HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 12/19/2005 ," s4 u)YLJtfJ!W .' AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE r' ~d/". taJ[~ (00 . l ST ATE OF OREGON ,) ) ss, County of Lane ) , I. Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: . '. I . 1,. I state that I am a Clerk III for the Planring Di;'ision of the Development Serv,ices Depi!rtment, City of Springfield, Oregon, 2. I state that in my capacity as Clerk III, I prepared and caused to be'mailed copies 5vl3;wo5- 6'0030 B~.... n n' of R_-Y1MTN 'e /DlJ' 4(' ",,1"> rFoni_rtl.fg, (See 'attachment A) on I ~!/q '2005 addressed to (se'e Attachment Bn), by causing said letters to be placed ,in a U.S, mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. , CiltVtM( )/ ~ / KA~~t.I'.LaFLEu~1 C-l . ,... . . STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane , . . l ., . . ", , o f1J1J rYlHAJ /~ , 2005. Personally app~ared th~ above na~ed Karen LaFleur. Clerk III, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their)oluntarv act, Before me: . il-:------...OFFIC;AlSEAL--;-:;':r~(" .,~/J1.ey LrxaJJdo . I .'" NANCY MACHADO,' " I " '-':.~.r;~~~ qA , I: \/' Ng6:i:syg~l~o03~~~gN ,"' "i ' My Co mi sion Expires: fa pJ /t :J(}lJ'fI {, MYCOMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 18, 2008 .. " ,/ \ ~---------_._--"- --- --.-- - -- ~'." ., , .'t", ';"l' " '" I . '. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD " DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT , 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD; OREGON 97477 STAFFCONTACT:, SARAH'SUMMERS(S41)'726-4611 NOTICE OF APPUCATION - SUBDIVISION TENTATIVE- 100,FOOT NOTICE' REVISEDN.OTICE 1. DATE OF NOTICE: December 19, 2005, 2. EXPLANATION: CA5E NO. 5UB200S-00030 A Subdivision Tentative application was approved with conditions by the City of Springfield Planning Division. The applicant has submitted a modification often-lot single-family residential subdivision plat. The subdivision would be known asKing Henry Court Subdivision. ' 3. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: The property invoived in this request is located at 1888 Hayden Bridge Road in Springfield, (Assessor's Map No. 177<)3-24-34, Tax Lot(S) 1100). 4. YOUR RIGHT TO PROVIDE WRITTEN COMMENT: a. Prior to the City making a decision on the modification, you are provided a fourteen (14) day period for the ' submission of written comments. Your written comments must h<> received'bv 5:00 o,m. on JanuarY'S. 2006. Please direct your comments to the attention of Sarah Summers. b. If you choose to provide written comment, please remembeJ, the fOllowing: (1) Your comments should address the uiteria of approval described in SeCtion 35.050 (1) through (8),of the , Springfield Development Code. (2) Your comments should'be specific to enable the City to respond to your issues and w,~o," in the land use decision: 5. CRITERIA OF APPROVAL: . Section 35.050, SubdiVision Tentative, Criteria, of the Springfield Development Code shall apply to this application. The Director shall'approve, or approve with conditions: a Type II Subdivision Tentative application upon detenmining that criteria (1) through (8) of this Section have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the uiteria, the Director shall deny the application. Criteria of Approval are available upon request and are also found at www,cLsorinnfield,or.us under Springfield Development Code. Go to Chapter ill Development Standards Article 35 Subdivision Tentative Criteria of the Springfield Development Code. 6. INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR REVIEW: You 'may review the record of this application at City Hall and you may purchase copies. If you have any questions regarding this application, please feel free to telephone: Sarah Summers. (541) 726-4611,or if you would like to meet directly with,the planner, olease call and make an aooointment. 