HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-54 09/08/1998 . . , RESOLUTION 98-54 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between Eugene Planning and Development, City of Springfield, Eugene, Water & Electric Board, Lime Regional Air Pollution Authority, Oregeon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and Springfield Utility Board , To Establish the Lane Area Pollution Prevention Coalitiop. (PzC) WHEREAS, it is in the City's interest to promote compliance with environmental regulations through eliminating sources of pollution, conserving materials that are the source of the pollution, or totally reusing materials that are the source of the pollution; and WHEREAS, it is beneficial to Springfield citizens and businesses to be given consistent, timely, coordinated pollution prevention information, to reduce pollution, and increase cost savings through intergovernmental coordination; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Springfield approves the establishment of the Lane Area Pollution Prevention Coalition (P2C) and directs the City Manager to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of-Springfield, Oregon this8 th . ," day of~~ptemben 998. Adopted by a vote of L- for and ~ agai~~ ~ ~ . ATTEST: , ~.~ CIty Recorder ;:~'L\lIEWED & APPROVED A~ TO FORM ~ ~f>C"~. ~ ~ DATE "t \~I ~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY l'" '. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING . Between City Of Eugene Planning and Development, City Of Springfield, Eugene Water & Electric Board, Lane County, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority Oregon Department Of Environmental Quality, And Springfield Utility Board To Establish the Lane Area Pollution Prevention Coalition (P 2C) A. INTRODUCTION -'.'~ . This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 190.110 is intended to formalize the regional dialogue and activities of the Lane Area Pollution Prevention Coalition (P2C), an information network and task force for agencies and jurisdictions within the region including, but not limited to: City of Eugene, City of Springfield, Eugene Water & Electric Board, Lane County, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, and Springfield Utility Board. The mission of the P2C is to become an active resource to provide useful and coordinated education messages and technical assistance to citizens and businesses about ways they can prevent pollution. . The State of Oregon and these local jurisdictions and agencies are committed to fostering pollution prevention and pursuing issues of mutual concern in the area of environmental protection. This commitment is reinforced by policies internal to each agency. In order to sustain long term commitment, the signatories agree to establish, implement and evaluate the Interagency Pollution Prevention Initiative described herein. The goals of this initiative are to foster pollution prevention as the preferred environmental protection strategy by the signing parties, and to support and promote similar efforts within the private sector and at the community level. Successful implementation of this collaborative effort will help to: incorporate pollution prevention measures into agency programs; avoid a piecemeal approach to pollution prevention and program development; increase focus on multi-media environmental results and preventive solutions; share resources for pollution prevention projects; enhance efficiency in the delivery of prevention services; provide consistent regional environmental messages; improve communication and interrelationships between agencies; and support existing agency missions and partnership agreements. In the spirit of achieving these objectives, the aforement~oned agencies, represented by the signatories to this document, agree to maintain a cooperative working relationship and promote pollution prevention. . . \\FILBERnpUBWKS2\USERS\KAGE3607\WPFILES\P2C\fnP2CMOU. DOC Page 1 of 5 Lane Area Pollution Prevention Coalition (PiC) Memorandum of Understanding . This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) does not create enforceable legal obligations, but rather is an expression of intent by the signatories to work with one another as partners to reduce pollution through awareness and efficient operations planning. Nothing in this agreement is intended, nor shall it act in any way to alter, impede, or interfere with the agencies carrying out their regulatory and law enforcement responsibilities or their individual missions. B. PURPOSE Through this document, the members of the P 2C will establish a common agenda to work together on pollution prevention objectives and specific goals in a cost effective and consistent manner. Benefits of working together includ~: offering a focal point for pollution prevention; reducing expenses by sharing knowledge and resources; and minimizing duplication of effort. C. CHANGES TO THE AGREEMENT Amendments or additional appendices may be developed and implemented by mutual written agreement of the signatories at anytime without renegotiating the entire MOU. A party may also terminate its participation in this agreement after providing 30 days written notice to the other parties. New parties may join the P2C by agreeing to the provisions in this MOU and adding their appropriate signatures to this document. . D. EFFECTIVE DATE OF AGREEMENT This Agreement is effective October, I, 1998 and remains in effect unless modified or revoked by all parties. Any party may choose to terminate its participation in the agreement with 30-days written notification to the remaining parties of the P2C. E. AREAS OF AGREEMENT The signatories agree to promote pollution prevention and pursue issues of mutual concern. In particular, to: 1. . Seek opportunities to collaborate on pollution prevention projects of mutual interest to demonstrate pollution prevention technologies and techniques. a. Stage periodic environmentallP2 exhibits; b. Develop educational materials and co-sponsor workshops focused on specific audiences; d. Develop an information clearinghouse; and" Identify areas where policies conflict and may need to be revised to achieve the goal. c. . \\FILBERnpUBWKS2\USERS\KAGE3607\WPFILES\P2C\fnP2CMOU. DOC Page 2 of 5 .Lar.