HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecommendation Sheet PLANNER 6/19/2007
CASE NO. LRP2007-000I3
CASE NO. ZON2007-00012
This is a consolidated application for the above referenced case numbers. The applicant requests approval
of a Metro Plan / East Main Refinement Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent Zoning Map .
Amendment on properties identified as Lane County Assessor's Map No. 17-02-32-00, Tax Lots 400 and
402. The request involves two contiguous properties near 44'h and Main Street. Specifically, the applicant"
proposes to change Metro Plan designation from Light Medium Industrial to Commercial and a
concurrent Refinement Plan Map and a Zoning Map Amendnient from LMI to CC.
I. The subject applications for a Metro Plan / Refmement Plan map amendment and Zoning Map
Amendment were submitted to the Development Services Department on March 16'h; 2007, and
deemed as complete on Aprilll'h, 2007. .
2. The application was submitted in accordance with Section 3.050 of the Springfield Development
Code. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Section 14.030 of the
Springfield Development Code, has been provided.
3. On June 5th, 2007 a public heanng on the zone change request was held. The Development
Services Department staff notes including criteria of approv'al, findings and recommendations,
together with the testimony and submittals of the persons testifying at that hearing have been
considered and are part of the record of this proceeding.
4. On June 19th, 2007 ihe Planning Commission considered additional information submitted into
the record as ofJune 13'h, 2007.
()n the basis of this record, the proposed amendments are consistent'with the criteria of Sections 7.070,
8.030 and 12.030 of the Springfield Development Code. This general finding is supported by the specific
findings of fact and conclusions in the attached staff report and attached hereto. ' .
It is ORDERED by the Planning Commission of Springfield that approval of Case Number LRP2007-
00013 and ZON2007-000 l2,be G~TED and a RECOMM~A 1;ION for approval forwarded to the
Springfield City Council. This ORDER was presented to a 11 o,eft by the Planning Commission on
June 19th, 2007. . . I .
Pia ~ . ng Com'rhission Chairperson .
AYES: ~ bft,1/ rn
NOES: J:i...
ABSENT: Jc: Date Received'
~ ABSTAIN: -L PI!:1nner: DR l 1
City of Springfield
Regular Meeting
/')uesday, June 19, 2007
The City of Springfield Planning Commission met in regular session in the Council
Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon on TtiesdhY, June 19, 7:00 p,m"
with Frank Cross as Springfield Planning commiSS~~~~Jif.~
/ ,
Present were Chair Frank Cross, Vice Chair Bill Carpenter and Planning Commissioners
Gayle Decker, Dave Cole, Steve Moe, Johnn~'~tschenmarin)Also present\v~~e
Development Service Director Bill Grile, Planning'Supef0sor Mark Metzger, Planning
Secretary Brenda Jones., Kitti Gale, David Reesor;Aifdy/Limbird and City Attorney Joe
::: memb",,"taff ~ '\~
· Lee Beyer ~2\ ~
''',,~ )l .
.' The Pledge of'1\(~e~nc~)Y~le(lbyj~,~a~Frank Cross,
~"v ~
C /./ 'c~ ",,-, ~""'d db 'c .. VC' h d
ommISSIoner arpenter, secon e y ommlSSlOner n.Irsc enmann, move to
" "h' ';.~ 'h J" " k d I . .
approvet e mInutes oJ. t e une,5! 2007, wor an regu ar sesSIon as wrItten.
The m6tion passed, 4:2io,\commissioners Cole and Moe abstainingfrom the vote.
~"" )).
C ,. ~C Vd //, d th b' f h d'
ommlSSloner ross etermme ere was no usmess rom t e au tence.
Commissioner Cross reviewed the public hearing rules.
. Site Plan Review Tvne II - St. Vincent De Paul - DRC2007-0002.:1. -
MINUTES-Springfield Planning Commission
Regular Session
Date R~Tv~~007 ~ /1 Q/07
Planner: DR . /, ::J
. . \ IL. r,1ttJ/
Page I
At the June 5th public hearing, the Planning Commission was asked to hold the
record open for seven (7) days. The Commission closed the public hearing and
left the record open for seven (7), which ended at 5:00 p,m. on June 12, 2007,
One June 19' 2007.
