HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 6/28/2005 -'\" DRC REVIEW PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ~ ~-z-g-05 ORe REVIEW: June 28, 2005 Blair Subdivision Prepared by Matt Sto.uder,EIT SUBDIVISION TENT A TlVE SUB2005-00030 Planner: Sarah Summers The above application was reviewed by Public Works Engineering. The following conditions shall be addressed before approval of either the Final Plat or Public Improvement Project: SANITARY SEWER Finding Section 32.100 of the SDC requires that sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains, Finding: The applicant has proposed extending an 8 inch public sanitary sewer line in proposed King Henry's Court from the existing 15 inch public sewer line in 19th Street. Lots 4 - lO will take service from this 8 inch line,' Lots I - 3 will be sewered through private laterals extending from the existing 15 inch pipe in 19th Street. STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT Finding: Section 32.110 (2) of the SDC requires that the Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems provisions have been made as detennined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). Findiilg: Section 32,110 (3) of the SDC states that a storm water management system shall accommodate potential run-off from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or outside of the development. Finding: Section 32,110 (4) ofthe.SDC requires that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved storm water management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. Finding: Section 32.110 (5) of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) requires new developments to employ drainage management practices, which minimize the amount and rate of surface water run"off irto receiving streams, and which promote water quality, Finding: Stormwater runoff from the site will be directed into a series of curb inlets, catch basins, and storm pipes, before connection into the existing 12 inch public st0TI11 system in ] 9th Street. The applicant has proposed extending a 12 inch line in King Henry's Court, Finding: The applicant has shown con~truction notes on the utilities plan sheet indicating storm pipe will be constructed of ADS pipe material. Current City policy does not allow the use of ADS pipe to be constructed within the right-of-way. Finding: The applicant has shown the conceptual location of one of the proposed curb inlets to be located directly in front of proposed lot 7, Lot 7 only has 35 feet of frontage, and the location of the curb inlet makes it impractical to locate a driveway on lot 7 without moving the curb inlet. Condition: Prior to approval of the Public Improvement Plans (PIP), the applicant shall design the storm drainage system (within the public right-of-way) with a pipe material approved for use in the right-of-way, Condition: Prior to approval of the Pubic Improvement Plans, the applicant shall make provisions to move the proposed curb inlet in front of proposed lot 7 so that a standard driveway can be located on the lot without encroaching into the curb inlet. WATER QUALITY , Finding: Under Federahegulation of the Clean Water Act (CW A), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the City of Springfield is required to obtain, and has applied for, a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A provision of this permit requires the City demonstrate efforts to reduce the pollution in urban stonnwater to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP), Finding: Federal and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) rules require the City's MS4 plan address six "Minimum Control Measures," Minimum Control Measure 5, "Post-Construction Stonnwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment,'> applies to the proposed development. Finding: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to develop, implement'and enforce a program to ensure the reduction of pollutants in stormwater runofIto the MEP, The City must also develop and implement strategies that include a combination of structural or non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriated for the community, Finding:'Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield use an ordinance or' other regulatory mechanism to address post construction n:nofffrom new and re- development projects to the extent allowable under State law, Regulatory mechanislps used by the City include the Springfield Development Code (SDC), the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) and the future Stormwater Facilities Master Plan (SFMP), Finding: As required in Section 31.050 (5) of the SDC, ~'a development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by the Public Works Director and consistent with Metro Plan policies and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures. Manual," Finding: Section 3.03,C ofthe City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) requires that all public and private developments employ a system of one or most post-developed Best Management Practices (BMPs) that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70% reduction in the TSS in the runoff generated by that development The applicant has not addressed Section 3,03,C of the City's EDSPM with this plan submittal. Finding: To meet the requirements ofthe.City's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code, and the City's EDSPM, the applicant has proposed installing two modified 2. Y2 A curb inlets for use in the public right-of-way, and a double chambered catch basin with an oil/media filtration insert for.use in the private drive area, , ( .