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Packet, Planning Commission PLANNER 6/4/2007
I~" '.~ s.:. ;_v."...... \ MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE OF HEARING: June 4th, 2007 TO: Springfield Planning Commission FROM: David Reesor, Planner 1I1~~ . SUBJECT: Request for a Metro Plan / Refinement Plan Map Amendment, Case No. LRP2007- 00013 and a concurrent Zoning Map Amendment, Case No. ZON2007-00012 PLANNING COMMISSION TRANSMITTAL '--v:" MEMORANDUM 1>\.\"'\ ISSUE: The Planning Commission is asked to conduct a public hearing and decide whether or not to approve a request for a Metro Plan / Refinement Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent Zoning Map Amendment. . . DISCUSSION: The applicant requests approval of a Metro Plan / Refinement Plan Map Amendment to the East Main Refinement Plan and a concurrent Zoning Map Amendment. The request involves two parcels, and is located on approximately 5.24 acres identified as Tax Lots 400 and 402 on Assessor's Map No: 17-02-32-00. Specifically, the applicant proposes to change Metro Plan designation from Light Medium Industrial (LMI) to Commercial and a concurrent Refinement Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment from LMI to CC. The applicant seeks approval of this Metro Plan / Refinement Plan amendment and zone change in . order to facilitate development of a future Medical Office building on the. site, . . The applicant has requested that application ZON2007-00012 (Zoning Map Amendment) be raised to a Type IV review procedure and be reviewed concurrently with Metro Plan / Refinement Plan Amendment Application LRP2007-00013. These applications use similar criteria of approval and have been combined into one staff report for ease of review. Both, applications' have criteria requiring consistency with Statewide Planning Goals and other similar criteria. Rather than repeat these criteria for each application, they will be addressed only once and then referenced where appropriate. Criteria that are different will be addressed separately; the end result will be that all applicable criteria will have been addressed. . . ' RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval with one condition of approval related to Goal 12 (Transportation) compliance based on findings contained in the attached Staff Report. ACTION REQUESTED: Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the attached Order and forward the proposed Refinement Plan Amendment (LRP2007-00011) and Zoning Map Amendment Application (ZON2007-00011) to the City Council with a re1::ommendation for adoption. ATTACHMENTS: . . Attachment 1: Staff Report and Findings Attachment 2: PowerPoint Presentation Attachment 3: Applicant's Submittal for LRP2007-00013 Attachment 4: Applicant's Submittal for ZON2007-00012 Attachment 5: Planning Commission Final Order Date ReceiVed:-$J 01 Planner: DR I ~ ~ "-.{? 1Wru)j ., ,,'."i,!,> ,;!J:Ei~t~M;\~;r'..:., .' ::'Attachmenti1 .j.,! 'j' !,; ::,!;." ,:',:,'; '" ..... . .. ,- <. ,- (:, .:-~>:; ".' .-'," - ;. ',; :.-,':'.', ,~(~,:' ;':':-:~~" ':- . '7:'. :,~-.~-:_; "f ;;-". ,'. _: ",'" .';;';>.;Type ~11:MetroRlari Map Amendment ..' ,c' '&ZoningMapAme'ndrnent.' . ..:.-......;'~:. '/: . ~."::;:'? St~ff .~.ep?cta'h~,~.iR:di~gs:.:.>',' ., ';:"J.: -::,': ;,_' ' . 'J' ,-\ 'f"',::~. ,., .< 'f.:.:... ,.," . , ~r ,.. ,_.,' . "", .h .,. ,i ".'" y-- . . ,;." ;.t"J':. "...-. . , .,' ",",;:;:(~~~€~i;~"... ",';' ,,' ",'" ;,;;;~'~. '-'j' ,;.,'\ ,~,.'. - 'i . . . , . '. ,;~~'-.,~ . . ,~,~-,.;. .~ '.' !;'" ','.-'.: , ;' :"..' , . .':, .',....,-. '.. " ',' " .,', " 1.:, . ':;-:' Hearino Date: i " ~ . "June 4"\ .2007.\. -~ ,"., ~ ,;i" ,', . .' :;~ ;>:. '.' '.. Case Number:' ZON 2007-00012. . LRP200.7"00013> . .. ,t' 0"'''''''-' " 'l' ~. -..-: . .~:.;;\;(,\ .,..... ...., , "')r' ,~ '" ~.. :11 I'::,' . ',", '.- 'hOl=!licarit.. , ";'"Aoolic;,irit;s:' '.> ". '. .' ''', . .~, ": ',' . ''''p:; ..,.. , ", ..,',' Re.l?resentative " PeaceHealth Oregon Region Hyland BusinE:;ss Park,'LLC ,(Tlc49.0) .. 'Philip Farrington,AICP. _, , "';, ': ','123 InternationaiWay',:.. ;::. . .'Attn: Shaun. Hyland: r;',..," .' ,:' <.<"c''-' Director, Land use. . '~. '.',:,,,:~prtngfield: ?R97477. '''''':'1941 -A,Laura Streei"'}"'< ;'-:::-"Planni~g& Developm~nt '" .'; ;".:' <,., ,.",... " . '. '.$pringfield,OR97A77...... ...., PeaceH.ealthO~e9on>/:'...() ~:''',. . .. ", , . .:';' ' /Andre~ ~~~d"ii[\oi/' . .. ;.,'. ~~i0~ern~iion:Lwa/:.<:.;;;;\;~ ::::".,~: ,__ ".. .'''' ,. ,1616 Ardendale Ln,".:.Spring~eld"OR.97477:..;:::.:j.. ""( _,0;.0", '.:, "'~'- .. .' . -,:" '~. ,~~/:,'~:.'E~,:e.~e':: O~ ~71~~; >' __,,.'.' :~:~r.', ,.~O> t~. ~~- .\~(>, ,', ;',~ :,.~ ._,..',. I" . n :., ':,. ',.C..:" ,,'..,', '. .'"'.i::~:".:,>\~..'/.,;.L: I ,.' ". , "M' ":~' .. " - '.' , J. ..'". <' " ....'- .' >,:~ ',~.. i ,.~' " ...... _.~ "I . ,:;. .; ".1," . . .',,' ,:..,' 0'1" , " , .~. . .... :,'''", . . . t.. ". <, ,; . -' -l'.~, .:'",> '.. . ~ EXECUTiVE SUMMARY:":' . ,.'.,.'. .' i.y.".,......" __;', ,', .,..r..:.~.J......:'.".:.:-:~'" \..",:.,...;..P..,...".,:'-:: . .-'..-....," ';" 'J",," The applican't is seeKing' approval of a MetroPlanAm,endment / ReifinemenlPIa"n " . Amendment and a concurrent Zoning Map Amendment from Light Medium Industhal . (LMI) to Community Commercial (Ce). As described in the Springfield Development '. ", . "Code, a Refinement PlanAmendm~nt automatically occurs on a siteconcllrrently with a ,." . Metro Plan Amendmehtif n() n'ew Refinement Plan textisneeded or p'roposed. The, , .' . . i applicant is requesting these amendments in orderto pur,lue a future Medical Office; ,:' '.' building' on the subject site. The subject site is located within the East Main; Refinement Plan area. '. : -. . . " .... : .',' ,,'" ," -4 "'.' . '. . ~''l. 'i!)' . ....'.1:' "~~. . ~ .' ' ';. . Date Submitted: March 16t\200T ':' . , .'. ., l" , 1 . ' .'" ..~. " .,r'" , .: '-- r" ',.,~ .:" , " 'I ., '.' . I. -, .. " "', . ...... ",', ,"-" " ,.'.. . .' " .: :..". ' The s~bject site is located ~ear 44th and Main 'Street (Highway 126): niesiiei c~~sist~ of ' two parcels, and is located on approximately 5.24 acres identified as Tax Lots 400 and . 402 on Assessq(s Map No. 17-02-32-00. The majority of the site is vacant (TL 4'00), with some small vacant buildings on site. The.smallerof the two subject lots, TL 402, has an existing comm'erciai development on-site. Properties. located to, the .north are zoned and, . designated heavy industrial. Parcels located west of the subject site are designated c.,' mixed-use on the East Main Refinement Plan. Property located east of the subject site is designated LMI. Properties located south of the subject site,across Main Street, are zoned and designated. Community Commercial....' ' '.' ,.. .. . . " . . i" , . -, ..... '... ,'" " ,.', ..,. "'" ,As mentioned in findings 'in this report, Staff supports the proposed'Metro Plan / Refinement PIC!n and Zoning Map Amendment As noted in the City of Springfield's 2000': '. '..) P, -'; " .:~, ~., .~: .. ..- ,: ," :.,';.':~ '.'".;,~~.. ATTACHMENT. __1_1 .-. "'."'- , "' ,-', . . ',"-0' ..' ,; ;: ,.~ ,,' "~. "', , , , ,'- , 'LRP2007-000'/3 & tON2007-000/2 . . .,; '~'. " .".~ J '. '.' . '. ~. . .~, . . ',' ""," , ~ : . ' ~ ' ,"'j .' -', .;\ ,,,":'1""; ,...., ...... " Commercial Lands Study, there is a shortfall of commercial lands within city limits. The 1992 Industrial Land Inventory and the City's adopted Goal 5 analysis support the fact that there is a surplus of industrial land in the Metro area. The Metro Plan allows amendments such as that which is proposed to allow City's to modify land use patterns as demand and the community's vision change over time. The proposed Metro Plan Amendment is a Type II Amendment, meaning it is site speCific and is located within the city limits. In order to approve these applications, the .applicant must demonstrate compliance with the Statewide Planning Goals, Metro Plan, Oregon Administrative Rules, State Statutes, and demonstrate the ability to service the site with adequate pUblic facilities and services, This Staff Report provides findings of fact relevant to each of the applicable criteria of approval and recommendations to the Planning Commission. Upon review of the evidence provided by the applicant, site visits, existing structures/uses and review of the applicable criteria of approval, staff finds that the applicant's request for a Metro Plan / Refinement Plan Amendment and concurrentZoning Map Amendment from LMI to CC is appropriate for the subject property and recommends the Planning Commission approve the attached Order and forward the proposal to the City Council with a recommendation for adoption, REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval to change the map designation on the Metropolitan Area General Plan ("Metro Plan") diagram from Light Medium Industrial (LMI) to Commercial for approximately 5.24 acres located near Main Street and 44th Street. A Metro Plan Amendment at this time (not during Periodic Review) is known as a Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendments (PAPA). This same acreage on the site is being proposed for a concurrent amendment to the Springfield zoning map from LMI to Community Commercial (CC), as allowed.in Springfield Development Code (SDC) 12.020 (1)(a)1. Pursuant to SDC 7.110 (4), approval of the requested Metro Plan diagram amendment automatically amends the refinement plan diagram and is processed concurrently. Findings of fact addressing the criteria of approval in SDC 7,070(3) are included in the applicant's narrative statement and in this'report, SITE DESCRIPTION: The subject site is located on approximately 5.24 acres identified as Tax Lots 400 and 402 on Assessor's Map No. 17-02-32-00. The subject properties include a vacant, flat parcel (Tax Lot 400) and existing commercial development (Tax Lot 402) east of 44th Street along Main Street in east Springfield. The site is bordered on the south by Main Street, on the east by the Hyland Business Park, on the north by an open area south of the Weyerhaeuser mill site (Tax Lot 400) or an existing commercially zoned parcel (Tax Lot 402), and on the westby other small-scale commercial enterprises (e.g., a cabinet shop and karate school) fronting Main Street and residential homes along 44th Street west of Tax Lot 400. LRP2007-000 /3 & ZON2007-000/2 2 I ~h. ':. 'c" , "",:..' :....., 1 .~ " ,.:'" .' "",.t' ~ . " ::l;;~~~~$Y~, '. .. ~ . .,' .,:~~l~g0; . ~tommercialenterprises are ,located immepiately south of !~e ~ite across'Mai[1 ::;ireet o i:. (e.g" Gray's Garden Center).. :.;.,-, . '1" "'0' :: . . ';', < "'/:.;..:'::~:4:;';i~;>, .: \':" ~ ,~; :" ~,-~, >::',;:\'\~!C-;; "~} ,,_.~/~'{':::(.,. -::. .~: ;.:/:;_~/"~,,.::; ;'(;<:':;f" (..; . .~' ,'-'--~~;': ':;", ,......;~(,:, ;~;' "'t.'f(?' "'; ;:. :~~!_ --;' ~:", ~""'" "" . Whil!= historically'involvedin agricultl:lral uses', since around 1990 Tax Lot':400was used' . o. .' " , :,": as a storage and sales yaid for landscape organics and forest by-p~oaucts:,-The current' "". ,.." :;' " 'property owners also used the site to store modular. consiruction,offices, tool trailers'" .'" . '; constructio'n.equipment arid concrete form plywood~' T,~x Lot 4.02hashad various',' " .. . commercial ser:ices ons~te since t~e2~5.os ";, ",> ~'; ":-",.",.,,'<:, ',,: , :. The properties tia~e 'no jurisdictional wetlands' ~r'in'ventoried Goal.5 'ri'atural or hist6iic " " ' "". ':',i;;-.resources.Thesite is.within the Springfield Urban GroWth BoundarY, an~ both parcels' . ,.:.::::. ;were annexed into the City of Springfield in 1960. The EastMaiilRefinement:Plan-','\:" :.'., ,: ,~,.;(EMRP) diagram (adopted i[1. 198i3),currently designates the subject propertyfor.;' '\ ,: ' . .,'.::.~'''-,f..~'';- i~du~,trial. ~ses',~. '. ':)::J",-,;',,' 1 ,~. I .':. -~. <~ :.:' _, ~<~: ':), '-;':':'~:'/:>':':::"<'.: ,.-"~' :'. ',~ 'd~:: , ....~. t"' '_' '.r.' '~". 'I, ':<" --_:. ;~ ~ ,....::;.. ;;'Y""" ,,~ .~.'~<,.,.~._-,.,; ..-t'.;;,,~>,:'::":,:~:~:-".::>-- ....:,'" ,i<",The abuttingpropertyto'theeast is'design'ated'Light/Medium Industrial i;rlheEM~P' ,'... :,:: ,.' ,;,;~'diagrarri and zoned LMI." The 'areas immediately to the westahdsoutti of the, site:,., .',' :," _':, ',i' . :'fronting Main Street are identified as being within Mixed-Use Nea #2 ,in the EMRP, and". .;',' ,,: ,,:' , .~- ',:"'-;;:'areail zoned Community Commercial. Property to the west6fTax~ot 400 along 44". ..' .. . . <',:'",:,'';'Street is zoned and designated Medium DensityResidentiaL",,,,,, ;::i.'" '.~ ,:' ; ,."-, . " -~~,' ,~',,-,"'!;. .:..,:~. . , ," .," .,' '" ~ ';"~.'~' ~ .,,~, -'. ~ ", , .J,' .."" , '. .. 'J .. l' '.. ' .' .-~.. .-t..;', ''','., "" " ,>,,:,' ';'''" "",~ ,- .':", "f",' ",. 1;:.1 "'. 't' . .. . ..~ , ,..:; " .. -'." 1 I..' '., '0 -"". ",; ',' , ..1'" ",' .;' - \~ ::.. .; ~ -.. . ,. ....,-..- .f " \ t" . . ~ ' ~,' " ',' " ".,' . ,,',': c ~ ,.' . . ,.......,;...:.... -".' " , .,.'''..~-:. '.: ':"~'. ",~'''' ..... .;, 1,,; .:::: ; [. ... l: .'<.'- ,~~' ..:' .' .,,,', ; .,-..,. ,..:-/ . '~t ,'- . - ", ,J' ....:'i..t.;.,i-_ 'C.";,.:. ", ".. J: -!' ''I ' , ':," '~i ;',' ~'" -, , '., -: :_:~, \-;~ ~ .::T r';/:~~< .'i:,i~'''' " , " '" ". " '1- '1 ',,", ..-~ '". . ;.;.... :1" , r' ",.i-~;;. . ,', " ",'.,: .", " '.' .....,'.... ..; ~,:~ ' if~ '" ,'" .., .,.''". ...." " ','..,- .....1. ",' :. ,';;,' :.,. .' ',...' { ,,' <,.J .,.'" . ( . " . .-; .1' '.' .' , .. ~ ~. " " .,' '. .. :.. ,', :I.. ",.' ~" . ~ ;' . j'" , ~ " ". .. . '. " '.- " , ~ ' , '" "; "...., " ;. .~ '~,.', .' . <" ...r , ',,; ~ ., '.;.".. ,.' ": .,', '" 'I' '. 't'.., 1':'~ .. .,":,' ','", ',3 " ,,,,- ,,:, , ~LRP2007,OOOI3 &ZON2007'OOOI2 '.' . .r" ..:' ,1\ r---' " Existing & Proposed Metro Plan Designation: "' ~ Subject Properties - Existing LMI designation - Proposed as Commercial designation I I ,. ~ '-' II ,~~.' Urban Growth Boundary 0 La..v OenrJty Realdentldl 0 Ugh' Medium hdultrul . AgrbltUn!I ,,,,.......,," Metro rlan Boundtllry 0 Medium Ol!Indtv . . ~ CampuIlndul.rial 0 f-orut L<!nd /"-../ rwltoadl Cl High Don"'" ' . [J UnlverdlV Hewarch D f\,Jrali " /'v' ftyerl and Pand, L] 0 ~ Commerd.tl Go'll!fT1fneM and Educ.lOOn Rural ComrnltrcW Ovcrlays: ~ !m . ~ Mixed Use Area. Majof" He.aR Centen Parks and Open Space ,- Rurallndustrlal ~ Nodal [ Area D Heavv Indultrial D Nalllal Hesoun::e ~ Ai'port Re.erve 0 YJllumene Greenwav ~ Special HeolVY Indultrlal D Sand and Gravel LRP1007~OOI3 & ZON1007~OOI1 ATTACHMENT 1-4 4 . Existing & Proposed Refinement Plan Designation: 3\1 - I ~I EAST MAIN RE"J.l\~l\u!,,\J. PLAN Springfield. Oregon REFlNE~f't.AN -"'""""'~ '-""""- -",...,- ~,- -.-.- _Ml..cl1.Jill;2&S _~U.2A'28 iiiiilPublc16ad&OpItISJIIa -:-"':-~+ ::- \l\~ ===--....__ ~ AUAl ~ I. ,..~ r... I ==--==--:... -- lRP2007-{)OOI3 & ZON2007-00012 ATTACHMENT 1-5 , 5 ,- Existing & Proposed Zoning: ":", . ('";. ",1" "o,c"~l'.' ., ..:: ~~::','~. / _~\' . " .r. ....r..l,. "0.:": I~I. :." {;'.' , , . " ,'::~' ,',,'" . '.' ~ . ~ ',,' . .' .--! . I. ."', 'I '.'1 ( i-.",I_J> ~-~' " , - ~ : I , . :..0-;. -.' :~ I . ~ l" . '... -'- ~,.'E,.~ ',\.lU r" '11.- . ..... ':-: ...{-. 'i-.'R , MD SUBJECT PRur ...'" TIES Currently LMl- Proposed asCC TT dnn LMI .1i,;~1!i!.1)'if. ZONING LMI = Light Medium Industrial CC= Community Commercial MDR = Medium Density Residential HI = Heavy Industrial N w*, s LRP2007-000/3 & ZON2007-000/2 ATTACHMENT 1-6 6 ~ Existing Site Conditions: Existing commercial uses on TL 402 Existing modular units located on TL 400 Existing empty structures on TL 400 Existing business park on property located east of TL 400 LRP2007-000/3 & ZON2007-000/2 ATTACHMENT 1-7 7 ~J >~., ,':;"'<'> '\ -:.~~: 'I. ~ ,.;; , ,'. ,.; ;,',:;,....~.'.:'..',..',;,l,-.'.:,..,'.,'..'.:,.,',',:~,',:..~.:"::J:.:.,..'.~,.,',:,~,',i.,,.,~,:,..,~.,~,...,~:,}"...1,[,...,~.'.~...,.:.'.'.;,.."..,..:",l.,:,:..,:..,'.',~.,.:.,.."i,:"..."..'..:,,:,:;',',;;..:;.,',',',.,',:;!.,..';~.','.,.,..''.,,\~,.., .,~;, ~,;-;;: .... .... ',.R~I"';P~~c~ss:;tj~f', :~>, ,".,',' I.'~'}-"~:" ":.;":;' ~>:~'y.-f':,-:/:':::~..'t~" \(.---:-::',- '''''f'' ;:':~~;;"" '~'f;. .' .:" '-. . :.., '. ',-.' . ,: The'pro'posed Metro Plan Ameridme'nt is 'a Type II Amendment because It is . ",,"'inside thecity'limits and. is site specific. The'applicant has requested that application , " . '."." '.ZON200NJ0012 (Zoriing Map Amendment) be raised to aTypelV.review procedure: . '. ~; .':, '..: ....and be reviewed conclirrently with the Type II Metro Plan /RefinementPlan Amendment ;;.. .' ,;, ,.' :.' " . ,'Application LRP2007 -00013. ,T,hesetwQ applicatiori~ usesimila'C criteria ofapp'roval and :~:' .,'. . .':0; ,./" ":," have been combined into one'staff report for. ease of review Both applicatiohs have'. ,,: ; '''. ;'1;'; .," ;;;:';;~ E~i~g}:'criteria requir.ing consistency. with the Metr,b Plan,an~ 9ttieL~ii11ilar criteria.. Rath'e'rthan': ":;>,';':"'.. :J@~;:)~:J~3~!n~pei3tthese~riteria for ei3.cl:1 apPI.icafion, theywillbe a9dressed only once and theh",i)i:i:2:'~"\{:2~;; ;.T,~: :!;t'~:.. ;1;f,IJiS7;Jref~sence9 yvher,e appropnate.,Cr.ltena tha! ar~ cJlfferent'<<II,1, b"<1ddres~edsElP~r~~e.1Y;N:;:;;",~{~.::!,/,~,i ;"'Ji-~f ;;;,,'..1 "!:,,,,;,;;,;:;.;:,the:end result will be that all applicable'cntena Will have been,addressed!.'.::, };"..':..:";.,,.,~: ':..:.,'...c,:.:"'....',", ;';;;~, ri1r:-~;2ri'f~~:;',: :;}',:, ,t;i:;.-/ 2," ":;:<~,'.i;,,f,,: i,:'. .~,,'; ,"q:';;:;,:;~?;;.:";,'i.;:.'t/;::}.:,': .,:"'....~':t,...: 't.!;.~f;;;r\;;:.,';;;>"~}~Z;"frg~ i,;';;;;l-;,;;!,,-'ti.-;t;:Yliis application was subinittedtotlie Development;Services"pepartment on March 16:h:""".{,:.:,,,!\,c,,,;;' .. ;:1:t]:\~'~';:~~~,ggi,'al}9~"eEOmed ascom8le~e on ApriI1;1t, 200t:;NotfceH6r bdha'pplications;.was.{E';:;.'{):t..:)f' ;-;;:;;: ""i,,..!ti~:i.",;-;f~mailed tbDepartmentof Lario ConserVation.and Development (DLCD) on .APriI16'h':;i,::,::. .."j~.\" <>;'j, ,;" ;<,\:'~\0::;:;-!2'OO7. NotiCe:.of the public hearing di.llewas rnailedoul,cih;Thursday, Aprii19: 2007io" ,;/?:'; :q::" ;:,' .. .' :;'.",;,:';;-;:i~;:..;'propertyowners wiUiin 300fe,et of the proposed,zonechange per Section 14.03q (1 )(a):.'; ..;;,.;~: ' .- t,~j~:~,;1?i;;I(n) of Ui~ S DC. Public ,notic'e of the hearin~. was publisliedih the local newspape,r-;:: ;' .,;':~ ,~::' ':,.- ~~ , ,..,':is":">';';; "(Reglster Guard) on May 17th, 2007, as required In Section 14.030 (2) of the SOC. No,>':- ,,'.: ' .. " (~i:;t':;;t,~~;:'wrhten c(J;;'ments we'~e'siJbmittedat the tiineof issuing thisTepiirt ,',>';;';: . <;., ..',::'.".. ,',,;,,:: ~{~:tiJ::,;., :':)' "(.'}.'..;::: -'!i", ,"'. ,'..:i."":: \;, .' <,.l : ;,:';;:"M~if~o PLAN bESIGNATION~ .;. :, .'::.. ,:. !';::.... .;... ' ,. :.....;);~:., The subject property,i~~v designated' LMI,;as "shown iq' the MetroP/~n 8io3'giam.. 'file',' "" " ',. ';~"!f~i';!f#:':subjectproperty ,is' part~ofthe East' Main Refinement Plan (EMRfJ), which provides a .',,; , '. "::~'1 ':...more .localized scope' related to .PlanDesignation. ;T,he subject property is,designated :.. , '~"~': ':':":LMI on the Refinemeni P'lan Di.<lgramSpecific Finding's'related to the, Metro .Plan clnd, .":",.",". EM~P. StreetR~fine~:.nt Plan. Des\g.nati~:~ are written}iithi,~ reP9.rt,' ,,:. '..' .:. '.' ",;:;~: ',' " L -;;., -,,' . . ~ ; """;" , . ~.:., , ' ':-.... " ..~.,. " ' : M'ETROPLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMI;NT:\,' : CRITERIA Of APpROVAL - SDC 7.070(3)(a)':{b) , i '~. ".,""~' . ,.,..,'~:,~ " .;_:,",~:,';':~'_~;,:,':' :.'~_:.:_:., .._: !::'" ':'-<,.~",~';"";~::~::'''..<,_:'' -." ~ .'._ _ "The following criteria shall be applied byithe City Co unci/ in approving or denying a , " . r. ", ,.. . ,.' <.j -'- ".. Metro Plan amendment application: '.' ';" '.' .",.:, . " ';.,....., :,(a) The amendment.must be considen(with the re/evahti3tatew;;Fe.':.......,"" ';, .' . planning goals adopted by the Land ConselVationandDevelopment"'. ,"':..,Commission;anci ..}' .".:,,>,;, '.'..:.,., d, '...:". , (b) Adopt/on of the ainei1d[nent must not make the Metro Plan internall}/ ' , 'inconsistent.,"" :."'." '. . ' . . , ".' >:1 .,~. ".,~,..,. ,- " ..... "., .N .,.. . ~, -,' .' L . .'," -".0 '. ..' . '.' '.., ~.?:, . '",,- , . . ,..... ., CRITERIA OF APPROVAL -SDC 7.070 (3)(ai .,', ., APPLICANT'S NARRATIVE: .... " , ,..- ,Consistency with Statewide Planning Goals: -./'. .' " , " '. . ...' "'. ... :':..,. 'f. . '. - LRP2007,00013 &Z()T:J2,007.000,12 ' , . \. - -~ , ~; ;'-' !Ie ,. .. I " .'. ,"'!. . " " , . ~ '., ~'-~-. : '~'~.:. ":'..:::;,\ :':" <--; .. .- . .\. ..,' . ."~ ,...., ...- J~:'''' J:' .,-",", '. ~ . , I, - { .-~ " ~. ".' '"t. 1':"P " .( " . .~, . (~ '>'_ _ 4 ,:':"'- ,,:..:'~ '- ...( :. ., ~"" '. ,.: """".-.,,,..-- --<,,' ,', .,'.j. .;,'~' .'~{,..~',.,-;'~~,:,;,""; ::';<c;, , '. ' ." . ;, ,., . . ',.. ...., . 'Ty;;;j~,:t:, .The following tindi'ngs address complia~ce,with Metro pl,an c'rite~ia in SDC 7.070 (3)(aj. ,'.Approval of a Me~ro Plan diagram amendment .also correspondingly changes the ~, '":. " ap~1i3?~:T~:!~~m~n.~:~~~?;i~g~a;t.;:trH:~e:~.:i~tDC7Y:0 (4~;~..: ;~,;:};:\~:):,,~.,::~,:,:::.; ,',":'. ;:,,;'~1~\~'Lic:ANT:S, ~A~~}\TIVE, RE~ATED i;q'~OAi.i:.-- , :''':', "..,. .;',:, ,., ....... .:, ';::;';;''-:'" Goal 1.,- Citizen Involvement: To develop acitiZeh involv~m.ent.priigr~m that ihSU~~S,: "'! , ,; ,the opportunity for citizens to be involved in a/l phases 'of tf1~ J?1a,nning process. : '.~, - ';,' . ....:, . ." ." : ,;;: ':~, .'.; ',' ' ; ..;;,~.,~j,0'l\C"':,,;'."13:~;'>::' .',Y.". .', " .... '" Goal 1 'addresses the need.todevelop a'citizen involvementpio'!lram)~:~;l1su.re:citi~en "':\"" ,;' ,:'. " , ' ,"involvement in all phases of the land,useplanning process"The'Rlann}!)g:Comrnissio.l1/ ''':::''':''''>:; ',: :;' ,and the City Council willhold,public:hea~iri:gs and accep(te;;tLiti~@i'onJhe.:pr9.p}isal.,-:O:',;':' '...'.-.,.' " , . :' .', ,Through the procedures established by the ,city,ei!ize,:,s~Jlt:t~!=~~\;:~;:n<:J~!~7Rf.~~a!ingsJIJ :~<: <".. .' generally published local paper;; and have'theopportunitYJi);b~:hellr,d;rEjg<lrd.ing,the,.,.t' " '. " . proposed diagram amendment aridzonectiange. Notice"of the.pliblic'hearings,will alsc) be,",: ','" _ ,., given in accordance with.SDC requireme'ritsto riearbyproperfyo\.Y'lets;:interestedparties,::;' ., ,~" ,,: >. ,'. requesting notice, and any establisheifneigh'bc>'ihood organlzati6n:,;Sinc-e,'the">; , . ','..::' ,... '. amendments comply with the' City's citizeri'involitement program arid citiz~ris'have' ~,' <;. , " ~ ~, . ' . -,-~, "=', ~ .~. ,. /'" '.,:' opportunities to be involved in. the procedure, the proposed'amendments a're'consistent,'; ", with Goal 1 . ,.;: , .' ',:,' ,,:,;':.. ',,' ,,:', ";,' ';.'. ,( ":' ,:';.."";;" ..::.' ...' ,', ' " .,~. '. ,'j'.f:".",.:' . '.< ,'.- ~ ":s,,'-~.' .''''- "". , '~':-' :"~:. ::', .,." "; . ",:<7': ~: l;,;,:;r"". ~',,;;",;~~~'~:~'2,~if;;:F':;:~:r',~?S;,,~,.,." STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO cOMPLIANCE' wrrH GOAL:{, "":,;;:,,.; ';", ',':c.f:>" ";'. ."~ .,.,..... .'. .',; ~. ,'. . ~"..,~ ,_ ",,"': .'. .',. ._.,"~,-."',,:,,'~','l'"''i:::,,'.:;~'''-'\.C:'.>::'~,-,''',:' .~. .:, Fihding 1: These applications comply with G'oal 1 because:they are belhg reviewed:, :...". ," .'.. 'under an acknowle,dged citizen .involveme':!t program..' ".. '~".: ". .,'.. .' .', . " , .' .. ". .' ,~. .' " '. I : 1, . "'-' '~,.' , , 'As previously fnentionedin .this report, notice for botn applicationswasmai.led to: ".: " , . Department of Land Conservatio~:and Deyelqpmeni (DLC,D) o.n'~pal).~;:::2097>'::};' . . ~', :,'. Notice of the public hearing date was mailed out on Hiday,May 11th; 2007 to.': i' ,,::., f," "property owners within 300 feet of the proposed zone, change,per 'Section 14.030 (1) ,';' . (a)-(h) ofthe SDC.Public notice 'of th~ hearing was published in the local newspaper , (Register Guard) on May 17th, 2007, as required in Section ,14030 (2) ofthe,.SDC.: ' ,I, ' . .. ',: . Staff concurs with the applic~ni's written statement related,to Goal'1.':,. " ,.... '^~<:- "".' ':"_.' ,. ,.~ ';'0 ' t . , ',.r.; .' :,~ -~ ..,~ : ~ " " .' '". ....-. . ..~ - " ...,,; f. .j' . ,"~ ~ .~ '- ,.i.: ;,' -''It-' APPLICANT'S N,:.RRA TIVE RELATED fl"O GoAL 2; . t.. ., :1;' ':"1 ,-"" . Goal 2: Land Use Planning: To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all decision and'actions related to use of land and to assure' , an adequate factual base for, such. dec!sion~ and'actions. " , '" ", '. , !' I'.. : ,.'i,_." '''',' . " ,~'::~ ' '. . _ ....., ..' '. ~ .... "', : ." . ':." .. , . ,~ """," i . Goal 2 requires that local comprehensive plans be consistent with the Goals, that local' comprehensive plans be internally co!,.sistent, and that implementing ordinances be ' " . ,consistent with' acknowledged compn~hensive plans. Goal 2 also requires that land use decisions be coordinated with affected jurisdictions and that they be supported by ,an adequate factual base. As required in SDC 7.050, the City is requiredto give' referral notice of the proposed Type II Metro Plan diagram amendment to the City of Eugene and Lane County so they may determine if there are grounds to participate as parties tothe hearing. The City also sends the statutorily required notice of the initial public hearing 45 days in advance to the state Department of Land Conservation and . Developme'nt, ensuring'that they are given opportunity for comment and review conformi~yto applicable statewide planning goals. .' ," .. , . .. , ~< ..;-. ,;;'. ',. .,. '. 9' " 'I' . ", ' ,", , LRP2007.00013 & ZON2007.00012 .'c'.O'. "-,' ',' ".' 1_0 .' '--~c-~" f' ," ,;_"""f::, . .;. .' :'~'r:~.". .",'. '. :;-. :~,;;, v,..' .,'~-, "'('.-',:t".....;. ..., " ' .. " : ...:j,.'..::."',.',.,:.,;,.,:_,'....:~,.~;,,.,~,..':',..'..~,',~-.:':.,:.:,.."..:,,'.',.,;::,..,',',,',:..'",...:,',',:'.,~,.,',~,.,,'::.',.,.,...,'.':,.',:,_'.:,..'...:;.'.,';,'"'"',..',,,.,.:2,,..,~:,:.'~'..:,',:.":.,:,.':.::,',".".',,:,.,.."..',',,'..','.,,'.:,.' " -' '.' ' ,'. ~,.,' '. ' . .. . .' <, .. .i': . y;;ti~;f~t~;;;~llit . ..... "~ : The Metro Plan~ridihe'SDC,as ":';el! as the Stiitewide.piannirigGoal$.and'appli~able "'. C "'.' .',;./,,'~/ statutes, provide policies and criteria for the evaluatio'n of comprehensive plan, .' {:".,: ,~, """".' ',/ " , ,(:':',:,_',i:"amendme'nts;:Comp!ia'nce with these measures'assures an ade1luate factual base 'for i:,.. .","':'...' ',',',: '" .:,' ':'.r:~ ,,"1' ...", approval of, th~ proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment As discussed elsewhere in .' :" .,:'" ,,' .....,' \" .' ,,,,'. ,', this document, the amendments.are consistent with the Metro Plan. and the Goals.: '.':. '" ':' \," . .;",:', ',," .:" ,c;orisequently, by dem,onstrating such compliance, the Amendments .satisfY th~ . ,\' '..' consistency elemeritof Goal 2:' "'.'" . '.." ,',' ' ;_,': ',n._' ."f:~~>:\".:'~~.:'~ :..- ' . , ,'.., ,::",: .,. ': .. .""'-.! ?,~., ';"'., ; ,..' ."" -., , .ST~FF:'S FiNDINGS ~ELATEDTO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 2: v. , ' ' -: " ~; -. ,"','~'~: ,,''''': ';"":':>:".':(;')';f;~'7~ ~:"", ,".~ . ., . . _",' '. " ,':' '1: ',_). --.- '..f'\ndin.g;~;:T.~e:~~i:~RR!lsationscomplywith Goal 2 .because the SDG;requires ";,';',':. ' ,;:,"consistencybetweerfUieStatewide Planning Goals, .the a'cknowledged Metro Plan: ' .__,....",'.,;. '_,,:,~ 'i ",",'" , . ;"~ ..;t,,'!""'~"~,:d'__"".":' ",- -" ',' '~'- . - ,., ,- - ' ,', -.-,,'~ '. - :-~ ,,'. :,:';:"adopted,refinement;R,ls[ls,and speclal:area plansand the,zoning.;', .: ~,~':';$!i:,::~,~~~~:t~r?~Jf,if.,~\~~~~t~J~ritr~~;:}-',:;'";- .' :,,: -. '~:. . ::; ...' ~>~,.: .:'<,~,: C .~']:,. ,: --:~ -,".:' ... ~ <,.,<>.- ::' , '/St~fk6ncurs'wftt;;ihe'aRplicant's written statement related to Goal.2: "',':';~:{~~W~3t~I~i:ti;~h1~:;::i.".",'~' ',:' ":fj",' ','.. ;~.:" '" ,'~;': ;:..., '.:.:" "APP~IC~~T;stNARR~;rI'YERELATEDtOGOALi'" , . . ... "-.'--', ,;~;,,:,.;-:~;::-::-,::,,~'::"~"';':;._'~:.'.:~.' -': :', ."" " -" - .', -, -. ,'~ ,; ~~. , " , , 'G6a(i'::' Agricultural.Land: To preserve and maintain agriciJltura/'lands;' ". ;:" . .;'_',"'i'~._" ,'.V'_'7;'_.^:,-t ~~,,,,~'\;i;./ "'" _"r, '.' ..., . . _ '".' -', ' ~'.'. ,'rhis,g~~1 is inappli~a6f;;'l:!icause as, providediri oA.R 660-15-000(3), Goal 3 appiieso~ly to ; " ,'" ruralagricultliranahds.'The subject properties arelocated',within an acknowledge9urban' growth'bou'li'diiry;'areinsiCle'Springfield's corporate'limits; and havenot been irj.'. ." " , agricult~raru7e'fordecad~s::. " : " '. ',' ". . ." .: t ~_ " '" ' ..< .,:' . " " .~ ,..,' . ., " !' .. . ;-. '. .> .',", ," ';'" .,;.';' '.,.r>; ',.' STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 3: ,'. . "'. ..' ..--.-.:.:....,:..-.> !'2 ~;Y:,: "_.", ' ;' .~;".....-. .~~' -;<" ,'. - -;-- , ".;' 'Fiii'ding,3: The:subj!"-Ct property is locatedwithin the city limits on land planned and , . "zoned forurbari !Js,e: Jhe City does not, have any agriculturaf zO[ling districts, either '. , '; 'within its City limits' or ",ithin the urban growth boundary., ," ::'. ,,: '-,:,<,' :',' :' " '" __ . _ __ _.: ,R~ . "", , ," ,.' 1. '. '. ",.''''. ..." ~. __, . .' ,..", ; ,"" ~ -, Finding 4:Goar3doe~not apply to these applications because the subject pr~periy "; ,., is within Spri~gfield:scity"limits;'" .,',,-,"" . ". .' ".' " y,~. , " . ::,1,..-: "i-,' ";:' "". ".'.' ., -": -t,.. .-,": ", .,~. " .,"'.' "-'.'.' , /,~:~~t.;; , . ."., , . .,". .--, ,,' '. ',~ '. ' '" ,;~ .. :':,T . '; ~ '.. '..-,' " ,.' .." ,,;.' , ' " APPLICANT'S NARRATIVEREL~TEDTO GO~~4: ,: > .,". ," .' , . GoaJ4 - Forest Land: To conset;Veforest lands by maintaining the forestland'base' and to protect the state's forest ,economy by making possible economically efficient .forest practices that assure the continuous growing and harvesting of forest tree,' ' species as the leading use on forest land consistent with sound management of soil, air, water, and fish and wildlife resources and to provide for recreational opportunities ' and agriculture, '. ,.- ' .. , ,Goal 4 does not apply within urban growth boundaries, pe'r OAR 660-06-0020, and the' areas affected by the Plan amendments are inside Springfield's acknowledged UGB. . ,. p ".'. { STAFF'15FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL. 4:.' , , I . . Finding 5: The subject property is located within an acknowledged uroan gro~h boundary. 'Goal 4 does not apply with'in Lirbangrowthboundaries. Stat( concur with the applicant's written statement related to Goal 4. , ' " : ,.' , ' .. ~ ,~ . ,.: '\" " " '. I,'. . ., , ' ~,> ~ '. " '~ .: .'" ';' ".. ".' 'J'''', ' ' , ' " ! ...' <; .",' .'.... 'lRP2007,OOOI J & ZON2007.00012 10, '-. ". :--' 'L1n , , ' ~ ',' '."r... ," "..,..... . ....r. " ,--(, /; .: ,.;"". \..... ,. '..!:.," ~>.- . , ; " " f"" ..' "';;i!~0~~y~~~~1;{~~~: . .' 'APPLICANT'S NARRA TIVERELA TED TO .GOAL5:"., ~::.. :'.;J:r;,'.,:;>,L'Y/t::",.'):", ,.., ':::;:,:. ..,~...:.:,..c.";C}.>:'".._..;,,<" <.:'; ,/}i.;<, ; ,'j":-,Goal 5-' Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic, Area, and Natural Resou;ces: To conserve " " ,'." . <' .... '. '. .,;'" ,'c: 'open spi,u;e 'and protect natural and sciimic resources. ' ", '.:,' , '.' ',~..;, .." -'.:.,., ,:'...' ',;:.:f;"::;":'" ,:::"',~;. ',';:':,::',', ',':.:' ,,' ' }":'''', " - ", . Go~i5 req~ires localgov~rnmentsto' protli,cta va'riety o(open space, sceriic,historic,'and natural.resourcevalues. GoalS and its implementingrule,.OAR Ch.'660, Division 16, ,'.. ",. require planning jurisdictions, at acknowledgment and as'apartof periodic review, to:' ' , .(1)' identify such resources;,! "':, .;, ,"" ' ,'.' , '. '. ",:,\: (2) ':, ,determine their quality, quantity; arid locatio'n;' ".,',,'.' .. ,,: '.'-:,::'",; " ,.j., . ,'.: .'.' " .., '.', .. ",'. ,'. . ..:. .-'00> ,< ._.;>, .",.,.>~,<:"I,-,I~, .O"",.~' '~'. ',;(3)':', Identify confl.<;tmguses;. ,," "..' ,.).,',. '.:'0'.. .,' "'(,:', ':"''-:'\''?:".:':;',.:'.;;li~':;',:,'';; ...,(4) :,,' eX,aminE; the econo'mic, social;' environmimtal;and ,energy (ESt::E)T./:,.,:;,;'q, ..:t;~;;"i;:.'';~; , <; ",,&ortsequences that could resuftfrom allowing', limiting, or prohibitlng.;,;'if:'i,~~ild:~,~ , . . -,: .... . ..~;,,;;:,.~~r. ..~~'~;." tti.e conflicti.ng uses; a'nd.-', ,": .,., -~. .' "~, ": ',,-;;: "','~ . ;'-:'. .',.,'; .t:::;~~'~'~'-"(fr...~:~~1'} ~:';f~.::~i)~":;~;~:' '", , .. . '. .,. :: (5)': develop programs to resolve the conflicts ..,..'.,'t.;",-,':"",..,."c;:.'" ..~.. " .>:,~..,';'>:"';',;:,',.-,::;,'~." ,"," ,,' ":. ',.. .:. ","," '::t '.,,' , "';'~':ft)::::}~}::~C' , The subjeCt 'p~operties are not on'Spriiigfiel~'l!'acknowledged Metr? Plan GoaI5ii1Ventory';;i',:i,;",~~:'.;.i ,: No threate,nei{;o~'end!lngered species have been inventoried.on the site, and'no ...-'.'." ,,:;' >,:):<,t'i-;'~\:"~.,;:', ,., . archeological'or significant historical inventoried resources are located,on the site, :The, ,"',,', ';' !'.,C ..;':".- ",' Nationai Wetland Inventory and Springfield Local Wetland Inventory maps have been ',:';. ~::, -,,:,,"'; "'., ," cClnsulted andthere' areno'jurisdictional wetlands located on the site. Therefore, the ,'-::f'):-:;"~:.,, ;,:,,:~~';:;~~. -c',' ,p~oposed amendment'do!ls,not alte~the City's complian~e~ithGoaI5.;'- .,'..' :',','~:~;: :~';:~.':~~;';i'C'::; ~! " ",'::,:;,,:'.'(;,~;,.{':., : ':r::. ,:,' ',' ".,,,;:;: ,: ;,>', '." ~:;'L:~;:~~\~~~:\i~~;;;:: ..STAFF;~ FINDINGS REI..~T~D TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL: 5:" " ,>",0",: " " : "" ,'.. , " . Finding 6: Goal 5 does not apply to these applications becausethereare'no ;-..~ ",;.,"" , " inventoried resources on the subject property. Oregon Adminlstrat]ve Rule 660-023,; ,:. ,"":\:" :,., . 0250 establishes the applicability of G'oal 5 rules to Post Acknowledgement 'Plan. . ".:,' ,';..,. ,..... Amendments'(PAPA), the requested 'Refinement Plan Amendment and Zoning'Map:' r. .. ."':1':-"''';,0-.' Amendment do not affect the Metro Plan's,adopted GoaL5 inventory. ,Staff concurs" " ,',," " with the applicant's n?rrative related to Goal 5 compliance,' . ,,' .,' ,:' ,', .\'. .:.., ~" " ;', " .~.'::. ",T. < :.,' " J.', \ ..... . ".' ";.'., '.,.... ", .' , , " ) '.'. ..".' , " ApPLICANT'S NARRATIVE RELATED TO GOAL 6: Goar6 ~ Air,Waterand Land Re~oiJr~~sQuaiity: To mai~tain and impro~e the quality' . of tlJe air, -water and land resources ofthe state, ' ." . " . " ..i' ,,' ~ ", The purpose of Goal 6'is to maintain and improve the quaiity of the'air, water and land 'resources of the state. Generally, Goal 6 requires that development comply with,' . 0,-, applicable state and federal air and water quality standards. In'the context of the .,' . 'proposed Metro Plan diagram amendmenf, Goal 6 requires thatthe applicant demonstrate that it is reasonable to expect that applicable state and federal e.nvironmental quality' , standards can be met. " ' . ,~ .~, J Though Tax Lot 400 has been used for low-value storage and quasi-ind'ustrlal uses, the site is not listed on any state or local environmental clean-up list. A Phase 1 environmental assessment on the subject property was conducted, and recommended " additional analysis. Upon recommendations through the phase 2 environmental , ' assessment a riominal quantity of soil (less than 10 cy) impacted by earlierlhistoric use was removed from the site and properly disposed. Given the nominal impact generated by historic'uses on the site, it is reasonable to conclude that future development on the site' ~iU be able to demonstrateco~pliance with City standards for wat7f quality, protection . > .-" . ,'. c" .. ..,' ; . " . .' ' --'lRP2007.000/j &ZON2007:000/2' . ';'.'.',"" " '.: , ';,:. .~, , i. ,. :.:;>.. I]. " C'.. ,', 1_11" .,,' I~' . f.; .. '-. '.. ""W,',: ,., '-, -'; ." ~ "',-' '. " ': ~,i" ....."'...,, 4'.:' - :;:";,~{~~B~i!~~;7~:i:~i.>,;,~~:r '. .,">B{~, ,,: ,,' ';;':",~ through the site plan ri;vie\v process', thereby cdmplying wiih applicable state andfederal:, ~::lr';;;\:..;~i~ti;\tit~~~I:.q~ali:C~~l~da:~~:.,:,:.;" :r.;.,;,...",\:)'. ",,;.:;'~/:~;: "-:;:"'".. i< ...,' ". , S,T AF'F'S FINDINGSRELAT.ED TQ COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 6: "':",:' . , ", " .....,. ' .... ':-;, ''', .' , " _ ..'.' " '.. - ~l.., .... _,' .. - ..:'.' .. . .~. '~'.,.,l~.:'-":'''-'>;'' .,.{~'. "Finding 7: The proposed Metro'PlanLRefinement Plan Amendment or Zonihg Map/ .",., ';;, , 'Amendment does notrrlodify any of th"e Goal'6related policies oftheMetro Plan,hor,.' :;: ',':,"';,<. "': . "':do' theyam~rid the Regiopal TransportationPla,n, the Springfjeld Oeveiopment Codei' /,.",', .". . ,..' '" ,"'other"applicable Goal 6 policies,'orany.[egulations implementing those policies. '.;, ,;':"" "" . "'.- .:,,~,~:'~ ..".:... "..,.."..:....:.,';,...~:....',_,..~1:,..:_.:,'.~,,:.. ,.~_.~...:;"\>~..,;._:.i' ..-.'...,....r.., "r, "" . , Th.e~ubje~t propefty'is 10~atEld in the'Zo;!e'of ,Contribution and,out~id~ any of the', , . . .- ".. .. . - - .. ',- ,~ '. - -~..' . ~- '- .... . '. -.' .)~ c..', ,,/. ,: " ;: Time ofTravel, Zones;''!t,~i,c;h i.s rfgLjla\.e(j:EyJh.e.DrinkingWater Protection Overlay?, \,District ......Article 17: Arjynew dEly~lopm~rl.nm,,!be subject property is subject to ,'..,' :';,':,/;;i'E!', ,compliance with,Artic;le 1l:'~LI}9cith.ei, appliCablWfegulations related to Goal 6. Staff ", ..'.. '. " :." "concurs with the applicant:s'narrative','relatedlto,Goal 6compliance',: '.' ' :,' t;,}.;;;;;;'fr!I!::\,- I~ :<; ,:." ;.., '~'t:. :';' :;:;/~:"',;::';':~~;;~ ':.3~~;~:5;:d:;,:"'" ,,',' ':,.' '.. ,-- , ': :.f' :;,.'E",':APPLlCANT'S NARRATIVE-RELATED TO GOAL 7:' .,,:,'., " """, ,. .....;. ''''.'::' T.; .- .",'; ;.' :. --' -.. .' '. ':'" _ r ~:,', . .' " . . ;~. ";- ,_-_,' .'- :_ J'" '.;.. ..' . -.~ . . ~ ., ( .' >":,..,".'";;:.:..,.,.,.;.,:,.",,01<;,,., Goal 7, - Areas, subject tOd"Nhaturadl'Disa~te,~s a~d:f-Ja.zards: To protect life and property,:::., .. ..(." ".. "'.. ..." from natural disasters an ..azar s. . < ":.:.',:" ",'."" ' i, ::, ' ':. ',i ',' ~;>",:.,.~....-"""'--':'. :.: -:'l-' ,,,,' i.."._~, ..........~.~:. 'r,.,"'~-:"'"'.." ". - :;'..~. _." ~f-;"' :': ;.'Goal 7 requires that dev,eloPl"!'eitfsflbjecfto"da~,agefrom natural hazards arid.. ',' ;:. ,,',. disasters be.planned andlor constructedwith'appropriatesafeguards and mitigation: '.'i., . The' goal also requires that plansbeb'as~d'On"an inventory ot"known areas of natural ' ,''- .,', "disaster and hazards, !;;uch as ~reas prone ,t'? landslides, floodi'ng', etc: " . ,; " . ", , ," -,. '.;" .:.... ".... "'-: , ". . : 1 .". .,~'..,,':f.,,:",,;':.,.,-':,~:,.:,','.: - ,,,', . ",_ :.:'! ,....-:, .\,,:';'" ;::..... J_, \. .' .. . \ .' ',- '. ". -':t.' ""~", " -,.. '':'"i.~.::'''. .. '.. ._. . STAFF'S FINDINGSRELATED'TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL?:,' ,'. , -: .,~ , :"..< . :.'. '.' ;,' , ' -' - , ... ,., -. 'I', . '. .~"-l . ..:;>'; .. " '" ""- ,.-' '. .,; . ~. ; .J" "1: '."0.: :,,/:~"'~::;C~'~ '.. .-,., ""', .'".., .,1' . \ .' .', '. \,u, "". .' , . .' ...... .. . . ~_. c' . , :: Finding 8:. Staff has reviewed the natural:constrainis map and the FEMAFloodplain .,:,:Map in relation to the subject property As hoted by the applicant, the subject site is.. '. ",:'not i.ncluded in the City's inventory of known areas of natural hazards Staffconcursc" with the applicant's narrative related to Goal7 compliance.' ", Thesite is flat and not subject to landslide haz~ids, and is located well outside of any' ' , . established FEMA flood hazard area. Therefore, approval of the proposed Plan ,'amendment and Zoning Map Amendment will not alter the City's acknowledged ,; , 'compiiance with Goal 7 through its' aciopted,plans, codes and procedures '. ',; '. ~ .; ~. . 'e" ..",. . ,. ,.~ . -,." APPLICANT'S NA'RRATl'iE RELATED TO GOAL 8: ' ..." ,.c.... .' ,~ '. " " ' " ' . - '. .-' Goal 8 _' Recreation Needs: To satisfy the recreational tieeds of the citizens of the'state , and visitors and, where appropriate, to provide fonh.e siting of nec;essary recreational , facilities including destination resorts: ," .-; , ' ,Goal8 requires local governments io plan:and provide for the siting of necessary , recreational facilities to "satisfy the recreation'al needs of the citizens of the state and, visitors," and where appropriate, provide for the siting of recreational faCilities including' destination resorts. The subject site is not included in an inventory of recreational sites, and the proposed amendments will not have an impact on the community's recreational facilities or needs; therefore, the proposal does not implicate, Goal 8. ' .." C', ':," ~ :. ." ,;'" .. 'J .' ..~ . , , ' .' . . -~., " ,', "< ,.' .:.',' " '12,'" , Lf!l'2007:00013 & ZON2007:o6012 , . '. ~ . 1":1? , , -.' c~:; ,.' "' ,~.1';,:; .~;" _',", , 'j: ....A,' , :', ~ ", ~.;. '. .. -'-" .. "., "., 'f.' ,~'.' /~::i-;:j:~?;'::\,,,'i' , '. ,~\STAFFS F:IN~Dlfms:F~ELATEDTO ,COMPLIANCE WITH GOALS.: ,':" ". '" ,',.. . ,.,,":, \:. "., ., '.'. - " . ." ': '"_""" ,',.'. _. ; .., '(~"."." ',.il-" "',-- ." .,' " " , ". " .... ; , '", ;Findi~g9: ~taffha~ cons'ulted theWlIlamaiane 20~ye~r Pa~k~ arid Recr~ation .'.. " " , . .": 'Comprehensive Plan in relatlon'to Goal 8 compliance The Willama/ane 20-year' ,'... ',;" , ',,:Parks ahd Recreation. CompfehElnsive Plan was adopted by the City of Springfield as' 'part'of the Metro Plan's cqmpliance with Goal 8. None ofth.e various studies, ",,', ." .,';.' i'inventories, and facilities plans regarding recreational facilities in the adopted : ,\: .;.,'. Willamalaile 20-yeai Parks and.Recreation.-C6mprehimsive Plan have designated "" ,!,..' , ' " . ,", . . . ',the subject site for,parks and open space in an adopted inventory, declared it a , , ., . '.. " '. significant resciurce, 'or slated it for acquisition. Staff concurs with the applicant's' " , X,!:?,,',.'.';':. :.:,:" .narrative related to Goal Bcom'pliance.< '" .:' . : ',,: "".. ~;t?::;;~~}:;:}.' ,",;;:' .: :~<~~:,":':;!' ',:, ::::. ':;:, .. ,'" " . ',." .<",:'..:' 0:, i;'!!,:.,3:;;:,/h':APRLlCANT'SNARRATIVERELATED TO GOAL 9: . ,v,'.." ."." ~b~.;::~:"~~~~;:-'-,"'":-:.'~ _ "--. ' ,~. " '-" ", '. ~'. ."::' ....; ;'(, . ~'. .1 'r . . :..,-,:':","',",'{;,." , , Goal 9 - Economic Development: To provide adequate opportunities throughout the :. i' c.:. !~, ,>;",:1. (ii.: ."...state for avarietyof,economic activities vital to the hea/tf], welfare, and prosperity of ~~,,,~\'ii~}t/:,,.o!,eg~~'~~itizen~:,..;>":: ., .,',. :,:::"',,., '::: ,; ':.-., ,,,: .. ':':'," ;",,'" '. . ,. '~': , .', ".'. " .' '~ . "~ ." .. ,.', - - . . . '-: -.' - ,'. ..". .' -" ~ ':, ,GoaI9'requires the city to provide adequate opportunities for a variety of economic. ,:., .. +. , activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity'of the citizens. The proposed.,', .. " ',:,' ,>:'" ,amendment to the Metro Pliln diagram will increase the city's capac'ity for economi~" "...' ;I":;''?.',''C:::';.;::, developme'nt by adding.s aCrEisof CC'in place of the ,existing industrial designation:~' ':e ,'~:7iDj.."e',:,',:.. Permitting the construction of future clinic facilities and allowing long.standing ',." .' ",,$""'" ~.<:.., "commercial uses on Tax Lot 402 to become conforming uses consistent with commercial " zoning is consistent with numerous' policies in the City's adopted'plan for compliance with '," , ,C', :,"Goal,'9, the Springfield Commercial Lands,Study (SCLS). .,:', .:'," . , . . ."~."".l '.,' ""', '.'.:~" ':. '";'. .... ,,: ::,:' '_. "",.'.. ~.;, '. ._..... ,,': ;".~ .:',.:";' ..,,-. .I Specifically, the followingSCLS poliCies areapplicabhi to the pr<?posal: ,,'. .,': , ," '''.. , >..j' ....<;. ',.' , ., .",...' ,;( . ,'.. '. .j; ,I,. .,. .- " -. ".:: ~" ~ :~;!~..;.. " f .," d' . ..." '" ;-.... -,' ,', " ';-;':-;:" ~., ~... - . v .....~, ". : ,r-;.. ~ .. ',' !, -".... ..-' , "'.; i.', , , The proposa(fulfills this policy objective by redesignating and - through accompanying zone change '- rezoning land from industrial to commercial, for two tax lots of varying sizes and commercial uses, thereby maintainin'g existing employment and commercial use . ' . in Tax Lot 402 and'providing the ability for growth!n medical sector employment by. . allowing.f!-lture cli'nic uses on Tax Lot 400. . , .".. . '>:~.: . '".. . 