HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2007-1-15 Fax sent b!J 511364319115 KLEl"FE.LDEK ;1 .W ~(Q Fax Transmittal 111-15-IIB 14: 13 Pg : 1/33 IHKLEINFElOER. An employee owNed company , ....~...... --- .-._. U'""~."---_O"'--'l""-- ", ...0- ....._...._...._.. _...,_....'"~~..._-.._._.. .._.~~".~, PLEASE RUSH TO: FROM THE DESK OF: . \(r::v,-..A t 'J -E'....\k ("..,."onl tj';'" ,~ F-' .:. '. .~ C "''"..'. U' " ..... .,', ,. 4~2.7,/4<'';''~ fDfll50nJ e, -;.../ c; ~. (t;ompann ~ i='h-.!..v" Pk..=t4\ --..:> .' Date: I 11~/b4-- 15050 SW Ko// Parklvqy, SNile L .... . ~ Beaverton,OR97006 ..... ~ Phone: (503)644-9447 . Fax: ((503) 643-1905 ~-. http:f~.t~'det~ (lIddfWS or Immch offlce) 5>1./1- """2.~~_.:?;::7" (m number1 " Time: Pages: -.. 1"2-- .....-;;: (IncludIng cave; sheet) . Sent By: InstroctiotisIRemris; . ~~,. <-. ~l>1" ~P''''''''';'' ('. 1. 1- .......u.' .~ ...."....,..... ." . . A~.."'" ~.",j IIIl<:;I')...... {,:".,,~ L. ~('"! 10 ~12 I (la~?~~~D,-)"t#I:;) or"""': . . _ " S:2.~ \ ' (' \.. 11111111 Illn 1111111111111'111111 I I WARNING: Information.provk$dvi&e/$<;tl"Ollic media is no! , ' guaranteed againsl defects, including translation and tnifl6h1i~ emx"- ' In eddition, 'this elec/1Dn/c communicaVonand its,al/at;h"..nts ."" foiwarded to your without pSs$ingthrough our standard review procesS: Design data and rooomioofJdafions included herein should no/ be,useCJ.for final design. "the reader is no/ the intended recipient, you are hen>by notified that any di~mination, diWibvtion or copying Of this communicallon is strir;t/jl prohibited. If you have ret;$1v&d this infortnation in enor,ple8$fil.iotity the sender immediately. ' IfthflTfl arepr(Jblems regarding thls.teJecopy, please call (503) 644-9447 . ~,. <'" ..."," < . . . :'.. ~ . " . ".. .c' . . ".... . a Fax sent b~ 511364319115 KLEIIlFELDER 111-15-118 14:13 ~, '.....) . ~. ~ ' r.. Gdd,LiI&OnDu:liilSeMm January 07,2008 Project No. ~U':/ "". Report No. E-18346 Mr. C1iIf P$llIgIh KIeinfeIder WetA, 100. 15050 SW KoB r ..\. " , Solte L' Beeverton. Oregon 97006 , FINAL&_BYRl:n.o.. WlI,,>.....,No;10812 8 West Q StnIet Sprt.Id, Oregon BuIlding PermIt NO. C. I >.. ;", .00368 Dear Mr. PelIigAlw, ThIs.......... - ......FElT...........&1 ',. I 1 '---..' ..' ., RnII:RI '../0',,.1,,:,......:,.. DIeM. ~tJ:I. ,"~... ; "~'''',_, nc. ,.""'.......".. ~ ,".:'... ....~~, servJCeS" In a~.~. ~...,.~ wiIh IBC Ill1d lIS directed by our client for ihe ~ proje<:l.' We _ em'ployed to pIOIIide oonlinuO\l$ or periodlc Inspection on.... .~\;. dates, as dOCl", , .,~.1, per our spedaI :,'~ .J.', ", ,~. for; Dear1IlWOlk ~,ro."ld ._,,~ ,;~ iIboIls ;1I.l:lled in \lOIlQ1ll8 IiIslructumI ~ (field) ~boII8 I&eiIing grid 1lIsb1JcturaI. ,c.:,. Ii .,' Depoxy lIaMlls/wedglI and10rs Based upon our observallon8 and wriUlin RIporIs of this \WIk, it Is our judgmn IhaIthe ' ln8pedad 'MlIk was .'; r. ,,1. to the best of our Imwtedge, in ~_... J..ooe y,flh the appnMld plans..... ,..;:;......:,~,~,.,;,..~.."'_ order$ arrdIar mucIwaI eI1o:". _, instrucIlons, and awi..ol.... pl(M3iOns of ChapIer 17 of 1118 Inlerllallo11al BuIlding Code. unless otherwise notBd or, re;, ,.,", J abo.... ' 4~ Slructural SteelSiJpervisor c: John ~ Canstruction City Of Spt1nglleld , DAWt<< 1bb.,RtIOft...tndcIMd...cIIlICltlw...~pmp!Itf<<IblII....~\IItlDIltI."""'- ~totllespec:la:~""~ mIMtilCL _..... .., . ~~....natt. ,,'..,. ..~plltOl.....,....'*'~be'*"*-d.....FElTcdlg& ~In:......., '" ....... ~ 7lilrfN,~;~o.v:nllml'pme(541)7570G8'flIIc(541)757.at , 2lMl& .,_. .",,:. J-~ ." ,i ::,/'..pme(541)fIM.3M9'flIIc(541~ e:ml CtIIpRItPlalle, ~2' EIsIcI, 0nlgan977\l'\ ........(541)38:!04844 'flIIc(54\I-- :' :::, ;~~F:i;:.~J,~'~:i~~: ..,:~.;::':':' \:!::'i.~;~;:i .. ", i::::~';.~. .~; . "'~;.' . . ':'. ....... Pg : 2/33 Fax sent b~ : 5836431985 KLEIIIFELDER 81-15-88 14:13 Pg: 3/33 rext...... ; liQt~ Jba "'-Z7-e7 18:45 rv: Z J .! KU"7.....,& . DZ1~ . Db,... EIIgIIIi, lit f148lI .' (541)&84 _Valce." (641,.' I3IIlIFQ . '-.2lI87 ,.. 78.07 . . Thomas Fad ,.. , ,~.. 515 W, PIckel CIn:Ill--SuIle 400 . SIR LBkB City, UT 84115 . Sllbject ~ p/aCemelitqUalty conIrllJ ......... . "'GI!II.~"";,, ~:';Il Q'Sbllet in! PIoNer r ': "":, West .~ SprfnglIefd, ~ .' PI.'W ,,:,0: AND 8COf'E AS ~, K &A, Engi1eel1ng, Inc. has provided ~ quality control of" I. ".,. crushed~fIIs . . .Ilfaced at lll8sdljed IJlIJect sIIe. . ThIi ptOjlIcl5ik il.Jdude$ the fo\rldatiOn pads fora WaIgJ8ens retail_a . s6pal'ate bank building, and anllallbu_. T11ls I$KI ~ the lested IJl.illaCe density aid WlllBr .. conlaltforllle CIIlShed ,:".".,,:,:J1iIIll1lIII!ItaIs placed around the construcI8d Wa!grB1II18 sti1p. ;. ":""" under I1efll111linullpOIt CliUm& n the WaIQIgens 1llnICIIIIe, SlM8f tJenches, and fOI I ":" ~ ~ .~ . outllld8 oflhe COIIlilIUc\blIl<\dOll the nortIl8ide of the Walgreens foundalion pad. The fill I.,:L padS IOrIha drlY&-lIIllugh s~ for lll8 bank IMding were alsO 1B8IBd and the nwts are doc: " :' .". in thi$ report. . CRUStlED AGGRI:'6ATE AlL ~ RIf imrtaI CIIISIIed "......_ placed ..........;.d ol'...eII,):aded V..w:tI m&1USand 1~ \.H1ch minus crusITed 1OdllJRl(lllcell' .' by lleItl Sand and Gravel ~ Euaene. Qregon. lti$ produCt was manulaclured at the Delta.Sand and GraVel'. . . . . on Riwlir AVIlIlIIe from the IllW ibtum miled at the Rlwr Avenue pit. . ~ ' tlelIaSWid and GravelIlad ~ oflhesa crusl1ed aggI8gaI8 producls I8sl8ll by an independent Ja:" '.'J, PEl TeslIng lIIld:"", _.~...Inc.. Eugene. Oregon, far IlllIldmum d1ydenslty and optimIlm water COIlIllnl for lillIh. . tile 9IlII1danI and fIIllIIIlIlld pTOCIiir CompadIon I", ,.,. fill PIau . 3lIlI TllItIItI . , WIIJglIlens FoI8rdIltIon P .,,,, " w" FoOtit/g-&IcIiJ. " The bacIlI1II plated and."".....,,~ iIllUlldthe newly constnlCIed sinp ;..,~..... farlhe walgr&ens SoucniB.Were . tmelI to meellhe spedlIcaIIor\l! of Walgreen CO. and K &A Englneerlrr;j, Inc.. NUClear M-pIace density tssls . were COIIduct8IJ for 8Vlll'y 12-i1ich lit in il1IBmIIs nogreater\IQn 50 6nearfe8l8Rlllld 1118 inSide and OUlsIdeof . . 1118 foatliIg .........:.:;.. 11leselllSfS",..:", ,,:,~ 1hal1h8 crushed aggregab: WiS.........;.J1O meet or exceed a . drydellsitY _to or..,... ~.'o95% of malllniriuis cIe1ermined by ASTM Dl557(modifieClProclDrtesl). , ~ '::;~l :,;,:.;'ji:)f;' ~:: . ':.t~L:;'.:~:!: ~. :.;: '.. ....::(,::.;,3~.!:...''..<,/.ik.:.: ..:. :.. ... ..,. ,. " ' .., '. .'.:.' . Fax sent b~ : 583G431985 KLEINFELDER 1f,1~!t!0~_i'*"..' 81-15-88 14:13 Pg: 4/33 .ru r~' . : E.AI~J':''),~, ( IC,A.'.!n 1log,1K. llf.-2'Hl? 1lI:$ 1'8: 1 i' . ." . ... WaI,wns FotmtI8IDI P/rJ -1nletiDr Cotpnn S/JIport. Pads . llle CllIIStnI:IioIl 01 Silt inIelior Sl4lllOfIs Mq\Iilfld a.SiliaI amol/lll ol8lft8V8liOil in Ihe walgreens to!', ",;, , pad. 1lIe llaseofeach olUiese ,,,...'..;;,.~ was ~ "'~ ,; and Uie In.pface densllytested. lllese _c: ",,1 ~the Cl\ISlIeljCllllJl_ WiG ..."..~':.Jto nieetQ"exJ:eed a drydenstly equal to Q"eJaleediI.,,951d rnaDnm as ~Ihd by ASTM Dl557{modl11edPnJctor1l:$l), ~ foRJaIbnPad-EXtrtIiJf~Pad... . A smal pad was ClnlIIII:Ied just noIIh of the Wa!gI1l8llS fo\rIdallon pad adJacent to the west side.of the brlika1gpad. The~ consistIld of removing IilsuI!abIebearlng solis to reach naIiVe lllIIlCIy gravel ~." " . rt "",'",, to as '1lar-clJl~, K & A BlgIneetlng.lIlC. fnSpec\lld the eKCa.ation upon "" ',f"';" l. .-.,jooh . , m!nus dense gradecl CI'IISlled "...' . .,'" was \IlBlIp/aCed and COl'1P801lld inlo the base of the liIClIVldlOn.' l1IIs . il-SIlU diiRsityOfIlis", '''.' '"*' .lI" \...,il wa&1I1en tI:sledto conIinn that II metlhe .;..,.:.....:.. OfW."i""s . Co..Iild K&AEt I:"~ ,,,.,.IIlC. Tllese tesl$COllIi'ined Uial1lle crushelt ........""'. was ao.l~to meelQ" . ~ IlIQled adly densllJ_toQ"exceedb1g95'Jt,orrnaxlrnJmas ;,:.. "',,dW ASlMD1557/,.IJ.J1'Iuc:ia': . . test), . w...loo"....~Sswer~ . A sewer pipe waIl'lnst*d on \he west Side Of \lie Waloteens IOuIIdalfon pad and ba1:llIilled WiIIl Y..u.:hmlnus de\lS8gqded1llUShed ,.......;.,. TIIiS baddlIIwas \esled toconflrm1hat has CCl.......;,Jto meetoreaed a ... d1ydenslly.1il or 1!lClle8diIiiI95'hl malCiTIlmaS d."""