HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 6/20/2008 ANNEXATION 300'. NOTICE DISTRIBUTION SHEET Affidavit by: Name: DSD- Planning Division-Brenda Jones, Planning Secretary 0Ylt j y~ ,,U YI PROPERTY OWNER (If different from Applicant) ~ (1/'7(> j.()o8" rWC1M<!/ctCtJ 1 f Yt~ 11I\elo u)l1. ~ ak ()fjmJj;( ~ , ., !.1/C iH:hJ./lu h ALL d1l/h~d/ Annexation/Planning Journal Number: v. APPLICANT ELECTORS v / 300" MAILING LIST NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION SPECIAL DISTRICTS Tim Hanley, Rainbow Water District . P.O. Box 8, Springfield, OR 97477 ./ Greg Hyde, Willamalane Parks and Recreation District 250 S. 32'd Street, Springfield, OR 97478 ~ Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District 125 E. 8th Avenue PSB; Eugene, Oregon 97401 . Glenwood Water District PO Box 562; Springfield, Oregon 97477-0080 --.L. Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District. 89899 Coburg Road; Eugene, Oregon 97408-9462 V Ray Meduna, Springfield Utility Board PO Box 300, Springfield, OR 97477 V Marlene Metcalfe., Springfield Utility Board 202 So. 18th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 / Qwest 1801 California St., Suite 2500, Denver, CO 80202 Ii' NW Natural; Account Services, Attn: Annexation Coordinator 220 NW. 2nd, Portland, OR 97209 ./ Com Cast Cable, Attention: Tom Henerty 2897 Chad .Drive, Eugene, OR 97408 \I'" Annette Cardoza, Sanipac P.O. Bod0928, Eugene, OR 97440 \I'" Annette Newingham, Lane County Elections (full packet) / 135 E. 6th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 Alice Marks Lane County Tax Assessors, 125 East 8th Avenue; Eugene', OR 97401 541-682-4134 3/2008 > ~. . ~C:J::~~~'-~~7~i~".~, -.'fr"~ . /' Lane County Land management - Kent Howe 125 E. 8th Avenue PSB; Eugene, Oregon 97401 / . Lane County Board of Commissioners, Kristine Spear 125 E. 8th Avenue PSB; Eugene, Oregon 97401 V Planner: ~JOUrnal File UJ{j,f)(lt ~OOO) I Planning Division ./ Brenda Jones, DSD (Original File Copy) ~erry Smith, Police Department '""j) .e?' I .." .-? ~ ~ .... ~ .~--.:;> ~~' .... ~. '75>....2> ~__. .... ~~- ~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON } }ss. County of Lane } I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of Annexation Public Hearing Notice for C SP2008-LRP2008- 00006; C SP2008-LRP2008-00001; C SP2008-LRP2007-00022 (See attachment "A") on June 20, 2008 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. Brenda Jones Planning Seqetary STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane . A Jilli'.;J..[) , 2008 Personally appeared the ~bove named Brenda Jones, ~retarY, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before .me: . OFFICIAL SEAL k . J0 ~ DEVETTE KELL V . . . .. NOTARYPUBLIC.OREGON .~, . JA COMMISSION NO. 420351 - (J' - . , .. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG, 15, 2011 . .. . 0/1'-- / ,./ My Commission Expires: D-> , . Bjones 6/19/2008 ~.'~~:. ~ ~~:??:_~~:---~~~~i~.~-,.-- ., -.'~.- SPRINGFIELD . '111'"'' f.!i.iS.-) i1b -J:J :IINiJ ill :jAr lil;[-1:1::t ~. JJ.' IIJJIlIJtJIJij : DEVELOPMENT SERVICE~ DEPARTMENT . . ~ ., PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 974n PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX. (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us CASE NUMBER: LRP2008-00001 APPLICANT: Chanlin McCown on behalf oC.S7th Street Properties LLC NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: Proposal to annex 1.51 acres into the City of Springfield. AUTHORIZED USES: Upon annexation, the area will be zoned Low Density Residential. Uses authorized in the Low