'Policy 1-C: "Maintain at least a five,year supply of commercial land within the Urban' Growth'Boundary (UGB) that is currently served or readily serviceable with a full range of urban public facilities and services.:' . ' .' , The SCLS (see Table 3-8, pg. 32) found there to be,a deficit of 158 acres in the supply of commercial land over demand projected through theye'ar 2015. The proposai'would allow for redesignation, and rezoning, of five acres thereby reduCing the deficit of commercial land. The subject site. has a full range of urban public facilities and services available to support existing commercial development on Tax Lot 402;and future development on Tax Lot 400. The SCLS identifies (pg, 33) a need to support "employment in population- dependent sectors such as retail sales and health services" to meet Springfield's growing community. The SCLS also noted (pp. 27-29) state and local trends in greater employment in retail trade and well-paying health services sectors. Approving the' proposed' redesignation and zone change would help meet Springfield's demonstrated need for' . employment and commercial services., , . " . t," . , " ~ . . '..' '" . " .,.' .C'_ > -,' . .0; . . . ; LRP2007.000J'3 &'ZON2007-00012 ..' .. "...:." '-'--:', , I '. \ , '13 .1-.=-12 -,,' ." '."1. ..,,"' ",c '".' ( ,.'~ .' -;. . ",,' .'/ ..\-. "'.. . ," ",<'. ., 'i ,:'i.- .. ' . - [il~~r:;;~tl~i~:~~igj,;, \ .;; ,;.; . ,'.J .... '/ " ". '. . ':, ,',':,"'~,."':,Finding 3'in t!1eSClS (pg. 36) cited the ackhow!edged 1992 Industrial land Study as ' <, , " ,:,",:, ! ,':demonstrating that "a surplus of industrial.sites exists in the Metro Area.". Thenifore, the ," . '.' _, ,- . ",~-,;i,r"':'proposedr'edesignation (a'nd correspondin'g rezoning) would not result in a deficit of ':,. "-' :c.. ," ". "';'<:<;',,,' needed industrially designated and zoned land, but it would help reduce the commercial' ,',. "" . " ','~;:. lands deficit identifiedin the SClS: Therefore, approving the proposal would b~ ' " .. '" ',.; ,~~ :,consistent with SlCS ImplementationStrategy'3-A (1): "Evaluate'inventories based on.",':, ' ,.demonstratedqeed for the planning period! InitiatEnezoning or redesignation of surplus'" ',., " , land uses where more, appropriate for commerCial; consistent with the, Metro Plan.".".".,.,. : .. '.,; .'".'- " ,:,.'. ,,;'.' '.' . ;:-;, '...'. ""., . :", ,', ' > '. J." . " " . . .' . . . .....,; , " ' '. ...' . 'L, _ ';"'1', " '~. . ", - : '. ,.' The' proposal inJact consistent with inventor-iesfor comme"rCial aildindustriallands ''- .." " adopted by the City Council and ackno-.yledged by OlCO as being consistent with Goal 9. --= :. ", .' Oregon Administrative Rules concerning Goal 9 implem~n1'i!tion (OAR 660~009:0010(4)). ' .'- ".', ,'.-', call for amendments to land use designatio~s "in excess of t"i'6:ac'res'within'an existing .. ',.' urban growth boundary from an industrial land use designation"to;a noh:in'diistrial"use' . ",. " "':, ",,' designation" to ~ave to'address applicabl<i" pIanning'i-eq!iirem~l1ts -"~uch,as:consii>te"ncV '. ,,' . _> :' ;,with the Metro Plan' and other .Iocal plan policies (I.e.;. S9U3).or,b<lcon~istent with an ,," <'... .';:" '...:economi~ opportunities analysis: The,Citi.i:an find'thatthe"p.ropo~al cOl}1plies with' '.:'.,'.' relevant local plan policies by converting ohe form or eniploYl}1ent-gener~~ing .land use;to "another;without negatively impacting the supply" of.buildable:lancls,fo(eit~er categorY of . "uses. The proposal enables continued use,oftheexisting:andlong-standing:commerc'ial.' '" .-> .... ". :center.to cC?ntinue ~o operate and prt?vide employment oPPOlj:ufli~i~s,5~l)i1e..i3lsoallow!ng ," "higher~value employment associated with future development on Tal( lot 400. 'These',:"' types6f employment-generati~g uses are among those identifie'dJr O,AR);60:009-0005(6)'" ,as eligible non-industrial employment activities that can justifyapprovkof'the proposed-:, ,Plan diagram amendment without the need for an econom,ic 'opp~;tt~.~It.i.~s'a'nalysisapart:.,. ' . - .from the SCLS, which DLCD,ackn9w.ledge~ as"fulfilling the'Ci.ty's obligati9ns'un~er Goal,g.:'>. ", ~_? "-. ," '; .,,\ ..J.,:' ,:;", :\<..... ',\., " ". ,~. ":"', ~"j.~,:',."';~ l-""~j: :', ",..' BecaJseth~requestedredesignationandi:oncuirentzone change implem~~ts SClS' ',., "., , policies and does not result in a deficiencyof needed industrial lands, and is ,otherwise ,,' ;;." ,; , d!lmonstrated to be consistent with relevant Metro Plan policies,' ap'proval'ot'therequest is ,,' .," T';" .' if, '.' consistent with the City's compliance with.Goal.9 and applicable administrative rules. .:. regardingGoal9implementation.', , :';':"::," , ,,- :: ,'~',"'-"" ,', "': ::;,' . ,::, .:.,.' , . ',,' ' .,' h' .,"..,", ,~'; " '.'. ,r " :~: .' , :.' "<.", -,::-.- ,~:. .. . "' .. .' ";; ':-..~: ...,.".. ... ',' '. , " " .;, -., ';' " ~ , ." ,,_' '" ' . . . . . '.' " th'- ," "-'- Additional Goal 9 information submitted by applicant on. March 28 , 2007: .:;. ".' ." ',.:",".;. '", f ,,',' '< .~, \~ " ,';.!' '....' ';' ',~ '.~ ,', '.. " ",>". ,';. , .~ '," '.', >, \:, ,." .r' The Metropolitan Industrial Lands Study (July 1993) was adopted j:>y the iocal jurisdictions and acknowledged by lCOC as being consistent with statewide planning goals and the , Metro Plan, specifically fulfiiling' the, Eugene-Springfield area's obligations under Goal 9' ", " (Economic'Oevelopment),' T~e Metropolit~'n Industrial Lands Inventory Report associated with the MilS identified "about 1,688 constraint-free industrial acres....This supply' '. ,exceeds the projected demand over the next tWentY years, which is between 650 to 1,172 acres." (pg. 73), The Inventory Report alsostated: "The 1,688 constraint'free acres may be' '" the best suited to meet short-term industrial demand. This portion of the supply also exceeds the tWenty year demand projection.'" ,,'.:,.:., ..: . ~, . , . -. >,1 ..' ',1 , . The City performed subsequent analysis of industrial land supply as part.of periodic review requirements to demonstrate compliance with statewide planning Goal 5 (Natural Resources). As shown in Attachme'nt A, that analysis indicated that even removing the. possible industrial acreage affected,by Goal 5 protection measures (about 100' acres debited from the Eugene and Springfield inventories) would leave a surplus of industrial . '. lands of between 1,600 and.2! 122 acres m~tro-wide, " " ,~ - .. ":n',' '. '~ 0:' " LRP2007,OOO/3 & ZO':'i200 7,000 I 2 .;, '- ''''';,' '-. ..... . , ,<::;.,.. . .\ ,". . ,',', " ,," ' ....... ", ~ . "<' " ' . , /4 .,.. .".; . 1-111 ~".' (, ",' ~, ' .' ,', (" ',.'., ..;'-,-!' ;;,.".....,.. '.,.' " '. :s~ ,,-, ::,. / '.,' ~.-~ . ,-:~ ;:' , , . :,-:.' ~'_l -".~. '1;"'~ ." .;: ." ..,.,',' ...-,' ~." '.. ~ ~~ B;:)!;;,.:.:WM(~!~~~~~~5:":C' .\y:1.tf',':",/;,. . ,. ", . .,",;~~::; c,'.. ;," ,suggesting ttiat there is'still an .ample 'supply.of,av'ailable industrial lands to meet'exlsting ;;:"'1:. .::tt,rl~;'jtf~~T:;;~~:::;;~~; ot~e:;~c~hlj~~s ~it~in i~~Jj~j~;~yi~eSig'~~t;d;~nd' " ",..: , , ,.: ," . to. . ,._,',' _' - ,'. ,',' . ". " , ';. " ,": ,. categories that would further off-set the proposed,change tothe site's LMI Plan .;' ',-:" , ,t.,;-';',',' design~tionandzoning, ,For example, 11.5::acres was added'to the inventory,of LMI zoned' . ',"" ',:;. . . and'designated land due to City Council approvat"in 'April 1997 for land east of the 28'h/31" <: " " . ':Street~conii,eCtofand north of Marcola Road (Ordinance No. 5851), Insofar 'as the City and "', .,' " metropolitan area continue to enjoy a surplus of needed Industrial land, and specifically' . Heavy hidus'trial zoned and designated land, the'above-referenced change added ,more " . than enough ~!<re'age to the inventory of LMI designated and zoned land to off7set the ,. , " proposal to,refJ,1oye <;lnly ab?ut 5 acres from the.LMI.inventory. <" ,,: .,.:" ':), "".". ,",. 0' . ", .".. , '" ,,<'. ' ,:,,?~':':""" <I'~'.;,.., '~:-ii ~,~~o:: .~:~.'~_';~;:~a:~,;' ~::\;~:,B>~, :,'. <.' ;" ",~' ::. . .<~~ _ ~.!~:; ,,' '1:'-' .1,. <i. '~'. '", ~:._~ ....~_. '::'~f'~ '\1.;:,) j~::, ~', {; " ,~', . ~: 't, .,~:: '~ : .. ,i"\:Wetherefcire'res'pectlully"submifthat the proposed Metro Plan' diagr!lm' amendment and,:. "", . ,. . ;',zcine ,changewillil1ot'materially affecftheinventory"of needed Industrial land and'wili not " ' '.:',alte'r:,the1Cit~"'~"ccinti!lued. compliance with (3oal. 9: ':; ., , , ,<,;/;~:f:2j;'~~S_i;:;~;;~;~~t~')", ' ,.' ~",;l?:, ., .'", ,." , . '.", "';'" '. ~TAFFS.I:INDINGS.RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WlTI'fGOAL9: ,'" , .;"" Fi;;din'~';o;,~He;Cit; of SprinGfieldhas tJO'~dop~ed in~entorie~ ,.;~i~h su~p6~ th~::", . ,',.., ,...'>"i::;pro.~~,~e:a.A~irq':flj3ti:"AtrelJ<;lrJient"lRefinement P)an Af!1endmentand concurrentz(Jne . . " ',< ..'.. . (''','. >"'chang~r!'8l!E1~ttJ.he J 992 Industnal Land Study and the 2000 j:ommercial land Study, .; - ;'~ :~,'" 'j.:,,<:tt\:;;~'Tti:e;~'RRlt?~~t;re,f~r~'r.~e,s~ci!hofthese adoptedinventori,es .and sites specific police,S ' ' >- ,: ,_ ',: ,. whic)1. s,up'PPr\,the,proposaI.Asnoted by the applicant, Finding 3 in the Springfield '. ..' ,," " , ' . Comri-1E'Jrcial'L~iidSil.ldy (SCLS) cited'the.acknowledged 1,992 Industrial land Study as., ,'< .... ,., , .', demonstrating that "a surplus of industrial ,sites exists in the Metro Area." The' applicant <", ," . also references Strategy 3.A(.1) of the SLCS Which states: "Evaluated inventories based. , 'on'demonstrated'needfor.the planlJing period..Initiate rezoning or redesignation of . . : ,; surplusland:uses where more appropriate for commercial, consistent with the Metro, Plan:" .Staff.finds that these referenced p6licies"and adopted strategies support the' ',applicant'spr?p'osal. . .", . ',. , " " . '... , " " ,,;.;. ~".. .- . ",'" . ," ....,,'. " .., ',' ., ~ .' '.'.;t:- ,'(":'.' " ':".~-'" , , "'~,:'~::A:. \" ~:",~- .t. 'j', .. ~ , . "," . . " .' ,,' " ~ . ' In addition to,referericing the SCLSand the 1992 Industrial Land Study, the applicant 'also references the adopted Goal 5 inventory work,' which provides a more up-to-date analysis of industrial lands in'the Metro area. As (loted in the City of Springfield Goal 5 , analysis, even with 'a reduction of iiivenioried industrial land affected by Goaf 5, there is a still a surplus of between 1,600 and 2,122 acres metro-wide. . ,.' , ',' ;, . .'.. . .,:, ,I ., .., ' .'.'. . As noted by the' aPPlica,nt, Oregon 'Administrative Rules concerr;ing Goal9 . implementation (OAR 660-009-0010) call.for amendments to land use designations '''in . excess of two acres within an existing urban growth boundary from an industrial land use designation to a non-industrial use:designation" to have to address applicable planning , requirements ~ such as consistency with ;the Metro Plan and other local plan policies ' (i,e. SCLS) or new consistent with an economic opportunities analysis (EOA). OAR 660~ , 009-0010 states that a reviewing authority can find that the proposal complies with relevant local plan pOlicies by converting one forrn or employment-generating land use to another, without negatively impacting the supply of-buildable lands for either category of uses. As noted by the applicant, there ar$ existing commercial uses located on TL 400 . , which are part 6f the subject property, Additionally, the applicant is seeking to develop . future commercial uses on the property which will maintain the property for employment- generating activity.' , ' " , ", . : .. ~'. , , c','.. ~~, ".", <: '. .', .',': - ',)' '. , , .....,.. ..,,', ' ., , , --,'. ..; " ')RP2007,'OOOI3 & ZON2 00 7-000 1.2 . .' - . ,.~.' ,; ". '. ;'" .. ." , ", c :.,. " ~ 15 ",:,; LJii . "', ~ . :', ....,.,. , '0 " . ~,:. "':, _ '.';': .~. -.,' "'=.:,.:;.:. ._ . J ,,?l,~ .:~.- :-.,,':;,,-" :.'1" :~.,.. : :;. ~ >.. ", '. ...~.. ..... 'if, L '0 . . '" . ':.c,-'" ~";'~,'- "', . \..<~' ;:~<~.;.,~'.; ,.,~:~:,,;:~;;'::~:_~<'~ '. ~ ....l; ~'}<'- ;f.'~:{if;,<,C,:}.:i'f;:~~':!,~;D;i~F,~:";};,;~> '.." ." ,'.' ;. " ..,." ,to? Gi~~~theinfci;rf,~tio;'~ro~id~'d in th~ ad~pted cbmin~rCi~1 and industrialland~' , ,'I .. " ,', - - "- ,-, ". .. " :,' :;.Y;irlVehtorj~s,(a shortfall, of commerCial and an inventoried excess of Industrial land) , '::',:;':;com.p.ared with the size ofthe prqposed Plan Amendment and Zone Change, staff find of' . :,::,', <'.: that the prop'osal is consistent with Goal grequirements 'Staff finds that thE; proposal':' '.... '" 90es not represent a "significant ch,ange" to the adoptei:! EOA. :' :,.. "', .' ' .. ': .. ,l "'~':..;" " ;.i""..;: .;:j~;'.-,,:~:-':"':'~-";' 'I~": ,-. ;.....tr.., "..'~: ~;";';:-' .:'" ,.> ',of' :;:.'f~:.:':.\.~" ~,{,:)"~:_~',,'~""',,,;~' "'_i" -, -' -.., " ,-< "l.~"-.~'. .~,; ". -: . -t ._~,'. _ . "" ~ ::.;:' _' . .' ;-",;oj, - .,,' ';;..(:'~' ",0' .ApPLlCANT'S NARRATIVE RELATED TO GOAL 10:, ,. ," . ," ' , .', _ _ ',. , .' .. - ,.' . . . '." - 'J . . /. .l " '.' .! '~"""~ . .~". , Goil/10 -:-,H,ousing; r,o prc:vide for the hO,using need~ of, citize;"sC?f,t~e sta,te. :' ,;" .-\ ~~:~~::.~:~,L:', . 'LCDC's Housing goarrEiquires .citieS.to maintain"adequate' siJpplies~'f buildable iands,fo'r";'.:':~,:~.:-",:;.,,: . :,' " '.':neecied housing,baserl on an acknciwledg~d inventory, Of,b~ildal?ie.la,.rici~~. Thepr2po;ai :.:::c~;;'~~r~/:,f ': . "do,es not affect the City's inventory of.res!d.entiallands,"';" '"" ,;",:y:;;", ,:';,: :,>V'i" ,;,;,,,)..;c{"k,{,,,c;,:,:,,, ':", '" :' ': :'.''':.",'..,.;'':,. ,':, ,';',;', <;,",''' "':i.,;,:'~',:\::;::';;~;'~~;;',::;;;iri;'i,,'~~';;;;:j';::,,:' , , ,. ':; . ,In fact, approval of ,the. requested redesigmition for Tax Lot~OO would ,e'nable """ii:\,: ,:~:.i;;;::";i;,\,:,;:;;i; , :'. ...' . ',redevelopment of an i'ndustrial site abutting existing residential dev'110pment>Thi-ougii:'~;:7,:;;::c.;':~;\l~ ',' " :, the site plan review process,.f~ture de.veI08men.t ~n that .prop~rty will 'wovide'a :wperior','... "';-,t;,",;>'.::,: .- A' , ," . ,buffer an~ a higher use ~hat ~III beflef~t the a~Jotmflg reslde~,~lalpropertie7' B?!;a,LJ,s", t.h~'~;" ~,Y"J~:{'> .-'proposalmvolves redestgnatlon from mdustnalto commercial land uses, It does not affect ;,;,l"'-"~';' ,- ,,' ", ",,,' Springfield's continued complia"nce with GoaH 0," . '. , ..... ..., '," ::..:'",;,...; \ ' ",;5:'\::,,::::, ,,':,; .~, ':" ,,; ,<;, .:;. ,,", .::, . ,,<'if '~;{:::;(;:"i,;,;':;,::";,,':~:'1't":::0~i'~1:;:~::;;,' ,; ';:~,;;:'''':SJAFF'S fiNDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH,GOAlc1.o::,):h:"';.;("t)?--:S;J;:~i\p:Cr~::,. ":"::',1";""":~""'!;_' :,", _ "; \.'~ "_ :. . _' ,. "', .' ";.,- :,.:.1..... -',l;" ~::,.~,.:~:~:!:;...:-:::.<r;;:-'~:::':;;,:._~.'~~:'.,;,::!'.,';,.i;..r,...,.:", ,::',>'J- .' ' ' .~ ,:~_"..:',Firiding11: The proposed Metro Pla~J Refinement Plan Amendment and Zqriih9:::=,.\';;;.t;~.i'-C:,j;.:~;' :.-. ".,' ,0, . '" ", Map Amendment does not affect the Metro Plan's residential buildable lands".>, .;. ':<"1-:''""',:-'/-:'''' , , "/' ;"';,',invehtory becausenoresidentially designated properties are involved in this" "",:.:, <:: ' ,'" /"~ :Y',.,~roP~s~I..:.', ,>:: ,':';:' :;. ',' :rf:.'."~':'~ :i:,;::,~'" ':"':', ,":.' ~,~';:. ^:.t:::. ;.: -.,'" , . The'City of Springfield is currently working with a c.onsultlng company on'a . . "", ,,::,~'i.:,~,,:.: " resideritiallimd inventory and landsupply analysis,' When complete:' this study will' >. ,/""">' t. . ". -, update the City's inveritoryandprovide a clear picture,of fesidentialland supply' :,: '. ,", '"".-,,, . .' - . . ,",' '-, . -' . ''''\' " . ,,- ....'~ " . ':'- .,'. ;/. .1; . ',- '^,~ t"\ . , '. Staff concurs with the applicant's response toGoal1 0 compliance. ., ,~ . . . . II , _.' .'" K "....j: "'-'--"-" '.- . , ,'-., APPLICANT'S NARRATIVE RELATEO'IO'GOAL 11: .' .' ',., .,' n"" .. , , ' . Goal 11 _ Public Facilities.and Services: To plan' and develop a timely, orderly and efficient , arrangement of public facilities and services as a framework for urban and rural, development. ...' . ',.' '. . ,_. ' "c' . - ": .".' ~..- ,.C' " , ,;' . .~ '" - OAR 660-011:0005(7)(a)-(d) Definition of Public Faciiities: .: (a) Water ,; ", (b) Sanitary Sewer, (c) Storm sewer (d) Transportation '.' .,,' .' .. ',. . This goal requires the provision ofa timely, 'orderly and efficient arrangement of public , facilities and services', The subject property is located within the Springfield UGB and city '~."" limits, and is already designated for urban levels of use, The proposed amendment to the Plan map designations from LMI to CC will not affect the ability to provide needed services . , r since all the required urban services are available to support existing or future commercial :.: .uses on the subjeCt site" " " . :: .., . .... r'. ..' " ..!" , ,-,/"';'.. ",'., ". " "lRP.2007'OOOI J& ZONiooz,ooiJ/"i " :.t' . .t . '. ~i .' '! '. .' '" , '. "j, '(6 .,,'.., . \.... " i 1:'1~ ;'" :. ' ,::' , ' '., " ,y >::--'~',:,;'~, . ";rt'~ ."" .. ,,~:,t:.;' .;~. . ~, }. /<.>-' ~ ", . ." ':,i:" !;~'~',;!c?{~~1i,jBi>.;.." . .'. ' ". .. ..;; " . ,;, STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED -r()~COMPLlANCE "YITH 'qOAL 11: , " " '.', , , '-';'. .,j < . .. C . ,:",:.;r "',., .', . _' ,,~. 'J! ,:'.t.' , , . ' -. ,. .~" ,.r;.. "r " ',\ Finding 12: As noied by"tfie applic~nt:' the Metro Plan' and associatedfa'cility plans: '''.' ':have beenacknoVl{ledged to ccinformfo.Goal .11 ensuring that public facilities and. ',: ,: '. .,:;. '" "';, services are currently availablEi'to the. subjecfsite, The' proposed Metro Plan I,," :; ,. '. ,> ~, '~efinement PlanAmendment arid 'Zoning Map amendment is on "infill" property,' ,. , c,':, ' , . i'which currently has city services available to the,site, The:proposal does' not affect '::'" \ .,:" ., " ',. '." ."..'" ";'J. . ,', ,: ."the Metro P.lan's compliance with:'GoaI11. . .. :" . , .,.... .. . ' . . . . , ~ ' ,. ,., , .:.. _ _;. " ,. _ , . .' i ...' .;.; ,;", ,". .' Finding'13: The subjecl,Metro Plan I Refinement Pla~ Amendment and Zoning M~p ." .. '. " ~ . ", ""'." <::.~ .... __.' ...., I '';-''. "_ . ,". : ,. . " . " ,',,\":, :;:Amendment applicationshayebeeri' reviewed by Publip vyorks and Planning Staff to" "', \ ' . ','" . '. . ',': , assure that there are:~~eq!:l~t~pybliC;'.$.~rvices tci'serv~ the site. These applications '. ,"" /;';':. , " comply with Goal 11 :because.th~re':are"urb'an level public services available to,the .' ' .", . ":' ";::-' "::~';SUbi.ectProp.~.rt.Y;:i":;i'{~~;[\(::;:~:;1c;'~:'~~;~\:,~'"i~f!:'.,J<::,;,,::," ,,",.' :."I'''~:'~.:;':' ". ", '" ',' 'APPLlCANTS NARRATIVE'RELATEDTO GOAL 12:'..'," , ','", , ,.; "i .',. :" .'f . . .'. .' ~. ,. '. -, .' .",: .,: :. --;,. - . 4 : '. ': '.,":. j:~ .c'-- .' '. .'c,. .-.... .'J. -: (, ' ,\," ..' ,.'. .' <. "-: . , .: ';.; , :' ,.';V ".. .' Goa/12 - Transporta'iion:' 'To p(ovide,and encouiaiie a safe, convenient and e~onomic ' ", ,':/ '.transportationSyste~,,;~,';:::i:.<!i;;' 3'): }c;'>'<' . .:,:- -, <' ,,", Gdal 12 requires local goverimients to -provide 'and encourage a safeiiconveniimt and ' ,,' ': econom.ical transpo'rtation'sy~tem, ttie'JJrqpo~e(i'riiap amendments involve " ',' "" ", : ::~ : ' / ,Y ,!pproximately 5,24, acres;of prQperty', t~'ough'exist(ng 'and long-standing .commefciaiuses' ,"c ," " ., ", occur on Tax Lot 402suchtti'!t;ap'proita,1 of. the. pr9posalwill not result in any changes to' ' ,the type or intensity of.us'es"ori,the. !i.it,e, ~hd'..vW .l)oJin,crease t~e trip generation for that ..' ': .", . ... parcel. As the attached .Traffic'lmpact Analysis' (TIA) ~eri1onstrates, futyre development of 'medical office facilities .on TL 400 will not degrade mobility standards below acceptable '., levels and allow for adequate q!-leuing lengths. at applicable intersections, Therefore, the " proposal will nothave '!. "signif,ican(eff!,ct',:,on~transportati(ln facilities,asqefi!1ed in the,' Transportation Plannin'g Rule '(OAR 660-012-060). " .,., , . ..._,.',;,,J '.:" !:.:" ", 'Existing development at Tax ,Lot 402 is not a:tfect~d bY'the pro'posal,'and is assum~d to' . .." '. ""t , retain its current access points off Main Street It is further assumed that future' development on Tax Lot 400 will result ins'ome access changes as will be reviewed':. " .,,' ' through the site plan 'review process, thereby consolidating two existing curb cuts located' . on Tax Lot 400 into. a single'access point IQcatedapproximately in'the center of the parcel. ': TheTIA demonstrates that these access poin'ts will' not result in any degradation of '" ' ,mobility standards below acceptable lev.els, and that safe and efficient circu'lation,can be,... ",' 'realized thro,ugh approval of the req'uested land use redesignation (and companion zone ,change), . " " ,',' ' " . ..," ' .,;' ., "'.'." ..... ~\ ", ',.. .". '.... " . ' Furthermore, reducing the number of acc~s~ points for future d~velopment on Tax Lot 400 ' . is consistent with policy objectives found in East Main Refinement Plan' (EMRP) Access', Circulation & Parking Element policy 1 B (pg, 17) and Commercial,Element policy 3 (pg. 12):, , ,," . " . . ' , Because the proposal, as demonstrated in, the TIA, Is consistent with the requirements of the TPR and with applicable policies in the EMRP, it is consistent with Goal 12 and applicable local implementing policies, .' STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPL!ANCE WITH GOAL 12: ,Finding 14: Th~'proposed Metro Plari,Amend~ent isfrom LMI to Comm'ercial, and._ , , Refinement Plan Amendment I Zoning Map Amendment.is from LMI to CC, The ,., appl.icant indicates in the submitted narrative that approval of the proposalwill not result' ...' .,' . . ..' '. '..... , , .." , " ; ~J LRP2007..00013 &Z0N20p7;OOg/2., ',".:" " .. ." .j',.. '.. '., , , 0:',. ,.' /7 1":P , ': ~ ~ ." ,'- ,,. ," 1 '. ~ .~; - :,r ;l' ." ~" .~. . ...., , " .' .~. ::~". r. ,;' . :":' (:g;r~44~~~~(;t"r:t.. ' ..... ......iff:);i? ....... l'; ."i" inany changes tothe'type:or'intensity ()f uses on the' site, ai1d~jli ngtihcre'a,se the trip...',," : ;" ',., :..;,)::",.;~,generati9n for tl"1atparc~1. Staff does not concur with this statementin'reviewihg all of; ...,', ,c' ',"' '. .. :'.f.'" the potEJntial:CC uses on the site. Staff"does concur, however, with th~ applicant's .':''''', _ "" statement if the future' medical office use is in fact developed on the 'site; an'(j not other , .." ' . .., ,.....' . potential "reasoriable worse case" CC'uses. . ',,' ." ' . - ,....<,. ,: "",' ";i.:,,_;H~' {. J '.,..' . ,:,,~, . " ':' ".' " ','er :.'::',':::;" : Page.s18-.19,ofthe applicant's TIA list Peak Hour Trip Generation for both the existing''- ,~,; .J. , ':',zone (LMI) and the proposed, zone (CC). The applicant's TIA nsted Peak Hour Trip', , "'. ,': ..0' . ".'Generation for Medical ,Office Building. While this is a,perniitted use in the CC zone 'and " :.is the primary use that the applican\ is's.e,?king to use the property for: it is not the '."'.';, ;. '. :;,,'; '" ''',;'.'' "reasonable worsecase"scenariofor,traffic generation given other allowable uses in the "., , CC zone Ouri~g Staff'~ review ofthe proposal, staff researched, potential vehi~le trips ,;"', ,,,,.I~;;:'::; 'per. day for potential uses in the CC,zolle.;Tnere are some other potential uses in theCC. "';""<"": , zone.whkhare much more.intensiveuses.than Medical Office. In' considering what a -' , '.' ;''', :. ", "reason'able worst case" developmentsc€)nario might be for the re-zoned condition it is' ",.',.. ~.., clear that a 30,000 square foot Medlcal.Office Building is much less intense than other .' ',' "',; ":-; -.' ,uses that would be.perrilittedin the,GC'zone: :'Ona per-square.foot basis the Medical '. "e", " ," ," .>,Office is estimated to generate 24'J.vehicletips/1,000 SF and 3.43 vehicletips/1,OQO SF..'.'.' ,.' . , :";;!.-,Lid;:,,": ;',during the AM and pM peak hours ~esp~~jively, For comparison the average rates for a './:';:, '. ~)!l;:,~;:\. "Fast-Food Restaurant, with Drive-Through Window" are 53.11 vehicle tips/1 ,000 SF and:':~' ,,". j' c',~ ,., ~P}',~:~'~/';:34.64 ~ehicle.tips/1 ,OOOSFi.::Thes~:calcu!,a\ionsareta~en frqmthe.lnstitute for Traffic ,.' -'::':':":> ,':< ...~,i:,\c.'(',""~;'~';-.';.'.Engineers'(ITE),Manual'::,'?:'":,,,'. ' "', '.. ,/"',, ,." ,...," ....,,,.,,'..'. . .. '.. .. "". f.., , . I' . - ,. ',>. ,-~ ' '.:r~.,:< ;~Rk~i:t:~',~/~', ~.i""":':_~.~'J! .,::> .' -",: .-:." "~'">i< 1>,"",:,";:>,;;, . . ...', . . . ;" . ..' :. ,..' ".~. ,'i. ': ~': :'_<.r' <f ~ ~:~".r"' .,' '. . ("::re Y,1 : As shown on Tabie 6 of the TIA, a reasonable worse case' traffic generation scenario for '. ,.,...:: ' "- "~::,,'., . . ~:: .;' . ',", : . the eXisting zoning (LMI)'is 243 'trips. The proposed use of Medical Office Building is . , , '"'>, ,:'".-;--,' 0;: ,. showriinTable.7 as 177 trips:.While the Medical ()ffice use trip generation is less than .,,' " '. --, .:.'" ",. ,,: ~'~;::;::~-::;',:';/(~',:' ::the reasonable worsecase'scenario'for the existing zoning, it does not take into account " :,' other more intensive commercial uses (i.e. drive thru restaurants, banks, etc.). Planning ',. ' . '"Staff met multiple tirT1es with City Traffic Engineering Staff and'ODOT Staff to review the,' ,".",; .' ' .: :submitted TIA. OOOTs review of the submittedTIA indicated that there were multiple , ;'.' .:' issues that were not adequately .addressed in the submitted, TIA to justify compliance ' 'with Goal 1 2 (see attached memo from ODOT). Based upon the information provided'in the submitted TIA, al! reViewing parties (i.e City Planning Staff, City TraffiC Engineering Staff, and OOOT Staff) agreed on arecommended condition of approval" (see attached. , emails from ODOT and City Traffic Engineering Staff). In order to preserve the existing. and future road system, staff recommends that a trip cap be required as a condition of ' approval not to exceed the reasonable worse' case scenario for the existing zoning (243 ' , ',trips). Because these numbers of trips are already allow~d with the existing zoning, the application complies with Goal.12".,.. I" "" . ~.. '. ".," . ,...: "L , ~ '.:: ~_ _.": 0'\-.."", .. .. .".... ., .," .' M,. .:. ;.. .. '.'. ,tfi.~~ ; " Recommended Condition of Approval: ' .. ,., . 1.' Trip generation from development on the s~bject property shall be limited -io a, ,. maximum of 243 PM Peak-hour yehicle trips, which is based on a "reasonable worse ," case development scenario" under the existing zoning (LMI) as submitted by the , applicant in the Traffic Impact Ar)alysis for the subjec! property.' 'j .::. .;', ;i' of.. ~,_ ., .' :1. II' " .'" ,., .'" '. -/"' . .~, '::'" . ',. .;.... .' ;l< ,'../ l~ ' , , .' ,,'., ',: . " ...... ,: ; ", . .1 .. ' ,.'.... ," :'. " ~ , , LRP2007-000 i 3 & ZON2007;OOO /2 ~.l : If " .. ' '. ,1-'2 ;'.~ .;: ',' ,', . ,~...," .~, ..., , /8 .~ . '(. ",.' ; ,. ~.' ....,.,..;. ".'.:: ,:.'~~.>:;''::': ~ ';':''-.. -, ' ';~ .- . ;.;:-,~.".,. ::>. :;" ",' . l ". '" ~I r ' ~'~~- . ;c. ~t:l\t',;t:,;:~i:<\ ,~; , . . ;, /.::,., .;" "/'.""';:~~:}~':~ ,::__,~",,_:::~:~''''-''~>:~]:}''-'' ::' _' ...',;.;:'>....,::i..;',,,.,',.';..,-.\> 'J? , .'APPLI~ANrS'NARRATIVERELAT,EDTP GOAL13: ,i'i, ',\. ';" ," :...,.,..:.,._..:.".;......... "'_ ,'" ';-....i-"...,l ._:'.~...'1:.,_.i.~'..,..,:..'i.',- "_,.:i"o,::;",,,."I"'-/:"':i".-.,:"~"', .. ..-."" --.';';~.. "j ,;, " Goal 13 'Energy Conservatiol1:: To conserVe energy:'Lani:Jiuid us~s: developed on the ' , " , . ".. land shall be managed imd controlled so as to'maximize the conservation of all forms' .., .... ,~. , . , . ' ,.'. .., of en.ergy,bas,ed, upo",n, sound. econ, ,omic, principles. , <. ,:. ..',' ..,.:" ,":':' ...", ' ,-',... .. .;.. ..'. .' . '. .' >.. ",' , '. . " . " l . . ., "- ' ,,; '.,,' .' ," . ~,' - '. ". - ' ,;.~:..' ." \... ,:, ,The Ene'rgy'goal isa ge~eral plimnjn'g goal,;andprovides limited guidance for,sit'e:specific ',' ,'. , '. ,.. '. ':.' map amendments'., The proposed arT)endment ha~ no direct.impact on .e,nergy,' " "':'c';.' '" .' conservation; though it would in fact will pr,omote g~eater ene.rgy efficiency by enabling, ,'.'~, ,", "', needed clinical services' available to growing residential.areas in'.east Springfield. , .,'", . Therefore; the proposed amendment is consistentwith,'and does not alter the City's' "",,',' ..' ':. ,,', . ,': continued c?mpliance with,G?aI13, .',':;:~):'. <:~ ,. ':'.., '-'\...... ",,- :; . '_~ ':: ' '. . " .''- '<";',':' _:,' -.:'~ ~~:,':'-~~~'''''~':i<,~'''' ~'~, . ':. ", >.~. ,:::,.. ., I,. ,; "-~~~..~.~?t~~'i)t....,,. ~')'~~,';'.;,~L.;~.~' ~:.::~<:,~~':> .>~ }. " '. <, ... STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE W'ITMGOAL:f3:':){":,,, ." 'd'" ,.... ~..'" ;';'''':.:'''::'''~~'...'''''''',' ,,:' I ~: ,'-'r;",_-.",-'::_~..:Y"~'-~l..~i';;""":'::""_"---'::>,<':":-I'~ '.';":;"'", "Finding 15: Thepr6'posedMetro Plan I.Refinernent,pian'Ar-hendr\;e'nt and:Z6ning';;' \',. .' , . 'Map Amendment db not affect the 'Meiro Plan's, complian'ceWith Go"il113. The,,' " '.' , ".", ,; 'applicant is,nbt 'propo,sing to amend. a~y regulation pJ(suarWteGbaI;"13,conipliance,' "0:,:, ' of.~he fII1e!rO~,lal1"~l.:<:":h'. ,:",".:,'f,' "';i~<{:it;,~.~~,;ik': ~;""'<:':',,,,~ ,.... Af>PLlqANr.:SN!,-R~ATrv'E RELA~EDro"GOAL 14:';,"';;':" ;;~,,':,..,';,' ." " .... .'., '.< 'G~al 14..: Urbanization: T~ provide for a'~ 6rderly ;~d:ifficie';it t;ansitio~ from rural to . , , . . f <t~' :,,"l!r~f~Ja~~~s~.,;,,;?;f,i~:,{~ ': '. ,"; , <;:~;;;:i,~;,;'~,:~";;~;}f.>';:r;\Q{;~:~)';;:;:: /;-;'> .: '.,' 'J;", , 'Goal14 requires local jurisdictions to pmvidefor.an ':orderlf ,ind, efficient transiti<:>n from.: ' '" ':, "',;' " , rural to urban land use,":The subject property is within the',UGB'and the city limits of , Springfield, and within ane~isting urbaniz.~d area, of theCOITllTlUriity: T~erefo.re,GoaI14 is, ,'::. ' nota!lPI~Ca~,I~t~thi~:.app,lica~ion. ;,( , '~:):~":J~'(::;,.;".:'::"" " )(,':;. "., " '.STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH'G(jAti1'4:~:">"" ,,", ,.,;, .. ' , . . " ..' .. . '; :. _, .'. ~ . _' . _', ~:. ". : 't '::~ '. .. '''. . . , ';-. Finding 16: As noted by the applicant, all of the parcels affected by 'this 'application' '. ' '" ,...are currently within the Urban Growth Boundary and were arinexed into the CilY of ,. ":,.' '. ., .. Springfield. All annexations are reviewed fb'r compliance with"the Metro Plan and the' ( " :,', , Springfield Development Code. As previously mentioned, urbanfacilities are ,.' ". , 'available to' the subject site. The proposed Refinement Plan and ,Zoning Map ,Amendment are in compliance with GoaI13...".' < . . ; .. " ~,' .' ..j '. . . -. ~" .. . ,~, .... , _. . " ".'JI - " , .;, I ..' ",'- ::",~ .;,;<" , "';..'".\ , ' I:' ',' , , .., ,,,, ',~ ^ '. ': .,' -..... '. ". "r,' . II' <' '.' . t;,.. . -~; " . .." ., 'APPLICANT'S NARRATIVE RELATED TO GOAL 15: . ~.~. .' " , " .,;. Goal 15- Willamette River Greenway: To protect, conserve, enhance imd'maintain the' natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, economic and,recreational qualities of lands' along the WiJ/amette River as the Willamette River Greenway,' ' This goal is inapplicable because the'subject property is not within,the boundarie; of the Willamette River Greenway.' ' " " STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COIIJ\PUANCE WITH GOAL '15: Finding 17: As noted by the applicarii, the subject property is not located within the \J\iillamette River Greenway, Goal 15 does not apply to the subject Refinement Plan and Zoning Map Amendment applic~tions,,' ' , .;. .~ . " ,;' ",. L .,', "'LRP2007,000I3 & ZO~2007:00012 '...' , " .~:" ; ::.~". .' /9 " '1_1Q 1" " .. ~ of '...." ,..\. , , ,0' .. . '~.:'~ .~.. , .:';'Y. , ., " , ~ . :, ,,~~'- .:./: . "(;#}APj~P~~~L~I!\~CAdN;i~~T;~SNl';A';rR;;;R'::A)T'::1;V~~'E;:~;/R'E:~L::A"T. .ED T'O GOAL'S' l' 6-19.,.,.. .{;y~:::j;; , ..;, ,e.::. V""~:':'" i~~.;,. ":'~ '.,- '.J;-:,;.:.;.. :..:. ;.;. .{:, J. "''''' ~,__: ',_..... ,~,;\,'\. _ ';.i '.' ..... , '''', ""':: :;).,:, Goai 16 through 19: '(Estiiiidne Resources, Coastal Shorelands; Beaches and Dunes, . , . , , " :;. .. - ... ,. .....,,'. _.I ." ~ ~_I'" >. and Ocean Resources):, ,/~'<. ".' ~,);-; , .', .' ;:'~-", ' , ': l,.~ ""'''fhe\;ci~~talgb~I;;are~ot ~PPli~;bl~ft~t~is ~~;IiCation: 'I ::,:'-. " .... ',:. '!:-" ''''';':,:,..-.._' ;..,'.;.'.....,:,_:-_:::~-'::.'i. ~;:;,~,.,::.,'.?'/" ,( ." ':' ;: ~ ,.:,~:, ':. '._ ':. i . " , , .; '-" ' ,~~;., , - ' ,; ,h,:"': ~ ,;" , ".. '. ",..'SrAFF'S FINDI~GS .RELA TED TOCO.MPLlANCEW1l'H GOALS16~19:? ", ".Fi~di'~~ 18:' As ~oted by 'th~'applic~nt:~t;'~ sUbje6t siteis ~oii06at~d~;ihinany ';'. " ':.coastal; ocean; estuarine,' or beach anddune'resour'ces'related area, 'Goals 16-19 do' . ',' '.1: "h6f'applyto,these Refil)enient Plan a,ncj Zoning Map,Amendment applications.., ". ...,., .. ',:'f~~j~~~~i1k~ "',;(,'I''!'f.;t;) :..,' '.. ." .,'., ''''". .', " ". . . ,;,:X;;~.':CRITERIA'bEAPPRO\iAL'- SDcfo70'(3)(b)~}' .,c'" ""'.: . ..~'\ . ,:,,:,,:~::,"~~~~~::,1~:~~;~JM:~,~'~f.~~;f,>..~.~:~>~~,~i'~ ~:., ~ .. . ',:,~i'.>,~ ,:~.... _' :~~ ':{"':J':/.-"'~"~:)""~: < -:; ,.:..:"..'; .,' ~ ." I:' ....'. . '. ,J,',:,;}Ap.pLICANT:S.NARRATIVE RELATED TO SDC7.070(3){b):" .' ," ::., '. '::'::~',:,:,~'Y'i;F't7':::".<"'::' ,;,>'" ':;,.: Ii"';' ..' ;:,:;' , ",'A,::t.,' ,""'. , " ; .,;'..,Th~,application'requests a'mendment of the Metro Plan diagram from LMI to CC for <'\'~';1':~iip;:oxi!n'ateIY'5:2~:;acres;',This;;ection of the application narrative addresses the,: ",':::")'\':,c;on'sistl:!ncy:on~eainendment with the applica~lepolicies,of the Metro Plan, to ,.' ,. " ::;,:;,;\:'::;i~,~;,~~'m8P,~~~~~eith,a,\,adci'piion of the amendme~t\~iH ,riot make the Metro. Plan internally" , ' ' " . ~'; , ',"': ':"Y'5dnc;0I1slstent,(as,.requrred.by,the approval criteria m,SDC,7.070(3)(b))', : " ,., .-- I:,: ..' ..'5.': ,'c'.");~},:?'+;~~:.:._i'~~::""_>_;{':' '. .,,:::~:~<><:.:-' ,'7. .... ,'-.-;, ': /",,". __' ,..',::'.'.~ ~'.'. ,. ; " ,,This narrative only addresses those',policies that apply to the proposal,'an'd does not ," " ,i, discuss those portions of th'e Metro Plan t~at: (1) apply only to rural or other lands outsfde , . .:'. '( ."ofthe'urban'gr.6Wth boundary, (2) apply to land .uses other than the current or proposed, . . . . '" . __ ",,~..r ,t., .,'~',."..'. "~"::''':': ";"','.' '.,',' , , ' ----- '.', ," ' -'.' '.,', ' -', ", designations' for the site ,and wiH not be affected by the proposed Plan diagram and text. ' ,'.. .,' ;,amendments,or,(3) clearly apply only to specific development applications (e.g., site plan, ;, ',", reviewsubmitta'ls or subdivisions). 'In many instal),ces the goals, policies and ,:',' :': ' ': implementation measures' apply to specific development propoSals' that will be addressed ,,' ' through compliance with applicable'iCity regulations during' site plan review of a given, "future deveklpment proposal. .... ' .. ' ...' :, ,...., .'. : ~ " .'- '. .;. '-'! :. " , '.... '" ~ '. .... c.' .,.' ~ ,'.....- <."", I..."., ',. . , ' , '- ". , '.<- . . , ; ,.- ~. ;.' - ." , The Metro Plan Introduction, Section 0 provides the following definitions: , > .. A goal as a broad statement of philosophy that describes the hopes of the . '. people of the community for th,e future of the community, A goal may never be' completely attainable", but is used as a point to strive for. ,. ,', . . ' . '_ '." .. ~.. _'.... ,'_ : ,,-: ': ,. . " t '_ , "- .;'. - '. " .. _. An objective is an attainable target that the community attempts to reach in -, striving to. meet a'goal. .An'objective'may also be considered as an ' , inter~ediate point that ",iIItielp fulfill the overall goal. . ,.,. '1 .., .~. . '.' '",- A policy is a statement adopted as part of the Plan to provide'a consistent course otaction moving the community towards attainment of its goals, ' "." ... '... ' ". -,;:> , :Metro Plan Elements : 1. Gro~th Managemeni , " ,'. - ,,' " ..' ',i.-.' .--" , j"'" :' ',,' ~ i :',~'. c'. , . " .. " . ' 'r'" lRP2007,000/3& ZON2007,000/ 2..,' . .' ,- . ",,--' '. " "-.; "."'. 20 , j " 1~'ln , ;t.' .,.. ';' , '. . ..... ", '," ~:" :'.;'( ~'" :,.,:' ,~ "i, ,.,~"';; t~~, .._ ';',~ ,. "'~ -/:' ':",,'" I ~ . .'. _'<'''p'' -;,~:--:'.,'~-. " -;,,' .:, .' , ~ ,_: c.;;~~;. . . '1,:i;;';"(~l~l~~~~f'J,~t~f;\t;:?; .... . ~ . . c.,". ".", ,i',: ...., .>' .' . ':::;.1,'Theur~;ji1gr6Wth boundary and secjii'elt)al'developmeiiishall continue iobe. . ',",' . , :y " , implemented as an essential. means /0 achieve compact urban growth.. Provision of all" "', ;, <, , ",:.. urban services shall be concentrated inside the urban growth boundary.. .' ..', ' ' ''''',. "':",',.:'.:<';' :i~_. '..;"-'-'.,/;<--..:L.:,."<t,.,, "i~~~,'.;'." ,l.~_':, ~.' .:...ii....."..<..;_...~-,.:. .~.~.,.-,'.'..:_,., .,:'" ;~..~.?:. , ,'" . The proposed'anHindments satisfy'this IlOlicy" because ttie"subject propertyi~ inside the ,"""',.., , , .' ", , 'UGB and city limits and as such, encourages compact urban growth: Also; urban'services '" ;,":; ,".'" '. '. " " .. ...j.. are available at sufficient levels to accommodate the existing and future infill,development.", . '" " resulting approval of from this application. The City's site plan review proc'esses en'sure:' ':,' . " :.' ,.,-. , 'that the appropriate level of services is available-to serve future development" . -, ,,,',,'''," ":,,\,'; ,c ;;";" :_,,~. ._ -,:::..:_,'<'_ :'<"~"''r::,_'.<:-'.:.';. ....: "',-., .,.....':.'.,-.~... ~',:<:.>~::. :....:7>.1~i:~. ~,.:r~~-t.~.\~;.~.,\.:.~1, '2:R'esidenti~1 Ut'nd Use arid Hou,singElemimt' , . ':' , ' ,.', , ',\.\';...:,;,-.;_,.,):~.",'", ,:~' . ,.-< .' _ .'._ , ". ;:< :""': ';f.../:....':.:!.,..: -~ ',' :~""'^'f,. " 1<;';" ~ ":,,~ ,: ~~Ii~ies .:', ,:. ' ,.." ,::,' . "'.:. . . \' .. ;', ',' .. '~;',:~::;:>i:,:!:::,:i;:<~,:_~:.>', ' A,11. Generally locate higher density residential development neat: employmen(or'r '~::;.'~27-',;;.t'r, ':,., " commercial s,'ervices, in-proximity to major transporta(ion systems'orwithin ',~ :"~",':,';:,,,>':l~6,: , ,transPO~?tion:~~i~ie~t~~~,es,-<,~, ,'. ", . ,:" '. ::,\,,;.;,..':'~:"':;~t:IX0:;:::i~~i;i;;~;';:y,':' The pio'posed redesignation'does not affect the inventory or availability of ~esidej,tially'-' .':", ::; ..., designated or zoned land; including the single-family residential' area abultingTa){,L,<11400,;, 'ro,-"',: ,;'..' ..': thatis,zoned and designated for Medium Density Residential, or higher densit'(resideritial;;p4"!~:j:;,,; :~" 'developments located e~st of the site along Main Stre.et.,', .;. ,:' , " '" ~";,,,";?;:'/If;;~:,:,JI.1i:;:i" :.. ~"'.:'-: -;"'~ ,': ,: < ',;, .." ". ,~<.- ': ..,,~.~"'.;.. :.', ;", . ,: 1 .~..':: ,'. '-, :~<' . "):: '_,' :.'.' 0 ..', , " .< ' ".' .''.':~~~~';~;-:'~:;;:Jr''~j~~'i:/i5.~~~~~~~.r~,'".;',~:,,::", ;. , "However, approval of the requested redesignation'to Community. Commercial wouid:allowft~",~fl'\"':. '~." " ,., 'for residential areas proximate to the subject area to have close and efficient accessto':,,:;\':;:i" "', ' : ' ,," existing commercial services on Tax Lot 402 and to future medical facilities proposed:for:..:: "" 'i;'. . ,;' 'j , Tax Lot 400, consistent with the above policy,'The areas proposed for nldesignation:offe,rc,: ':' ,.,'.' , . . '":... ,existing and future employment opport~mities and providecomniercial services'alo~g.a.,:''i~:r:.::'',: ".' major transportation system that can support the needs of nearbY'resid~ntial .,".; ""."~ :~";",10':':it,':' , " ,,'development. ,.: .' ~, . " ":1' ~.:' '., " ", , ".,.;. :' . ,'..' , . '.:,--'. '.,'< .~ ''-~ " , ,'- ........ )""';:'. . " ;:". -...., .;'. i' '. . .- .,. . .,., . " ~ ., " .f.... ;'.'-' " .~ ".',~..' ,,' -" ..-: " ~. :;-~.('" .... '.. " "",. .',,:i" . ',' .' ,'::':'_t~.~:"..:- ^ . . . ~ . . - A.22 Expand opportunities for a mix or uses in newly developing'iJreas and existing, neighborhoods through local zoning and development regulations. ,The map amendment and concurrently proposed zone change will allow for existing: ': ,': , commercial uses on Tax Lot 402 to continue to serve' existing neighborhoods in the mid,- . and east-Springfield area, and for future clinical facilities to be developed to serve this ' ' rapidly growing area of the community. Approving the 'requested redesignationand zone' change would expand commercial opporti.\nities to semi the,se neighborhoods consistent, with the above policy, ' . ' ' . . p. " , 3. Economic Element, Policies . . I. 8.,1 Demonstrate a positive interest'in existing and new industries, especially those providing above.abovewage and salary le'vels, and increased variety of job opportunities, a rise in the standard of living.. and utilization of our existing comparative advantage in the . level of education and skill of the resident/abor force. }heproposed amendment is consistent with this policy, because it will allow medical clinic .. ."" . uses to be deyeloped to serve growingarf\as in east and south Springfield, As is ,observed in the' Springfield Commercial Lands Study (pp. 27, 29), employment in health: . services is growing and approving the requested redesignation will enable increased job' .. ..... ,I. . if ..: ' . ' . , .,., , "",",.. .(, " "r. ~~ ~ I. LRP2007.000 /3 & ZON2007-000/2 ' ...;....-,.. .' , '" ,21 u1~?1.' ..... ..... '""S;, -,.-' '-:.'. '. ,. ;;opp'ortJnities . than average wagesth~r~by helping'raise the standard:of living., .':'~"'. .- ~'<~',and meet the needs of Spririgfield citiz,ens,cOnsistent with the above policy. . .:(;,": ;,', ': . .p.<.':~:~':; i;j;;:;i~e e~:~~;;,j>'dev~;oprri~~i~~J~h:~iilj~~~ 'jo;ai :~di~1'~~ed';~~~;~i,'f:::,<":,:~f,"'f:~:;\';:;"" ','. '" '/'Emtrepreneurial skiils,and th'e'resident labor force:' ,',"-,'" '..< . ,,:,' , ' . i...,';" >i:;:., , ,. .~:>.. '.i;~;:"';"':,:':;"-~-,'~,~"'-'/,--,,::->":-" '~'\~:--'-', ...~,:>.,.)L...',' >'~:i.~'--::";:':~ 'I.,~ ._j'_:~'.,~~~'-:'-'.. ..(..::. .... , ",The construction of and the' use of commerCial and medical uses will utilize both local and,:' ' '.' , ,". '. ',' 'im'ported:capitil' and will. employ the local labor force in a variety of ~killed, semi-skilled,' :. ',:, ,."". ' and unskilled position~" c,o~sis~ent with this policy.":" ' .. ",. . ", ~. ,,:. ,. ,,' ,"';. " '-'.', ." ""'.' -; '_ --':, :':,,:' ", .: O:"~ .'. '. ,_ .' '....', ~ B.6 Increase the amount of undewilope'd lifnd zoned for light' industry and commercial,' uses correlating the effective supply in terms of suitability and availability with the .:' c' , . pr~ject~o~,~.. of,~~~an.d:~::.~;,'. .,:""0(\ A: . . .::To:., . ;,: :.';l:,:~":, < :'::',': :'::"".' ':~' ; , . (."- The proposal will add approxiinately5,2~ acres of Community, CoinmerCial land;, ". " " ' . ':.'consistent with recommendations to (ncre<ise the commercial lands' inventory made in the\.',' 'Springfield CommerciaILands,Stud~" The SCLS and acknowledged metropolitan ...,/ " '. Industrial Lands Study conciuded that there is a defiCit of needed coinmerClalland,and a ' ' , surplus of industriaUy,zonelfand designated land. Approval of the reqi{ested ' .,', ,.,," .:; '; redesignation will not cause the inve'ntory of needed industrial land to go into a deficit; .but':':'" ,', ,- in fact would;consistent with.the above policy. The propos'al correlates the need and' .', .:."',: .- '.:, '., '...,,' , ':.suitability, and availability,of the:subject site for commercial uses with the need for such:'" .. . ',',':' , " :",", ".' uses as' demonstrated in.'t,he,adopted'SCLS.' '.' ,:,. ".,~;,,"',,', . '"..,", '..,.".', ,'" ,.,,~'2'.' . ,I. < f../' '1""~'l ~', ':-;;,'_ . -., '. :>'~,:'~':> :-_~._ '_}':"~":::;~:'~!,l,,~-,"~~;~~~::--:{::~;'~~r' "'i"5-~'~'<' '::""~' '.~.' ;-~;" 'J_,,: ",,"-~. :"'-'.-:', i:l.1 f Encourage economic:activities;which-strengthen,the metropolitan area's,jJosition'as": , a regionaidistributiori,. trade, health, 'and service center. , ~', " ", , ", ~.: :',," -,:,,-,. ,~I -' -- ...;~~"'J_",\:_,-,.-~~~,;"',:':':'-l,~,'" ~,::'-j..::;' ""-, '," . ,"c,.," "..:-,-.'r~'''''''_::'''_'''-~;.'' , The amendment will faCilitate the' development of inedi~al uses.that will serve tti'Ei needs of. ' , .. .,,~ the growing residential areas ireasCsouth'and.southeast Springfield, and strengthen the'" metropolitan area's pos'ition' as a premier locale for healthcare services,consistent with ," " this policy obj~ctive. ' ' '",,' r" ' ..,",.. .,-<',-;'.". , -1' ,', "-,'.,'" ,'t .~. - , :., ',~ . ....~ . ....: ... .~-, .; , '- '\' .r , "". ,.,,' ':~- _1 '; "., "':,: ,. .,' 'rl.1 ,: ". ,~ ''':'1:';: . ..~ ..' ~-,' ......., :.:. :... .,:. -.~'" .' :j~- .'.' "'-.' ". 6" Eriviron";'entai Design:Element. . - " . .""",",. "r .,:" _, ~ .; . .. ,'," ,.. ' ;-' . ;'. ,. -'. " . '" PoliCies .. . . ~--; ..' ",' ,~. - .'- " " . . " . . . . E. 1. In 6rder to p~omoteth~ greatest possible degr~eof diversity, a broad variety of" ' " . commercial, residential, and recreationaf./and uses shall be encouraged when consistent ," ":, ' "with other planning policies..' ..". .. ',; ',,:' " ..," , '. '.' " ,., - " '-~," ,. ; ;. ~.' - ~ . . "," . " .' ' ApproVal of the proposed;"ap amendments will addjust over 5 acres irito the City'S ..,., inventory' of commercially designated and, zoned land, thereby allowing for a variety oL ,needed commercial 'uses to occuron the subject property, Long-standing'existing" " ,commercial services on Tax Lot 402 would be allowed to continue without the specter of being considered non-conforming uses, and Tax Lot 400 could be developed with medical' 'services'that will serve the needs of the growing residential areas eastand south of the ' subject site, consistent with the above policy. " -: '. ,.