HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/24/2007 , .'._m!i" JRH TRANSPORTATION +NGINEERING' RESPONSE TO ODOT COMMENTS I l ~ EAST SPRINGFIELD REZONE ----.-. .' ... ..=-----....--. - - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON . Date ReceiVeQ:~f ~ \1 01 Planner; DR ' - . (73 flf'7cL)) VOleI' 541.687.1081 1,\:\ 541.34S.65~g 4765 VILLAGl PLAZA LOOP 5UITE 201 lUGENt Ii ! ~ RECV--T~D- . .." _,' .n r<~ MAY 2 4' 2007 BY:~' w,:; I R II W [ R. COM ORE G 0 N. g 7 -4 0 I . . _, "'~'_"".".",'",r._", .".,,~,. .~",w""""..v.,,,,~... ..,,"'''~'~",,~'~~~'' ,,"._~.~.,,,.,,,,,,,,,..,,,,~ ..~~,-,..~._--., ~ . ""~,,~'-~""'..,"""'"','~. ._"..,,,,,~_.: ,~ I ~~ f,' : Ii' ~ t, . ,~: It' J ~ f I ~: ~ l- f, J E N GIN E E R.' PROJECT MANAGE PLANNERS . , May 21,.2007 Stephen B. Wilson, PE Region 2 Senior Traffic Analyst Region 2 Tech Center 455 Airport Road SE Building A Salem, Oregon 97301 RE: East Springfield Rezone.Traffic Impact Analysis Response to ODOT Comments dated May 10, 2007 Dear Stephen Wilson, This letter addresses ODOT's comments dated May 10, 2007, regarding the March 6, 2007, Traffic Impact Study (TIA) by JRH Transportation Engineering for the East Springfield Rezone on Highway 126. The following outlines the comments' made by ODOT and JRH's response. ODOT Comment #1: "The classification o/Main Street (OR 126) must' also be listed by the ODOT Classification: Response to Comment #1: The ODOT classification for Main Street (OR 126) is a Statewide Highway. A revised Table 1 is included illustrating the addition of ODOT classification. Revised Table.1: Study Area Roadway Characteristics . ai~!_et .' ':. . ~~t?teYiid~r,jig'~' r0R~1c26) .. "". ", . . _ IiIIlMalor,Atfe g;;z..r"''''i42'':.I!N';St'''~I'''l\ij''.j,Oj "'~11-f-. ~"''''''.,v'''';,~ 1r'~30"'"'''' !lit"G.t.,."..fiS..........fi..-I~' '''''''',''M' '''-^='''tf '''''''I,-ifl ~*ji?flL. - nU[ ree 1~~~~~~~!.%!Jt'm~l.eSjf,,~~~~, ~,~~~'f8d.LYi~P:nng.1?u.'~r ~ii~~ mo~.~naJ~ !M'4'4!J.\!Stfeet~...l!1F~~Y,es1iill~~25~ ~:llGity.;i5flSirringfield. ~1Jl.Golleclbr/ilOCal~ ..,i.,Jii'i.f"~."""..~~""iffil~"'''''''' ,!i!(.... _"" r;:;;;:-<li..~-'''''"F.....-.=_. ..' "i\1l_..."'..,..~--'"''''':TI!i''',-, .. _&49~SI@etJ!!f1ll1!l!~~1%'f:fJij ~;l;i1'~g~,d\lJ _igg,~?E ~~gi!y12filli5Jl!'fgfiel9.~~~,&.Q!!~lor/l!.ocal~ ~48!l~Stfeet&"'!!I ~1~1l _30~'1.l\!!IGiIYlbfISRnngfieldl:iii!l ~G6I1eclof~1Il VOICE 541.687.1081 FAX 541.3,45.6599 WEB JRHWEB.COM 4765 VILLAGE PLAZA LOOP SUITE 201 EUGENE OREGON 97401 "....., ,. ."-~._~.,,.. -..... ".. ,........-.........., -"..~...'"_........~"'"....,,.~....""...,",~ ....-....."'..... Response Letter from Jim Hanks PE RE: East Springfield Rezone May 21,2007 Page 2 " ~: ODOT Comment #2: "The study needs to demonstrate how the Seasonal Adjustment Factors were applied to the raw traffic data. A graphic showing the raw traffic volumes should also be . provided': ., Response to Comment #2: . To determine the peak season volumes, the raw traffic counts for each turning movements was multiplied by the calculated seasonal adjustment factor. For the counts taken in November the factor is 1.0978 and for the counts taken in January the factor is 1.1377. Figures 3a and 4a included in Appendix A of this letter illustrates the raw traffic volumes and the traffic volumes after the seasonal adjustment factor was applied. . .:~ '1\ ODOT Comment #3: "The peak hours assumed for this study seem reasonable; assuming the Peak Hour Factors were calculated off data from these assumed hours, and were the same for all intersections" ,.., ! "J Response to Comment #3:. The peak hour traffic volumes and factors were calculated assuming the same peak hour for all intersections, which is 7:45 to 8:45 AM and 4:15 to 5:15 PM. The peak hour factors calculated from the count data were only used in the existing analysis, all future year analysis used the ODOT default peak hour factors as outlined in the Analysis Procedures Manual. Appendix B of this letter contains the calculations for the peak hour volumes and peak hour factors from the raw traffic counts. ODOT Comment #4: "The 2006 Existing PM Peak Traffic volumes do not seem correct. As part of this review calculations were made using the raw traffic data and the assumed Seasonal Adjustment factors presented in this study. The review ca'lculations were unable to confirm the traffic volumes presented in Figure 4. See related comment for page 8" i I ! ,I Response to Comment #4: The traffic volumes shown in Figure 4 were derived by applying the seasonal adjustment factor to the raw traffic volumes. The seasonally adjusted traffic volumes were then balanced between intersections and were balanced to the intersection counts that appeared to be the most reliable. Figure 4a in Appendix A ofthis letter contains the seasonally adjusted traffic volumes before balancing. Figure 4 ofthe TIA contains the seasonally adjusted traffic volumes after balancing between intersections. ; Response Letter from Jim Hanks PE RE: East Springfield Rezone May 21,2007 Page 3 .~ ODOT Comment #5: "ODOT does not have a standard from which you can compare an Intersection Crash Rate. This study cites a crash rate threshold of 1.0. This is not an ODOT standard, and it is unclear where this standard may have originated. The only ODOT standard for comparison is a Segment Crash Rate, which should be calculatedfor the crashes in at least a mile of the study area roadway." .'~ ! i' Response to Comment #5: In the ODOT's Analysis Procedures Manual, section 5.2.1 page 5-3 states that "At intersections a crash rate of 1.0 or greater is generally considered to be an indication that further investigation is warranted." JRH applied this information to the intersection crash data received by ODOT..f>.t ODOT's request JRH is providing a further investigation of crash history within the study area. The investigation determined that the SPIS data for the segment of roadway on Main Street from 42nd Street to 46th Street is identified as having 6-9 fatal crashes and the segment from 46th Street to 48th Street is identified as having 3-5 fatal crashes from the year 2003 to 2005. The SPIS dat'! further shows that the segment from mile post 4.52 to 4.70 (encompassing 42nd Street) is listed in the top 5% SPIS sites. The segment between milepost 4.45 and 5.45 of Highway 126 was analyzed to determine the segment crash rate. The segment crash rate and statewide average crash rates are shown in Table A below. -, .' '1 I j I i Table A: Segment Crash Rates ODOT Comment #6: "This study must demonstrate how the Historical Growth Rates were applied to the' 2006 3dh Highest Hour traffic volumes. Calculations to confirm the 2008 and 2023 data were unable to duplicate the future volumes cited in this report. " Response to Comment #6: JRH determined the future year traffic volumes by using the travel demand model information obtained from ODOT. The model illustrates bi-directional traffic volumes on roadways between intersections. JRH obtained a base year model 2002, and a future year model 2025. JRH was able to utilize the seasonally adjusted unbalanced count data in 'combination with the model data and apply the information into JRH Response Letter from Jim Hanks PE RE: East Springfield Rezone May 21,2007 Page 4 :' Moves, a software program designed to determine the future year turning movement volumes. The JRH Moves software utilizes the post-processing methodology outlined in NCRP Report 255 to determine the traffic volumes. JRH Moves has been reviewed by TP AU and deemed acceptable to use for these calculations. The JRH moves inputs and outputs are included in Appendix C of this letter. " :":1 ODOT Comment #7: "This report states the maximum development potential was determined for the property given its current zoning of Light-Medium Industrial. For this scel}ario, how was the maximum allowable development determined" Response to Comment #7: To determine the development p01ential of the existing zoning, the available uses under the zoning were examined to determine the most feasible building solutions for the area. Once the uses were determined the building size was established by comparing the available lot size with the parking, landscaping, drainage, etc. requirements. Through an iterative procedure the development mix and size, as shown in Tables 5 and 6 in the TIA, were determined to utilize the maximum building size while maintaining the parking, landscaping, and drainage requirements. While the land uses may' not be the highest trip generators, they were established as the most likely development scenario. Tables 5 and 6 are included below. Table 5: AM Peak Hour Trip Generation.Maximum Potential of Site for Existing Zoning :o~~~~iiii~t't~~1~~!,~1lr~~~8iWl!Eilf~ - ""."-l,..'-';,.....ifJW,mlR"".:;4itlJliqca..~~~ Response Letter from Jim Hanks PE RE: East Springfield Rezone May 21,2007 Page 5 :j 1 Table 6: PM Peak Hour Trip Generation-Maximum Potential of Site for Existing Zoning . - \ ! "1 .c :'..- . ODOT Comment. #8: "The study's trip generation analysis for the proposed zoning. assumed a 30,000 sf Medical Office Building would be the only development of this site. To satisfy the TP R -level Analysis, the trip generation study for the proposed zoning must be for the maximum allowable develovment on that'site, given the City's development codes and . regulations. " Response to Comment #8: The development potential of the current zoning generates 243 trips in the PM peak hour. The development may contain approximately 75,600 square feet of medical office building without exceeding traffic generated by the existing potential. In addition the development may contain approximately 92,300 square feet of specialty retail, or 44,700 square feet of shopping center before the existing trip generation is exceeded. At 5.24 acres, the maximum' building size that can be developed under the proposed zoning is 84,270 square feet. The building size was determined by comparing the parking stall requirement and the landscape and drainage requirement to the size of building as described in Response #7. At 84,270 square feet, a specialty retail center would generate approximately 224 trips, which is lower than that generated by the existing land use. Response Letter from Jim Hanks PE RE: East Springfield Rezone May 21,2007 Page 6 The report illustrates an intersection analysis for the future year 2023 conditions with the addition of 103 new trips on the system. The most feasible development potential of the existing zoning will result in 243 trips. Under the proposed zoning, the development of 76,370 square feet of shopping center will result in 346 development trips or 103 new trips on the system. To comply with the transportation planning rule, the applicant would agree to a trip cap of 346 PM peak hour trips. " I .'.... .j ODOT Comment #9: "The traffic volumes for all Future Build-Out data sets will need to be revised to account for corrections made to address the previous comments" ., i , ) Response to Comment #9: As there will be no revisions to the existing traffic volume, as indicated in the previous comments, there is no revision needed for the future year build-out volumes. ODOT Comment #10: "The traffic data for this study is in question. Any analysis made from these data sets is also questionable and must be revised; taking into account the previous comments. This comment can also be applied to the queuing analysis developed for this study. " , . ~, Response to Comment #10: As discussed in the previous comments there was no error made in developing the existing count data, nor was there an error made in the developing of future year traffic volu~es. The analysis and conclusions resulting from the traffic volumes will not need to be revisited. i , j i I r ODOTComment#l1: . "The scope of workfor this TIA required 3-hour Manual Classification Counts for all study-area intersections. However, a review of the manual count data was unable to determine any truck volumes or percentage. The truck traffic in the area is significant, and must be taken into account. " I Response to Comment #11: The counts taken by JRH indeed did not include classification counts. As discussed with Stephen Wilson, JRH has obtained a full classification count from ODOT for the intersection of Main Street at 42nd Street. The truck information for Main Street obtained from this count will be balanced along the segment of Main Street included in this study. The AM truck percentages on Main Street are approximately 2.5 0;" for the eastbound through and 3.4 % for the westbound through. The PM truck percentages on Main Street are 1.9 % for westbound and 1.4 % for eastbound. It should be noted that the change in truck percentages does not change the operation of any ofthe studied intersections. A queuing analysis was re-run with the correct truck I I ''I Response Letter from Jim