HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/30/2008 .' City of Springfield Date ReceIved: Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street DEe 30 2008 Springfield, OR 97477 Development Issues Meeting (DI~iginaISubmittal. SPRINGFIELD ~., '. . . . . Prospective Applicant Name: S <:.-" fr t/ 7~r- Company: -t: 7-r,.I'1 LL/'~ p~ I~~dress: ,~O I .v>/ .s ,4,.t:-e-l:",.i:zc: {f:n:':';-2:Jd:;.,.;;t'TY? I Prospective I Applicant's Rep.: Phone: ICompany: IFax: · I'.A.; d.d r. ess: ....~....;... ......._................;.. ......... ~ ,," ~K/<0y!~ .." ::;7\81tC<.,'"'~1'Ei'I:\0U'J'%'..";'li. 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IFax: S~I/- 7'-(/- S-.:l4 0 /7'1 77 "....>":;,~:ir .'VI, "', i 1 1 I 1 1 I I sf Density.: :"''''''~"',L''''''' du/acre Prospective Applicant: s;g.a,::!JA ~ S~ '" iT A- VY''''- Date: /0/-2cmR" Print ~equi~~<d P-;1oject:Information - .~~~ -- (City-Intake Staff: complete thi~,~~ction) Case No.: _~~-~'- C-/ Application Fee: $ '52/ ,6"\,) Date: 12-hc/o'?) ITechnical Fee: $0' Reviewed by: -f7YL- I Postaqe Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ c;"2-1 ,(l\) 'C;"!.w.'S2L~, .~:'::6M'?::t_.-,- -_:'."'~--" - '_~'\'f PROJECT NUMBER: PRSzwg-ocor I If-;":;:'- :,"Y;\~'",--- ~'YFOL<d:. ~ I!:4F:..~~T ~,-':~~-"", ~",..r;" Revised 1{1{08 Molly Markarian 1 of 3 . Development Issues Meeting Submittal Requirements"\:hecklist o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. o Development Issues Meeting Application Form o Five (5) Questions - list specific questions the applicant would like staff to answer during the meeting. So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list is limited to five questions. ~en (10) Copies of the Proposed Plan - suggested information valuable for staff to ,review the proposal is listed below. It is not necessary to include all of these items on the site or plot plan. However, applicants are encouraged to address as many as possible given that the level of information that will be derived from the meeting is, commensurate with the level of detail provided in the application. ' Applicants are also encouraged to include additional information on the plan as listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.12-120, Land Divisions ~ Partitions & Subdivisions - Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements or 5.17-120, Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements. ~ /Drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 11" x 17~' Q" Scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' Q/ North arrow ~ o o o Date of preparation Street address and assess-or's rii~p a'rid t!'l~ lot nl,Jrri6e? Dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the development area Location and size of existing and proposed utilities, including connection points On-site drainage collection system and flow patterns, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, dry wells, and natural drainageways to be retained Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces DIMs Related to Land Divisions o o Approximate location, number and dimensions of proposed lots o How streets in the proposal area connect with existing streets DIMs Related to Site Plan Review o o D Proposed and existing buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height Area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structurJ;}fl~~wa~~~ed: sidewalks, patios and other impervious surfaces Parking and circulation plan DEe 3 0 2008 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 3 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Ci._ ,f Springfield Official Receipt Developmcnt Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200800000000000811 Date: 12/30/2008 2:56: 12PM Job/Journal Number Description. ZON2008-00042 CTY Development Issues Mtg Paid By WILLIAM T CROXEN -IP Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received tj 052529 In Person Payment Total: Amount Due 521.00 $521.00 