-. ._.i. <: " ,~ ' ". ,7. 'Transportation Element , Land. Use Policies ,.. F,3 prcivide for transit-supportive land use patterns anddfwe/opment, inclqding higher 'intensity, transit-oriented development along major transit" corridors. and near transit ' . stations; medium- fInd high-'density residential de,ve/opment within one-quarter mile of tr;jnsit stations, major transit corridors, employment centers, and downtown areas; and ,; '., . "'. " I: -':-. "i ,~ ~'< .....' _i ".,; " ; ,> LRP2007'QO~13 & ZO"i20~~'OOO/f ,e ....,.. ... . . 22 . , '.. 1_00 ,: .,' .'-' , ",.", , ~1 '.:"-. " ,>.'-' . "., '.: ^..I:', .~.~ ; ,~, .~' : .:- ..' ".... , ' :_;'J,-', -'" /.;. . . = " .'....:. -- ..':- '. , ,. ''';: -' :.,~ ~ -. ,::2 ':;. --"<.. ....;: !' j.. . -::": -"~."'" >;~~~t;~~~t;~;!e~:';'~;r 'S~;;'Jtj' · '';V:~~;r~;:. development and redevelopment in d~signated areas that are or could be well served by ,", existingorplannedtransit. " ;". "<,' ':':' ,..,.', ' ' '.' :.. .-,. . ...'; " '; ":;:';"!:~"":';:"':":':'~'~:';'_>~':~::~/: )~oc~\:,\....,.,.,~~\.,.,{> "f',""":f";~'\';:":~):'::" _ ',,! "(,,,~ ~>'\ :.?, . :~,"i-:_:"-~'; .... <, ',' ",.'" ':"Ttu;'proposedmap amen'dment and concurrent zone change wiH' enable land us~.patterns, " . " . '-and deveklpment consistent with the abov!l policy. Approval of the proposal will allow for' " . ' , higher intensity development along Main Street, a major transit corridor: An existing L TO " stop is located on the frontage of Tax Lot 400.(see photo, pg. 2, Appendix A of the TIA), '.' '.' '.,.' '-'J: , and wiH provide convenient access to existing and projected employment on the subject, ' " . site, as ~ell as access for patients to future out-patient medical facilities projected on Tax ' Lot 400. '. .' , ",' " , . - ~., :' . - <J ~ ,'. " "',' '. '.t>' . / ~ , . _' ". ; ~I. t.., ..'~ ;' "'-;" ;' -: ' - . t .' -, -",.'" . :.,. ',Transportation System Improvements: Ro~dwaysPolicies .::,,;' .)< ""I .. ....,.'::~? ,"', ': . \.< .:,....<:..)~, ;:...~.',".~<t-..,'1- .::.~!.\:~: _. ..,'.......'.... ";i .' '_, :"'...1' .." v:,.~; F.t5 Mot~rV!jhiclE!.1evel ofser-vice policy: '.' ,", ';:':~'.' , . .".,,' . ::" ". '.:, <.. ','- ,.,' ,', .,., "';" a.."Use motor vehiCle I~vel of service' standards ~o maintain' acceptable.. , ", y., .. ,;. and reliable performance on the roadway system., These sta'ndards ,,,',, .' ,~.' :, ' 'shall be used for; j."'."',;, " " ,,' : " 0"....'.,;;'" ,'., ".../".' " " ,,;, ,'(1)'ldentifying capacity'dehci~ncies ~n.ther.o~dWa; sfstem;. ;:/;i:: :'~~:;.: :" h:c'..... (2) Evaluating the impacts on roadways of amendments to' ,,'; ". 0'" .,~ ." ':" '. tranliiPortation plans; acl<nowledged,comp;ehensive plans and,,"" ..N\ ",:,:" ,," .. . ,:';," ;, ,:' ','land-use regulations, pursuant,to the TPR (OAR.660~012-0060).'",' ..". , ,:.. "':(3)Evaluating development applications for consistency with,thelancf-'i ': ,,;2~ . , use"regulationsofthe applicable local gov,?rnmentjuri~diction." .. '::''>: '~j.\ . "'b." '. . Acceptable and reliableperformance is defined by the following'. :. ~ "'''.' 'I'"~ ;,;/, .. . I" ;",~.. ;.' ..... levels of service under peal< hour traffic conditions: LOS.E within...;"...,,,.,.-:'<; ; "~"1 ...,.~~ " :' Eugene's Central A'fea Tra[lsportation Study (CA TS) area,. and LOS, ;,,' "''':::'":'''''' ...... ",:, ,~.:'Delsewhere.":~ '-.'~'-' _,.:' .'~~ ;.: '. ....-<. .:'-. ".-., -:.' ;'! <~':;^":';: ,;>.,.-.;~.: , .. , c;'" . " Performance st<inda;ds from the OHP shall be applied'on state ',' .. . , " '.facilities in the Eugene:Springfieldmetropo/itim'area. " i,.. . '..: ..::'" ;.y' . " ~'. . ..,:.:\':. <<::. ....,. " '-'. .' q' ,,' ..",' ./.;... ',j . . ~ . '~.' . ..'" .:.~'.;(.. ".,. _J .." - . '-. .~ " . ~ t:t; . '" ~"'.. ,'~~'.,J''''"~' ':.:~: . '-.' ;, '" .~.. :~.~ h... ::~:~l~. '\. -, ,_'v;'" " . ~ ~. . "".: . ~?J"~:: ~,~;""'"'!".'-'::'" . . ; ~ . .-.... " ~ '., . --. .' " ;.,". "". '--" '. ~, '.\', '."", " .-'. ... '. .' :. In some cases, the level of selYice may be substandard. The local governmen't , .', jurisdiction may find that transportation system improvements to bring p'erformance up to standard within the 'planning horizon may not be feasible, and safety willnot,be compromised, and broader comniunity goals would be better served by allowing a ' , substan'dard level of service. The limitation on the feasibility ofa transportation , .. system improvementmay arise from" severe constraints, including but not limited to environmental conditions; lael< of publicagehcy financial resources, or land use constraint lactors., It is not the intent of TSI Raodway Policy #2: Motor Vehicle Level of Service to require deferrai of development in such cases. The intent is to defer 'motor vehicle capacity increasing tran'sportation improvements until existing , constraints can be overcome or develop an alternative mix of strategies (such as: ; .- .. . land use fn,?asures, TOM, short-term safety improvements).to actd.ress the problem, . .. -', -' .,.,.,' .. . '.' ",,..; -I; " . I Subsection a:(2) in the above policy requires an evaluation of the proposal pursuant to the state Transportation Planning Rule (TPR). .' The accompanying Traffic Impact Analysis:' provides the factual basis to determine that the proposed ;edesignation would not result i~ a "significant effect" a~ defined under t~.e TPR (OAR ,660-012-0060(1)). .' Specifically, the proposal does not chang~ the'functional classification of Main Street or any other nearby roadway, and it does,notchange the standards for implementing the' City's functional classification system of roadways, as' identified in the Regional Transportation Plan. As demonstrated in ,the TIA, the proposal also does not:' , ..... .l' . .... . , . Result in types orJevels of traffic or. access that are inconsistent with the, functional,c1assification of Main Street or any other nearby roadway;" .\ ,.., >' -, ,..' '.;, ' 'J-~,',' '~:,~ <,.... - '~ -"'- . :.- '.'. ". -'.;.... , .... , ..' '.. _. " _ h , -'" ,,'~' ,,' ". LRP2007-000/3&ZON2007.000/2"', . "" - ~...' . f' " -' , . . '1-?~ ., ;:': ':."" ~;~_i '~'. '; " ;:- "'.'-' 23 "', ;, ".,," " ~..~, - ,'" ~:-: ~ ~ ' ~' ,. ,-. .... :<<;,t.,,':' . ,. '~"'-' . ,,,,,..,;. ,"'. ,~ ~~, '," , ~', ," -l' '.,.~~:~::' .~"..__,;.,;-.:,.;...,/.J' ,_',,;,,_ ..."..... " ~ ...,.'j"...~<<..:..., c, :-, ~ ~,;;~.;~:,~_.- '..,' ".".. "'-'.<."" ,:'~' .~'.!. ,: ,''"'~,,', \~ '..-I.~f.,:,4j..': u,~':'~,;_.,";;:'"I..,.",'..:;:~",',.~,:...'.',.'.,.,'~,;....:.,i,...,,~:~:,!,;,',~,:_.,.:':,',','~:>;::~:;',~~2:i:':' " .,'e, . .. -. ""~'i.<'?:,:~:\'- .' <pi"" i i:;:\\~,>t, '. ,~i;~f{;!~'L;~c*(ii,\;, '; "t,~. ". --, /!":<':';' :;:' i,~,,', -".,j'Reduce performance of traffic on Main Street or other,.affected', " :.-~" '..\:, -.- ..: :':.,'; .'i; 'intersections to a level that i"sbelow acceptable established performan~e' '" .: ~', :\'-,":-;-:t;.-~,'.-" ..({'_~tandards; or :.":. '.,' 3, .;; i!,.'/. . .-."';: '..( ,.--.,'., ',,'.,;: .,,;.'~.. 'j'~.~i''.':-:'"._' r, ":.: .-~. ,'".~ ._,;.-:,; .' ,": Make pert'ormance of e)(istirigfilcilitie's wbrse (i.e,:, below acceptable ,~' , ','; :i:,i;~.., '. ,'. :,;<:,,:"'<, ".,:::;mobilily standards) thanwQuld,be the ca'~e other uses permitted under ":.' . .,..~-,',:'C~:;'~',:Z;-:t.-;;!_:~~~isting.~e~i~_~:~~i~?s,or:~~~~~: ,._;.".." :: ".', ,. :,: J{:: '\.';::..:" ,': ,;' ,"', ': Specific TPR findings are further located in, the TIA;see pp, 31-32, Becaus'ethe pro'posal - - :' ',"" ,." does not result in a "significant effect" as'establi~hed by. applicable OARs, no furtherTPR ..' . "_. ., analysis is required. .The ~equest is therefore consistent wittlthe above, policy. ,..,.. . . . ;:' " ':~~Ii' ~"l""~ "d,~'~;;:E1'~,":., ""~~;!;,~~:~':; ....~... ..... ..";:, '.' '.' ,> : ,'. ,G:1 Extend the minimum level and fu/l range of key urban fad/ities"and services in an ' ' , orderly and efficient manner consistent with the'grciWth fmfriagement policies in: ' , Chapter /I-B, relevant policies in this chapter and other MetroPlan'policies. "" ,}, _~ '. '..\ ". ~"_::'" _._:-. .:.:'-. '.' ,:;;: ..:,,' .:- ",".' " .)~. _ ~.0::, .:,!. ,.~,,~;:l<';J ';~,:':,i~ ._;;:.::~t",~~~,,~_-:.~,,~::,\_:...:;t~:J: _;~ - The subject pr~perty isiocated in Springfield's 'cifyiiiiiitsUGBf<Alllfecessary,J ,,',. .,"" , iiifrastructur~ and key urban facilities/services,are present to'serveexisting developt11en"t.." . . . ,. .' '. <.';' (Tax Lot 402) or are available to serve futu~e inI\I!,cjev,:l?prnen~,pl) IaxLot 400, ~ Th~refore" -";iJ' ,,':, 'the. proposal is consistent with the above'policy:,,-.'~~:;-'-":i,;:"!!;~;Z;:";'~f~:;Fl::: ",. ,:', .-! ,~ ,;,;" ,:.;/.'>:,,,..,'__. ,,' .":C, ' '. ,f.':;:<:;'~;;.j~;;:;;:~t:::~~t~:::~.,; . "'~ ' ," ,9." Par,ks and RecrElatio~ 'Facilit"ies Eleme~f P6iiCi~~;;0;:\",".\,~':~<;;;!,j,,:_!,' "" " '.', '. Poiicies in this element of the MetroPlan are not relevantt6:the-requested diagram'.. ::. i" '.. a_mendment. c" ~..., >'l ",' " ., -,:' -' .' '....,'".>~~ .'"" "'~':" .' ,'. '1 -,,' .,' , .:~. ";'.',' ."-. ..' . _/ ' :: " ..,. "~ i -( '.. "'.... _,'C ",,' !.., c. ; ".1.... ' , '. .' ,.-,.-,~" '.'1." . ',..' . ~- .;....: ,.,.,....'^ ", .":' .... ,'., .;,," <'" ". '.,., "", ;'. " .~J" . , ',~:::-"~ '.1",:. ., ~ J q' .1 .'~~"..;: . i-' "" .; , "..';' ".. '10, 'Historic Preservation Elemimfpolicies .' , . " ,,," Policies in this element of the Metro Plan are not relevant to the requested diagram _ amendment. " ' ,.' . ' '.:: "c~ ~ ?'r -- .......'.. .' : '.<-. .}', \, . ~ ',- , .' .~. . .". :'," . " " ;: .' ! ~ " , . . 11, , Energy Element Policies ,:" ,;' ," -' ,Policies in this element o! the Metro Plan are not relevant to the requested diagram', amendment. ,," ,,' " '."t . :':. ""':' . -' ....~. " .~' 1" .J.: " . r, ..,.", ~:. '. . ,; STAFFS FINDINGS RELATED TO SDC;7.070(3)(b): ' , ' . , . '_ . ." .,', I " , ". - -. -' ' Finding 19: Therequirement of this criterion that adoption of these proposed' , applications not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent does not 'mean that every . goal, objective, finding and policy of the Metro Plan must support these applications.. ,,- , Because of r~cognized conflicts in the Metro Plan, the proper inquiry is whether on .', balance the most relevant of the Plan polices support the Metro Plan Diagram' Amendment. The'applicant's narrative discusses numerous M~tr6,Pla,n Policies and Elements related to the proposal. " . Staff has reviewed the applicant's choice of applicable Metr~ Plan Policies ,and Elements and concur thatthe noted Policies' and Elements are applir::able to the proposal. Findings , addressed regarding Goal 9 and' Goal 12 in this report also support the stated Metro Plan policies. Specifically, as conditioned in this report related to Goal 12 compliance, the Metro PlanTr.ansportation Element <jnd Tra.nsportati6n Policy F.15 are satisfied. . . -." . '. , ~. . : '..~' . .~ .' . ,?,;' 'r', :;. ..... -" ,"lRP2007,OO'OI3 & ZON2007-00012, ' , ;,.~~'" r "".,-- ';. .< .."./., t.'. 1-?.1 " (,' '.' ." ',' 24 , 1L'; : "' ~- r' " ....;' l' '(.' '-." ',' " hi. i,'r':~'~f"~ ,~. " '. ,!". " .< :i. ;~r-"': '.' '. ., .,;' -'..C;' -~i'. . ',:, ,"..' ,. '-'.' > ' I: ' . , ,'i ~.... '.,,' - \. -......." ',.:]L'~.-,~:i.'j~:~~~::'~: ~~ . .... ",;:~,;;""~~,.;,,Pt~:~;:~~}\,\;<?r .' 'L:~';C./, .:,:, "".. ", . .':\ ,.' ,,' ,The stated Policies ima Elements have'beeriieviewed by staff arid are found' to be' ':"'f :::.,~,;?pplica6Ie'~lld'!(onsistentwith th~ proposal.:'i'/' :: '" "., " "",;....'. ,t. , " .._....:~. >..,:,,;, - ..':~.. '::".'",.':"."",--~~" .;~, . . , . .. " - "~.": ~' '. . ,. . . '/,' ~-. ", "REFINEMEN'r-PL.AN MAP AMENDMENT ,.., y .: ,.' CRITERIA OFAPPROVAL':'" SDG 8.030 etse,q. J!': " '"",,',',! .,.', .. "... .. ...." " ':[. i '1"., ..".---"";' ."':: ~;.,- '. J' :;~":,:"..::::."':;:-..,.. . ..' .. "'. '; :;'. ;:.",~'<". ,'_."<"~"'" .," ,. "~~":! ::',{,.In re'aching a decisionorrtheseactions, thePlanning Commission and the City', : . CC?unci/shall adoptfindings which demonstrate conformance /o.the foll(jwing: ""-:.::,,,/::"(1!J~e:Metro\/an,:' ;,' "'( ,'~'..>,'..""''''';,' ..'. ,.'. " ,,:,,':,:':< ,:(?) Applicable.State statutes.:, "'",:. ,'_ : .:~~;' ," , . , __"'. ,',' ','.. "_.1 . ". " " "~." " . ,,' " ,_' l' . ; )', ,-.- H . ," ',: "'; ,';r(3)'Ajiplicable State~wide, planning Goi:J!s' and Admin[stfative Rules, ;;' :,,: ':,t:~;;i{?;:" ..i; 'I .>~~' :;,:~,,'\ . :;.' ,:" ',',' STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLlANCE.wITH,SDG'8'(l30i,1):('~)::.:: ',:,. ;'~.'. ":":',;;'''::: '}-':',;',< ,.>. ..,.".,':"" ,::,.., '}::,"',:"',i::;, , : :~'i;", ". ( . '. ' ,,':.Finding 20:SDC8030(1 )-(3) indicates th?t a RefLneme'n(Plari Amendmentmust'be;,' ". ,<, " " c' ,'. ". ",.:~!co~'sist!='~rwitti (1 ):The Metro Plan (2) Applicable State'Statues; a"nd' (3) Applicable." ":,': i ".". ;", , " ,,', ';: "StatE~wide'Planriing Goals and Administrative 'Rules.' Each' of these criteria are ,,;;, ';"~'" "'",' " ", :', "'a~dJ~~,~~ci'i~'t)1is report as part of the Metro PlanAmendment'Criteria and the'Zoning' :,... '...,.. M!ip AmendmentCntena. As noted in the, applicant's narrative,. SDC 7.110(4) states:; . ..:" .,,', ........~ ,,'1.i~~'_~:."'~':;":--':'-' ",,_",' <, _,' ". .' -, ._!. "~, ", ,..,.-.:..::::, ", ': "When a Metro Plan arriendnient is enacted that requires an, amendment to a refinement, 'i',.' :,' plan orJunctional plan diagram Dr map for 90nsistency,-the Metro Plan diagram ", .....' ,. ...,'.; amendment..automatically amends.the refinement plan or functional plan diagram or map . if no amendment to.the refinement plan or functiona/,plan text is involved, ,,", '... ," .. .. .'. ,,:';~ .'. --..,' . -- j. ,:' ",. .- . " . . ~.'" . . ". .,::> ...' There is no' refinement plan te'xt amendment proposed as' part of this application.' ,;' . "The"refore; no separate,refinement plan application is required. As stated in the above "":',.: ,.,,;.- referenced section of the SDC, the'refinement plan is automatically amended upon' " approval of the Metro Plan amendment.,., ",.,..,' ,.' ,,' " ,'. .,',"'!>,'i " "" '. ,:.' .,. . " '..' I . I ,:f".t ;. ~ ; .;, " .~ 'I ",1 ,. ..',.J . ..,' .' ' "~'. , :"",-'" ' I ' " ..' I . .;'--; '1 The applicant's narrative' related toconsistency-.'vith 'specifi~ refinement plan policies i~' . most appropriately addressed as part of the Zor:ing Map Amendment criteria"later in this, " report. '.., ;,' '; .,' .' " " ;.':' " .' ~ '-' \, .,.., ..... .." METRO PLAN MAP& REFINEMENT, PLAN AMENDMENT (LRP2007:00013) CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ' . " . ' Staff finds that the request meets the criteria of.SDC 7.030(a) - (b) and SDC 8,030, Upon review of the evidence' provided by the applicant,: site visits, existing. structures/uses and revieyv of the applicable criteria of approval, staff finds 'that the applicant's request for a Metro Plan & R!,finement Plan Map Amendment is appropriate for the subject property with the following recommended condition of approval: ' .' " ~, " . '..." .. . '. . . . , . . '1. Trip generation from development on lhe;subject property shallqe lin;1itedto a " maximum of 243 PM Peak-hour.'vehicie trips, which is based ona 'reasonable worse case development scenario" under the existing zo'ning (LMI) as submitted by the ' . applicant in the Traffic,lmpact Analysis for the subject property." ,.. ' "',' 'P\~2iJ07,boiJ13 & ZON2 00 7:0001 2 '::'t'. .;: !' ,',-' >'\. ",' __ .' . .'C :.,.....' -- . ~, '<- 25 .; 1_?~ ~ <, . .,~il-~. '." '-:'.~:~~.: ;~'"". . ':.\'. ,~ '~j k'-. .};. ., "':j ..... ~'.;:(: " -." ,., .", .'....1.... ':, , ,.... '. ~ - '-,. " . , ZONING MAP ~~fNDMENT ,CRITERiAOF'APPROVALi..:.SDC 12.030et seq, ':::;;'<;;i'::.;;:~';;;iJ':,'.,:/'\;!'5:" ,;: :::':::i">..';';'.,', ',",",", ',',., ., i; ::':'~:: , SOC 12.030 (1) -'- "QuasiCjudicialZoningcMap Amendments '-; The. Planning Commission' 6i"'" ,+'~' ""',Hearings'Officia/.mayapprovei appro~e :with conditions or deny a quasi:judicial Zoning Map,' '" ,;: amendment based, upon approval criteria (3)(a)-(c) bEilow. The Planning Commission or Hearings' Official shall make the final local decision on:'allquasi.judicial Zoning map amendments that do .: , notincludea Metro Plan diagram amendment',: " ," ''':;,''.',', '..: ';.-.::' ,,\. ",;,.',,';' :,':' ,: ,~'...~ .",.' : "." - '.. ~': " ,',' ~ j' ,., ' .~ - .' . \~. '. . ..' " :( .;; '. ,'. c,..... ~-:. '.,,, ,...." , -.. .~ ...... " K'.:.. ..' . ~'" ..'<\--: .> ' . . '...... "'~" ..~." .,~: ':':",,,':j':,,..:,., : ':.~,:." ,';:;':"':';""" :"'>-":""',:', ":":"',,. . ".' ....-..:..(j,."'. '.""". '$PC ':030(3it'9,M;! 'ee;d~!ite;'~'::~~~O'~I:: . ',', ,;/~+~21r;l":-! ,0 . :. "..,' '.,':.(a) Consistency with applicable Metro p-'.~.n pol,icles and the.Metro Plan.lJjagrain;::''",; ;;:.",::':t;~!~" '" " '~ ,;~,., . , " .;: . ,. >:, _,_ '_ .... ;., ".. J ;.~' .... 'l_', .' ;:~. ,'F";'.~~';-" '..' ':., ~~': - .:~' ':,:',.~~;~..".\:_',~," . >" ",< "" ~ .'", .' '!" : ':'. . ,:": .L," .f- ^,'_:.:~ 0;'. . ;'\,', ,~"'. ,'. '.;'~'_ ~'5'!_ '.', ," -_ ,:'" ' " "'(b) Consi;tency. With 'applicabl/ pefi,;krhe~(~i,ins:'~/~n>Disti-ict,inap/?;?coi;'C~pi;jiJi' - ,.' 'OevelopmElnt Plans and functionalplans; and. ' " ", . . ,::..',.., e,' '",,":"c',''- ,:,;,' . .~.. ." .',. .'~:.:,'J." c":'; .\,~ <.~:_~..,:':'::,~~-..::_.,.~~_..:~,~,.;, ~"'O _,:~,:,1~'~~"~_";:":'_/2t~'::~{"'>'-<-'~i:_::">' .. - " ;; ;..:.. .. (c) Tlie property ',Is 'presently provided, . with aaequate 'public facilities;'c:siftyic5es'.'aiid,....: .' " ." transportation networKs to support th~ use,' or-these facilities,seniices and ti'ansp-ortaUoi{:;: ";' ,\,':. : : networks are plann'ed to be provided conc.iii-p-entlywith the de'velopmentdfthe:p;-opeTtS/r.;':';, . ..,'.', ;"'_ ,". '.;/:.' '...<.... ~..., '._~,..\:t,~~.~;,~,~:~,-'.." " :: :.:;-;.',/.~'::,.,_.,>::~;..~:~~,.~_~~'/};~~;':!~:~:2~J6;;t~,~~,\~~,;~;:~_,,,., , ,',,' NOTE FROM STAFF REGA~DING APPLICANT'S ZONING MAP AMENDMENT"''':n:;:;:';~:" .,"" ' . ': NARRA. T1VE: The applicant's narrative/or the,Zoning Map Amendm~.nt is:simiJar ;:::'::,.':.':~. , :'.., to. the narrativ,eJor the. MetrD Plan & Refinement Plan Amendment, addressing: ',...,>.." " many Df the same criteria. The pDrtion-Df the, Applicant's Narrative relate-dtD:, .\ ,;";. '; .,.- .'. .. '. . , .-' .. '-'i ,.t.J.....,.. ..'. ,-, . : Refinement Plan pDlicies is included below. Bather than be duplicative in this '.' "'. ",. , .' report, and for ease of review, Staff has attached the remaining pDrtions of the " " ,applicant's written narrative in its entirety fDr reference." , .', :, ',~: . ' -' " ," .... ','" . . - .'. " . '-.- , '.' '. \; ',,-~. ,( ../ ~ -t .- ".: -' '.',',,, ,- ., i ,,, STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITJ:l SDC 12,030(3)(a): '. , >~: ~ '.,. " , ','. .. ~".; ,." . .. .. n.._ ,;~. . . I 0 " ....! . . F... ". " . . - . ,. Finding 21: This criterion is also foLJnd if; SOCSection 7,070(b) under the Metro PI~n Amendment criteria. Specific findings relatedtocor'npliance with Metro Plan policies and . the Metro Plan diagram has been addressed in this'report, The applicant is proposing a ',Metro Plan Map Amendment as part of this application from LMI to Commercial. Upon approval of the Metro Plan ,'Imendr'nent application (LRP2007 -00.013), theyroposed . zone change will beconsiste~t with the Metro Plan diagram.'. -, . ',~. .,'" ~ '. r ... """, .-, '..-:.',.'(-' . CDnclusion: The proposedrezbne request is consistent,livith Metro Plan' policies and, the Metro Plan Diagram. . - ' ,'t. ,', I " I " APPLICANT'S NARRATIVE RELATED:TO COMPLIANCE WITH SDC 12.030(3)(b): Thefollowfng demonstrates how the proposal is consistent with applicable policies in the East Main RefinementPlan (EMRP).. .' ..' .... , ~. .... ,~. ~", , <'I--'~ ,. - .~ ., '. .--.':; .. ' " ',' ' ..,. . ,. . , -, -," . ~,'.. . ','1:' . . :~:, . . : ....., >, ... 1" Mixed-Use Element, 'i' ..~ . "~. , . , . '1. .~. .: ' ':i' ''<.. . .-' , '~. .~.' . . ';;: ~..; ~.I,;,' .' , '. 26' '.. .' LRP2007-00013 &ZCJN1-007:00QI2 , ....0 " , ').; >'. t. 1-26- ',' ;, .'1'; ,I., ~'; :' "".' ,,' '''.{ !T..,,,,,"'" , . ~-' , r~.';',_? '":"." ,J;~f~;~~~~': ........, !'! . !,;)ti: ,;:??<:.K;.:;" , ,(, < ,',:,AYThe following land uses are allowedun"cler,COIl1munity' Commercia; z9ning: .' ,";:::';,,;", ,. ~~'_'~:"""-""....~,,,>,,,-!.~,;'; '.,', t', >".,'. ..,. ',:, It. ,'" ',-' ". ,'. - " ...... ,,"- ".~" ., ",', ""i:',::~,,<.:" '''':c;:',,: ~ :';Ali Communitv: Commercial uses subject t9 Ar;ti~/e 18' of the Springfield " .:. ':<'\~~<:~';, :'j-'- ~-, Development Code.. ~I' " -. ~ - . -I ~ ";'.' " "::<>fi:.:,?, .,-".' ,:', ,'~i.',l;)~" ,;,;' ''', ' '''The proposai requests redesig'nating the subject properties to Community .' ',' , Commercial, and concurnintly rezoning the properties to CC, as is allowed by ih~'" . .:above policy and c?nsistel)twith:other EMRP policies. Approval of. the request'would '''. " "allow long,standingexisting commercial uses on Tax Lot 402 to continue as ,permitted' ..' ':under Article 18, and consistenhvith neighboring uses ,to the west and'south,which . are'also zoned and designatedf~r comrnerciaiu;;es.. :", :. ' . 'i "., ~,:; " ! , ~ ,?, '. .." ',' . - . ~ . . , . " ',. ,".r :'.i' '.,; . .., . ' ~,' . , ..' .,..... " ..:.'i" . .\ " ," ~ .. '.. ,. ...~..- '. ....f .;;? "-;'l;' .,' .' '.', , ,r_>'.'<":~' ',i .. "::.: . , '., ' "., -, . .r, , ...~ , . -,".:' '.', ., " ." " II' ..' :f' . C) where criteria fordesignating Medium Density Residentiat'land does" , -not apply; , ,,: ' " , . l. Criteria for designatin~ MDR land does not apply to the subject site..- i." , '-, , " '.. , ,.: ." 1'. ", ., " ,.1 D) where legally cre~tedcommerciaruses exist; . Tax Lot 402 has existing, long-standing commercial uses that were legally created prior to development of the Metro Planar EMRP:', ' ' , '. ',,', > ,.', , . . ' " .' . .' ~ .. ' . The subject site has adequate legal access onto. Main Street, which is classified as an , arterial. street.' " , ' E) where' adequate customer and service access to an arterial street can be provided; ... and " ~ ", ...' , '::. .;, . .~ " . .-. ,. , ."" -';"',': LRp2007,OOO 13 & ZON2007-000 12' ,;1 ". C,,':-'" ,,,. I"" 27 1_07 : -....... 'l'~~,~{~~~~;' ' '>::;';....i"];,: '-',',..' ,.....< .';: ~ '.;-.. '.0. , .i (~<" " , ,;;:., . ~ " ,> . < ,- \ ",'",,.,. ;;'" ";:,,.;~..,.:~. "".~'.!.: ',,:,', ",~ ~",'S<..~:"' !", '. '. A '. ';:'" . ~/:.!'::.<i:'<~',.~'-;-<.:_':",.,. '. ,::,r;'_~~-:.:_ :~.-';^ ; .,\';' r,.,;_.:-.;",: ~" . i'" , }';; ir'wheredesignatedComriierCial on the Metro'Pla;; 'Di~grafu. ~" . . .,'~-i.._,{'il:,..>,;,_.,_t. -")':, . ,':. ""'c"" :..~ 0'" ~;_..,< '.-':',,- ,;;"-"':;' '" "'-.:'-->"./' ',,:;APProvalof this application would resull'in a'CommerCial designation on the Metro: . ',"Plan diagram, which would also automatically modify the designation on the EMRli; .' ;' diagram -. ~ ' " " ,'. \.: I ~ " , ' ~.' ",.~.~ I ' .'. c' '. ..~,\/:,;',/ ~":'.... _.. ". ..:.,.:_: ,.. .,_,.{.,' _!__....:.~_. ' .~..... .v. .'. .~. . ,; Policy 2) Applysit~.specific Cciml7lerCial refinement plim designations to clearly define, , theiimits of new commercial uses where there is not an existing, legally established, and :." . ,. beneficial mixing oilises' ,. '. ,," ,: ,~.:., ,;, ,', " ,,; " ", ',:,' "" ' ." - _,,' ...... . "" .' ..:( ':.':::' ",' ~ ,'\ :" '..;' r..~^.~~--, '"'<',> -..,.... .-:,~. ,.,",:, Appr'oval of the requested redesignation would apply CommerCial plan designations to "..,;,.c.. I"~ the subject properties, allowing the existing, legally established commercial uses on' ..... ': ':: ,'," . ,Tax Lot 402 to continue. It would also e,nable commercial uses to be 'established on' ' ,,:,,':.':, ...,:y , ,,' :' , .,' Tax Lot400, thereby defining the limits of new commercial uses between the pre-.S :' ",;'! ~~',1:l;,. ". ': ,;'" existing commercial useso'n Tax Lot 402 and others 'to the west, and the developed ',- . ., '~. ~,,;. ',; .' .":~,.'; ,-' industrial business park to the east., Tacx Lot 400 does not have an existing or' .. . , ," ,:beneficial mix of uses,' but has historically housed indus,trial yard-type operations'.. '... " .. '.-" ,,', "'''' "",' ."",:,: ',;Therefore', approval of the proposal would define the limits of new commercial uses as ':f":-,::,',;;.(:o '.. '. '",. ,\': .'called for inthe above policy, and also provide the ability to make superior b!-lffering ",,: ;.:~ ',,>,:,~, :.-:'~;,: ", ., ::'::" and' other.improvem'ents associated,with future develop'ment on Tax Lot 400 thro-Ligh""'>'" ',.",,~ ',";' ',~ ", , '"," " . ,the site plim review pr.ocess... ,: ;" " ' . , '.. ' ",,' ';' '_": ~~~. .. l'....'J ~," ." . ."" '.. ;;-.!'l- '~':. l /, }-"o' 'i' .' ",_' '~';:_. ",;' ..' -.\." ",".' ','.~' " ;:poli"i:~ 3)' R~d~~1the ~;m~~;~f~~hi~u;~~ J~~e~;'t~in'tsa'nd r~~t;~/thJ;~bJi/~i~~'6;;':";'; 'J:';;'::'-:~.'~,;.~"i;".":,:.:)~:~ ;-c':l;bs~1'J.dl1'J.:;ta./l'!.ti9n ()f:;idewalks apd street trees along Main Street, through the Site.,.,.." : > Plan Reviewprocess and in public improvement projects. ,...' "'.,",", . ;:;J': .1,",;*,;' . ",'''''. .," ::>,;'; ,;,\-"t'!- . ,..~,t ". .," " '-.' "'. it: .: ":,,;'.. '..< -:...:!~_:, ..' 'i'C:;.::~,..::: J":'::~ '.' ,;.":. " The proposal would r~sult in redu"c'ing the number of existing access 'point~ as'" ' . >h-:, ' ." '.. ,; , ;.' 'required above. Through the Site Plan Review process, future.development on Tax Lot ,';' ;........ " ,.,': 400 will.have a single driveway access .onto Main Street; eHminating one of the tWo' .:existing curb cuts on this site. Sidewalks and street trees are already loc,ated along its' , Main Street frontage, consistent,with the above policy, ' " ' , , ',', ' '. . . I,.'. " .' .,' .~.. , .; .:"i ,~, ,,,'1: '..,.' -, " ',.... "- .. '.' ~ :.. It:'):. " '...., ,r .: ~:1;."~;i '. ".~ " \ ~- .< ......,t" "(oJ . '. ~ ': .""'.-..-.. " ' ""<. .:,' ~ - . . . Policy 4), Provide buffering between commerCial and residential uses through Article 31'0('".>,: .- ' the Springfield Development Code, Site Plan' Review process.. ". ..,' ',. ' ..' Existing residential uses along the east side of 44'h Street have had no real buffer from 'pre-existing industrial uses on Tax Lot 400. .Approval of the proposal would allow for' attractive infill development of fiiture n:llidical facilities t,I1a! would provide (through the SPR process) improved landscaped buffers between the future use and existing '.. residential area to the west - as required by Coqe, and consistent with the above' . policy; ,;, ..~'.,' .. :'., ','.., . '-, ".;:' ,'.- , .' '" " ,. , ;,.... ,,-...," '.' 3.,: Industrial Eiement " ",. '1' ". Policy 1) The City shall encourage efforts:of various agencies to ,attract new and'retain existing jobs and businesses. ' " ,.:. Imolementation , , .::-. The City shall maintain a current inventory of vacant commercial and industriatland and structures within the East Main area.' ' , i' '. . .' . .!' : . ,- . ".," .', i" Consistent with the above policy, approval of the requested redesignation will enable' , "existing, long-standing jobs and businesses on Tax Lot 402 to remain as legal, . "conforminglanduses, and allo,,:, future development?f n~w'employment on. Tax Lot " . i.." , , " '.." . .d " " ,lRP2007.000/3 & ZON2007.000/2 I ,. '., , ~' j-: 28 ".'. '. ., ,1~_'2P= '., 11' ;<-' -Ie, --'~:'~- , ",>,,',,-:'."- ':""'-, ", ... -, ',' 0,'; " ,i .... ,.' ", . .,.... ,',. .. ,.' '..., I' ,\ ':,. , t; /' . ", , I. ::n' ,- '. ~,~: ~'"~ -"' ;. :""~..',,:.~'.:_'~,c,,'.,", j>;'"F,~ ~,~ :.'\'!:'r;:.:,'~!~': . . , : (. ;);:;;.:i,::[,\::'}':;~;;:i.~::.~,~;~:{ti,:'{' .>,:';. ;"y / '". '. ,'" . [.. ,," . "to'; ':.. .~ .;'; 400' with.higher' tlian average' wages ,anq'employment densitiesthan, the 'current .. ' ,;. ,.... ' ~,designatjon and zoning allows, ' ..... J . ::,\,'2>.";;\1;: i,:) :;:. ~;" " ":~i,;;i~:' ".:: ',- " '. .' ;> - "t! ':'STA~F'S FINDINGS RELATED TO'COMPLlANCE WITHSDC 12.030(3)(b): ,.': :,:A'":'~'~,:":,<'.:::;';;:' :r;, ~ . ,~..,' ,:,,:.' j:,: ". ,I ... " ",~ :.tL ~ '< ". :;_.,~,,:',.': '. 'r, ~"'_ ", '. , 'o, ,Finding 22: As previously mentioned in this repo'rt, the,subject'proper;ty is located within ,,' ,,' , , ,.. the East Main Street Refinement Pian area, The applicant's narrative above, discusses ' '., "0' refinemef)t plan':Elements and Polici~s.." ," :;/." ,", <. .,'. .:',.'...' ,,' ". .:' , , .~., " _.~ -' ~ ,", ,. - w : .j' .~', '. :' o .,~.;~..:~~'~. '. ".;"", ":~:'" ,~'; <0, '.:: .,,>i., '",,:.,i. :..\..~...."., "', .;:"'t~ .".1 :'~':"'" ' ' " ...-..... '. : .,'" ,Finding 23: The applicant references poiicies in the Mix'ed.uiei Ele'ment;,Nea 2. This' "::,,,; " ,;~, area (Area 2) is located south ofthe subject propei1y(acrossMaih Street), and is hot.,., ,;' , , ' i' ," part of the subject property.' Reference to this policy. is notapplicable to this application. " :." ~1 ;~:;,.;,_:;~\(.:, ".. ~\: .:_, .,< "':' <.~~:;;;::';~.:.: :'? ,.:'- . .:~..: I'~' ,,~:>;.::~.:,>' ::{;",:~~,~ _t~~':~~::':~~>'::~i~>_ .:: . . ,,:':. ," nJ'.,: '.: .'. ',: < ',:, -, ,: ;. ~ 'Finding.24: The applicant discusses specific crit(;lria listed'in the' refinement plan for, ,', ,'" (;',commercial and industrial uses'. ,Staff,concurs\Nithth,,!, ariRIiS;':ir1tls nar,ative'reJated to the ".,: ":: .;;~~~:m~rC!alcritena.,,:,".\!:' ",:,;;':..,::{;~>':~';~{:::':~:.: . ,.'. ,.:..,'~: c;'Fin(jing25: Crit~ria of apprOval for'cbnsistency.withall?pplitable City of Springfield .,.:' '.functional plahs'have.been previously'addressed1!Q'tbiS,'rEip9.rt"As noted in the findings.. , " ,., " ".' _.,' , .' . .. . ._ ti:. I~' _, - ',," v' .... ." ,'." ' ::. ,.:. },in this,report, the proposal iS',in compliance ;yith.aU',?p'pl!tabl.e'functiO,nal plans.. . /'~;>., ' ' .. '.'.:" ...:. ,*,:,: _,.'; ;::'~'~:~,.':\':.:~:,:,<' ", . ,;~':: ,,': ,~'~, '::~~~:~~~::~'~~:~'\'~:~,,:~;;:,;.("'" 0';::-. . -- ,:':' ,;"',"" ._.. " Conclusion:'Based on ,the above findings,: the prop6sed:zoile change is in compliance ';"!'iith,S.lJC 12..030 (2)' '.~<" ,', ,,~,u ' , ". " " ',."", '''. '. ,; ",...." ,:\:/~.:' ~ ...:', . ,:,:~,~:';';',:,: .~',:. ("~~ .'.' ..,-';..",,' '._.~ .. . ','. ,.'~ . . .;. J,' , '.:f",,~l,~.,,/'i '. ,. , ~ ~.,.,. ~ .STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH $D,C 12.030(3)(c): '. .," ,. f.. .. ,',' ',.,,'..' "',, '... ..",-:.~; ,,,: . ,0 , ',' ..::; j~.,~" ' '", ,,, '". (: .~-:,;~.. ; '.. . ~ ." '- ',' .:-,,'~' . '. ')." ,';_'_ l,; , ",. ') ,',. . .", .. l'" '., ,~ . " ' Finding 26: 'As previously"'noted inthis report and 'as stated .by the applicant, the subject properties are currently served by sanitary sewer systems and'storm drain systems Sprin'gfield Utility Board (SUB) has sufficient capacity to provide electrical and water service to the site. ' ' . -','." " 'to:' ~~. : . " , Finding 27: The'property"isserved by Springfield Fire and Life Safety. . . .,... '. -' - ., Finding 28: Th.e sit~ ~s"vithin Springfield Schooi District 19 . " ,. ' . , Finding ,~9: The site is within the Willamalane Parks 'and Recreation District. " . Finding 30: Transportation systems currently provide acces? to the property. The subject site takes access from 44th Street which is under City of Springfield jurisdiction a,nd Main Street, which is under ODOT jurisdiction,,' ';' ,Finding 31: The proposed zone change is f,om LMI to CC. The subject lot has existing development on all sides, and is located'on 18th and Main Street. As previously discussed in findings in this report, and as conditioned, the proposed zone change will 'not significantly affect the existing transportation network, The proposed zone change ',' Will not negatively affect existing public transit service,' ", I,'.: "," i.. " ! ;, ,~, ), . ..-" ' - ." ',,; " - ,~ " . .I~: . , LRP2007-00013&ZON2007.000/2;. . ~.. .' .... ; .,-'/ 2? ,:' j' '" " '. 'l':'2Q " ...:.. ' '.c' ..,:: ':5'~"-~':.>: ," . '.-,'-, ,'. ~'" -, . " ,~ " .".' ' .' ), 7;,1" ','\. . 9:2~s~:~~?!:~~Yi~t~~t~i;ti~~;,,\, . ..,.. . '" '. ," .. .... ,.... ., " . ',': finding 32:So,lid waste managenientservice is availabieaUhe 'su~ject property "The" City and Sanipac have',an ~xclusive'franchise arrangement for garbage service inside ,", .the city limits,:::":,">,',-,.',:" ,,:, : , " , . ~.: .:',,", ',,:,',:, , : ~", :0 ~rj~~' ;'~;~"<'~~<:":'_:.:;:.'" '~~:;~:'.: \:, . ""'. .. , ,,:, ;:_L.:~'/ ,:':' ~ ::'/, " Finding'33: 'Th'e site'receivespolice protection from'the City.of Springfield,consistent with service provision throughout the city and with service, that is now provided to ' adjacent properties. "~' ,,:~:,f:. : :>_< '. .,.,: J::,,~:, '~ ',,< ,'.' ':. . - :,2' ':- .~. .:;.'.,:.'" \. '\ . ;,,': ,;) " ',,' ~ ,,' "l ';< " ' 'J; '" .:. . , :.. .. ..: ,~,.. ,j.'" ':.",,'" -, ,. ' ," ....,' .' ,. ,. .' -"',," ,'~'. , " ,'0 , F'ind'ing:34: The City of Springfield Development Services Department provides land ':,' u,se control.for property wi)hin the,City'sjurisdiction: ..,.." ,....:' , ",; ':. u:";',~,::,'t{::'\':~;,~""'~'Y";J:,~:.']..,/,,;,:.,~;>,.': ,-' .~ '.: ~i';"'~'~~'~:,p. "'-:~" ,...,;...,~'::"..' ':~..';,:, ,~.:::':- '1-" ~~.;t. . Fil1dlng:35::.Qwest and Comcast currently provid~telephcine,,!nd cabie communication,', , ' , ",,~~rvtce.:in'J~is area for and an array of wireless companies,provide,a number of different " ' , ,"", ,'CO:i'nITlUriication services:' _The City has' no exclusive franchise arrangements with. ,; ,:.. : e:i!<;tel!=l~ommunication orwirel~ss companies:, The,field is.competitive and therefore' ',;, ',.: .'.~ ;,:;:':g~aX~[lte::=s:a.wides~leciion.currently, ,;..:. ";." - "', ,',,_'.' '. ' ',;,~'~.~.:,/::..'.:,::,:,>';';1'<-~'''''~~:',;~J:,_,_'.: ":'~;:-:'::"''''_ / ! .'::~ .'" ~_'.' S' '_'" 'i'" 'L.,.:. ,':',.,~' ,'~". , ' '\C'oiitlusion:"A1I key urban facilities and:-serVices required for iheproposed rezone are' , . , ":,C!ya[lable to.the site Any'specific public and;pri~ate improvement requirements and,':: " ':,: ;:,::~t]lity:~orinection POints'. will be determined when the property is developed. The proposal ,;>~:.,,::'me'ets;12 030(3)(c) " ...,..', "... . .', '", " ":. .'""" '. :::;:;'~~~>{;~5?tf.:~:'(:c,""" .<<'>".<~>;( i~~' ."','- ,"::' ,''',...', ,; ZONING MAP AMENDMENT CONDTlONS OF APPROVAL:" ;' ' i. "SDC12 040"" .. '", ' .. . '. c:'" ".. ','" , :.::... "" ,,-, '..' . . " ".' :', ~,.'. ;'" -, , ii, -,',' " . .. '. -'. ".,' -. '.:,,' ">'. " .'.' :.;> :'''_''l:'::.,~',~;?-~~> ,-',-,_" .' '."'. '. '\ ,r,'" _ '-', ~ ", .,'. .. ::, , S"oCArtiCle 12 allows for the ApprovalAuthority to attach conditions of ap'pro\.:al to a..- "',' ',",,)''':Zone'Changerequest.to ensure that the application fully meets the criteria of approval. :', " ,,; The specific language .from the code section is listed ~elow: . 1 " .. ,," . . . ." . / '-. .J, .'-~ ' ,,; 12 040 ~bnditions of ,lJ,pproval ' , ~". ' . '....;, ".,' .-- , ~.. " ,'f \". The Approva/ Authority may attach conditions as may be reasonable necessary in order to allow the Zonin,g Mapamendmentlo be grEl,~t~d.: . ,','" . .,. '. . . > .''' ,', .~ ' 'u' '" Staff have reviewed the Zone Change request and supporting information provided'by , the applicant and do not recommend any conditions of approval other than the condition already statedfor the Metro Plan / .Refinement PlanMap Amendment related'to trip cap" 'requirements., " . . " ' , . , The Pla'nning Com~i~~ion may"choose to apply conditio~s of approval as necessary to . comply with the Zone Change criteria::' , " ' " Ir , ;'.', , ~' t'~ ", ,'j'.. '.. ">', " I ..~. .-.,' , . ~ . , .' ~ '. ',:"-' '" .. . ..),; 'io " ",:, ,. ....., ;,'''-''',. >, ., .. .. " ". I ' .' " . .. ~ t " '.J.RP2007,000/3 & ZON2007,o0912 .:~ ,,,", l' ..' ,1~~(1 , 30 ",' ,', ;, " ~ -~' ' ::~ ~: . .~ ' ,. .. ,: ~'" ;- ... . ''-. ~ 1- -,,'I '.,;. . . .;. ',' ,~, \-',:' . ~. .,~ ,~ ,.'.>.. ,';' , . ~ ,~. .,', .,' "' ,:r," .--; I " , ", . .~... < " ,. '," I ....-. " '4,' "" , '''~,' ,,-I." ..,' ;'-'. ':' H.;' " 'f' ., '" ". ;,:~ . " Ci' '."'. '"' ." " ' ,"r.' , -".' ';.,,'.;' I~' "j " , " ''','-;' "n" ,';,' ~,"J '''1'' ,,;'(. ~J' .',. -: .": '.' -"J , . \ " ".' ,. ,', . """ ". " ',' ;'. , }, " 'J ~ ' ; ~,'; ~ " l,O" ;1' ',1.' "". " " , .-'" -,::,'r i\ ~,. , . , . , " ',1.' ~:;, J "'1,,,,' '", ,." ','- ,:;; ,", C' ..--, " 1.<",..,< ;,: "~ . ,'. '. lj" 1-11 ~ ;." ,,", " ~' ',,.:-' <: ..... '(~. "'I'. " "' " :" Co " ,~, 1'\ , "" ~ ." -,.,;"-' "'-,::::",'..~.::'~,~~v':,~., ~'.'.~~':~.'" ~:.. '," ~ . .~..;,.1~ -.~ ";: ',' " ':'r',"':--,<:-..' "C'", ,; """, ~ ' '/ . ", .'i ~:..' c' 'I. '-"'. ',I " ,',:.' , .. :< !,:- ..1....':. ,.: ." ~. . '} , .' . .~- " '," ,; ,j> ,.' " "k'''- / :; ..~ . 3/ " ~ ," ~~. " .' ~ .....- , ./" ,"." ., " ',,' "" /..~ ,'" ,", ';. .,.-:., .,;, ": ;C", :.;.,;' , ~:':" , ',.;;-' " ,:'it1":i~i::3,(f"I~~~,T, ,~;1~ <,:.:\;:"~~;"'.;>~~ :,;,'k ": '. J,' " ~ ..' ,:4"2:" , ,;:;.;t;:{~,i,;;~):,:}.:~r...~J'- .>>,-::_t~;,',:. ," , ~: ,~,:~;,.:;.~~tf::'r' " .. ,~,-'--.. ;"-::" ."-, : /? 'j\~t: -;., "':'~'" ,:~:~. :,~~,~~/' ','.' '. ,'" ", " , :;.~~" . ': .' ~l ' :'" > . , ~ :' ,/:,'t;-~$~q:TR..IP~:GJ,8 ERA II 0 N::A~n'ci I SIRIB UTIQN';'c);1: .C,';;':', ,i'::':C,;;,: :'. ": ,:,;:.:/./,;,t ";',',,',,:,;,.' '. ,,;~!,,'r ,': " ,.,,' ',':", ~ ': ':', ('.;. "".,' "<~:';!S:6TR:IP;'GENER:.A.TION;' ,~} ,. 'J "," ,.:: '. :,' " '. ;;,,:i\',';;:::,,"i':~,~, ,'" "', ",.\:;' ,{,' :,i.',i, . ~ ',:.> , " ,:\'" To deterri1ine the traffic impacts of a development on a roadway system, the number of '", "', ' , ~ehiclemovements reslilting'fioil1the development imlstbe estimated: ,These , . , .," ,,,..., ,. , .' . :'" movements are referred to as/trips". ,Trip generation is the .estlInated volume of trips ':.' resulting' from the dt-:velopri1ehf :"f.,:'~" "" 1. -,,",.'.,. " , ':' , < . " , . .,.' '~: :'" .. ,:~';'~;:::.;,::;;2,~;t:;;1{:';L" ' ' (.''c;", '..'. ,',,::;', '" " The amountof tripsexpecte1,tobeg~nerated. bytne,p:ropQsed .d~v;elopnierit,-,:as".' ,.;, ') ;',aetermined using,theinfomiation'contained in the ITETriDGeilerationManual, 7'h", ' i;Editi~n.~ Th~ eqll~tio~sin'th~:m~~l;al predict th~ nlun1?eroftrips,generated based 6;fhe'.' " ., ,'" grosssci~larefeetof floorhre~';Sep~;'at(trip generation 'ahalys~s\ver~ perfor'riled for the, ,'" : 'AM and PM peakhouFsJohli:ldeVeI6pmertt.' (: ':,;,::.,' '<'," ':';'-~"~/':~'<':"":__'" <:" _ - :'::;:~:-'~~~~:~;f,:':7'~~'1:>,~,~',~',~ '::,' r<"" ".<i ", ;:'."~,~~-: . ,- ,""',,' " -, ,-~ .!. . Under. tne,cmrentLight-Mediltji1':IQ~ustrialzolJing thedeyelopP1ent site' can be built ou\ '. ,-" ',,' ..,.to incllide' a variety of land dS"es'is[lec;Jied iri Springfleld.I?evelopinen(Code Artick:io/ "The maximum:irip generationsifti\ecleVelopment vYa~ ci~tennii1~d fortheallowedliu-id ". :. .. "-:'.:uses linder the current zoning,' Tables'.5 and 6 iIlilstrate the maximum developnienC:. :., " , :':,potential and subsequentlythe'iria~iri1Um trips, generated by.the 'development site using', ,.', : ", . "the.followirtg ITE Land Use Codes; . ' .-, ,...., ,; , .' :,',. " :)-,'" ' '~," , ' " ,.... '.,' .. ',,'" , .'~, .' . ;.'...,.:.... "':,:::::f;::',., ':.',-"-:, " ,: ~"...", ......" .,:' r. .... . .. ~'::,:..-, - ", . ,~' ';',-:: ,. ',' ~.~" .' ,', , " .' ,'" .-f.'.._ _ ", " .,'; . :", .~ ' . , ,'~ " '{ ::: "', .,' Land U se,Code 760, -.Re'se:1rch and Development' ,. '.' l'" . . 'Land Use Code 714 -'C\irporateHeaclquar;terH . "Land Use Code492:-HealthJFitnes's cllib .' \and Use ,Code 565,- Daycare Center ::. ~ .}, .' , . ': -" "',,: -. '~!., . . \,.' J,'" . , .\', , ',' ': .. ,~~ '.' , ~. Table 5: AM Peak Hour Trip Generation.Maximum Potential of Site for Existing Zoning ~ ~~ ' " , .,,' '.''- " d,~ ';'-' ,<,' " ,." " ".' ,;-, . ~~ ','. '. ;';:' . . . , :1: ;,.' ., :.' ,"j., \-,: ,,,' <.. ;;". ,~ ,'" " . . ". . - -.' -.. .,...' .' -. --' ",,", ~'. ':;. . JIl.I:m,"'Ns.rORT~TI9,0 .E0GI~EEKINGI Eas~s~r!!J3!ld R~Z?ne:,,~prlngfi:ld Oregon I ~'arCh6', 2007118 ' .. '~'-. ,,' ....:, ':'";.,.: " ': ", '.' ',~ " . '.". .,"',',' "'-'.~ -'",-' '-;:":,'~-~", ..'...."..... ~ ,: ',. " .' ;. , _,' "'. ,i', .' 'r '.,.," -.<:, " .;' .~'~ ~ .'"..' , ,:,': ,':':i'<::(;f~L'\,EX~IIBitA'2'~~' , , ,,,.~.;>~_,'. -" ,'< ~':'~.~" -"'i,~'~,-,~" . """"'~'1 ., .! ,,:.. ~l ~", J. :,~: . "."; .. , ,. .. '-"'." ~ - ,~l '-,..:.' .. ~.."i-' ' ,f""'''.! i..,.' " > . .,. , '",,,,'" , " '..-'-..' ....> .-',.' ", '__"""N . - - .:~ ~ ~ ":., " "', .' ,.1'-. _ '. .. , ,'~ ", ., ,,).<-, ..? : r'" p~,~, - .'"" "'-..t . :,. "i ,.,<.,.,r..' " ':' -~., '", . r .~ ~ ,~<- . .; '''.'. ~,.- '-, '. .... '. ,. ,'- ~~ , . ~ ,.'.' ;.. ,'" .", ,.' '." ,'): " -,,' ':;;,' ,,- ~~ ,..', ~.' ". :~ . ..~i , -'f ;, '-. ." ",'-" Table 7, Peak Hour Trip Generation',Medical Office Building' "'''''",c''''1j;'i ,,'j_ " .', . ,AM , T,=2.48'x . ' 74 .... " .79% 21,% , 58 '16 ,~, " , ""':"~'i:.~~j~~frl<~f!~""'~ , " .- '1i'i3%~ iii;~28'''4 """t5~"" .lrjim[~&~tI~~; , , " ;" There are!55 fe\ver.AM a~d140'fewer PM veh;cle trips generated by the medi~al office buil~ing when compared.to tl~emaximuni potential Of the site under the current zoning. .... - - ". ., " .' , '. ',. :",' . J; " <" , ',,' "'.. ,,;. ..,,'. .... _ '..<.,/' ." .. ; :!. ":~, ,,' t ' . '". . ' . ',.1:" """. . " :' ",.::.,.']R.HTRANSPOR.TATIClN, ENGINF.ER.ING i Easl Sp!ingfield Rezone' Spri~gfield, Oregon I March.6, . .. ,', ' ". ,,'.1~33: "..'.~.. ,. '" . .> . , 2007, i 19 , , . " " .' ..' ~t j,~ ;,,,\/~\~. ~..:'.;.'., ,,<~,<('. ~,:.<-":,,~;/\..>,, >'J"~~'_", d' ".; '-.~:' ":""',:..>";: '":', """ ", 1 :" "EXHISIT A-3 ';"/'~?<}::~1";,:;;, ~~:i?;::'4';::";" ,~;:.~,-.;, ;L . .~~i~ ,-.' . ,.~".J " ~~.~ ',' ;"~;i:':;;.i,":,,',,j},';,',:~):::,: ~.,' '-., '. 0""" ,-, .',',.{.:i1 , -'f" .,,', ~ ~., , , ,,' . \::J:,}\~'" ;/ , . I '. ~ , ,:..\-. "....' ,. , , ,','~ ',<,-~:",.: .,;\'" ;':,. :0 ." " , :~",,~ ~,"., : ..,..- ,-, .." ,',' -, "";", f:' '.') '<:;'o<~-'';.~ . ',.. ?"' )/I~'" " . '. --i ':' ....'.-... . , . ~. ~..' ".'_: . .",r~ . , ',,',,:t,... ,~ ." ~., ..;~':. ~,.., .: . ,. ' J .:.' . - : \..," 'J " " ~,. -, " "Afterd~temiining nextsJep iri ihe'analysis requires distributing ..:>; ,", , :,and assigning the trips to existing.traffic network: 'Trip.distnhlrtion allocates,the trips '" " generated from the developments to genwilized destinations,>Trip,assignment routes,' ;,.. ;" ,.trips,tothese generalized destinations via the,actual;street.,net~York;':The,tripidistribl.ltion .fol'this project\vasbased,on the existiiig'distributidnpattern'ofthe'stlldyarearoadi,vay , ^net\v()J~, where applic~ble.Acc~S,S)b:rax'~6! 400,\sassu~e~,'tf~,~,!!imited,~oa S,lngle:', " full-movement access from Malll Street. Figures 9 and I Oshows.tne<asSlgned vehicle' . . .,' '.. '. . ~ . - .' ," '- , " .~ , . - .. -.' ..... . ...',: trips: generated by' the 30,000 square foot medical office Qu5ldingfor the AMandPM ' " .-,; ..,.,:::: pe~kpe~iod respectively.,<' F:", " " .'.. " '0", /~{, ": .,;;/._>.l~-'",~.~, .' '~. .<tt .,". _ 'JI "r'-, '," ,. ,;. ..' " "'. ,.c'_ , '." ;\', ""'>'" " "\::"'" ,- ~-.,', - ,', . !.. r"' ":," "j '.;~ -;. '.' .',.' .;., .-: "'>'-, "S:2,B\,mq ..!,RAF:FICYOL0MES ,,': ,."," .,." :," .~,;.;. >_!,;", . ~:'~_. '';, ~. "'" .' ~_:. ,:. , . .", J~.~~ ..;:<:_1'r:"t:>.,';.~ '~~,_~~:"';~,~:/ .... u, _:"' , ::'Todeterniine tbe Buiid traffic >vollimesthe developmentt[jpsl'&isign&dtlrrof(ghixit th~ ' , ':~study area"we~e added to 'the backgrou~d traffic 'data. ih~;year ,2b.bsX~1 an'd~ P~I Build . year tniftlc volumes are illustrated in Figures II arid:12, respec'ilv~ly.-The year 2023 AM . . _ .'- _ 'J"' .- - ," _'. . and PM Build year traffic volumesaie'i~lustraied'in. FiguresJ3andI4, respectively < ',.'- ~......" .... ,. '":.";;.',,. '..; '~"~',," ~!,:,<'~~ .,..,.~..' "j.'".'" -". '. . ,'. ';"J " . ';;, "'". ""'. -. .I~. '.-"'~ .-~..,~....:. "~"," .. " -. ""j. ,-,,'\ ~, ,\" ", R :;.'" ~ .- .:":'.:1 ". ~ ,~.. "';,' " ".' .,,; ." . "~I .' ~, . " ';-,' , ' .1. ." ;f ,L ':',-",' 'i.,," .i." 'j.> .', , . ~'" " ....-. .' .", " "....: I .1 ! i .,l ", "J . !- r /:. .... ; I!.... "," ." ,~ :.' . ..,./ ;", -.1'-' , ~., .- ,f" " " ," . .~, ,..' , ::: ",,,' . '; ~!' .'f'''' ',' ~'. 1 .q' .....j.. ,", /' "., -',"" .~ '.' :'. .I.' .--,,,;...," .-', " ". ", , -' ':. "., ~; , , . " '" , .,~ . , . " '/,.,' '. " . '~,.., " " '" .., ..' ~, ..;' , ..,.-: .,',. ,,', \.' ' .r. ..;. " : t.! "., -."... '. ,-;. .... .. '-" f" ".> ,~, " -- . -, '. . ". . -' .'. ,-' ;,..., jRH TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING I Easl Springfield Hezone" ~pringfield, Oregonl March 6, 2007 I 20 ...-,..":,,.,;, ::\,~> ,,' .'