HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/8/2008 '. .I;io.I. . SPRINGFlto ate Received: .. . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 Annexation Application :-;::z, u u lUUO Location of the Property 7,,/S.s: Sj?ti. y,-!/he~ ()~. 97y~ginaISubmitt:1 Assessor's Map(s) and Tax Lot(s) of the property included in the request, (please indicate if only a portion of a lot is included in the request and attach any additional map and tax lot numbers on a separate sheet of paper.) Map# jtP-O.2.-(')C/-// Lot# '/6CCJ Map # Lot # Map # Lot # Map # Lot # Area of Request J7J7()/' 7'9 Square Feet or /. .31 Acres Existing Use(s) of the Lv",,,;, Y",;,./r? ;::;;'H7/f .,t;{,je.pI/~~Q Proposed Use(s) of the ~.v"".. - A'J/J j,'u.i;~.... [Jr;l"4e.~~ '/)0':" lu,jy. ,)}~ - _/?:.cpoie&k.- - 7e ve.IOj?'11M f CL I- "/-4-1 J, >e . -' _,L~ Applicant Name Address C;la'l/;" '#cCOcJ/1 30-2 A/. </.,1 "'<S.J. pr>~j;'R/1 0,-- 97V7eP ~m'e Phone: -SY/ -' 9i'~ - €f/.rP~ . _' Owner Name(s) Address Phone: ,~ ~~~i\~ The ~dersj~ed acknowledges th~:~on in ~~Ii..~tion is correct and accur!lte. ApplIcant SIgnature ~Z ~~ _ Date /6/?~a7 . ,~ If the appUcant i. other than ~":"")J";;tI)e owner here~7ants penni..lon for the ippUcant to act in hisiher behalf OwnerSignature ~/ ~ ~cC _ _Date /oA~c)"?' <f, - Z FM 0lIIu U~ oru" ~\. '.J\~ Journal No, LtP OD~- aDenl Received By yY\ {.VVI :2lgID~ ~~.rJ)~~'\ Map No. 1%'~-()4-=1I Tax Lot /.f(n()(J U' ":. Date Accepted as Complete ',f70<'~J';' qf'? ~".~Vf ~ .;110",0 .' t ,;l5.)' ~ U'~O'\;> < + /10'). xl <> I cS !to~-~t 1)0(0 y 4- .~ 1St . ~ )~~ Llo 1-- '~'An (V -:.. I (WV- ct 5 (a(p0 . 1--'0 ! Date Received: ~ THE APPLlCATldN PACKET FEB. 0 8 2008 A COMPLETE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF: Original SubmittaJ There is an intake ~.~";'.g process and a detailed completeness check: I. An intake screening Y'V"--- will be conducted at the front counter at the time of submittal. Planning Division staff will determine whether all required items \isted in the Annexation Submittal Requirements Checklist have ' been submitted. An application for submittal not having all of the ~ items will not be accepted. 2. A detailed completeness check will be conducted within 30 days of submittal. In this case, the assigned Planner will notify the applicant in writing concerning the completeness of the application An application will not be deemed teclmica1ly complete until all information oeceSSaI)' to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. Incomplete applications will delay the application review process and may result in denial if information pertaining to the criteria of approval is deficient or missing. IF YOU FEEL AN ITEM DOES NOT APPLY, PLEASE STATE THE REASON WHY,AND ATTACH THE EXPLANATION TO THIS FORM. APPLICA TIONS'NOT HAVING ALL BOXES CHECKED AND/OR AN EXPLANATION FOR ITEMS NOT APPLYING WILL DE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT AND WILL THEREFORE DELAY THE APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS. 1. Application Fee Two fees are required for Annexation Applications; A fee to the City of Springfield and a fee to the Lane COlmty Local GovemmtmtBoundary Commission. These fees arebaseaupon tilt; mea utLJliU Dehlgannexea. Reler to me Uevelopment code Fee Scbe<1we ana the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission Filing Fees Rule/Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. Copies of both fee schedules are available at the Development Services Department. 