HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/8/2008 ~, -'. -- City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 " Annexation Application Type IV , " ' Applicant Signature: 0/,::-'<, j;'"g/~", Or- I" ~' , _~c:- ' .sv/ Phone: 9/2-(;"//8 I Fax: I ~~'1N"'" 96'81 9 7V?F- ' Applicant Name: < Company: Address: ..c.4u//I',," dccocJ/1 I 3(".z.. /f/. </2 ~.s.j- Property Owner: ~ ,p e;. 51 +J., "S+. "'P.,ot>U'.J,~~s Company: Address: I Owner Signature: I ~~.' #;t:... 0"" " --."... ,...."....:.. ;... . < ..:'. .i<..wnk~"*,'::.v.;:;y~;:;w~;:::n1i*hWK7""':\F"""Y:_::"'.'.'.-" :.;;;.:. .,'.-.-" >L" ''--:'.:_' .:.""-: .:'. '_'. ....:.:..:.\. 'X:':' . '.::."" ':<:,'-::.< 'Y40:':i-;:+"'-'Biii;->G0:?:-:\'". 7/.""''', . 's. ,,' :2,;T"'i'''--Y..h<Si'''-)*;iF'''~:'-_ :.' "". '.:' . ,,: :"".." . .' ,-- If,;theiappllcantilsrother&Jhanlttie:owner,>_the,_Q.WI1~r:q,lJerebylgrant$ip~[m!~Slonr:forithelappllcantto;act;lOfhiSIOnher:belialf,',~lli+;-j:*-: f'tl~f~~~~atures';oTthe';n{k'nerjot're-cof!d(are1"'rFrr1rjWea~::::~:~,~~~:~d{~:~~~:;:~~~0iJ~~00\~~~~;::~~~1s;y\fl'f~~?;~~~-',,;~< '/ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: j,p-o~ -0'-/ -1/ , . Property Address: 72--'7 J' S7"" S'J.. Area of Request:...~.f1.':!~re~~.,,:~t: ....r?c:o~ Existing Use(s) of Property: TAX LOT NO(S): </b"OO g,,",~v/j:b4/ 0,... <:3 7 C/7.-L' ~4/ / / 'Acres: 1.-1/ J;',y,/,._ ~/X' / / "'" <:>/",1(,,,, /';c j Proposed Use of Property: A/O /ro;? as e./ rhve/04~e~/,.J--LQ ,.I-~,(.J /~,.. / LRP Zoo~ -0000 I -$ , Fee: 5/51, (" 2- Date: Reviewed By: A?t2..I~ 8)?iooS (initials) Au_ Case No.: 1),' DatE! i'~aclaiVed' , PlSilfl@i'i AI. . '1/ikt I / , Application #: C SP 2008 - For City Use Only FORM 1 PETITION/PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET Annexation by Individuals We, the following property owners/electors, consent to the annexation of the following territory ,to the City of Springfield: Date Signature Signed . ml d/Y 11.~?~~ }:.?r/Ii'~k"/-~ dc;,w'1 t"-~~:;./j::'~:;rm 12.'l - yy~) r) 3/ .I." 7\ I r. L ./1", rr I ~/..;;z.~.v Lj)....D )" r 3 ,:::::::::;,t'-. " . _..~ ~ '/17/0, -f7crnA..l< . f r ('t,q},o-". '":I/""''i~~{j), ,-,,.... I . /!jDvf~AU ~tff Diety / !!kAi,,_ " 14. -;e:;y- S7:i:.:' y,t Pnqa LL..-C- 'I . j 5. -- - -', - - /Ii'-oz.-o~- // y,,"OO ./ ./ Land Reg Acres Owner Voter ' (qty) ./ /' /.~I ./ /. -, r ./ ,/ " I 1 I (Attach evidence of such ;, Print Name Residence Address (street, city, zip code) " Map and Tax Lot Number (example: '17-04-03-00-00100) . , . , Note: With the above signature(s),I am attesting t.lat I have the authority to consent to annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm or agency. authorization when applicable.) I,.r-'~k_~~t',' X~_~U~-- . --. (printed name of circulator), hereby certify that every person who signed this sheet did so in my presence. (€ign"ture of circulator) CERTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP The total landowners in the proposed annexation are ..3 (qty). This petition reflects that .3 (qty) landowners (or legal representatives) listed on this petition represent a total of (nO (%) of the landowners and /t) 0 (%) of the acres as determined by the map and tax lots attached to the petition. A& T is not responsible for subsequent deed activity that may not yet be reflected on the A& T computerized tax roll. - /'JA---' ~ _ ' ~.t-/lq Yl~ Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation '-f-/I-og Date Signed and Certified CERTIFICATION OF ELECTORS The total active registered voters in the proposed annexation are -3 I hereby certify that this petition includes. ..3 valid signatures representing 100 (%) of the total active registered voters that are registered in the proposed annexation. Lane County Clerk or Deputy 6atEl Recei~ed; '1h~" I Planner: AL "7 7- Date Signed and Certified ,1, .. ,', ELT-45047 Page I .of I Legal Description Beginning at a point in"the center of County Road No. 452, said Point of Beginning being on the West line of Donation Land Claim No.61, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, and 1580.0 feet North of the Southwest corner thereof; thence due East 20.0 feet to an iron pipe on the edge of the County Road right-of-way; thence due East 374.4 J feet to)an iron pipe; th~nce North 350 35' ~est 289.0'feet t? an iron pipe; thence due West ,/' 206.9 feet to an !fon pipe on the edge oft!1e.founty Road flght-of-way; thence due West 20.0 feet to the centerline of County Road No. 452;, thence due South along ~e centerline of said County Road and the West line of Donation Land Claim No. 61, 235.0 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPT that portion described in Deedto'Lane County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, Recorded June 9, 1966, ReceptionNo, 50258, Lane County Oregon Records. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion conveyed to Lane County, by instrument Recorded July 31, 2000, Reception No. 2000"043640, Lane County Oregon Records. '. DatE} Received' J./ehObe '" . Planner: AL I / ~ ,FORM 3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM (Complete all the following questions and provide all the requested information. Attach any responses that, require additional space, restating the question or request for information on additional sheets.) Contact Person: E-mail: ~A/';' ~k. d.." h:"tG), 'j /" ,t~';,t:. . ",~j. ," ,; Supply the following information regarding the annexation area. . Estimated Population (at present): . . 'Y . . Number of Existing Residential Units: / . Other Uses: <,>/4 , . Land Area : I,? / (S I total acres . Exi~ting Plan Designation(s): J:A!iklJ,..,,%' r"F,;"A..j;~ I ,/ / / . Existing Zoning(s): k.r..J rhA'J',/V /'<"SJA., h~ / IA I-" · Existing Land Use(s): S-//7f k_ · ~-~1- /<'""S'/;,/,..,/''C I /-130"""" -6,.,~ . . AppHcable Comprehensive Plan(s):. ,./4 . ;~ p.~ . Applicable Refinement Plan(s): A//~ '. Provide evidence that the annexation is consistent with the applicable comprehensive plan(s) and any assoCiated refinement plans. c..... ~.I{..J"'Mir .. Are there developmel1t plans associated with "this 'proposed annexation? Ye~ No rx:. ' If yes, describe. . Is t.he proposed use or deitelopment/a;owed on the property under the current plan designation and zoning? #/~' . -'.' Yes No 2/15/08 Dat~ Received; If/e/.Joo/ . , Planner: AL . Page 9 of 15 . , ~- , o Does this application include all contiguous property under the same ownership? Yes IX No , If no, state the reasons why all property is not included: o' Check the special districts and others that provide service to the annexation area: [J wi 'rL~ p~'i-0-u()~ o Glenwood Water District 0 Rainbow Water and Fire District o Eugene School District 0 Pleasant Hill School District ~ Springfield School District 0 McKenzie Fire' & Rescue o Pleasant Hill RFPD )1( Willakenzie RFPD , ' o EPUD 6!, SUB~ri1 !!J. Other ~f!eI~ ;:in. J. /;te. S~J;e-? -No' o Names of persons to whom staff notes and notices should be sent, in addition to applicant(s), such as an agent or legal rep~esentative. C~"I,'" ~a.pe (Name)(Name) .;?6""l .A/. f/,.2:;!/ S" I- (Address) (Address) r/)~I?e//. Or 9?Y':?t9 (ctfy) , (Zip) (City) (Zip) (Name) (Name) (Address) (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) 2/15/08 Date Received: 'ie;;'o/ Planner: AL Page 10 of 15 ,( '-I, 3/syloB I\J f'.-V r~.l ,'-'-e '. " . ,. I I ~ . ~ I I' "\'. 'i I ,~~~~ --.... I" --+-"-.7"\-""",,-- \-v P L<:r' ~ V\ J""D , l ,^-, <; '~,....",,-~-<?..- "- , Q . -k +ke" C. ,:'+--<. d ( <),(-" r,'~ h € (cO ~~^P~~ . ~ ~ ~., I . \c.. W ('-L~,'",,- -+l'<. S<<,r"~~ K<".~ U... L~ &::.-v~c... '[6, '"' '^' D.~~ ' '-r- -,- , I 'I, A I ~ -J:, -L.... ((~ <; '-1.. r ": c <-<...,.J) e cD , b ~ <:. ~~ ~ rc r-" 0:-4-;<2:.5', , , /l (\ . c,~ rv ( c. -e'l Af.l..-.Q , t r-o:r lJ( (J c..- (' ~ -6<>.. ~'---~~ ~f~u~l , ~ '. 4./'R..,A. \...~(j........;) ~-€:.-V\..r.....~~ '~ ' ~., 1J~4.JO l Jook C( ~-,--" Dat~ Received: ~~4ooJ' Planner: AL . ( " , , FORM 2 OWNERS AND ELECTORS WORKSHEET . , (This form ;is NOT the petition) (Please include the name' and address Of ALL owners and electors, regardless of whether they signed an ,annexation petition or not. This information will assist in determining the appropriate initiating method and for notification purposes.) , OWNERS I Property Designation Assessed Imp. . Signed Signed I (Map/lot number) Name o(Owner Acres Value YjN Yes No I /e--oz..~"<{-II~t/6tLr-:/&_j,:.. u/~k.. /oj/ /L'"s, 000 -- , II ~o"t:lof ~u;.~~ /.J/ ., ......