.,..,:1-34 ',:',;"'., "., , .:' u, ,,<. .... '.:\ ,.,- . ~::"_~; "", ~;_'>iJ::::;;,~:. ":".],0 ::fp'R':r IN blNGS ",~ .... . -' ~ . ';:'., :";;<;;?:~:;~}f."/<\,,: >, .'t '(r"" ," ~',',;" ,,\,.' , ,,'. -'" '~:, ;"c.Thef611o\ving Clisclisses'tl\e Oregon Administrative Ruling 660-012-0000;the . " " ;~: ,,"" " , \:;: T rarispoliation'PI,ariningRille, and the effe9t ofthei)[oposedgev~lopment,onthe .' ';,',: ',,: :1' . '. ,.", ti'ahsportatiori facilities as it,applies to the ruling: ,'~' ';','- ,". ,. .' " , ':""~_'~'."'<' .;. .~,.'::.,",...::.'I:,_f..;_ ,:', ..: '."\' '.' .' ." ,,;, _:~"."",J. ~ ;'<. ;.--".".,' .". "":, '..,660:.012-0060;"', .'" "..".,.".,' :,...I~':"'; ..,-...,,'.-.. ,.,' .,..". ". " -: ,.. " '.. '.. . ':'::' '~''''-'_:;~,:,":'':',;,:':. , .~,." ..,'f,;_", i:, :..-.1 -: ,,,_;,,~,~':,,; r,.. .', ,~_."'" . '';';.-< ,q;~'?:,P.hl'iiilndi;a~d Us'e l{egulatio,n Amendm'ehts'<,;~, ,,;;.,'; , , "c.'';; . " '. ,,'~' <;; "-" :?~.- .".'{ ":, _....~~ ;:"~, . .;.')....". ",','," ,",...: ,'. .~,'. .-.:..., "., .,.' ':,":-.,< <": . ,,' '. .~. ' , '. "..; - - ',- .." ',' ',..:- ','.- .::- . ~f"'~::~(;; ;;JIX!kh€r~,i:m~i1iend~e~i i~'ajLmclional p15i1, iin ~/c,knowledged Compreh~nsi}'e pla~,;or: ' ,':, \ :',' . ;. "';.' ,', ',)~<? ':',ci; lm[d !Ise.regulalion,vpuld "s'ignificantly affect. an exi~lini'or planned Iransp~rlalion" ,.':..:: "". . :,"i <':,,',,!cicUiiyihe lotal govel:nment sfw/l.plit in place medsures as provided in seclion.(2) oj"". ',",,' .,..' ~ ..';', '~. - . ---. -'. - "'. " .' . -. . -.- ,-- . .... -. -,: . " . -'. . . ' , ,- ".' . .'. ., .- "I'.:,>,; ..' .."lhis;nik,ioi:(SS1~re'l~al dllo,.ived,land useS. are co,?sislenlwilh I~,e idr;n,'.'ified j\l.nclion,. '. , ,. ".' , , .,;::. .' . '. "':.'calK/c/O', and performm:!ce,s/andm:ds (e,g (.ev~l of serVIce, volume locapaczty rano, elc)', ,. '. <, "., .,..: : of Ihe)CzcililY. A,plan orlah,(use regldmion mitendmenl signific,antlyaffeclsa " '", , .i ." .1 ,"'#i~.:~t(i~J~~r!;';icO~~/~~I:~i/it'Vm!I~::(,,':;-:,,, ' (":,,..:; ,.,' ""',"i';"'. '. ..., " ,,'-'"'. ~. ((0 ChangeJhefuill:nona{ classificalion 6f~m existing,or plimned Iransporlalionjacility~ ,':'<":r~~Clilsive'?[qorreclio.n o/map en:orsin, an:;adopledplm1),. ',' . i' ,. .:...... .~.., ._,.~. ';';',' ,.,.::-,~,.:.:.~..."'j'i~" ._~:~: ::.- ,':" ,::.:-,.,,:- " _ " ,...._ .c. .,' ....,The addition of development lraffkori'the adjacent road\vays does no't cause the. ' ,... . ";'-:~hangein fuhction~l classification bf any of the transportation facilities. .,: .". ,,' ..--.-"',':.' '> . ,,,,,' .;::.: . -; ,-.~. "'" ..' .'{~,.,,~': .',' .... :.::.....,:--',.'.". -, ";' ~ ,.', ..(b) Chwige slqndcirds. i/llplemehlil1g a jimclional classificalion syslem, qr ~;.( . '. '. . '. ' ' .- " ',""'" :, . ,r,~'. .~ :" . " '.' ',' '.. .1' .">,..: '. . ;','>- -.,. ";~~~[~~;;~:;~~'2!IJTA~'" ,~ ',~.-., ," " J: '.'~' '. . ..":- ,- . -", '. ,', ,". '. ,...'.,' ::, .~ ~"~~~' ',',. .. - ' ~. --', . ';. ;:):2;;':,:f';:'.{::~:':' ~>. ", ~ '. ;::,:::,'~:: '.::'.j~ ,'~.: '.,. :.j.,...';, ,,~'v ':I'~' " '.,. ."'" - ~..<, :.'-1:7 ,:.;,[. 'J., , .' "'.',~, , , ',,:~" .~. " "..,.,;", "f':" '~.. '.. .' .~ '; . I, ., J':' ~ , ;,',.... "~'~ "). ,I .. . '..;' l' . , >. . 'J.. 'r. . ~ ',' ,r _ _ :'. The. staIJd"rds implementing a li.inctional classification'syst.em ,within'the pt-oject -,: , . ":, ,study area' me nQt changed by' the prop,osed' development. " ' . '" "" ,', " r. (c) ArmeclSliredallhe'end ofih~ planning period id~nlified in Ihe aJopled lramportillior'- " sys/el?1 plun ' '. ,,' " .' .. . I, . " (4)A//o1v '/and llses orjei'e/s of develop me ill Ihat woiild resull if' I,\;pes or levels of Ira vel or, access thai CUY inco/isislenl wilh Ihe jitl1'Cliol1al dassijiCL~liol1 afan exiSling o,;p/anned IronsporlaZi,QiJjc,cility, , , '. '.", " '" ',,' ,'. ' '. ~ . . ,'., , ~'., ,,' , 'I "I ~ , ,The proposed development d\)es not result in types or levels ofti'avel or 'acce~s ' , thpt are inconsistent 'with the Junctional classification of the studied transportation ,facilities. ' ' " " ,', 1 . " "'.,".'," ." ,~ .. . '. (Bi-Reduce Ihe p'e;jormance'ofon exisling o(plannedtransportali~nF/cilily'below Ihe,' ' minimum acceplizble pelformonce standard idenlified in lhe" TSP or comprehensive plan, or' I , .. 4, ,I' , ,_' ,;" . "c ,.. The addition of developmenttraftic does not reduce the performa'nce of an eXisting or plannedtransportaticin facility below the'rllinirrium acceptable , ." perforin~mce standard, ". .' ',' , ' , ' . , . ' , 0" . :.p. ,'.' .:!: l. .....;..' -,t' ," ,;' I ,. ." . '.,' , ~, I, , : .. "--;' ), ~ " .r. " '. ", " 0' " o' - ." -, ~ ' ; ,- , , ' . 'JRH TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING I East Springfield Rezo~e. Sprl~gfleld Oregon (March 6 2007131 ,,' :.", , ' ,; 1-35 ., ,..'. . ',.' ~ " , , \,.;',' . :,' ~. ':\,','.;~ ..,' .~. . ",";'< ", '("',~j ;,~EXH:BIT ~-;l ,.::::.y.l '.,~: f' ". ~: ;,':; " . '.. '.". ..... ".-,: ."';.;. " . .,' , " '..!.I,- ,.,... l',A :~ ""~~'" .. .'~ i.' . .i. . .- :-/:,.;.-<:;.',:-,., :v ,. ";, : ' .,~, ,.'~., , .:"" ~;\\. ': ....,'.,...,; "'::i<.. ,. 1'~ ~; " t,'. :. ...,., ~. ~;, >"'~':~l ,,'. 1'" ,'~ .' y. " ,.".,.'" ..' . ,.. ..' . ~:., ' ". ," ". ".,'.' -r ~.. _ ~ ,;. . , .- ":' . ,', ' : Jcj vVo'rsen the performance of ah existing or planned trr;msportationfaciliry'that is ' '. . othenvise projecied to perform below the minimum acceptable peljormcince.standard identified in' the', TSP or comprehensive plan.' ,,' ". " ~ ,~. ~, . i ~ :;. . ",_::.' "A. il .. :l ~. 'j . .~ ~,l ~ , ~ ~ .~ .., il ;51 ~ ~ II l ;1 . \~ .~ " ...:..". ..' .' "': , " , "\' ", ., ,. ., " . '.. :', . .;; ';,'The addition of development traffic d()es not further degrade the perforniance of " ' '. " . ,'",.. 'intersections projected to perform below the minimum acceptable peiformance " ' . 'standard." , ' " .. " ;. . ". As~h~~~, the proposed' iedesigmiiio~ oiTaxiot 400 and 402 does not re~uitina' '. "significant effect" on the transportation faCilities as defined ih the TPR. -" ,:.>.:j' . .,' . . " ',..' ."j. ': . .... ',;' ~, .' " ' " ' ": . "', . ,-' .-, . :i; ','" ,". ,. . " ... 'I , .' '.' .. ,,, . .',,..,,,' ' ,... ," .. .. . 8.0 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..' "-:. .' ' '," ....,. .' " ; .:,. '. .,.,.. ~ " ... . . . . "7 . ". ~ ' - .' . . '. ',.'. . . , ' .' -.,' ", ~:.'.: ~'''':'. This report provides an analysis qf potential traffic impacts resul,ting from the proposed '.' ' redesignation/zone change and future development of the subject site in Springfield," :, " Oregon. This development\vill.include approximately 30,000 square feet 6fmeClical<" , .' . . '. otIice space. The parcel proposed for development is located east~of 44th Stre~tand ~est' . . of 48th Street on Mairt. Street. A,single unsi!.!halized 'lull-movement acce~sp;;int',on Tax '. Lot'400 and existing driveway acces~ to Tax~Lot 402 is assumed._.' <' . ';', "',.::;,..,':, '.:'. " :, Completio"nofthe pr~posed development is ~nticipated for the ye~r 2008. Tlii~teport. - . inciudes year of completion analysis, year 20:08, for the roadway network within the' c," ' . study area: In addition; a horizon year analysis wasperformed lor the year 2023." , A performance analysis was compietect for the intersections of Main Street and Aind, Street, Main Street and 48th Street, Main Street at 44'h Street. and'Main Street at 46th Street. The operational analysis of all intersections within the study area shows that. under the Build condition nodegradatiotl in volume-to-capacity ratio in comparison to the No-Build condition occurs due to the additional trips produced by this development.' All study m'eas meet the mobility.standard for the' Build condition. " ' ;,.. "n ~ l~ "- :j n ~ f' ~ > .i , , , , '. .~ ; !; c ,''";'. .... .! A qlleuing analysis was'perfo~ed,for the intersection within the study'ania.The queuing' analysis, which assumes the current lane configuration throughout the planning horizon, was performed to determine the .amount of required storage length due to the construction ,of the project. The results of the queuing analysis indicate that all existing storagekngths , will facilitate the queuing anticipated for the traffic demand, inclliding the proposed development. According to the finding under Orego~ Administrative Ruling 660.012-00'00, the Transportation Plarrning Rule, the proposed redesignation of Tax Lot 400 and 402 does not result in a "significant effect" on the transportation tacilities as defined in the.TPR. " "'. .....' '. ,. '-' . '. ;; r. I'~ ! JRH TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING I East Springfield Rezone, S~~ngfield, Oregon I March 6,2007 "t32 . .' - ".... .. '...... , ;~ . " 1-36 f !- ' .,., " .... ~ '.' ,., :;\ . erooran urn',,'.::': "-' '. ,~.' . ,'" '...-.;~. . ~,. ...!';.... '....-, -,. .~".:;. - 'A~,~~: , : - ~ ,~,.., ,:<~;~'/:.EXHI8IT A-6 .-:^.:' " .,"'. . 1.,.;;,; ." ";:; , .. ',.~" .. , 's~;,::/:::~(~<'~:", .' ':,:f.;'~..: ., :. ", Ci~ 'dl~~ii;~field., , '-':" !', , ....4;.', ." . ,.~ : "'o' D ' ,"', '1 4200'7 J . :<..',., ":"'..V;' [,' ate:.,::","-:~A-~~l"""",,,~~';~'l '-':'.;',~} ,. ."., '.~; 'j,.-'-.-.., :;10: : Y':<'I?~vidRee~or,Plannerm ", i :;:,;' ~',;, ...... ,!:.;." ~,.' ,.~l;'" "~~<.,>--_~_, . u": : ,:",- . " . " From:" .(}ary"McKe~ey; P.E., Tnmsportation Planning El1gineei:.,', ..,: . '.' " .~\ ." ' . '. '.,. . .,' -'..' '.. ,,> ". .," ',' .: Subject:, . LRP2007-00012PeaceHealthPAPA . . . " ,:, ',"" "-'. . -~ . .:,,~+ '.- .,<....,.,... ':' . ,.:'" . ..... '-~ .. ....",'>... .._".~.-'..', .. "'.,'.'.... """";:,!r;-:-"~ .... "':"'"" .._....:,(...~:J.-:.j.;_.~:'~;;~':'/:")~.,_,.~._\."..~..,'':',;.-. ::. ."' . ....~~.,_-:','_'.., ..:'"",...,.,.~. " ."" ,i', ! .,,:,', ':. 'TkfollO\vr;;g'cobUi'ien'fs~drecommendations are base'd ohriiypr~limillal-yreview oftbe .,,' :: . ': .; assumptions used iJ! the traffic analysis report (TIA) and other materials provided ~ith the' .: .: '", subject application:, Pertinent pages of the TIA are attached for reference. . ", . " ' .. 3 : ,:' . '. ~ .'1' _. . ..~:~.'~>" ., ';1{ ':.: . ,.;. '. ,:, ':.., ..:: ,,; . '.-f: ,: :~' .." ' ';.,.;.:', ,,~.'. '".-:~~; ....,.,. .:J:.~: ;". ';-". ....",.':... .. ,',';,.;:, -".'-", .;::' t ' . , ." ;.... ,,'!. -'-": .. _ .-;' , . -': ':~.. ':,.:'" ',. ,," ,. ::". : . ~ < :'~, ' ". ,'.trafficImpacts'.i\nalysi~<;~:: ,-.: , :': .' '. ." . '~". '. .'i.....~. '~''','.'' _'. , '. : _~',. '::,;.,;"'J""~.""'--"l~.'-<"'"":":::'" :"" . ".'i. . .... .'...... -': :,:' ,-,' -.' '. . 'In esti~atingth~trip7pi~kii1gp~ientiaI of site;developmeiiurider ~xisting LlY11 . c' . , 'J:; .~ designation/zoningthe;TIA:iissuin:etheland u~es as depicted in Table 5 (Page 18 ). .."..:....:..,. '.,.:....,:~~;>?;i~~t~.>?;...:~ ~.f:'.~~.;;5;:~~:~..~.~'tJ, ," .- ,:' .::;"' , ,:~,~. ......, .,," ("- ';, . " .~ . '; - ",,- .' '" " , ','~ , ,.:':Reco~~~dati6n:'.. Comlffi1 that the use~ assumed in the "existirig-designation" . '. , . ': develoi)[~ent scenario are permitte~, and'that they represeI!ta "reasonable worst case." . ' . :' , '.,.. ;,;' . ,,,:: ..' . -' ,: '.': .. - ." '.' " ... ':" '.: ~:- .. >,'.' '. -' .-",. I.: -, - . ..... In estimating the trip;inaking potential' of site:'developm~ntunder proposed CC .., , , designation/zoning theTIAassumed,a single:land use (P(ledical Office BuildinfD as depicted in " ::Table7(Page 19).. ' .i ,;..".,' ", "..:. .. "'<' '.'.",-" , -. -." ',.- .-l." ". , , _....' . "'. . .' "-'. " " . Rec6m~endation: ,C6rifirm that the 'llse assumed in ihe. "proposed-Clesignation':" .' .". '., ' development scenario represents a "reasonable worst case.".If not, we need to decide whether limiting aliowed development to the level assumed in the TIA would be an". ': . acceptable means of ensuring that future development would not generate traffic in ,'" " excess of what is estimated in the TIA. If we find that the assumed Medical Office,llse . would ~nder-utiliz~ the land, then we will want the TIA revised to reflectthe Imp~ct ofa , 'true "reasonable worst case." . ' ",' \ , ."'1 Goal 12 TPRAnalysis/Findings ; , ' , ' , The PAPA application refers to the Goal 12 findings contained in the TIA. These are presented on pages31and 32. The validity of these fmds willdepe9-d on the detailS of the technical .' analysis and supporting assumptions. ' " . . ':! " .1'. "',": "', ,i. '. .. '~ ,,',. , ' c.~' . .... ",,' ,: ,". ,,"',,' .,.' " . .'~ . '". "-." .. . ,1-37 ."-.-, ...' ~ , ..... J ;_," . "', ,_ " (~ -c ," ,~. ';:., , .'=u ;',:. . '. . :(':~::,7' ,(".,')From:" ':}':;'~': "},,,'MCKENNEY Gary - . ~ '. "~, ::::" '. ", :\::';. -,' ',:'-: ,;.; ..\~~-i:- '::, .',,' ','_; ,/ :. :" .' .'," :. '~. _ .. '. .'t ',::' :.'.. ,.. :,.;,.:; ;/::~;';':Sent::,;"""),,,: ThursdaY"Apr!1 05, 2007.9:23 AM .... . ' , ,...,,~~<." ,.. "-: " .. .:'.. . , :~ - . c. ., .. , , ,.;:, :i ."Y::?i' \ To: , "REESOR David ,\" , . .; ,,,'-., ::', Subject: ':"", f'~a6eHealth'PAPATraffi~ A'nalysis , "'-. .... ~~'.: ,,,:.< ,'. '. ..' ___,.. - _,,:",." : - .... '. . ".. \1' '.." Follow Up Fiag: Follow up",..." .,", ~. Flag Status: Red ","" . ".' . ",", ". - ;,"f :: ;'<:; , ';,'>~:Page lot r ,;." ;,:<, ',:~~.' '.,"-. ..',: '."". ;~..'":,~:',, - '," ':. : ',;. '~:::".j. , .. . '",- {.'{t;;: ~,~;2;i~,"~;f,: <,::):){o~~~ ~I ~ I~, A. r.. ~- <." . ;' ~':'",?~ ,. ;,' '.~$ . .-.~ ,.n_:,..~'. ',. :::"'~:-'-"">' "" " ~ ' '" C'!'.' ..'~. -.i",'_,.! .. . , , .' ~. !:. ........ "" ".. . -.. , '~" : '.,. '." '. . ". .~.' )' ~ ,. . Sr\d,:" , ",."',,'~':,,,L , '.' ,.,',. ,::"," ",..,,::.,'I,',.',..{~'~;,;;- ,,~In c~risidering,~hata "re8:sori~bl~~b~st '';~se'" de~elop~eni'sce~ario might b~ioi,the j-e-zo~~d,conditi6n:,~ :"::j ,":~:' ,,'.it is ciearthat aJO KSF Medical Office Building is much less intense' than' other uses thatwoufdbe -;;'.;'-'("':' '''. ';":peimitted in the CC zone:'. On 'a per~square-foot basis the MO is estimated to g~nerate 2.4 7'(ehicre ;' " " ':'., tips/l ,000 SF,arid 3:43 vehicle tipsll,OOO SF during the AM and PM peak hours respectively.' For':"< .' " comparison the average ratedor a ~'Fast~Food Restaurant with Drive-Thtough Windo~" are 53.11'. "- " . ' . . . ... ~ '.. . . . . . ' . -. . . vehicle tipsll ,000 SF and 34.64 vehicle tips/l,OOO.SF.' ' ,:',., "", ;,,'.:~.~''>;:' ,:-::~ ..x' --,':.,;,:'..... .,:~;, :..< /~':',.,:..':.:.::' ? (', ,;:-- ': .' ':~'),' ,: _,_ <.~ . ".' .-..' \.. '~', -' ",~ L '",- ,~~f<: .' 11ncimsidering the Goall2"'iiisui-an~e policy,,'isstJe some moj-~ I thought of anotli~r.jJoss\blewaYit6 ,deali:,;/., ,::''.>,with .it, which we didnot discuss yesterday:' We!night choose to lirrlit the trip generation for th~ '..:', ;;,;'\;,.;. , :: (,",~':""Teibned land to be no 'greater than.what would be expeCted from development under a.reasonableworst. :...,~, ;'iF':;"~~:e.:.:vithexistirigz~ming") ....,'::.:,'<':,.,.':' ;"::....:,'. ," ,::.,,:.:~:;::~, ."..:" ,',' i"-' ,-i' . ~.. . .., .' ' '. : ,,'.' _ . c ' I'd like to discuss,these ideas further in our meeti,ng v.;ith E~ Moo~e. 'j.. "., . ,'J'" ,.> ".- ",... '..' ,.r; . "'. ',' -,' . " .. .. . '",., .,.:. " ,;'-1~; ;', ii. ,',. ",: ",,, ~: \ V 1:' ::. /"Ga .,' ry " '.,.--,. ::~. '5.' " ,~ ".i' ,~ '. ~ . ",',' " ~., ..", '" :',j' ".-,' .'.1-; " , , ",' ': , ... _.,','C ."." -'., " .." '''o'~, ",' :., " " ", l': -:' '; . :t':..~' .', , . , ',;'),"!i,~' ;',;. 'N j' ,',. '; 'l 1" '. ,. .,' -Jt' '. .- .,' " ","" '..';. ..', " 1 ...., 'r.; ~, ,:i '/ t. ": .;--' " ., , ,~ .' '~ .~. "':1 , ~.. ,(, " ...,.S..f:', ,. ,. -"'.5' . " " ....,. S/25/2007 ' ' -"'. 1-38 -jl-"? " J r~' ",.,:'"".:,',~~):.,,:~~::;:';',/\::~,'~.'~',,::;;;~':'~,~ ", ,"': ':;,,0 " " " ~ . ;;. "'. ' ..j":'.:J'~~-,>.~~>~,:,:::::~r;j::,.,:,; _; ." (-..' , ',.: ' ," .. '. >" ,;"))~::~:~ ,~,:~,.:t),',':'.,".,..,','i":.~i.',,:,,, ",.. ~. - ,-.; :,.,....~.~::,' ,:.F,;.,-'~ ,',:::...' :;:',._:':.' " ~ , r :',:,.....:?:::j' . '. ,.,.,:.,", , . ~. ., .' .. -- . . _ , '. " .. <~: ':-'::,TheOdore~R.Kulon90ski, Gcixernor ' .' " " ., ,:,,', ,. -". ....'~.- ,~.",:,,:.,,~ "\.i " ," . . ",y.';": .". ..,~ ..-..' " -'.' . ":/ -,-, '.\:~.~~; : ~,),:~'j,'": ,', . ., ~ . <, ,- " '. < 'Steph~nB~'Wilson,.PE ' .' Re'gion 2 Serior'Tnifflc Analys ' . , .'") , " '.. ..~ . . :..\ '~.:+,,, ....1 --, :\'-, ~~ ,'.". ~.' .!~~<!::;' ", --';, .!- ~;" .':~"< ,-'.'::;~':;'~, '-> ",.-" ' SUBJECT:: East Springfietd Rezone' ,':' :,;',' ",0.0' '~" ,:: ,;' " , ;i'Traffic ImpactAnalysis Review',:': . .' ".', "" ' .. , .' Highland Bu'siriess Park - Peacehealth,MedicalOffice Biiiiding' . ':McKenzie~lighwaY'~.OR12~'Bus, (I,i:ighwa~ #15) ,... ' 'l ::~ ;':~~lcpo.st,4.?1 ~.5.~OO._ .-.' ,:-~;.~~.~:'?:I'~::; :.:~.<~~:~:'~~7:r';:'~'~';L; "~'" ~ ,:;." ~~. ,'Clty'ofSprmgfield .j '.. ,~" ;,";;.~i",<' >:~~~~ ~OU,Ji~' ~.. .;.,~"c.~, ~:~~~~:~.';~",~.:~:.:;~~:;,~;:~:,:~' -'.~ ' $;" ") ;:'>'~~~-~ ,;,: ,Or . ~ . -':,.": : DATE: , , , . ,,:.:'.TO:'., .,.;; " "..:';' .'.';' . FROM:, , '.".-- 'I:' ;', ",.,:i.',- .J.' s. ;,J "::':'r;,,.... ,.' -,,', .' " , ,,~ " ,/ ',;' ",_: "0,.,".-,.:. ',' ,:4'~f,,~*~(:~i~.!RI~ITA:4' '.'{"."" :..,.-''"~' I' ~ -:',: . ":.o' -_ ,,~ .." -~ ',,; ,-. . ,- Qepal}:mentof Tra'nsportation.,.. ' ," <'"".:~,:. 'Region2TechCenter,,' . .' . 455 Airport. Road SE 'Building A.. , . ";,Salem: Oregon97,301~5397 , ." Telephone'(503) 986-2990 ,:.'. '~:..::' f=ax(503)986-2839 ..,....: .' .. :r< " '.' " .";. : .~'.~., .' .," ~ ,7 '. '"", .' ., ., ..~ .. -',:~ "::,;;" t;>\:' .:,.- " ,," \ ..'.' ',,;' '. ';..",: ',. , ,.\ -:J , .,File: T15,2 ':., May Hi; 2007' , ' .T ~ :-. . ':' ...' ". ""k' ". Ed Mo6re " " ,,; '.::';:Are:t 5 - Senior ,Planner . , ~.:>> >.'....'. ;-;", ,.:." ~}.-. :". " f .' " 'i-', . ": .<~ .". " , ,"." ....: -.f - .... .., " " .,,' .' .' ,. ': .'. ,. . ,.'" ~ ~.. '. ..::. ...j --....",. .... .'; "~ ."''. ",. " " " , 'Theseare re"ie,,,,. commentsfor theEast Springfield Re;:o,!eTraffic ImpacfAll.aly:sis'(TIA), prepared by : JRH Tra/lsPQl'taiionE/lgineers.The focus oftnis review is the analysis methodologies and assumptions. 'The results and conclusions of this study are in question; due to noted inconsistencies. l!.is recoinmended this studybe revised,taking into,~ccount these60mmehts. Region i Tnl[tic will need to r~view any revise? traffic study"toensur~ \tcomplies \liith ODOT requirements, beforeisctm b~deemed acccptabie. . -'.. ' . . . . ,.,...., . ,~ ' I Page ' I, ,'7 .:" '., ..' ,,' .,", "-", ".:'.4 '.,' ... .~, ./ .: "." .r.., ._ ". Ii "Comment'., , .The classificiltion.ofMain Street (OR 126) must also be listed by the ODOT hi)ihwayclassification.' . " ,'.' " , This study needs to demonstrate how the Seasonal Adjustment factors were applied to the raw traffic dat~: .A 'graphic showing ,the raw traffic volumes should also be inCluded, ' ',' , . "'" ' , The peak hours assumed for this study seem.ieas>Jnabl,;, assmning the . Peak H?urs " Peak Hour Factors were calculated off data from these assumed hours, ' and were the same for all intersections. .' The 2006-Existing PM Peak traffic volumes'dollOt seenl correct. As part of this review, calculations were made'using .the raw traffic data and the assumed Seasonal AdjuStment factofs, pr,sented in this study. The review calculations ~ere unable to confirin the traffic volumes , , 1?resentedin Figure 4. See related comment for,Page 8. ODOT does not have ,a standard from which you can compare an Intersection CraSh -Rate, This study cites a crash rate threshold of 1:0. This is not an ODOT standard, imd it is urtclear where this standard Il)'ly have.originated, The only ODOTstand~rd for comparison is a , Segment Crash Rate, which should'be calculatedfor'th~ crashes in at .' . . least a mile of the study area roadw'ay. . r'aragraph "Table I Seasonal' Adjustment' 8 II Figure 4 ,12',' . Section 3:1 . . ' . . , " ~ ,..... " . ~ '.... -1- .. 'e: ".':. '., " "', ',-" 1-39 ..'". 'c',,- Comment, . . ,This study must 'demonstrate how. the His/oricaT Growth Rates wei'e ' ..:. ' ' applied to the 200630't, Highesn{~ur trafflc volumes.Ca1cul~ti;;nst~' ".;' .'.'1 COrfilm' the'200S andi023 data,iNere' t.IiJ,able t~ d~plicate theJuture . 'volumescitedirl,thisrepott:" ,:, ;'.,..'-,....'-', '.' ",," . ',' 'This report 'states . the maxiqlUm development potential was . determined for the 'property, given its current zoning of Light-Medium' Inil"s/rial. : For this scenario, how w,aS the maxim~m allowable development determined? '. .", ,'. ' Table 5 The trip generation assumptions and o\ltP\lt in this table are accurate, " .' ,...... " ".', ;"This study's trip g~neration analysis for the proposed zoning, assumed ::. :Pi~ "6~2d' ':: a 30~000stkreilical O/Jipe Buildiilg would be the only development '" , .', Zoni~gTriP;' on thiS slle, To sa~l~fy the reqUlrements for a T~R.levelanalysls, the,.,':.., ",:;, '.Generation ',.; tripgenenition st~dyfor the proposed zoning' l~ust',be for: the :"". ,.. " " ,maximum' allowable develonment,on ,that ,Site; given the City'S', ",' .....' ,,'. ,. development codes and regulations:' ,..".' . 18" ',' ;. ,>, '.\ 18 -~ ~~., ~,,:,.;,;-., ,....,.--..... . ~', , '}> ':; ,19" , , , '. "":",". Y)l~ "i,' <i;'~}~~:ii; .., . .,." .;, ' ~:;~;': ";':\.-" 'r, ,-'.' " ~ , ~;' , ./ 'rila' ' " . ~;-.-: .. ,,"." " " .. .... ,'...,. '. .,'. "",.'. , Gl:owth. Factors' ,-'. "'" '''Existing' . ' Zoning Trip; Generation I'.. , >i . ?<". ;"", Fut'uie ,-;, . ,Build-O~i"": Traffic. " Volumes . ".-.., ' , SeCtion6;0:" Man~ai Cou~t ,.Data .' . . \..;. '-. . , .~. rila S ynchro ., '. Analysis " , 31 Section 7.0: .' -.~ -, ,.:<< ,i'" " " ;:."', 'J' '.,.~" - : , ,":.,,"': ~" '\/> , ---,,'-',," :.... '.. . : ';':""'~';::";'~"">cEXHIBIT A-9 . c,' :":".:., ,'''.'' ,.,.;:;~~S/~':W:', . ' :The.traffic volumes f6r"aU'FutureBuilct-Out:data sets willneed to'be revised 'to ',accoul}t f?f, correctio.hs ,. made" to: ,address the' previous comments, ,~..,,::: '.', "J":",~: ',".-"- .. _::,:~,,' "-" ' ,,' ," ,f ,The traffic data for this, study is in question, AllY analysis made from' these data sets is also questionable and must .be revised; ,taklng"into account the 'previo,us comments, Thi; comment can also be appiied to tile queuing analysis develo;Jed foi' this study,' " . . .The scope of wOI:k for thlsTIA required 3-hour Manual Classification' .. Counls fo~' all 'stildy-area intersections. ,However, a review .of the manmil count data was 'unable to determine. any tlUck voluine~ or perc~ntages. ,The'tlUck traffic in this study area is significant, and' " .- .-,., . ...., must be taken into account; , " .A rfview'.of the, Syqchro .outp~t has noted several 'incOlisistencies tlii'ougliout the analysis: ' '.' '. An IdealSat~rationFlowrate of 1900' pcphpl was assumed' for both 'signalized intersections (42'" & 48't'), while ,1800, pcphpl ,vas assumed for the two. unsignalized Intersections. , . The ODOT Analysis Procedures Manual requircs a saturation flow rate,of 1800 pcphpl fof" all intersection analysis. . . The truck percentages must be based on real-world data. The 'Synchro default of2% is not acceptable. ' ' . 'Unless the Yellow.Time (s) entered into Synchro for 'the "signalized intersections is based on either an ODOT or City timing sheets, this 'analysis should assume 4.5 seconds' of yellow for the OR 126 approaches, and 4,0 seconds of yellow , for the City-street' approaches. The 5.0 seconds of yellow is" generaUy reserved for'highways ,with an 85'" Percentile Speed equal to, or greater than 45 mph. . The TPR findings from this study. are in question, due to the inconsistencies noted in this,review. It is very likely they will need to be revised, based on the recommendations in this review. . 'j ~ :v, j" .' " <.... ~ . ,',.' .~ '. ._.:i; ;," , I~'. ,...... '- ~... ," ': ~l :2-:- "''';.' ~~t.~ ;, ., " ,''', ," ,', 1-40 ::.., ."..,' , ' .'" '.,; .' . " _' _ 't'~::.:;' , -, ~ ;'}'~"~,;',:~ "':. j' ,-',-- >\,' ,.' ,~ .'. . .'- '. ..',. ", ". . . " .,. . ".' -; ; .'~ . < <, -~i.j. , " ',- .... ,~. -." ,.,.' ,.;: '.'. ., .- C. . " ,,'.' ; '-",' ,. ~', " ., ~. , . : ~~' -:;:, .. ~,," . ~ t'. ',,: ~,:; ,~' .-;- '.,'. '>";'.~~ ~ '-!:.~,;~i":,..,:,.',,.r .. ,;,::~:' :;>,_ ':.,-~~. . ',', ~-.';~.. -; ",' ~. ,- -",-, -: ,~;, ~ Based on :1he,previous cOmITlents in this review:t,he ,conclusions, drawn 'and' recornri1endations proposed are in question>,~ It. is 'verY_ li~eiythey wi1rne,~diobe ~ey'ised,)ased on t!'e:rec9mmendatibns in' this review. " , ',' , " ",;' ", ' ,'.' .', ' -"/._-' '" 'S,ycti6n,KO' ,> "'. . '.,,'" ..', 'j.-.' " . v.1 ,._,' " ...)}-'. . . .", ",.'. J" '~ '-" ." '~";" ~;?;/;:" .., "" :.';'.:',~t .' _, r.{". , , If y6~'havc any' quesiiOns'regardiriii,rriyco~";"ts;.pieasecOlita~t me'lJy pho!,le at ,," e-mail at slenlten It wilson@odot state or us, ..,,;' .",. ' '\~ !j < , ~. . - , (503)986-2857 or by : ',' ".' .:ii ..,...,. " ,. .'....':~o>~.. '..' '~". . _-j.~,~.,. ,.~c:,Jlm Hanks'-})U{:.':;,.;' : ":::' DaiiidW arr~n;' : :," "':, Jane Lee::';;: "Mike'Spaeth" ". Qennis'Santos:. Fil~ ......... ~~. ~ -~:. - " " ",I". -; ,'1.. ~; " '--," .' .~,. .. ,'."'-, : :~ . ,:~' , '."'. ',:'''~ . ;..: ,'" ,,,,' .....: ". ,. ~ .,_.,'"..,--" ,,,' -. 'i, .f.: r '?~,;~-' '.r; " 'I: ..';" ~' -..:\ " ',~'~ .'~. .' '," I . ;~'. '.c-' ",', <,' ~ ,,' :. :.". :~;('" , ....,.; ~. c , '.,'" "i t,' ,.,\. __7:' ,; ',', " ^ .,.,' (l. ...,. " ",> . .' r... "",,) I", " I: " "-', ,I;" v .'. " .)<.. .;. (~-,,~, :,' " . i. " " ''; .. " c .'.: " :,., .> ~ .. . ~> ,'''; ." .i, "~ . '. ,'" , :~ .^ ~- :, --.'. ."~ . '.- ..... . ,~ ,{ , ';e" .'.}.:,,:, . - 3~' ,::' ,: - ", .., " .''':. {-.ii" I .;:.~ '. " ...:;, ~, ;~ ,)..-. . ..' . ,~_'"-:,k'."'~ .. ., ~_. "EXHI,BIT ,A.-10.: ';';:,~:: .,-;' :~.~;~ ''i - ";;'.' ?,':," ',.~' - '.:1 < .,:. ~~~.<~ . ~;- . .' ,'1-" .;,,' .': .~ ;" , <, ,...... ..,t ,,,..'-. ,,' ,.. ". . ~" '..,. .:, : ~'" :0 .; -. ..'. .~ ,...'. .,' _ ~. <:",-,,", ':" '1"",' ':,' .'." '_',' : ,,~," ,.- r'. .,.' .,.., , , . ^'<:".' . ,I;. '<<n;;t::FW: Spri~gfieJd' E~st Spring. 'd Rezo~e TPR Analysis ~i"~10j(~l:?~t~:~::;)~~ll;;~,~~" ;. ;';....,~, ~.:' ". . .'....'. !::,';"From:. ;,;'MCK~NNEY G~~.,,:<\:.,", ,:' ':', . .. ; ,..~."...\ .' ',. -. . ~':'_ . -~', ,_" ',~ .',.i . \ .. I, " ,: ";'.';'Sent: ' ;':,";'Tuesday, May 1~, 2007.4:28 PM;. <~:. """,::s:'.TO: f,<" 'REEspRpavid : '..... '. . ,'i,. :.". .,,' ., ,,' .Subject: . ::RE: Springfield, Eai;t"Sixingfield Rezone TPR Analysis Review;':., , . .,.,' -. ,"-.' ,.'....-" '." "" " " ;' .. ': ,:. :/ > < ,~.- ~ . ':.' ~..,."' .' :,Attachme'rits: LRp2007~00012 Trans mem01DOC'" '. .;' ". . -. - . '. ". ".". . " :',..~ :;~.. . "'.,' '.','or " " A__"'::~ .~;. - _ r~ ~ ~~ "":.. ,f',t' '-r",; ,:. ~,...' '.' "'. -,\ , ".l ", J . -. .' . t ;-,...,;..,~~:id,--- v' :;,;{,:;>F(S::i~.c:,. . . :' ;,::..., ," ;,.,//~.:.' .:,. ..:' " "., .'/, / I belj~ve Steve Wils~n is thinking_i~.the c~ntext of an uncoriditio~ed appr?v~I.6fthe PAPAlic~ " .,.,..,"' :'~',.:.;,.,.,".~.. .,.,.:~:',~_>,L. ,;",."" ,...,~.: ,':,."., '_. ':.; ...,:",.: -"':::""'" .... '. ~ .......: '. "GIven theapproa'chwe pl~nned,totake ,iri conditio!iin.g' this appioval, I !hii1k ortJy ite~'# is ofhi's n'oted' '" "::',, issues is releva.ntto 'ensuring Goal 12 compliance:' , . "" :,:;., ~ '. - ' , . ' .. . .>' :.'" :,..... .~~...>. ."" ;',,;_~:.> .\'/. <.c.,';'.'-' ."" ~<. ':"". . \j_', . ,; ." "" ",.'_"'r' ..-i'.;:.:~- ," ,~\ nus isstie'~~ d;scus\~d in my "April :ci6oi ~e~1o 'to yod (~opyattich~ci):' I assume you' can resporid '.' " " ";:'" to Steve's ~uestion on hoy,\ we conclude,tha.t the assumedexisting-zonipg development scenario.is no: " ..' ,."j,':.~mor~jp~e~s.~tha~,::w.~,r;:?:s~!:;::,(:: ,< ,'" ,:,:"' r':"'.,:, . :.::',"'. c ,', c,,~," ',', ' ":,". " " , "',: ., If\.ve condition tile PAPA to lil~it trips.to less Jhan or equal to what-would,be generated by the "worst' 'case;" all the6therissl,1es,appe~rmoot;, '. ".. 1 " '. ", -'.' :'. . , ", ,. ~ ,. .,-.'1' .'~ , ';. . ..,. '.Gaiy .,' ",. ,I ~: ' "."" ;...... . '.-' . j~, . '~. \', ". 0' /. ',:" . .. - ,'<; . :', -':~~. . . .~. ",- ." -~ -:- " ".-,' ,', ,"., ',6,' ',. ".," . . - :..~' .:'. :". '. ,: ..':'- , ~. ',- .. ,-' ,'t .. , .'--- ,.......,~. .... ... From: REESOR:David " Sent: Monday, May 14,200710:34 AM.' To: MCKENNEY Gary , ,,' " , ,," Subject: PN: Springfield ~ East Springfield Rezone TPR Analysis Review " .J ..,' .. ".' lGary- . ' . What are your thoughts on the attacheci'mem6? . / \, ," " -DR , , .' 'c'> .'" >..'.' ~ ':: .: - ',n' ," "cFYI . .'.., : . ~ f 1";": .' ...:'... ..,. ,'" . ~l-. . ,( ,< "Z" " r" ,;';"" ., .. ~'..." :'c' "'P..;:- -- ....:. ': 5/25/2007 ' . '. 1~42 J._ . . l -.I-" t ;" J, .~ ' . " 0",-,;' : _;" .,- ';,..,_",_ ;:!1~~}.. "," ," -.' . : ' ',-'__ '~; . . '" " ' ,,-.;-,,"'. -. "'-,'-'f' , Sp'ring~eld C,EastSpringf"' -l~eione TPR, Ar)alysis~~~iew:'\i ',': c_",i2L~'~1!;;~ . ' " ." : From: .WJLSON,Stephen B . .'1".','- . '....-." ..,~ - ',,;- '.." ',:' ~ent: Friday; May. 11, 200710:03AM' . -' .~,. ~. ' .,i '~To:. MOORE Ed w-;" :~. "",' .., '. ' ~e"'.~ ,"~ oJ:; "" ,. _,......,.'.. . _ ._ " ,r. ,. . ";_p._ """.,.s' Cc:', '.jimhanks@jrhw'eb.com; YVARgEN qavid; LEE Jane 5; SpAETH Michael'A; SANTO~ Dennis:N . . Subj~ct:" _~~: Sp"l;ngfield . 'East_'Sp'ringfield R~z~n~ TPR Analysis Review . ,,, - ,-" . . ,"" '} ~ '.". ",: " ' ., ~ ;,;. ',i'; " . .~' .". Ed "J '-;', , "'_ ' .':'. "", .',.. ' ",' "> .'..' ',. ,....1..:." This is my te'chnicalr~viewof this TIA submitted by JRH. ,t apologize for, the delay in . ,," .'.," . ,.' ..." ',.j , ." .j> ,," getting'this rev:iewout,., "'.' ~, ';)oJ", . /~, ' . ';," , . " '. ,"', . ,.,..,:,..,,',,;..,.p o?"f?' :\:~ ""~7',~".:,..:i""-'.",;,-:.- ag....._o - ~_ ;?~,'"._:.:i,~',~.~',~[~[:::t~:;EXHI8IT A~1'2 ' -.i'~,-'{i..>. . _ :,."~.'":,.,,:,;~.:'~.:,./-,::.!~',,'~~,'.~~.~~':'::,;- , ,.~~'f' ~~,.~:~n:;.. c, -,>. .." .- ..,.' I'. , ...> ;'".- .... n'.., ,.!r" \"1; -....., ! ~r ~ ".;, ~. . '.'.> ,yo .'~./ .", ,~ ' <<EastSpririgfieild Rezone TPR Analysis. Review.pdfi;> " . ,'. .' > . -' ,~ . ~.: - -. . \' '-'.. " . '. .' 4; " '\ " ,"'., " . .~' ." " . ,~. ,.'~ .~. .:"." .l''fi'~' " " '.:~ -,;;;'0.+ ~;, ..J,,)' .:i ':Step~:JJ. 71J~oflf/ff>'~':, ,Se~ior Tr?n,sportatio~:A~alyst'. . ,: "ODor Region 2 Tech Center:. . 455 Airpor~ Road ~E -Building' A' ",'Salem, OR 97301-5397 '. (503}986-2857, ' ,'.: . , ~ . , , - ..,. '\.:.: .~. ~" ",',., . !..\'.~ ,.-' ........." ...... '."J... ... .~ , :.' "'; 1:'" ." /.,~ " ~. . .-. ~ -; ';" ',' , " " .,' ".'. ~ -I,;' '. ,,-'. ,~ ~~. . . . ,.'~ " ...' --", ,~;":"~"~:'~:' "it I.' -,' .\-;" .'~ t:: _.:1 ';")i~. ',.\. " . ~"" ':. '. ',C" ....'. .. " <'..'0. . c~. _ .:. "",-' ,'~' ..' ".,., ','~ . '-: \",", - ;;~. ;-. ,c. "" '> ,;. :", ;/. ..,,',: ." ".~ " " .:<' J ..' i 1::' l:': . ~., :;' ; \. .~ "".'. ": " ~ '., " "'\ ..' ~. ," ., " ..... .....~. '-. " '':' " .r :' '.'" ,". 1: 'o, . ," ,.,.' '- ~; 'i ~:!,' 'p ....: .' " " ,-'': ;1: 1-.-43 .... 5/25/2007 ,i.' .! '.'. " , 'f:',:,~: ,._., .... .,~.. __.,', '.:.]i~~~~~Y~~~~~~t, '" REESORDavid, ',; .,;'[,:7,:: "". ,.- ",>, " ','~~ii!11{t~f\!~~Jl~{-~i{ ," .~"' ,'2:-- .:. .. ~,. . .~ . '. ~ '. . .' ,. . " : ....; , ~- ; "Froin:",_MOORE Ed \^i.[Ed w'.MociRE@odot.state.or.usj ,. <" > .." .. " ~ .. ". "' ~ " ","'" .:,,::' .. ,....4 _, ,,' .' '" 'Sent:o.:J-Aond'ay'-May'21, 20073:14 PM ,;",.,'" ':'::', '.' .:". : ' -, ". J.': -....... 'To:"",' '-'REESORDavid"': . ,,',' : ',;" " ' " , ,;: : !~.,;'. ' . ":'1' ..,' -., ", .... .~' . . _J' '.. ~" , . ;" ,-,' , " '- Subject: RE; P~acetlealth PI~ln ahd ZoniQg'MapAm~r1diJ1eni "i_':>< ,.., ..;'J',"~' _.<"~" . : '.'..;. '.' '.,',:";::,- ,:::',::.:,'~'><:I~' ~'." . ' . ~ ".,.._:f;~ ,--; '.,'Dave, thatis what weagreed,iOat Durine'e"ting and it still hold forus.'Ed; ."~," '"''~':''' .'~.~."_:_".", .,_~':,., :~...'.~'.. I," " ..',. , " . " ," ,.,.~ ." .. l\~ .,:, , ", ". . ,,--u-Original Message----- , :::,...., " ,,:, , ' I', , . " 'From: REESOR David [mai1to':c1reesor@c1,springfield.or:usj , ,.-" Sent:',MOIiday, May'21, 200711:49 AM:, /' -;. ::"", ",' ,To:'MOORE EdW (OR).., 'i .' :.'~ ,'.:,,",,; i ,-Cc: MCKENNEY Gary ,'> ,",'-, <',;', ,..' , :'.:Subject: ,PeaceHealth Plan and Zoning Ma'p 'Amendment _"e,,?:',:.:, _ ""-);.',:),. '~'\~"~:;..','~"~'>:;' ;';:-" - ""'''.~)',. ~:' . ':,'..,; ",'HIE>!-' . :';:' ;p" ,,-,,;,,t,,:.. ~"_<-i F~ ,';," ',~.,:'" ',.,_~,":~_.~" _:...~:. _~:'r.:.,,':,;. :]~J"~':::",,,"I-.-:':"~'"" :,;'. ,.,' ',"~""":'\ ,;' .",:" :, '..' :,' ".::." , " .' ' .. ,.-': ,.' ,I just wanted to clarify with you ODOTs position on th'e PeaceHealth proposal (LRP2007 -00013 & " :: "',, "'ZON2007-00012). Based upon the meet,ing~y8iJaiid'I.,had with Gary McKenney, we arealLin agreement . .'lhatthe most appropriate way-toa9dress Goal'12compliance on this, proposal is-by conditioninga,trip: " ,:,cap to :-vhat the worse case scenario. woul~ be unde;rexisting zoning (LMIJ.: Does, this sQu"nd corre,ct to ':'YOU7,,--:~:~./.,..<,'.;';" ":":';, '.; ~;:~'''~~~'':~L-)'' :'~,'.~_."":':1,. .... <.-:".....,:,.::':.'.:.:.~. ','-'- ,:." ~,...,; ".:. .- ~.,' '. ." " ,.-.' p' ,c ('. ." ..... ,.., '.. . ,'~". :;~-~: '. :.,'/, t';,. ~," ';:- ;..... "',' .'. 'c ~ ,'~ .,;:: " .', ',~ '. ~ .. ',. ,,' ...;'; ,.-, " "'. ;,'- . -". . ..;.~. " " - ~.. , !. '''j \,- 3 ~'. ".' ',''-. ',;. ; Thanki, , .;~ '\;.' .... .- : ,~ ',< ". ~" - \.. r. 'j-; ,. ' David Reesor .. , " Planner II( "'; , City 'of Springfi~ld 541.7:26.3783 ),,' , ' ~. ,',.' ._, . . '''-' :'.... ,,"- ;';1'" .\.! .,K",-, .. .( \"'- .. " \':1.. -,';, " - .' '" '" ,".,. '. .~ 't.. ,,- . ..:, _.,i ',.' '., j ., '0 ,.--., ~. "':;;'. ", 'i '.;i' ," " .', .~< . '. ~. ;, '.'.' ".'. '. ..... "./ , ,...,.'" ",.' ,'-' " . \.' .' , .' b.' ' '.'1 " ,c .( " '" ,iC .' ,.'.', " .< " .:., ":\. " .11" .-, .' J ,'.' ., " "t' 'l,.t. -;.".. ..... ....::" ... . ~. '" ." I;' . "..' ,--', > ~:~ . .Ii ". 1 ",' ...."., ,';., .'.', .'" .; .",' '\""'1 '."~ . ",1 H4' .',' .... .-Y .~ .:.". ':~ 5/25/2007 ,:" \:".(; , '.c' ,- , ,.il.~ .J ,'-:.~ , , ~"1 ~;' .'.' . ,. '~ ~" ',; " , :;;;', ,t ;. ~, . .~" " , " ..~- ' -. \'-. "~Jy..0.;,' .,;' ':; ,;, i' :.;:.:;>.~,{~~" ......,. '~"." '}- ,'," '\, " J';"- ',"; . -~ . ,;: 1~\ .' :: '-, t.. ;',... " ,':{' I. ,~'<"... '. I Metro pfan /Refin~;nentPlan ',:' Amendment Applicati6i1.' ,:," "#LRP200i,-00013i.,:", Rezone Application ,. #ZON2007-00012 , '. -, -c..-' .': "" ..~.:' Metio'Plari Amendment fromLMI to,' Commercial and concurrent' ~onihg . Map Amendme~t !roinLMI \~ CC '-. -,,' '.:-' ." ".' " , ,.,j" " './.- " - .~. J; , '~" .'1.. ,,' -,." . " ,.. ~,-' . ",". " ::"'i' .' ,,'. '~". '.~ .. - -'\~, '~;'.. ..,;., .' ;.- -,.. {:: . ";'" I"'. ...,->~, ,.J'..,. ."', -:; ,'" ,'J. .' '.' -" ). ;" ..C " .';;-:'\ "," , ..~ \. -,!.;. , , -,.' ',' . V": i.'-'.,' .: \. "'" , ,-)'; " '.: ':. ~ :' -.J ...f _' ";.,.: '-.' i;' ., ~, "' '- J.... . \~ '.' \.. -.1,.'.",: .... ", .;.; , .J.';<,-/.... " .x.' ~, t. .... .. '.. .r ;: ." ," .";.... ....- ", I" .. "'" ".' , ., :," " -". .; '~ . .j ", (', ',-" ;';.' ,. '; ;~ ATTACHMENT, , 2-1 ~, 1 ,,'-:"'.. .~~'.: ~, , ~. . , .. '.~ . If... ~;. ,.1' .. ,~.,;' ,:..,-.. "t... ..'.... 1''" ";'1" 'l.-. ..' 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" . ,~:- '. ~.-; ~. ," " " '" "..-, '~, ,'.". -~'-., -.' ", '. ~-, " " , .. ..;,. " ':< . ~ " '" ,<'> " > ".' '. " M t. ,C'J ....- i ,~ ."; ,f'. " " ..,' . ~ ~ -.' ":.1;. ~:,. ~ :", " ...\ -~ ',' ~ -1-. " '1"; (' ", ". t.,' " " .0 "...' ,.'-....,' , .'" " .J." ~. :>-, ,.-..:.'\ .- "'~'_. , ',- '!.:',. ..,,, ".-' . >< c'., ;',' ,c' ,.' ',: ~ ~ ,"'" ,', . Q t' ' ? .' ues Ions.., 'r;, :..-, , I.. '1 ,.,.'- ," '\. .. .;, . ,~, ' .? '-, : ~ . ,,;-,'.' ," ", ',( ,. " .; ',. " " . ~; '.',': .-.' .' .':~ -,','" .' ..~- .' '.", ..' ." ..; '->, '-" ;J.' " " :,,,," ,,' .,' ',,',' :;.~ . ,,',.,. " ,\- , " ~ .;~t .... ;..},<.--,. ',':. 't '~y?; . .," ,; ~'.' , ,-t..~ .' .,' :'. .:' ~ :i" ," ,-:~,,:>" - -- ~ ,~ ',-' . .~" . .-: ;' '. ',p - . ,..'":;:1).:,,,,;:;50:;~~tJt~;~1~~~~;/ ~::,;ri~"~:~I~~; ....1 .~ ~ .-/ .ri .,> .,.1 " ,c .," , .' , . , ~, ''["- :Y, ".' "',' ~.\" " ~'t.".-. _0..':"'., :..,........-...-.'.;.-.........-..,-..... " . . ~. "." "-'" '~~. .:;- .:;," ..:. -. " t. '. ~ ~ ,...t. \-. ':L;" ~! ~' " :t'.' . ". ~ . t'~~. -::;-:~.-.lr-:'?i-;;:::~~.. ';'. . ..,~ : ~;;~:~~~;, ;.; . .~' " ,. ..' '..' .,7;,. "'~~~:'..;;~~~, '')'. ><~"'~. ~~;:~<r:,;.,-.,.: ,;~..:~..:.:~.:;-:.:.~: >~<:icL--: ,.". .-...-.".' " . i" ,.. ~ .':. '~..'" , ;r., '.."~' .... .,-," .......- ,~ " ~., v !.,: :'.) ~ ":.... ',-,:'--- ::: " .' '" ,. 1,. "", '..-, I' ,: ',' .4 2-4 '. ~ . .'- ~ .'. '. " .-..'1,.... ',' ,.:;....~ . ..:' .. ,.:' -, .~ j'" ., .'.." :..' ....:.~::.' .' ."l <:-,~,~_ ." :}(....:..J ....'; _ ::1./ 1", :~ '-.~~ -,<~~"', ,~-,./.:::~ '.:' "... .' ~:.. '~:. . ..... 'TypeIl,MetroPhiil/Eas!' JyIain Refineniep.t p'lan'" i: ' :",<:':Diaaram Afuendments' :, > .', ,.' "<':^, .,' "r;;:)'{J~;?;l~~*:~i~;>~:,.::,':' ,.",> ,'", >". ", <, . ',',. ;\'VrifteiExpl~na~i~h"o'f th{Proposal . ,~:.' .~.>i~:~~>~~ ::~,~>_~~~:~;)::';~:,..~:~;~~:;5;~~':~;~~.~S;;j;,~,\;:.>> :':: ',;;',' \: ~f:; ,," ',;', "., .,PeaceHealth'oregdn~Region::' " 770 E. II'h?--venue::" " .... ' r.O.Box. 1479 " .',' ".' Euge,~e: 9regon'97440'" , ,.:,'" ,\"'L..\._..~~,.>...~~,~..: _'_'~ ).:....., '. .(': '..',;-'.., . . t,. .'-., : .,: 'Hyla:iid.Bl.i~ines.sl'ark,LLC. (TaxLot400) ;,,:, ,; 1941-A Lmfa Street, ',: '" , , , t. K ,__~~ ~ ..H~_"''''' ~,.... - '" ".' " 'Springfield, OR 97477 '.' " '''. ,,: . . ,'^, " ,'Attn:: Shaun Hyla,nd,.. , Y ":r':,~,j5.;l1),n6;808J i,' , .' ..' '.... ". . ;~. ..", " :', ,.' ';1' .'.' t.,. 0, :~--"- <::c ';,"'-"'" .'...' '~ ", - ~;'. "'-~-: .- ',,'--,-' .-.' ;.:-'"'::.Tf.:{;,.. ".., '.- ,,: s: "'-~-:,-:".: - " , : ,,/ .~' .:::-:;../': : ,,' :~. j . ".': , ,Appiica~t: .> A.: 'f .. -:.....;...=;:. ,', '~', " .-,' :' . ~ ,- ' - .';-. .... -" :, , .,-,--....'. ".', -;. , PiopertyOwners:' . '{'.~. '. .~ ' ". --.-<.---'~ -'.-':'" 'r'. ,.......- .' .~'~'.~/ 3~:' .-.", .. ~;--. ", .~. -"'.~,.~~"..'. - " , -.,....... ;, ,. .... , ". ,; .,;. '-.'. , ,t, ",) . .5'; t._ ,> ',' :"" " .. Applicant's Representative: ,'Philip Farrington, AICP : ,:Director, Land Use Planning, & Development, ' peaceHealthOregon'Region :123 International Way . "Springfield, Oregon 97477. (541) 686-3828 .' Fax (541) 335-2595 . .... , pfamngton@peacehealth.org , " ' { , ,."... '1' ',' 1.0 Land Use Request,. . , ' 'PeaceHealth Oregon Region'(the "Applicant") requests approval to' change the map designation on the Metropolitan Area Geheral Plan ("Metro' Plan") diagram from Light ,Medium Industrial ("LMI").to Community Commercial ("CC") for approxiinately 5.24 acresidentified as Tax. Lots 400 and 402 on Assessor's Map No. 17-02"32-00. This same acreage on the'site is being proposed for:a concurrent ain'endmept to the Spnngfield 'zoning map from LMito C;;C, 'as allowed in Springfield Development Code ("SDC") 12.020 (1)(a)1. ' " ','. ,'." ,'.',..', ',', " . .", ~ '~".. ;..- .:;: '. -r . .;,: {, ,". '. ' , :. "" ,,; '..... , . : .~ . d_ "., .." -",. ,:",:" . ;,\ ':'i ATTACHMENT' ., 3-1 c, .':'"., " . ,...' "". " ".' .' ,';).: :;' :.,' ", ,:'" .:,~ .;. ~ :" , ',;':' ...t... :'":o:-~:!'~11:':" ;y" ,'" . , :' :~,','" .).'.; . "~, ,', : !' ,)"c'~~il'K'i.'{ .' .:", -,'-, .' :'" ~. ,.... . , ~-" . .. .' ":-. .... <,,' ,,J_.: . ~~' ,. '," ~:-< ,',',.i....\,., ',' ,~ ,';:-111e aiea,silbject to the proposed land use 'desIgnation changes is mapped'on Attachment '.' :' {>.;' alid is referred to c6ll~ctively in tpi,s application as the"subject properties:' or "site." :. ,'.' '" <;"-~,, .:;:,.,~' ;...;~:':;y.>~:: :',,_ ;. :':, . ';:>" < ",~ /',:, ',:~ :..:'\:_. -',,:' :< 'lJ ~ ,- -,;.{.' ~;":: ,:,,:>:,-,~. .~i ~:'.:,:, :..::,;~,;,,~.. -,. ',... ! Pursuant fo SDC iilO (4),.approval o,fth~"requested Metro Plan diagram a;n"endment ,'"automati'cally amenCls'therefinementplartdiagran'i and is processed concurrently.' ':, .~' . :::,;.:. ',.i." ", ' ' ; ,". ,..,. Fi~dings of fa~taddre;s;ng the~riteria of'approvalin SDC 7.070(3) are included in thiS ' ,'C<' "narrativestatement(seeSectionSbelow). "\"', .': " ' :". ,;".". . ,.,," " '.; :\." ~." ,. ,,',' " ,.,.~:;..:: .~:\::;'.-<',i:;.,.{~;;:;:,- :; ':" .. .,',Z:O"ProjectPurpqse, Relati~nship to E~s'tMainRefI'iie!Ji~nt'Pla~', ':. .,' ,Ii ' ". ' , ;;.. The Applicant seeks fo redesignate and r~:zone the subjec(ptoperties tp CC sothey may' , ,"':,,,, , ',.'be develop'ed for commercial uses (i.e"Tax Lot 400), including.apossible future rriedical .-,:' ':'.' ;1:;,:' .<clinic\vhic~ could"serve resiclenis in the growing.eastSpnngfieldarea;'and to be allowed ' "" ,.~. to continue long,standing corirmercialoperations (i.e.,; Tax Lot 402). 'Approval of this" " .' '.Jand use,request would preserve employrrlentimd eXisting viable commercial operations" ,.:' "...oriTax J;.ot 402,ai1d create stable family-~vageemplmIDent oppomihities on Tax Lo\400 ',:.: :' " ':,: a vacant and underused industrial site, The proposa]would also help beautify this '. ',., "':'.":,<) portion of Main Street [ibin itbraditionaliridustrialyard uses, and:future developrrie~t", '.', ",', ". .:wouldprovideasuperiorbu{fer for residel1tialuses to the wesithancurrently exists.. ; ,.,:, " .. ,~;,-" . ".: "',,' ,. .. .,. . '-, .; , ., . ".~, ' , ''"' _,,"" ;_, '.. _ " : ' , . .' > ' ,"';, '..1'. t... '- ~ - .. ,. ';< . '" " . ~., ,', --, . " -, . ," -" .: -The proposal is also consistent with the E,ast Main RefinementPlan (EMRP) criteria for , " ..'.' . ,:~~. ': designating property as Commercialwitl~inthe'refinement plan (EMRP, pg,: 12) since:' '. ' " . ," __.' :af'The proposal would not be an intfusion into a well-maintained residential" :'. .. ." neighborhood. ' The proposal 'Y01ild allow for higher qu~lity. development thari' has . . hisiori~ally existed on the vacant industrial sIte (Tax Lot 400), therefore providing opportunity for lmproyed buffem\g betw~en abuttmg reSIdential and non. . ',residential uses. Tax Lot 402 bordeisonly Tax Lot 400 and.two commercially " .' zoned parcels, so legitimizing the,'pre.existing corirmerclal uses on that property 'would n()t affect the existing residential area nearby. , " . b) Jtdoes not increase conflict,between Low Density' Residential anCl Commercial 'uses, but in faCt can provide for uses and development 'far superior to those that, . ,ha'vetraditionally be,m located adjacent to the abutting residential area. ' ; Moreoyer, the area abutting Tax Lot 400 to the west is zoned 0edium Density . Residential, t~ough ih primarily low density residentiallise., ,,' " ',' c) The criteria for designating Medi~m Density Residentiillland does not apply because the subject'properties are not currently developed, nor have they ever: ' ' been designated, for MDR uses, , , ' . ' , d) 'Legally created commercial u~es have e~isted on the properties, and the proposal. , . would facilit~te higher quality: cominerciai uses (such'asme~ical offices) than , 'have existed before on Tax Lot 400, and allow for Plan designations and zoning' to correspond with long-st~nding'legally'established commercial uses o~ Tax Lot ,'. '.'.. ',402. .,.., ,. I.. '_'. "~ . , e) Adequate acc';ssexists to' an arterial street, with existing curb ClltS directly onto . -,"i Main Street .',' . j, .:, " ',' .~,. ,. , . . ;-'}" ,;',~::'~" ....,.."', ' ",~~:\'~ . " .... , ~ . .'- ...,:'.:.. ,- r',~. ;:,';r {:.,,' , '.~'... ~:--': .,.. '';' '. . ,'''' ','. , ' " " ;.~ . ,'.; -'., . -."-:,' ",' 'Jl. " ;'., ,; ,<' ',,<; '.. .~ '. , .' '.".,/"..,-', . ,i-' .. . l~ 3-2 : ',;..'- " - ~:" ~ '..: -, '<;,' :' ,';;;:~:n:~,~s;'\~j~;s\~;;:,;t~~~;:;:;, ,,~":.~~}k . ,;~;; ,/;: MetrOfla4tEtViRP:Diagrarii~e!:,dment,. " ': :,r~:~ce;;;}~o~~eg,o~, RegiO~;:'\:':;':;'::):, ~." . ., ",,:,.'. ',' , . ~... l' ',. J'4 . ""~")" ".',' ';:..~;" .~.;::! ," ", ~;{~::~':~,:~~:,;":~:F~(t~}:~;:'.:\~::'l _ ..r .." ,\:.:~;." t~.; ,:: ,:~~;:-" :;',:',.' " Po: "', .'.' 4: ,:,~,:::,':""~.:.~ T .,- . f),'Upori ~ppr;val ofihis '~ecii.H~st~the's;t~would ti5ve"'a Co~e~cialde;igna;lOn on 'J" : " ;,.:, the'Metro Plan diagra"m. . " :.-.. ..;i,'~'. ::.':. :>>. . .> " .:;: ,,,' ,'./< :, '" ':'-' ',!;:~6:~':Z\:""j:,;;.>t, ,:/,.",:"~' ,,',::',', ';">;";,,:' , " ,. "':>'",'Thep~oposalis als6c6nsist~nt withEMRP. Policy 2: "Apply site-specific Commercial-." ;:, . .. :"', :. ".". "refinementjJlal1 desigilatibns,to clearlyde.fine the,liI1)itso~ newc'ommercial uses where: .. 'there is not an existing, legally establishe~, and beneficial mixing ?fuses.~' (pg..12) The ....., . , " , proposal to allow for a: broader, more beneficial rangeofcomrrierciaTand employment' " . """ ".generating use's'on the subject pr,operties.,It would also improve the area and better '" :.';.' ::~':;. ' :', distingUIsh anci buffer adjacent resideI).ti;1 and ;~dusln~Cbusl~ess p~~ u~es..'. '" .,., , - . ';:' , ',' "jO~i;' C~~ti;t)X,'.:;);;{jUJ:;~;~if:(',.,", ' ,.' " : 1he'subject properties include a vacant, flat parc.el (Tax~ot 400) and existing:', ' 'commercial development (Tax Lot 402) eas't Of 44th Street" alorig Maill Street in' east .Springfield. The'site isbordered'on.the south by Main Street; on the east by the Hyland ' <. ,...