Density Residential distric,t are regulated by SDC section 3.2-210, available in City Hall or online at htto:/Iwww.ci.snriDl!field.or.us/dsdIPlanninld: APPLICABLE CRITERIA: The City Council shall approve, modifY or deny any annexation application based upon the following approval criteria: A. The affected territory proposed to be. annexed is within the City's urban growth boundary and is I. Contiguous to the city limits or 2. Separaied from the City only by a public right of way or a stream lake or other body of . water . B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Metro Plan,and in any applicable refmement plans or Plan Districts . C. The proposed annexation will result in a boundary in which the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan can be provided in an orderly efficient and timely manner and D. Where applicable fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through an Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council (SDC 5,7-140). SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: 725 S. 5.7th Street, Map 18-02-04-11, Tax Lot(s) 4600 and includes a .porticin of South 57th Street right-of-way. DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION OF THE HEARING: July 7, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. at 225 Fifth Street in Springfield City Hall Council Chambers. ADDITIONAL ~ORMATION: The application, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and the application criteria are available for inspection at City Hall at no cost and . will be provided at a reasonable cost. CONTACT PERSON: Andy Limbird at(541) 726-3784. Send written testimony c/o DSD, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477, or attend the meeting and state your views. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with SDC 5.2-100. >i:~~. ~~- .~ sft:~';:--~~-::d ~~~~~~-". -.L-r-___ PROPOSED ANNEXATION 725 South 57th Street (Map 18-02-04-11, TL 4600) Sprlngnald, OR .\~ ~I: Ig>'~~ I WJJ..! I f- ~::>-\ .=/ I I \ ~ ~ I I SrrE . I .r ,:/ I I , I !, I J.W- . ~ 110: _1- --j~ . J~CI'''1 lit. Vemon Kdi - - - > - Ol 'ls " iS~ t. \ ~\ - . . I .~ --- -- ._~_B . , ~.. . 7bete..ono.....AIn..esthat.,... "i.""tlisproducL Users assume" responsibifityfcrarJY bss or dlff1ltlQtf ...... .n$ing fIfm any error, cmSstm ar~ inBCCtmICy ~ dtlli:JplOduc:t. D Tax Lots 0 ~e ofCiIy Units C UGB CJ W1tIin atyLinIls o 200 400 Feel /j~\~.~. '.~- ~~~;~~~. ~~~~:~,----. -...~~- A1I3^,"-O!l-008-~ WOJ'A.laAe'MMM UO!pnJlSU!,P. all!naJ e, zall" ) . Annexation 300'Distribution Labels 6/19/2008 BJones Tami Griswold (President) S.W. Thurston Association 5774 Camellia Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Paula Matheson/Nathan Duerre Co-Vice Presidents Game Farm Association 487 Pinedale Avenue Springfield,Oregon97477 Tim Hanley Rainbow Water District PO Box 8 Springfield, Oregon 97477 Glenwood Water District PO Box 562 Springfield, Oregon 97477-0080 Marlene Metcalfe Springfield Utility Board 202 So. 8th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Com Cast Cable Attention: Tom Henerty 2897 Chad Drive Eugene, Oregon 97408 Alice Marks Lane County Tax Assessors 125 E. 8th Avenue, PSB Eugene, Oregon 97401 Assigned Planner: r ,u096S@A1I3^"@ lUawa6Jelp ap suas , . Mary Jo Moloney - Treasurer. Washburne Neighborhood Association 922 "B" Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 Greg Hyde Willamalane Park and Recreation District 2501 S. 32nd Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 . Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District 89899 Coburg Road Eugene, Oregon 97408-9462 Qwest 1801 California St. Suite 2500 Denver, CO. 80202 Annette Cardoza Sanipac PO Box 10928 Eugene, Oregon 97440 Lane County Land Management Attention: Kent Howe 125 E. 8th Avenue, PSB Eugene, Oregon 97401 Brenda Jones Planning Secretary Jw096S @A1I3^" l!Jeqe6 al zaS!I!ln Jalad ~ salpeJ sa~anblH , ". AI Adams (SecretaryfTreasurer) East Alton Baker Association 598 Poltava Spriilgfield, Oregon 97477 , Lane County Metropolitan Wastewater Service District 125 E. 8th Avenue, PSB Eugene, Oregon 97401 Ray Meduna Springfield Utility Board PO Box 300 Springfield, Oregon 97477 NW Natural Account Services Attn: Annexation Coordinator 220 NW 2nd , Portland, Oregon 97209 Annette Newingham Lane CountY Elections 135 E. 6th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 Lane County Board of Commissioners Attention: Kristine Spear 125 E. 8th Avenue, PSB Eugene, Oregon 97401 Jerry Smith Springfield Police Chief Springfield Justice Center m T a~nlea~ laacJ..~;3.~~t__~. . "~::.. Jaded p;;a~ r m .....0965 3l'lfldVIlaJ. @!.JaA" asn ~ 1-!''l.-~5.U~~J~;:T''''''''''''",=,''r';.o.,.",.... -~.. : ~__ ~_ sla!!", 1~~Me3 LRP2008-00001 . - 1nexation - McCown . ~~02-Q4-11 TL 4600 ..... - . l,rtnufIaId BtlriCl. -11''''' IIlMnIet... It Buffer ..,., o 'hll LotII . TCIClIIIpta M.",. . ..., w.m ,.........,,.,,. -1I'CIClIIIp ta Feat... .. B '''<I,"!,,~:C::..~-TCIClIIIptaL. D!NSI1Y~ DENaITV .............."'~..a MEOIUM~ ?IV IHDU8lRtAl ... U116 ClC .C...OM. MfAVf~ IKDUSTRtAiL ~-a. w,aIAD DCT&II ~ BeAU .. :"114 . . =- D II1II' _ _ NO --' ~~ . ~. --jl . i /'1'-- .' II I liJfirj (" . , . )1 I . I I I I I I / ) , /.-- ~:P ~\( ~,-~ I I \J I I /"\'11 ~h-N 1)1('0 . --Y-i . H-J ,:LJ I 1\ ro rJ I I -- II A 1dlp:If."";,,,~,,,,, ","'lIllllL~ malft &a 15,..... . - C ,,~:,___......;.. ~ '.-.,.:... . ~ - - - /:~'.. :Jj;..:-~y~~ --'~"'---.........,.-- VL "".,.."". H.... te. HlIlli1.8:12 Mil -.'~- 1802041106600 . FELKL MANUELA ,5"nJ~ 5716 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 18020411 06800 CROPPER MIKE & TINA 5703 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 180204110710 PROCK G TRUST 930 T GFIELD, OR 97477 1802041107600 BRONSON RICHARD A & REBECCA S 5752 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041107800 SWIFT & MCCORMICK PENSION PLAN . 940 HWY 99 N EUGENE, OR 97402 18020411 08000 LANE COUNIT 3040NDELTAHWY EUGENE, OR 97408 51~5fv~J~ w.. 3':'2 4-l.N~ St~ S(Jriflj.JU.id) DK.974i'8 .18020411066 FELKL S JA 5716 GE CRT S GFIELD,OR,97478 1802041106900 BRACKEN STUART. 5715 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR ,97478 1802041107200 MARSH DARLENE] 5751 RIDGECRT SPRINGFIELD,OR}7478 1802041107700 BENSON VERN 5740 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR ,97478 j 802041107900 ZA WODNY VINCENT J & NADA B 5764 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR! 97478 Councilor 10hnWoodrow 1009 S 59th Street Springfield, OR 97478 ~ rfk_'"._..k:.tl..' . ~twQ.~~;'-::~-' 1802041106700, -/I OV PROCK LNlNG TRUST 930 Q ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 18020411 07000 TIlOMPSON DARRELL L &LINDA F 5727 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041107500 PARRY DENISE M 5756 RIDGE CRT . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 18020411 07700 . LANG AARON T & LYNNE R 5740 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 18020411 07900 ZA WODNY VIN BERG 5764 S & NADA C.ho..rdin (YlCCcw" :3rO 2. 't2. >",3 S:tr.u:k Sfrl~) OR. q74'l~ --To1dJ.. 7 q - .~.--.:.....