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard Amount Paid $521.00 $521.00 , Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Original Submittal cRcccintl Page I of I 12/30/2008 INTt:RNATIONALef)PA~ER 801 42ND STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 T 541-741-5243 F 541-741-5240 scott.unger2@cbpr.ipaper.com December 30, 2008 New Water Utilitv Pumo Station ,International Paper is proposing to design and construct a new water utility pumping system which will reliably provide water to the IP containerboard mill. The system will utilize the recently constructed water intake and fish screen structure on the bank of the McKenzie River. We are proposing to buiid a new pump station between the bank of the McKenzie River and State Highway 126, The, pumps would discharge into a buried 36" pipeline that would run underneath the Kaiser Slough Bridge and adjacent to the Kaiser Slough for 2000' and ultimately discharge into our existing river pump intake structure, The pump station would be powered through our own self-generating utility. The power sub-station would be on IP property and has already been approved as part of our original site development plan review. The pump conductors and control wiring would travel to the pumps via aerial lines over the Kaiser Slough and then travel underground adjacent to the buried 36" forcemain pipe. International Paper has received contingent approval from the following entities: 1) ODOT - Oregon Department of Transportation 2) COE - The US Army Corps of Engineers 3) SUB - Springfield Utility Board - granted approval for IP to power this facility with the IP self-generating utility. The basis of the proposal resides in the fact that this past summer IP was unable to complete a microtunnel underneath the Kaiser Slough and State Highway 126, CH2M Hill has been commissioned to evaluate the tunneling attempt and their results indicate thai it is possible to complete the tunnel but at great risk, IP is inherently risk averse. The costs associated with implementing risk control measures has compelled IP to seek other options, If IP is unsuccessful in getting approval for this alternative pumping system configuration, IP will be forced to pursue a tunneling solution which will include but not be limited to seeking permits to perforrn additional geotechnical investigations and implement ground stabilization measures along the tunnel horizon which passes underneath the Kaiser Slough and State Highway 126. We request sincere consideration of this proposal and are looking to identify 'any such constraints or design limitations, IP would like to complete this project by August 2009. R::LUIlY, scott~! cr- Project Manager International Paper Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Original Submittal DIM - Questions 1) Considering the proposed water utility infrastructure would be built within 75 feet of the McKenzie River, what, if any, architectural modifications would the City impose to maintain the pristine nature of the McKenzie River? , 2) Considering IP is proposing to build a water utility structure on land owned by the State of Oregon (ODOT), what involvement is required by the State to effect approval for this project by the City of Springfield? 3) International Paper recognizes the sensitive nature of working adjacent to the bank of the Mckenzie River and Kaiser Slough, During construction IP will have a comprehensive spill prevention and erosion control plan to ensure construction materials will nQt enter the water ways, With the e'xception of the pump station structure and aerial power lines, our pipeline and power conductors will be underground and out of sight and the land restored to original condition, What, if any, land drainage considerations does the City have for IP? 4) Given the fact that the proposed water utility infrastructure is industrial'in nature, will be built from non-combustible materials, and will not be designed fot , continuous human occupancy, what, if any, access, parking, fire suppression, and lighting improvements would the city require? 