON :~_ '---,.' ~~~~~~~s~~:~~.~, . ....,.. ~ "''O~J Date Rece;Ved:~Jo r Planner. ()) ~. : . . &X{~C&t( "f-e-r \6 . . '),.......,... : fJ~.vL;.!J::;l~ f .~:.:i1\..: -........"...,. . C.O /...-\t'T oD .,. c::..1Z-D<;;S -rL--'1...'?oo RLID Detailed Prop,p";v Repnrt. '. (, : ,-,. . I < c Page 1 of5 LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Address: 58333RD ST , . Map &TilX Lot#: 17-02-31-24-02400 A &.T Account#: 0119642 · ,,". ....."''''''"'''. t "II II :::::~:::~':::'~IOf,l~I!!I,:'~Y::~'+:'NI,!!;::~:q~r,rte:r.l, ::::::::::::::::: ""I .' ., '"H' n,,, . 't . .... ... ...."" .n.......n.... -,. . " . "" ",.,,, ''H~,,,. , Vicinity Map Soedal'lnteresICode: . [T~~-M~P...!.'r:~!~l1I:;J:~::M!!~:~"'"'il: . . View Archived Taxmaos Detail Map X-Coord: 4269621 . Site Address Information . House ',.' . Suffix.. Predir. 583 Mailing City. SPRINGFIELD Create'Date:1986-09-25 Land Use Site Address State Plahe Coordinates Y -Coord: 878636 Street Name' 33RD. PostDir. Street Type ST Zip'Code Zip+4 97478, 5843 lJpdate Date: 1995-11-10' . , \ Land use information has not been field verified. Unit Type Unit State Carrier Route C024 , OR '.' .- .., Code: .. Land Use Code and Description: ,.1111 Use Code and Description: S Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction: Parent Zone 1: Boundary Information'. General Incorporated City Limits: Urban Growth Boundary: Fire Protection Providers: . Node: \ .. , '~~~"'PlaiH)esigh'~liC;i,~;"'~" \:1'~$': " '~ 2bbb CensuS t~ad~&I'lll;,L, . 'i. 2000 Block Group: . \ Ye~r.Annexe'd: . Description: SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING SINGLE FAMILY " Plea~e verify_zoning infonnation with local jurisdJC!ion.,Lane County overfayzones are not currently shown in RUD. . Code: SPR LD . Description: SPRINGFIELD LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL .. Please ~erlfy boundarj information wi.th local jurisclicUon. SPR SPR SPRINGFIELD . SPRINGFIELD' N. Disolav CUrrent Metro' Plan -MaD 1902 ~ 1960 OfltiReceJyed: . jJ1. . n'l5 . PI~liner: Lb . ~& ?~'/f~ http://WW}V.r1id.org/reports!Mai~J~portJlidstar.cfm?taxloUd=17058&siteaddressid.;....11/25/2008 . Soil Water Conservation District: . Soil Water Conservation District 0 Zone: .. Political Districts Election Precinct: County Commissioner District' . County Commissioner:- StOlte Representative,District: . State Representative Name: City Council Ward: City Councilor Name: State Senate District: State Senator: . LCC Board Zones: EWEB Commissioner District: . Lane.County Assessor's Office 1 Account Number: 01196421. Property Owner Owner1 Name: EVERSON ANDRENE C & DAVID G Owner Address:...5.8333i'tD ST, l.,..,.."t~}, a-f ~ 'r.,,~~ ~>:::'~ ~._. ......~h.....~...." If .~. .~c...