7. SUMMARY OF THE DECISION-MAKING PROCES~: a. The modification has been accepted by the City: b. Notice is being sent 10 the property owners/occupants'within 100 feet of the development area for a 14-day comment period. c. The modification will be reviewed by City Staff and affected agencies and all written comments will be considered' in the reView. d. 'City staff will write the amended 'decision. e. Notice of the amendect decision will only be sent to you if you respond in writing to this notice. f. . The amended decision may be appealed within 10 days of the date of decision. Applications for Appeal may be obtained from the Development Services Department, City of Springfield or online at www,cLsorinnfleld,or,us under Planning Applications. , L '=t n. I '=tf'-. N'=t In n...J Of- I f'-. ~ .' z o I- o O "i . N .~ 1-<.01 .. x;:i;0J ~ (f) I, b ....In z , f-o ~ I 0:::: i'- ....( 0.... EXTG " -TELEPHONE BOX,- ~ ' . EXTG GAS MAIN, iJ"'.~ 1 I [;j 1 <( o z <( ---l o >- '=t 1'0 10 '=to NN I~ n...J Of- I f'-. ~ , SEVE! HADDITICDN 17-03~24-34 TL1000 EXT; TRAFFlCSIG~ 234.38"_,,,_ _v.-:-EXTG 'FENCE I~,rl /(ET2"WA'EJR / . I _.L '" '<0 EXTG 1.5" STREET TR~E i:j LOT 1 :3 I OJ 5.941, SF ~ I. I ~~ RELO~A 1 0' ~ STREfTE I I N Q W. . ~ .-@ . ~ ~ 22_H~ .w~ ' EXTG 5' S10EWA~K "_ , ~ a: ALN~~~W---L~' 1r.:b)Y-- / @ ~~:: 'PJiLE:~~?1 . 1m,' ~ ,b. ~- KIN HENR~ EX!G.J" I 1~lilIlc/ ,~I ,b.69' I~ , \ . ~fI77~~KEY VAULT r. f;j I ~I w @ i . EXTG 14" MAGNOUA \ ~101~~ IkJ I ~II CURT""'-::- .' RELOC'lED r:l E ~EXTG 1 (I > ~ ~ . .0:'~ I " ~ ~ W ~ I. \~!\~ 5 / ~/ ..J;XTG Q ~_ HEA~ EXTG d.1 ~ mp wmk ~ETEfV'- POIlER IN IPOIlER POLE 5 y' - I~. ilj TO BE RIMO D, LbT7 I ". L,l! LOT 61 6,069 SF ~). 6,298 S~ EXTG f ,NCE . 'l, EXTG ---;:l , . \ . , TO BE REM( VED--j,.5" STREET '1 : I EXTG TRAFFld I EXTG SIGNAL VAuLt ~; 26.' MONKEY , PUZZLE r _" _ ~ I -=- _:~rnrrj~ ~ '~~'/ XI ~~V~~';'As~ V/~,' ~ 'EXTGSPEEDSIGl I~ ~~ EXT . /W rtXTG 1.5" STREET TREEjS ; ~ . 26" FIR~:) LOT 10 '" ~ 6.052 SF ~ ~ LOT 8 LOT 9 EXTG 2" WATER STUB-t... '" ~ 8,899 SF .' 6,977 SF .' &.WATER METER I ~ '" - ~ ~~ EXTG EX G DRlVEW4 frLOC lED EXTG 1.5: STREET TR))E ~ ~ 1.5" STREETt TREES TO BE RE AOV~p TRJE' -;- TG . ~ 3 , 111.' GAS METER ~ EXTG 5' S1DEWALK- XTC ' , _ _ ....::.. I-- _ _ _ " SlRW 1llEg , EXTG "I O. ~ . .. ............ J ADA ,RAMP ";!EbOO-A.TEr X C:;TBE"H N oll ,)t) .)0 " L I :l.b!'l \. rn TREE EXTG DRI~WA Y CURB CUT TO B CLOSED ' PEDESTRIANI Jc _ _ t"~TG _ . _ SIGNAL , ~ EXTG 16 WA lER MAIN SPEED S1GN 35 XTG ~I " UnUTY BOX I YOL-ANDA PARK 17-03-24-34 . TL 362 .' ?TG FENCI$ 89' 42'-35" E - /' ~ EXT~ED~ 'l///1 . TO BE REMOVED 2J. 17-03-24-34 . , TL #1100 z " ." , EXTG 36"WO LOT 2 S,630'SF o < , , LOT 3 7,591 SF x w rEXTG LOT 4 6,729 SF LOT 5 7.616 SF I I- ...-b:1 - - '----:~ '. I- If) ~ ~ "' '" g ~:5 ~w (j) a: a. o a: ~ (I) Z ~'<:; 2'0- ~ ~ l~ X ~ W ,l- X W - r z " ::; (I) '" ~ ~ l- X W I "nA~ ~ l ~- EXTG 18" SO PIPE HAYDEN. 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'\ ;a9J~R~~3.al' 10 ~ " , ,It' 35:, ,. 05.13' ' 2 700 . 05.13' g ~ .~O ~ ~~~~ 05.13' 1~3,S' 900 N 18.3:5 360 0.00' 1.190 _"1.10' N 06'~~'a7' r . ~ d . l~l.>S' ~/ ~~ "'~'. ~.~~ ~ > 34:\ ';$fJ;fJr ;fl."~..7""I' "'es:sl' 1200 SITE 9'il.'39' \j;; 'I:" o " ~ .. ~ WI',!f/lf liOO . o M ~ e, .. ~' 'L' 19+05.54 P.O,T. = 'H' 91 + 30.25 P ,OJ. N 885,629.5011 E' 1,3~4,l93.00Bl ~0 ,~ 3, ',,'" . 2 ",78.~r6\~;L 1 j ",.,. -uu_U~_~UL~~~~==~u_:~~~~=::~~ 'D[~ '''-'BRlnG' E.... 7.'OOA1J...~On . [) 1\. S B?, 3&' 5B' E 14989' ~..: ~ I-._----~---- JC13,'2' 103.