~",,J byASTM D1557(roodiliedProclDr1Bsl). . 1I1esete&l&were lJllfro.li~ ala maxklliJn of 100 IlIlearfeetalOllO lhe lIllIlCh, .~SeIIiIr~ Interior . . A sewer line WlIll~SlllIedwilhin iheWalgreens fotiada!ton pad and was bacldIIied wIh , ~ rMJS dlliIse', . '"grided.."";,,;,,.,., ,\":". lIlI8ll8c1lfi8waslil8llldtoCCJ!'ifi1tnlhatftwas ...,......leiI1omeeioreili:eedadiy " dei1sity eqtiaI10 or ",'" ,-, 95% of IlllllIinun as dsIBiminad by AS1M D1557(11lD(f1fied Proctortesl). These .' . tsSts WllIll P ;.1" ,.. al.ammmum of 100 flnearWalong lhe1rench. Bank~Suppotts. . Thefol. i';"" >I,.,,: fortwU ;, <>;. :', supportS,.1o presII1IIbI)' be conslruc:ledfora dIlvellmlllJh for \he bank bulIdlng;was \elited lor irI1*lt8 d\lnsiIy,The fiB ,.....1.:.,: oto/..lnch minus dIInse graded CIU8hiId ".",~,...' .. . ,1hIS aggIegalI_ tIIlsted DlWllllllJat I)s dIinslIywas BqUlIIto or exceeding 95... Of ITIllXIImm as.""",.,,;. 1 by ASlMD89Il(.;.,.';"J Proc1m).' . . A ""'''''''',1 Oflh8 in-IJIace dlydensitytesl resuIIS is~~....:', oJ in Tallie 1. , '. TilIIII1-RlI'I2G!.!ul i,,,,, ;". -le1JIaceDly DtaiJ I JiIbdwIad l...."".., ~VaIlloeensfooting BackIIO-11h' H ~ InIeIiDr CoIlInn SlJppon Pads - %' -(of ~.. Sewer TIlII1Cll Bact:filI.fxlImr -~. (-) . r.vatD<_tll SewerT~ 1IatIlIil1-ll1lelior-~'(-) ~...... EiIIeJior,~ Pad -~. (-) (Bank ExIilllotSUpporb - W' ~) . No. TIIIII I!I8ao std. Illlv. Tal . . StPdiIrd 84 96_8 t64. Mode PIocIDr 6- 96.7 1.55 Mod. PIociiii 5 '1/,7 3,46 Mod, Proc1Ilr 3 97.8 2.03 Mod. p,"* 2 97.8 0.83 Mod. Proctllr 2 96 0.81 SId. Ptoctor ; , PIOj8Ct 78.07 Q Slreeland PIoneer Mway west-SprtnglleJd, 00 CIietIt: TllOinail fOX ,".' .,JJ8 . Page2ol3 . June 26;2007 :', .'. :.;:). :'i:~;~";!f;~~:,:~.:;;:~ "' " ';" . .. ",'.':., "",' . Fax sent i>!I : 5836431985 KLE IHFELDER ~.pii;""t__Y'~l' 81-15-88 14:14 Pg: 5/33 Fax'rea : '-l,_,..lo:la.:, 116-27...., 11:1IZ 1'9: 1 (" U A "'JI~ eerIIg, IllC. ( . Table 21sa llIllI8 at .. "" .,for1h8Appendk, wI1Ich illcludes aD of lI1e In1JIace dllnsily1estresulls. " .' . NiIII z ~ MIdlIlIlIelIItilit ........, Teit lleIdII . llin '1uIio. I Wm,,,,.., "fooIlnoBacllllll, ' ~~eobm~Pads \'l\.~",., ,J sewerTI'IIIICII~ W',I!" '''', S8w8rTnlnch,Bacllll-1IlIerior ~18 fllIBIior S!5JDllIl Pad Bank fldeItor&lJlpg . I~i 1-<1 5 6 7 8 9 ThRyou for the OWUrlln~ to be ct semce. Please call If you haw any .......;"... . SIncerllIy, ":;; ," MIchaeI!l8mbOIdtP.E: .-,;;,,:' ., K&AElIQfIlll&lll/g.lnci..'. :}. _.f', I'rojeCt 78.111 Q SInlet.ancs PIOIleiir .. ,: ,,' ",' WesI-:" ~""'''''' OR ,CIiilnl: 11IomasFox! ", ; ,'", Page3Of3 JInl26, 2007 I; .. " ':' "' . :~:S;;:;: .)~z:;..., :(~: ".,.". ..-:O,i", ~'~';:""':".y~,'.. Fax sent. by 5113G4319115 Fax t..- ; E...:. lio;J,,;...J,,;,. "."'." .,,':' ~ ;;: ,"il:: :ii~;'~ '-:. ;\~~~':ii;. ',: ,:p,;;.::';:;:;~,,' "1; ~ " \. )(LElItFELDER - ' ~:,., MtJ!.NDIX ., ~,,' .i'::-'".! , '';';l:; 111-15-IIB 14:14 P!J: GI'33 /.. . 8&-Z7--e7 11:1IZ .1'9: 2 . 'i ;. ~ ' " "I 'i ,', . .:1' , 'II , j ,!II ~, -: ',ir , ,;_ri,,'jl . ~;".I".~~ . "'~: .,:"j' ..' ,t. '"' .. i ',: l.;!I " : , .- :):;'.: J ;~f: "~"" ... .~I'\ii.l, 'il~,i'ii,~t~i' ; ':n:ril!~~4i'1t- . .' "!"fl~{! r.r , "!i-:,'I"I: Fax sent by : 5836431985 KLEIItFELDER Fax .rl"Olt ; l.,l1~'loi.1';~: . 81-15-88 14: 14 Pg: 7/33 Brr-Z7-i17 11:114: 1'8: 3 CilllSlly~80ihl.._""".1IIl~ ( ASlM D292Z lIIId D3ll17 i PnIeCl: 18.07 l1li" Wllll>o...1S S1Bm Wall IladdlI-a Sllllld PIoneerPaJkway I'llIIIIIIIo: DIIl8: liI31J2007 IIGIIIII T8Il1lrDli~ DT-6 ,'~ il...':"...",o. SS , lIIIIIIiai,- 8f4" (-I oen.8nIIllldCluslleGAGnlaI9 11"" _1llY~ .~'S1.0' lIRocIlIitllllllClllrl ,,1..,,",. ~-'d ' ~ 'I 0.04 I~ I 0.7 ~OI: .n. , '~ ~~ ~.:J." "'.,~ 136.9 I lu7l 9.8 95.2'1 13&.2 I 127.1 l 8.7 97.1'1' 139.1 I 127.3 9.3 97.1'1 141.0 I 129.0 9.3 ~ 13&1 1 125.3 I 10.2, 'iI5.7Io 139.2 I 126.5 I 10.0 1l6..6'I 135.3 1 125.D4621 8.2 95.5.. 136.2 1124.49731 9,4 SSm. 136.5112A1~ \ ' 8.2 9&.3'J, 1ST.l "26.s4\. "8.51 9&;57, 1371. 126.035 I' 8.7' I' 98.2$ 13B.S 1""./0101 8,4 97."" 138.9 1 126.842 I 8.1] 96.7'1 133.9 1124,-14241", 7.6 I ~" 95.Of. 135.1 1125.79141 ~ 7At 96.~ 'l111F 1.125.D6ll61 9,3 95.S$ '184,7. 1'125,18591 7.6 Il5.6'J; j 134.8 ~ lZ4.e9941 8.1 95.2'1 I 1852 p26ml81 U 9&A I '1llG.9 I 125.943 j 8.7. 96,1'1 1 139.2 1128.1768\ M \11-6 j 138.2 1 12Ul85 \, 8-3 '97.4'1 1140-4, 1128.33641 9Al" 98.O'J, 13U 1126~48151 8 ' !166 142.7 i 132.62081 7.6 I, 101.2'1 140.3 I 130.6a311 7 A 'I' 99.~ . 134.2 li2A.721H ,7.6' j 95.21' Average: 96.710 SId. Der.: 1.47'1 IIlIIauIb 'lstllHlsfdeolSlllnlWal ..... 1st IIIl-blde 01 stIim 'I'IaII-Nl.lU, 181~ofSlnWllll ""'III Il1lm-.llliiideolSlllm~ 1st ifH1Iide 01 SIllm Wd En! ' 1&1 ~ 01 SlBnl WllHiIlIIC 1st Clloolnslde 01 SiIn Wd 8d 1st 1Il-ftllcle of lllllm WIIlI-8cIuII 1&1 ~ oIS1em WaI-West 1&lIill..fnsidllIll'SIIm Wil-Welit IsllHns1de a16&m WlIIl, 'Net 2nllIIIHnillle oI6&m W;jI NorI1 2nIl1lll_orS1llm~I, 2nIlllt-lnsllle of Sl8m~ " 2nIllifl.flide 01 S1Bm~ 2nd IiIHrISidlI 01 SlIlm 'I'kII Enl 181 tiIHlulIlid8 of Slllm W8II IIofIll 1sllllHlUlslde 01 S1Bm 'NaIHtol8l lsllill-Oullid8 01 SIn 'A'aII IlIAh ' 1lltlll-<JulllldilolSl8lllWlll Eal ''''Ift~oIS1em-.&sl 1st 1IIHlldsId. aI SIem___ 1s11!1Hlldstde 01 SIem _ -.... lot IiIHluIside aI S1I!m WIll ~... 2nd 1ill~a1 SlBmWd-Nol1l. 2nd~IIS11m~ 1stllft-()_a1Stem~ . ' I Dne!:.. ,;~:.,. (l1T) (tIl8CifydelJll.ln.) orAirGallB.~.';"'" ~) (specIIy(l)llUCliaDIeoi(\J)nloudlable'1Illllle .. Till, "..;. .,.. ,!JSlriOSeIIIilaft Iblfe8rGotpmodelC-3OO, SN21113 I I . I 1 ~ 1lIIlNo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 , 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16' l' 17: 18 19 2lJ 21 22 23 2A 2S 26 Zl CIert 'TII:JmiIfG(:',r',l ;.,:;,~ I'lUiect 78>>7 KU~lIlc. :.';;: ./ \I;;::^.~::':.'l~,:;i:i~::;. ::,::.,;~,~:.., .. '.:~1D.~~'..:; ..! :, . PaOahl9 i. "I ,. . , -'lili' ''',1, I , ,l "l~ I" " ;.! :;:l '1-~' , . ';"', ,I' II! " tc. .,," I , . !,:: . '<ji;' : ' t~f .' {i~lm I !" 'il'! i, , \ '. " " .i:'j .' >l Fax sent by : 5ll3G431985 KLEIIIFELDER 81~15-88 14:15 ,'Fax t_ : ""......... ".'"..' ..' i lI&-n-w 11: 113 ( ~,all!lIlI"'M-, ,,', ",,,,;..1IH'Iaee AS1111I2m ... 1lSt11 ~, !IIi:::. " '~1ltlJ7 ......., ___llllIIIr-05l.0IIlI__ Pan.iik -'flI@U7 IIIIslIvTell~'~DT-6 !'l. .SS ., --~'f-llllnoe-CIlIIII8d,'llmaa1t ~1I(1III!I'\1III13'1,O _PIDlllOll -,4..IIIIIIllIIIiiIaII:IlIl:II.ol.DlIIIIJ " IAIIIiIllrlo, I -:, -..;" , KuI.1 OM. hsm, 0.91 '.', (, / I I 1~ i :d. ,'....;:.1 -- 1aI11l1. ~ ~ c.... 'I 1 m. . 9.3 9t.81 111 III Olit8IdIJ of 8Iem WIIJ..WIIl 2 1i.4 125.4 ILO !l5.fi lli1~_a1Sl1n1__ 3 ' , 135:4 125.4 a.Q' 'll5.i'iI 2nd ~oI_WlII-&sI 4 144~ 130.5 ' 10.8 99.6 2nd~oI_-..em '5 138.2 124.4 11.1 Il5.fl!I 2lld iII-lnIido oIl1odl-..&lulll 8 1m I 129.5 , 10.0 9B.8lI 2lldlill-lllsl!llal__- J . "i3U .128.1136 !l2 . 117.8'11i' . 2Ild_IIISlInI-.-n 8 I ' 1i5:s1 12i_ 7.8 .l.:: I 2nGii-iiSidtilSlllll___ ij . 133.9 \12~ 7.7 I 2Ild_D1____ 10, I 135.6 j 124.4oir I 9' j !l5.~ I 2Ild:k ~~~..0I___ Ii . 131.1 1128.70981 82 '. 96.110 i 2lld_oISl11ltWlll-all 12 l 134.2 '125_' 73 ( 95,S I 2lld_0I___ ill . 138.1 1127.18391 . ILS I ' 97.1' I 211diA 0 "01___ 1.j I 134.8 I 12S.1S2S1 .T.7 ' 1."- I 2111_.___ 15 I 135.2 1121lAm I 1iJl " IlIl5'l I 2111~"''''lIodlWil sOillll , is , 137.3 I 125.l189l I 9.5 I 95.110 I Znl'- ..JI~'h._Wl8 S l i1 ~ 134.2 ""jl24.4898' 7.8 I '95.01 I 2Ild_0I___ 18 I 134.3 tz4.J5191. 8 " ~~lM.9'I' I '2IIll1lft-lM8lflat8l!nl___ 1 18 ' I 134k .1125.2563 I '~'7.a ,~. I -c!l5A I, 2Ild~0l____ 1 20' I ,134.2 U 125.f86Ill 7.2' j 9UI , 2lllI~oI"'___ 21 . 1!11L5 112o.m I '9.1 ,I "!IllG I ""'_IIISIoaI___ 22 I 1311.7 1127.852. 8.4 i 97,110 I ilIlIlII-I_IIISIoaI___ 23 I 138.1' i 125.ll!1081 8.5 9lU'Jo , ilIlI_oI____ M, ~I 1315- ' ,.,2lI_~- 1.8 " 1II.0lI0 I SId IlI-oInside of.. "if u:4l. ~' i 13ij r~IJ!!!7~ 8.ll "':'95.~ I 3111 iiHiliOid6 01 _\WI MIl I 131l.~ l 128~191 I 8.9 ,97.lrr. I ""'_01__ Bo.1l. if J ,140 129.50971 S.1 " '- I ""'- oISlem l'/II-WISl is :135 1tz4.iii44, . 