-, -,~I , '."State RLlD Detailed Propr~' Report Annexation #. . Approximate Acreage: Approximate Square Footage: Environmental Findings Metro Flood Hazards: West Eugene Wetlands: FEMA Flood Hazard Zones .. FIRM Map Number: 41039C1161F (TIF) I 41039C1161F (PDF) Code:' X Soils Soil Map UnitNumber: 6 .Schools District: .. Elementary School: Middle School: High School: . Service.Districts L TD Service Area:. l TD Ride Source: Ambulance District: City SPRINGFIELD ( . Page 2 of5 0.21 9,148 . Please verify environmental.in~ormatjon with-Iocaljurisdiction. Note: Some parcels may extend onto adjacent FIRM maps. Registration between parcet boundaries and flood hazard zones is approximate. Community numbers are based on the current city. limits and may not reflect boundaries at the d,ate of map publication. Consult FIRM maps or appropriate authority. . . Community Number: Post - FIRM.Date: Panel Printed? (Y/N):. 415592 19.85-09-27 Y Description: ... Areas determinedtobe .outside of 500-yearflood. .Soil JypeDescriptibn:.. AWBRIG-URBAN LAND COMPLEX Percentage of Tax Lot: 100 COde: 19 545 555 561 Name<. SPRINGFIELD DOUGLAS <,;ARDENs SPRINGFIELD THURSTON: . 'Y YES. EC Area: EASTICENTRAL Prov'der' SPRINGFIELD DEPT OF FIRE & . . .1 'UFE SAFETY . UPPERWILLAMETT 102402 2 BILL DWYER 12 E. TERRY BEYER SP4 . DAVE RALSTON 6. WILLIAM MORRISETTE 3 SPRINGFIELD OREGON Map & Tax Lot:. 17-02-31-24-02400 1 , . Date Received: ., if d7 0 g' Planner. tJ) ~" q fn .18 ~(rQ<JJiJCI- zip cli<fe .' -: I~ 97478.. . Country UNITED STATES "http://www.rlid.org/reports/Mainjeport_rlidstar:cfm?tiDdotid=17058&siteaddress.id=..:.11/25/2008. . .RLID Detailed prorv Repnrt' , ( Taxpayer. TaxoaverName: EVERSONANDRENE C & DAVID G ,Taxpay~rAddress: 58333RD ST City. State SPRINGFIELD OREGON Property Legal Description. Township: 17,'. . . Range: 02 Subdivision Type: Subdivision Name: Lot/Tract/Unit Number: TL 02400. .. 'Subdivision Number: Recordirig Number: , Property Value. and Taxes LandValue . Real Markel . 68,504 57,026 52,320 . 38,756 37,266 30,298: . 29,416 ..... 28,840. 25,080 . . 23,660 23,660 21,910 . 17,960 11,920. 2008 . 2007 2006. .' 2005 ' 2004 2003 . .2002.. 2001: 2000 . 1999 1998 1997 1996 . 1'995. 85,609 Taxable Vafue Country . UNITED STATES Section: 31 Quarter: 24 Division/Phase: Page 3 of5 : Zip Code 97478 , . ImprovemenfValue Real Market 100,300 . 117,270 . 110,100 88,790 79,280 67,760 . 55,540 54,450 . 70,710 62,030' . 60,810 62,690 62,690 56,800 . Toti:1I Value Real Market 168,804 .174,296 . 162,420 127,546 116,546 98,0.58 84,956. . 83,290 95,790 ' 85,690 .84,470. 84,600 . 80,650 68,720 . Assessed 85.609 83,116 , 80,695 78,345 . 76'063 '. 73;848 71,697 ., 69,609 . 67,582 65,614 63,703 61,848 80,650 .68,720 0..0' Exemption Amount Regular.(EAR) Frozen Asses'Sed Value (FZNPU). Tax Year Tax (See Explanatibn ofTax) , 2008 1,497.57 2007 . 1,355.50.' . 2006 1,31?-22 2005 1,288:20 . :, ~W4 1~~~ . 2003 1,227,24 20.02 1,121.23 ." 2001 1',099.94 2000 . 1,073.37 ~::: . Date Received: fq!d0J Dr- ~:~:::~: 1997 Planner: I f\ I h /I. . (L . 1,050.93 ,1996 L.1..J '-1Y~_"::J)/lrir;1}140.41 '. ,.. . 1995 , , Lurr ~O'(VWu.r,-078.67 Explanation ofTax " . .: . lDtrJ.-.. 18. . . ' The tax shown is ihe amount certified in October, unless a value change ha~ been processed on the property. . ~V9l~eS,t1a!!9.