St, Vincent De Paul submitted a Type II Site Plan appljca~n on Apriln, 2007,
requesting tentative approval for a 3-story retiremel)t'fapility for individuals 62
years or older and at or below 50% of Are Median Inc9me, The Planning
Commission held a work session and conductedii' Rublic hearing on June 5,2007
on the applicant's proposal. Four people sP9ke~t the heiri~g~nd four
documents were entered into the record, On;.-person requestedthat the written
record be held open and the Commissiorfcomplied with this r~u~st,
. (.( ^ ~~
One written comment was submitted to staff by the specific date of June 12,
2007, Staffs response to the written coinm'ent,./nd (0 specific questi;n raised by
the Commission are found in. attachment ~Iie,applicant submitted formal .
rebuttal written material by1:h;;Specified date of June 14, 2007,
\ \~ '. "<:'"
Commissioner Cross called for ex part~co~a~nd conflicts'of interest. He noted he
had worked on the Community DevelopdJentAdviso'ryCominittee, which recommended
the use of Community D~elopment Bldck\Gra'nt'fu.llasfo?the project to the City
Council. He failed toh1eritiOif'it ~t the laSf hearing becat.iSe' he had not recalled it at the
time, He did not tnink1hat would bias his ae~ision in any way and would continue to
I h ( , , 'fi I I b' , \ \
,vote un ess t ere was~slgm can\~_.~ection" \> ' .
commissioner.car~te'ii~fed lie'~icYcled by the property on S Street, but did
not speaJ(with anYon~. Mr, 4ahy asked COmmissioner Carpenter to share his
obserfatioT;s. Coilimission'er,Ca~penter said he observed a narrow street where cars
weie pafked opposit~ea'ch other on both sides of the street. The street had looked
rath~r.n'arrow. He indi'Cat~d,in 'fesp'onse to a question from Mr, Leahy, that he had not
,'-C,- _ \\ '\.
taken measurements. He\had counted the number of vacant parking spaces at the
" ' \
nearby Fred, M~yers and cOjnted 60 spaces,
~~ /; ,
Ms. Gale recommenc!ed approval of the project, She deferred to Gary McKenney of the
Public Works De~artme6t, who had some clarifications to offer, Mr. McKenney recalled
a question from Cottirriissioner Carpenter regarding accident reports on 5th Street
between U and Q streets, and reported there had been three in the last five years, Two
accidents, one in 2002 and one in 2003, occurred on 5th Street about 100' north of Q
Street, A third accident occurred in 2007. Commissioner Carpenter had reported he
had witnessed an accident, but staff research found that it was very minor and did not
require an official report.
MINUTES-Springfield Planning Commission
Regular Session
June 19, 2007
Page 2
Responding to a: question from Commissioner Carpenter, Mr. McKenney said the
information about the number of accidents provided to the commission was a result of
miscommunication between him and Ms. Gale, Commissioner Carpenter asked if staff
had looked through the same police data base to find about other minor accidents that
might have occurred, Mr. McKenney said his department did not get that information
about every time a police officer arrived on the scene from the P9lice Department, His
understanding was that if someone called the police and the acCid~nt appeared to rise to
the legal reporting threshold, the police would respond if potsibl{ He believed that the
police would also respond to a lesser accident if possibleAf t~~y}ound the accident did
not meet the reportable threshold, the officer would fill'0ut~n'jnformation form as a
courtesy to the driver, Commissioner Carpenter notedtJfe accident'mentioned in
testimony and asked if that occurred in the last fiv~ ye~rs, Mr, McKenbey indicated he
had records back to 1999 and he found no refer{ncei:o an accident atthe'intersection of
SStreet, (<: /" ' ~
Ms, Gale provided the commission with COPi~f~do,c/lI}e~ entitled City of
Springfield Standards Specification. She said th'e.Pri.bl,ic'Works Department thought it
important the commission have ar(opportunity to s~e the document and understand
that the construction process, which,~as.n'Ot"part of th'esite,plan review, was governed
by codes and specifications and incluaea i~ections thrdugllout the construction
process, \ V'/ ~v
Commissioner carpe~d -to the minut~f the hearing and a statement on page