8.1 I 9i3i I 3III_oI811m__ 21i 134.4, I 124.1l153 . 7.8 I 95.2ft I :W_oIlll1l'l1_ iO 138.8 nilll,ii4l!' S.1 i 9l!.lrr. \ ""'_off,,,. ".-- :it. I 13U 1127.9021l. 6.8 I 97,SlIO I :W_OIllt1:mwiiHlorD. 32 j ~ 140:1" "I127.595el 9.8 I. 97,4'lI I ~ 3nl1Jt-msJde II SlMt WiI ib.i 33 I 140.8 f 128.B618 .' 8-5 ' ,,' ~ 98.1' I &d~of____ 14 I 145..5 11:l:l.l1548 S.7 I 102.2'1' r 3n1_0I___ AvoIIgo: 9lI.8l' 8ld.1lBv.: I.M 1 !lhd~"",,,, "",:, (Dl)....,llIpIJI.iL)OINr~il,~,.,~,.(AIl8)~IAbIe..(li". ,.:,,,,,_ Teolpe!loa8lifoMl Semm -. CoIp..... c-aoo. SN 21113 CIoIIt _",.~ ~'/8.07 ';;;>~~;~{~;aw~~~~t;L;~ ,.~.. . . .! ::':i~~:.:)(:., IIA'~"II'-:'" ""i_'" ',...~:.i;~~~~;:\~~~L~:;~~.k~:.;;,<':~.. ...',:",';' :~;.:~::,. '" \.~..,.,.(:.: " Pg: 8/33 r,: 4. "'2019 .f, I' :i~ :V,,' I, "1.\'" ...1"1 " ; ~~ . " ':'~'rJ;'i . ',-,1 ."" '.:hlK~ 11~i; ":%1' J'~:,- ' .J,', . , '" ., ,;';," .~~>, ~i .i.- ,. ri' ..' ':~Ul ~'\ . ,'tf..i1!t , " . "j"j! 'I ,. i. " :"1 , "r , , ,<ill. ~ ";l. . ~~ln .~. :Ifr~'; illf.,l" <if,. t.\" I,', :;:1. 1': -"I- ,\-:~:~ U . 1t. ~ :n.. tj: .' . . ...' . '. '-1' ,;f:: ~'!11' "J. ',t , ' , Fax sent b!l : 5113&431985 IlLEIIIFELDER 111-15-118 14:15 Pg: 9/33 Brr-Z?-iJ7 11:83 l'!r=S' (", , ' ( ~.AIly8lSall"8llII-A.,,,,, ,,,.,".] 1I-P1ac8 ' 'ASnImlIZZ aad D3017 Fax troilo : 6","<..,:" ~ 18.01 .. AdlIIar. r,,~, ~. ,~SlIm Wall BacldiII-Q Slllld PIoIlIlIr llmIlw$I' PllIllIlIIlD: IIIla: ~ ~J,*IT..'; DT-6 - , ~... SS , llIi!leeltaITIIl1; ~ fl DenseGGdefCl\lalled ~ , --. !I!IIleIsl!l;-S- 131,0 /lDOdIIl8d IIl'OCtllIl SIBI.h. - ..-...... RHi. an c11la1111y I ' 1c111la1l11118, I ' III I~- Ii fU.1 o.el f8.D:) 0.84 I j , I I ,~ ~ WlIlrl ,Q,,..,.~ T_1ia. ~" 'I 1 135.4 125.4 8.0 95.7'A ' 2 135.7 12U 8.3 95,~ 3 136.4, 1Z6.1 8.2 96.2'l " 131.0 1Z6.9 ' , :8.0 I" ",' '96.~ ,5 135.3 125.0 8.2 95.5" 6 137.1 127.7 7,4 97.4'Ji 7 142.9 131.8 8~4 lUO.~ 8 . ~ ,131.7 \ 128.2 ~. ,97,gcr, 9, 'laU 126,ri ,8;3 ~'~.. ,96.2'l 10 laM 127"3 6.4 97.'~ 11 134.4 ,125:ci n .7.5 95.4" 12 134,9 12&.3 6.8 96.4" 13 134.9 " 125.1 l 7JJ 95.5% 14, 132.11 \ 124.4 8.8 '9s,O'J, , 15 ~ 137.6 "~128.8 '7 ' ..', ~'98,2% 16 137.1, I 1Z7.4 ' 7.6 ,'W$J. 17 ' '135.6 'l'Zll.6 . '6.9', 96,lI'll. 16 141 A .~ .. 129.5 92 gall'll. AWllIlI8= 96.6'Jo S1d.ll8V.: , .43" I IlBirJII 3td lllHlulliide 01_'. liast 3n1 ~BIsidlI Of SlIlIIl WalI-bsl 3nI1lt-01lls1dl1 0/ SlIlIIl WaI-&st '" 3nI~OfSlEmWal-fasl 3nl1iIl-wslde 0/ SlBm WBII EIIIdl1 3nl1IlHlulside 01 SlaII W~ 3nI111Hlull1il1e aI stem Wl1I-&lUlII , 3nI11l-Ou1l1lde 1lI SIIlllI WIIl-WIlSI 3nl1Ilt..()utside u15l11mWaJ-Wllsl 3nI1fH1ullile 01 StemWd-West 3nI fllI-OulSI(le of Stem WllI-Nld1 4\Il1lll-mslde a1Slem Wal-West 4lh IilI-ftide oI51lmWlll-WIsl 4lII m-Illslde at 5lein WIll W8st 4lI1111l-biIdD III SlEm WIII--HuIIIt 4lI11lft-lnside oI5lein Waf 'NOnlI 4lI11l1l-ftid1l OfSlEm ~ 4IlI1llI-lnSlIIB nfSlllm WaII-fast " 0lIllcI TI3IsmlssIoII (D1) (epedfy depUI, in.) or Nt Giip ~ (AG8) (spedliy(IJOllChallIll or (\J)ftIDucII8II mode . T&SIpllIIIIrnI8d 1ISIIIg,,).';.... NUel8arGGlp1llOll8lc.3Oll, SN 21113 cient TI1Galas Foil! ',' I i.... ',"'- 78.01, " ((IA("", .."', ",1liii, ", ~:. .;.~...:.: :.'~~;: ", i . ," ~';~'! .:'1', ' "< .'1':'_ "'.;'i<'-: Page31ll9 , . '1'1 .: ~~ ., 1~ :; ~ :~ 1 .'." :~ J~" ,~ l~ ~h '-'F,lf ~ : r~ " " : ~: i;:~:., '.,:':jll', " ~h " :~', ~~. -f it1f ~'j ~,. ':,,1 ..... ";\' .. :. '~J ..I" ".i~]l: {!!V ~" rl :~'J~', . :.!:' 1~' ':'::\; r"! 1 , I'; : 4.1 ~..~ ',,' , , . : ll~l 'I.. '^' ;.~/~; :HrUi ~I~l; . J.k:lJtl ~1 ',!rll: .. .~ .'1'. .'::~~ ,,\ , Jl, ':,-t~ .. ,. ' : .~-::~' . .:'li;~:4\ _{I'. Fax sent by 583&431985 KLEIHFELDER '.t. ~ - _ ;. . '.,t' .'~'~raa : 6.~.~'~;;'~ ~' ,. ... : ,;', :;i;l <~~:' ....., <~'.:,r" ,,, . , j~ ".. . <;.) ;::~':- 'I: I ;. .: ....!.. . ..,...... 111-15-88 14: 1& er.--2?-87 U 'fi C.ABilVll SlillIIid SlIlIllIIIt._ ~ (- 1lSTII'02922 8iId Da817 ~ '~7fS.01 ," "-, .. Mi* w.l.._ SlIm WdBadlllJ-Q stn l'fO!W,l'lIJkway I'lInIIIIIt: DaIt: 6I5I2f1J1' . ; a.Ir TaIllnl', or.. - '11.lu.. SS - - ~~ ~4' {.lllmlilllhdlldCnl6hed~,.,,,,,,,; .. 1IIVae.u,.1lCI131,O (IllOC&tled1lfOClOli IIh.oIL.... I." '""", ".",l:lIect,A IlllIaIJ I I~:lb, b...., I ." - -a,.";",,, ,JU.I' , '0.62 0.02 Te$l" 1 2 . r S .. 5 "U?1 -i~(,,"'"'' 1l1U 1Z6.3' 9.5 141.1' 128.5 ' 9;ll ,131.1 124,6 , , 10 143.5 129.2 . .11.1 I, ::" ~9U$ ':, 148.1 132.5 It.Jl '~. ~'t,101.1'I " II;' , ' 'I 96.4'J. 98.1Y, 95.1" I, I \'" I I j", I. l :' j,,, I, I ,"'_., --:'"'.":;:-f,t,,'o1'., I r J "1'.- ~ ,.,,~., - ,f!, , "I ~ ,(.,1 I I j I I J" ;' Awngs: 9T.9'l(, SId. !lev.: -' 20m IIilIBb 41I11ilH11s1de of SlIm WlIIHlaulb 4lh ~of S1emWllll, SlJlIIr .4III1IlHnsldlUI! SI!In WIllI' ~' " 4llllItl-Inslde of SIllm WIII-&$l 4Ir lIft-Inlilde oI5tem WalI-&sI: '. i -l ~. .:~.I: '. "-, If );1;_ Pg: ,W33 : , . '). _.~ ',i,;, ..,..' 'Vo,' ,"";. . .., . . .,. ,,!{;(ili'''' :;N~~!: :~\;;;:,,'.Y~;';;!: p"',"."",,, ~ '.;~;~~l' if, " . , '~'i.,,~ irt',' .. 1',1""__1 , \ott./,"..l .' .T,' 1~~,. , J'''\1r:\,~. ,~\.; Hl.t~ " l:.::i11;W:~ , ,'4hi ~~I~l:f:' ~" , ~/.'" '.,' :;",~I:]..r4 " '~ "';1' . ;"- I : j':. ~ ',: ' , . , " "'." \ r . ',:'JI~..11 ";.., ti,~ " ,,,,tWf !I;~~;" t. ~j)., .'\, Ii , , , d1 lJ~1 ~\r ~i , '-111'';; J" n, " ~' , ,[ ~ v., r JJ. .> ~r ~.t..l . ~: ;:~, '>, ' , 'Hli ..... '.,.:,1:,fi' 1 . . -. -~ '. - .~-- .' ,-' - . ' DiI'!Cl,"_'~~ lOT) ~ CIejlIII, in,) or MQlpllaCkSeall8I' (AG8)(spec:iIIy(1)oUdlallltor(lJ)fl\llllCllanioGa Test ...r...II..c11!5i'V s.nan Nuclu"Colp IllOdlIIC-OOO. ~ 21113 CIeIt"1boIRa:$Fclc.P, "l'" ,:,.;.' ~7M1.' l'A~,IJIc.' .' . .1.1:~ .. ";,.:.', --.. ::'.(, ,/..:;:{,.',', ,: . 1'ig14.,.' Fax sent by ,Fur.... . ..: ~ .- 1.~; ;': ' .~.~~ ! I,' . ::t(;" ," ,., ;.{~('f.:~it~; ;*; " 'r~'F ,4k.h(l.l '.'-.1 " .ttJ~/~,~~~':"' '.,: .1~~I;~~~l~'lE1:L, ,: '.'~r*}t~~~;.'i;.: .' ',' ~1"" 'l',,'i':'.'~ ..; (: ,.'..'.! . ;:1'-1:'t~~- .;. IITltli,ffI"Jr.;;! .. .. 81-.r_~ 14'16 "p ,.1,1'1"*'" =. ,g'q'" ~';~ni~!ji;~:~t~. ..~ J?:.~j.:~,,,:~;:, j:~ ~~~:.~::~ ~:::'?~~;l < , .~!I,i~;'!:.J'!4'il:~- ~i 1,.\ ,,,,,df.~l.y..~ l' fl. i' :,:\':lW:~ ~ ~ ;: -f ,';;:l'i:('I~I"'ff . ~.;, xii;' ~;l. ,~1~~1 ,</1,. -r '" ~ rIJ. l',', \ ., l~: , l ..,:,~;,. '. '<':'r~W;lli Ii ~..~ I,.' .,':'1"\ ',l} I '_..,~. '~>. :~;Z~/~ ~1:' ~' 1 ( pl, ~ '~l'.': ~. "jl :,: '" '';.. ffl;~, . ',:,... ~~:: ~ ,~~-~ ~ Ii l:f.~* ' ~h' - ',. "1\' "~ ' 1lll{ .' "'tj~iiF1:'I' . Illli; ~ 0,,.,,, liW' . "}.,n~ ,', II; , :'" '",',' Ih~1 ,~ i,rl .[1"- Wi ..J.. -'jl q'~, ~. : i . ,"p" ';'I-~.:-::' ,"!~ l.r,l . :lJ'~,., ~r~ '..' ,If': . i, :,I?~~;ilr ; ~n! ~ ~' ,'iljiI111r '."1'111- ,,'H,.!I!,' '. L/;;.j- ~!.. . ",~,.~J' ::'f 51131>431985 KLEltlFELDER Plige5ol9' : 6..;.......~~.:.' 8&-Z7-1rI', 11;1113 C,. " , ._er'8aII_8GII-Il,""",H'''' 1II-1'1ace1., - ~ AS'III Dmz aad 1I3lI17 ..: ;;, . '_ '~,;;l I'.......,! . '_J ~ i.., '<"'::":j":':I;~? . . ,,'fl'! . ~'.,~~:'; "'f ,;i 1 "'.";~,~f_ ~ , . ' " ... ",,' ,"- ~ '." ~.." ,. . '1lIrett "..""".. tUn (specify deplh, iILlorAi'Gap::'::::':'""",- (AG6)(speeIfly(T)Oudlallleor(U)~" . r ,; , '~4i;;:.: ~~:-, '" t, -'I: .~. .,' fiIlI8Ct 78JJ7 ,. ._ J I ~JI '....... K:~..,,~ ~..,&; 1Rt!dDt~ St..., PIoaeer.PIIkw89' , " . ,. ,,,.'...... " ',., ,~1IlIIII: ~/2OlI7 ,...._, "'''''8 ',~ c(,~~:]'\~IJ~~1,lio\"',' .1.. ~1"'V ; "" ._ . :'~~11:~\~~-~~'i:~~:~' ,.....11 'IH SS -'r-~ ',~' ., .'~ ',.<" lIIf8llai'iwoe: 1112' H Dense Gl8lIeG CIllSlIeCl Aila1'eQIl$' II>. . Drr r ;:4136.0 /5lIInllanl1lllldlln "''''''',' i.",,,. ,lIIII-' , , . AIIeIlIiIr ,I 1""'''''''''''' I ' . 18I I Jill, "'''''',1, flU};), I8.D:I .:s~ 139.1 130.5 .139.5 130.3 137.9 130.0 . 141.3 13l.7 143.6 135.6 138.7 I laoJl I I I.l ,. +_~'~~.. ,. ..... ~ -, ' " ' ~ \ j .1 ~ I II' T ..I.. ,-_..1.... ,', ..I'.. I "_I'~"~:'~;?;I,~~'~~,;:.;-'( I.~\.:~:'. ~ Tat... 1 2 3 4 .. 5 6 .' I .:\VaIII ',( ,'I',nj,,,~,,'l. CuaIIIIl." 'l! 11.6- 95.S'l\ 7.1 95.8" 6.1 9S.6'Jo 7,3 ,J. '!lB.ll'J. 5.9 "'''99.71.' 6.0 96.2'i ..... I'.'" ..,. I "f .:'~ , . :,\'f;:I,.,j'--, I l j I _L,e, ~n l '~ I:"" ~ 'i',", ,.,: j \ l 'I 1:' 1 I I'~~ , Averagr.