~~yp.!9~lly,p~C.9~r eS,$l.result of appeals, c1erical.errors and omitted property, The owner either ". initiat~~ the change, as iri t~,~'~~R~:of appeals, or is notifi~d by the department, in !he case of clerical errors and . omitted property. !he amount shown is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any ..' . . http://wWw.rlid:org/reports/MainJeporUlidstar.cfm?taxloUd=17058&site~address_id=.:..11/25/2008 . . . . RLlD Detailed prorerty Report . .. ( . Page"4 of 5 ~ ." discounts offered, payments made, interest owing,or previous years owing.- Account Status ~lj~ . Active for the 2008 Tax Year New Account Scheduled to be . r:!F Active for the 2009 Tax Year ~!J~ Locally Assessed ,~ Pendinp Sea/Mera~ m;~F Pending Value Change r:i:~ Delinquency ~i~j' . Delayed Foreclosure ll~ !3arikruptcy. ~;::j' Code Split Indicator Related Accounts .::i . Remarks: Snecial Assessment Pronram (if applicable) Code: . General Information i Property Class: . Statistical Class: Neigl)borhood Code: Property Use Type: Account Type: Category: Mortgage Company Name: .Total Acreage for this"Account: Fire Acres: Current Year Tax Code Area (Levy Code): 01900 Lane County Assessment and Taxatio112008-2009 Billing Rates ; CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE . LANE COUNTY. _ LANE COUNTY METROPOLlTANWW SER DISTICT LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT . Description: 101 130. 41040. RESIDENTIAL, IMPROVED CLASS 3 SINGLE FAMIL YHOME RP LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS CHASE MANHATTAN MTG CORP - UTAH 0.00. . Sales Information Sales Sales Date: Price-: 08,23- '. 2005 152,000 11-22- 1996 09-26- 86,000 1996 Manufactured Structures -. Building-1. Characterisf;.,,, Grantor: . Grantee: . Instrument Anfllvsis. Mult #: Code: Acct?: _2005- 'i N 67167 .1996- ft. 78859 . .. 1996- Q 65635 LOCKE KENNETH M & - EVERSON ANDRENE C & DEB I K ... . DAVID G . 'h;-;.vki~~'~~~ '3Jf,'~. ":,' .LOCKE~KENNET.fM"" . :1"fltld", ALLEN, NANCY C Account. 0119642 Map &Tax Lot: 17-02-31-24-02400 Date ReCeived' )~:;ij \6 ~_ . ......LD ll~~ ~i http://www.rlid.org/reports/MainJeportJ1idstar.cfm?taxloUd=17058&site_addressid=...ll!25/2008 .. RLID Detailed Propr"r R~p"'" . . . .. l. : ( '. ,". .Insoection . Date: 11-30-1995 Building Type: 31 STAT 130 Class: ... Year BIJilt; , Effect Year Built:' .Floor: Basement: First: Secona: . Allie: TOTAL -;-. , ".., A.', 3 1.95.2 ~961. Roofstyle: Roof Cover:. . 'Heating: . Exterior Wall: GABl.E COMP SHINGLE MEDIUM . FORCED HOT AIR SHINGLE-WOOD' Depreciation: .21 . , .Base Area Finished Area. Bsmt Gar sqft: 1160 1160 All Gar sqft: All Port sqft: Det Gar sqft: DrivewaySqft: 1160 1160 Paved Patio Sqft: Sf!::lrr.hRF!!:::.lllt!:::. INpw Pr~~ertv Search l~fir:::Jfiom~ MAnlJ .\ ,', " \ '.i-W"'/Il,;"',...\;. If.;,o.,''' ~':""";"'".t"~~'I__,....;.......-~ ~.',,,..~-.. ....~...,:" , ". C'". ," ., "t "'~f;jl'1nt;::J;';. ( Page 5 of 5 Bedrooms: . 3 . Full Baths: Haif Baths:. Fireplaces: . . Percent Improv. Complete: . l' YES 100 Parkina Area 240 " . .. Date ReceiVed: ."j ;;;)d171 0 g- Planne~ L(j.. . ~~~CQ ld-&;r J8. ' . http:/ /www,rlid.orglreportslMain_repor\Jlidstar.cfm?tax1o(.Jd= 17058&site.:'. address id"",:.. 