HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-12-12 A~r"" · ~tl Gc..i[~'" ,;.:aI & Construction Selvices Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) 11:"'II~lrUIII~~':llIllm.IH. CLIENT Mr. Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 PROJECT International Way Development Package A 400 Internationai Way SiuIDgt'16I<l,-Orego!1 . B.P. NO. CCOM2007-01V DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. 12-12-08 2087024 6106 DATE CAST 11-14-08 CAST BY J. Keller DATE RECEIVED 11-15-08 STRENGTH REQUIRED 4000 psi SPECIMEN SIZE. 4" x 8" STRENGTH PLACED 4500 psi SACKS SUPPLIER ESG PRODUCT CODE 314568 CEMENT MAX SIZE AGG. 3/4" ADDITIVES . Hot water AIR CONTENT LOAD NO. 2 TICKET NO. 60009778 SLUMP 41/2" CONCRETE TEMP 76" F YARDAGE 11.0 OF TIME 6:40 AM AIR TEMP 44" F WEATHER Overcast SPECIMEN STORAGE ASTM C31 POUR LOCATION Walkway near southwest corner of building. AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TIME OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYSI (IN.') (LBSI LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSI) (PSI) TEST FRACTURE- 11-21-08 7 12.56 8.7 57600 4590 1:45 PM 6 12-12-08 28 12.56 8.7 77900 6200 9:25 AM 1 12-12-08 28 . 12.56 8.7 77000 6130 6165 9:30 AM 1 Hold **1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Split 3 :- Colum oar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) REMARKS: John Maza (Chambers) was advised of on-site test results. Reviewed By: ;11, ~/lvw Michael L. Meyer! Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (em all) Chambers Construction - John Shay (emall) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbi Fisher (em all) Eric Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (email) Eugene Sand and Gravel City of Springfield MLM:sc Th;s.report and/or enclosed test data. is the confidential property of the client to whom it is-addressed and pertains to the speCific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, tnc.'s written authorization. 750 NN Cornell Avenue' CorvaJfs, Oregon 97330 . phcre (541) 757-4698 . fax (541) 757-2991 29540 B Airpal Road . Eugene, Oregon 97402 . phone (541) 684-3849' fax (541) 684-{l851 63050 Corporate Place, Suite 2 . Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4844 . fax (541) 382-4846 ~ftJ 1I:"'ltl'I~;.'1~.'~~'IIII~.h'l. Geoted1nicaJ & ConStruction Services December 17, 2008 Project No. Report No. 2087024 E-22040 Mr. Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Ave. Eugene, Oregon 97402 FINAL SUMMARY REPORT International Way Development Package A . 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon Building Permit No. COM2007-01851 Dear Mr. Hawes, This letter confirms that FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc. performed special inspection services in accordance with IBC and as directed by our client for the above-referenced project. We were employed to provide continuous or periodic inspection on specific dates, as documented per our special inspection reports for: 11 ' Dearthwork 0structural masonry - 0epoxy anchors/dowels 0reinforced concrete 0bolts installed in concrete 0structural welding (shop/field) 0high-strength bolts Dspray applied fireproofing o ceiling grid Based upon our observations and written reports of this work, it is our jl,Jdgment that the inspected work was performed, to the best of our knowledge, in accordance with the approved plans, specifications; change orders and/or structural engineer's instructions, and applicable provisions of Chapter 17 of the International Building Code, with the following exception: revised roof deck to wall attachment per RFI195 is pending in future tenant space 380. Respectfully, 11 'l(:~ Michael'L. r<1e;r . Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (email) Chambers Construction - Brent Stutz (em ail) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - Bobbi Fisher (em'ail) Eric Hall A~chitects - Ted Corbin (email) City of SpringfJeld ' RECEIVED DEe 1 8 ZOaB MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom It is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such,'lnformation contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. . 750 NoN ComeII Avenue' 0:xvaJIis, Oregon 97330, phone (541) 757-4698, fax(541) 757-2991 29540 B Airport Road . Eugene, Oregon 97402 . phone (541) 684J849 'fax(541)684;J851 63050 Corporate Place,Suite 2. Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4844. fax (541) 382-4846 l ~~;lInformation ",~. .ToBuild On Engineering. Consulting. Testing Decem ber 1 7, 2008 Mr. David Bakke Chambers Construction 3028 Judkins Road 1;'1 Eugene, Oregon 97403 Subject: Final Summary Report Hawes Investment Buildin9 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon 97477 Project Number: 722-75048-28 B.P. # COM 2007-01851 Dear Mr. Bakke: Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI) is writing this letter to document that, in accordance with Section 1701 of the State Building Code, representatives from our firm have performed special inspections during construction for the above listed project. Our project files indicate that PSI Special Inspection activities listed below were conducted as scheduled from October 2, 2007 through October 13, 2008. This letter represents a summary of work observed and reported by PSI. · Soils Observation for building and parking areas · Controlled Density Fill Placement · Field Density Testing To the best of our knowledge, the special inspections referenced herein were performed by our firm in general accordance with the requirements, approved plans and specifications, geotechnical report prepared by PSI dated August 24, 2007, and applicable workmanship provisions of the State Building Code and Standards. For specific details regarding our inspection services, please reference our previously submitted reports numbered 722-75048-1 through 722-75048-27. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Professional Service Industries, Inc. AjB# 176t?9 n~ (~\JJ- Raymond V. Aliperti Project Manager c: Chambers Construction - Brent Stutz Eric Hall Architects Branch Engineering City of Springfield RECEIVED DEe 1 8 loon Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477 . Phone 541(746-9649. Fax 5411746-7163 Sf E) 11:"lItlri;.IN~'1:'~'llll~" CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION Ccv",~ " ,icaI & Construction SeMces Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) . . PROJECT International Way Development Package A 400 International Way Springfield, Oregon COM2007-01851 DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. 12-13-08 2087024 6114 11-16-08 4" x8" ESG 314" 4112" 6:45 AM ASTM C31 AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TIME OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYS) (IN.') (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSI) (PSI) TEST FRACTUREn 11,22-08 7 12.56 8.6 46800 3730 2:20 PM 3 12-13-08' 28 12.56 8.6 63500 5060 4:00 PM 5 12-13-08 28 12.56 8.6 65900 5250 5155 4:05 PM 5 Hold *"1- End Cones 2 - Cone/Split. 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) Mr. Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 B.P.NO. 11-15-08 4000 psi 4500 psi CAST BY DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER . .MAX SIZE AGG. AIR CONTENT o. _ _ _, _,_. , SLUMP .TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE J. Keller SACKS CEMENT .. Hot,wat~r 1 TICKET NO. 710 F YARDAGE 400 F WEATHER Walkway westside of building.' 11.00 OF Partly Cloudy REMARKS: Dave Krull (Chambers) was advised of on-site test results. Reviewed By: !:L'f~ Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (email) . Chamber~ Construction - J9hn Shay (email) . Coughlin, Porter, Lundeen - Bobbi Fisher (em ail) Eric Hall Architects ~ Ted Corbin.(email) . I Eugene Sand and Gravel ~ City of Springfield MLM:sc REC. . , E1vt DEe 0 .'187008 , This report and/or enclosed test data is the confide~tia' property of the-client to whom it is addretsed and pertains to ,the specific process and/or material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any part . thereof be disclosed without FEr Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written auth9rization. , . 750 NoN ComeIIAvenue: Cavalis, Oregon 97330, phcre(541) 757-4698, rJ (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirpatRcad . Eugene, Oregon 97402, phcre(541)684-J849' fax (541) 684.3851 63050 Corporate Place, Suite 2 . Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4844 . fax (541) 382-4846 Sf~' .1:r.'ll~ICl;~lfI.'~;'llllil!!lmQl CLIENT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION Geo1Echnical & Construclion Servires Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) PROJECT International Way Development Package A .400 Intemational Way Springfield, Oregon B.P. NO. COM2007-01851 DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. 12-15-08 2087024 6115 11-18-08 4" x 8" ESG 3/4" 4" 7:10AM ASTM C31 AVERAGE TEST AGE AREA WEIGHT TOTAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TIME OF TYPE OF DATE (DAYS) (IN.') (LBS) LOAD (LBS) STRENGTH (PSIl (PSIl TEST FRACTURE- 11-24-08 7 12.50 8.5 52600 4210 11:20AM 5 12-15-08 28 12.56 8.5 70900 5640 9:00 AM 5 12-15-08 28 12.56 8.6 71200 5670 5655 9:05 AM 5 Hold ** 1 - End Cones 2 - Cone/Split 3 - Columnar 4 - Diagonal 5 - Side (top and bottom) 6 - Side (top or bottom) Mr. Joe Hawes Hawes Investments, LLC 2892 Crescent Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 11-17-0'8 4000 psi 4500 psi 314568 DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG: AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE CAST BY J. Keller SACKS CEMENT Hot water + summer beige color 1 . TICKET NO. 74" F . YARDAGE 45" F WEATHER Front entrance walkway to building 60009826 11.0 OF Clear REMARKS: Dave Krull (Chambers Construction) was advised of on-site test results. Reviewed By: jJz. '1(, ~---- Michael L. ~eyr Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Dave Bakke (email) Chambers Construction - John Shay (email) Coughlin, Porter Lundeen - BobbiFisher (email) Eric Hall Architects - Ted Corbin (email) Eugene Sand and Gravel City of Springfield MLM:sc This report andlor enclosed test data is the confidential property of the client to whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process andlor material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or an{part thereof be disclosed without F~I Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s written authorization. 750 NN ComeII Avalue . Corvallis, Qegon 9733O . pl1me (541) 757-4698 . fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirport Road. Eugene, Qegon 97402' pl1me (541) 684-3849 . fax (541)684-3851 63050 Corporate Place, Suite 2 . Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4844 . fax (541) 382-4846