5) What pennits will the City require International Paper to obtain to enable the expeditious design, construction, and operation of the proposed water utilility? Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Original Submittal ,":I' '"'-' Un~er, Scott , From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dean, BennyA Jr NWP [BennyADean@usace.army,mil] Wednesday,'December 17, 200812:17 PM Unger, Scott Leighton. Loren; Hayward. Ruth; Campbell, Kent RE: Internatinoal Paper Project Hi Scott, Sounds like you now have the project sufficiently covered. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Have a great afternoon, Benny A. Dean Jr. Regulatory Project Manager/Biologist U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Ph: (541)465,6769 Fax: (541)465,6888 -----Original ~essage----- t From: Unger, Scott [mai1to:Scott,Unger2@cbpr,ipaper,com] ,Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 12:10 PM To: Dean, Benny A Jr NWP Cc: Leighton, Loren; Hayward, Ruth; Campbell, Kent Subject: RE: Internatinoal Paper Project Benny, Thank you for the clarification. My current understanding is that a nCrossing" of the Kaiser Slough will be regulated and if our conductor voltage is 480V, we will be required to keep them at a minimum elevation of 35' above the OHWM. In addition, if we now chose to aerial these lines across the slough, the placement of power poles below the OHWM would trigger a "Consultation" which would bring NMFS, National Marine Fisheries Service, into the review process. At this point IP will be required to submit all final design documents for COE review. Upon COE review, a permit modification is the most likely requirement but a new permit may be the only option. Thank you for your time. Regards, Scott Unger ,,-.,Original Message",., From: Dean, Benny A Jr NWP [mailto:Benny.A.Dean@usace.army.mil) Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 10:17 AM To: Unger, Scott Cc: Leighton, Loren; Hayward, Ruth Subject: Internatinoal Paper Project Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Hi Scott, Original Submittal Well I do have some clarification for you about details I mentioned I was not certain about yesterday, Number one is correct for waterways. Do keep in mind Section 404 jurisdiction may also extend from the ordinary high water mark to the adjoining wetlands located along the waterway. I have looked up Kaiser Slough in our guidance on Section 10 waterways, I did not find the slough, however in looking through our regulations and found the lateral extent of our Section 10 jurisdiction extends with the ordinary high water mark into the slough since the slough does affect the course/capacity of the navigable waterway, Also previous determinations have reflected the slough has been.regulated as Section 10 in the past. Therefore the pilings to hold up the concrete conduit for the electrical lines is 1 regulated. And there are height requirements for how high the electrical lines must be over the waterway. Here is the measurement from the top of the ordinary high water mark as it follows: Nominal System Voltage, kV 115 and below 138 161 230 350 500 700 750,765 Minimum Additional Clearance (ft,) Above Clearance Required for Bridges 20 22 24 26 30 35 42 45 So if you run a 480 volt line to the pumps, the line crossing over the slough must be 35 feet above the ordinary high water mark. In comparison to the cost of shooting concrete to drill through, I still think this is a bit cheaper, And since the Kaiser Slough is a Section 10 waterway, all crossings wou19 be regulated since it may adversely affect navigation. So regardless of where the pier supports are for the electrical conduit, the project would be regulated. Pipelines in section 404 waters are considered structures unless they are of such a large size that it has the effect