HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments LCOG 4/10/2008
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L1MBIRD Andrew
From: TAYLOR Paula L [PTAYLOR@lcog.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 12:27 PM
To: JONES Brenda; L1MBIRD Andrew; BANKS Megan H
Subject: RE: New Annexation Applications
Just to be clear, I can meet anytime I don't have something else scheduled - like not
being here on Fridays (except, of course, when I am).
I vote to schedule something with us four and Andy, because we now have applications.
We will end up working through the details with these new apps.
From: JONES Brenda [mailto:bjones@cLspringfield.or.us]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 12:21 PM
To: TAYLOR Paula L; LIMBIRD Andrew; BANKS Megan H
Subject: RE: New Annexation Applications
t-tL ALL,
)Lw.. Ls LII\, supervLsor TrCiLII\,LlI\,g tVIe rest of toclCilj, ( wLLL be out of tVIe office
tow..orYow CiS weLL CiS 'PCiuLCi? I tVIOUgVIt. WVIlj clOIl\,'t we sCVIecluLe sow..etVILlI\,g
lI\,ext weeR. OVer VIere for us four Cill\,cl AlI\,cllj. oll\,ce we VIClve tVIe process clowll\"
tVIell\, (. tVILII\,R.we SVIouLcl clo tVIe LCirger group. WVICit clo ljou tVILII\,~,? .IF
everljolll-e Ls 011\, bOCircl WLtVI tVICit, I wLLL sCVIecluLe tVIe tLw..e. ThCiIl\,R..s'lSrell\,clCi
From: TAYLOR Paula L [mailto:PTAYLOR@lcog.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 12: 17 PM
To: LIMBIRD Andrew; BANKS Megan H
Cc: DONOVAN James; JONES Brenda
Subject: RE: New Annexation Applications
Thanks for thinking of us! I can certainly meet with you (and others) to go through the
application and set some tentative dates. We still have process details to iron out and
Date> h6ceived:~/aoOl
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4/1 0/2008
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having some guinea pigs will be helpful (and lots of fun).
Jim - How would you like to proceed? With one bigger meeting with all of us there to
work through the details? Work through the details with the smaller group (JD, BJ, MB,
PT) and then work directly with Andy? How much time do we have to check the
applications for completeness (the sooner ~he better no doubt)?
From: 11MBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 11:02 AM
To: BANKS Megan H; TAYLOR Paula L'
Subject: New Annexation Applications
Megan/Paula: I have the first two "City" annexation requests and I'd like to schedule a viable date on the City
Council public hearing docket (tentatively May 19). I would like to meet with you to discuss the staff report
requirements and to confirm that we have all required information in-hand. Please let me know if you are
available to meet sometime next week to review the files - either here or at LCOG offices. Both annexations are
contiguous with the City limits, and one has an executed Annexation Agreement (the other didn't require an
agreement). Thanks
Andy Limbird
City of Springfield
L>.1',-! i;.;('8ived: ;~/;tk1cf
Planner: AL
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L1MBIRD Andrew
From: JONES Brenda
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 12:21 PM
To: TAYLOR Paula L; L1MBIRD Andrew; BANKS Megan H
Subject: RE: New Annexation Applications
)Lvv.. Ls LII\. sL-cpervLsor TYClLII\.LII\.g tl1erest of toGlCl!:j, I wLLL be OlAt of tl1e offlce
tovv..Ol'YOW ClS weLL ClS PClIALCl? I tl1olAgl1t. WI1!:j GlOII\.'t we scl1eGlIALe sovv..etI1LJii,g
lI\.e.xt weeR. over l1ere for !AS fOlAr ClII\.Gl AII\.Gl!:j. oll\.ce we I1Clve tl1e -process GlOWIl\.,
tl1ell\. I tI1LII\.R. we sl10lALGl Glo tl1e LClrgergrou-p. WI1Clt Glo !:jou tI1LII\.R.? IF
ever!:joV'vt Ls 011\. bOClrGl wLtl1 tl1Clt, I wLLL scneGluLe tl1e tLvv..e. TV!ClII\.R,s 'B.rell\.GlCl
From: TAYLOR Paula L [mailto:PTAYLOR@lcog.org] ,
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 12: 17 PM,
To: LIMBIRD Andrew; BANKS Megan H
Cc: DONOVAN James; JONES Brenda
Subject: RE: New Annexation Applica~ions
Thanks for thinking of us! I can certainly meet with you (and others) to go through the
application and set some tentative dates. We still have process details to iron out and
having some guinea pigs will be helpful (and lots of fun).
Jim - How would you like to proceed? With one bigger meeting with all of us there to
work through the details? Work through the details with the smaller g~oup (JD, SJ, MS,
PT) and then work directly with Andy? How much time do we have to check the
applications for completeness (the sooner the better no doubt)?
From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 11:02 AM "
To: BANKS Megan H; TAYLOR Paula L
Subject: New,Annexation Applications
Megan/Paula: I have the first two "City" annexation requests and I'd like to schedule a viable date on the City
Uate (,,,ceived: 1f~/)'OOi
. Planner: AL
4/1 0/2008
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Council public hearing docket (tentatively May 19). I would like to meet with you to discuss the staff report
requirements and to confirm that we have all required information in-hand. Please let me know if you are
available to meet sometime nex1 week to review the files - either here or at LCOG offices. Both annexations are
contiguous with the City limits, and one has an executed Annexation Agreement (the other didn't require an
agreement). Thanks
Andy Limbird
City of Springfield
4/1 0/2008
Date ReceIVe(L.~Poot
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L1MBIRD Andrew
From: TAYLOR Paula L [PTAYLOR@lcog.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 12:17 PM
To: L1MBIRD Andrew; BANKS Megan H
Cc: DONOVAN James; JONES Brenda
Subject: RE: New Annexation Applications
Thanks for thinking of us! I can certainly meet with you (and others) to go through the
application and set some tentative dates. We still have process details to iron out and
having some guinea pigs will be helpful (and lots of fun).
Jim - How would you like to proceed? With one bigger meeting with all of us there to
work through the details? Work through the details with the smaller group (JD, BJ, MB,
PT) and then work directly with Andy? How much time do we have to check the
applications for completeness (the sooner the better no doubt)?
From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 11:02 AM
To: BANKS Megan H; TAYLOR Paula L
Subject: New Annexation Applications
Megan/Paula: I have the first two "City" annexation requests and I'd like to schedule a viable date on the City
Council public hearing docket (tentatively May 19). I would like to meet with you to discuss the staff report
requirements and to confirm that we have all required information in-hand. Please let me know if you are
available to meet sometime next week to review the files - either here or at LCOG offices. Both annexations are
contiguous with the City limits, and one has an executed Annexation Agreement (the other didn't require an
agreement). Thanks
Andy Limbird
City of Springfield
4/1 0/2008
Qate ~ElceIVed:~;"Of
Plaflher: AL
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L1MBIRD Andrew
L1MBIRD Andrew
Thursday, April 10, 2008 11:02 AM
Subject: New Annexation Applications
MeganlPaula; I have the first two "City" annexation requests and I'd like to schedule a viable date on the City
Council public hearing docket (tentatively May 19). I would like to meet with you to discuss the staff report
requirements and to confirm that we have all required information in-hand. Please let me know if you are
available to meet sometime next week to review the files - either here or at LCOG offices. Both annexations are
contiguous with the City limits, and one has an executed Annexation Agreement (the other didn't require an
agreement). Thanks
Andy Limbird
City of Springfield
Date Received:. tf/to/toO!
Planner: AL I'