- I' ~h~/ Mve;;~e /.J/ - I / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I TOTALS: /oj 1.1 16'"5:"@ I I ~ '1 J DatE! RaceIVed:-4.6t70d Planner: AL ,'\ . FORM 2 , (continued) ELECTORS- I' I , Signed ' Signed "I Yes No Name of Elector' (Please print or type) Address of Elector I . I 'I I I I I I I " I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I .. , " ,I . I' I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I. I TOTALS: I I I 2/15/08 Date Received:, .. ;1(,1q01 ' , Planner: AL ", ," , , ~ ..' " Page 7 of 15 FORM 2 . (continued) SUMMARY TOTAL NUMBERjOF ELECTORS IN THE PROPOSAL NUMBER OF ELECTORS WHO SIGNED PERCENTAGE OF ELECTORS WHO SIGNED TOTAL ACREAGE IN PROPOSAL ACREAGESIGNED FOR PERCENTAGE OF ACREAGE SIGNED FOR /.3/ /,.>/ /00%" Applicatioll initiated by (for an explanation of the initiating methods, refer to pages 2 and 3 of this packet): D A - All Owners/Majority Electors [ORS 222.125] Dll B - Majority Owners/Area/Value [9RS 222.170(1)] b 'c - Majority Electors/Area [ORS 222.170(2)] 2/15/08 ',' ~;';~.f:""", Dat€! Received' -f/7~ '. Planner: AI. Page 8 of 15 I I I I I I , UMITED UABIUTY COMPANY AUTHORIZATION RESOLUTION ", . , By:57TH ST PROP,LLC. . DONALD L MCCABE .. CHERYL L MCCABE 362 N 42NO ST SPRlNGRELD OR 97478.5928 Referred to in, ~hjs document as "Limited Liability Company" i~ Referred to in this document as .. Financial Institution" I, CHERYL L MCCABE " certify that I am a,Manager or, OesignatedMember of the above named Limited liability Company organ!zed.under the laws of Oreann ' '; Federal Employer 1.0. Numbei01:0903474 .. engaged in business under the trade name of Ji7TH ~T PROP LLG . ,; . .'....' ..~._, .,..... i:I.- ,'and that the resolutions on ,". . ". ". , . ,. I this document are a correct copy of the resolutions. adopted ala meeting of all members of the Urnited Uability Company or the person or persons " '. . '-; designated, by the members of the Limited L1abiiity Company to manage the Limited Liability Company as provided in the art ides of organization or an operating agreement, duly'and properly cailed and held on I . 3/1 0/2008 . '. .... , (date). These resolutions appear in themin.utes of t~js meeting and have not ,been res.-?Inded or mOdi,fied. ." . .~ AGENTS Any Agent listed below, subject to any written limitations, is authorized to'9xercise the powers granted as indicated below: Name and Title,or\Pos'ition A. DONALD L MCCABE Signature Facsimile Signature (if used) x B, CHERYL L MCCABE x x X C, CHANLlN C MCCOWN "X ," X X D, E' X X 'X X X F. ,." " ,t, ., , '. POWERS GRANTED (Attach one. or more Agents to each powe, by placing the letter corresponding to' their name'in the area before each . Following each power)ndicate the numbecof Agent signatures required to _exercise t,he poweLl :. ':,' c '" "l I~-;ate A, B,C, Description of Power ,~<..:. and/or F power. Indicate number of signatures required A, B, C. (1) Exercise ,all of the powers listed in this resolution. A.B,C, (2) Op'en any deposit or share account(s) in the name'of the Umited Liability Company. . . '- .... " 1 1-. ., A.B.C , '(3) B1dorse checks and orders for the payment of'money or otherwise withdraw or transfer funds on deposit with this Financial Institution. . ',' . . . , . . '1 (4) Borrow money on behalf and in the name of the Limited liability Company, sign, execute and deliver promIssory notes or other eVidences of indebt~ness.' , - . ,- (5) Endorse, assign, transfer, mortgage or pledge bills,reCeivable, warehouse receipts, billsoflading, stocks, bonds, real estate or other property now owned or hereafter owned or acquired by the Limited Liability Company' as security for sums borrowed, and to discount the same; unconditionally guarantee:payment. of all bills received, negotiated or discounted and to waive demand, presentment, protest, notice of protest and notice of non-payment. (6) Enter into'a written laase:for the purpose 9f renting, maintaining, acCessing and terminating a Safe Deposit Box in t~is Financial Institution. ' ,(7) Other UMITATIONS ON POWERS The following are the Limited Liability:;Company's express limitations on the powe~s 'granted under this resolution, EFFECT ON PREVIOUS'RESOLUTIONS ,This resolution superSedesr:resolution dated . If not completed, all resolutions remain in effect. CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORITY . " I further certify that the Managers or Designated Members of the Limited Liability Company have, and at the time of. adoption of this r.esolution had full power and lawful authority to adopt the resolutions on page 2 