7 that indicated the'corhpany pl~nried to p~o~de off-site parking. He asked if that
statement was aci:ur~te, Mr, Le~hf recalled'th~t the contractor indicated he could
provide off-site parl<i~g:'\,nd clrpoolingfor hi~,eipployees. Ms, Gale recalled that the
contracto~jndica!ed off~it{ parkTrigwas1!.PosSibility. Commissioner Cross asked if the
commission.was able to request that the contfactor control the activity of personnel
goingii1 mid out rifth'esite'-\l\.'ir:~ahy said he though~ the answer was yes, but he asked
the:COlrtmission to r~ogbize the City had a Public Works 'Department that would
over~e\( th~ ~onstruction,\attiviti~s,:He said nothing ~ong with includin? a note in the
findmgs'l!skmg the Publtcy\\orks Department to momtors the traffic dunng the
construction peFiod to en~ure it was safe, He advised against telling the department
how to do th"at, however/to ~nsure it had sufficient flexibility to address the needs of the
, //
neighbOrhood,~/ . . . '
Commissioner Carpenter believed Mr. Leahy's statement was contrary to the staff
response to 4, which indicated the commission could condition or deny the application
to provide alternative construction access, Mr, Leahy pointed out the commission did
not have a construction plan to review, and expressed concern that the commission
would want to see a construction plan with each site review application, Commissioner
Carpenter said the commission received testimony about what he termed a 'worst case'
scenario of 90 workers entering the site daily through a single residential street if "we
MINUTES-Springfield Planning Commission
Regular Session
June 19,2007
Page 3
don't do anything," Mr, Leahy asked if the Public Works Departmentindicated that
presented a safety issue, Commissioner Carpenter acknowledged it did not, Mr, Leahy
, , suggested that the commission lacked information to that effect on the record, and that
staff indicated the streets could adequately serve the site, Commissioner Carpenter said
that analysis was based on peak hour use, not times when construction traffic would be
using the streets, He speculated that when the end of the day was reached on Friday .
afternoon, "those 90 vehicles would be out of there in like, ten'rrliriutes," Mr, Leahy
reiterated his suggestion for giving the department flexibili~
Ms, Gale solicited additional questions. There we;e no~
Commissioner Cross called for commission comm~~
Commissioner Cole believed the plan for thl( ~~ was gOQd and he did~t see a .
conflict with the governing criteria, The applica'nt was n9(e~ceeding densiJ:y}tandards
and while he thought the p'arking could be an i~s\l~ h$-did see it as a barrier to
development. He pointed out the City could not deny th{applicant access to the public,
street based on its width. Outside qf p5:rki(lg' and th'E;-tI~sh location, he saw no issues,
and he thought the trash issue had be&i'addtessed by the 'applicant's screening plans.
C ., M' d' . d h h d\ \ ~d ~li " ~f""h bl' h ' Wh'l
om mISSIOner oe m lcate e a reVIewe t e mmutes O.t e pu lC eanng, 1 e
.r:..---.... . \ \ / . '-.. ' .
he would prefer to the see the project closer to doWntown, he had been surprised by the
projected amount,of:~9-icUia?t~~ftic, whiqh' 'Yts less tha~he anticipated, He pointed
out that construction/would require only a brief time and then the contractor would be
done. Commissibner.Moe thought/that bnc~.c6mpleted, the project would be a nice
addition to the comhmhiJ:y, I: _'~" --~, \. \
"" V>-- ------... ..--,.V
Commissro;;;;-D'e'cker said t1fe land wa~~a for the project and the City could not
deny/peopl~ acce'5stotheirpr~perty from a public street. She encouraged the Public
Wor.!<s,Department t6d6'';\'hat'it"Could to mitigate the impact, but she did not think
construttion traffic waS-within the ci>mmission's purview, She thought the design
acceptabl~'aI).d saw no re~sdr to d~y the application. Commissioner Decker said she
was surprised' people would think such a population would create a greater traffic load
as most of tlieJ6w-incom~ iridividuals who came to her clinic used RideSource or other
"'" '\. I' , .
means of transport'<12.theylacked the means to own automobiles, She thought the
project was a finebne atid wanted to see it happen.