2. Signing where necessary and following the instructions concerning the attached forms ao Form #1, Petition - Annexation to the City of Springfield (page 3 of this packet). All persons who own an interest in the property or who are purchasers of the ~.uyv..j on a contract sale that is recorded with Lane ColIDty must sign the annexation petition Generally this means that both the husband and wife should sign. In the case of a corpo!"tion or business, the pel1lOns who are authorized to sign'legal documents for the fnm may sign the annexation petition, Please attach a letter which notes such authorization Attaclnnent "A" is the Legal Description of the 7.vy...,. b. Fonn #lA, Certification of Property Owne~ To be completed by the BolIDdarvComm.issiop. c. Fonn #2A, Certification of Registered Ownen- To be completed by the Boundary Corimtission d. Petition Signature Sheet-All qualified people must sign. e. Infonnation Sheet-This sheet must be completed and submitted with the application f. !",ree (3) copies of the applicable Tax A.sessor Mal!!-- Revis..! 12!llllOO 3 c. 3. Detailed written e~nation of the proposal to include: Date Received: ~The size and location of p~vl^'~~j o What city services or facilities do you seek from annexing the property FEB 0 8 2008 o How the property will be served by a minimwn level of key urban facilities o The zoning and plan designation of the site and adjacent p.vp..':es o The proposed use of the development area and scope of the proposed development Original Submittal o The current use of the site and any existing improvements o Any special site features (i.e. wetlands, watercourses, steep slopes, etc.) 4. Eighteen (18) copies of the following plan ALL PLANS AND A ITACHMENTS MUST BE FOLDED TO 8\>\" BY 11" AND BOUND BY RUBBER BANDS. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions must be prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer and drawn to scale showing physical features and watercourses on the site or adjacent to the site. Information required for adjacent properties may be generalized to show the connections to physical features, A Site Assessment must contain the following information: .s::::: Vicinity map, drawn to scale showing city limits and the subject site W yr A Site Map drawn to scale . U It The 100-year floodplain and floodway bOlmdaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision vi [!('" A plan showing the site's existing contour lines at 1 foot intervals, for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals I W ~ Name and location of all existing public and private streets within or on the bOWldary of the proposed development site including the right of way and paving dimensions, and the ownership and maintenance status, if applicable t.J ti Location of existing traffic control devices and frrehydrants t.J 1Q( Location and size of existing utilities including sanitary sewer mains. stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, lelephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points Revised 12/28100 4 l~, FORM #1' PETITION ANNEXATION TO THE ~ITY OF SPRINGFIELD , Date ~eCeiVed: FEB n 8 2008, Original Submittal , TO: . LANE COUNTY LQCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION We, the undersigned, constitute the ." _;._. of at least one"half of the land area of the y.uy...; described in the attachment marked "Exhibit A" AND , We desire to be annexed 10 the City of Springfield. A map is attached marked "Exhibit B," showing the affectedterrilory and its relationship 10 the present city limit boundaries. ' The annexation constitutes a minor boundary change under the Boundary Commission Act and should therefore be considered by the Boundary Commission and,',after study, a Final Order should be entered by the Boundary Commission. By ~A~ d- Date /f./' YXJ '-;? By , Date By Date By 'Date MAP# /Faz-o'/-/I WT# C/6'OO MAP# WT# With the above signature, I am verifying that I have th~ authority to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my fIrm, agency or trust RevUe<! 