and to confer the powers granted above to the persons named who have full power' and (I;r,r,ul authority to exercise the same. (Apply seal below-where appropriate.) . , .. In Witness Whereof, I have subscribed. my name to this document and affixed the seal, if any, of the limited Liability Company on ' 03/1 0/200A '~ate). Attest by One'Other Manager or Designated Member Manager or Designated Member ~ @ 1985, 1997 Bankers Systems. Inc..'st. ~oud, MN Form LLC-1 5/1f2003 . (page 1 of 2) , u Phone: (503) 986-:lif}, Fax: 1503\ 378-4381 Seaetary of State Corporation Division 255 Capitol St'NE. Su~e 151 Salem, OR 9731ll-1327 FilinglnOregon.com REGISTRY NUMBeR: '-I '7 Cf ''117- 9 7 For offlce use only .' , . . . \ i ". ." ". .' ", " \.:iJNFIRlViAl'IUN "COpy Articles of Olllanization-Limited Liability Compimy FILED ,JUL 12 2007 OReGON SECRETARY OF STATE In accordance with Oregon Revised Statute 192.41ll-192.490; the infoimation on this application Is public record. We musl release this Info""ation 10 all oallies ucon reouesl and ~ will be costed on' our websile. Please Type or Print Legibly in Black Ink. Attach Additional Sheet W Necessary. 1) ,NAME (Must contain the words"Um1ted liability Company" or the abbreviations UC- or "LLC.') 57th St Prop, LLC For office use onlv_ 2) DURAOON (PIease~one.) o Latest date upon which the Llmlled Liability Company Is 10 dissolve Is 6) NAME AND ADDRESS DF EAcH ORGANJZER Cheryl' L.. McCabe 362 N. 42nd St Springfield, Or 97478 [iI Ouratlon shan be perpetual. 3) NAME OF THE INmAL REGISTERED AGENT Cheryl L. McCabea 4) REGISTERED AGENTS PuBUCLY AVAILABlE ADDRESS (Must be' an 0"'9011__....., Which Is _ "'the reg_ ~8 business office.) '362 N.42nd St Donald L. McCabe Same Address Chanlin C. McCown Same address " \...j St)rin17fi"ld. Or Q74iHI, 7) IF THIS LIMITED lIABlUlY COMPANY IS NOT MEMBER MANAGED, CHECK ONE Box BELOW. 5) ADDRESS WHERE THE DMSlON MAy MAIL NOnCES 362 N. 42nd St Springfield. Dr 97478 ,0 This IIm~ed liability company Is managed by a single manager. o This IIm~ed liability company Is managed by multiple manager(s). 8) IF RENDERING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE OR SERVICES, DESCRIBE THE SERVlCE(S) BEING RENDERED. . 9) OPTIONAL PROVISIONS (Attach a separafe sheet ff_) 10) N~~~;;;kO" , Printed Name Tille Oraanizer ' Oraanizer Oraanizer Cheryl L. ,McCabe 11) CONTACT NAME (To msoIve questions with this filing.) , \.~/ DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER Onclude area a>de,) (541) 9889601 FEES Requiod PnIcessi1g Fe. $50 CoolInnationCcpy (Clptiona) $5/ ProcessingFosslWlIllIIIeIundabI Pleasem;i(acheckpayableb"C._....._,,~. Division." Cheryl L McCabe 151 (Rev. 01/06) NOTE: Fees may bs paid wilh VISA or MaslelCall. The cad nuniler lIld exoIrationdateshouldbesutmllleQonaseoaatBsheel:b'vouroroilcticn I) 1:'-/11- " Ii ('~\ .' LANE COUNTY Fu::.GIONAL LAND INFORMAnON DATABASE Site Address: 725 S 57TH ST Map & Tax Lot #: 18-02-04-11-04600 A & T Account #: 0560928 80eciallnterest Code:. R~".'~"''''\\'li~ni~MaB'' · i........ .- ......,~y~~ tn,,..._ ,.....,_,'" . , '''' .'Nu,"" ...., _"";""""""0'" :i '\ Site: ss State Plane Co6~dinates .\VF",..........,.'''"4.2....8~27 4..:1R0"'"';~~. ...... ~-f1~lIliim!.liIvJ'c............a.. ,*,'87'37' 5 2s"'TITI:R"1l1.i!?-!"'1TIB_"~.." '.' . ..:~ ~~;QQL~'~dh~M',",~:JW",.i~,~J14G:a4!15&1iti~~~~~QQ!L_,,~L~~;~~~~~~~~4,~-ili,~;[iJ4JiI,if!'#~~Jg Soecial Assessment Prooram Ipplicable) SA~rr.h Results INew PmoArtv Se~rch IAQolict=ltions MAnu '" , , \, , B. Consent bv Prooertv Owners. rORS 222.170(1)1 If the proposal is to be initiated by the owners of at least one-half of the land area, land value,' and land ownership, also complete Form 2. To give consent for a particular piece of property, persons who own an interest in the property, or who are purchasers of property' on. a contract sale that is recorded with the county, must sign the annexation petition. Generally, this means that both husband "and wife should sign.' In the case of a corporation or business, the person who is authorized to sign legal documents for the firm may sign the annexation petition. Please provide evidence of such authorization. To ensure that the ne.cessary signatures are obtained, please complete the attached worksheet (Form 2). C. Consents bv Electors and Prooertv Owners' [ORS 222.170(2)] If the proposal