Hanks PE RE: East Springfield Rezone May 21,2007 Page 7 r " I J percentages for the year 2023 AM and PM build analysis. The queuing results as well as the SimTraffic outputs are included in Appendix D of this letter. The queuing report shows that none of the available storage was exceeded for any of the studied intersections. Please note, the queuing analysis also takes into account the changes as . per comment 12. I ,f " , I r .f 'r l r ODor Comment #12: "A review of the Synchro outputs has noted several inconsistencies throughout the analysis: o An ideal Saturation Flow Rate of 1900 pcphpl was assumed for both signalized intersections (42nd and 48thy, while 1800 pcphpl was assumedfor the two unsignalized intersections. The ODOT Analysis Procedures Manual requires a saturation Flow Rate of 1800 pcphpl for all intersections. . o The truck percentages must be based on real"world data. The Synchro default of 2% is not'acceptable. o Unless the Yellow Time (s) entered into Synchro for the signalized intersections is based on either an ODOT or City timing sheets, this analysis should assume 4.5 seconds of yellow for the City-street approaches. The 5.0 seconds of yellow is generally reserves for highways with an 85th percentils speed equal or greater to 45mph. " I I I j j I ;, I I I I , , Response to Comment #12: JRH has revised the Synchro models to include a saturation flow rate of 1800 pcphpl for the signalized intersections and the correct heavy truck percentages. The signal timing sheets provided by the City of Springfield are included in Appendix E of the . TIA and show that indeed a 5.0 second yellow time was used; therefore the yellow time in Synchro was not changed per the above comment. The revisions to Synchro do not result in the operation of the build scenarios to exceed the operation of the .00- build scenarios. Tables 8 and 9 from the TIA are included below; in addition, a Revised Table 8 and Revised Table 9 are also included which illustrate operations with the above changes implemented. The Synchro results are included in Appendix E of this letter. i 1 ,I Response Letter from Jim Hanks PE RE: East Springfield Rezone May 21,2007 Page 8 I I 'j J I Table 8: Signalized Intersection Performance , i I I ., : ," "1 .;, 'r REVISED Table 8: Signalized Intersection Performance I .1 i I I i ! I I I I i J ;1 I I .1 " I I I I ! :1 'f "1-' I , I I I I : ~~- Response Letter from Jim Hanks PE RE: East Springfield Rezone May 21,2007 Page 9 ,i. '.'1 I":' . '/ i Table 9: Unsignalized Intersection Performance ~J~iiiI'.IIII:_~~IJ'~NJ!l'&!!i1!'~ rt,~/t:ll:lIl1r.l!\l!ii!lp:mmllil<.!llilill1!t41N;l:l:lTlmll1ii'll_:lIl1r.~ 'I; , I T i I I I i ,'1 f ,~ ! , , I I, 'i i I " 'j: .! I I I I i I , I I I i I I Response Letter from Jim Hanks PE RE: East Springfield Rezone May 21, 2007 . Page 10 REVISED Table 9: Unsignalized Intersection Performa~ce " ~'----~IIII:-~~~~)I~""~ ~~~ JlflI'Wi<"'-lRW,""'!01:~'" ., .. es 0 )J1i~~: c,~.,,__...g. ~Westb'6und!l!eft~ ~~O!O~~ ~0!05. flIO!Oj1W;il t.!.Q!05ll11 ~O!O:1i~ll ~'1O!06l\1 ~0!02111!i0!1t4!3A JlO!0211lH0M 5tlj Yi'~''!~~~''l;;.'''.'J'1t ~~astDouni:l !'mHi~il~il7 l1L....~_....g...._ WNoftfibound_-'lill fl'~OM~1i~ ~Or4'7Jm i'i10~1i1~1 LW15.4'1Jl il!0~12111l10~7.0~~ ~0>2111111!',22!O1 !l10~22%l tIl;~2WJ!! ODOT Comment #13: "The TPRfindingsfrom this study are in question, due to the.inconsistencies noted in this review. It is very likely they will need to be revised, based on the . recommendations in this review. " Response to Comment #13: As shown in the revised Tables 8 and 9 the addition of development traffic does not further degrade the operation of the studied intersections to below the no-build operation, therefore the TPR findings as discussed in the TIA are still valid. ODor Comment #14: "Based on the previous comments in this review" the conclusions drawn and recommendations proposed are in questions. It is very likely they will need to be revised, based on the recommendations in this review. . " Response Letter from Jim Hanks PE RE: East Springfield Rezone May 21,2007 Page 11 Response to Comment #14: As described in the previous comments the traffic volumes used in the analysis do not need revisions. With the revisions to the Synchro outputs. as described under comment #12, the operation of the studied intersections with the development does not worsen when compared to the operation without the development; therefore the recommendations and conclusions as described in the TIA are still valid. -1 ",\""1 '~~ ~ R. Hanks, ::,. Attachment: Appendices A - E " " , .1 . i ,. , ~, . ," ';. ::;.I E N GIN E E R PROJECT MANAGE Appendix A Scope of Wark I \ .. ,----'"'---~--_.=--~ '-'.-. -- -r'._.'-'._- PLANNERS - - -. . -Oregon Theodore R. Kulongoski, Governor Department of Transportation Region 2 Tech Center 455 Airport Road SE Building A Salem, Oregon 97301-5397 Telephone,(503) 986-2990 Fax (503) 986-2839 Date: November 27, 2006 Traffic Impact Analysis Scope of Work Highland Business Park Zone Change Peace health - Medical Office'Building McKenzie Highway - OR 126 Bus. (Highway #15) Milepost 4.61 - 5.00 City of Springfield Lane County File: T15-3 . Subject: , 1 ~ 1 AUn: BarfBenthul JRH Transportation Engineering 1175 East Main Street, Suite 1C Eugene, OR 97504 (541) 776-9966 BartBenthulliilirhweb.com The purpose of this letter is to define the scope of work for a Traffic lmpact Analysis (TlA) , as required under the Oregon Department of Transportation's (ODOT) Transportation Planning Rule1 (TPR). It is Department's understanding this 4.85 acre parcel. commonly known as the Highland Business Park development. is currently zoned as Light - Medium lndustrial (LMl), and is proposed to be rezoned as Community Commercial (CC). This TIA shall address the "worst case" impacts of the zone change " in order to satisfy the TPR. ., A subsequent analysis must be developed to determine the more specific impacts that may occur due to the Peacehealth (Medical Office Building) Development, with the addition of approximately 30.000 square feet of Medical Office space to the City of Springfield over the life of the project. This analysis. as required under OAR 734-0512. must be submitted as part of the Application for State Highway Approach. The information identifying the limits of the project shall be defined in the TIA and shall be pre-approved by the City of Springfield and ODOT before continuing the evaluation. I hHl}:Ijwww.ore~on.'wv/ODOTj I'D/TP.:TPR.shtmJ 2' hUn:/lwww.ore2on::wv/ODOTffJ\VY/ACCESSMG.'i , , As this project involves land use actions, the Oregon Transportation Planning Rule (OAR 660-012-0060, Plan and Land Use Regulation Amendments) shall apply. Analysis of significant effect on both state and City transportation facilities and facilities adequacy with proposed mitigation based on the entire site will be required or portions, of the parcels will have to be withdrawn from the zone,change requests or limitations of the uses within zone changes will have to be approved by all agencies. There could be a significant effect on City of Springfield transportation facilities which also will require mitigations. This cannot be determined until final configuration of the traffic volumes and distribl!tion on. the local systems has been approved. The City of Springfield and ODOT have discussed the proposal and ha.ve decided that ODOT will be the lead agency for review and comments in regard to the traffic impacts and proposed mitigations to the local transportation infrastructure. Scope of Work: I. GENERAL Executive Summal'l/, Provide a description of the development, site location and study area (including a site map). Srieflydescribe the purpose of the analysis, principal findings, recommendations and conclusions. Analvsis Study Area Provide a' text description (including tax-lot descriptions) of the proposed development; and a graphic showing the intersections and accesses to be evaluated as part of this analysis. . Signalized Intersections to be evaluated: 'I, ()R 126 ,L!: 4ik' Sirfiij( ,," 3,.NioUf Counti' .:~. (W? r~(()i~ ~-J8(/~ S'f.i'eet.." 3.,{ojour (>:>t!f!il 'f- ;J~~hJljf f\f~18! Pf.Ji p~~;;.f.:. i";;(l~lnf8 t:J:lnlJw1V t;(~k;id(-.K~ b} .;~f~H J'.i,i, HW,'f:-::< Dife;~i. TW"11k; '~i)WHH [nk'l! .;!fjl;" ihi:,) !lHt."o 'NI)IJ~fl'~~ klH'l ~'~'T.!il:~h!S'. 2 Unsignalized Intersections to be evaluated: C,'. ('If''"''l, f.n;...." ij1JJ' F",tli c......" "i~ ,~. I i(' 'I' "".,., '/-" _ 1'1"{ . .,;0 ,-;, ':'.'" !;,.:.. "HI':.JC~ . (;"","'~ .1~; ....;<,).1 re , . OR' 'i 26 8: ?10rtJ Str$et ~ 3~r-four (;(ftuni~ 6. OR 126 & DdiJeway Access.- ("r) Be De!/elopf.)d . Note: The traffic distribution- and volume determinations may expand the area of investigation or could eliminate some of the above indicated intersections. II. TRAFFIC DATA Traffic Counts For all study area intersections and approaches, the manual classification counts shall be at least 3-hours long, made during both the morning and afternoon peaks, with 15-minute breakdowns. The morning peak hour usually occurs from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM and the afternoon peak usually occurs from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. ODOT and the City are not aware of any "false" peaks for this area of the City. If there are indications of problems during these time frames, the traffic evaluation shall address all concerns. . ,-: Raw traffic volumes will not be accepted for use in traffic analysis. All traffic volumes shall be seasonally adjusted to represent 30th Highest Hour Volumes (30HV) for Current Year, each anticipated phase completion, and Future Year "background traffic" conditions, all with and without the development. For guidance, please refer to Chapter 4 in ODOT's Analysis Procedures ManuaF (APM). Site TriD Generation. Distribution and Assianment Site trip generation shall utilize the most recent edition of the Institute of ' Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual to estimate daily and peak hour trip volumes originating from and destined to the proposed development. In this instance, a reasonable worst-case land use scenario should be assumed based on the allowed'uses under the current and requested zone(s). All assumptions and adjustments shall be documented and discussed in the TIA, or in an appendix. Trio " aeneration mav be adiusted with additional information and refinement. This analysis should use available transportation models in conjunction with the City of Springfield's Transportation System Plan and the Comprehensive Plan to estimate traffic distribution patterns. This TIA eQuid be a significant amendment to the current Comprehensive Plan and the Transportation System Plan. Approved computer models, such as Traffix, or manual calculations may also be used for II determining trip assignments for site-generated traffic volumes on roadways within ' the study area. .3 hHn:/jwww.ore!!on.!Zov/OJ}(Jf/J'D/rp,"I'APlvi.:\httul 3 Pre-approval of trip generation and distribution parameters shall be obtained prior to commencing further analysis; Please note: This is also a good time to verify all assumptions to be utilized in the traffic analysis or to discuss any abnormalities noted in the review of the development area. III. ANALYSIS PROCEDURES .,~ i I ) ., 1 I ) CaDacitv Analvsis Capacity analysis of signalized intersections" unsignalized intersections, and roadway segments shall follow the established methodologies of the current Highway Capacity Manual (HCM2000). For signalized intersections, the overall intersection V/C shall' be . reported. For unsignalized intersections, the highest approach V/C shall be reported, along with an indication of ,its corresponding movement. ODOT's Development Review Guidelines4 (Table 3.3.8) lists the ODOT default values for use in signalized intersection analysis. If multiple intersections are analyzed, the traffic volumes shall be balanced between intersection nodes. All intersection capacity analyses shall include heavy vehicles percentages by approach, as determined from manual counts. Project level mobility results (VIe) from the TIA will be compared against ODOT's 2003 Highway Design Manuaf (HDM) mobility requirements (Table 10-1, 20 Year Design Mobility Standards). Planning level mobility results (V/C) from the TIA will be compared against Highway Mobility Standards (Policy 1F) and the Ma~imum V/C Ratios provided in Table 6 of the 1999 Oregon Highway Plan6 (OHP). , Application of Computer software shall closely follow ODOT -approved analysis methodologies. HCS2000 and SynchrolSimTraffic are examples of accepted analysis software. For further guidance, contact TPAU. Queue Lenath Analvsis intersection operation analysis shall include the effects of queuing and blocking. Average queue lengths and 95th Percentile queue lengths shall be reported for all study area intersections. The 95th Percentile queuing shall be used for design purposes, and will be reported to' the next highest 25 foot increment. Any methodology used to detennine queue length shall be approved in advance by either TPAU or the Region !raffic Section. . .f hltn://ww,-~,.orf'!Inl.1'lU)u/onoTlro/TP/DRn.r.htm\ s IlttD:/JC!!iW .orc!!on. !!ovjOnOT IHVo-JY /ENGS ER VJCES/hwv manun 1s..shlJnl ".1 hUn:iiwwW.L\rel:lOt.l.!!Ov/ODor/TDI.I.P /orlnvvolmu.;html 4 IV. ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS . Intersection Siaht Distance Adequate intersection sight distance shall be verified for all proposed intersections Ii and highway approaches as required in the 2003 HOM. For guidance, please contact the Region Access Management Engineer. Riaht & Left Turn Lane Criteria Proposed right or left turn lanes at unsignalized intersections and private approach ' roads shall meet installation crit~ria contained in the 2003 HOM. ,For turn lane evaluation procedures, refer to Chapter 7 .in the APM. Traffic Sianallnstallations & Modifications All analyses and recommendations related to new and/or modified traffic signals shall follow ODOT's Traffic Signal Policy and Guidelines7, and all subsequent revisions. Any recommendations for traffic signals to be installed or modified as part of future mitigation should meet preliminary signal warrants (MUTCD Warrant #1, Cas.e A & B). For guidance, please refer to Chapter 7.4.1 in the APM. For further guidance, please contact either Region 2 Traffic or TPAU. New signal proposals for the Day of Opening shall show, but are not limited to, the following: . . .: .}: . A clear indication of need for the traffic signal; only after other enhancements to nearby signals or intersections are shown to be insufficient to mitigate the new highway related impacts resulting from the proposed development. . An assessment of the ability of the existing, planned, and proposed public roads to accommodate development traffic at another location. . . A detailed description how the proposed development will affect the existing and proposed study area intersections. ' . Documentation of traffic volumes and signal warrant satisfaction; if a new signal is determined to be the correct solution. . .'J , ., Clearly show how one or more of the eight warrants identified in the Millennium Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Chapter 4C, Sections 1 through 9 are met, consistent with the requirements of OAR. 734-020- 0490. Traffic signal spacing requirements shall conform to the 1999 OHP and all amendments. Progression analysis shall meet the requirements of OAR 734-020- 0480. If applicable; complete time-space diagrams for each of the analysis scenarios, includirig the existing coordinated system must be provided. They shall demonstrate that the proposed signal system is capable of maintaining adequate progression band widths for ttie through traffic along the state highway on the most critical . roadway segments through the study area. ? hHn:t!www.(m~.~on.:Hn;jODO.f.ifl\vY/lRA....;.I(./l)tlblkaijIHl~:;^.;.;!lrmi 5 \ NOTE: It is ultimately up to the State Traffic Engineer to approve all signal installations, modifications and deviations. Just because an intersection may meet the MUTCD Warran1s does not insure a traffic signal will be approved by the State Traffic Engineer. V. ANALYSIS OUTPUT Existina Conditions Identify current year site conditions at the proposed development location. This includes, but is not limited to the following: -j' j J . A description of the site location, zoning, existing use(s), and proposed use(s) of subject property. . A description of surrounding and anticipated land uses. . A graphic identifying existing lane configurations and traffic control devices at the study area intersections . .. A graphic showing existing 30HV traffic; reported as AM (6:00-9:00 a.m.) and PM (4:00-7:00 p.m.) Peak Hour Volumes (PHV). and ,also as average daily traffic (ADT). Also include in this graphic a list of heavy vehicle percentages by approach and growth rates used for future volumes. . Identify all proposed road segments, publiC intersections, public or private approaches where the proposed projeCt can be expected to add additional traffic volumes greater than 10 percent of the current traffic volumes or at a minimum 300 vehicle trips in a single day or more than 50 additional vehicle trips in any single hour. · An analysis of existing intersection operations, reported in terms of both Volume to Capacity (V/C) and Level of Service (LOS). . An analysis of at least 3-years worth of crash data; including information on all SPIS sites within or adjacent{o the study area. I . ! Traffic Volumes & Ooerations - Year of Ooenina and Years of Anticioated Phases: with & without Prooosed Oevelooment For the TPR study, an assessment shall be made of all study area intersections due to the impacts of the proposed zone change for the Year of Opening, for both "background traffic" and "total traffic" conditions. "Total traffic" conditions are considered "background traffic" volumes plus site generated trips. A subsequent' Access Management analysis shall also consider not only the initial Year of Opening, but also the Year of Opening for each development phase, for both "background traffic" and "total traffic" conditions. 6 " Both analyses should provide the following: , j' . A graphic showing Year of phase "background traffic" and "total traffic" volumes. . A graphic or table showing V/C and LOS analysis results for both "background traffic" and "total traffic' volumes. . A graphic or table itemizing storage length requirements for all approaches, rounded to the next nearest 25 foot increment. ' . If applicable, a discussion of progression performance along the analysis corridor. .' .i , i Traffic Volumes & ODe rations - Future-Year: with & without Prooosed DeveloDment For the TPR study, an assessment shall be made of all study area intersections for a 15-year horizon due to the impacts of the proposed zone change. It shall also include anticipated development in the 'surrounding area, and all anticipated . improvements on the transportation system for both "background traffic" and "total trafflc' conditions. A subsequent Access Management analysis shall consider a Future-Year assessment, based on the requirements in Table 3.3.1 from the DRG, for both "background frafflc" and "total trafflc" conditions. It shall include the total. impacts from all assumed phases; plus the anticipated development in the surrounding area, and all anticipated improvements on the transportation system for both "background trafflc" and "total trafflc' conditions. 1 I '. I ! , .3 Both analyses shall provide the following: · A graphic showing Year of Opening "background traffic" and "total trafflc" volumes. . A 'graphic or table showing V/C and LOS an.alysis results for both "background traffic" and "total traffic" volumes. o A graphic or table itemizing storage length requirements for all approaches, rounded to the next highest 25 foot increment. . . If applicable, a discussion of progression performance along the analysis corridor. .' ~. i Planned transportation system improvements anticipated within the 15-year horizon shall be, incorporated into the Future Year analysis. Do not incorporate improvements that are proposed as mitigation for the development. For guidance, please refer to the Transportation Planning Rule8 (TPR); OAR 660-012-0060. . ~ JI{tn:!le~Hw .00-eglm.~ov!OI)(rr; TDf"fP iTFR.:ihtml 7 j' Analvsis Variable Inouts A summary of traffic analysis variable inputs shall be provided in an appendix. In Synchro, the Int: Lanes, Volumes, Timings report is the output source for this information. TIA's submitted without an input summary will not be accepted by the Department. -:j Conclusions arid Recommendation!?, Summarize existing and future conditions and discuss the proposed development's impacts. Identify any, operational or safety deficiencies and recommend mitigation along with the effectiveness of the mitigation. Summarize how the proposed development complies with all operational and safety standards in the applicable approval criteria. Also summarize all proposed mitigations and the. "assigned" proportionality to the development for all locations. , : ! ; ~ ~ Note: Signal timing adjustments will not be considered as mitigation. . ~ '. i J Please submit three stamped, fin~1 hard copy versions of the TIA for review to ODOT and a final hard copy version to the City of Springfield. Also, please submit all.electronlc analysis files for review to ODOT so staff can verify assumptions, default settings, and other values' included in the traffic analysis. If the analysis performed used traffic software other than Trafficware's SynchrolSimTraffic software or Highway Capacity Manual 2000 software, please submit the appropriate UTDF files for review. You may contact the Region Traffic Analyst for details. ODOT staff will need a.minimum of 30 days for.review and comment on the TIA. The review period should be completed prior to initiation of the City of Springfield's land-use process. Please include this scope of work and any other correspondence related to this study as an appendix item in the TlA. ' We hope this will provide enough information to get started on the analysis. We are pleased to work with you and your staff to answer any questions that arise during the course of your work. Additional coordination of traffic analysis data may be required during the TIA review. process. 8 -, i . i If you have comments, questions, or require additional information regarding traffic engineering issues, please contact me directly at (503) 986-2857 or by e-mail listed below. If you have comments, questions, or require additional information regarding land use issues, you may contact Ed Moore, Area 5.- Senior Planner at (541) 747- 1354. Mr. Dennis Santos will serve as the Development Review Coordinator for this project, and he may be reached at (503) 986-5762. 'J Stephen B. Wilson .." ] . , Senior Traffic Analyst ODOT - Region 2 Tech Center 455 Airport Road SE, Building 'A' Salem, OR 97301-4989 (503) 986~2857 steohen.b.wilson!Wodot.state.or.us ,.~ 1 I 1 I ,'':,; "j , J , ~ ~ .' ( Cc: Jim Hanks - JRH 'Brian Genovese - JRH Gary McKinney - City of Springfield Ramona Cline Ed Moore David Warr~n Dennis Santos Rob Heyman Mike Wilbur File :J 9 ~) ., ~,f ;1 c: ;~ ~ '~ C!1l o il -, Hi ~:r !~ ~ ~ 'e r f! ,~ ~t. i .~ .~. . ~...... . '~A~W'M1-::--,"""","",-,-,.~,,~~i': . . ~ ' in ASTER ST. ;,." ~: , #+.~ '.-.--." , .iF-'~--~'-~ "-'-"--'''',-... H [ I 'i 1 i , , l! 1.1 -I~t~---, "j J .I '. N w+. , J I! ! i s .,,,,J SMiTH WAY i i-: t fj) II I 1 ~ i ~ II~' . I .' il~~.~~' ill . ' i . ~ , J ; i1 : i I,' 1 'I i ~ L=.- III cd :z :; L\i : 'Ol'.' 'it' ..,"h "0 SMm-l :r to "'" "0 A- <:: -mJr~~; ~1D1:: tJrm" ~~' I~?'."i~ r= CD , (i3 ASTER ST. r: Ul FIRE Sf4. i.t; ~ ~ u\.tfr'\ f~;., ~ ;;i '?\... !'r BL.JEB~,"lE r: "U '%' BiUJEG<i:LLE o :z c-.; -<r o c: "" ~ :r ~.-.... ~ ... Cl IT: "" . "" CAMEt..LIA WAY ST. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION if PEACEHEAL TH - SPRINGFIELD MAIN OFFICE BUILDING , i: ~(DRAFI')TRAFFIC IMP ACT ANAL YSISSCOPE OF WORK ~ STUDY-AREA W.., (,;) ~ '" }n ~D' .C~ ST. ~ 138W"'R 57 'S'Sf ti .~9TH 'A'. ST. (ll :r: i- ll) ",. CAMELLIA ST. ~ "'" ~-:p,~,~';l, ~ Iraffi~ REGION Z TIIeH CENTER :~~~~;;~~;;~_H~:::::::s.Wi~on'~_.:I.FIGURE 1. ~ '" .J ,;., ,. ',,. .~~ E N GIN E E R' PROJECT MANA'GE Appendix B Traffic Counts .-~-.. -_.~.._--^~.._.__..- -'-- PLANNERS -="",,",==== ., ~:'.':.'" ) '. , .....' .....,;,.. . " .. .~ 42nd and Ma;n Street Springfield, Oregon 11/15/2006 Street Name 42nd-From North MAIN--From East 42nd--From South MAIN--From West Start Time Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left Peds 6:30 AM 16 16 17 0 60 71 1 0 8 74 24 1 13 36 34 3' 6:45 AM 16 20 20 0 48 111 5 3 6 67 25 0 9 44 24 2 7:00 AM 11 18 31 0 31 66 4 2 3 77 25 0 12 39 28 1 7:15AM 29 33 25 0 28 95 8 0 2 74 30 0 8 44 18 0 7:30 AM 18 24 34 2 35 . 116 7 2 4 99 36 0 9 47 23 1 7:45 AM 21 46 43 0 35 123 10 0 5 84 47 1 '5 59 28 1 8:00 AM 28 30 27 1 30 107 8 0 17 68 40 0 8 58 31 1 8:15AM 23 25 32 1 41 119 11 3 11 60 27 1 20 83 32 0 8:30 AM 25 23 30 1 27 101 13 0 11 75 39 0 14 89 34 2 8:45 AM 35 24 45 0 31 103 8 0 11 49 26 1 ' 18 81 19 1 9:00 AM 16 21 33 1 23 128 19 0 13 42 31 0 13 '81 20 1 9:15AM 31 45 51 0 28 105 18 1 10 43 34 2 15 83 25 3 9:30 AM 30 22 28 0 27 129 21 1 12 66 29 0 16 85 28 2 3:30 PM 34 66 56 0 49 159 28 0 8 56 36 0 24 149 36 0 3:45 PM 49 84 63 0 41 131 21 0 14 47 34 0 31 149 34 0 4:00 PM' 54 58 60 0 42 . 