HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence COUNTY 4/16/2008 .. L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: / SCHULZ Stephanie E [Stephanie.SCHULZ@co.lane.oLus] Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:07 AM BANKS Megan H L1MBIRD Andrew; TAYLOR Paula L RE: Boundary change info Please see 60,812(4) below, for the adopted fees for processing Special District changes in Lane County. 60.812 Fees to be Charged by tbe County Clerk. (1) For the preparation of and processing of a marriage license waiting period waiver request, the fee is $4. (2) For solemnizing a marriage after normal working hours or on weekends or legal holidays, the fee is $80. The fee for solemnizing a marriage during working hours is as authorized by state law. (3) For the expenses of conciliation/mediation services, the fee is $10, to be charged for issuing a marriage license or registering a declaration of domestic partnership, and to be used as described in ORS 107.615, (4) For the preparation and processing offormations of special districts, and changes to special district boundaries and functions as required by state law or applicable Lane Code. The fees are as follows: (a) Special district boundary changes that are annexations or withdrawals: (i) Consisting of less than I acre ..,........:.......................$ 2,080.00 (ii) Consisting of I acre or more but less than 5 acres .....$ 2,660.00 (iii) Consisting of 5 acres or more but less than 1 0 acres.............,..,.........,.....................,.......... ..........$ 3,550.00 (iv) Consisting of 10 acres or more but less than 25 acres.........,..,..,.....................................................$ 4,480,00 (v) Consisting of25 acres or more but less than 50 acres....,..,..,...,.....,.............................,..................$ 5,560.00 (vi) Consisting of 50 acres or more but less than I 00 acres..............,......,..,.....,..,.................................$ 6,400.00 (vii) Consisting of 100 acres or more ...............................$ 8,820,00 (b) Special district boundary changes that are formations, dissolutions, mergers., consolidations., and incorporations: (i) Under $10 million assessed valuation ......................$ 8,890.00 (ii) $10,000,001 to 100,000,000 assessed valuation.......$ 12,480.00 (iii) $100,000,001 to 250,000,000 assessed valuation ....$ 17,790.00 (iv) Over $250 million assessed valuation ......................$ 24,600,00 (c) Pre-Application Conference.........,..................,.....,...,........$ 235.00 (d) Re-notice ..,..,...........,.....................,...,....,..,..,.............,....,..$ 398.00 .NOTE: For mergers and consolidations, the highest fee is used based on the highest assessed value of merging or consolidating districts. (5) For certification of signatures for annexations to or withdrawals from a city in Lane County; excluding signatures' collected for the purpose of calling for an election, the fee is $1 per signature. (Revised by Order No, 92-8-12-25, Effective 8,12,92; 07-12-5-5,12,5,07; 07-12-12-8,12.12,07" 08-2-20-7, 2,20,08) ----Original Message----- From: BANKS Megan H Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:42 AM To: SCHULZ Stephanie E Cc: UMBIRD Andrew; TAYLOR Paula L Subject: RE: Boundary change info DUi8 r',..ooived: f61:ztuJ ,_ Planner: AL 7- 1 . ( . Thanks--we met with the city yesteraay and since the applications are already in, we want/need to give the applicants an option of doing separate city-county applications, We understand the IGA is in process and it makes no sense to pay separate fees, go through separate processes but we need to give them a choice... Make sense? M From: Sent: To: ec: Subject: SCHULZ Stephanie E Wednesday, ApH116, 2008 9:36 AM BANKS Megan H . UMBIRD Andrew; TAYLOR Paula L RE: Boundary change info Hi Megan. Please check with the city to see, but I believe that the IGA for concurrent processing of the special district annexations with the city annexation has been signed by both parties, Springfield arid Lane County, My recommendation would be to wait until that is done, if it's still in process, Lape County has signed, Steph . -----Original Message----- From: BANKS Megan H Sent: Wednesday, April t6, 20089:19 AM To: SCHULZ Stephanie E Cc: UMBIRD Andrew; TAYLOR Paula L Subject: Boundary change info Hi Stephanie - we are working with Springfield on some annexation applications, and I'm trying to find'the following: Fee for Metro Wastewater AND Willamalane special district annexation applications (I didn't see it on-line) Timeline to get through these process ., Thanks! Megan Megan H, Banks 541-682-7413 mbanks@lcog,org 2 Date Received' Planner: AL 46/;00,f I ' L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: BANKS Megan H [MBANKS@lcog:org] Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:42 AM SCHULZ Stephanie E L1MBIRD Andrew; TAYLOR Paula L RE: Boundary change info . Thanks--we met with the city yesterday and since the applications are already in, we wanUneed to give the applicants an option of doing separate city-county applicatio'ns. We understand the IGA is in process and it makes no sense to pay separate fees, go through separate processes but we need to give them a choice.. Make sense? M From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: SCHULZ Stephanie E Wednesday, April 16, 20089:36 AM BANKS Megan H UM8IRD Andrew; TAYLOR Paula L RE: Boundary change info Hi Megan, Please check with the city to see, but I believe that the IGA for concurrent processing of.lhe special district annexations with the city annexation has been signed by both parties, Springfield and Lane County, My recommendation would be to wait until that is done, if iI's. still in process, Lane County has signed. Steph -----Original Message----- From: BANKS Megan H Sent: Wednesday, April t6, 2008 9:19 AM To: SCHULZ Stephanie E Cc: UM8IRD Andrew;,TAYLOR Paula l SUbject: Boundary Change info Hi Stephanie - we are working with Springfield on some annexation applications, and I'm trying to find the following: Fee for Metro Wastewater AND Willamalane special district annexation applications (I didn't see it oncline) Timeline to get through these process Thanks! Megan Megan H, Banks 541c682-7413 mbanks@lcog.org 1 UCtib! f(<.jG0IVed:~hbbJ' Planner: Al . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Su bject: SCHULZ Stephanie E [Stephanie,SCHULZ@co.lane,or.us] Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:36 AM BANKS Megan H L1MBIRD Andrew; TAYLOR Paula L RE: Boundary change info Hi Megan, Please check with the city to see, but I believe that the IGA for concurrent processing of the special district annexations with the city annexation has been signed by both parties, Springfield and Lane County. My recommendation would be to wait until that is done, if it's still in process, . Lane County has signed. Steph ' -----Original Message----- From: BANKS Megan H Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 200B 9:19 AM To: SCHULZ Stephanie E Cc: UMBIRD Andrew; TAYLOR Paula L Subject: Boundary change info Hi Stephanie - we are working with Springfield on some annexation applications, and I'm trying to find the following: Fee for Metro Wastewater AND Willamalane special district annexation applications (I didn't see it on-line) Timeline to get through these process . Thanks! Megan Megan H, Banks 541-082-7413 mbanks@Icog,org 1 .... ' . . i/~b;j~~f .....;.-.;~...J ~ ...v....\::;'ved.--:;...:.:, Planner: AL L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: , Subject: BANKS Megan H [MBANKS@lcog.org] Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:19 AM SCHULZ Stephanie E lIMBIRD Andrew; TAYLOR Paula L Boundary change info Hi Stephanie - we are working with Springfield on some annexation applications, and I'm trying to find the following: Fee for Metro Wastewater AND Willamalime special district annexation applications (I didn't see it on-line) Timeline to get through these process Thanks! Megan Megan H, Banks 541-682-7413 mbanks@lcog.org t Date ReceiVed:~hooJ' Planner: AL