~;,Business Park,.on ~henorth'by an'ope,na:ea so)ithofthe:Wey,~rh'a~t!s"r.pl\ll site (Ta~ Lot . , ", '. 400) or an existing commercially zoned parcel CTaX:Lp,t 40~);.and.on the west by other" ,,'.- :'. small-scale commercial enterprises (e.g.,-a cabtnet shop a~d'k~riite'school) fronting Main" .'.' .,' Street and residential homes along 44th StreetwesfofTaxT:ot 400.~Commercial '" enterprises are located immediately south ofthe site acrtlss'Miiin Str'eet (e.g., Gray's, " ,'," ,:,~<l[den?en,ter?". /: !,.~; " " ,~'j.':..:,,:'" .'-:,,:~';:~,~' :;' , ,'., r ,,:Wbile historitallyinvolved in ~griculturaruses,sirice arb~.md 1.990 Tax Lot 400\~as used .asa,storage and sales yard for landscape organics and forest by-products. The current' , , ,',/ property.,owners also used the site to store modular cbristruc.tionoffices, tool trailers, construction equipment and concrete 'forrnplywood.: Tax Lot 402;has had valious> . commercial services on site since the1950s. ' ' . " . ' l.: '. '.,' The properties have no jurisdictional wetlands oi inventoried Goal 5 natural or historic , ,,'., . ..' ,,'" ". resourc9s. The site is within"the Springfield Urban G~owth Boundary, and;both parcels' were'annexed into the Cit}'of Springfield in, 1960.', The EMRP. diagram (adopted in '.. '1988) currently designates .the subject property for.iridustrial uses. . ' ' , .' ,. h' . ...., ',-' . " '-i;, . A, . ".,'." '., ',' ,';'. ".... .'- > ,'.: ' The abutting property to the east is designated LightJMedium Industrial in the EMRP diagram and zoned LMI. The areas immediately to the west and south of the site froilling MainSt[(~et are identified as being within Mixed-Use Area #2 in the EMRP, and are,all ' zoned Community Commercial., Propert"y to the west of Tax Lot 400 alo,ng'44th Street is ,zoriedand designated Medium Density Residential. .". " .. , , " ',; , j' " .' . ..: ~; :~t ': ". '3 ," .. ..... " ",.-, ',,' ,., J " " ~ 0' - " , ,,': '",. ,: ,> ),. ...- , ,','- .,;t:"'-, r -'''.'': : " .....,',. "'. - . .'~'- . ,.. j' ...... '.' 't. , , ,"~' , ". :,...;.;; i.'; ,', ~~ , ~', , , ; ~~.., <!. ';". .:;. ,;,~ ". .' ';', ;", ".. -,," , 3-3 . ".....,:./,," .'. . ....., /" . ~~ ..... . :.t: ,,' '.~;::;:.~': . , . ,"'.,. '''. ~ ,. " <' ,'" .;,' .i-".",: ,'" ':,\.,. ; ..:;. ',' .-'J' ", ,'-"" ",- " , ." --,. ,. .' ' .t, , ' . ,~. ".' ~J!t;~J~1~~~(~t~~f{~1~~JJj~h;?\;~','~;., ;: <"':";;~";:"~')<":::'::"';;;',.3:<~':';"~, " ~'~;:,t,,;:;~(.:,.,;~:(.(, "';':".-,;\' ),3!:~~i",~ ,,:i "1.(O,'Hyp'eII'Metro Plim' Diagram' Amendment, " ;," :';~><' ,~, 'Amendm'ents to' the Metro Plan are classified asType I or TyPe II amendments": . " ";:,,,:dependingupon'the specificch~ngessought. Theproposed Metro PI~m and EMRP" , ',;~ "",;. "," " '''',:' ',,;-;<' :ainendments are,Ysites'pecific" and relateJoproperty solely within the corporate limits 9(',;;' :,; :, ;.' 'C- ,';';: -,' :' ',the Cltyof Springfield.jheMetro Plan d,efines Type II amendments.as::, '" ",' .' ,,;. '. ',;,"':.,_ ,"... -:. .~:,>",._:'~..~.'-::.,~':..'~c" "", ,":',' ,,~-.':' ::!:.'" '~'~"':,.~:',~"".,"~'.'.',,,:.',.-~,.,.,, " ".- .~ ,.. ",.. , '., ,.,;' ~"':;"+'<:"~ 'j,":,'; J:[A]py chaqgeto .the Plan diagraInor, Plan text that is site specific " "., ' '/.' :.:.'::,' :,::;' -,;", ;:;and ncit otherwise a Type Lcategoryamendment."<" . ,:.,' .' ':. :..:<;, ~:'(~~:~,~}f~~'::;,;~:~'t~t;"7:~-';.~: 2:.~r:~{~':_~/,: .,-.:~:",;:-" "':.~.:, ' _'~ ,';.:' -~'{"'.;;-., ,:" ..:: .:.: "; ': -' .:, -',,:'~':, ;../::,~:' ~ \~ -:::,~..-.,: -( , ';:\<:Th~:propored.'amendmeni.is a Type' iI ~ite:spetific am'endment because it:' . '".. ~. -',<. t : "::~..:t':'?:"2',~':j~;i}~i;~;~~~;~!.~f~:~~;'~;:;;f:',, I "'.' . " ';- :'. --~ :... '. '.. . 't ,..~::,:". '.: _ '" ...:~', ";., . :';', '-. ':. ,.":. "'.' .::: ,,' . '. .' ';. "':,.;Z:A5r}:'.~;>InvQlyes a'specificgeograp,hi~ally identifiable property; :-', .' ,," ~.',' . ~.; :',__,,:?'r-:,)':F:'-;'~:~'-':~~';Y,<'~::'''~''\'<f;'~-''._:;'... ','}, ._}..'....~ . ,.':' _<;w,-,~: ~- .-:: . .: _' ',~. ~_'. ,_'" ". 'c _' q" .'" ,k ";. \ , " " };',);:.;,:~'"!;V" ~:~>D~M to't change themei;opcil\i~~ Urbab. 'GioWthBou~dary; \, '. ,.,,'," ,,-.:''-~l~~'.:,\:>.}!.,~~~_''-;A;'''_:'':'{';.' "".' ".-<.':",;, ...... :~.,.., '...~,.,' . .'~. .' '," . ."- J~' :.~". .' ",'; ~~: :~~ "I(o,~s not cli.a~ge the Metro Plan j~risdictiorial boundary; '", ,:": ;", .~~.i~{~~~~~~,r'ge;~';ij~~;~'~+~,>,; )i' , " ,,: , ,', .:::;~ 1.;~',,;,:,:~'~0i'.~';'Dbdoriot i~clud'~'anon~sii~';p'ecifidmeIidineb.t'6f the M~troPI~~ text; and ":......_.~~...,.,~ ':,:.~;'~'t'_F~:,,..;_,,~,:;"f{r';', ) .'. " ", - !,..'," . . .,', ...._ " . "".:'_"',' . " , .', , _ -."1 '...." ;,.., ' , ' ,', '. -., -"<'";''':;'.:<'A~pi;~s on!yto' propertylocated\~ith;nthe'SpringfieldCitYI;niits. . ," . , ~ ,..;,."r~':'-~".:~~~:'.',~,~~>.~::": .,~ . ',.-,< ';" ::. ".,,". .~. C '. .:. >_~ . _:"< ><::': ~ "'. ", .' " ,~': , ,- -,,:.:. ': . ",' . ""II: Acc-ordingly, thecurrentproposal is prop~rly characti'irized as a Type II amendment (as, "', defined irfSDG 7.030) that must be reyiewed and approved by the City of Springfield; " .'consistent.with SDC7.070 (2)(a) Per sbc 7,040 (2)(b), thiscitizen-iiIitiatcd Type II: M~t~o Plab. ainendment~caIi be initiated at anytime. '. ' - . . ",I' . . -.~ ~. ,;'-.. !.~, . ~, . '. ,"~ '\,-' .,'. -: ~ .. .' "'.'.' "':.." .,,'0, ..-." ,,' '," '," ,,: '~:' . . . .' ~. . ,,:,' ~ . - :" ',,'- . '~'. .. . ': ;..- ~-:: .:, .,.',.' '.. ." . . ' . ","" .'\.> .5.0. Applicable Approval Criteria - .." , ", , . Type':IIMetro PIan arrrendments are evaluated according to the criteria of approval 'contained \vithin SDC 7.070 (3),: which provides:,' '. . ,:, .1' .'" "The follo'wirig criteria sh~ll be applied'by the City Council in "approving or denying a Metro Plan amehd[!lent applicatiQh: " . . . ' ' .1, . -.,' (a) The amendment must beconsist0r,t with the reIi:yant ,,' Statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation .d.nd De."e!opment COrnrlli'ssion; and , " . - (b ) Adoption of the amendinent must not make the, Metro 'Plan internally-inconsistent" . '.',,", ,~ ~ ;1,' , '::,... -'~. . :'.- . " . -', . '" .- ~. 'il" ',-, . ."~ "':"." > Findings demonstrating 'consistency with the approval criteria' are outlined below, '. " ' '. ',,'" " , . ..... ,'. .'It: l' _:, ~,'. ..' ,l '. .': " >- " ;:: :_~\ '.-,. ;" -~.. ; .,' ~,. '~. .' . ",', ; r, . .-, ... ~\ ,l . " ",' " '3~4 .~ .- ~;j <: ~ ",~ , ' ,'. ,;,;(i;;j~~(tXi~t;~;'c;J,i0~'t;;',;;J,'<;/~(~:~':,..:' .;' ,';:\';. , :\>,.;" ';,;:" '" '.:' Moiro Plan/EMRP Diagram Arllendmellt , " . ,- :.~:/7 'l)~..: . PeaceHealth Oregon Region ",;:'{::;, ,'~ ",;' . .,"',:':;', ;',::l'viarcl\ 15, 2007" ',' ,,;:: \. :','; , , "',-i', .. '.- ' ..,,':;:' ", ,':;/0:' ,,"';<~:,7~::\:;i};,:'~;>'~!{/;!':';;': ;', ,<'" ... ':',':. ",'- """ ." :',;'::~: .,,:5.1 "':Corisisten~y wiMSnitewide PlanningGo~ls '. " " ';'.' ',,: ,," ':. Thefollowingfiridings address compliimce'with Metro Plan criteria in SDC 7 070 (3)(a). : 'i:' ;.:, .," "Approyal ora Metro I'la~diagiam amendnient'also correspon'dingly.changesthe ' .c., , , " applicable refinement 'plan' diagram, ~s established In SDC.fll 0 (4), ," ',,' '~""~'.> ',-. ::/~~"":.'."''''f.-,:!<....'' I',':,..}; ..).:-:;:". ..;:;-...~.:~:;"....'..~';~- .~'>.' '.',.... '_";"', ,',"Goall'-Citizeninvol~ement; ,,". ,', .:i:,..". .', '." ,'G~~ll addresses:themied todevelopacitizeniriv;lve~e~tprogram,t;ensur~.citi~~n, - ,., '.:::' .,'. invot'veJJ1en(inall phasesofth~ land',use pla:ming process.'}hellanningCommission'. , ',.,'. " and the City Council will hold public hearings and accept testimony on the p,roposal . .:. ,,' . " ':" ' , . Through the.procedures established by the city, citizens will r'ecelve notlce ofheanngs'in ,.:". .~: : " , :,.". '," ..,' .. .. ", :generally published local papers and haxe the opporti.mity,to l{e heard tegardingthe '.. . ....",... '. , , "'~. proposed diagram amendment and zone.change. Notice o(the public hearings will also ., , be giv'en in accordance with SD<::'require~ents'to nearby'property owners, interest,,:d' ,. , , ,... paiiiesrequestingnotice, and.any established neighborhood organization.' Since the r :..""..~,;'<\. ,;,' , .. ' ' a~endments 'comply with the City's citIzen involvementprogram,and citlzens have'.. .' : ' \ '. "..,.. :, opporjunities to be Involved in th.e'procedure, the'proposed amendments ~re consiste~t .."., ... " ",>,:~",,/ with(Jo~l\'-.',:"", . '" .." ," ,,":~: ..., ";, '''';U~;::;;!;,'i'. , .. ,,/:''''!b~~12-La~JUs~Plan;i~g- ",<. ,<,: ""'" ",'''h';!!",:-,,~''''''" '~, ,;',' '.. '". ,Goal2 requites that local, comprehensive.plans be" consistent with the Goals, that:rocai:'".': " r'. ',), ,,: "...', :comprehensive plans be internally consistent, and that implementing ordinances be '.' '.' ":':, / consisterit with, acknowledged comprehensive pians. .Goal2 also requires, that.landuse ' " decisions becoordinated'with affectedjurisdictions,and'that they be supported by an:'"..;, ',< ,adequate factual base. As required in S~C 7.050, the City is required to give refelTal ,.-, " 'notice of the,proposed Type II Metro Plan'diagram amendment to the City of Eugeneanc~ Larie Cou~ty s'o they rnay deteimiile if there, are grOl;nds to participate as parties to th~, ,'" hearing/The City also sends the statutorily required notice of the initial public hearing" , 45 days in advance to the state Department of Land Conservation and Development, ' , ','ensuringthat they .are given opportunityJor comm.ent an9 review conformity ~o ,.' "applica1:Jle statewide planning goals.:' ", ,~ .' ",' " .. ,:';:',' .' " ':: '.'Io'.::,.f" . ,.-' \' ~:' : "-;. ,\ ':, :, '-r,:" " " ';:.' '.,or ", ,.- " ,- . ,I; ~, .. '.~ " ","'." :" ,.",~' ~ . '. .:';' , ., " .' ,... -.- '. ....-. , ..., The Metro Plan and the So"C;as well as the Statewide Planning Gouls and applicable: ,statutes,provide policies and criteriaJor;:the evaluation of comprehensive plan . amendments. Compliance with' these measures assures an adequate factual base for" · 'approval of the proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment. ,As discussed elsewhere'in this document, the amendments are consistent .with the Metio Plan and the Goals, Consequently, by demonstrating such compliance, the amendinents satisfy the consistency element of Goal 2. .. ". .. ",.-," , .' . Goal 3 - Agr'icuitur'al Lands ,', This goal is inapplicable because as provided in OAR 660-15-000(3),Goal 3 applies only to rllral agricultural lands. Tl)e subject prop;;rties.are located within an acknowledged , '. urban growth boundary, are'inside Springfield' scorporate limits, .and have not been. in . agri?ultural us~Jor decades; , .' .-.. ~ ..-> . .. , ?,' " .. , '., ,. ," . " ...., -". .- . ., " I '!". ".' \. , ,; .-,' < ,-' '.,- .,"-"." ;.,'-",.,."" !., ' '-', . ~, . . -" ~' . > " '. . ~ ,...., . " .'.'1 ~ ' , , 3~5 -' :",'.: ," - .....-. , ~ t <\,>::'~'Ji'>"" .":".- 't:..... -, " ,'" '.,,/:.,.'.,,',:,',,<.;.,:<",:~~~~.',; ::i~; ~~,'\;,/~'" ::~.::~:~:f~is~}ii~) ,); F: :; " ,: '.' ';, ';~ ,~. :. '~; f~' '''T-::, :!;" , ' . ,>: .. --'_ "Metro Plan/EMRP Diagram Amendment , . ,,~, .;::~";,;:::/::,,:b PeaceHealth'Oreg?nR~gion":: " ,.' , . '" . " ",,.:;,,,;,March 15: 2007 ' "',' , ,,,,.~' " r.. '_, . '.,.' ,,:\:-.., '..>. .,. . ~ ~ :'~;::::~~rd6:;l;0Ftie:~tLa~~S . i: ,:::,!;-, ,,:,: ,'" '~'. 'i-:;:');;~:\" ,,:'_ : ,Goal 4 does not apply'witl1in urban grO\vth botindaries,pe~ OAR 660-06-0020; and the .' ' " "'-, '. , ; . - . -'.. . ~ c' -', .: . .'" -' ',' , ,.~- " i;c' ::"ar,eas affected by ti)e Plim amendments are ip.side Spri,ngfield's acknovil~dgedUGB. . ',:".-: ' .,;;' .,", """-";">::.:,:~:-~.,'.,~"",;:' ':;:: ;... . " ;....,.. ,.\-;:: '\.,..." ' '"./~ .- -', '-;.:~~:'-,~:..:,:.<_:l~~J: GoaI5~Nat~raiResouices '. '.,'...::'".'" .,.'.;,..,'; "':'",'y,;,'.(',."J/)t.., ,'..' " .. " ,,' " ' . .', . ~ ",' .~. ~. ' '. . . , GoalS requires local governments toyr6tecta vanetyof open space, scenic, historic: ~nd .',' " " .naturaI.reso"urce values:' Goal 5 and its implementing rule; OAR Ch. 660, Division,16",:' :,: ,,:-; ':i", require plmming jurisdictiol)s,:at acknowledgffientand as a part of periodic 'reviewito:" ' . "." ',i:;::(;~} 'ff~;i4S~{7~~"';{;" },:~}.\ ,.'" , ,0 ;. , . (2) ,; detemi.ine theiiqtiality,qliantity; and )ocation;, ':;' ot, ,);'~"'-:':':.:"'.'...: :,~"',,.:.~~;-:'~.~. ~'\}:~':"' 'f~~,:".., /,~,~"::.t:~ '::"\:::,' :~- _'_: " ,.,(3);, jideritifyconfliCtiilg uses;, ," '..,' ",::", '>. ::'. .". , . '~~.',_ >:' "_':'.;:',""i':~'. .:, ':.',.'.< ~ ':".', . ~"',"'.J":~":< ;'<:'.<~,-..".." , .~.~ q ", ',.~, ,/, (4)., ,.~xamine, thee~onoinli:;, social, environmental, and energy::' '. ';" ", :::;.~;;(ESEE)consequehc,e~ thai could restllt from allowjng,', ,.""', '., s. , "/,,, ": ",.~::', lirp.i~ing, or prohIbiting theconfliCting,uses; and '.' t' "':- ",:,.;, :"!':.'; ,,:<_:>,,~,',,~,:,~;;,;",,:..,:'_ -,r':i~"~"":":('''_~::''''-':':'/ ,,~.._.~: ::','~- ',' " ..... ,,'. ~'~....v_. ..,.~,/.l; .. ,,' ": JS~; ,~evel~p,~r~.gr~ins to,reSOlve ih:,~~~fli~ts. , :," '" ,.,,: .'.' .:," ',', " '" The subject properties ~r'e not on Spnngfield's 'acknowledged Metro' Plan Goal'S'" " ,. , .; ',: ", ",' ,'I,,"'" ',- _',' " . , inyentori No thieateried,or en~angered ~pecies have been inVentoried on the site, and no' . 'archeologicalor significimt historicai inv~ritoried resources are located on the site: The ':: <',' ,: National Wetland lnventory',!'ndSpringfield Local Wetland ln~entorymaps have'been '; ", : :consulted and there are no jurisdictional ';Vetlanddocatedon the site. Therefore, the ':, ' proposed amendment does not alter the City's compliance with Go~l 5. ' . .. \"', '. '.' "".,' ,'t-". . ~- .,--, . '....;. :} '. , >:,: j .... '.' " , ".,.. " , " -,' " " ~" .'~ )'. >" ' '<oJ':' 't """j" . ,,' 'j' . i"'" .' " . '. - ":<7:;. \ '. -,: ;, .: , ',' .'" ..,_r.' . .:-" . ,.' , ..,-.',' . "":":, ,~ .,.',".; t-", , ", Goal 6 - Air, Water, and Land Resources Qitalily , ' . ,.' . The purpose of Goal, 6 is to maintain an<;l improve the quality of the 'air, water and larid reso,urces of,the'stite. Generally, Goal 6 requires that development comply. with " . applicable state arid federal air and water quality standards. In the context of the proposed Metro Plan diagram amendmimt, Goal 6 requires .that the applicant demonstrate , that it is reasonable to expect:that applicable state and federal environmental quality,., " , standards can be met. " " ' ...,' ..', "." '..' . . "1""' '..,' . , Though Tax Lot 400 has been used for low-value storage and quasi-industrial uses, the 'site is not listed on any state'orlocal environmental clean-up list. A Phase I environmental assessment on the subjeCt property was. conducted and recommended':. . additional analysis. Upon recommendations tMou@Jthe Phase 2 environmental .- assessment a nominal quantity of soil (less than 10 'cy) impacted by earlier/historic use, . was removed from the site and properly aisposed. Given the nominal impact' generated , by historic uses on the site)t is reasonable to conclude )hat future development on. the site will'be able to demonstratecompliarice with Ciiystandaids for water quality, . . protection tMOUgh the site plan review 'process,thereby'comp1'ying with applicable 'state . '- , " , . and federal environmental quality siaI1da,rds.' " . . . . , . c, . {I,". . f.~' ~. .', ' ~. '.-' \,\' ,. '. .'..' ~ 'l , ;':' " '" : . r' '. ~- :, '" " ~ . ~', ", . "', . ,.:. 3-6 i:. ." '" " ", ,. ...., . ~~ ','., ' ..' lJ',~{:~;:;'":;;~;i):;!;;;~::1:'>.", . ,', . :" "':' ; Metro Plal1lEMRP Diagnim Amendment .<: ',::Pe~ceHe"lth, Or~gonRegion ',,: ',/ .'" :, "Marcli'15,2007' ;"',' ,,', : ," . ".-" ,I;' ,.,.". '", ',".,", ..,. "..:' ." . :;\;::<';.,..'..~. . . ' '", .,' .' ..,."" :. ,J",',' ','. "~t'::",. . ..:' -,'~' " '" .. -' _ .C"'~' ,';' )' ,...,.', ,GoaLt .::'AdasSubjectto NaturqIHazarils ,;' .,,/ ..,. " ",;:", '" " " Goal.7n';quires'that developmentsubject tp dainage"from natural)iazardsan'd disasters be "'-',;,:iplanned arid/or constructed' with ,appropriate' safeguards aridmiiigation~ The goalalso" ,i" ..' .. ,,>" >': ';, requires that plans be based;6n: an in~ent~ry o'flcnowri are'].s of natu;aldisasterand. ,:" " ,: ',:/. .hazards; suc~as areas prone t9 landslides,. flooding, etc.' .' ',:",' " ,';', ,::..", ..,' , ." "'- ".. , '.- <, "" .',' '.!:': " ' .. ":,; ::',. ~. :{.,,~>:." ,.' .... ......,; " ~' .,. - ...../y>~..-::.: ::';i.t'.,'" . ". .\ ,,;,"':'" "..' , , " '. '. " v. - <. l' , : < .... . ." "~" ,:-"" -' <. ". ;.:' .:.;,. " .-' ~ :" ",' '.,' ", '.; :' , .~ , '. .' - .: ~ Th,e sit'eis flatqnd nofsl!bject to landslide hazards, and is located well outside ofarlY ,:., ',,' .,;. " " ,,: ;/..'. established FEMA flood hazard area. Therefore;approvai oftheproposed' Plan' . ,:,'\' """'" , .':,' ,;':'. ::.. amendments will not alter the City's acknowledge~:compliance with Goal 7 through lt~:, .., . ':. '. ';' ,;, ,,-,adopted plans',codes and procedures.;: .-:-:. ' ,:,:,\,,',,' ','t. . . .' ",'. :. ,.>:' i"' ,:~<,~, , '. ".. :',.-.".' , .'.~ ,'. .,. "", -i~. ..;',., :... ,': " _ . ' ,(',' ),' "- . '" v' .' -.' ,.'~'_.:, . " '. } __" :~r:: . . <. " ;'." ", ' :,',GoaIS": Recreationa(Needs: <.,' .., , "," . .j.:,;. ' .: ,..",; .,,' , , " .G~~18iequires local gove~ents to plariandprovide for the sitirig:of neces~ary .:: " ,recreational facilities to '~satisfy the recreational heeds of the citizens ofthe'state arid .' " ". ", >: '-visitors;" and where appropriate, provideJorthesitingofrecreationalfacilities includirig':c, ,: ,",' ,.', ",'-' " 'destination resorts'- The subject site is not included i'n an inventory ~frecreationat" sites; , ':-,:,',,' ," and th~ proposed amendmen)s will not have a~ lmjJact on the community'~ recreatIOnal. . ',:' ",' .., " .' facilities or needs; therHo're, the proposal does not implicate Goal 8.: ,,"', , ',< ' . ,,,:' '. ". ',; " . , : .... ,,' .".'. c. ":<'": '. '". 'i':<'~'<,: ";, : '." , ,Goal 9 - EconoIDic Develo'pment ,. " , <' " <' " Goal 9 requires the city to provideqdequate opportunities for a variety of economic. " , actiVities vital to' the health,.welfare;and prosperity".o(the'citizens. The proposed.. : ,":' amend~eriUo the 'Metro Plan diagram will'increase the city's capacity fOl;economi'c ....=' ,,: ..I.' developmentby 'adding 5, ,acres of CC in place oftheexistirig industrial designatiori. ':.' . , Permitting the constru'ction.of future clinic facilities 'and allowing long-standing. . .,...." , commercial uses on Tiix Lot 402 to become corifom1ing uses consistent with comrhetcial , . zoning is consistent with numerous poliCies inthe City's adopted plan for compliance,,- ' with Goal 9, the Springfield COlnmerciaFLands Study (SCLS).. "'.. ._.r...:._ \.', ,', 't' ....., " :,:1. .','-.".'.", 0",1 '., :,r.~, . , . " ,,".' ','-., .' ,...- . . ,..,' ~ ~. '''' . -.< ,Spycifically, thefollqwirigSCLS p'olicies ;re app"tic~ble to the'proposal: . 9 ..' . ~ I . '_ ' Policy I-A: "Maintain a mixed supply oflarge and small commercial sites through strategies su~h asrezoriing or arinexation to serVe Springfield's,: .. < future population.". '. "" ..' " "" .' " , The'proposal fulfills.this policy objective by redesignating and - thro~ghaccompa~ying zonechange - rezoning land from industrial to comm'erciaI, tor two. tax lots of varying , sizes and commercial uses, thereby maintaining existing employment and commercial . use in Tax Lot 402 and providing the ability for growth in~medical sector 'employment by allowing future clinic uses on Tax Lot 400: ' " Policy I-C:"Maintainat least a five~year supply of commercial land within the Urban Growth B01.indary (UGB) th~t is curreIit1y serVed or " 'readily'serViceable' with a full.range of urban public facilities,and . s~rvices.;' . . , . '" ~ .' '. ;1 .~ ,', , 3..:.7 " ....,.. ....,. , r"'~'''''f:' .:,:[. :..~r.~:~;~:::'::~~'.1.(~'i:::.":~.:;~.:r . .".'~~'<'.:"<..~".'.,- ,ii:;;~)i\,~ft~:?>:~h;t:<',A~~i;;Y"~~!::~";0i.'~;!;;:':'t::T. ','" ' ,;;':~,;< ;.., ,", ',' ",'".Metro PlanlEMRP DIagram Amendment' _ - :,_ ~~~::.;":':ch '.~~:, :PeaceHel!lth,Oregon Regl~n ....j'~ (_. . Lt,. , ..' ,.,"~,' '<" 'March 15,'2007 ." ,.,,',., ,J ...'" ,'.. , " . .~, ".< ,,;~" .. . . '.:" , , i: .,;,':~;};1":,::~';~':{::""",,,,~:, /: " , . .:'" ;:': ,.;_:';/~:',,;,,~ ,..., .,. ,i ..:, '. .;,.:'>,,;\';:, "", , ;"'Th~SCLS(s~e;r'abie3:8,pg: 32) found ther~ tote a deficit of' 158 acre~,in ih~ supply of . ,'" ''-,,;., 'commeiCialIand over demand projected thrOligh the year 2015.;' The p'roposal would,: ;';;': ,,,,'. " ,'.c.:.,., , j,., ",allow for redesignation,and rezoriing, dffive aCres thereby"reducing'the detlcitof.: ." ,'. :,3::':: ,comiTIercialland.The subjectsite hasa full range of urban p'ublic facilities and servi~~~,":~;:' :'" ""." .: ' available to'-suppbit existirig'commercia1'development on Tax' Lot 492,"ilnd' future' ..' " '. " , .' development on Tax Lot 400: The SCLS identIfies (pg' 33) a need to support .." .,,: ;:, ' ',' "employment in population,dependentsectorssuchas retail. sales ,and healtl-i,s,ervices" to ':, ": ,~,., , ,"." meetSpririgfield's growingcoriimunity:The SCLS also doted (pp.27-29)state'apd local,"' . ';- tr~nds, in greater emploY!llimt!11 retail, trade'ancl \Y~Ji:pi1ying"heal'th'sei-vi~e'ssectors:',!" ,,:;.' ' " :.:' ~ .:,~Appr()ving the proposed 'redesignation and zsne change w~~~ld ~e!pmee~ Springfield'S' :.. , ,demonstrated need for employment and commerciaLsei-vlCes:. . ..... c"':'".. -;' '~"~';.' ,"" j'" . '-, '>.:\< t.' ,:-"-.'-:'?; .". '\ ':'" ", ~ ,': { ~~.::...".._ ,r'"fi::' ''. '~. ..' . , Finding 3 in the SCLS (p'g. 36) clted'th~ d~kD.o~le~ge~ '1992 Industrial:Limd Stl!dy.'ai '-;,'. <den;onstrating that "a surplus. of industrial sites exists in th~ Metro Area." Theref()re,t~e',. , " "proposed redesignatio'n (and correspondirig rezoning) would not result in"a deficit of, ': " ',::' ',. . " . . ~, ,. . -".' ',". .... . , ,'. ~eeded industriallx designated andzonedJand,but it,^;ould,help reduce thecorrunel:Cial ;; ", .... " .;: ~,', larids. deficit identified in: ihe SCLS" Therefore, approying:tlie"p\'oposal would be. .' .' ':'::. , ,:. '" ._ . . .' ,", . ,. ' , ,. .' '" "t;..' , ',.' consistent with SLCS Ii]1plen:entaiion";StiategX3-A (l):,~~:Evaluate inventdries,hase~ on,> .,,:.';'.< demonstrated need for the planning period. Jniti*,r~zon:ingorredesignation,oI surplus ,'" '. " : 'land uses where more appropriate'for commercial; consistent with the ]vIeiro Plan.'" .', """, .. __ ,.".,.~':. :"',::."".,':. >,-"""'. "'_;<."','~:::,_.~",,':'; - ",' .<~..~.,..-~..~-.;.:._.,-;''."~.~' .'-i;.,_.,~...; '..,' ,~.:" :: "<.:. The.pro'p~sal 'ini~ct codsisteri.i wiih iri;e~t~ries f~:~'~'o~n?1erci;I'and in'du~triallands''' .': ' .' .adopted by the City Council and acknowledgedbyDLCD as being consisteni'with Goal. · , .c., 9.. Ore\mn Administratl~e Rules concerning ooa19 implementation (OAR 660-009- /', . ""OOiO(4)) call forameridments to land use' designations "iri,excess of two a~res\vithinart""~ ',:" , " existing urban growth boundary. from an indlistliaUiirid us~ designation toa non-::" .' ,industrial use designation". to haveto addfess applicalJl'e planning' requirements - such as , consistency with the Metro Plan and other loci] plan policies (i:e" SCLS) or be ~onsistent ' .'with an economic opportunities analysis.; The City can find that the proposal complies ,:with relevant localpl~npolicies by convertingonef6rmoremployment~generating land .. use to another, without negatively impacting the supply of buildable lands for either" .: category of uses. The proposal enables continued use of the' existing and long-standing commercial center to cOhtinue to operate and provide.employment opportunities, while' , ',also allowing,higher-valueemploymentassociated with i\1ture development on Tax Lot .400, 'These types of erriployment-generatinguses are, among those identified in OAR. , " 660-009-0005(6) as eligible non-industrial employment activities that cahjustify approval of the proposed'Plan diagram amendment without the need for an economic opportunities analysis tip art from the SeLS, which OLCO acknowledged as fultlllingthe City's obligations under Goal 9. .. . . ",-" , /'. ;..~. -. t::~~ }.?\:.~: ~;:;<" :.::~~ ~~}; . '.Pag" e 8"''', ' 1'" '" "'I "C;J,,",.1' ..i'.::,' , , ~~. :;" '-. . .'.' ..f' .... ~" '. }. ."i. i." ..... ",' ~.~ !"".,,::' ", ,,"1 ,'. ;;" ", 'of"_ ", ~ " . ;.. , .' , . . . - ' '. .' '. Because ,the requested redesignation and ,concurrent zone change implements SCLS . policies'and does not result in a deficiency of needed industtjal lands, .and is otherwise, " '.", ':':;demonstratedfo be consistent with relevant Metro' Plan policies,; approval of the request ,,;:,: ")s consistent with the City's compliance ,vith Goal9an1 applicable administrative rules " ;'; rega,rdingGoal 9. implementation. , ' '.' , ' " ,',;~. ".' '.' . ".;- '. . '. . . -'<,- .j.' "',- .. 3-8 !'. >-~. -<~~'-,'- .:,....,..:,.~....... ,~"'. C,', .:;,;<:,,:";':':";~2His'~~~Ii~g:;;':~;.":k:,), ,<~:zt;' ~::.!';",,:,,:,,';:i,:::'< "",,,. ',:, ,/;' ",:< 'LCDC's Housing goal requires'citi~s to mainiainadequaie supplies 6fbtiildable lands'"for';,< -',,'.'" .' needed housing; based'on an ackno}vledged inventory of buildable lands.' The proposal' " .',' does,not affect the City's inventory of,residentiallands. . ',' ",".;'.' ",,:: ", , ",~".., '(",;',' .~. .' ,'." i:';: :,.; :.'::. ""., ',' ,.- ,.' .,' . ':',;f: ",. '. , .' . ',_,' An fact, approval of the requested redesignation 'for Tax Lot 400 would enable, ..',', " , ,-' , .:.' .-.- .. -.'. .' - ,. ' .: . -. . " . ." .-... .....,,:., ;<:':',~;',:redevelopinent of aD industrial site abutting existing residential development 'Through :"., ,. " ..._" 'r:-'".J '" r_' . ."...., . ,.. .~. .... _ . , . ~ ,. . . -. '.' - . . ',. - . .. . ':' .', '.\ <" : ': the sIt~pl~n re:fJew process, future development on that property w1l1 provIde a supenor : . {. ." :';-.',i:.r;':.: buffei, iihdil higher llse'tharwill benefit the adjoil1ing residential properties.' Because the , . . _'! ';;';":.pr6p9sal 'involves redesignation from industrial tocqmrriercialland uses', it dqes not'. ': " ' . '., . , r, .'.' ':iiffect Springfield's continued compliance with, Goal 10. ' ...... ," '. '. . ',-', ), . ,:<);:,j:,:.i",!,~;{'~' i ;':'. ,.':,' ,:. . .:.," I.. > ~ . ' " " "', , ,"'.' ,. ~ '.""" ,>'(..:': "':;GoaI.11- Public.Facilitie's and Services . '..., '. ...,..-: . ' '.. "'\'''''. , , :.. ,:' .~ ,~;;':<Th[s';gbal're~iillfe:S the prOVIsion of a timely, ()rderly~rideffici~nt arrangeh;ent .0f~ubIfc;"';/, '. ' :::;': . ," '}acilities'iuid servic'es.Thesubjectpropefty is located within the Springfield UGB,and.", ,"'.:' ';/'>~:",,; ';,:'city-limit's, andis:alreadydesiguated for urban leVels of use. The proposed ainendment'to" , . ,~. ".;,~: ~""\. T"!'" '. .' . - .,-. i' . -' ,,-' . . . -' ." . ,- : . '. '" ,., ':,t)1e;p'la~.map desigriatiof]~,frciin LMI to CC will notaff~cUhe ability-to provide needed , '; ,.'..~'serVi'cess;ri.ce'all the'reCjuiredui'ban services are available, to,supp6rte;<.istingor future' '-,' " , :,' ;:C6rrllnercial uses on tliesubjectsite. ' , .,......" :..., .~~", .-'".{~,:.. .~".~:''; -', ' . "-, .".' " .~.., ,. '; :,f~;~t!.:~::>';':';"~"i.,;. "),;<\:~:;";;;!~;).p):';,:~:;',,.::~',::::,, "'%"". < ,,;, ,:,.:,'", )..tetroPlan/EMRJ Diag'ram Amendment;;.. .;--: :?,!".. '<',,,'-,' : PeaceHealth OreooriRegion x . . f. _ '. .-~, ~\<' , . . - Q ...'..... ~', .':.. ._..\ i .' "., ....'.'.,~March 15, 2007 "';,',. _1"" _, . . ~:" .-". ." . ":.:'~' ,.' ;.'/ - . ',~;,~' _>:'~l+';S~'i" ::' Page 9, .. ." ....,..:;'-;,. .-.'~),t "' -, ~ ~ ,', '. ,. . . ' ' \, . ~ -, ~: .~,~: -Goa112 - Transportation ,. ".,.' , ... '" ,~-- '. . ~ ; --.... " "'k . .,' ';. , ;. Goal' i 2 requires local governments to' prbvideand encourage a safe; corivenien('ahd, , .;" 'i:2on.orriicaltransp.ortation.system, The proposed map amendments.irlVolve., ',;, ,,;:,', " I . ' '. ,...,' , ,'approximately 5.24 acres of property, though existing imd Iong-staridi.ng commercial uses" ,:,6:cc"tir on Tax Lot"402 'such. th.at approval .oftheproposal. will.not result'in any changes.to ' , '.' the typ~ or 'mterisity of uses on the'site, and wrll ilOt increase the tnp gem;~atIOn f.or that '.,' . , ' 'parcel As the attached Traffic Impa,ct Analysis (TIA) demonstrates, future development ' of medlcal office faclhties on TL 400 wlll not degrade mobility standards below d,cceptable levels and allow for.adequate'quetiing lengths at applicable intersectIOns. , :,: .. .Therefore, the proposal will not have a "significant effect" on transportation facilities as .. .. defined in the Transportation Planning Rule (OAR 66Q_OI-2-060)," , ':i ...,.,," '. . Existing development at Tax tot 402' is not affected by the proposal: apd is assu~ed' to 'retain its current access points off Main Street. ,It is further assumed that future .. " ',;', qevelopment on Tax Lot 400. will result in some access changes as will be reviewed :', through the site.plan review process,-thereby consolidating two existing curb cuts l()cated, .on Tax Lot 400 into a single, access point located approximately. in the center of the . , Rarcel. The TIA demonstrates that these 'access points will not result in any degradation of mobility standards below acceptable levels;and that safe and efficient circulation can ,l;Jerealized through approval of the requ~sted land use redesignation (and companion zone change). . ' .1 ' " t Of'" 'd' . .)~ :. " _ , .. .~ '_.. . ". .~ ", . f. + . Fiii-t11ejrD.ore, reducing' then~mber of access points for futuredeveiopment on Tax Lot ,', ~OO is consistent with p.olicy objectives found in EastM.ain Refinement Plan (EMRP) :"~ .~ .: ,< " '.l".l ',:. , . ~. " '. ' " '/' "" " ~. ,.' .r .' .....j! :~ . 3-9 , ". , " , .. -. .... .." ..~ ,.. ,.. ., ....,_."r. ,:,....:. .':' }. : ~. '" .,;:" . ~' .' , " '''.. .; . -" ~. . r: . . ' > 'J ,'" }~t~1~r~~~~(~~~~;o:~",".o,"! ,."", ,,; ,,.....' ,. .. , .'.... ,-'.' " ',,~. . ".. ' ~..- , " .. ~ ,'" r" _ i" .:,;;, .''.,: f . ,.~, _ < ,~> . ,.~'.. .\l,"': ,;,' :,0.' '.';::'. '-. ", . . ' ;,\:(;:,,<;~,' ::.,~;-;'" '.,' C,,; 'C;::;,,: ",', , , :",;::,< ..,,', ',':. ',.:C ..,.. "', " ,,',. .", . ,,/~f~Actess; Circuicition &,'Parking,Element policy 1 B(pg.L7) 'and Con\mercial Element..,' , ,,' . ,:',{,:,'::YOliCY3,,~pg]'2)<'''', ';,:'<'.,~~;:,:, '\" " ''''',:"::'~:_:~'.,,..;,.~~''',:><.'''';- '.. :., ., " ',:> / 'BeCausetheproposal, as demonstrated in theTIA;i'sconsistent with th~ requij-eni~ritsof .' :', . ;:', : the TPR imd<Vithapplicable 'policies'in the EMRP, it is consistent with'Goal12 and> " ,', " ' ,><'applicable local implefuenting poli~ies., "'; " : ";,,., ,'~',.', c :.~,:.,.,; ,," ; -:: ' < : ,....~~~i l~~E~e~gy C~nserv~ti~n ','" :~ " :..' " <." 0:" ,"~'~:;~.7r~~:'J:;7:,: " . "' 'c' . ' The Energy goal is a general planning goal and provIdes limIted 'guidance, for ". a;~:;L'~;:;.;",c... ,"''-' site-specific map amendll!ents.' Th~ proposed alllendmerithas no direct impaCt\ori enhgy:~, ,~:"", ", ':::1 coris'ervation, thoug~ it would in fact will promote greater energy:efflciency bye~~1;;ling.;] "" " !". :,;' needed clinical serVices available to growing residentia\areas in east-Springfield. ,';,:",' .. , '. ,;"'(;1'her~fore, the proposed alI)endmenfis copsistent ,Vi!th"and doe~ not. alter t~eCity's ';'i:~c" ':,,,'. ", ' ::;;o",continued compliance witIiGo'al13. . ','.v,: ';"'\" :";, ," .. ,:,::'A';:'.",:, .' , ';;);;':~:it~:,;';::"',,:d~a;14-:l;;~~~'iz'atio~ '...." ". ,.,:;,'", .,:c,,:",:iC,'~;r.;,:):.<;;;,~'>," , "'c":.,' ',,-'Goal14 requires local jurisdictions to'provide fOf'an "orderly and efficienUransiiiori:;;;~\;.;;':i;L:'<', . '.. ", ,... _ , .' '. " _ ' .. _ .." " .L ,;', ,~," .......... . ": :;:.,.,.. from rural to urban land use.:' The subject propertYis 'wlthm the UGB and the. city.litllii~~'~ '., ,:,' ". . , . ': of Springfield, and within an existing urb~nized .area of the community.. 'Theref6re;~GoaL1;;' ,;', ";';:-,:.'. :':,'14 is notapplicable,t6 ,ihisapplication. ' ',...., ,:~'., ' '. .....):~?,:'i.::.',f. '.' " _'.., ,,! _ " . n,' ,..' <' ~ . " " ; --..: .' . , . .. ' " \ . ' ',' .'. ,', , .'.. ' " , ,< .. ; ; .,: "" .~ ,'", ': ...f.. ,.;. . .." - . '. '" .", ".. " " ..... ~; " ,', ~,.:.', " , ',' Goal15 ":'~illainetie River Gniim\Xay"".:', '; '. " ..... '" ""';'i'<""':t::'~"" , .'. ", \',:"This goal is inapplicable because the subject pn?perty is ri.6twithin theboilildan~sof.the:';,{{.: " ,'. : ". . ',\yillarnette River Greenway. ' .... '." ,,'" . ". .' ..". '.': .-(' '. ~ -. ,,' i: . ::.', ".- ,~. .:;''''''', . . .';. :-.'. ,'/, ", , " ",.' '~oals 16~19 ~Coastal Goals;, .:'; ,':' " , The coastal goals are not applicable to this application, . . ',. " ..." , ; /', '.' , ,,; , ,,' ,I: , " .\" " . -,' .-)'," <". . .. , <,-',' ',,': 0' ....,. ". ' , " :' 5,2, . Metro Plan Consistency ,,"..., .. , ." The application requests amendm~nt of the Metro Plan diagram from: LMIto CCfo~ . , approximately 5.24 acres, This se,ction ofthe application narrative addresses the, ;,:'" consistency of the amendment with the applicable policies of the Metro Plan, to ' .. derrionstrate that adoption of the amendment wili not make the Metro, Plan internally: inconsistent (as required by the approval criteria'in SDC7 .070(3)(b))..' . , ',; , : 1 ' This narrative only addresses those policies that apply to the proposal, and does not , discuss thosep~rtions of the Metro Plan"that: '(1) apply oply to rural or other lands outside ofthe urban growth boundary, (2) app'ry to land uses other than the current or proposed designations for the site and will not"be affected by the'proposed Plan diagram , . and text amendments, or {3) clearly apply only to specific' development applications (e.g., site plan review submittals or subdivisions). In mailyinstances the goals; policies and , iIliplementationmeasures apply tQ speci,ficdevelopmentproposals that will be'addressed , ,-,' ~ . ,- .',.., " ': .,. " ' , .;.;. '.\ " ',,-' ", ',' ..... " " '..;-.' ".. ".. . ~ "1,," " ," . , . ", , ""1-<: , '.. .'<.""f'-: - ,..;: ...j~. ':,', , .',< '.," ,,' " .. , ~'.. .., , ;, 3":1'0 . . ". -~.. " ,. ~\,{k,:<~'~~{;~;.~~;:;;f:,j/:;P~r"., / , ,^{~/'Metro 'Pl~rr;E1-I1U). Diagf~;n Am'endment :' '.~- ~'\.-PeaceHealth'Oreg6n Re-gion .,1"-.,' 'c;March (S 200"7 -..: :.... .-', . w' . ""'.." ,'" .>',::.- .,.",. ':.,.... .. '. >. ";r';~::~1;~:;:;/"'~" ,,' ,'\"u ,.., .'.' . ,:', ':'; ',,'H,:; , .,i<,.':' . "ihi:ough co;U:p'hance ,mth ;pplicabl~ Ciiyre'gulaiions d~rig;ii~pl~~'revie!(;fa'giveri .:, futl,lFe~eyeJopqient proPos'al: .:' ",\'.:.,': :..,," ;~;':,..' ,::.:,' , . _~,..":...;.~',,",:;' "':!.:,:>,::;7. ',::-'.'.:-, ,',,'.. ".~, ,~,..-. ~1..' i'~~._..~"':Jr,:,.". " ",~ '" ,.>..,~' ,', ,';'"(The Meti'o plim lniro"duc(ion, Section D provides the following definitions: ",.~"'_'" .:" "'''''''-'~'_''.. .,; .<,.,' "~'r- ,to -'-'C"~-_~:" .;.' ',;' -,.::"i'. .~__', '. .',' .~ ',,-~. " , ) , . . .. '-:.' ..... d. ,"." . "";,,'A'goal a~a:~r6adstatei-n:eni Ofphiiosophy that describes the 'i~, .hopesofthepeopleof the cOmmunity for the future of the t' . ' C.b!Pil1i.lIiitY.:A'balmay never"tecompletely attain<,lble;but' ,:'<';n~:us',~d,a~apciiilfto:s~ri~efor.,:'3;.': .!.';;: \':: 'i. "'." . _ :',"~"::~':',,"S' "\"'>,,"~;:~~'";'.')"':~."~ L~~,',""'" , "'. , _":-~'" ,_ ." ,.,", ~ "::Ari'~bjec'tivk";;an. atta-;riable' target that the coinrinlIlity" ',. . ," '~. " ':, ,.'. ,~itl':ri1Rts'tg:isach. in striving to IIleeta goal: An objectivefDay. ., i , alsoh~ccinsiQeredi as an'intermediate'point t)uit 'willhelp ,"," " . " _., . ''''''.. ,_~' _ ,:,....~_. . . .. _:' '..."," ' f" _' ' ,':'fulfj.ll,the:ov:erallgoal. '." '. . ...' ;., .' ':~'.: ,,,:~'~L:. _ ;> ..J :.:,~,/.;\,.:::,,;.,> . ". ~~,":, "J;. .' _ ,>:.~ -:':-," - .; / ,,' ~: :/. "1:'" ~" :-<~" - ;;\ . ' " ,j\jJolicy.isa statement adopted:as parlof the Plan,to provide' ! . "...;" "~11-"'-, '0',' ,-' 't", :"...~,'" _>- _ ~: ',' , . ') , " _ _ ' _ , " 1 . - - ..., '~" ; acof\sisteriticoLirse.of ac.tion rnoyinKthe corrununitytowards"'.i "" ,c ~\,~tt,~irMrt~!i\'?,ti~"i'~~,~~s,'';:' ';,}', ,.: .:" " ",;'>;:, :; :-:;'., ',-, -, ,.- '... .....~i ~ ,:'" '. . ~ ... .' ,;, "0 '. _r.., , '-' .; ~ . '.d' "} < .'; ',,-, .; "j;";".",,",' "t' , ,~ . "ct ."<.- ..,," ':::Exc~pt for the Gf~wthMa)'utgeri-I~nt Goals, ';"hich are addressed below; each of the Metro ',' ":' "",- Pla~ policies are addressed in the.order iIf v.:hich they' appear in the'J:'lan Element section .' < . . of the Metro Plan. ". . "" '. ,d '.' " . , . ' ' ' , .- .., .;.:, .' ,.' ~, . <: ., S.2.A. Metro Plan Elemepts' ,') <-.... ',1. GrlnvthI\'Ianagement' . , ,. ,; '." ,Policies,' -' . .~,. ' ' . ' ,"i. The'iirball gro'}~th boulldary afl;f~eqljiinti{;ldev~liJpment s~{ili , , continue to be implemented as an essential "le~ns to achieve. ,,' , 'compact llrballgrowth.Provision of ali urban services shall. be ',' C/jncentrated inside the llrba/z growth boundary. ."',. , ' _.~ ~ '.' The proposed amendments'satisfy this policy because the' subjeCt property is'inside the UGB and city limits and as such, encourages compact urban growth. ,Also, urban , . services are available at 'sufficient levels' to accommodate the existing and future infi!! development resulting approval offrqmthis application. The City's site plan review processes ensure that the appropriate le'(el of services is,available to serve}uture' "development.,' .. " '. " .' , .,',' , , .t., ,', ... '.'" . '. ~. , '., .' ' "': ~ . .-' .!~ .i. ...,' ..' ...,(.,.~-,: <><;'. .. ' ,", o' '"', . i:... ':-;-~ ..i , :'" '".~ .s,,; .-",- ,..". ',". ,', 3-11 "--: '.' . ;..' .',.., ~'. ....,. >~-" , ':"";,";," ',~~bj:t:~":ij" :i:; ',,, .,-:-, .' " ,,': . 't;-:;:;,:;-: i: Residential LiiridUse andHousingElement ., ~'.,'." ._:._:~,~'.':;;'::"~;::.~:':1\'..~::.'..:' '.,,',. \.;,,., .,': '. ,- f" . . .' ,. '. \"." ...'.',,',:' \~,:~.;~.,:( ", ",',' PoliCies: ,,:;,} , ',. .. . ':::'-, "J".,;- : . " '.' J, ,:. ..:.'!',:....:"'.~,,.~:;;>:,. . '". A.l1 Generally iocate"lligher density residen'tial development near' .:, ' '\ ; ..... . . . ". , L:'emplpyment or commercial services, in-proximityto major .\ , ". 'transportation sYstems or within transportation-efficient nodes;" '. t,:"'" ,I'" -'. P, ". .' .,..,',:'.'":.'~~~.,',,.',,::.,,' "" '".; . ,';....... .~ . . ',.:', " ;<""'i';;:~<,:.'~; -.,. ~ ~-,,-;, ,. '.' , . :. <' . '". ",~'- '.Theproposed recles{gnati6'ft does, not affeci the invento~yorava:iiability 6fresideritially , , ' ": '. designated or zoned land, includmg the single-family residential.area abutting Tax Lot" ',. " .400 that is zoned and designated for Medium D.ensity Residential; orhigherdensity ,"residentiai developments located east ofthesiteal9ng Main,Street.:' .' c ,,, " ... . -. i:'~.." i -, - . ,,' ,;. ;:: . . ~ ,,-'" " ',' ,. . "'." , . " .. ,_ ~ '. .' ..~e~~ ;..' "." b " "However, approval of therequesteq redesigtlation to Community Commercial would _.::alloW"for"residential areas. proximate to thesubj'ect area to, have closeanci efficlent access .- . \9 existing commerdal services onTax Lot402' imd to future medical,facilities proposed ,.' for Tax Lot. 400', consistent with the' abov,e policy, 'The areas piopos,~d for redesignation '.' " :. . offer eXisting' and future employment op!,ortunities and provide commercial services " '''''' , . along a n;aJor'transport~l1qn system t~at ~an support the nee~s of nearby residential' , " development. .,.'" . . .,,; '... . . ..... . "', . . ,r '.' . '_'.. ". ',f ",' ' " ". , .,}"",: . . ',,'.-' >~" '" ,.,. .... :-~ ':~ ,,..... .r;. . ./, . ': " ,"'~ ,. ',' " ' /~ '", Ii' c ,.: ,.~. - , . ,,;:;,>~';r0}~o:'si~1:~ " >,'1. " 'i. .,' .'- l:. "... f', ..,:,....:- -,.:., ", ,,'" -.<. .,.,. ,_J ," ,_, '0,. -T" ,." _: '''''0; '.~ -~, ,\ ' . , ,-,,' .~',' ..~.. . ',< .~ ; ,..,.,. .. ' .~ " :.~-_:~: ,,~-{:~, :,", ' . ,'. :F.:' f-. ~. .,; ~: " '. :'~f:~::'~ .". ,., :.":" <:~.~ . .~ : : ,j' "j. .... '. -... . :'~'-,;..';; , 'I \ ,.' ....,')...,..:., , A.22. Expand opportuniriesjor a mi.~ofuses,in newly developing areas '''and existing neighbm'h'oods through local zoning and d~v~loI?ment . . I ., ' regu atlOns, '. .' '. ,.. , .., " ,,' " ,; The map amendment and 'concurrently proposed zone 'change will allow for existing '. commercial uses on Tax Lot 402 to continue to serv,e existing neighborhoods in themid- and east-Springfield area; and for future clinical facilitiesio, be developed to serve this' , rapidly growIng area of the c9mmunity. ,,Approving the iequestedredesignation arid zone' change would expand commercial opportunitIes to serve ,these neighborhoo'ds consistent With the' above policy.,' . ", . '.' ' " . ,:. ,:' ') i., '", .., 3. Economic Element 'Policies . . . .'" " . . . . . " ."' '\,~ . ,'. B.1 Demonstratea.positive interest ine:i:isting a/ld new industries, especially those providing above:above wage andsalary levels, and : increased variety of job opportunities, a rise in the standardof living, and utilizatio/lof our existing comparati~e ~dvantage in the level of. etilicatio/l and skill of the resident'labor force. ", " . .,';" '~ ' .' . ;- ." , ' .",. ~ 'A. :"'\"' t: I;' .' ..' ". ".,;' '. ,.....". "'..; , ' , ~., .,.',. " t f.' .~j .. ' 3-12 '...' . . ~,~. -..' ,-', """,;:;",.',,'~\;~:<' ,,~,.., "~iJ!,;i~~S~(~i%"'(;;'ili~"" "" ',' '.",);;i,;,,'.' ,':' ',';', ',~ ,,1v!et;-'o 'PlariJEwiI'U'- Diagram Amendment .,,~.;, .;: ,,:'<';,t~:~>:,.';, ,:';'Pea'~eH~aitl( O~~gon R.egi~n,-",:,::;:';, .' '" .:<.; ,-'.' ,.,,;,,:,-:,..~ ,',-March 15. 2007 , . ~,'.',: ,< "0.. .....'-<,1.. ,,'" :, c': " ~. :'-':,:", ,,:. i' ".--", ' ';'. }'o - . .,' :";':+";: j~'., ;....~'. Page 1'3;/;'':;1' '" ' . -".~.' ':. ,,?':'y ",}.",;':. " '. . ;.' 10 . . .... ;~'/' . " ":;""'':''~...+.:.:'~;'-~~:~~~.>i-'. 1:'~"'~' ~*.. .......,' ':;._" .' ,'. ;:. ~.' - ."'~ 't', The' p~opos~d' a;r;end~'ent is' consist~nf with this policy becalls~ it will allo~ medlc~1. ' ",: '" "',c. : , . ",.; ::":' ,,,.,' Clinic uses to be developed to ,serve growihg areas in east and south Springfield. As'is, .",' <observed in:the Sp~ingfiel~l Commercial Lands Study (pp. '27, 29), 'employme!11 in health " ,:';: ;servicesis growing anq approving the requested redesigna~ioriwill enable increased job, ' , ,'opportunities.with higher than average wages therebyhelpingraise the standard ofliving .- ' ,'. " ", andmeet.the,needsofSpringfield citizens, consistent with-the above policy.' . ..,',"",.,'~:":' ..,: .,,'.;, ~:., ';",...,..:",,: :.....~'.:. .,.~\.-.:,',.' '''';,'t.,,:','1_~_.c: .:,' '.,;;-:'" '~' "'.. ". -: 'B.2 Encourag~ ~~of;omic development which utilizes 10~l;1 and imported " . -. " " , ,",,". . ~. '. . '. . ~ ' '." : "': .icapital,"elltrepreneurialsk(lls;and th(resi4.en~ la.~orfo!,ce,.<, "" '. .::. <, ,', ",' ". ': ';:." ;."" ".:-' ',".,".'., ::. '. ':.":" .;' "~'. ;....<::..' ~I~ ,;. ,.',-f 1.,:' ,-:c,";~>~:'~ q.~'~~b~~:',;,::,;~ -. . '-{".' c,:. ,'" : . ,,'. .' '.! ,.' '. , , " ;-,: ':. ',,' : ,The The constructionqfand th~' use of colninerciafand'tne,di~alus~s'willutilize both, .",', '0 .. ,:'. ,'.:localand importe,I'capital and will employ the 10callabodorce:iI,1, a'vari~ty,of s~illed", ...," ,', - :" ; , serrii:skillect,anclunskilled positions, consistent with t)1is polic)<' .:" .' '. " '. . . -'".' : .' \. ' " , ' , ; ~."., ',/ '~'" ';, ~,., .' ~. ',',', ........;'i.... . B.6 I!lcre"ld'e the amount of lindeveloped 'land zoned for. light industry , ,.,..' . "', .,and commer~id!us~s;correlating the effective 'supply,in terms of '" c.., . ,:.>: ,',' : , '" :,' suitabilitY~;ldavaildbilitywith the projections:oft!e'ntand: " . " , " ''',,~' . <:,,:. .' ::.:,'~ :.';,~f::,;l;:r;'2<';;:,", ";",'" (, ",Theproposal will add approximately 5.2~ acres'oC~onllmiruty.COni.rriercialland,..:' , ,'. , " consistent with-recommendations to in'crease the commercial lahds invento'ry made in the " . Springfield Conimercial Lands Study. The SCLS, and acknowledged metropolitan " 'Industrial'Lands Study concluded that there is rideficit of needed cominercialland, and,'a, .. - ',' . ... -" < ,- ,. - - . .', '. surplus of industrially ,zoned and designated land:' Approval of the requested . , redesignation will.not cause the 'inventory of needed industrial land to go into a deficit, , but in fact would: consistent with the above policy.' The proposal correlates the need and' . ' , . - .. -" . - . , . 'suitability,and availability.ofthe subject site for cominer~ialuses with the need fors'uch '. uses as demonstratedin the adopted SCLS. ' . "".' . .:.c.: '., . "<j;~ , , " , , , , '/' .' .'., ..:",., .