106 15 0 14 44 21 0 .24 .155 33 0 4:15 PM 60 87 81 0 43 91 20 0 14 52 36 0 25 157 29 0 4:30 PM 43 75 53 0 36 127 24 0 12 40 36 0 26 186 46 .0 4:45 PM 40 74 62 0 34 94 27 0 8 66 27 0 23 159 37 0 5:00 PM 46 71 57 0 59 114 29 0 13 53 34 0 25 184 29 0 5:15 PM 49 86 74 0 32 114 17 0 14 60 31 0 37 149 30 0 5:30 PM 35 73 65 0 50 98 14 0 14 72 23 0 25 156 44 0 5:45 PM 46 80 65 0 32 119 22 0 7 41 25 0 29 136 36 0 6:00 PM 43 62 61 0 28 86 14 0 12 32 29 0 17 119 33 0 6:15 PM 41 67 52 0 33 102 21 0 11 44 19 0 22 122 26 0 :., ._.i ;~,'k____ 48nd and Main Street Springfield, Oregon 11/15/2006 Street Name 48TH.-From North MAIN-~From East 48TH-From South MAIN-From West Start Time Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left Peds 6:30 AM 8 1 0 0 4 100 1 0 0 7 15 0 1 34 22 0 6:45AM 7 1. 0 0 2 100 1 0 2 4 10 0 0 41 13 0 7:00 AM 7 0 1 0 .0 99 2 0 2 7 9 1 2 44 6 0 7:15AM 17 1 0 2 0 116 2 1 0 10 11 0 4 52 6 1 7:30 AM 10 0 0 0 2 120 1 1 0 6 13 0 5 57 6 1 7:45 AM 10 1 3 0 2 156 1 0 1 2 12 0 .4 71 2 0 8:00 AM 11 0 1 2. 0 116 9 0 2 2 9 0 5 76 7 1 8:15 AM 12 0 2 0 0 124 0 1 0 7 14 0 8 115 11 0 8:30 AM 13 1 1 0 1 112 2 0 2 6 9 0 7 93 7 1 , 8:45AM 12 0 1 0 0 105 ,0 0 2 3 6 0 2 81 4 1 9:00 AM 10 0 0 1 1 162 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 111 11 1 9:15 AM 13 3 0 1 1 142 1 1 3 3 5 0 2 116 8 0 3:30 PM . 34 4 1 0 3 140 5 0 0 2 13 0 11 180 10 2 3:45 PM 18 5 4 0 3 163 3 6 2 1 1 0 12 160 24 1 4:00 PM 14 3 3 0 0 130 3 0 0 2 5 1 10 175 13 ' 2 4:15 PM 14 '2 3 0 1 119 5 0 4 4 4 1 12 222 16 3 4:30 PM 11 0 2 .0 3 165 2 1 3 4 9 0 19 225 12 0 4:45 PM 11 2 3 0 0 110 4 1 2 0 5 0 18 240 3 1 5:00 PM 16 2 3 2 2 148 2 0 3 2 10 0 17 223 10 3 5:15 PM 21 5 6 0 0 110 5 0 1 0 7 0 26 213 5 2 5:30 PM 13 3 0 0 1 120 3 1 0 1 14 0 22 216 9 1 5:45 PM 7 4 1 1 1 148 5 1 2 . 3 9 0 18 189 8 2 6:00 PM .6 3 1 0 0 90 1 0 0 2 11 0 6 175 10 3 6:'15'PM 6 8 1 0 2 123 2 0 0 1 8 0 4 160 9 0 6:30 PM 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 0 0 -, ", ::-.....:.:,:.J '. ....;; .':':' JRH Transportation Engiriering 4765 Village Plaza Loop, Suite 201 (541) 687-1081 File Name : 44THAN-2 Site Code : 00000000 Start Date : 1/30/2007 Page No : 1 Grouos Printed. Unshifted 44TH MAIN . F rom North From West Start Time Right I Thru I .. Left 1 Peds I App. App, Right App, Right I Thru I Left I Peds I App, Int.'.I' Tntal Total TofJ:l1 Total Total Factor 1.0 I 1.0 1.0 I 1.0 . 1,0 1.0 1.0 1,0 1.0 1,0 06:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 76 78 1 10 0 31 0 0 31 119 06:15 AM 1 0 0 0 1 107 109 1 7 3 42 0 0 45 162 06:30 AM 0 0 O. 0 0 127 127 0 7 2 50 0 0 52 186 06:45 AM 0 0 ,0 0 n 116 117 n 4 0 53 1 0 54 175 Total 1 0 0 0 n 426 431 2 28 5 176 1 0 182 642 07:00 AM 1 0 0 0 1 0 120 0 0 120 2 0 6 0, 8 1 49 3 0 53 182 07:15AM 0 0 0 .0 0 0 159 2 0 161 2 0 14 0 16 2 63 0 0 65 242 07:30 AM 2 0 0 0 2 0 180 1 0 181 1 0 8 0 9 1 85 0 0 86 278 07:45 AM 0 0 1 0 1 0 183 2 0 185 0 0 2 0 2 6 99 1 0 106 294 Total 3 0 1 0 4 0 642 5 0 647 5 0 30 0 35 10 296 4 0 3101 996 08:00 AM 2 0 1 0 3 0 137 0 0 137 1 0 8 0 9 3 118 0 0 121 270 08:15 AM 2 0 0 0 2 0 162 1 0 163 0 0 5 0 5 4' 121 2 0 127 297 08:30 AM 0 0 1 0 1 0 145 3 .0 148 1 0 8 0 9 5 91 0 0 96 254 08:45AM 1 0 0 0 1 2 141 '1 0 144 0 0 1 0 1 3 99 1 0 103 249 Total 5 0 2 0 7 2 585 5 0 592 2 0 22 0 241 15 429 3 0 447 1070 Grand Total 9 0 3 0 121 4 1653 12 1 1670 I 9 0 78 0 871 30 901 '8 0 9391 2708 Apprch % 75,0 0.0 25.0 0,0 0,2 99.0 0.7 0.1 10.3 0,0 89.7 0.0 3,2 96.0 0,9 0.0 Total % 0.3 0,0 0,1 0,0 0.4 0.1 61.0 0.4 0,0 61.7 0.3 0.9 2.9 0,0 3.2 1.1 33,3 0.3 0,0 ' 34,7 . ..' " .- , '. ~~ .~:. JRH Transportation Enginering 4765 Village Plaza Loop, Suite 201 : 46THAN-2 . (541) 687-1081 File Name Site Code : 00000000 Start Date 1/30/2007 Page No ' 1 Grouos PrJnted. Unshifted 46TH MAIN 46TH MAIN From Nnrth From East I=rom South From West Right I Thru I Left I Peds I APP.~tl Left I Peds I App, Thrul . Peds I App, Int I Stati Time Thru Right I Left I T()tal Ig Tnt",,1 Total Total Factor I 1.0 I 1,0 I 1,0 1,0 1,0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 I 06:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 76 3 0 4 3 26 0 0 29 109 06:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 98 100 8 0 10 1 44 0 0 45 155 06:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 119 119 8 0 9 0 53 0 0 53 181 06:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 .n 11~ 113 4 0 5 1 52 0 0 53 171 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 406 408 23' 0 28 5 175 0 0 1801 616 07:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 114 1 0 115 0 0 5 0 5' 1 46 0 0 47 167 07:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 156 1 0 157 4 0 S 0 9 2 64 0 0 66 232 07:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 178 . 3 0 181 1 0 5 0 6 3 80 0 0 83 270 07:45 AM 0 0 0 0 0 n 177 ? n 179 1 0 8 0 9 4 97 0 0 101 289 Total 0 0 0 0 01 ----0 62g--- 7 d 6321 6 0 23 0 291 10 287 0 0 2971 958 08:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 131 1 0 132 0 0 5 0 5 2 112 0 0 114 251 08:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 4 0 154 6 0 6 0 12 5 118 0 0 123 289 08:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 138 2 .0 140 3 0 8 0 11 3 88 . 0 0 91 242 08:45 AM 0 0 0 n n n 1'=1.7 n n 1'=1.7 4, 0, {' n '0 ? QR n 0 100 247 Total 0 0 0 0 5 5 556 7' 5 563 13 0 25 5 381 12 416 b 0 428 1029 Grand Total 0 0 0 0 0,: 1 0 1587 16 0 16031 24 0 71 0 951 27 878 0 0 9051 2603 Apprch % 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.0 1,0 0.0 25.3 0.0 74.7 0.0 3,0 97,0 0.0 0.0 Total % 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 61,0 0.6 0.0 61,6 0,9 0,0 2.7 0.0 3.6 1.0 33.7 0.0 0,0 34.8 ,~ ,..... ~-) .,' i',i, ' -., , . !Y:. "; .~.':... " - --_..__._~._- -= EN GIN E E~'P RO IE CT MANAGE Appendix C Crash Data ._""._-~~ - ~._'_.~---~--- T PLANNERS .:...~ '0 aJS~110 12/1/2006 OREGON Dl::PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT DIVISION PAGE: TRANSPORTATION DATA SECTION - CRASH ANALYSIS AND REPORTING UN!! CONTINUOUS SYSTEM CRASH LISTING 015 MCKENZIE Ma:Ln Street at 48th Street in Springfield 1-1-2001 through 12-31-2005 , " , , , W CLASS INT-TY!' SPCL USE E 1'1 U C 0 DATE COUNTY COMPNT CONN ~ RD CHAR ,(MEDIAN) INT-REL OFTRD HTHR CRASH TYP TRLR OTY MOVE , , SER~ E L G Ii R DAY CITY MLG TYE' FIRST STREET DIRECT LEGS TRAF- RNDST SURF CaLL TYP OWNER FROM PRTC WO 0 , LICNS ,CO INVEST DC S L I( TIM!); URBAN AREA. MILEPNT SECOND STREET LOCTN ltLANES) CNTL OOVWY LIGHT SVRTY V. VEH TYPP m " TYPE SVTl1'Y , x m LaC' ERROR ACTN EVENT CAUSE 01410 W'" 03122/2003 L>N' " INTER ]-LEG W , RAW nx "0 " NONE 0 TURN-R 040,053 " CITY '"' SPRINGl'"IELD 00 MAIN ST , UNKNOWN W "" nx PRVTE . , 0" 04U,053 " 1211. EUGN-SPR UA 5.B 4BTH ST " " W OLIT "," PSNGR CAR " ORVR NONE 21 H OR-I' 047,UBl on " OR<25 OJH5 ww W 09/27/2004 LANE " INTER ]-Lt:G W W eLl< ANGL-OTH " NONt: TURN-L " ; NONE Hoo SPRINGFIELD 00 M1IINST ow UNKNOWN W OOY TURN PRVTE , W 0" " " EUGN-SPR UA 5.29 48THST " " W CUSK '00 PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE " , OR-'l "" 0" " OR<25 02 NONE STRGHT PRVTE , W 0" " PSNGR CAR' Ol DRVR NONE " , OR-'l "'0 ""' "' OR<25 U3962 WW N 10126/2005 LANE " INTER CROSS W N OLR A:NGL-OTl:l 01 NONE STRGHT " CITY Wed SPRINGfIELD 00 MAIN ST OW STOP SIGN N ORY >NOL PRVTE , W 0" " l'OP EUGN-SPR UA 5.29 4BTHST Ol 99 N DLIT <NO PSNGR CAR Ol cava INJC " M OR-I' 0" 000 00 OR<25 02 PSNG INJC " H OCO 000 " " NONt: 0 STRGHT PRVTE N , '" " PSNGR CAR " ORVR INJB U , OR-I' 028 000 " OR<25 " PSHG INJB U H coo 0" " O153b N N N N N 04/02/2002 LANE " INTER ]-LEG W W OLR 0-ITURN 01 NONE 0 STRGHT " CITY Toe SPRINGF'IELD 00 Hm 'T OW UNKNOWN W 0", TURN PRVTE , W COO " EUGN-SPR llA 5.29 4BTH 5T 02 W ORY <NO PSNGR CAR 01 CRVR INJB 24 H OR-,( 000 OR<25 02 NONE 0 TURN-L PRVTE . N ",0 PSNGR CAR 01 CRVR. NONE " H OTH-'l 004 " N-RES 04144 NNNNN 08/16/2002 LANE " INTER CROSS W W OLR I'.NGL-QTH 01 NONE 0 STRGHT " NONE F'ri SPRINGFIELD 00 H.m 'T OW STOP SIGN W OR' ANCL PRVTE , W 0" " EUGN-SPR UA 5.29 48TH 5T " N OAY '00 PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE U H OR-'( 000 OR<25 02 NONE 0 STRGllT PRVTE , W '" PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE " H OR-I' ule " OR<25 04~31 WW N 10/0112003 LANE " INTER ]-LEG W W OLl< II.NGL~OTH Ol NONE 0 STRGHT 02 NONE Wed SPRINGFIELD 00 MAIN ST OW UNKNOWN W OR' T~ PRVTE , W 000 00 " EUGN-SPR UA 5.:<9 48TH ST 02 " W OR' POO PSNGR CAR 01 cava NONE " H OR-,,{ "'0 "'0 00 OR<25 .. .~c.., . ~ , .:_",.:.J obsjao 12/1/2006 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - TRANSPORTATION DEVELOP:>lENT DIVISION PAGE: TRANSPORTATlON DATA SECTION . CRASH ANALYSIS AND REPORTING UIHT CONTINUOUS SYSTE..'1 CRASH LISTlNG UlS )lCH.ENZU; Main Sl:reet ., 4Btb'Street ,. springfield I-I-lOOI through 12-31-2005 , 0 , " . CLASS INT-TYP SpCL USE E A U C 0 DATE COUNTY COMPNT CONN , RD CHAR (MEDIAN) INT""REL OFFRD WTHR CRA.5HTYP l'RLR OTY "O~ . , SERf E L G'1l R 0" CITY MLG TYP FIRST STREET DIRECT LEGS TRAF- RNDBT SURF COLL TYP OWNER FROM PRTe WJ G , LIeNS '" INVEST Dc 5 L K TIME URBAN .",. MILEPNT SECOND STREET LOCTN ltLANESI CNTL DRVIN LIGHT SVRTY V. VEHTYPE '0 " TYPE SVRTY , , '" LOG ERROR ACTN ,EVENT CAUSE -, " NONE TURN-L PRVTE . , eo, 00 PSNGR eM " DRVR NONE " , OR-V 0:.111 ,eo " OR<l5 034~Y . "" 10/03/2004 LANE " INTER ]-LEG . , GLR O-lTURN " NONE 0 STRGHT 02 :t NONE 5,. SPRINGFIELD " " MAW " " lJNKNOWN , OR< TU'" PRVTE W , 0" " "^ EUGN-S'PR VA 5.29 48TH " U3 99 , 0" '00 PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE '1 " OR-Y 000 000 00 OR<:.!5 " NONE 0 TURN-L PRVTE , 5 '"0 '" PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE " , OR-\: UO< 000 " OR<25 Ub4:.!4 N N N N N 12/07/2002 LANE l' INTER J':.LEG , , GCR MJGL-OTH 01 NONE 0 SIRGHT " NONE 5", SPRINGfIELD 0 0 MAW " G" UNKNOWN , OR< "'" PRVTE . E '" 3P EUGN-SPR UA 5.29 48TH " 0< . 0" '00 PSNGR CA.R 01 DRVR NONE " , OR-\: 000 OR<25 " NONE 0 TURN-L PRVTE 5 . 000 PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE 22 , OR-Y. U28 " OR<25 ", --"',~...'~.. ~~ ... ._'..~ ";.",,,,-~.....<" abS3ao L2IL12006 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRI\NSPORTATION - TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT DIVISION PAGE: TRANSPORTATION DATA SECTION - CRASH AN1I.L'iSIS AND REPORTING UNIT CONTINUOUS SYSTEM CRASH LISTING OL5 MCKENZIE Main Street at 42th Street in SpringfieLd 1-1-2001 through 12-3L-2005 , 0 , ., . CLASS INT-TYP SPCLUSE E A U C 0 DATE COUNTY COMPNT CONN' ~ RD CHAR (MEDIAN) INT-Rl';L OFFRD WTHR CRASH TYP TRLR QTY "''''' , , SER' H' W R "y _ CITY MLG TYP FIRST STREET DIRECT LEGS TRAF- RNDBT SURF COLL TYP OWNER "0" PRTC "J , , LICNS ,eo INVEST 0" L R TIME URBAN 'RE' MTT.1;;PNT SECOND STREET LOCTN (tLANESI CNTL DRVWY LIGHT SVRTY " VEH TYPE TO " TYPE SVRTY , , RE' Loo ERROR ACTN EVENT CAUSE UUUS " M 01/2S/2003 LANE " INTER CROSS M M """ ,eo 01 NONE , TURN-L " NONE '-, SPRINGFIELD , , """ " M UNKNOWN M ." ,eo PRVTE . M '"' " " EUGN-SPR UA 4.61 42ND " OS " M DLIT "J PSNGR CAR 01 "VR NONE " " OR-Y '" '" " OR<2S STRGHT 01 ,eo INJC " , 01 '" 034 " , . U6268 N N N N N 11/16/2001 LANE " INTER CROSS M M """ S-ISTOP 01 NONE , STRGHT 01 NONE 'd SPRINGFIELD " """ " M UNKNOWN ." REAR PRVTE M , ", 01 M " EUGN-SPR U1\ 4,61 42ND " A' M DLIT '"0 PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE 21 M OR-Y 026 01 OR<25 02 NONE 0 STOP PRVTE M , '" PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE " " OR-Y ", OR>25 UUIU2 N N N N N 01/0a/2001 LANE " INTER CROSS M 'LR S-lSTOP "' NONE STRGHT 01 M NONE Moo SPRINGFIELD , , """ " , UNKNOWN PR< REAR PRVTE , W ''" 01 M 3' EUGN-SPR UA 4,61 42ND " 06 M PAY "'0 PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE 59 " OR-I' 026 01 OR<25 .02 NONE STOP PRVTE , W on PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE " , OR-Y "'" OR<25 U11U9 N N N N N 0<1/06/2001 L~' " INTER CROSS M M RA" S-ISTOP 01 NONE , STRGHT 01 CIT\' 'd SPRINGFIELD , , MAIN ST , UNKNOWN ."' REAR PRVTE , W "" "' M " EUGN-SPR UA 4.61 42NDST "' M OAY "J PSNGR CAR 01 DR\lR NONE n " OR-Y 026 01 OR<25 02 NONE , STOP PRVTE , . "" PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR INJC " , OR,.