~ SId. D8't.: . 96. 7'l 1.55'10 , ' Test,... ''', 1dIgSeamallllllclear Corp modIl~, sN 21113 , , Cleat lboIIIas Fox "\ ',i';.; "i... I'Illject 78.rJl " . . ,:"...",: ';""';';:',"';1;::':'" lIAr",I"""".. ,,'!,. "..j:;.::.':"":.,,.. ;':i 1-: ~t' '" -~. .;'~ t' '. ~-' r 1', ' 1~~Jk ,..~j'~.~, . 'I'>~"~' '," .'~ ;;!:t!. ."f,..' ,..,..""jl'"::''' ;' ,:,t;1i" fl_;:1;,. ","''''~,' .~,. . tI-~ .'~1~!(!$' I~~n' ..r~it . \.{r. ~ . ,,,!;Ii jjj' 1'8: 1: ;',,' ":!;:f~~i 'f1~";~ .. 'I" ."Ij U' , . ,'''r 11' . . ,,' ' >!:rr~ ~~ " .; , ""~;i'~!I,.~r;~l', . 'I.:" :. 'i""~~ ' , -' ,,;,:J,'.'i.: 't:::~!N . ,..,. <.!d IV . ;;":,.' 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'l~~'~,.#lr;...,;.~ . -;' "~1~:~<:;,.::{~: ~;.. ,lor 1 f' ",. '. -;",:;;,;,, 1'- -. ::!:I c.,:" . '~~'~f;;~ ; :il;:> ,,' ..... .1 , J8slRa. 1 .Z S 4 5 : 6821~5& .J I,. L I.~ 'I. 1"- . .... ';1"""" . t '" , 1 i 1 1 I Bt.-~ 11:89 ( C lIllIIJ of SeillIlIIlleII-A ,'j "'i,., "., ID-PI2e ~. . AS1II. UZ922 aad D3lI17 ~"Lb.~ I" 1tsJl:},., . 0.71 ~}; tfo. ;... ... 131.5 J~ 1 6.5 94.3 139;6 i 131.1 I 6.5 I 100.1'1 142.9 I 134.2 I 6.5'. i :' 102.411. 134.5 I 126.3 I 6.5 196,4'1 l I i j I 1 ~'''l ",' I c, ~". ~.. '~". :r~"; ;':::.;"':h';-~ ::;..,w..... ..j . '......,. j I' I I I L. ::,:...:;;Cll ',':", ",' :.j,:,~..":: : -'1'..-....-.... ..~".;:::'.:.~.\ -'~ '<;~: .~.!:' ... ';'. .. ~ I. ';":' ..~'. i , " ."1".._,,. ~ .c=-:t~~.:' ,. . ~,. t~.. ,>,),;-1,"'" i . I . ~ "l. -l :; I j I -, I J I I', . i .... I I ~ 1 I I I' l -, --i'<. I!~':;- ~ : "'. I I I 1 I i I I I ~ 97.n. ,3.~ A~ SId. Dev~, " Test rierfllmted _ seaman NucfearCorp modllI c;3oo, sa 21 f13 ...,". ClIeIlt: Thomllt Foil PI"""'.... Plo/8d:. TaITT . .... ....,:,::,;fl;:.; '.; ~i~~~'.~~' :~. ~:;.: .,:' ,-.., ";" .~ .' - -, ......\ ......;'1.' . ''',." UrAl .~;,..,.. ';,,;. lie. PaGe Gat 9 ..,~ .~> ". ',".,., ',; ::'\'.''},:~:,,' -.,':," . "M'_",H ," l'." . Fax ~~.\(~ '~1' ,~~~ ~ ' " .. ~h ;.....f\>>" ",-",;,'.. ~hx ,.. .- ;'~ . ~;~~::, .' .~. . ~. ~:'l.':~ >'j ':;: '-" ~~. ;t, . , I I. . , ' , ',"kl.:. . ~ ;~'-:l':"~~':"I '. Sf" j.,:i~t;":1-::mI.1::I' ',::f~'~~,,~~,,~~ ~,]; '. .. .. .. -5tt~~~l?ift\~ i.~ ~;t!.:'hV~11-;-\ . :,"-, :..' I l '~ ! I '. ~ 583643.1985 81-15'-88 14: 17 Pg: 13/33 ; ',. " l,.t .) ,t" l'9: Z ,.'" I .,~h "fOf i~:h ifl~il :~I! ' , ,,*~II' J~',1 . ~~!'i' , . ~'.i'..; . q, .. ..' ~;t~ .' ,t!1. . .~: 1. . ':1,' , , ,,), I I;' , , '. ", '. ';j).i" l~~ iil'. '''>'~Ir'(''\-'I;~ t)i~" ,- .-: 1l.ia'l, . ',I' I'lt,,, I. " . ~". I ~/ I', ~fJ I.~~f~ ,i ""~I" !. I"'" o :".I:lt,~', .!~: Uf,~j;'. \fi~~l : ;~!::,J'", ;'fie ~' 'h,.- .:-.... jjt.,,, '!,(~ ',~,,, l/f./- '-i\i); ,.~l. l .~, J!::,' ~: 1 I 1 ~; ~lr , ',.jr, ,:~i:, ".*IIff';. I '~, /;:J !~: 'I'. . "'.1 ~ , 'l' I ..:.;]\1. ',,,", <- ~. J, ':: :~" 4~t" ,@'(~( .tl[, '.:. .",\:..,;. :.::.,...:t;';'ilpr.; I' '. ~l ;.:~ ".' . ~ , ' " ..;::': J<LEl"FELDER t, " I, 'i: : ---~ ....Z?-e7 11:119 { .nsiIrllf SliD .. AggI....1H'IIee C ASnIIlZ822I111l1'D3817 ,:1' , )':' I", I, l I l 1 Dim:tT~ ~(~ GiIpIh, in.) or NT&. ~ (AGll) (specl1Iy(l)auc:IIallIeor (IJ)nlllUCIlllb mOda' Test" ";,,,',,:_SeRw~CoIpmodlllC:300.. SN21113 ' ' , , . . - - PlIjIct'78.07 ' ,. SlIrJ~ W2Qu8nSS&wIr~-oSl.8lIdI'lllllller!'lltlllay ,...... ~ ': ;' ..:. 0lll8: lVl:vllllll' :'B_J;TliIt1\ila': 1JT-8 ..., :1.:'/':: ~,;~r:.;t...~_l~ ",i... SS ',:. '1III1111r ' . ,. r 1_.,...... ;..".i.. II -1Id1 ,~~"i. .. ,.t,-, ::..;'f\J1..-....."''!'''~.,,''''.... ".'""!''';'\-(~I' "J...;,l 1.!lt '01 lJeIIRGnlded QusIIad"'"J .",.,. ~ - 136.0 ~ lIIlICb1 :'" I' 1 ~; ''''''1 112 : ~.: .. '. '<,~ ,~~l 138.5' 13:18 13ll.3 ,129.8 ". "Ctmlldm. CailIIIilt., ~ U 98.4. 7.5 '99.51 ~,8{<."j85.R ,l l ~"~' Tatll8. -1 2 3 ..... ' I I : j I .. J 1. .-... _..j~~._.,.-,_:I "";,,1:.:..,, ,L...~ ..-:.1;' "':' " '1'""" ,.,'..' l l": ".~.',~ ", l. : ...!, . I_~'; ""< '1.;" /,.:'1""'"'"''' "1 .....,-. --"'",., .,- I ",u:,;.::;""" ...~: '~"'..:~. 'j _" .,~'~",,; ,,~'.I ,,~, . ~7 .;, .'l~," , I ~ "T .. ..'~ , I i i .L '. ';~t~1 !. j I' I . i ~, r' ~ l r l j I (" 87.a7r ~ :',' 2.037. r~~' _~I.,{~ :~~~.~:~}.: - j 'I' I: .. :. j '1 \ I Averaae: SId.llIv.: . ,. ~ :: ,~ ClllInt llRimasF1lilc,,,...,...... ,_ " Fivjed: , 78.J1f (: .).;~\iV.:/~~:~~~,~r:~:f;:.::...:j[~,~/:..:. .;1 ua- .: ~ ~;...IIi:: .,~ '''".' 0_" ~ ;;-. . >'J)~..-.:..:.;;;.:y~.i :':" .' '. .....'....".. ,. ~, .. .,. , ,..rall. Fax seld b!I ~~~, ~;';iJ- " I ~rjuc r- ,. .~(~. .:;:"J:-; , 1; ,-I t: ~ . :: ~~ . 'f~t-L l' , , , ,.-'::,~~':~;3j,y., ; " .ft~N'f ,.d1,cl. : ~~~i;t:,!~ :~ .~, , 5836431985 81-15-118 14:17 Pg- : 14/33 PlJ: 3 ....'~ ,~, ' ~~~ . ',".'llq, Ii,;, , ~' -,}, \, .! . I" "Ir: '.'~i 'Jl: . ~'~ -:-~! ,'." ~ -n '.', "-.j ;,-t. " :,~"; . ," I, .,,-,.;t> " " 'c!~,~,II!i: . h.~' Itir. ....~llit . 'fi'1" " j~ . , . .'I'.if]" I' ~ .. I.. i" ,f, i}~J'f/,;.r,_"',;l,' ' .A:;~(!('~:jJ.t~':~i I"" 'll\f';'",~,~!: ' : _i:'f.j:~J~:j~':{~,-" t '-'::!:~:llit'fil'.~p . . )::~~~.~;:;" , , " ,.i '", '. 'f" ;:.' ':!.. '~". l : '::~il; 'it. ',; 'J;:v. , I,~'r:c 1'1) . '!iW'~!: . ,H,ll. o ~~. ~',f' .'. 'il',', , ~ 'j' ,J~r "Il~f' I .-ft tj ,1';1 :!f "r'l~ll ~,~ :', !,j~-,~':': " ;~ 'ilt " ~f '. . , ~:, " 11tt~ '*~" . t Ii. i).. , 'l,.tl,L', '1l"t 'j~FI" '"ll '!b , , , " ,;{j . ....., f.J~f " ..i.i'Ji 'j:il r ,,~; '~'tll . ,.;~'~':~it. . : al[~ .,' '~~~ , ,', ~~:~}~ . j ~'" , ,',;~ iiI, ,~, ;:~::,,:,c:, . ,,~t!re\'W ""~mf:k ..!Ri11' , 1: - . . . . ~,. ~..... "" ,'. .,..--. .' . , Dnl:tl,'" ,...;...;. ,,:.lD1J (tpedIy _,In.) or AIr GalIIk..._. (AGB} {sPeciIiY~ or (\J)ntOlQable mode Test....fIl,....4us.lnO~lWwcoip_c-300,SN21t13 . - . IILE I"FELDER . ~ ',~ ,: ' ~. "J . ,_".J -.... . - "'l. loU .:.""~.' 1lrZ7-l17 11:18 C AIiIv"SIlI_ ~ ....,.JJt.PIace:. ASTI D292! and D3817 , :.1',:",,-, : .~":~ :~'!." ~- I 1- . '. '~'78..07 " : S8a~ Wllb __J Ei\IeIIar SUoIilllI-Q S!.and PIOneer I'aIIIwa9 I'WIlIlO; . ." Dale: wy21lO7 .. ,:""r:__Tid~': DT..& ."~' . ..~~SS . .~ .~ '1lRIiItr- J4'f-lllllnRl&IelICnIslIed!\IUnG1IIB · - ~8!V'1~.o 0n0dillell1WCllll'l .- "'-..nlll.;e II!Idy ,. 161i11111111'f,1' ,~.,"'"..".n.lr-,.\ 0.52 IISJI:\ ll94 .,~.~ arr .. J ~I TIIIl~" . . ~' ~t.~ """"""";1 1 .' t38.1 128.8, 72 98.~ 2 . ',136.7 127.3 7A 117~ I I +'..' ",,., '1,;,,,1' ~ ~ t. 1i. ~:.l,. ,t>;--t'< . I I . I j , I j " _. _, .. ...... ......1....."..1. ,'.t, ",'!.. I...~_,..~, lL::" 'f".~' ,."....:.' I J.., ..',,' I ~ .. ;,.' II :. I I." Ioj"","';:';, ;:' ll' ~ ." . ~' ,,'to,.' , " t/' . : ~ :'1" : I "~-"l'+ Ii ;,,;;:.1 .. ." ~ I .,1 I IlImlalII I I I ,'.4,1;,.:'''' If''~,,: I I ;~ , r ..:. "l /MngI: slD.1IlrI.: I I I I I ~.d.,"" \ l I , l 97.", O.8:lS "~. ~." ... <-. .,- ' ". CIIeiIt 'Tbomas Fat Pluper\!e$ . Pllijed; 78,fJT ;;;:~' ";, .: .~,,~:~: r:.:1";:': :'E~!;~}~r:.j::"; 'I&Ar""""" .,,,hlL '.'--",' . . ~,>. .' . n',. ",,-, -, "',- .. :':,;,f~~;~~.;):.:~:~,;: . '-",- . "'.80;9 , ~{i-':,::'"_;; ". FaxSent'~ . ;rax,r.- , ~1 " " """. . :f~tl '~~.> "- .~!,~~:}~.l~i~~}' .' a~:;ti,t.~"":L""-\" !i.t~"l,~:;:,;~r~~<t'.,: "t. . ~"'t$J ' -'~~j~'~"}~';l;i"t,., 1_.7J',t"~.~ "~)'$~':., <. .;:;.,.". {,"j-:, l'~ i~~-:; ~ ',,' ".,< ....:h~~. "Yt1 . "}~f'j ..~tr, ;1 ~,1~J; "~ .,~I ..' '<Y'" :-,( , ""'" -)< '~~:. ' -~:,,';;"'\, '}~'" "., 5836431985 ~ ",. ":,,:': ..,.I :'~l "" .,':;'n , .,":' .. . , " ": !i' ,-~ ';';;,~,i;,;' ~~.. 'iI-",;~ "> :'$",:_~'1~1l~1..l,J. "'::':;:'j:~;.< ,,;,'''r:;~~,'~I.A~~, ;", ":~;r;~~~;r:~:. KLEI"FELDER 81-15-ea 14: 17 .' '~Z1'ili' U:III C-,8f1llll~~'''-''!l''';''' ~'( . AmlD2922111d D3in7 .' . ., ~ "fi'i"',"''''' " "--""117 '" '.' ,I.' I".".!.'. "',::~ ~u.: .' J,.,.;(,."\i,;',,IIIIiMllal; IIII1IlSUildflmDmDl!mlllllII-OSl8lld1'lol1ll!'~,:",' ~;.."~ r~u~~' , " '\:~~~..,'. .1,.,..: ',"" 'l';!_~;;i.!:!{ !. " ~f'J.l1f' l~\ ,!-) .V,' I' ",' Jr. tA,''-: ,-' ~'.-v' ';:'..:~~~l .31.1,. <:..1r ,,: \~ ~::. '~~(. ~I~; ., . .~ 'r*,~':['~ ,I !~ :/H: 11' ",~ .;:.~.+~~~. .',1 "'r./.~}_~'!f~I~~~~~"""k ,,";:' ,:,.'jt';",~<rt.',l~~~~':".:r'~jo:1IID: (If-fl'-VV' . ..',:'{~:'~~'~I:.m~1fu"'.t8iti,p~ 01-4 ","--'<<'nW:o'.r'!-.