Commissioner Decker said her house was one of the first in her neighborhood, with the
result that she had lived with construction for some time, and she acknowledged
construction could be challenging, but eventually it can to an end.
Commissioner Decker indicated support for the application and said she was not
interested in adding conditions as she thought the staff recommendations adequate,
MINUTES-Springfield Planning Commission
Regular Session
June 19, 2007
Page 4
Commissioner Kirschenmann agreed with Commissioner Decker, He thought that the
applicant had met the criteria, He commended the work of staff, Commissioner
Kirschenmann said his major concern was the potential of conflict between children
using the street and construction vehicles, and hoped the Public Works Department was
able to protect the small children and residents of S Street.
, />
Commissioner Carpenter agreed that the project was a gre~t/d~velopment, and very
, well-located between grocery stores, He had some conCE1rnS)~Dout parking but was more
comfortable with the information provided, He recall~d thal th!=l 'commission received
testimony indicating that the proposed parking was ina'a{quate be~use of the growing
number of "younger and more active" senior citizehs/ald couples that b~ two vehicles
and some recreational vehicles.. He acknowledg~dthat the residents af~e development
were at 50 percent of median income, but s\lgges{ed it was possible they co'1llq. buy cheap
cars and drive, However, he liked the fact ofon~'space Jler uhit and was cclnfortable
with the proposed parking, He had been conc~neClabdD.y{yerf1ow parking on holidays
but hoped some residents would not have vehicle'S'sothere were no parking complaints,
C ., C d\h ~h'~l' ""h ~d d 'll~ . dd
'ommlSSloner arpenter asserte t at t e app lcant~ a expreilse WI mgness to a
additional parking if parking became a\ptoblem; and advocated for a condition that
stipulated that if the d~ver;;p_iIlent gener'\t~g.fi~e 6r inore Complaints in a year's time, it
would trigger a commission disciission ofconv{rting the ~rden area into parking
spaces, < < \ ) \\
Commissioner Carpenter also~lled'fonhe addition of a condition that he asserted
would protect.the neighb~rh06d dilling.th~ti(truction period, first outlining a
scenario ihat.hes'Uggest~d wbuld result in9((automobiles spilling out of the
neigp]{orhbod dtiring ),sho'rt,p'eriod of time with the potential for conflict with traffic on
resiaential streets, ComfnissionetCarpenter dismissed the idea that carpooling would
, occu'r;"He said that the\esiden~o{the area should not have to be inconvenienced. He
proposed that the commissibn reqilire the contractor to contract with the owners of
private parkil1g lots in th~\arka for parking for the construction work force rather than at
the constructiOli'site, such a~ the Fred Meyer lot,
"" "'v/ /
Commissioner Deck'r, seconded by Commissioner Moe, moved that the
commission app~e this application with thefindings and conditions
contained in the staffreport.
Commissioner Cole said he would encourage the applicant and contractor to "be
neighborly" but he did not see the commission gained anything from placing further ,
restrictions on the application. He said that those in the construction business were
good at such logistics. He said that the site would accommodate more parking before it
MINUTES-Springfield Planning Commission
Regular Session '
June 19,2007
Page 5
was paved and landscaped, and many of the workers on the site would have service
trucks that contained needed equipment, . He did not think the condition proposed by
Commissioner Carpenter was practical and recommended the city allow the
construction to proceed so it happened in the shortest possible time, limiting the impact
on neighbors.
Commissioner Cross thought the zoning appropriate and staftdi~ot appear to see a
problem with the parking, He acknowledged Commission~d:;arpenter's concern about
construction traffic but indicated he did not believe it was'the place of the commission to
restrict the flow of construction traffic in and out of t~~e~~~ .
Commissioner Moe suggested that if there was a/p~l~m with traffi<;,.it,would be a
safety department, and the police and fire depaft,meht would be involved'and would
address the issue, He was not concerned ab06. t;tJ{e constru. ction traffic,"~' . .'.