\, '"' OR<25 019U1 NNNNN 04/25/2002 LANE " INTER CROSS M M 'LR S-ISTOP 01 NONE , STRGHT 01 NON!': Tho SPRINGFIELD " , """ " , UNKNOWN 'DRY REAR PRVTE , M A'" 01 M " EUGN-SPR U1\ 4.61 42ND " 06 '" POO PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE 32 , OR-Y '" "' M OR<25 02 NONE STOP PRVTE , M A" PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE 31 , OR-\' '"' OR<25 05558 Y N N,N N 10/29/2002 LANE " INTER CROSS W 'Le S';'ISTOP 01 NONE , STRGHT 01 M NONE 'u. SPRINGFIELD , , MAIN ST , UNKNOWN OR< ~AR PRVTE , M 01 M " EUGN-SPR UA 4.61 42ND ST 06 DUSK POO PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE 26 " OR-Y A'" 01 M OR<25 ,~ GDSJl:lO 12/1/2006 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT DIVISION PAGE: TRANSPORTATION DATA SECTION - CRASH ANALYSIS AND REPORTING UNIT CONTINUOUS SYSTEM CRASH LISTING 015/iCKENZIE Main Street at 42th'Street in Springfield 1-1-2001 through 12-31-2005 S 0 , . S W CLASS INT-TYP 5PCL USE E A U C 0 DATE COUNTY COHPNT CONN j! RD CHAR (MEOIANI INT-REL OFFRD WTHR CRASH TYP TRLR OTY "0"" , SERlI E L G H R 0"' CITY HLG TYP FlRST STREET DIRECT LEGS TRAF- RNDBT """ COLL TYP OWNER FROH PRTC '" G LICNS '" INVEST OCSLK TIME llRBAN MEA r>lILEPNT SECOND STRFE'I' lnCTN ('LANESl CNTL 0'''''' LIGHT SVRT'! YO VEH TtPE TO " TYPE SVRTY , '" we ERROR ACTti EVENT CAUSE UU4Y? W W R RR 01131/2001 LANE " INTER CROSS R CL' S-lSTOP. "' NONE 0 STRGHT 01 R NO RPT w.o SPRINGFIELD 0 0 MAIN ST W UNKNOWN R 0"' ."'" PRVTE W , ,"0 01 " EllGN-SPR UA 4,61 42NDST " R DUSK '00 PSNGR CAR 01 ORVR NONE n " OR-Y Ol6 "' OR<lS 02 NONE o .STOP PRVTE W , OU PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE '" " OR-Y '"0 OR<25 OlJ55 N N N N N OS/OG/2001 LANE " INTER CROSS R R CL' S-lSTQP 01 NONE STRGHT "' NONE S"" SPRINGFIELD 0 0 MAIN ST , UNKNO\IlN R DR> REAR PRVTE , C 0," "' " EUGN-S,PR VA 4.61 42ND ST 06 R '" '00 PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE " " OR-Y Ol6 "' OR<25 02 NONE STOP PRVTE , , OU PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE J6 M OR-Y '"0 OR<25 0676? N N N N N 12111/2001 LANE " INTER CROSS R R .m S-lSTOP 01 NONE STRGHT "' CIT'I' T"" SPRINGFIELD 00 MAW ST , UN,KNOWN R '" ReAR PRVTE , C "'" 01 " EUGN-SPR VA 4.61 42ND " 06 R DUSK '" PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE '" 0 OM' 026 01 0" 02 NONE 0 STOP PRVTE W , ou PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR INJC " , OR-Y 000 OR<25 01206 N N N N N OJ/1J/20Cl2 LAR' " INTER CROSS R " RAW S-lSTOP "' NONE 0 STRGHT 013 "' CITY "d SPRINGFIELD 00 MAINS! , UNKNOWN R "" REAR PRVTE W C 0'" 01 " EUGN:'SPR UA 4.61 42ND ST 06 R OR> '00 PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE " , OR-Y 02' "' OR<25 02 NONE STOP PRVTE , C OU PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE " , OR-l' 000 OR<25 OJ NONE 0 STOP .PRVTE , C OU PSNGR;,CAR 01 DRVR NONE '" 0 0" '"0 ORK 004111 R" 01123/2003 LANE " INTER CROSS " R RAW S-15TOP "' NONE 0 STRGHT "' NONE Yh" SPRINGFIELD 00 MAW ST W llNKNOWN R WCT RERR PRVTE W C 0'" '" " EUGN-SPR UA 4.61 42ND " 06 99 R OAY "'" PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE 00 , OR-Y 026 0'" "' OR<25 02. NONE STOP PRVTE , , OU '" PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE " , OR-Y 000 000 '" OR<l5 ",,<~-'" ,-'. ,., ~ ,_.~"", ".'--', ~-'---~,'':'' . - ......., ..,~~ ......0 c;bs)~o 12/1/2006 OREGON DEPAATMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT DIVISION PAGE: TRANSPORTATION DATA SECTION - CRASH ANALYSIS AND REPORTING UNIT CONI'lNUOUS SYSTEM CRASH LISTING U15 MCKENZIE Main Stl'eet at 42th Str'e"t In Springfield 1-1-2001 through 12-31-~005 , , , " N CLASS INT-TYP SPCLUSE E A U C 0 DATE COUNTY COMPNT CONN ~ RD CHAR (MEDIAN) INT-REL OH'RD WTHR CRASH TYP TRLR QTY "VB A , SER~ E L G H R '" CITY MLG TYP FIRST STREET DIRECT LEGS TRAF- RNDBT SURF COLL TYP OWNER "'OM PRTC 'NJ G , LICNS '" INVEST DeS L K TIME URBI\,N AREA MILEPNT SECOND STREET LOCTN ('LANESI CNTL DRVWY LIGHT SVRTY V. VEH TYPE " " TYPE SVRTY , , '" LOC ERROR ACTN EVENT CAUSE " NONE. 0 STOP PRVTE , , on "" PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR INJC " , OR-Y 000 000 00 DR<25 U1I:106 'NN OS/2712005 LANE " INTER CROSS , , CCR ANGL-OTH " NONE 0 STRGHT " NONE E"ri SPRINGFIELD 0 0 MAIN ST CN UNKNOWN '" I\NGL PRVTE . , 000 00 , '" EUGN-SPR OA 4.61 42NDST 04 99 , DAY. '00 PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE " , OR-Y 028 000 " OR<25 02 NONE STRGHT PRVTE , N 000 00 PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE ,. , OR-Y 000 000 00 OR<25 U4142 N N N 11/08/2005 """ 14 INTER CROSS , CCR 0-ITllRN 01 NONE 0 STRGHT " N NONE T"" SPRINGFIELD 00 MAIN ST ON UNKNOWN 'R< TURN PRVTE , N 000 00 N 12P EUGN-,5PR UA. 4.61 42ND ST 04 ~99 '" ;NJ PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE " , OR-Y 000 000 00 N OR<25 02 NONE 0 TURN-L PRVIE N E 000 00 PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR INJC- 37..M OR-Y 00< 000 " OR<:<5 , CPSJ80 1211/2006 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, CANE COUNTY , 0 , , , W E ^ 0 C 0 DATE CLASS CITY STREET SERII , C G " , '^, DIST FIRST STREET INVEST 0 C , C K TIME rnO!-l SEcnND'STflFP1' ---. 05432 " " " N N 10/21/2002 ,. MAIN " NONE ~on 42ND " " . OREGON DEP1\RTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT DIVISION TRANSPORTATION DATA SECTION - CRASH ANALtSIS AND REPORTING UNIT URBAN NON-SYSTEM CRASH. LISTING Main Street at 42th Street in Springfield 1-1-2001 through 12-31-2005 PAGE: 1 INT-TYP SPCL "" RD CHAR (MEDIAJoI) INT-REL OFF-RD WTHR CRASH TYP TRLR QTY MOVS ^ , DIRECT LEGS TRAF- ?NDBT ,"RF COLL TYP OWNER FROM PRTC W, G E LICNS "0 LOcTN CONTL DRVWY LIGHT SVRTY V. VEH TYPE " " TYPE SVR'l"Y , , ,., we ERROR ACTN EVENT CAUSE ('LANES) " NONE STRGHT 01 INTER CROSS N , '"' S-lSTOP 000 01 S TRF SIGNAL " "" REM PRVT!': , " '" ,PSNGR CAR 01 DRVR NONE " M OR-Y 026 aJ~ 01 "' " O^' OR<25 " NONE STOP PRVTE , " OB PSNGR CAR 01 now INJC 54 F OR-Y '00 OR<l5 ACTION ~OO~ 000 001 002 '003 006 007 '008 009 010 011 012 013 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 .038 039 0<0 041 042 043 044 0<5 050 051 088 099 .... .....: ,-,. ,""'~ ~,.~_., ACTION CODE TRANSLATION LIST SRORT OI1:!'lr.t:lIP'J'TOlil NONE SKIDDED ON/OFF V LOAD OVR SLOW DN AVOIDING PAR PARl< .ANG . PARK INTERFERE STOPPED ...-' STP/L TRN STP TURN GO A/STOP TRN A/RED LOSTCTRL EXIT DWY ENTR DWY STR ENTR NO DRVR PREY COL STALLED DRVR DEAD FATIGUE SUN HDLGHTS ILLNESS THRU MED PURSUIT PASSING PRKOFFRD CROS MED lI. N/SGNl.. X W/ SGNL DIAGONAL BTWN INT DISTRACT W/TRAF-S A/TRAF-S W/TRAF-P AlTRAF- P PLAYINRD PUSH MV WORK ON LAY ON RD ENT OFFRD OTHER ONK LONG DESCRIPTION NO ACTION OR NON-WARRANTED SKIDDED GETTING ON OR OFF STOPPED OR PARKED VEHICLE OVERHAN~ING LOAD STRUCK ANOTHER VEHICLE, ETC. SLOWED DOWN AVOIDING MANEUVER PARALLEL PARKING ANGLE PARKING PASSENGER INTERFERING WITH DRIVER STOPPED IN TRAFFIC NOT WAITING TO MAKE A LEFT TURN STOpPED BECAUSE OF LEFT TURN SIG~AL OR WAITING, ETC. STOPPED WHILE EXECUTING A TURN PROCEED AFTER STOPPING FOR A STOP SIGN/FLASHING RED. TURNED ON RED AFTER STOPPING LOST CONTROL OF' VEHICLE ENTERING STREET OR HIGHWAY FROM ENTERING ALLEY OR DRIVEWAY FROM BEFORE ENTERING ROADWAY, STRUCK CAR RAN AWAY - NO DRIVER STRUCK, OR WAS STRUCK BY, VEHICLE OR PEDESTRIAN IN PRIOR COLLISION BEFORE ACC. STABILIZED VEHICLE STALLED DEAD BY UNASSOCIATED CAUSE FATIGUED, SLEEPY, ASLEEP DRIVER BLINDED BY SUN DRIVER BLINDED BY HEADLI~HTS PHYSICALLY ILL VEHICLE CROSSED, PLUNGED OVER, OR THROUGH MEDIAN BARRIER PURSUING OR ATTEMPTING TO STOP ANOTHER VEHICLE PASSING SITUATION VEHICLE PARKED BEYOND CURB OR SHOULDER VEHICLE CROSSED EARTH OR GRASS MEDIAN CROSSING AT INTERSECTION NO TRAFFIC SIGNAL PRESENT CROSSING AT INTERSECTION - TRAFFIC SIGNAL PRESENT CROSSING AT INTERSECTION - DIAGONALLY CROSSING BETWEEN INTERSECTIONS DR~VER'S ATTENTION DISTRACTED WALKING, RUNNING, RIDING, ETC. WALKING, RUNNING, RIDING, ETC. WALKING, RUNNING, RIDING, ETC. ~ALKING, RUNNING, RIDING, ETC. PLAYING IN STREET OR ROAD PUSHING OR WORKING ON VEHICLE IN ROAD OR ON SHOULDER WORKING IN ROADWAY OR ALONG SHOULDER STANDING OR LYING IN ROADWAY ENTERING / 'STARTING IN TRAFFIC LANE FROM OFF-ROAD OTHER ACTION UNKNOWN ACTION ALLEY OR DRIVEWAY STREET OR HIGHWAY PEDESTRIAN, ETC. ON SIDEWALK OR SHOULDER . ON SHOULDER ON SHOULDER ON-PAVEMENT ON PAVEMENT WITH TRAFFIC FACING TRAFFIC WITH TRAFFIC FACING TRAFFIC " , ."...'..... ... ~'. ....~....'~- CAUSE CODE TRANSLATION LIST CAUSE SHORT CODE DESCRIPTION 00 NO CODE 01 TOO- FAST 02 NO-YIELD 03 PAS-STOP 04 DIS--RAG 05 LEFT-CTR 06 IMP-OVER " TOO-CLOS 08 IMP-TURN 09 DRINKING 10 OTHR...,IMP 11 MECH-DEF 12 OTHER 13 IMP LN C 14 OIS TCD 15 WRNG WAY. 16 !'ATIGUE 18 IN RDWY 19 NT VISBL 20 IMP PKNG 21 DEF STER 22 DEF BRI~E 24 LOADSHFT 25 TIREFAIL 26 PHANTOM 27 INATTENT 30 SPEED 31 RACING 32 CARELESS 33 RECKLESS 34 AGGRESV 35 RD RAGE ,,' COLLISION TYPE CODE TRANSLATION LIST COLL SHORT t:'on~ n1?~"".J;lIP'l'TnN LONG DESCRIPTION OTH MISCELLANEOUS POSTED SP BACK BACKING 0 'EO PEDESTRIAN 1 ANGL ANGLE 2 HEAD HEAD-ON 3 REAR REAR-END 4 SS-M SIDESWIPE - MEETING 5 SS-O SID~SWIPE - OVERTAKING 6 TURN TURNING MOVEMENT 7 PARK PARKI~G MANEUVER 8 NCOL NON-COLLISION 9 FIX FIXED OBJECT OR OTHER OBJECT LONG DESCRIPTION NO CAUSE A?SOCIATED AT THIS LEVEL TOO FAST F9R CONDITIONS (NOT EXCEED DID NOT YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY PASSED STOP SIGN OR RED FLASHER DISREGARDED R-A-G TRAFFIC; SIGNAL. D~OVE LEFT OF CENTER ON TWO-WAY ROAO IMPROPER OVERTAKING FOLLOWED TOO CLOSELY MADE IMPROPER TURN ALCOHOL OR DRUG INVOLVED OTHER IMPROPER DRIVING MECHANICAL DEFECT OTHER (NOT IMPROPER DRIVING) IMPROPER CHANGE OF TRAFFIC LANES DISREGARDED OTHER TRAFFIC~ONTROL DEVICE WRONG WAY ON ONE~WAY ROADWAY DRIVER DROWSY./FATIGUED/SLEEPY NON-MOTORIST ILLEGALLY IN ROADWAY NON-MOTORIST CLOTHING NOT VISIBLE VEHICLE IMPROPERLY PARKED DEFECTIVE STEERING MECHANISM INADtQUATE OR NO BRAKES VEHICLE LOST LOAD OR LOAD SHIFTED TIRE FAILURE PHANTOM / NON-CONTACT VEHICLE INATTENTION DRIVING IN EXCESS OF POSTED SPEED SPEED RACING (PER PAR) CARELESS DRIVING (CITATION ISSUED) RECKLESS DRIVING (CITATION ISSUEO) AGGRESSIV~ DRIVlNG (PER PAR) ROAD RAGE (PER PAR} """'H TYPE SRORT DESCRIPTION CRASH TYPE CODE TRANSLATION LIST LONG DESCRIPTION o 1 2 3 . 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J OVERTURN NON-CaLL 'OTH RDWY PRKD MV 'ED TRAIN BIKE ANIMAL FIX OBJ OTH OBJ ANGL-STP ANGL-OTH S-STRGHT S-ITURN S-ISTOP S-OTHER O-STRGHT O-lTURN O-lSTOP O-OTHER OVERTURNED OTHER NON...,COLLISION MOTOR VEHICLE ON OTHER ROADWAY PARKED MOTOR VEHICLE PEDESTRIAN RAILWAY TRAIN PEDALCYCLIST ANIMAL FIXED OBJECT OTHER OBJECT ENTERING AT ANGLE ONE VEHICLE STOPPED ENTERING AT ANGLE ALL OTHERS FROM SAME DIRECTION BOTH GOING STRAIGHT FROM SAME DIRECTION - ONE TURN, ONE STRAIGHT FROM SAME DIRECTION - ONE STOPPED FROM SAME DIRECTION-ALL OTHERS, INCLUDING PARKING FROM OPPOSITE DIRECTION BOTH GOING STRAIGHT FROM OPPOSITE DIRECTION - ONE TURN, ONE STRAIGHT FROM OPPOSITE DIRECTION - ONE STOPPED FROM OPPOSITE DIRECTION-ALL OTHERS INCL. PARKING LIe _("01"111: o 1 2 3 ',-.'-"'.- -.--.. SHORT OF.!l(" DRIVER LICENSE COD~ T~SLAT~ON LIST DRIVER RESIDENCE CODE TRANSLATION LIST NONE OR-Y OTH-Y SUSP LONG DESCRIPTION NOT LICENSED (HAD NEVER BEEN LICENSED) VALID OREGON LICENSE VALID LICENSE, OTHER STATE OR COUNTRY SUSPENDED/REVOKED t"''''"", "",,,,,..,,...,,"'T"~' ERBeR COpE TRANSLATION LIST ERROR SHORT 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 NONE WIDE TRN CUT CORN FAIL TRN L IN TRF L PROHIB FRM WRNG TO WRONG I LLEG U IMP STOP IMP SIG IMP BACK IMP PARK UNPARK IMP STRT IMP LGHT INATTENT UNSF VEH OTH PARK DIS DRIV DIS SGNL RAN STOP DIS SIGN DIS OFCR DIS EMER DIS RR REAR-END BIKE ROW NO ROW PEO ROW PAS CURV PAS WRNG PAS TANG PAS X-WK PAS INTR PAS HILL N/PAS ZN PAS TRAF CUT-IN WRNGSIDE THRU MED FIST BUS "'" ("om:: SHORT DJ;:!'C' LONG DESCRIPTION OREGON RESIDENT WITHIN 25 MILE OF HOME OREGON RESIDENT' 25 OR MORE MILES FROM HOME OREGON RESIDENT - UNKNOWN DISTANCE FROM HOME NON-RESIDENT UNKNOWN IF OREGON RESIDENT roLL DESCRIPTION NO ERROR WIDE TURN CUT CORNER ON TURN FAILED TO OBEY MANDATORY TRAFFIC TURN SIGNAL. SIGN OR LANE MARKINGS L~FT TURN IN FRONT OF ONCOMING TRAFFIC LEFT TURN WHERE PROHIBITED TURNED FROM WRONG LANE TURNED INTO WRONG LANE U-TURNED ILLEGALLY IMPROPERLY STOPPED IN TRAFFIC LANE IMPROPER SIGNAL OR FAILURE TO SIGNAL BACKING IMPROPERLY (NOT PARKING) IMPROPERLY PARKED IMPROPER START LEAVING PARK~D POSITION IMPROPER START FROM STOPPED POSITION IMPROPER OR NO LIGHTS (VEHICLE IN TRAFFIC) FAlLED TO DIM LIGHTS (UNTIL 4/1/97) / INATTENTION (AFTER 4/1/97) DRIVING UNSAFE VEHlCLE (NO OTHER ERROR APPARENT) ENTERING, EXITING PARKED POSITION WITH INSUFFICIENT CLEARANCE OR OTHER IMPROPER PARKING MANEUVER DISREGARDED OTHER DRIVER'S SIGNAL DISREGARDED TRAFFIC SIGNAL DISREGARDED STOP SIGN OR FLASHING RED DISREGARDED WARNING SIGN, FLARES OR FLASHING AMBER DISREGARDED POLICE OFFICER OR FLAGMAN DISREGARDED SIREN OR WARNING OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE DISREGARDED RR SIGNAL, RR SIGN, OR RR FLAGMAN FAILED TO AVOID STOPPED OR PARKED VEHICLE AHEAD OTHER THAN SCHOOL BUS DID NOT HAVE RIGHT-OF-WAY OVER PEDALCYCLIST DID NOT HAVE RIGHT-OF-WAY FAILED TO YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO PEDESTRIAN PASSING ON A CURVE PASSING ON THE WRONG SIDE PASSING ON STRAIGHT ROAD UNDER UNSAFE CONDITIONS PASSEp VEHICLE STOPPED AT CROSSWALK FOR PEDESTRIAN PASSING AT INTERSECTION PASSING ON CREsr'OF HILL PASSING IN "NO PASSING" ZONE PASSING IN FRONT OF ONCOMING TRAFFIC CUTTING IN (TWO LANES - TWO WAY ONLY) DRIVING ON WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD DRIVING THROUGH SAFETY ZONE OR OVER ISLAND FAILED TO STO~ FOR SCHOOL BUS . 1 2 3 , 9 OR<25 OR>25 OR-? N-RES UNK EMO' ...J;;.9"'" 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 059. 060 061 062 063 064 065 070 07' oeo 081 082 083 084 OB5 097 , .~~_._..J '. ERROR CODE TRANSLATION LIST SHORT ~"..,..