HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 6/3/2008 , , :i- L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc:' Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, June 03, 2008 8:04 AM TAYLOR Paula L . DONOVAN James; BANKS Megan H RE: Springfield annexations Hi Paula, I'll try to answer the questions: 1. We sent notice to DLCD in April in anticipation of a June 2 hearing. We will follow up with an extension notification for the July 7 hearing date. 2. DRC meetings have been held forthe Galceran and 57th St. Properties annexations. The Galceran meeting was several months ago in combination with a follow-up DIM. The 57th St. Properties DRC meeting was held on May 6. 3. I don't believe we have prepared a separate posting notice, but I could be wrong". . 4. We will send notification to adjacent property owners and the applicants as noted. For the two private landowner annexations, there has been little interest expressed by Lane County or service agencies. However, we will prepare and issue notification to affected agencies along with the landowner notification. " 5, Thanks for preparing the draft reports, we look forward to getting these. first annexations under our collective belts! Andy From: TAYLOR Paula L [mailto:PTAYLOR@lcog.org] Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 4:11 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew; DONOVAN James; JONES Brenda Cc: BANKS Megan H Subject: Springfield annexations Megan and I have been reviewing the three Springfield annexations planned for the July 7th CC meeting (Galceran: 57th St Prop; Franklin Boulevard). We hav~ some questions. . . 1. According to the timeline (see attachment)"May 23 was the last day for the notice t<? DLCD. We want to confirm notice was provided for all three annexations as necessary. For example, is it necessary for the Franklin Boulevard annexation since it is only right-of-way? Is r/w zoned? If notice was needed and wasn't done, can we continue with processing that annexation? 2. Has a DRC been held for each of the annexations? Is'one needed for the r/w annexation? If the DRC has already been held, how long ago was it held? If it was before. the implementation of SB417 and the adoption of the city code, should another DRC be held to ensure that everything is done in accordance with ORS 222 and SDC 5.7? If additional,:DRCs are deemed appropriate, they need to occur by June 23. 3. Notice of the public hearing and legal advertising must occur by June 23. We have a copy of the city public hearing notice, but do you have a different one for posting? If there is an example you would like us to use, please forward it; if not, we can use the BC posting notice as an example. The second legal advertising must occur by June 30th. We will prepare the legal notice for review in advance of the deadlines, to supply them to the paper (June 16 and June 23). 4. Notice also has to be sent as required by SDC~.7-130. It seems that the response to #2 may. determine what additional notices need to be acco,mplished by June 23. ." IV- 1 Date Received: "/ ,)..; Planner: AL / :.'" 5. We plan to provide drafts of the staff reports by June 13 to,allow ample time for staff review to meet the June 27th deadline for the AISs. Thanks for your help! PT and MB, BCG (Its better than "AICP"--we're Boundary Change Gurus) << File: 7-7-08 PH dates.pdf>> 2 . DatEl ReceiV~d~~/).P60 Planner: AL' L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: TAYLOR Paula L [PTAYLOR@Jcog.org] Monday, June 02, 20084:11 PM L1MBIRD Andrew; DONOVAN James; JONES Brenda BANKS Megan H Springfield annexations Attachments: 7-7-08 PH dates. pdt Megan and I have been reviewing the three Springfield annexa~ions planned for the July 7th CC meeting (Galceran: 57th St Prop; Franklin Boulevard). We:have some questions. 1. According to the timeline (see attachment), May 23 was the fast day for the notice to DLCD. We want to confirm notice was provided for all three:annexations as necessary. For example, is it necessary for the Franklin Boulevard annexation since it is only right-of-way? Is r/w zoned? If notice was needed and wasn't done, can we continue with processing that annexation? 2. Has a DRC been held for each of the annexations? Is one needed for the r/w annexation? If the DRC has already been held, how long ago was it held? If it was before the implementation of SB417 and the adoption of the city code, should another DRC be held to ensure that everything is done in accordance with ORS 22.2 and SDC 5.?? If additionalDRCs are deemed appropriate, they need to occur by June 23. 3. Notice of the public hearing and legal advertising must occur by June 23. We have a copy of the city public hearing notice, but do you have a different one for posting? If there is an example you would like us to use, please forward it; if not, we can use the BC posting notice as an example. The second legal, advertising tnust occur by June 30th. We will prepare the legal notice for review in advance of the deadlines to supply them to the paper (June 16 and June '23). 4. Notice also has to be sent 'as required by SDC 5.7-130. It seems that the response to #2 may determine what additional notices need to be accomplished by June 23. 5. We plan to provide drafts of the staff reports by June 13 to allow ample time for staff review to meet the June 27th deadline for the AISs. ' Thanks for your help! PT and MB, BCG (Its better than "AICP"-cwe're Boundary Change Gurus) -m 7-7-08 PH lates.pdf (59 KB 1 Date Received' Planner: AL tl/~or I I