~ Area Pollution Prevention Coalition (P2C) Memorandum of UnderstandinQ 2. Share, exchange and learn about pollution prevention technologies and techniques through periodic meetings and joint training programs. a. Share strategies; b. Provide relevant technology updates; c. Participate in environmental round table discussions; and d. Share innovative ideas. . 3. Demonstrate statewide environmental leadership in the area of waste reduction, recycling and energy conservation. a. Promote pollution prevention through press releases and other interpretive programs conducted by participating agencies; and b. Enhance statewide efforts to increase communication and education about the importance of pollution prevention. 4. Seek opportunities to eliminate or reduce waste to all environmental media (e.g., air, soil, -and water) and encourage use of efficient technologies and techniques. a. Identify the root causes of environmental pollution and take steps to reduce or eliminate the generation of wastes through pollution prevention techniques; and b. Identify and overcome barriers to adoption of pollution prevention practices. . 5. Cooperate in evaluating progress in pollution prevention. a. Evaluate needs and goals'of participating agencies; b.. Determine what information is required to meet goals and needs; and c. Measure progress in reducing pollution. F. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Each participant shall designate at least one con'tact to monitor pollution prevention coordination activities. These individuals shall provide input to the P2C on this initiative. The P2C will oversee the development and implementation of the interagency initiative to facilitate communication and coordination on pollution prevention. The P 2C meets monthly to conduct business in a participating group setting. All ideas are encouraged and welcome. Appropriate projects, work group formations, and courses of action are determined by a consensus of the members. . IIFILBERT\PUBWKS2IUSERSIKAGE3607IWPFILESIP2C\fnP2CMOU. DOC Page 3 of 5 "'- . lane Area Pollution Prevention Coalition (P2C) Memorandum of Understandina . The P2C will conduct the following activities: . 1. Meet monthly to discuss the pollution prevention issues facing the region. a. Chairperson: This position will serve no less than 12 months (term runs July through June) b. Vice Chair: This position will serve no less than 12 months and will prepare to serve as chair for the following 12 months. c. Note Taker: This position will serve on a monthly basis. 2. Communicate with each other regarding the status of local, regional, state or national activity. 3. Communicate on the status of specific regulatory decisions to the extent such decisions affect the development of a regional pollution prevention management system. 4. Develop technical assistance round table discussion groups. 5. Share information about current and planned written materials. 6. Produce an annual report which includes an updated work plan. . 7. Develop a work plan to be updated annually. This update will include a review by the signatories of the member organizations. 8. Assist with securing grants for pollution prevention activities in Lane County as follows: a.' An individual agency may present the P2C with a potential grant for projects or other activities, jobs, etc. related to pollution prevention. If multiple agencies are interested in the grant, the P 2C will select one to be the lead agency. b. The lead agency may then submit the grant proposal with a P2C recommendation. c. The lead agency is responsible for obtaining funding for its specific project, including: applying for, receiving, direct contracting with grant funding sources, and execution of the grant. The lead agency may request technical assistance from the P 2C as necessary. d. Each P2C member is solely responsible for liability arising .out of their use of funds from third party sources. The P2C is not liable for any action by a P2C member related to their obtaining or use of funds.. . \\FILBERT\PUBWKS2\USERS\KAGE3607\WPFILES\P2C\fnP2CMOUDO C , Page 4 of 5 , . Lj~e Area Pollution Preventi?n Coalition (P2C) , Memorandum of Understandmg H. AUTHORIZING PARTIES . CITY OF EUGENE ~;/~~ Title Signature of Authorized Representative Jl~ Date f.. Y:fr' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Signature of Authorized Representative Title Mike Kellv. Citv Manager Date EUGENE WATER & ELECTRIC BOARD Signature of Authorized Representative Title -Randv Berggren. General Manager Date LANE COUNTY . CSignature of Authorized Representative Title Date LANE REGIONAL AIR POLLUTION AUTHORITY Signature of Authorized Representative Title Date OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Signature of Autho~ized Representative Title Date SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD Signature of Authorized Representative Title Date . 1\FILBERT',PUBWKS2IUSERSIKAGE3607IWPFILESIP2ClfnP2CMOU. DOC Page 5 of 5