~'~'~' ~ - SS' , '0..;' ,!):..\.:..:".l';..""~"". ',ii' , ~'''IIIIIiId~'f' f"l1llm8 ~CIuftd~. ,.. '~" ..1Irf1lllllif.. 126,0 ClilIntiI1IPOCIIlIl lllIad",i' n. ~,l,:..."".~ _ ADeIdy I ' 14~!lt , , ' .....l.,...,.. D.t Q.S2 llUI:t ,', ~ ,,0,94, .""'''' " ",of":' " ~" , TIel'" 1 2' IIIiliIlI , o.llr, pel 127,& 1262 ;~ f~~::r ";~;:~' ~ ~' ' .' , .~. , :~~~i! ,F'dAL~~~;,,"i:;' ;J:"f,..~(~: l' ."';r..... . ~~:""(......... ~,.,..'III'~. GoIIlIlIl,'l! 121 ~6 4.9 120.2 5.11 ;ill j",1 ~..,,"" ,.' 'II ~ j,. ., ,:"" , p. .. ,.. . I" '..;':{,! -I'" ".J', , "~.~:~;:::~~:r,;' ~t,; . :,n}';, ii .. :-,,~~,~,!!!':qf , 11. ~l, , ":<i1.,; " " I' ',' ..........___."...~".,.,,,'..,__._",._~,J~.~ .\"__"_h' ,~,1 _' Dn&tT.~_..:,..:... \Ill) {lipeclIydeptll, iR.)~ AJ8aplladlsi:_(AGB) (~(I)oucl1aIifeOl' lll""" . ,,.,;, 111lRI8, , "liif:':,,:::,d~SediItiii:iiaiCOiPmiJdej~,SN21113 ' ;.~~~(n.;';":'{ t-t :;.r,~,;",(, ~W~-;; .,' ,,-..':;1.::01,;:......';;:: :..._::.::i.....-:-p--..t.) \,lC.',.; I "",:V..' 'C. .... 96.90 90A '..' ....; ;:: ~i-.r'~:~ :=l ~ i'!.(:;~.:)ii-".~,~~" ':~:~;~. ;~""'J;>'I "h'.~;1, ,'''l~, J:'. ~: <:'<>~!:~"!:!: :~.!!~;,e':"" ""~ ., ~ Z; ': '. p-" '"' \.: ~'''t,:'; ,:.::., ","r:, :-::\:' .,<. !/ ,.. 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"f; L~~t, ~'i r :! ;1~'i*;i'.1Hi li , . ...........__ '.:~i:l" t " :",t!jf~J~ I~! rl.... ,.....,\!.;:~j~\;:r~':k :t: II'" , ~f~. Ii \<1,,1 l.f '" 11 d~- :tr<< ,'"" , '.le,,: ! ~r;: 'e~J-"'~"" . 11,~ri:l ~r;'" "t{fh~:~. ; ~ " .:';~ 'll., r' , ~ IlJff,'iJJr' '. . '.." "* !" . .. "I' 1'.,Uit"':..;c'I/'" 1,\, lill', 11 . fMJ..., <1. "; ;:~';i'~ lm~ , '. ,. I ,r; lipl , I I~ ~l ,{t; ~~ ;{,'1 f I1~ :n ~1~ .... ':\1~ i~': ..".' i~ g' , '1L~~'~ n;~ . ~;'\'; i~ $;: '.- ji~ r.. ., "'~. '. ,,,,' I . "..: . ~ 1',' '~, ,~', ',- . ;~l'. . ie' . ~i: ~l, :!1.1~: '~,t~1~~ . j,:~l~: . :~fr~~~:~ ,)' ~l; ",'::.." .,'-.'" , :'.~).;~ii,; .iJii . I ~,^~t .l{~ill .--1::; . ;. ~:,,~ .1'..01:; Mri;~ 1-~}I'r, '-'ll ,. ;~i~fi' .ffUU.. r::j:rJ: . :'l,.~, '.~hl!,' 'o!'j""', ~:ifi! ;~ff:' '.,1. Fax. o;en~ 1>Y. 51136431985 'KLEII'IFELDER 81-15-88 14:18 c " - ...~- .:::~ . ,,,' -,~ i ll5-Z1~ 11:48 ,,'l!'" 1'..... .i8.= ,.. . . l' .~ .\~;. > ,.4': ."..,-".... :-~/' . ;,. .', '~.~ ;'::J~~~~~ ~ ,,~_21, 2lIIl7, .f.., .', ~.". " '....lhomisfc<<~':~;~l~;:,j: 515.W: P.iciiIit::a,:-~4iJo ' , : '.,.- ..~..'l',.~."'~f'..'."_......~,.O;:,'.,~..., sallalillCllj;UT"84H5'~:"?J ' I", , . ': ." - i ,.:'";"~ -:: . .,~t::;:,~;iC> ;" ':~.'t;~. .. Ii ,. I SuIJjeIl!: ~"..';' i'\"""""""qualiIyconimt W"~,,i".::.~':' ~'u; q.,:.n .:.:. ~"!'I Q _and PIulIeer P-.,d.1ll\Y west ~,jield, 0IIg0n ~. "};:'~ " ,JI.J:ll :, '{.f(.. (' ': ~.--' puJIIlOSE,. SUR ,As ~ K & AE"I"'"'",,, 1nC_ haS provided 0Hlle qualIty comrol 01 , , ;,,, ~ ciushed 1O(IIlllIlIl91ii1a '. placed l!l\he SUlljI!ct project siIB. The JlIIlIeCi site '1ncIudi!s Ihe ftUlllallonpads furs waIgr88IlSl1llalI.., a . separalIi bal1k Iiu!IdIIig, lIllIla"ldliRg. K &A Eiltl;,,,,, '" Inc. b~tIIe lllIllllV8I oIlIlSlMie '~.fi!I,li.alsdals fIvm 1Ile '1'..'''' ...... siIB lllId documeIIlelI tlds ,., .." .i.and_8llIlIll ol1lle ~".,;", ,Ills placedlil cul!iflCllldallld May 2, 2007. 111iS report 1IOGlrnel1b,1Ile \e8lIld~ den8IIy IIId waI2r ~. conIllnIloi'a1I aUsIiilII....':iI. ....;,.11 "...".,:.,:.. plated on foIlndaIlan pallS at1he Pl\II8el.sil81D-da1e. . ._, II ,~;v \ . ~ GRU8HI:'Il I...s.UmE fI.L.._......... : , .~:..<._,;.,....,.,.... ~ , '. .!,.' R11lJ1tllllM . . . "Cl\t$IlelI..fiIlWUplacedon subg!adewils. ""w,; ,;;..",;; ,..!Dour "..."",,...,lJOnsfGrlllll . , v...", ,."".. ~ pad (in tile lIIlIlIII C8IllIllI pillion oI\fleprojedslte), Ihe IOIIIdaIIon pad lOrllle:bank, (at . tile .. ~. 'i"'~ ~of,""P!';JIec:t sibl).lIIId IhefolnlallDn pad 1llf1he IeliIII ceriIBr (alllle I1OIlIMstpor\!llll cd!'i" ....-slte\ '-7''''''' ',' ' ,. u.",,~ '}. .....,_\./ '1,' . :.' " : ~' '1,= ,~:,-,;. '~.,:.. t,;'::,,:,: ~,,~' .. "" FlIM"W . .. . . ~ .'. . Cl\lslllllh!lg~pIaCed ......;..;"J 01 wdIl1>ld8tH/..!ncll1ltlus and 1 'h-Inch lJiOOS'CIUSIted mck~ by Della Sand 811l GJMIIli Eugile,'OreQoR, .lhls ptOduCt was IIaIIhclUt8d attlle Della Sand and lm8I sllli on RIYer A\tIlile from me raw aIUV\Um mIRed at the ~ AVllI1IJ8 pi. , Della SanllllRClGrawlbad simples a1t1lese cncshed iI\IIP~ Ilrod\i:ls tesbld by 8IIlndepe1ldelltlL,"":'.1 ;:. FEI Testing and InspedioIl, bl.. E\Iger1e, cngon, lOr IIIlIlllmun1 dry densIIJ lII1ll Dplll'lU1l waIllr corIlllnt IortiOlll Ihe ~,,';'..and ~~~'~ Test resuII$'are 8Ilal:hed\01IIis report ... .~ . " . .1...... . ...:".; '. ;. ~:'. -:- . ,." ,,:.~ .1"" '.,. .' '. .;;-'f;i~~:'~", i~~t; :., ,....' '. ',,' . ~~t\~.' I~i.~:>l ;_" . 1;f.iZ i,};\ .:. .\ ~':: ':" ',', });." ,. ~, ,,~ . ;. '.1';- '.1.1 ~~;: f'~' ':, ,", , ',"'f"".~: :;. ~ .,' . . ~,~>-,;~i,i;:~~r ~ iJ'7,!'. 1;a: t; ~1J.: :'. :; t. : , ~F t~~,;: :1" . \:'?" . .t~ I /'., ::;;! :'~:-:;.' , "'.. '.'J':"~' .~, . ::.;.ri:g\~;"~7:~ :;'::,f ...... .....,... , ';'w" I ~'; " ~l:-i .;':1: ..... ..} ~' ".. ii! ' .t}. 'I .;..".:,'., . ::~'1: .~.th{llf; " : .:l!~m: : .',j'Yl ,~ ""t'" :1-lfJ~( Fax sent by : 511364319115' . '.-" " KLEIIIFELDER 111-15-118 14:18 Pg: 17/33 "lOX l'.- : ~ . ll5-Z1~ 17:48 Pg: 3, " .. AfIIIi'".,...,:", '" IIlC. ,FIIFl.,..",:",,;lll!IlT8IlIIIg " .~. . ~~'; . ..- ,~ ,~ . "~,",lm~F. .1.".:"II:/."PatJ. ~ 1b8 pad fllrlhe WIlIglIllBlIS baIIdIng is,.. ,," :." ,d., 136-fe8lX 12O-feet In pial\. UnllIilIIble SOilS and 4llher III ,. .~, j" WIlle .,.Qa.~ amt ",.".J Inlm this ilIlllI to a deplh rangil1\l fTum 210 4-feel. 1lte baSe of the ' ~,'RiIS on dense,lB1dIsI1i!Il8d naIiW ......Ji .,...",A,. Pltorlll ptacemenl of fllhh..:......JJ \II8II,adlid, ' ~ and .......~.'"'ri..J,~.-, ; ..,)oi';IJY. . ~ '~.E;'~:;;if~".:.:;' . . " . ",:" : ,.' . , 1 y,.n:bnns,~W'9*'RiISpIaCed 1II111l!'''''I"d$ll\lplellllll\Snol ~~.......,,12...and · , wlnpaclBcIus8galalllh1 "~",,slIl1IdntlIil'lllilr,lIlis ..""..;"Jwas~to 1.fDotlldllwfinallJlil'ile. W$ .' made '"" ,:. tlisls ofllii5lil ami ba'fII ~'"'''' I, ""J IIlatthe lMlllII8 (lry ~ ellCeed$ 95'16 of I'llIlldmllm as .;,';'..:,,,;,IO~ by"'" A,;':. proc:tOrtesl' 'II1efieldtestl8Sllb lIleallaclledlo1lis l\IIlllll:amI St., ",,,' I.,r in : ~TebIB 1. ,.::h , ;~ftf:'?jf::\ W.~FoIjjII'lljj~~.'Pad-Base; ',' .:/ ", , . ~,i'" ,,,' """,12-1nc11es offo4lCll /lIlnUS _...;,.~ '.,., ..<"' was pIacell1ll1lle IlUbba5e alld gmd8d1ll1lle desired lIrlal eIIMJIIoI. 1his mat8tilI was __ '...-'<<1 _ a _ vIbraIDIy steel dn:an rouer. We made random \esIS of Il1is 111 and_ "";>".,, " tIJal1he av\lIllll9 dry dePsi\y elll:lIed8 95% of I'IllIlCII1IIin as de".,,:.. ,; by1lle modIIl8d IJIllClOl' IllSt lb8field 1BSl resutIs lII8 $ICI18d iii tills repcxt and $l" ,,', :."" in Table 1.',: ' '. :':.",1, ,'. , Wl/Ifpdoas Foui1rIatiDtrPad - PetfmI:Ier Footings , AfIsr~ of ....."....s!ill in k enllre fI:lundlIlIoo Pad. \ll8 perimellll' oftlIe pad was ~ ....:"","Jl!OWtlfll fooIblg grade. After "....,o:.i... \lIB"".."""\' (1-foo101"lllQfeabovelhesubgrade) was ~ lisinga ~ '.-~, J... "" pIaIe. we IlliIdli randOm _ of Ihls iii and have delemliIIed tbaI the <, "'.' (llY dllnsIIy "...,';" 95" olli~.,~",~,,j-t.~ il,~I8d:!irlhe, 'r;':~'~ pIO!:lOr1eSt. llIefield la'.l ~.!B:8alllldl8lUIl1li!i .-. and a" ."...:,,,,klTable1... ,- '. ~ >, ~ - ,- . , ' ," ". RtJiagandBBnk~Paits.. "f"', 'r.', ':" ,;1(';\:' " '," ,~ 1l1e ~_ .,. ...i.J by ~ \>Ill"'...... and klose Ul1S\IiIabl8 SlliIs fIl undlslLrlleCldenBe 88IldY- ...... .., . grawls Grslltgn;wilfty.1llls.,A,,,,..,;.,,,,:'"'121024-1nches olo/..lnCh minus crushed aggregam _p/acedcin . - -....... - ...,~.,., '. .... ' .' . . the pl~~~.Iif!;,~~,12-lnd!eS,'1'll.. ,."JeC!., !4e _ random- of1llisfill and.... . IlllYe j.",,;,JI1J1!Il~,~:''''''~,drydens!lJ''w...oi. ~ ~ ~1111 ~.~II~lOllby1be slandal'lI proc:IIlr tesl lhe fl8ld IBStreSmlllllle a!JaCl:led to 11* ftIIIlll! ~ 51."", ,din Table 1. . WakneRSsuIItl8Sil ~ 1 11.'"{.\ 2 fIl4-f8etthlck ' I WaioIuenaIlase~~',('1121lC11eStI1Ii:k p I ~'.~~Jt"'~:'l..:-1 }\.l.)~.:~~~':';":1 foOtIngs , BW,...