12128/00 5 " , Date Received: t':~ FORM #1A FEB 0 8 2008 CERllFICA 110N OF PROPERTY OWNERS Original Submittal I have caused a search to be made of the assessment and taxation records, Lane County department of Assessment and Taxation, on Those records reflect that individuals listed on the attached petition are the owners of record of the property identified by the tax lots described on the attached sheet. Lane County Departinent of Assessment and Taxation . Date Reviaed 12/2S/00 7 Date Received: '---' FORM #2A CER11FICA 110N OF REGISTERED VOTERS FEB 0 8 2008 Original Submittal I hereby certify that signatures on the attached petition are registeroo voters and reside in the area described in the petition. These signatures represent not less than 50 percent of the registered voters residing within the annexation or withdrawal area described in this petition. Deputy or Clerk Lane County, Oregon , Date Revised I2I28JOO 9 .:- l"'.:11110N SIGNATURE SHEET owners I E'ectorstR . d ; Da e ecelve: (Note: This petition may be signed by qualified persons, even though they do not know their tax lot numbers.) NAME ADDRESS FEB 0 8 ' 2008 TAX mlplNf'TMBERE Twp R See v.. 1/16 Lot # I (Example) John Doe 1~,/;n~A A#'~n It"'%(>< 4~ I I I 1356th Avenue Eas't, Eugene / J;1"';"j'h,,1J . 36..1 A/. 7..<!~ S.) O/.I?7V?.f /r 0-<- 0'1 /1 00 V6'OO -~ With the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my finn agency or tmst. Revised 12128100 10 'oc.. '. PC\.JI~ ,7"''1/01- 6 @2-1~2S INFORMA nON SHtd:T LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMlS5JON, ./"} , , .' NORTHPLAZALEVEL,P8B.. Date Received: . 99 E. Broadway, Suite 400 "'. , ' Eugene, Oregon 97401 FEB 0 8 2008 PHONE: 681-4425 .3b" ~ ~ .I Original Submittal V"t~S"1- . (Address) , ')Y/-w.z -6"///= (Phone) - ~/1,);" A~n' (petitioner's Name) 54/'l47;;~.#? (J,- 9.7S:7,.f- I . (Ci~) . (Zip) The attached pe~tion is f~~ (withdrawal froJn)'~ , , I f?r,~~J;e/J! . (City) or ' (District) PLEASE SuPPLY THE FOLWWlNG INFORMATION REGARDING THE AREA TO BE ANNEXED OR WITHDRAWN. , Estimated Population (at prese~t): . (i), C?.-.e... Number of Existing'Resldentiai Units: [I) O",r:2..... '. Land Area: /,.3/ . Acres or Square Miles , Is the area within a Domestic Water Supply District? 7& r" ' J;;r-/~j;e/d 'OJ;il" j6(X;rr,-e r /(Naine) , , Is the area with a Rural Fire Protection District? ~f J?' LYe I. Uh'.l 1>.____ ./U r,'.2:A;;_/~-0', ,) t -S;,r/;'q,4:e/r.l ~,/e .L-~'le ....J?;kJ.v~ , /. ,(Name) , , ANNEXA TlON TO CITIES OR WATER DISTRICTS ONLY A. If the ....,.....;; is entirely or substantiaIIy'undeveloped, what are the plans for future development? (Be specific-if site or development plans have been'prepared, please submit a copy) . . A/'h." . / . ,. B. Can the proposed development be achie-:ed under cUrrent county zoning? Yes No . '. If no, has a zone change been sought from the county either f()nnaIIy or infonnaIIy for the property under consideration? Yes No_ Revised 11128/00 11 ,,- Please describe outcurne ofiene change request if answer to the proceeding question is "Yes." /I/IA. ALL PROPOSALS A. Does this I" ~,,~.aI inclUde all contiguous property under the same ownership? ~ S _ If not, are you in the process of a major_or minor _ partition? _ (No) If you are not in the process of a subdivision, please state your reasons for not including entire ownership. , AlA- B. ORS 199.462 of the Boundary Commission Act states: "When receiving a boundary change, 8 boundmy commission shall cousider economic, demographic and sociological projections pertinent to the proposal, and ,) past and .... v,...,,~tive physical developments of land that would directly or indirectly be affected by the proposed boundary change." Considering these points, please provide the reasons the nronosed honndarv chanvc: should he made. Please be very specific. Attach additional page if necessary. . 4-4- C. Names of PerllOns to Whqm Staff Notes and Notices Shall he Sent, aL/?,0, ddcxJ/1 . (Name) ~ (Name) .QA~~'\~ (Address) (Address) _ ~/1,/t,>P// f)..... q .7'V"7 rP- (C ty) (Zip) (City) (Name) (Name) (Address) (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) (Zip) Date Received: FEB 0 8 2008 Revised 12128/00 Original Submittal ]2