of fill (an example is 10 foot diameter pipe would be considered fill due to the size and associated impacts). A smaller pipe such as the '. temporary pipes that have been placed would not have the effect of fill in a Section 404 water, however in a Section 10 waterway it is regulated due to the course and capacity could be altered. And at., this po~nt since Kaiser Slough is a Section 10 water, a permit or permit modification would be necessary for the proposed project. And upon International Paper acquiring all of the necessary approvals, the Corps understands all materials will be submitted' for our review. Be sure in the application revision request to to listed species when placing the pilings (if isolating .the worksite,. etc. . . outline measures taken to minimize impacts in the waterway), such as silt screens, If you have any questions, please contact me. Have a great afternoon, Benny A. Dean Jr. Regulatory Project Manager/Biologist U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Ph: (541) 465,6769 Fax: (541)465-6888 -----Original Message----- from: Unger, Scott [mailto:Scott.Unger2@cbpr.ipaper.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 9:20 AM To: Dean, Benny A Jr NWP Cc: Leighton, Loren: Hayward, Ruth Subject: Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Hello Benny, Original Submittal Thank you for your time yesterday, In summary of our meeting IP has the following understanding. 1) The extent of COE jurisdiction is the Ordinary High Water Mark: defined as the 1yr/2yr flood level, 2) The Kaiser Slough is not a Section 10 ( Navigable) waterway. 3) Our proposed method for supplying power to the pumps which includes a pre,stressed concrete beam spanning the slough is allowed given the following qualifications. 2 a) If the piers that support the beam are outside the OHWM, then no permit or additional evaluation is necessary by COE. b) If the piers that support the beam are inside the OHWM, then additional evaluation by COE is necessary, a permit may be required, and the extent of necessary pilings and structllre might be classified as "Fill" material.. .which may then trigger. an additional review or evaluation. 4) Pipelines are classified as "structure". 5) Upon approval of the project by all vested parties, IP will submit final design documents to the COE, Please provide written acknowledgement in the form of a letter or a response to this e- mail confirming your agreement with the above statements. Regards, Scott Unger Engineering International Paper 541-912'0370 Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Original Submittal 3 Message . Page 1 of 3 Unger, Scott From: HEYN Alfred H' AI [AI.H.HEYN@odot.state,or.usj Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 2:44 PM To: Unger, Scott Cc: KETCH Aaron J Subject: RE: Pump Station PDF's Scott, , - ,I do not beJfeve that the embankment is actually_structural fill, but if you are approximately 20- 25 feet away from the bridge then it will be okay, Tlie bridge is supported on driven piling and so there is no risk to the bridge of the foundation being undermined or losing support so I have no-problem witli what you have proposed with regards to the bridge structure. ' AI Heyn, P.E. Sr. Structural Design Engineer ODOT.Aegion 2 Bridge/Geo-Hydro 455 Airport Rd, SE, Bldg, A Salem, OR 97301-5397 Phone: 503-986-2774 Fax: 503-986.2622 al. h.heyn@odot.stale.or.us From: Unger, Scott [mailto:Scott.Unger2@cbpr.ipaper,com] Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:34 AM To: HEYN Alfred H * AI Subject: FW: Pump Station PDF's HiAI, I appreciate your quick response. Your requests will be easy to handle, An additional question I have is once the pipeline exits from underneath the bridge going South, we are going to need to hug the burm to stay above the ordinary high water mark. We have to keep our excavation above elevation 472', The will require us to work within 25' of the bridge structure and dig into what