....'',. /'> ,"
, '<::~ / '" , '
Commissioner Carpenter said he wanted the City, to,prevept the first accident from
happening rather than having to responding to it,'andhe'thought the condition he
proposed the way to accomplish truit,,~ ,,;<)- , .
. , \\.~ '.. ~A. , ,
CommIssIoner Cross expo r.e..s.,s. ed appreclatI.on fO. r the~~~s VOIced by CommIssIoner
Carpenter, 'h:""( \~~ ,>V . ,
'Ph ti. d~C" .\cl' ~t .. "
.L, e mo onpas.s. e.........,S:1; OJ?1. m. IsslOnerCurpen ervoting In oppOSItion.
47 )) \.\
Mr. Leahy said tnat staff would,Share the concerns expressed by Commissioner
....' "1 \;'
Carpenter and ensure Fhere 'Yas a traffic,plan. ~Iie pointed out the applicant was also
Present and,heard the"codc&ns/, and. .sugg' e~d, that they would be mindful of them,
. .. ~ \.... ~ '-.:/
o Va~fPUblic\rimt-of-wav - City of Snrimmeld ~ LRP2007-
6~OlQ \\ ~~ "
Theitem~s.. c. ontinued fro.m June 5, 2007,
'-...;~ Fl . ,
A Public'Hearing{o~the proposed vacation was held on June 5, 2007 and the
written ie~6rq;wa~,lield open for an additional seven days following the hearing,
Seven people.,Jestified in favor of the proposed right-of-way vacation and two
people submitted testimony opposing the vacation and requested that his '
previous testimony submitted on March 26, 2006 for the Justice Center
Discretionary Use and Zone Change requests be entered into the public hearing
record (attachment 4), Additionally, Mr. Olson submitted written testimony
opposing the proposed vacation during the extended public hearing record
(attachment 5),
MINUTES-Springfield Planning Commission
Regular Session
June 19,2007
Page 6
Commissioner Cross asked for any ex parte contacts and conflicts of interest on the part
ofthe Planning Commissioners. Commissioner Moe responded that he worked on the
campaign for the proposed public safety facility but he did not think that would affect
his ability to make an impartial decision, Commissioner Carpenter said that he had
written an editorial against a new jail a few years ago but had no ex parte contacts.
Commissioner Cross said he was a member of the Justice Cen1e~dvisory Com~ittee as
a representative of the commission but that would not prejudice'his decision,
/ ~
Mr. Limbird said at the request of Scott Olson, an individual6ffering testimony in
opposition to the vacation of B Street, additional writtEilitestim6ny)rovided for the
previous discretionary use and zone change appljcil"tio6. was included)h-the record, and
provided to the commission as Attachment 4 tothe~taff report, Mr. Olson also provided
additional written testimony opposing the prppoted vacation; that was proiided to the
commission as Attachment 5. . ~~ ~6> V
Mr. Limbird recalled a question from~Commissi~i111r~C~i1>enter at the last meeting
regarding the potential for a public'sidewalk in the aiid:block alley north of the B Street
vacation parallel to the vehicle trav~l ~'rea,~dreferredth'e commission to a
memorandum from Jim Poulston, th'e issistantproject m'lm?iger for the Justice Center,
whichwaslabeledAtt/e~. \V~ 'V "
Mr. Limbird referreMl!ecommi~icjn to Attachment 7-5, an additional map of the B
Street area, /( )~) \\ ' .
Mr, Limbird reco~~.nded appro~loftht vaCation request based on the draft findings.