~. H llo2..fe8111l1Ck I R8lalI- V.' (-) 1 fIl2-f89lll1lck 1IIlIe1.FlIII'I\I_ mp'l"",,,,..,, -lD-plaDDrYDaIly .~..io..Hlol,JI"J.'~';~-':"'~ . No. 'TIIII 3lI 8 18 6 9 MlI8II St4. Test Dev. II Ib.d 95.0 2.46 Mod. Proclllr . 97.7 1.38 Mod, ProcfIlf 96.7 ;,23 MOd Pmclllr 100.3 ~- 2.54 , SltI. Proctor lTl.5 1.93 . ~ Std. PTocIDr ,. " I 1 FBI\IdIbe slalidin8lld1lllllllll2d tesls atCOIIIln9lDAASHTOH91Dd T180.... . .;,,[j. Warecom1llerid1hilt_ ~~....... n "...;.4',:.,,'.:..: IOASlM D6Il8and 01557, I~~. andtl3l_ FBtesls be ~ , Ptojed: 78.07 Q ShIll am PlooeeO" j". "j We8t-Sllnnglield, OR CIlent: Thomas l'Gll PlupoIfIb " PageZoIa May 21, 2007 , , ;1' \ ,,"J, . . ","\, " :..,.;:/>;;.\l,~"~',:.r:; .,:;;~;,Y. "<:~ :':': ~:~~":;' ,_'. . , '<1(:.:, t:.'.: .'., ",' ~" "":'!'. . I' .....;....;. . ... '1>_',,-, ,. }~; i, ;'~. .' ',':'::' ~ . , .1; " ,j' :Ij'j' i(r'r::r l, . r,~ Ii;} '~JI j':I' ,'_..,'dl~l~. .,~ ! I "''-'' ,P' 'f~ 1~[..1 . .",!i!. "t,t . : 1;.{"1 ,~~'f! ",'il~>.~rl:,f#:""I!:1',~m~n",1" ...jil;\ i~I"" , , 1"!J'~~~,~I,.f:' '~"" ,- : ';'~ll'.~",#.!:"n:..:: ,;. t~; 6, 'f:1:j'.,r('; ,', I -fJ.t;!"l j"I: - 'i'.' ; ~'i"~[~l' " ~>L~.~;.;. "i;4.~~: . , ~"j'" ,,' ,'" "i"'>- " ~::?'1':"'-:'" .;,:~.,l,;:{,le.:~ ~:': ;~.i ..> ~'F~,:~li.q "!.,,,:<r :1,.", ,'0'1.' U' J ~ ':..-;~ ',. Fax'~:1>!, 5836431~';t1~'~!t~:':'; ."~- . 111-15-88 14:19 PiJ: .18/33 IlLElltFELDER ',...!:! .."I1....',.-.:E.: 15-21-417 17:49 I'g: ,;.lIO:..:t,,::'1 .':':. ~': ;....~. ..~+ ~ ",r' ;t,. ( II'&.A[.,I,;' ._ ;'''i'lIlC. , .- " ,\ . T ;.' p' .,ll~ ". l':~>~' ....~ii' - . ,-:'. -.. . ; . . '~.' ',. .':. j ~TlIIIIft~llIfilDIfAlld.I. .... ,:restlllisds . . "-,.-',." "',0; :'~ t~~ ~"'~''"l~'' :D~ .....r' 'f~" ,Yo 0',:" ':<~I~?.__ y;.l~~,cn""JtdJb~stf ,,:"'Y~ i' i"+,1'.f" ' "Wlllcnens base ,. ;", . ',J-!!'",".f,!;'~'-""" -- '''''''l'''''~ '.Jt' '1 tAr - 1JIwIlIIIWI",..: ..... " .'M,; ,.;",FJ','j'/:, "~~",.,!:!~,iL:olllU'.JU'~ ' I" ;L'~~~~i;;:t,;Jr~r I ifl DbaSe ; -".:' . '. . " 'ft""'.' i. ' . ~Ilallk ball8 ' . I'" ", " ,f1~*:.J~~t~~2'., _ ::.L '.," " ~ - -. ". ' , ., :"f' '.j,' :;,,: .....4.t,~,"'r4 HCllISIlelI ':.'",...." " ',' 1 I.;."""",,"J SlImI&lY".l1l2"'C-l crushed 8QllI'llAa\B "" "-~ 1 ~2 15 I 3 4 6-7 18-9 , .--~ .' " ~ '.": J,' '. , . '<~'::r, . - 1 , . - ' . ". " " ' 'i:,)" ',:!' . ' ,', ",' TIrliIIk)'Oltforh 'II:'" ;:"lytobeolservlce.. ~caBlfyouhM l\1IY qliestions.: '<j( l ,; ~ '. ,;; , .::,U;".Nf';"lll-iJi .1''';-:0 SlnceIUIy; ;!,.;'i~S '.{-'ot , ' '.' '" ."l.... '.," " ".-'. .:'~ ~:ft','.-:::-/':;i~8 ':~..~'t !;.l-:;~;..i, ,,,,,,,;,, ""'~'" ;, : !lIIIIl ii'" . ' .. -...... ..:--"~' .: ,..,; , .~ ......_,~ ~"'~~ _,' o. ~; r ,~. K&A~Inc~-'~"-"" ...-' ~ ....~, -,-....- , , .' ~ . j ':").: :f1!i:!~~;r:~vt;',:(;"\:;:.1 '. MlcIla8I,Ai.IIWdl, P .E,'" ., , . ,'l ",;,"'"1 " ' -" ,i S;~,:","..)",~.::""",:" ,! ~.',~:";.,:,,:, .,,;', "~"~_'<:";."" --: . ",t{,;.;;;;.-,i;;: i;.... 'I:;: ;;j ,,~~,.;," " . _' ,~ . ~ ~", 7~~:~>_ ';';';;;":1 ~~' ~. ,. 0 .~ "f,7,\,>! .T"" ',', .' Projec:t 78.oi", ~ ~', :;: Q siI.et anlI Ploneeir PaJfIway W9st-Spslnglleld, OR CIlent "'"""",RlK P1~tIes Page3a13 May 21;2001 " t",:. .;i:~~.tTd; ;;1 tt , l:)~ii"(':, ,. ,'" J t:~'7: }~~J ,I;: f.'~::::,. ~i <: ,", .:<!;~:;:.,:",."".if:r:~,,;. ":',;~:: , ", ;": '\~' 'l~': .',. .. .; .':'.r..' of' "T'~ j 'it. ". :,,~ . ;0 d , .': ;,:1' "l~ ,....." . {~... '. f~j'. ;'"I,H> , ~, ",'. \ii, , " , \~ rl' ,.",' ':lll'" 'I";">I'\~~OO ,:.:~'~>~i1, '~. , ~,." '" l~;': , 1:. ~~!,,, , " ~,' , -11 O..;~ 'iil'l,>' "':t.Jt . ' . ~' . , }, " I,~.IJ ~ :", ' l~iii~I'. t' '. , ",:'1" ',1;'1' :'~- :,.' ..~...,~ ~,,,. I 1" ',~ L l'l,. . I ~.,11' O.i!~l o;I:;>i~{, ,.. '>:I;~, t"i~'I'~,' , .'\: ~,;..;,~~,~ t. o ''''{l~';' ';'1'\"- :.,~:!\~ 1~1t-tl;\ Fax Sent by F....r- . . '.J" '.. ,. , 1:, .p .~, '1'" ~ .. 1" . .,:r L<:~~t~. . ~'i.t.';C1b"', ~'i:rv,~:r, .t~$.;{~j ;" i::~~~P.;'"''':; ,'t.,",,""-",,: "I .?' - ::~:.~..:,.~.:,) '.: 5836431985 E.~ J~'::"': KLE IIIFELDER 81-15-il8 14: 19 llS-zt..., 17 :49' DelIdlrClllaIlllll_, , ",..- _lIllZ2ll111lllS817 '~iJ;l~d~ '",IIIII:"dJIl , ~__.H>. .1 USI.___ _III: _ 'J!SIff!",VU/IJI ,..'~ 't '..--~- -.. ',' ~~..~. :""-"''--rJ:''- \I'lI~ ,- . '~J."~mr::1p~..~~'h.pIIW"'..a . ',""~';'..:I"i"" I ...,.;;;v.rH-_~'",,,,, i!i_lIrI...."....Ii3Ii.D 0lIdIId~ 1111... 1 " .2 , 3 \ 4<_ I 5 ! ' ~ ~I I B i 1~ i 11 , 12 I ~ I 15 :1' 11 \7' 11 19 2lI 21 2'1 D' 114 i5 a 2T 'l/II~, 2!1 III 31 lIl' ii ii4 lI(i . :~j1 14io ~ IU Wig i:iiiJ '3IIIl 121.8. 'I4b., 1li1lO , i~ ifF las Il1lU 1iiT' .130.4: ,'ll!Il.I 131,t ,.11 f3i~l till lR2 Il1!l.2 13l.ll 1311.4 liiiJ 13U. 1Z7.1i taIl.2 t25.0 UlI.lI W llII.O ~ ;au ,~ ....... 1311.3' lau, 14U,. .laU, 138 ",28.3 134.4,1, "J27.2 c'; ,...l38.2., .,.1m rlWI, 131.' i:ill.. 12i.9 188.2 1:iU' 18Z.1{.1 tZU- "'3Il.'~' 127.1' 11l3.B 1'J!j) 1m ' 128.5 .142A 13>l.8 137J tilt , Wi' ,1~~ , , 13U 12U '1117,a 12SA W 128.2 .. -,'~ 8.1 . 8.3' lUJ '. B.O 7.8 8Jl 1.1 1,8 ' 5.11 ,7 82, 8.lI SA 7JJ 8.lI 5.1 '6.6 Ij.l ," 6.1 " ~.TJ .' li1 f>.1 5.9 7.4 6.4 6:3 5.8 &.5 U 8.2 5.1 5~ 6:1 8.lI iil a.l " " '''~ S!.4fo w_ii lIl'~ "''-iUi - ~ - il5JI lI8.4fo .,IIIl." , ,):VI.. - U ~ 91.lfl1o ' ,M ...iis.ii' - !IIA1; 9l!.o. 9i!.1! - lI8.111' ii:4'Ii !lift II5BII " 91J1'6 lK,o:\ !I1.4l1 !l'L51I ll!l.l~ 91U1I 95.1' 93Z1I 95.111 - ~alllCCIIpIIlIl_, _ . . Sl1I.lJIii.: ,.., 2A6Io I"l ~1tJr;.'h:-'!"l;" '_l'lIlIaIHlIlo IIIlIiIlII ~. 'fFiJ!F. r= ~ 'I!YN!! 4fN/IX11 ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ .~ fit~ 'R!f!IJl !~~ ~~ '1""....;11.' WlJ'!!I1 '{g'!!!l ~ ~ f'M'!! 4I2W2GO( ~ 'i?lII2lI07 4I2lvloo7 = ~ ~ I . - . . . - - . , 1InCI".:""...bl\llT)(SlI8CiI)<dIpIII,lft.)lll''''8II''..,""" (All&)~or(lJ;.....,." ,-, Tell,. ",..,,___,~_~'S1121113 ~ tIell: 11Iaalasl\ll""" _; I'l$:t; 7UI' . .:. I:i(~ .1 I ""1.1'" .. .~. :L';:L>:~>i~~~:tLYL~: I:';..:~. ,j;,. ~:t:... :~~i.:L~C;~.~<.:._. ..:,~,\.,", .~~;~~~;; Jj:~~.~'~.;.: . I l I l I ~ I, Pg: 19/33 Fv: 5 T_~ .~: . . ,,:~ .i.:.;:~<.\ .....:.: ':. I ., I.'. Fax sen~ b~ : 5836431985 KLEII'IFELDER 81-15-88 14:28 Pg: 28/33 FaJC rl'OlO : &lM9358 65-21-87 17:49 pi: r,' $Ity 818011 ami SoHuaI1lpllllIft.lllace ' AmI D2i122l111d D3ln7 . I'nBct 78.07 ~..1Iliiaii: wweens-o st IiIl PIooeIlr l'al1lW8Y PenllIIIlo: Dale: 5I2f2('m "'Tllt1Vle': DT-6 (I' .~,', .. 55 IIlIlIrilIIlYII;,&/4' i-I 0ens8 GIlIdedCluslled ~ Pad lDIllaYer . . . IL..... IllY "-Er'0 fJnodiH8d Dl1lClon "'OdIIiiIlIh.IIR,.,... .. IleMlly I 16Molslllre.I . IlltIadn 1h..1Illl- {s.D.' 1,95 I&JI:I '028 T4IIINII. ~. ~, .. G~I*-I llIAla... CUIIlealI . t i 1 139.5 128.1 8.4 . 99.mr. 2 195.2 125.3 7.9 96A'1 3. 13&.3 126,3 7,9 97.2" 4 142.0 130.5 8.8 100.4" 5 136.6 . 1252 9.1 96,$ 8 136.4 l 126.9 I 7.4 97.6" 7 I 139.5 126.4 r 10.4. 97~ .. . 8 I 138.5 l 126.3 I 9.1 . 91.2'1 .. \ ~/ .... I f l I I r I I i I '.-- '.. ~ "'''- I , l I , I , I I , I I I L I .. j I \ j I' I I I j I I ,I I t I I I I ~, ..... Amage: 91.1'J. 8l1l.0ev.: 1.38\ ;llJIlecl.~....,.... (Ill) (SpeciIV depliI, In.) Of AIr Gall ~lIIibcaUIl< (AG8) {specIIIy(T)Oucl1able or (lJ)nlotil:IlII1IIlldl, . . Test"." "BIg se3man IQ;learCorp IlIIlll8I C-3OO, SN 21113 ClInt Tbomas fllJ P. "f ,,;, .,' ' Project 78.07 liAr;".,;, ...:,,,~Inc. ;-'. '. ::11:,.::,' ,!,'.,.,., ',..;~!~:A:.'{j;. .:.'. " ~rt~~~:: '. :'>>';;, ;;,,;:.. ":,, , , Ti!sled5nJ2007 . -,.:t .,., .),,:. Fax sent b~ : 5836431985 KLElltFELDER 81-15-88 14:28 Pg: 21/33 Fax,fNllil : &ll4!J3Sll .ll5-:U-8? 11;49 Pg: 1 ( ;iIy of SailIIIId _AggJ~1II-f'lace ASIIt Dm2 ad 03817 . ...... 78.07 . l!IIlIAtiia.: ~~ lit and PlcneerPalllway PIRIIa lie: IlalB: 4I'012WT IleJldJTIlII...,'; DT.6 IlJ!O!.*: SS IIIIIBIIII~ &'4".t-\DenseGndedClushed~ 1~,r..._1IIv~ II'! 126;0 ,:....;..~plWlllll L"""""""'" lIIlIlIefL IICll1ctt.&1lellIllJ { 1.&1IIcrisIaJe, I 'I '" 1."..",,,J,. .,,1, ..,JUI I, 0.42 1S.o;\., 0.82 ~ u.S . I ~ ..... ;'"1;1,,,:,.;,,,,, TIlIIIID.. ' ...... 'l 'I ...... 1 135.0 124.5 8.3 98.9'1 2 ,129.2 12G.4 7.4 95.ll'I 3 I 138.9 127.1 . 1.7 100.9'1 4 ! 129.6 119.7. ' 8.3 . 95.0% 5 135,2. 124,8 8.4 .99.0$ . 6. 