~~' F/ELO MV TO CLOSE STROL LN IMP eHG WRNG WAY BASCRULE OPN DOOR IMPEDING SPEED RECKLESS CARELESS RACING X N/SGNL X W/SGNL DIAGONAL BTWN INT W!TRAF-S AlTRAF-S W/TRAF-P A/TRAF-P PLAYINRD PUSH MV WI< IN RD LAtON RD DIS POL FAIL LN OFF RD NO CLEAR OVRSTEER NOT USEO QVRLOAD UNA DIS TC FULL [)ESCRl:PT1:ON FAILED TO DECREASE SPEED FOR SLOWER MOVING VEHICLE FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY (MUST BE ON OFFICER'S REPORT) STRADDLING OR DRIVING ON WRONG LANES IMPROPER CHANGE OF TRAFFIC LANES WRONG WAY ON ONE-WAY ROADWAY (VEHICLE IS DELIBERATELY TRAVELING ON WRONG SIDE) DRIVING TOO FAST FOR CONDITIONS (NOT EXCEEDING POSTED SPEED) OPENED.DOOR INTO ADJACENT TRAFFIC LANE IMPEDING TRAFFIC DRIVING IN EXCESS OF POSTED SPEED RECKLESS DRIVING (PER PAR) CARELESS DRIVING (PER PAR) SPEED RACING (PER PAR) CROSSING AT INTERSECTION NO TRAFFIC SIGNAL PRESENT CROSSING ~T INTERSECTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL PRESENT CROSSING AT INTERSECTION DIAGONALLY CROSSING BETWEEN INTERSECTIONS WALKING, RUNNING, RIDING, ETC. WALKING, RUNNING, RIDING, ETC. WALKING, RUNNING, RIDING, ETC. WALKING, RUNNING, RIDING, ETC, PLAYING IN STRE~T OR ROAD PUSHING OR WORKING ON VEHICLE IN ROAD OR ON SHOULDER WORKING IN ROADWAY OR ALONG SHOULDER STANDING OR LYING IN RO~DW~Y DISR~GARDING POLICE (ELUDING) FAILED TO MAINTAIN LANE RAN OFF ROAD DRIVER MISJUDGED CLEARANCE OVER CORRECTING CODE NOT IN USE OVERLOADING OR IMPROPER LOADING OF VEHICLE WITH CARGO OR PASSENGERS UNABLE TO DETERMINE WHICH DRIVER DISREGARDED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE ON SHOULDER ON SHOULDER ON PAVEMENT ON PAVEMENT WITH TRAFFIC FACING TRAFFIC WITH TRAFFIC FACING TRAFFIC , ,. , , .._.....J EVENT CODE TRANSLAT~ON LIST EVENT com: 001 002 003 004 OOS 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 SliORT DESCRIPTION FEL/JUMP INTERFER BUG INTF PED INV SUB-PED BIKE INV HITCHIKR PSNGR TOW ON/OFF V SUB arRN MV PUSBD MV TOWED FORCED SET MOTN RR ROW L1' Rt ROW RR HIT V V HIT RR HIT RR CAR JAC!mIFE TRL aTRN eN BROKE DETACH TRL V DOOR aPN WHEELOFF HOOD UP LOAD SHIFT TIREFAIL PET LVSTOCI~ HORSE HRSE&RID GAME DEER ELK ANML VEH CULVERT ATENUATN . PI< METER CURB JIGGLE GDRL EN!? GARDRAIL BARRIER WALL BR RAIL BR AEUT BR CQLMN BR GIRDR ISLAND GORE POLE UNK POLE UTL 51 LIGHT TRF SGNL SGN BRDG STOPSIGN OTB SIGN HYDRANT LONG DESCRIPTION OCCUPANT FELL, JUMPED OR WAS EJECTED FROM MOVING VEHICLE PASSENGER INTERFERED WITH DRIVER ANIMAL OR INSECT IN VEHICLE INTERFERED WITH DRIVER ~EDESTRIAN INVOLVED (NON-PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENT) "SUB-PED": PEDESTRIAN INJURED SUBSEQUENT TO COLLISION, ETC. TRICYCLE-BICYCLE INVOLVED HITCHHIKER (SOLICITING 11 RIDEI P~SSENGER BEING TOWED OR_PUSHED ON CONVEYANCE GETTING ON OR OFF STOPPED OR PARKED VEHICLE (OCCUPANTS ONLY) OVERTURNED AFTER FIRST HARMFUL EVENT VEHICLE BEING PUSHED VEHICLE TOWED OR HAD BEEN TOWING ANOTHER VEHICLE VEHICLE FORCED BY IMPACT INTO ANOTHER VEHICLE, PEDALCYCLIST OR PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE SET IN MOTION BY NON-DRIVER (CHILD RELEASED BRAKES, ETC.) AT OR ON RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY (NOT LIGHT RAIL) AT OR ON LIGHT-RAIL RIGHT-Of-WAY TRAIN STRUCK VEHICLE VEHICLE STRUCK TRAIN VEHICLE STRUCK RAILROAD CAR ON ROADWAY JACKKNIFE; TRAILER OR TOWED VEHICLE STRUCK TOWING VEHICLE TRAILER OR TOWED VEHICLE OVERTURNED TRAILER CONNECTION BROKE DETACHED TRAILING OBJECT STRUCK OTHER VEHICLE, NON-MOTORIST, OR OBJECT VEHICLE DOOR OPENED INTO ADJACENT TRAFFIC LANE WHEEL CAME OFF HOOD FLEW UP LOST LOAD, LOAD MOVED OR SHIFTED TIRE FAILURE PET: CAT, DOG AND,SIMILAR STOCK: cow, CALF, BULL, STEER, SHEEP, ETC. HORSE, MULE, OR DONKEY HORSE AND RIDER WILD ANIMAL, GAME (INCLUDES BIRDS; NOT DEER OR ELK) DEER .OR ELK, WAPITI ANIMAL-DRAWN VEHICLE CULVERT, OPEN LOW OR HIGH MANHOLE . IMPACT ATTENUATOR PARKING METER CURB (ALSO NARROW SIDEWALKS ON BRIDGES) JIGGLE BARS OR TRAFFIC SNAKE FOR CHANNELIZATION LEADING EDGE or GUARDRAIL GUARD' RAIL (NOT METAL MEDIAN BARRIER) MEDIAN BARRIER (RAISED OR METAL) RETAINING WALL OR TUNNEL WALL BRIDGE RAILING (ON BRIDGE AND APP'ROACH) BRIDGE ABUTMENT (APPROACH ENDS) 'BRIDGE PILLAR OR COLUMN (EVEN THOUGH ~TRUCK PROTECTIVE GUARD RAIL FIRSTl BRIDGE GIRDER (HORIZONTAL STRUCTURE OVERHEAD) 'TRAFFIC RAISED ISLAND GORE POLE - TYPE UNKNOWN POLE - POWER OR TELEPHONE POLE STREET LIGHT ONLY POLE - TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND PED SIGNAL ONLY POLE SIGN BRIDGE STOP OR YIELD SIGN OTHER SIGN, INCLUDING STREET SIGNS HYDRANT , , ......-....,' "'--,~.._' EVENT CODE TRANSLATION LIST EVENT SHORT CODE DESCRIPTION 060 MARKER 061 MAILBOX 062 TREE 063 VEG OHED 064 WIRE/CBL 065 TEMP SGN 066 PERM SGN 067 SLIDE 068 FRGN OBJ 069 EQP WORK 070 OTH EQP 071 MAIN, EQP 072 OTHER WALL 073 IRRGL PVMT 075 CAVE IN 076 HI WATER 077 SNO BANI( 078 HOLE 079 DITCH 060 QBJ F MV 081 fLY-OBJ 062 VEH HID 083 VEG HID 084 BLOG HID 085 WIND GUST 066 IMMERSED 087 FIRE/EXP 088 FeNC/BLD 089 O'l'H ACOT 0:10 TO 1 SIDE 092 PHANTOM 093 CtLL-POL 094. VIOL GDL 095 GUY WIRE 096 BERM 097 GRAVEL 098 ABR EDGE 099 CELL~WTN 100 UNK nXD 101 OTHER OBJ 104 OUTSIDE V 105 PEDAL PSGR 106 MAN WHLCHR 107 MTR WHLCHR 110 N-MTR 111 SCAR VS V 112 V VS SCAR 113 S CAR ROW 114. RR EQUIP 120 WIRE BAR 124 SLIPPERY 125 SHLDR LONG DESCRIPTION DELINEATOR OR MARKER (REFLECTOR POSTS) MAILBOX TREE, STUMP OR 'SHRUBS TREE BRANCH OR OTHER VEGETATION OVERHeAD, ETC. WIRE OR CABLE ACROSS OR OVER THE ROAD TEMPORARY SIGN OR BARRICADE IN ROAD, ETC, PERMANENT SIGN OR BARRICADE IN/OFF ROAD SLIDES, ROCKS OFF OR ON ROAD, FALLING ROCKS FOREIGN OBSTRUCTION/DEBRIS IN ROAD (NOT GRAVEL) EQUIPMENT WORKING IN/OFF ROAD OTHER EQUIPMENT IN OR OFF ROAD (INCLUDES PARKED TRAILER, BOAT) WRECKER, STREET SWEEPER, SNOW PLOW OR SANDING EQUIPMENT ROCK, BRICK OR OTHER SOLID WALL SPEED BUMP, OTHER BUMP, POTHOLE OR PAVEMENT IRREGULARITY (PER PAR) BRIDGE OR ROAD CAVE IN HIGH WATER SNOW BANK CHUCKHOLE IN ROAD, LOW OR HIGH SHOULDER AT PAVEMENT EDGE CUT SLOPE OR DITCH EMBANKMENT STRUCK BY ROCK OR OTHER OBJECT SET IN MOTION BY OTHER VEHICLE (INCL. LOST LOADS) STRUCK BY OTHER MOVING OR FLYING OBJECT VEHICLE OBSCURED VIEW VEGETATION OBSCURED VIEW VIEW OBSCURED BY FENCE, SIGN, PHONE BOOTH, ETC, WIND GUST VEHICLE IMMERSED IN BODY OF WATER FIRE OR EXPLOSION FENCE OR BUILDING, ETC. ACCIDENT RELATED TO ANOTHER SEPARATE ACCIDENT TWO-WAY TRAFFIC ON DIVIDED ROADWAY ALL ROUTED TO ONE SIDE OTHER (PHANTOM) NON-CONTACT VEHICLE (ON PAR OR REPORT) CELL PHONE (ON PAR OR DRIVER IN USE) TEENAGE DRIVER IN VIOLATION OF GRADUATED LICENSE PGM GUY WIRE BERM (EARTHEN OR GRAVEL MOUND) GRAVEL IN ROADWAY ABRUPT EDGE CELL PHONE USE WITNESSED BY OTHER PARTICIPANT UNKNOWN TYPE OF FIXED OBJECT . OTHER OR UNKNOWN OBJECT, NOT FIXED PASSENGER RIDING ON VEHICLE EXTERIOR PASSENGER RIDING ON PEDALCYCLE PEDESTRIAN IN NON-MOTORIZED WHEELCHAIR PEDESTRIAN IN MOTORIZED WHEELCHAIR NON-MOTORIST STRUCK VEHICLE STREET CAR/TROLLEY (ON RAILS AND/OR OVERHEAD WIRE SYSTEM) STRUCK VEHICLE . VEHICLE STRUCK STREET CAR/TROLLEY (ON RAILS AND/OR OVERHEAD WIRE SYSTEM} AT OR ON STREET CAR/TROLLEY RIGHT-Of-WAY VEHICLE STRUCK RAILROAD EQUIPMENT (NOT TRAIN) ON TRACKS WIRE OR CABLE MEDIAN BARRIER SLIDING OR SWERVING DUE TO WET, ICY, SLIPPERY OR LOOSE SURFACE SHOULDER GAVE WAY ....; '."P" .................d . ,,:...J li'UMC.TIONl\L CLJ\SS'l.'FICATION TRANSLATION 'LIST HIGHWAY COMPONENT TRANSLATION LIST '""'C CL~S~ DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTION 01 RURAL PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL INTERSTATE 0 MAINLINE STATE HIGHWAY 02 RURAL PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL OTHER 1 COUPLET 06 RURAL MINOR ARTERIAL 3 FRONTAGE ROAD 07 RURAL MAJOR COLLECTOR 6 CONNECTION 08 RURAL MINOR COLLECTOR 8 HIGHWAY - OTHER 09 RURAL LOCAL 11 URBAN PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL INTERSTATE 12 URBAN PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL OTHER FREEWAYS AND EXP 14 URBAN PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL OTHER 16 URBAN MINOR ARTERIAL 17 URBAN COLLECTOR 19 URBAN L~CAL 78 UNKNOWN RURAL SYSTEM 79 UNKNOWN RURAL NON-SYSTEM 98 UNKNOWN URBAN SYSTEM 99 UNKNOWN URBAN NON-SYSTEM CODE 1 2 3 . 5 7 SHORT OESC INJURY SEVERITY CODE TRANSLATION LIST LIGHT CONDITION CODE TRANSLATION LIST KILL INJA INJB' INJC 'RJ NO<5 LONG DESCRIPTION FATAL INJURY INCAPACITATING INJURY - BLEEDING, BROKEN BONES NON-INCAPACITATING INJURY POSSIBLE INJURY'- 'COMPLAINT OF PAIN DIED PRIOR TO CRASH NO INJURY.- 0 TO 4 YEARS OF AGE CODE o J SHORT DESC MEDIAN TYPE CODE TRANSLATION LIST 2 NONE RSOMD DIVMD LONG DESCRIPTION NO MEDtAN SOLID MEDIAN BARRIER EARTH, GRASS OR PAVED MEDIAN SHORT CODe: DESC' o 1 2 3 . 5 UNK DAY DLIT DARK DAWN DUSK CODI!: o T Y Z LONG DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN DAYLIGHT DARKNESS - WITH STREET LIGHTS DARKNESS - NO STREET LIGHTS DAWN (TWILIGHT) DUSK (TWILIGHT) MILEAGE TYPE CODE TRANSLATION LIST LONG DESCRIPTION REGULAR HI LEAGE TEMPORARY. SPUR OVERLAPPING ..', MOVEMENT TYl?E CODE TRANSLATION LIST SHORT / CODE DESC LONG DESCRIPTION 0 UNK UNKNOWN 1 STRGHT STRAIGHT AHEAD 2 TURN-R TURNING RIGHT 3 TURN-L TURNING LEFT 4 I)-TURN MAKING A U-TURN 5 BACK BACKING , STOP STOPPED IN TRAFFIC , PRI<D-P PARKED PROPERLY 8 PRKO-I PARKED - IMPROPERLY PEDESTRIAN LOCATION COnE TRANS~TION LIST CODE LONG DESCRIPTION 00 AT INTERSECTION NOT IN ROADWAY 01 AT INTERSECTION INSIDE CROSSWALK 02 AT INTERSECTION IN ROADWAY, OUTSIDE CROSSWALK 03 AT INTERSECTION - IN ROADWAY, XWALK AVAIL UNKNWN 04 NOT AT INTERSECTION IN ROADWAY 05 NOT AT INTERSECTION ON SHOULDER " NOT AT INTERSECTION ON MEDIAN 07 NOT AT INTERSECTION WITHIN TRAFFIC RIGHT-OF-WAY DB NOT AT INTERSECTION IN BlI<E PATH 09 NOT-AT INTERSECTION ON SIDEWALI< 10 OUTSIDE TRAFFICWAY BOUNDARIES 15 NOT AT INTERSECTION- INSIDE MID-BLOCK CROSSWALK 18 OTHER, NOT IN ROADWAY 99 UNKNOWN LOCATION ,...-. C_, ., PARTICIPANT TYPE CODE TRANSLATION LIST CODE o 1 , 3 , 5 6 7 8 9 SHORT OESC OCC . DRVR l?SNG PEO CONV FTOW BIKE BTOW PRKO UNK LONG OESCRIPTION UNKNOWN OCCUPANT TYPE DRIVER PASSENGER PEDESTRIAN PEDESTRIAN'USING A PEDESTRIAN CONV PEDESTRIAN TOWING OR TRAILERING AN PEDALCYCLIST PEDAuCYCLIST TOWING OR TRAILERING A OCCUPANT OF A PARKED MOTOR VEHICLE UNKNOWN TYPE OF NON-MOTORIST TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE CODE TRANSLATION LIST ROAD CHARACT~R CODm TRANSLATION LIST CODE SHORT DESC UNI( INTER ALLEY STRGHT TRANS CURVE OPENAC GRADE BRIDGE TUNNEL LONG DZSCR:lPTJ:ON UNKNOWN INTERSECTION - DRIVEWAY OR ALLEY STRAIGHT ROADWAY TRANSITION CURVE (HORIZONTAL CURVE) OPEN ACCESS OR TURNOUT GRADE (VERTICAL CURVE) BRIDGE STRUCTUR~ TUNNEL o 1 , 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 COOE 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 Oll 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 037 038 090 091 092 093 094 SHORT DESC NONE TRF SIGNAL FLASHBCN-~ FLASHBr;:N-A STOP SIGN SLOW SIGN REG-SIGN YIELD WARNING CURVE SCHL X-ING OFCR/FLAG BRDG-'GATE TEMP-BARR NO-PASS-ZN ONE-WAY CHANNEL MEDIAN BAR PILOT CAR SP PED srG X-BUCK THR-GN-SIG L-GRN-SIG R-GRN-SIG WIGWAG X-BUCK WRN WW W/ GATE OVRHD SGNL SP RR STOP ILUM GRD X RAMP METER _ RUMBLE STR L-TURN REF R-TURN ALL EMR SGN/FL ACCEL LANE R-TURN PRO LONG DESCRIPTION NO CONTROL TRAFFIC SIGNALS FLASHING BEACON FLASHING BEACON STOP SIGN SLOW SIGN REGULATORY SIGN YIELD SIGN WARNING SIGN CURVE SIGN SCHOOL CROSSING SIGN OR SPECIAL SIGNAL POLICE OFFICER, FLAGMAN - SCHOOL PATROL BRIDGE GATE - BARRIER TEMPORARY BARRIER NO PASSING ZONE ONE-WAY STREET CHANNELIZATION MEDIAN BARRIER PILOT CAR SPECIAL PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL CROSSBUCK THROUGH GREEN ARROW OR SIGNAL LEFT TURN GREEN ARROW, LANE MARKINGS, OR SIGNAL RIGHT TURN GREEN ARROW, LANE MARKINGS, OR SIGNAL WIGWAG OR FLASHING LIGHTS W/O DROP-ARM GATE CROSSBUCK AND ADVANCE WARNING FLASHING LIGHTS WITH DROP-ARM GATES SUPPLEMENTAL OVERHEAD SIGNAL (RR XING ONLY) SPECIAL'RR STOP SIGN ILLUMINATED ~RADE CROSSING METERED RAMPS RUMBLE STRIP LEFT TURN REFUGE (WHEN REFUGE IS INVOLVED) RIGHT TURN AT ALL TIMES SIGN, ETC. EMERGENCY SIGNS OR FLARES ACCELERATION OR DECELERATION LANES RIGHT TURN PROHIBITED ON RED AFTER STOPPING RED (STOP) AMBER (SLOW) '-.--,.' 095 099 8US STPSGN UNKNOWN VEHICLE TYPE CODE TRANSLATION LIST CODE SHO~T DESC 01 PSNGR CAR 02 BOBTAIL 03 FARM TRCTR 04 SEMI TOW OS TR-UCR 06 MOPED 07 SCHL BUS 08 OTB BUS o 9 M1'RCYCLE 10 OTHER 11 MOTRHOME 12 TROLLEY 13 ATV 14 MTRSCTR IS SNOWMOBILE 99 UNKNOWN " J BUS STOP SIGN AND RED LIGHTS UNKNOWN OR NOT DEFINITE WEATHER CONDITIqN CODE TRANSLATION LIST LONG DESCRIPTION PASSENGER CAR, PICKUP, ETC. TRUCK TRACTOR WITH NO 'TRAILERS (BOBTAIL) FARM TRACTOR OR SELF-PROPELLED FARM EQUIPMENT TRUCK TRACTOR WITH TRAILER/MOBILE HOME IN TOW TRUCK WITH NON~DETACHABLE BED, PANEL, ETC. MOPED, MINIBIKE, MOTOR SCOOTER, OR MOTOR BICYCLE SCHOOL BUS (INCLUDES VAN) OTHER BUS MOTORCYCLE OTHER: FORKLIFT, BACKHOE, ETC. MOTORHOME MOTORIZED STREET CAR/TROLLEY (NO RAILS/WIRES) ATV MOTORIZED SCOOTER SNOWMOBILE UNKNOWN VEHICLE TYPE CODE SHORT DESC o UNR 1 CLR 2 CLD 3 RAIN 4 SLT 5 FOG 6 SNOW 7 DUST 8 SMOK 9 ASH LONG DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN CLEAR CLOUDY RAIN SLEE,T FOG SNOW DUST SMOKE ASH " .