~ommiss(6~ss,~~~:~;;;'~~d be lost to the motorist or pedestrian
by rer6ujiftg trafficto"G;~r Ac~treets, Mr, Umbird suggested the answer depended on
the'brlgin, 'destinatiob,typeof tdffic involved, and speed at which the individual
trav~le~\1:he'out-of-di~\~twe di~ecJion documented in the staff report was from 300 to
600 feet;~?the time lost could be mere seconds for a vehicle or as much as a minute for
a pedestflan:~~ ) ,,)
Responding ~~'est!ons' iIom Commissioner Carpenter, Mr. Limbird confirmed that
total lost right-of::Way wa's approximately 66 feet, He further indicated that a three-foot
sidewalk would not 1feet City standards for sidewalks, The sidewalk would have to be at
least five-feet wide for Americans with Disabilities Act requirements, Commissioner
Carpenter said the memorandum provided to the commission indicated the ~ity could
accept a three-foot sidewalk. Mr. Limbird concurred"
Commissioner Carpenter referred to Attachment 6-2, which was a map of the parking
area, and recalled hearing that there would be a loss of six parking spaces if a three-foot
MINUTES-Springfield Planning Commission
Regular Session
June 19, 2007
Page 7
sidewalk was added, Mr. Limbird concurred, The parking spaces would be lost because
they fell below the minimum width for a usable, serviceable parking space, which was
typically nine feet wide, Another option to retain the parking was to minimize the
landscaping strip to two feet or none,
Commissioner Carpenter asked why staff proposed to eliminate Jhe parking spaces
shown on the map rather than the parking spaces in the far nOl'th}Vest and far northeast
corners, Mr. Limbird responded that the Police Department'fIeeded to maintain a twO-
way traffic in the driving aisle within the parking area. Tl!e're rhust be a minimum
consistent width to accommodate two-way east-west tra'ffic:"He..zhelieved that minimum
width was 24 feet. He reminded the commission that-another is~u;;'tlpt was discussed
was the need to maintain sufficient space for the expiuision of the incillary building at
. some point in the future, ' . h/ ' ",~,
Commissioner Cross closed the hearing an,d SOI~ci~ /~sion comme~ts) .
C ,.' C I 'd h fth. '\; h / ' ,. d d
ommISSloner 0 e Sa! t at some 0 e testImonY,t e,commlssIOn receIve suggeste
the issue was one of supporting or hots1.lpporting th'e:police Department, He reminded
the commission the issue was about\Vi1~tigga,right-of"w~y,and the question toresolve
was whether the criteria were satisfie'd by the'aWlieation:,i-I'e,emphasized the gravity of
the decision and the importance of right-of-wayl~Spnngfi~ld~itizens, Commissioner
Cole said the issue wa~w~ther'q greattir Rllblis,benetitwa1>'gained from the vacation
than. by retaining theexistingngHt-of-wa1,( V'
C '...' D/k/ "d Jh1c .\\ C I Sh 'd h "
ommISSloner ec er agree WIt ' ommlSSloner 0 e, e Sa! t e commISSIon must
balance the issue of th~safety~f tHe police offlctirs, or the convenience of travel. She
thought the.trade-off fa~rire'd thePolice,D~rt\hent. Her personal opinion on the issue
/.. ,,' "./ ~ '/
of the JusticeCertter...was immaterial; she .believed the center would be located on the
, ,/ /.' "d ," d" I ti" h d I k' bl B
sIte m questIOn, an m or er~or~t e eve opment to wor m a reasona e manner,
/ "/ " ~
Street must be vacated:
" " ~'
COm~~i?n..e...r. D. eCk/er.".~. oved that the applicatit? n be approped as
presente'd;~,) .
,,\. .' ,
Commissioner Kirschenmann expressed support for public safety services and said he
believed stafflooKed'at-tvery other option, The application met the criteria and he
thought from a safety <Standpoint represented the best scenario, He also expressed
appreciation to staff for working to save Springfield money,
Commissioner Moe did not want to see B Street closed but recognized the footprint
needed for the Justice Center, He said he supported the application.
MINUTES-Springfield Planning Commission
Regular Session
June 19, 2007
Page 8
Commissioner Moe expressed the desire that the center had more of a public face on A
Street as opposed to B Street but acknowledged the phased construction created the '
situation. In regard to the traffic, Commissioner Moe hoped that someday downtown
Springfield was busy enough to consider one-way streets; at that time, people would
have to driving two blocks to travel around a block which was very similar to what would
occur with the Justice Center, /)
Commissioner Carpenter anticipated the City's decision would be appealed and wanted
to minimize the potential success of the appeal. He said tlliIt staff indicated that
travelers would be diverted 150 feet out of the way to t{1~,all~y;--which would carry
vehicles, and that was a concern for him because of iTI\ imPact Orl-Rcill\strians, bicyclists,
and those traveling in wheelchairs. He did not thiftk tile staff justification was the .