is possibly structural fill. What are the limitations in this case? One idea we have to to cut a 6'-8' path along the slope, shore up the downside with a line of concrete geoblocks, dig a shallow trench, bed and drop in the pipe and cover with compacted dirt or CDF, Thoughts? Regards, Scott .1 From: KETCH Aaron J [mailto:Aaron.J.KETCH@odot.state.or.us] Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 8:54 AM To: Unger, Scott Subject: FW: Pump Station PDF's Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Original Submittal 12/29/2008 Message $ Page 2 of 3 Here is AI heyns remarks for the pipe and his contact number and info, -----Original Message----- From: HEYN Alfred H * AI Sent: Thursday, December 18, 20088:24 AM To: KETCH Aaron J Subject: RE: Pump Station PDF's Aaron, The installation shown looks pretty straightforward. Please have Scott Unger do the following: . Stay away from the bridge interior bent (pillars) by at least 5 feet with all excavation work. . Replace the riprap that is removed and put it back over the excavation or use controlled density fill (CDF) to match the existing slope and not placed closer than 5 feet to the bridge interior bent (pillars). . headroom will be limited for equipment below the bridge, so may need to use special equipment for the excavation work or possilbly some hand digging, Field verify the vertical headroom distance to make sure, Do not impact the bridge superstructure with any construction equipment. Thanks, AI Heyn, P,E. Sr, Structural Design Engineer ObOT Region 2 Bridge/Geo-Hydro , 455 Airport Rd, SE, Bldg, A Salem, OR 97301-5397 Phone: 503-986-2774 Fax: 503-986-2622 al.h.heyn@odol.slate.or.us From: KETCH Aaron J Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 3:S3 PM To: HEYN Alfred H * AI Subject: FW: Pump Station PDF's I know that you do not have anything to do with pages 1 &2 but page 3 is where I need your advice. Structure # is 09563E on hwy 227 mp 8.20 -----Original Message----- From: Unger, Scott [mailto:Scott.Unger2@cbpr.ipaper.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 3:3S PM To: KETCH Aaron J Date Received: Subject: Pump Station PDF's Aaron, The pump station drawings are attached, DEe 3 0 2008 Thanks for your time today, Original Submittal It has been determined by the COE that we cannot span a concrete conduit support beam across the siough. Due to waterway regulations, we must keep our conductors a minimum of 35' above the water level. 12/29/2008 Message . Page 3 of 3 Consequently, we will be aerieling the power lines across the slough via power poles, Power pole placement is flexible except that they must be placed outside the ordinary high water mark of 472', Please forward me the State engineers contact information, Regards, Scott Unger Engineering International Paper 541-912-0370 12/29/2008 Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Original Submittal . ~ Unger, Scott From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: SPAETH Michael A [MichaeIASPAETH@odot.state,or.us] Tuesday, December 30,20089:41 AM Unger, Scott KETCH Aaron J RE: Pump Station Hello Scot t, I am in agreement of the coptingencies as "listed, once .add~ess will lead to an approved ODOT permit, Mike Spaeth ODOT District 5 Manager -----Original Message----- From: Unger, Scott [mailto:Scott,Unger2@cbpr.ipaper,com] Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 1:56 PM ,To: SPAETH Michael A Cc: KETCH Aaron J Subject: Pump Station Hello Mike, Thank you for your time December 17, 2008 where we met to discuss the IP proposal to build a pump station at the Kaiser Slough Point, IP proposes to build a Pump Station at the Kaiser Slough Point. The Pump Station would be built on ODOT land and the 36" Forcemain pipeline would travel underground underneath the State Highway 126 bridge that crosses the Kaiser Slough. The pipeline would then cross over onto IP land and continue to our main pumping station. The following is a summary of our