11/25/2008 . . ~_'''_''~''."..o-:::._J:.Jid...._..'~"i...'.I,,,.. : ,'.5'(;RVEVORS', AFF//JA~': sn,= "''''"'''''''''[SS . . . 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J , 'Z3 ZZ I , as' , ; if j il~ I II ' ( 43 ~. 42. '" '" l l~' , t, M~;;.t":~'. ~ I.. ~,.""JLi::.~~~:.,.~_..:,-":'t'~'y~ "M .l;;iI*;.:+~ri,Ci1,.". ~:;,:." :lW - . . ::, -1"i.f'Y13 ri~~~- -' .,: .-, . "'~" . .... A PPJ;>nVAI ~ ~\ t_AN~ rOl.JNTV rrJul7T __fJiabw----HfUd.___-_COUNrY JU~ . :~'O' .' .' _#..LL.l::{Qil~____c0u.v7:r:.~M .....ADfU2 ~~tz:r__a:x5N" COMMisSIONor ~PR/~fJ'f'I_f] CtTY PIAArN~ rnMMI_r.f/rv.c. ......D=<=.. ~~1U9 _ _ "PR.eSIO.eH7;. -4J:ba. ..MOIXL__ ___SECkEniRi: I Afo{e COONrlf S{fRV~JrZ:Ip .cA5'~OP: . - BN...~__.stIiV.E">iw' cOen...,(,-Uordt_ _ A.s.s~S.s,?~ Oil; W/NDM/ILrRACT 5.3/- T/7s'-RZW. -W.M, . L.:.ANE COUNTY, OREGON. JUNE-;94-7 . SCALe: '/~"" 100' . '{"~~:- ~t. i ( , 4e .f "" :ze ~. " '. I I' 11 31 :,::::1 ~ I' ... " j'.. ~ , 11 ~ I j ~ '~ . I 35 ~ ~ "I " /j f ~ ,I ~ I, '''"> . ~ ~7 ,II-), ~;b: .:'. Lt~- AL~L -+,--:+ I.: 60 ",. 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J",~''''':''~L.1-H7 _ff.Jt....P~lL ~!., ,....~, 8Y..;.-.!l.~'S,~...-,,'J.::'';'~'::'' ~~ .9 .- "~<74~. \~. ~'", . ~:t' . , '7l> ~z I Et;ENIJ . jm., "A~3 Sd- . eo-=~,.,f Lr/7iJ.3 ==.::. 58 I I ~ . _M,' I ~ ~ .' ~8, -'\. , ., ~ I t'~. ,! ^ 79 flIC( , ,~ , ~ t ~ "50. 1;..,% ,~ '~J , , 1 ~-., 8z W , 83 ~I~ ~~ l~- 11~~O , . ~zi- I~~ /. .1..... 57 55 8' 50 .- I y '""'. "--:---\ 'I , '!' :<":i~ , ,~.'\f~ ." '.', " , " i , '.j i /------.....,. ,'. , . SPI;''''~.;..c .. ~ 300-FOOTPUBLIC NOTICE. ... PENDINGP.ARul10N TENTATIVE PLAN APPLICATION 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD,. OR 974n PHONE (541)726-3753 . FAX (541)726-36B9' ~.ci.springfield..or.us Date oCNotice: S".I';...,..,ber 11,2008 Case Number: SOO2008-OO041 Annlicant: Gary Cross Nature oC tb~ Annlication.: The applicant is J.':,,~~:""g to paitition one lot into two Parcels. . Location: The property involv.ed in this request is located at 60333rd Street in Springfield, Assessor's , MapNo.17~02~31-24,TaxLOt(sj2300~. ._-~--~-- -~--:-._.,-~ .,., ._----. ......---., . . Annlicable Criteria.: The criteria of "t'.I'''' IlI1 fOlmd at Section 5.12-125 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) apply to this awlication. The criteria are av3ilab1e at Springfie1d'City Hall weekdays . between 8:00 a.m:and5:00 p.m: at the Development Services.Deparlment or on the City's website 'at www.ci.soringfield.or.us under Springfield Development Code; . . r . Your ~ht to Provide'Written Comment: 'Prior to the City making aIiy deCision on the appliCation, you are provided afo)lrteen (14) day period for the submission of written comments. Yom written . comments mUst be received by 5:00 p.m. on September 25,2008. Send cominents to th~ "';';......;';on of the . staff contact listed below.. You may review the record of this