~,.', .-',' ';1 ,I ':-..'1-' ".c'" , ., ";''' (~_::1ii: ~-:^:"~:----r-::":'~' :';':_"~::: ,--,~= ~-- PLANNERS AGE Appendix D Emme/2 Plots , , ,~ " "- r 90:.... s. 1 PO 436 , ~ ~ ~ f:-I i' (j) p ';Z N <::.1" ~ irt<:4. .__!. ....tI. 397 3G6-Z0NE RTP CALIBRATION Scerwrlo 720:21l1l2CarllraILan.AMPI(1-hr(O,54) 2007-D1_3011'36(c1as637) (' '. o=""'"~~=- 2002 Base Network. AM Peak 1 hr Auto Volumes' ..., '" ,u_J!.. o f-I U) _____,_d'!- 12 ....GIj A'f" '0 Ii! E-l lfJ ::r:: E-l N 11") 'ca '" ::r:: f-I 0::> "t' '!t-, '" .. o = ;y ~ f, ; I .~ .r ".-'~i r 625 525 , I '- , , , - ~ - -L'=-.J 2' 7 - ~=--_. - 7 t, E-i U) ::c: ~ Ii! '. ( ...:......-.,--, I I' !a ~' 1593 . ~ S ., , .. .L 472 '10 fJ f:-I (f) --' -._.__2-,_ 4!i 30 o ~, Z~ N 0::::1"'. - ~Im CENTRAl LANE TMA 2025 CPU UPOATE ScsNlrio446:2025RTPFCfTSISap+05AN1Pilakl-hr 2007-\11-30 11:53(clB!l637) . 2025 RfP Constrained Project List -AM Peak 1 hI' Auto Volumes 474 - -_0-:--8..... ". ." .',' f-I CJ) " ~ Q) "'1' ~. ~\~ .\ ~ U~ E-t (J) 20 ::r:: E-t N L{) 473 _ ~'i 11 ....G./[ 523 " R~? 12, S~~~ I 523 'f, " ::r:: i1 11 ~ ~ ~ 81 ~ ~ ~ ~ " "- "- '" " S5,li 633 r ." 1'123 "1452 u , E-I U) ~~ <'l "" ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JOG-ZONE RlP CALIBRATION Scenario 919: 2002 Central LanePMPI{1-hr(,54j 2006,11-07011:46 (clas637) _11 /7 2002 Base Network. PM Peak 1 hr Auto Volumes ". lD2<l . ."-' -..-, f-.I CI) ~~~ ~J ~...- - _ . 5?8 .1034 17 17- -- L....o ~lll _ -".- - -~I~ 51 ::c: E-i N L[') 11' .".- =-=-"- 'GJi 319 49s ~ 69' ". 931 6" 919 " 55 ~' ;~6' '" ~ 1358 2108 E-i U) % ~ ,., Q ~ .:I:;;:; ~ l 1'> Iil - I ~~}~ " I liIl~ ! I I ! iU , i' i ! ~ -----~-~- 43 u -I i m tl ',\"i!",~ ".. " " '<-.i: 897 &i vf 1144 1651 2387 ~ ~ 8 (/) .' -'-~- O~ ',Z '" ~ C'J ~. -qr- '---'---~M' -----...~-- ---,=_:_- ~ ~ CENTRAL LANE TMA 2025 CPU UPDATE Scenario 445: 2025 RIP fClTS \ Sap +05 PM Peak l-tu 20OS-11.0708:48 (cls5637) 2025 RTP Constrained Project List - PM Peak 1 hr Auto Volumes "" 15 >a. '" ::x/Iii E-i CO "fI 1025 2114 E-i CI) E-i ____-" U) 52- --,-_. ::r:: E-i N L() 1023 2185 . _~,~- 1~~ " " " ~~ " 21 44 r....'.,.., , " '- ....,--- ~ ~- 921 921 188' 1881 115 -- -'-T1""-~- ---,' ~ 115 (~ ~' i~6' S./l}. E ,I !l ;g c.~ <') ~~ ~~, 1711 I 1 t 2705 ~ ~ ~ fiI ::! N .,~ ::r:: .";:' ~ i I I I ! > :,. -,'," " .':' , .,;;''''''''' ENGINEERC, ....'" ~....~_.=~L _ __~_~'.~_~~~ I . PRO J E C T MAN A.G E r> c: PLANNERS Appendix E Signal. Timing ..>_._---,,~ .~, _......~.,-" '=~~~-""""=----_.~--~~~.~~,---_.""""-'-_._-,._-~_.._._-~~-~~-"~ ...,..,c. INTERSECTION: Main 51. & 42nd 51. Group Assignment: NONE Field Master Assignment NONE System Refere'nce Number: 33 . I ~ I I I I I Chanoe Change Record Bv Date I Chan~ I IDrop Number 6 <C/O+O+O> Zone Number 1 <C/O+Q+1 > f.rea Number 0 <C/O+O+2> Area Address I 201 <C/O+O+3> IQuicNet Channel I 01G120: i(QuicNet) Communication Addresses Row --0 T 21 3 "4 5" ~ B C- D fl Column Numbers -> 1 fPe:::~I,Name' -, [I 0 IPed FDW 0 IMin Green 5 !Type 3 Disconnect 0 IAdded per Vehicle 0.0 IVeh Extension 3.0 IMax Gap 3.0 .!I'Iin Gay 3.0 Max Limit 15 Max Limit 2 20 Adv. 1 Delav Walk 0 RR Min Ped FDW 7 Gond Serv Check 10 IReduce Everv 0.0 IVellow Chanoe 4.0 IRed Clear II 0.0 Printed on 3/5/2007 1:46 PM I ~v_ Da~ J I I I IManual Plan IManualOffset Manual Selection Phase 3 I 4" 5 uT' ..0- ----a----o ,18 0 20 0 656 5 000 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 3.0 2.5 3.0 2.5 3.0' 2.5 3.0 2.5 3.0 2.5 3.0 25 15 9 15 20 20 20 20 o 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 I 0.0 I 0.0 I 0.5 I 0.0 I Phase Timing. Bank 1 2 7 I 8 -Ii Il ----a 18 0 20 656 000 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 3.0. 2.5 2.5 3.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 2.5 25 15 20 2020201 o 0 0 I 7 7 7" .10 10 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 0:0 0.0 0.5 <C+O+F=l> 6 ..-j N/S Street Name: 42nd St. ENlJ Street Name: Main St. Notes: M.<IntJ.<IIPI.<If:! o = Automatic 1-9 = Plan 1-9 14 = Free 15 = Flash M.<Inu.<llnff~1 o = AUlomatlc 1 = Offset A 2 = OffsetS 3= DffsetC I <C/O+A+ 1 > <C/O+B+ 1 > I Flash Start 0 1 Red Revert 5.0 IAII Red Start 5.0 Start I Revert Times 191A'IBICIDI Phase 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 Phase 2 20 0 0 0 0.0 Phase 3 0 0 0 0 0.0 /Phase 4 20 0 0 0 0.0 IPhase 5 0 0 0 0 0.0 Phase 6 20 0 0 0 0.0 '/Phase7 I~....!!!.... IPhaseS I~ 0.0 Max Initial/I Alternate Walk / Alternate FDW ~ Alternate Initial / Alternate Extension ~ Alternate Timing <c+o+F=i> Timing Sheet Version: 233 RV2 Revision: 71015 I<F/1+0+E)> <F/1+0+F> I<F/1+C+0> CD IRR-1 Delay 0 IRR-1 Clear 0 IEV.A Delay 0 I EV-A Clear 10 IEV-B Delav I 0 IEV.B Clear 10 EV-C Delay I 0 iEV-C Clear II 10 IEV.D Delay IL..Q... IEV-D Clear 1110 iRR.2 Delay IL..Q... IRR.2 Clear Ira- IView EV Delay II - - - I IView EV Clear II I IVlew RR Delay II -. - I IView RR Clear II - - - I Preempt Timing .J ,..J P'lo.e 1 iol8 Last Database Change: 11/15/20069:46 IExclusive Walk II 0 <F/1+0+0> IExclusive FDW 0 <F/1+0+1> JAil Red Clear 0.0 <F/1+0+2> Exclusive Ped Phase (Outputs specified In Assignable Outputs al E/127+A+E & F) F ~345678 ~ -2.-6- Row =0 T 2 2- 4 ~ T A B c D E F I Permit I Red Lock IYellow Lock IMin Recall [Ped Recall IView Set Peds _2_6_S- !Rest In Walk I Red Rest Dual Entrv Max Recail Soft Recall IMax2 ICond. Service 'Man Cntrl Calls IVellow Start _2 IFirst Phases ~4_' 8 I Phase Functlons<C+0+F=1 ' ----;r 0- 2 6 ~-=-n ~-1 61 BI Trail Systems, ll1e. Sacramento, California INTERSECTION: Main St. & 42nd St. R;;J 0= 1 2 ~ T 7 8 9 A If C If E F Column Numbers -:> 1_'. _ ~rl~~_~~rT1:~"""->.1 ILoad Switch Number :1 Veh Set 1 -, Phases I 1 IVeh Set 2 - Phases IVeh Set 3 - Phases I NeQ Veh Phases I Nea Ped Phases IGreen Omit Phases IGreen Clear Omit Phs. I I I I J IGreen Clear IYellOW Chanae Red Clear 1 A 9 4 6 4 6 0.0 4.0 0.0 o 1 2 3 4 5 ...!. 7 8 9 A B C ~ Column Numbers --> I IExclusivePhases .11 IRR-1 Clear Phases IRR-2 Clear Phases IRR-2 Limited Service IPrall Perm Phases IFlash to PE Circuits IFlash Entry Phases IDisable Yeilow Ranoe IDisable avp' Yel Ran-,ae /I IOverlap Yellow Flash II ~v -A Phases h EV-B Phases II EV-C Phases /I IEV-D Phases II IExtra 1 ConfiQ. Bits II IIC Select (Interconnect) II 2 Configuration . <C+0+E=125> Row Printed on 3/5/2007 1 :46 PM E 2 5 4 7 3 3 5 ......... ,., 2 B o , ! 3 C o , , I I I I I I I 0.0 0.0 I 0.0 0.0 I I 0.0 I 0.0 I Overlap Assignments 8 I I Ext. Permit 1 Phases Ext. Permit 2 Phases \ Exclusive Ped Assiqri rPreemot Non-Lock IPed for 2P Outout IPed for 6P Outout I Ped for 4P Output Ped for 8P Output Yellow Flash Phases .Low Priori.tv A Phases ILow PrioritvB Phases ILow Priority C Phases ILow'Priori,ty 0 Phases [Restricted Phases IExtra 2 ConfrH. Bits Configuration Overlap 4 o o 5 E -0-- 0.0 0.0 0.0 I 0.0 I 0.0 , I 0.0 I <C+O+E=29> F 2 6 4 II II II 4 <C+O+E=125> [Fast Green Flash Phase I IGreen Flash Phases I IFlashinc Walk Phases I IGuaranteed Passage I ISimultaneous GaD Term I ISecuential TiminQ IAdvance Walk Phases' I I Delav Walk Phases I IExternal Recall ISlart.,.uo Overlao Green I [Max Extension I IInhibit Ped ReselVl'ce /I I Semi-Actuated II IStart-up- Overlap Yellow II IStart-uD Vehicle Calls II I Start-up Ped Calls II Specials , " 6 7 --~-o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 I ~ I I 8~ Timing Sheet Version: 233 RV2 Revision: 71015 ,j 8 o Extra 1 Flaas 1 :: TBG Type 1 2 ;:: NEMA Ext. Coord 3 " Aulo Daylight Savings 4 ;:: EV Advance 5;:: Extended Status 6 ;:: International Ped 7 ;:: Flash - Clear Outputs B = Split Ring 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frlrn? Flam,! 1 ;:: AINB During Inlllal 2;:: lMU Installed 3;:: DjsableMinWa!f( .. ;:: QuicNeV4 System 5 ::: Ignore PIP on EV 6= 7 :::Reserved e= F Flash to PF.& PENon-locl< 1=EVA 5:::RR1 2::EVB 6::RR2 3cEVC 7=SE1 4::EVD 8=SE2 Jf:F;p!t!r.IFlan!; 12345678 1= 2=Modem 3:: 7-lMre Slave 4 c Flash I Free 5= 6 :: Simplex Master 7=7-Wre Master 12345678 2 4 6 8 <C+O+F=2> lI_rlff.."".I.........,....., """ ..4 Paae 2 (of 8) C o o o I 0 I I -- - I I-~- EV.A EV-B EV-C EV.D RR-1" RR.2" SE.1 SE.2 Preempt Priority <C+O+E=125> ( ~ RR-1 is always Highest, and RR-2 Is 5e~01id Highest' ~ I Phase 1 I 5 Phase 2 II 5 Phase 3 II 5 Phase 4 II 5 Phase 5 II 5 Phase 6 II 5 Phase 7 II 5 Phase 8 I 5 Coordina'tion Transition Minimums <C+O+C=5> ~ ..!. z ...L ..!. 5 T T 8 9 A B C If T ...EJ Row "0 1 2 ...L 4 5 ...!.. 7 -tj A B C ..!!.. ...E.. ..L BI Tran Systems, Inc, Sacramento, Califomia ,. ~,.,~'::..... "',. ,..... INTERSECTION: Main St. & 42nd St. Paqe 3 (of B\ Plan (Coord Extra Bit 1 ;:: Programmed WALK Column Numbers -> 1 2 3 4 5 8 I 7, 8 9 TIme for Sync Phases) Row I Plan Name --> .1 E R~ 0 n::yde Len'l.th 100- 100 100 100 100 100, . I 100 100. 100 Iplan 1 - Sync 0 1 Phase 1 - ForceOff 55 55 55 55 55 55 I 55 55 55 2 6 1 2 Phase 2 - ForceOff 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 IPlan 2 - Sync 2 6 1 2 3 Phase 3 - ForceOff I 20 20 20 20 20 20 I 20 20 20 IPlan 3 - Sync 2 6 "3 4 Phase 4, - ForceQff 40 40 40 40 40 40 I 40 40 40 IPlan 4 - Sync '2 6 1 4 5 IPhase 5 - ForceOff 55 55 55 55 55 55 I ' 55 55 55 I Plan 5 ~ Sync 2 6' 5 6 I Phase 6 - ForceOff 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 IPlan 6 ~ Sync 2 6 6" 7 IPhase 7 - ForceOff 20 20 20 20 20 20 I 20 20 20 (~Ian 7 - Sync 2 6 7 8 IPhase 8 - ForceOff 40 40 40 40 40 40 I 40 40 40 Plan 8 - Sync 2 6 ..!.. 9 IRin...Q Offset 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 Plan 9 - Sync 2 6 ..!.. A JOffse! 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 NEMA Sync [ A B I Offset 2 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 NEMA Hold I ~ C IOffse!3 I 0 0 0 0 0 a. I 0 0 0 J I I 0 lpenTI 1 - End II 15 15 15 15 15 15 I 15 15 15 I I I J!.. E Hold Release II 255 255 255 2S5 255 255 I 255 255 255 ICoord Extra I I ..!.. F IZone Offset II 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 I I I F Coordination - Bank 1 <c+o+c= 1;;:. Sync Phases <C+Q+C=1> Row F ~ 0 'Ped Adjustment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I Free Laq 246 8 0 1 Werm 2 - Start 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I IPlan 1 . Lao 2 4 6 8 -1.. 2 , Perm 2 - End 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I IPlan 2 - Lao 246 8 ..!. 3 Perm.3 - Start 0 0 0 ,0 .0 0 0 0 0 I IPlan 3 - LaC! 246 8 I ....!.. 4 Perm 3 - End 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I IPlan 4 - LaC! 246 8 I ...i- 5 Reservice Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I IPlan 5 - LaQ 2 4 6 8 I ..!.. 6 Reservice Phases I IPlan 6 - Laq 2 4 6 8 I ...!.. 7 !: I IPlan 7 - Laq I 2.4 6 8 I 7 8 IPretimed Phases I I IPlan 8 - LaC! 2 4 6 8 I 8 9 Max Recal' 12345678 I 12345678 I I IPlan 9 - Lac 2 4 6 8 ..!.. A IPerm 1 Veh Phase II .- 12345678 I 12345678 1234S678 12345678 I J External LaQ A 12345678 12345678 I 12345678 B jPerm 1 Ped Phase II 12345678 , 12345678 I 12345678 I 12345678 I 12345678 , 12345678 I 12345678 I 12345678 12345678 , I ...!!.. C IPerm 2 Veh Phase II I I I I I I I I I I II C 0 ~erm 2 Ped Phase II I I I I I I I I I I II I 0 E Perm 3 Veh Phase II I I I I I I I I I I II I E F Perm 3 Ped Phase II I L I I I I I I I I II I F Coordination. Bank 2 <C+O+C=2> Lag Phases <C+O+C=1> Printed on 3/5/2007 1 :46 PM Timing Sheet Version: 233 RV2 Revision: 71015 BI Tran Systems, Inc, Sacra~ento, California '...'......J '.~..~_. INTERSECTION: Main 51. & 42nd 51. Pa~e 4 (of B) I ~ I Column 9 Column A Column B . Column C 'I Column D COlumn E Column F ~ 0 I Spec. Funct. 1 0 NOT.3 " 0 Max 2 II 0 Pretimed If-+- Set Mondav /I 0 DiaI2(7-"''')~1 0 Sim Term 0 1" I Seec, Funct. 2 0 NOT-4 II-f- Svstem D~t 1 I-f- .?1~tl1 0 Ex!. p~~ ~ 0 DiaI317-wre) 0 EV-A 71 1" 2 I Spec. Funct. 3 0 OR-4 (a) I 0 Svstem Del 2 I 0 Plan 2 J D Ex!. Perm 2 0 Offset 1 (7-Vllirel 0 EV-B 72 2 3 I SRec. Funct. 4 O. I OR-4 ibi II-f-~!,:~ ~~! HI-f- ..P!~tl ~ l~r.?jmlT1inq I 0 Offset 2 (7-Wre\-[~ EV.C I 73 .1... 41 I NAND-3 (a) 0 I OR-S(al I 0 Svstem Det 4 0 Plan 4 o Set Clock Iil Offset 3 (7-Wire) 0 EV.D I~ 74 ..!.. .JL I NAND.3 (bi 0 10R.S (bi " 0 System Det 5 " 0 Plan 5 0 Stoo Time 82 Free (7-Wre) 0 RR.1 51 .JL 6 I NAND-4 (ai 0 rR.6(a) " 0 System Det 6 " 0 Plan 6 0 Flash Sense 81 Flash (7-Wre) 0 RR.2 I 52 6 '7 I NAND.4 (b) 0 OR.6 (bl " 0 Svstem Det 7 " 0 Plan 7 0 Manual Enable 0 Excl. ped Omit 0 Spec. Event 1 0 '7 T OR.7 (a) 0 Fi~ 3 Diamond '1 0 System Det 8 " 0 Plan 8 0 Man. Advance , 0 NOT-1 0 , Soec. Event 2 0 8 9 OR.7(bl 0 I Fi~q 4 Diamond I 0 Max InhibiUnemall1 0 Plan 9 0 External Alarm il 0 NOT.2 ,0 External Laq 0 9 A OR.7(e) 0 I AND-4 (al I 0 Force A ',ema' I-f- DELAY.A 0 Phase Bank 2 I ....:.!!