- 1802030000700,~1.v GEORGIA P ACIFlC CORP WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY TAX DEPT PO BOX 9777 FEDERAL WAY, WA 98063 18.02040003100' GEORGIA PAC CORP WEYE USER COMPANY TAX DEPT PO 9777 DERAL WAY, WA.98063 18020411 0040 1 BERNARD ANGELA 796 S 57TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 18020411 00600 KERNS LYLE K & VERA E 5630 GLACIER DR SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041103700 BENHAM LONNIE P & JACQUELINE 903 S 56TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041104000 FARR ERIC G & DORENE V 885 S 56TIl SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 18020411 04300 SELIX LINDA 85535 JASPER PARK RD PLEASANT HILL, OR 97455 1802041104600 57TIl ST PROP LLC 36242ND ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041105600 MERCER DONALD D 902 S 59TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041105900 HAUGEN C L & BILLIE L 938 S 59TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802030000700 WEYERHAE COMPANY PO.BO 7 FE WAY, WA 98063 COMPANY 1802041100402 RODRIGUEZ ELI A & ALONDRA 5694 GLACIER DR SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041103500 WOODWORTIl KEVIN W & JANET 929 S 56TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041103800 PETTY STEPHEN E & FRANCES C 901 S 56TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 18020411 04100 KOOZERSCOTI 867 S 56TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR' 97478 18020411 04400 KLUTSCHKOWSKI KEVIN & BOBBl D 5659 GLACIER DR SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 .1802041]04800 TAYLOR STEPHEN A & JODEE JOY 6835 C ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 18020411 05700 MCMILLAN GERALD T 914 S 59TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041106200 TEMPLE EMILY R 729 S 57TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 /<' ~/':- ~:.-.~~~~p-:~::--~-:--~~i-.::~,-- 1802032307700 OREGON STATE HWY DIVISION STATE HWY BLDG RM 110 SALEM, OR 97310 1802041100300 SUNTRUST LAND CO LLC 61878 BUNKER HILL CRT BEND, OR 97702 18020411 00500 FOX MICHAEL L & LINDA S 5668 GLACIER ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041103600 RANKIN FRED E JR & BETIl M 915 S 56TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041103900 ANTONOV1CH DANIEL J & TINA L 897 S 56TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041104200 HOEGER TERENCE. W & MARY M 847 S 56TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041104500 GY ANENDRA PRASAD LNING TRUST 3274 LAKESIDE DR EUGENE, OR 97401 1802041105500 OR DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 355 CAPITOL ST NE RM 420 SALEM, OR 97301 1802041105800 STAPLES HOWARD D & B MAE 926 S 59TIl ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 18020411 06500 WILSON KYLE WILLIAM 5728 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 .. ~ ."r-:..-. 1802041107200 Resident 5751 RIDGE CT Springfield, OR 97478 1802041107500 Resident 5756 RIDGE CT Springfield, OR 97478 1802041107700 Resident 5740 RIDGE CT Springfield, OR 97478 18020411 07800 Resident 5760 RIDGE CT Springfield, OR 97478 .~: -:::-~. ~. .~;-~::;~:~ ~:-;.~~~~-~~ - - 1802041107600 Resident 5752 RIDGE CT Springfield, OR 97478 1802041107900 Resident 5764 RIDGE CT Springfield, OR 97478 -.'r~ ] 802032307700 ] 80204] 10040 I ] 80204] ] 00402 Resident Resident Resident 2035 S 60TH ST 796 S 57TH ST 5694 GLACIER DR Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1802041100500 180204] 100600 ] 80204] 103500 Resident Resident Resident 5668 GLACIER DR 5630 GLACIER DR 929 S 56TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 . 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Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 >~ >:. ~ '~~~s~~,-,~:--~~--.~i.~. .~_-_. -.'.~