is to be initiated by a majority of the electors and owners of at least one half of the land area, also complete Form 2. To give consent as an elector, the person signing the petition must be an eligible voter registered at an address within the annexation area. To give consent as a property owner, the person signing the petition must own an interest in the property, or is a purchaser on a contract sale that is recorded with the county. . Generally, this means that both husband and wife should sign. In the case of a corporation or business, the person who is authorized to sign legal documents for the firm may sign the annexation petition. Please provide evidence of such ,authorization. To ensure that the necessary signatures are obtained, please complete the attached worksheet (Form 2). /certification of Ownership an~ Ele,ctor~ [SOC 5.7-125(6)(5) and (6)] After completing the attached Petition Signature Sheet (Form 1), have the Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation certify the ownerships within the proposed annexation area. If applicable, have the Lane County Clerk or Deputy Clerk certify the electors. . ! ~owners.and Electors Worksheet, . Information on the Petition Signature Sheet can also be found on.Form 2, Owners and Electors Worksheet . ~Supplemental Information Form [SDC 5.7-125(6)(1) and (11)] Form 3 (attaChed) provides additional information for the proposed annexation that is not requested on the Annexation Application Type IV form, such as special districts that currently ~/ ide services to the proposed annexation area. . . " ~ gal Description [SDC 5.7,125(6)(9)] . ", ' '~ .' . A etes and bounds legal description of the territory to be annexed or. withdrawn must be mitted electronically in Microsoft Word or a compatible software program. A legal description shall consist of a series of courses in which the first course shall start at a point of beginning. Each course shall be identified by bearings and distances and, when available, refer to deed lines; deed corners and other monuments. A lot; block and subdivision description may be substituted for the metes and bounds descriptior:l if the area is platted. The Oregon Department of Revenue has the authority to approve or disapprove a legal description. A professionally stamped legal description .does not ensure Departmen,t of Revenue approval. ~cadastrai Map [SIX 5.7-125(6)(10)] Three clean copies of the most current cadastral map or maps, to scale, must be provided. An additional' cadastral map at the same scale shall be provided that shows the proposed annexation area in relationship to the existing city limits. Cadastral maps can be purchased from the Lane County Assessment a.~d Taxation Office. .' '" .. ed' .' 'I/.l'<j;'1Jb8 Date ~ecelv .~ 2/15/08 Planner: AL ' Page 3 of 15 ~RS 222.173 Waiver Form' [SDC 5.7~125(B)(8)] Complete the attached waiver (Form 4). The, waiver should be signed by each owner within the proposed annexation area. o ORS 197.352 (Ballot Measure 49) Waiver Form[soc 5.7-125(B)(7)]' Complete the attached waiver (Form 5). The,waiver should be signed by each owner within the proposed annexation area. . .j o Public/Private Utility Plan [SDC 5.H25(B)(12)] A plan describing how the proposed annexation area'can be served by key facilities and services ust be provided with the Annexation Agreement. Planning and public works staff will work with ~ pplicant to complete the Annexation Agreement. : low itten Narrative addressing approval qiteria as specified below. All annexation requests must eaccompanied with a narrative providing an explanation and justification of response with the cr, teria stated in the application (also stated below). [SOC 5.7-125(B)(13) and (14)] ,The affected territory proposed to be annexed is within the City's portions of the urban growth boundary and is contiguous to the city limits or separated from the City limits only by a public right-of-way or a .stream lake or other body of water; B. The proposed annexation is consistent with, applicable policies.in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plan or Plan Districts; C. The proposed annexation .will result in a boundary ,in which the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan can be provided in an orderly efficient and timely manner; and D. Where applicable fiscal impacts to ,the City have been mitigated through a signed Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council. . ~Eighteen (18) copies of the previously re9uir~d information. ALL PLANS AND ATTACHMENTS MUST B-= FOLDED TO 8'12" BY 11" AND BOUND BY RUBBER BANDS. WITHDRAWALS FROM SPECIAL DISTRICTS MAY OCCUR CONCURRENTLY WITH AN ANNEXATION PROPOSAL BY AN INDIVIDUAL. THE CITY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WITHDRAWAL PROCESS AND ACTION. 