application at City Hall and purcIuisecopies . at areasonab1ecosl '" F~ilure to Raise Issue:, Issues which may provide th~ baSis for an.appeal to the Land Use Board Of Appeals shall be raised in writing prior to the LAp:"',,;';on of the comment period. .Issues shall be raised. With sufficient specificity to enable the decision maker to ."""puud to the issue. . Staff Contact: Lissa Davis .. " ._<::lty ()f Spring!ield ... .. Urban Planning Division E-mail: 1davis@ci.sPrlngfie1d.or.us Phone: (541).726-3632 ,. , lfyou would like to meet directly With the planner, pki1se etJl aiul nudce QlllIDlJOiniment. ',i.~: ')":'::<:!\::~;j~~Ji!r,!~"'''' ~.i.i';':l~: :~'1m'l,:;I", D~teR.' e~iVed: }::vl~[vfF .' Planner: L{) . ~C!.-' cb<<. .Ict ~ff(~ . \ '. . ~ __ .1 -,.1\:" I i , t , 0-- ~~'. . 'I,' ;::. ~. . ~tr. ." ::J.' Ii' 0... , ...' - ~ 0 ~ UI. CD -tl, ~ ~... -f Sf ""- CXl (I,? .~ ~ \ - FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION ONLY +~ ! '." I ~~ I" ~I1'" ""'0 .1 I';~' " .~ ""~500'''' 6200 " r:- ,.J: I ;; ., o ~ ~ ~ 7300 '<00 .ol-200 . .. " ~h' 7200 "00 ~too " , 'U~< .. ,. ~ "00 0 6600 <000 \ z "<-0' N " " '" 7000 6700 J900 7 ~ " ". ",00 "00 ",,00 . ~~ " . ,~.~ ~. ". ..--..,.p..... S,E,1/4 N.W,1/4 SEC.31, T,17S, R.2 W.W.M. LANE COUNTY SCALE ,. .. 100' ~ 5<00 ~1., ..... .-:.;~ '2~O: -~ "".'~ '''~r-:- ,-.~.:! ~ . 1- , S li;.,.",'-.t ~111rii::1if\J<<"1) I I)p.jI-L I 2500 ,f lUlu r;v ll4'\U1 It, J>. II:< .79 ~t !~ ir~\\0~1~ I! I E.~6~COR" {W~~~ I /' I O.l.a~' 5~:t: ~~~. 8~ _4.'-. L ~~ L 45 44 I 2700 8701''-'' '-I~:~(I0800':;;;- ~. al q,. (~I ~ I ':0 _ l~i('0802 I . 11~ 10801 2900 ~ I' "00 "'" J r I I I 111 iJI 'I I I. U' " <3" " ~- ,,- ,- --- . - - ~- - ~, ':'~." -. ',........., 17 02 31 24 . .......~ NAD 83/91 "" SEE WJ> 17 02 31 21 "00 " ...... en :21 ~ .~. ~ >- ~ 58 W . ~~i~: ,. ;i ..... ", $.36380 .........."\. ,-,---~.. '" 170'1) , 1900 ! ,.1.~ ~ : _ _ ..L~ _._,._ _' ~.-.,. ~ ~It .\iOO.<i.... ...; ';. . 0.22N;. 1901 - _.(' 2000 1 ~!~ I... i '2 i" 6:N ..1..... J [:1~ '" N.,- " " , STREET .1 .- "JOO' I I I 1 k j; I, 11 It. Il" I I I " .. 1 " I 'E' ". ~..'...~ '-...&-- ""04' 1'. 101 . :"~.oc.j: I b' 1""'- 1 ~, ~ ,f ~.~. J :r: ~ ..:,:;,,~ ~ 5o.lR,. ~~I~ ..... ~ :;o.~""" t "l'CI.._b_~. j~ to ; ..... ~...">' 103 rl) ~ q:;<qr~ 0.10 -'C, ; 9~.!~. . ~ I'Q.. lri!: u' 'RBL.<T r........._-,."~r ".....r.~ ..."........".."..-. ;,11500.-....'.h.....~ 9100"""' " --~--- JOOO -" "00 " 3200' " 3300 " 3<00 " 3500 ,. 3600 " J700 ~ "00 ~. , , , ,~= '00 ,= ,- 10100 10400 10900' 1100 11501 11600 11700 12100 '12600 ,~ ''"' ,.. ... '"" .00 ~ '"" ... = "'.. .... T 'i11301 ',9000-' . . T~1 :r f,g;OOfY-1-.' -+ 1'050~ t~tl401 ~ 9500 ,- - 't 1-&400 thO.34 .lC. ~. . + _ _ ;;.. _' _ _ _ : ~U( I 9601 1~ :'12000 ~ ., 11300 10200 ~ c) ~:;;;:.._. ...":"'-,. r r. ~. 11400 ~; ~ ~O,13 ...c. 1 .., ViO" ~'~ -'1 u' , . i. eL.K11.' 1,9900~= i SEE MAP 17 02 31 31 APPROX, +CTR.SEC,' 17 02 31 24 ~. .