HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 6/27/2005 .. SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD WATER SERVICE CEI'TER 202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477~5240 Tel 541,726.2396 Fax 541.747.7348' www.subutil.com June 27, 2005 ~ ~~~~ ' Sarah Summers City of Springfield 225 N, 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Sarah: SUBJECT: SUBDIVISION TENT A TIVE #SUB2005-00030 BLAIR 17-03-24-34 TL 1100, 1888 HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD Listed below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal: 1. The proposed development is within the Springfield city limits and will receive water service from the Springfield Utility Board(~UB). " 2. . '.;_~ .1\\,' t;'" ;~- r,:" ,I. .';;:: ... I ,~. .,'~~' #.,. ".." j~' ., 'il-HC';;-: fl.ll.' '.'. ,\1>{+d'~..' All new water sysiem facilities and modifications to water system facilitie's both inside and ,~,dja~e'"t !RI!~~ P[?pn~~.~ey~loJlmen,t.shall be,p,laced in, street.rjght:of;:.w~y.~\'a.:location and depth 9.~~u,D:!h:~(fl)~~ts the stand~f(js of~heSUB WaterDivisip!"",, '" .: ,0, c'; '::~, .~~'. ,'r,' :'J',; ,:(; 3. ._~.,:,I" : -,.'.' ';'1... .'; 'r'. - . .'. ,,', . ",....~,'~:.::~.' .;;.~ .- All water f~cility materials shall be to a standard that must meet SUB Water Division specifications, The design of all public water facilities shall be by the Springfield Utility Board Water Division. The facilities and details shown on the submitted plans do not comply the SUB Water Division's Standard Consiruction Specifications, ." 4, All workmanship shall be performed to meet or exceed SUB Water Division construction standards, , 5. Size of waterline and other facilities, including water meters, must meet the needs of the SUB Water Division and the long-range needs of the City, These needs include, but are not limited to, meter location and access, sizes of water 'distribution and transmission lines, pumping facilities, and communication lines, , 6, Please ask the developer to contact the SUB Water Division for detailed information on the materials and construction standards, detailed costs for installing SUB water faciiities, and a schedule of, ~~rst~ctioI,l' ,Cons~ruqion expenses may be re~uced with good planning of required water faciljties, goo,d ]iming offacilities installatiori,.~nd join! tr~J1ch..opp()rtunities.: ';:' .J" ,-,1: ,1; '. . .. .. . ,-' . .- \, I'. .' ~, ,-. _ . .,' . . . .. ',., r, ,- I 'j" ~t"" 7, AI! wat~r ~eiers win be pl<iced in publi'c ;ighi-of-~~y at a loc~t;on 'id~~tifi~d by the 'devei~peL Each lot or parcel ,:,ust have its own water service. Site Plan #SUB2005-00030 King Henry's Court, 1888 Hayden Bf. Rd. June 27, 2005 Page 2 of2 8, Water service facilities will be installed upon collection of development charges, Development policies and charges identified in this letter are subject to change, Actual charges will be those in effect at the time water service is requested, 9. Springfield has several wellhead protection areas. One hundred percent of Springfield's drinking water comes from wells, In every instance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contamination. Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsible for the safe handling and storage of chemicals, petroleum products, fertilizers, and the prevention of groundwater and storm water runoff contamination, Special requirements may be necessary for groundwater protection at this development Contact Nancy Moreno at Springfield Utility Board Water Division for details at 726-2396. PLEASE NOTE: SUB development charges are paid directly to SUB Water Division and SUB Electric Division. Sincerely, -:3 ad .f. 71(" ~/vL Bart E. McKee P.E, Engineer - Water Division BEM:mkm cc: Henry Blair, 2660 City View Street, Eugene, OR. 97405 Aleksandra Levkovsky, Weber Elliott Engineers, PC, PO Box 10145, Eugene, OR 97440 s:\siteplan\King Henry's Court Subdivision 6-27-05.doc . , .. SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD ELECTRIC SERVICE CE~TER 1001 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477-4819 Tel 541.726.2:395 Fax 541.726.2399 www.subutil.com To: City of Springfield Development Services Department Site Plan Review Committee Planner: SARA/I .sUM.N!