proper one as he did not consider the diversion,ilsaf~ alternative. Fo~ th'at reason, he
had inquired about including a sidewalk in ~'pYoject, He agreed there\v~i-e compelling
reasons to approve the a~plicati~n,but, did rio\th~k th,);s9w.mission couHcl'aim t~ere
was an adequate pedestrIan corrIdor WIthout a paved strIg,ofland for the wheelchaIrs,
Commissioner Carpenter said he was willing to appr;rvJ1.the application but would
require the street be left open for ~o~three years "Wlthja potential sidewalk installed
I~ter, and the landscapi?g reduced ~?~ee!>or,-would ;equire the project to have a paved
SIdewalk on the south SIde of the eXIsting alley;,~ .~ .
C. ,. C 1 b I' /7'd--li \\ ),(b''''~''. 'd' "b h
ommlSSloner 0 e e leve .t e.commlssloD-'W~S' emg pamte mto a corner yt e
proposed design. He'~aid-the-coB1missioiI needed to consiaer the long-term. He said
/" ../ . \ . \ 'b. ~ ,.
the street would not. be opened once closed~ and it was a collector street rebuilt at
. <:.; / J" .;/ .. \; \
conSIderable costn~Hong ago./C9~mlsslone_r'Qole thought B Street one of the best
streets to get through downtown as Itreached'alhthe way to 16th Street, He was
concerned about diverlirl "g,tf~fficoffSoutli'A~a~'fhe City had no good place to d. irect the
:r - ~ , ....... ",,' , ----. ...".
traffic/He thougnt,the str~et.was more usefUl as a City street than for its planned use as
the Just}c{'Cente0H'e.said'!:4e'Justice Center needed an interconnected parking lot, but
elimjnating B Street '\va~n.ot the, ~ay to accomplish that, Commissioner Cole said he
would~pp'ose the appli"Cation as h~did not think it met the criteria related to greater
benefit,'-H'e.perceived th~\\:li.ange as providing a lesser benefit and did not think the
public wa's.being served by the application, Commissioner Cole acknowledged that the
City was quite.far,into theilr'ocess, but he continued to believe the community should
not "give uP"B'\s~!'7 " '
Commissioner Mo~ seconded the motion. The motion passed, 4:2;
Commissioners Cole and Carpenter voting no.
· Metro Plan/Refinement Plan Man Amendment and a concurrent
Zoninl! Man Amendment -
The item was continued from June 5', 2007.
MINUTES"Springfield Planning Commission
Regular Session
June 19, 2007
Page 9
During the June 5, 2007 hearing, the Planning Commission received testimony
from one citizen, Nancy Falk, who testified opposition to the proposal. During
her testimony, Ms: Falk requested that the record be held open for seven days,
The Planning Commission granted the request and instructed staff to leave the
record open until Tuesday, June 12, 2007. The applicant ,agreed to provide a .
rebuttal statement to any new written testimony by Junldi 2007; both letters
. have been included in this packet, // (
Staff received one written testimony from Lauri,segaCG~l:?ne Coalition
Planner, On June 12, 2007, A written rebuttal,t~nVls, Seg'al's letter was then
submitted by the applicant the following d,ij-y;,Jilne 13, 200;GB6th letters were
received within the specified deadlines atriofud in the PlanningoCammission
public hearing on June 5, 2007. StaffifresPonse and excerpts fr&nMs, Segel's
letter and the applicant's rebuttallett'er)iave been,ptrded in the att't~hed report
in order to summarize the issues and to pI:<M.de{a1je of review by the Planning
Commission, Copies of the two letters in theiientirety are attached for reference
and review in addition to th~ e~erpts and st~ff r~sponses in the report, The
attached report is provided t'o~plcineI.lt the o'rigihal staff report which was
provided in the Planning Com'missi;;iFpackets for ihe~uly 5, 2007 hearing.
\\ )~'\:) .