-~ ~ ;; , o ~ ~ ~ " .,-'~'\ " . ATTORNEY AT LAW 750 Lawrence Street) Suite I Eugene, Ocegon 97401 . TEL (541) 342-8110 CELL' (541) 554-7684. FAX (541) 683-9240 susanjordan:attorney@gmail.com COpy SUSAN E'ZZY JGR!8A'N, LLC December::!3, 2008 . ',- . Marvin Krush. Krush and Associates 607 Highway 99 North Eugene, OR 97402 Re: Property located at 583 33'd St., Springfield Pending Partition Plan Application, Case No. SUB2008-00041 and 1nfoimation Concerning Boundary Line . Dear Mr, Krush, ,.... 1 represent Dave and Andrene Everson, owners ~f property located at 583 33'd Street, Springfield; Oregon. (am contacting .you to provide you with survey information concerning a fence located between the Everson's property and property owned by Gary Cross and located at 603 33'd Street; Springfield, Oregon, ! . . . . . . The'Eversons contacted me when drawings done by your,firm and submitted with Mr, Cross's. . partition application showed that the Everson's fence was not on the boundary line. A survey done by L.B. Olson and Associates shows that the Everson's fence is in fact, "on the line," asboth the Eversons, and the fOlmer property owners, Kenneth and Debi Locke, be!leVed. I am enclosing a copy of the Olson survey and copieS of Affidavits signed by Kenneth and.Debi Locke. I ani also sending a copy of this letter to the City of Springfield and request that the ,.,.. information concernil1g the Everson's fence location contained in Mr. Cross's partition application be corrected, Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, . ~Iw.\~' Susan E~ Jrdan Enclosures ' cc: Dave and Andrene Everson City of Springfield Urban Planning Division Gary Cross Date Received: /ifldCiJo 8'"". Planner: Lb ~. J&.' 18 (!j)(~ .. IYfr-- . . , , " AFFIDA VITOF DEBI LOCKE' LJCOPY STATE OF OREGON ). ) ss. ) ': County of Lane ,. . . . '" I, Debi K. Locke, be~g first duly sworn, hereby depose and say: . . .. ...., . . '..... .,... ~ ' 1. ' I am the former owner of":',vp",~ylocated at 583 33 Street in Sprfugfield, ~gOIi. .. . . ~ " 2~. My h->L....d p......,L...,,,J the property located at 583 33 Street in Springfield in September, 1996 and conveyed it to both of us; as husband and wife, in: November, 1996. We' sold the property to the current owners, Andrene wid David, - Everson, in August of2oo5. . ,.. . 3. '.. . 'At the tinie that I became an ,owrietof the property, I believed that the. fence lOcated on the northern end of the P'''P''''.f inarked the north property line, This belief coutUlUed throughout the entire time that my husband and I ovvned the propertY and afterwards. . My belief that we o~ea the property south of the fence was based on the .. fact that the fei:u:e was in gOod condition, .....,,""";.J to mark the northern edge of the p,v"",~j, mid was in line with utility poles and the......y"""". ...uy",.j line. No one ever told us there was any dispute or that the "'-'UYVLLj,line was not ~ the fence Was. . There was a Structure build up against the fence andthe former owner had grapevines alongside the fence. .' . . 