2/15/08 Date ReCeIY~ill:j:.~:~/~/.lO'1 Plal\ner: .AL . Page 4 of 15 --, " DEVELOPMENT. SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation 125 E 8th Avenue Eugene OR 97401 April 8, 2008 To Whom It May Concern: Re: Certification of Property Owners for Annexation Request The property owners of 725 S. 5ih Street, Springfield (Map 18-02.04-11, Tax Lot 4600) have requested annexation to the City of Springfield. Enclosed please find a petition signature sheet and owners' worksheet in support of the annexation request that is to be stamped and signed by Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation. Please complete the form and return it along with the original signed petition to: ' Andy Limbird Development Services Department City of Springfield 225 5th Street Springfield OR 97477 Thank you for your attention in this matter. If you have any questions please contact the undersigned at 726-3784. ' . Sincerely, t2Ir ;z2;J AIiv Limbird Planner II Encl. '" .')' Date R.eceived:~1 aj uof Planner: AL Application #: C SP 2008 - , For City Use Only FORM 1 PI: lIlIaN/PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET Annexation by Individuals We, the following property owners/electors, consent to the annexation of the following territory to the City of Springfield: Signature Date, Residence Address Signed Print Name (t t 'ty' d ) m/d/v 5 ree ,CI ,ZIp co e , sCL <./ V';! >LYIT" ydJrr-k",;:;.. d.c:'w~ 'l~iFc," n.;;.! O~~'7Y?f. 3,/ ~/ 71 r L cr I ;.".~_rJ ':.0...0 \/ !ll/0r ,A--joYlA.I.>t ,rn ""~..... ~f/"'1~~'Z;, 0-- ij~!ol rJhety / .jV)pAi#_ " Map and Tax Lot Number (example: 17-04-03-00-00100) . 11.~~~~~ 12'~f)Q 13, (f)OI{ 1~~7:U 14.- 7J 15. Note: With the above signature(s), I am attesting t lat I have the authority to consent to annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm or agency. authorization when applicable.) I, _~~4;. -~~ ~ . (printed name of circulator), hereby certify that every person who signed this sheet did so in my presence. xf~~-~U/~ tE;gn"t;yre~fcirculator)' ' . ' /Ii'~z-o~_ // y,,"oo ./ ./. Land Reg Acres Owner Voter (qty) ./ /' /.~r ./ ./ -, ./ /1 ,- I I. (Attach evidence of such . I . . CERTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP The total landowners in the proposed annexation are .3 (qty). This petition reflects that. 3 (qty) landowners (or legal representatives) listed on this petition represent a total of U?O (%) ofthe landowners and jO 0 (%) of the acres as determined by the map,and tax lots attached to the petition. A&T is not responsible for subsequent deed activity thatmay not yet be reflected on the A& T ,computerized tax roll. ) Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation Date Signed and Certified CERTIFICATION OF ELECTORS The total active registered voters in the proposed annexation are -3 I hereby certify that this petition includes ..3 valid signatures representing JOO (%) of the total active registered voters that are registered in the proposed annexation. Lane County Clerk or Deputy Dat$ Received: Planner: AL ;fJDdf Date Signed and Certified \. - "\ " FORM 2 OWNERS AND ELECTORS WORKSHEET (This form is NOT the petition) I' (Please include the name and address of ALL owners and electors regardless of whether they signed an annex~tion petition or not. This information will assist in determining the appropriate initiating method and for notification purposes.) OWNERS ----. --- ---.'.--,l I Property Designation Assessed Imp. Signed Signed I (Map/lot number) Name of Owner Acres Value Y/N Yes No 1'ltJ--02-~d<(-II~<16(Lrk_j,:.. u1'~k.. /..!>/ /CS: 000 --- I I II .J}o,,~/d' /?