~7' 103.61' . ~ "17' E n ... ... N n' o f'o CITY OF SPRINGFIELD <( 17 -03-2t34 TL 1100 ' , W 1I1 o IZ ""=-:J::J:r'-~---- 1" po' I i' 17 (\"7. t"')t; ')1 17 03 24 34 .. SPRINGFIELD ~ ;j 1703243400346 LINAHAN ROBERT C& DARLENE Y 2417 N 17TIl PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703243400348 F AlRCHlLD DONALD L & R L 2421 N 17TIl PL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703243400362 WILSON BRUCE V 1861 YENTAAVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703243401000 GiNGERY LAWRENCE N TE 1868 YENT A AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703243401300 HARRIS CRAlG 6935 GLACIER DR SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1703244301700 . MCNAMEE DANIEL J & JE,wETIE 2439 N 19TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703244302001 . HA TIER RODNEY S & TERESA J 2415 N 19TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703252112800 MlLES DONALD G 1837 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703252113200 WOLTER JEAN W & PATRICIA A 1891 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703243400347 DAVIS RON K 241917THPL SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703243400347' MCKlCHAN RONDA F 2419 17TH PL" SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703243400361 ' GAY GEORGE C & WILLAMEAN 1847YENTAAVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703243400362 DONNA L WlLSON REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 1861 YENTAAVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ,1703243400362 WILSON DONNA L 1861 YENTAAVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ' 1703243401000 . GINGERY FAMILY TRUST "1868 YENT A AVE .SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703243401100 BLAIR HENRY & BEA , 2660 CITY VIEW ST EUGENE, OR 97405 1703243401200 . WALTERS COY & RUTH WILLENE 1860 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 170324340 1300 PILCHER-HARRIS ELIZABETH 6935 GLACIER DR SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 . 1703244301600 LYNCH LOREN H & PATRICIA E .2447 N 19TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703244301801 GAGNER GLENN F & SONYA R 2431 NORTH 19TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703244301901 , SCOrf FLOYD G & NANCY J 2423 N 19TH'ST 'SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 i, 1703244302100 VINYARD GLORIA MARIE ESTATE OF PO BOX 2274 JASPER, OR 97438 1703251207800 . SMITH JACQUELYN R .2389 19TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703252113100 GRIBBLE TIM 1855 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD .SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703252113100 'MCNAIR SUSAN 1855 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 A/e1::.5CU\do,ru. J...e.VKD~sk,,\ WtkV ell;ott E:F\A I t\u\i; P.O. (0)( 101'l5J €~) o-.e.. 'l14'fo ' l\+hullV\\wT II e/' ~+AI,' 47 '11703243400346 Resident 241717THPL Springfield, OR. 97477 1703243400361 Resident 1847 YENTAAVE Springfield, OR 97477 1703243401000 Resident 2450 19TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 1703243401300 Resident 1840 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD Springfield, OR 97477 1703244301700 Resident 2443 19TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 1703244302001 Resident 2415 19TH ST Springfield, OR 97477' 1703252112800 Resident 1837 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD Springfield, OR 97477 .' ' 1703243400347 Resident 241917THPL Springfield, OR' 97477 1703243400362 , Resident 1861 YENTAAVE ,Springfield, OR 97477 1703243401100 'Resident 1888 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD Springfield, OR 97477 1703244301600 Resi dent 244719THST Springfield, OR 97477 1703244301801 Resident 2431 19TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 1703244302100 Resident .2407 19TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 I 1703252113100 Resident 1855 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD Springfield, OR 97477 . 17032434003718 "Resident 242i 17THPL Springfield, OR 97477 1703243401000 Resident 1868 YENTAAVE , Springfield, OR 97477 1703243401200 Resident '1860 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD Springfield, OR 97477 1703244301700 , Resident 2439 19TH ST ' Springfield, OR 97477 1703244301901 Resi dent 2423 19TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 1703251207800 , , Resident ' 2389 19TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 1703252113200 ' ',Resident 1891 HAYDENBRIDGERD Springfield, OR 97477,