meeting where we discussed the conceptual drawings. ODOT( Oregon Department of Transportation) has granted contingent approval to IP (International Paper) to build and operate the "Proposed Pump Station II at the Kaiser Slough Point, The contingencies are: AI That the Final Design of the Pump Station does not materially differ from the proposed "concept" drawings. B) That the Final Design of the 36" Forcemain pipeline be approved by. and built within any criteria stipulated by the.appointed State of Oregon Bridge Engineer. Al Heyn, P,E, Sr. Structural Design Engineer ODOT Region 2 Bridge/Geo'Hydro 455 Airport Rd, SE, Bldg, A Salem, OR 97301,5397 Phone: 503,986,2774 Fax: 503,986,2622 al.h,heyn@odot,state,or.us C) That a long term lease agreement can be agreed upon by both parties, Please respond to this e-mail to confirm your agreement and or to make any corrections or clarifications. Regards, Scott Unger Project Manager Engineering Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 1 Original Submittal 'iW International Paper Springfield, Oregon 541'912,0370 Scott.unger2@cbpr,ipaper com Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 , Original SubmittaL 2 I .' ,1 ~ 50" x 40" 12.5 sq. ft. ~ ~ u r ~ 40" x 30" 8.3 sq. ft. ,.,.~ 55" x 35" 12.4 sq. ft. 60" x 41" 14.75 sq. ft. .~ ",,' . ~ 46" x 38" 9.39 sq. ft. 50"wx46" 15.5 sq. ft. .'(1~ ~ j", ., , '''-' ,/ , .-'i- t" ............., ':.-: :,1'" 2JWil Efate1TeeOI'J9G1: 58"wx46" 10.5 sq. ft. t fIlP ~ - -"" 58" x 46" 8 sq.ft. , . ~ . ,': :.. . ''f':'~~;< r . . .,;~'f' J....-.~ .. /.~_ .... -, 'I'. ~ &....- - '.., ,~"........_-,<",.: .' ~ '. "#"., . -:'~ . ;, .. \::": ..:J . . -t~ .. ~J. .-. _.,.o.~ .... ~~ , ,..~ ~ 41" x 50" 12.3 sq. ft. ~ 44" x 34" 6.9 sq. ft. Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Original suomittal- 54" x 36" 11.8 sq. ft. <. :1 ..:~ EflP m , '\I -- :r-" , jJ j, - ~' - ,.r,' ~....\~;>-:~\ ", J.. I,....., ~,~ . I ". , ' , , . .' 55" x 35" 11.8 sq. ft. ~, l- ffP21ill;J 57" x 35" 12.3 sq.ft. - ..........:.....- r , fJlfJm ,.,~ ..' 40" w x48" 12.3 sq.ft. '~ . /,? >.'~ ff. '\ ":.l7j1'~<'"~.,,~ . .)'l;;. , . : I ~ ,'.... \ -.....- .1 ~ \ ........ J ..':., )"" .... I I j l " P: 314.524-2040 ..~ 47" x 95" 31 sq. ft. fX1JJ ~ 78" x 96" 43 sq.ft. - D.~ 52" x 86" 22.5 sq. ft. " ,~ ~- }J t . . .. ~ ~.... } Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Original SUbmlltal_ ^ P: 314-524-2040 iSESSMENT TAXATION )NLY SEC. 29 T.17S. R . W.M. LANE COUNlY SCAtE I' _ 400' SEEIU.P170220 .' - ..,J;.'",:,:;;':;::' .:"1 ~ -~ ~ .:' 800' c~... ..L.LOT<-'.t:-......~.~::.~ -,7.."'.'>1)-,..""7--1(--____ . , " SEEl.IM> 17'02-29-1-2 '1 ~ , , , , , , 11 O~9~O~ 1 , '\ ' : - ,~----'~'~--r--- ,;~--,,~ '.,--......1... I I , , " : /". ~ J : _.!.'';:''!f'::'>L_ " - .~- I =:;: , 000010" , , LOT" n.'" LOT I~ II." -:;":_f'~...~ 'I /........ 2'303 =0, 17900>l:.Alf" PCI,.' J?t,.- LOG POND 'IJ,@@'iJ; O~9~O ~.."" i , / '0- f _I6DQTm?_~_~2!~ ". .,..,.,..,..' .u;:~1702 J2 J3 , , , , -----..-..:......-----,-;.-.;;:";~;;;,_;;-{;i;;_.;;J---... . SEElAAP1702J2 --". .4 17'02 29 NAD 83/91 ~ ,- ,~, ,,~ ,~ '* ,~, ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,,~ ,~ ,~ - ,,~ 2\01 ". ,,~ ,~ ,,~ ,~, ,~ = ,~ ,., ,., ,~ ~, * ~, ~ .~ ~ " a c ~ ~ Date Received: Original SUbmittai_.___ DEe 3 0 lU08 17 02 29 LAFLEUR Karen Subject: Location: ZON2008-00042 De\(elopment Issues Mtg (Int Paper) Andy _SP _ConfRm616 Thu 1/15/2009 1:30 PM Thu 1/15/20092:30 PM Start: End: Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Required Attendees: Meeling organizer Resources: L1MBIRD Andrew; DRISCOLL JON; Krueger Kristi; MCEACHERN Clayton; PERRY Richard; STOUDER Matt; Walter Eric; Lynn Detering (Iynn.detering@odot.state.or.us); PUENT David; WALKER George; GOTTFRIED Charles; DRISCOLL Jon; GORDON Gilbert _SP _ConfRm616 ' A Development Issues Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, January 15, 2009 @ 1.:30 - 2:30 p.m. in DSD 616. The planner assigned to this application