134.9 123.5 9~3 98.M. 7 131.3 120.5 8.9 95,ll'I 8 133,& 123.2- I 8.4 91.ll'I , 9 1332 .1 122.2 I 9 97.0$ . I I 1 I I I I I } I \ l I I I l.'~'~ i .1 I I 1 j j I j I I j I / l I I I I I I I. 1 1 l I l I I i I , I I. I ! Average: 97.5" SId, Dw.: 1.93'11; 'lllfeeI II.......... t11J)(ipe;ilydeplh, ill,) orAlrGall8~_(Ael (~(f)o\lcIIaIlIeOf (Il)n\lIllCII~mode Test ",', '" l/Silg 5ealnan1b;lear colillnodlitc.ooo;SN 21113 CIlenl: fhonlasFGlI ;'., ,;:'" Plejeol: 78J11' .ru r: lrlrqr, 1lC. T8SIlld 4f[T/'IJ1f/ 'Sn . ", ::.: :'.'.":I..,':.L". ,if"::',.. ,r:,~f;~:.. . Fax sent by : 5836431985 KLEIIIFELDER 81-15-88 14:28 Pg: 22/33 Fax fr.. : &84'!W"'l" 115-21-\17 11 :49 Pg: 8 i \ .Illy /If SoII_ S8I/ .\ggrlples IiI-Place " . AS1M D2!I22 illId 03011 !'l.!,l 18.111 SlIlIlIIIMc5:8H-Q Slllld PiDReer l'IllIlftY l'IIIlIiIlIa: I11III: 5I3flJJ07 IlIIIilr TllltliW': 01-6 , I l. ... "', SS I. ~~. . ~4"!-HJellseGradedCluslled[\ollr8t1a1B II. . 111911811IIlr. 126.0 . . fsl8llll8m IJlVClD(l . ~rrl dldlliUIlllI~~.. ~ An.asIIJ I, . ,IAIIIoisliII8, I {lII>- . dill..... ",,": lS.D.1 0.34 (6.11:) 0.42 . , M8iII' IlIdy, \YaI8I ~1pI.1~ T8lIt1la. DCl CoolIst. 'I l! Renlalb 1 133,5 123.6 . 11.0 98.1' 2 137.9 125.7 9,7 \19,8'1> ~ 3 141,6 . 129.6 9.2 102:!1I. 4 142.0 . 130.9 ' 8.5 103.9'S 5 .1 136.6 1 125.5 I 8.9 ,\I9.ll'I. 6 I 1$4.:1 I 123.0 I 9.1 97,8'1> I I I I ~ \ I I I I I I I , I j f' l j I I I l I. I I I I I I j (, -, I I I I J I l I I I I I I I I Awrage: . 100.31. SId. Dev.: 2.54" '1JiIeCl Tj..ISlI~I(DT) (tipeGIfy _ ill) 01' Nt GarlIlDsmller (AGB) (specllIy(T)1lIlClIa or lU)/Ih't........ mOde Test perfGlmed ~ Seaman NlOI8ar CoIp model C~ SN 21113 CleAt: Thomas Fvx :~ .j. I H i~' i1~ Pnlject 78.07 II I A EaalaeeIIlla. IIIc. Tested~ 9-/1, .,':"~\;:;:tr,:,:..": . --.:,::.:'d>.:.' . Fax sent by : 5036431905 KLEIIIFELDER 01-15-08 14:21 Pg:.23/33 r....' r..... : E....",..... 85-21...., 1'i':!;8 ,Plf: 9: ( .sIly of SIIII ami SlllI-AggrepIesIll-l'lBcB .: AmII D2lI22 ud D3II17 . PnlIeCl: 78.07 SlIlI. .,.,... 0... WelOI$8Illl ~ st and I'lone<< PaIIlway JlIIIIIIII8: IIIllI: 6rl0l2ll07 IIBllIII>fTllll1'!e': 01-4.6 0IlerlIlIr. SS ...w~ llfl' (-11llln58 6AdolI CnI!II1ed AAQlIIllli FGol!OG ::_,..;;.~ [".,.:.... ,,"'-Jd136.0 I:IlIOCIOI\ ..~'l. L"..,. .....",.., ,,, ,..."""".....l....u alieDlllr. 1!l.IhiIIIn'1 Wr . ... B. 111 '.ISJl.l 0.2 IU:\ 1.26 ~-~ WaIllI eo. PI....... ~ TtIld 110. CoaleIL " 'I . IItnRarb 1 137.5 1~.2 5,f '95.7'J. 2 . 138.9 130.2 . 6.7 95.1'10 3 142.11 132.3 7.8 91,~ 4 '148.1 133.5 10.9 98.2$ I 5 141.5 130;3 8,6 95.8'10 I 6 ' 148.6 134.8 10.2 '99.2'1. 7 141.3 129.0 9.5 94,9'1> 8 145.2 133.1 9.1 97.9'Ii 9 140;7 132,0 ' 6.8 97.1'l1i 10 138,7 .1SO.1 6.6 95,n 11 144.7 135.1 7.1 99:3'1. 12 141.2 130.7 (I 96,l'l1i 13 ,~ 131.8 8.1 96.9'Ii 14 143.5 131.5 8,1 96.n. 15 144,5 131.2 10.1 96.51. 16 145.5 131.0 11.1 95.3'1. 17 . 148.5 130.7 12.1 96.1'I. 18 147.5 130-4 13.1 95.9'Ii AVlllllgll: 96.7'J. SIlI.IleY.: 123% 1 Oirecll......;",:.III (liT) (SlllCilYd8plI\, In.) or NfGap ~ (AG8)(r;pecIIrf(l)ouehalllf!CI'(U~m0d8 Test ~..Seaman NuGlaaJ CorJI model G-3OO. SN 21113 CIIenl: ' TlIOtIlaS Fox t '.., ...; J Proj8ct. 78.07 . liAr"",,,.,.. ""'_ TesllId 511012007. '!T/9 ,;:\;. ;,\:',~,,"', . '.'i.":.: ;~'~'''''.:'/' ',,:.'; ~, ,.".. Fax.sent by : 583&431985 KLEIHFELDER 81-15-8B 14:21 Pg: 24~33 Fax r_ : 684'J358' 85-21~ 17:58 'lJ: 18 .' , '. , , 132 MOISTUR~ENSITY RELATIONSHIP TEST II ----------....... ..........------......---- ----------- ------- m-~~~~~---------" .' ~ ---:- I . -~-- 'y....... " -./1.............," , r / I-'~~--- ..::-I+:----::L7/ /' . . ~~--- i - - .-- ~'----- .~t~t-~-~-~ ~ Ii .). I \' i ' , . ~ I. / i" - - = - \- '- -- \. 117 =FE~-~-:iL ...;- --- -..:. . ~--T--- ---~,----- -- ----{----- ---- . . ~ . - I --------- .....' -' ---:--...;..-: 112---- """'!""-:...- , ::-=+~--' -~---tt, ~ ----- 10T - 1- - - - - -C"" , .' I , 5 e 11 1S 1~ l7 WaIar con\Ilnl. 'lIl Test 1lIldIcaIion:' AA$IlTO T WMoIIIotIl) SlIIidaId CMlrIIlze.... J r .llOIlIied '" _,.<JOInt . EIW . <iL ,......... . . DeplII uses AASHTO Hat.. 8p.G. MDIst. LL PI %>' '~:C. 314"" ~ ,. u.4li : 5.0. I. UNC_,^-'-'i:""..-. '. Oi":'''''''''.''';.!..':'''''' -11..5 ~ 124.S pet 12% BlATSUAL. DI!!&",.......t ':'0I"i1~' . 3/4' . O...,.kod p.noI. ItCCI( c:o.....- .....' TDI' RESULTS li.;,.L..., dry~"'126pd' . 'for$cINO, -i/mG1. i PtaJegt: I)ella >>tf1 ciiontl Ddia SIIld .. <.1IliVd. ~ !Rem,"los: :SaqIo_..." ~",Dei.,s.Qd~ 'Cnvol 011 ""1toll7. , Data: 4-1H'l . $aolrC8:Deltas-totOmOl 9m11p1eNo,; 1711 . , ~ iQaA'\1ONS1'4IPTEST . I FEITESTlNGAND INSPECTION, INC._ flglIftl Mo. .' ,~ "h' j ',,'" >:,,;l:1\;;.:~k .,,;.... ...';,... . ..:::.' ',.,:, .~ ,'~': .. Fax sent b~ : 5836431985 KLEIHFELDER 81-15-8B 14:21 Pg: 25/33 FAX r.. : E..:t.,)~ lI!i-Z1-1J1, 17:58 Pg: 11 , r' \, MOWTURE..oENstTY RELATIONSHIP TEST -------- I I ..... ,.I ./' ~....t-I , 1~1 ' -=--)7~---"'-- ~~ ---- t ",-", " -:ti.. \ 133 ----- ----:- ~_.---------- .,........,.-___.__----:-:c-----.-- -~----..---~ \ .. . I"~ , ' ,....., . t8t 128 1 f " ~ 1%1-- 125 f l- I . :. -.......--- 121_ 3 . 7 I r --- r-+\ I 1; '-""-13 -- 1I Wld8l' ClIllll!nl, ". 10 '. Ted"."":;''';':'' MBH1O'I'lao~DModiliocl OVIlIZIaOOi..,.Jlu........"''''''''' ""'nl ' e!l8Yl CIaso~ DIpQ> U$CS I MStn'O L .~ I .,.Go 2.~ ,. 1'1 ~' 'llo~"'..., 314""..~'. , u. . ROCK~....y.....lE8fRE8lJ\.TIiI lJHC(lRRI:G. d) 1IA1SUA1o~ . ~..O"""'_ MmmUlll dry deuit;y. 131 pet 130 ~f 9.5% O..!......~IIlD__=9%_. '" ~." .._ .._ .''''.'''~- ,,- 'I ' .""('" "" ~Mo. 'JJ1T7I1T~ CIIatl 'DcllaSlll1ll"Om>"~: ;P\4Jot" niusa2007Mpl6- .."i...,1~,Deltas.i4A , .. ..Ill: 4-1147 (lraoeleD4-11.0'7. j. .... , ' ~ SO\ft8:D6IlaSlllld"Ol'lLYIl ~ll"": 1782 J . ~f\S,A'TIONSHlPTEST' . :FEl TESTING AND INSPECTION, INC. ., ..... .:::;:.,. ----..n.... .;..... . .,_ .,. ...... __,,,...,f._. ..- ~No. ,.6 7(1 'j.. ","'",;. . ,". ,~..,. -:'.....,' ~:.,..'. Fax sent b~ : 5836431985 KLEIIIFELDER 81-15-88 14:22 Pg: 26/33 Fax r_, : 684'J358 lI5-21--8? 17:51 '!'g: 12 < (' ", . ( 1S7",' . ~ MOISTUREJ>ENSITVRELA TlONSHIP,TEST \ . I '. I -~-----'--- ......-----~ 132 - ..... '"~- , . , .1 ' r ~- '-,' / . '.............-+-:...--;.... / ~ , . ' -/.-, ~ J , ----------:- I - ---.:--1 / , lr- -II - '1 7 - I ---'~----l - -l 127 ... -- l f ----- ~ , ,122 - -- ----,.-.- 117 .;.- --~----- 11 WaW contlinl. 'lit -\-- r- 1$ --- , -----""----- 11,% I> , I I II --J 16 j 17 ' ' TDlIi 8l*f: ",",'" AASHTO T!l9}4o\llGd D ~ Cl\Il!ll'lIIpJ .......;l!Gn 1I'IIlIled!9-.,ow ~ Cli ,.~~;..,I,.... . ~ 'WCS ,',.. AA8Kl'O I " Hat. '.G. ~ LL JIOlst. " . ~l>' ...,,'" . 314 in. , -.-' 2.G46 ' lO.O I ROCK .............1_ TE:1IT RSiItILTS M ,<1;",,,..1. dIy deDSIty '" 130pef ~ Opth._llIllisture'" 10% .. ,,'~'" .- ..:_. .".--"'.' .-----.~.__. :PIiOJOelNo. 201'lO74 GllIlat DdIa $mol'" 0m0I ,l'lOjecC DdIa 2IlO7 ~ ---0.-- MA'IERIAI:.~ ' ,IIll"-o_fi1lWO\ UMC-,'Wu.:;:.....,;;D p.s.s pet U% .._".."----~.~ !1tend1U: , SooopI6 _ ftl/l....1 111 OoIioSlllllilI.. ~: +ls;o1CJiooft1""~. ' . ~DdaSllll6&<IamI .',L'.., 'No.: 1783 i '~FEI TE8;~~=CnON, INC. ~ ftprO tki. 7 ....--,.. -"."~ ,,,......,....... "~'. ,.,,,' :',,,. ';:' :!::,:,,",',,~! ',~:J:: . ,'/:1. . .. , Fax sent b~ : 5836431985 KLEII'IFELDER '81-15-88 14:22 . Pg: 27/33 Fax r~ : ~,.:';,:..:..:...,.... lJ5-Z1-1J7 17 :51 Pg: 13 l ! r'". i ,4& MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP TEST +.., ,141 . ,j ,. S. a iI ....;..- --- i .2:- o 1S1 1 .1 - - --;- - ,.-... J ........ . I .....___L ./ -L 1____ ..' .,e.....-....!!o. .61"" ,;I --- -., . , ~;o'~~--_:-- --'" .1 ---- -- -.- ~ -~- . t2t --- 121 Z 4 iJ 12~ ~' \4 o . . ......... ocnIInl. ~ Test ~"..~-..;\.. ~TIIOMoIllodDModl&d DvelI!dIIl aand- adled II> -.llDOInt ' eI:tYI CbIIa. ,1'''1.:'. . tlopIIl. iIICl!I MSKTO HaL. .......... $poGo LL f'l' ....,. ''l'c- :lf4en; .... .1646 :zo Roc:l<. .;.w.........cTED TElJT IlIlSUl T8 M~, ...p.,.. clry lkmky"l36 pef ()pdIIIuID molstUro.. 8 % :~No. iJlfirn4 ..~ ~Detta_-.t~ iPr$lll:Dcb~7 ~.- MATERIAL.~'"",,~ II.;.... 13:U pet 9.s~ 1111" .0'""*4..... om: 4-1M'7 oeOU;eoll:icltaSlm4&lGmlt ~..