-.' "'.. ,'" ,',. .., "I. . ~ ~ . ',' :'\ '. . '." . , , 1 ;_ r , B.ll Encourage economic activities which strengthen the metropolitan are!I'S position as If regionaldistribution, trade, health,d~Jd service '. center. . ," ,-.." ., , ..' "'. .,' , . .. ' <.. . " ',:' , '. I'~' .... - '., " . . . . :The amendment. will Jacilitate 'the development ofmedical usestnat will serve the needs, , of the growing residential areas in east, south,and southeast SpringfIeld, and strengthen , the metropolitan area's position asa premier locale for hbllthcare services, consistent "with this policy objective. ' ' t,:. '.6, EnvironmentalDesign Element . ;. Policies EIln order to promote thegr~atest possible degree of diversity, a broad variety of commercial, residential, and recreational land uses shal{be encouraged when consistent with 'other plannif~g policies. , ' '". ' ....,.., . }', " .' 'or. " , "'-'.' . "'.' ,,', ..~ :', . ..' ,,"',' : . 3-13 ~.; .~. ." '.," ."';, . . , , ... ' """ ,",'.. .. . ~ . ", '-" ~, - :~.;~ ," i"; .~~.: :'~';"~ ....f;. .'" ".' .",:'::i:.;:~,:-'\,:,(,..,,,,,.~'.::/~, ":k',':' :.'<"\" ",<,;}:>;::.' . ' 'Approval of the' proposed map'aniendinentswill add just over 5 acres lntoth'e City's' "c. ,_ ,. \:;, " ..,.... '., "c- r. ." \'- ..-' " , '- inventory of,c6inmercially,designatedand zoned land, thereby,allo",:,ing for a vahe\yof,~ ',needed commercial.'uses,Jo occuro~ thesubjec't prbpeT-fy:' Long-standil!-g existing ",~. ','" " co~ercialseivices on Tax Lot 492 would be allowed tQ continue \vitho~tthe ~pe~fer'of ,being ~onsiderednon-cbnfodning uses, and Tax Lot '400 could 'be developed with ',: '. '. ,medical'sei-vices that will servethe,needsofthe growing residential areas east,and south. ':' , "'6ftfiesuoje~fsite,consist~nt',';Vith the ,above policy.' <,t ....:: :" ," ., :..,;::~T:t;'7::'/i':";' '.'c., .", ;>:;0'" " ',,' "," "'. ':". "'., ,,",i.t'::;''':7::Transportation ElemenV:;' ""c;' .,.,; f,j: .,'. ;- . '. " ,. ,." ." - . ;~.$ " c' . (:, ... . . , . ..~, .~ ':_: .:' "'.'~:::' . _ '" _", ,! ,. " ,n " ., '.<~\;""'L~ndUS~Policies', .;", '. ",I... '/ :.,. " \ ", , . . '. ;;.;',,)_: :':':i~~:"'~-~~;;'::::~;.:,">-~::" '_ ,,~, .-.\,-:":~_:. ';:.''.:. '., .-,: . .:' ~\:,' ,.....~ '~.' ;~;.:\ :t. .<' _ ~~"'---' . "-:'>.< ,- . -.'->. ", ""'.,; .'.'::.:'; ""'Pd; ProYidef~r {ransit~supportive lajldu~eia~erns and development, .~"':' " iI.!C!luling higlier:iiit:msity,'traizsit~oriented development 'along major. "" " , . ".' .' transit corridors,and,near'transitStation's;.medium- and high-density ",' ,;".. ~'"'; ,"?:':';U.:/!:'residentialdeveiopment within one-qll~rtermileiJftransit stations,"', ,,'.~. ',.'< ..' : .,;t:::'c:';T;~'!;i~~~'Jjor tr~~!sitcorridors,emploY'iientcenters, ~1id downtow~areas; and ,"" ,./ " . ::' ":':::,-: ,';;':~T:-'devei{}pmen{a~d redevelopment in designated areas that are or could be i ' . ..' ,." :'., .'.:' ., ",..,__'c .....~,. IJellservedbyexistilifforplannedtransito'.' eo.". ' '. '..' ". ,'-..'" ',:. ,,' .:." " .,:,~,-"",,,:.,,,~...,:.~...., ....,," 0, "l', ' .' .. ",-' "'~::{., ,." '~:-.q' ,,' '.', .',.- . ,-.: " ." - ,"" ',. ,'.;"" ,;The propos~dmafamendment imd concilrrent zone change will enable land use' patterns. , . "'iii'id.de~tr6pin"nt consistentwith the above policy. APproval of the proposal will allowY"" :' f~rli;gher intensity.development along MainStreei, a major transit corridor. Anexistiilg'"" . LTD stop is located on the frontage ofTax LO,tAOO (see photo, pg, 2, Appendix A of the ' .' TIA), and wi!!' provide convenient access to existing and projected einployment on the i'; subject s{te;' as we'llas acce~s for patients to .futu;e out,patientmedical facilities projected,' " on Tax Lot 400.' . ", '. ' ,. .'" ' " -:,..,..\,C', '.' ., "'f" .., . '~<, '~.~}>'.""';-"':' . " ., ...., 'c'''' , ../ "'.;". " , ~~~~' <1':..,;.' '.''1:,- "." t.--'.' "',,' .', :'. ,.,.' ,; ,.... . ... " , '..',' .. .., :: ".' '1:"" ,). .: ~ , ~ '. '., " "", ',' " ',' . :.' ~'.. , . I. '.,,, .. "". , ; " " ..,", -, ".- '-', ,.. ,; '-l, '.:." .. ',' " r '.'j' ,\ . " ,,>' '. , " , ..,. , ' .....- ''',,~ ' Y".. . ' ~ .:t '.. .- '.'\ ,,' '.... .: !' .. ,'i"', -. ", c'( ;". ' " ,.," , " , " ", 't.;...... ",' . ~' '." ,',." ,3.,.14 .11._. ",I,': '.' i . ~' . . '." . -~, ".~: c t~' ,,' ", >~, .- '~" ,.'i.e".',:, ",.,;e:~jj:~t:~":;><).\" ;:<,:",; .,\,',': :"," "! .;', : -"Tra;sp~rt'atihn Sy;'t~,m Iinproverrients:' Ro~d~v~ys Poli~ies':c >' ,'.' _ ~,~ ~ :~. :' " . .-' , : " .,,\...~ . '. r" " _ . . ,-' . . . ,",) ;",":"F.15 l'r1otor v~hicle levd of;e~vice'policy:~', " .' ." ,". I '.~ ,. '."" .: ':~ \"'I~ . ".'~' ""-, ~"!,' '. :.~: :~J.. ,", , _ , " .' ,., a.' Us/motor vehicle lev"e/ of service standards to maii1tain acceptable c..' " .,and reliable perfor;'w!1ce on the.roadway.~ystem, 'The~e st{ind{i:ds . shallbeusedfor:, .... ,.' :..." ..:.':. ,.' ", ", "" ... " . .,,;.. '_,~ . < ," ,." ."'. -'- -:: 'I, :i( ,<.:i' , -: .'~.'., ,':'.', . .: (l/Identifyiilg c'apacity dejiciendesoil tJzeroiidway systein. ";, ~':~~:~~.<:',',:'<".",.:'",,>.!, >' .,.;,:_:., .~.. '~,'..'_,:(. ~..,':.~: ::'. :_,.'.:':~"';~>~'J'>:""":>~ ..,.;:-~. , :, (2) Ev~lzui-tingtheJ11lpacts onro(ldways of dmendmentsto,:, ,.":' ;, tran~portatio'n plans; acknowledged comprehensiveplai,s ah'd , " , , "':'.land~ilse regulations, pu'rsuantto the TItR (OAR;660~012;" . . "'ooiO) ,"" ,.-' ."'.., 'I' .',.'./:i.:',.... .t .'...;; " ..'.. .':;,;.,..,.'" ;r\ '" ,."...,: ::~:,',r.:\: :';',;\ ,<\,"'.,: , ":,,,' ': ,y- ::: .> (3j Evaluating d~~elo~m;miapplida;iI)~;for 'con5'ist~'~cy ;';itHthe (\. .: ~., ' ,..' '.', ,:, " ': "','land-us~ regttlatiolls ofth'e applicable lo.cdl gover1lliieili ., ':,< . . ",.,Cjurisdicrion. ' ..i:'.', t::,:: '<', .:::::"': .,,:,',;" '. .... ' ,..: . .'~;> . ',. ~. t. ',:, ,_:,.:-'" . ~ ;r:' -':, ,., '.. . -..... _~":,:, ..,'" '" . ,. .. ~ ;' :,;I".;,::,:,:',~.,:.;."':',:,:-,','",.:."""",:";"~::,:,~~,,,...:.'.~:.~t~} ~~:j~;""~t::rf;l~~~~~~~f~;"~t'~'~Ji~" March \5':2007 ..... , ,." ",-, '.' .,,',' . '., ..,.....- ,",:. . ~ ,'. . .~.. ;. : - ~ .., '.,j.:_;~:'.!,,"~ ,",' t " ' ;, " ,', , . ~ " '-". :..< .'.' " " .' " .:. ,.' :\,'; :_" . ,,'\ " -.' ~ ,',' , .' .,;.', -.-' .' " ,..",' "., ' oJ":;': \'" .~:: , ' .' . '," ,,'''' . '.~ ::'! " ,'E." Acc;ptabie 'a~d'r'eliablejJe1Jorma~ce is defined byth~ following::+' I' . ; ".- - - -, . . 'levels of service under peak hour traffic conditio~s: LOS E with!.n' " ,Eugene's Centi'al AI'I?a Transpo'rtation Study (CATS) area, and ' LOS D elsewhere, . ~," " '.:",' , .-'.- " ;:'"j ';. ;. ~~... . .,:.-.- 1.; ," '. ~ ,.,. .,',., ,." ,", '. "'f't.. ., ~, .iI '. ' '" ,c. Pelformallce standardsji"Olll the OHP shall be applied on state' ,.,', , ;faCilities in the EU!f~ne-Spdngfield metrop~lita~ area. . .' ' t.. ~ , ~ . ., ~'" ' ,;.lnsome cases, the level of service' may be slibstandard. ' The lqcal , government jurisdiction may find that trallsportation system . improvements to bring performance up to stimdard within' the plannirig ,horizon may ndt'be f,easible, and safetywi!lnd,t be compromised, aild , ,broader community goalswoulibe belter served by allowing a, .." . substandard level of.service.Tlie limitati;n on the feasibility qf a " , .. transportation system improvement may arise from severe constraints, . including but not limited to environmimtal conditions, lack of public , agency jinallcialresources, or land use constraint factors. it is not the intent of TSI Raodway Policy. #2: Motor Vehicle Level of Service to require deferral of developliunt;:in silch ~qses. The intent is to defer motor vehicle. capacity increasing ti'ansportation improvements until existing constraints can be overcome or develop'an alternative mi.y of strategies (such as: land use measures, TD1VI, short-term safety improvements) to address the problem, ' .- " , ". " , ,.' , . ^.~:: .: "". . " ". '. ,'\ ' ,'. .....'. '~ " " ;\. ~- " . ~ .. ',.1 " . Subsection ~.(2) in.th~ above policyreq~ires an'e;~l'~ation of the propos~ipursuant to the state Transportation Planning Rule (TPR), The accompanying Traffic Impact Analysis "".' 'f.; J'.' ',.,,' ',~ . ." ." " ',. ""';<," .-, ",-' . , " 't' ._ . J:" ~.- J " ,3-15 -', :'.;:." ;l .. ,. -co-- " --~, ." --"''''':'\ ~'; ~ .:.-';::'. - ~ ."-' . . , ,~}:tiG[;;;~~~~i;f"~f~~~~ ",,~}:1~:';L . "",~:-:),: ';--'".: :"';".,,;Metro PlaiVEMRP ,DIagram 'Amendment 'C, '., . , . ;~j;,;';: ," <, /;..~.:~ ,~:;c~~;~l~'~~jegOn.lZegl?/i "" :', . ,:' )?,);';.;: .. r_., ", ..~ <<).....d},,; " ',"~" -'. . -!. . . . ;"':"".;;:'::)>)', ,...-:;:;;> .~. ".-,,~ >..,.'y~" '~i . ..: {" :::' ..-0;".... c' '.r",..''': :: . \\'; :':'p~ovi.des'ihe t~ctual basis to determ;n~ that the proposed r~aesignatlOi1 w'9uld not res~lt in . . ' , a ':signlficant effect" as' defined under the TPR (OAR 660:012-0060(1)).' ,'- ':, .\. ',' ...,'1,:.'. ..,~,~:." ~(:-~. ~'.' . '.), . .'~. ,'. :."'._',.- ". . .^'"><:~'."~'~~, ,~-', .,~, ";'. '" . Specdically, 't~e p:oposal does' not change'the fi.irictional classification of Main Street' or . . ,'y, ','any other n7arby roadway, and it does ilO(ch~nge the standards'for implementing the .,.' , ',' ; ..,,','.,:; City's functional classifIcation system of rbad,vays, as identifIed iri the Regidnal ' >'" ',,, ,,:':, Transportation 'Plan. ".As demonstrated',in theTIA, the proposal also does not: :'. ".' ',', :.>~ '.,,::~};':;~'~'~i,~(;'-'<";"'~ ,\~::':,:, /~' ",:{:",;";,'" ' '" . .. .'. Result in' types 6rlevels'~ftraff1c or access that aie,iriconsistent wiihthe fullctibnal., .:'classification of Main, Street or any other nearby roadway;"'"',, : ,." ". , '. - .,_.' .,. . I'" . .'- .. .". ' . '. . "':.R.educeperformanc~'ofiniffIc on 0ain Street, or other affected i~iers",ctions to it level ;,,' . that is below acceptable established performance standards; o'r, " ' , ','",:, ):' "M~kepe~fo~a:n~e 'ofexi~tii1g facilitie~ ~vorse (i.~; below accep;abl~m6bility ',,'.. ",:,c'iC ..,', '.' -I" . - . ..,., .... , , stanlhrds) than would be the case .other 'uses peitnitted under existing designations or ,,:,: ""-,'~o~~:g/ ~,'" ",~~.': ,",;:~'...::,~. :>,'"" ,';':: ,',:\ '.' ,:'.,~ Specific TPR findmgs' a[e,fu)iner located,in the_TIA, see.pp. ~ 1-32: Because the' proposal " . does not resultina "signific~nteff~ct" as.Yestablished by applicable OARs, no further '/ ,'. ,JP.Ranalysis isrequirei,t Tlie,reqll~~t is thereroreco,nsistent with the above policy' ". -t. ._.' .'\ :" ,-. ": ,..,;. ",.. .. " ";""- " .,~ " ! "", -,. ;'. c.' )',',.- "': :/. i.'. ?:: ,y , ..':. ...." , ., "., '. ,;~, ',' ,.' ", ". ~'. . ..':. ,z-:.,", >, -.... ': " ~"~~ ....,'- " ,. "", " " l,"'" ..." , ,:,,"" ;'i ";. 0.'< .~:' -, ". t. " ".. ',' ", ,;~,,?..:;,," ;':.;."'_ ".>'~-:.' '/,," ,l~"'-' .....,'.-- ~:.,' 8. 'Pti,blic FaCilities'aiid Service Element " " ". . ,., ".~ :' ......:: ,'. '., ""., '<,,(, ..,' ': .\'.. ,.. . G.J. Ex/end th~ ininimum level wid jiillrange of key' urba~ facilities and. "servic~s in an' orderly ~nd..efficielzt manner consistent with the growth " management policies in Chapter II-B, releva/zt policies in this chapter and other' , 'lvletro Planpoli~ie~, '.' ,:." .' ' :, " ,,' . , The subJe'ct property is located In Spring'field's'clty limit~ UGB. All necessary' infrastructure and key urban facllities/services are present to serve existing development' '. (Tax Lot 402) or are ayailable t6 s'en:~ future infill,dev'e1opment on. Tax Lot 400: ' '. Therefore, the proposal is ,consistent with the above policv, . , " _.' .:: - _. ..1 - '. . " "', '.' , .- ;, " . ,~, Z'if " 9, Parks and Recreation FaCilities Element Policies Policies in this element onhe Metro Plan are no\ rele~ant to thereCjuested diagram "',' amendment. ' . " { '" ~ . " , ' ., ., _u' . "10.' Historic Preservation Element Policies " " , ,Policies in thi's element.ofthe Metro Plan are,nbt relevant to the requested diagram ,": amendment: . , '" . . '-:. . ". " J .... :' .... (,. ,,;'. /'. ' . .. '." '. ,.-,,, ,\~ .: .. :'. ~'-..' . ;',.. ,>'- ~.. ". "~"- ,"- ,~"t , '.. "., ; .~' " " ~ I _' ...' '" ; '3,..16.' ~ " ...j .. ......, . ""<;"',:., ;,-. .' ,,' '" ,'.'-'- .. ":'.,', ..", ~j1,~,i:~;!~*f,~l~~~~~";;'",,':~'~f:;(r .... ,. c'" " '," ,\", .- '",';Metro phinlEMRP Diagram 'Amendnie'nt': ':;:,;,.' ? ,,'+, "<.;:/t'\;PeaceHeaith Oregon Region,: ',.,.-<,;~' :C' ,',' ,''-;'',,'' i/';" ,March 15:2007 " ' ,'.., ':" ..; ,"'" ::',., - . ...., .-" ,. .- .... 'I: ";::..~~'. , ..' 'l'~'- .~f, .' ..i' . ". '_ .- '..~:.,'. .".,'. ,,,,::,::,<"'~:~~"~,..;.,,. '" '\ ,'v' ", ,;4.'"A., ':'.; -;j,:.-.}~:)-"". ;,r:"~~ -:.'::\ ~ ~::';':~~~~~::;~'-,.-'~.,> .~:;"" .:,;\,:,:."." .:,~,!-:;,"ll.:':,En~rgyElementPol~cles. ,(".\, ._' '<,::."<' ,;' .'''. ' Pglicies ir; this;,~lemeritof. the lvlet~o Plan are n6trdev~ntto :~hereq"llesied~iagram ,.., d t . :::',' . . .am~p. ,men, . > " ,.f,- , '_,,' ,', 'f'l, i ; ," . I. - -~ ~':':V .-;; ',."_<:,': /;(.-. ',t" . "''''."'.':'': ~ ~,~., .- . ".' ~: L:~ t", ;':1.. " .,! ,~" " ~" '.-' '...::<." ,;/~' ": .... " " '; ~ ' ,'.... , ~, . ':'-'-', ' .~," , ":::, ~ ',~ .. ,': . _ " ,1_; ~~,:,y;::~ ~~~b:'\::;'" t' . ,': ~: 'f' '- - ,.,". " :" ':" "'.'-"'- " ,;i '.i' """".' - ,"_. ";. ' , .'",,' . '..' .,' '" "'8.0' ",EastMainRefiriement Plim Consistency' '. ",,">;, ' . : :,';:'iTh~Jo1l9wihg demonstrateS': how the prop~sal isp~n~iste,~t ;w!th~ppiicable poljcies,. in ihe 'F,: ',,':; ',:E?stMainRefjnement Pla~{EMR~).. . ..,,:":;,:., ':' - .. " "," "." ,;,.'t' ,,,:<._,'~">'; "',. ;"; .' -,' ,- :'., "'" _ ~"f:-' Mixcd~Us~ EYe.mert ., >:;~::.;. ., .,'" :' '-s" ...';'~. ~-. ' '.~ ", ~,' ,: " ,'" :. . . ". i' ' .; "~" ~ ,,(Policy2) Area #2> i: ,,'!, -".<~ ,', ':," .'~ '" . " ' .'~ _"-.. '. " ':_..:. _." ~:. u '. .; "-,'-~ . . . - . , <. ,,', ." ',: " . .:' " . 'i-I) Th~ foilo;vi",gland I!S~S are 'allowed,lInd~r CommimitJ' COI1;merc!til , .:zo~ing: -:; ;,:"'.' .: ".' " ", ,.,' ", . . " ." ..,. ;'\,.>: All CommllnitV Coininer~ialus~; subject to'Article 18 o/the ,fSpringjield Develop!t~ent Code. ' :;. ," '. ,:. .:, _'. "'-. '~ .":' ;.....' .'; ,'..' "_ .- . ,. _' __ ' i . ,__ .'" .:' ,..' - " . .' __ . ; ,;,', ,."The pr"';posarr~quest;;redesignatii1g the subject propertiestoComml.mity Commercial, " and concurrently rezoning the properties to CC,,'as'is allowed by, the ab';ve policy and .. ,...consistent with other EMRP policies. Approval.ofthe request.wouldallow long-standing ", , "existing commercial uses on'Tax LotA02 to continue a.s permitted under Article IS; and " ,consistent with neighboring uses to the, v{est and s()uth, which are also zoned and, , .. '. ~". designatedJor.commercial,uses..'. " ,,"""':;:/. ." "...,..:..' '. ...;,i' 1; ~ . ",1 ',' \ ~, ,>, ,-'. ;IV ,.,' . .,~;\ ..; -~-', ,...:.-~~. ~ .. ~ l'. .... , '~"',: :~ <:?~;.\ ~~'..:'.-J>,: ~i ... ..,~ -:'<:,:~ -:~ " "" "'., ~ .... . .;:'0' ..i;: .~' ,i, : .. ~: :~; w~'; ':;:r- ,'~; " ..",.' ': .r:r''-:'~''';'~: '_,../.1 :. , . I' ,. ... -,' ,,'- J'.. . ,,:.. " ,. ,--J' ", 2, Commercial Element , " '. . '~: . ~: t. ~ ". ,0'.- . _' 'i'''',. .' ',' , ' Criteria 'r~r c~tiltllei-ciai Refillem'etlt'Pla;' Desi[!tliItion ,. ,". .'" (''" ,',; h,'';' . . 1. 'i- . Generally, the Comftllinity Commercial refinement plan designation . shall be applied under the following cirwmstances: . . ~ . . . . . . A) where it is not an intrlision into well-maintuined,residenii<il " neighborhoods; . ~,','. . The proposed redesignation does not.initude into the existing residential area west 'of the subject site along 44th Street, and is therefore consistent with the above . criterion. ., '. : . ,.,.' 'f' " , ..... "t.,: , ,. " c.:;', " '.. .... ,;,,' \', - " " .\. "-'.,' 3"':17 ,,'.. Wi$ii~~~fJ.~!t~~~,l~~i~ti(" ' ," "', , '<', '':' ,'~',,: 1'" ,',,'.Metro Plan/EMRP Diagrain Amendment '.j'~:,~':':<\(:;;r:!:\~:~c~Hie;lt~o~~egon R~gi~~.:,~;,"'" .' , ',' ~ ~~, . >..... ~ '. . ,.,...,' . "~- ... .'. +: .', ..,', ,,'. ,'. '; , . - : ~.- ~ . e '-::~i,~~":/~' . ,\"'.. . . . ., - . ;..~ .! ",' . \ .. ',...j' ,<". . \-- ,..,.;: \: .,' , , .. )::,' .... ':';..' ...; ,,' ;:",:.' , ::... " ',.~', ,.-,. "."'" ~." ";. ," ,:'<- ,..... '.'" .""..- '".:i:'c .~ ,.;;. " , ' ~', " . '~. .' <.,. ..;;.~ . . - .~.,' ..: t, ..",'. . . " _.,;. " .-. ,"," ,.- '., ' ". .. "',. The subject site has adequate legalacces~ onto Main Str.eet; >>:hich is classified as an arterial street. ""';,>':' ' . ~ '" .f, ,"','" '.,.... ',... ',"i, : ' ., ~ .,: ;", . " ~. . ,-".1 . -' ,....-', -" .:'" . . , .', ' ',' ,'F) wherr!ilesignated Coitlfnercial on the,MetriJ Plan Diagram, ,;: . \ 0:," .'. ',',:. : ,:.; "':"- . t' .- ~.' ~.,.: ", ,~'..' -'. : .' .' '" , -,:. :. .' , ':Approval of this application would resul't in a C,ommercial designation onthe'/ '. Metro Plan diagram;\~hich would also automatically modify thedesignation,on the EIvlRP diagraJTI. ., ' .. ,c' . " , . . l ~ ,I' il' ,,' . '.- ,". ,Or. '''.' .', .', \ ".". ",.' ' 'Policy 2) Apply site-specific COlnmercial refinenzent plan designations to clearly define the limits of ne~ commercial uses wh.ere there i~;not an' existing! legally established, and beneficial mi.-ring of uses, " ,.,' .-" "" '" . ' ~ , Approval ofthe requested redesignation would apply'Commercial plan designation's to. ,: the subject properties, allowing the existing, legally established commercial uses on Tax " Lot 402 to cqntinue. It woul4 also enable commercial uses to be established on Tax Lot" .400, thereby defining the limits of new commercial uses between the pre-existing commercial uses on Tax Lot 402 and others to the west, and the developed industrial " busiriess'park to the east.. Tax Lot 400 does not have an existing or beneficial mix of, '>use~;but h~shistorical!y hO,used industrial yard-typ.e operations. Therefore, approval of "'::'.'. .-\ '-' "~.:-_:.;"-..,,~ ' -:,;.'. '\' .'~.~ .'/:" ~. .,"" . \' .. '.' ""'I, ,', ',,~ !(:" .-,,: ,., " ",'., '. <. :~. ~ ::" .,.,~ " ,. -' .. / 3-18 ,-..'" ., -. ",..., ~', ...' "',.'.'. ",' ,,:O:."~" :,:;'-~ .: " ," . ~ _.' ',".:~.:,'\..',~"::~,'~.,',:,'~:d"' ",,;'" ;:\t,jB ',; ;-0__."_:": ~,.,'>'~ ;;:i~\;~~~;~i,~;~~;~~:. _ "J Metro PlaniEMRl>. b;agnimAmehdme~t' :'," " "PeaceHealth Orego,n 'Region:'-~" . ' , ", ' "',' March 15,2001" " ., '~-",>, . , l,", ,. ~ . ~c: ~f:~_ v' , ' . ' .. '~,,:,;>~:,,\i,,;;;:")~:\;:L"},:,:~<:_::"- ",' .i::>i.:~,i':":);;'::,-' ,.;.':," --~;\, ", ,,'.,-".. :; " ;-" the proposal would define: the1iinitsofnewcommercialuses as. called for in the above ':' .,';' '. ".,:~:)olicy, and' also proyide the ability to ,make superiOr buffering ~ndother impro~einents</i. , associated with. future de\(elopment,9n.Tax Lo~ 40Q, thrOltgh the:site pla~ rev,ie\yprocess. , ' ',. ,.,' - ;' _. ::,"1 :' ',,_,::~~' ~:: .,?- . ' ~< ",_~"~:\':~":.:., ;~:~. '.. '~'.:.,:' . -'",-_.:-: f ,'-,' .' '.. c'," .,:', . ,,--;,,::::~,:~,,:~ ;\ '-:,-, :,-:,': -,' ,~:.': '. ". . 'poiiey 3lReduc~tI1l;l!l1mber of vehicular ~ccess'points and reqziiri!the " " ,..'rebuilding'of curb~ and installationofsidew;dksand stre~t'trees ~long', " ,':",.,.,..." " Mai(l St~eet, through the Sire Plan Review proces,s alidin public:,:' , . , ' . '.':~J",":,.,;h~pr:ove~l~nt,~7:e~~,~..:,,",,:; .:. .,,; :,::..' ,....,..;~;:',';":';',:.;.'.\ .,': :'. ""': ",'.:. ,." ','"';,The proposal would nisult in reducirig the number' of ~xist[ng access points as required ". , . above. Through the Site Plan Review process, future development on Tax Lot 400 WIll ,;". ',',have'a ~ingle driveway access onto ,Main Street, eliminating one 9.fthe two existmg curb ,.:,cutson this site:.. Sidewalks ,and street trees are already.located along:ttsMain Street :. ..', ~ fi'ontage,consistent with the above policY:'. :' .;' .,..,. '.. . . '. '. . ,.,,";. > .. . . :. ., .~', .. '. ~, ' - .' '..;, . .' p.oiicy. 4),Pro~ide buffering between com~ercial imd residential uses , c ,,;', .' }';!:." ;"'through Articl~. 31 oJ; the Springfield DevelopmentCode,'sitePlan ".',:.Reviewprocess,:,':','..' ;"" ,:, ;.'.,.',". . : ~- ,,", ";. ,. . ;'. '" ., . ~ ' ,. _;.1 ' '~." - ',. . . . .,. . , "":" . '. :-. "".. '. -' , _' '.' :':. '. '-.'" ';" ..,' thO, -' '.. ....' , . :;:",: ..' . ~ . Existing re'sidential uses along the east side of 44: ~treet have had no real buffer from '. pre-existing' industrial uses on Tax Lot 400, :Approval'of the proposal would allow for' '.. "'"".iittracti've infill development'offuturemeCiical facilities that would provide (through the SPR process) improved landscaped butIers between the, future'use and existin'g -residenti~l area to'the west- asrequifed by <::;ode, and consistent with.the above policy, .... I. :-'1,,\ , ',_,0< ,H""':'"'' "'.' ...' ,...~: . ..' , .,.... ." ".,'-:.' ~,' '. .' ..t -~ ~ ....':' .>:t,:'" " ,. ',- ',.! ....,. '. ,. ,.., ~; ..,.. :.\ : ,,", . '1"..' . ." ,~ ._t.'. , ~ " .'j .' r'~' .' ~.- .- '.,' . 'H """ .....,... .... 3, Industrial Element .' Policy1/The City~h{tll encourage 4forts'ofvarious izgen~jesto attra'ct" new and retain existing jobs and b lisin esseS, ., " .< . ImvlementatiOli ~:' '." The, City shall maintainll current if!ventory ofvacantcommercilll and;, industrial land and structures within the East l'r[ain area, .'. ,Consisten't with the above policy, approval of the requested redesignationwill enable' .. existing, long.standing jobs and businesses on Tax Lot'402 to remain as legal,'" ' ; conforming land use,s; and allow future development of ~ew employffient on Tax Lot 400 . with higher than average wages and employffient densities than the current designation and zoning allows. , " -..." ~, .. , . .~. 1 ,,:: . ',;. "'" -,,' . . ~'...'" " < " ,J.Y', t....,. ....., ..,.... '..\' . '" . ~ .,,;,~ -'., .1" .. ,', :, ';'. .:>': ',,- ; ,.,,' - " ".' ,I 3-19 :-," . ~- ,'; , ."....' " ,...' t" > '. ", " ,.... ',- .,,<..:,' ""\, '.' .,~. '.~',.' .~... ." ....>;., . ""'" "02':32'? 4';'" , "'. .. - "" ~~.:,::':'. '\,.;.~l~~,;~~": '.':? 'r.~. '. . ..:_,~;:: ,;.. , . ,"".~ '."~ ~;' . '-'- <,-",\.~~,.'~..::~.. . ".'o'{ ,~. .;~ , . ". ~'..)~". '<"~" ."..;.:, ~)~'::~;')?';;~('.~'~;':~:'}~.~~/i~ '."~ " ,.~ .,.: . ,,:!.'~ . ,~' ...'., '~, ':. f~;~.~;::\;~.~.:~;~~:,:.;:'''J{:11''': ..~;.~.::,' .. . ',' " r.:.... " .'-' "",' '. .". 7S>C",!"~ .s/~/--f~ " 'c'' ,. .' ..,' :.4<;U< .... ,.'." ':,. ,~.t ~~:" ,.. '<l OJ ~' '. '. .'~ '. , I "-i: . 1\.- J", ~., I ~.., '8 ~"" ~ ~; " ~ " . 'S. '. o '" "..' ,'C .....' " ....." . i".' j~.-...'...:...., \:-". ,',.- soo:~> ""', , . ('... ~ ',f,: '...5'0'1,'" i...,e'-}-'J 'L:~. if ....-. '. ",- "' j-"'; , >l~::'~;'h~~ 'c. ~::i;: " ~ :".~::~~) "'.::; ;~ ....' ~~. ,:', .. - '" , , a~, "'II> ~ ' ~'","';' " , '" ',' ". .:'!: , ,. /..35/.-02 .,.", ., ....?49.e~. i.:.. I.- /' J' I. ,I: 'I ] I I 'I , '" :'1 :1 " ~J , .~. 'l' .~ I <". ,'. ,.. $0/' /". -LZ~ ... ,NE COR.. NW COR. ~ TD . EDWARDS AW HAMM '<t D.L.C.' 55D.LC; 36 100' " " b """ 00 ~ .. " c to . .' ~ C\l , .~,' "'I' ,!!) ~ -, ~ --- '''. 0 ''fi , III Z .~ ~ " ',' .. :. a " c;:( , 0 a: >- '. l- 2: " :::> 0 0 " '-'. ".".' <c";.' ~ ~ t 'J II Community .Commercial Light Mec.Jium IndListri.ClI MediumDensity" " Residential' ">'.' ~. '>:, .:i " ;'",; ..' .,' ",P, ,,', ',:,< .... '., . ~:t'" ", .;< .. ',,;. ~!,:. .. .'~ < ;...7..9C....,.._c s/~./4~ .... ..t,..' , " . "1 /--",-s/, 02 ..7-9.9,8'< . ,.' r S60.2' r.o, ......... ,'.'.r.. .~,: . ('";~' ". . , I I I . I I I . 'qj" '<)' ~ '~ I ~/'::~';:-':":'., .' '...Y ,. ~:~ t" . , .. "',::501. ,'". \,-'.-:'-1 -.- . '{',- '. .':." '401">' \,':' " .' : 1< ,;, I ,.,,,, . .,' I I' .....,;-.. .; .' ..,.,., '....,.: >.... ~: ".- .. <(\.. "l' ~,' ~ " -., -;. " ~ .' 1 ". '_'I ,'~ ' ~ -' - .,' . ....'j "'-~\.'- t.',..: " , . '- ~ ' .' "." .. -, ,'- .' ; ~ 1 , ''':3 i.~~.. . .' I' '-l . 1\' ~ g) ;'... -'. 8 tl """. ' ~ ;'.' ~ ,"', ~Oi' . ,~, "..' '.';- , '.. I\) "'.' 111' .,.. ,;~ ,'. "',," ~, . .'.'" " ~; ~.; ,. , (.,: .~.; :i.~-.:/':.;;.:.:"'~.": .~.; ~ .;:'- '. " " .....:.,l .. . " ,- PROP~OSE-?__,> '! sO/' /'(1 (-?~ _lI_ NE COR./", NW C,OR. ~ TD EDWARDS AW HAMMIl ~ . D.LC. 55 D.LC.36 'J 100 '-.,.;" '''''. r ~ :~ , . <::) r'\~ 'I) _ '~~", Ill, '" ~, " "'. ....' , .. 0 <( o a: " 00 .. r<) C\I .. . ',0 z c, < ", '. , , -, t, >- '.., ,~, .... Z ::l o C,) " , . 'fi Community Commercial',: 'LightMedium Industrial Medium Density . . ' Residential .'.,' >:"~;,':t;;::~:~:?;:,:(,~ .;',':.:'<~~>\" :.:'" ",'" '..<:..~:'.'::';' ,~~'"",;, ',;.:.. ',.".~',:;"; /;'-:.-.. ,::<.:'X ", ...,~'" .,"',./,' ':, ",' ",'.;;-\$'.'"'''' :, ,:-..:;: ';".:." :1',<.."" Prope~' ,,,"Plannina &"Developrri'ent"" ':'~<~r.~i~:<:,': '..,:~. :-~;:>~:/'~;;;':~;';-;~;">'~'''' :'~>~.~. ::!I ~:~;:r~ :/J~:~' ::;,~:~" .' ,~'O -. r."'f;' r. I' ~ .."," "~"'fr,.h". '.' v' . I: ,r . "",. > , "~"",~"'J .", ,/:..,. >,':_'..\'.' ~,"',~_~Y '.~~-.',,,:': _, i,~-':'-":<l~.'l,,,J..,~....'....t --.r'.:""" ..,~, _' '! '- lO .. ':"""" ',.'-"' i.',.."':.":"'-''-''''''''- I",,',,,:., ::J.l'...~; PeaceHealth"'" ....~:.'! >t?~i~;~f1(~4i~&il~;~~~~1fkLi' ,.' ,',n DaVId Reesor, Planner II ':':" . " ':::""'."(' ,Y', .;' ";',;',:,;'" . '.City ofSpri~gfi:ld. )!'-;C:::'i~',::::'" ;:;:::'::;:kr;';;1 :~::4::: ':.:::': ";':"~::'::' .,.. ''I''., ,Development,SefVlcesDepartment.;.":.F""'"..:~:>>:..r,?','','k-/.".; ,;.;,. :;, .,.': .. ,": " 225 Fifth Street. ,::::," >'~:<:.,\: ::;: i',,;<::::jf;:;:,:;\:'z';:~:f''',';~'.,'' ,. ; ',' ,,'. Springfield, ()R974??>., ,'; :"'~:;-~'.:'>'t:..>. i, ,...,. .,' . '~':~'::':::'. /':~,.~:;,",' ..: ,:<:2>~>.>::; :~<:' '~,;:,:;~; ',' ,:'~'+":'<':' .r: '.',:.',::~~~:':~\f~~;~~:s~~t:., Re: Plan Amendment (LRP2007 -ODD 13 ),Zorie Change,'(ZO~2007 -000 12), ',,' ..':~ ,i.~?;"~~-;' ::':< ~;~;.~;:,.;:; ~ "" \ "" "", ~', R'~~~i~)";:.'.""" ,.,~;~;'k~~~;;t\;f: .,,:,i~;~;f:j~~i:;~J~I;' The following arid attached is supplemental'.inf~frmltion for theaboye-i:eferericed' ;..r,. r.t~;;~~,:~,/i,?;~:iif.~~l'::~~~ ,applicatiohsfor proposed MetrciPlan' diagram' iimendment and 7;one change.in.east: ,',.-:' ,;i:1:Xt;~,i"':~t~W"-: .,. . SPri~g,~eld:~.:t:;\.::~_', :;::: ::: ," '..~. ':i; ;,-::: ::,:':' ,::3':~\::,' :':'" ': ". <:' "::':,t,~0~Ji,,~;,~~:1~i!~fgI11~ The proposal seeks to redesignate and'rezone,approxiinately 5.24 acres on two'parcels ':':::::,'~! P,'''''''c:''':'''L:'~: , . ,; H - ~. ~~"'1 ~","'" ,-,...:;."\"~~.'o<::'.iti'tf~~:!7ft"~~' 'from Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) to Commercial. ,As roted in the application.- ';".~:';::~;:;;::~~~",,;;;;:~~,*~f~,;'!. findings 'submitted last week, the Springfield 'Commer.cial Lands Study demo,nstrates thaf;'.":<':\q~-:~:",.; -,. . . "', -" .,..... ....~~- - . .... ........~.!>". '. the City has a deficiency in needed coffin.lercially'a.esignated and zoned land, .so,:. ,,::' d".;',,~c~"J"'''''+;;: ,~:." approving' thi:)roposal would help redilCe t~e,~dentified deficit i~ ill~tland usecateg9ry:':'i,,:')t~~~!~t.,,",:";,',,;-~. .. .:. "'".' < './ '-- ':~. '''.'..'_'' tt.!,-~>."_ '~-''lT''\~ ''';~~;~~~~'~~'f~:~;;;:~~~""r~:_:: ," ,,":'Th~ Metrop6iitan Industrial Lands Study{Julyi 993) \vas'adopted by the local,,;' :" . .,'. :'c;,,;""\'?c\:": ' . .jurisdictions andackno,:v,ledged by LCDC as being consistent with ~ta:tewideplirming~' :,-;.,~::-:~<:'" '." .' . goals and the Metro Phin, specifically fujfillingthe Eugene-Springfie!d area's',oi:lligations" ';f'1-::"i;: :,. 'under Goal 9 (Economic Development).. The Metiopolitan Industri~l Lands Inventory " ." '...,' . Report associated with the MILS identified :'about 1,688constrainHree industrial: ' ' acres.. ..This supply exceeds the projected demand over the nextt:Henty years, which is ", " ....behveen650 to 1; in acres:':;(pg. 73) .TheInventory Report also'stated: "Thel,688 .~:" constrainhfree acres maybe the.bestsuited.to 'meet"short.term industrial demand. This" ,', .. portion of thesupply also exceeds the tWenty year demand projection':': . ' ..,.. . '" .'. ,. '. .', <. ...." " <<":: ",',:" ,,' ',- ..., ; ~' . , ' . - ,The City performed subsequent analysis of iD:dustrialland supply as paribf periodic review requirements to demonstrate compliance with statewide planning GoalS (Natura!" ': Resources). As shown in Attachment f" that analysis indicated that even removing the' possible industrial acreage affected by GoalS protection measures (about 100 acres debited from the Eugene and Springfield inventories) would le~vea surplus of iridustrial' lands, of between 1,600 and 2, 122 acres metro-wide. "',' ' "" " ". '~. . Staffs GoalS work also calculated the thanges in industrial land supplies since 1991 aS,a ~ consequence of Metro Plan diagram changes (see Attachment B): This analysis" '.' ',' : demonstrated a reduction in les~ thaI). 9~ acres of iridustriall~d over the past 15 years, .' .' ~ \ .. f. . ..'Dedi~'[fle,ho E.~cepli()l7ai M~dicil7~' <'''pi7c/ Conip"assionute Care .. -' ' . ,~':. '~, " . ;;:. .. -:~., i::; ,-',/.... ': Phone:." . Fax:. (541) 335,2593' '(541) 3'35"2595. ' ' River.BenaAnnex123In,ternation'al,Way Spri.ngrfeld: OR 9747,7 ,'www,peacehealth,or9Iore~on ',..:" ' " ',... .",' '.:)-22' " ..~ ; , ,'" " -,,' ., , , " ~ . < ; :':f'-' :,:';~.:~,:,' ~':,,>;':~;:~~>.~ ,: ~;. ., "" '" '.. ...... ....,c~;f)~~f))t?:~:,',;S;~~r~~~~), ';. "sl~gg~stin<gthat'there is sthl an ampl~ stipply of available ,indust~al iands '\omeef>~;isting ,,' ':~n~' :~;t~;:};~*~Il1~~it,S~~~d~::;',; ',,;; ',:~:;:~>,~t., " " >. ,'"." :>~{;>}:f-:'<<'~':>:' , '. .,,' ~ This analysis may-also not reflect,other,cha.Ages within industrially designated land cat~gories that would furthefbff-set:the proposed changdo,the site"s LMIPlan '-'"'' . . ':designation'and zoning.:Jicir example; I i.~ .acr~~; \Vas added to, the ,inveritory 6f Lrvi( '.'. , . 'zoned and designated land'due to City Colirtcil approval in'Apri11997 for hind east of the ,> .... th' 5t .' , . '-' " ,.~ '. , '.. - " . -'. ' . , 28 /31 ,Street connector and north of Marc 01 a Raild (Ordlriance No. 5851). Insofar as : .the City and metropolitan area contihue to',ertjoy a'siiqifuspfneeded Industrial land, and. , : spe'cifically Heavy Industrial zoned an~ desigri~ted land, (he above-referenced change." '" . .. ' added more than enough acreage to the,inveritory.oftM! designated and zoned land to,', . 'off-set the proposal to r~move only about 5 acr6s"ITc)]n:tne LM! inventory.; , .. .' , .,'; ,,' ,,:. > ,'.:.,"'.,,> ,L::("$;~/:i;:.,~'::>(,""'>"'" ,;,,,.,;, ;"", . We therefore respectfully. submit thatt\1e proR.bsed;M~tro'-P]an diagram amendmeht'and ,', ; zone change wilLnot ~aterially ~ffecttlfe;iiventor;y,'d'rneededIndustriall.uid and will n~t';. a.lter the City's continued compliance ~vith d~aE'9:,L::)'; ., "',~,:/ ,; . " ' '.' ,'c. ,: > ..'.".,::". " ',: <;;:,,~:: '.:' ,e' ::d?::;"ii:;~'''>L),',< ,',,,' ~;,' ,:,,"., ,,With acceptapce oftheabo,:e ~hdirygs ~n~~Afli~~\~RClings~ndnarrativein the prior ;'; , submitted apphcatlons, we b,el1eve !he,aPBltcqtl~m'a,[e,completeand ready.to beset.forc, '.- Planning COll1lJ1issionh:~~ng,:: Ple~Se;~o\ify2nr;~~~$nth~ h~an~g isseI; and, send me A' " , copy of the reqUIred heanng notIce to.pLCD;(,?rmy files.., ,', ;,;' ,'. ".' \,' <:";'.i, ," :,.,' ., ~.,'.,." ," . .." ,::-:':" ~~:'f':'~:~'}:':":"~"r.~\. f;: ~...,:.,:. .' "',: '! <"- '.<-~" 1"' ':--ThanksJor YO\lr'c~nsideration oftheabo~'e.,;IfY9.u:~~ed additional inf~rn1aiion','ple4~e' "'" : contact me at" yourcoii"Yenie~ce' : "., r~;':r;:;:':t'e' '.," ,.' " , ",.' ,"", . " ". ; ,,',' , '. t,'" _ " . :." ';,.."C. :..,~A -....:: ~ ,. .' , ".' . . ,.... . J.. ,! ...~ ~ , . pZ" ,"i, ji[;,.R ,. "': ....:..', Director,Land Use Planning & Development," PeaceHealth Oregon Region. " . ." ..,,-' ~~. i ".::; .". .,." '.r ,:; ',' .;",'" ~. ~. "., ,',," ., ,". .... , " !,. ;"." ",. . > ~', " . , , l_ -' '. c.' " ~ ~" .- .. ,on,' . ,1;,i. '.-. .',_;'ie " .~ .., ,,'t- , ' ". "~~ ", -., . , .;: ~:. " .j" ",.r .,'" -," '. , " "i.' - '}', , '. " ,i; '.~ -,.,. :Attachments ' ./ c t' " , " L 'i, '.{, .,' ., ',!. '1;' . " ':~ t, " ^, ....',,;.; ;., 1:i' ; ., \.', ~'. .. , ," :., ',"." ,,~ , .- ~ I,: . , . - ,. . . " .. .' "_' ;, ,~' ;l '. ~: .',' 4.:) ",' ' >. . ~"' .,-. J-23 .... -t ^.. ..... J.:. ," !~!~%i~'0i~~i~~~~~$i~~.,. , . ", , ,', '" " ,,"' .> '11.0 Impa'cto(the Prop,osed:Frotections'onBuild~bl~ Land, "~;'''';': ' ' ::~ ')j:~i~;~:~ne:.'};~::f..:::~:;;://;~:f,. " .. ',,/"'- ,,' ", '. ,(~::.,' ,'Y;t~"~{~~"i~;;,\:" :, . ..;':~ :, "This s'ecti'on estimates the'impact of the recommended pr~gram for' p~ote~tiri'g ,', -:, ' ,:. .~ "<::' :,Springfield's resOl.irceareasqn th~ inventory of buildable residential: comhierci~iand'. '.", . ;.,', ", ',~ ",' '..,:industrial land. ,The administr~tive rule quoted above is, somewhat vague about howto '.,~ ::' .', . ';.. ' , : compute the irnpact:.Some contend that the protected acreage should be subtracted from ':: ..,. " the current inventory of buildable land. Others contend that the protected acreage should" ..' , ",:,,_ ,:.,;' ,.:,te subtracted fromthe~urolus ofbuildableland that 'Yas detennined at the adoption of ",' . ", ;;""~~",:,,,' '-, ~,'thejnventory. ,Case law,supports subtracting the protected acreage from.the surplus of' :' '"~..:<~,,.-'-':~'<'''bl\ildableland.'''' ...:;. ',:",., "" ,-,; ',' "'~' ".! . '.,':. .', f,' '.:},:~~..:'l'(:f:~~,,"':;>:,' ,',.,: ',,: ..,'. . .' .".: ""..:': ~". ":,">, <:,'" .;,>~!):':;:{"Tables 11-1, 11-2, and 11-3 below summarize the amount ofland thatw'o'uld be .' . ,,:\';,:'~i~:~;i':((:,'t~!,:'slibtraCted fro~ the Eugene~Springfield inv~ntories of surplus ofbuildable:reside~tial,. ,'. .:' ; '. }i;,\;'?;';:;'y,c'ommercial and indllstrial,lahds that wereidehtified when each inventory was adopted.:' :" .,... "<:S':,~.:'~~\:~;:'\,':'. :' ,:.' l_ '.., 1..,-:. ,',',. '.:'~_-"':I' "~,.,,. .'.'i:..-~~"".'-,,',;\;""~'::,~'.' .... .:"':' .. " :::' ':,~,~; , ':Table 1.1-1: Analysis' ~f Maximum P~ssible Impact .o~'Supply of Reside~tiai .,1.. ~,' ' ~ ,." ,,'. '~~::..' "~..c ,'~':'Lands within the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area . , - " .... .,~~J_;.~,~~~':~~~~5~~~}ifl',;~\" :'. .",< ;", ., ..~, ....~!; "'/~' .,', , .. ",'",.::: ""',i.:;;:I:I" ,\'-,'..'.'I.,Re.'sl'den tl'al La'nd Su p' ply' .. , .. ' ",',''',' .,. . ,.. """"",,,,:.., ." ~ -,~;" '., " .,' .. , .', ,_:~)rr;~~~?~;~;;::'Eugene-Springfield.MetrbPolitan Area Residential Lands" " " ",," and HO)lsing Study Surplus Ac~es. . ',: .. . ' , .. " ~', ... ..L()'N, ?emand.p;S~\lmPtion .~ .~: .'.'. -' :or , . ,. " '," " High Demand Assumption , . Acres Removed from Residential Designation by Previous ,.Plan Amendments' . I,' .f" " , Euaene. u ". ..' '''. ". ., . =: Springfield "': 'Total" ....' ;.:", :,..'.':: .'., ...---;' . . .' .....,''''. ~.: -' t,' ,.,," .J ..:.. . ,1,~, ..:' :. , ,Acres I ':....:'{,,:;,.:,l,::-. ;')'.' .... .... ~~ .' '" 1862.00 .. ' "',,' r.,,' '.11. ,,~,. , or 790.00 -.-'.':,:. .' ~! " ,',....... .,', .-84.90 . -52.03 -136,93 " Maximum Possible Residential Acres Impacted'by " Eugene GoalS Protection Measure~ . ' ,445.77 . Maximum Possible Residential Acres Impacted b'y , Springfield Goal 5 Protection Measures ' Remaining Surplus, -14.18 1265.12 or '193.12 , , ',' " ..1: ;. ~ , ";.."" , " "', 1:_' " " .,';i- . ~.: .", .." ",-, '-,.."~'... .. ..r.>,;' . .~." '< , 3-24 ," . ~~., ,,' ."4,,' .' ,.'o~ '0 " ',- , .r .' " ~- . . "1,", :~.~" ~- \, :~:.:~,-,~~:,::.;,:-\.<;~~?~ . ...-.1'" ' ,..... '., F ~. '~;.'....,.,.,~,.,., :/:~ 1 Commercial Lang Supply' :' , . Acres I',' ',"~'" ....' 'J' " , '. ,C' .::; I Springfield C.ommeiciaI L,.~nds.Stlldy(20?:0) P,roj~~ts,;a1~~cit o.f . ':," f," :158acres I,;",., ::.. <, . . " ' . commercIal land ," '. .'. " . .'. ..... - '. '", '. ,;,:;'. - " :,,~:...:- ,,' ." ',~-. '~. '"''- '. ,. "- ' Acres Removed from Commercial Designation by Previous Plan ,: -.,2:',8. ",~~res 1 :. '. ',', '. Amendments' ' ,: ' .",". ' '" Maxjmum Possible Commercial Acres Impacted by SPririgfleld's", ", ,,',- ',.<~~11_.5~.acres Goal'S Protection Measures:: : " :' ':'," _' , .-:';;',,\''t;,';', , , ,'.; '.::- -' '" .,~" >: 1 " . . Remaining Suqilus (DelTCit) ,:;::(-In,36 acres) ~ :" ..' . _ . . :.' -';.~ ,~.:" '. .' '~:";r;:~~~":.'::';:\t:,;?;{:.~':.(~,'if.~:/";}~~~: '.:... '" , Table 11 :3. : Analysis of Maximum Possible Impact on' SupplY,of Indu'strial :. "",' i- , ~ . _ .: . . _'.- . - ~"'''''' .s,..... '. , " "Lands within the Eugene"Springfield Metropolitan Area' ".J.,. . i-;'~.':;,,"">":; " ",...:.... '. ~, ::'" . .,:.;t,".."'--'-"'::.'-,'c "'...... :'<.: ,'" .~ ..... :~..;~... ~.':...,.',.'."J ',:<,-'_:~,"~~-,,-'~'.:;~~:;'''-J';;,;),::,:'-,~~'1~,;'''~i'/,.,,' .,:',( '~l" . ".:' :,.'.1 Industrial L~nd Supoly , '..," : '.. -',,' ...., . Acres 1 . ." ' , .. ' Metropolitan,Industrial Lands Inventory" Report Surplus Acres"" ., ,;.,.. .. .,... ~\.',~ ,', ":' ;Low DeinandAssump.tion ".:; .'<";:'.<:;:.' ::,;;:;;;,('2954:28 _ .., .. '~,' , ,',' >,;.,..,;.,or..::,'.:.'::>.J;,;.', " ;::/'t:";. of.." ,'" 'Hl,gh Demand AssumptIOn ' ,~,. ,".<, ,""Vr;:; ;:;2432.28 ' ,'. ,:: " -Acres Removed from Industrial Designation by Previous Plan " ' ;:','~ ''':~''i: '" ' Amendinents*' .. ," ", ',..' .""." .I." . ,<' _..' ... .. .'.. .: :'Eugene. ' ' ...., ,'. -642.30 ., .,," ...., ';:.; :..' ' .,' Springfield:: ;.' . .. " k. ,c' .,... ' ,.. ~90.80 ., , 'Total . -732.80 . . '. Maximum Possible Indl!strial Acres In1pacted by Eugene GoalS" ,,' Protection Measures" '. -'. .. , .'", ,-. ~ . . '. c' .',., "-'__'~' , ' ';':'~- .~t,;~::l;Y:.~\~ ;";. 1::, 011-2 :Analysi~of M~xim:uh1 Possiblelmj:lact'ori Supply of} ,< .', pommercial,Lands with'in the Springfield Urban ,Growth Boundary ~. .'l....--:;.,t..;,:-/ " ':.:~.,. ',,; ~ !,~~""","",{., ",,' .'," ".~-":,';' ..-::.'-.:' "i~::_ ". :.'l.' .,', ,:,.. .... ,.,: .~; ~ .~-;' . . ,~. . " ~:.. .,'.', \, , , .',"." . ;... .~ :" ,.... ' ,,' . ,",',";';.., ~ ,,' 'd ,I.' ,:' . ': .' ',' .,: 'c' j ..>-.,-..; ....,' " ,.C.. . '"". . ., " - .\." .~, ..,' ",,' .,' ~, ,;,.' . '.,., '. ';'-," " ~, < :., ,-4473 ". '. Maxirrnim Possible Ind~strial Acres Im,pacfed by Springfield, Goal 5 Protection Measures . . R.!,maining Surplus ,. ...." -54.43 2122.01 .':' . 'or" , . 1600,01 J . ,Does not consider ~ctions taken by Eugene toadd additional}ands to the surplus. , " ,.. -.'. 11',1 Impact on th~ Residential Lands Inventory In 1999, the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Residential Larid'and Housing Study ,', (Residential Lands StUdy) estimated the amount of vacant buildable residential land in the area. In Springfield, a total of 3,087 acres of buildable lands were identified. The Study classifle'd yvetlands listed on the Springfield Local Wetland Inventory as unbuildable and were not incllldedin the estimated supply of buildable residential lands. . ,:Other types of constraints were also considered and classified as,llnbuildable and were, . , ' .. ',not ~ount~d in the buildable residential land inventory., The list of constraints included" , . ." ,,' ' " ". ." , ~ '.'. . . . ,.. F\ob(h~ays;' , , ' ." " .') "'.':"1"- ..' , . ;. .... "1"'" .:~,~; . ,,' . ',' .,'" ",;' . ",' . . ': , . ~~ . , ' '.. ., . '.< ""'4 --;', ;," , "~ _." ..;'.i 3-:-25 ".:',;. , , .,' . . ~ '.. -:'~' ,;." ". do, . ,!::.~. . "~'::l~,~,' :'l. 1,'.- ...:.:.~~:.:~y.:'::.,:~-^ '~.; '-f' '. ..' . ~ "H """. ,',J:;'j 2:,<;~:;;Ij", ,'0 ;..,.,::;\,~.\':i:i., ..," ",.,..S , ','., 'fr"'.<r !}:Wetlandslisied,on,:ttieSpririgfield .Loca,l We~lahd~Inventory largerthan.25:.-. ,. , . ";.;::-'a~res'; ;,~~:;;;'~~:,~~: ,:;~' ,~{}, :!::.1 ::~;,;\'~-;,< :,0:<'': ':~,:.~.' '~::_, 0 ':',~' ': ~'. ,. ',}i:/~: ::,,~~...~};;;,; ,"" "r --., i> ~. .,,:r:"Lancl~v;thiri the"eas~m'enf OJ 230 KV pbwer linys;,\: " ;'; , '<:~:'Land\VitIiinJ5 feetcifa:Class A strearrtorp?rid;,,: ,,' ..: ,:Land\vithin 50J~et: Of a Cla~'s Bstniimi or pond; arid ,. . ',.- ;),~' .' ", .', ~ . e . .' '_ . . .. ,.,.., ~. _, .' . ':: .;: .'. ,,:i, Small irregularly shaped lots:, ",,' ,.' " . -. ,,,..," . ,.. ,.. ',. ..' . -.' .. ',',.-:J .-,~:,.. .':"."..,',~~:".-""''-<;'''.','. .,t ',:~".,,;. <".' ":-..' .:'...., ~..," ',e'. _'.:." '." . >.". . Since'theResidentialLmds'Study did not.inchide wetlands listed on the Local Wetlands Inventci~:/irith~bu;ldabiehnds inventory;' it is assumed that protecting these wetland sites from corif1jcting'r~~sidentialdevelopmentviill not reduce that inventory:' The :, ',' , , 'deveibpin~riii~i~,atks~'~'\;'oinIDended for significant wetiandsi!esin this study will" , ." '" :", >".'" ';.slightiy'redudtih'e'inventoried acreage of vacant buildabie land adjacent to wetland J;:.}~;~r:'~;;~~f,~~~,,'.~'," '.... .'.. ; ',r"', ,As noted in Talile 1 r:~, b'elow, ,about 9:95 acr,es oflow-density residential (LDR) and .5Q .,';.: ,./':"'.acreso'fme"cIium':dehSjtyi'residential'(NIDR) land Will be removed from the residential" . <', f .t'--..: ,", ,\ . ~- <:, ,...., "'. .~J"'~' .'.' " , '. - . . . . . .' '. , ,,0,.:', :,','::Iands inventOry by:the?5-foot setback rec9mmendedJor those wetlands not already":: " ';, ',;~f L:,' 'i pr6tect~d.bY t~d,~'O:jR~~I)J90!s~tb,acks required by Springfield's st.ormwa~er quality' ',' , :. 'protection policies.; Keep in mind that .this is a V(orst case ,scenario and assumes thar'the '., ., ' developeris.unable' to locate required storinwaier facilities within,the recorrllnended ' ' setbackS 'and that,subdiyision design cannotarrange for the yard areas of affected, : ~ " . - .. -.- - - '. '. - - . ,. " .r dwelling units to. be placed adjacenttothe wetl~md,thusreducingor eliminatingiost " developm'ent area..' . . ,. ',' , . " .' ' """ ,. _' , ~ . '- .. :';';'-.;~:. I .... .': " '. " . ('. .... '. '.." ..... :""'\ ...,..' . .'1 " ~"...: ,. ;.. . ".:.... :,: . :~. :. "'. ...' j' ~ - , > '~'- '.~. ' , "",' . "~ ;,' 0:, "'. ", ",' " "l'':..'. , ; ..... ',". ',", '. ~ .-', ,. ., ,,- ~ -. .-, .., .' ; " " Riparian Setbacks,,'; n..... ": , , ::'. "~' . '", :-- " "," '. . ~, . '. .\ . _;i > . . ..' . ~. '. ',' In addition' to wetlarid setbacks, recommended riparian setbacks wi Ii also restilt in. the , ,:,' removalof vacant acreage from the' inventory of buildable residential lands. r As noted in . .', :rable 11 A, about 3.42 acres of low7densilY residential(LDR) and .22 acres of medium ; " density residential (MDR)laild .will berefuoyedfro.rri the residential lands inventory by , 'the '25-foot setbackiecommended for those wetlands not already protected by the 50 .and ' ,75 foot setbacks n:quired by Springfi~ld's stOrllwater quality pr,oteciion policies., , , " 0 .~ "'. . . ." ...... "'" . The combLhed' impa~t of the proposed25~foot setbacks for w~;lands m'1d' riparian areas is 14.18 acres. This represents.45% of the 3,087,acres of buildable residential land: " 'described in th~_1999 Residential Lands Shtdy. In May 200( a'Residential Lands Study Monitoring Report was published: updating the " . residential lands inventory to. reflect development through 2003, The report estimated " that at the end of2003 there was 1,361 ac'resofremaining buildable residential land in . _ 'Springfield. .The amount of]and removed from the buildable' inventory by the 25-foot wetland~driparian setbacks proposed by this report 'represents about 1 % of remaining , .' - .,,' . --.... 1,361 acres:< .. " ,'. ':' : ,., ,', , ,J ,', ;- " ,,; , " ,.. " .' .". " , ':~ ;;' ," '. ...r...~. ." . ::.. , . ",' , :1 ~- : ..- ',;! :""'.;' 3-26 , ,-.. -' '. -,~; .' ..' . " '."--,, .- " The.CotTuhe"rcial Lands Study classiiiedsites on the on the Springfield Local Wetiand . . Inventory as constrained. The presence of these wet.1ands was noted and the inventory of vacant commercial lands was noted to'reflect the constraint: The riparian sites which are 'part bfthis study were also included as constrained; sincethey were part of the draft ': '.Springfield Inventory of Natural Resourc'e Sites at the time Commercial LandsStudywas conducted. " ~ ,," .'J ',>;',:'.:1 Wetland Setbacks , '; ,'~' 125 foot :. . -,., I " '.;.'."": ..... '. 50 foot"" "..,' ' ..'.1 v'. ' ;; ;::' :,75 foot< ? 'C' 'I '," .' .1 Riparian 'Betbacks ' ;: ' :,: I 25 foot r "~,,: 150 foot '"" ;':,:,175,foot' ;""".1 ' ....', " I ;, " 'c:,' . ~. ,,' Total Total Grand Total -'-":": " ,-...;"":_,;.",; 0-'1.:', '-..; '.,. ';, ,. ~i ',' ~~ -'t" . . ," , '. . '.. ;.", -", "..~' ", . '.... 'r"."," . ''! ;,.' .. ...,'.:' .:' ,,~_ l ." ' , ...,' '.' ~,:' , '-<f" ,-'''' " ',\';--"-,,' . , :'~. ". '; ,-~ ~ , Vacant LDR', , ' Acres " ~',.Total Acres' ',;-'. V.acant ' 'MDR'; " Acres, ,-,.\ ", .~1I _~:: . ,." .-~. \:. ~ :<';-.'" " , .~J "." 9.95 9.4 ; 4.97 24.32 .59' 2.73 " ~.1?_ 7.47 ;>',-. '".. " ;3.42 '6.06 ' 4.97 14.45 38:77 .22 2.73 4.15 7,1 ',14.57 ," ,--.~ .' '-. .'~,' " "',l , . >1':, ,,' "0' .", ,',' ". 1,1. :.:(! " .',< .. " "',:. ~r~ \-./ .' ,'-. '.' '. . ,-, ~ .. -, ,- " . .' 3-27 ^: .~ :. f .... '.. -. ,.J, . ,... ",," :.....' ,. ..~ .' ." ,~ - , :,' - ,; ComIri~;6i~1 Lands Studydid'llot remove andriparian . . , .,'.. ~, '.' , . .. .'. ,/:>i!