4. . .. For the entire time that we oW!led the property, my husband and I used the ",':'";',,j loCated south of the north fence as our own. We maintained the fence, the grapevines, mid other vegetation, used the covered structure, walked on the proPerty and our children played on it When we sold the lUvp""Y' we believed that we were c9nveyillg' all of the ,,~v~""f located south of the fence located on the 'north~ edge of our property. , "",. L-" ",/ ~ . . , '-U9 AD...-l,~ ()( . . Debi.ie Cocke .' ~ , .,. . /.' .. '. ...... ... '. . . . .- 'it. . SUBSCRIBED AND .SWORN to before me this ~ day ofOqtober, 2008. . ,,<.4~MA '. . - . . . OfFICIALSEAL. -.'. Notary Public {orore:;j.on ' ... .' -. ,ANNA BLADE . . . My. Commissio,'.n Exp'. . :. f,./,l. 1/9:17007. . " ! . IIOlMY PUBLIC -llREGOR -7 -'. ,0. COMMISSION NO. 394994 .MYOOMMISSlOHEXPiREs.lJ.Y182lX1l1 ..... . s . -j, Date Received: Planner. Lb Id}Yl JDg:; '~fpJl7dzl.7ce {:}- 0::0 ..t 8 . . . , . AFFIDAVIT OF KI;NNElH LOCKE.. . [:COpy STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County.ofLane ), . , I,Kerinetb M: Locke; beingfust duly sworn, hereb~ depose and say: . . 1. .. 'lamtheformerownerof~,vp,,~,j1ocatedat583 33n1S~m. Springfield, Oregon. .'.... . '... . .'. .. ...,...... .. . 2. " I ,._~:"..8ed the property lociltedat 583 33n1 Street in Springfield in September, '1996 arid con~eyed the property to my wife,'Debi LOcke, and myself in . November, 1996. ,We sold the property to the current oWners, Andrene and David Everson, in August, 2005. . .. 3. . '.At the time that I purchlised the pwp",.j, r believed that the fence located ~n the northemend of the "'~"""'j' markCd the nOrth'propertY line.' This belief continued throughout the entire tiIne that I owned the property arid afterwards. My belief that I owned the ,..vy",'j south of the fence was based oil the fact that the fence was in : . go<id eondition,appeared t()mark the northern edge of the propertY; and waslrt line with . ' utiHty poles imdthe .....1'...."", property line. I was never informed of any discrepancy . . ~~een the fence line and the property line. There was a ~vered struCture against the . ,fence and grape~es aswell. The fence was in good condition aJid ".I'pwArIDate1y siX ~~'.': . '. . ,,' /:4. .. My wife and I liVed on they,';,.",,} from 1996 until we sold it in 2005. 'lJ}lring that time, wem3intained the fence arid vegetation, and used the covered stl'ucture.. .and the land. oUr children played in the yard and there was no question in my, mind that my wife and Iowned allc:ifthe property located South of the fence 10cated.on .the northern edge of our p,up""j. . ...4/ ..,.. '.. ,. 7~ ,. . J, f{..l_...f-.L- -'.f . Kenneth'M.Locke ., '. " . . SUBSC.RIBEO AND SWORN to befoi'eme this ~ day ofOcto~er, 2008.. ,,---d~A,l.(ft.~ . NotaIy Public for Oregon. . '. . . , , My,Col11Illission EXP~"/jj~ I Rl1J{fj . ' :' ... .... of:I:iCW.saa. - . . . '.. . AHNABLADE . "tmNlY PIJBUC ~OREGOI . , ,! . COMMSSlON NO. 394994 . . , 1IfID!llSSlONElIl'IlfSMYl8.ll1ll " . , Date Received: IdJY1/0f:' Planner: /.1) , ~1J ... "" .:. .'. ,. f3ffi(~5pcmo-vlA:-L- ..' iSIJj 18 ,. .