HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-2-6 , i' F e b. 7. 2008 '8: 54 AM \ No, 2355 P 2/16. -a fngineering. Cb-r?qto ~ C '5 ' K & A Engineering, Inc. / ' (" a. ( 3327 Roanoke Ave., Eugene, OR 97408 , { v (541) 684-9399 Voice' (541) 684-9358 FAX February &, 2008 Hayden Enterprises, Inc. 2464 SW Glacier Drive #110 Redmond, OR 97756 Project: 151.06 Subject Jasper Meadows subdivision-Lot 223 Springfield, OR Foundation Soils PURPOSE AND SCOPE At your request, K & AEngineering, Inc. has completed a geotechnical investigation of the existing soils on ,the subject properly. Our understanding is that a wood:framed single-family residence supported by a cast-in- , ,place concrete spread footing foundation is proposed for construction on this site~ The' purpose of our investigation was to detemnine the suitability of the soils for construction of the proposed structure, and provide recommendations for construction of the foundation~ The scope of our services is limITed to general suitability with respect to bearing capacity and expansive soils FOUNDATION PAD PREPARATION The prOject site is located on a residential lot on the east side of 5Sm Street in the new "Jasper Meadows" subdivision, The site is mostly ievel and there are no apparent slope movement hazards. There is a drainage ditch just east of the subject site. ~' ',... Foundation preparation involved constructing a level foundation pad on native undisturbed soils. This required excavating and removing approximately 2 to 3-feet of dark brown/black, wet, loose, decomposing organic silt, down to tan, moist, moderately stiff to stiff, weathered sandstone~ After the excavation and removal of the unsuitable subgrade soils, approximately 1 to 2-feet of 6-inch minus "pit-run" was pla'ced, graded, and ~ compacted with a vibratory steel drum roller over ttie subgrade. Approximately 1 0 to 16-inches of %-inch minus dense graded crushed aggregate was then placed graded and compacted in the foundation pad area over the "pit-run". The pit run consisted of an open to well-graded 6-inch minus silty sandy gravel produced at a ~ local quarry source: We tested the in-place density of the %-inch minus dense graded crushed aggregate fill and have determined that the average dry density exceeds 95% of maximum as determined by ASTM 0698. The field test results are attached to this report.' '. ;. , Feb. 7 2008 8:54AM No.2355 P 3/16 K & A Engineering, Inc. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS The project site, as prepared, is suitable to support the proposed foundations. We recommend a design ailowable bearing capacity of 1 ,SOD-pounds per square fool. The soils present a moderate shrinlylsweil hazard. Foundation loads should bear on undisturtied native silts a minimum depth of 24-inches below final grade around the perimeter foundation. The prepared foundation pad meets these recommendations. Final grading around the foundation pad should raise the grade above the foundation using native or imported silts and should slope away from the foundation. We recommend approval of the foundation pad, as constructed, by the building official. LIMITATIONS OF THIS REPORT ThiS report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Hayden Enterprises, Inc. and its design consunants for the subject proposed structure. This geotechnical investigation, analysis, and recommendations meet the standards of care of competent geotechnical engineers providing similar services at the time these services were provided. We do not warrant or guarantee these recommendations, site surface, or subsurface conditions. The scope of our services does not inclUde construction safety precautions, techniques, sequences, or procedures, except as specifically recommended in this report. Our services should not be interpreted as an environmental assessment of Me conditions. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Please call us ~ you have questions or need further assistance, Respectfully, ~- Steve Schultz, E.I. T. K & A Engineering, Inc, WIRES rfsl/'f- Client: Hayden Enterprises Jasper Meadows-Lot223, Springfield, OR Project: 151 ~D6 Page 2 of 2 February 6, 2008 Fe b, 7 2008 8S'4AM No. 2355 P 4/16 Density 01 Soil and Soil-Aggregates In-Place ASTM D2922 and 03017 Project: 151 ~06 Site Address: Jasper MeadowsnLot223 Permit No: Date: 2/5/2008 Density Test rv~el; DT-6 Operator: SS Material Type:13/4-lnch minus dense graded crushed aggregate I Maximum Dry Denstiy, pc1l128,0 ,. Standardization and Reference Checkl~ Density I I~ Moisture, I (Standard Deviallons)I(S,D.) 0.61 (S.O:) 1.02 Moisl Dry Density, Density, Water Compaction, Test No. pel pel Content, % % Remarks 1 1400 122.0 14.8 95.3% 2 144.7 126.2 14.7 98.6% I 3 140.8 123.2 14.3 96.2% I I -, I I I I i I I I I I I I I , I I I I I L I I' I I Average: Std. Dev.: I I I I I I I I I I 97% 1.69% , Direct Transmission (DT) (specify depth, in.) or Air Gap Backscatter (AGB) (specifiy(T)ouchable or (U)ntouchable mode Test performed using Seaman Nuclear Corp model C,300, SN 21113 Client Hayden Enterprises, Inc, Project: 151.06 K & A Engineering, Inc, I J I I ! J J J I I I I I I 2/6/2008