~~ites, measures propo~edby thi~shldy:willhave\an impact on, theiriyentored,,",~' . , : <',acreage of vacant commercial lands: The deve,lopment setbac~srecommendedJ6r'. ,~: ':'. ",', :,:.;:' ' significant wetland and riparian sites will ,further reduce"the inventoried acreage of vacant ,::"", " ,:>,buildable cOrrllnercial land adjacent to'these resource, sites:: The'extent.ofthis impact is ......,. :,;-disc~ssed b~:l?~(:'~;:>;.,~~,",!:';~~:<i. , ,,;;..; '~,:'."',':':::'."{':::':/" ' , ,The Commercial Larlds"Study conCluded that there was about 85 acres ofYacant' '.' , .. .' '. ". , -' ' . , buildable" commerciallai1d in'Springfield.'IAn\lc!d.itional12acres was projected for ' ' :": ',' :"redevelopinentbythe Study bringing the total,to9}'~uild~ble~cres.Demarid for~a~arit. ,'.:. ',;! ':,' commercial land for the'pli:miiing horizon 2OF5,was255 acres. 'The 2000 Commercial' '., Lands.~fudy concluded tha\' lhere ~~:~~' a 1,5,8 acre7deflclt ofhuildilb1i: commercial land. " ,c ':':' ',,'.';';: '..' )HJ~I~d~,,;;,.,,; ;;.C,^II:J:\iir,", <:', .' ..... ," '.' ......,: .' >TableTl-5 shows that .07 acres ofvac'ant cotrimetciallandwould be removedfroin the' . '.". ' I, . '.' . '.- " ,,' . .. ~. Coriunercial Lands Inventory if wetland, sites zoned forcomni.ercial development were' ;, '. fiilly protected. 'The i5-foot ~vetla~ds~tliackrec~mn-;~nded pythisstudywould remove , :'c,anadditionall)l7 acres qfvacant cOnllTIerciaIJand,.from 'deveiqpment. This figure . i :assurrles that the developer is unable to 106atereqiiired,stormwater ,facilities or required' .' . ' . '.... '." ". ..,:.. ;.'.,' ",:\'~,l"....'.. ". - . . , ." .. , 'landscaping within thi: ~ecommended,si:tbacks)husieduci.ng or eliminating lost,. .' . ," . . - . ~. . "!' ,,' i' . - '. ." . , ' .' ":." :..developmentarea, .' ',." ' " >':....:::- >. .'~ :.' . ,., '~'<, :':i',.,t:",',~:~;.y; .,;,' ,,'~ " , ' The total impact on the Commercial Lands InventQry would be a reduction of 1.54 acres, ; '. ~ . . I .' - , , 'if wetland sites and their setbacks \vere fully protected. " , . ,:. .~... :..'. ~j . ,. . ." ,,,! .- , -,' . '<!":;F;~;:1{1};;');~;~;'?~,::,:,:',:,~'" '" .. .::,:~~'~_ ./~;:"'~i:::~~~~', '_>~ ,~' ~~< ~:': ::;,' '-":;'< ,",,' " . .'c' . "'" -".; ".:":,.... ,.,-,'.', .' '._ .'l' , , .' " ~; '. ,. . ~;, . ;, ,"." , ,,' .' ~, , .~ .,. -,' ;'.- ., '1' , ',' .~, J ",,",' " . - '. ' , . Ripari~n Site Imp~cts'.". . n' -. ..... \- /", ... ." ~ ~ "", 'I. ~,., .. ~' 'Table i 1-5 shows that about acres 2.78 6fv;~ant commercial larid lies within inventoried riparian sites that are protectedby.the Springfield;s Stormwater Quality Management pro'gnim. Therefore, no commercial acreage is removed from the Commercial Lands Iriventory by the impl~ment~tion of proposed protections In this stu~y., A~noted in:.' Table 11-5, no vacant commercial land will beremoved from the inventory by the ' , proposed 25-foot setbacks. ' .." " ' ' , " j' , '. ..The total impact on the Commerci~ILands Ill~erii6ryw"0~ld bea redilct;o~ on.54' acr'es if wetland and riparian sites and their setbacks .were fully protected, This repres~nts 1.8% of the 85 acres of buildable cornrriercialland desctibedin .the Springfield Commercial Lands Study. ' ' . , Table 11-5, . VacantCommerc'ial Land within Proposed' Protection Setbacks " .' '.', ,- Wetlands ,ICommunitv ' .07, 1.47 .11 o I I 1.651 , +. Zoning District .' Site' Acreage . 25 ft., , , Setb ack 50 It. 'Setback " 75 ft,. Total' .. Setback, " Acres ,-:.: '" -- '" ,,- ,,:,-' . " (H (,", '\ ., ',! 1.' " I'". - " , .... ." '", ,. --.. , ' .' 3:"23,' '",-, .' ' . ~: . ~,1" ,..\ .Z?uin. ~ W,s.,WC, t\ Site, . . '_, ':" ~.', ,', ,'..., ,,;; :Acreage I, Commercial' ' '. .,\ ~~~~~~~~di.::Y'/';'O . ,I General.Office '."I.MajorRet,ail C,' ", Commercia!'.' Wetland Total ,Riparian Areas, ... '. ,,; " ':;.:' .:~;" ',' .', ..<.: . . ~. .,,' . " , . " ' ,'. . . ' . .' '. .~, " ' ,'.::. ~'.-11,3:lmpci'ct on the Industrial Lands InventorY,,".. ":"" . ., . . c . , ' '. . -, :". ~', . . . . ",.', . .>. '" ..., . ',,' ... .:' ,.' ' . ',_ ',.,.' 'J." .... " .;< , ~" The 1992 Metro Area Industrial Lands Study assessed the',;upply and demand for, , ;.industrialland in the greater Eugene-Springfield,area.' The Shldy concluded that there' '. "was about 709 acres of buildable industrial land i.vithin Springfield's UGB:, Like .the " . . Springfield Commercial Lands Study,thelnctustnal Lands Study noted' those ind~strial ' " ,,' s'ites with ~vetland and riparian constraint~ but did not exclude them from the inventory. ' ' " ,For that reason, protection.ofwetland and riparian lands under the policies proposed by ", this study will reduce the inventory of bu'ildable iI1dustrial lands. The exteniofthis, impact is discussed below; , .~ ,., , ';.' '. \., :,' ,: '" ,: ,', ,,;: ' . l <~- '. .... ":,,1' Com/IlUnity:' " CommerCial>". :::. 'l'!eighborhood . ,Commercial 'I General Office ,Maj or Ret,ail Commercial" ,Riparian .Total . ,I. Grand'Total ',;.,. .... .....,:. " W etl~llld Ini.pacts 50ft, ... "'75ft..;.., Total . .,'" - ." .... 'seib:i.ck'," Setba~k', ., ,Acres ',':.0 " ,,,:.0, . . ~. .:'.-0, I. ."1"-. .-.... '0 ,".". ;~ '..;.....:.' ..- ~"- ' . " .~ .~~ . ,."" " .:,..' ., . '0 o ~,~51':^- " 1 ~. , : ".'.. ,,' <;:':", ", "~-'; ", "" 5.38 ", ""', '. " ,'- . ." .......,.. i'." . ':" . <,0 ". '..':. . ..: 0 0 ,'0,.." ',0 ',0 ,_ .-~., 0, . '1'0 '. . ':; ,,0, .' , " ....t'. o .,24 .... 'f. .' .-,:."' ;i..,.'",:. . .' '," .-..... , . p' ' ,.., ,. f /' , 0.Q7 . , 0.11 , .,0 561 I,. ,. "..', , 7:2; j'<::':;:,,', '0 - c" J~ -- . ': , . ,> ',-:-' 1.47 .. "~'. " ''. ; " '-,{";', " :, 't. .' ~ ."' J.,. . ." " '.. ,GIS analysis shows that about 30.64"acres of vacant indttstriallandare ~ffected by wetlands that arenot already protected by the Springfield Storrnwater Quality , . Management (SQM) program. These wetlands are recommended for protection by a25- '.. foot development setback under the Springfield natural Resources Study. These setbacks . add another 6.82 acres to the amount of industrial zoned land that, would be removed ' " from the Industrial Land Inventory if wetland sites and the setbacks were fully protecied ' imder the policies recommended by this study. The total impact to the inventory of , industrial lands would be 37.46 acres: Table ll-6,showsthe total acreage for land . . . ~" , '" affected by wetiarids and the acreage protected by setbacks from b2th thisprog;.am' and ..,theexistingSQMprogram. : ",-: .." .' ,', " . , ,.., o '. . ,^ Rip anan Iinp acts '; '" "'., "."," '. .- ".':' ,,'-".,' . " -".i' - .~. .' '; '. . .~, " " ...., . " > . .....' '; '. '-.:" ,. '.: ::~ : 2.78 ". 0' p 2.6 ---- ~~ i:.-' . ~ ~: ' .. .. " .' ,', ,0. o ,0 ',-' 0 " "'.' .-. " -:- .. !.<" ....\ .' ..," ,. o o ,0 "0 o :)4 ',: 0 ,,' .-'0 , . "" ..'...... . .-.,. 2,78 . . : 2,85' ' '0 '1."47 0.24 ":.35 2.6 , 2,6 -' ,." ~ I, . , , I:," e ,i;'<,.,." ...".; " '.. ' ..... .,,' '., . ',-,,:- " ," " ' .;' " ." ., f" .,It '. ,'- _:." 3-29 . '."; ..... . " ,..' \."'-"-'.. ,.'" "'. .- -..J',. .. " '., ';~';'~:' '__;''':'<(-~'t"_",,!,;.,:~',:'t:'.-'::~''',-,, " ":".}I_/cl;~,,:,,{'~:. "'. -,".:~,'\, ') ",',..,; ,<.: . that13,70 acresofvac'ant iridustrialhn~ areaff~ctedby ripariari'r:;' " . 1 ' -."." " -.' '"," .. areas are that not already pi()tected by the Springfield Stormwater Qliality Management ,:' .' (SQM) program.; These riparian areas are"l'ecommended f~r protection by a 25-foot" , ..: ' ',' ".. deve1~pmentsetbackun'der the Springfield,Natural Resolirces ~tlldy. These setblicks~dd" ';".;'''::.~:' .' another 3.27 acres to iheari1~unt ofindustnal'zoried land tl)ai would be removed,from'ihe:' ~ .... . . ", "",- . " .' -.' " . '-, - ' . :. " . . ..',:. ...,.. , Indust.rialLand Inventory if wetland sites ~ndthe setbacks'were fulry protected tmder the ' ., '." '" policies recommended by'this study.-nie total impact tothe inventory ofindilstriaI lands ", , " " ' ,....;, . would be 16.97 acres. .Table 11-6 shows the total acreage for hind affected'by riparian' . .comdors and "the ~~reageprqtectedby setbacksfro~ both thispr'ograin andt~ee~isting. ,,' , ,'~ S,~;.S~gr:m,:"., ",,,,",, "__"",.:.,,,. .'. ,', ;~: ,,::;,.,::;f:':';:_':"1<~""-;"':':_':":;"'f', \':":,:f~. ....., Total ~p~ct --,,:,;-.: ,,o ...,-::;~t;;'-.,' .',~ ., " " .." . "" " ~." _'. . 0"' , .\1"~" .~, .;." ,r,"" ':~.'" ",.. ,,~-.,,:~.< ., '_' ;Z,d . , . _ .,.: . __",-':'.\ ,.;.,"i"l,"':.:", '.,' _,l. .;~, ~'_'~_.: .~ ",:-',,~":'>.~_.' ,.':-~;"', _' "..., .~^ .,:'~ .~ , .,,':; : . The total iiiipacton tile Iiidustrial L~nds InveIltory WOllld be a reduction:of 54.43 acres if,.".:,': ' ',' ,. .':',:',all wetland and riparian sites prote~!ed by this program and iheii:25~ft setbacks werdu,Hy',.: " ,,'..;..'..:. ,: protected. Thisrepreserits'less than 1% of,the 709.acres of buildable industrial, landfor' .':: ." '.. ,.' ".Springfield in;theIndustrial)"andsStudy, .. ' ,.::.p" -: ,';'-c:'. ;.'.,; > "'~'~,+ .,.'--'_,'.c"," ',<" ' f../:.'--...~.:>:'y.:f<-- -',;~'.~ :".J~...:.:.. .:.'.~;...:~,~~,f.l;;"_~~.'.. .....~.>.~ ." ;: J,,:,~ "~,;,,:,, rabie'1,1 :6, Vacant Industrial ~a~d withi~ p.rop?~.e~ Prote!=~~~?.Setb~cks ,;' ", -,,' '- ..,.. ".' Zoning " .District ' '. ..,', ~ ", :. '.. I Wetlands ' 'Light- .' Medium Industrial, .1 H~avy - ...' Industrial ' ' '"I Campus . , Industrial Special Heavy'. Industrial I Quarry Mining I ~thKeHY I. . ,Wetland , ..' Total Riparian Areas '," ,- +" --,'- .,<," ;'- ',\ "" : r':J 1 ~, Total " ! Wetland " Site: .. Acreage 28.20 13.16 41.84 Total:, .' Riparian . Site.' .' Acreage ';",'." ,'""' Site' Acresn ot Protected .., , . 'by SQM (27,76) ,'-",. ..35, ,(2.88) '. o o o ".' .13 " (30.64) ,Site, Acres not Protected byS,QM " . '., -'. ,,:.,","."' ,: ;',;''':' .1.:,,,.' .. , '., >-' 75ft. '. , . 50ft. ,.' ..75 f1.._ Se'tback" . Setback Setback , ~'} .~". . ,.~. " 4.81. " ',' ..82, ':""., ';.',' , . .' ,2.01 . 19.15 .~'. ". - o 1.28' .,. o '0 o. o o o .0 o -47 6,82 21.72 25 ft. ' SetbaCK . 50 ft. ,'. Setback 75 ft. . Setback , '.;. ""','" ,'.' ,'.e-, ...." , ., "', ~...' .. r' .. 3-30 , ',' .t....-. : ~ .' . ....,; ':,-. .....- ""~" "~ .!i' -;".":.':: Total Acres '\" - '.~',.' , j: " :,0 33.83 ;.' -. ;"";. ,0 ." '34.321, '0 ,1.63 '" ' o o o .01, ,o:~~ I". 70.381 'Total Acres o o .", :' ~ ~' :. ", ,~ .,,' ,......, ',Zoning ... Di~t;ic~: ' "':,:",.;:.t," ",.\ ,!::,'-:"" ;-,' ^, Light~: MediLuD:; " ., Industrial ::;'.' I... I,.', ',,1 Heavy. Ind~stnai Campus,:, ,,".' .,.-' , .. "1; Industrial' "!: Special', '. Hea"y: ,. industrial":::" ',I Quarry Mining '...1 B6?~\~e1ry,.,,' MU:"i~: .,..," ".' I' ".' :~f~~t~' :" 'I Grand Total ( i" ,.~, . ,"\'. .~. ',^ " .;',' . :', ~ I "'., ".-' ~. ", . ,::,,<.j~ ;" '. ."., '.. f '~," ~. ;, . Total , ~ Wetland 'S}te'" '.. '. Acreage. ':16.48 '.;f '''~:, _I," ~, ',.;' :<\'3.22 .~... '. ~ "; .', ~. +~, ,. i.'" ,. '&8.22' J30.06 .:.,...... . " '.,>:- >.. ." ." . .'.'. Site . ',25,ft, '.' . ' 'Acres not . Setback " " Protected by SQM , '(10.89);, " 4'"' ",' ',.'. /.,' " (2.81) o , ' ".,', .0 , .,'t (13. 70) , (44.34) "1' 1 " ~;'" ;.." i " o :0 "J. r. " ~.o .0 ',' "..75ft. ,Setback'i' ';,'-, "".,:' ", ..:-'<<' :,' ~. " .- '>' . to.: 'i:' 4.72 ", '1.26 '", :.' .. 'l~: ., ,'.,.' 1.22 8.93 ".'/. t ~;\O 2,83 .?: 0 . t ~ . '1: ,,0 . :~i ,r.,' ." "1. ".0 ,"1. , " " 0 ',,~',/'i :. 3.27 ..17,3 f .10,09 39.02 };-. .";' "',1 " .':" " : ,--'. , " ,; <, .' , ,..;; ". '" !' ;,' ;', " .... f." ,,,3-31 .';' ;<i .-'., .'"j, .,'J " -,.;0' ~. "'~ .03 o ....... o ,::--." .82 0, .. -.....:,'>J " 1.29 1".29 ',' ;",. , , .) ,_" "I ,},",." ." 24.51 -,..... 78.46 , " ',-.'- . ,6,08, o ....;;, :.0 .0 , ':'-:., 1.03 ;,')10.08 k 180.46 I \.' .... .. , 01' ,', , "I, , .~. ." ~, ,: :;t:,',','.'. ., ---;...,:.~..:! ..~j\~~' ~ ; :; .1."",; . .' ,'f'j' ;;'1' ,'" ,.c. .':;_" '.< 'r.... , " ", j.I " i:'''' :~ " ., . ;' " c,;. 'lr" .:", ,'f--'" .\: ".',i:..> .'.' " '.:; .~ . ,; " .':- ", -,.--j - '.' " ,:> ,.' " '.' ,-t " .' ..'0_ ~;~. -.~;';- -, . c..:, I W .'t--.:! '...r :'..., .' ",,' ..;.... .- -' 't,!, ..' '. ',I.......;. ,'l.... ,.,-, ;-', c', ,,1 Metro Plan Dhqram Cha\nqes Affectinq the SUOJPC'Vh of ResideMritital; cpa I mmDercia'at~d Industrial Land, - " an!]es In e ro an esirna Ions - ILocal File Number LDR IMDR CC INc LMI G&E NR AG MU 90-04-058 I, -0.1 0.1 90-12-201 35,0 5.0 92-04-775,3 c5.3 '0.0 193-01-33 0.5 0.0 0.0 ,193-01-12 3,7 0,0 0.0 93-06-087 ,-3,0 3.0 94-10_0194 -0.9 0.9 95-02-036 195-02-036 195,02_036 195-02-,036 95-02-036 195-08-0157 \97-05,101 99-02-038 99-02,041 99'09-230 02-03-0062 102'03:0063 -'102-07'200 102-08-243 0, ILRP-2002-12431 1 LRP-2004-00031 ' LRP-2005-00015 8~si9"iltj"l!r--!1'l'iliiiq]tf99!iJ!II)-'ltii! .;,." <.,-,,' -3.7 ,_~ J, '6.5 .. .",' '", '. ",",' , ",<' 9.2 72.0 -~-,". ' "I." , '.. -'~-T ~ . -;..,:" 18.0 16.5 -34,5 -22.0 6:0 ~ . .' ..' :. 8~ liea~x h~dus'i~i~I' ",:"_':H :,;_ ';' ''" ". '.' "f' ."'~,ps P.ubli~-Ope:~ ~_p~'c~" '-!><i~"~:,',::~:{<" '-,' G&E Go';ernment~;ano Edud3ti-~'n': ~.'.:,:.) r ",' , ." .".'.,'" ", ,..'.. I.' ....', ',- ; .... '~'NR ' Nafural Resource' .}, ( ,iI " ''': . : ", :'~:~l~~;t~FJ",. .,. . ~~: j - ~~;:'f: },'~,; -, :," ,LOR .I;-ow Density Residential . MDR' Medium Den~ity Resi~eriila,i 'CG Commercial Ce!1ter ..- ,N~ ~eighborhood Commercial CI Campus Industrial lMI L:ight Medium Industr!al '.> ',.' ,.1,' -, .',~.', .' ~ "^" ':,' .'. I I '1 ' .' 04\ ;',"i,' 330"';:,' ,', '..' ',"~ ',. "j ~. . '.'--" , . y,~~,?~~ "~_;~:,;,;" , ,i? .:~?(,~~;'"~:~~t~;:: ,. (")" . :J: :S;:, m'!-'5, ~,..:,...,..,,'. .f.'~~'~.'r~ -, ,t',;' '~-':-":, ' ; " ::; '~.,.:;.~.~,:_~','0,~:,_~,'''<.;''..:\'~';' \ l.~. ' , . <:; . ,::~<'TI}~;j '.~ ...., "~/:~-,,,:, ",".' '-I ' '. , " , ,',,',;..,'.,:~.?_,,',:-;.- -,' ~~:_.,.::\:, . ." ,.~' L~~)~ ':". ""- '" c .;', ,:~" ,. -j-," ,,-- .....: ,~.:' ....':; .'. :' ",' ,';,,' '.:,"<- <', ,'. ": "r' '" " ~ ,. ,,~.,\,~"'~'. h " '. '\~ ',.~3.' ,"<".:--:,' ;:..:~;";~ " ;::~~:'- '. '~_'_, ... :'.'-:"L":-.~:..~:' . ';11 Peade;H~alth , . ";-'-'~. ". ..... ~ ." , , .f ;: .. ",'.' ,,' . " ,. ~: " '. . ~~.. .~~. ~" ." 5.: " ,- " .,' ',:~.' ..." ,";:':,~~,~" :~+',.''--'-:'"",."._'';.~>~:.,:,'P~~-.,~. Change Applicatiori'~;' .'.:'.... ',' ;"\ '..'1" ,,' ~ . " ,0;" ,....:' , ". .' < ,,', '. . ~. .... : .,'" , /. ',' . . . . '1 -- ,.," ' . '" ,'"" ~, . ;:i.' ,;.." . ,'., ;-" ,. .<>~ , , "'Writtell-'i,<":xp1"anatibnqf,the Proposal .: . '::\. ,.~,",~.,,:(_,.,..-. ~'. " ':f.,~<-..j?, .. ,.:::~,._,.,:{" ;,'t;. d :'.;.Pe<iceHealth Oregon Regicm ",'; ';~:'..' ./(..17.rfE. il'hAvenue" ,. :',' " :/:C, "'~:O.,Box"l479' " '.' ./^,,;~Eug~ne;Oregon 97440, : ~.), ,.' . "'\',', - ,. '-1'.. ~:" ,;;........,_;,_.. '<." ." _';,'- _;.. _" ". ..j.:.. .," ';,:Hyland'BtisinessPark, LJ.,c.(Tax.Lot 400) " . ;: :,';,"1941'-ALaura ,S ireet';'. ". .'; "., .' :.,. Sjiringfieid:OR.9747i"'~" .' . ',., .r. ,Attn: Sh~iih Hyland ::-:\., <. ' . ,', ,:. (~:1-I) 7i6~808'1.>:' '. ,'.- > " :! .... . -'~., :\, '."'. " :, :,."...-" - .,," ',-, .'. ~ .'1 . .-,.. .;;.; -', ~ ., 'T,.; "~ ' .' " ';f'-pplibant:. '.~'. ~. '. " , ,..._:,.;t_Y'.: ...' -.' - .''. ',; .;-'~... '.. .' ".' Property Q';ners:, .':',,:."" ',- ,:.,.',-.,..: ::.', .". '-! ~~:~ ',,' ,:--'("., ,;;=-,::-,':' . ("'1:,. ~. :- :,r~ -. .'" .': >;~ . ~~~,:,:; ".: ;~ ~ - -._.,.~ , :,",~ . . -' ~.'; ',. ... ~'''':'''.~~' '--.\~ " , ..,.,., :....:if. .:- .~;. :";;:~:'ri .i~ '. ' .'C,,..,.' .' .,.;....,;. -.F-;.'" -; ':"','7:'~ ," ~<~~_t~~:;:,:'~ .' ..-r,~t- ; !'~.;~. '}"'" ..-.;' . -' "- , .';<~:',~;;,::i~:",', .;..-...., ',:':_'-<10, '">~,"'",',~ . ;.'. ,. ., ~ :~ . ' ,: ~ ,,; '. ~. ,h "', ., , '.'> - "I ':~..' ~ '.-, "'" . Andrew Head (Tax Lot 402), .; ,.,.'-,.., "1616 Ardendale Ln: '. ' ;', , Eugene,OR.97405 ,.j: (541) 521-3403. '. .. . - ,-,"' ,- .. ,.' ,'..... ..... . ,.t. :.,' '. .... . ".,~' ,,~ ..- .:". , ,,,~1,,. ..e.-., ,,' , ,~- .' , ' "r.o' ;.':" ,"', ',-.'. ,-.". Applicant's Representative: . . Phil; P Farrington, A1(;P , ''-, ,Director, Land Use PlaIIDing'& Development PeaceHealth Oregon Region' ':' , " , ,123 1nternational Way " ~. ' " "Springfield;Qtegon }7477 .. , '(541) 686-3828 '.Fax (541) 335-2595 pfarrin.gton@peacehealth.org'I, ' .' . ,~', " '..,' ~ .' ,-' v". ." " " 1.0 LandUseRequest,. .' " ., PeaceHealth Oregon Regiori'(the "Applicant") requests approval to change the, zoning c1assificationon the City:s zoning map from Light Medium Industrial ("LM1") to Community Commercial ("CC':) for approximat~iy 5.24 acres identified as Tax.-Lots 400 and 402 on Assessor's Map No. 17-02-32-00. This same acreage on the site is being , proposed for a concurrent amendment to the Metro Plan diagram (which automatically also amends the East Main Refinement Plan diagram) from LM1 to CC, as allowed in . SprinpfieldDevelopmenl Code ("SDC") 12.020 (1)(a)1. ' ,,' ' ..' , I "',' 'I .. ,'~ ,~', i~" , '. . :~:. :,'" ,"'- , ~:. .' '" , , ,,' ATTACHMENT 4-1 .' ',' ,;', " .\;. , .,. . ,'" :~_.::--:- ": "," - \ .'-. '.' ';,~ : ,':::;:;,~':'t/;:}::"~~?~f~i:Eha~ge' ~p~~;~'~i.;bn':";;') ;,'< '.,;",~, ~ ":0):<":"-':":' PeaceHealth Oregon Re.ion;" . ~"..' , . .':1',,,:": c:~.t",:;"''''M''''h'I'5 '2'007' .-, . '," .:". : ;...... ;~. ;."t', arc . :';:~5<~)~~;:W~~'f:>(:":,';:.:\,:,'~'\;':;:;:}:;(/"':- ".,.' , " .,,', ',,:'. f';;'.. . ('.The 'area sJ-lbj eef to theprpposed rezoning is.Il1apped' ohAttachrnent ":;;;:,:,;:,':;'colie'~tiy~lyi~thi;~pplication as the!'subjec;t properties" or ,'~site," '.:' , ;~ :;~:.1'1~;1~~{g~~.i:",. ' " ',: "'.,.. . ' " -,'" "" ';TheApplicantseeks to. rezone (and throug!1'conci.ii-r'entapjilltation;redejigilate) the '.,'.::, '.,.,' , .', ..subject properties to CC so they maYbe developed for commercial uses(i.e., Tax tot ";'- "" ,';::.' "'. '.";"/.. 400), including a p~ssible futur~ medical clir-ic which could 'serve residents in the ,'",-;,,- ,: "",:~;,;!,;,.".,..;.gtowiiig ~ast Springfield area, and tobe allowed to contini.lelong-standing commerciai :'", ',. ;.:.)~::~f",~;'~:,,/: operat;ons (i.e., Tax Lo.(402). Appro~al' of,this limd use request would preserve):" : ',,' {::':,;';:l}J1':':'employmerii arid exi~ting viable commercial operations o~ Tax Lot 402; and cj-eat~:'sia]il~: 'f,,::'/~,x;tc~ . family-wage employnlentopportunities on Tax Lot 400-a vacaht andunderused','~";' 'S'~:'\~'-;f', industnal site. The proposal would also help beautify 'this pprtion of Main Sireetfrorri its " i,<",:,;-:;;:::;,;j.:,. ',.. traditional inslustnal yard,uses, and future developm~iit would pro:vide a superior buffer " . ~ .' _ "c' _ .", .-.c.",_:_" ." _ " _ . ~.' "', . .._ . j " . ~.-",., - , .t, '. '-. - '. ..,'h,"''<:;~ ,__;, for residential uses to the.west'than currently exists."'...," ", ...',. ',,,. ..'., .:..;4ji;~;{:::~.., ,:,:"/(:,,:.,.,,.:::, ': ,'~ c.: ,,'.:-:"r "" ':" " .'.' /',",',:. ,:::o,:"',::c,:.?\.::',As described in later sections of this narratiyethe proposal is consistent with East Main' , ,"':. . ~"'.~' ,_r.. t, :'''''C', I, ", _. _ .:'. ..' _ .. _..,' '''. , ." ," . .- ,.. .. -. .. '0 ,..';".\":.';'{'6"i<i.'.Refinement Plan (EMRP} and the Metro Plan as required by'approval yr}teriain SpC . :,.' ,.: ". ':::';~:\2:;';;i:;?,<,J2.030.'In particular, :this request- when conside~ed with the concurrently submitte(;. . ',':' ;. "., . .., ',: ~'~~;,,:;':~;:..:,":Metro Phin diagram am~ndment (and automatic EM~ diagram amendm~rit) ~ co;nplie~~: : ,,': \..;': ':....;. : ~:. .:.>'~' . with EMRP Policy 2:, "Apply site-specific Commercial refinement plan desigilationsto' :,.', ',.., .,." "~':*)"'" clearly define the)iriliisofnewcommercial uses where there is not an ,existing, legally')",' . ',' "established, 'and beneficialmixing of uses." (pg. l2)Jhe proposal to allow fora ,broader; .,.," ,,;- more berieficial range of'comn\E~rcial'and employment-generating,uses on the 'subj eci" ',;' ': ,; "properties. It would also improve the area and better distinguish a;{d buffer adjacent ".' , ",residential and industrialbtl..si~esspark,uses. .,' ',". ",.'i, .. ~.;.-.',.' ,. I, . ~. .,. "r', . . I;:, . .~' ..:.' ~.,<~-:;:'.:.,/,- "';,;~;s:;;~Y;~~:f~~~,:V ;,'>';, " .. ..,~ ",., .;.. ~ 'l' , ,~. .:;.", ',' ." ' '. .... , -o" '~;:-~;\:::' t~< . '.<;.' ~, \....1 ."..... ,.... , ..' ';'." .-." ~ .'. ':?:' '.: '.' ~';, 1- " ., -. >, . , ~ : . ',' '.'''~ ...< ',. > >" '~:;~. ~~..=. ". to" . ',,' " , .'.~. j . " , ,.... ." .'" .~ ..' ,'.; .' ' , 3,0, 'Site Contexf " , ' ,,' . . The subject properties include a currently vacant, fhit parcel (Tax "Lot 400) and existing' , ' 'th' ' commercial development (Tax Lot 402) east of 44., .Street a,long Main Street in east c,,' , Springfield, The site is bordered on the south bYMain Street, on the east by,theHyland" BusinessPark, on the north bY an open area south of the W eyerhaeusermill site (Tax Lot' . 400) or an existing cOlnmercially zoned parcel (Tax Lot 402), and on the west by other, small-scale commercial enterprises (e.g;, a cabinet shop and karate school) fronting Main Street,and residential homes along 44th Street west of Tax Lot 4QO. ,Commerciai . enterprises are located imru"ediate!y southof the site across Main Street (e.g., Gray's : Garden Center). . . , ' .> :.\ ,..' ,,' >,' .'.." . .J " .,', ".' , W1;ile liistor!cally involved in agricultural uses,since arourid 1990 Tax Lot 400 was used as a storage and sales y~rd for landscape organics and forest by-products. The current " ',: property owners also used the site to store modular construction officeS, tool trailers, " . '.:':construction equipment and concrete form 'plywood. Tax Lot 402 has had various ;" /commercial services on site' since 'the 1950s.' ' ", ; '.~':.. " . ".' j 1_"'-' ..~ .~ ~ ": " ',', ,'. , " .\"'- ... ", ,.,.h. -J" 4-2 , , .:,.;~<;/,., ,;., r" -"'.' '<';. 'J. "'. :-.t ,;:;. .... ' :~. :t~~;$~~~~~~~~It~:,., . iv, . ".:,'::f~;;/';:Z("""":':;":':\" , :.",',.,",'".~'. ..,',,';:' '';',.,Theproperties liaveno jUri~ciiciional ~etiandsor;rivenforied Goal 5 n~tUrai"o~hisioric " .' .........4,.:.._ .' .. ", . " ,:- .. 1'.', ,'., ." . . " .; ,:,'" ;'i.resour~es.Thesjte is within theSpringfieaUrban GroWth Bou!1dary~ and both parcels:, . ",' : /:.;~:were annexeclirito the. City o.fSpringfjeld in,l960,~The E0RP,diagram (ad?pted in ,~: > ' '.,. '.' '198&) currently designates we s'ubjectprope.rty for industrial.uses.,' '. ", ' '; ,:,. ':,;" '" ',,',::':':, ; "'" . ",' "'; '::;", ,;"i, '" ,,' " . ";""'}" ,,' , ;, T ' .''':,;' ,.:.:' : ',. ,.,/' .',,: ': ,The abutting property to the eaSt isdesignateo'LightIMediurrilndustrialin the EMRP"" ': ','. '. , .;'" diagram and zoned LMI. The areas immediately tothe.westand s?,uth ofthe site fronting,., .' ,. :. Main Street are identified as being within Mixed~UseAi:e"a "#2'inthe EMRP, and are all' '~ . .', zoned Corriin~nltyCorirmer~iaL Property to the west qf1''!~;LQt.4bO.:alo)lg44~Str~et is':, ... ,,', ". zoned and' designated Medium'D.ensity Residenti<\L';Y\: :"" ',: . . "'. ' ': .' ..,' er. ..:--.' >',. ':" ,.!-," '. ...;' ;-"~":...""'-' - L ..... . /-:;s..~~;~:~:Sf..';' .... '0 ~~.. ~.' ,: " -.... -, .. ':4.0 ":~~Pli~~bi~A:~;r~~~(criteri~'< ,-. '~~'" ': '~, .::f', :';'.'" , .' " ". :"" " Zone change proposais,are evaluated 'according (oAl.ecriteIjaofipprov~l contai;ed' ; . ,", 'within SDC 12.030 (3), which requires: ' , '. :',,' ,:',' ,;;, , ':.' ',:, .:, ,,': '~:" ", . .~ '~~i ", _ ~.' .;:~"'.. ., _ ;'" _,_ ,"'. '-,~,-,\_-, q - .,.}~~t;,,-...._,;~/ .-~'.:",,~,.' ."c1.,Consi'stencywith' appl;~ableMetr~Pla'n poliCi~scandtile PI~ri<,~:; '. ",:,'~' '":'"~:~~'~;i' "'", '>'", :';> ,~;'.; '.:",:~;~:~':rqt!W;,'::Q,t'~'t,' 2. "Consistency with applicableRefinement.Pians,PlanPistiict maps;" , .~' Conceptual [)evelopment'Plans ~ndful).ctionalp!ans;Sh(f"."',:.':':, " ":' ,; .-~: <';' ,;:.,' '. " .;'. _...... .-:" _ .'" ". . ."'. F:'~,,-,:">~':,> ..,.' ". .3.',That the property is provided with adequate p~blic facilitles,services::' ,';',J '. ." , ",' "and.transportation networks to support the ~se; or will,b:eprovided '"", , " .. ,~. ~o~current w;th.property de:elopment.',,:" ' " .;.. " . . ... .". .. ~ i. .-.... .. " ~ - . Legislative zone map.arriendments atealsorequire?:to show that the:fmeetthe . criteria for Plan amendments outlined in SDCArticle"7; and thaf"itcomplies with,. the state Transportation Planning Rule (OAR 660'012~0060); where applicable; . '. ' . .' , ,', ".; ;;,\,~, - ,', -'. .'-. ',;- "- " ' ~ '." ~-: ~. ,t .. ~ " '. ., . .,,' " , ,~,' ~ .. : {". 'S;l,c;. " ..-.. ,.' ..... .... -'~-~' . "--:.' "., ; ,., !. .':' ,'. : ',' ..; ,,; ..;' :;i-' :~1:':-;~ :.'," .: , . ~;,' ,.'~- .: , -. - .~ . . ,. . ~ : Findings deino~str~tingco~sistency ~iththe appro:v~jcriteria are ouilin~d below." , ",. _'...., _....~._-:>,".,_/':,_"....... . ,;:: .'. -,'.::;<:.-_' ..:.... _;:_.""'..' .' ."l.".' .~; 4.1 'Consistency:with Metro Plan Text and Diagram, , ,." ,Co'nsistertwith SDC 12,030 (3)(a), this narrative only addresses those policies that apply to the proposal, and does not discuss those portions of the Metro Plan that: (1) apply only " to rural or other lands outside ofthe urban growth boundary; (2) apply to land uses other .than the current or proposed designations for the site and will not be affected ,by the proposed'Plan diagram 'and text amendments, or (3) dearly apply only to specific gevelbpment applications (e.g., site pL;n review submit!als or subdivisions). In many instances the goals, policies and implementation measures ~pply to specific development proposal~ that will beaddres~ed through compliance v,;ith applicable City regulations . during site plan review of a given future development proposaL "~:'.;""~ '.~"L':'\:~":,' .-:_"'-.'" {.:, :<'~ .. ,'. .,' ".: ;~"~:;<"~..., ',..,,:.',:.:- .' ,.' Except for the Growth: Man'agemerlt G~a]s: which are addressed below, each of the Metro , ,Plan policies are,addressed inthe order in which they appear in the Plan Element section of the MetroPlari,' ".. ' .,," , '~ . . ., ',... ,- .;' , . ,; ~. ''''._ ,F',. , .t",' .".4'.3 \ ..;, ", ,. ~ ~ ~ " . ~ . I e ;~:,/ ,~,;::,.:,;, ;~~;;;/;..:~: ~;';;:i~,;,')::':.;,~: ~:Y'.~',t~, :.:?_:.,';,,, \:,~,:::"_ '..,,- "~S'.:,~; Zone ~hange ApphcatlOq, 'J' , "'~":~":~:(;';~"~'.~l~<~,:', .'" <J Peac~Heal~ qregon'~eg~?~'\: .","March 15, 2007' ,:' ',' - . ~ " . " ~ '. v . -, (~fjw,r~J;tjlf~~!P ~:~0~l'~;~fiS;Jf;., .' .':y'-:.'l,'. Gro~vth lYr:inagernent, ,:, ;' ,.' . ,'" ,;'/PO!iCies\':,,:,: 7",.,S::{.;',j::f{, , ," "'/ .' '. '.," 'i;,. . ,'" _ ':;. .~, ,'< .~ "'. '. ,.-"..; ",1.'., The-Urban gimvth boundarY.and se'quintidl development shall' ;", "contin~le to be iinplemented as an' essential me~nsto achieve "'. :,' . ' . c~mpac't urban growth'-, ProvisiOl; of all urban services .shall be " ~ ',; ,cql~centrated inside the urban growth bo.undary." :'" . .-' ,-", . ",~. ','- .,~.- "-""";~:"":~':';""<~\"-.~};:'-"'~"\~"- ":""';,}.-. '-,.\' "" . ,:.: :'.:, " . ,'. ..' ..."", , ;: ';:-The p~o~osai ~~tisfies thisp!Jlicy be~~use the subj~ct pr~perty isinsid~ the UGB and city'" : . (, ' iimits and as such:eni;cJurages compact urb;n.growth.' Also, urban services aTe available , . at sufficient levels to' aycomp1odate th~ el\i~ting:andfutU~einfill developm:ent resulting" . .appro~,\l"offrom\thisapplication.~ ,The Gity's site plarireyiew pi:oc~sses.~nsure that.tl1e, ", ,', appropriate'leyeJ,of services is :av~ilajJl,eJo s~r'v'eJutUre de~elopm,enC"'.. ;." "}: " .~ .,,' ,'.:'.:'~"-' . "-:,, :.~ "" .,,-" ~...' """'::;""~"'~:' ,:\~::'. .' "<'\. .;:,:''','c2>'ResidimtiaILandUse and HousingEle~eht'; '~,. ',,,, " P6!iC~~,~tt";r:';;~;;>" ," """" .,". ,.;:....:;.:,/),.~';> ,,' ',... .'.f <'-;ri}'i:iiize'riIllylotate higherdellsityrisideiztiarde~f!iopmeilt near ".. ' : employment or comnz"eri:ial services, in proximity to 'major.,'" . ,,: " ',ie;,'" .. .';<;.,-, 'tt:,ansporiatiOf! S)i!;tems or withiiz transpo;tation,.effii:ient nodes. , " : '," ..: " ,.",'::',;:",,:-:~?:';(;"":;::'_:, ;,:'..,' :,<:' ",:.:,,:J:,:.. 'The propo'sed redesignation 'does not affeCt the i'nventory or: availability of n\sidentially , 'designated or zoned land, incluC\ing the single-family residenl1al area abutting Tax Lot. '400 that is zooedand desigriatedfor'MediumDensityResidential, or highe~ 4ensity'-- .residentlaf development~,l~~at~d east,of the site alo~gMain Street '. ' "'. ~ ..;, .it.- "~'",' ". .:~ r ~,. . ',' '. .:;.-:< ",.,' "'.: , ..". . , '. .:1.-- .,' .. ".,. ~. , ' . ,..... !", Ji, Yf"~:': ..~,;,. '" .. ',' ~. t .. ,. :..:.'.-,:'- ".\ ' '. ~:~... '. '.." (' .',j /". . -,- ". ~,:,.<'-+:-:~. " '-. v ~ .' ':';,..\'-.-' ",'1 , ;..... ~ ,. & " ,< _.,:~ .1,' .'.' . ',~ \,;' .' ~ . ":' ~,;:: ~---;' .:' :~j. .;.,- " " ';';', .'.,"." .1'<', - " .~- .,., '",,' .~ . ",. ~ ., ,~ . ""i .,'. ~ ..Howev~r, appr~val ciftilerequested redesignationto CoinrriunityComm~rciai would ' ' " allow for residential are~spro~imate to ,the subject area to have close and efficient access" to existing com.nj(~rcialserV\ces'on T,ax Lor 402 and to future rrieaicalfacilities proposed " , " for Tax Lot 400, consisteritviith the above policy. The areas'proposed for redesignation, . ',. offer existing al1d future empl<~yrnent opportunities and provide commercial serVices . .: 'along,a major tnmsportationsystem that cap support the needs of nearby residential '. ,de\,elopment. .' . , : .." ,,' .-" " --.,.,- ',' . '. " , " " :A.22 Expanll opportllniti~sfor ~ mi.-(~filses iJin~wly developing areas' and existing neighborhoodsthrol/gh local zoning and development regulations, ' < " . "":' The proposed map amendment and zone change will allow for existingconimercial uses on Tax Lot 402 'to continue to serv,e existmg neighborhoods in the mid- and east- Springfield area,and for futureclinicar'facilities to be developed to serve this rapidly .. growing'area'ofthe community. Approving the'request would expand commercial , opporturutie,s to serve t~ese neighborhciod~ consistent with the ~bove policy. .. -,..... " . ;. ", ~ . ~ ' "._-1.' >:~ . ,'~!, '.f "";" , '. -', ," :-,. ')' ~ ,. ':f.;t,. . .:. . "~ .: ., ,. "- " c . ~ .~ 4~4 '. , , .-' ' '., ~~. i '," -.'" ", -' ' , ~-,' . ',,\.' ,'" -,.,.' .' :"" ,,' :'~; .:;;1.;: "~:-::/;~i':::: ~t'::r;~;:;:::; '~;:S' -., ": : ..., :Z~ne Change'Apphcinion t,,': \_... . '.' ".' d. .', '.: ' :'. ;. PeaceHealth ()reg~n ReglO,n' '\, ., , ',', March 15, 2007 " "..' .'.,.' ", ,.' .\.' ",. -, ",: ......'. " ,.. ~'- '; , "j<.. . ','''' ::,")<-'.: .' '~':..' .~':. :-:;; ..,-P,age'~:'. :~_ _..:.. ,~ ....., .,'..' .,;' ,,,,' >,,;,.':' ,. .' ,"". ,'- '.>:'- ~;/;':'.~-::.... -,\, ."..~ '.';. '.-': )'-~ ::,:;.-;'::-' '.~ ..; .'<' ....... > " }';ii,;;:;~Lc~~1;.~;E:;;'~t, ,)~~{i ""::" ',: .'.__".';. .1. .~ ' ~...::,. ,.;.~.:::; ;','" '"';_ " ,~.~, ':~l'>'~,l;" .,"~: ,,,'~' '. ;'. .; '::~::,:",;'-',.:.~~._. ',:":"""";.,.-'., ."., . :,:lil Denionsir'at~ ({positive int~'res;in existing and nlilv iitdl;stries,'. ' , / '., . ' .'especially th~seproviding abov~-above wage and salary levels; and' , .,'increased ~ariety.ojjob opportunities, a ~ise in the standa"i'd pj livihg". ,,' ,",and utilization of our existing comparative .advan,tagein the level of , , ."." .. . .J . ~ .' : :-:",. educ~tion and skill of the resid~nt laborfo.rce.. . ,: '.. .':. ;:. " 'iT:';'. ,'; ,.\~' ~,~..~".. ""~.~:~' . _',_,..,"~". ,.;':-, -1\'4 ",I,~- ';,,~. ,1, ~~.. _.-:'..(_..,......~".f.~~~~I'i,~'f.".:' , :; Jhe p?6posal is'consistentVriththispolicyb~causeii'-iviIId,lliJw medical clinic uses lobe,.,,". "'. " , .' ,':: developed to'serve growing areas in east and south Springfiel~. As is observed,in'the.,. " ,:,;, ',:,' .'.' ;~: .'.' .': . 'Springfield Com,mercial Lands Study (pp. 27,.29);,employment in health services is"';.'>, . :~>~~'",' , ,growing and approving the.requested redesignation and Zone,ch~l1ige will ,enable . ,,," '~', '<:.~.., .", . ','i increased job oPPQrtuhiti~s withJrigher than ~verage w:a:ges thereby raising thestand~rd.:';' "::':~:;..:;,,,; " ., \., '.; ofliyingand meetingtheneedsjofSpringfield citiz~ns:coiisistent with the above policY:.. :. ' .' :,.~: .":._',:...", '_,_.> ......;:.....: "\......~,_.".:...:,:. ... ._;..~:"':~..,.: .....;...J::'.. ,",.-. " " . B:2 EI;couraieeco~o~ic de;elopn\,~n'twhichut(l;z~s l~q~l andJ~p~rted, '"-.! ,,,',;,',.,i,,~;; ." "". capital, entrepreneurial skills, and the, resident labor force, ::" 0:'; , - ,:<: ,.' ,.' '~.': <' .'. ~., '.:' ~,'; ,~.:' :., _. ~'.., .':~:;~: ~ ;_;' -:"':i":'" ,...-' . :'}';' "_. '," .::', ,;, ~'::::~':'.: ?..:,,~":'>I. :<..~ c,. .'(~-.(,:'~., Y,':,.".' :,:~- '~'. "'.~' ~ -,: ,.. '. ~':;" r ." ' 'The construction of and the use of commercial and medical uses,will utilize both lOcal;;,' ::-:':"i:-:,. . . and imported capital"and will employ.the local, labor .force:in a variety'of skilled,- ..', ' semi~skilled, and unskilled positions, consistent with this policy, '. ' .." ,.,'.., . ";:";, . >'.;' .,:-"'- ..- .--".- ..;,.,---. . .- ,- . . .;....:'..._" ....': ." . ,..... , '. ",' .' . " B.6 jncrease the amouilt o/undeveloped land zonedfor'light industry and coml;w'cial ilses correlating the effective supply in,ierllls of', "S~lita!Jility and avaJIability with the projec~ions of demand". . ; ";'_ ' .' .' ." .::";,-" .~, ';. 4;!' " .:.- ',' -.::. . .:...:.~ :: '. , ".~:'-: " The proposiIl will add tipproxi;;Jately 5.24 ~~res of Com~hhity Comm~rcialland, consistent with recommendations to increase the cbmmercial lands inventory made in the' , Springfield 'Commercial Lands' Study. TheSCLS and acknowledged metropolitan ' , ' , " "':-lndustrial LandsSt\.1dy.'concluded that there,is adeficit'ofneeded commercial land, and,a . . sUlplus of industrially zoned imd designated land. Approval. of the requested . .. , " 'redesignation and zonecllange will not cause the invento~y:of needed industri~lland to go into a deficit, lil1t in fact wouldbe consi;ten"t \vith the above policy. The proposal correlates the need, suitability, and availability of the subjeCt site for commercial uses with the need for such uses as demon'strated in the adopt:d..S<:LS.' ." , B.ll Encourage ~coitomic activities whichstreiigthen tile liz~tropolitilll '('rea's position as a regionaldistributiOlz"trade, health, alid sel'vice ' 'center, " '. '.,' , " ' ,'.,', ,:,.'.- '~, . ~ ~.~ -.,~ '. ,', " ", " ....';:. " .' , .. ,'. ",' ~. ;.'- ~. . " ..f. .', The' amendment will facilitate the development ()fmedical uses that will. serve the ~eeds ' " .~..' ,of the growing residential areas in east, south and southeast Springfield, and strengthen . the metropolitan area's position as a jJremier locale for healthcare services; consistent . . .- with this policy objective.~. ' . "'..,. ",. ';;.\,-' ..... ., . .-' ~ '.. , .: ; .\.-' . ~ , ' ,~. . ." ."', , ..'-" .,' , , . .'i.-'.... . J '.... 4-5 '... . ,_ - ',;c, ,.'_' - ~ c.. ".:,~~,;t:'~~\/ :'!,' ' .'.,".., , .,. 'J, <.~ .., :::u; ,,':;{0~~~"~.">:',;i".z~~i:~i:a~~{pJ{~:iE;~\' :';. :~~':~^t,:~<j ::~":' ':,,' PeaceHealth Oreg'on Region. ,\ "" ," ,<-....'. March is 2007. '. .. .;' .,. ':'. '.'; :~,"'. . /i.....::, .,.._; . ~t " . - , ~ .);;;~;':\:-' . ~ -- " " ::::;p'lii;:~6\~;tc'~j;'~~J.~~'~~~'",~~~~~{ " ;;F '", , , . , ".,E.r:In "order.t9.prOlnote' the greiltdtpossible degreeOjdiv;mity,a brOfld -<' '-.. - " -,' , . . ,,'., '. , '; " variety of commercial, residential, and recreational land useishall be ;.', 'encouraged when consi;tent with oth~~ planning'policies. .... "; ...".. :~~, -".;. ,. ." .....:, '~'" ',.',; :. .:..... . - < _. ,_.' II', J . . ~ , .,' . .1 . ......'... ''','"...~.;" .:;- '. ,: .,~ ).,.': ".' ,..."..:.....". ~-:'.:,~". '....'..~...... Approval of the proposed map'arrieridments:willadd just over "5 acres into the City's :' invimtory'gf cOJ:!lmercially desi~ated and z.b~~d land, thereby allowing for avariety of" ,.,'. n~eded' coinme;cialuses to :.occur on tllesubjectpropertY:.l:-ong-standing" existi~g<:' :',,' ".' , .", _' . .' ~ .. _ _ . . _.' '. ,_ . . , C'. . ',_ t .'. commercial services on Ta~, L?,t 402 would.be allowed to continue without the specter oJ, '. being considered non:confoiming uses, 'and,Tax Lot 400 could be developed with ; " .. ..': ',' medicaf services that will serve'the needs'ofthe growing residential areas east and south\' " ;"ofthe~ubjecfsite,consist~nt'witli.the ~bov~p6Iicy,: ;,; ",.'. ',.,:0::,;" "', ., '-,::'"..' ",.,:,:'L" ":,",'t;?S; ,;y':.;" . ',' . ,,7'- Trl!nsp'ortationElement "': :.: -",., ",::::" "!LaridlJsePolii:ie~ ' ",.,,;,; \' ,> ':/};,.,,"'" " '.. '\.. '.'; " " :,:_;" ,_,_,_.,' ":;.. ~-:: c~ '.- ::~': \~,,~", .'.~ r< ,:<_. .' "" " -'. :'> c.' " ':. P.3Provide fortrii~s!r?slipportiv~taiid ;i;epdtterns'aizd devidopm~nt, ' '<, ' ,:including higher 'inietlsity,iransit-oriented developmel'lt along majd~ . " .: :.. " '.; . ...j ... .. .~-.' ....-. , ' , "transit con:idors'and near tra.nsits~ations; m'edium~and high-densitY ,:: . residential developmen( within '(me~qllarter"l1lile of transit stations, . major.'transit corrido/:s;'employment centers, ~nd downtO}vn areas) dnd .' developnilint and redevelopnlent'in designated areas 'that are or could be.' .,:l'.:: (, ;, \velrsefved byexistiligor pld1!ned transit,'. '.:: ,1",',', ,~, "', .:,,' ..~~: .,'- . ;<' .,' ..',' <". :'-. ~-.: ~..'-:'::'. ...:-::> ,_0. ~\ .::. "<",:,. > ;.;.:~:': <: ~,:> ',: ~ _ '_~<"_ ,-: .. :'" -," _i<.:: .,,'.., . The proposal will enable1ahd,use paitemsariddevelopment'consistent with.the above' , policy. Approvalbfthe tequested zone change (and concurrent redesignation) will allo~ , " for higher intensity. developmer:lt along Main street, a major transit corridor..Ai-i existing : .LTQ stop is located on the frontage ofTaxiLot 400 (seqihoto, pg. 2, Appendix A of the TIA), and wil1prov;d~' convenient access to' existing and projeCted employment on the . ',- ,- - ,,' . ,- '.,' " ' - ' -' . ,",> s1,lbject site, as ~ell a,s acee~s}()r.pat,ientst(ifuture' out-patient medical facilities projected .on Tax Lot 400, ,'" :":,; '...'.: ':. : '," : ,-:.'.., '" . ',' ..'': ,,'~' . ',<:- r'; ~\.: . -.. . '.' ,." ' ,"j. '." .. '.' . ,:\' '',r. 'f..-, . "",..,,:t, , '" "", '.,', -!. ,~ . .:" ,:., .. . , , .-; " ~ ';', .'; .,. ",.' "t.;. ",': ., " , ',-t . '., , 0,' . - ,~ ' , " Transportation SystemJmp~ovenllints: :t , ,Roadways' Policies' ,','. "," t..:'" ," P,15 Motor vehicle levtil ofser.vice poli"cy:, a,: Use l1lotory~hicle level of service standards 16 'maintain acceptable' and reliable performance on the roadway system. These standards shall be used for: . , , .'."- :..," .~';' (1) Identifying capacity dejiciencies Oil the roadway systein. '~"" _,'~ "~'~ ',~'~' ; , ,~> ~,~.-. :,'7.\.';";' >~'; :',' __'" '" ,:," (2) Evaluatingihii bnpacts orii'oadways of amendmen'ts to ':, .'transpoJ"tation plans,'acknowledged compr.eh'ensive plans aild , ' , ;.,'" '".! . ,. ..i' " , , ;.", > . r " " .. .' ~ .. ' -,"'-' ' ,,) .',,.. ,,' ,',. .,.'. " ~ " ,,,: ~ . . " ,,'. ../} , " ";/ " ~ ".; 4-6 . :''-;- ,,'. . ..".'.' /, '-'''-. - . ' ".::::\;::\ 'I:::"':';~" 'J-< , ~'!~,/;;:~: ,"'<~~ , " ~;," ": <':, : \>Zone~Ch'ang'e-'Appiication' _, .;~~:~;.l:;t~" ',\. :i:Peacej{ealth Orego~ Region.';:.:,,? ,'.'" ,'(March 15,2007 '",,,", ,.'.,".,' '; r, .: ' '.:-: :' ';',-:,. ~:' _,~, . ~.~_ ",'~" ~'''""f'.i'" ;,;:..:'"", ....c. , . ... ".~ :,' ' r':.:..:-...':.' . '~~',."". ;~~:.';~:':' -,'. :,/t.:. .., ~'. ' ',,~. .:< ~;<~ ~',{". ',: .' ,\.~'.. \:'-'~ :-ct,:. :;,,", ' :', , ': ~.' "'.":~"~{::"~/-. .,":-Zand"use,l'egulations, pUl'sllanrto'the TPR'(OAR 660;012~ :';;' i; " ' , ';''-''';:'O(J60Y''''''-': "... ",' ,'", """ ,', . ".""",:""::':',,c, ..,"i". ; . ,:<,,;.-,:,.,' '~'r',~': ',~, ':' '.'; .:' ";-,:: .', ,,:':~,:'" .. ". ,'",' '}3)Evallllltini deveiopiilent applications f;r fotisisteizcy~ith t.he '.' .:".;;.. ..-';~ :'>'la'nd-use I'egulationsofthe' applicable loca!govl!rmilent ' .. :,' "jul'isdiction,' ',; ';'\:.f:',:':";';';;i' ',': ',' ,,' .~/'. . .'. " '. . " "; " i . . r , ! . :p; Acceptable m}d I'eliaqle pe.rfol'mance is defined by the following.' . "..: :.> ." levels of ~el'vice lIIiderpea~ himI' traffic conditions: LO~E~ithi1i " , Eugene's Ce';tl'aI1I'e~TI'a.nsRol'tatio,~,~tudyr,fATS)area,..and"< ' ',: ,..LOS D elsewhe~~: ';' :::- ,>.:"';C',:'.' :':~'.;:..":,~" ,:~., , ;. J '.- .\,,' , <~ ' " ,_, , ,', .... '., .i~:! Pel'fol'mancest~ndards fl'o'm the OHP,shali beappliedo'n state " ',"" ....." :' _ ~. _' , . . _'. ,I ' . I . '.' '. ',::", '. .':;" facilities, in the Eugene-Springfieldmetl'opolitanarea.,.. '<,', . , .' .. : , .'.'. . .. . . - , . . :"', . ..'....~.;. '. '~~" ':.-~" '".'-., .,' . ., . ._ ....\..r ....,. ",. ~'.'~" .."",'. j . . ." ;: : ,.In son;'e cases~ the level 'of service m'ay' beSlibsil1;nddl'd., The local '. governduint jil~isdiction m'ay finl thatti.qnsportation syste"!' , .. "imprOl!ellfents tiT bl'ing perfor!nance lip to stgndard ~itfzintlie planning. ' ' , .::;. "Ji{);i~onmay not be feasible,gnd safetyw,!ll Iwt be compromised; and " ',. ,'" , : broadel'con-ulzunity goals would,bebett~r s,~r.red by allowing a. .,., .'; " :substandal'd,levelofservice, The limitation. on the feasibility ofa '" . '. . transportation' system impl'ovementjnayuris,e frOm .!ievere ~oizstl'aitits,. including but notlimited to environmental condition~, lack of public . ,agencyJinanciall'eSoul'ces, Ol' [and lise constl'ain! factol's, -It is not the. 'intent ofTSI Raodway Policy #2: J'rfotOI' Vehicle Level of Service to _. '. I:'" ,..,'. , , :require deferral.ofdevelopmentins,uchcases.,'T{le:i11te!lt 'is,to defer .. motoryehicle capacity-increasing tra/!spol'tiitiof(iijfprovpnentsimiit existiJig coilstl'aints cail be overco/tie Ol' d,,{'i!lopail:alternative mix of , . strategies (such as: lalid use measures, TDIVI, short-term safety, 'improvements) to address the problem. i:, .... r.: " c<. l'< .F ,'.' " "'.,+ .,';( . '" " .""; '" ,,,-, .~ :0 ~ :-- ..r ..', . 'i ~'. , , , .......,..:. . :. ~ ~ , '. ',; .1 ',<,' L .- :'~' ~~" .';-, "......f. ,', ~ ": ,- '~, '.:' '1:.<:', " ,\:;... ," ,-,. -, , .', ~ '.- . ;', ,...... " .. " .: ,; . "': , ,': .- .,~ :.,. ....':,'..... , " ,. r :-'.~ )t::';:--';" ,".i ..' .,' ,.,. " " "...< ...<'. ' ~ .'. ""', " . '- ... " ,.. ~ , '~:;~:'. ..., . ;'\ , Subsection a':(2) ih the above policyrequire~ an evaluation oItlie proposal pursuant to the . state Transportation Flanning Rule (TPR), The acccirr1]:ian'ying Traffic ImpaCt Analysis provides the factual basis to determine that the proposedredesignation would not result in' a -"significant effect" as~efined under the'TPR (OAR 66~:012c0060(1)l.-',,' ' , Specifically, the p'roposal does not change tpe functi~nalcia:;sificationofM~i~ Street or . any other nearby roadway, nor does it change the standards for implementing the City's, functional classification system of roadways, asid~ntified in the Regional Transportation Plan, ,As demonstrated in the TIA, the proposal also,does not: . . . Result in types or levels of traffic or access, that are inconsistent with the. functional classification of Main Street or any other nearby roadway; ., Reduce performance of traffic on Main Street,or other affected'intersecti'ons to a level ,that is below acceptable established performance sfandards"; or , ': " ' , , , ". " ' r., . . :' . ~.. -,' . '" _' ~ . :: "',',-', l ' ", I' '. , , ,. ["., ','" '., ' " ,,' r. ," ,to " :,-.":..,. ~ ~, ~ ;'.. '.. "" ~.. '. " '.: ~ 4-f ,<< ".' ..... '.' " ;";.' " . ,. ~ ' r 'J . .~!. i: ,.', ' <, .1 '.'_ ~ ,.'" '~,' " , ,/;e,}r~,~:h::;:,':~'~~~: "ZoneChange'Application';' , ..PeaceHealth OregonR,egion" March,15, 2007 ..' """, ;t:_.~ f .-'..- .. ~ - -. , ~ 1." I " . ""~; .--:' , ,;,. ,it' .;;,. ....'.. ... . " - . '.,' ',- ~\""': ,~,~.~t~~~ , ~, . ,#1 .:.~~.~. '~' '. /-', " ' ~ .' _ ,.r .- i. . Make'perfonnance of existing facilities worse (i.e., below acceptable mobility' "; stand~rds); thanw.otild'l:Je, the case ,othe.r hses pennitted urider~xistingdesignation; or;'" """,':',.. '"::b~n~,:;~,::'':::t/,,,.l''::'"'''' '.;; "', ',"" ';,":~':i:~',., '...." .::"<., '....,/..... ,.:.;,:' .',.- "'~:,:':~_", ,,~:..,.\ ,_: :F-.:'..~'., .' ':, I;" '._' t.,..,~..".,,,._., .';. '.' \'..~: ~ "AdditlonalTI';RJindings'are"furthedocaied;~n the TfA,' see pp. 3" I c3.2:. !3eca~se .the ",'; .; i, ' proposal does noi"-result in a:"significant'eff~ct"as established by applicable OARs, no '. "."" '.' furtqer TPR analysis is req1,1ired.Therequest is therefore consistent with the above' :>' POli~:Y:/'::'".::'>,;')':'::::~' ,....'~,:. ,;<;",';)~\":';',/i,r ' ':::,: ,'~,:' ", . 8. Public Facilities and Servic~'Element- - 'c.':":' " ""~:~,.policie\<(f,;".;,,;, . ',:'<"':,."c'/ .:'~l~:.. .,.":/;:':::, '. , G,J Exiend"the minin;llm ievel ~ndfull~range'ofkey lir,ban'. "'0 ~ .. ..' facilities and. services in an orgerlyand efficient f;t'aniier>cIJl1sistent\~':"," ,,: ,i >: '. " . with thegrowthm~l1agement policies in Ch'apter II~B,retevant '.' ,:.,:' "::',~,;,;;- . "...', " ", . 'policies i;tfhisch~pter and other Metro.Pla/'l policies. ,,,: . .".'., ;._ ,",:.." ~:\:~.., .~ ,. <f~> \: ' '~,; .<'~: "': :','.;~'. <: . :~:'--. .'