~RS journal#: SUB. 2005-0003 0 I. Overhead Service [] Underground ServicD( II. Location of nearest electrical connection: EAS r Sl.of D F J <)?ff ,<::,rRa:-r J 2':-//9 /J 7Z/l. PJAcE 1 III. Easement Location and Width rr ')1 STI?c.t::i SIDE PuE ~ '2)5'PuE ALrNVG Tlf:!: EAsr PpoPEterYL//Vt!oFLnrttS- , IV, 3)5'PuL: ALn^,G- 'il 51 fuC; AL oIV(j- -Y' "m~tS: . _I :5).g Pt/,E ALoA/G- 77# /Jote77-1 PRnt<'c;,q-/,-/ LI//e of 1-./lr #,<. 77h~ Wl!:Sr Pfi:O/'.Epr/ .I./N',-" c>P .I. o r7fi. I TIN 5ov-71;I P/?oP6<ry L.;/V~ 0/= LoT#-t' -, b9 A UTILITY .EASEM?vr FnA: ~ DUTlp(,2 26 'x/5D' ORlv.:<-M't-'Y ALO/olr~ /015 I.I;?, l ,sEE A7/}JC/!z:o DI<!'t(.A)J///G- From: Springfield Utility Board - Electric Department Engineering Technician: ~ . YOLANDA PARK SEVENTH ADDITION , ~ ' 17-03-24-34 I 17-03-24-34 X~G(rL'1)f tfMJ5~7 _____________-~-: ~ 362 t~;;:l:;:;;'''-'-~'~::_-~~'~ I I 15"J"f.<C "''''''''''''[1:'1,= ==:~'-'- T- ---AI;;f~r'''''1 I' ~~AY 15 r,iiit 150' LONG 2&'. ISO' PRI....A.Tt IU.IIll ~ He!: NIO ACCESS ~ 10' lIIO( PRIVATE ~ ASDlENT 1 I i_I I 799: Sf. '038 Sf JJ Jhll..1 ~ ~!!PvE III ' I 3d I \"" :IH g 4 :~ ~ I 6003 Sf" I _~!-1f- : I 'I / .--." ) ~/ ~, ~ j, ""\.~~-"',.;;;.d'~1 I ---- : ~--t-, KING HENRY' ~'I COURT / ~=>::... ~ 'I 4. . / T.... II ' '- -y---- I, I 6004 Sf" 1:::1 699~ Sf" 60079sr!;: 10' II 1 ~ - - -J" - - - .....,,- - - - ....,-=-=-.-::.J ) i 'II _ttsll-'~65.69 _...~=~:AJ.~ __.,.., :;: -y UTC'6.\I''''TUlIll~ C'> _i ~ -I - - - - - - - - - - -HP,YDEN BRIDGE RO~ .. '" '.... .... ';'''' 8':! , .... 3 ~ . 10951 Sf' z o >- o o '" ~~. ~ :;s'" (fl .. '" ~ I .. a::: ~~ 6' <( 11'1 z a.. a:~ '" , o .... ~ OS' ". '", -' o >- 10)' 5 6 rei 7062 Sf ~fe<tt .. 6006 Sf 7 6069 SF .. '" '0 "0 NN ,- 8,:! , .... KING HENRY'S COURT lENTAnVE lAND DIVISION PlAN JO o 60 NARRA nIlE: JO ,__ SCAlE: 1. - 30' n-tE PURPOSE or THE PROPOSED SUBDIVlSlON IS TO CREATE 10 LOTS fOR CONSTRUcnON Of TEN SlNQ..E FAl,lILY HOUSES. TliERE ARE ONE SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE AND TWO OUTBUIlDINGS OJRRENTl Y LOCATED ON SIlL ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-0.3-24-34 TAX LOT 1100. AREA - 1.79 ACRES. ZONING - LOW DENSITY RESfOENnAL 4 SOLAR ACCESS STANDARDS: LOTS 1, 2. 3, 4, 9 AND 10 cot.lPlY Vf1TH aTY or SPRINGFIELD SOlAR ACCESS ST-'NDAAOS, SECTION 35.010 (JXbXl). BECAUSE A.CCESS IS hlOT ~MIT1ED ot( HAYDEN 6RIDGE ROAD, SDC 35.010(JXd)(lXa) APPlIES TO LOTS 5, 6, 7. AND 6. PUBUC JI.lPRDVEMENTS: All PUBUC IIr.lPRO\'ntENTS ARE PROPOSED TO BE INSTALl.[[) PRIVATaY. TREES, ALl. TREES THAT IHlERFERE 'NIlH PUBUC RIG-iT-Qf-WAY OR PUBUC AND PRIVATE EASDoIENT USE 'l'AL1. BE UOval TO NEW LOCATIONS THAT FlU. GAPS IN EXISllNG STREET PLANTING$. Project Information Planning Case I 2004-00057 Address: 1888 Hoyden Bridge Rood Assessor's Mop and Tax Lot Numbers: 17-03-24-34 TL 1100 Zoning: LOR Owner: Henry Blair and Bea Blair Applicant: Henry Blair and Bea Blair . . . .-; o Landscape Architect: Civil Engineer: WEBER EWOTT ENGINEERS Surveyor: t.tARVlN S, KRUSH General Contractor: o " . ~ . u , l x . . . " 7 I ~ << " z . ~ ~~,':'#8 ~ [llF'lRES JOJU"2006 DATE , , 'LI WEBER ElLIOTT i~ ~ ~.:, em '""~~.?~~~~.:..!~. -- i ~ , ,.-.' P.O. Boll 10145 o:.g e:U9~me. Oregon 97440 . <> Ph';lne: 541-461-9779 ~~ MAY 2005 E:K i!\L~ PROJECT' NO. SHEEr NO. 0.-23 1 of 7