HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 8/7/2007 .( Exhibit A ' '\.. ---.-., I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ,DEVELOPMENT> SERVICES DEPARTMENT I , NOTICE OF DECISION I SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ' , METRO PLAN I REFINEMENT PLAN MAP AJVlE~q~ENT & I ZONING MAP AMENDMENT ..' ", " DATE OF DECISION: j JOURNAL NUMBER: APPLICANT: " , ,July 18th, 2007 . . July 16th, 2007 ZON2007 -00012 & LRP2007-00013 PeaceHeaiih I NATURE OF REQUEST The applicant requested approval .of a Metro Plan I Refinement Plan Map Amendment to ' , .,... . ~ the East Ma,in Refinement Plan and a concurrent Zoning Map Amendment., Specifically;. ' ,the, applicant proposed to change the Metro Plan designation from Light Medium Industrial j (LMI) to Commercial and a concurrent Refinement Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment from LMI,to CC. The applicant sought approval of these, amendments in order to facilitate development of a future medical office building on the site. I' ' I LOCATION OF PROPERTY The request involved two contiguous properties near 44th ,and Main Street. The subject properties are specifically identified as Lane County Assessor's Map No. 17-02'32-00 Tax ; LotsAOO and 402. " , I DECISION ',' The Planning Commission held a public hearing and work session to consider the , ,applications on June 51h, 2007.and deliberated'ori the applications on June 19th, 2007. The 'Planning Commission voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend City Cauncil appraval. On "July 2"d,2007, the City Cauncil held a wark sessiana'nd public hearing on the subject applicatians. The City Cauncil vated unanimously (6-0) taapprave the subject ' applicatians. . IAPPEAL Pursuant ta ORS 197.830(2}(b), anatice of intentto appeal may be filed with the Land Use 'Baard .of Appeals (LUBA) by thase who appeared befare the lacal gov,ernment, special district .or state agency .orally .or in writing. If you wish ta appeal; yau must file a 'natice of intent ta appeal with the LUBA no later thiln 21 days from the date the decisian was' mailed .ta yau by the'lacal gavernment. Copies .of the natice .of intent ta appeal must be served upan the lacal gavernment and others wh.o received written natice .of the final decisian fram the lacal gavernment: The notice of intent ta appeal must be served and filed in the farm and manner prescribed by LUBA; (OAR Chapter 66a, Diyision 100. Please call LUBA at503-373-1265, if you have questians ab.out appeal procedures. I QUESTIONS Ify.ou have any questions'cancerning this matter, please contact David Reesar, Plariner III at 541.726.3783. ' .' '~:j;:wJ2~ David Reesar, Planner III . Date Re~eived:~ 1/01 Planner: DR I ' .' ~'-'f {2- (~~ , . ; ,". ,,', CERTIFICATE OF FILING ..i'; '. ),7 ~ .; -/ I certifY that on August 6, 2007 I filed the original and two copies of this Notice of Intent to Appeal, together with a check for the'filing fee and deposit for costs in the , amount of$325, by certified first-class mail to: ' Land Use Board of Appeals' 550 Capitol Street NE, Suite 235 Salem, Oregon 97301-2552 /w.u J... '-J ~ Lauri Segel , CERTIFICATEOF SEVICE I further hereby certifY that, on August 6, 2007; I served copies of this Notice oflntent ' to Appeai, pursuant to OAR 661~010-0015(2),to the persons and entities listedin paragraphs III, IV, and V bfthis Notice, by frrst"classmail at the addresses listed. '''l, ' " \ 1,~ : ,.,^~ ~;'.J' \.\iJ~ . ..~~. > Lauri Segel ~e~\, , . '~~""'IC1'~''''''''''' . . ''':- ; ......,.......-"".......~..~~..~_...~j'~.........~;J'.; ...n,,",\... .';;lCl :.iAnn~':)~~!}