is Andy Limbird. The applicant submitted plans to discuss construct of a new water utility pumping system to provide water to the International Paper containerboard mill. The new pump station would be located between the bank of the McKenzie River and State Highway 126/Kaiser Slough Bridge area. Please confirm your attendance at this meeting. , \; Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Original Submittal 1 . , f;+' ~.ti '1 ?o~<" ~~ 'i'-.t-- '} KIZER SLOUGH ,.10' .24' Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Original Submittal '-\/~ EL. 482 - 500 EL. 480 :: YEAR EL ~ :: 600 YEAR EL, 468 : ri'?ISNARY HIGH WATER EL, 464 = DESIGUNMMER WATER LOW WATER PUMP HOUSE WITH WET WEll BELOW \ \ \ \ \ \ )..to f ~ - .,7'" OPTION "G" fHIS LOCATIO OF BANK. N IS g':!; FROM TOP THE 60" 0 HEADER TO THE END OF THPEIPE IS CONNECTED PIPE. EXISTING 60"0 ~ ...... BRESHEARSITHOR I....I'! HOGINEER'r;(; NTON ~126e .;"yg9E. PO 3T COOlSUlT..,.rs U1 Fa~'(~~3";:=OO2 Ph(~16~'3< PRELIMINARY ~NA.TIONAI... PAPER PUMP NGFlELD, OREGON ICtUo 1/0"."-</'..... HOUSE AREA PLAN ~fIf; _ oon: 1-- "'" ,- ,- -.' PLOT ',.".... 1- 0 08. 706-'P 1 p, ."" W>>/>X """ 'SOWJj"'" ... CADNQ: oe---~ _ IN'TE:R1AnoNAl.. -. ,~1 lILLWIlIDI - ~101 _...--::::-' 0M00IC,"47t GMJ owe . - DO NOT EDIT MANl>>J.LY \ \ 1~'_4' AIR COIolPRESSOR ROO" I ~ il\ 4- _ubI-- I '1m n. i .in, ---t;::' - - - . I .~~. ru I l::::'~': .::: : . I'~~~.. ~mn+_m:r-- _no - "'''T''''- I ! I II !. ~ i , I iT 'z, '-I :;1 :0. i~ I ,0 , :~ I '. :",. , '..::1 i ;0 14"_0" 111"_0' "AN DETAIL SCALE: 1/4"."-'- C6 , , > ~ , ~ " ~ ~ SHEET I.lETAl ROOF WIlli WITH 4/12 ROOf SlOPE ROOF FRAMING AND CONDUIT RACK SlJPPORT FRAJ.lING o PRECAST PANEl--....... ff Ct.lU (OPTION) ...... STAIRS rnIS AREA (NOT SHOWN) \ \1 311. FORCED J.lAIN c , " ! 1 36'. PIPE (5) PlACESJ\' FlOWAIllE fILl--, i / ' 1 , I -.j-- , PIPE BEDDING ~ROOF H.6.TCH ...T EACH PlIMP (~ I , 1 i ! ~ :...L cb I '.-. ({;-;)t~ , I I ' , 1 (+, '" i \J..) I I i , '58 I I I, "1 , <OJ , L-j r SECTION THRU PUMP HOUSE ~~~~-.1'-'- ~ . , " . , ~ 482 (500 YEAR FlOOO) 48~ (lH 'T{AR FlOOD) c , " 477:i: rIN GRADE -;:.;' · t'"!!~ ',,"," ;A..- ( . ( ;, , " ...~.'-\~ _).\C{nr'\;"-" -- ~- , ~: ,\ .~'0;:/'~) '~'Y()>.'~.. .,t-rjt.'J, ~, 1P"~J1,.<F;,..q>'B', ~'t' ::fl~l~:~.s:~4t, .,_" :y,~{ G': ~ \ . -~-'''0"'I.r't.- ;" ,__>- "i 1\,. ~? r..: ~... .. -~i~~~')~',~{_: . X'l -r \. .,,-'{ )' !--I..~ . , " ~ ~ fJ_ 459'-6' l PRELIMINARY Y0~7 C' 1'1 Jt~:~ ~:"'""";"''' "r"..' ,;': :--'>' ... )j! ': _1< ...-~. Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 Original Submittal IMoJ IIE'o'aOIl 11)AK1~ BRESHEARSITHORNTON ENO....EEIlINOC~SUlTNHS.l.. 11lMH..,~~,PO 310,""""",01197002 Pll{5(U167$-l<1:>o F.'1503)6~ INTERNATIONAL PN>ER SPRINGF1ElD. OREGON PUMP HOUSE PlAN AND SECTION =;n:.rr~ ''::'j -~ I ill CiiCiiib. D08108-IP ..... m.'....... 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CUlFROlolPlPE C()f(IH()L DOISITY rILL NlOUNO PtPEOIlREPLla:EX.RIPlW> 36'"'PIF'E c5~fHD I Date Received: DEe 3 0 2008 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '''1__' p-I~ ~ NJ IllWIOIl rllol.1f:.,. ~ BRESHEARSITHORNTON ~ !;.f<af<l;.EIl.It<lCOOWll.>.NTS,lOl ~ l'ltieH..y99E,PQHO_..........OR91I)OlPt,~)61&-.lU4 [I' F"ISOJIG7~ ~ HT'ER*llONAl. PN'ER go SPRlNGFlfl.O, OREGON 13 _ WATER fW,y SECTlON A: DUAL _ ~ ::t"!! iji- D~;'-" Iii. ; Ta.tE: G2:.X>>'Y ,-. ... SHEET 004 ~ PI..OT o.o.TE: 12/O1~ 1= l~.... ~APER ~ CAONO: ~.olDI!Ii.QNIU......_ Q Original submittal PRELIMINARY CAD OWG - 00 NOT EOfT MANUAl.l..Y I-~' J ... -~-:; L-.! ~ ~ I "I _1__ ^ i-' ". .,. I_~ -/ "::. C~ IrJirl IT::::= - -t" Wrrt'~t~ .~ ~- ~ ~J ~ _ ~Ir- I.J!: ""'; ~:~xy~,^..~. :~ XX 1\\ , X X X~yYy~ X XXXV<.fXX i'<' 1 ~ 'X \X X X >(' X, ~~ X; c' '" MXYYx.! ~),'{XI '. [_ :J I- IT 1-'1l ~~ , '- ~u "it -. ~t-f:f y I ~ Lj:: f:j l! L f~ r--II\ 6:: t=f- -, f-- := III- - '~~-r 1~t3 ~/ b h n=:U! / ~IDJ ~ ~ j~ ,1' ii ?;:=]) " 11:1'':J -=::J::: . ). \.' 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