~ fJ POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS PUBLIC WORKS DEp'ARTMENT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON (ac.-d 0-zg-0:) DRC STAFF REVIEW: June 28, 2005 KING HENRY'S COURT SUBDIVISION Prepared by Eric Walter, Civil Engineer Drainage review by Matt Stouder, EIT 'SITE PLAN TYPE II SUB2005-00030 Planner: Sarah Summers NOTE: The intent of this list is to give a developer insight about requirements related to public improvements before they develop their property, The Public Works Department individually reviews each development for appropriate requirements, ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS. PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE (STREET) rS~D.C. ARTICLE 321: ~ Comply with the Development Review Committee Requirements FINDINGS: 1. Plans indicate a proposed joint use driveway to serve lots 1, 2,.and 3, . RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1) . Prior to approval ofthe final plat, the pan handle joint use driveway serving lots 1, 2, and 3 shall'be paved along with associated utilities, ~ Dedicate Public and/or Private Easements [S.D.C. 32.120, OAR 333-61-0050] FINDINGS: 1, Plans submitted indicate a 7' PUE abutting the property line along all street frontages which is consistent with the City of Springfield Development Code requirements; 2. Plans indicate a proposed 26' wide private maintenance and access easement running along the northerly property line of lots 1 and 2 for providing .access to lots 1, 2, and 3, 3, Plans indicate a proposed 10' wide private storm easement centered within the 26' wide access easement along the northerly property line of lots 1 and 2. '" , " ; . , DRC RE\;IEW: June 28, 2005 King Henry's Court Subdivision Page 2 of6 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1) Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall submit easement descriptions for the private easements and public utility easements, described herein, in the location and width necessary to accommodate the development proposal and as determined during the final review process, Prior to final plat, the applicant shall record all private and public easements as approved by the City >- Sign an Improvement Agreement [S.D.C. 32.020] (See traffic section comments) ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS - WATER QUALITY 13.00) & CAPACITY 14.00):, , ' FINDINGS: 1.. Section 32.110 (2) of the SDC requires that the Approval Authority shall grant development approval only'where adequate public and/or private stOrmwater . management systems provisions have been made as determined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual ~~~),- 2. Section 32.110 (3) of the SDC states that a stormwater managemeJit system shall accommodate potential run-off from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or outside of the development ' 3: Section..32.11 0_(4) of the SDC requires that run-off from a development shall;be directed to an approved stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge, 4. Section 32..110 (5) of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) requires new developments to employ drainage management practices, which minimize theamouht and rate of surface water run-off into receiving streams, and which promote water quality, 5, ' Stormwater runoff from the site will be directed into a series of curb inlets, cafch basins, and storm pipes, before connection into the existing 12 inch public storm system in 19th Street The applicant has proposed extending a 12 inch .line in King Henry's Court, 6, The applicant has shown construction notes on the utilities plan sheet indicating storm pipe will be constructed of ADS pipe material. Current City policy does not allow the use of ADS pipe to be constructed within the right-of-way, ',:1;1 DRC REVIEW: June 28, 2005 King Henry's Court Subdivision Page 30[6 ." ;;,,!'t! ~ , .'.-" ~-rd,;r;:j,~;~ 7. The applicant has shown the conceptual location of one of the proposed curb inlets to be located directly in front of proposed lot 7. Lot 7 only has35 feet of frontage, and the location of the curb inlet makes it impractical to locate a driveway on lot 7 without moving the curb inlet. ' 8, Under Federal regulation of the Clean Water Act (CW A), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the City of Springfield is required to obtain, and has applied for, a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A provision of this permit requires the City demonstrate efforts to reduce the pollution in urban stormwater to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP), 9, Federal and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) rules require the City's MS4 plan address six "Minimum Control Measures," Minimum Control Measure 5, "Post-Construction Stormwater Management for New Development'and Redevelopment," applies to the proposed development. '10, Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to develop, implement and enforce a program to'ensure'the reduction of pollutants in stormwater runoff to the MEP, . The City must also develop and implement strategies that include a' combination of structural or non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriated for the community, . 11. Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to address post construction runoff from new and re-development projects to the extent allowable under State law, Regulatory mechanisms used by the City include the Springfield Development Code (SDC), the City's Engineering Design Standards C)nd Procedures Manual (EDSPM) and the future. Stormwater Facilities Master Plan (SFMP). . 