/~~~ 1.1/ .. I ,- I I ". r':h-y/ bld;;.be /.3/ . . I 1__ I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I, I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , TOTALS: 1;'1/ 1/6"5";cPJ I I ~ J ------- Date RacelveCL-B'bt701" Planner: AL Name of Elector (Please print or type) I , I I I I I I I I I I I . FORM 2 (continued) ELECTORS Add ress of Elector I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2/15/08 Date Received;..,;4~/. Planner: AL ", -" \, Signed I Signed'1 Yes No I I I .1 I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTALS: J Page 7 of 15 , I I II I I I , FORM 2 (continued) SUMMARY TOTAL NUMBER OF ELECTORS IN THE PROPOSAL NUMBER OF ELECTORS WHO SIGNED PERCENTAGE OF ELECTORS WHO SIGNED TOTAL ACREAGE IN PROPOSAL ACREAGE SIGNED FOR PERCENTAGE OF ACREAGE SIGNED FOR Application initiated by (for an explanation of the initiating methods, refer to pages 2 and 3 of this packet): o A - All Owners/Majority Electors [ORS 222.125] Oll B - Majority Owners/Area/Value [ORS 222.170(1)] b'c - Majority Electors/Area [ORS 222.170(2)] 2/15/08 DatEl ReceiVed;-tf~o.J' Planner: AL 'f 1..3/ /.3/ /00 % Page 8 of 15 I I I I I I ,:. " J. ,~ " , .;.'. -.. I ...... " / . . 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 www.ci.springfieJd.or. u~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION Date of Letter: Planninl! Journal Number: March 6, 2008 LRP2008-0000 I . Aonlicant: Owner: , Chanlin McCown 362 420d Street Springfield OR 97478 57th Street Properties LLC 362 420d Street Springfield OR 97478 Reouest: A request for annexation to the eity of Springfield was submitted to the Planning Division on February 8, 2008 for property located at 725 South 57th Street in Springfield. The application requests annexation of a 1.31 acre property containing an existing single family dwelling and bam. Status of the Anolication: The application~is incomplete, and requires additional information for an adequate review by staff and consideration by City Council. Due to recent changes in the City's Annexation Ordinance (attached), a new application packet must be completed and submitted to the City along with nece.ssary supporting information. A City Annexation Application Type IV form is attached for your information,-a{;druse. The.City form replaces the Lane County Boundary Commission forms that were subniitted previously. Please note there are , five (5) supplementary forms attached to the Annexati~n Applicati~I1" form that also must be completed for the application to be considered complete. . -' There is a submittal checklist on Pages 2-4' of the application form that outlines the required application materials. Some of the materials ~ere provided with the initial application, but there are still outstanding items that must be sub,mitted to the City as listed below: , , I. Petition I Petition Signature Sheet (Form I of the applic~tion ,Jacket). . \' , 2. Certification of Ownership and Electors (Form 2). The fc.,rms must be certified by the Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation and 'the Lane County Clerk, as required. In addition to completed Form'2, a copy of the deed and a current title report for the property is required to confimi ownership. 3. Supplemental Information.Form (Form 3). 4. Legal Description for the Property. T~e property legal description must be satisfactory to the Oregon Department of Revenue. 04-08-08A12:51 RCVD -. .t ...,.' '-- , ., 5, . ORS 222.173 Waiver Form (Form 4). '" 6. ORS 197.352 (BallotMeasure,49) Waiver Form (Form 5). 7. Written Narrative. confirming that the project meets the annexation criteria listed in Springfield Deveiopm~nt Code (SDC) 5,7-140 (A copy of the criteria are attached). This is not a decision on the' annexation reauest. A oecision based on the information submitted would result in a denial. Please submit the requested information by April?, 2008 to ensure the , annexation request can be processed. The state-mandated l20-day processing time for this larid use decision will begin when all the requested inforrriation is submitted or when the applicant requests that the City proceed without the i,nformation, As submitted, the application is not complete and staff will recommend refusal of the' annexation to the City'Council. If the , applicant is silent regarding this letter, the City will deem the application complete for processing a decision, In this case, the CitY will begin processing the annexation request on April 8, 2008. .. . If you have any questions please call Andy Limbird in the Planning Division at (541) 726-3784. Sincerely, .p22~ t : ~ . Data RaceiVed:-$/ZtJO! . Planner: AL ~ ~J ----...... SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE - ANNEXATION CRITERIA I 5.7-140 Criteria An annexation application may be approved only if the City Council finds that the proposal conforms to the following criteria: , . A. The affected territory proposed to be annexed is within the City's urban growth boundary, and is;' 1. Contiguous to the city limits; or 2. ~eparated from the City only by a':publiC right-of-way or a stream, lake' or other body of water. . ,B. The proposed annexation is consistent with the applicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plans or Plan Districts; . , . , C. The proposed annexation will result in a boundary in which the minimum level of key urban facilities and services,asdefined in the Metro Plan, can be provided ih an orderly, efficient and timely manner; and ' D. Where applicable, fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through an Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council. Date Ra~ived:~/;.oof Planner: AL . . \ ~" - Annexation Submittal Requirements - There is a Development Issues Meeting (DIM), intake screening process, and a detailed completene~s c~eck. . . . 1. A DIM is required before an application may be submitted. The DIM gives an applicant the " I. opportunity to discuss his/her annexation proposal with the development review staff of the City. The City will provide answers to four questions with the applicant having the option of asking a fifth question. A DIM application form must be filled out and the required fee paid. , 2. An intake screening process will be conducted at the front counter at the time of submittal. Planning Division staff will determine whether all required items listed in this section have been submitted. An application for submittal that does not haVE:! all of the required items will not be accepted. If the Planning Supervisor determines that a pre-submittal meeting is required, staff will contact the applicant to schedule that meeting. , 3. A detailed completeness check will be conducted within 30 days of submittal. In this case, the assigned Planner will notify the applicant in writing concerning the completeness of the application. An application will not be deemed .technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts, 'and its compliance with the , provisions of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. ' Incomplete applications will delay the application review process and may result ,in denial if information pert,aining to the criteria of approval is deficient or missing. APPLICANTS SHOULD COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING STEPS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION. APPLICATIONS NOT HAVING ALL BOXES CHECKED WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT AND WILL THEREFORE, DELAY THE APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS. ~pplicationFee [SOC 5.7-125(B)(15)] Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. , Fees are based upon the area of land being annexed. Copies ,ofthe fee schedule are available at the Development Services Department. Fees are payab.le to the City of Springfield. . . ~petition/petition signat~re Sheet [SDcs.7-i25(B)(2)] Annexatio:ns can be initiated using one of. th'e following methods. "Fhe attached Petition . Signature Sheet is to be used for collecting signatures (refer to Form 1). A. Consent bv All Owners and a Maiority of Electors rORS 222.1251 If the proposal is to be initia~ed by the owners of all of the land area and a majority of the electors, if any, also complete Form 2. To give consent as an elector, the person signing the petition must be an eligible voter registered at an address within the annexation area. To give consent as a property owner, the person signing the petition must own an interest in the property, or is a purchaser on a contract sale that is recorded with the county: Generally, this means that both husband and wife should sign. In the case of a corporation or business, the person who is authorized to sign legal documents for the firm may sign the annexation petition. Please provide evidence .of such .authorization. To ensure .that the necessary signatures are obtained, please complete the attached worksheet (Form 2). . ' ' , , DataA~lved: "/;/2ddj PiaMm': AL """""tf . 2/15/08 Page 2 of 15