~\ '<.' .', ":. ..:;' ,...;~ ." ~'..: .:~~ :~:~ :<:' '''';; ~,~. .__<~,~\:",,~.{,. ~ .. .". ""The subject proper:tyis located,in Springfield's cityliinitsUG?A1Lnecessary .:c :.'~': '-.infrastructure 'and key urban facilities/services are preS~n! to:se"r".e.existingdevelop'nlerit';, '.'f'" ". " " ' . (Tax'Lot402) or are available to serve future infill developiiiei:tt"on'Tax Lot 400,' ,;::,~;> . ,Therefo~e, thqJropcisal is'co~sistent with the above p~l;cy. :,' '.: ,",.: ":":'.' ., ""., .,' _ .' .._:,,>'::..", ~ :I;'~",,':>",',. . _:;:.-~.. ~:..' ,.T~-~ _~~.<',.:~..':_:':" .:.~ .. ;;'~.'.. ..:~.:: :::'\<:.:,':" :;':~; ~:"" ~.'" 'j'.; .. .:'.; f .' ,~ 9,. Parks and'Re'creation:Facilities Elem~ri(PoliCi~s" " , ,.,. ....' " 'Policies in this e,lement of the Metro .Plan are not relevant 't~'ili.e ,r:equest';d zone change.' '1" ....: .. .. ".'.' ..~.". ",,' ',' .. . . ". . '~'I: ., ~ ~ .. ,'~' . -. 10. Historic'rreservdt'ion Element Policies ..' .. ", .,' Po.licies in this element of the ivi~.troplan are not relevant'to the ~equested'zorie' change..; ,', ., , .. . . . . '-, :'..--:'. " ".-" .', '.' - ..' '. .':'-' ' ," ';:';. '.'~ ",r-' \ 'j.':. ,', 'T d", '. IV .~ .'.'. "C' ",t> ...._'.,'.': ;'..;,;":. '.", '.' .-, -.'" ":'. .._"l,' '1 t,,',. .~ " ' ;'-. ..... .'. . 11. Energy Elemen(1)oHcies ,." ,.'". , , " Policies in this element of the Metro Plan are notrelevant'to the requested zone change. .' ", .' "', . . ',' .,' , ':', . .. . .,: ". ~ ,:' ..' " - . ' . . - . -". ' ........;". ,,'..,. .~. ' 0,.'''' . '.' . ': ", -,.. I" ,. -. ~.." " ;:', ._-:. " ;.C' , .1:. ,....- '1': :';.. -. , . .;, , . ~- " '. ;, . . ..... . . :. ..' .~. ".: I, .. ~. .. _., '.,' '.' " 4-8 ....'...,..... -.- .;~ ~ .. " ... :,. .:;>.";( . ... ';-. - i<'" ~",: ~~~ ;, . "..,";'t.." . h' "f.fr;:;,)~;"; ,,' ;-'.J',:, >"":'~>;i"'.': '.:'~:>~;~.,.. ';:".:Zone Change Application , .' :;i Peac~HeaJth Oregon Regia", c '.:',..::-':. ,March 15, 2007 ' " 'f:", '. :._;<~,{?;:~/, ;..,...; ',\:' Page,9 ~">' .' I~'-" , .-. '0'" , ;',,' l-"',: .' ',) ....( . .., . . .' .... '~,.. ",' ' :~;>:-c'::,\::::zT<,:;, ,::,:, :c. J" , ':";'>., ',."" ' ,.~}: /,<:. . ". ',' : :~: ,~,2' ,Consistencnvith'East Main ReJinerrientPlan ":, :' ," ., '. ,,'>,,'; :. "; .:,' ,::,.The following demonstrates )-low the p,roposal is .consistent with applicable policies'in the' ", ..":, -" ,'., ..' ' ,." , ' " ". , ,""EastMainRefinementPlan(EMRP).: .:,' " '. . ','J ' \:,~.,:."" ".':',:,:;':C'.:h":>. <;"::: ".. :.....::,1; :'MhedcUse~lem~nt \ .,'. '..'," ,. " " , -' .."'~, 1.:j. . " ': ;' .'~' .. ';1"':" ,', " ~" ~' " " , ,-:~ t'.""" -,,', ..;; , ,.: Policy 2):Area #2 ' : '.' , .,' . -, .' ., -,~ ~ , ...,.:. ~ ..~: .:. i" '~. : . '.. ,.' ,,;'.' .' . t. ", '. ;.~ \" '. "1. . ," \ ~:, ", "." .~) , The followmg land uses' are alloweif.under. Com~nunlty Commercial '{-'~:r:;i,"zofling:," ./.r:-,,' ;.,'~<.';~~ .' t'.' ~,:.:-,'.: ,':;'.:,_-~~'%(i''':':'''''' ~\',:,,;_;";_.., A'; ....:., ~", .. . "'>~::~,:s'-, ',- . All.Commiinitv 'C6inmerdaluse~subf~ct':o;4'riicje.18oj;hlfq,' , , c.:;, i:> ,.' ;'Springfield DlfvelopmentCode",: ,..." '< ......"... ~>,::~':~:~~~>::J"+';7~::~'..~;,,.~.;:~~'....:.:',:,\ -..~., "';"{1."'" .;:>"<~ .'.)~:~:.'::, ,;:.t:. " c. The pioposal'requests'rezoning the' subject properties'from I:.MI to Community: " . ',:, : ", Coin:iiierdal (and conctirrimtlyreClesignatingtheprbperties to 'CC), as)he abovepblicy :, " ",:~':"'illld6th-ertMRP policiesallowc' Approval of the requestwouldallci>ilQng-sttinding i': :' ::'existif)gcorriIr,ercial uses 0)1 Tax Lot 402 tocontinlieas permitted underArticie 18, and ',,', ,,;'corlsisieritWlth neigJlbonng uses to thewestands6uth,which also zoned and ,.'.' ." .. ," ..'. . '" ... f'" -.' . . " \,< ' ; ',-" ,,;.. "'. ~'I" - ;'!;" - '., ~ .., " '" .desigii.at~.cUor. commercial,uses... '. ',. ,g.:' . " ..;: , .' -_.~ ,.'~:. .,~:::,'~~:''''' '....:t:.. \:. 'i~':'".--'. .," -:"_-.j t. '.. 'c"1' " " .,: :....,' '. ' . :~. :-'.,' ,:/" ..,"" , " ^~. '. ....- ''- . ~, ' ",,' . J -,: ': ~ . '""'," ;:'" /." ,~. : ;, ~. lc .~ . , .... .... :..,', . ,'.' '". ':\ <; '<' ., ;.-~ . ,~ -~ ;;' ,: J;,. ',.' I,.- ::": -,. , : ';;i2.,,:/r:ocin1e'rci~1 Eic~~ri.t'.': , i . . .' .,,; . , . .' ". ,.' - :." ~ - " .t' ~ . . :",1;,:, .' ",' , .". ., '.' Criteria for Commercial R~fine;llent PlaIlD~Si~natioll ' ' .' ',. :'! < ....Ji ,,' '(,,' .'. ."','.. " .,', }. :'; ',1' 'j ., . ,~ , ' . '", . ,. t' 1., Gen~r~lly} th~ CommuJ1i~ Conim.erdial r~fillen;'ellt plan designation" shall be applied under the following cir'ciI111stan'c,es:: ' " . '.:. c'. ." ",' ",." .,' '" A) , : . ' ",:.' .'-.:";",-,,,:, d ..,', .-._.: '. where it is not a;, intru~jion intI!' w~li-/~dtntQiI!edresidential..'" ._"'r' 0> ",,", , :., ,. .: _,.'.. _ :.; . . ',,':- _, . _ '., ,_:;, _;.~ 7: :'''':~''._.\ .". f, .' '. "'. - The area proposed for rezoning does not intrude intqtlleexisting residential area' . : west of the subject site along 44th Street; and is theieforec()nsistent with th~ above criterion..," ' , -, ,. ,~~.... nei~!lborhoods; <';'- ',"( , ~., :..':~' . " '" .. ' ",' .t,.', B) wllere'it does Il~t increase cOhflict blflweell Low Di!nsity;,. , Residential and Comnuircial;' '.,.' ... " Although the abutting resid'ential a~ea is zoned Medium pep.siiy Residential, it is developed in low-density residential uses. Approval of the proposed rezoning of , the subject sites would actually result in a decrease of cOl}flicts between abutting residential and rion-residentialland uses by allowing future.infill development on . Tax Lot 400, arid through the site plan review process establishing improved .': landscaped.buffers and a use more compatible than theiridustrial uses that ' , historically abutting this residential area. . . ..,;' " ,",' 0' ' .' ..' .' ,',' ",,' " .,.... ,". ..I , .' .-..). -, , ~, ". ;' ': ~. :~. " '--'- ,:, .'.,. ''''. 4:"'9 . " "" ... ' ..~ '7__'. ,. .. ': .: ";.' < c, .,",' . ." ~ < ';'" .'. ' ~ . ~:. ~ ~~,~'Yi},:~i~:::;;:_:. ~ .' ,~.~ " '-'" ~~;1J:'c<";.5://:i!;~;j:~~~:~~e;~~:~~:~f;~i::\~;t.";: .,:::, . .i'--<...::MarchI52007 ...,....' ",,'." " ,:;';.: t~.:,\..:~~:.<:).,\,:,'::~~/ ;:~,~, '. .~" 1 '''''' .' '''''';,~:,::;;:,~};,i: ;'~_;..~jj~!);}:,::")t,..:;,:., ~:.~:" ,', "'''. '.:;, ,~.,:. '" ,", '," " >1':. , ;',:'S/ ,.; ,::C),:)vhere' criteria for desig-n~tiiig Medium Densi6'R~sidential '. ",', . 'c- _ . ,'- .__ . " '. ;".. . '",., , -., ';' -' ....l< :__ <.:'),,:~,:}an.'. d,di/e,s Jt~tapply; '-',. ':r :>":<" :."" ,.... _,; '!.;: .'\;":. . ');. . " , '-._.,..oi'_:~(.;_.::<{'':.'."'~~"'..,~', ~ ,'.. J .;", . _/\,- ., ,'(;Crit~riaf<?r designating M:DR.laiid does ~ot~applyto the s~bjecrsite:', ',1 ';<~/"".,,,, '.:,',~,,"" '.. :"":' : ....,':';;". .,,~~'-.: :'..'::: :',,:. .;>..,~ ~.':t..'?':~'~~ .'/' ':"".'.:.";:,' ..' .' ~ ' - ..' ,< Ii) wh'er; legallycreated. commeri:ialus~s exist; , ',:c"~~; ,', """""'''~'' ~" ,!',{, ;/.~":'.';:..;',.,: '.',:"..<~.,~':-,,"",: ,':,.....:"... :..<:",;"-...,.:.".'.1.~.,.~~.......,. .;" '...,',Tait LotA02lias'existing,long-standing commercial uses that ~ere legally'created:" , ;';'.".':, , ". "':;' . . p.riorto development of the Metro Plan orEMRP.:'Tax Lot 400 hashitd'a vanety:;\;:: ':;'::'~,:i~;;':,,;;;, , " ):';, of commerc'ial seryices located' on-site over;th7years:''''. ,.,', .,:< "', ", ' . . ' . 1 /'. ::: ,', '.' " ":" "',' '.." "',' '. .:,' ~',,' /,~.;: '> .'j".,.". :._.'~" .... ", " . ,:" . .,' :i:.;-, ...;.".\. ':~.,. "," ~" "Y-'.::'," ., ." , .ir.i ,," ,", ..'> .; ",E).,where'll.deqlfate custoiner ana service, access to an arterial,,- "" 'Y;".",,, '; ,'. '.; ',," :': street cdn b~ provided; ,;, and :,,:,., :',...",." .. "' " .' ~..;~.:.'t", ',' .-~..:', ~>::.~:.~',~,..,.'.;>:.:.:.-,~.:.'~:.,'::.,. ""?"'; ',' ::,.";:::"',:':: . ^~" .:,.... .'-",'-",\' , ..... The subject site has adequate legal access onto Main Street, ~hichjs Classified a:t" . .' ," ", ""; .', ." -. -', :,," "'. ',,' '-:--'" ", ""," ,,',',.. ,'ariarterialstreel. ,,--,,,.,,,',", '. J: "",. .. ':,:, , '~'."-.c,',;, .~.;~ ~;:, ::'.. ': ,".:'" .. 'iH~/;~;;~Ll~~';~d,c~'~~;I~f;i{;r9n'~;t/Me;;~ pi~iiDi~~r~;I': ..~'.'..""'~"/ .' ,"',:' ".,: .:',":\:/+ :"""':1" ::!< ,_,', -:;'1.~:.',~;~;;:,.~4,.~,."", ":,:;..."~:"<:"'..~,,~.__,:'---::.'~.:'" ", _ , . Approval of the concurrently submitted Plan dlagnim amendment application. . would result in a Commercial d~signation on the Metro Plan diagram, which, , ,,: ','. ~would. also aut~maticallymodifythe designation oqthe EMRPdiagram.;; ,'. '" .'. . .~ ':'", '.+.1 ,.' . , ," /"" '. ';', ,,".:', :., '". , " ' ,',., '. ".., Policy 2) 'Apply site-specific ,Commercial re]inemelltplan iesignations .,' ' , t'o clearly defillr the lif!lits of new commercia/uses where tiJere is .not ai,l , existing, legally'estabji~hed,{m~,beneficifzl illbdng of uses, , .. ' . '.' ,. '~' J ",' .( ""'''., . . ' " , l,. '., "',' ,.'. + .' ..... .... , ',' ,\ ,'" .' ,Approval of the concurrently req~~sted redesign~tion would apply Commercial plan :designations to the subject properties, allowing the eXlsting;legallyestablished' , ".'. . "-,,;, commercial uses on tax Lot 402 to continue. It would also'enable commercial uses to be','," , '. ~ ~,' .', . -.""'" .' ,. established on Ta."{ Lot 400, ,\hereby defining. the limits of new. commercial, uses between the pre,existing commerCIal uses on Tax Lot 402 and others to the west, and the',' "developed industrial busiriess' park to:the e;st. Tax Lot 400'does not have an existi'ng~r:', ' , beneficial mix of uses, but has historically housed industrial yard-type openitioris.,' . Therefore, approvaJofthe proposal would define the limits of new commercial uses 'as' , called for in the above policy, and also provide the ability to make superior buffering and ,other improvements associated..with future, development on Tax Lot 400 through the site' plan review process, ." ' ' " .' ;\,' ; Policy 3) Reduce the lIumber ofv~lziClllaracceSs points and ~equire tlie rebuilding of curbs and installation of sidewalks and street trees along , "Main Street, through the Site P.lan Review p(ocessand if! public" improvement projects:, ',' ' - "'" :'... " . ,". .. ... .' ,.1. ',". ".-. ,. '.',,1' ..', .... ," - .': or 'r;' ~:' 'o!', ',., , ',', :,'. ',." '-.'!"\ .:. . -,,"+ ,'" ,I" ".-. .. ' ',-... "t ',"" ". 4-:10 ,.- -.,:' ",' .. . .....!.-' .,.,.;':;-.. . t~, '. . .,',' ;~ . . . , .':;,.,- .." ~> .~, i'" ',,' , ',' . '~:: . . .... - -, ~ . '.' " .., ..,,; '", , ' ~.. :-" ,,1" i' :1' , I ; ,..., ,.:~_, I ..; ': -~. :~! .. , "1' , , ' -,\'. : ,. ",.1, ; <" .... I , j' . , ,. I .1 '\1 i j' :.,t,:.-.-. "J' .' :\, . . ", .," ::" ~.', i('; '. , ." ~~,I, :':"~', .':'..,.~. .,.' -.. '~- ,:-:.,'.. "..~' .<, '."~ , '_, ',' The proposal would result in reducing the number of existing access 'points as required' . '. ':', .:" ' " . above. Through the Site Plan Review process, future development on Tax Lot 4'00 will', .' ' '. ,:' ;' have a single driv~way access' onto Main'Street,eliminatingoneofthetwo existingc'urb' '. ""',;". . ,cuts' on this'slte. Sidewalks and street trees are already located along its Main Street ' , s ,.;....frqntagei:consi~t~nt'withthe aboye polic{ ;: . .' ','.... '" .'." " "., " ".;, ',. " " .,' :- ..: ~- .," . . . '" . . . ,Policy 4) Provide bliffering between conllnercial,and residential uses , , 'through Artic!e 31 .ofthe Springfield DevelopJ~ent, Cl~de, Site i'lan " ", ,,~evi~~prot!s~:. ,,',;':"~'} ;>:<' :~~, . ;:n ",: <', " " "',''-,<::' , ., ,;', ,"" ',:, , . '. E~;~ting resid~ntial. uses along the east sid'~ bf 44th Street hav~ had no real buffer from :,' '. pre-existing industrial uses on Tax Lot 400.:Approval of the proposal would allow fo;. ' , ' 'attractive inf1ll developmel}t of,fUture medical facilities that would provide (through the 'SPR process) iinprcived:lm1-dscaped:bu,ffers between the f\1tureu,se and existing' . '" ',' , 'residential area to'the.west"-as requin:d bY C6d~, arid c'onsistent with theabo,ve policy: . _. ," '" ',;'::_:- .,,' ;~,.. ". > .. !~ -",' :;....':.~ . ' ........."..:..~.:.-_ d"'" . - .. '3: J;d~~tri~l Ei;~~dt : :1 , .r:, ,';<, ,:.<, "', J ,. >',,' '<....:,..:;,:..;._:.,.,.'.,."f~":'.,.,':,_::' ~..'.'.;' 1 j_-/.<'~~;':, .: :'~ ;_,;~,-,:!_"",-,,;,"','" - ': Policy 1/ 'The City sh''all'encourage'ftfjortsojvdriOlis agencies,to attract' , .- ," J;e}~ and retain existi~i job;' {uid busbiesses, ' " " , ' ' . .,,' ~. , 1':.,' 'l-.,,' ;1" 'J' i'\ ~. {" '~ "" ",.':, ., . ,- .:. :0'"., ','f,(::' + \/~;;";!-:', . . .' "'Zo~e Change' Application' ;'~;, ~ _' , ','. . - e , _, " .','" ~eaceHealth Oregon Region "" ::March.'15. 2007":, ' " 1 "',..- ,...~~ ' . . "','...., : '. ~~:'~;r{,1;~"::';page,ll' ,,' ...' .., -. .'~ ' '.,,;"';' :.-. " ,~ ., ',r':..":' ,.! ".' ""4 . "c. " , ~' .'e, 1mvlemelltation,',' ' . ,,,' '. " 1-' 'I, ". , "'l. The City shall maintain a current inventoryojvaca,nt commercial and .. , indll,5tl'ial lilnd (1Il4st;'llctures within the Ea.st k/ain'are'a, ,., -" -, " ,_ ," ~t.' . .'. . -'\~ . '_':"-:,,'~:.::J"~'~-:",,-,' f'" . ,Consistent with the above policy; approval ofthetequested.;~onecha)lge and red~signation will enable existing, long-standihgjobs,~n.d bUSinesses on Tax Lot 402 to remain as legal, conforrriing land uses, and allo\v future development of new employment. ' on Tax Lot 400 \yith higher than average wages 'and employment densities than the' current designation and zoning allows. ' , . ,,' ., f ...., " .. .J,'" --",,' \" ...;' ~.." t ,-':' , . , . ~ .. ~ '.' ',', <>,",' " ., I'. :...~ ::'" ': ~ '.- 4-11 ."~, , ~" '., . "1 . " '. ,-' f; ,-,.;:" :t:.. 1 -..,;".';' .'.,.'; .. J ;_t,' , .~ . '. " -,,:, "': ' " ". ',,- , , . : , '. " .. >. .' .' , '. " " , ,. " . . I ',:><,J:;'~:"': .):::,/':t~;~;:,,~. .,; "~.c. ~,4'<',.. :'~;,'-: ';'~:""";~"f~-?-one .Cnang'e,Application. " , "",',' " ,,\. -'>PeaceHealth Oregori Region' "<:>,;'. ' '~, Mar~h 1.~ jm7 J.." ,;." '.'.,..t-,., . ".:. ",:,./. i '". :.I'~>-., ,". \ ~ .Jf"i~~,,,-~<"> ,.:':'::.,,>./ . ":'-'~:~1' ,.~.!. ,,,' . .:' '," . '. . \.::.4.3:h~vi~iol.; of Adecjuate PtJ.b\ic Facilitj.es '...', i::.,: . , ,.. , ,:., .. The .subject properties ~ere aimexed into tile Springfield corporate limits in) 960., and ,:., . therefore are provided wit4 City police,fir'e, and other goveirunent services.'Otherba~ic >infrasinictureisin'place to serve ex,!sting deye!opmenton Tax Lot 402'.and any future" '.., development on Tax'Lot4QO::SpeCifically, sani\ary sewer, stormwater, and water lines ..',. " '.' are all located along thesite's'Main'Street frontage -all of which are adequate to serve' ,',', .... . the needs of existirig and/or futUre development on the subject site.. Transportation,' ' , , ,'"services are alSo:readily available to serve existing and futur'edevelopment, as Main' '. '. '.Street'is fully improved \'{ith curb, gutter, etC':' ".,." \ " .., '" .'., "'" . . ." ,~. "i-,::. ,_,,<~;'_:'~"':" v~:.'...~':;.<'.r::..,-~,'...;:,~,;;: ,;,". ..:~.\:,.'", " ~.", '. '.; ;'''>~...L''::':' '~',y, ..... , " As indicated in the Traffic Impact Analysis accompanyiri'g the conc\lrrently submitted ,:.. ." : zone change and Metro Plan diagr~rri 'amendment, approval of the proposal would not" .: 'result in a ':significant effect" to the transportation system, and therefore is consistent " with the state Transp~rtation Planning Rule~~ The T~ furth~r de~onstrales' that exisiing ,\ ',"< '. ",;' and future development under,the proposed zone change has safe and.efficient access and", ", ,.; "i ,circuhitiori forvehiclei, and-alsoWillbenetlt from the sidewalks, bike lanes,and transit ' , :'serVice' existing on Main Street~'-' ,. ; :.,...; " ,::' ' " . . , ' " , ", .' '.," ,'<,', .", .'::, ~',~ :'i:::';':~'~__:"',:',~:,.~:"..,:'\::':.!" ..',.~".... ,.-_,.\'....,_.-~. ,. \' ,_ '_ ,', ,.;; '. '~" . 'TherefO"re, the'pfoPc>sed ionechaiige 'corrtpiies wi\h the requirement for having adequate .. cpublic facilities and services to s'erv~ development,fls established in SDC 12.030., (3). : . _,. t_ :""":.. .... <..... '," ,"_. '.....::::;.,:.,~...::.:..~.1 :,.:,; :"', . ...-'..,_:.:', .~~ ..'.,.: ',Of .' :. ' ',' . .' . }" . 'J:"'~'t.;.. ',,"~"'. ", ,-,' ,"", :- '. 't':' . ' '-:'.,'<~' ....... ; 0,1 '" ..,'; "..1"-' '. , :,' . ~ .( ',"J' " ,,-., '. ," .? <,.' " .-, " . - .< " ,~. ,':'-i. :." ,.. . -~. , ..t/" " ';'-, 1. ,', ',' ~. ., :.,,,:. .:;:', " ,....,., ,,- " .,' '-. ")-, ,\' . ". ':" ".' :, r .. . '.' ,:'. ,J:' '.':;" ~.- > , . '. , .,.' <:' " _: . ~ ., " _"_ ,..... ._. . .' .' " . '. '.:"'- . ..'" 1"'" . .-, . ': -: ,: 4.4 : Consistency :with Approval. Criteria in SD~ Article 7., ,The proposed zone change is,submitted concurrently with ahapplication to amend the. , Metro Plan diagram. The following findings are contained in(he Plan diagram, ' " , amehdment application, 'and also demonstrate that this proposal complies with M~tro . Plan polIcies asrequiredjriSQC;7.Q.7Q ('3) ~nd with zone change approval criteria in SDC 12."030., Both thefindil1gs below relative to: Goal 12 and those above pursuant to Metro Plan Transportation Element p9licies address consistency with the state TPR, as called ,forinSDC,12.Q3Q: ",," , , ' i ". ~":.,, " , . .' "~" .-. ':-., , ." 'It should also be noted. that approval o(a !vIetro Plan:'diagram aillendment also correspondingly changes the applicable refinement plari (East Main Refinement Plan) diagram; as estabiished in SDC 7.110 (4). ,." ,.' , . , ",.. .' ~ "- Goal 1 -'-Citizen Involvement"" ' , . .'. Goal i addresseS the need to develop a citi~en involvement program to ensure citizen involvement in ali phases of the land use pianning process. 'The Planning.Commission and the City Council will hold, public hearihgs and accept testimony on the proposal. 'Through the procedures established by the city, citizens will receive notice ofheaiingsin generally published local papers and ha'vethe opportunity to be heard regarding the ' proposed diagram amendment and zone change. Notice of the public hearings will also , pe. given in accordancewith 9DC requirements to nearby property owners, interested ':', ,'parties requesting notice, and any established neighborhood organization.' Since the ; ::. process complies with the City's citizelf involvement program and citizens have " ':. , '.' ., -":', \ :~ ' ~ v~' ' ., .,. '1.,-. < i.' ,.' '1\ .,.... -,,';:,t: ", .. .1" , , ." .', I" .", '. "~' , "-,' ,..~,. ~'. , . .;..1', " .,' "..- .: ',. ',,-.' ~, . "'.' , -, '. 'T~ ,. ~ . , j, .- 4.:.12 . ." ,:; ''I. .. '.-.' .... -.. , ' ...... . ",,\:, ,. '. ' ~J-r . :.,.... ., . ,~'''. .,... . . ~ ... . . ~ ~ ,":;::", :,.~" .. f - . .,,'~."":~~.';:-','.~,::;,',:,?;~.;:;'.-.s,~.' :;',',:,.,::",'~,',," ~.,' ~ ::~.i,-~,>?, < . "':~: 'r'..::.'J~"" . .- _ " .'. "q ,:' .Zone Change ApphcatlOn ' .~., ~:~"~.)'-"!'~_:~)":;'::'::,.-..;':'Pea~eHealth o.regon Regi(;Hi,j /. ~ ,," ' : "':;"'March.15: 2007 .' . ,,"': ,': .. ",;.:' "~1 ~. ~ " .. "." ..', .,;. -~,", :. ,'r< ': ".~ ,..' .", ,.,:.; :~. " . " q, ,'. "'-". ,. ..>~.',:-":'-'):/~~.~ ;::"",;l. "'i~~., ...., :.' ."t~~i.>'.', :'''.: ~. ..,:' ": _ ." ':'r;~ ~."~::,.\~.~; .~ ;' ^ ','opportUnities to be involved in the procedure, t~e proposed plar: and' zone map,' , '::amendrrie,~ts areconsiste~t with Goal 1:!:', . ' . ' .' , ',"'. ' '-.. .' . ".' , .;. I', ~- -,.. ,- '.f .,t. . :: '"'-'';' ',n. ; "" :, ~- '> ,'. . , ~ . \ .. ,. , . ,-:,;"" .... .. ,.-,," ,.. :,' ", ~ .., .- , ", ':.GoaI2'~ Land ,UsePlannino-':" t.,. ".' -- .. 0 '. --' ' , .-:' : . Goai 2Iequiresth~t local co,mprehensivepGnsbe consistenr:~ith the .Goals, that lo'cal : " 'comprehensive plaris be internally corisistent, and that implemeI].ting ordinances be . , consistent with acknowledged comprehensive plans: Goal 2 also requires that land use,' , " ,decisions be coordinatedwith'affected jurisdictions and that they De supported by an ", : " " adequate factual base. '-As required in SDC7.050, the City isr~quired to give referral' " ';~':',,:;,noticeofthe proposed Type II Metro Plan di,agram'amendment'to the City .ofEugene arid ".Lane County so they may ~dermine ifthereafe,grounds to participate as parties to the , :;,: hearin'g::,The City also sends the statutorily required notice ofthe initial public hearing 45 days in advance to the state Department qfLand, Conservhtion,and Development,' ensuring 'that they are gi\ien opp6rtunitYforcomme~tand,r~viewconformity to' .. "llPplicabl~ stat~'wide pHuming goals.:. . -:: '.,'.;';' .:'" ,', , . .'. - ,.- ......"." " -. ". .-.,-.' .", -\.. i..' ..-" ,,"~ , ';~' " ,.: .-" -r-", 'j':, . '-." ":1"",., ~,~ . ,r ,,' > .,' '. .' .': ".;' "-" "'. ," c . ,.-....,.,',.-:.. . . -~ ..' ',. " .... " _: ....' , '~ .~.. -.;-. A '.' .. " , , " , .'.. r .;.- " .. . ..'" ','" Goal3 - Agricultural Lands' ,! "." . This goal is inapplicable because as provided in"OAR 660-15~QOO(3), Goal 3 applies,only , to i'ural agricultural lands. The subject properties are locatedyhthin an 'acknowledged urban growth boundary, are inside Springfield's 'corporate liinits;and have not been in . agricultural' use for decades.' : ' .,' ' , .... ' <.-h. .. " Goal 4 - Forest Lands' : .. "'.. ,.. ,,, Goal4 does not apply within urban.growtii boundaries, p'eiOAR660'06-0020, and the areas affected by the Pia!") amendments are inside Springfield's acknowledgedUGB. ~~ . 'Goal 5,- Natural Resources' .. ' '," GoalS requires local governments to protect av'ariety of op~ri space, scenic, historic, and natural resource values. Goal 5 and its implementing rule; 0ARCh. 660; Division16, require planning jurisdictionsi at ackn~wledgment and as a part of periodic revie'N' to , (I) identify"sucli resources; '1 I , f, ,(7) determi!le their quality, quantity,. and location; , (3), ,iderttify conflicting uses; ',::/ '.' ~ . . ..'.' '".;'" . "" ' ' .~ . "'. (:. , "'1 , ,,' ,..; "'.,: .,.-c=.< ~., " .." ..- ..1:. ".' . ',.' ;,., . .-,' '\", ~ ", .1. '," ., -". ~ ",~ ; .... " '- .' :;::, " ',' , ,4-13 " \:' _'.' 'i "" :~:u- . ~__", ",.:<,::-',.;. , .i~'::~,'~,t~':':i;f:i)'i;', i:n:~~a~g~ipp~~~t;~f:r'" '.' ',"', _, "..,' ", _,,0,. " '''':, t-~':";~'.Pear.:eHealthOre'gop.Regio~:- '..~/.!vfarch \5.2007 " .... . ',,' " -..;,"- ;;.;. ,.' . ,- ,~. .,.." '-', ^. .' ,,' .~ j~~.';~. .Page14 . " - ",,', ',', ...". ....'. . .' ,~"" - " ,\.' . . . . '. ' ,~ . :;:::'}?>:/;''>,:\ . ", '..' ,":":::"' . . "";', ,,' '\:;,", '" -- '::(4)C,:;exaininetlie'economic, social, environmental; and energy' , . 'if; .:~ '(ESEE) consequences thatcould result frorn'allowing," ','" '~;;; limi ting;Oi prohibiting the conflicting use~; and '," ,: ':- ,,' J,{<!.->L.,,~,..::~,.;,~':\),.::.'.. .,~ .'~" ;. ,.,:.......:..i',.,.;;.;.. ..." ';""." ~.,". (5);::.ci;;'elop pr6gr~s t6 r~solve the conflicts. ,:' " ' . ,.." ,,', ~_ ;".<; . ,'. .r . ..~,':'.>' <"" , .' ,- ," . . .,. ',." '-" -.' . . .~ .,. ' . . . ~. . ' '. 'The ~ubj~ct properties ~e noto~ SiJri~gfidd"~ ac~o~jedged Meirq Plari Goal 5 '. "',' " ,'. .'. . ,inventory. ,No threatened or erujarigered species have been il!-ventoned on the.site,and no' '.' '.,. ,,':archeological:orsignificanthistoric~l inventoried resources are located on the, site. The, - " ..." ' '., .-Nationa)Wetland Invent6ry"andSpnngfieldL~cal Wetland Inventory maps have been :,' .',. .. ,"" ,c.onsulted,and there are no jurisdictional wetlands located on'the site.. Therefore, the" :,' ,', " .,.. '..' ";." propos,\l does not alter the City's compliance with Goal 5, : '~ : < .". .:,'" ' "'" ,;yr" " ,~ '" :',. '. /:;,t':,:,'" ,'l:',,,", ; ,,' ":::',, ' ,- ,'" . :",:~ "!}~Oill,6 ~ Air, Water; and Land ResourcesQualit{':;';:.,' ,: " .,:' , .: ., . "c. "::Tllepurpose of.Goal ,6 is to'maintain and ir!iprovethe quality of the air, water and land .' .: ',' resources of the state, Gene~ally; GoaL6 requires that dev'elopmentcomply wlth '. " ).' "" ,,::applicablestate arid fe~~ral ainlnd water quality standards. In th'econtext of the , , ""':";; pr?pq,~ed MetrO Pl<{n diagram amendment arid' zone change,'G9al 6 requires th~t the' ", _ ,.applic'antdemonstratethat it is reasonable to expectthat applicable state and federal.. . ~ '. ',. . _,; _ '_, _' _ _, ,,' ,..,.,.. _..r .":" . . ..; '"'. ., eiwircirinienial quality standimis can be m'et ." , '. ,; ,.,.,.,' " ", ..' ..' ,- '-'.. .".. - ,';".' ,-" p. ". >" i~" , " ," ,', . . . . :!:..' .~.; ~. <. : ,- .". .,--,,'. ,-', " : .':'\ :'. ': .' , , ,",' .,'. ,"I' '., ,'y . h,' .-"" ;,'. ',' , ,J_;_,_""-' Goal7 - Areas Subject to Natrtral Hazai-ds " Goai 7 requires that developmentsubje~t to damage fr~IT1 natural hazards and disasters be . plaiIDed andlor constructed \yithappropriate safeguards arid'mitigation. The goal also . requires that plans be based on an inventory of known areas of natural disaster and hazards, such as areas prone to landslides, fl,o<iding, etc. ' " ,. ,. . ..". " Thesite'is flat and not subject to landslide hazards, and is located well outside of any established FEMA flood hazard area; Thererore, apprpval6f the proposal will not alter the City'S acknowledged compliance with Goal7 through its adopted plans,codes and .' proc~dures. '" " . .','.' ," . ".'. '" "\',' c -:'.' . . .. "- . ;.,. ~..- ... "i ", . ....- ....... .' ~. " ~. ., ;.. .' -"'. 'j.. ,. . , .'" '.' .~' .... .:~'. . . ;~'. ,; " 1',~ ' 4-14,. <.' '," -', ".... ,?;" c"";i<,,~~;.{., :',-; .' ~';' ." '::' ':~ .' .'- '\':. ~ - '..." .," ' ;'.' .' '. "~:" ,tone Ghange App~idition '.-' (":PeaceHealth OregonRegion--- , ,; '.., March '15,2007 . ' .., , .';;.,-,' 0,. ~',- ," ~ /",.'" '-"" '. '""'.,,Page 15' "f t_. , oJ"",... ,"'..~ :'.-. .;' . ...., " .~'.': "-" '. . .' ' I ' -","_ ,;)i~:.;,;;\."-.~,"::.. " .....;. '~t~~~~ -:." . ~'. '- .,~ ~-, ~ , ;". - '~'; . .~' ..... , ". ';-~, ." , .. " ,G','I'S. R"" "';' ,; I"N"'d";':" " "~,:'< ,:'.,..-'.,<. ,. ""', , , ' "'''", ';' aa - ecre:Itiona .ee_ s .... .' (' ' '.-~' ":' ....:-: :" ~, J., ',', ....._ '':. :~~_ ~ . ':':G~;18 requires local goverirrnentsib jiia;l'andprovide'for ,thesiting of n~cessary':: '.,. ,,'; recreationaHacilities to "sati#y the recreational needs of the citizens ofthe state. and ': :., ,f.': ,yisitors,:! and'where appropriate, provide for the siting ofrecreational facilities including C , .::destinatiohresorts.The subject site isri.ot included in an inventory of recreational sites, ' , and the proposal will'not have, an impact on the community'srecreational facilities or ..,.< , .' '. _.. . , .f .." ;, ' n~eds; therefor~, the p~oposa:l does nolimplicate Goal 8.' . '" " " . " ,.: " . . . . ,,;,,', ~..' ,",'~ . . ' , .- ..':::. ~.- " ,'. . '. ~'. ' " ~ " ~,..' :--- .-" ., '.f;":J ,,-.' .. ..' ",., ". " ' ',,-,..., ,., ",,:- . ",". .Goa'l 9':" Eco'nonllc DevelopmenC '.:.':', "" ".' " ,;, , ,'c. ;\ . .G~~19 requires thecityto' pr~videadequate ;pp6rtunities'foravari;;ty ~f ec6~omic ':.:: ", ': -:.:', '. " c . 'activities yital to the heaJth;.welf<ire,and prosperity ofthe citizens. The proposed: .:,', '{,.;'. " , Ce',.>"',; ,::amendment to the Metro Plan diagram will increase the city's capacity foteconoinic" . . ,,' ',.' " '. development by adding 5 acres of' c:Cdesignated/zoned l~nd in place of thee~jsiing' '\,' ." ',~. ,"'ind~sirialcl~s;~ation and zoning: . Permitting the:~9h~trti~ti6n offutufe clinic'facilities',"" " '.' .' on ,Tax Lot 400 mid allowing long-standing cominerciall!ses:on tax Lot 402 to conti;nie . .~~: and become, conforming uses consistent with comm:rCial zoning through approvai of-the ,'., ,',', 'proposed Plan diagram amendment and zone changeis'consistent with numerous, policies , '., "in,the City's adopted planforcompliance wi'th GOal 9, the Springfield Commercial-Lands, ':. ,',.'.',-', ,',\,". Stud'y'(SCLS). ..,' ';, :,,;,.~,,:,.,., .',,: ,....'.:.{,.,>>,. ,.":.-:>..;:,;,;;'::;;;",:;.,,.,:,: .'.. <;,~ ,.'0,"':. : .:, .' ';":':""':<':"':i." ">:<';'~;.;;~;;'i'~'.' Specifically; the following SCLS policies are applicable to the propo~al: 'i, . .. ..,' -', ' f,' ",' "", . -1',: -, ,. ,Poli~~ I-A: "Maintain a mixed sup~l; of large ~nd~rriailcoihineiciarsite~'; ;,' , 'through strategies su'ch 'as rezoning or mmexation to serve'Springfield's .,' .- ;". . , future population.': ..,. ,.' ,',.. ,.;.: ' .. -- ,', .,,,:' . . ,'~' . ", . " J ~. . -.--." , ~-\" ~.. .' ", " '.. < - ~ ,. .: , . .. '-'.,' '" . .{~" ".j ~ . ' ' The,~roposal fulfi,ll'sthis policy bbjectiv~ by rezo'riing (~nd redesig;ating) landlroriL , industrial to commercial use; for two tax lots of varying sizes and commercial uses, thereby maintaining existi'ng employment and commercial use in Tax'Lot 402 and . providing the ability fo~ growth in medical ~ector employment by allowing futur~ clinic 'uses on Tax ,Lot 400.' '.,', "'c .." . ...' 'c','.,'" ;" .:, ," .:' I ' .' - !' ~.- ;. ~' Policy l-C:. "Maintain at least"ti five~year supply of cornmercialland Within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB)"that is cu'rrentlyserved or: readily serviceable with a full rarige of urban public facilities and ,. 'services.". ' - ., '. . ", I . '. . . "', .. :'t :.,.,..^: . The SCLS (see Table 3-8, pg. 32) found there to qe a ci~ficit of 158 acres in the s~pply of commercial land over demand projected through th'e year"2015: The,proposal would allow fonedesignation and rezoning of five acres thereby reducing the deficitof ,commerciallarid. The subject site has a full range of urban public facilities and services ,'available to support existing commercial development on Tax Lot 402, and future '.developmerit on Tax Lot 400. The SCLS identifies (pg, 33}a need to support. , '.'e~ployment in population-dependent sectors such as retail sales and health services" to meet ~pringfield's growingcommuniti 'The SCLS also noted (pp. 27-29) state andl()cal i ;' :':":, " . ~: . ~ ". . 'y. '. . '- ~, " ,.' \-'.c.', ,'", '".', ",. , ',: "',", 4:-15 -" ~ ,- " ~'-; ,-' ~, -, ".. j:'~ ' M,- ~.".-' . ,,~ ~. -,! - " . 'i ~ " 0'" .,;- : ~ .. " <)'. ~.( .' . ',;,.,1 ..q' '," .~ ~:" ..,,::_t~,' ::~.: ;\I,: i~'~1( .,~,:-,{/,:;,.~i:,~".' :'.~' " ,;;'), '-'Zo~e Ch~~g~'Appliditi'ori" , <>~'.,,".':':Peac~Health oregon Region".,. ' , ''-<'i\;:''Mnrch' 15,2007'" '.' ..' , . , ,::.,...,.:::,:~.:,..> '\,;~ .:'.",' ,. . ., . .,.:;'.,..;;',).,., ."-:,._ , ':', ',' :", .'. " ","J " " . trends in greater employment in retail trade'and well-paying health services sectors'. '" . "",,, "".'::.' .'~ ','Approving the proposed rede~ignationand zone changewouldhelp.ITleet'Springfielcl's: ,; ; ':",:',,',:.,. . . ,>'"..;' ;':'dembnstrated needJor emploYment and cominercial services, ,) '., " . ,/: :';)..:...', : " . ';-:'~i :;' " ',,_ < " ',_. '.: :,,:':.. '_ _ ,: ".' ..,< ~~::' '.': ~.:.,.. ,. ....'; .:, ;,., / t..: "'::;. ", i ':', >' .~":- .,:---i.:. '.' . . " d "', . Findiilg 3 i~ the SCLS (pg. 36) cited the, acknowledged 1992 rlldustrial ~~d S~dy as: "'C' demonstrating that "a surplus of industrial s,ites exists in theMetro A1:ea," 1perefoie, the . proposed redesignation (and c~rrespondingrezoning) would not result in 'a'deficit.of' , , ',needed industrially designated and zoned land, butit would help reduce the 'commercial . " :. ': .' ..... ,laridsdefi,cit identified.in tl1e ~qS:, Therefore, approving th7 proposal w?uld be ".'.~;. " . .' ',":,," '''" ,"consistent with..SLCSlrilp1.emeiltatio'n S,trategy 3_A (-1): "Evaluate inventories based'cin." " , "'" . " " '. '_' . . _' - "'_' - ~", ". I . . "", __ . '.':1' . .... . .. ',' ,.;'. de,monstrated'need forthe.plaiiniiig period. Jniti.ate rezoningor redesignation;of surplus' " ',', l~q uses where more app[opri,ate f9r:coin~ercial, consistent with the Metro Plan:", ., 'S' . .'.::'_:.' "',,'~' . '~:::. ~ < ':'.' ." ..,:':::z',;\ ; _',~.;~ . ./,':> ''''_.,<; :~.>. <:~;...\ '" >,~ . ,: ~,'..::.:.r. --~:;-' ~/ 7 . ':: >"," ..:' ,::: ~:,., The Prop9sal,in fact ~oIl~j*}~t,\vjth iIlVentories fcir,commercial and industrial hmds , ", adopted by the, CityCo~ncil and,acki{o\vledged by DLCp as being"co'n~istent with Goal';', , 9. Oregon Administrati:veR\)les concerning Goal 9 irriplement'ation (OAR 660~009- .,..'. ';: ,:' 001 0(4)) call fora~ei1dmeni~)b lanc\ use designations "in exces~' of two acres witliinan ." ..,,',. existingurbiln' grow,th b()u.n-d,~.r:y;JrciIl) an in,~,ustriall~nd use designation to a non, .... ,. j; " " -, :' industnal use desigi1atio~'': tohave,tq: address applicableplaiming re'quirements--such'as, .. consistency with .theMetfO'Planand"oth.-er'loc~l plan policies (i.e.,SCLS)or be consistent , ' " with,an economic'op'portunitiesanalysis..The City can find that the.proposalcomplies "' ,~ ""',,' with relevant, local plan' policies by converting one form or employment,generating land ,. :' use to ilIiother,without negativel;: impacting the supply of buildable lands for. either. '. ' ,: ." . c,ategory of uses., The proposal enap.!es continued'use of the existi~g and long'standing .. commercial ceriter to continue to operate and provide employment opportunities, while: also allowing "nigher-value employment'associated with future development on..Tax Lot , 400. .. These types. of emploYment~generating uses are among those identified in OAR 660:009-0005(6) as eiigible non-industrial employment activities that can justify approval of the proposed Plan diagram am~ndment without the need for an e~onomic. '. . opportunitiesanalvsis apart from the SCLS, which DLCD acknowledged as fulfilling the, .. .city's obligations'under,GoaI9:' ,:',., '" . . ,,'c." ',',.. "'.H,',.,'. _ ;"_.,:., . '\'..;'" ,.,)',"":';'<;;'::;"". '\;';,Mii'f,J;f:!,~t:~ta:e:;)'~', ,..'.' ' '. "', . ,.''; .~ .. ; ~ ' . .... " " ~ .., [, " ':. ''',:~. .,,: ' . , .~ ..! ',' . , .' .' : ,'!... ~ . .1/:',. . '.: ~, .' .' .~, . ...".'. , " Because'the requested redesignationand zone change'i~pleinents SCLS policies and,' does not result in a'deficiencyofneeded industrial lands, arid is otherwise demonstrat~d to be consistent with relevant, Metro Plan p'olicies, approval of the proposalis,consistent." with the City's compliance with Goal 9 ansl'applicable administrative rules regarding , . Go~l 9 implementation" . ) , , '. . ,. ~. . , ,. Goal 10 - Housing', , . LCD.C's Housing goal requires cities to maintain adequate supplieS of buildable lands for needed housing, based on an acknowledged inventory of buildable lands. The proposal ,'does'not affect the,CitY's inventory ofresidentiallands. . " , . '. " "t.' "", ., In fact, approval'ofthe requested redesignation for Tax Lot 400woulcl enable redevelopment of an industrial si1e abuiting'existing residential development. Thiou~ - - -" ~. ~ .' - .,~. . .:' '.- .. "" ,.'., '. -.;'; ..- . :~." .'j ,. " . -1. .- ,: 4-16 ,~: ~ ',.:" ..... .... ',' . ....._.-.\'. , '. - ":~.: .~" ~':,:, ~': " ',.;' [ . ~..,. '"\ . , ~ . ','.,.. '- ,. oj:". ',' : ~;' . ..: .~~,.' " " ',.(.' " ..,' ..'. ... ... . .. ':, ".. ~ ,.' .. .: ': > ':,', '"~ ", ~ . " '';< I ,- .. . . .' , -'~..', "'" : the 'site plan-reYi~"Y process, future,dev"e!opment on that I;fojJerty can provide a superior: " , . ',: :.'. .~ , ':;:":,buffer and a, higher usethatwill" benefit the ~djoining residential properties. :Becausethej; ".; ,'/.:, " ,. , .\ . proposal does not invoive directly any change in the amount of residentially designated ...,. . " , ). ' ..,' " "orzoned);and~ it doesIlCJt aff~ctSpringfieid's continued complian~e.withGoal ~o... .. , . .' .." .:,..:......',., .. ,.:_'~_J.. '_,""~ - . ~'.<. ";-:"l~' ...~.:~,...' ,.,,~,' __,~::.' ':,'o" ,."Goalli - Public Facilities and Services. .." .... This goal requires the provision of a timely,orderly-and efficient arrang~ment of public' ' ,facilities and services. The subject property is located within the Springfield UGB .and' , ' . ,; ',;" , city limits, and IS already designated for urban levels cifuse..Theproposedamendment to .,' ,,: '" ' ," . , ' " . the Plan map designations and,zone map cl~ssifications from LMlto CC will not affect .: :': .', :.:".''-~ ,'; ...' ',',the abilityto provide needed services since all the required urban services are available to ".'; ;,.,\;" . ' , , . . support existing or future comn-iercial us.es on the subject she. ",. ' '. . '. ',. '"..',',..,.':" . ~'. ;... :- :,' . ~ ,,",:" ", ..... .. . -. . ,< ,. , ' '.," ,-~,. , ..; . ,,' " ",-,,' G~al12':' Trahsp~rtatio~. ." ',,' " ::- 0:." "', Go~i 12 requires local governments to provide'andencou'n:ige ?safe; conyenie~t arid economical transportation system: The proposed mar. amendments and zOne change " in\Colve approxiinatelyS.24 acres ofproperiy, thoughexi'stingand long-standing' ';. .commercial uses occur on Tax Lot '402 such that approval ofthe proposal will not result !" :;;. '.' ,.' .... -'. ,.' . ..... - -" - '. .- . ,in imy changes to the type or intensity of uses on the site, and will not increase'th" trip ',,', ' "., gimeration forthal fully developed parcel. 'As 'the at~ached Traffic ImpactAn'alysis(TIA) , '" ',demonstrates, future development of medical office facilities .on TL 400:will not degrade ,mobility standards below acceptable levekand allow for adequate queuin'g lengths:at", .applicable'intersections.' Therefore,the pr~posal wilf not have a' "sigriificant effeCt"'on" transportation facilities as defined in the Transportation Planning Rule:(OAR 660,012- ' M~ . " , ' >. . :i';.. '.~ . .. ~ .'..f , r', .r,.,: '.~ ~'.- <r..!,.: . ,.,.,". '.~ c.li .,' ".- ,'0..' , - " ':/~E~~,~;: ~ .".... , .'. " ....:- :'~::. ~,>,,,,,;,- J'. . " i. '.' .. Existing deveiopm~nt at Tax.Lot 402 is no(affected by the proPlJsal,andis assumyd to , retain its current accesspoints off Main Street. It is further assumed that future development on Tax Lot 400willresulf in some access chaI)ges as will be revie\ved' , ,through the site plan review proc~ss, thereby consolidating two existing curb cuts located . , on Tax Lot 400 into a single access poirytlocated approximately in the center of the . pared. The TIA demonstrates that these access points' will not'result in any degradation ,., of mobility standards below acceptablelev~ls, and that safe and efficient.circulation can, be realized through approval of the requested land use redesignationandzone change: . .' .' I . . ' . Furthermore, reducing' the number of access points for future development on TaxLot~' ,- 400 is consistent with policy objectives found in East Main Refinement Plan (EMRP) Access, Circulation & Parking Element policy IB (pg. 17) and Commercial Element policy 3 (pg. 12). Because the proposal, a7 demonstrated in the TIA, is consistent with the n;quireme~tsof the TPR and with applicable policies in the EMRP, it is cOl}sistent with Goal 12 and applicable local implementing policies.. . " ,.,' " .';.' '. ,~ '. , 4-17 " .Y ~.' , '. -',,- ' ~ - / .~, ''', . ..' " , "". :..\,;" ~~. ',"" t. ,'1-:i,:'~>' ":,~ ~;;:"":,'..',.,:T."',',, .~' ,.t~~ ~.~,p~,;..,~i:-/:~ ':.... .,." .',,,_ :./ .~~:>"',.; . ., :- .n';.~ 'OJ>,.' ".../,~, <:Zone Change AppJication'~' '.. ,''lo~';:~, "'~ "" ,. 't. ", 'PeaceH~alth Oregon Regia!" -. . - - ,"' 15,2007' " '.' "-" ,.'- .' '. .';.L ,{"" < ,'" .,: ^'':'' ,';:0 , .' .. . ... ;.. . . '.'"', . ,:~; . "\"';~':'~!'G~'~N3'~En~~iyconi~;~at;o,~i. .~> ,~,").f~.: '. .' .'; "; ,:;" :. '/~The Eziergy goaris a general planriing goal ansLprovides limited guld~oce;for " " '" ,',: slte~specific map,amehdments. ".The proposal has no ,direct impact on energy','.,' '.: <conservation; though it would in fact will promote greater energy efficiency by en'abling '.. needed clinical services available to growing residential areas in east Springfield.' . ' '.' .. T]1en;fore, the proposal is'consistent with, and does not alter'the City's continued ..;, ,complian~e, with Goall3.: , ' .... ',' , .~~; ~ . ~ ';' ."/- " '. .... ,.. .....' '. , '. .'.." " '., ".," .."., " -.:.. '<;", Goal14-Urbanizatioh "'" ,'"'' .',; :-:;" ' ,,' , "" ",;Go'air4req~ires local juri;dictio~s'toprovidefor.in :'ofdt~ilY<lI)~ effi~ient tran;ition" .", , from rural to urban land use:" The subjectproperty.is withiI?-the UGB and the city limits '.,.. '. ' ,:; of Springfield, andwithio-an existing l)rbanized'ar~aofthe~~ommuhiiy. Therefore, Goal .,'-,'. ,;' <',.,14isnotapplicabletothisapplication.' . '.....' ' .;':' ,', . , " J;.',r' 't '-.( , '. .- '.: " >' 0; . " t,:. :<_' ." ',. "'.} .." ,Goa115":'WiJl;~ett~RiverGreenw~y":;..,. " ' "..:...". ',; This goal is in'applicable because the subject property is hot,within the b()u~d;mes of the:,' ,"(' i....~:.~..:wi:la~~t~e ~i;~e::o.::enw:y;,,',' ", ,:,,;S;'~~';;h~}~:~:::(,'''''' ,'/ ,"":, :,:' " ". ':,,~ Goals 16-19:'" Coasfal Goals .' '-:":,.::,;',;'.,J;;:F"t ' ....,):' ., ," - The co asia] goals, are not applicable to this applicatioil:w, . ,.' . . . - ,-, - ~. '. '. ,.' .:. " ' .. . : ".;' .... :'. _.. ;" " tr' ", .:,. ,:In ~'. '..'( ,; .. ,,'- .'t'.' " '....'; - '~'. , ,,' , . ,.... , , . "',-'-" {'-; . ';':; \~ :" . '..' '..f.- ;:"<. ." ,:' :.:'~ -,.":.'. ",.-.- ...., :'" ..' . ',," ',' ,:.',." ;,")' :'''';,)~' > .,".' ':'..:" . 1 " ",' ",: ., ,', "', ,..I .", , '.,'. " '. t,,", . . '",". " j"'" " .'....;'"-'. , :> 'I,' ._," '. '.' ;; " "l' " ." ,'" " ; "\"'. ",(. " '. ~. .....- '. ~. . ~ . ~. .; . .~ ~'"-, ,,. .1 .. , "," ., " 4-18 .', ." :,r..'" :",-' .i" .':,,_ .~ -. ," , , .-" . . ,~ ,~t TH.R PLAl'\NmG COMMISSION. 'i:: ...:.:;V}/:~"OF,: THE CITY OF SP~G~~~~~> ..'ORDER A.NnREcb~IUENb,~;ION;. ..,,"';.:.,'\..':';';,:-'7;:'.,.. '. ,. .FOR A'METRO piA~ / EASTMAlN. ". +' ...,' ",J ;,'CASENO. LRP2007-00013 C,!" S.TREET REFINEMENT PLA.~ MAP' + "CASENO.ZON2007-00012. . '. AMEND~IENT AND A ZONING MAP .,,;l- .,: ,"'.;:'YlNDlNG;CONq..USIONS \'AlVlENDMENT" ' ,,' .+ ' ',.'ANDRECOMMENDATIONS . ,- .f .... , .' . .~: . ,~ ,. . ,,~.-~ ;.- t-.:....: '. -,'" ~ <" .:"J....:.. ...,,;, , " ,: ./~, " :~. , ,,' . ~ ~'. _, " _ :., .' _'. ",. _ ' " ~ . .:' 't .,; . .' ..: . '., . ", ,.,'.NAT~,OFTHEAPPLI~A:r.ION, ,'.~':. '.::.: :.:' .,' " . .... '_,". . ".....; " .' ",~: -,~c..~:-.~ r """, <'.'.... " '_:"_ ',._."_:' '. :''''''-''._ _ ,...j .:.~..r..d'~ .:_:,:'__:.i.:, '. '_~ ., Thisis'a consolidated applicatio!l'forthe above'referenc'ed case numbers. The;applicaiit requests approval' .. .'" '. '~of a' Metro P'lan / ~ast Main, Refinement Plan Map Amendment and a concurrent Zoning Map " ,,: ' ';'." , ' ,,':".. Amendment on properties identified as Lane County Assessor's Map No. 17,02,32,00, Tax Lois.400 and, ",,;,."A02.,The requesi'involves two,contiguous properties,near 44'h' and MalnStreet: Specific"iiy, theapplicanr, " "": proposes to change Metro Plan designation from Ligh~ Medium Industrial to COI}lmercial and a.. " concurrent Refinement Plan Map and a ZOne change from LMI to Cc. ,'. . ':: " : . .' . .~ _." '-',"''''.C''' .~ .-.~;~.^., " ", ,"'.:. ,', -:.. ~. ',_. :}'; '..." ..' _, "._ - ,_ .' . ,I ," ",.;:", . . ....'.:,1. 'The'subJecfapplicationdor a Metro Plan l Refmement Plan'map amendment and Zoning'Map,: ' ; '., ,J';,... ";:',' :'. ;'Affie~dment were submitted to the Developmeilt Services DepartmenionMarch 16'h,2007, and , ." ,} .",".. ."': ....d,em'ed as complete on'Aprill'l'h, '2007.' 'I . ',' ./.... . '.,:, ;'. " . . " \~ ',"', .:t~:- .', ~'ih.;~':.:.t. ': .. ."' '. "". ,.'-, ". ...'-.: ..-' "'.' - .. . ' .' - - .' . ~ . '. . .. 2. The 'application was' submItted in acco;dance' with Section 3.050 of the Springfield Development .. , .,' Code. Timely and sufticient notice of the public hearing. pursuant to Se'ction 14.030 of the 'SprmgfieldDevelopmentCode,hasbeenpro,vided:'"..' -: " "",. :.,..' ..: ..' ., .....;.,.. - ." . " . 3.' On June 5th, 2007 a p~blichearing on the zone change request was held. The Development SerVices Department staff notes including ~riteria of approval, findings andrecommend~tio~s, 'together with the testimony and submittals, of the persons testifying at that hearing have been , considered and are part of the record of this proceeding" ". , . RE<::OMMENDATION TOCln; COUNCIL . ..J; ':" .. ~. , . " ~ '. ...~ ;: ~ 'J .,,-;\" .~- r"" , , ~;, ,~ ,. .. ~. B ." . .... . -,.--'-- ,- . CONCLUSION .-, , .. ,,~ On the basis ,of this record, the proposed amendments ~re consistent wiih the criteria of Sections 7,070, .8.030 and 12.030 of the Springfield Development Code. This general finding is supported by the specific findingsoffact and conclusions in the attached staff report an~ attache.d hereto; . ' "; 1" ORDER . ,"" ,- , . . . , It is ORDERED bylh" Planning COI1}mission of Springfield' that approval of Case Number LRP2007, 00013 imd ZON2007-000 12, be GRANTED and a RECOMMENDATION for approval forwarded to the . Springfield City Council. This ORDER was presented to and appro;ed by the Planning Commission on - J 5'h 7007 ' ' ,..' ,. une ,... . ., ". ." ',' Planning Commission Chairperson ....: 0; " ',ATTEST:. ", AYES:. NOES: , ABSENT: ",' ABSTAIN: .: -.-, , '~ >-~~; ~ .'-,-. '. ~ "" . '.", ' ,. . "~ - ,;: ," " "".' ".." -, ;.' " ".', ., ' " . ' . J.,' ~. '-". ',' 'M " , ATTACHMENT , 5"'1 .. " '.' ,It ....' . ".