-.OR.1 (al 0 AND.1 (a) 0 Ii.' B OR.7(d) 0 IAND.4(bi_j 0 ForceB'oema'- ~ DELAY-B o Phase Bank 3 I ~OR.1(b) , 0 AND.1 (b) 0 B C OR.8(a) 0 H NAND-1 (al_ 0 C.NA ',ema' I~ DELAY.C o Overlao Set 2 I ~ OR.2 (al 0 AND.2 (a) 0 C D OR.8 (bl 0 iNAND.1 (b) ~ Hold.r'ema) I~ DELAY.D o Overlao Set 3 I, o OR.2 (b) 0 AND-2 (b) I 0 0 E OR-8(e) 0 I NAND.2 (a) I 0 Max Recall 'tf:: DELAY-E ~ DetectorSet2 I 0 OR.3 ia) CI:, AND.3 (a)~1 0 1] F OR-8(d) 0 H NAND.2 ibi 1----0--. Min Recall I 0 .DELAY.F I -0. Detector Set 3 .L....!.... OR-3 (b) o AND-3 (b) I 0 II Assignable Inputs <C=0+E=126> Row I Column 9 , Column A Column B Column C COlumn,O Column E Column F ~ 0 I Phase ON . 1 , II Dial 2 (7-Wrel II 0 ' Preem~t Fail 0 Flasher 0 0 Free 0 NOT.1 0 TOO Out 1 0 0 1 i Phase ON. 2 0 So Evnt Out 1 0 Flasher 1 0 Plan 1 0 OR.1 0 TOD Out 2 I 0 ' Dial 3 f!-Wrel 0 1 2 I Phase ON . 3 0 \ So Evnt Out 2 0 Fast Flasher 0 Plan 2 0 OR.2 0 TOO Out 3 I 0 Offset 1 (7-Vllire) 0 2 3 I Phase ON - 4 0 So Evnt Out 3 0 FiJl3 Diamond 0 Plan 3 0 OR.3 0 TOO Out 4 I 0 Offset 2 (7-VVirel 0 2.. 4 I Phase ON. S 0 i So Evnt Out4 0 Fia 4 Diamond 0 Plan 4 0 AND.1 0 TOO Out 5 I 0 Offset 3 (7-Wire) 0 4 8 I Phase ON - 6 0 So Evnt Out 5 0 Plan 5 0 AND-2 0 TOO Out 6 0 , Free (7-Wire) 0 5 6 I Phase ON - 7 0 So Evnt Out 6 0 Plan 6 0 AND.3 0 TOO Out 7 I 0 Flash a-Wirel 0 6 7 I Phase ON . 8 0 So Evnt Out 7 0 Plan 7 0 NOT-2 0 TOO Out 8 0 Preempt O' ..I- S I Ph, Cheel( . 1 0 ' So Evnt Out 8 I 0 NOT.3 0 Plan 8 0 EV.A 0 Adv.Wam -1 0 Low Priority A 0 8 T I Ph. Checl(. 2 .1 0 n II NOT -4 0 Plan 9 0 EV.B 0 Adv. Warn - 2 0 Low Priori.ty B I 0 9 If I Ph. Checl( - 3 II 0 ,~ Detector Fail II 0 OR-4 0 Soec. Funct. 3 0 EV-C 0 DELAY-A 0 Low Priori.tv C I 0 If S tfh. Checl( - 4 II 0 I Spec. Funcl. 1 II 0 OR.S II 0 Spec. Funct. 4 0 EV.D I 0 DELAY.B 0 Low Priority 0 II 0 B C Ph. Checl( - 5 II 0 Soec, Funct. 2 II 0 OR-6 II 0 NAND.3 0 RR.1 II 0 DELAY.C 0 " I C :Ij I Ph. Check. 6 II 0 Central Control II 0 AND-4 II 0 NAND-4 II 0 RR.2 II 0 DELAY-D 0 :H D l Ph. Check - 7 II 0 ~ Excl. Ped OW JI-f- NAND.1 II-f- OR.7 'I-f- Spec. Event 1 If--%-,DELAY.E 0 E Ph. Checl( - 8 II 0 Excl. Ped WK I 0 NAND.2 J 0 .OR-8 J 0 . Soec. Event 2 I 0 DELAY.F 0 ..E.. ASSignable Outputs <C=0+E=127> Printed on 315/2007 1 :46 PM TimIng Sheet Version: 233 RV2 Revision: 71015 Bf Tran Sysle;ns, Inc, Sacra"mento, California Row If 1"" 2 2.. 4 5' 6" 71 2.. -!.. j INTERSECTIO~; fl!I~in ~t ~ 4Z.n~ ~!j ~ 1"" T 3 4 5 T 7 3 9 A B C D E F Column Numbets -:> I Phase Names -> I IPed Walk' , I Ped FDW IMin Green ITvpe 3 Disconnect IAdded per Vehicle IVeh Extension I Max Gap IMinG~ IMaxLimit I Max Limit 2 [Adv, I Delay Walk IRR Min Ped FDW IGood Serv Check I LFeduce Every [Yellow ChanQe I I Red Clear II 1 :' ~ 4 o 0.0 2.0 3.0 0.5 20 30 o 7 10 1.0 3.0 1.0 1 Phase 4 5 Ped Wall, Ped FDW Min Green T'{oe 3 Disconnect Added per Vehicle Veh EJ<tension Max Gap. Min Gap MaxUm-it Max Limit 2 IAdv, I Delay Wall, IRR Min Ped FDW l.gond Serv Check lReduce Every IYellow Chanqe I Red Clear 2 3 o o 4 o 0.0 2.0 3.0 0.5 20 30 o 7 10 1.0 3.0 1.0 70707 15 0 15 0 15 74447 20020020 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 2.U 2.5 2.0 4.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 2.0 0.5 1.5 0.5 2.0 3D 20 25 20 3D 50 3D 40 3D 50 00000 77777 10 10 10 10 10 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 4.0 3.0 3.0 I 3.0 4.0 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ Phase Tim.ng - Bank 2 23456 70707 15 0 15 0 15 74447 20020020 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 2.5 2.0 4.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 ' 2.0 0.5 1.5 0.5 2:0 3D 20 25 20 3D 50 3D 40 30 50 o 0 0 0 0 771 7 7 7 10 10 I. 10 10 10 1.0 1.0 I 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 3.0 I 3.0 3.0 4.0 I 1.0 I 1.0 I 1.0 I 1.0 i 1.0 Phase Timing - Bank 3 Printed on 3/5/2007 1:46 PM 6 7 ---0 7 o 15 4 4 o 20 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 0.5 1.5 20 25 3D 40 o 0 7 7 10 10 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 I <C=Q+F=2> 7 '8 o 7 o 15 4 4 o 20 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 0.5 1.5 20 25 3D 40 o 0 7 7 10 10 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 I 1.0 <C=O+F=3> 8 I I II I IPhase 1 I IPhase 2 I IPhase 3 I Phase 4 I Phase 5 I Phase 6 I Phase 7 I Phase 8 I 9 I A I B I C I D o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Max Initial ~ Allernate Walk ~ Allernale FDW ~ Alternate Initial ./ Alternate Extension Alternate Timing 9 A B I I Phase 1 I Phase 2 I Phase 3 I Phase 4 IPhase 5 IPhase 6 I Phase 7 IPhase,B o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o -0 o o o Max fnitial~ Allernale Walk ~ Allernate FDW ~ Alternate Initial ./ Alternate Extension Alternate Timing Timing Sheet Version: 233 RV2 Revision: 71015 o o o o o o o o 0.0 I 0.0 I 0.0 I 0.0 I 0.0 I. 0.0 I 0.0 I 0.0 I ~ C D o o o o o o o o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ------ :rransitlonTv~ OX:: Shortway 1,X :: Lengthen X,'1 thru X.4:: Number of cycles when lengthing lowPriorit.v 1:: Channel A 2 :: Channel B 3 :: Channel C 4 :: Channel D ., Paae 5 fof 8) ITransition Type II 0.3 1<C/5+1+9> TBC Transition ILaQ Hold Phases II I<C/5+1+A> Coordinated Lag Hold Phases IS~nc OutputTirne II 0.0 I<C/5+1+C> 7-Wire Master BeQin Month 0 I<C/5+2+A> :BeQin Week 0 I<C/5+2+B> End Month 0 I<C/5+2+C> End Week I 0 I<C/5+2+D> Daylight Savings Time ITime Before Yellow II 0.0 I<F/1+C+E> IPhase Number 0 <F/1+C+F> Advance Warning Beacon - Sign 1 ITime-Before Yellow II 0.0 I<F/1+D+E> IPhase Number 0 <F/1+D+F> Advance Warning Beacon - Sign 2 ILonq Failure II 0.7 I<F/1+0+S> IShort Failure 0.7 <F/1+0+7> Power Cycle Correction (Default:: 0.5) IMin Time (seconds) II 0 I<F/1+0+8> Min Green Before PE Force Off IMax Time (minutes~lI 255 I<F/1+0+9> Max Preempt Time Before Failure IMin Time (seconds) II 0 l<F/1+0+A> Mln Time Between Same Preempts (Does Not Apply To Railroad Preempt) I Low Pri. Channel .II __ I<E/125+C+8> Disable Low Priority Channel Bl Tran Systems, llle, Sacramento, California INTERSECTION: Mail; SL & 42nd St_ Column Numbers ->. I 0 I '1 C1 Pin Row Detector Name Number I o 39 1 40 2 41 3 42 4 43 ...!. I 44 ...!. I 45 -Z- I 46 8 I 47 -g- I 48 A I 49 B I 50 C I 55 D I 56 E II 57 F II 58 Attribules 45 7 45 7 45'7 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 67 67 67 67 45 7 45 7 45 7 457 R~W I 1 I 2 I .3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I A. I -1!.. I ..B-1 ~: i:l, 4 C1 Pin DefecforName I Number I I 59 ! ~ II 67 2 68 2 69 2 70 2 76 45 7 77 457 78 4S 7 I 79 45 7 Detector Assignments Printed on 3/5/2007 1 :46 PM Attributes _4S 7 4S 7 457 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 1 5 2 3 2 A~ 123 8 I 123 8 J 123 81 123 .8 I 123 81 123 8 I 123 8 I 123 8 I 123 8 I 123 _ 8 I 123 8l 123 8 I 123-:1 123 8 7 I 123 8 I I 123 8 I I Phase(s) 2 - 6 4 8 6 4 8 2 6 4 8 5 3 IMaxOFF(mlnutes)l) 20 1<0/0+0+1> IMax ON (minutes) a 7 <010+0+2> Detector Failure Monitor 3 Carry- LQ~--.ID'er;: I 0.0 0.0 J 0.0 0.0 I 0.0 0.0 I 0.0 0.0 I 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ...!!.J 0.0 ....!!.J 1 Column Numbers-> IWalk IDon't Walk IPhaseGreen IPhase Yellow IPhase Red IOver1ao Green IOver1ao Yellow IOverlao Red IGabinet Type JI 0 Enable Redirection (Enable RedIrection::: 30) " '-~~" Paoe 6 (of B) Ped 1 Phase 1 Overlap 1234567 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 0000000 o 0 0 0 O' O. 0 Redirect P lase ...)utputs <C+0+E=127> 8 o o I~ 1-t1 Rowl o ..1.. 2 31 ""4 ...!. 6 7 I<E/125+0+0> I JOutput Port 1 loutput Port 2 Output Port 3 'Output Port 4 IOutput Port 5 IOutout Port 6 10uteut Port 7 Dimming I~ ~~ 1I-=1l <C+0+E=125> o Phase's) I A~ S"'Tf23----:S 123 8 123 8 123 8 123 8 123 8 123 8 8 123 8 123 8 6 123 ~ 4 123 8 I 8 I 123 81 I 2 L!23 8 I 6 1l2~ '_ 4 I 123 8 I 8 I 123 8 <C+0+E=126> I 2 I ca;"'.] " ~ over Detector Attrih\Jfe~ 'DI . 0.0 -----0:0- 1 "'Full Time Delay INumberofDiQits . 0 I 0.0 0.0 2'" Ped Call 11 st DiQit .0 I 3= 0.0 0.0 4'" Count 12 ed Dioit 0 I 0.0 0.0 5::: Extension 13 ed Diqit 0 I 0.0 0.0 6::: Type 3 14 th Dioit 0 I 0.0 0.0 7 = Calling 15 th Orq'it 0 I 0.0 0.0 8 = Alternate 16 th Diolt 0 I 0.0 I 0.0 I 17th D~it 0 I 0.0 I 0.0 Det. Assionments 18 th Diait 0 .1 0.0 J~ 1;: Det. Set 1 19 th Di~it 0 I 0.0 I 0.0 2;: Det. Set 2 110th Dioit i 0 I 0.0 I 0.0 ~:DeI.Set3 111thOiJiit II 00 I 0.0 10.0 5= 112thDiQ!t II 0.0 J 0.0 6.=Failure-MlnRecall 113thOlQlt II 0 I 0.0 I 0.0 7=Failure-MaxRecaI1114thD10"it " 0 I JTime II 0 lo<::C/5+C+0> 0.0 I 0.0 8;: Report on Failure 115 th Orqit II 0 Redial Time (minutes) <G+O+D=O> Dial-Back Telephone Number <C+O+C=5> 6 7 1 7 3 2 6 4 2 Timing Sheet VerSion: 233 RV2 Revision: 71015 Disable Alanns 1 ;:StopTime 2;: Flash Sense 3 ;: Keyboard Entry 4;: Manual Plan 5 ;: Police Control 6 '" External Alarm 7 = Detector Failure .= BlO ~A~ DELAY.A I 0 I DELAY.S 0 I B DELAY-C 1 0 C DELAY.D I 0 I D DELAY.E I 0 E DELAY.F ! 0 ...LJ Delay Logic Times <C+O+O=O> (seconds) IOmit Alarm II I<C/5+F+0> Disable Aiarm Reporting B1 Tran Systems, Inc, Sacramento, California '..'. , INTERSECTION: Main St. & 42nd St. Row O~i~;O_1 ~ I~~ 1Jay()~weekl 00:0000 1 00:0000 I 00:0000 00:0000 00:0000 00:0000 00:0000 00:0000 00:0000 00:00 0 0 OO:OOloJo I' 00 : 00 I 0 1 0 I 100:0010 O~ 100:00100 00:00100 TOO Coordination <C+0+9;0.1> (Bank 1) I Time ll!j I Day of Week 1-00 : 00 -T Ii ,-'-- 100:00001 100:00001 100:000011 100:000011 100:00 O-U 100:0000 100:0010101 I 00: 00 I 00: 00 I 00: 00 1 00:00 L 00: 00 r- 00: 00 00: 00 100:00101011 TOO Coordination <C+0+9=0.2> (Banl(2) o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C o E F I 5 a 7" s- a A tj o E F I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 01 I 0 o 1 I 0 0'1 Printed on 3/5/2007 1 :46 PM ,""" L .',; Paae 7 (of B) . I g I I Column 4 ~ I · I~ 0 ~ Time I-=~ Day' of Week I I Phases/Bits ro 0 Holiday Type Time 8 'Holiday Typ-" I o. o >- 00 :00 0 ~ ~ 00"00 01---- 00: 00 0 0 1" Red Loclt 2'" Yellow Lock 00: 00 0 00 00 0 00: 00 0 0 3 "Veh Min Recall 00: 00 0 ~ 00 00 0 , 00: 00 0 0 4 " Ped Recall 00: 00 0 I 00 00 0 I ~ 00: 00 0 0 5'" 00: 00 0 I 00 00 0 ,-'- 00: 00 0 0 6 " Rest In Walk 00: 00 0 I 00 00 0 I I 00: 00 0 0 7" Red Rest 8" Double Entry 00: 00 0 I 00 00 0 1 00: 00 0 0 9 '" Veh Max Recall 00: 00 0 I 00 00 0 i 00: 00 0 0 A = Veh Soft Recall 00: 00 0 I 00 00 0 r- 00: 00 0 0 B " Maximum 2 00: 00 0 ~ 00 00 0 I 00: 00 0 0 C '" Conditional Service D " Free lagPhases 00: 00 0 00 00 0 I 00: 00 0 0 I E" Bit 1 ,<Local Override 00:0010 1 I .J!Q. .J!Q. _!.i... 00: 00 0 0 -j Bit4- Disable Delector 00:001011 I 00 00 o 1 I 00: 00 01 0 1 OFF Monitor 00:001011 ~ 00100101 I 00: 00 --tt%11 -j Bit7. Detector Count Monitor 00: 00 , o II 00 I 00 I o II I 100:001001 Bit 8 - Real Time Split 100:001011 I 001001011 I 00 :00 I o 1 0 II I Monitor TOO Function <C+O+7=1> <C+O+E=27> Holiday Dates <C+0+8=1.1 > Holiday Events <C+0+9=1,1 > (Sank 1) (Bank 1) Plan Select I g I I Column 4 . rn .~ ~HoHda~ I -I ~ I 1 thru 9 " Coordination ~ Plan 1 thru9 Time ILf Dav of Week, I Phases/Bits ro v ~ Time, t.. <5 HOliday T y~ 0 >- 14orE"Free 00 :00 --0 ~ OIl' -00 0-- 00:00"00 --_ 150r F" Flash 00 :00 0 00 00 0 I 00: 00 0 0 00: 00 0 00 00 0 00: 00 0 0 Offset Select 00: 00 0 ~ 00 00 0 I 00: 00 0 0 A"OffsetA B" OffsetS 00: 00 0 ~ 00 00 0 00: 00 0 0 C"OffsetC 00: 00 0 00 00 0 00: 00 0 0 00: 00 0 00 .00 0 00: 00 0 0 MnnlhSp.led 00: 00 0 00 00 0 I 00: 00 0 0 1 "January 00:001011 00 I 00 0 I 00: 00 1 0 0 1 2 " F ebrual)' 3" March 00 : 00 '-%-if- 00 I 00 0 100:00100 f- 4 "April 00: 00 I 0 00 00 0 1 100:0010''0. -1 5= May --- 00 : 00 l-%-if- .J!Q. .J!Q. ....Q.. 1 100:0010 ~f- 6" June 100:0010 r- OO 00 0 1 100:0010 7"July 100:00JOII 00 00 ::f:jl 00:0010 0 I 8 "Augusl 9 " September 00 : 00 l-%-if- I. ....!!!!......!!!!.. 0 I 00:00101 o II A'" October 00:0010 I 00 00 0 I I 00: 00 I o I 0 II 8'" November Holiday <C+Q+ 7=2> <C+0+E=28> Holiday Dates <C+0+8;J.2> Holiday Events <C+0+9=1.2> TOO Function (Bank 2) (Bank 2) Timing Sheet Version: 233 RV2 Revision: 71015 BJ Trail Systems, Inc, Sacramento, California INTERSECTION: Main St. & 42ndSt Row o 1 2 T '"'4 5 6 7 8 9 A .!!.. c o E .L. Row o 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 ....!!.. 9 I~ 6 Clear I I ~ I I I I l- I ~ 6 Clear LTi:e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8 Ped Call 9 Hold A Advance I I I I I I ., I I I I I i I I I Special Event Schedule -1- -- Table 1 7 Time ----0- o o o o o o o o o o o o '0 o o 8 Ped Call 9 Hold A Advance + i I I I I I I I I I I I Special Event Schedule -- Table 2 I + Printed on 3/5/2007 1 :46 PM .I Forc~ Off 1 --I B Force Off C 0 Vehicle Call Permit ~hases I I I I <C+0+E=27> E~I pedOmit~ I I ,I C . 0 E Vehicle C~~ Permit Phases ,P~Q_QIJ1~ _ i I I I I I I <C+Q+E=28> Timing Sheet Version: 233 RV2 Revision: 71015 F Outout Pace B (of B) Notes: c=D<E/27+5+F> Limited Service Interval Notes: ~<E/28+5+F> Limited Service Interval BI Tran Systems, Inc, Sacramento, California ;, ,'.' . r'" ; . L. . f': c_ JRH TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING www.irhweb.com -; EUGENE. 4765 Village Plaza Loop, Suite 201 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-687-1081