12,As required in Section 31,050 (5) of the SDC, "a development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by the Public Works Director and consistent with Metro Plan policies and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual." 13, Section 3,03,C of the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) requires that all public and private developments employ a system of one or . most post-developed Best Management Practices (BMPs) that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70% reduction in the TSS in the runoff generated by that development. The applicant has not addressed Section 3.03,C of the City's EDSPM with this plan submittal. ' DRC REVIEW: June 28, 2005 King Henry's Court Subdivision Page 4 of6 14, To meetthe requirements of the City's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code, and the City's EDSPM, the applicant has proposed installing two modified'2 %A curb' inlets for use in the public right-of-way, and a double chambered catch basin with an oil/media filtration insert for use in the private drive area, RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: t. . . .' 1) Prior to approval of the Public Improvement Plans (PIP), the appiicant shali design the storm drf!inage system (within the public right-of-way) with a pipe material approved for use in the right-of-way. 2) Prior to approval of the Pubic Improvement Plans, the applicant shall make provisions to move the proposed curb inlet in front of proposed lot 7 so that a standard driveway can be located on the lot without encroaching into the curb inlet. SANITARY SEWER rS.D.C. 32.100l: , . "FINDINGS: . .' ,. 1. Section '32,1 00 of the SDC requires that sanitary sewers shall be installed t6 serve each. newdevelopment and to connect developments to existing mains,'. ' . , ':: ':. ", 2, The applicant has proposed extending an 8 inch public sanitary sewer line in proposed King Henry's Court from the existing 15 inch public sewer line in 19th Street. Lots 4 - 1 0 will take service from this 8 inch line, Lots 1 - 3 will be sewered through private laterals extending from the existing 15 inch pipe in 19th Street.. , RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1) Prior to approval of the final site plan, sanitary sewer plans and proposed systems must be reviewed by and is subject to approval by the City Engineer, SDC 32,100(2). , . 'q. DRC REVIEW: June 28, 2005. . King Henry's Court Subdivision Page 5 of6 , .~ .~ -,;'. .',....;.t, . FEES AND PERMITS SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE: . Pay a Systems Development Charge when the building permits are issued for developments within th~ City limits or within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. (The cost relates to the amount of increase in impervious surface area, transportation trip rate, and plumbing fixture units. Some exceptions apply to Springfield Urban Growth areas,) [Springfield Code Chapter II, Article 11] . Systems Development Charges (SDC's) will apply to the construction of buildings and site improvements within the subject site, The Charges will be based upon the rates in effect at the time of permit submittal for buildings or site improvements on each portion or phase of the development. SANITARY SEWER IN-L1EU-OF-ASSESSMENT CHARGE: . Pay a Sanitary Sewer In-Lieu-of-Assessment charge in addition to the regular connection fees if the property or portions of the property being developed have not previously been assessed or otherwise participated in the cost of a public sanitary sewer, Contact the Engineeri~g Division to determine if In-Lieu~oicAssessment charge is applicable. [Ord 5584] PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FEES: . The private developer funds public infrastructure. OTHER CITY PERMITS: . Encroachment Permit or Sewer Hookup Permit (working within right-of-way or public easements) example: new tap to the public storm or sanitary sewer, or adjusting a . manhole, [The current rate is $120 for processing plus applicable fees and deposits] . Wetlands, Erosion Control, Flood Plain, Land & Drainage Alteration Permits. [Contact the Springfield Development Services Department for appropriate applications] ., . ~ ,. DRC REVIEW: June 28, 2005 King Henry's Court Subdivision Page 6 of6 ADDITIONAL PERMITS/APPROVALS MAY BE NECESSARY: · Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (Pump station, sanitary sewers 24 inches or larger) . Lane County Facilities Permit (If the project is within Lane County jurisdiction) . Railroad (If the project crosses a railroad) . Oregon Department of Transportation (If the project is within ODOT jurisdiction) . Division of State Lands (Storm water discharge, wetlands) is necessary for this project . Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (Erosion control (5 acres or greater), pump station, storm water discharge, wetlands) . U,S, Army Corps of Engineers (Storm water discharge, wetlands) PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTS . Oil/water separator catch basins, if approved by the City, and other drainage systems are required to be checked and cleaned to remove pollutants as needed (at least once a year, usually in September), All waste material must be disposed of in a lawful manner. The owner/developer must document the maintenance activities at the site and to have the documents available on site for the City of Springfield to inspect and review. ' . Site drainage must drain to an approved drainage way with sufficient capacity.to accept the discharge. Surrounding property d~ainage, which drains onto the newly developed property" must be incorporated into th~ grading and drainage plan. !; ~ (aUJ (o-ZK~05 Memorandum City of Springfield Date: To: June 28, 2005 Sarah Summers, Planner II Gary McKenney, P,E" Transportation Planning Engineer SUB2005-00030 King Henry's Court Subdivision From: Subject: The Transportation Division has reviewed the materials provided with the subject application, The recommended findings and conditions outlined below are provided for your use in preparing the land-use decision, General Findin!!: Approval of this proposal would allow platting of a lO-lot resi(Jential subdivision on property located at the northwest corner of Hayden Bridge Road and 19th Street (Map] 7 03 24 34, Tax Lot 1100), The development site is approximately 1.79 acres q22 feet by 234 feet) with the long dimension on 19th Street An existing house on the property would be removed, Subdivision Access and Circulation Findin!!: Installation of driveways on a street increases the number of traffic conflict points. The greater number of conflict points increases the probability of traffic crashes, Effective ways to reduce the probability of traffic crashes include: reducing the number of driveways, increasing distances between intersections and driveways, and establishing adequate vision clearance where driveways intersect streets, Each ofthese technique,s pennits a longer, less cluttered sight distance for the motorist, reduces the number and difficulty of decisions drivers must make, and contributes to increased traffic safety, SDC 32,080(1) (a) stipulates that each parcel is entitled to "an approved access to g public street" i Findin!!: Existing access to the property is via a 14-foot wide driveway onto Hayden Bridge Road, which would be closed, The applicant proposes a multi-panhandle lot configuration'and 26-foot widejoint"use access easement to serve Parcels 1,2 and3 a driveway onto Hayden Bridge Road South located at the north property boundary, Access to Lots 4- 10 would from 19th Street via a new cul-de-sac street, King Henry's Court, located approximately ISO feet north of the centerline of Hayden Bridge Road, No lots would take dir~ct to Hayden Bridge Road or 19th Street Findinl!: As conditioned below ingress-egress points will be planned to facilitate traffic and pedestrian safety, avoid congestion and to minimiz~ curb cuts on public'streets as specified in SDC Articles 31 and 32, applicable zoning and or overlay district ArticJ'es, and applicable refinement plans, Transoortation System Imoacts and Imorovements . , " SUB2005"00030 King Henry's Court Subdivision June 28, 2005 Page 2 of 2 Finding: Abutting the subject site, both Hayden Bridge Road and 19th Str!"et are two-lane major collector streets, and are under Lane County jurisdiction, The streets are improved with paving, curb/gutter, bicycle lanes, street lights and sidewalks,which support multi-modal traveL Traffic volumes on Hayden Bridge Road and 19th Street are approximately 8,400 vehicles per day and . 3700 vehicles per day respectively. L TD Route # 12 provides regular transit bus service to the site along Hayden Bridge Road and connecting to the greater transit system via Springfield Station. At the intersection of Hayden Bridge Road/I,9th Street dedicated'left-tum lanes ar~ provided and traffic is controlled by a multi-phase traffic signaL Finding: Based on ITE Land.Use Code 2.10 (Single-Family Detached Housing) trip generation from the four additional dwelling units allowed by this subdivision would be as follows: o AverageWeekday ~ 10 dwelling units x 9,57 trips per dwelling unit = 100 trips o PM Peak Hour = 10 dwelling units X 1,0 I trips per dwelling unit = 10 trips In addition, the assumed development would generate pedestrian and bicycle trips, According to the "Household" survey done by LCOG in 1994, 12,6 percent of household trips are made by bicycle or walking and 1,8 percent are by transit bus, These trips may have their origins or destinations at a variety ofland uses, including this use, Pedestrian and bicycle trips create the need for sidewalks, pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking and bicycle lanes, Finding: The applicant proposes to install a new street light at the northwest comer of 19th Street and King Henry's Court, This location would not be well suited to cast fight to the west end of the proposed ISO-foot deep cul-de-sac, And, there already is a street light mounted to the power pole directly opposite on the east side of 19th Street A 100-watt High Pressure Sodium street light installed at the entrance to the cul-de"sac bulb is needed to adequately light the street in compliance with current City current design standards, finding: As conditioned below, existing and planned transportation facilities would be adequate to accommodate additional trips that would be generated by the proposed development in a safe and efficient manner. Recommended Condition: Execute and record ajoint-use access easement to benefit Parce.ls 1, 2 and 3 as proposed. Recommended Condition: Provide and maintain, adequate vision clearance triangles at the corners of all site driveways per SDC 32.070: . . Recommended Condition: Install a 100-watt High Pressure Sodium street light at the entrance to the cul-de-sac bulb on King Henry's,Court. Comment: Construction activities 'within the abutting Hayden Bridge Road and 19th Street rights'of-way will require permits from Lane County.