The applicant req~pproval of ~J.1etro~n/Refinement Plan Map
Amendment tdthe'fiStol'.1ain Refihemeftt Plan "-/
C ,. C / Zk d h ) ) . , \\d' 1" , fl'
om mISSIOner ross as e t e commISSIOn to , ec are any ex parte contacts or con letS
ofinteres~~_~ ~Vr~\)
Commissioner-Coli~.indicated,a conflict of interest due to his wife's employment at
PeaceHealfh, andexcrtsed Hiin'self from the hearing. He noted this was his last meeting
/ / " " d ob'd h".... ".L' II
as a commISSIOner, an ' I t e.commlSSlon larewe .
Mr.~:~directed th~~mis~~to the written comments received since the last
meeting ah4th~ rebuttal ~q~ment submitted by the applicant, He noted the staff
response to the written COlnments from Lauri Segal of the Goal One Coalition and the
applicant, incltide~~i!};~h;~;fueeting packet.' Mr, Reesor recommended approval of the
, application. '.z,:",,:./Y
Responding to a question from Commissioner Carpenter, Mr, Reesor indicated that
PAPA stood for Post -Acknowledgement Plan Amendment,
Commissioner Carpenter observed that representatives of the Goal One Coalition did
not attend the public hearing, although the person that requested that the record be held
MINUTES-Springfield Planning Commission
Regular Session
June] 9, 2007
Page 10
'open was a member of that group. He said it seemed somewhat out of keeping with
procedure to allow potential testimony from someone not in attendance at the hearing,
Commissioner Cross closed the hearing and asked for comments from the commission,
Commissioner Carpenter suggested that Light Industrial zoning,might be a thing of the
past, and he believed the community had an adequate supply peea'use of changing
market conditions. The same might be true of Heavy IndustfiaU~nd, He had no
objection to the application, and anticipated the developrrfent 6f a medical center that
would provide community jobs, , . ~v",~' ,
Commissioner Moe indicated support for the appli~n and said lie would like to see
more medical facilities in'the area, ' ?~ '. ~~
Commissioner Decker believed that commercial'zoning ';Va'0'more compatil5l~,with this
area. She agreed with Commissioner Carpenter,tl'illJJ:igpu6dustrial could be a thing of
the past. ~.,~""
. ~.
'''.: ., ' 1 .'
", ~.. ..,
Comm""""" Ki~ch,== 'Up~.,tlie~PP.I.l.catIOn.!,. .... .
\ \ """'~~ ,"
Commissioner Cross commented staffs dutst~ltigwork ~.i:lie application, He said
that while he thought ~hePrilPerv in qu\~\i.9rf:'}l1itable'fl~.Jhe intended use, he thought
the community need~atb'be Careful not to~~ up too much Light Industrial land.
C .. i:Y ) ) d d\b .'Fe> . . D k d
om!lUSSIoner .:-ar,penter"secon e y.c-ommISSIoner ec cr, move to
recommend app'J.o..v'al oJ;the !1pplicatjo',.,jho the City Council, with the
findings an.dconditiohs,as/'discussed;The motion passed unanimously,
~:o. /7-~ ~\. ~. .
/ j -", "" " '" '
~'\.. \;~ V '
Mr. Grile'thanked commissioners Decker, Cole, and Moe for their service on the
Planning Corllmission. )J" ' .
~ ''\. '
~ ."\~
. ",,:y ..' .
Commissioner Carpenter reported that the council had the first reading for the Marcola
Meadows development imd presented a plaque to Ms, Crae for her life-time of giving to
the City of Springfield,
MINUTES-Springfield Planning Commission
Regular Session
June 19, 2007
Page 11
Commissioner Decker thanked the staff for their professional expertise and support, as
, did Commissioner Moe, .
Commissioner Carpenter thanked the 'outgoing commissioners for the knowledge and
experience they had given so graciously,
Commissioner Carpenter asked that staff bring the Bicycle Planbick to the, Planning
/ .-
Commission for review, and to indicate to the commission wheh'the plan was last
ADJO~~MENT.. , ./)
CommISSIoner Cross adjourned the meetmg at,6:3o p,m,
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MINUTES-Springfield Planning Commission
Regular Session'
Jun~ 19, 2007
Page 12