~ 1784 . . .' MOISTllRE-DENSrI'Y RSlA110NSHIP TEST . .: FEITESTlNG AND INSPI:CTION, INC. I" ..-:0:=,..-.. ._".." .. iRlnla/llS: . SIcIpII_ .......... by DdllljaDtl &. OmOI",,4-1WT. .' FlgIn .... l ." " 1/7 . , : -I ,,~:: ~ .,: _ ..','.. :::::::,,:!.:::.:.:. '. ,"." , ~,~'." . . ,r't:~:.:, Fax sent b~ : 5836431985 J<LEIIIFELDER 1'8)( r..... . ; 6&tj i15I1 ( "'.~.lL 1.1, 8J7 Thomas Fox PlvOel1ieS . 51S W. Pldl&I Cirole ""lhl 400 . SaIlI.aIe cay, lIT 84115 . 'llIJbjeCl; AggnlgaIIl pIacemellt quaIty conlJoI \1I1;:"II':':"':'tornpIBx. . Q 5lreet,and',:",,,., PaltwayWest ." . Spr"1l1glleld. 0Ieg0l\ , . PL."" :.ol>~ AIIIJ SCOPE 81-15-88 14:22 Pg: 28/33 11-23-81 12:34 ,1'g: Z . U A EnQIIB8IilIg.'; . WI 1Io88lIiIe.... . bg-,oil 97488 . (541) &14 -_. (5'1) &84 .'FAX. ".7861. , ~ .. A$ ~, KUf ",; ", ;,.Inc. has ~Qn.SiIe quaJily control 01 imporlBdcrushedi!llllVllatelil6 placed at1fle subl8Clpltlj8ct siIB, This Iep!lIt doc:umeI1tl; the in.pla08 deIlSilY and molslure conI2nltesls 1hal . Went pelfooned on 1fIe~ _~~ l8l$ UIlder lie pirIdng areas tl1roughollt 1he WaIgreens c:ompIec. "iJliS Incbles parldng aIeas ~ lIle Walgmens sIrucl1Ie, blIIk btJiIdino, and rdaiI building. These tIl8lIwenl ' pelfumlbd on 11/21107. ' CRIISIIal....._,.: flL FII.... CIusIled 8I\9I808l88 placed constsWd of ~J8l1 graded 1 ~ rrinus ClUShed IucII produced by Delta Sandat1d G1'lMlIIn Eugene. 0nIg0n. ThIs product was manul8d1Jred a1lhe Della S8nd and 8rave! SIl8 on RiWr A\'IlIllJt ' tmm lIlll raw aiMJm mlned al1he RIm Avenue pit. . '. . Della Sand and Gravelllad S8ll'4iles ofth8se ClIISlIelJ __ products 1Ilstlld by an . ,.h"~,,, Iaboratocy, ~ Testing and~1, Inc., Eugene, Oregon, lOrlllallimlBTl dry densitY llINI optfnun waterconllllitforbolh the .....d<.'; and mudiI"<<I1JIllClOI' v..,..u.olon lTl8lIlOdS, " c, .'.'. " .,i '. ",; :~'..::~~i:. . . ". ".' , ' . :', Fax sent by . : 5836431985 . KLEINFELDER 81-15-88 14:23 Pg: 29~33 Fax r..... : 1;84_..... ll-z:HJ7 1Z:34 I'g:" 3 .( UU,.; U_.IlIc.. '. FlIlPl"..,u.",adTesIiIIg The 1 ~ IIDIs dei1seOtaded crushed ..,..,.I...l\IIwas placed, graded, and then ~,..,.....i8lIby a. ~ sIBeI dnm 11llIer. ~ it-pIace denslly test resullS indiCat8l1lallhe dry dllnIlIIy Is lJI8lII8l'1JJan 95-. pen:ent of II1lIIdmJm as J.o ",;,d by ASlM 01567 in tie walgreelIS patIifllg-. lbe Ilt-pIace deosII1 testedlDbegl8lllerlhm195-plmrJl of lll8ldmWnas dtlli.."~Il8d by ASTM 0698lnlhe parIciIg iRlIS aIlllIldlhe bankbllilding and retIiIlJuIdIJgs. Table 1 sIloWs the jq.pIac8 nuclear densl\Y test resuIIS of !he . 'w" , .","" fils . aroundtlle WalgI_llII\lCIlJIIl and Tab18 2 shows 1he RlllIls aroUlld Ihe relaII and bank bulIdings. Tallie 1 - FII "1m IlOU i_ "'I -1II-pIIaI1IrJ IIIIIilJ - W4..... Ted... :?~~~ 1 2 144.7 '135.8 8.7 99,7% 3 .131.5 129.5 (l2 95,", 4 144.5 136.1 8.2 100.0% 5 146.3 .138.5 5.8 101.~ 6 143.0 134] 6.2 99.0W. 1 140,7 131.7 8.8 98.9$ 8 .143.4 '133.8 7.2 98.4" 9 146,9 137.2 7.1 l00.~ 10 139.3 129.5 1.6 95.", 11 146 137.0 6.6 100,7% 12 139.2 130.1 7 9!.71 13 140.6 131.5 6.9 98.7'4 14 140.4 . 132.6 5.9 97,5" 15 14U 133.4, 9.4 98.1" 16 144.3 . 134,9 7 99.2S 11 140.1 . 131.1 6.9 98.4% 18 141.4 132,9 6.4 w.n 18 142.5 133,7 6.6 98~3" Aft!ilIIl: . 98,.~ SId, 08v.J 1.mt ProjeCt 78.07 . Q street and PIOneer PRway west-Sprlngllekl. OR CIiBIlI: Thomas Fox PI '. ,-;1.... . Page2of3 Novtmber23, 'JIm . 'i, ; :.:. "';:':;- ;. ~;~;'d;.:!~::J:;-::i: . ...;;' ";~"..'~ " .,.',' . ;r~;~~'~:: . ,":;":.. " .,....... . ., ~ ".1:' .. . Fax sent by : 5836431985 Fax r....' . ': 6lI4935lI J<LEINFELDER ( K &lEt _' I 1Ilg,IaC. 81-15-88 14:23 P9: 38~33 11-23-87 U:lM Pv: 4.. i .J,:,.,,,,,,,,,,, -..... DiYOeosIlY-B8M1IIlI Ritdlll'-- .)- ~. -~~t I~~'r.,..., ~, 'II 'II 144.0 134.6 7,0 1os.sS TIMII ..N. "1110 I;' Test lie. -, 2 9 4 5 6 7 1 2 S 4 139,4 128.1 10.0 87.5'4 135.0 121.1 . 6.2' 91,8'1. 136.5 1~ 6.0 99.1'4 143.8 135.4 6.2 104.2'1i 135.7 127.7 [S 98.8 133.8 126.2 6 97.1" 131.2 123.9 . 5.9 95.3'f, 136.8 . 127,6 72. 98.U 141.lJ " 132.6 7.0 102.Of. 142.3 '131:8 8.0 IOU" .AV8IlIQfl: ~ 5llL Dev.:l 1'Ililr* you1llr 1he 0IJIl0IIU1lIy III be oI811lli1le. Please caD if you 11M illY questions. . Sincer8IY. ':, . SlIlV8 sdtuIIz, E.L T. K &A E.,giIofig, Inc,' . . '. Prolect 78.07 Qsnet a1\d Pi6nser Parkway west-SpringIIeId, OR . CIleIIt 1ITomiIS foKfroperII8s ,~ ".' '.' . ,:1, '!' ,/"'. _~ "::.';1', ':,"" ....1', Page3of3 NOV8IIIIler23. 2Ji01.' Fax sent by 583&431985 , IlLEI"FELDER 81-15-88 14:23 Pg: 311'33 Fax fi-ml :; 684 - 11-2:iHJ7 U'34 1'8: 5 , (. . ' ! oe.....Iy at 801\II1II SeiU',,!I' 'i'''''''' IlI-I'Iace AS1II D2I22 8lIII Daet7 ',," !!'Pt 78.01 _ /lIIIInle$: WUmlllRs PluIiIm ArIas-a SL lI1d Planll8r PRItY/III PInaillllr; D* 11121J2D07 IBIlIllIT__': 17T~ . &.-...... 55 I', ' IIBIIItIIl Twe:l11/2' (-I llIIIse hied CMhId, All1mlalI --.V 1IIY1lMIIIIf.:3'36.0 (lnedIIB4ll1Odnr\ ',.......1.:....... ,',' A1IIIdr I' IAIIDkIIIe, I , - . 4D 1 d _ (l.IU 1.54 1SJl:1, 0.34 ;~ ~ ' WaIIr ' Tal NIl. CIRuI. 'lE ' RalIiIlIII 1 143-2 133.5 ' 7:4 98.1" 2 144.1 135.~ ~.7 w.n - 3 137.$ 129.5 62 vsa 4 144.5 .,138.1 62. 100.0'l . 5 146.3 138.5 5.6 101.!If. 6 143.0 134.7 62 99.~ 7 140.7, 131.7 6.8 98.9'- 8 HU ' 133.8 72 96.4" 9 146.9 137.2 7.1 100.9'- 10 139.3 129.5 7,& 95.ZI 11 146 ,131,0 6.6 1lU~ 12 1392 ' 130.1 7 95.1i 13 l4O.8 1~.5 6.9 96.7'lIi 14 ' 1-40.4 .132.6 5.9 97.5'1 15 1~ . 133.4 9A 91'.1'1\ 16 144.3 134.9 7 9!l.2'l. 17 140.1 131.1 6.9 96.4'l. 16 141.4 132,9 6.4 ' ffT.7'lIi 1~ 14".5 1Ai 6.6 ~B r Awage: ' 98.2% SId, DlI'I'.: 1.~ I Dil8cl,\........"";.~(D1) (specify ..In.) or Air Gap t., ~....,.... (AGB) (speciliy(l}ouch*e or (\l)nIo'aclllllllil ~ T8!I ".." " , usIlIg SeaImII NaclliarCOqllllOdl!l C-3m, SN 21113 Client 11JOmaS Fox l'llIparlIes , , PruI8Ct 78.07 . UA- Lf ur'ID.lIlc. 11~, ...>:'\.:~::.' .-;;'~::~i,.';; :;;>.\:;~~;, : ,,- " ;'./( :'...;.~/.. .". :~~f.::) . ....',.,. Fax sent b~, : 583643i985 KLEIIIFELDER 81-15-88 14:23 Pg: 32/33 Fa>< r_ : 684935lI 1~~~:M ~: ~ J'" f' - 1Il!..:...oy If SGIlandSlliW""".." "...1II-PIace ASIIIIlZ9Z2 8IIlI D3817 ~'78.07 " , SiIlI MlIIa: IlaI1k P/llWQIl AIea--.Q St and PIOIIeer PaII\wW ...... -= ' DalD; 11fl1flOO1 IIemIW Ted 1J;lll': 01-6 VI I11III. Ss .....'I\lIa'.Il1 rr (.\ DaI1se'6I1dIld Cr1lSh8d Aaln<I8I~ lIIlI>' J DIJ~3t30.0 1slandlI\I~ Iftl . iIIIili..lllfn I 6Dells11y I 16___1 _. ~ d B-.L ~ .. /SJI.I 1.54 IS.D:l 0.34 j ~ ~ "* Gl;;;lii. ."11',, Tell... G\IIIIIlII,'lI ,; IloIIlIrIIS 1 144.0 134.6 7;0 103.5'l 2 1il(1.4 , 126~7 10.0 97B 3 135.0 127.1 &2 97.8" .. 136.5 128.8 &.0 99.1~ 5 ' t43.8 135.4 6.2' 104.2'1. 6 135.7 1'0'.1 &.8 !l8~ 7 133.8 126.2 6 91.1" AverzgI: 99.67., SId. Oev~ 2.96" 1 Dln:ctll.....,dssio.'(l)T) ~ depIh; In.) OJ AirGaPllaGkscalblr (AGB) (5f*iIi1(T)0UI:l18ble or~ ' mode Test ".", "uslntISeanI;i!rtJclearColPlIllIlWc.ooo,SN21113 CIeIt ''1bamI9 Folc i ,I, ,~",~,-.a. Pnlject 78,07 llA~1IlIt 1~ ~;: .'!~:L;:';:-\;;~i;;~~~~;~ .~:;~: ,:':.: ." , ,;::'.t.1g:,: ",,)n:;. '::' .:~::,D : Fax sent by : 5836431985 KLEIIlFELDER 81-15-88 14:24 P!J: 33/33 Fax 'r_ : 6849358 11-ZHl7 12:35 l'lJ: ~ 7 {. r" ~ at $lllIIId 8aIU,,,,,,,. i" '" slll-PlaCl . AS1IUDB22aad D3017 . .1 ~T8.07,' I 811: ~ ReIllII ilIiIdiOO AJva-,Q SI. and PIonelir Pal1arIaY , I'dl!" IlIIr. 11fllJ:!Q07 DellIIlrTlllt'l"1l!"; DH . ......, SS __1IIIiIIrilt - . 11 ll8Ds861\1dedQullllldll!l!nual8 ......: fl!.'r1l!ldf.1IC! 130.0 ---. DIllCllDr\ ."",.."...,;", :~I~E "\",,. 1&':':'.1 1.54 I~ I 0.34 TIl&t lID. 1 2 3 4 :~;A 136.8 141.9 .1423 ~ eo:J.'.~ 123.9 5.9 1 ,95.3" . 121.6, 7.2 9ll.2'J>' 132.6 7.0 1Q2.lI'fo . 131.8 . 8.0 . 101.41. RaIIJtr:s ,I ,",. .'"",,"-. ~ . , I . . Average: SId. Dew.: 99.2'Ia 3.1O'K. . ",' . '1Iinict TI1lllsniIsslol (DT)(specIIy deilih.ln.) or Air GaP e..:i.. aIIeI (AGB) <_(1)OUCIlabIe or (\I)nllIJdiibIe lIlOOe . .~ Test..,.!. . " uslng.Se3lllIII~coqllnodlllc-300. SN 21113 v ChlIt 'IlIcllmS FCIl.., ..;;,;, ProjeCt 7&.OT , K"A[,,,~.,,,,,.." l1/23flOO1 :,';::"j:::'.:,';." ";"f'."., ,1,' . '. . , . ~,. ~ '~ '. . ,''':''< .. ,". . .'., "